2021 PRLAEF ProStart Culinary Competition

Page created by Vincent Richards
2021 PRLAEF ProStart Culinary Competition

Teams exhibit their culinary knowledge, skills, and creative abilities during the
competition through demonstration of skills and the preparation of a unique three-
course meal consisting of (i) a starter; (ii) an entrée; and (iii) a dessert. Performance
during the Culinary event is observed and rated by judges from the foodservice industry
and post-secondary schools. Teams demonstrate their ability to work together while
creating and presenting their meal. Participation reinforces the skills and knowledge
learned from the ProStart program and the “Foundations of Restaurant Management
and Culinary Arts” curriculum.

Uniform Requirement: A chef coat with hat.
   • Teams must present a uniform appearance from beginning to end of video
      presentation and during feedback sessions.
          o Checkered or black pants
          o Non-porous, closed toe, non-slip hard sole black shoes
Role of the Optional Team Manager
   • In the Culinary competition, the team manager may replace an original team
      member if a member is injured or unable to participate or continue.
          o If a team member cannot participate or continue, the PRLAEF will need to
             be notified prior to video submission of this change of team members.
          o The replaced team member may not return/step in for the team manager.
   • The team manager may be the designated individual to film the student
      competitors and should be designated as such with the PRLAEF.
   • The team manager is considered a part of the team and may not have any verbal
      or non-verbal communication with the educator during the filming sessions.
   • The team manager is an optional position; there are no additional provisions for
      teams without a team manager.

Format & Scoring
1. The competition will be based on two components: written proposal and video
2. Scoring Rubric is being determined and will be shared with competing teams.
3. In case of a tie: the tying teams will each be interviewed by a panel of judges for
   further insights into their performance. Teams will be asked questions to be
   answered verbally about the methods, preparation, and presentation of their meal.
   Judges will discuss and make a group determination as to the ranking of final
Menu Planning and Preparation for Culinary Competition- written & video
Each team develops a unique three-course meal. Menu items will be photographed and
presented to the judges for review.
      • The menu consists of:
                i. A starter (such as soup, salad, or appetizer)
               ii. An entrée consisting of:
                      1. Center of the plate item
                      2. Accompaniments such as vegetable or starch
                      3. Sauce
              iii. A dessert
2. Each team will prepare their a three-course meal, garnished, and served
   appropriately for photographs. The plates will be evaluated by the judges for
   presentation, and teams will present a self-evaluation of the menu items to the
3. Teams will prepare their menu items to be recorded and submitted for evaluation.
      • two cooking methods should be deployed from the following list: Poach,
           Shallow Poach, Braise, Pan Fry, Steam, and Sauté. (detailed in production
4. Teams will use ingredients necessary to prepare the menu they have developed in
   their school kitchens.
5. Students will be recorded presenting their menu to the judges, team members
   preparing and cooking menu items, and a final self-evaluation of their dishes.
      • This video recording should include visual and oral description of skills
           necessary for successful completion of the meal component being shown.
           The individual can ask questions of the team member to assist with the
           presentation of cooking skills. (30 minutes of recorded cooking)
      • Please send designated individual who will be recording the team. The team
           manager can be the designated individual to film the team.
6. Educator and Mentor participation:
      • May assist teams in preparing for the competition.
      • May not develop the menu.
      • Expertise is limited to menu suggestions and technique advice.

Workspace and Equipment
7. The workspace will be the teams’ school kitchen and resources available within this
8. Team must provide:
      • All necessary supplies to prepare the food they have selected, such as small
          utensils, cutting boards, small hand tools, cookware, gloves, enough cloths
          for competition and clean-up.
Menu and Recipe Written Proposal
1. Each team will prepare an electronic file with the team’s school name clearly shown
   on the cover page. See Exhibit A for Deliverables Checklist. The file must contain a
   copy of:
   a. Recipes: all recipes for the meal presentation, typed and submitted on the official
      recipe template. Acknowledgements and sources must be listed on each recipe
      and must be written in a logical sequence. See Exhibit B for Recipe example.
   b. Recipe Costing: all recipe costing sheets for the meal presentation. Recipe cost
      must be calculated for each individual recipe, typed, and submitted on the official
      costing template. See Exhibit C for Recipe Cost example.
           • Small amounts of common dry spices and herbs may be priced at 1% of
              the total recipe cost.
           • Oil for frying may be priced at 2% of the total recipe cost.
   c. Menu Pricing: one menu price worksheet for each of the three courses, based
      on the recipe costs and calculated at a 33% food cost percentage. See Exhibit D
      for Menu Price example.
           • Each course on the presentation menu is priced separately.
           • Menu price on the presentation menu may be rounded up after applying
              the 33% food cost percentage for a more realistic menu price.
           • Final calculation before rounding must be indicated on costing template.
           • Total menu price for the three-course meal may not exceed $75.00 after
              applying the 33% food cost percentage.
   d. Color Plate Photographs: a color photo size- 8 ½ x 11 of each plate– one photo
      per page. Final plates presented to the judges are compared to the photos
   e. Knife Skills form indicating the selected cuts, ingredient used, and dish to be
      utilized. See Exhibit E for Knife Skills example.
   f. Menu with prices: a simple, typed menu with menu prices
   g. Product inventory list for meals to be prepared.
   h. Create production timelines for Mise en Place and Cooking of meals
           • Timeline will detail how your team would execute Mise en Place and the
              cooking of each menu item during competition.
           • Highlight timing and contributions of each team members.
   i. Safety and Sanitation standards for your school kitchen (1 page)
           • Detail cleaning standards, kitchen organization & certifications
           • Discuss the flow of food in your kitchen, proper storage & temp control
2. Written report files are due to the PRLAEF no later than 4PM EST, on Friday
   April 2, 2021. Files can be sent to: hsterner@prla.org. Please title the email
   “ProStart Culinary Competition Report from school name”.
3. Recipe, Recipe Costing, Menu Price, and Knife Skills templates will be sent out to
   the teams.
Competition Video Flow

                    Team & Menu Introduction (5-8 Minutes)
         Cook (30 Minutes of footage)- Highlight knife cuts during video footage
         Plate Presentation & Team Self Evaluation of plates (10 Minutes)

1. Feedback sessions will be scheduled in April with the judges after videos have been
2. Team members are encouraged to ask questions during Feedback to learn from the
3. Educator and mentor can be present to observe only during feedback sessions.
   Note: Communication with the team is still prohibited.

Team & Menu Introduction
Team will present their menu to the judges via a video recording.
During this time, students can anticipate:
      • Telling what each team member is charged with executing
      • Describing their three-course meal
      • Explaining how they designed their unique menu

Production Mise en Place
1. Mise en Place will not be recorded and can be completed prior to recording the
   team cooking the meals.
2. A production plan for Mise en Place must be submitted with electronic proposal. This
   plan should detail what was prepared prior to filming and which team members were
   involved with the preparation of items. Note: Judges will review this plan while
   reviewing the video footage.
3. Please do not pre-cook any items prior to the recording.

Meal Production
1. A detailed production plan will be submitted with the electronic proposal and should
   detailed the flow of preparing and cooking the menu items, timing for each item and
   each team members contribution towards the creation of the meal.
2. Team members will cook their menu items in their school kitchen. The objective
   during the recording is to show knife skills, cooking techniques, teamwork, and an
   oral description of skills necessary for successful completion of the meal component
   being shown.
     a. Be sure to record all team members and menu items being prepared.
     b. Team members need to be prepared to speak to the cooking technique being
         used for the specific menu item and walk through the steps for preparing their
         part of the meal.
c. Think of the recording as if you were on TV and demonstrating this meal for
        others to prepare.
3. Knife cuts specified should be displayed and recorded for the judges to review.
   A knife skills form will be submitted prior with the electronic proposal and should
   identify the selected cuts, ingredient used and dish to be utilized.
4. Presentation dishes can be prepared prior to filming the cooking portion. These
   dishes will be used for the self-evaluation session. The team does not need to
   complete the meals during the recording of cooking but can if they want. The
   cooking recording is being used to show the teams’ skill and performance.

Plate Presentation & Self-Evaluation
Teams will create a video of their final dishes and give an oral self-evaluation of the
completed meals to the judges.
     a. Starter: detail flavors, texture, temperature, colors, and shapes of starter. Be
        prepared to describe how items complement each other and how they
        complement the total meal.
     b. Entrée: detail flavors, texture, temperature, colors, and shapes of entree. Be
        prepared to describe how items complement each other and how they
        complement the total meal.
     c. Dessert: detail flavors, texture, temperature, colors, and shapes of dessert. Be
        prepared to describe how items complement each other and how they
        complement the total meal.
     d. There should not be a major variance in composition of the finished plates vs
        the submitted pictures with the electronic proposal.
5. Judges will evaluate submitted proposal and recording. Feedback sessions will be
   scheduled later in the month with the teams and judges.

Video Recording
1. The recording will be due with the electronic proposal on April 2, 2021. Please
   submit a link to the video submission via You Tube, Vimeo, or Google Drive.
2. Your submitted video will be three segments: team & menu introduction, cooking
   session, and plate presentation & self-evaluation session.
3. The three segments can be submitted in separate files, but the cooking session
   must be a 30-minute continuous stream with no editing. Penalty points will be
   assessed if the file is found to be edited.

Event Personnel
1. PRLAEF staff
2. Judges from post-secondary education and the restaurant and foodservice industry,
   including one lead official. Lead official does not score teams.
3. All judges will be consistent from team to team (i.e. judges scoring team
   presentation/work skills will be responsible for that category across all competitors)
4. Judges will be consistent from team to team and cover the following categories.

Post Competition
Results of the competition will be announced after all feedback sessions have been
Exhibit A – Culinary
                               Deliverables Checklist

                             Electronic proposal contains
                  Please be sure to separate each section with dividers.

       □ School Name on cover
       □ Menu with Prices (simple typed menu 8 ½ x 11)
       □ Knife Skills form; typed on official template
       □ Plate Photographs
            A separate color photograph for each course
            Photographs printed on 8 ½ x 11 pages

       □ Recipes; typed on official template
       □ Recipe costing sheets; typed on official template
       □ Menu Price Sheets; typed on official templates
       □    Mise en Place production plan

       □    Cooking production plan

       □    Safety and sanitation standards & procedures in school kitchen
Exhibit B – Culinary
                                               Recipe Example
Culinary teams must complete this form and submit with electronic proposal.

  School Name                   Awesome State
  Educator Name                 Chef Jane Doe

  Menu Item                     Ratatouille
  Number of Portions            6                               Portion Size     5 ounces
  Cooking Method(s)             Sauté
                                Lagasse, E. (n.d.) Retrieved from
  Recipe Source

                                Item                                                  Amount
  Olive oil                                                        ¼c
  Yellow onion, small dice                                         1½c
  Garlic, minced                                                   1 tsp
  Eggplant, medium dice                                            2c
  Thyme                                                            ½ tsp
  Green bell pepper, diced                                         1c
  Red bell pepper, diced                                           1c
  Zucchini squash, diced                                           1c
  Yellow squash, diced                                             1c
  Tomatoes, peeled, seeded, and chopped                            1½c
  Basil, chiffonade                                                1 tbsp
  Parsley, chopped                                                 1 tbps
  Salt and black pepper                                            TT

              Set a large 12-inch sauté pan over medium heat and add the olive oil.
              Once hot, add the yellow onions and garlic to the pan.
              Cook the onions, stirring occasionally, until they are wilted and lightly caramelized, about 5 to 7

              Remainder of procedures…
Exhibit C – Culinary

                                                      Recipe Cost Example

            Culinary teams must complete this form and submit with electronic proposal.

              School Name               Awesome State
              Educator Name             Chef Jane Doe
              Menu Item                 Ratatouille
              Number of Portions        6                            Portion Size    5 ounces

    Ingredient            Purchase Unit        Purchase cost        Unit cost        Amount Needed   Ingredient Cost

Olive oil             51 oz / 6.375 c        $16.79             $2.634 / cup         ¼ cup           $0.658
Yellow onion,
                      1 lb / 4 cup           $1.40              $0.35 / cup          1 ½ cup         $0.525
small dice
Garlic, minced        1 head                 $0.50              $0.10 / tsp          1 tsp           $0.100
Eggplant, medium
                      1 lb / 3 cup           $2.05              $0.683 / cup         2 cup           $1.367
Thyme                 1 bunch / 18 tsp       $2.09              $0.116 / tsp         ½ tsp           $0.058
Green bell
                      1 lb / 4 cup           $2.30              $0.575 / cup         1 cup           $0.575
pepper, diced
Red bell pepper,
                      1 lb / 4 cup           $1.07              $0.268 / cup         1 cup           $0.268
Zucchini squash,
                      1 lb / 2.5 cup         $1.93              $0.772 / cup         1 cup           $0.772
Yellow squash,
                      1 lb / 2.5 cup         $1.93              $0.772 / cup         1 cup           $0.772
peeled, seeded,       1 lb / 2 cup           $2.40              $1.20 / cup          1 ½ cup         $1.80
and chopped
Basil, chiffonade     1 bunch / 1 cup        $1.54              $0.096 / tbsp        1 tbsp          $0.096

Parsley, chopped      1 bunch / ½ cup        $0.53              $0.066 / tbsp        1 tbsp          $0.066

                                                                      Subtotal                   $7.057
                                                                      1 % for small amounts of
                                                                      spices (Q Factor)
                                                                      Total Recipe Cost          $7.128
                                                                      Portion Cost               $1.188
Exhibit D – Culinary

                                       Menu Price Example

Culinary teams must complete this form and submit with electronic proposal.

  School Name              Awesome State
  Educator Name            Chef Jane Doe

  Menu Category                X   Starter                  Entree                 Dessert

                                 Recipe                                          Portion Cost
  Ratatouille                                                           $1.188

  Couscous (from additional recipe and costing sheets)                  $0.972

  Garnish (from additional recipe and costing sheets)                   $0.127

                                          Total Plate Portion Cost               $2.287
                                          Menu Price at 33% Food Cost            $6.930
                                          Actual Price on Menu                   $9.00
Exhibit E – Culinary

                                    Knife Skills Example

Culinary teams must complete this form and submit with electronic proposal.

  School Name            Awesome State
  Educator Name          Chef Jane Doe

  #         Cut              Ingredient          Dish Featured

  1   Batonnet           Sweet Potato        Entrée

  2   Chiffonade         Basil               Starter

  3   Medium Dice        Eggplant            Starter

  4   Rondelle           Banana              Dessert

         Cuts must be demonstrated on fruits, vegetables, or herbs only.
               i. Rondelle: ¼” thick disc shaped slices
              ii. Diagonal: ¼” thick oval shaped slices
             iii. Batonnet: Cut into long, thin, rectangular pieces ¼” x ¼” x 2”
             iv. Julienne: Cut into long, thin, rectangular pieces. 1/8” x 1/8” x 2”
              v. Large Dice: Cube shaped ¾” x ¾” x ¾”
             vi. Medium Dice: Cube shaped ½” x ½” x ½”.
            vii. Small Dice: Cube shaped ¼” x ¼ “x ¼”
            viii. Brunoise: Very small dice. 1/8” x 1/8” x 1/8”
             ix. Paysanne: Square cut ½” x ½” x 1/8”
              x. Chiffonade: Leafy green vegetables such as spinach or basil that are
                  stacked, rolled tightly, and then cut into long thin strips. Approximate
                  width is 1/8”.
             xi. Tourne: football shape, ¾” diameter, 2” long, seven equal sides and
                  flat ended
DISQUALIFICATION                                   PENALTY
Reason for Disqualification:                       Reason for Penalty:
                                                   _____ Video cooking session is found to be edited. 1
_____ Team received coaching during the event.

_____ Team did not show all meals being prepared   _____ Team did not arrive at proper time for feedback
during the cooking segment.                        session. 1 point

                                                   _____ Team did not submit all required items for
_____ Team did not compete in each segment.
                                                   electronic proposal at the submittal deadline. 2 points

                                                   _____ Team did not specify knife cuts to be used in final
____ Pre-cooked any items during Mise en Place
                                                   plates. 2 points

                                                   ____ All team members do not participate in team
                                                   introduction or cooking segment. 2 points
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