Promoting Wellbeing and Independence - Guide for Adults 2021/22 Staying independent Support in your community Home care Care homes - Guide ...

Page created by Travis Waters
Promoting Wellbeing and Independence - Guide for Adults 2021/22 Staying independent Support in your community Home care Care homes - Guide ...
Promoting Wellbeing and Independence
Guide for Adults 2021/22
• Staying independent • Support in your community
• Home care • Care homes

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Promoting Wellbeing and Independence - Guide for Adults 2021/22 Staying independent Support in your community Home care Care homes - Guide ...
Overall Rating:


                                            K i n d and Compa s s ionate
                                               R e s i de nti al, N u rs i ng
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Promoting Wellbeing and Independence - Guide for Adults 2021/22 Staying independent Support in your community Home care Care homes - Guide ...
Welcome from North Yorkshire County Council             4    You’re in charge                                  54
The Independent Care Group                              5    Personal Budgets                                  54
Regions covered by this Guide                           6    Direct Payments                                   54
Where to go for trusted information,
                                                              Housing with care                                 56
  advice and guidance                                   6
Finding care in your area                               7    Extra care housing                                56
                                                              Sheltered housing                                 59
Health and wellbeing	                                   7
                                                              Close care housing                                59
Getting out and about                                   8    Housing options for younger adults
What’s in your community?                               9      with additional needs                           59
Keeping safe                                           11    Specialist care                                  60
Living Well in North Yorkshire                         13    Learning disability                              60
What is Living Well?                                   13    Physical disability                              61
Living Well Smokefree (LWSF)                           14    Sensory services                                 61
Stay living at home                                    15    Mental health                                    62
Assistive Technology                                   15    Dementia                                         62
Other equipment available                              16    Care homes                                        63
Home Improvement Agencies (HIAs)                              Types of care home                                63
  and minor adaptations                                17
                                                              Out of county care                                70
Major adaptations                                      17
Making life easier at home                             18    Essential information                             70
Occupational Therapy                                   23    Disclosure and Barring Service                    70
Access to food and drink services                      23    Advocacy                                          70
Getting help in your home                              25    Making a comment, compliment or complaint
Home care provider listings                            29      about care services                             71
Support for carers                                     42    How solicitors can help                           71
Respite care and short breaks for carers               43    Inspecting and regulating care services           72
What is an assessment?                                 44    Palliative and end of life care                   72
Your assessment conversation                           44    Useful contacts          73
Reablement45                                                 Useful local contacts    73
What care is available?                                46    Useful national contacts 74
Leaving hospital                                       46    Day care centres         75
Home from Hospital Service                             46    Libraries76
Eligibility for long-term care and support             47    Care home and care home with nursing listings     79
Paying for care                                        48    Index                                            94
Paying for non-residential care and support            49
Paying for residential care and support                51     Checklists
Self-funding advice                                    51     Assistive Technology                            21
Third party payments                                   53     Home care agency                                27
 For free copies of this Guide, call the Customer              Care homes                                      67
 Service Centre on: 01609 780780.                              Residential dementia care                       69

   Alternative           This Guide is available electronically at
                         The e-book is also Recite Me compatible for those requiring
   formats               information in the spoken word.

Visit for further assistance with your search for care                                     3
Promoting Wellbeing and Independence - Guide for Adults 2021/22 Staying independent Support in your community Home care Care homes - Guide ...
Welcome from North Yorkshire
County Council
Welcome to the tenth edition of North Yorkshire’s           standards in the care provided to people in North
Promoting Wellbeing and Independence Guide for              Yorkshire. Regulations for registered residential,
Adults. This 2021/22 edition will provide you with          nursing and domiciliary services focus very much on
information on health and social care across the            improving outcomes for adults who need support.
county. North Yorkshire County Council is pleased           These changes will underline the importance of
to be working with the Independent Care Group to            people who use care services having a say and
promote this Guide.                                         being able to make decisions about how to keep
                                                            healthy and get the right care and support. We
We want people in North Yorkshire to be                     will also continue to have a strong commitment to
independent, part of their community and to                 safeguarding those adults who may be at risk of
enjoy the best possible quality of life for as long         experiencing abuse or exploitation.
as possible. Fundamental to enabling you to make
the right decisions about care and support is high-         Even though the whole country has had to
quality information and advice. This Guide is one           make some difficult financial choices, we remain
way of providing information, but we will continue          committed to providing good quality help and care.
to work with our partners to improve the range of
information available. We are working closely with          Whatever your circumstances, whether you pay
our health colleagues to join up health and social          for your own care or not, you can contact North
care services to give the best community-based              Yorkshire County Council for information, advice and
care when it is needed.                                     guidance. Where it is appropriate, we will ask our
                                                            own social care staff to help you or to contact other
North Yorkshire has its own online directory, which         services that may be of assistance.
has information about thousands of local groups and
activities across the county.                               We know that making decisions about social
                                                            care can be daunting, particularly if you have not
North Yorkshire Connect allows you to access                been involved with social care before. This Guide
information about community and voluntary                   provides clear and easy to understand guidance
organisations online. You can search the directory by       so that you can be confident you are making the
categories such as ‘advice’, ‘health’ and ‘activities’ or   right decisions.
you can put in your location and see what is available
in your community.                                          County Councillor Michael Harrison
                                                            Executive Member for Adult Social Care and Health

                                                            County Councillor Caroline Dickinson
Web:                       Executive Member for Public Health, Prevention and
                                                            Supported Living
We also work closely with the Care Quality
Commission’s (CQC’s) inspectors and with care               Richard Webb
providers to make sure we maintain high quality             Corporate Director, Health and Adult Services

                       North Yorkshire County Council nor Care Choices can be held liable for any errors or omissions.
                       The inclusion of advertisements for homes and agencies in this Guide does not act as an
                       endorsement or recommendation by North Yorkshire County Council.

4    Search for community and voluntary organisations
Promoting Wellbeing and Independence - Guide for Adults 2021/22 Staying independent Support in your community Home care Care homes - Guide ...
North Yorkshire County Council
 Customer Service Centre
 Tel: 01609 780780

The Independent Care Group
On behalf of the Independent Care Group (ICG),            Around 80% of social care in this area is provided
I am delighted to support this latest edition of          by the independent sector. That includes residential
the North Yorkshire Promoting Wellbeing and               care, care provided to people in their own home,
Independence Guide for Adults and hope that you           supported living, extra care housing and day care.
find the information in it useful.                        We work with North Yorkshire County Council, City
                                                          of York Council, the local clinical commissioning
If you are beginning your journey towards finding a       groups and the CQC, to try to ensure that the care
care package that is right for you or your loved one,     provided matches the care required.
the good news is that you will have the choice of
quality care of all kinds and in all combinations.        We’re here to help, so, if you’re a provider, please do
                                                          get in touch or visit our website at:
We are so fortunate that the local area can boast or call:
a whole army of exceptional, warm and dedicated           07949 971010.
people with the motivation and enthusiasm to help
you and your family go on enjoying life together.         We are proud of the care provided by the
                                                          independent care sector in this area and hope that,
We have an ever-changing landscape in social              with the help of this Guide, you will find the support
care, and it can be hard for those looking to use         you and your family need.
services to keep up. That is why this Guide is such
an invaluable tool in helping find the care package       Mike Padgham
that is right for your family. It sets out all the        Chair
different types of care available in this area, as well   Independent Care Group
as how to access that care and how to fund it.

With people’s care needs becoming ever more
complex and the services offered by providers
changing to meet those demands, it has never
been more important to look at all your options
when considering the support you need. Once
you have identified your choices, always pay a visit
to the care services to help you to decide. Don’t
forget you can also find important information
about care providers by looking at their latest
inspection report from the regulator, the Care
Quality Commission (CQC).

For our part, the ICG is the regional body
responsible for representing and supporting local
independent care providers, both private and
voluntary. For over 20 years, we have been actively
helping care providers to deliver quality and safety
of care for older and vulnerable people.

   Visit for further assistance with your search for care                                5
Promoting Wellbeing and Independence - Guide for Adults 2021/22 Staying independent Support in your community Home care Care homes - Guide ...
Regions covered by this Guide


                                                        Hambleton                              Scarborough




Craven                                                                                     Ryedale
Care homes                           79                                                   Care homes                       89
Care homes with nursing              79                                                   Care homes with nursing          89

Hambleton                                                                                  Scarborough
Care homes                           81                                                   Care homes                       89
Care homes with nursing              81                                                   Care homes with nursing          91

Harrogate                                    Richmondshire                                Selby
Care homes                          83      Care homes                               88 Care homes                        92
Care homes with nursing             87      Care homes with nursing                  88 Care homes with nursing           93

Where to go for trusted information, advice and guidance
The information in this Promoting Wellbeing and                         instance, you can always call North Yorkshire County
Independence Guide for Adults has been compiled                         Council’s Customer Service Centre for advice on:
in conjunction with the Health and Adult Services                       01609 780780 or email:
Directorate of North Yorkshire County Council. We             
used to be known as ‘social services’.
                                                                        We have recently launched a community directory
When the words ‘we’ and ‘us’ are used in the Guide it                   which you may find useful. North Yorkshire Connect:
means Health and Adult Services. Lots of people will          
pick up this Promoting Wellbeing and Independence                       north-yorkshire-connect offers local information
Guide for Adults looking for advice and information                     from community and voluntary organisations that
about adult social care. The Guide aims to give                         can provide advice and support. It also lists activities
an overview of all aspects of adult social care to                      and things to do.
everyone who is looking for care and support.

If you are thinking about care and/or support, either
for yourself or a loved one, it can be a challenging
task. Making any change in your life will require
major decisions and we are trying to provide you
with the basic information and guidance you will
need in this Guide and give you the details of other
organisations that may be able to help. In the first

6     Search for community and voluntary organisations
Promoting Wellbeing and Independence - Guide for Adults 2021/22 Staying independent Support in your community Home care Care homes - Guide ...
Finding care in your area
Looking for care in your area? Want to know the            They can also be saved and emailed to others.
quality rating of providers you’re considering? Care
Choices, publisher of this Guide, has a website            The website includes detailed information for
providing comprehensive details of care providers as       each care provider, including the address, phone
well as essential information.                             number and the service’s latest CQC inspection
                                                           report and rating (see page 72), indicating the
You can search by postcode, county or region for           quality of care provided.
care homes, care homes with nursing and home care
providers that meet your needs across the country.         You can also view an electronic version of this
                                                           Guide on the site and have it read to you by using
Your search can be refined by the type of care you are     the ‘Recite Me’ function. Visit:
looking for and the results can be sent to you by email.

Health and wellbeing
Looking after our health and wellbeing is key to           Dementia
ensuring that we feel good, live well and enjoy life.      Find out how organisations across different sectors
There is a range of services and support to help you       work together to support people living with
to make changes to your lifestyle.                         dementia and their carers. You can also find out
                                                           about preventing the risk of dementia and useful
The Public Health team at North Yorkshire County           links to information about dementia:
Council provides a range of information on health
and wellbeing on the Staying Healthy webpages:
                                                           Older people
Drugs, alcohol and smoking                                 Find out about winter health, fuel poverty, falls
Find advice and support about stopping smoking,            prevention and healthcare for older people:
drug and alcohol misuse:                         
                                                           Sexual health and contraception
Healthy lifestyles                                         Find out about sexual health, chlamydia screening,
Find out about eating healthily and maintaining            HIV and contraception:
a healthy weight, sleeping well and good oral    
health:                   Mental health
                                                           Find out about maintaining your mental health
Health and the environment                                 through an awareness of potential issues and how to
Find out about skin awareness and sun exposure             prevent them developing:
risk, the risks to health from climate change and              
avoiding infection:

Long-term conditions
Find out about reducing the risks of developing
cancer, diabetes or heart disease as well as treatments
for these conditions. You can also find out how to help
yourself to stay healthy:

Visit for further assistance with your search for care                                     7
Promoting Wellbeing and Independence - Guide for Adults 2021/22 Staying independent Support in your community Home care Care homes - Guide ...
 Learning disabilities                                    Useful websites
Find information and support if you have a                 The NHS website:
learning disability:                                       Change4Life:

NHS Health Checks
Find out how to reduce your risk of developing
health problems with an NHS Health Check:

Getting out and about
Community transport schemes                                Disabled person’s bus pass
There is a wide range of schemes available across          Disabled people are entitled to free off-peak travel
North Yorkshire to help you get out and about so           on local bus services anywhere in England.
that you can access services in the community.
                                                           You must meet one or more of the following criteria:
For more information, visit our community transport
                                                           • be blind or partially sighted;
page on the North Yorkshire County Council
website, which provides an A-Z of the community            • be without speech;
transport operators across North Yorkshire, broken
                                                           • not have arms or have long-term loss of the use
down by geographical area.
                                                             of both arms;
 Further details regarding transport in North              • be profoundly or severely Deaf;
 Yorkshire are available at:
                                                           • have a learning disability;
                                                           • have a disability or have suffered an injury which
Demand responsive transport                                  has a substantial and long-term adverse effect on
Demand responsive transport is pre-booked                    your ability to walk; or
transport that uses taxis or minibuses to provide
                                                           • have been refused an application for a driving
transport to areas that are not served by
                                                             licence due to physical fitness, not including the
conventional bus services.
                                                             misuse of drugs or alcohol.
We are working closely with community transport
                                                           Companion bus passes for disabled people
operators to increase the availability of these lifeline
                                                           You can apply for a bus pass for a companion to
services where public transport is not available.
                                                           travel with you if you are disabled and meet the
Details of the demand responsive services that
                                                           eligibility criteria. Your companion need not travel
operate in the county can be found at:
                                                           with you on every journey or be the same person
                                                           each time. They cannot use the pass without you.
(select ‘demand responsive transport’).

Bus passes
There are two main types of bus pass available:

Senior person’s bus pass
Older people of pensionable age are entitled
to free off-peak travel on local bus services
anywhere in England.

8     Search for community and voluntary organisations
Promoting Wellbeing and Independence - Guide for Adults 2021/22 Staying independent Support in your community Home care Care homes - Guide ...
Applying for a bus pass                                   For more information about the scheme, including
 You can check whether you are eligible for a bus          how to apply or renew a badge, visit:
 pass, and apply or renew your bus pass, by visiting
 the ‘Bus Passes’ section on the North Yorkshire           permits-disabled-people
 County Council website:                          If you need assistance accessing information
                                                           outlined in this section, please visit your local
Blue Badge parking permits                                 North Yorkshire library where a library assistant
The national Blue Badge scheme helps people                will support you or contact our Customer Service
with severe mobility issues who travel as drivers or       Centre on: 01609 780780. A list of libraries in
passengers to park close to their destinations.            North Yorkshire starts on page 76.

What’s in your community?
                                                           Bradbury House, Beaumont Street West DL1 5SX
                                                           Tel: 01325 362832

There’s lots of local support available to help you        Darlington (information and advice office)
to stay independent and living well. Review the            1 Beaumont Street DL1 5SZ
organisations listed in this section and visit the         Tel: 01325 357345
North Yorkshire Connect website
( ) for even               Harrogate
more organisations that can provide support.               Harrogate Community House,
                                                           46-50 East Parade HG1 5RR
Advocacy                                                   Tel: 01423 502253
Advocacy Alliance
Office 28, The Street, Scarborough YO12 7PW                Northallerton
Tel: 01723 363910                                          1 Zetland Street DL6 1NB
Email:             Tel: 01609 771624
Cloverleaf Advocacy                                        Zetland Square DL10 7BP
Fifth Floor, Empire House, Wakefield Old Road,             Tel: 01748 327155
Dewsbury WF12 8DJ
Tel: 01924 454875                                          Ripon
Text: 07860 021502                                         5 Duck Hill HG4 1BL
Email:                 Tel: 01765 606872
Carers’ services                                           The Swadford Centre, 32 Swadford Centre BD23 1RD
For more information about carers’ services in North       Tel: 01756 529654                              
Yorkshire including contact details, see page 42.

Other contacts
Age UK North Yorkshire and Darlington
A local, independent charity committed to delivering
quality-assured services and activities to older people.

Visit for further assistance with your search for care                                   9
Promoting Wellbeing and Independence - Guide for Adults 2021/22 Staying independent Support in your community Home care Care homes - Guide ...
 Age UK Selby District                                    Scarborough
A local, independent charity committed to delivering       5B & 5C, Dunslow Court, Eastfield YO11 3XT
quality-assured services and activities to older people.   (open 9.00am to 5.00pm, Monday to Friday).
50 Micklegate YO8 4EQ                                      Tel: 01423 226240
Tel: 01757 704115                                          Email:
Web:                        Northallerton and the Dales Mencap Society
                                                           Represents the interests of people with learning
FirstStop Advice                                           disabilities and their carers in the Hambleton and
Advice and information on all aspects of care              Richmondshire Districts of North Yorkshire.
accommodation, housing, finance and rights for             The Goosecroft Centre, Goosecroft Lane DL6 1EG
older people.                                              Tel: 01609 778894
Tel: 0800 377 7070                                         Email:
Email:                        Web:
                                                           Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS)
Healthwatch North Yorkshire                                PALS provides information for patients and their
Making sure your views on local health and social          families and can help you deal with any concerns
care services are heard.                                   around your hospital treatment. Problems can be
Tel: 01904 552687                                          discussed with the PALS Officer in confidence,
Email:               and you can work together to find a solution.
                                                           PALS Officer
                                                           You can contact them between 9.00am and 4.00pm,
Independent Care Group (ICG)
                                                           Monday to Friday.
The ICG is the regional body responsible for
                                                           The James Cook University Hospital, Marton Road,
representing and supporting local independent care
                                                           Middlesbrough TS4 3BW
providers, both private and voluntary.
                                                           Tel: 0800 028 2451 or 01642 854807
Tel: 07949 971010

Provides the Community Equipment Service
commissioned by local NHS clinical commissioning
groups (CCGs) and North Yorkshire County Council.
See page 16 for more information.

Unit 2, Manse Lane HG5 8LF (open 8.00am to
5.00pm, Monday to Friday).
Tel: 01423 226240

                                   The lifestyle site for parents and                • Birth to adulthood
                                   carers of children with additional                • Real life blogs
                                   needs and those who support them.
                                                                                     • Directory
                                                                                     • Ask the experts
                                                 • Monthly columnist                       @WeAreMFON
                                                                                       Subscribe today
10    Search for community and voluntary organisations
Keeping safe
What is abuse?                                           • financial abuse – stealing, fraud, withholding or
Abuse is when somebody does or says things to a            misusing someone’s money or possessions;
person that harms them or makes them feel upset
                                                         • neglect and acts of omission – includes not giving
or frightened. It is mistreatment by somebody or
                                                           someone the care that they need;
some people that violates a person’s human and
civil rights.                                            • modern slavery – human trafficking and
                                                           forced labour;
Anyone could be at risk of abuse or neglect. A
person may be more or less vulnerable at different       • domestic abuse – when abuse occurs between
times in their life.                                       partners or by a family member;

                                                         • discriminatory abuse – poor treatment or
Some adults may be more at risk because they are
                                                           harassment because of someone’s age, gender,
older or have a sensory impairment, a disability, a
                                                           sexuality, disability, race or religious belief;
mental health condition or a long-term illness. These
people may have difficulty in making their wishes and    • organisational abuse – inflexible systems and
feelings known which may put them at risk of abuse         routines in place that stop people making their
or neglect. Also, these people may not be able to          own choices about their lifestyle; not considering
make decisions or choices without support.                 a person’s dietary requirements; inappropriate
                                                           ways of addressing people; and
An adult at risk is a person aged 18 or over who has
needs for care and support (whether or not the local     • self-neglect is also a form of abuse – this is when
authority is meeting any of those care and support         someone chooses not to look after themselves. It
needs), and as a result of those care and support          might include not eating or refusing help for their
needs is unable to protect themselves from either          health or care needs and this has a significant
the risk of, or the experience of, abuse or neglect.       effect on their wellbeing.

What is safeguarding?                                    Abuse may be an isolated incident or repeated
Safeguarding is defined as ‘protecting an adult’s        incidents. It may be that the abuse is deliberate, or
right to live in safety, free from abuse and neglect’    it may be unintentional; due to ignorance or lack of
(Care and Support Statutory Guidance, Chapter            training and understanding. It may be that a person
14). Adult safeguarding is people and organisations      is at risk of abuse or being abused in several ways.
working together to prevent and reduce both risks
and experiences of abuse and neglect.                    Where does abuse happen?
                                                         It can happen anywhere – at home, a care home, a
Types of abuse                                           hospital, in the workplace, at any service you attend,
There are lots of different types of abuse, including:   at college, in supported housing or in the street.

• physical abuse – someone being hit, slapped            Adults at risk provide sensitive information and
  or kicked, being locked in a room or restrained        have the right to expect that this information and
  inappropriately;                                       information obtained from others will be treated
                                                         respectfully and that their privacy will be maintained.
• sexual abuse – someone being made to take
  part in sexual activity when they haven’t given
                                                         The challenges of working within the boundaries of
  consent or are not able to give consent;
                                                         confidentiality should not stand in the way of taking
• emotional or psychological abuse – someone             appropriate action. Whenever possible, informed
  being shouted at, bullied, being made to feel          consent to the sharing of sensitive personal
  frightened or pressurised into decisions;              information should be obtained.                     

Visit for further assistance with your search for care                                  11
 Who might cause abuse?                                 What should you do if you are worried about
Abuse can be caused by anyone, it may be                 someone in a care home?
somebody you know well, or it may be a stranger.         If your concern is about someone who is in a care
It may be more than one person. It might be a            home, please refer them to us:
family member, a friend, a neighbour, a carer or
care worker, a nurse, a social care worker, a GP, a       Customer Service Centre
visitor to your home or a rogue trader. If you live in    Tel: 01609 780780
a residential setting or receive any other services,
it may be another user of that service, a visitor or a   For further details, visit:
care worker.                                   

What should you do if you are worried about abuse?       If you have concerns about the standards or
North Yorkshire County Council has a legal duty to       application of regulations in a care home, you
protect the rights of adults with care and support       should contact:
needs to live in safety, free from abuse and neglect.
Together with other partners, including Health and        The Care Quality Commission
the police North Yorkshire County Council operates        Citygate, Gallowgate,
a zero-tolerance attitude towards all forms of            Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 4PA
abuse. All adults should be able to live their lives      Tel: 03000 616161
free from fear and harm.                                  Email:

 If you or the person you are concerned about is         What should you do if you are suspicious that
 in danger and immediate action is required, you         Modern Slavery is happening near you?
 should ring the Emergency Services on: 999.             If you believe a person is being subject to Modern
                                                         Slavery, report to the Police on 101 or in an
 If you or the person you are concerned about            emergency where there is immediate threat, call 999.
 is not in immediate danger, you should ring our
 Customer Services Centre on: 01609 780780.               You can also call the Modern Slavery helpline:
 This is a 24-hour service.                               0800 012 1700 (open 24 hours a day, seven days
                                                          a week) or call anonymously via CrimeStoppers
You will be able to speak to an experienced adviser       on: 0800 555 111.
who will listen to your concerns, take them seriously
and treat you with dignity and respect. You will be      To find out more about North Yorkshire Police’s
offered support and your concerns will be directed to    campaign, visit:
a specialist worker who will arrange to meet with you.   (search ‘campaigns’ then select ‘campaigns’).

You may have a relative, friend or independent
advocate present if you wish. Together, you will
discuss the issues and agree a plan to keep you as
safe and independent as possible. We want to help
you to reach the outcome you want and ensure you
are aware of your options.

We may involve other agencies to help support you
safely, but we will agree this together. Where the
abuse is a crime, the police need to be involved to
prevent other people from suffering as well. We will
jointly help to support you. If you are worried about
contacting the police, you can contact us to talk
things over first.

12    Search for community and voluntary organisations
Living Well in North Yorkshire
What is Living Well?
Living Well Coordinators (LWCs) work with people         • talk to you and find out more about what support
in need to reduce loneliness and isolation, increase       is required;
participation and support you to be independent.
                                                         • help you to think about areas of your life that you
Living Well aims to improve the health, wellbeing          would like to change;
and independence of adults. Our coordinators
                                                         • work alongside you and listen to what help you
work with individuals and their carers who are
                                                           may need;
isolated, vulnerable, bereaved, lacking confidence
or perhaps on the borderline of needing health and       • support you to make simple changes to manage
social care services.                                      your health and stay well; and

To prevent the need for statutory support, we            • support you to plan what you need to do to make
help people access their local community and               those changes and help you to achieve your goals
support them to find solutions to their health and         in an agreed time frame.
wellbeing goals. This helps to reduce loneliness
and isolation and prevents or resolves issues for        Some types of support that LWCs provide includes:
people, including hospitalisation.
                                                         • support to build self-confidence;
Who can benefit?
                                                         • support with practical advice and skills;
Living Well can support adults who are not currently
eligible for ongoing social care support and who:        • advice on healthy living and signposting
                                                           to lifestyle services such as exercise or
• are lonely and or socially isolated;
                                                           stop smoking;
• have had a recent loss of a support network,
                                                         • help to get online either in the home or using a
  including bereavement;
                                                           universal/community service, such as a library
• have had a loss of confidence due to a recent            or cybercafé;
  change or event;
                                                         • help to become a volunteer or to access
• require face-to-face information, advice and             community activities; and
  guidance; or
                                                         • helping a person to be connected to, linked
• need some support to find or maintain                    with or signposted to a voluntary agency for
  employment.                                              support or a more specific support network
                                                           such as befriending, shopping, transport,
This may be people who need a little extra help to         advocacy and more.
overcome some of life’s challenges and changes;
people who have a caring role, who are frail or          How do you access the service?
physically disabled, people with a learning disability   When you contact us, an adviser will refer you to the
or autism or people with mental health problems or       Living Well team if you meet the requirements for
sensory impairments.                                     the service.

What can you expect?                                      North Yorkshire County Council
LWCs will spend time with individuals on a one-to-        For more information, call our
one basis. LWCs will:                                     Customer Service Centre on: 01609 780780.

Visit for further assistance with your search for care                                  13
Living Well Smokefree (LWSF)
LWSF is a stop smoking service provided by North        • up to 12 weeks after your last cigarette – your
Yorkshire County Council. LWSF has a team                 blood is pumping to your heart and muscles
of experienced stop smoking advisors, based               better due to improved circulation;
in a range of community venues across North
                                                        • three to nine months after your last cigarette –
Yorkshire that offer specialist support. Due to the
                                                          your lungs are working 10% better and you are
COVID-19 pandemic, LWSF is still fully operational
                                                          coughing and wheezing less;
offering interventions remotely via telephone and
video conferencing. These interventions include         • one year after your last cigarette – your risk of a
behavioural and motivational support and access to        heart attack has halved compared to a smoker;
stop smoking medications (Nicotine Replacement
Therapy and Champix). Stop smoking support is also      • ten years after your last cigarette – your risk of
available through GPs and pharmacies that have            death from lung cancer has halved too; and
signed up to deliver the service.                       • 15 years after your last cigarette – your risk of
                                                          heart attack is the same as somebody who has
Eligibility criteria                                      never smoked.
All clients referred to the service will undergo an
eligibility check against the following criteria:       With the right support, you are three times as likely
                                                        to stop smoking for good.
• would like to stop smoking and receive support
  from the Specialist Stop Smoking Service;             Referral process
                                                        If you would like to access the service, refer
• is not receiving stop smoking support from
                                                        somebody else, assist somebody to self-refer, or you
  another provider;
                                                        would like any further information about LWSF, use
• is above the age of 12; and                           the contact details below:

• is a tobacco smoker that resides in North              Living Well Smokefree
  Yorkshire, works in North Yorkshire or is              Tel: 01609 797272
  registered with a GP in North Yorkshire.               Email:
Anyone who does not meet all of these criteria
will not be eligible to access LWSF.

Why would you stop smoking?
Here is what can happen after your last cigarette:

• 20 minutes after your last cigarette – your pulse
  returns to normal;

• eight hours after your last cigarette – your
  oxygen levels are recovering and harmful carbon
  monoxide in your blood has halved;

• 48 hours after your last cigarette – your body has
  flushed out all carbon monoxide and your lungs
  begin to clear out the waste. Also, your smell and
  taste improve;

• 72 hours after your last cigarette – your breathing
  feels easier and you feel more energetic;

14    Search for community and voluntary organisations
Stay living at home
We want people to stay living in their homes for as       have a mental health condition or are living with
long as possible and we know that many people             dementia.
want to be surrounded by their possessions, near
to their family and friends. This applies to anyone,      The following section gives you a wide range of
whether they are older, recovering from an illness        information about the support available in North
or addiction, have a physical or learning disability,     Yorkshire to help you stay living in your home.

Assistive Technology
Assistive Technology (AT) uses a range of remote          • AT can form part of your long-term support
equipment matched to your personal needs. This              plan and Personal Budget dependent upon
helps to increase, maintain or improve functional           assessment and eligibility.
capabilities, enabling you to live as independently
and safely as possible. The equipment can be linked       Some examples of how AT can be used are:
to a monitoring centre, to family and friends or to
                                                          • to call a monitoring centre which can keep a
other technology devices in the home. AT is used
                                                            phone line open to you in an emergency. For
in a variety of circumstances to help people with a
                                                            example, following a serious fall;
broad range of needs.
                                                          • to alert you when temperatures in your property
The AT service in North Yorkshire aims to provide           get too high or low. For example, if the cooker
a high quality and innovative service that uses             hob has been left on or if you forget to use your
technology, monitoring and support to:                      central heating;
• enable you to live a healthier, independent life        • to remind you to lock your door;
  for longer;
                                                          • to alert family or friends if you leave your
• enable you to live safely at home;                        property at unusual times of the day; and

• prevent or delay unnecessary hospital or care           • to allow you to remain independent whilst
  home admissions;                                          knowing that you have technology to keep
                                                            you safe or to allow you to complete tasks and
• support you to return home from hospital or               activities.
  care settings where possible; and
                                                          AT works 24 hours a day, 365 days per year
• provide technology-based solutions to
                                                          by providing real-time alerts or calls when
  complement other community services.
                                                          equipment is activated.                             
North Yorkshire County Council’s AT services are
delivered in several ways:

• a financially competitive, private pay AT offer
  is available to all people within the county. This
  includes AT equipment and monitoring. AT can
  then be responded to by family, friends or carers;

• AT can also be provided as part of our Reablement
  services for a short period of time. This will enable
  the appropriateness and effectiveness of the AT to
  be captured to plan long-term provision; and

Visit for further assistance with your search for care                                  15
 AT typically alerts a call centre staffed by trained      Customer Service Centre on: 01609 780780 or
operators who can speak to you, will have your details      visit:
and know who to call in an emergency. This could be
family, friends, carers, a community response service       Alternatively, to arrange AT privately, please
or the emergency services if required.                      contact Nottingham Rehab Ltd (NRS) who deliver
                                                            the AT service in partnership with North Yorkshire
 For further information about AT, or to refer for          County Council on: 01904 221473 (opt. two) or
 an assessment where applicable, contact our                visit:

Other equipment available
Occupational Therapists (OTs) and other specially          • information and advice for North Yorkshire
trained workers can give you advice and assess your          residents about both independent living and the
needs and those of carers.                                   Community Equipment Service;

                                                           • a self-purchase service (purchasing products
There are many types of equipment that can help
                                                             before or in addition to those potentially
you to live independently at home. Depending on
                                                             provided by health and social services). Medequip
your circumstances, our Occupational Therapy
                                                             has an online store at
service can recommend equipment that enables you
to carry out daily living activities such as bathing, ; and
washing, dressing and getting around your home.
It may be as simple as fitting a grab or banister rail     • signposting to the Disabled Living Foundation’s
in the right place to help you get up and down steps         AskSARA website. For more information, visit:
more safely and independently or you may need      
equipment to help you with getting in and out of
bed or using the toilet.                                    Medequip Knaresborough
                                                            Unit 2, Manse Lane HG5 8LF
North Yorkshire County Council has an online self-          (open 8.00am to 5.00pm, Monday to Friday).
assessment tool called ‘AskSARA’ which can identify         Tel: 01423 226240
ways of helping you with daily living activities in your    Email:
home. To find out more, visit:                Medequip Scarborough
(select ‘advice and support to help with daily living’)     5B & 5C, Dunslow Court, Eastfield YO11 3XT
or contact us directly for an assessment on:                (open 9.00am to 5.00pm, Monday to Friday).
01609 780780.                                               Tel: 01423 226240
It is important to get the right advice and support
before you buy any equipment. You will find several
mobility aids and equipment providers in your local
community who can discuss basic equipment with
you to ensure that it meets your needs.

Medequip provides the Community Equipment
Service commissioned by local NHS clinical
commissioning groups (CCGs) and North Yorkshire
County Council. The service includes:
• the returning and recycling of equipment. Visit;

16   Search for community and voluntary organisations
Home Improvement Agencies (HIAs) and minor adaptations
The HIA handyperson service for your area provides      • free access to a ‘safe traders’ list of approved
a range of preventative services including minor          contractors, helping you to avoid rogue traders.
jobs/adaptations such as:
                                                        Whether you own or rent your property, you may be
• replacing light bulbs, securing loose carpet or       eligible for some or all of the adaptations if identified
  putting up shelves or flat-pack furniture;            within a North Yorkshire County Council assessment.
• adaptations – providing and fitting grab rails and
  external handrails, fitting of second bannister        Yorkshire Housing Home Improvement Team
  rails and larger jobs such as building a step to       Tel: 0345 366 4406
  improve accessibility;                                 Web:
                                                         (select ‘home improvement services’).
• security – fitting window locks, security chains,
  key safes, doorbells and door locks;                   White Rose Home Improvement Agency
                                                         For all Scarborough, Whitby and Ryedale areas.
• help with accessing benefits or grants to fund         Tel: 01723 232323
  work;                                                  Web:
• energy efficiency advice; and

Major adaptations
If you have difficulty accessing areas within your      The HIA can carry out the work and or support the
home, have a permanent or long-term health              approved contractor/s.
condition and need an adaptation to help you stay
independent, you may be eligible for a grant from       For more information about DFG’s in your local
your borough or district council (called a Disabled     district, visit the relevant website below and search
Facilities Grant or DFG).                               ‘Disabled Facilities Grant’.

The grant is assessed according to your needs and        Hambleton District Council
circumstances. Following a financial assessment,         Web:
you may qualify whether you are a homeowner
or a tenant. However, if you are eligible for            Richmondshire District Council
funding through a DFG, you may still have to pay a       Web:
contribution towards the cost of the adaptation/s.
                                                         Harrogate Borough Council
 DFG adaptations are only provided to meet an            Web:
 assessed need when the local authority deems
 the work as ‘necessary and appropriate’.                Craven District Council
 Further information about DFGs can be found at:
                                                         Selby District Council
Your local district council’s HIA
                                                         White Rose Home Improvement Agency
Each district area in North Yorkshire provides a
                                                         For Scarborough, Whitby and Ryedale areas.
technical service to support people with their DFG.
This includes; drawing and submitting plans, building
regulation applications, obtaining quotes, overseeing
                                                         Use the Assistive Technology checklist on page
work, ensuring it is completed to the required
                                                         22 for ideas of questions to ask suppliers.
standard and that it is ‘reasonable and practicable’.

Visit for further assistance with your search for care                                   17
Making life easier at home
If you’re having difficulties with everyday tasks at home, these simple solutions could make life easier and keep
you independent. These are a starting point; other solutions are available which might better suit your needs.

 Finding it difficult to get in and out of chairs? Try      Do you forget to take your tablets? Try making
 putting a piece of hard board under the seat base.         a note of when you’ve taken them, or buy
 Alternatively, buy chair raisers, a higher chair or an     an automatic pill dispenser or pill box. If you
 electric riser chair. Also try taking regular gentle       struggle to open your medicine, you can ask your
 exercise to improve your mobility.                         pharmacist for advice on alternative packaging
                                                            that could make it easier for you.
 If you can’t reach your windows, could you move
 furniture out of the way? Ask someone to help if           Can you reach everything in your cupboards? If
 you need to move heavy furniture. There are also           not, try a handi-reacher or rearrange your kitchen
 tools for opening and closing windows.                     so the things you use most are within easy reach.

 Struggling to keep warm/cool? Consider a fan               If you are having problems with preparing food,
 or heater. Is your house insulated? Are there any          consider buying ready-chopped options or try a
 draughts? You may also be eligible for the winter          chopping board with spikes. There are also long-
 fuel payment from the Government. Visit:                   handled pans, teapot tippers and lid grippers that                             could help. Palm-held vegetable peelers or a food
                                                            processor might be a solution and meal delivery
 If you have trouble using light switches, think            services are also available.
 about replacing your switches for ones that are
 easier to use. Consider handi-plugs or light switch        Is eating and drinking becoming difficult?
 toggles, or there’s even technology available so           Large-handled cutlery could help, or non-slip
 that you can turn your lights on and off using             mats for the table. Lightweight cups and mugs
 your speech.                                               with two handles could also be a solution.

 Use subtitles if you can’t hear the TV or buy              Using taps can be made easier by fitting tap
 wireless headphones. Do you need a hearing aid?            turners. You could also consider changing to lever-
 Request an assessment from your council.                   style taps which might be easier for you to use.

 Handled plug             Chair raisers          Chopping board         Level indicator          Teapot tipper

18    Search for community and voluntary organisations
More information on staying independent and ideas to help you live at home can be found online at: There is also information on making larger
adaptations to your home.

 If moving whilst in bed is a problem, have you                 If it’s hard to hold your toothbrush, try a
 thought about using an over-bed pole? You might                toothbrush gripper. You might also benefit from
 also want to buy a pillow raiser or change your                having an electric toothbrush or sitting on a stool
 bedding so it’s lighter.                                       while brushing your teeth.

 Is it becoming difficult to get dressed? If so,                You might like to buy a raised toilet seat, or a seat
 specially adapted clothing is available, or you                with a built-in support frame if it’s hard to use your
 could buy a long-handled shoe horn, a dressing                 toilet. Flush lever extensions are also available.
 stick or a button hook. If you are having a lot of
 difficulty, consider home support, see page 25.                Has it become more difficult to wash? Items are
                                                                available, like long-handled sponges and flannel
 Clocks are available with large numbers or lights              straps. You could also consider a slip-resistant
 if you can’t read the time in bed. You can also buy            bath mat, grab rails, a half step to help you get in
 clocks that speak the time.                                    and out of the bath or a bath or shower seat. Tap
                                                                turners can also be used in the bathroom.
 If you are finding it harder to read in bed,
 consider an e-reader that allows you to change
 the font size. Some also have integrated lights.
 Look for bedside lamps with a step-on or button                If you think you need an assessment, please call
 switch if yours are difficult to use.                          our Customer Service Centre on: 01609 780780
                                                                or email:
 Do you struggle to get in and out of bed? You
 could learn new ways of moving around, purchase                If you would like some advice and guidance to
 a leg lifter or a hoist or install grab rails for support.     help you make informed choices about how
 Seek advice about these options. If the bed is the             to meet your care and support needs, you can
 issue, you could buy an electric adjustable bed or             complete an initial assessment online at:
 raise the bed to the right height.                   

 Grab handles                 Bed table                  Hand rail            Hand trolley              Tap turners

Visit for further assistance with your search for care                                           19
Medequip work with North Yorkshire County Council and the NHS to provide assistive living
equipment in your area. Medequip also provide a retail service for those who wish to purchase
or rent equipment themselves.

      Return Recycle Reuse                                                                                     If you would prefer to return equipment
                                                                                                               to Medequip yourself, you can bring it to
                                                                                                               our distribution centres:
      Help your Local Authority and NHS services by                                                            Medequip Knaresborough Depot
      returning equipment you no longer need                                                                   Unit 2, Manse Lane, Knaresborough
                                                                                                               North Yorkshire HG5 8LF
      Contact Medequip now to request a collection                                                             Monday to Friday 8am - 5pm

      Call      01423 226240                                                                                   Medequip Scarborough Depot
      Email                                                                    5B & 5C, Dunslow Court Eastfield,
                                                                                                               Scarborough North Yorkshire YO11 3XT
      Return Recycle Reuse Copyright © 2017 by West Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust – used with permission         Monday to Friday 9am - 5pm

                                                                                                                            0800 910 1390
  Technology Enabled Care Service                                                              

Lease a Care Alarm which is monitored 24 hours a day
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We will supply the equipment and monitor it 365 days per year, 24 hours per
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Manage At Home’s range of products are designed to promote
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Shop mobility aids at
Assistive Technology checklist                                                                  © 2021 Care Choices Ltd

We suggest you consider the following questions before buying any Assistive Technology. If you are in
any doubt about what technology might help meet your needs, you can contact your council or visit:

    You can download and print this checklist at:

Suitability                                               Will it need to be installed by a professional?

Does the equipment support your specific                   Can the retailer provide you with training in
needs?                                                    using the equipment?

Are you willing to use it? 
Will it fit into your everyday life and routine?
                                                           Will it work if you have pets or live with other
Have you tried a demo of the equipment?
                                                           people, e.g. could someone else set off a sensor
Do you understand what the equipment is for?              alarm by accident?

Do you need to take it with you when you                   Have you read reviews of the particular piece
leave the house? Is it transportable?                     of equipment you are looking at? Consider
                                                           these before making your purchase.
Does the equipment have any limitations
that would make it unsuitable for you?                    Can you speak to someone who already uses it?
Will it work alongside any Assistive Technology            Does it require batteries? Find out how often
you already have? 
                                                           they will need changing and whether the
                                                           equipment will remind you to do this.
                                                           Is it durable? If you might drop it, is it likely
Is a simpler piece of equipment available,                 to break?
e.g. a pill case rather than an automated pill
Does the equipment need a plug socket, and
will its wire cause a trip hazard?                        Do you know how much it costs? 

Is it easy to use? Can you read/hear it clearly            Will you need to pay a monthly charge?
and are any buttons big enough for you?
                                                           Are there alternative solutions that might
Are you able to use it? Are there any aspects              be free?
you don’t understand?
                                                           Is there a cost associated with servicing the
Is it portable?                                           equipment?


     Visit for further assistance with your search for care                                      21
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Occupational Therapy
Occupational Therapy provides practical support to      Private Occupational Therapy
facilitate recovery and overcome barriers preventing    If you do not want to access Occupational Therapy
people from doing the activities (or occupations)       through the NHS or North Yorkshire County Council,
that matter to them. This support can increase          you could contact an OT directly.
people’s independence and satisfaction in all
aspects of life (RCOT, 2019). For more information,     If you decide to see a private OT, make sure they are
visit:                                   fully qualified and registered through the Health and
                                                        Care Professions Council (HCPC) and are a member
The way you access these services in North Yorkshire    of a recognised body, such as the Royal College of
will depend on why you need Occupational Therapy.       Occupational Therapists:
Health Occupational Therapy
If you have a short-term condition, for example, if     Only healthcare professionals who are registered
you need support following an operation, you will       with the HCPC can use the title of ‘Occupational
access services through the NHS, and you should         Therapist’. You can see if your OT is registered by
speak to one of the healthcare professionals            checking the HCPC online register:
treating you. They will discuss your needs with you
and decide if you would benefit from Occupational
Therapy and, if so, will arrange an assessment with     An OT can carry out an assessment to identify
an Occupational Therapist (OT) as part of your care.    what areas of your everyday life are causing
                                                        problems. They will discuss your needs with you
The Health Occupational Therapy service covers          and explain what help is available. An assessment
hospital stays and returning home. It provides a        and any advice or information provided by a
specialist therapeutic service, including assessment,   Health or local authority OT should be free,
treatment and ensuring a safe discharge back home       services resulting from this assessment may be
after hospital admission.                               chargeable. A private OT may charge you for any
                                                        assessment, information or services.
Local council Occupational Therapy
For ongoing difficulties in your home due to your
health, Occupational Therapy can be accessed
through your local council. You should contact
our Customer Service Centre on: 01609 780780
                                                         Visit: for
to arrange a needs assessment with an OT. Or you
                                                         community and voluntary organisations that can
may be referred to another health or social care
                                                         provide advice and support.
professional, whoever is more appropriate.

Access to food and drink services
We no longer have direct involvement in arranging,       Sherburn Visiting Service
delivering or subsidising meals on wheels services.      Tel: 01977 681828
However, we have identified several organisations
across the county which can provide meals to             Wiltshire Farm Foods – Thirsk branch
people in their own homes.                               Tel: 01845 578784

You can discuss directly with providers the type
and number of meals per week that you would
like. Payment is agreed directly with the
meal providers.

Visit for further assistance with your search for care                                  23
Home is where the care is
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Getting help in your home
Help at home is also known as ‘home care’ or                              worker sleep in your home overnight for security
‘domiciliary care’ and is usually arranged according to                   and reassurance.
need. All service providers, except those delivering
                                                                          Live-in care – a care worker lives in your home, is
domestic support only, must be registered by the
                                                                          allowed time off each day and must have a night’s
Care Quality Commission (CQC) which publishes
                                                                          sleep. It can be arranged as a short respite for your
reports and quality ratings following an inspection.
                                                                          main carer or a permanent arrangement to suit
You must ensure that all care workers have Disclosure
                                                                          your needs.
and Barring Service checks, have received necessary
training, are properly referenced, and are eligible to                    24-hour care – when you need assistance or
work in the UK prior to visiting your home. Check CQC                     monitoring 24 hours a day. It differs from live-in care
reports and quality ratings at: or                         in that care workers rotate to ensure that someone
call: 03000 616161.                                                       is awake and working both day and night.

Getting help at home can take many forms, the list                                                       CaCall
                                                                                                           ll 01701723
                                                                                                                 23 58800588002
of local providers beginning on page 29 may offer:                                             
                                                                                                         Registered charity no. 1130786

                                                                                                         Take control of YOUR Life

Practical support – to assist with household chores                        Get the care you need in the way you need it
such as shopping, cleaning and assistance with food                             Our Vision is that everyone despite age or disability can
                                                                            Whether forlivyourself
                                                                                          e indepeor
                                                                                                   ndaeloved one,
                                                                                                       ntly to thewhen
                                                                                                                  ir fullyou
                                                                                                                         est pare
                                                                                                                                        l.       you have the
preparation. Calls from care workers can be flexible                         flexibility
                                                                                  No moreto decide
                                                                                             been when   and how
                                                                                                   told when   andyou
                                                                                                                                care willBuild
                                                                                                                                           be a rapport with
                                                                                  your employees
                                                                                 provided,          so you always
                                                                                             take control,         know We
                                                                                                           you decide.    whooffer
                                                                                                                               will be  supporting you.
and can last as little as 15 minutes when you need it.                          Personal Assistant recruitment and a low cost payroll
                                                                               By putting your job out there, you can find the person who matches
                                                                                              service open to everyone.
                                                                                                       your requirements.
Domiciliary care – in addition to practical support,                            Nycil canGsupport
                                                                                           et in towith
                                                                                                   uch the
                                                                                                        to srecruitment
                                                                                                             ee how weprocess,
                                                                                                                         can helincluding
                                                                                                                                 p.        advertising,
this involves personal care (assistance with washing,                       interviews, contracts, signposting to training and further advice we also offer
                                                                                   a payroll service to make
                                                                                                              all 017your 23own58staff
                                                                                                                                        02 easier.
dressing etc.), and/or one or more care workers to                                                 wwtow.see
                                                                                       So get in touch
assist with mobility. You may wish to have a care                                                          Registered charity no. 1130786

                                                                                                           Take control of YOUR Life

   “Elderflower Homecare is an exceptional
  home caring service, way beyond anything                                     Our Vision is that everyone despite age or disability can  Helping Hands
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  The pressure and worry you took from me                                       No more been told when and how your care will be
            I will be forever grateful”                                        provided, take control, you decide. We offer bespoke
                                                                               Personal Assistant recruitment and a low cost payroll
                                                                                            service open to everyone.
                                                                                        Get in touch to see how we can help.
                                                   Personal Care
                                                   Meal Preparation
 Elderflower Homecare is a small family run
 business that provides client centred, high
                                                   Physiotherapy             Do you need a helping hand?
    quality care to enable people to lead
      a fulfilling life in their own home.         Therapy
                                                   Domestic Duties           With care visits available from 30 minutes all the way up
 All our staff have extensive knowledge and                                  to full-time live-in care, we provide personalised home
                                                   Dog Walking
      expertise for adults with dementia
            or a physical disability.          l
                                                   Daily Living              care packages to support you in North Yorkshire.
                                                   Equipment                 With over 30 years’ experience, we’ll support you with
 We allocate a limited number of carers per    l
                                                   Assisted stair lifts
  client to achieve a personal approach.                                     anything you need to live independently in the home
                                                   and baths
                                                                             you know and love, including:
                                                   Holiday & Respite
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                Email:                                                       Looking for care? 0808 274 2935                                                 For more information
    Richmond House, Horsefair,
     Boroughbridge YO51 9AA

Visit for further assistance with your search for care                                                                               25
You can also read