F ind Your Adventure at Camp ! - Summer Camp Guide 2022 - Registration opens February 5, 2022! - Girl Scouts of Central Illinois

Page created by Cody Burton
F ind Your Adventure at Camp ! - Summer Camp Guide 2022 - Registration opens February 5, 2022! - Girl Scouts of Central Illinois
F i n d  Y o u r
Ad   v e n t u r e
 at   C a m   p !
    m e r C amp
  Guide 2022

 Registration opens
  February 5, 2022!
F ind Your Adventure at Camp ! - Summer Camp Guide 2022 - Registration opens February 5, 2022! - Girl Scouts of Central Illinois
Table of Contents                                                                 Summer Camp Flexible Pricing
   Registration Information................................................... 2               Camp opportunities are subsidized by Girl Scouts of Central
   General Camp Information ............................................. 3                    Illinois. This means the cost of providing camp programs and
                                                                                               operating camp is greater than the fee paid to participate.
   GSCI Camps ........................................................................... 6    The flexible pricing system offers families the opportunity to
   Meet the Staff......................................................................... 7   help cover the true cost of camp if they are financially able.
                                                                                               Each session has three levels of pricing.
   Trading Post........................................................................... 9
                                                                                               The Girl Scout camp experience is NOT affected by which
   Day Camp Information.................................................... 10                 level you choose and remains anonymous. Those who
   Tapawingo Day Camp....................................................... 11                pay different amounts do not receive different or special
   Widjiwagan Day Camp..................................................... 13
   Kiwanis Day Camp............................................................. 16            Additionally, financial assistance known as “camperships”
                                                                                               is available at all three camps. Partial camperships may be
   Quincy Community Day Camp.....................................18                            awarded. Be sure to apply for camperships when you register
                                                                                               for camp!
   Tapawingo Mini Overnight Camp................................ 19
   Overnight Camp Information....................................... 20                        Note: Some camp sessions with specialized activities such
                                                                                               as field trips, travel, or other extra experiences may have
   Tapawingo Overnight Camp.......................................... 21                       additional fees. These will be noted in the camp session
   Tapawingo Teen Leadership Camp............................. 25                              description.

   Equestrian Resident Camp............................................. 26                    OVERNIGHT CAMP
   Family & Troop Events .................................................... 30                Equestrian           Level 1        Level 2        Level 3
   COVID Guidelines.............................................................. 32            Non-Girl Scout       $710           $560           $435
   At A Glance .......................................................................... 33    Girl Scout           $685           $535           $410

                                                                                                Non-Equestrian       Level 1        Level 2        Level 3
                         Registration opens                                                     Non-Girl Scout       $620           $495           $370
                        February 5 at 8 a.m.                                                    Girl Scout           $595           $470           $345
                       GetYourGirlPower.org                                                    Level 1 adds an additional $50 per day to level 3 and reflects close to
                                                                                               the actual cost of camp.
                                                                                               Level 2 adds an additional $25 per day to level 3 and reflects
                                                                                               between 65 - 75% of the actual cost of camp.
         Fast online registration guarantees your                                              Level 3 is the lowest cost of the program and covers approximately
                reservation immediately!                                                       50% of the actual cost to operate camp.

     Many camps fill and close on opening day of                                               DAY CAMP
            registration, so don’t wait!
                                                                                                Tapawingo and       Level 1         Level 2        Level 3
         All camps close 2 weeks prior to session.                                              Widjiwagan
                                                                                                Non-Girl Scout      $285            $235           $185
            Once registered, you will receive a                                                 Girl Scout          $260            $210           $160
     confirmation e-mail receipt. The e-mail receipt
   will contain a link to the confirmation packet. The                                          Kiwanis             Level 1         Level 2        Level 3
    confirmation packet is important to review and                                              Non-Girl Scout      $270            $220           $170
   includes all paperwork that needs to be turned in
                                                                                                Girl Scout          $245            $195           $145
    during camp check-in on the first day. You can
                                                                                               Level 1 adds an additional $20 per day to level 3 and reflects close to
     also find the confirmation packet and required                                            the actual cost of camp.
      forms on our website under Summer Camps.                                                 Level 2 adds an additional $10 per day to level 3 and reflects close to
                                                                                               65 - 75% of the actual cost of camp.
                                                                                               Level 3 is the lowest cost of the program and covers approximately
                                                                                               50% of the actual cost to operate camp.
             Camp Kiwanis, Camp Tapawingo and Camp Widjiwagan                                  DAY CAMP BEFORE & AFTER CARE
             are accredited by the American Camp Association (ACA).                            New this year - GSCI will charge a small fee for before and
                                                                                               after care. The cost is the same regardless of flexible pricing
            Camp Tapawingo’s Equestrian Center is accredited by the                            or whether or not you are a current Girl Scout.
            Certified Horsemanship Association (CHA).
                                                                                                Before and After Care
SOCIAL MEDIA                                                                                    7:30-9am and 4-5:30pm
         Please LIKE our page and keep current with activities                                  $25/week
         and events. Facebook.com/GSCentralIL

F ind Your Adventure at Camp ! - Summer Camp Guide 2022 - Registration opens February 5, 2022! - Girl Scouts of Central Illinois
Need to know
                                                Summer Camp

ACCOMMODATIONS                                                                    • We do our best to accommodate all allergies and dietary restrictions.
 • Campers needing accommodations for food allergies or special                     We ask that you please contact the camp director to discuss any food
   medical needs should contact the camp director prior to registering.             allergies or accommodations a minimum of two weeks before arrival at
   We try to accommodate all campers’ needs.                                        camp so we are sure to be prepared!

BADGE WORK                                                                       MEDICAL RECORDS
 • Activities coordinate with Girl Scout Journeys and badges.                     • All campers must submit a completed health history form signed by
 • Badges not included; earned badges may be purchased at your local                the parent/guardian.
   service center.                                                                • All campers must submit a complete vaccination record or official
 • You will receive a badge sheet at the end of camp with the badge steps           letter of exemption signed by a doctor. GSCI Camps follow the same
   completed. Additional steps may have to be completed at home.                    requirements put forth by IDPH for public schools. Please see the
                                                                                    IDPH website for information on currently required vaccines for your
BUDDY REQUESTS                                                                      child’s age.
 • Overnight campers may request ONE buddy upon registration. Buddies             • Overnight campers (3+ nights) must also have a physical completed
   will be placed in the same tent/cabin and will be buddies for as                 within 24 months prior to the last day of the camp session. This may
   many activities as possible. However, they may not be buddies for all            be the physician portion of the health history form or simply a copy of
   activities depending on group size, dynamics, and schedule.                      a recent physical.
 • Day campers will be in age-level groups (no buddy request).                    • Health Records will be collected at check-in and are kept confidential.
                                                                                  • All medications must be turned in at check-in in their original
CELL PHONES/ELECTRONICS                                                             packaging and instructions for administration must be included on the
 • Cell phones/electronic devices are not allowed.                                  Health Record. Medications will be stored securely and administered by
 • We encourage parents to call and speak to the camp director about                healthcare or trained administrative staff.
   their camper at any time.
 • In case of emergency or if warranted for any reason, parents/                 PAYMENT
   guardians/emergency contact person will be contacted.                          • Camp payment is not accepted at camp.
 • We encourage families to send mail, care packages, and one-way                 • All camp fees must be paid in full two weeks prior to the camp session.
   e-mail to their campers.                                                         Campers carrying an outstanding balance 2 weeks prior to session will
                                                                                    lose their spot and deposit.
CHANGES IN ACTIVITIES                                                             • Cookie Dough/Nutty Bucks must be sent in prior to, or with, the final
 • Activities may be modified or rescheduled depending on weather,                  payment. Cookie Dough/Nutty Bucks cannot be submitted for a cash
   group behavior, or available materials.                                          refund or used as the initial deposit.
 • Our camps are girl-led so the girls help plan activities. See the following
   page for additional information on girl planning.                             REFUND POLICY
                                                                                  • No refund will be issued if a camper is sent home due to unacceptable
CLOSING DATES                                                                       behavior, homesickness, or if camper is a “no show” for the session.
 • All closing dates are 2 weeks prior to camp session or when                    • A credit or refund will be issued if you are unable to attend camp
   maximums have been reached.                                                      due to illness from or exposure to COVID-19, or if a camp session is
                                                                                    cancelled due to COVID-19.
 • Camper-counselor ratios will be met at all camps.                             REGISTRATIONS/DEPOSIT
 • Visit GetYourGirlPower.org for ratios.                                         • A $25 per session non-refundable deposit is required for registration
 • All counselors use a camp nickname while at camp.                                (full payment if session is under $100).
                                                                                  • Cookie Dough may not be used for deposit.
FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE                                                              • Registration closes 2 weeks prior to the start of session.
 • Campership Financial Assistance application must be completed when             • Phone registrations not accepted.
   registering on-line. All information is confidential.
                                                                                 STAYING AT CAMP
FRIDAY FINALE                                                                     • Campers stay in rustic units that are tucked into the woods and
 • Join us for the Friday Finale at camp each week. Meet your camper’s              typically consist of 6-10 open-air platform tents or 4 rustic cabins.
   new friends and see skits and songs from the week. Exact time varies           • Tents are situated on wooden decks on the ground and are approx. 12’
   from camp to camp. Sign up while registering for your weekly session.            x 14’ with weather-treated canvas sides and roofs.
                                                                                  • Each tent contains four sleeping cots with mattresses and cabin
GIFT BAGS                                                                           contains 10 sleeping cots with mattresses.
 • Purchase a special gift bag for your camper (order during registration         • All of our facilities have a shower house.
   process) - Camp Adventure Bag - $33 (includes camp bag and six fun             • Security lighting is located throughout camp.
   camp items)
                                                                                 TRADING POST
MEALS/SNACKS                                                                      • Camp store offers T-shirts, bags, water bottles, stuffed animals, pens,
 • Day Campers at Camp Kiwanis and Quincy Community Day Camp must                   and more.
   bring a sack lunch daily.                                                      • Campers typically spend $15-$25 on souvenirs.
 • Morning and afternoon snacks are provided at all camps.                          This money is collected at check-in or added online at registration.
 • Overnight campers receive all meals and snacks.                                • If trading post money is added online during registration, any unused
 • Day Campers at Camp Widjiwagan and Camp Tapawingo will receive                   money will go into our camper financial assistance fund.
   lunch in the dining hall each day.
F ind Your Adventure at Camp ! - Summer Camp Guide 2022 - Registration opens February 5, 2022! - Girl Scouts of Central Illinois
What Makes Our Camps Different?
            We want your girl to love the outdoors and camp as much as we do! To build that love,
            a progression into the outdoors and camp is important. Progression allows girls to learn
            the skills and become comfortable in the outdoor activities. This progress is to happen at
            a girls pace, let her tell you when she is ready for the next step. It could be next week or
            next year.

                 Attend a day event at camp. (See
                 Adventures Plus at GetYourGirlPower.org
                 for dates that events are taking place at                      Enjoy a mini overnight camp. Mini
 Step 1                                                         Step 4
                 camp)                                                          overnight camps run 3 days, 2 nights and
Move Out                                                       Camp Out
                                                                                are a perfect next step for camp.
                 Visit camp for a tour to get familiar with
                 the camp and the Camp Director.

                                                                                Explore overnight camp at Camp
                 Sign up for day camp. Day camp allows           Step 5         Tapawingo for a full 6-day session. Will
  Step 2
                 girls to experience camp, but go home in                       you try horseback riding, archery, a
 Explore                                                       Adventure
                 the evenings.                                                  leadership camp, conquer the challenge
   Out                                                            Out           course, or have another adventure?!

                 Try an overnight at camp. We offer a                           Once you have completed a week
                 variety of options for your first overnight                    overnight camp at Tapawingo, spread
                 at camp. We offer one night overnights         Step 6          your wings and try a travel or high
  Step 3         on Thursday of some day camps. You            Conquer          adventure camp. Backpack through areas
Sleep Out        may also try a troop camping option or          Out            of camp few have explored or pack up
                 He and Me Camp during the summer.                              and head out to seek adventure on the
                 GSCI will offer more one night overnights                      road!
                 in the fall of 2022; look for dates to be
                 announced in August 2022.

            The Proof is in the Research! Did You Know?
    Camp builds problem-solvers! Girls with more frequent outdoor experiences are more likely to seek
    challenges and are better at solving problems—qualities that will help them embark on a lifetime of
    leadership, both academically and personally.
    Camp exposes girls to new experiences! Of girls surveyed, 72 percent said that Girl Scouts gave them
    the chance to build their skills or try new outdoor activities.
    Camp builds courage and confidence! Spending time in nature improves a girl’s concentration and
    creative reasoning. Outdoor experiences also help promote healthy social development and increase her

Camp is a safe, inclusive space where girls can be free to be themselves! Camp fosters collaboration
instead of competition, enabling girls to stretch beyond their limits! At camp we encourage girl-led
activities, learning by doing, and cooperative learning.

F ind Your Adventure at Camp ! - Summer Camp Guide 2022 - Registration opens February 5, 2022! - Girl Scouts of Central Illinois
Activity Progression
  Activities at GSCI Camp are designed to be progressive--new challenges and new activities become available
  as campers attend more camp sessions and gain more skills. This ensures campers are both staying safe and
  continuing to learn and try new things every year at camp. It also keeps camp engaging and FUN! This means
  campers in the first grade may do substantially different activities from middle school campers. Read more about
  some of our favorite outdoor activities below. View the description for your session to see what activities campers
  will be doing during specific weeks.

Archery                           Canoeing                          Challenge Course                  Climbing Wall
Archery is a challenging and      Canoeing is an excellent          The challenge courses at          The climbing walls at Camp
engaging activity available       way to explore the outdoors!      Camp Tapawingo and Camp           Tapawingo and Camp
at all of our camps. While        All camps have canoeing           Widjiwagan are a great way        Widjiwagan are designed for
attempting to hit the bullseye,   available. Due to the strength    to step outside your comfort      girls entering grades 2-3 and
campers gain valuable practice    and coordination required to      zone and test your limits!        older. The equipment and
in patience, concentration,       maneuver a canoe, Daisies         The high ropes activities are     design of the wall is made
and sportsmanship. Archery        will be passengers when           designed for girls in middle      specifically for girls 4 foot or
requires both strength and        boating. All campers will         and high school. The low or       taller.
hand-eye coordination that        learn the basics of how to be     ground team building courses
is still developing in younger    safe around boats and water,      are designed for Juniors and
campers. For this reason,         and how to do basic canoe         above. These restrictions are
Daisy (K-1st grade) campers       strokes. Older campers may        for safety reasons. Not all
use alternatives such as sling    progress to rescues, advanced     teen camps will participate
shots or nerf-style archery       strokes such as the J, Sweep,     in these unless the activity is
sets.                             Pry, Draw, and more. Travel       listed in the camp description.
                                  campers may go on longer
                                  canoe expeditions where they
                                  will learn how to safely paddle
                                  and portage.

        All campers participate in girl planning on the first day of camp. Each group discusses what activities they
        want to do at camp. We encourage girls to come with some ideas in mind and be creative! Maybe you want
        your group to write and perform a play? Maybe you want to create a camp-wide scavenger hunt for other
        groups? Maybe you want to have a costume party in the lodge? Maybe you want to make sure some camp
        classics are done as well--archery, tie dye, friendship bracelets, stargazing and night hike? Bring it up during
        Girl Planning and your counselors will attempt to work it into your schedule. Girl planning helps girls take
        ownership of their experience while promoting collaboration and teamwork.
        While we do our best to include all Girl Planning ideas and requests, if you want assurance that you will do a
        particular activity while at camp, be sure it is in your session description or contact your camp director to see
        if it is possible.

                                   Find a camp near you at GetYourGirlPower.org.
                                  You don’t have to be a Girl Scout to come to camp!
F ind Your Adventure at Camp ! - Summer Camp Guide 2022 - Registration opens February 5, 2022! - Girl Scouts of Central Illinois
Our Camps
 This summer, bring her somewhere safe, enriching, and filled to the brim with opportunities—give her the
chance to camp #LikeAGirlScout! We know it can be hard to send her to camp for the first time, but you can feel at ease that, while
she’s having the time of her life discovering all the wonders of the great outdoors, trying new things, playing games, making friends,
                 and so much more, she’s well taken care of, happy, and learning critical life skills every step of the way.

                                           Camp Tapawingo                                CampTapawingogsci

                                           1450 Hickory Point Road, Metamora, IL 61548
                                           Camp Tapawingo is a 640-acre camp facility located 15 miles from
                                           Peoria. The cornerstone of this property is its’ Equestrian Center where
                                           girls learn horseback riding skills and horse care. The Center includes
                                           a state-of-the-art stables, an indoor air-conditioned classroom, and
                                           an 80’x160’ indoor riding arena with an observation area. Mary Morgan
                                           Lodge, a 12,000 square-foot multi-level, air-conditioned dining hall,
                                           trading post and program center, is the point where all campers gather
                                           for meals. Camp Tapawingo also features an in-ground pool, adventure
                                           course, ropes course, archery, canoeing, and miles of hiking trails.
                                           Campers utilize three main rustic living units - Setting Sun, Shining Star,
                                           and Spirit Cabins. All units have indoor bathrooms and running water.

                                           Camp Widjiwagan                                   CampWidjiwagangsci

                                           71 Wienold Lane, Springfield, IL 62711
                                           Camp Widjiwagan, a 67-acre camp facility on Lake Springfield, is
                                           located six miles south of Springfield. The facility features an adventure
                                           course with a 40–foot climbing tower and zip line, three main lodges,
                                           an in-ground swimming pool, lake access for boating, platform tents,
                                           covered wagons, and an arts and crafts shack. Programming highlights
                                           include swimming, canoeing, creative arts, outdoor living skills, archery,
                                           and environmental education.

                                           Camp Kiwanis                            gscikiwanis

                                           301 Sugar Lane, Mahomet, IL 61853
                                           Camp Kiwanis is a 55-acre forested camp facility adjacent to Lake of
                                           the Woods Forest Preserve and the American Heritage Museum.
                                           Located 12 miles from Champaign, it features three lodges.
                                           Environmental education, creative arts, canoeing, and archery are
                                           highlights of the programs offered here.

F ind Your Adventure at Camp ! - Summer Camp Guide 2022 - Registration opens February 5, 2022! - Girl Scouts of Central Illinois
Camp Staff

Emily Taylor - “Sunny”                           Kailyn Miller - “Lumos”                           Chloe Machula - “Tippy”
Sunny is excited to start her second year as     Lumos is looking forward to another summer        Tippy has spent just about every summer she
Camp Widjiwagan’s director! This will be her     at Camp Tapawingo! She believes that camp         can remember at camp as a camper or staff,
6th summer experiencing how camp builds          is amazing way to build confidence and            and is excited for her 11th year as staff at GSCI
girls of courage, confidence and character       independence. It is a great place to make new     camps! She hopes every girl leaves camp
firsthand. She believes the best part of camp    friends and to grow as a person. She looks        with new friends, increased confidence, and
is seeing each girl discover their own inner     forward to getting to see campers try new         lifelong memories. She also hopes every girl
strength and confidence by stepping into new     things and experience the magic of camp.          embraces the opportunity to try new things
experiences. Her favorite camp activity is                                                         and discover her inner leader at camp. Her
archery and she hopes you give camp a shot!                                                        favorite activities at camp are the high ropes
                                                                                                   course, hiking, and campfires! She hopes to
                                                                                                   see you at any of our camps!

                                                 Jessica Groszek - “Hoops”
Sarah Roberts - “Freckles”                       Hoops is excited for her sixth summer at
                                                 Camp Tapawingo! In her time at camp as
Freckles is excited to start a new adventure     the Equestrian Program Coordinator she has
being Camp Kiwanis’ Director after spending      learned that horses are some of the most
six summers in various roles at Camp             amazing teachers for young girls. They teach
Tapawingo. She can’t wait to experience          responsibility, build confidence, and bring out
the camp magic Kiwanis has to offer. She         compassion; getting our girls one step closer
hopes this summer at camp brings many            to being the best future leaders. “The most
new experiences to help girls build courage,     rewarding part of what we do is watching
confidence, and character. Her favorite camp     girls overcome their fears. The moment a girl
activities are archery, hiking, and high ropes   realizes she can control a 1,000 plus pound
course. She hopes you find your new favorite     animal, you get to witness pure joy on her
activity at camp this summer!                    face and a smile from ear to ear. Nothing
                                                 beats that feeling!” Hoops can’t wait for you
                                                 to come to the barn and meet our wonderful
F ind Your Adventure at Camp ! - Summer Camp Guide 2022 - Registration opens February 5, 2022! - Girl Scouts of Central Illinois
Are you ready for Overnight Camp?
                                           TAKE THIS QUIZ!
           Read each question and check the box next to your choice. There are no right or
          wrong answers. We want to make sure you have the best camp experience possible,
                           starting with getting you into the right camp!
 QUESTION									                                                                         Yes     Maybe   No Way

1. Can you stay overnight at a friend’s house without missing your
 family or feeling lonely or sad? 							                                                                    

2. Can you shampoo your own hair and keep it brushed and neat? 		                                            

3. Are you willing to try new foods that you haven’t eaten before?                                           

4. Do you enjoy outdoor activities such as swimming, hiking,
  camping, and sleeping in a tent? 					                                                                     

5. Can you survive without a radio, TV, air conditioning, and a phone?                                       

6. Can you pack your own suitcase with things you need? 			                                                  

7. Can you make your bed and keep track of your own belongings? 		                                           

8. Do you like to meet new people and do things with other
  girls–not just your best friend? 						                                                                    

9. Are you brave during thunderstorms, when you see a spider,
  or when you hear strange noises at night? 				                                                             

10. Do you want to go to camp? 						                                                                        

Give yourself 1 point for each “No Way,” 2 points for each “Maybe,” and 3 points for each “Yes.”

Less than 18 points                    18 - 25 points                            More than 25 points

ð Try troop camping or family          ðYou’re ready for an adventure at         ðYou must be an experienced
   activities.                            camp!                                     camper!

F ind Your Adventure at Camp ! - Summer Camp Guide 2022 - Registration opens February 5, 2022! - Girl Scouts of Central Illinois
Trading Post: Camp Preparation

       Camp Adventure
      Care Package - $33
A special gift for your camper, complete with a
personalized message, which will be included with
your camper’s care package.

Quantities are limited, so order early! Orders must
be received at least two weeks prior to the camp

If you don’t want the bag, no worries, we will have
plenty of items for your camper to choose from
in our trading post. Girls can choose from camp
themed plush animals, jewelry, apparel and other
fun items while they are at camp.

  Campers can learn about budgeting and bring home camp keepsakes or pick up forgotten camp gear (water
   bottles, bandanas, etc.) with a visit to our Camp Trading Post during their time at camp. To keep all camper
    possessions secure, any cash, checks, or cookie dough must be deposited into the campers trading post
                               account during the registration or check-in process.

                                         Did You Know?!
      Girl Scout programming is powered by the Girl Scout Cookie Program. The Cookie Program helps to
          upkeep our camp properties. And is a great way for girls to help pay for their camp session.

   Yes, Cookie Dough can be applied as payment for any camp session or be used in the Trading Post.
        (Please note, the $25 must be paid in cash, but Cookie Dough can be applied for the remaining balance.)
                       Let’s do the math...
                       300 boxes could pay for one person to attend troop or family camp
                       500 boxes could pay for a week of community day camp
                       600 boxes could pay for one week of day camp at Kiwanis, Tapawingo, or Widjiwagan
                       1000 boxes could pay for a week of mini-resident camp
                       1000 boxes could pay for a full week overnight camp IF you pick $150 cookie dough
                             at the 1000 box level
                       1300 boxes could pay for a week of equestrian overnight camp
                       2000 boxes could pay for a two-week travel camp
                       Plus you still get all the patches and incentives!
Don’t forget to bring any remaining Cookie Dough to camp to spend in the Trading Post on a new camp t-shirt!

F ind Your Adventure at Camp ! - Summer Camp Guide 2022 - Registration opens February 5, 2022! - Girl Scouts of Central Illinois
Day Camps
         Information                                Typical Day Camp
         Attend camp during the day and                 Schedule
                go home at night.

      Day camp is the                                 to
                                                  9:00 a.m.
                                                              Before care
   perfect starter camp
    for girls who want to
                                                     8:50     Check-in for non-before
  get comfortable in the                              to
                                                  9:10 a.m.   care campers
   outdoors and who are
  interested in exploring
                                                              Girl-led activities
  new activities close to                           9:10
                                                     to       focused on theme,
            home.                                   Noon
                                                              education, new skills, and fun

                                                      to      Lunch and rest time
                                                  1:00 p.m.

                                                              Girl-led activities
                                                      to      focused on theme,
                                                  3:30 p.m.   education, new skills, and fun

ü Before and after care is available at all day
camps for an additional fee of $25 per week.         3:30     Closing flag
                                                  4:00 p.m.   ceremony and snack
ü Campers at Camp Kiwanis and Quincy
Community Day Camp must bring a sack lunch
daily; snacks are provided.
                                                     4:00     Pickup for non-after care
üLunch and snacks are provided at Camp                to
                                                  4:10 p.m.   campers
       Tapawingo and Camp Widjiwagan.

                                                      to      After care
                                                  5:30 p.m.
    Day Camp

Camp Creatives            Entering grades 1-5          Time Warp         Entering grades 1-5

Tickle your creative side during this art-filled       Let’s go backwards through time! Each day
camp! You’ll explore tie-dye, make friendship          campers will explore exciting adventures in
bracelets for you and your new friends, learn          different time periods. Campers will handjive
the art of finger weaving and pick up a brush for      through the 50s, take a flower hike through the
painting lessons. While you wait for the paint to      60s, wear neon and make scrunchies during
dry, go on a scavenger hunt to see all camp has        the 80s, and discover what Girl Scouts of the
to offer. When you’re not crafting, splash around      past loved about camp. Join us as we explore
the pool or try your hand at boating. Optional         the craziness of time travel! Optional Thursday
Thursday overnight at the Lodge.                       overnight at the Lodge.
        Monday, June 13 - Friday, June 17, 2022                  Monday, June 27 - Friday, July 1, 2022
             Optional overnight: +$20                                Optional overnight: +$20
                   Min/Max: 6/16                                           Min/Max: 6/16

Mad Scientist           Entering grades 1-5            Splish Splash            Entering grades 1-5

Grab your lab coat and safety goggles and prepare      Swim in the pool, toss water balloons and have a
to get sticky, make a mess, and watch things           shaving cream fight as you splish splash through this
explode! Compete in engineering challenges,            week of camp. Head down to Lake Nib for a pond study
make slime, peer into a microscope,and conduct         to learn about our aquatic friends and take a paddle
                                                       around in the canoes, then get muddy creek stomping
experiments as we explore the wonderful world of
                                                       in the ravine. There will be plenty of time to dry off
science.                                               around the fire with your new friends!
        Monday, June 20 - Friday, June 24, 2022                  Monday, July 11 - Friday, July 15, 2022
                   Min/Max: 6/16                                           Min/Max: 6/16

                                Refer to Page 2 for all camp session pricing.                                   11
Just for Juniors           Entering grades 4-5

                                                              Calling all Juniors! This week of day camp will include all
                                                              your favorites with archery, rock wall, canoeing and more!
                                                              Spend time with your fellow Juniors as you earn badges,
                                                              try new things and make new friends. So join us around
                                                              the fire for songs, silly skits and an unforgettable time.
                                                              Optional Thursday overnight at the Lodge.
Into the Woods            Entering grades 1-5                          Monday, August 1 - Friday, August 5, 2022
                                                                              Optional overnight: +$20
Get your hiking shoes ready as we head out on the trails!                          Min/Max: 6/16
Learn about the plants and animals that call Tapawingo
home as you go on scavenger hunts and pond studies.
Learn how to leave no trace as you build your campfires
                                                              Enchanted Forest              Entering grades 1-5
and make crafts from nature as you work on your outdoor
                                                              Come experience the magic of camp! You’ll build fairy
artist badge!
                                                              houses, make magic wands, and go on a fairy scavenger
           Monday, July 18 - Friday, July 22, 2022            hunt! Make your own flower crowns and have a fairy tea to
                      Min/Max: 6/16                           round out your magical week! Optional Thursday overnight
                                                              at the Lodge.

Super Spy         Entering grades 1-5                                  Monday, August 8 - Friday, August 12, 2022
                                                                               Optional overnight: +$20
                                                                                    Min/Max: 6/16
Do you have what it takes to be a super spy? Work with
your fellow Girl Scouts to decode secret messages, tackle
obstacle courses, and become a master of disguise.
Dust for fingerprints and write messages in invisible
ink between classic camp activities like slingshots and
swimming at the pool. Will you accept this mission?

          Monday, July 25 - Friday, July 29, 2022
                     Min/Max: 6/16

                                        Refer to Page 2 for all camp session pricing.                                       12
         Day Camp

Sea Turtles                Entering grades 1-5                                   Widji Challenge                      Entering grades 1-5

Dive into a water-ful week of camp learn more about                              Discover challenges at camp and divide into teams
the ocean and the creatures who live there! Swim                                 to compete with others in exciting games of wit and
in the pool and learn about ocean habitats before                                skill. Design your victory flag, stake out your favorite
creating your own ocean in a jar to take home. Make                              campsite and bring a t-shirt to tie-dye your team
your own beach sand and discover how baby sea                                    colors.
turtles hatch. This week of camp is for all our ocean
lovers!                                                                                         Monday, June 27 - Friday, July 1, 2022
                                                                                                          Min/Max: 15/48
               Monday, June 13 - Friday, June 17, 2022
                                                                                 Campers will earn a Daisy Petal, Brownie My Best Self and Junior Staying Fit
                         Min/Max: 15/32                                          Badge.
Campers will earn the Daisy 5, 4, 3 Journey, Brownie WOW! Wonders Water
Journey and Junior Outdoor Journey.
                                                                                 Myth Busters                   Entering grades 1-5

Climbers, Paddlers, Archers- Oh My!                                              Widji’s mythical creatures have returned for the
Entering grades 1-5
                                                                                 summer and they need your help! Form a hypothesis
                                                                                 and make observations to answer the important
Discover a week of adventure at camp! Try out
                                                                                 questions- did pirates really need an eye patch?
everything Camp Widji has to offer - like climbing to
                                                                                 Could a dragon really fly? How fast can a mermaid
the top of the rock wall, canoeing with friends in the
                                                                                 swim? Collect your data and practice mythical
lake and testing your skills at the archery range. Cook
                                                                                 science for a “fairy” fun week at camp.
a traditional camp snack over the campfire and learn
how to make a friendship bracelet to take home.                                                  Monday, July 11- Friday, July 15, 2022
                                                                                                          Min/Max: 15/40
              Monday, June 20 - Friday, June 24, 2022
                         Min/Max: 15/48                                          Campers will earn the Daisy , Brownie, Junior Citizen Science Journey.

Campers will earn the Daisy, Brownie and Junior Trail Adventure Badge.
Please note: Daisies will participate in modified versions of archery and rock
climbing to meet Girl Scout Safety Checkpoints.

                                                   Refer to Page 2 for all camp session pricing.                                                                13
Camp H2O!                   Entering grades 1-5

It’s a water-soaked week at camp with swimming,
boating, water-themed crafts, and games that
splish-splash! Learn about the water ecosystem and
how to protect it. Take a wet and wild field trip to
Knight’s Action Park.

                Monday, July 18 - Friday, July 22, 2022
                          Min/Max: 15/48
Additional $15 fee for Knight’s Action Park field trip. Campers will earn the Daisy,
Brownie, Junior Citizen Science Journey.

Shooting Stars                       Entering grades 1-5

Reach for the stars and channel your inner artist- the
week is all about creativity! Take a color run through
camp, create your own movie poster with yourself
as the star and discover art in nature at camp. Make
your own Girl Scout Songs to sing and dance across
the stage at the family lunch on Friday!                                               Innovative Inventor                         Entering grades 1-5

                Monday, July 25 - Friday, July 29, 2022                                Put on your thinking cap and channel your inner
                          Min/Max: 15/32                                               scientist by spending the week inventing! Imagine
                                                                                       your own roller coaster, create something to fly
Campers will earn the Daisy, Brownie and Junior Outdoor Art Maker Badge.
                                                                                       across the sky and construct your own boat to race
                                                                                       in the pool! Invent a new game to play and a new
                                                                                       snack to share while you make new friends this
                                                                                                    Monday, August 1 - Friday, August 5 2022
                                                                                                               Min/Max: 15/48

                                                                                       Campers will earn the Daisy Mechanical Engineer: Roller Coaters, Brownie
                                                                                       Mechanical Engineer fling flyer and Junior Mechanical Engineer Paddle Boat

                                                                                       Butterfly Adventure                          Entering grades 1-5

                                                                                       Learn all about butterflies before the monarchs
                                                                                       migrate south for the winter! Discover symmetry
                                                                                       and design your own butterfly wings. Count the days
                                                                                       and observe the life cycle of butterflies. Make new
                                                                                       friends and meet a butterfly up close before the
                                                                                       week ends!
                                                                                                  Monday, August 8 - Friday, August 12, 2022
                                                                                                              Min/Max: 15/48

                                                                                       Campers will earn the Daisy, Brownie Junior Math in Nature 1: Shapes in Nature
                                                                                       and Math in Nature 2: Numbers in Nature.

                                                   Refer to Page 2 for all camp session pricing.                                                                        14
⚬⚬⚬        Older Girl Adventures at Camp Widjiwagan                                                                    ⚬⚬⚬

Lake and Land Expeditioner                                                       Sun Squad                 Entering grades 6-12
Entering grades 6-12
                                                                                 Learn how to advocate for a brighter future and
Explore camp by choosing your challenge and                                      leave minimal impact in nature. Discover a new
climbing to the top of the rock wall, paddling on Lake                           outdoor skill, practice an eco-trek through camp
Springfield and shooting arrows that whizz through                               and investigate local environmental issues. Take
the air! Pack your lunch, spend the day on the lake                              a trip to the St. Louis Aquarium and meet with a
and take a canoe trip to a local park. Sharpen your                              conservationist about environmental issues in
arrows and your archery skills by competing in an                                the ocean and how we can help. Spend the week
adventurous tournament. At the end of the week,                                  brainstorming solutions and learn how to teach
travel to Camp Tapawingo and trek across the land,                               others about your cause.
horseback style! After a day of adventuring, take
a break in the pool and cook your lunch over a                                               Monday, August 8 - Friday, August 12, 2022
campfire!                                                                                                Min/Max: 5/12
                                                                                 Additional $10 fee for St. Louis Aquarium field trip. Campers will earn the
              Monday, June 13 - Friday, June 17, 2022                            Cadette Eco Trekker, Senior Eco Explorer and Ambassador Eco Advocate.
                         Min/Max: 5/12

Campers will earn the Cadette Archery and Senior Paddling Badge.

Widji Challenge Coaches
Entering grades 6-12

Practice your leadership skills and spend the week
coaching your own team, designing games and
competing with others in exciting games of wit and
               Monday, June 27 - Friday, July 1, 2022
                         Min/Max: 3/10
Campers will earn the Cadette Field Day, Senior Social Innovator and
Ambassador Coaching Badge.

                                            Widjiwagan Day Camp Assistants
                                                                       Entering grades 6-12

   Use your camp memories to assist camp counselors. Apply your knowledge of camp crafts, games
   and traditions as a positive role model! Make new memories of summertime sisterhood that will last a
   lifetime. Earn your Program Aide pin and even a Leader in Action Award.

                                            Sea Turtles | Monday, June 13 - Friday, June 17, 2022
                         Climbers, Paddlers, Archers- Oh My! | Monday, June 20 - Friday, June 24, 2022
                                            Myth Busters | Monday, July 11- Friday, July 15, 2022
                                             Camp H20 | Monday, July 18 - Friday, July 22, 2022
                                          Shooting Stars | Monday, July 25 - Friday, July 29, 2022
                                    Innovative Inventor | Monday, August 1 - Friday, August 5 2022
                                   Butterfly Adventure | Monday, August 8 - Friday, August 12, 2022

                                                        Tier 1: $210 / Tier 2: $160 / Tier 3: $110
                                                                     Min/Max: 3/10

                                                 Refer to Page 2 for all camp session pricing.                                                                 15
       Day Camp

Camping 101         Entering grades 1-6                    Treasures and Tails                Entering grades 1-6

Open the camp season by learning some camp                 Spend the week at sea! Practice your pirate skills as
basics! Learn how to set up a tent, roll a sleeping        you follow a map to the hidden treasure. Make your
bag and cook over a campfire. Explore fun outdoor          way through the water with your crew in a canoe.
activities such as archery, canoeing, and hiking that      Then trade your feet for a fin as you slip ‘n’ slide,
camp has to offer. Learn plenty of classic camp            toss water balloons, and have a shaving cream party.
crafts and try tasty camp-themed snacks!                   Create some mermaid-inspired art and snacks.
          Monday, June 13 - Friday, June 17, 2022                     Monday, June 27 - Friday, July 1, 2022
                    Min/Max: 15/32                                              Min/Max: 15/32

Doodlebugs          Entering grades 1-6                    Camp Ooey Gooey                 Entering grades 1-6

Tickle your creative side during this art-filled camp!     To celebrate the wonders of camp, we will be
You’ll explore tie-dye, make friendship bracelets for      participating in any ooey gooey activity we can get
you and your new friends and pick up a brush for           our hands on. This week will be full of mud hiking,
painting lessons. While you wait for the paint to dry,     paint twister, messy snacks, water balloon paint
go on a bug hike to discover who shares camp with          party, and shaving-cream fights. Don’t forget your
us and then create some cute bug crafts and snacks.        swimsuit and a change of clothes! We will be hosing
When you’re not crafting, try your hand at boating         down our mess with fun-filled water activities daily.
and create a colorful lunch during our cookout on
                                                                      Monday, July 11 - Friday, July 15, 2022
Thursday.                                                                       Min/Max: 15/32
         Monday, June 20 - Friday, June 24, 2022
                    Min/Max: 15/32                         Mystery Mania              Entering grades 1-6

                                                           Spend the week solving puzzles, decoding ciphered
                                                           messages, and discovering illusions. Act fast to
                                                           escape an intense escape room that will keep you
                                                           puzzled for days. Solve the mystery of what our
                                                           lunch is during our puzzling Thursday cookout. You’ll
                                                           be a super-sleuth by the end of the week!
                                                                      Monday, July 18 - Friday, July 22, 2022
                                                                                Min/Max: 15/32

                                     Refer to Page 2 for all camp session pricing.                                  16
Aquaventure            Entering grades 1-6                                Princess Pals                   Entering grades 1-6

Are you seeking a real adventure this summer?                             Try your hand at archery like a certain Scottish
Come and celebrate summertime with a week full                            princess. Enjoy frozen treats perfect for a snow
of water activities: swimming, boating, water crafts,                     queen. Could you become the next wayfinder
and water games! When you aren’t getting wet                              learning to canoe across the lake? Practice your tea
playing water games, you’ll be learning about water                       party manners during our garden party cookout.
conservation, water safety, and water habitats. Finish                    Finish the week with a royal ball fit for a princess.
off the week by diving into a field trip at Sholem
Aquatic Center!                                                                       Monday, August 8 - Friday, August 12, 2022
                                                                                                  Min/Max: 15/32
          Monday, July 25 - Friday, July 29, 2022
                     Min/Max: 15/32

Critter Camp          Entering grades 1-6

Get ready for a wild week! Make an animal-themed
trail mix to snack on while hiking trails to discover
who we share camp with. Pull on some boots for a
pond study to search for frogs, turtles, and fish. We’ll
even have a few special furry and feathered friends
visiting us this week!
         Monday, August 1 - Friday, August 5, 2022
                    Min/Max: 15/32

                                       Kiwanis Day Camp Assistants
                                                             Entering grades 7-8

  Do you love camp but are ready for more responsibility? Join us as a Day Camp Assistant. You’ll get the
  inside scoop on running Girl Scout Camp and have the opportunity to assist camp staff with activities.
  Take the challenge and start your journey to leadership this summer!

                                  Camping 101 | Monday, June 13 - Friday, June 17, 2022
                                  Doodlebugs| Monday, June 20 - Friday, June 24, 2022
                              Treasures and Tails | Monday, June 27 - Friday, July 1, 2022
                               Camp Ooey Gooey | Monday, July 11- Friday, July 15, 2022
                                 Mystery Mania | Monday, July 18 - Friday, July 22, 2022
                                  Aquaventure | Monday, July 25 - Friday, July 29, 2022
                                Critter Camp | Monday, August 1 - Friday, August 5 2022
                              Princess Pals | Monday, August 8 - Friday, August 12, 2022

                                                 Tier 1: $195/ Tier 2: $145/ Tier 3: $95
                                                             Min/Max: 1/4

                       Please note: Attend one of the zoom trainings offered by past camp staff to help prepare you for
                       this leadership role.

                                       Refer to Page 2 for all camp session pricing.                                               17
          Day Camp

Critter Camp                   Entering grades 1-5

Join Girl Scout friends for a week full of fun at day camp! Spend the week enjoying the outdoors as we
hike and explore together. What critters might we spot on our adventures? Learn fun facts about different
animals, make critter-inspired crafts and snacks, and earn an animal or nature-related Girl Scout badge.
We’ll even have a chance to meet some furry friends face-to-face! Cool off while swimming like fish on a
field trip to the pool one day. Finally, stay late on Thursday for a special cookout dinner! You won’t want to
miss it.
                                                         Monday, June 13 - Friday, June 17, 2022
                                                                   8:30am - 4:30pm
                                                                   Min/Max: 35/50

                                                                     Camp Sacajawea
                                                                  4307 Ghost Hallow Road
                                                                        Quincy, IL

Please note: Before and after care available at no additional fee. Campers must bring a sack lunch and refillable water bottle each day. Adult volunteers needed.

Space Cadette             Entering grades 6-8

          Tapawingo                                    Galaxies, Stars and Moons, oh my! Shoot for the
                                                       stars with this space themed getaway. You’ll go
                                                       star gazing, find about light and light pollution, and
        Mini Overnight                                 learn about what it takes to become an astronaut!
                                                       Campers will earn their Space Science Researcher
            Camps                                      Badge.

         Information                                             Wednesday, July 6 - Friday, July 8, 2022
                                                                             2:00pm - 4:00pm
                                                                 Tier 1: $310 / Tier 2: $260 / Tier 3: $210
                                                                              Min/Max: 6/20
                                                       Try It Out!       Entering grades 2-3

                                                       Ready to give overnight camp a try? Try It Out! You
                                                       will get to see all the cool things camp has to offer!
         Try something new                             Sing songs around the fire, make friendship bracelets
                                                       and climb on the rock wall. Even stop by the barn
          and get a taste of                           to meet the horses! There is so much to try as you
                                                       make new friends and take on new challenges.
          overnight camp!
                                                                 Wednesday, July 6 - Friday, July 8, 2022
                                                                            2:00pm - 12:00pm
                                                                 Tier 1: $310 / Tier 2: $260 / Tier 3: $210
                                                                              Min/Max: 6/14
Pink Pals      Entering grades 1-3

Spend three days in a world of pink! Try some pink     Minis n’ Me         Entering grades 4-6
tie-dying and put on your pink PJs for the pink
                                                       Come meet the miniature herd we have at Camp
slumber party, where you’ll decorate pink cupcakes,
                                                       Tapawingo during this three-day mini overnight camp
bead some pink jewelry, and play silly games with
                                                       which includes, horses, donkeys, and a mule! You
pink balloons. There will also be plenty of time for
                                                       will learn what exactly makes miniatures so special.
swimming, campfires, and s’mores, but don’t be
                                                       Companion animals (guide or therapy), cart pulling,
surprised if the s’mores are pink, too!
                                                       herd protectors, and being ridden by small children
         Wednesday, July 6 - Friday, July 8, 2022      are just some of the many amazing capabilities of
                     2:00pm - 4:00pm                   miniatures. Once you’ve learned all there is to know
         Tier 1: $310 / Tier 2: $260 / Tier 3: $210    about minis, it’s time to saddle up and ride our
                       Min/Max: 6/14
                                                       regular sized horses and ponies! After your time at
                                                       the barn is up, it’s time for some more fun. Make
In-tents     Entering grades 4-6                       lifelong friends while enjoying camp songs, games,
                                                       and swimming!
So much to do and so little time! Enjoy an action
packed session with this in-tents camp! Try                      Wednesday, July 6 - Friday, July 8, 2022
canoeing, archery and make your way up the rock                              2:00pm - 4:00pm
                                                                 Tier 1: $350 / Tier 2: $300 / Tier 3: $250
wall. Even stop by the barn to meet the horses! You
                                                                              Min/Max: 10/20
wouldn’t want to miss a minute of it!
         Wednesday, July 6 - Friday, July 8, 2022
                     2:00pm - 4:00pm
         Tier 1: $310 / Tier 2: $260 / Tier 3: $210
                       Min/Max: 6/16

Overnight Camps                                 Typical Overnight
    Information                                    Camp Schedule
                                                Please note: Overnight camps will run as long as state COVID-19
          Stay overnight for the week!          guidelines allow. If guidelines do not allow, these sessions will be
                                                       run as day camp and a partial refund will be issued.

                                                                      Opening flag
At Overnight Camp girls can                         to                ceremony followed
                                                9:00 a.m.
  explore leadership, seek                                            by breakfast
 adventure, and develop a
   deep appreciation for
                                                9:00 a.m.
           nature.                                  to                Girl planned activities
                                                12:00 p.m.

                                                12:00 p.m.            Lunch hour followed by
             Check-In:                              to
                                                2:00 p.m.             rest hour
Check in will be done as a drive through on
 Sunday afternoons between 2 - 4. Please
   plan around an hour for the process.
                                                2:00 p.m.
           Check-Out:                              to
                                                5:00 p.m.
                                                                      Girl-planned activities
  Check-out is Friday from Noon - 2. Please
 join us at 11:30am for our Friday Finale for
the campers to share some of their favorite
               parts of the week.               5:00 p.m.
                                                                      Showers, Trading Post,
                                                5:45 p.m.             Kapers

                                                5:45 p.m.
                                                                      Closing flag
                                                7:00 p.m.
                                                                      ceremony followed by

                                                7:00 p.m.             All-camp activities


            ⚬⚬⚬      Brownies ⚬ ⚬ ⚬                        Very Fairy Extraordinary
                                                           Entering grades 2-3
Goo & Slime         Entering grades 2-3

                                                           If you love the sparkle of pixie dust, then come
If getting dirty and making colorful creations is your
                                                           discover the magic and wonder of the Camp
thing, you’ll love this messy and silly camp! We’ll
                                                           Tapawingo fairies. Make fairy houses and wands and
make goo, slime, sticky snacks, bright tie-dye and
                                                           even capture fairies in a jar! Pack a snack and hit the
even paint with our toes. Toss on your oldest clothes
                                                           trails for a fairy hike where you get muddy searching
as we go on a scavenger hunt and wild walk which
                                                           the ravine for our magical friends!
will leave us covered in mud. When you’re ready
to get cleaned up, jump into the pool and splash                       Sunday, July 17 - Friday, July 22, 2022
around with your new friends!                                                     Min/Max: 6/14

          Sunday, June 12 - Friday, June 17, 2022
                     Min/Max: 6/14                         Mermaids              Entering grades 2-3

                                                           Calling all mermaids! Swim everyday, then trade
Super Girls        Entering grades 2-3
                                                           your fins for feet so you can slip ‘n slide, toss water
                                                           balloons and become a shaving cream bunny. Make
Its a bird! Its a plane! Its Super Girls! Test your
                                                           some mermaid-inspired art and snacks. Learn about
strength at the 40 foot climbing wall. Take aim at
                                                           how animals move in the water while working on
the archery range. Explore the ravine and get muddy
                                                           your Wonders of Water Journey. Enjoy the magic of
creek stomping. When you’re not out training to be a
                                                           camp in and out of the water!
super hero, you’ll design your own super hero cape
and make a super hero mask. Don’t worry- you’ll also                   Sunday, July 24 - Friday, July 29, 2022
have time to relax around the pool and sing songs                                 Min/Max: 6/14
around the campfire with all your new super friends.
          Sunday, June 26 - Friday, July 1, 2022
                    Min/Max: 6/14

                                    Refer to Page 2 for all camp session pricing.                                    21
Zoo Pals      Entering grades 2-3                            Broadway Blast              Entering grades 4-6

Attention all animal lovers: this is the camp for you!       Do you dream of becoming the next big actress
Swim like a fish, take a hike to discover who we             or theatre techie or a dancer on Broadway? See
share camp with, create fun animal snacks and                what it takes to make it big under the bright lights
make your own stuffed animal. We’ll even have a few          as you play improv games, make costumes, and
special furry and feathered friends visiting us this         try on stage makeup. Whether you prefer to take
week!                                                        the spotlight or ensure the show will go on from
                                                             backstage, you’ll work together to write and perform
        Sunday, August 7 - Friday, August 12, 2022           a one of-a-kind production for the whole camp.
                    Min/Max: 6/14
                                                                       Sunday, June 19 - Friday, June 24, 2022
              ⚬⚬⚬      Juniors ⚬ ⚬ ⚬                                              Min/Max: 6/16

Dabblers        Entering grades 4-6
                                                             Messy Madness               Entering grades 4-6
Dabble into a little bit of everything camp has to
offer! Enjoy the water as you play games in the pool,        Ready for something a little wild and crazy? Pack
explore the ravine and even grab a paddle as you             your oldest clothes to create all the messy fun you
climb into a canoe on Lake Nib. Test your aim at the         can imagine! Stomp around the muddy creek and
archery range. Take to new heights on the climbing           woods on a scavenger hunt, break out the face
wall and zipline and make a colorful mess while you          paint for a messy makeover, then get covered from
tie-dye! Finish up the week by staying up late cooking       head to toe in shaving cream before rinsing off on a
sweet treats over the fire before you sleep out under        paint covered slip ‘n slide. All you need is a sense of
the stars.                                                   adventure and a little soap to get clean at the end of
                                                             the week.
          Sunday, June 12 - Friday, June 17, 2022
                     Min/Max: 6/16                                      Sunday, June 26 - Friday, July 1, 2022
                                                                                  Min/Max: 6/16

                                                             Artrageous          Entering grades 4-6

                                                             Come be inspired by your natural surroundings in
                                                             this camp full of creativity! Try different art forms
                                                             as you paint, draw, sculpt and more! Campers will
                                                             channel their inner artist as they create works of
                                                             art while earning their outdoor artist badges and of
                                                             course, make some tie-dye to take home.
                                                                        Sunday, July 10 - Friday, July 15, 2022
                                                                                   Min/Max: 6/16

                                                             Accio Adventures              Entering grades 4-6

                                                             Calling all witches! Grab your spell book and broom
                                                             and get ready for a magical week at camp. Once you
                                                             are sorted into your houses you’ll be ready to make
                                                             your own wand, brew potions, and compete in a
                                                             quidditch game. You’ll hunt for horocruxes and even
                                                             make your own Maurader’s Map.
                                                                        Sunday, July 10 - Friday, July 15, 2022
                                                                                   Min/Max: 6/16

                                      Refer to Page 2 for all camp session pricing.                                    22
Bon Appetit!         Entering grades 4-6

Breakfast, lunch, dinner: you can handle it all! Enjoy
a tasty week at camp as you create your own recipe
book while you cook up mystery boxes, bake bread,
and compete in a cupcake decorating contest. Make
new foods over the fire, learn new techniques and
have lots of fun as you become a cooking pro!
          Sunday, July 17 - Friday, July 22, 2022
                     Min/Max: 6/16

Night Owls         Entering grades 4-6

Experience all the fun of a traditional camping
session in a whole new way. Stay up late every
night and sleep in each morning so you can explore
wonders of the natural nocturnal world. What sights,
creatures and sounds go unnoticed by day-dwellers?
Cookouts, night hikes, evening paddles, stargazing
and crafts will round out this session. It’s a hoot!
          Sunday, July 24 - Friday, July 29, 2022
                     Min/Max: 6/16

Take Aim!        Entering grades 4-6

Ready, aim, fire! Head out to the archery range for
a week of honing your archery skills. Play archery                           Teens ⚬ ⚬ ⚬
games, work your way through Fairy Tale archery and
make splatter paint art! Try out the slingshots too
                                                               Major Messiness Entering grades 6-8
while your there. There will also be plenty of time
for activities off the range with canoeing, hiking and
                                                               * 20 Cadette campers
                                                               * 5 platform tents
          Sunday, July 31 - Friday, August 5, 2022             * 2 camp counselors
                      Min/Max: 6/16                            * 8 cans of shaving cream
                                                               * 2-4 days of mud, leaves, and sticks
                                                               * 1 jar of paint in every color, with glitter.
Ultimate Challenge               Entering grades 4-6           * 6 days of old clothes
                                                               * 2-4 tarps with 2 bottles of ketchup, mustard, jelly,
Are you seeking a real adventure this summer?                  and relish
Splash through swimming obstacles, paddle through              * 4 cans of tomato soup
boating battles, and test your aim at the archery              * A little bit of soap
range. Cook a mystery box dinner over the campfire.            Mix together campers, tents, and counselors at
Find your way with compasses and show your                     Camp Tapawingo. Add in remaining ingredients as
courage on a night hike. Before you campout by                 desired. Combine with crazy ideas, silly games, and
Bullfrog, scale the challenging 40-foot rock wall. Then        tasty snacks. Guaranteed to result in a major mess!
spend a day sailing on Lake Springfield at our sister
camp, Camp Widjiwagan. Don’t forget to pack your                         Sunday, June 19 - Friday, June 24, 2022
bravery!                                                                            Min/Max: 6/20

        Sunday, August 7 - Friday, August 12, 2022
                    Min/Max: 6/16
                                       Refer to Page 2 for all camp session pricing.                                    23
Trailblazers                Entering grades 6-8                                    Summit Seekers                        Entering grades 8-12

Develop backpacking and survival skills this week.                                 Ready to climb to new levels? Take on the challenge
Sleep in the comfort of a platform tent your first                                 of the rock wall at Camp Tapawingo, then take those
night at camp; then pack gear and food for the week                                skills on the road! We’ll head down to Pere Marquette
and explore the far reaches of camp at Big Sky and                                 State park for a day of rock climbing. Then after
beyond. You’ll practice putting up tents, cooking                                  camping in tents, we’ll head to St. Louis to do roped
meals over a fire, and finding your way with a map                                 tree climbing with Vertical Voyages. Spend a night
and compass. Bond with your counselors and fellow                                  at our sister camp, Widjiwagan, and sail on Lake
campers as you play team building games and                                        Springfield on your last full day. Then, we’ll head back
explore camp at night. Return in time for an amazing                               to Tapawingo for closing campfire. Don’t forget to
dinner, closing campfire, and the tradition of Trail                               pack your bravery!
Spa Night in the lodge.
                                                                                                 Sunday, June 19 - Friday, June 24, 2022
                Sunday, June 26 - Friday, July 1, 2022                                           Tier 1: $780 / Tier 2: $630 / Tier 3: $480
                          Min/Max: 6/16                                                                       Min/Max: 6/12

Please note: Due to the extreme nature of this program, participants must          Please note: No previous climbing experience is needed. However, a comfort
have attended overnight camp at least once prior to this session, or have camp     with heights is necessary.
director approval. Personal outdoor equipment (mess kit, backpacking pack,
sleeping bag and pad, etc.) is required. Weather conditions and skill level of     As we will be traveling off camp property to remote locations, COVID-19
the campers will affect the level of extreme that is possible, so come ready for   vaccination and testing is required for this camp session.

                                                                                   Myths & Legends                        Entering grade 7-12

Midnight Magic                      Entering grades 6-8
                                                                                   Explore the mysteries of camp with Greek mythology,
                                                                                   folklore fables and spooky cryptids. Take aim on
This week is for the night-loving teen who likes to
                                                                                   the archery range like Artemis, solve the sphynix’s
stay up late and sleep in. We’ll create funky glow-
                                                                                   riddles and search for Big Foot on the trails. Keep an
in-the-dark art projects, go stargazing and take
                                                                                   eye out for the Loch Ness monster in the lake and
night hikes to see who is still up with us. See camp
                                                                                   see if you have the bravery of a demigod on the high
transform with the sounds and sight you can only
                                                                                   ropes course. It will be a week that legends are made
see after everyone else has gone to bed. Then take a
look up as you work on your space science badges
exploring our universe. After a late breakfast enjoy                                             Sunday, July 31 - Friday, August 5, 2022
camp in the daylight with a swim, boating, and                                                               Min/Max: 6/20
              Sunday, July 31 - Friday, August 5, 2022
                                                                                   On the Loose Entering grade 7-12
                          Min/Max: 6/20
                                                                                   Enjoy all of your camp favorites during this week
                                                                                   of classic camp! Spend your week hiking the trails,
Tapawingo School of Witchcraft and                                                 roasting s’mores around the campfire with friends
                                                                                   and canoeing on Lake Nib. Enjoy the view of camp
Wizardry Entering grades 7-12
                                                                                   from the high ropes course and spend a night
All Aboard! Hop on the train at Platform 9 3/4 and get                             sleeping under the stars as you enjoy all the best of
ready for a week of witchcraft and wizardry. Design                                what camp as to offer.
your own wand, brew potions, fly on the zip-line, and                                          Sunday, August 7 - Friday, August 12, 2022
practice your own writing skills by creating your own                                                      Min/Max: 6/20
Quibbler. It is sure to be a magical time!
              Sunday, June 19 - Friday, June 24, 2022
                         Min/Max: 6/20

                                                 Refer to Page 2 for all camp session pricing.                                                                  24

Leaders in Training                         Entering grades 7-9                  Counselor in Training 2 - Training
                                                                                 Week Entering grades 11-12
Develop your leadership style at this one-week
camp. Endure challenging team games and conquer                                  If you love everything about camp and would love
the low ropes teams course. Spend an afternoon                                   to become a member of the camp staff one day,
shadowing, interviewing, and learning tricks of the                              CIT II will set you on the path to realizing your
trade from the camp staff. Work with your fellow                                 dream. Choose your own focus area such as horses,
LITs as you make memories for the younger resident                               aquatics, or outdoor skills. Learn, work, and grow
campers. With the support of your counselors and                                 side-by-side with the experienced camp staff. After
new friends, you’ll work on the aMaze Journey,                                   you complete the training and planning session,
setting a positive example for the younger campers.                              return to camp for up to two apprenticeship weeks
              Sunday, July 24 - Friday, July 29, 2022                                                      Training Week:
              Tier 1: $595 / Tier 2: $470 / Tier 3: $345                                        Sunday, June 12 - Friday, June 17, 2022
                           Min/Max: 6/20
                                                                                              Apprenticeship Weeks (choose up to 2):
                                                                                              Sunday, June 19 - Friday, June 24, 2022
Counselor in Training 1                             Entering grades 10-11                      Sunday, June 26 - Friday, July 1, 2022
                                                                                              Wednesday, July 6 - Friday, July 8, 2022
If you love working with younger campers and                                                          (mini-resident camp)
hanging out with fellow teen Girl Scouts at camp,                                              Sunday, July 10 - Friday, July 15, 2022
                                                                                               Sunday, July 18 - Friday, July 22, 2022
you’ll love this session! You’ll spend the first week
                                                                                               Sunday, July 24 - Friday, July 29, 2022
improving your camping and leadership skills and                                              Sunday, July 31 - Friday, August 5, 2022
observing the counselors in action as you begin the                                          Sunday, August 7 - Friday, August 12, 2022
Sisterhood Journey. Week one will feature training
and during week two you’ll be paired with a unit to                                            Tier 1: $745 / Tier 2: $595 / Tier 3: $445
                                                                                                            Min/Max: 6/20
lead daily camp activities. As a CIT, you’ll have plenty
of time to stay up late making mid-night grilled                                 Please note: Participants must submit a Teen Leadership Application (visit
cheeses and playing goofy games. You’ll receive your                             GetYourGirlPower.org) for approval to attend this camp including a lesson plan
                                                                                 for a unique sample camp activity and one reference letter.
CIT pin in a ceremony your last night at camp.
              Sunday, July 10 - Friday, July 22, 2022
             Tier 1: $1,190 / Tier 2: $940 / Tier 3: $690
                            Min/Max: 6/20

Please note: Participants must submit a Teen Leadership Application (visit
GetYourGirlPower.org) for approval to attend this camp including a lesson plan
for a unique sample camp activity and one reference letter. Campers will go
home for the weekend.

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