2021 TG4 All-Ireland Championship Regulations - Ladies ...

Page created by Ruby Brooks
2021 TG4 All-Ireland Championship Regulations
Event Co-ordinator
An Event Co-ordinator will be appointed for each fixture and it shall be his/her duty to
report any breaches of these Regulations. The Event Co-ordinator shall include in their
report any relevant observations or breaches reported to them.

The Management Committee may also impose penalties for breaches of the Regulations
brought to its attention by members of the Management Committee.

Failure to respect the regulations and follow laid down procedures therein may lead to
disciplinary action as per the CODA Rules & Section 3 of this document being imposed on
individuals, teams or County Committee by the Management Committee of the LGFA.

1. Ground/Pitch Regulations

1.1 Ground Regulations shall apply to all venues considered suitable for Inter-County
competitions. They shall include procedures for entry to each ground, designated areas for
substitutes and Team Officials and shall be communicated to Teams along with the official
Clár an Lae.

1.2 The Clár an Lae shall also notify teams in advance of each game as to pre-match & half
time protocols, the assignation of dressing rooms, bib colours to be worn, etc.

1.3 Only those players named on the Official Team list (30 players) shall be allowed external
entry to venue and pitch Enclosure.

1.4 A maximum of 10 Team Officials, 2 County Officials (Chair and Secretary or their
nominee) and 1 Team Covid Supervisor shall be allowed entry to the controlled zone. The
controlled zone is defined as the dressing room and pitch-side area. All Team Officials and
substitutes must sit in the designated areas identified & must leave the field of play 3
minutes before the throw-in to go to the appropriate designated areas.

1.5 There shall be two designated areas for team personnel and officials:
      I. Bainisteoir’s zone in which seats for the Bainisteoir, Maor Fóirne and a Medic
           should be provided (see pitch layout on page 3);
     II.   A seated area for substitutes and all other permitted team officials. *

 * Exception: Where this designated area for substitutes & Team Officials are considerably
 removed from the sideline area and provides a practical difficulty for Team Managers in
 terms of consultation with backroom personnel (i.e. selectors or medics only), seats in an
 appropriate area recessed from the pitch enclosure (e.g. in the front row of the
 stand/viewing area or in a dugout) may be provided for a maximum of 4 additional
 personnel who must remain seated in this area at all times.

Seating for medics must ensure uninhibited access to the playing area at all times. Medics
may sit together in the designated area for substitutes or one medic may be positioned in
the Bainisteoir’s zone.

Where facilities in particular grounds do not permit for the specific arrangements outlined
above, alternative arrangements may be made in advance with the approval of the
Committee-in-Charge and communicated to the relevant units.

1.6 Where the National Anthem precedes a game, Teams shall stand to attention facing the
flag in a respectful manner and must be 2m apart.

1.7 Where applicable, the team captain shall lead the parade and only the 15 players
commencing the game as per official team list may march in the parade socially distanced, in
team jerseys & numerical order.

All other Players/Team Officials must vacate the pitch immediately after Amhrán na
bhFiann and go to their designated area on the sideline/dugout/stand as appropriate.
Tracksuits/Training tops shall not be worn during the parade.

Water bottles may be carried during the parade but team officials are not permitted to
approach players with water during the parade.

1.8 Teams must be registered with Karen Togher (karen.togher@lgfa.ie) not later than 12 pm
on the Wednesday before a weekend game, along with names of personnel who have access
to the controlled zone.

1.9 Players shall be numbered in accordance with the Official Programme and from 1 to 30 as
per Rule 331. An exception will be made only in the case of a valid withdrawal. Such
withdrawal shall be notified in advance of the commencement of the game to the Committee
in Charge 30 minutes before game.

1.10 The inclusion of A.N. Other is not permitted as per Rule 332.

1.11 Ball Girls/Boys or mascots are not permitted.
Pitch Lay out
2. Game Regulations

2.1 Match Officials
    • The Referee is in overall charge of Game Regulations and shall delegate authority to
      the Linespeople & Sideline Official; s/he shall include the 4th Official/ their match
      report as appropriate.
    • The Referee has the authority during the game to send any person in repeated
      breach of these Regulations to the stand/outside the pitch enclosure and such
      person cannot be replaced.

2.2 Controlled Zone Access
The following shall have access to the controlled zone. The controlled zone is defined as the
dressing room and pitch-side area.
    • The matchday panel will be limited to what is provided for in general rule: 30 players
        Only these players will be granted entry to the controlled zone.
    • A maximum of 10 additional backroom personnel will also be granted access, one of
        whom must be the female liaison officer.
    • In total 43 persons per county are permitted access to the controlled zone.
    • The ultimate composition of this number is at each county’s discretion but must
        contain the County Chairperson and Secretary (or their nominees from the county
        executive), the Team Covid Supervisor and the female liaison officer.
    • All officials with access to the controlled zone should be registered with Karen
        Togher (karen.togher@lgfa.ie) not later than 12 p.m. on Wednesday before a
        weekend game and also recorded on list with the team sheet which is supplied to the

2.3 Chairperson
    • Games and Ground regulations apply to all players and officials and adherence to the
       regulations is the responsibility of the County Chairperson.
    • In their absence, their responsibilities will pass to the Secretary/Nominated Person.
    • The Bainisteoir also shares the responsibility of ensuring the Games Regulations are
       respected by players and members of team management.

2.4 Secretary
    • The Secretary or Nominated Person shall relay details of substitutions to the Sideline

2.5 Bainisteoir
    • The Bainisteoir shall wear a designated distinctive top and is not permitted to enter
       the field of play and may move along the sideline from the 65m line to the 20m line
       as per the “Pitch Layout” on Page 4 of these Regulations.
    • The Bainisteoir may not act in any other capacity (e.g. as Maor Fóirne, etc.).
    • The Bainisteoir also shares the responsibility of ensuring the Games Regulations are
       respected by players and members of team management and can have their sideline
       privileges removed for any breaches by players and members of team management.
    • The Bainisteoir is not permitted to enter the field of play unless to attend to an
       injured player with the team medic/physio.
•   In the case of joint managers, only one is permitted to move along sideline at any

2.6 Maor Fóirne
    • The Maor Fóirne (who must be a Selector/Coach) must the wear official approved
      bib and may enter the field of play only through the area in front of the team's
      designated area, and only when the ball has gone out of play following a score,
      wide or during a break in play.
      A Break in Play
      A break in play is when the ball has gone out of play following a score or a wide or a
      stoppage in play called by the Referee for medical attention to an injured player. The
      taking of a free and/or sideline kick does not constitute as a break in play.

   •   They shall exit the field at the nearest point and return to his designated area
       without interfering with play or opposition personnel.
   •   The role of the Maor Fóirne is to deliver messages to players on their team and any
       disruption to the playing of the game, challenging the authority of the match
       officials, interference with opposing players, entry onto the field of play not at a time
       as listed above or breach of match regulations shall result in their removal from the
       pitch enclosure and they cannot be replaced for the remainder of the game,
       including Extra Time.
   •   The Maor Fóirne must not be a listed member of the Team panel
   •   The Maor Foirne may not act as a Water Carrier.

2.7 Selectors
    • Selectors must sit in their designated area.
    • Selectors may not act as Water Carriers and do not wear bibs.

2.8 Team Officials
Team Officials are not permitted to:
    • Remain on the opposite side of pitch to the dugouts
    • Interfere with play
    • Remain behind the goal area
    • Engage in any behaviour which is deemed by the Committee in Charge to interfere with
       the control of the game by Referee, Linesmen, Umpires and Sideline Official.

2.9 Medics
    • A maximum of two (2) Medical personnel shall be identified on the Officials list and
      shall sit in the areas designated in Ground Regulations; they shall wear clear
      identification which must not clash with the playing jerseys of either team and may
      only enter the field of play to attend to an injured player(s) on the instruction of the
    • When not attending to injured players, the Medical Personnel shall remain seated in
      the designated area on the sideline.
    • Selectors/Coaches cannot act as a medic person, without advance approval from
      Central Council
•   Medical personnel while performing their duties are required to wear PPE.
   •   The Referee is advised to delegate authority to the Linesperson to assist him/her in
       the event of an emergency i.e. serious injury on the field of play.

2.10 Water Breaks
   • One water break will take place between the 12th and 17th minute in each half, which
      the referee will signal for only when the ball has gone out of play following a score,
      wide or during a stoppage called by the Referee.
   • The breaks should last no longer than a minute, with players coming to the area in
      front of their team zone and using clearly marked Personal bottles, or Single-use
      bottles should be used for fluid intake.
   • The referee and any match day clocks shall be stopped for the duration of the water
      break. The Referee shall signal when they restart their watch.
   • Players are permitted to position their clearly marked Personal bottles or Single-use
      bottles around the outside of the pitch.
   • Maor Uisce are not permitted

2.11 Substitutes
   • Substitutes are not allowed a kick around at half-time.
   • A maximum of three substitutes wearing designated distinctive tops/bibs and
       without a football(s) may warm up on the sidelines at any one time on their
       designated half of the field.
   • Substitutes should not swap bibs or tops.

2.12 Media Interviews
   • Any Provincial/County Committee Official, Manager/Mentor or Players who make
      derogatory comments in relation to Games Officials before, during or after a game in
      interviews may be dealt with under the CODA Rules.
   • Team Official(s) or Designated Person(s) (as per the list supplied to the Match
      Referee prior to the game) may be subject to the withdrawal of side-line privileges
      for future games

2.13 Clár an Lae
   • Teams must enter the field of play at the times indicated on the Clár an Lae
   • A team taking the field late either before a game or after half time shall be subject to
       the penalties
   • Teams must line up to meet dignatries/ parade/ Amhrán na bhFiann at times
   • Any team causing delay to the start of either half of a game, or where extra time
       applies, will incur a fine

2.14 Distinctive Tops
   • If not wearing the official bib, the distinctive tops as listed above in relation to the
       Bainisteoir, shall not clash with the main colour of either team.
2.15 Matters not provided for
   • Matters not specifically provided for in these regulations shall be dealt with by the
      referee and the team of officials on the day, and then by Central Council when
      reported via either the Referee or Event Co-ordinator.

2.16 Covid-19 Guidelines
   • All players and officials should follow the guidelines issued by the Gaelic Games
       Covid Advisory Group as outlined in the Covid-19: Return to Training and Play
       Guidelines for Inter-County Teams document.

2.17 Extra – Time & Result on the Day
   • All games require a result on the day, including the All-Ireland Finals. Rules 363 and
       366 will apply where one period of Extra Time will be played followed by a point
       shoot-out from 30 metres.

2.18   Covid-19 Case Regulations
   •   Where a team is unable to field on the date of their fixture, due to a Covid-19
       case/cases and players identified as close contacts, the team will forfeit that game
3. Penalties

3.1 Penalties for breaches of Ground/Pitch/Game Regulations shall be at the discretion of
the Management Committee. These may include warnings, fines, the withdrawal of sideline
privileges for individuals as outlined in Part 2 of these regulations or suspension of
individuals as considered appropriate.

3.2 The Referee has the authority during the game to send any person in repeated breach of
these Regulations to the stand/outside the pitch enclosure and such person cannot be

3.3 The Bainisteoir shares the responsibility of ensuring the Games Regulations are
respected by players and members of team management and can have their sideline
privileges removed for any breaches by players and members of team management as
deemed appropriate by Committee-in-Charge.

3.4 Maximum fines for breaches of Ground/Pitch/Game Regulations and Clár an Lae:
High €700; Medium €500; Low €300 (for each reported breach).

3.5 Where Maor Fóirne privileges have been withdrawn, a replacement may not be
permitted; where an individual Maor Fóirne is suspended however, a replacement is
permitted to perform this role in future games.

3.6 Where Bainisteoir sideline privileges have been withdrawn the Bainisteoir will be
confined to a designated area as decided on by the Management Committee.

3.7 The frequency and gravity of reported breaches in each game shall be taken into account
by the Committee-in-Charge and may lead to next match penalties.

3.8 The misconduct of any Team Official shall be dealt with as per CODA Rules.

3.9 Individuals reported for unauthorised entry on to the field of play may be dealt with
under CODA Rules.
4. Player & Team Officials Covid-19 Guidelines

All players and officials should follow the guidelines issued by the Gaelic Games Covid
Advisory Group as outlined in the Covid-19: Return to Training and Play Guidelines for Inter-
County Teams document.

The following key points should be noted by Players & Team Officials to reduce risk and
maximise personal safety.
   • No handshakes before or after games
   • No spitting or nose-clearing
   • Team huddles should only take place where social distancing is observed
   • Use hand-sanitisers before and after every match
   • Players should use their own clearly marked water bottles
   • Interaction with opponents & match officials should be kept to a minimum after the
   • Minimise the time spent indoors

Players & team officials are reminded that any disciplinary breaches will be dealt with under
the CODA Rules.

Compression Garments
   • Players can wear compression tops once in same colour as county colours e.g. Cork
     are red and white so could be red or white. Players cannot wear compression shorts
     or leggings that show below shorts
  Compression tops cannot contain any sponsors name on sleeve unless it is the logo of:
     (a) The current sponsor as per the county jersey
     (b) The LGFA licensee,
     (c) LGFA
     (d) The county name/crest

5. Regulations for Group Stages

5.1 In group stages 3 points for a win

5.2 Result on the day for all games, including the All-Ireland Quarter-finals, Semi-finals and
the Finals. If teams are level after full time one period of extra time will be played followed
by a 30m shoot out as per rule.

Rule 366
In exceptional circumstances, the Organising Committee, Board or Council may instruct
teams to play One Period of Extra Time followed by a point shoot-out from 30 metres. The
kicks must be taken between the two posts and from where indicated by the referee. In the
case of Under 14 competitions and below, the point shoot-out shall be from the 20 metre
Only players who are remaining on the field of play at the end of Extra Time are eligible to
take the kicks. Each team shall take 5 kicks at point scoring. If the scores are still tied after
each team has taken their 5 kicks, sudden death procedure shall follow, using different
players, until such time as there is a winner.
The ball must go directly over the crossbar, off the crossbar and over, or off the uprights and
over the crossbar, to be counted as a point. A ball that hops in front of the goal and goes
over the bar shall not be counted as a point.
Any player that crosses the 20/30m mark while kicking for a point shall have her score

The referee shall add the points scored by both teams in the shoot-out to the scores at the
end of Extra Time in reporting the final score. Extra Time shall consist of 10 minutes each

5.3 Games against any team that gave a walkover during the group stages are disregarded in
score difference

5.4 If teams finish on equal points in the group tables

Where teams finish with equal points in a group table, the final placings shall be decided by
the following means and in the order specified:

        (i)        Where two teams only are involved, the placing will be determined as
                   follows and in the order specified:

               a. The outcome of the head to head game between the two teams concerned
                  will determine the placings.

        (ii)     Where more than two teams are level on points the following shall apply:
               a. The placing will be decided by score difference i.e. score remaining when all
                  scores for team throughout the group games are added together (points will
                  have a value of one whilst goals will have a value of three) and all scores
                  conceded are subtracted from that number.
               b. Should the score difference between the three teams concerned have
                  finished the same the team that finishes in the higher position will be the
                  team that registered the highest number of points i.e. scores converted over
                  the bar, during the course of the group games
               c. Should any teams still remain level after score difference and the highest
                  number of points, the outcome of the head to head game between the two
                  teams concerned will determine the placings.
6. Relegation Regulations

6.1 TG4 All-Ireland Senior Championship
    • After all group games are completed, the teams who finish bottom of each group, in
       accordance with the Championship Regulations, will participate in the relegation
    • A winner on the day for all relegation games. If teams are level after full time one
       period of extra time will be played followed by a 30m shoot out as per rule.
    • One team will be relegated in 2021

   •   Format for the Senior Relegation Playoffs will be as follows:

          o Two Relegation Qualifiers will take place:

              Relegation Qualifier 1:        4th place Group A     v      3rd place Group C

              Relegation Qualifier 2:        3rd place Group B     v      3rd place Group D

          o The losers of the qualifier games will play in the relegation playoff

          o The loser of the relegation playoff will be relegated to TG4 Intermediate
            Championship for 2022

          o 21st/22nd August:        Relegation Qualifier 1 & 2    Neutral venue
          o 28th August:             Relegation Playoff            Neutral venue

6.2 TG4 All Ireland Ladies Intermediate Championship
    • After all group games are completed, the teams who finish bottom of each group, in
       accordance with the Championship Regulations, will participate in the relegation
    • A winner on the day for all relegation games. If teams are level after full time one
       period of extra time will be played followed by a 30m shoot out as per rule.
    • One team will be relegated in 2021

   •   Format for the Relegation Playoffs will be as follows:

          o Two Relegation Qualifiers will take place:

              Relegation Qualifier 1:        4th place Group A     v      3rd place Group C

              Relegation Qualifier 2:        3rd place Group B     v      3rd place Group D

          o The losers of the qualifier games will play in the relegation playoff

          o The loser of the relegation playoff will be relegated to TG4 Junior
            Championship for 2022

          o 21st/22nd August:        Relegation Qualifier 1 & 2    Neutral venue
o 28th August:   Relegation Playoff   Neutral venue
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