Eagle View Adult Center - September & October 2022 - City of Brighton

Page created by Katherine Mccoy
Eagle View Adult Center - September & October 2022 - City of Brighton
Eagle View
         Adult Center
September & October 2022
                                             Car Show
                                          8:30 - 10:30 a.m.
                                             Sat. Sept 10

                                        Buffalo Soldiers
                                          12:30 - 1:30 p.m.
                                             Sat. Sept 24

       Lottery Registration
Call EVAC at 303-655-2075 with your
  name and phone number no later
   than Tues. Aug 30 at 4:00 p.m.

      1150 Prairie Center Parkway, Brighton, CO 80601
       303-655-2075 ~ evacinfo@brightonco.gov
Eagle View Adult Center - September & October 2022 - City of Brighton
2                          Center Information
    Table of Contents                     Page            Program and Activity Policies
                                                          •   Anyone 55 years of age or older is given priority
    Continuous Drop-in Activities ....... 3                   to participate in all center activities and programs.
    Sept Happenings……..................... 4 & 5          •   If adults age 40 - 54 want to attend a class or
    Oct Happenings……...…….…...… 6 & 7                         program they will be added to a wait list. Inquire
                                                               at the EVAC front desk.
    Trips………...……………………. 8 - 10                           •   Payment is due at registration. Cash, checks, or
    Classes...………………………….                 11 - 14             credit cards accepted. Keep your receipt.
    Center Info & Cancellations …….. 2, 15, 16            •   The Center reserves the right to cancel any
                                                               activity if minimum registration is not met.
Registration Procedures for All Programs                  •   Refund Policy for Cancellations:
•     To lessen the number of people entering EVAC at         If the CENTER cancels the activity/trip:
      one time, we will hold a lottery registration,          Full refunds will be given.
      which will begin in-person on Thurs. Sept 1 at
      assigned times.                                         If YOU cancel BEFORE the deadline date:
•     To be included, call EVAC at 303-655-2075               Refund of cost, minus a $4 cancellation fee.
      with your name and phone number no later                If activity charge is $4 or less, NO refund is given.
      than Tues. Aug 30 at 4:00 p.m.                          Allow 1 - 2 weeks to process refunds. You can
•     All names will be entered in the lottery and            also apply your refund as a “household” credit for
      chosen randomly. You will receive a phone call          future use at Eagle View.
      on Wed. Aug 31 with your assigned registration          If YOU cancel AFTER the deadline date:
      time for Thurs. Sept 1. See instructions below.         NO REFUND IS GIVEN unless we can sell your
•     To make Sept 1 registration run efficiently:            spot. If you can’t go on a ticketed trip, DO NOT
       * Arrive on time.                                      give your space to anyone before checking with
       * Registration form must be completed before           Eagle View to see if there is a waiting list. If there
          meeting with staff.                                 is NO wait list, you may give away or sell your trip
       * Payment is due at the time of registration.          space. The person taking your spot must go on the
       * Do not fill out checks in advance.                   van. Tell EVAC BEFORE the trip if someone is
       * You can sign up for yourself and one other           taking your place; one-day notice preferred.
          person for the same trip.
       * You can sign up yourself and one other           ***************************
          person for any happening or class.
       * When registering, you can sign up for all        Hours: Monday - Friday 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
          activities listed in the newsletter (both       Phone: 303-655-2075
          months). Note: limit of two trips on Sept 1.    Location: 1150 Prairie Center Parkway
       * Only those with appointments will be                       Brighton, CO 80601
          registered on Sept 1.                           ***************************
•     On Fri. Sept 2, registration will open on a         Eagle View Center Staff
      first-come, first-serve basis.
                                                          Sue Corbett - Director
Online Registration                                       Calvin Perdue - Program Coordinator
•     If you have registered for programs at Eagle View   Evon Benitez - Information & Referral
      in the past and have a “household account” with     Gayle Martinez - Administrative Assistant/Front Desk
      us, you will have or already have been assigned a   Madison Westmoreland - Program Coordinator
      unique username and password. Call the center at    Fabiola Benitez - Custodian
      303-655-2075 for your temporary login               Eleanor Maestas - VOA Meal Site Coordinator
      information. If new to the Center and not needing   Judy Walters - Front Desk/Rentals
      help, you can visit http://evac.brightonco.gov to   Julie Hays - VNA Nurse
      create an account.                                  ***************************
•     Online registration will begin on Fri. Sept 2. at   On The Cover:
      8:00 a.m.                                           Left Photo: Kim Swarts at the 2021 EVAC Car Show
                                                          Right Photo: Buffalo Soldiers
Eagle View Adult Center - September & October 2022 - City of Brighton
Continuous Drop-in Activities                                               3

Billiards                               Knit & Crochet Drop-in
We have two tables that are first-      Drop in to knit or crochet with
come, first-serve during business       others. No instructor.
hours. 25¢ per day                          10:00 - 11:30 a.m.
Bingo In-Person                             Conference Room
Join us in the dining room every            25¢ per day
Thursday with Barbara as our            Mexican Train Dominos
caller. One card per player. Win        This is an easy game to learn - it’s
gift cards! Free to play.               regular dominos with a fun twist.
     12:15 p.m.                                                                           Josie Villalva
                                            12:30 - 3:30 p.m.                         has been volunteering
     Thursdays                              Wednesdays                                 in the kitchen since
Computers Available                     Scrabble
Computers with free internet are        Play Scrabble with others who
available when Falcon Room is           enjoy the game.                        Cards, Cards, Cards!
unoccupied. Ask the front desk              12:30 - 3:30 p.m.                  New players welcome. Call the
for assistance. A cleaned and               Wednesdays                         listed volunteer.
sanitized keyboard will be
checked out for you to use.             Tech Tuesdays                          Hand and Foot
                                        Need help with your laptop, tablet,        12:30 - 3:30 p.m.
Free Wi-Fi                              or smart phone? Whether it is              Mondays
Free Wi-Fi is available throughout      setting up a Gmail account or              Room: Falcon
EVAC. Inquire at front desk.            getting to know Zoom, we will do           Linda: 303-910-4221
                                        our best to help you become more           Closed on Sept 5
                                        comfortable using your device.
Ladies Billiards                        Schedule an appointment with           Pinochle Pals
This is “women only” time to            Calvin at 303-655-2187.                   12:30 - 3:30 p.m.
enjoy the pool tables.                                                            Tuesdays
    1:00 - 4:00 p.m.                    Toys for God’s Kids                       Room: Falcon
    Mondays                             Make and/or assemble wooden
    25¢ per day                         cars to distribute to kids around      Cribbage
    Closed on Sept 5                    the world through “Toys for God’s         12:30 - 3:30 p.m.
                                        Kids.” Call Dave at 303-637-7686          Wednesdays
Lending Library                         for details.                              Room: Peer
Borrow books from the library for            8:15 - 10:15 a.m.                    Shirley: 720-685-3369
free and keep them as long as you            Tuesdays                             Tournament: $4
need. Do NOT re-shelve books -               25¢ per day                          Wed. Sept 28, Oct 26
our volunteer librarians do that for
us. We accept donations of large        Wood Carving Drop-in                   Bridge
print and paperback books only.         Learn to carve wood or work on            12:30 - 3:30 p.m.
                                        an existing project. Call Norm at         Fridays
                                        978-568-1191 to arrange free              Room: Talbot
                                        instruction.                              Judy: 303-378-5226
       Center is Closed                      8:15 - 10:15 a.m.                    Please call if new
        Mon. Sept 5                          25¢ per day

          Monday                       Tuesday               Wednesday            Thursday        Friday
12:30 Hand & Foot             8:15 Toys for God’s      10:00   Knit & Crochet 12:15 Bingo 12:30 Bridge
1:00 Ladies Billiards              Kids                12:30   Dominos
                              8:15 Wood Carving        12:30   Scrabble
                              12:30 Pinochle Pals      12:30   Cribbage
Eagle View Adult Center - September & October 2022 - City of Brighton
4                      September Happenings
   To be included in the initial       Friday Feast                          Kindness Counts
   registration, call EVAC at          Who doesn’t love John Denver          Ever wish you could make a
  303-655-2075 with your name          music? Back by popular request,       difference in Brighton? You can!
     and phone number by               we have a special treat today with    This group is about fun, easy ideas
    Tues. Aug 30 at 4:00 p.m.          Chris Collins performing              for spreading a little kindness
                                       everything John Denver. We’ll be      throughout the community. Each
Walk On!                               serving cheesy meatball sliders,      month we pick a project. Call Sue at
Explore trails in the                  salad, and dessert.                   303-655-2075 with questions.
Brighton area! First day                   12:00 noon                             11:00 a.m.
meet in the EVAC lobby; after that         Fri. Sept 9                            Wed. Sept 14
we will meet at selected locations.        $6
Wear layered clothing, good                Deadline: Wed. Sept 7             Duplicate Bridge
walking shoes, and bring water.                                              The object of duplicate is for a team
Leader: Chris Howell.                  Car Show                              of two to play all other teams using
    9:00 a.m.                          Everyone                              pre-determined four-hand boards.
    Wednesdays                         loves old                             You and your partner are competing
    Sept 7 - 28                        cars, fancy                           against all other partners to bid and
    $4 (4 wks)                         cars, fast cars and Brighton has a    win the best hand on each board.
    Deadline: Ongoing                  lot of cars! They will proudly be     Instruction on playing duplicate and
                                       displayed in our parking lot at our   scoring will be reviewed and
                                       Annual Car Show. Call Sue 303-        discussed each session. You MUST
Movie: Poms                                                                  have a partner to play Duplicate
After moving to a retirement           655-2076 to find out how to get
                                       your car in the show. Brighton        Bridge and should use the same
community, introverted Martha                                                partner for this two-day challenge.
(Diane Keaton) hopes to be left        Jazz will be performing
                                       throughout the morning.               Tell us your partner at registration.
alone but, instead, befriends a fun-                                         Facilitator: Bobbi Jo Unruh.
loving neighbor. After coming out      Everyone’s welcome - come and
                                       check it out!                              11:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
of her shell, the two form a                                                      Wed. Sept 14 & 28
cheerleading squad with their               8:30 - 10:30 a.m.
                                            Sat. Sept 10                          $10 (2 wks)
fellow young-at-heart seniors and                                                 Deadline: Mon. Sept 12
learn it’s never too late to follow
your dreams, even when the odds        Blood Pressure Screening              Fast Cars & Fancy Women
are stacked against you. Rated PG-     The firefighters from the Brighton    EVAC & Zoom
13. 1 hr/31min. Free, but please       Fire Department will perform          Take a trip through the many
register.                              FREE blood pressure checks for        different cars of our past and learn
     1:00 p.m.                         one hour. Stop by!                    how women helped sell those cars.
     Wed. Sept 7                            Mon. Sept. 12 @ 10:30 a.m.       This unique car talk will include
     Deadline: Tues. Sept 6                 Thurs. Sept. 29 @ 10:30 a.m.     pictures, model cars, and James
                                                                             Bond - from the Model T to the
Bunco Thursdays                        Feathered Friends:                    futuristic Mercedes Biome.
Bunco is an easy and                   American Kestrel                      Presenter: Marydean Purves.
fun game of dice.                      The smallest species of falcon             1:30 p.m.
Enjoy an afternoon of                  found in the United States, these          Wed. Sept 14
fun, laughter, and                     tiny raptors are often mistaken for        $5
prizes. We request that all Bunco      robins or other songbirds. Make no         Deadline: Fri. Sept 9
players sanitize their hands before    mistake, however; they are true
and after play.                        falcons and live here year-round,                   Key
     1:15 p.m.                         right in or near our backyards!       EVAC & Zoom - Attend in
     Thursdays                              1:00 p.m.                        person at EVAC or at home
     Sept 8 & 22                            Tues. Sept 13                    through Zoom. To register for in
     $4 (each day)                          $5                               -person attendance, see the
     Deadline: Wed. before                  Deadline: Fri. Sept 9            attached registration sheet.
                                                                             Zoom classes now require a
                                                                             membership. See page 15 for
                                                                             more details.
Eagle View Adult Center - September & October 2022 - City of Brighton
September Happenings                                                  5
Medicare Counseling                    Facilitated by Jody Pierce and         The Challenges
You can receive one-on-one             Rian Razo from Pennock Center          of Communication
assistance on Medicare issues from     for Counseling.                        Come join this presentation and
Ann Brothers. She is specially              2:00 - 3:00 p.m.                  learn how to express your feelings
trained on Medicare insurance               Wednesdays                        and needs, how to listen with
programs, including Medicare Part           Sept 21 - Oct 12                  empathy and understanding, and
D. Call Evon at 303-655-2079 to             $2 (4 wks)                        how to manage your own reactions
make an appointment. For general            Deadline: Tues. Sept 20           in communicating with others.
Medicare questions you can also                                               Facilitated by Pennock Center for
call Benefits in Action at 720-221-    Spellbinders Storytelling              Counseling staff.
8354. Counseling by appointment        Julie and Kathy are coming back             2:00 p.m.
only. Note: There will be no           for another fun-filled storytelling         Wed. Sept 28
counseling available in October.       event. Stories help us make                 $2
     10:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.            sense of our world, impart a                Deadline: Mon. Sept 26
     Tues. Sept 20                     lesson, pass down history, and
     Deadline: Fri. Sept 16            more. They can teach us how to
                                       love, to forgive, to be just, and to
                                                                              Harry S.
Active Minds:                          strive to be better. Free, but         Truman
                                       please register.                       EVAC & Zoom
The Evolution of NATO                                                         Most historians
EVAC & Zoom                                 1:15 p.m.
                                            Thurs. Sept 22                    admire this tough,
Created after World War II, the                                               bow-tied man from
North Atlantic Treaty Organization          Deadline: Tues. Sept 20
                                                                              Missouri for his candor, courage,
(NATO) played a pivotal role in                                               determination, and occasional
fighting and ultimately winning the    Buffalo Soldiers                       blunder. His were some of the most
Cold War. Subsequently, NATO           Eagle View is                          difficult decisions any President has
took on different roles in countries   honored to be                          had to make after being thrust into
like Bosnia and Afghanistan.           hosting a special                      the job after FDR's death. Presenter
Recently, the role of NATO in          presentation by the                    Paul Flanders is a former high
Europe has been revisited in the       Buffalo Soldiers of                    school history teacher and monthly
midst of the Russian invasion of       the American West. The soldiers        presenter at EVAC.
Ukraine. Join Active Minds as we       along with their horses will                1:30 p.m.
take a look at the triumphs and        perform historical re-enactments            Thurs. Sept 29
challenges of NATO and how it          including mounted Calvary drills            $4
continues to adapt to the 21st-        and the saber drill. Incredible             Deadline: Wed. Sept 28
century landscape.                     horses and stories you never
     1:30 p.m.                         knew. Bring your family. This
     Wed. Sept 21                      program will be outside of Eagle       Readers Theatre
     $5                                View with bleacher seating.            Performance
     Deadline: Tues. Sept 20                Sat. Sept 24                      The Readers Theatre
                                            12:30 - 1:30 p.m.                 performances are
Grief Support Group                                                           always a lot of fun and only last
                                                                              about 20 minutes. Drop in for the
Whether you've experienced a           Cribbage Tournament                    free show and support our hard-
recent loss or one that was a while    Our monthly cribbage
ago, having a place to gain support                                           working acting troupe! Play is
                                       tournament is lots of fun and          done in time to take advantage of
can make a world of difference.        includes prize winnings. Just
This confidential group will                                                  the VOA lunch afterwards. RSVP
                                       drop-in and pay the fee to the         necessary for lunch by Mon. Sept
provide grief education, tools for     tournament volunteer. All
coping, and an opportunity to talk                                            26; call
                                       players are to sanitize their hands    303-655-2271.
with others who are also grieving.     before playing.                             11:00 a.m.
                                            12:30 p.m.                             Thurs. Sept 29
     Center is Closed on                    Wed. Sept 28                           Free
        Mon. Sept 5
Eagle View Adult Center - September & October 2022 - City of Brighton
6                         October Happenings
  To be included in the initial       number. All names will be entered        Space Age
  registration, call EVAC at          into a lottery drawing. If your name     History
 303-655-2075 with your name          comes up in the first 49 names           EVAC & Zoom
    and phone number by               drawn, you will receive a phone call     During the time
   Tues. Aug 30 at 4:00 p.m.          on Oct 6 with your registration time     that has passed since the first
                                      to be held on Oct 7. At your             satellite launch in 1957, astronauts
                                      assigned time, you will come to the      have walked on the moon, probes
Teddy Bear Project                    Center, select your table, and pay
The Child Rescue Foundation                                                    have explored the solar system,
                                      your fee (cash or check only.) We        and thousands of planets have
gives stuffed animals to Metro        anticipate that the number of tables
area children in crisis (those in                                              been discovered around other
                                      will be increased over last year but     stars. In this talk, Joe Wiggins
safe houses due to domestic           due to Covid, we shall see. If the
violence or homelessness). In                                                  will highlight some of the major
                                      health conditions in the community       space exploration milestones of
2021 they distributed over 10,000     worsen, we will cancel this event
teddy bears and Eagle View                                                     the past and also will discuss
                                      and you will receive a full refund.      current and exciting new
alone donated 89! Share the love      Assigned registration times will be
by donating a huggable size                                                    developments in space
                                      between 8:15 -10:00 a.m.                 exploration. Joe is a former
NEW stuffed bear or animal. We             Fri. Oct 7
will collect them Oct 3 through                                                aerospace engineer and worked at
                                           $35 per table                       the Johnson Space Center in
Nov 8.
                                      Getting Ready for                             1:15 p.m.
Balance Safety                        Medicare Enrollment                           Thurs. Oct 13
Dr. Eric Anderson of Brighton                                                       $5
                                      This is your chance to learn all about
Clinic of Chiropractic will be                                                      Deadline: Mon. Oct 10
here to help expand your              what’s new for 2023 Medicare.
knowledge and understanding of        What are your costs? Will your
your body and health in regard to     drugs still be covered? Don’t forget     Friday Feast
balance. He will discuss recent       to check your Medicare plan to be        Molly Kaufman doesn’t just play
studies and share information and     sure your drugs and medical needs        the piano, she really plays the
tips to help keep you safe.           are still appropriately covered. Not     piano! Ragtime, oldies, and so
     1:30 p.m.                        sure how? Attend this session. Our       much more are in store for you
                                      Medicare information series will         today. Prior to the performance,
     Wed. Oct 5
                                      continue in November.                    we will serve sesame chicken
                                           1:30 p.m.                           salad, fruit, and dessert.
     Deadline: Mon. Oct 3
                                           Mon. Oct 10                              12:00 noon
                                           Free                                     Fri. Oct 14
Flu Shots                                  Deadline: Fri. Oct 7                     $6
Platte Valley Medical Center will                                                   Deadline: Wed. Oct 12
be here to give annual flu shots.
No appointment necessary - just
                                      Feathered Friends:
walk in. For more information,        Barred Owl
call 303-498-3590.                    As Halloween approaches, be sure
     8:00 - 11:00 a.m.                not to miss this month’s Feathered                      Key
     Thurs. Oct 6                     Friends. Our guest will be a barred      EVAC & Zoom - Attend in
                                      owl, a.k.a., the “hoot owl” of the       person at EVAC or at home through
                                      Deep South and East Coast. These         Zoom. To register for in-person
Craft Fair Sign-Up                    adaptable and bold owls are found
Our Craft Fair will be Sat. Nov 5                                              attendance see the enclosed
                                      almost everywhere except the Rocky       registration sheet. Zoom classes
from 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. All        Mountains, because they like humid
items must be handcrafted. One                                                 now require a membership. See
                                      and/or hot weather!                      page 15 for more details.
table per person. If you are               1:00 p.m.
interested in a table, call 303-655        Tues. Oct 11                        ***Programs with NO designation
-2075 no later than Wed. Oct 5.            $5                                  are at Eagle View. Register by the
Leave your name and phone                  Deadline: Fri. Oct 7                deadline listed.
Eagle View Adult Center - September & October 2022 - City of Brighton
October Happenings                                                   7

Denver Decades: 1900 - 1930              Medicare 101                          Movie: Young Frankenstein
EVAC & Zoom                              Ready to learn about                  This Mel Brooks classic comedy
From 1900 to 1930, Denver                Medicare? Whether you are             film follows American physician
embraced the City Beautiful              turning 65 in the next few months     Dr. Frederick Frankenstein (Gene
movement and remade itself;              or are already enrolled in            Wilder) as he learns that he has
changed from a city built on public      Medicare, you’ll learn about all      inherited his infamous grandfather's
transit to one looking to cars for its   the Medicare alphabet – A, B, C,      estate in Transylvania. Struggling
future, shaking off the Victorian        D, etc. Bring your questions!         to prove that his grandfather was
styles of its earlier days. Join Kevin   We'll have answers. Our               not as insane as people believe, Dr.
Snow from Denver History Tours for       Medicare information series will      Frankenstein soon begins to
an exploration of an amazing thirty      continue in November.                 recreate the experiments of
years in Denver’s history and built           1:30 p.m.                        reanimating a dead body. Rated PG.
environment.                                  Tues. Oct 25                     1 hr/46min. Free, but please
     1:30 p.m.                                Free                             register.
     Tues. Oct 18                             Deadline: Mon. Oct 24                 1:00 p.m.
     $4                                                                             Mon. Oct 31
     Deadline: Thurs. Oct 13             Colorado Ghost Stories                     Deadline: Fri. Oct 28
                                         Ghosts, goblins, witches galore.
Active Minds:                            Jack-o-Lantern light the door.
Monsters & Legends                       Come sit a spell and hear the lore       October Happenings
EVAC & Zoom                              of ghastly apparitions, witches
Join Active Minds for a journey into     and more. Time Traveling with           Descriptions: Pages 4 & 5
the world of monsters and legends.       Jackie Smith will make you
From the vampires of Eastern             scream with delight; only if
Europe to the stories of werewolves,     you’re there, you’ll be in for a
                                                                               Blood Pressure Screening
zombies, and more, we will explore                                                  10:30 - 11:30 a.m.
the origins and history of familiar                                                 Thurs. Oct 13
                                              1:30 p.m.
(and not so familiar) tales and how                                                     &
                                              Thurs. Oct 27
they have evolved and grown over                                                    Mon. Oct 24
time.                                         Deadline: Tues. Oct 25
     1:30 p.m.
                                                                               Bunco Thursdays
                                                                                    1:15 - 3:15 p.m.
     Wed. Oct 19
                                         Readers                                    Thurs. Oct 13 & 27
     Deadline: Tues. Oct 18              Theatre                                    $4 each day
                                         Performance                           Kindness Counts
Age of Reform: 1820 - 1850               The Readers
                                                                                    11:00 a.m.
EVAC & Zoom                              Theatre performances are always
                                                                                    Wed. Oct 12
Starting with the extraordinary          a lot of fun and only last about 20
concept for that time period of          minutes. Drop in for the free         Duplicate Bridge
giving all adult males the right to      show and support our hard-                 11:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
vote, Americans believed they could      working acting troupe! Play is             Wed. Oct 12 & 26
improve the culture. Consequently, a     done in time to take advantage of          $10 (2 wks)
series of reform movements began         the VOA lunch afterwards.
such as temperance, abolition of         RSVP necessary for lunch by           Cribbage Tournament
slavery, public education, insane        Mon. Oct 24; call 303-655-2271.            12:30 p.m.
asylums, evangelism, and women’s              11:00 a.m.                            Wed. Oct 26
rights. Presenter: Paul Flanders.             Thurs. Oct 27                         $4
     1:30 p.m.                                Free
     Thurs. Oct 20                                                             Walk On!
     $4                                                                             9:00 a.m.
     Deadline: Wed. Oct 19                                                          Wednesdays
                                                                                    $4 (4 wks)
8                            September Trips
                                        masterpieces, animal carnage, and       peppers) and an order of flan for
         Trip Allotment                                                         dessert!
                                        more have marked its length. You
On Thurs. Sept 1 you are allowed                                                    10:15 a.m.
                                        will explore this area on a van tour
to sign up for a maximum of two                                                     Thurs. Sept 15
                                        with Kevin Snow. Meal on your
trips per month. On Fri. Sept 2                                                     $4 (plus meal $15+)
you may register for other trips                                                    Deadline: Tues. Sept 13
                                             10:00 a.m.
that have space available.
                                             Mon. Sept 12
                                             $23 (plus meal $15+)               Day at the Races
                                             Deadline: Wed. Sept 7              Spend the afternoon at Bally’s
        Denotes lots of walking                                                 Arapahoe Park Horse Racing in
                                        Gamble: Century                         Aurora for a Day at the Races. You
                                        We’re going up the hill to              can bet on the horses or just have
Travel Film:                                                                    some fun watching them run
The Heart of Italy                      Century Casino in Central City.
                                        Relax and enjoy the ride as you’ll      around the track. Fee includes
By Request                                                                      choice of ham, turkey, or roast beef
                                        be driven by motor coach to one of
The film, shown at Parson’s                                                     sandwich, potato chips, cookie, and
                                        the best casinos. Don’t forget your
Theater in Northglenn, highlights                                               soft drink. Please choose at time of
                                        player’s card and $1 for the raffle
the geological center of Italy in its                                           registration.
                                        on the way up. Bus will head
only land-locked state, Umbria.                                                      11:15 a.m.
                                        home at 3:00 p.m.
Follow its narrow winding streets,                                                   Mon. Sept 19
                                             8:45 a.m.
tight passageways, and back alleys                                                   $24
                                             Tues. Sept 13
and see where they might lead.                                                       Deadline: Wed. Sept 7
The journey will end with a visit to
                                             Deadline: Wed. Sept 7
Italy’s largest inland lake, Lake                                               Kirkland Museum of
Tracimeno. Lunch after at Olive                                                 Fine & Decorative Art
                                        Buffalo Bill
                                        Museum & Grave                          Kirkland Museum of Fine &
     9:00 a.m.                                                                  Decorative Art in Denver contains
     Wed. Sept 7                        By Request
                                        Venture with us to Lookout              over 4,400 works shown together in
     $12 (plus meal $15+)
                                        Mountain where William F.               salon style. It features a celebrated,
     Deadline: Fri. Sept 2 by noon                                              international. decorative art
                                        "Buffalo Bill" Cody - one of the
                                        most famous cowboys to ever ride        collection from the 1870s to the
Colorado’s Antique Gallery                                                      present; but the museum is at its
Colorado’s largest antique mall         the range and who epitomized the
                                        Old West was buried. Soak up            best displaying the work of
located in Littleton has 51,000                                                 Colorado’s most distinguished
square feet of space with over 275      some history and enjoy a site that
                                        hosts one of the best views in all of   painter, Vance Kirkland. Lunch
dealers. Find anything from                                                     after at Mickey’s Top Sirloin.
vintage toys to antique purses to       Colorado. After, you’ll have time
                                        on your own in downtown Golden               10:15 a.m.
retro couches. This store has such                                                   Tues. Sept 20
a variety of antiques that it will      to eat or shop.
                                             10:30 a.m.                              $14 (plus meal $15+)
appeal to all interests. No large                                                    Deadline: Fri. Sept 16
purchases. Before you shop, we               Wed. Sept 14
will stop at Ted’s Montana Grill             $5 (plus meal $15+)
                                             Deadline: Mon. Sept 12             Rockies vs. Giants
for lunch.                                                                      By Request
     10:15 a.m.                         Rosario’s                               Watch the Rockies take on the San
     Thurs. Sept 8                                                              Francisco Giants in a shaded seat.
     $4 (plus meal $15+)                Peruvian Restaurant
                                        Peru is becoming one of the             Pack your lunch or buy food on site
     Deadline: Tues. Sept 6                                                     at the many vendors. Dress for the
                                        leaders in the culinary world. This
                                        family-owned restaurant in              weather. There are two handicap
Colorado Boulevard                                                              and two aisle seats available. Let
Colorado Boulevard is the busiest       Longmont prepares fresh,
                                        flavorful, home-cooked meals in a       us know at registration if you need
roadway in the state. Learn about                                               one.
it’s interesting past and the           warm, family-style atmosphere.
                                        Try their lomo saltado (french               11:00 a.m.
compelling places along the way.                                                     Thurs. Sept 22
Famous doctors, mayoral                 fries, steak, gravy, onions, and
                                                                                     $20 (plus food $10+)
                                                                                     Deadline: Fri. Sept 2
September Trips                                             9

Pepper Pod                             be enjoying their Victorian Tea      planets. Surely, Earth can’t be
The Pepper Pod in Hudson has           served in three courses. Once        the only place where the
been serving food for over 100         afternoon tea has finished, we       cosmos has evolved into life.
years! Their salad dressings,          will go on a self-guided tour of     Join Fiske Planetarium in
soups, breads, gravies, etc., are      the museum. Be prepared for          Boulder for this live talk as
all made from scratch, with            uneven walking surfaces and          they dive into whether there
many recipes created over 100          three flights of stairs. Tea         might be life among the stars.
years ago. Be sure to save room        included.                            No meal.
for their delicious desserts.               10:30 a.m.                           5:45 p.m.
     10:45 a.m.                             Wed. Sept 28                         Fri. Sept 30
     Fri. Sept 23                           $56                                  $15
     $4 (plus meal $15+)                    Deadline: Mon. Sept 12               Deadline: Tues. Sept 6
     Deadline: Wed. Sept 21                                                                 by noon
                                       Fiske Planetarium:
Miramont Castle                        Live Talk
Museum & Tea                           There are hundreds of billions of    Please arrive for trips no
                                       stars in our galaxy, and hundreds
By Request                                                                    later than 15 minutes
                                       of billions of galaxies in our
The Miramont Castle was
constructed in the late 1800s
                                       universe - each filled with stars     prior to the published
                                       that could be hosting their own           departure time.
near Manitou Springs. We will

                                            October Trips
Butcher Block Café                                                          Denver POPs
The best diners are the ones                                                The Denver POPs is finally back
where they focus more on the                                                performing live! They’ll be
food than the ambiance! This no-                                            performing classics such as
frills diner is one of the best from
                                       The Scarlet Pimpernel
                                       The Scarlet Pimpernel is a           Tchaikovsky’s String Quartet,
here to Denver. They’re so good                                             L’Arlesienne, and more at Wheat
that they now have three different     swashbuckling action/adventure
                                       musical, based on Baroness           Ridge United Methodist Church.
locations. Join us as we try out                                            No meal.
their Commerce City location.          Orczy’s famous 20th-century
                                       novel about the French                   3:00 p.m.
      9:15 a.m.                                                                 Sat. Oct 8
      Mon. Oct 3                       Revolution and the battle for
                                       liberty, equality, and fraternity.       $21
      $4 (plus meal $12+)                                                       Deadline: Tues. Sept 20
      Deadline: Thurs. Sept 29         The Scarlet Pimpernel is a
                                       colorful window into 18th
                                       century French and British           Gamble: Bally’s
Dugout Grill & Bar                     history. Performance is at           We’re going up the hill to Bally’s
It’s the last day of baseball’s        Candlelight Dinner Theater in        in Black Hawk. Relax and enjoy
regular season so we are heading       Johnstown. Meal included.            the ride as you’ll be driven by
to a baseball-themed restaurant in          4:45 p.m.                       motor coach to one of the best
Erie. They serve burgers,                   Thurs. Oct 6                    casinos. Don’t forget your
sandwiches, tacos, and more.                $66                             player’s card and $1 for the raffle
      10:30 a.m.                            Deadline: Mon. Sept 19          on the way up. Bus will head
      Wed. Oct 5                                                            home at 3:00 p.m.
      $4 (plus meal $15+)                                                        8:45 a.m.
      Deadline: Mon. Oct 3                                                       Tues. Oct 11
                                                                                 Deadline: Wed. Oct 5
10                              October Trips
 To be included in the initial         Plunge into an exploration of       Greeley
 registration, call EVAC at            public art, sculptures,             Ghosts Tours
303-655-2075 with your name            architecture, arches, and of        Founded this year
   and phone number by                 course the Eiffel Tower.            by Amanda Rose
  Tues. Aug 30 at 4:00 p.m.            Lunch after at Longhorn             Adams, Greeley
                                       Steakhouse.                         Ghosts Tours
                                           9:00 a.m.                       builds on Amanda’s love of
Meow Wolf                                  Wed. Oct 19
Meow Wolf’s Convergence                                                    history, local connections, and
                                           $12 (plus meal $15+)            passion for creepy tales! On this
Station in Denver is their third art       Deadline: Mon. Oct 10
museum. This 4-story immersive                                             90-minute guided walking tour
art exhibition is home to 70+                                              you’ll explore the haunted history
unique installations, rooms, and                                           of Greeley. Be prepared to walk 1
gateways. Together, they tell an                                           mile and 1 flight of stairs. Dinner
                                       Sweet Trip                          after at Rio Grande.
unforgettable, cathartic tale of       By Request
converged worlds. This isn’t                                                    4:00 p.m.
                                       It’s a sweet time of year to take        Thurs. Oct 27
your normal museum! Lots of            a short drive to Hammond’s
walking and some stairs are part                                                $23 (plus meal $15+)
                                       Candies in Denver. You’ll see            Deadline: Thurs. Oct 20
of installations but are not needed    how the candy is made on a 30
to access each level. Lunch on         -minute tour and then shop for
your own at their on-site café.        any tasty goodies. Afterwards,
                                                                           Cirque Mechanics: Zephyr
     9:15 a.m.                                                             In Zephyr - A Whirlwind of Circus
                                       we’ll head over to Enstrom
     Wed. Oct 12                                                           by Cirque Mechanics, audiences
                                       Candies who specializes in
     $39 (plus meal $15+)                                                  will witness the unrelenting tug of
                                       toffee and confectionaires.
     Deadline: Tues. Sept 6                                                war between man and nature, in the
                                       Enstrom also has a full ice
                 by noon                                                   name of progress. Humans have
                                       cream bar and coffee. No
                                                                           been harnessing the power of the
Lifetime Candles                                                           wind for thousands of years. The
                                            11:45 a.m.
Lifetime Candles in Bennett is                                             beauty and efficacy of that timeless
                                            Thurs. Oct 20
eager to host us for an afternoon                                          and ingenious process inspired the
of dessert and art. Their candles                                          creative team at Cirque Mechanics
                                            Deadline: Mon. Oct 17
are hand carved and custom made                                            to create Zephyr, a theatrical circus
in "German Old World                                                       show that harnesses human power,
                                       Haunted Denver Tour                 instead of wind, to generate an
Tradition." Learn how each one         Join Denver History Tours for
is individually and uniquely hand                                          energetic acrobatic experience.
                                       an exploration for our
crafted. Eat lunch before you                                              Performance at Lone Tree Arts
                                       incorporeal counterparts. From
come but save plenty of room for                                           Center. No meal.
                                       the murderous rampage of Jack
their complimentary desserts.                                                   6:30 p.m.
                                       the Strangler to mansion
Bring money so you can take one                                                 Sat Oct 29
                                       basements that are fields of
of their gorgeous candles home                                                  $53
                                       bones, this is a tour that will
with you. Prepare for one flight                                                Deadline: Thurs. Oct 6
                                       get you in the spirit of the
of stairs.                             season for spirits! It is not for
     1:00 p.m.                         the faint of heart, and some of
     Mon. Oct 17                       the stories will be certain to
     $4                                turn your stomach. On this bus
     Deadline: Mon. Oct 10
                                                                           Are you new to our trip
                                       tour of Denver we will stop for              program?
                                       lunch at the midway point (on Be sure and pick up one of our “On
Travel Film:                           your own).
A Week in Paris                                                          The Road Again” brochures at the
                                            10:00 a.m.                      front desk. It will give you
By Request                                  Tues. Oct 25
Explore one of the most beautiful                                        guidelines and tips that will make
                                            $19 (plus meal $15+)                for a successful trip.
cities in the world in a seat at            Deadline: Thurs. Oct 20
Parson’s Theater in Northglenn.
Classes                                           11

AARP Smart Driver Course               of hands and scoring will be         Up” card instructor. See display case
Take AARP’s driving refresher          covered. Instructor: Bobbi Jo        for samples.
course of safe driving practices and   Unruh. No class Oct 13.                   10:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon
rules of the road. Most companies          11:45 a.m. - 12:45 p.m.               Fri. Sept 23
offer a discount off auto insurance        Thursdays                             $15
for course completion.                     Sept 15 - Oct 27                      Deadline: Wed. Sept 21
     12:00 noon - 4:30 p.m.                $12 (6 wks)
     $20 - AARP member                     Deadline: Wed. Sept 14           Harvest Moon
     $25 - Non-member                                                       We are doing an acrylic painting of
                                       Bridge: Intermediate                 the Harvest Moon just in time to see
    Session 1: Fri. Sept 30              This is for players who have       it in the sky this autumnal equinox. It
    Deadline: Wed. Sept 28               taken lessons in the past or who   will be easy! Check out the display
                                         have mastered basic bridge         case to see what you’ll create.
      Session 2: Wed. Oct 26
                                         fundamentals through past          Instructor: Linda Addison.
      Deadline: Fri. Oct 21
                                         playing. Class content will              10:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon
A, B, Cs of Drawing                      expand participants' knowledge           Fri. Sept 9
Professional illustrator, Frank Pryor, through evaluation of hands,               $15
will teach you with his unique “A, B, bidding practices, conventions,             Deadline: Wed. Sept 7
Cs of Drawing.” Using a pencil,          play of hands, reading game
                                                                            Introduction to
eraser, and blending stumps, he will play, and scoring. Instructor:
share techniques he has used for         Bobbi Jo Unruh. No class Oct       Breathworks & Meditation
more than 40 years to capture the        13.                                Explore the possibilities of
world around you. This class is for           10:00 - 11:30 a.m.            breathwork/meditation with Lewis.
all levels. Supply list at registration.      Thursdays                     Learn about conscious connected
      9:00 - 11:00 a.m.                       Sept 15 - Oct 27              breathing (open mouth breathing)
      Mondays                                 $18 (6 wks)                   and the benefits it offers. You'll walk
      Sept 12 - Oct 3                         Deadline: Wed. Sept 14        away with a complete experience of
      $80 (4 wks)                                                           breathwork and how it affects the
                                         Genealogy                          sympathetic and parasympathetic
      Deadline: Fri. Sept 9              Find your ancestors and record     (fight or flight, or rest and digest)
Acrylic Paint                            your family tree. Sheryl           nervous system. Wear comfortable
                                         Johnson and Fred Trail will        clothing. You can do this seated in a
This class accommodates those with
                                         show you how. Class limited to     chair or bring your yoga mat if you’d
very little paint skills to those more
                                         three people on the EVAC           rather practice on the floor.
advanced. All supplies provided for
                                         computers. Five more students           9:00 - 10:00 a.m.
you to have fun painting and
                                         can bring a laptop or I-device          Fridays
finishing a beautiful canvas picture.
                                         with wireless capabilities. Some        Sept 16, 30, Oct 14, 28
See display case for sample.
                                         computer ability necessary.             $40 (4 wks)
Instructor: Judy Schissler.
                                         Bring a flash drive and pencil          Deadline: Tues. Sept 13
      9:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon
                                         with eraser.
                                              9:00 - 10:30 a.m.             Instant Pot Demo:
      Session 1: Turtle                       Fridays                       What’s All the Hype?
      Sept 15                                 Sept 9 - Oct 28               Are you curious about this kitchen
      $35                                     $20 (8 wks)                   gadget? Instructor Amy Wilson will
      Deadline: Mon. Sept 12                  Deadline: Wed. Sept 7         prepare two dishes for the class to
    Session 2: Rooster                 Greeting Cards                       sample while providing tips and
    Oct 20                                                                  tricks, a review of features and
                                       Learn simple techniques to
    $30                                                                     functions, and basic pressure cooking
                                       complete the cards such as
    Deadline: Mon. Oct 17                                                   terminology. Bring all your
                                       stamping and die cutting. You’ll
                                                                            questions to discuss while we cook!
                                       be making Christmas cards (or
Bridge: Beginning                      birthday if you prefer)! All
                                                                            No Instant Pot required!
Class is open to anyone desiring to                                              10:00 - 11:30 a.m.
                                       supplies included in fee. Linda
learn bridge fundamentals followed                                               Tues. Sept 20
                                       Addison is a certified “Stampin’
by practice. No prior bridge                                                     $10
knowledge is preferred. Evaluation                                               Deadline: Fri. Sept 16
12                                  Classes
Instant Pot:                              12:00 noon - 3:00 p.m.                   Session 2: Fall Leaves
Let’s Cook Together!                      Tues. Oct 18 & 25                        Sept 21, 28, Oct 5
This is for those who want hands          $9 (2 wks)                               $38 (3 wks)
on experience and help with your          Deadline: Fri. Oct 14                    Session 3: Harvest Doorway
Instant Pot. We will cook                                                          Oct 12, 19, 26
Mongolian Beef and Broccoli           Oil Painting                                 $38 (3 wks)
together as a class and you will      Instructor Mary Martin welcomes all
leave with leftovers. You will        levels of artists into oil painting      Quilting
need to bring your Instant Pot and    class. Veteran painters work on          Create pinwheel shapes to design
a wooden or silicone spoon. All       their choice of paintings. Beginners     different patterns for table runners,
other ingredients will be provided.   choose from pre-selected paintings       wall hangings, quilts, etc. (your
As we cook together, you will         to learn basic skills. Two slots are     choice) using a tool called the
learn tips and tricks.                reserved for beginners. Participants     Twister. The Twister tool comes in
     10:00 - 11:30 a.m.               will bring their own supplies and        different sizes so you may wish to
     Tues. Oct 4                      projects to work on. Tell us at          attend the first class before buying
     $25                              registration if you are a beginner and   the tool. Patterns will be available at
     Deadline: Fri. Sept 30           you will receive a supply list.          the first class. Instructors: Cheryl
                                           1:00 - 3:30 p.m.                    Stoddard and Wilma Laughlin.
Iris Folding Card 101                      Fridays                                  1:00 - 2:30 p.m.
Beginners only, come learn an              $20 (4 wks)                              Thursdays
easy folding technique using                                                        Sept 8 - Oct 13
                                          Session 1: Sept 9 - 30
recycled papers to create 2                                                         $20 (6 wks)
                                          Deadline: Wed. Sept 7
stunning cards. You will                                                            Deadline: Wed. Sept 7
complete/take home enough                 Session 2: Oct 7 - 28
materials to complete two cards.          Deadline: Wed. Oct 5                 Readers Theatre
All supplies included. Instructor:                                             Performing is fun, especially when
Karen Kloberdans.                     Painted Birdhouse                        memorization is not needed! Bring a
     12:00 noon - 3:00 p.m.           Come paint a wooden birdhouse to         pencil, yellow highlighter, and a
     Tues. Oct 11                     decorate your home or garden.            small black 3-ring binder to class. If
     $7                               Several styles will be available to      unable to attend the first day, call
     Deadline: Fri. Oct 7             choose from. Supplies included.          Eagle View at 303-655-2075.
                                      Instructor: Karen Kloberdans.            Instructor: Dolly Garcia.
Iris Folding Frame                         1:00 - 3:00 p.m.                         12:15 - 1:15 p.m.
Learn a simple folding technique           Tues. Sept 6 & 13                        Tuesdays
with recycled papers to make a             $10 (2 wks)                              $3 (4 wks)
5x7 picture frame and one                  Deadline: Fri. Sept 2
greeting card. Bring a photo to fit                                                Session 1: Sept 6 - 27
3.5x5.5 opening. All other            Pen & Ink w/Color Wash                       Deadline: Fri. Sept 2
supplies are included. Instructor:  Combine pen and ink designs with               Performance on Thurs. Sept 29
Karen Kloberdans.                   watercolor washes to create
                                    beautiful art. Start with a base               Session 2: Oct 4 - 25
    12:30 - 3:00 p.m.                                                              Deadline: Fri. Sept 30
    Tues. Sept 20 & 27              design and then make the drawing
                                    uniquely yours. Patterns will be               Performance on Thurs. Oct 27
    $9 (2 wks)
    Deadline: Fri. Sept 16          provided. Washes are done with             “Recycle That!” Spaceship
                                    watercolor paints and/or watercolor        Transform recycled calendars into a
Iris Folding Card: Seasonal pencils. Supplies list available at                unique spaceship card. This pattern
After learning a simple folding     registration. Instructor: Sharon           can be adapted for any occasion.
technique using recycled gift wrap Krohn.                                      You will take home a finished card
and paper, you’ll complete or take       9:30 a.m. - 12:00 noon                and pattern for you to make more
home enough materials for 3              Wednesdays                            later. All supplies included.
seasonal cards. See display case         Deadline: Monday before               Instructor: Karen Kloberdans.
for samples. All supplies included.                                                 1:00 - 2:30 p.m.
                                         Session 1: Bicycle & Tulips
Come have fun with Instructor:                                                      Tues. Oct 4
                                         Sept 7, 14
Karen Kloberdans.                                                                   $6
                                         $26 (2 wks)
                                                                                    Deadline: Fri. Sept 30
Classes                                             13
Taste of India: September              Treat Box                                 Session 1: White Petunias
Learn how to make a delicious          Join instructor Linda Addison in          Sept 12, 19, 26
Indian meal from scratch! Tandoori     creating a treat box for Halloween        $38 (3 wks)
shrimp, vegetable pulao, vegetables,   and Christmas! Store candy or
and cucumber raita. Instructor:        goodies in the box that you create.       Session 2: Sweet Peas
Akila Arumugam.                        See display case for sample.              Oct 3, 10
    10:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.                 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon              $26 (2 wks)
    Fri. Sept. 23                           Fri. Oct 28                          Session 3: Mallard Duck
    $32                                     $15                                  Oct 17, 24, 31
    Deadline: Tues. Sept 20                 Deadline: Wed. Oct 26                $38 (3 wks)
Taste of India: October                Watercolor Painting                   Witch Hat
Get hands-on in the kitchen making     Learn to watercolor by “painting
                                       with a purpose.” Participants will    Join instructor Linda Addison in
a delectable meal of paratha                                                 creating a lovely witch hat which will
(flatbread), chicken curry, and rava   work on the same painting to learn
                                       new skills and techniques.            make an elegant and festive accessory
kesari (pudding). Instructor: Akila                                          to hang on your door just in time for
Arumugam.                              Supplies list at registration. If
                                       new, call Sharon for supply tips.     Halloween. Broom and black cat not
     10:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.                                                 required!
     Fri. Oct 28                       Instructor: Sharon Krohn.
                                            12:30 - 3:00 p.m.                     10:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon
     $32                                                                          Fri. Oct 14
     Deadline: Tues. Oct 25                 Mondays
                                            Deadline: Thursday before             $20
                                                                                  Deadline: Wed. Oct 12

                              Movement/Fitness Classes
Back to Balance                        strength, balance, and posture. Be    movement. Instructor: Dottie
Learn movements and exercises that     ready with a good sturdy chair,       LaFleur.
you can do at home to keep you         two hand weights (or water                10:30 - 11:30 a.m.
staying upright! Find out what         bottles), and a fitness band or           Tuesdays
leads to losing your balance and       dishtowel. Instructor: Rosalie            $20 (4 wks)
understand how good posture and        Farrer.                                   Session 1: Sept 6 - 27
your feet work to support balance.          9:00 - 10:00 a.m.                    Deadline: Fri. Sept 2
Wear comfortable clothing and               Tuesdays                             Session 2: Oct 4 - 25
bring water. Canes and walkers are          $20 (4 wks)                          Deadline: Fri. Sept 30
fine. We will be moving and
                                            Session 1: Sept 6 - 27
walking a lot in this class.                                                 Line Dance
                                            Deadline: Fri. Sept 2
Instructor: Dottie LaFleur.                                                  EVAC & Zoom
     10:30 - 11:30 a.m.                     Session 2: Oct 4 - 25            Get moving by line dancing in this
     Mondays                                Deadline: Fri. Sept 30           1-hour class for those who have line
    Session 1: Sept 12 - 26            Chair Yoga                            danced before – intermediate and
    $15 (3 wks)                        Enjoy all the healthy benefits of     advanced beginners. You know the
    Deadline: Thurs. Sept 8            yoga without getting on the floor!    basic steps so now it’s time to put it
                                       Targeted stretching releases          all together and just have fun!
    Session 2: Oct 3 - 31                                                    Instructor: Rosalie Farrer.
    $25 (5 wks)                        tension in the body returning it to
                                       proper alignment, as well as                9:00 - 10:00 a.m.
    Deadline: Thurs. Sept 29                                                       Fridays
                                       increasing range of motion and
                                                                                   $20 (4 wks)
Be Fit Through Movement                building strength. Yoga exercises
EVAC & Zoom                            are done with the support of a              Session 1: Sept 9 - 30
Improve your fitness level through     chair to improve posture,                   Deadline: Wed. Sept 7
movement and exercises. Exercise       flexibility, and strength which             Session 2: Oct 7 - 28
can be done seated or standing.        means more freedom of                       Deadline: Wed. Oct 5
Improve your leg and upper body
14                           Movement/Fitness Classes
Line Dance: Introduction                strength, flexibility, balance,      No new beginners. The ability to get
EVAC & Zoom                             coordination and circulation.        on the floor is required. You will
This introduction class is for those    You will be seated for the entire    need to bring a yoga mat; a strap/belt,
who have never line danced              class. Instructor: Rosalie Farrer.   two yoga blocks or books, and a
before. You will learn the basic             11:30 a.m. - 12:00 noon         blanket. Instructor: Carolyn Priola.
steps and the dances using those             Fridays                              8:30 - 9:30 a.m.
steps! It’s all about having fun!            $15 (3 wks)                          Mondays
Instructor: Rosalie Farrer.                 Session 1: Sept 16, 23, 30
     10:15 - 11:15 a.m.                                                          Session 1: Sept 12 - 26
                                            Deadline: Wed. Sept 7                $15 (3 wks)
     $20 (4 wks)                            Session 2: Oct 7, 21, 28             Deadline: Thurs. Sept 8
                                            Deadline: Wed. Oct 5                 Session 2: Oct 3 - 31
     Session 1: Sept 9 - 30
     Deadline: Wed. Sept 7                                                       $25 (5 wks)
                                        Square Dancing                           Deadline: Thurs. Sept 29
    Session 2: Oct 7 - 28               Square Dancing is a fun way to
    Deadline: Wed. Oct 5                exercise! Class is geared to older   Zumba Gold®
                                        adults, where the pace and the       EVAC & Zoom
Move It or Lose It - 1                  music is slower. No dance            Get fit to a Latin beat and have fun
EVAC & Zoom                             experience or partner needed and     doing it! Zumba® is a Latin-inspired
This 45-minute class is designed        all abilities welcome. Mike          workout that is part dance, part
to accommodate everyone in a fun        Olivieri is a professional caller.   fitness. Zumba Gold® is a modified
and supportive atmosphere. Focus             10:00 - 11:00 a.m.              class that uses easy-to-follow moves
on improving strength, flexibility,          Wednesdays                      focusing on balance, range of motion,
proper alignment, and balance to             $20 (4 wks)                     and fun. Instructor: Rosalie Farrer.
help keep you mobile. Class can              Session 1: Sept 7 - 28               9:00 - 10:00 a.m.
be done entirely seated or                   Deadline: Tue. Sept 6                Thursdays
standing. We will use a good                                                      $20 (4 wks)
sturdy chair, two hand weights (or          Session 2: Oct 5 - 26
water bottles), and a fitness band          Deadline: Tue. Oct 4                 Session 1: Sept 8 - 29
to have fun and get healthy. Bring                                               Deadline: Wed. Sept 7
your own equipment to class.            Yoga Beginning                           Session 2: Oct 6 - 27
Instructor: Rosalie Farrer.             This class focuses on relaxation         Deadline: Tues. Oct 4
     10:15 - 11:00 a.m.                 and breathing, as well as
     Thursdays                          increased range of motion and        Zumba Toning
     $20 (4 wks)                        flexibility. You must be able to     EVAC & Zoom
                                        get onto and off the floor. No       Shake up your fitness routine! The
     Session 1: Sept 8 - 29             EVAC equipment provided.
     Deadline: Tues. Sept 6                                                  class focuses on strength training
                                        Bring a yoga mat; a strap or belt,   exercises (using light weights or
    Session 2: Oct 6 - 27               two yoga blocks or two books,        toning sticks) while dancing to the
    Deadline: Tues. Oct 4               and a blanket or towel.              rhythm of fun Latin-based music. It
                                        Instructor: Carolyn Priola.          is a low-to-moderate-intensity
Move It or Lose It - 2                       9:45 - 10:45 a.m.               workout designed to reduce the loss
    11:15 a.m. - 12:00 noon                  Mondays                         of muscle mass/strength that often
    Thursdays                                Session 1: Sept 12 - 26         comes with aging. Instructor:
    $20 (4 wks)                              $15 (3 wks)                     Rosalie Farrer.
    Session 1: Sept 8 - 29                   Deadline: Thurs. Sept 8               10:15 - 11:15 a.m.
    Deadline: Tues. Sept 6                                                         Tuesdays
                                             Session 2: Oct 3 - 31                 $20 (4 wks)
    Session 2: Oct 6 - 27                    $25 (5 wks)
                                             Deadline: Thurs. Sept 29              Session 1: Sept 6 - 27
    Deadline: Tues. Oct 4
                                                                                   Deadline: Fri. Sept 2
Sit and Stay Fit                        Yoga Intermediate                          Session 2: Oct 4 - 25
EVAC & Zoom                             Start your morning off right with          Deadline: Fri. Sept 30
The exercises in this low level         yoga for advanced beginning and
class are designed to improve core      intermediate level participants.
Center Services Information                                          15

Senior Advisory Board                                   Outreach & Referral
The purpose of the Advisory Board is to advise and      Do you need help and are unsure where to turn?
assist in the needs and operations of Eagle View.       Evon Benitez will assist you with completing
The Board will meet Tues. Sept 20 and Oct 18 at         forms and finding needed services. You’ll need to
1:00 p.m. Members are: Fran King, Dave Thomas,          make an appointment to see Evon as she’s often
Peggy Jarrett, Dan Buckner, Olly Ramirez, Steve         meeting with others. To make an appointment,
Yarish, Bill Alsdorf, Heidi Storz, Judy Schissler,      call Evon at 303-655-2079. Please leave a
George Phillips, Gayle Shibao, and Barbara              message.
Spakoski. Visitors are welcome.
                                                        Tech Tuesdays
Charitable Contributions                                Need help with your laptop, tablet, or smartphone?
Together we can continue to enhance the great           We will do our best to help you become more
programs and services offered for seniors and active    comfortable using your device. Schedule an
adults in the Brighton area. Your financial support     appointment with Calvin at 303-655-2187.
will be recognized on the donor wall at Eagle View.
All donations are tax deductible. Make donations        Zoom Membership
payable to: Brighton United Senior Citizens, 1150       You will need to purchase a Zoom membership for
Prairie Center Parkway, Brighton, CO 80601.             each newsletter in order to participate online.
Donor Opportunities for Wall Recognition:               Purchasing a membership will give you access to
     Friend: $100 - $499                                all EVAC’s programs that are being offered on
     Memorial: $100+                                    Zoom for two months. Only Zoom members will
     Sponsor: $500 - $999                               receive the E-Blast with Zoom links. To register,
     Benefactor: $1000+                                 see page 1 on the registration sheet. Cost: $20 for
                                                        two months.
                                                             Sept & Oct Membership
VOA Lunch                                                    $20
A hot, nutritious lunch is provided by Volunteers of         Deadline: Ongoing
America, Mondays and Thursdays at 11:30 a.m.
Please reserve your VOA meal in advance. For
Mondays, reserve the Thursday before; for
                                                        Medical Equipment Loans
Thursdays, reserve the Monday before. Call Eleanor      Basic medical equipment is available to loan out.
to make reservations at 303-655-2271 between 10:00      Items may include wheelchairs, front wheel and
a.m. - 2:00 p.m. Mon. & Thurs.                          seated walkers, canes, crutches, toilet seat risers,
    Daily meal donations are appreciated.               commodes, and bath benches. There is no
                                                        guarantee what will be available at any time.
    $2.50 Donation per meal if age 60+
                                                        Call 303-655-2075 for information.
    $8.50 Mandatory charge if under 60

Senior Wellness Clinic                                  Transportation
The Senior Wellness Clinic focuses on health            Via Mobility - provides specialized transportation
promotion and disease prevention for seniors 55+.       within the City of Brighton. Via can take you to
Operated by Visiting Nurses Association (VNA),          medical appointments, grocery shopping, and
services include foot care, health checks, and blood    Eagle View, to name just a few of the places you
pressure checks. The fee for foot care is $40 payable   can go in Brighton. New Via users, call 303-447-
at the time of your appointment. Foot care may be       2848 ext. 1014 to get started. To schedule rides,
Kaiser covered with pre-approval. Reduced fee           call 303-447-9636. Free rides to and from Eagle
available upon approval. Masks required for             View to seniors living in the Brighton Via
everyone. Call 303-655-2075 for appointment.            service area are provided by funding from the
     Clinic hours: 9:00 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.                Senior Advisory Board.
     Thursdays: Sept 8, 15, 22, Oct 13, 20, 27
     Fridays: Sept 9, Oct 14                            FlexRide - This is an RTD service. Call
                                                        303-299-6000 for reservations. The driver will
                                                        pick up and deliver you anywhere within Brighton,
                                                        Mon - Fri. 6:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.
                                                        Cost is the local RTD bus fare.
City Wide Events                                             16

                          9th Annual EVAC Car Show
        Sept 10           Cars will be on display at Eagle View’s parking lot. Brighton Jazz will be
  8:30 - 10:30 a.m.       performing during the show. Call Sue at 303-655-2076 to enter your car.
                          Eagle View Adult Center, 1150 Prairie Center Parkway.
                          Art in the Park
        Sept 10        This is a great opportunity for meeting artists and purchasing their work while
10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. enjoying live music, artists demonstrations, and food vendors.
                       Carmichael Park, 650 Southern Street. Call 303-655-2176 for more information.
                          Trash Bash
                          Drop off unwanted furniture, appliances, doors, lawn equipment, lumber, etc.
     Sept 23 & 24         Suggested donation of $10 to defray costs. No hazardous materials. A City of
9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.     Brighton water bill or suitable proof of residence is required.
                          Wastewater Plant, 325 Kuner Road.
                          Seniors can request pickup by calling 303-655-2087.

       Sept 24        Eco Event
9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Electronic disposal and paper shredding. Larger electronics require a fee for
                          disposal. Brighton water bill or suitable proof of residence is required.
                          City Hall 500 South 4th Avenue. Call 303-655-2034 for more information.
                          Buffalo Soldiers
        Sept 24           The soldiers along with their horses will perform historical re-enactments
  12:30 - 1:30 p.m.       including mounted Calvary drills and the saber drill. Bring your family. This
                          program will be outside of Eagle View with bleacher seating.
                          Elmwood Cemetery Walk
         Oct 1            Peek into the lives of Brighton’s leaders, farmers, pioneers, and soldiers buried
   1:00 - 3:30 p.m.       in the cemetery. Stories told by volunteers dressed in historical attire.
                          14800 Old Brighton Road. Call 303-655-2060 for more information.

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