Drägersorb 400 ind Drägersorb 400 ind absorbent for acidic gases, e.g carbon dioxide (CO2), in industrial and laboratory filters with indicator ...

Page created by Stanley Morgan
Drägersorb 400 ind Drägersorb 400 ind absorbent for acidic gases, e.g carbon dioxide (CO2), in industrial and laboratory filters with indicator ...
Drägersorb® 400 ind

Drägersorb 400 ind absorbent for acidic gases, e.g carbon
dioxide (CO2), in industrial and laboratory filters with indicator.

Dräger soda lime is a range of products with    The unique pellet shape provides low

a long tradition that are developed in line     resistance and longer usage periods. Only
with their applications.                        a uniform shape ensures an even filling
                                                of the cartridge resulting in reproducible
This development results in absorbents that     CO2 absorption.
match perfectly with these conditions and
represent state-of-the art technology.          The extensive inner surface of the pellet
                                                allows a high absorption capacity of acidic
DRÄGERSORB 400 IND                              gases.
With Drägersorb 400 ind Dräger offers a
high-quality soda lime for the absorption       In addition, the hemispherical pellet shape
of carbon dioxide (CO2) in industrial appli-    has a high resistance to abrasion and

cations where an indicator is needed,           thereby reduces dust formation.
including air ventilation systems for waste
water plants and cooling water systems          Modern production lines guarantee high
(deionised water).                              product quality that meets the latest
                                                                                                                            Drägersorb® 400 ind
                                                market requirements.                                                        4.5 kg and 18 kg canister
The Drägersorb 400 ind features a color
indicator which e.g. with CO2 will change
from white to violet, the external signal for
the replacement of soda lime.
Drägersorb 400 ind Drägersorb 400 ind absorbent for acidic gases, e.g carbon dioxide (CO2), in industrial and laboratory filters with indicator ...


                                                                                                                                                            90 46 670 | 03.10-1 | Marketing Communications | PR | LE | Printed in Germany | Chlorine-free – environmentally compatible | Subject to modifications | © 2010 Dräger Safety AG & Co. KGaA
Name                                                                                                                                            Order No.
Drägersorb 400 ind                                    4.5 kg soda lime (canister)                                                               67 37 975
                                                       18 kg soda lime (canister)                                                               67 39 010
                                                      125 kg soda lime (keg) (only on special request)                                          67 37 079


Composition                                            calcium hydroxide, alkali hydroxide, ethylviolet, water
Shape                                                  hemispherical pellet
Color                                                  white
Indicator:                                             white to violet (CO2)
Grain size                                             Ø approx. 4 mm, ISO 3310: 2 to 4 mm, ASTM E11: 5 to 10 No
Water content                                          (16 +/- 2) %
Density                                                (830 +/- 100) g/L
Hardness                                               ≥ 75.0 %
CO2 absorption capacity                                ≥ 25 w % according to USP 27
                                                       equal ≥ 120 L CO2/kg*
                                                       *depending on the operation parameters and the absorption system
Storage temperature                                    -30 to +50 °C
Dimensions ( L x W x H rounded)                        195 x 170 x 260 mm                 290 x 270 x 450 mm        610 x 610 x 883 mm
Weight                                                 4.5 kg                             18 kg                     125 kg

HEADQUARTERS                      SUBSIDIARIES               P. R. CHINA                        MEXICO                           SPAIN
Dräger Safety AG & Co. KGaA                                  Beijing Fortune Draeger Safety     Draeger Safety S.A. de C.V.      Draeger Safety
Revalstrasse 1                    AUSTRALIA                  Equipment Co., Ltd.                Av. Peñuelas No. 5               Hispania S.A.
23560 Lübeck, Germany             Draeger Safety Pacific     A22 Yu An Rd, B Area,              Bodega No. 37                    Calle Xaudaró 5
                                  Pty. Ltd.                  Tianzhu Airport Industrial Zone    Fraccionamiento Industrial       28034 Madrid
www.draeger.com                   Axxess Corporate Park      Shunyi District,                   San Pedrito, Querétaro           Tel +34 91 728 34 00
                                  Unit 99, 45 Gilby Road     Beijing 101300                     Qro México                       Fax +34 91 729 48 99
                                  Mt. Waverley. Vic 3149     Tel +86 10 80 49 80 00             Tel +52 442 246-1113
                                  Tel +61 3 92 65 50 00      Fax +86 10 80 49 80 05             Fax +52 442 246-1114             UNITED KINGDOM
                                  Fax +61 3 92 65 50 95                                                                          Draeger Safety UK Ltd.
                                                             FRANCE                             SINGAPORE                        Blyth Riverside
                                  CANADA                     Dräger Safety France SAS           Draeger Safety Asia Pte Ltd      Business Park
                                  Draeger Canada Ltd.        3c route de la Fédération          67 Ayer Rajah                    Blyth, Northumberland
                                  7555 Danbro Crescent       BP 80141                           Crescent #06-03                  NE24 4RG
                                  Mississauga,               67025 Strasbourg Cedex 1           Singapore 139950                 Tel +44 1670 352 891
                                  Ontario L5N 6P9            Tel +33 3 88 40 59 29              Tel +65 68 72 92 88              Fax +44 1670 356 266
                                  Tel +1 905 821 89 88       Fax +33 3 88 40 76 67              Fax +65 65 12 19 08
                                  Fax +1 905 821 25 65                                                                           USA
                                                             NETHERLANDS                        REP. OF SOUTH AFRICA             Draeger Safety, Inc.
                                                             Dräger Safety Nederland B.V.       Dräger South Africa (Pty) Ltd.   101 Technology Drive
                                                             Edisonstraat 53                    P.O.Box 68601                    Pittsburgh, PA 15275
                                                             2700 AH Zoetermeer                 Bryanston 2021                   Tel +1 412 787 83 83
                                                             Tel +31 79 344 46 66               Tel +27 11 465 99 59             Fax +1 412 787 22 07
                                                             Fax +31 79 344 47 90               Fax +27 11 465 69 53
Drägersorb® 400 ind S

Drägersorb 400 ind S absorbent for acidic gases, e.g. carbon
dioxide (CO2), in industrial plants as well as in shelter and rescue
rooms with indicator.

Dräger soda lime is a range of products with   from white to violet, the external signal for

a long tradition that are developed in line    the replacement of soda lime.
with their applications.
                                               The unique pellet shape provides low
This development results in absorbents that    resistance and longer usage periods. Only
match perfectly with these conditions and      a uniform shape ensures an even filling of
represent state-of-the art technology.         the cartridge resulting in a reproducible
                                               CO2 absorption.
With Drägersorb 400 ind S Dräger offers a      The extensive inner surface of the pellet
high-quality soda lime with indicator for      allows a high absorption capacity of acidic
the absorption of carbon dioxide (CO2)         gases.
and other acidic gases under usual air

conditions in rooms or environment (low        In addition, the hemispherical pellet shape
humidity, moderate temperature) including      has a high resistance to abrasion and
various industrial plants and laboratories     thereby reduces dust formation.
(e.g. dealkalization of incoming air for                                                                                     Drägersorb® 400 ind S
cooling water systems) as well as shelter      Modern production lines guarantee high                                        18 kg canister
and rescue rooms.                              product quality that meets the latest
                                               market requirements.
The Drägersorb 400 ind S features a color
indicator which e.g. with CO2 will change


                                                                                                                                                          90 46 799 | 03.10-1 | Marketing Communications | PR | LE | Printed in Germany | Chlorine-free – environmentally compatible | Subject to modifications | © 2010 Dräger Safety AG & Co. KGaA
Name                                                                                                                                          Order No.
Drägersorb 400 ind S                                  18 kg soda lime (canister)                                                              67 38 940


Composition                                           calcium hydroxide, alkali hydroxide, ethylviolet, water
Shape                                                 hemispherical pellet
Color                                                 white
Indicator                                             white to violet (CO2)
Grain size                                            Ø approx. 4 mm, ISO 3310: 2 - 4 mm, ASTM E 11: 5 - 10 No
Water content                                         (21 +/- 2) %
Density                                               (930 +/- 100) g/L
Hardness                                              ≥ 75.0 %
CO2 absorption capacity                               ≥ 120 L CO2/ kg according to Dräger application test*
                                                      *depending on the operation parameters and the absorption system
Storage temperature                                   -30 to +50 °C
Dimensions (L x B x H rounded)                        290 x 270 x 450 mm
Weight                                                18 kg

HEADQUARTERS                     SUBSIDIARIES               P. R. CHINA                       MEXICO                           SPAIN
Dräger Safety AG & Co. KGaA                                 Beijing Fortune Draeger Safety    Draeger Safety S.A. de C.V.      Draeger Safety
Revalstrasse 1                   AUSTRALIA                  Equipment Co., Ltd.               Av. Peñuelas No. 5               Hispania S.A.
23560 Lübeck, Germany            Draeger Safety Pacific     A22 Yu An Rd, B Area,             Bodega No. 37                    Calle Xaudaró 5
                                 Pty. Ltd.                  Tianzhu Airport Industrial Zone   Fraccionamiento Industrial       28034 Madrid
www.draeger.com                  Axxess Corporate Park      Shunyi District,                  San Pedrito, Querétaro           Tel +34 91 728 34 00
                                 Unit 99, 45 Gilby Road     Beijing 101300                    Qro México                       Fax +34 91 729 48 99
                                 Mt. Waverley. Vic 3149     Tel +86 10 80 49 80 00            Tel +52 442 246-1113
                                 Tel +61 3 92 65 50 00      Fax +86 10 80 49 80 05            Fax +52 442 246-1114             UNITED KINGDOM
                                 Fax +61 3 92 65 50 95                                                                         Draeger Safety UK Ltd.
                                                            FRANCE                            SINGAPORE                        Blyth Riverside
                                 CANADA                     Dräger Safety France SAS          Draeger Safety Asia Pte Ltd      Business Park
                                 Draeger Canada Ltd.        3c route de la Fédération         67 Ayer Rajah                    Blyth, Northumberland
                                 7555 Danbro Crescent       BP 80141                          Crescent #06-03                  NE24 4RG
                                 Mississauga,               67025 Strasbourg Cedex 1          Singapore 139950                 Tel +44 1670 352 891
                                 Ontario L5N 6P9            Tel +33 3 88 40 59 29             Tel +65 68 72 92 88              Fax +44 1670 356 266
                                 Tel +1 905 821 89 88       Fax +33 3 88 40 76 67             Fax +65 65 12 19 08
                                 Fax +1 905 821 25 65                                                                          USA
                                                            NETHERLANDS                       REP. OF SOUTH AFRICA             Draeger Safety, Inc.
                                                            Dräger Safety Nederland B.V.      Dräger South Africa (Pty) Ltd.   101 Technology Drive
                                                            Edisonstraat 53                   P.O.Box 68601                    Pittsburgh, PA 15275
                                                            2700 AH Zoetermeer                Bryanston 2021                   Tel +1 412 787 83 83
                                                            Tel +31 79 344 46 66              Tel +27 11 465 99 59             Fax +1 412 787 22 07
                                                            Fax +31 79 344 47 90              Fax +27 11 465 69 53
Drägersorb® 400 S

Drägersorb 400 S absorbent for acidic gases, e.g. carbon
dioxide (CO2), in industrial plants as well as in shelter and
rescue rooms.

Dräger soda lime is a range of products with   The unique pellet shape provides low

a long tradition that are developed in line    resistance and longer usage periods. Only
with their applications.                       a uniform shape ensures an even filling of
                                               the cartridge resulting in a reproducible
This development results in absorbents that    CO2 absorption.
match perfectly with these conditions and
represent state-of-the art technology.         The extensive inner surface of the pellet
                                               allows a high absorption capacity of acidic
DRÄGERSORB 400 S                               gases.
With Drägersorb 400 S Dräger offers a
high-quality soda lime for the absorption of   In addition, the hemispherical pellet shape
carbon dioxide (CO2) and other acidic          has a high resistance to abrasion and
gases under usual air conditions in rooms      thereby reduces dust formation.

or environment (low humidity, moderate
temperature) including various industrial      Modern production lines guarantee high
plants and laboratories (e.g. dealkalization   product quality that meets the latest
of incoming air for cooling water systems)     market requirements.                                                        Drägersorb® 400 S
as well as shelter and rescue rooms.                                                                                       18 kg canister
02 |   DRÄGERSORB 400 S


                                                                                                                                                          90 46 798 | 03.10-1 | Marketing Communications | PR | LE | Printed in Germany | Chlorine-free – environmentally compatible | Subject to modifications | © 2010 Dräger Safety AG & Co. KGaA
Name                                                                                                                                          Order No.
Drägersorb 400 S                                      18 kg soda lime (canister)                                                              67 39 000


Composition                                           calcium hydroxide, alkali hydroxide, water
Shape                                                 hemispherical pellet
Color                                                 white
Indicator                                             no color indicator
Grain size                                            Ø approx. 4 mm, ISO 3310: 2 - 4 mm, ASTM E 11: 5 - 10 No
Water content                                         (21 +/- 2) %
Density                                               (930 +/- 100) g/L
Hardness                                              ≥ 75.0 %
CO2 absorption capacity                               ≥ 120 L CO2/ kg according to Dräger application test*
                                                      *depending on the operation parameters and the absorption system
Storage temperature                                   -30 to +50 °C
Dimensions (L x B x H rounded)                        290 x 270 x 450 mm
Weight                                                18 kg

HEADQUARTERS                     SUBSIDIARIES               P. R. CHINA                       MEXICO                           SPAIN
Dräger Safety AG & Co. KGaA                                 Beijing Fortune Draeger Safety    Draeger Safety S.A. de C.V.      Draeger Safety
Revalstrasse 1                   AUSTRALIA                  Equipment Co., Ltd.               Av. Peñuelas No. 5               Hispania S.A.
23560 Lübeck, Germany            Draeger Safety Pacific     A22 Yu An Rd, B Area,             Bodega No. 37                    Calle Xaudaró 5
                                 Pty. Ltd.                  Tianzhu Airport Industrial Zone   Fraccionamiento Industrial       28034 Madrid
www.draeger.com                  Axxess Corporate Park      Shunyi District,                  San Pedrito, Querétaro           Tel +34 91 728 34 00
                                 Unit 99, 45 Gilby Road     Beijing 101300                    Qro México                       Fax +34 91 729 48 99
                                 Mt. Waverley. Vic 3149     Tel +86 10 80 49 80 00            Tel +52 442 246-1113
                                 Tel +61 3 92 65 50 00      Fax +86 10 80 49 80 05            Fax +52 442 246-1114             UNITED KINGDOM
                                 Fax +61 3 92 65 50 95                                                                         Draeger Safety UK Ltd.
                                                            FRANCE                            SINGAPORE                        Blyth Riverside
                                 CANADA                     Dräger Safety France SAS          Draeger Safety Asia Pte Ltd      Business Park
                                 Draeger Canada Ltd.        3c route de la Fédération         67 Ayer Rajah                    Blyth, Northumberland
                                 7555 Danbro Crescent       BP 80141                          Crescent #06-03                  NE24 4RG
                                 Mississauga,               67025 Strasbourg Cedex 1          Singapore 139950                 Tel +44 1670 352 891
                                 Ontario L5N 6P9            Tel +33 3 88 40 59 29             Tel +65 68 72 92 88              Fax +44 1670 356 266
                                 Tel +1 905 821 89 88       Fax +33 3 88 40 76 67             Fax +65 65 12 19 08
                                 Fax +1 905 821 25 65                                                                          USA
                                                            NETHERLANDS                       REP. OF SOUTH AFRICA             Draeger Safety, Inc.
                                                            Dräger Safety Nederland B.V.      Dräger South Africa (Pty) Ltd.   101 Technology Drive
                                                            Edisonstraat 53                   P.O.Box 68601                    Pittsburgh, PA 15275
                                                            2700 AH Zoetermeer                Bryanston 2021                   Tel +1 412 787 83 83
                                                            Tel +31 79 344 46 66              Tel +27 11 465 99 59             Fax +1 412 787 22 07
                                                            Fax +31 79 344 47 90              Fax +27 11 465 69 53
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