Down the Drain How Effectively Are We Managing Our Wastewater? - Overcoming the 'Yuck' Factor - Water Canada

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Down the Drain How Effectively Are We Managing Our Wastewater? - Overcoming the 'Yuck' Factor - Water Canada

Down the Drain
 How Effectively Are We
Managing Our Wastewater?

Overcoming the
‘Yuck’ Factor

Renewing Water

Down the Drain How Effectively Are We Managing Our Wastewater? - Overcoming the 'Yuck' Factor - Water Canada
Down the Drain How Effectively Are We Managing Our Wastewater? - Overcoming the 'Yuck' Factor - Water Canada
Mark your calendars!
                                            CANADIAN WATER SUMMIT
       VOLUME 21 NUMBER 5                     JUNE 1 to JUNE 3, 2022
                                                 NIAGARA FALLS

DRINKING WATER                         WASTERSHED
8 Renewing Water
Infrastructure                         25 A Collaborative Future
Survey says environmental         12   Moving towards the sustainable
considerations are a major             management of the Wolastoq River.
factor for asset renewal               BY    MOLLY DEMMA
strategies in Canada.                  AND   JAMYLYNN MCDONALD
                                       28 Innovating in
                                       the Blue Economy
12 Building Resilience                 What does the term “innovation” mean
                                       in the context of the Blue Economy?
Green roofs help Canadian         16
cities adapt to climate change.        BY    SIMRAN CHATTHA

AND   KAREN LIU                        COLUMN
                                       30 Open Access Water Data
WASTEWATER                             Reflecting on the importance of open
                                       access water data for transparent
16 Overcoming the
                                       and inclusive decisions.
‘Yuck’ Factor
                                       BY    CAROLYN DUBOIS
Alberta pilot project
produces beer made
                                  22   DEPARTMENTS
with treated wastewater.
BY    JOHN TENPENNY                    5 Editor’s Note
20 Digital                             SIMRAN CHATTHA reflects
Transformation                         on the evolving Blue Economy.
How will digital                       6 Front
transformation make                    Recommendations for Canada’s
municipal water management             First National Infrastructure
more resilient?                        Assessment, Class Action Litigation
BY    STEVE MCDOWELL                   Related to Drinking Water.

22 Wastewater Reuse               25   32 People & Events
Alberta releases new                   Appointments, announcements,
guidelines for dealing                 and event reports.
with wastewater                        34 H2Opinion
and stormwater.                        Hidden Leakages
BY    SAUL CHERNOS                     BY    NADIA TODOROVA


                                        SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2021                3
Down the Drain How Effectively Are We Managing Our Wastewater? - Overcoming the 'Yuck' Factor - Water Canada
Down the Drain How Effectively Are We Managing Our Wastewater? - Overcoming the 'Yuck' Factor - Water Canada

                                                                            The New
EDITOR                                                                      Blue Economy
Simran Chattha
                                                                             BY   SIMRAN CHATTHA
Corinne Lynds
                                                              OVER THE PAST FEW MONTHS,            balances needs with availability,
John Tenpenny, Connie Vitello                                 our team at Water Canada has         etc.). It should also be updated
                                                              been hosting a series of panel       to include economic activities
Donna Endacott                                                discussions as part of the Blue      (i.e., identifying and supporting
ADVERTISING                                                   Economy Webinar Series.              the sustainable development
Jackie Pagaduan                            The series kicked off with a      of business sectors that depend
CONTENT CONTRIBUTORS                                          discussion about how the term        on water like fisheries, tourism,
Sasha Aguilera, Saul Chernos, Molly Demma,                    Blue Economy is currently            beverage, mining, etc.).
Carolyn DuBois, Karen Liu, Jamylynn
                                                              defined and how we believe it
McDonald, Steve McDowell, Nadia Todorova                                                            3 Activities, like offshore oil
                                                              should be defined. Currently,
DIGITAL MARKETING MANAGER                                                                          and gas, that have the potential
Shannon Clark                                                 predominant definitions of
                                                                                                   to harm our water resources
                                                              the term are synonymous with
EVENT MANAGER                                                                                      should not be included in the new
Natasha Mawji                                                 ocean resources. Our team at
                                                                                                   definition of Blue Economy.
PRESIDENT                                                     Water Canada believes that this
Todd Latham                                                   definition of the Blue Economy       4 Jurisdictional silos need to be
PUBLISHER                                                     is too narrow and that it needs      broken down to better support
Nick Krukowski                                                to be expanded to encompass the      water governance. In other
ADVISOR                                                       broader water sector.                words, collaboration is needed
James Sbrolla                                                                                      between all levels of government.
                                                                 For this reason, we have
                                                              been exploring topics like what       5 Innovation is typically
Lee Scarlett
                                                              governance looks like within         thought of in the context of water
                                                              the new Blue Economy, what           technology. However, it can be
                                                              innovation looks like, and how       used in a much broader context
                                                              we can increase diversity within     in the Blue Economy. In other
                                                              the new Blue Economy.                words, the term “innovation” can
                                                                 There are several key             be used to refer to an improvement
                                                              takeaways from the discussions       in a process, product, or service
                                                              that have taken place so far with    that leads to an improvement
                                                              industry experts:                    in performance.
Water Canada is published six                                  1 There is support for expanding      Be sure to join us over the
times a year by Actual Media Inc.
                                                              the definition of Blue Economy       coming months as we continue
                                                              to include more than ocean           to explore the key elements of the
                                                              resources.                           new Blue Economy. WC
150 Eglinton Ave. E, #806, Toronto, ON, Canada M4P 1E8
Phone: 416-444-5842
                                                               2 The definition of Blue
Subscription/customer services:                               Economy should be expanded
416-444-5842 ext. 1
                                                              to include activities that
Water Canada subscriptions are available
for $39.95/year or $64.95/two years.                          support water stewardship (i.e.,     Simran Chattha is the editor
 2021 Actual Media Inc. All rights reserved.                  protecting water bodies, using       of Water Canada.
The contents of this publication may not be                   water resources in a way that
reproduced by any means in whole or in part,
without prior written consent from the publisher.
Printed in Canada.

                                                                          For daily news and discussion, visit
                                                                         /WaterCanada                     WaterCanada
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ISSN 1715-670X

                                                                                               SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2021               5
Down the Drain How Effectively Are We Managing Our Wastewater? - Overcoming the 'Yuck' Factor - Water Canada
FEATURE CONTRIBUTORS                             FRONT

                SASHA AGUILERA
                Sasha is the design
                ambassador at Next Level
                Stormwater Management.
                Pg. 12

                KAREN LIU
                Karen is the is the Green
                Roof Specialist at Next Level
                Stormwater Management.
                Pg. 12

                STEVE MCDOWELL
                Steve is a senior sales
                consultant for Schneider
                Electric Canada
                Pg. 20

                CAROLYN DUBOIS
                Carolyn is the executive
                                                 Recommendations Released
                                                 for Canada’s First National
                director of the Water
                Program at DataStream
                Pg. 30

                                                 Infrastructure Assessment
ABOUT THE COVER                                  Recommendations            have  been    Canada We Want in 2050”—sought input
                                                 released for Moving Forward on the       from the public, Indigenous communities
The way that we’re                               National Infrastructure Assessment,      and organizations, provinces, territories,
managing our wastewater,                         which summarizes consultation            municipalities, and stakeholders on three
and what we’re doing with                        findings to inform Canada’s first
                                                                                          main priorities of the assessment:
                                                 National Infrastructure Assessment.
our wastewater, is evolving.                        The announcement was made by           	Assessing Canada’s infrastructure
Learn more on page 16.                           Catherine McKenna, minister of             needs and establishing a
                                                 infrastructure and communities,            long-term vision.
                                                 Tamara Vrooman, chair of the Canada       	Improving coordination among
    Coming up in the next issue                  Infrastructure Bank, and Jan De Silva,     infrastructure owners and funders.
                                                 president and CEO of Toronto Region
                                                                                           	Determining the best ways to
                                                 Board of Trade.
    NOVEMBER/DECEMBER                               “Our well-being, our prosperity,        fund and finance infrastructure.
                                                 and our success in tackling climate        Over 300 organizations and individuals
     PFAS Treatment Technologies                 change over the coming decades will      shared their views and ideas, providing
                                                 depend on many things, including         essential   information    on   how     the
          Decomissioning Dams                    smart investments in 21st century        National    Infrastructure    Assessment
                                                 infrastructure that support a net-zero   might address these three priorities.
                                                 economy and a stronger quality of
            Increasing Diversity                                                            Their submissions were clear. There
                                                 life for all Canadians,” said McKenna.
                                                                                          is strong support for an independent
                                                 “Through the recommendations
      PLUS: Columns, news and insights,                                                   advisory body to lead an evidence-based
                                                 for moving forward on the National
    coverage on the industry’s biggest events,                                            process to identify Canada’s infrastructure
                                                 Infrastructure Assessment, we are
         people on the move, and more.                                                    needs over the near, medium, and long
                                                 working together to achieve that.”
                                                    Launched       last    March,   the   term to achieve critical economic, social,
       AD BOOKING DEADLINE: OCTOBER 15           consultation—named “Building the         and environmental outcomes.     WC

            To reach Water Canada’s                            Share your story about the
           influential readers in print,
         contact Jackie Pagaduan at
                                                       Canadian water industry with Water Canada!
             416-444-5842 ext.0112                   Email Editor Simran Chattha at

6                     SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2021
Down the Drain How Effectively Are We Managing Our Wastewater? - Overcoming the 'Yuck' Factor - Water Canada

                                                                                          Online at

                                                                                                                                     Credit: Government of Alberta
                                                                                          NEWS: Springbank Off-Stream

Agreement in Principle
                                                                                          Reservoir Project Receives Approval.

Reached to Resolve Class
Action Litigation Related to
Drinking Water
An Agreement in Principle has been          First Nations represented in the class
reached through a negotiation process       action lawsuits. The agreement includes
to resolve a national class action          the following:
litigation related to safe drinking water    	$1.5 billion in compensation for           NEWS: Quebec Announces Funding for
in First Nations communities.                  individuals deprived of clean              Nanomaterials to Decontaminate Water.
   The announcement was made by                drinking water.                  
Tataskweyak Cree Nation, Curve Lake
                                             	The creation of a $400 million
First Nation, and Neskantaga First
                                               First Nation Economic and
Nation with Indigenous Services
                                               Cultural Restoration Fund.
Minister Marc Miller.
   “I strongly believe in resolving          	A renewed commitment to Canada’s
important matters like this through            Action Plan for the lifting of all
open dialogue grounded in the                  long-term drinking water advisories.
principles of co-operation, partnership,     	The creation of a First Nations Advisory
and transparency,” said Miller. “We are        Committee on Safe Drinking Water.
proud to have worked in partnership          	Support for First Nations to develop
with Tataskweyak Cree Nation, Curve            their own safe drinking water
Lake First Nation, and Neskantaga
                                                                                          NEWS: Consultation Begins on
                                               by-laws and initiatives.                   Coastal Protection Act Regulations.
First Nation to establish an Agreement
                                             	A commitment of at least $6 billion
in Principle that lays the groundwork
                                               to support reliable access to safe
for long-term sustainable solutions to
ensure access to clean water on reserves       drinking water on reserve.
                                                                                                                                     Credit: POLIS Water Sustainability Project

now and in the future.”                      	Planned modernization of
   This Agreement in Principle addresses       Canada’s First Nations drinking
important concerns identified by               water legislation. WC

           Get your daily dose of Canadian water news
         by visiting or by following us
                                                                                          NEWS: Research Reveals
                      on Twitter @CanadianWater
                                                                                          B.C.’s Watershed Sector is a Jobs

                                                                                             SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2021              7
Down the Drain How Effectively Are We Managing Our Wastewater? - Overcoming the 'Yuck' Factor - Water Canada

Renewing Water
Survey says environmental considerations are a major factor
for asset renewal strategies in Canada.                     BY   SIMRAN CHATTHA AND CONNIE VITELLO

IN THIS SECOND PART of a two-part        options—mainly rehabilitation and          infrastructure renewal, including:
feature on linear water infrastructure   replacement—that can be implemented,
                                                                                      Project objectives (age and size of
renewal, Water Canada reveals the        independently, or jointly. They also
                                                                                      the renewal project and nearby
results of a comprehensive survey on     provided insight into the priorities
current practices and opinions related   involved in the decision-making
to the management, design, and           process and other pressing water            	
                                                                                      Site constraints (such as a sensitive
procurement of linear public sector      infrastructure issues.                       surface structure or geographic
water infrastructure in Canada.            When it comes to linear water              challenges).
  Respondents         revealed    that   infrastructure, how do municipalities       	
                                                                                      Schedule timeframes (emergency
environmental considerations are         and water infrastructure owners              service versus planned project).
poised to play a pivotal role in the     decide how to rebuild or renew their
                                                                                      Client budgets.
decision-making for future asset         pipelines? What are their key priorities
renewal strategies.                      and concerns?                                However, our research also revealed
  Engineers and consultants from           Our research in part one indicated       an increasing awareness of indirect costs
across the country weighed in to         that a variety of factors traditionally    that are coming into play. These include
provide expert perspective on renewal    impact decisions around linear water       impacts to trees, interference with

8               SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2021
Down the Drain How Effectively Are We Managing Our Wastewater? - Overcoming the 'Yuck' Factor - Water Canada

neighbourhoods, traffic congestion,
idling traffic emissions, and disruption       Figure 1: When working with your municipal clients
to business patterns.
                                                 on linear water infrastructure renewal projects,
   The survey, which included responses
from 375 participants, echoed our                     which do you most often recommend?
research findings in many ways and
illuminated the growing appreciation
and application of green solutions and             1.60%
water quality protection.
Lead infrastructure
When conducting watermain renewal
or rehabilitation an alarming number
of respondents indicated that they often
                                                   8.00%                                                               28.27%
encounter lead infrastructure, with             Depends                                                           Full open-cut
45.33 per cent selecting “sometimes”           on budget                                                          replacement
and 43.33 per cent selecting “regularly.”
   This could be due to the fact that
utilities don’t know where many
lead pipes are located because the
information is not available or is not
complete. Utilities are starting to           Combination                                                              30.40%
                                                of both
use new approaches, like artificial                                                                                Trenchless
intelligence, to determine where                                                                                  rehabilitation
lead pipes might be located. Once                                                                                   solutions
utilities determine where lead pipes
are located, they will be in a better
position to address ongoing concerns
(e.g., impacts on health).

Open-cut versus trenchless
                                             Figure 2: What are your municipal client’s priorities when
excavation solutions
When working with municipal
                                               replacing or rehabilitating their water infrastructure?
clients on linear water infrastructure
renewal projects, respondents most
often recommend a roughly even split        100%                              7.47%
between full open-cut replacement
and trenchless excavation solutions.        80%        15.73%                 28.27%
A majority of respondents indicated                                                                                     52.80%
a preference for a combination of
methods (31.73 per cent).                   60%        24.80%
Selecting a technology
There was a relatively balanced
                                            40%                                                                         19.47%
response when it came to consultants’
main priorities for selecting a             20%                               35.73%              28.80%                17.87%
technology for a client’s replacement or
rehabilitation of water infrastructure.
                                             0%                                                    6.93%                9.87%
There was a close tally between the
following priorities:                                  Improve            End of usable        Replacement           Need for
                                                        water              life/multiple        due to use        greater delivery
  Profit to the firm.
                                                        quality                breaks            of lead             capacity
  Reduced disruption
  in the community.                                        Ranked from 1-4, with 1 being the highest priority/reason:
  Environmental impacts.                                                    1       2       3       4
  Cost to the client.

                                                                                              SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2021                 9
Down the Drain How Effectively Are We Managing Our Wastewater? - Overcoming the 'Yuck' Factor - Water Canada

                                                                                     Once again, the environmental
        Figure 3: As a consultant, what are your priorities                        impacts were the top consideration.
          when selecting a technology for your client’s
                                                                                   Environmental benefits
      replacement or rehabilitation of water infrastructure?
                                                                                     When      discussing        linear    water
                                                                                   infrastructure projects with clients,
                                 10.13%            13.07%
                                                                                   do     consultants      ask     clients       to

              25.07%                                                               consider environmental benefits of a
      80%                        26.93%            19.73%
                                                                                   technology when selecting a method
                                                                      51.73%       of replacement versus rehabilitation?
                                                                                     An     overwhelming         majority        of
      60%     26.40%                                                               respondents (96 per cent) indicated that
                                                   29.60%                          environmental benefits are a concern
      40%                                                                          for clients.
              24.53%                                                  26.93%

      20%                                                                            A variety of factors
                                 29.60%            37.60%             12.53%
                                                                      8.80%          traditionally impact
               Profit            Reduced Environmental                      Cost         decisions around
              to firm          disruption in Impacts                       to the
                               community                                  client            linear water
             Ranked from 1-4, with 1 being the highest priority/reason:
                                                                                   infrastructure renewal.
                              1       2       3       4

                                                                                   Waste management woes
                                                                                   A vast majority of respondents
       Figure 4: Have you had to recommend to a municipal                          have     had    to   recommend              that
                                                                                   municipal clients replace their linear
          client that they replace their linear wastewater
                                                                                   wastewater infrastructure in the past
     infrastructure in the past 12 months due to clogs caused                      12 months due to clogs caused by
       by FOGs (fats, oils, and greases) or flushable wipes?                       FOGs (fats, oils, and greases) or
                                                                                   flushable wipes.

                   8.80%                                         70.67%            Concluding thoughts
                     No                                            Yes,            The results of this survey indicate
         2.40%                                                      for            strong      preference         for      green

          Yes,                                                     both            and      innovative       linear        water

         due to                                                                    infrastructure       technologies           and
         wipes                                                                     should      give     consultants            and
                                                                                   engineers       across     Canada           the
                                                                                   confidence to encourage clients to
                                                                                   see assess the big picture—the direct
                                                                                   and indirect costs—when deciding
        18.13%                                                                     on infrastructure solutions.           WC

         due to
                                                                                   Simran Chattha is the editor of
                                                                                   Water Canada magazine.
                                                                                   Connie Vitello is the editor of the
                                                                                   Environment Journal.

10                SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2021
Credit: Greg van Riel

                        Green roofs help Canadian cities adapt to climate change.
                        BY   SASHA AGUILERA AND DR. KAREN LIU

                        GLOBAL WARMING increases the               interest in using green roofs, blue        through rooftop detention mechanisms
                        intensity and frequency of extreme         roofs, and blue-green roofs to manage      that function independently of green
                        weather events such as heatwaves,          stormwater in urban centres such as        roof saturation levels.
                        rainstorms, and hurricanes. This           Toronto and Vancouver.
                        summer, China, India, Germany,                                                        Evolution of rooftop
                        Belgium, and the U.S.A. experienced        Traditional green roofs                    detention systems
                        unprecedented rains and catastrophic       for retention                              There are different types of roof-based
                        floods that resulted in loss of life and   Green roofs are specialized roofing        detention tools on the market. They all
                        widespread damage. While floods            systems that support vegetation growth     have one characteristic in common—
                        are common in many parts of the            on rooftops. They provide a bounty of      they release water runoff at a reduced
                        world, climate change and rapid            benefits such as improvements in air       rate over a longer period of time to
                        urbanization have exacerbated the          quality, biodiversity, urban heat island   prevent the overloading of stormwater
                        problem. Stormwater management is a        effect, and roof membrane longevity to     infrastructure. All solutions have their
                        global challenge.                          name a few. They also deliver stormwater   merits, and often a single project may
                           Low impact development (LID)            management by retaining rainfall           benefit from multiple approaches.
                        mimics a site’s natural hydrological       volume in their components. Once these       Blue roofs pond water on a roof
                        cycle to manage runoff close to its        layers become fully saturated, their       and slowly release it over time. Runoff
                        source. As land is expensive real          water storage capacity is reached, and     is controlled through strategically
                        estate, designers are turning to the       excess rainfall leads to the roof drain    localized flow restrictors (i.e., orifice
                        many rooftops, which make up 20-25         as quickly as it falls on the surface of   restrictor, holes in an elevated drainpipe,
                        per cent of the land area in major North   the green roof. Additional stormwater      or a mechanical valve that opens
                        American cities. There is growing          management benefits can be achieved        and closes using smart technology).

                        12                SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2021

                                                                                                                                                 Credit: KL Design
Green roofs                     Friction-Detention                                                              Blue-Green
form a
part of this                    Green Roof Buildup                                                             Roof Buildup

                                              Typical system buildup for friction detention green roof and blue green roof.

 They are often the most economical        storage volume. Special attention must                   with trees, plants, grasses, rocks, and
 rooftop detention tool. The technology    be paid to the waterproofing membrane                    fallen debris. These obstacles create
 was introduced in North America in the    type and installation technique to ensure                friction which serves to slow down the
 1970’s and while effective, blue roofs    warranties are valid. Lastly, standing                   rate of runoff. Using the principles of
 have some inherent disadvantages that     water may pose a risk of disease and                     biomimicry, a traditional green roof
 have prevented them from becoming a       safety issues to maintenance personnel.                  can be re-designed to emulate nature’s
 popular stormwater water management         Blue-green roofs are exactly what their                friction-detention mechanism.
 solution. For instance, blue roofs requirename suggests. They are essentially a                       Friction-detention green roofs delay
 zero per cent slope to maximize water     traditional green roof with a blue roof                  runoff and reduce peak intensity at
 storage as even a one to two per cent     basin below. The vegetated portion of                    the drainage level over the entire roof
                                                                the systems serves                  surface. A friction-detention mat,
                                                                to filter runoff and                which is made up of thousands of very
    There is a growing interest in using                        provide all the benefits            fine vertical fibres sandwiched between
                                                                of    a     traditional             two geotextiles, creates friction for the
                                                                green roof while the                runoff. This mat allows small amounts
 green roofs, blue roofs, and blue-green lower portion offers                                       of runoff to flow through unimpeded
                                                                detention like a blue               but slows down large volumes of runoff.
        roofs to manage stormwater.                             roof. Unfortunately,                As a result, runoff enters the roof
                                                                due to their similarity             drains at a slower rate over a longer
                                                                with     blue     roofs,            time, which prevents overloading the
 slope can prevent the surfaces away from  blue-green roofs end up inheriting most                  storm sewers.
 the drain from being fully utilized.      of a blue roof’s weaknesses.                                Friction-detention green roofs
   However, the National Building Code                                                              support living plants and provide all
 requires a minimum roof slope of two      A nature-based approach                                  the benefits of traditional green roofs.
 per cent to promote positive drainage,    In nature, rainfall joins the nearest stream             Because the detention mechanism does
 which greatly reduces a blue roof’s water after travelling a laborious path crowded                not rely on single flow restrictors, it is

                                                                                                      SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2021                13

     While floods are
     common in many
     parts of the world,
     climate change and
     rapid urbanization
     have exacerbated
     the problem.

a flexible system that is better suited to     various blue-green systems.                   modeling program accurately predicts
more applications than blue-green roofs.          Water fills and exists differently         performance       and    calculates     the
Friction-detention green roofs:                given a “traditional” system using            appropriate green roof profile to meet
                                               simple drainage cups to expedite fast         detention and retention requirements.
  Can manage back-to-back rainfall             drainage, an “enhanced retention”
  events and large intense storms              system with a high performing water           Conclusion
  regardless of antecedent weather             retention layer, and a “friction-detention”   A friction detention green roof combines
  conditions (i.e., even when retentive        green roof with both retention and            retention and detention in a single
  layers are completely saturated).
                                               friction-detention layers.                    system. This increases the stormwater
  Can be implemented on low-sloped                Research has also been done to
                                                                                             management capacity per unit area of
  roofs without losing efficiency and          examine the effectiveness of the
                                                                                             rooftop space and maximizes the ROI.
  sloped roofs effectively.                    friction-detention green roof by
                                                                                             It stores a large amount of rainwater to
  Can “recharge” or repeat detention           comparing hydrographs from the same
                                                                                             be evaporated back to the atmosphere
  performance within a short time span,        three systems in an actual rain test.
                                                                                             and delays runoff reliably during heavy
  usually within 24 hours.
                                               Calculating detention                         downpour to minimize flood risks.
  A re particularly economical on              performance                                   Adding detention to retention on green
  irregular shaped roofs where                 A successful friction-detention green         roofs better manages stormwater and
  numerous roofs drains would require          roof design requires collaboration from       increases resilience in our cities.   WC
  flow restrictors.                            several disciplines. Civil engineers,
                                               architects, mechanical engineers,
The research behind                            and landscape architects provide
vegetated systems with                         project-specific details (i.e., size,         Sasha Aguilera is the design ambassador
friction-detention technology                  location, design storm, maximum               at Next Level Stormwater Management.
Green Roof Diagnostics has conducted           allowable outflow rate, etc.). Using          Dr. Karen Liu is the Green Roof Specialist
thousands of rain tests and research on        this input data, a proprietary detention      at Next Level Stormwater Management.

14                    SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2021
All photos: Riley Brandt/University of Calgary

                                                 Overcoming the ‘Yuck Factor’
                                                 Alberta pilot project produces beer made with treated wastewater.
                                                 BY   JOHN TENPENNY

                                                 WATER IS A KEY INGREDIENT in the                “This beer shows that water reuse          Its purpose, says O’Grady, is
                                                 beer-making process. It’s so simple, it’s     can be a safe and important part of        “to advance best practice in water
                                                 generally an afterthought. But what if it     our sustainable future,” says O’Grady.     treatment—raising the bar as far as
                                                 wasn’t just any water, but the water that     “Wastewater can be treated using           contaminants of concern, looking at
                                                 began its life being flushed down a toilet?   advanced treatment technology,             environmental effects, encouraging
                                                   Water conservation was taken to a           making it into a reliable and safe water   innovation to do better and ideally
                                                 whole new level in the spring of 2020 in      supply for many uses.”                     helping the municipality to save money
                                                 Calgary with a partnership between a            ACWA, an initiative of the Urban         in the way that they treat wastewater.”
                                                 local brewery, the University of Calgary      Alliance, is a strategic partnership         The idea to produce beer with treated
                                                 and Xylem Inc., which produced a limited      between the university and the             wastewater came from a lighthearted
                                                 batch of 1,600 cans of Village Blonde beer    City of Calgary. Its research              remark at a meeting where ACWA was
                                                 using treated wastewater.                     facility is integrated into the Pine       discussing projects to collaborate on
                                                   While the idea may be unique,               Creek wastewater treatment plant           with water technology company Xylem.
                                                 the thought process behind it wasn’t says     and includes ultrafiltration and             “Yeah, we could make beer with the
                                                 Christine O’Grady, program coordinator        nanofiltration membrane modules,           water. Why can’t we make beer?” recalls
                                                 at the University of Calgary’s Advancing      plus O3 and H2O2 oxidation with and        O’Grady. “We had the technology.
                                                 Canadian Water Assets (ACWA).                 without UV.                                We had the treatment train,

                                                 16                SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2021

                   Alberta’s first            Christine O’Grady
                   beer made with             (left), program director
                   treated wastewater         at Advancing Canadian
                   was brewed as              Wastewater Assets
                   a collaboration            (ACWA) and Jeremy
                   between the                McLaughlin, head
                   University of              brewer at Village
                   Calgary’s Advancing        Brewery.
                   Canadian Water
                   Assets (ACWA),
                   Village Brewery,
                   and Xylem Inc.

we just linked it all together.”             help communities achieve water reuse         excited to take part in a project that put
   The project was enthusiastically          by optimizing global water management        sustainability front and centre.
embraced at Xylem.                           by saving more than 16.5 billion cubic          “The big thing for us was to try and
   “When we were approached about            meters of water through advanced             make sure that the beer tasted the exact
the idea, we thought it would fit neatly     technologies that avert water loss and       same as our other normal Village Blonde
into Watermark, our corporate social         enable water reuse.”                         and we achieved that. We’re confident.”
responsibility program,” says Kevin Flis,                                                    O’Grady concurs. “I understand
client solutions manager at Xylem Digital    The ‘Yuck Factor’                            the yuck factor, but I knew the
Solutions. Flis adds that the company has    ACWA then approached Village Brewery,        technology that was treating [the water]
a strong relationship with ACWA through      a local company that is “very sustainably-   was very safe.”
                                                                  minded,” according         Alberta Health Services’ Safe Healthy
                                                                  to O’Grady.             Environments (AHS-SHE) provided
 This beer shows that water reuse                                   “There’s a mental
                                                                  hurdle to get over of
                                                                                          guidance to the team as it created a water
                                                                                          safety plan for the project. AHS-SHE
                                                                  how inherently gross    supports safe and healthy communities,
  can be a safe and important part                                this could be,” says    as set out under the Public Health Act and
                                                                  Jeremy McLaughlin,      related legislation.
        of our sustainable future.                                head    brewer     at      Before being sent to the brewery,
                                                                  Village     Brewery.    the water was treated at ACWA using
                                                                  “But we know that       tertiary treatment technologies including
its Calgary branch office. “Xylem is very    this water is safe, we know that this beer   advanced oxidation and nano-filtration.
dedicated to the water reuse industry        is safe, and we stand by our process.”       It was then tested to demonstrate that it
as a whole because it’s aligned with our        Jackson Stuart, the brewery’s             met rigorous standards outlined by AHS-
sustainability efforts, one of which is to   marketing manager, says Village was          SHE for water reuse, including pathogen

                                                                                             SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2021               17

                                                                                                                                             Credit: Riley Brandt/University of Calgary
                                                                                                               Calgary’s Village
                                                                                                               Brewery produced
                                                                                                               1,000 litres of its Village
                                                                                                               Blonde ale using
                                                                                                               treated wastewater.

reduction requirements, as well as            effective barrier for removing viruses           The project was undertaken from
Canadian Drinking Water Guidelines.           and bacteria from the water stream            a mindset of promoting water reuse,
   “With the right measures in place          to disinfect it,” says Flis, “but also to     she adds.
alternative water sources—such as             remove any of what we call contaminants          “Proper stewardship of water resources
wastewater, greywater, rooftop collected      of emerging concern—essentially, items        is critical to the planet’s sustainability,
rainwater, and stormwater—can be made         that are unregulated, but we are aware        and water reuse can reduce the amount
safe for many potable and non-potable         of their potential harmful impact, in         of fresh water required by some
end uses,” says Jessica Popadynetz,           particular pharmaceuticals.”                  applications and decrease diversion from
AHS public health inspector.                    The ozone activation is only one part of    sensitive ecosystems,” says O’Grady.
   Municipal wastewater normally runs         the entire treatment train that included      “ACWA is proud to lead by example and
through a complex system involving            ultrafiltration membranes, followed           champion water reuse with our partners
screens, filters, microbes, and ultraviolet   by the ozone activation, followed by          in this project.” WC
light to make it clean enough to return to    ultraviolet or UV disinfection, and finally
                                                                                            This article first appeared in the
Calgary’s Bow River.                          reverse osmosis.
                                                                                            April 2021 issue of Plumbing &
   The ACWA team took partially treated         The beer went on sale on August 22,
                                                                                            HVAC magazine and is reprinted
water from the plant and ran it through       2020, Earth Overshoot Day.
                                                                                            with permission.
additional advanced treatment using             Earth Overshoot Day marks the
ultrafiltration, followed by advanced         date when humanity has supposedly
oxidation (ozone plus ultraviolet             exhausted nature’s budget for the year.
                                                                                                         John Tenpenny is the
treatment), then reverse osmosis.             For the rest of the year, our ecological
                                                                                                         editor of Renew Canada,
   The advanced oxidation system was          deficit is maintained by drawing down                      Water Canada’s
Xylem’s contribution to the project.          local resource stocks and accumulating                     sister magazine.
   “The unit was used to create an            carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

18                SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2021

How digital transformation will make municipal
water management more resilient.                              BY   STEVE MCDOWELL

ACROSS CANADA, municipalities must be          The future resiliency of the country             city of Winkler in Manitoba. In Quebec,
ready for big growth—and big change.           depends on strong communities that are           the government is investing in a new water
Increased immigration levels and housing       ready to accommodate what’s coming.              treatment plant for Drummondville.
booms outside of major urban centres           Municipalities’ willingness to modernize             While this kind of news is encouraging,
mean municipalities of all sizes and in all    is vital, not only for keeping critical          it’s no secret that for most municipalities,
corners of the country are preparing for       infrastructure afloat now, but for making        budgets are a barrier. Competing priorities
unprecedented population growth.               our communities stronger and more                and limited resources make investment
   At the same time, they face a tough road    sustainable as we grow.                          decisions difficult. To meet current needs
ahead to stay prepared. As a 2020 report          The most forward-looking municipalities       and prepare for growing development,
from KPMG put it, “the clock is ticking        will be the ones thinking about how to use       water companies must invest constantly
on Canada’s municipal infrastructure.”         digital transformation to make smarter           to replace pipes, refurbish equipment,
The consultancy suggests that 13 per cent of   decisions, manage energy usage more              and expand their treatment plants, all
the country’s core municipal infrastructure    effectively, and stay prepared for disruption.   while meeting increasingly stringent
assets—including roads, pipes, and water          Well-functioning, reliable water              water quality standards.
treatment plants—are in significant decay      treatment facilities are vital for healthy,          However, advancements in digital
and either unreliable or entirely unfit to     thriving communities. Inefficient                technology and systems mean that
meet current needs, let alone the future       facilities, on the other hand, can lead to       critical industrial facilities like water
population growth this country expects to      wasted water, energy, and revenue loss.          treatment plants can modernize without
see in the coming decade.                      More importantly, even a few hours of            the upfront CapEx investment you may
   It’s not a surprise that municipalities     downtime in a water treatment facility           expect. The Town of Midland in Ontario
are in this position. Severe and often         can create huge public health issues.            is one municipality that has recognized
unpredictable weather is taking its               Over the past few months, we’ve               this and acted.
toll on already aging infrastructure,          seen encouraging announcements that                  Not unlike other municipalities
while budgets are already constrained.         recognize the importance of improving            across the province and country,
The pandemic has only exacerbated the          these aging facilities. Three levels of          Midland’s water treatment facility had
financial pressures municipalities are         government have committed $73 million            35-year-old infrastructure in place.
already facing.                                in funding for upgrades to the regional          Its dated system couldn’t provide the data
   But doing nothing is not an option.         wastewater treatment system for the              collection, monitoring, and analysis the

20                 SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2021

                                         that now consumes less energy and has         updating the facility’s motor control
                                         lower operating costs, and where staff        centre brought the entire plant forward
                                         have greater visibility into how essential    15 to 20 years, without a major capital
                                         functions are performing.                     expenditure investment. Adding variable
                                            A huge part of this transformation is      speed drives on its aerators have reduced
                                         rooted in gaining access to information       energy consumption by between 36 and
                                         for smarter energy management and             40 per cent. Installing the drives enables
                                         better decision-making grounded in real-      the aeration cells to control the amount
                                         time insights. As part of the project, we     of dissolved oxygen in each tank—the
                                         upgraded the plant’s SCADA, the system        drive speeds up as the amount of oxygen
                                         that gathers and analyzes real-time data      drops and slows down once the desired
                                         to monitor and control equipment, plus        amount is met, promoting greater energy
                                         integrated new, connected products and        efficiency and ensuring the right amount
                                         screens to better monitor its systems.        of oxygen is reached.
                                            The idea is to get data flowing and then      All of this has a major impact on the
                                         let workers harness it remotely, ultimately   bottom line. By reducing operating and
                                         saving on labour and maintenance costs,       maintenance costs, facilities like Midland’s
              The most forward-          with the facility performing at its best.     can free up budget for much-needed,
              looking municipalities     Using digital tools to improve visibility     larger scale infrastructure updates that
              will be the ones
                                         into water systems lets operational and       keep them prepared for future growth.
              thinking about
              how to use digital         maintenance teams keep tabs on how               This project has also had an
              transformation to make     the facility is operating, so they can stay   undeniable human benefit. The workers
              smarter decisions.
                                         ahead of any potential issues. Midland’s      at Midland’s plant are more engaged
                                         operations team can proactively manage        because they have greater insight into
                                         any red flags early, avoiding financial,      how their facility is performing—and
team needed to efficiently manage their health, and logistical consequences that       confidence that they are making the best
energy needs and have confidence in come with downtime.                                decisions possible. By providing a real-
the system’s uptime.                        They can also spot opportunities to        time view of what’s happening across the
  This would be a challenge on its better manage their energy. Managing                plant, operators easily make changes and
own, but added to that is the town’s electricity usage is an increasingly              monitor the impact these changes have
projected growth. Midland is part of a important part of managing the total            across operations. This information is
booming area of the province set to grow operating costs for a facility with           then stored and available for all current—
exponentially in the coming decade. In industrial pumping systems like this            and future—operators to reference.
the town specifically, the population is one. With the right energy management            Embracing digital transformation
predicted to increase by 25 per cent to practices, though, it’s possible to reduce     within water management facilities
22,500 people by 2031.                   electrical consumption by at least 30 per     may seem daunting, but as Midland
                                                                cent, plus reduce      shows, the results are worth it.
                                                                maintenance costs—     More importantly, the benefits can be
     A big part of this transformation is                       with minimal CapEx     realized with incremental upgrades to
                                                                investment.            existing infrastructure, not just through
 rooted in gaining access to information                           Take,    as    an   major CapEx investment.
                                                                example, how the          With that in mind, there is no reason
                                                                plant now operates     for municipalities not to capture the
      for smarter energy management.                            its motors, pumps,     productivity, efficiency, cost savings,
                                                                and aerators. These    and sustainability benefits that come
  As the influx of residents and are critical assets within water treatment            with digital transformation. In fact, it’s
development grows, demands on plants, but often dated and not optimized                essential for the resilience of Canada
infrastructure will, too. As a result, to work as efficiently as they could,           that they do. WC
the town is committed to “Building depending on demand at certain times
Midland’s Future,” including upgrading of days. These pieces of equipment are
key infrastructure.                      also big energy consumers, typically          Steve McDowell is a senior sales consultant
  To deliver on that promise within its responsible for 60 per cent of electrical      for Schneider Electric Canada. He boasts
water treatment plant, Midland partnered energy usage, on average, in industrial       more than 25 years of experience in
                                                                                       electrical sales, primarily in Industrial
with Schneider Electric to implement businesses. For a typical pump, energy
                                                                                       Automation. Since joining Schneider
the EcoStruxure solution within its costs represent 40 per cent of the total           Electric 15 years ago, he has worked on
existing infrastructure. This has become cost of ownership.                            OEM and End User sales, with a focus on
the backbone for a modernized facility      In Midland’s case, the simple act of       water and wastewater in recent years.

                                                                                          SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2021                     21

                                                                                                        The wastewater reuse
                                                                                                        guidelines developed
                                                                                                        by the Alberta
                                                                                                        government are a first
                                                                                                        for the province.

Wastewater Reuse
Alberta issues new guidelines for dealing with
wastewater and stormwater.                    BY   SAUL CHERNOS

THE GOVERNMENT OF ALBERTA has               domestic use of reclaimed stormwater      questions, and incorporated that into our
issued new guidelines for municipalities,   and wastewater unless approved by the     document,” Mooney says.
developers, irrigators, and other parties   local municipality—the new guidelines        With considerable involvement from
dealing with stormwater and wastewater      essentially introduce provincial public   in-house personnel and independent
on their projects and properties.           health criteria and considerations to     specialists, Alberta Health reviewed
   The Public Health Guidelines for Water   the discussion.                           available data, characterized factors such
Reuse and Stormwater Use set water            Debra Mooney, an environmental          as microbial loads in different sources of
quality objectives and provide guidance     public health advisor with Alberta        water and wastewater, and calculated log
on how to evaluate and mitigate risks to    Health, says the guidelines are rooted    reductions and other targets needed to
health from using, reusing, reclaiming,     in frequent queries by municipalities,    set appropriate benchmarks.
and otherwise handling stormwater           developers, and other stakeholders           The guidelines address microbiological
and wastewater.                             seeking clarity from three provincial     health hazards for five potential
   Until now, outside of Alberta Building   government departments: Health,           sources:     municipal       wastewater,
Code, National Plumbing Code and            Municipal Affairs, and Environment        greywater, stormwater, rooftop collected
assorted municipal requirements, Alberta    and Parks.                                rainwater, and vehicle wash wastewater.
has had only minimal regulations or           “A lot of the questions were            The guidelines then list nine non-potable
standards directly addressing reclaimed     around risk assessment and how            end uses where human exposure is
water. While some basic rules have          to protect health, so we formed a         probable: agri-food and non-agri-food
been in place—for instance, disallowing     working committee, listened to their      irrigation, clothes washing, vehicle

22                SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2021

     The guidelines are meant to be exactly that:
     guidelines. They are not intended to be
     provincially legislated rules or standards,
     according to Debra Mooney, an environmental
     public health advisor with Alberta Health.

washing, dust control and street        Mooney is quick to emphasize that the         that’s why it’s key to first assess and
sweeping, cooling towers and evaporativeguidelines are indeed such, and not           characterize the water and then design
condensers, toilet and urinal flushing, provincially legislated rules or standards.   monitoring and treatment systems
ornamental uses such as fountains,      “It’s up to the municipalities to decide to   appropriate to a site’s proposed end use
and recreational swimming and boating.  what extent they want to use it.”             and related factors.
  The guidelines recommend a water         Smaller municipalities might choose           Measures might involve irrigating
quality management plan approach,       to adopt the guidelines in their entirety,    in ways that offer protections such as
including an assessment from source     whereas larger municipalities might have      watering at off hours to reduce risks,
to end use, for water reuse projects that
                                        sufficient staff and resources to perhaps     and Mooney says the guidelines can
present potential risks to public health.
                                        use the guidelines as a reference in          help proponents address any potential
The document then outlines a process    devising their own policies and standards.    challenges at the earliest possible
for developing a plan that includes     “It really depends on the capacity of         stages of their projects.
performance targets for reducing        each municipality,” Mooney explains.             Clint     Goodman,        corporate
                                                            “Development officers     environment specialist with the City
                                                            bring their expertise     of Airdrie, located in the Calgary
     Until now, Alberta has had only                        but often have no         Metropolitan region, says the
                                                            health expertise, so      guidelines are a step in the right
                                                            they turn to Alberta      direction. Lacking direct access to
    minimal regulations or standards                        Health Services for       sources of drinking water, Airdrie
                                                            comment. We’re just       relies on potable supplies transported
 directly addressing reclaimed water.                       providing guidance        from Calgary, so there’s a strong
                                                            around          health    incentive for water management
                                                            risk assessment.”         and conservation. “The South
pathogens as well as ongoing monitoring    The guidelines also recognize that         Saskatchewan River Basin is closed
and verification.                       factors such as stormwater systems and        to new water licenses,” Goodman
  Municipalities, not upper levels of   site conditions can vary considerably         explains. “So reusing and conserving
government, are ultimately charged      from one community or even one                water are critical in a growing region
with approving many of these proposals. neighbourhood to another. Mooney says         like Metro Calgary.”

                                                                                       SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2021               23

     Alberta Health’s guidelines are a step in the right direction,
     according to Clint Goodman, corporate environment specialist with
     the City of Airdrie that’s located in the Calgary Metropolitan region.

  Goodman, who represents Airdrie on     “It could be one step towards a standard,        At Alberta Health, Debra Mooney
the Nose Creek Watershed Partnership,    but that ultimately depends on the            acknowledges a cautious approach
says his community has several           direction of the province.”                   to the guidelines, which state that
stormwater management ponds with            Alberta’s water sector also has its eyes   studies have found stormwater
recirculating systems and fountains      on the new guidelines. Tige Procyshyn         contaminated by raw human sewage
and he anticipates developer demand      of Landscape Irrigation Solutions,            at levels up to 10 percent. “Even in
for reuse systems in order to meet       says industry stakeholders such as his        some of the newer areas, there can
stormwater volume control targets.       company have long anticipated the             be contamination from sewage
                                                             guidelines. “We have      lines,” Mooney says, noting that
                                                             been designing these      stormwater and wastewater sources
        The guidelines recognize that                        pump systems for          might appear to be relatively clean
                                                             over a decade with        yet be affected unintentionally by
       factors such as site conditions                       limited or interim/       leakage, cross connections, and even
                                                             draft guidelines and      human error.
       can vary considerably from one                        regulations.”                Still, Mooney says Alberta Health is
                                                               Still, as he absorbs    anticipating and looking forward to
             community to another.                           the details, Procyshyn    feedback and questions. “It would be
                                                             says he has numerous      helpful to hear from [people] directly,”
“We have a vested interest in protecting technical questions about details             Mooney says. “This work is ongoing
the watershed, considering the fast      such as risk categories for various           and the guidelines will be revisited
paced development, so stormwater use     applications, the timing and logistics        as new information and research
guidelines provide an actual level of    of irrigation, and water quality testing      is available.” WC
direction and support some of the end    for faecal markers.
objectives for protecting watershed         “The guidelines seem to be quite
health and the creek itself.”            nonchalant about the possibility of
                                                                                                   Saul Chernos is a freelance
   Ultimately, Goodman says he would     up to 10 per cent of stormwater being
                                                                                                   journalist specializing in
like to see the guidelines evolve into   raw human sewage,” Procyshyn                              environmental issues.
a provincial standard similar to the     says. “We’re struggling with (that)
sanitary or potable water standards.     content classification.”

24                   SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2021
Credit: Government of New Brunswick
                                                                                                                                        WATERSHED MANAGEMENT

                                            The Wolastoq River is known as
                                            the St. John River in English and
                                            fleuve Saint-Jean in French.

                                              A Collaborative Future
                                      Moving towards the sustainable management of the Wolastoq River.
                                      BY   MOLLY DEMMA AND JAMYLYNN MCDONALD

                                      IN 1966 author Esther Clark Wright wrote     the Government of Canada under the           whose very nature is interdependence
                                      in her seminal work The St. John River       Pan-Canadian approach to transforming        and connectivity.
                                      and its Tributaries, “a river is something   Species at Risk conservation in Canada
                                      more than a feature of the landscape.        and is a Parks Canada designated             A more holistic approach
                                      Interesting as it may be aesthetically,      Canadian Heritage River. The Wolastoq        The Ecological Limits of Hydrologic
                                      geographically, geologically, what matters   is under the jurisdiction of the federal,    Alteration (ELOHA) framework is
                                      is its relationship to the people who come   provincial, and municipal governments        designed for impounded systems.
                                      upon it and who live beside it. Who they     along with NB Power, which manages           It gathers knowledge to inform
                                      are, where they come from, why they          most of the hydroelectric dams along         management practices for a given
                                      come, what use they make of the river,       its tributaries and mainstem. As an          waterway, including e-flows data that
                                      what kind of communities they develop,       impounded system, the river plays a key      describe the water quantity, quality,
                                      what they do to the river, what it does to   role in the production of energy while       and timing that is necessary to support
                                      them—these are the considerations that       providing critical ecological, social, and   various organisms and life stages. It also
                                      give purpose and vitality to the study       cultural benefits to plants, wildlife, and   includes social-cultural data that describe
                                      of the river.” This resonates with many      communities along its banks.                 flow needs from a human perspective.
                                      of us who value the spiritual, cultural,        Like many places around the world,        Often, management frameworks are
                                      and natural values a river and its           there are river stewards working toward      grounded in either environmental
                                      watershed provide.                           the health, management, and betterment       science or social science and use that
                                         The Wolastoq, which means beautiful       of this waterway—Rights Holders,             information to make decisions. This
                                      river in Wolastoqiyik, winds its way         governments, non-profit organizations,       can highlight usage conflict points but
                                      from the state of Maine, collects water      academia, and community groups are all       does not necessarily lead to sustainable
                                      from Quebec, and travels through New         working in this watershed. As elsewhere,     management decisions. An extensive
                                      Brunswick to the famous Bay of Fundy         these agents tend to act independently.      literature review revealed that the social-
                                      and the world’s highest tides.               This siloed approach is often detrimental    cultural component of the ELOHA
                                         The Wolastoq is a priority region for     to the long-term health of a waterway,       framework has been difficult to complete,

                                                                                                                                   SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2021                25

     There are river
     stewards working
     toward the health,
     management, and
     betterment of the
     Wolastoq River.

and many jurisdictions had small successes.   ELOHA framework as being suitable        of meetings along the length of the
Could we do any better? We had one            for the Wolastoq.                        river. By March 2020, we were ready
thing going for us—the Maritimes is             The task at hand was to determine      to schedule our in-person meetings.
small, people are friendly and want to        how we could successfully collect the    The cookies and tea were ordered,
help, and everyone knows everybody.           social-cultural data in English and      and then the world shut down.
Could we use this to our advantage?           French, since we are the officially      The lesson we learned is that
  The group of five project partners          bilingual     province,
decided it was worth a shot. We received      to feed into the
project funding and moved ahead               framework. The group              Diverse and interdisciplinary
tapping into the vast experience and          determined we needed
expertise in our region by identifying a      to collect two different       backgrounds played an important
Project Advisory Committee. With the          sources of information:
people and funding in hand, we were           usage     data     from         role in envisioning a better way
ready to start.                               Rights Holders and
  The ELOHA framework has two                 stakeholder groups, and
components that feed into it—the              values and perception
                                                                                     to manage the river.
environmental piece and the social-           information from the
cultural piece. The environmental             public using Ecological Goods and        technology is very often a good thing,
factors associated with the Wolastoq          Services research as the base.           and meetings were held online with
were continuing to be developed by              We started with usage data and         enthusiastic participation, waving of
researchers through the Mactaquac             worked up a plan. The project used       fingers at the map on the screen, and
Aquatic Ecosystem Study (MAES) and            Maptionnaire, a mapping software,        sharing of critical information about
the Canadian Rivers Institute (CRI)           to develop usage-based questions         how groups and their members use
at the University of New Brunswick.           that correlated with GIS layers          the river in different geographical
These researchers first identified the        and began working toward a series        locations. This information was then

26                   SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2021

   The Wolastoq winds its
   way from the state of
   Maine, collects water
   from Quebec, and travels
   through New Brunswick
   to the famous Bay of
   Fundy, home of the
   world’s highest tides.

overlaid with the environmental data        needs and human activities, where a           Third, if we never have another Zoom
to determine areas of potential conflict    shift of how the resource is managed        meeting again, that will be great. We
between plants, wildlife, and people.       could result in improvements for all.       can’t wait to have a cup of tea in person
  The other piece of information               At the end of this three-year project,   with these caring groups. They are
to collect was the public’s values          we can tell you a few things. First, our    collectively moving toward the common
and perceptions of the Wolastoq.            hypothesis about a small place yielding     goal of creating a framework for a
In consultation with the Project Advisory   big things proved true. Diversity and       healthy and resilient watershed using
Committee, literature and other experts,    interdisciplinary backgrounds of the        their scientific expertise, sense of place,
the group determined that an online         project management team, partners,          and desire to make their communities
survey, advertised through Facebook         and the overseeing Project Advisory         the best they can. WC
was the best choice. The data told us       Committee allowed for a range of
                                                                                        The authors acknowledge the contributions
this was the social media platform of       environmental, cultural, and social
                                                                                        of all the project partners and funders.
choice for New Brunswick and Quebec         perspectives. They also played an
residents. A survey of 10 questions was     important role in envisioning a better
developed and targeted to river residents   way to manage the river.
in New Brunswick and Quebec. While             Second, our goals at the beginning of
200 respondents may not sound like a        the project seemed simple: collect data,
lot, remember we are a small place.         strengthen relationships, and complete
  The project took the social data,         the framework. But simple things
aggregated it with the previously           often become complex: competing
collected environmental data, and           uses and values, climate change             Molly Demma is the executive director of
screened it for potential management        impacts, water quality and quantity in      The St. John River Society, a non-profit in
impacts. This data aggregation can          an impounded system, and its impact         Fredericton, New Brunswick.
be used to identify areas of potential      on the flow regime all contributed to       Jamylynn McDonald is a climate change
improvement between environmental           the challenges.                             project coordinator at ACAP Saint John.

                                                                                           SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2021                     27
You can also read