Duluth High School Band - WELCOME TO THE FAMILY!

Page created by Glenn Hansen
Duluth High School Band - WELCOME TO THE FAMILY!
Duluth High School Band
Duluth High School Band - WELCOME TO THE FAMILY!


   Voting on new Booster Board members
        President: Carmen Gilley
        Co-Vice Presidents: Lauren Bischof and Valerie Dubreuil Bussey
        Co-Treasurers: Woody Woods and Rachel Holbrook
        Co-Secretaries: Shannon Simpson and Debbie Johnson
   Budget update: development is still in progress; once the budget is
    complete it will be made available for all DHSBBA members
Duluth High School Band - WELCOME TO THE FAMILY!
Duluth High School Band - WELCOME TO THE FAMILY!
Meet Mrs. Groves
Duluth High School Band - WELCOME TO THE FAMILY!
Mission Statement

The Duluth Band is a supportive family dedicated to
giving students positive experiences through music.
  We work in a structured environment to practice
  excellence which carries outside the classroom.
Duluth High School Band - WELCOME TO THE FAMILY!
What is high school band?

      Concert Band (curricular ensembles)
      Marching Band (includes Color Guard)
                       Winter Guard
                   Honor Ensembles
                       Pit Orchestra
               And so much more….
What is high school
   Make friends that last a lifetime
   Learn skills that translate to other classes,
    college, and careers
        Time management
        Personal responsibility
        Punctuality
        Teamwork
        Leadership
   Make memories and be a part of
    something bigger than yourself!
Band Classes

   Sorted by level of music played, NOT by student’s grade

   Symphonic Band (Intermediate level)
   Wind Symphony (Advanced level)
   Wind Ensemble (Mastery level)
   Percussion Ensemble (all percussionists in the program, regardless of level)
DHS Bell Schedule
(1) AP Music Theory (elective)

(2) Wind Symphony

(3) Wind Ensemble

(4) Symphonic Band

(5) Percussion Ensemble

(6) Lunch/Advising

(7) Planning
Daily Class

   We see everyone every day!
   ALWAYS have:
        Your instrument in good playing condition
        Your music
        A pencil
   See “Concert Band Packet” for the
    necessary equipment list for each

   Still playing the same instrument you’ve had
    since 6th Grade? Consider upgrading!
Daily Class

Typical Class Agenda

   5 minutes:       Check board, assemble instrument, find seat, individual
   20 minutes:      Fundamentals & Exercises
   25 minutes:      Music
   4 minutes:       Pack up

   54 minute class periods
Instrument Rental

   Oboe, Bassoon, Bass Clarinet, Tenor Sax, Bari
    Sax, Horn, Bass Trombone, Euphonium, and
   $30 per semester/$60 per year
   No rental fee for Marching Instruments
    (mellophone, sousaphone only)

   No student is ever denied participation based
    on financial need – just talk to the director to
Concerts and Performances

   Fall Cluster Concert                      All students are expected to stay for whole
        Combined with Duluth & Coleman
                                               duration of high school concert
         Middle School Bands                  Concert Attendance is 25% of semester grade
        Only Wind Ensemble will perform           Each concert is a test grade
   Winter Concert – all groups                    50% at beginning, 50% at check out
   Pre-LGPE – all groups
   LGPE – all groups
   Spring Concert – all groups

See calendar for dates!
Concert Attire

   “Concert Black”
       All black, no exceptions
       Professional Attire
       Long sleeves may be
        rolled up
       Tie, vest, belt, bracelet,
        earrings, watches, all
        optional, as long as they
        are black
Performing Arts in Gwinnett County

     Performing Arts are Co-Curricular
          Meaning they cannot occur only within the confines of the class period
     Attendance at after school rehearsals and performances are for a grade
      and contribute to the final semester grade average for the class
     Rehearsals and Concerts will be outlined in your ensemble’s syllabus at the
      beginning of the year

Percussion Ensemble students’ rehearsal schedule will vary depending on part assignments.
                 Ample notice will be given prior to required rehearsals.
Band Class Dues

   We are barely funded by the school
        We do not charge admission to concerts
        Music, instrument equipment, special instruments, chairs/stands, resources, recordings (of us), folders, supplemental

   $90 per school year
        Parallel with DHS Chorus and DHS Orchestra
        Due August 12th (First week of School)
        Will see a billing on CHARMS on July 1st

   Online payments are safest, most secure, and timely
        Through Charms

   Cash, check, money order can be brought in – Made out to DHSBBA with student’s name in memo line
        To lock-box in band room
www.dhsbba.org                       www.charmsoffice.com

     Band website – CALENDAR – Pictures         Online database management
Band Booster contact info – Relevant Links      ALL EMAILS COME THROUGH CHARMS

Travel Opportunities
   Every-other year the band takes a trip!
   Performance trip (combined with Orchestra) to
    Disney World & Universal Studios Orlando

   Unfortunately, this year will not be a trip year…
                                                              This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA
        COVID-19 uncertainties, financial hardships
        Orchestra rescheduled their international trip

         We will resume in 2022, joined with
              orchestra AND chorus!!

I know many of you were looking forward to this trip this
 year… we will still do a fun day trip/activity open to all
       members this year, just on a smaller scale!
                                                                                    This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA
Additional Opportunities

   Winter Guard          Pit Orchestra
Honor Ensembles

   Curricular (offered through the band program for interested/selected students):
        GMEA District Honor Band
        GMEA All-State Band & All-State Jazz Band
        JanFest

   Extra-curricular (off-site, audition-based enrichment ensembles):
        Rialto Youth Jazz Orchestra
        MAYWE (Metropolitan Atlanta Youth Wind Ensemble)
        AYWS (Atlanta Youth Symphony)
        And many other options!!

*Email a director if you need more information about audition for an extra-curricular honor ensemble!
   Largest Extra-Curricular Activity on

Marching Band      Perform at all Varsity football games
                   Competitive
                   Season: July-November
Marching Band Sections – Winds & Perc

Woodwinds                        Brass                              Percussion
Flute, Clarinet, Bass            Trumpet, Horn (Mellophone),        Battery: Snare, Tenors, Bass drum
Clarinet, Alto Sax, Tenor        Trombone, Baritone, Tuba
                                                                    Front Ensemble, mallets, auxiliary
Sax, Baritone Sax                (Sousaphone)
                                                                    (rack), optional synth, drum set

       *All students above must be registered for a band class to be eligible for marching band!
Marching Band Sections – Color Guard

Flags                   Rifle/Sabre                Dance
    *All color guard       **No experience         ***Color guard students
members must audition   required – we will teach   do not need to enroll in
to become a member        you everything you            a band class.
of the marching band!       need to know!!
Student Leadership Opportunities

                                    Those who wish to be on the
  Marching Band students have
                                     leadership team will APPLY,
 the unique opportunity to learn
                                      and be selected based on        2020-2021 Leadership Team
    amazing leadership skills –
                                   application and qualifications.   will be announced the week of
     whether selected as a
                                     When possible, students will                May 18!
   member of the leadership
                                    also go through an interview
          team or not!
   Here you can find
    band calendar for the
    entire 2020-2021 school
   We do our best to NOT
    make changes to
    these dates…               Sync this to your personal
   …But if it’s needed,               calendar!
    advanced notice will
    be given as soon as
    possible for any date
June = DHS Band Family Vacation Month!
Date         Event                                        Time

      Marching                     July 9-10
                                   July 9-10
                                                Color Guard & Percussion Rehearsals
                                                TBD – Leadership meeting, uniform fittings
         Band                      July 13-16   Band Camp Week 1                             8a-6:15p

       Summer                      July 20-24   Band Camp Week 2                             8a-6:15p
                                   July 24      Friends & Family Preview Night!              6-6:30p
     Rehearsals                    Aug. 6       First “regular season” rehearsal             3-6:15p
                                   Aug-Nov      Rehearsals every Tues/Thurs                  3-6:15p

We are currently planning for a “regular season” until we are notified of any alterations by
 the school or county. Should this schedule change, you will be notified immediately!
Attendance Policy

   You can find the entire policy here:
   In summary…
       Attendance is required at all summer, band camp, and regular season
        rehearsals (essentially, everything listed on the calendar for MB)
       Attendance is mandatory at all performances – students are not to leave early
        from a performance without prior approval of extenuating circumstance
       There is no “bench” in marching band! Everyone plays the entire time, thus
        every individual is 100% NECESSARY all the time!
Volunteering – WE NEED YOUR HELP!

   Concert Ushers                                            We ask every family to
                                                              volunteer for at least 2
   LGPE Chaperone
   DHSBBA Executive Board member
   ALL: Moving equipment back to band room after concerts!      Volunteer FAQ:
                                                                   Click here
   Marching Band Specific:
       Uniform fittings & alterations
       Chaperoning! Band camp, football games, Saturdays
       Concessions at home football games
       Equipment crew (pit crew/roadies) for performances
       Prop/Construction crew
       Band Camp Lunch prep/serve
Marching Band Dues

                        Why do we have dues for Marching Band?
                             Instruction (band camp, colorguard, percussion)
                             Uniform-related expenses (cleaning, repair,
                             Half-time show music
                             Half-time show drill
                             Contest entry fees
                             T-shirts
                             Color guard expenses
                             Band trailer (maintenance, tag fees, gas)
                             Band Camp
                             First Aid
Total: $550
                                              $75 Deposit – Due May 15
                                                   Non-refundable
           Marching                           $200 – Due June 5
          Band Dues                           $275 – Due July 3
                                                   In the event a portion of our season is
                                                    postponed or cancelled, we will evaluate
                                                    remaining financial need and issue refunds
                                                    as determined by the DHSBBA and director.

                                Please pay only the deposit at this time!
We normally welcome anyone who wants to pay all dues upfront, but due to our current uncertainties regarding
                            summer, it’s best to only pay the deposit now.
Depending on your year in marching
             band, you may also need the following

Additional   Prices are estimates, and official orders
Marching     will be taken at a later date.

 Expenses       Marching Shoes: $40
                Gloves: $5
                Color Guard – possible equipment
                 and attire expenses est. $75
How to Pay Fees

   Online payments are safest, most secure, and timely
       Through CHARMS (www.charmsoffice.com) – instructions found here:

   Check or money order – made out to DHSBBA with student’s name written
    in memo line – mailed to DHSBBA P.O. Box 1391 Duluth, GA 30096

   When school is in session… cash/check/money order can be brought to band
    room  only drop off in lock box, never hand to a director!
Marching Band Registration

Everything can be found here: http://bit.ly/DHSBandLinks
   Online Form – sent out via Email to students and parents
        One registration per member
        Please review documents ahead of time
        Have contact information and student medical information available
        Sign-up to volunteer!
   CHARMS – serves two purposes!
        Update your contact information – ESPECIALLY EMAIL ADDRESS
        Make your $75 deposit payment to reserve your spot!
Marching Band – Required Forms

No additional forms are required… yet.
   Eventually, your student will need to have a current physical on file
   Pending updates from the DHS Athletic Department, other forms (like
    social media waiver, transportation release, etc.) may also be required

When we know more, you will know more – and we will give ample
time to get any necessary forms completed!
www.dhsbba.org                        www.charmsoffice.com

  Band website – CALENDAR – Pictures           Online database management
Band Booster contact info – Relevant Links   ALL EMAILS COME THROUGH CHARMS

                            you for

Questions? Email DuluthHSBand@gmail.com
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