Eagle Football - TTH! - Handbook - USD 383

Page created by Douglas Murphy
Eagle Football

Football Handbook

This handbook has been made for you. You have received this
handbook as a source of information to answer any questions that
might come up throughout the season.

You need to sit down and read through this on your own. After
you have done that, you need to sit down with your parents and
read through this with them. After you have discussed the
contents of this handbook please sign the last page.

You will be ready for the first day of practice after the
signature page has been signed and returned. We are excited to
have you out for football this season and are looking forward to
seeing you finish it!

Eisenhower Coaching Staff

“Hard? Of course it was hard! Failed? Yes, a thousand times! Victory
comes to the scarred, the heights, unto him who climbs.”
                                      William Wetmore Story
Eagles always…
*Finish it! Every block, every run, every tackle, every play, and every game!
*Respect and honor their parents.
*Take care of their teammates.
*Hit hard and tackle well.
*Keep their eyes up. The ground isn’t going anywhere.
*Play with class.
*Make themselves, their team, and their school a better place!

Eagles Never…
*Go half speed.
*Disrespect themselves, their parents, or their team.
*Allow fear to control them. (Hoka Hey)
*Miss an opportunity to get better.

“The important thing in this world is not where we stand, but in what direction we

                      It's all in a State of Mind
                              If you think you are beaten you are,
                             If you think you dare not, you don't.
                          If you like to win, but don't think you can,
                                  It is almost certain you won't.

                              If you think you'll lose, you've lost,
                                 For out in the world you'll find,
                              Success begins with a fellow's will-
                                   It's all in the state of mind.

                           If you think you are outclassed, you are.
                                You've got to think high to rise.
                           You've got to be sure of yourself before
                                   You can ever win a prize.

                                 Life's battles don't always go
                                To the stronger or faster Man,
                             But sooner or later the Man who wins
                                Is the Man Who thinks He can.
Eagle Football

                     Three Team Rules of Eagle Football

             1. Take care of your schoolwork first.
             2. Represent yourself and your team with integrity.
             3. Finish it…if it’s worth doing it’s worth finishing!

If you are reading this and accept this handbook you have done a very easy thing. However, taking
responsibility for what goes along with it is hard work! You will need to follow the rules of this team.
If you feel like you cannot follow these rules for any reason, you need to return this
handbook to Coach Plummer immediately and find something you feel like you can do.

Being a part of a team means you are no longer thinking of only yourself. You are now also thinking
of the managers, coaches, and fellow teammates. You represent each of us not only on the football
field but also in the classroom, hallways, outside of school, and at home. Being a part of this team
may very well be the toughest thing you have ever done. Give it all you have and there is no way
you will fail. The only way to fail is to quit.
                    Losing is easy.             Winning is hard.
                    Quitting is easy.           Sticking it out is hard.
                    Bad is easy.                Good is hard.
                    Slow is easy.               Fast is hard.
                    Lazy is easy.               Busting-it is hard.
                    Watching sports is easy.    Playing is hard.
                    Lying is easy.              Truth is hard.
                    F's are easy.               A's are hard.
                    Hating is easy.             Loving is hard.
                    Criticizing is easy.        Taking criticism is hard.
                    Following is easy.          Standing alone is hard.
                    Doubt is easy.              Faith is hard.
                    Talk is easy.               Backing it up is hard.
                    Tearing down is easy.       Building up is hard.

Finish it!       This is our team motto. It applies to things we do at home, in the
classroom, in practice, and during a game. We finish our responsibilities at home. We
finish our work in the classroom. We finish every tackle, every block, every sprint, every
practice, and every game regardless of the score. Good things happen to those who
finish it!
School Work
You attend Eisenhower to get an education. Playing football is a privilege and your schoolwork
always comes first. One failing grade on the weekly grade report places you in mandatory
study hall for two days during the week. If you have a repeat failure in the same class
the following week, you are ineligible to play football for one week. If you have two
failing grades in one week, you are ineligible to play the current week. Any practice time
you miss will result in extra conditioning. Finish it!

We have practice every day after school and (possibly) 4 Saturdays during the season. You will be
expected to be at every practice. If for some unavoidable reason you cannot make it to practice you
need to bring Coach Plummer a note before the day you are going to miss. If you were at home ill,
please bring a note upon your return. After THREE unexcused missed practices, you will not
letter and you may be asked to leave the team. Remember, an unexcused absence means a
coach was not informed (in advance in writing) that you would be missing a practice.

Bumps and Bruises vs. Injury
Football is a tough game and everybody who has ever played the game has gotten bumps and
bruises. You need to understand that there is a difference between bumps and bruises and an
injury. If you are injured you need to tell a coach immediately, and see a doctor as soon as possible.
You may only return to practice when the doctor has cleared you in writing and you have given the
clearance papers to a coach. If you have bumps and bruises, you need to do the best you can to
continue participating. Under no circumstance will an injured player be expected to
continue to play, however, playing with bumps and bruises is very common.

Determining the difference between an injury and a bump or bruise is sometimes a challenge
but all coaches in our program handle injuries in the same way.
      1. Assess the injury without moving the athlete.
      2. If the injury is not serious, a coach will administer first aid.
      3. In the case of a serious injury a call will be made to the emergency medical system
         (911) and the athlete’s parents.

It is important that as an athlete you tell a coach immediately if something doesn’t “feel right”. This
is especially important at the beginning of the season when we experience the hottest
practices of the season. If you feel nauseated, dizzy, or stop sweating you need to notify a coach
immediately. Football players need to drink water throughout the day during the season. A good
check for proper hydration is the color of your urine, the lighter the color the better. We ask our
athletes to never pass a water fountain during the day without taking a long drink; we also need your
help with this at home.

Inhalers should be given to Coach Plummer with specific instructions of when it is to be used as well
as how often. These will be kept in our medical kit and will be at every practice and game. Any
medical concerns must be communicated to Coach Plummer in writing prior to any
athletic activity.
Playing Time
Playing time is earned by: attending practices, learning the plays, learning the fundamentals, and
having good citizenship in school. Failing grades, missed practices, and getting in trouble in and out
of school may result in missed playing time or dismissal from the team.

The football team is consisted of an A team, and B team (If enough players are out). You will be
placed on the team that gives you the best chance to earn the most playing time. Some athletes will
play in part of the A game and part of the B game. If you are going to get more playing time on the
B team, then that is the best fit for you.

You will have an offensive or defensive position and sometimes both. We give you the opportunity to
try out for the position of your choice, but remember you are part of a team. If it is best for the
team that you play a certain position, then that is where you need to play. Remember you
have years of football ahead of you. Many linemen have gone on to become running backs, and
running backs have later become linemen.

The equipment that has been checked out to you is expensive. The taxpayers in our community
have paid for it, and you are expected to take care of it. Notify a coach if something is not fitting
properly. Check your facemask, chinstrap, and shoulder pad straps before every practice and game.
Your girdle, pants, and practice jersey will need to be taken home and washed after
practice on Fridays. Never loan out or let another person wear your jersey!!

Your behavior on and off school grounds is important. An important rule of this team is that you
represent all of us with integrity. If you continually fail to do this, dismissal from the team is

Do what your coaches coach you to do!
Our job is to take care of you and to help you become a better football player. Your job is to do what
we ask you to do with 100% of your effort. This is always a winning combination.

A parent’s role
All parents are encouraged to attend games, participate in the parent committee, donate snacks for
away games, and most of all support your athlete during the season. We ask that parents sit in the
bleachers during the games. KSHSAA Rule 52 stresses the importance of good sportsmanship by the
players, coaches and spectators. Yelling at your player, the officials, or the opposing players during a
game is not beneficial to the success or performance of our team. It is our goal to win with character
and lose with dignity.
Game Day
On game days, athletes must be in school and attending classes in order to play in that day’s game.
If you stay home sick but feel like coming to school later in the day, it’s too late and you
will be ineligible for the game. You need to be here if you can!

We ask that the players follow our game day dress code, which consists of the team shirt, nice pants
that fit, and a nice looking pair of shoes. It’s our belief that if we look right, act right, and think right
we will play right. Any student who is given AES on a game day will not be permitted to
participate in that day’s game.

Away Games
Your athlete will be responsible for getting any work that they will miss before we leave the school.
We usually have two or three away games each season and if the trip is far enough away, we will
stop and eat out. Riding to and from the games on the bus is a part of the experience of being on a
team. Bus rides home can be some of the best times of the season. If an unavoidable situation
arises and you would like for your athlete to ride home with you from the game, a note will need to
be given to our athletic director prior to us we departing for the game. It is against school policy
to release students without our Athletic Director being notified prior to us leaving for the

Your attitude says a lot about who you are. Your attitude toward your parents, teachers, friends, and
coaches says more about you than you know. Very few things are fun when then are approached
with a negative attitude and football is no different. It may be the toughest thing you have ever
done, but learn to face a challenge with a smile and confidence. If you are positive you will
experience a greater level of satisfaction and enjoyment from football as well as anything else you
may do.

Rides home from Practice/Games
Our practices end at 5, 5:15 & 5:30. Our coaching staff works hard to prepare for each day and
when the day is done, we look forward to going home to our families. We ask that you be here to
pick up your athlete in a timely manner. We will never leave a player unattended, but your
promptness is greatly appreciated!

Our school has adopted a 30-minute pickup time window and students who are not
picked up within this time frame may be turned into the office. Continuous late pickups
will result in ineligibility for after school programs.

We strongly encourage you to carpool with those families who live in your area. We also would
appreciate having a backup ride contact information of the person we can call if we are unable to
reach you. Coaches are not permitted to transport students.

When returning from away games, we will have your athlete contact you when we are 15-20 minutes
outside of town. Thank you for your efforts concerning this matter.
Signature Page

                                         Eagle Football

I have read and understand the three rules for being a member of this football team.
       1. Take care of your schoolwork first.
       2. Represent yourself and your team with integrity.
       3. Finish it…if it’s worth doing it’s worth finishing!

       I understand that football is a privilege, and that being a member of this team requires hard
work, commitment, and time. I will do my best to be at every game, practice, and meeting that we
have as a football team. I agree to do my best to follow the rules and uphold the standards that
make Eisenhower football a success.

Athlete’s Signature: ______________________________

Parent’s Signature: ______________________________

Please remove this page and return it to Coach Plummer on the first day
of practice.

                                          What it takes…
“Every time an athlete goes out to play his trade, he’s got to play from the ground up---from the soles of
his feet right up to his head. Every inch of him has to play.

Some guys play with their heads. That’s okay. You’ve got to be smart to be #1 in any business. But, more
important, you’ve got to play with your heart—with every fiber of your body.

If you’re lucky enough to find a guy with a lot of head AND a lot of heart, you can bet that he’s never going
to come off the field second.”
                                                                                          Vince Lombardi
Only for players who have not already purchased one

                      Game Day T-Shirt Order Form


Shirt Size:__________________________

This form is only for the team member who did not purchase a shirt this summer.

If you participated in the summer workout program and have already purchased
one, you do not need to return this form.

Each athlete is expected to wear this shirt on every game day.

Cost: $10.00.
Make the checks payable to Chad Plummer.

**If you return this page, you have committed to pay for the
Monday      Aug. 16      Practice in helmet                  4:00-6:00
Tuesday     Aug. 17      Practice in helmet                  4:00-6:00
Wednesday   Aug. 18      Practice in helmet, shoulder pads   3:00-5:30
Thursday    Aug. 19      Practice in helmet, shoulder pads   3:00-5:30
Friday      Aug. 20      First day full contact              3:00-5:30
Saturday    Aug. 21      Practice                            9:00-11:30

Monday      Aug. 23      Practice                            3:00-5:30
Tuesday     Aug. 24      Practice                            3:00-5:30
Wednesday   Aug. 25      Practice                            3:00-5:30
Thursday    Aug. 26      Practice                            3:00-5:30
Friday      Aug. 27      Practice                            3:00-5:30
Saturday    Aug. 28      Practice                            9:00-11:30

Monday      Aug. 30      Practice                            3:00-5:15
Tuesday     Aug. 31      Practice                            3:00-5:15
Wednesday   Sept. 1      Practice                            3:00-5:15
Thursday    Sept. 2      Junction City (8th Away)            3:30
                                   (7th Home)
Friday      Sept. 3      Practice                            3:00-5:00

Monday      Sept.   6     Practice (No School Labor Day)     3:00-5:15
Tuesday     Sept.   7    Practice                            3:00-5:15
Wednesday   Sept.   8    Practice                            3:00-5:15
Thursday    Sept.   9    Washburn Rural (8th Away)           3:30
                                          (7th Home)
Friday      Sept. 10     Practice                            3:00-5:00

Monday      Sept.   13   Practice (8B Grade Chase County)    3:00-5:15 (Game 4:00)
Tuesday     Sept.   14   Practice                            3:00-5:15
Wednesday   Sept.   15   Practice                            3:00-5:15
Thursday    Sept.   16   Anthony (8th Home)                  3:30
                                (7th Away)
Friday      Sept. 17     Practice (Picture Day)              3:00-5:00

Monday      Sept.   20   Practice                            3:00-5:15
Tuesday     Sept.   21   Practice                            3:00-5:15
Wednesday   Sept.   22   Practice                            3:00-5:15
Thursday    Sept.   23   Seaman (8th Home)                   3:30
                                    (7th Away)
Friday      Sept. 24     Practice (No School)                9:00-11:15

Monday      Sept. 27     Practice                            3:00-5:15
Tuesday     Sept. 28     Practice                            3:00-5:15
Wednesday   Sept. 29     Practice                            3:00-5:15
Thursday    Sept. 30     Emporia (8th Home)                  3:30
                                   (7th Away)
Friday      Oct. 1       Practice                            3:00-5:00
Monday      Oct.   4   Practice                       3:00-5:15
Tuesday     Oct.   5   Practice                       3:00-5:15
Wednesday   Oct.   6   Practice                       3:00-5:15
Thursday    Oct.   7   Shawnee Heights (8th Home)     3:30
                                         (7th Away)
Friday      Oct. 8     Practice                       3:00-5:00

Monday      Oct. 11    Practice NO SCHOOL             3:00-5:00
Tuesday     Oct. 12    Fort Riley (8th Away)          4:00
                                     (7th Home)       3:30

Thursday    Oct. 13    Pad check-in                   3:00-4:00
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