Eagle View Adult Center - July & August 2022 - City of Brighton

Page created by Lewis Wong
Eagle View Adult Center - July & August 2022 - City of Brighton
Eagle View
          Adult Center
       July & August 2022
                                            “Back to School”
                                             Class Showcase
                                            Wed. August 24

                                              New Staff
                                         Welcome to Madison
                                          Westmoreland and
                                           Fabiola Benitez!!

          Lottery Registration
Call EVAC at 303-655-2075 with your
  name and phone number no later
   than Wed. June 29 at 4:00 p.m.
      See page 2 for more details.

       1150 Prairie Center Parkway, Brighton, CO 80601
        303-655-2075 ~ evacinfo@brightonco.gov
Eagle View Adult Center - July & August 2022 - City of Brighton
2                            Center Information
    Table of Contents                      Page          Program and Activity Policies
    Continuous Drop-in Activities ....... 3                 Anyone 55 years of age or older is given priority
                                                             to participate in all center activities and programs.
    July Happenings…....................   4&5              If adults age 40 - 54 want to attend a class or
    Aug Happenings..…….…...…               6&7               program they will be added to a wait list. Inquire
    Trips………...……………………. 8 - 10                               at the EVAC front desk.
                                                            Payment is due at registration. Cash, checks, or
    Classes...…………………………. 11 - 14                            credit cards accepted. Keep your receipt.
    Center Info & Cancellations …….. 2, 15, 16              The Center reserves the right to cancel any
                                                              activity if minimum registration is not met.
Registration Procedures for All Programs                    Refund Policy for Cancellations:
    To lessen the number of people entering EVAC at         If the CENTER cancels the activity/trip:
     one time, we will hold a lottery registration,          Full refunds will be given.
     which will begin in-person on Fri. July 1 at            If YOU cancel BEFORE the deadline date:
     assigned times.                                         Refund of cost, minus a $4 cancellation fee.
    To be included, call EVAC at 303-655-2075               If activity charge is $4 or less, NO refund is given.
     with your name and phone number no later                Allow 1 - 2 weeks to process refunds. Or ask us
     than Wed. June 29 at 4:00 p.m.                          to apply your refund as a “household” credit for
    All names will be entered in the lottery and            future use at Eagle View.
     chosen randomly. You will receive a phone call
     on Thurs. June 30 with your assigned registration       If YOU cancel AFTER the deadline date:
     time for Fri. July 1. See instructions below.           NO REFUND IS GIVEN unless we can sell your
    To make July 1 registration run efficiently:            spot. If you can’t go on a ticketed trip, DO NOT
      * Arrive on time.                                      give your space to anyone before checking with
      * Registration form must be completed before           Eagle View to see if there is a waiting list. If there
         meeting with staff.                                 is NO wait list, you may give away or sell your trip
      * Payment is due at the time of registration.          space. The person taking your spot must go on the
      * Do not fill out checks in advance.                   van. Tell EVAC BEFORE the trip if someone is
      * You can sign up for yourself and one other           taking your place; one-day notice preferred.
         person for the same trip.
      * You can sign up yourself and one other           ***************************
         person for any happening or class.              Hours: Monday - Friday 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
      * When registering, you can sign up for all        Phone: 303-655-2075
         activities listed in the newsletter (both
         months). Note: limit of two trips on July 1.    Location: 1150 Prairie Center Parkway
      * Only those with appointments will be                       Brighton, CO 80601
         registered on July 1.                           ***************************
    On Tues. July 5, registration will open on a        Eagle View Center Staff
     first-come, first-serve basis.                      Sue Corbett - Director
                                                         Calvin Perdue - Program Coordinator
Online Registration -                                    Evon Benitez - Information & Referral
    There may be some issues with Online in July        Gayle Martinez - Administrative Assistant/Front Desk
     & August. You may want to call first.               Madison Westmoreland - Program Coordinator
    If you have registered for programs at Eagle View   Fabiola Benitez - Custodian
     in the past and have a “household account” with     Eleanor Maestas - VOA Meal Site Coordinator
     us, you will have or already have been assigned a   Judy Walters - Front Desk/Rentals
     unique username and password. Call the center at    Julie Hays - VNA Nurse
     303-655-2075 for your temporary login
     information. If new to the Center and not needing   ***************************
     help, you can visit http://evac.brightonco.gov to   On The Cover:
     create an account.                                  Left Photo: Bill Alsdorf, Kathy & Roger Peer, Steve
    Online registration will begin on Tues. July 5.     Yarish, Sue Corbett
     at 8:00 a.m.                                        Right Photo: Madison Westmoreland, Fabiola Benitez
Eagle View Adult Center - July & August 2022 - City of Brighton
Continuous Drop-in Activities                                               3

Billiards                               Knit & Crochet Drop-in
We have two tables that are first-      Drop in to knit or crochet with
come, first-serve during business       others. No instructor.
hours. 25¢ per day                          10:00 - 11:30 a.m.
Bingo In-Person                             Conference Room
Join us in the dining room every            25¢ per day
Thursday with Barbara as our            Mexican Train Dominos
caller. One card per player. Win        This is an easy game to learn - it’s
gift cards! Free to play.               regular dominos with a fun twist.             Diana Berkland
     12:15 p.m.                             12:30 - 3:30 p.m.                          teaches healthy
     Thursdays                              Wednesdays                               programs at EVAC.
                                                                                      See page 5 for the
Computers Available                     Scrabble                                            topic!
Computers with free internet are        Play Scrabble with others who
available when Falcon Room is           enjoy the game.                        Cards, Cards, Cards!
unoccupied. Ask the front desk              12:30 - 3:30 p.m.                  New players welcome. Call the
for assistance. A cleaned and               Wednesdays                         listed volunteer.
sanitized keyboard will be
checked out for you to use.             Tech Tuesdays                          Hand and Foot
                                        Need help with your laptop, tablet,        12:30 - 3:30 p.m.
Free Wi-Fi                              or smart phone? Whether it is              Mondays
Free Wi-Fi is available throughout      setting up a Gmail account or              Room: Falcon
EVAC. Inquire at front desk.            getting to know Zoom, we will do           Linda: 303-910-4221
                                        our best to help you become more
                                        comfortable using your device.         Pinochle Pals
Ladies Billiards                        Schedule an appointment with              12:30 - 3:30 p.m.
This is “women only” time to            Calvin at 303-655-2187.                   Tuesdays
enjoy the pool tables.                                                            Room: Falcon
    1:00 - 4:00 p.m.                    Toys for God’s Kids
    Mondays                             Make and/or assemble wooden            Cribbage
    25¢ per day                         cars to distribute to kids around         12:30 - 3:30 p.m.
                                        the world through “Toys for God’s         Wednesdays
Lending Library                         Kids.” Call Dave at 303-637-7686          Room: Peer
Borrow books from the library for       for details.                              Shirley: 720-685-3369
free and keep them as long as you            8:15 - 10:15 a.m.                    Tournament: $4
need. Do NOT re-shelve books -               Tuesdays                             Wed. July 27, Aug 31
our volunteer librarians do that for         25¢ per day
us. We accept donations of large                                               Bridge
print and paperback books only.         Wood Carving Drop-in                      12:30 - 3:30 p.m.
                                        Learn to carve wood or work on            Fridays
                                        an existing project. Call Norm at         Room: Talbot
                                        978-568-1191 to arrange free              Judy: 303-378-5226
     Center is Closed                   instruction.                              Please call if new
     Monday, July 4                          8:15 - 10:15 a.m.
                                             25¢ per day

          Monday                       Tuesday               Wednesday            Thursday        Friday
12:30 Hand & Foot             8:15 Toys for God’s      10:00   Knit & Crochet 12:15 Bingo 12:30 Bridge
1:00 Ladies Billiards              Kids                12:30   Dominos
                              8:15 Wood Carving        12:30   Scrabble
                              12:30 Pinochle Pals      12:30   Cribbage
Eagle View Adult Center - July & August 2022 - City of Brighton
4                             July Happenings
   To be included in the initial       Blood Pressure Screening             for this two-day challenge. Tell us
   registration, call EVAC at          The firefighters from the Brighton   your partner at registration.
  303-655-2075 with your name          Fire Department will perform         Facilitator: Bobbi Jo Unruh.
     and phone number by               FREE blood pressure checks.               11:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
    Wed. June 29 at 4:00 p.m.               Mon. July 11 @ 10:30 a.m.            Wed. July 13 & 27
                                            Thurs. July 28 @ 10:30 a.m.          $10 (2 wks)
Walk On!                                                                         Deadline: Mon. July 11
Explore trails in the Brighton area!   Bunco Mondays
First day meet at EVAC; after that     Bunco is an easy and                 Songbirds
we will meet at selected locations.    fun game of dice.                    There are more than 6,500 species
Wear layered clothing, good            Enjoy an afternoon of                of songbirds. Some of them can be
walking shoes, and bring water.        fun, laughter, and prizes.           challenging to identify! Learn the
Leader: Chris Howell.                       12:30 p.m.                      basics in Bird Conservancy of the
     9:00 a.m.                              Mondays                         Rockies' Songbird ID program. It
     Wednesdays                             July 11 & 25                    will equip you with the tools you
     July 6 - 27                            $4 (each day)                   need to start diving deeper into
     $4 (4 wks)                             Deadline: Wed. before           identifying the birds you see most
     Deadline: Until Full                                                   often. Learn how to recognize field
                                       Friday Feast                         marks, differentiate between
Grief Support Group                                                         different shapes and sizes to
                                       Dan Kenny will perform today.
Whether you've experienced a                                                determine bird families, and use
                                       He plays the guitar and sings. If
recent loss or one that was a while                                         feather patterns to inform your
                                       you like the songs from James
ago, having a place to gain support                                         identification.
                                       Taylor, Jim Croce, Simon and
can make a world of difference.                                                  1:30 p.m.
                                       Garfunkel… you will love Dan.
This confidential group will                                                     Wed. July 13
                                       Lunch today will be BBQ chicken
provide grief education, tools for                                               $5
                                       sandwiches, salad, and dessert.
coping, and an opportunity to talk                                               Deadline: Fri. July 8
                                           12:00 noon
with others who are also grieving.         Fri. July 8
Facilitators Jody Pierce and Rian          $4                               Advance Medical Directives
Razo from Pennock Center for               Deadline: Wed. July 6            EVAC & Zoom
Counseling.                                                                 What’s the difference between a
    10:30 - 11:30 a.m.                                                      medical power of attorney and a
                                       Kindness Counts                      living will? Or between a living will
    Thursdays                          Join us for our monthly project.
    July 7 - 28                                                             and a DNR? The first step to
                                       Questions call Sue 303-655-2076.     crafting a plan for your end-of-life
    $2 (4 wks)                             11:00 a.m.
    Deadline: Wed. July 6                                                   care and emergency medical
                                           Wed. July 13                     situations is understanding the basic
Feathered Friends:                                                          features of the many available legal
                                                                            tools. An attorney from Dolan &
Bald Eagle                             Duplicate Bridge                     Associates, P.C. leads the program.
This patriotic program                 Duplicate Bridge is another fun           1:30 p.m.
features our national symbol, the      way to play bridge. The object of         Thurs. July 14
bald eagle. Join Anne Price from       duplicate is for a team of two to         Free
the Raptor Education Foundation        play all other teams using pre-           Deadline: Tues. July 12
as she shares the fascinating          determined four-hand boards. You
history of how the bald eagle          and your partner are competing
became our national symbol, as         against all other partners to bid
well as facts about how bald           and win the best hand on each         EVAC & Zoom - Attend in
eagles live and hunt in Colorado.      board. Instruction on playing         person at EVAC or at home
Your fee supports the Foundation       duplicate and scoring will be         through Zoom. To register for in
in caring for injured birds.           reviewed and discussed each           -person attendance, see the
     1:00 p.m.                         session. You MUST have a              attached registration sheet.
     Thurs. July 7                     partner to play Duplicate Bridge      Zoom classes now require a
     $5                                and should use the same partner       membership. See page 15 for
     Deadline: Tues. July 5                                                  more details.
Eagle View Adult Center - July & August 2022 - City of Brighton
July Happenings                                              5
Medicare Counseling                    Active Minds: The Roots               Cribbage Tournament
You can receive one-on-one             of Rock & Roll                        Our monthly cribbage tournament is
assistance on Medicare issues from     EVAC & Zoom                           lots of fun and includes prize
Ann Brothers. She is specially         Emerging as a powerful force on       winnings. Just drop-in and pay the
trained on Medicare insurance          the American music scene in the       fee to the tournament volunteer.
programs, including Medicare Part      1950s, Rock music has evolved              12:30 p.m.
D. Call Evon at 303-655-2079 to        with the decades and now                   Wed. July 27
make an appointment. For basic         includes many variations that              $4
Medicare questions, you can call       sound pretty different from the
Benefits in Action at 720-221-         likes of Chuck Berry, Elvis           Famous Moments,
8354.                                  Presley, and Little Richard. Join     Famous Movies
     10:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.            Active Minds as we return to the      EVAC & Zoom
     Tues. July 19                     roots of Rock ‘n’ Roll and trace      Go behind the scenes of the most
     Deadline: Fri. July 15            its history and cultural impact       iconic moments in film history - the
                                       through the years.                    shower scene in Psycho, the flying
                                            1:30 p.m.                        bikes in E.T., the title song in
Movie: Quartet                              Wed. July 20                     Singin’ in the Rain, and more. All
In Dustin Hoffman's directorial             $5                               are memorable movie moments that
debut, three retired members of an          Deadline: Tues. July 19          have been cherished for generations
opera quartet - Cissy (Pauline                                               and will be cherished for years to
Collins), Wilf (Billy Connolly),       Woodstock                             come. In this hour-long
and Reginald (Tom Courtenay) -         EVAC & Zoom                           presentation, you’ll enjoy an
live in Beecham House retirement       Discover how a 4-day music            insightful look at these scenes and
home and perform a concert every       festival in 1969 seemed to            more, sharing the stories,
year. However, when Reginald’s         epitomize all the best qualities of   backgrounds, and secrets that made
ex-wife and the fourth and most        the Youth Counter Culture while       them so unforgettable. Presenter:
famous member of the quartet,          revealing its shortcomings at the     Dan Hudak.
Jean (Maggie Smith), arrives at        same time. Presenter Paul                  1:30 p.m.
Beecham, rivalries stir and            Flanders is a former high school           Wed. July 27
temperaments clash, making it          history teacher and monthly                $5
unknown if the show will go on.        presenter at EVAC.                         Deadline: Thurs. July 21
Rated PG-13. 1 hr/38 min. Free              1:30 p.m.
but please register.                        Thurs. July 21                   Brain Changer
     1:00 p.m.                              $4                               Join retired dietitian Diana Berkland
     Tues. July 19                          Deadline: Wed. July 20           for an informative program about
     Deadline: Mon. July 18                                                  brain health. While there is no
                                       Intergenerational Bingo               magic pill to prevent cognitive
                                       Back By Request!                      decline, there is good evidence that
                                       Bring your grandkids to the           what you eat can make a difference
Hair Sparkles                          center for an hour of bingo and       in your risk. Learn what foods to
Add sparkle to your life! Silk hair    ice cream. There will be prizes       include and which foods to avoid for
tinsel is tied onto hair strands and   suitable for children and adults.     a healthy brain. Questions to
can stay in for weeks. Hair must be    Please let us know the ages and       follow.
straight or slightly wavy and at       gender of your young guests                1:30 p.m.
least 5-6 inches long. Make an         when you register.                         Thurs. July 28
appointment and pay the fee at the          1:00 p.m.                             $3
front desk. Provided by Taryn               Tues. July 26                         Deadline: Tues. July 26
Davis.                                      $3 per person
     9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.                  Deadline: Fri. July 22
     Wed. July 20
     $25                                                                          Center is Closed on
     Deadline: Mon. July 18                                                        Monday, July 4
Eagle View Adult Center - July & August 2022 - City of Brighton
6                         August Happenings
  To be included in the initial       Explained                                 national phenomenon. Rated PG-
  registration, call EVAC at          This documentary series features          13. 2 hr/3min. Free but please
 303-655-2075 with your name          episodes that generally range from        register.
    and phone number by               15 to 20 minutes in length - it aims           1:30 p.m.
   Wed. June 29 at 4:00 p.m.          to dig deeper into topics, questions,          Wed. Aug 10
                                      and ideas that aren't often part of the        Deadline: Tues. Aug 9
Beyond Vision                         daily news cycle. We will be
Beyond Vision works with older        watching episodes with topics on
adults who have low vision by         animal intelligence, cryptocurrency,      Setting Your Boundaries
providing peer groups, material       and extraterrestrial life. Come           Saying no and asking for what we
aid, and skills training to           escape the summer heat. Free but          need can be difficult. Boundary
individuals who find themselves       please register.                          setting is a learned skill that
adapting to low vision. In this            1:00 - 1:30 p.m.                     prevents resentment and improves
                                           Fridays                              relationships. Come join this one-
presentation, Alexia Diaz will go
                                           Aug. 5, 19, 26                       time class to learn more.
over the independent living
philosophy, what is low vision,            Free                                 Facilitated by Rian Razo from
                                           Deadline: Day before                 Pennock Center for Counseling.
common eye conditions causing
low vision, and an overview of                                                       1:00 p.m.
their free services and skills        Feathered Friends:                             Thurs. Aug 11
training opportunities.               Ferruginous Hawk                               $2
     1:30 p.m.                        This is the largest of American                Deadline: Wed. Aug 10
     Tues. Aug 2                      hawks and can be found in prairies,
     Free                             deserts, and the open ranges of the
     Deadline: Fri. July 29           West. Join Anne Price from the            Friday Feast
                                      Raptor Education Foundation as she        We’ve invited Studio 8
Billiards                             shares fascinating information about      Trio to perform today.
Tournament                            this regal species. Don’t miss this       This group plays rock, pop,
Join us in the pool                   chance to see this wonderful raptor       country, and who knows what
room for a friendly pool              up close and personal - picture           else! They sing, play instruments,
tournament. Rules will be clearly     taking is encouraged. Your fee            and will thoroughly entertain you.
                                      supports the Foundation in caring for     We will be serving ham and
listed. Prizes are dictated by the
                                      injured birds.                            cheese sliders, salad, and cookies.
size of the tournament.
                                           1:00 p.m.                                 12:00 noon
     10:00 a.m.
                                           Tues. Aug 9                               Fri. Aug 12
     Wed. Aug 3
     $5                                    $5                                        $6
     Deadline: Mon. Aug 1                  Deadline: Fri. Aug 5                      Deadline: Wed. Aug 10

Isolation to Empire                   Movie: Pay It Forward
EVAC & Zoom                           The story of a social studies teacher
After America flexed its              who gives an assignment to his
industrial might to fight a Civil     junior high school class to think of                     Key
War, national leadership seemed       an idea to change the world for the
                                      better, then put it into action. When     EVAC & Zoom - Attend in
to realize that the USA was a                                                   person at EVAC or at home through
world power, on par with any          one young student creates a plan for
                                      "paying forward" favors, he not only      Zoom. To register for in-person
nation on earth. Consequently,                                                  attendance see the enclosed
America began to influence            affects the life of his struggling
                                      single mother, but he sets in motion      registration sheet. Zoom classes
events including gaining territory,                                             now require a membership. See
in the Western Hemisphere and         an unprecedented wave of human
                                      kindness which, unbeknownst to            page 15 for more details.
elsewhere. Presenter: Paul
Flanders.                             him, has blossomed into a profound        ***Programs with NO designation
     1:30 p.m.                                                                  are at Eagle View. Register by the
     Thurs. Aug 4                                                               deadline listed.
     Deadline: Wed. Aug 3
Eagle View Adult Center - July & August 2022 - City of Brighton
August Happenings                                                7

Late Summer Gardens                      Scams on Social Media                 Traveling Vietnam
Many of us commonly think of             EVAC & Zoom                           EVAC & Zoom
planting our gardens in the spring       Social networking sites like          Vietnam is blessed by a rich
but there are many plants that will      Facebook, Instagram, Twitter,         civilization, lush scenery, and very
need a late summer start. A CSU          and LinkedIn are attractive for       friendly people. It’s also a land of
Master Gardener will discuss late        staying connected to others.          contrasts, with frenetic cities and
season vegetable gardening,              Unfortunately, scammers also          peaceful countryside. Speaker Joe
preparing ornamental beds for fall       find these platforms attractive for   Wiggins will share incredible
ornamentals, and preparing for fall      unleashing scams. Learn how to        photos and stories on the places he
gardens. They will also touch on         avoid social networking scams         visited, people he met, and insights
composting and different                 and keep your information safe.       gained as he traveled from Saigon
amendment options.                       Presenter: Mark Fetterhoff from       to Hanoi. Along the way you'll
     1:30 p.m.                           AARP ElderWatch.                      learn about Vietnamese history.
     Tues. Aug 16                             1:30 p.m.                             1:30 p.m.
     $2                                       Tues. Aug 23                          Tues. Aug 30
     Deadline: Fri. Aug 12                    Free                                  $5
                                              Deadline: Fri. Aug 19                 Deadline: Thurs. Aug 25
Active Minds:
The History of                           “Back to School”
Colorado                                 Class Showcase                            August Happenings
EVAC & Zoom                              Did you know that Eagle View            Descriptions: Pages 4 & 5
Come discover the stories of             offers over 35 different classes
Colorado History. You will learn         throughout the year? Have you         Blood Pressure Screening
about the competing claims to            ever wondered . . . What do the            10:30 - 11:30 a.m.
Colorado dating back to the Native       wood carvers make? Does yoga               Mon. Aug 8
Americans who originally lived           take a lot of coordination? How                &
here. We will cover the 15-year          complicated is square dancing?             Thurs. Aug 25
struggle to become the 38th state as     Can I really learn to watercolor?
well as the role of mining and oil in    Quench your curiosity! Get            Bunco Mondays
the evolution of the state.              answers from the instructors at            12:30 - 2:30 p.m.
     1:30 p.m.                           our two-hour open house. There             Mon. Aug 8 & 22
     Wed. Aug 17                         will be class demonstrations,              $4 per day
     $5                                  giveaways, and just plain fun as      Duplicate Bridge
     Deadline: Tues. Aug 16              you try out some of the classes.           11:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
                                         See for yourself what fun and              Wed. Aug 10 & 24
CASA                                     interesting learning opportunities         $10
The Court Appointed Special              are available at EVAC.
Advocate (CASA) is a non-profit               9:00 - 11:00 a.m.                Kindness Counts
                                              Wed. Aug 24                           11:00 a.m.
organization that recruits, trains,
                                              Free                                  Wed. Aug 10
and supervises community
volunteers to advocate for children                                            Medicare Counseling
who have experienced abuse and           Spellbinders Storytelling                10:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
neglect in the community. Come           Julie and Kathy are coming back          Tues. Aug 16
see what this volunteer position         for another fun-filled storytelling      By appointment
entails, how it works, and what you      event. Stories help us make sense
can expect out of this role. Paige       of our world, impart a lesson,        Cribbage Tournament
Otto is their Community                  pass down history, and more.             12:30 p.m.
Engagement Officer and will              They can teach us how to love, to        Wed. Aug 31
answer any questions.                    forgive, to be just, and to strive to    $4
     1:30 p.m.                           be better. Free but please            Walk On!
     Thurs. Aug 18                       register.                                9:00 a.m.
     Free                                     1:15 p.m.                           Wednesdays
     Deadline: Tues. Aug 16                   Thurs. Aug 25                       $4 (4 wks)
                                              Deadline: Tues. Aug 23
Eagle View Adult Center - July & August 2022 - City of Brighton
8                                   July Trips
         Trip Allotment            raffle on the way up. The bus will          Red Rocks Amphitheater
                                   head home at 3:00 p.m.                      In 1936 the City of Denver began
On Fri. July 1 you are allowed to
                                        8:45 a.m.                              constructing the amphitheater in
sign up for a maximum of two trips
                                        Tues. July 12                          Morrison that opened to the public
per month. On Tues. July 5 you
                                        $23                                    in 1941. On this trip, we’ll be
may register for other trips that
                                        Deadline: Wed. July 6                  stopping at the Colorado Music
have space available.
                                                                               Hall of Fame and the visitor center.
                                         Picnic in the Park                    The visitor center is located at the
                                         Enjoy a relaxing picnic alongside     top of the amphitheater and features
         Denotes lots of walking
                                         South Boulder Creek in Eldorado       its own museum as well as
                                         Canyon State Park.                    beautiful views of Denver and the
                                         This is a great                       mountains. Expect lots of walking.
                                         opportunity for those                 Lunch on your own in Golden.
Flower Garden & Shop                     who aren’t able to                         9:00 a.m.
The outdoor display and test             hike but still want to                     Tues. July 19
areas at the CSU Annual Flower           enjoy Colorado’s beautiful                 $5 (plus meal $15+)
Trial Garden were established to         scenery. This is not a hiking trip.        Deadline: Fri. July 15
allow students, researchers,             Please be prepared for packed
industry representatives,                gravel with some uneven surfaces.     Estes Tram Ride
homeowners, and extension                Bring your own packed lunch.          By Request
personnel to learn, teach, and               10:00 a.m.                        Gain a bird's-eye view of Estes
evaluate through horticultural               Wed. July 13                      Park without having to hike! The
research. Bring your camera to               $5                                Estes Park Aerial Tram safely
take amazing pictures of the                 Deadline: Mon. July 11            whisks you above the treetops to
beautiful flowers. We’ll then go to                                            the summit of Prospect Mountain.
Old Town Fort Collins where you          Walk at Waneka                        This tram is one of the few
can eat and shop on your own.            Take a morning stroll around          European-style cable cars operating
     9:00 a.m.                           Waneka Lake in Lafayette.             in the U.S. Since 1955, it has
     Wed. July 6                         This 1.2-mile walk has some shade     carried more than 3 million people
     $5 (plus meal $15+)                 with beautiful views of the           to the summit. Bring your camera
     Deadline: Tues. July 5              mountains. Bring water and a          and your adventurous spirit for a
                                         snack. No meal.                       trip to the top. Lunch and exploring
Bread Winner’s Café                          9:00 a.m.                         on your own in town afterward.
This cozy breakfast and lunch                Thurs. July 14                             TRIP A
restaurant is located in Historic            $4                                         8:30 a.m.
Olde Town Arvada. Their                      Deadline: Tues. July 12                    Thurs. July 21
traditional form of culinary                                                            $19 (plus meal $15+)
preparation means that no                Hot Latin Jazz                                 Deadline: Mon. July 18
preservatives or artificial colors are   Colorado Jazz Repertory Orchestra
involved in the preparation of their     Sextet presents an evening of
dishes, only pure food with pure         sizzling jazz music at The Parsons
taste.                                   Theater in Northglenn. The CJRO
     10:30 a.m.                          Sextet will heat up your summer
     Thurs. July 7                       with “Hot Latin Jazz, Celebrating
     $4 (plus meal $15+)                 the Music of Cuba and Brazil!”
     Deadline: Tues. July 5              The concert features some of the
                                         finest jazz musicians in the area
Gamble: Century                          and will honor the history and
We’re going up the hill to the           heritage of these culturally rich
Century Casino in Central City.          countries. No meal.
Relax and enjoy the ride as you’ll            6:30 p.m.
be driven by motor coach to one of            Fri. July 15
the best casinos. Don’t forget your           $26                                   Kay Dreyer takes
player’s card and your $1 for the             Deadline: Fri. July 1             incredible photos on trips.
Eagle View Adult Center - July & August 2022 - City of Brighton
July Trips                                           9

Dougherty Museum                       Gabe’s Café                           Rockies vs. White Sox
The Dougherty Museum in                Gabe's Cafe is a family-owned         By Request
Longmont houses a collection of        restaurant located in Frederick.      Watch the Rockies take on the
beautifully restored antique           They serve breakfast and lunch        Chicago White Sox in a shaded
automobiles, including models          all day and have a large variety of   seat. Pack your lunch or buy
powered by steam, electricity,         menu choices.                         food on-site at the many
and early internal combustion               10:30 a.m.                       vendors. Dress for the weather.
types. Many of the cars date                Mon. July 25                     There are two handicap and
back 100 years and still run.               $4 (plus meal $15+)              two aisle seats available. Let
Among the museum's highlights               Deadline: Wed. July 20           us know if you need one at
are several Stanley Steamers, a                                              registration.
1902 Mobile Steamer owned by                                                      11:00 a.m.
Boulder pioneer Andrew Macky,                                                     Wed. July 27
phonographs invented by                 Please arrive for trips no                $20 (plus food $10+)
Thomas Edison, and antique                                                        Deadline: Mon. July 11
                                          later than 15 minutes
farm equipment. Lunch on your
own afterwards in Longmont.              prior to the published
     10:30 a.m.                              departure time.
     Fri. July 22
     $13 (plus meal $15+)
     Deadline: Mon. July 18

                                            August Trips
Day at the Races                       Colorado                              Don’t forget your player’s card
By Request                             Railroad Museum                       and your $1 for the raffle on the
Spend the afternoon at                 There’s something amazing             way up. The bus will head home
Bally’s Arapahoe Park                  about trains at this Golden           at 3:00 p.m.
Horse Racing in Aurora. You can        museum! The history of our                 8:45 a.m.
bet on the horses or just have         great country wouldn’t be the              Tues. Aug 9
some fun watching them run             same without the hard work                 $23
around the track. Fee includes a       executed in our railroad system.           Deadline: Tues. Aug 2
choice of ham, turkey, or roast        We’ll be embarking on a tour
beef sandwich, potato chips,           about the Pullman railroad            Lazy B
cookie, and soft drink. Please         passenger car. Learn how this         By Request
choose at registration.                passenger car had an impact on        Established in the early
     11:15 a.m.                        the civil rights movement and         60s, the Lazy B is a
     Mon. Aug 1                        more. Train ride included. Wear       western summertime tradition in
     $21                               comfortable walking shoes.            Estes Park. They feature an
     Deadline: Wed. July 20            Lunch afterwards at Beau Jo’s         authentic cowboy meal and a show
                                       Pizza.                                featuring great comedy and live
E.L.F. Grill                                8:30 a.m.                        western music. Join us as we
E.L.F. stands for everyone loves            Fri. Aug 5                       venture to the Dao House Lodge
food and they’re located in                 $23 (plus meal $15+)             for an evening of friends, fun, and
Dacono. Their home-style                    Deadline: Fri. July 29           good food. Vegetarian and gluten-
cooking is delicious, their staff is                                         free options are available with
friendly, and the prices are very      Gamble: Bally’s                       advance request. Meal included.
reasonable.                            We’re to Bally’s Casino in Black           3:15 p.m.
     10:15 a.m.                        Hawk. Relax and enjoy the ride             Wed. Aug 10
     Wed. Aug 3                        as you’ll be driven by motor               $40
     $4 (plus meal $15+)               coach to one of the best casinos.          Deadline: Thurs. July 7
     Deadline: Mon. Aug 1
Eagle View Adult Center - July & August 2022 - City of Brighton
10                             August Trips
 To be included in the initial      Cinderella                         Denver Botanic Gardens
 registration, call EVAC at         This Tony                          By Request
303-655-2075 with your name         Award                              Green inside and out, Denver
   and phone number by              winning                            Botanic Gardens began in 1951
  Wed. June 29 at 4:00 p.m.         musical                            and is considered one of the top
                                    delights                           botanical gardens in the United
                                    audiences with                     States and a pioneer in water
Estes Tram Ride                     its surprisingly                   conservation. The Gardens is a
See page 8 for description.         contemporary                       dynamic, 24-acre urban oasis in the
       TRIP B                                                          heart of the city, offering
                                    take on the classic tale. The
       8:30 a.m.                                                       unforgettable opportunities to
                                    production at Candlelight
       Mon. Aug 15                                                     flourish with unique garden
                                    Dinner Theater in Johnstown
       $19 (plus meal $15+)                                            experiences. This trip comes to us
                                    features an incredible
       Deadline: Wed. Aug 10                                           courtesy of the Denver Botanic
                                    orchestra, jaw-dropping
                                    transformations, and all the       Gardens. They have provided a
FACE Vocal Band                     moments you love - the             motorcoach and guided tour for
FACE is an internationally          pumpkin, the glass slipper, the    you. Restaurant and Café on site
acclaimed all-vocal acapella band   lavish ball, and more. Be          for lunch.
from Boulder. They have been        transported back to your                9:00 a.m.
captivating audiences for over      childhood as you rediscover             Mon. Aug 29
two decades with their infectious   some of Rodgers and                     $4 (plus meal $15+)
energy punctuated by an             Hammerstein’s most beloved              Deadline: Tues. Aug 9
endearing love of performance.      songs, including “In My Own
We’ll be catching their             Little Corner,” “Impossible/It’s
performance outside at the          Possible,” and “Ten Minutes           Are you new to our trip
Boardwalk Park in Windsor so        Ago” in this hilarious and                  program?
make sure you bring a folding       romantic experience. Meal          Be sure and pick up one of our “On
chair as chairs are not             included.                          The Road Again” brochures at the
provided. Ther e will be food            4:45 p.m.                         front desk. It will give you
trucks at the park.                      Thurs. Aug 25                  guidelines and tips that will make
     5:00 p.m.                           $61                                   for a successful trip.
     Thurs. Aug 18                       Deadline: Mon. Aug 8
     Deadline: Mon. Aug 15          Bad Boys & Bawdy Girls
                                    Denver’s earliest tales were
Rockies vs.                         rarely written by gentlemen,
Rangers                             and polite company doesn’t
By Request                          even discuss those kinds of
Watch the Rockies                   ladies. Fortunately, Kevin
take on the Texas                   Snow and Denver History
Rangers in a shaded                 Tours is not a polite company,
seat. Pack your lunch or buy        at least not this time around.
food on site at the many vendors.   Rope burns and lead poisoning
Dress for the weather. There are    helped Denver fill its coffers
two handicap and two aisle seats    and its coffins. The shady
available. Let us know if you       ladies and killer cowboys are
need one at registration.           gone, so let’s dig into their
     11:00 a.m.                     stories in safety! Meal on your
     Wed. Aug 24                    own.
     $20 (plus food $10+)                10:00 a.m.                      Karen Kloberdans teaches a
     Deadline: Mon. Aug 8                Fri. Aug 26                   variety of popular craft classes at
                                         $19 (plus meal $15+)                     Eagle View.
                                         Deadline: Mon. Aug 22
Classes                                          11

AARP Smart                          Fairy Garden                     samples of the types of cards we
Driver Course                       This will be fun. You’ll         will be making.
Take AARP’s                         make a fairy garden. These            10:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon
driving refresher course on safe    miniature displays can be             Fridays
driving practices and rules of      placed outside or inside! You         July 22, Aug 19
the road. Most companies offer      will get to pick out your             $15 (each 1-day class)
a discount on auto insurance for    characters to place in your           Deadline: Wednesday before
course completion.                  garden. Check out the display
     9:00 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.          case for a sample. Instructor:   Handmade Flowers
     Wed. Aug 31                    Linda Addison.                   You will create hand-made
     $20 - AARP member                   10:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon     flowers. Linda will provide the
     $25 - Non-member                    Fri. Aug 5                  materials for the flowers and the
     Deadline: Fri. Aug 26               $15                         vase. These will look great in
                                         Deadline: Wed. Aug 3        your home. Your flowers will be
Acrylic Paint:                                                       easy to care for, you won’t have
                                    Genealogy                        to water them, and they won’t
Hydrangeas                                                           die! Instructor: Linda Addison.
Repeated by Request                 Find your ancestors and record
                                    the information using the            1:00 - 3:00 p.m.
This acrylic class can                                                   Thurs. July 14
accommodate those with very         computer and other resources.
                                    Facilitators Sheryl Johnson          $15
little paint skills to those more                                        Deadline: Tues. July 12
advanced. All supplies and          and Fred Trail will work 1-on-
instructions are provided for       1 with students to show you
you to have fun painting and        how. Class is limited to 3
finishing a beautiful canvas        people on the EVAC               iPhone Introduction
picture. See display case to see    computers - tell us at           Do you have a new phone
the sample. Instructor: Judy        registration if you need one.    and you “kinda” know
Schissler.                          Five more students can bring a   how to use it? Learn the
      1:00 - 4:00 p.m.              laptop or I-device with          basics of calling, texting,
      Tues. July 26                 wireless capabilities. Some      emailing, as well as working with
      $25                           computer ability necessary.      the camera and photos on your
      Deadline: Thurs. July 21      Bring a flash drive and pencil   iPhone. Each day you will learn
                                    with eraser.                     new things, have the chance to
                                         9:00 - 10:30 a.m.           practice, and then bring your
                                         Fridays                     questions to the next class. This
Bridge: Intermediate                                                 is a great learning format. Lisa
This class is for players who            July 8 - Aug 26
                                         $20 (8 wks)                 will tailor the class to the features
have taken lessons in the past or                                    that class members want to
who have mastered basic bridge           Deadline: Wed. July 6
                                                                     know. Class is suitable for iPad
fundamentals through past                                            users as well. You must know
playing. Class content will         Greeting Cards
                                    There’s nothing nicer than       your Apple ID and password and
expand participants' knowledge                                       bring them to class. Repeat
through evaluation of hands,        receiving a handmade card!
                                    We will make four greeting       participants are welcome!
bidding practices, conventions,                                      Instructor: Lisa Asmussen.
play of hands, reading game         cards for various occasions.
                                    Learn simple techniques to            8:30 - 10:00 a.m.
play, and scoring as well as                                              Thurs. & Fri.
stressing bridge fundamentals.      complete the cards such as
                                    stamping and die cutting. All         July 14, 15, 21, 22
Instructor: Bobbi Jo Unruh.                                               $30 (4 classes)
     10:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon        supplies and envelopes are
                                    included in fee. Linda                Deadline: Mon. July 11
     July 6, 20, Aug 3, 17          Addison is a certified
     $16 (4 wks)                    “Stampin’ Up” card instructor.
     Deadline: Tues. July 5         See the display case for
12                                  Classes
Napkin Appliqué                      provided for you to have fun             Taste of India
Charger Plates                       painting and finishing a beautiful       Join us and learn how to make
Use beautiful napkins and a          canvas. Some painting experience is      Indian cooking easy. You are
colored charger plate to create a    helpful, but not needed. See display     going to create the following meal
unique decorative item that is       case for a sample. Instructor: Judy      from scratch: paneer '65, ghee
perfect to give as a gift or use     Schissler.                               rice, chana masala, rose milk.
yourself. You don’t have to be           1:00 - 3:30 p.m.                     Trust us, this will be a feast!
‘crafty’ to get stunning results!        Tues. Aug 30                         Instructor: Akila Arumugam.
All materials provided.                  $25                                       10:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
Instructor Karen Kloberdans has          Deadline: Thurs. Aug 25                   Fri. Aug 26
been teaching and crafting for                                                     $32
most of her life. She loves to       Pen & Ink w/Color Wash                        Deadline: Tues. Aug 23
share recycled or inexpensive        Combine pen and ink designs with
creative ideas.                      watercolor washes to create              Watercolor Painting
     1:00 - 3:00 p.m.                beautiful art. You will start with a     Learn the magic of watercolor by
     Tuesdays                        base design and then make the            doing a “painting with a purpose.”
     Aug 9, 16                       drawing uniquely yours. Drawing          Participants will all work on the
     $10 (2 wks)                     patterns will be provided. Washes        same painting to learn new skills
     Deadline: Thurs. Aug 4          are done with watercolor paints and/     and techniques. Get the supply
                                     or watercolor pencils. Supplies list     list at registration. New beginners
Oil Painting                         available at registration. Instructor:   call Sharon for supply tips.
Instructor Mary Martin               Sharon Krohn. No class Aug 24.           Instructor: Sharon Krohn.
welcomes all levels of artists            9:30 a.m. - 12:00 noon                    12:30 - 3:00 p.m.
into oil painting class. Veteran          Wednesdays                                Mondays
painters work on their choice of
paintings. Beginners choose              Session 1: SW Door way                   Session 1: Koi Pond
from pre-selected paintings to           July 13, 20                              July 18, 25, Aug 1
learn basic skills. Two slots are        $26 (2 wks)                              $38 (3 wks)
reserved for beginners.                  Deadline: Mon. July 11                   Deadline: Thurs. July 14
Participants will bring their own
supplies and projects to work            Session 2: Bir dhouse & Bir ds           Session 2: Dahlia
on. Tell us at registration if you       July 27, Aug 3                           Aug 8, 15
are a beginner and you will              $26 (2 wks)                              $26 (2 wks)
receive a supply list at                 Deadline: Mon. July 25                   Deadline: Thurs. Aug 4
     1:00 - 3:30 p.m.                    Session 3: Tulips Dr agonflies           Session 3: Her on Car d or
     Fridays                             Aug 10, 17, 31                                      small painting
     $20 (4 wks)                         $38 (3 wks)                              Aug 22
                                         Deadline: Mon. Aug 8                     $13
    Session 1: J uly 8 - 29                                                       Deadline: Thurs. Aug 18
    Deadline: Wed. July 6            Rock Painting
                                     We will create a cute set of             Wooden Flag
    Session 2: Aug 5 - 26            ladybug painted rocks. After             We love our American
    Deadline: Wed. Aug 3             painting, you will finish them so        flag. Today you will be making a
                                     they can go outside, sit inside a        wooden flag that can be hung on
Painting with                        planter or even be used as               your front door or wall. This is an
                                     paperweights. Instructor: Linda          easy project where you will be
Bubble Wrap                                                                   painting and using a hot glue gun.
You’ll use bubble                    Addison.
                                         1:00 - 3:00 p.m.                     Instructor: Linda Addison.
wrap and paintbrushes to create                                                    10:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon
your painting giving it tons of          Thurs. Aug 11
                                         $15                                       Fri. July 8
texture and character. All                                                         $15
supplies and instructions                Deadline: Tues. Aug 9
                                                                                   Deadline: Wed. July 6
Movement / Fitness Classes                                             13

    To be included in the initial      Chair Yoga                            Line Dance:
    registration, call EVAC at         Enjoy all the healthy benefits
   303-655-2075 with your name
                                       of yoga without getting on the        EVAC & Zoom
      and phone number by              floor! Targeted stretching
     Wed. June 29 at 4:00 p.m.                                               You asked for this class and
                                       releases tension in the body          we listened! This introduction
                                       returning it to proper                class is for those who have
Back to Balance                        alignment, as well as                 never line danced before.
                                       increasing range of motion and        You will learn the basic steps
Learn movements and exercises
                                       building strength. Yoga               and the dances using those
that you can do at home to keep
                                       exercises are done with the           steps! It’s all about having
you staying upright! Find out
                                       support of a chair to improve         fun! Instructor: Rosalie
what leads to losing your balance
                                       posture, flexibility, and             Farrer.
and understand how good posture
and your feet work to support          strength which means more                  10:15 - 11:15 a.m.
                                       freedom of movement and less               Fridays
balance. Wear comfortable
                                       pain. Instructor: Dottie                   $20 (4 wks)
clothing and bring water. Canes
and walkers are fine. We will be                                                  Session 1: J uly 8 - 29
                                            10:30 - 11:30 a.m.
moving and walking a lot in this                                                  Deadline: Wed. July 6
class. Instructor: Dottie LaFleur.
     10:30 - 11:30 a.m.                     Session 1: July 12 - 26               Session 2: Aug 5 - 26
     Mondays                                $15 (3 wks)                           Deadline: Wed. Aug 3
                                            Deadline: Fri. July 8
    Session 1: July 11 - 25
    $15 (3 wks)                             Session 2: Aug 2 - 30            Move It or Lose It - 1
    Deadline: Thurs. July 7                 $25 (5 wks)                      EVAC & Zoom
                                            Deadline: Fri. July 29           This 45-minute class is
    Session 2: Aug 1 - 29
                                                                             designed to accommodate
    $25 (5 wks)                        Line Dance                            everyone in a fun and
    Deadline: Thurs. July 28           EVAC & Zoom                           supportive atmosphere. Great
                                       Get moving and have fun by            class if you are just starting
                                       line dancing in this one-hour         out or getting back into
Be Fit Through Movement                class for those who have line
EVAC & Zoom                                                                  fitness. Focus will be on
                                       danced before – intermediate          improving strength,
Improve your fitness level             and advanced beginners. You
through movement and exercises                                               flexibility, proper alignment,
                                       know the basic steps so now           and balance to help keep you
designed to stimulate both brain       it’s time to put it all together
and body. Exercise can be done                                               mobile. Class can be done
                                       and just have fun! Instructor:        entirely seated or standing.
seated or standing. Improve your       Rosalie Farrer.
leg and upper body strength,                                                 We will use a good sturdy
                                             9:00 - 10:00 a.m.               chair, two hand weights (or
balance, and posture. Be ready               Fridays
with a good sturdy chair, two                                                water bottles), and a fitness
                                             $20 (4 wks)                     band to have fun and get
hand weights (or water bottles),
and a fitness band or dishtowel.             Session 1: J uly 8 - 29         healthy. Bring your own
Instructor: Rosalie Farrer.                  Deadline: Wed. July 6           equipment to class.
     9:00 - 10:00 a.m.                                                       Instructor: Rosalie Farrer.
                                             Session 2: Aug 5 - 26                10:15 - 11:00 a.m.
     Tuesdays                                Deadline: Wed. Aug 3                 Thursdays
     Session 1: July 12 - 26                                                      $20 (4 wks)
     $15 (3 wks)
     Deadline: Fri. July 8
                                           Exercise Classes                       Session 1: July 7 - 28
                                     Some fitness and movement classes             Deadline: Wed. July 6
     Session 2: Aug 2 - 30           are offered both in person and by
     $25 (5 wks)                     Zoom, unless noted. You must                Session 2: Aug 4 - 25
     Deadline: Fri. July 29          register in advance and pay the class       Deadline: Tues. Aug 2
                                     fee by the deadline date to join any
                                     in-person class taught at EVAC.
14                          Movement/Fitness Classes
Move It or Lose It - 2                  Session 1: July 11 - 25             Rosalie
    11:15 - 12:00 noon                  $15 (3 wks)                       Farrer has
    Thursdays                           Deadline: Thurs. July 7          been teaching
    $20 (4 wks)                                                             exercise
                                        Session 2: Aug 1 - 29            classes at EV
    Session 1: July 7 - 28              $25 (5 wks)                        for many
     Deadline: Wed. July 6              Deadline: Thurs. July 28          years. Her
    Session 2: Aug 4 - 25                                                 energy and
    Deadline: Tues. Aug 2                                                enthusiasm is
                                    Yoga Intermediate                     contagious!
                                    Start your morning off right with
                                    Yoga for advanced beginning
                                    and intermediate level               Zumba Toning
Sit and Stay Fit                    participants. No new beginners.      EVAC & Zoom
EVAC & Zoom                         The ability to get onto and off      Shake up your fitness routine with
The exercises in this low level     the floor is required. You will      this class for active older adults. It
class are designed to improve       need to bring a yoga mat, a          focuses on strength training
core strength, flexibility,         strap/belt, two yoga blocks or       exercises (using light weights or
balance, coordination and           books; and a blanket. Instructor:    toning sticks) while dancing to the
circulation. You will be seated     Carolyn Priola.                      rhythm of fun Latin-based music.
for the entire class. Instructor:        8:30 - 9:30 a.m.                It is a low to moderate intensity
Rosalie Farrer.                          Mondays                         workout designed to reduce the
     11:30 a.m. - 12:00 noon                                             loss of muscle mass/strength that
     Fridays                             Session 1: July 11 - 25
                                         $15 (3 wks)                     often comes with aging. Bring
                                         Deadline: Thurs. July 7         your own toning sticks or two 1-2
    Session 1: J uly 15, 22, 29                                          lbs. weights to class, or tell
    $15 (3 wks)                         Session 2: Aug 1 - 29            instructor if these are not available
    Deadline: Wed. July 13              $25 (5 wks)                      to you. Instructor: Rosalie Farrer.
                                        Deadline: Thurs. July 28               10:15 - 11:15 a.m.
    Session 2: Aug 5, 19, 26                                                   Tuesdays
    $15 (3 wks)
    Deadline: Wed. Aug 3                                                     Session 1: J uly 12 - 26
                                    Zumba Gold®                              $15 (3 wks)
                                    EVAC & Zoom                              Deadline: Fri. July 8
Yoga Beginning                      Get fit to a Latin beat and have
                                    fun doing it! Zumba is a Latin-          Session 2: Aug 2 - 30
Learn a lifetime skill for health                                            $25 (5 wks)
                                    inspired workout that is part
and relaxation. This basic                                                   Deadline: Fri. July 29
                                    dance, part fitness. Zumba Gold
beginning class focuses on
                                    is a modified class that uses easy
relaxation and breathing, as
well as increased range of          -to-follow moves focusing on                       Key
                                    balance, range of motion, and
motion and flexibility. You                                              EVAC & Zoom - Attend in
                                    fun. Instructor: Rosalie Farrer.
must be able to get onto and off                                         person at EVAC or at home
                                         9:00 - 10:00 a.m.
the floor. Some EVAC                                                     through Zoom. To register for
equipment may be provided.                                               in-person attendance see the
                                         $20 (4 wks)
Bring a yoga mat, a strap or                                             attached registration sheet.
belt, two yoga blocks or two            Session 1: J uly 7 - 28          Zoom classes require a $20
books; and a blanket or towel.          Deadline: Wed. July 6            membership.
Instructor: Carolyn Priola.                                              See page 15 for more details.
     9:45 - 10:45 a.m.                  Session 2: Aug 4 - 25
     Mondays                            Deadline: Tues. Aug 2            ***Programs with NO
                                                                         designation are at Eagle View.
                                                                         Register by deadline.
Center Services Information                                          15

VOA Lunch                                           Outreach & Referral
A hot, nutritious lunch is provided by Volunteers   Do you need help and are unsure where to turn?
of America, Mondays and Thursdays at 11:30          Evon Benitez will assist you with completing
a.m. Please reserve your VOA meal in advance.       forms and finding needed services. You’ll need to
For Mondays, reserve the Thursday before; for       make an appointment to see Evon as she’s often
Thursdays, reserve the Monday before. Call          meeting with others. To make an appointment,
Eleanor to make reservations at 303-655-2271        call Evon at 303-655-2079. Please leave a
between 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. Mon. & Thurs.        message.
    Daily meal donations are appreciated.
    $2.50 Donation per meal if age 60+              Tech Tuesdays
    $8.50 Mandatory charge if under 60              Need help with your laptop, tablet, or smartphone?
                                                    We will do our best to help you become more
Senior Wellness Clinic                              comfortable using your device. Schedule an
The Senior Wellness Clinic focuses on health        appointment with Calvin at 303-655-2187.
promotion and disease prevention for seniors
55+. Operated by Visiting Nurses Association        Zoom Membership
(VNA), services include foot care, health checks,   You will need to purchase a Zoom membership for
and blood pressure checks. The fee for foot care    each newsletter in order to participate online.
is $35 payable at the time of your appointment.     Purchasing a membership will give you access to
Foot care may be Kaiser covered with pre-           all EVAC’s programs that are being offered on
approval. Reduced fee available upon approval.      Zoom for two months. Only Zoom members will
Masks required for everyone. Call 303-655-          receive the E-Blast with Zoom links. To register,
2075 for appointment.                               see page 1 on the registration sheet. Cost: $20 for
     Clinic hours: 9:00 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.            2 months.
     Thursdays: July 14, 21, 28, Aug 11, 18, 25          July & August Membership
     Fridays: July 8, Aug 12                             $20
                                                         Deadline: Ongoing
                                                    Medical Equipment Loans
Via Mobility - pr ovides specialized                Basic medical equipment is available to loan out.
transportation within the City of Brighton. Via     Items may include wheelchairs, front wheel and
can take you to medical appointments, grocery       seated walkers, canes, crutches, toilet seat risers,
shopping, and Eagle View, to name just a few of     commodes, and bath benches. There is no
the places you can go in Brighton. New Via          guarantee what will be available at any time.
users - call 303-447-2848 ext. 1014 to get          Call 303-655-2075 for information.
started. To schedule rides, call 303-447-9636.
Free rides to and from Eagle View to seniors
living in the Brighton Via service area are
provided by funding from the Senior
Advisory Board.
FlexRide - This is an RTD ser vice. Call
303-299-6000 for reservations. The driver will
pick up and deliver you anywhere within
Brighton, Mon - Fri. 6:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.
Cost is the local RTD bus fare.

Covid Test Kits
Eagle View Adult Center and the Brighton
Recreation Center have free Covid19 Test Kits
available for free while supplies last. Stop by
the front desk.                                       Rodger & Dian Quist are longtime
                                                           supporters of EVAC!
Center Information                                        16

    “Back to School” Class Showcase                         Senior Advisory Board
                                                  The purpose of the Advisory Board is to advise
 Did you know that Eagle View offers over 35
                                                  and assist in the needs and operations of Eagle
  different classes throughout the year? Have
                                                  View. The Board will meet Tues. July 19 and
   you ever wondered . . . What do the wood
                                                  Aug 16 at 1:00 p.m. Members are: Fran King,
     carvers make? Does yoga take a lot of
                                                  Dave Thomas, Peggy Jarrett, Dan Buckner, Olly
   coordination? How complicated is square
                                                  Ramirez, Steve Yarish, Bill Alsdorf, Heidi Storz,
   dancing? Can I really learn to watercolor?
                                                  Judy Schissler, George Phillips, Gayle Shibao,
 Quench your curiosity! Get answers from the
                                                  and Barbara Spakoski. Visitors are welcome.
     instructors at our two-hour open house.
       There will be class demonstrations,
  giveaways, and just plain fun as you try out             Charitable Contributions
   some of the classes. See for yourself what     Together we can continue to enhance the great
 fun and interesting learning opportunities are   programs and services offered for seniors and
      available at Eagle View Adult Center.       active adults in the Brighton area. Your financial
                   9:00 - 11:00 a.m.              support will be recognized on the donor wall at
                   Wed. Aug 24                    Eagle View. All donations are tax deductible.
                       Free                       Make donations payable to: Brighton United
                                                  Senior Citizens, 1150 Prairie Center Parkway,
                                                  Brighton, CO 80601.
                                                  Donor Opportunities for Wall Recognition:
                                                       Friend: $100 - $499
  Flix & Kicks: Movie & Concert Series in              Memorial: $100+
   Carmichael Park 650 Southern Avenue                 Sponsor: $500 - $999
         July 4: Sisters of Rock 7 p.m.                Benefactor: $1000+
       July 14: Godzilla vs. Kong at Dusk
 July 21: Ronnie Raygun & the Big Eighties /                Friends Program Fund
              Brighton BBQ 6 p.m.                 The Senior Advisory Board has established a
 July 28: Spider-Man: No Way Home at Dusk         scholarship fund. The Friends Program Fund
          Aug 4: Chicano Heat 7 p.m.              provides financial assistance to older adults to
             Aug 11: Sing 2 at Dusk               participate in programs sponsored by Eagle View
             Aug 18: Titonic 7 p.m.               Adult Center. The simple application form is
          Call 303-655-2126 for details           available at the front desk. Applications must be
       Sponsored by the City of Brighton          approved PRIOR to registering for the event.
                                                  Donations to the fund are appreciated.

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