Management of Fish Ponds in Pennsylvania

Page created by Brett Mejia
Management of
Fish Ponds in

College of Agricultural Sciences   Agricultural Research and Cooperative


Table of Contents                           About This Publication                          Where to Get Help with


                                                                                            Pond Management


3   About This Publication                  Ponds are a common feature of


                                            Pennsylvania’s landscape. Although they         Assistance with pond management is

3   Where to Get Help with Pond

                                            occur naturally in some parts of the            available from a variety of sources. In



                                            state, thousands also have been con-            addition to county Cooperative Exten-


                                            structed for a variety of purposes. Many        sion offices, local offices of the Natural


4   Developing Objectives for Your


                                            were built under the technical supervi-         Resources Conservation Service


                                            sion of the United States Natural               (NRCS), Pennsylvania Fish and Boat


4   Planning a New Pond                     Resources Conservation Service (for-            Commission (PFBC), and Pennsylvania



                                            merly the Soil Conservation Service),           Department of Environmental Protec-

6   Design
                                            largely to assist farming operations. In        tion (DEP) may be able to advise pond


                                            more recent years, the recreational uses        owners. Often, consultants are hired to

8   Construction

                                            of ponds have become more important             implement major pond management


10 Maintenance                              to pond owners.                                 practices. The agencies listed below or


                                                                                            your local Yellow Pages may be able to


12 Water Quality

                                            Regardless of a pond’s intended use, its        direct you to local pond



12 Physical Water Quality                   management can be difficult and


                                            complex. Even with careful planning,


14 Chemical Water Quality                   many ponds do not meet the objectives

                                                                                               Sources of Assistance

                                            of their owners or serve their intended

15 Biological Water Quality

                                            purposes. Fortunately, management


                                                                                               PA Fish and Boat Commission

                                            techniques are available to help you deal

16 Testing Your Pond Water Quality

                                                                                               Phone: (717) 705-7800

                                            with almost any pond problem.

                                                                                               Check phone book for local

16 Pond Fisheries Management

                                            The purpose of this publication is to              number.


16 Warmwater Versus Coldwater               provide general information about a



                                            wide variety of pond management

17 Warmwater Pond Management


                                            principles applicable to Pennsylvania. It


                                                                                               PA Department of Environmental

20 Management of Trout Ponds                is not intended to be a complete or



                                            exhaustive guide. References are given in


23 Sources of Fish for Stocking Ponds                                                          Phone: (717) 783-2300

                                            the text to more comprehensive publica-

                                                                                               Check phone book for regional

                                            tions and Web pages where they are

23 Regulations and Laws Affecting



   Fish Ponds                               available.





24 Aquaculture                              Although some generalizations can be


                                                                                               Natural Resources Conservation


                                            applied to pond management, each


24 Aquatic Plants and Algae                                                                    Service

                                            pond is unique and may require specific

                                                                                               Phone: (717) 237-2200 (Pennsyl-

                                            treatment to achieve a desired result.


25 Identification of Plants and Algae

                                                                                               vania office)

                                            When the general recommendations of


                                                                                               Check phone book for local office.

26 Causes of Plant and Algae Growth         this publication appear to be inad-


                                            equate, you are encouraged to seek       


26 Preventing Plant and Algae Growth

                                            additional professional assistance.


                                                                                               Penn State Cooperative Extension


27 Control of Plant and Algae Growth


                                                                                               Check phone book for county



29 Miscellaneous Troubles and
















with a trout fishery as the objective.


Developing Objectives for                        Recognize the limitations of the                 Planning a New Pond


Your Pond

                                                 resources available, then develop

                                                                                                  When deciding where to locate a new

                                                 objectives and plans that fall within


You may have a wide variety of reasons           these limitations. This will make                pond on your property, you should


for building or owning a pond. The first                                                          consider several critical factors. These

                                                 management of the pond easier, less

and most important step of proper                                                                 include topography, land use, soil

                                                 costly, and more satisfying and


pond management is choosing your                 rewarding.                                       texture, and water supply. In some cases,


                                                                                                  these factors may limit the pond

primary objective or use for your pond

                                                                                                  location to one site. Where these factors

and understanding the limitations this           Ponds are frequently used in several


will place on other uses of the pond. For        ways to satisfy more than one objective.         are equally satisfactory at several


example, small ponds today are com-              For example, having water available in           locations, appearance and convenience


monly used to aesthetically enhance the          the pond for fire protection usually does        will play a role in site selection.

landscape, but their relatively simple           not conflict with other objectives such



construction may not provide the best            as swimming or fishing. Multiple-use             For example, a pond located near a


facilities for other activities like swim-       ponds are fine as long as the uses are           house, where it can be observed


ming, boating, and fishing. The                  compatible. When conflicting or                  frequently and conveniently, is safer and



importance of establishing objectives for        incompatible uses are desired, you must          more desirable for family recreation. It


the projected uses of a given pond                                                                can be used as a source of water for fire

                                                 assign priorities to your objectives. For


cannot be overemphasized. Careful                                                                 protection or for irrigating a small

                                                 example, the objective of providing for


consideration of use compatibility and           swimming may conflict directly with              garden. Road access to the pond is


use priorities is essential in planning a                                                         important if it is to be used for fire

                                                 the objective of having water available


new pond.                                                                                         protection, so fire trucks can drive to

                                                 for irrigation. Irrigation needs may


                                                 lower the water level to a point where           within 15 feet of the water.



In dealing with an existing pond, you            swimming is impossible, at a time when


                                                                                                  The size of the pond will be determined
will need a slightly different approach.         it is most wanted. If this occurs, you


Make an appraisal, or have one made,             must decide which objective is most              by the site characteristics and money


that describes the existing pond and its         important. Sometimes planning and                you want to spend on construction and


potential for management. For example,           management can eliminate or at least             maintenance. Keep in mind that small


if the water quality is unacceptable for         reduce these conflicts. This is one reason       ponds are not easy to manage for fish.


trout, it would be pointless to spend a          for listing and prioritizing specific            Normally, ponds of less than 1/4 acre in


great deal of time developing a plan             objectives.                                      surface area are too small for effective


                                                                                                  management of warmwater fish. Ponds


                                                                                                  as small as 1/10 acre in surface area may

Table 1. The most common primary uses of ponds, from a survey of 557 pond                         be suitable for trout, however, if they

                                                                                                  have appropriate water quality.

owners throughout Pennsylvania.

    Pond Use                                     Percent of Respondents

    Aesthetic Beauty                             45%

    Fishing                                      21

    Wildlife Habitat                             11

    Swimming                                     7

    Animal Drinking Water                        6

    Fire Protection                              6

    Irrigation                                   1

    Other                                        3

subsurface seepage are adequate during

                                                                                               even the driest years. Normally, a

                                                                                               drainage area of 10 to 20 acres yields

                                                                                               sufficient water for a one-acre pond in


                                                                                               Land use around the water supply is

                                                                                               critical in determining the water quality

                                                                                               of the pond. All sources of water

                                                                                               contributing to the pond should be free

                                                                                               of sediment, pesticides, and other forms

                                                                                               of pollution. It is generally a good idea

                                                                                               to establish a buffer strip of vegetation

                                                                                               around the pond to trap sediment and

                                                                                               keep it out of the water. Ponds also

                                                                                               commonly suffer from excessive

                                                                                               amounts of nitrogen and other nutri-

                                                                                               ents. These nutrients often originate

                                                                                               from animal or human waste or

                                                                                               fertilizers from nearby barnyards, crop

                                                                                               fields, and septic systems. Drainage

                                                                                               from these areas should be diverted

                                                                                               away from the pond, since too much


                                                                                               nitrogen and other nutrients will cause


The Pond Watershed                             Soil texture must be considered when            excessive growth of weeds and algae.


The area of land surrounding the pond          selecting the pond site. The bottom of


                                               the pond, the banks, and the earth fill         Construction Permits
that contributes water to it is known as                                                   ○


                                               placed in the dam must contain enough

the pond watershed. Understanding the

                                                                                               Permits for the construction of ponds or


pond watershed is important, because           clay or silt to prevent seepage and make        dams may be required, depending on


                                               the reservoir hold water. Normally, areas


anything that occurs within this area                                                          the size of the drainage area, the height


can affect the pond. Locating a pond in        that include exposed bedrock or beds of


                                                                                               of the dam, and the capacity of the


an undisturbed area or minimizing              sand or gravel are not satisfactory.            impoundment. A permit is required for


                                               Anyone who is considering building a


disturbance and land use changes within                                                        the construction of any dam that


the pond watershed are important               pond should have the soils and geologi-


                                                                                               impounds the runoff from a drainage


components of managing a pond.                 cal conditions in the area checked by a         area that exceeds 100 acres or provides a



                                               professional consultant knowledgeable           maximum storage capacity of 50 acre-


                                               and competent in making site


The ideal topography for a pond                                                                feet of water (about 16.3 million


watershed is a natural depression or a         investigations.                                 gallons). A permit also is required for



broad drainage with a narrow neck at its                                                       any pond with a dam more than 15 feet



lower end where only a short dam will          Water Supply                                    high, even if the pond’s only source of


be needed. The most economical site is


                                               Springs, seeps, and small streams are           water is a spring, a well, or a small


one that will require the smallest dam                                                         pipeline from a stream. Permits are not


                                               typically the best sources of water for


and the least amount of work for the                                                           required for ponds that do not exceed
                                               ponds. They usually provide cool and


size of the pond created. Small ponds


                                               relatively clean water suitable for most        these specifications.


collecting runoff from large drainage


                                               pond uses. If an obvious water supply is


areas require expensive overflow and                                                           Contact your local Pennsylvania DEP


                                               not available, direct surface runoff from
spillway systems to handle water safely.


                                               the surrounding land can be the                 office for more information and to


                                                                                               obtain the necessary permit application.


                                               primary source of water to maintain the


                                                                                               The office telephone number and


                                               level of a pond. The drainage area


                                               should be large enough to ensure that           location can be found in the state


                                                                                               government pages of your local phone


                                               the combined surface runoff and








Safety and Liability Concerns                   Although many pond owners willingly


                                                allow use of their land and water areas           Design

Safety and liability are legitimate


                                                for varied recreational purposes, liability

concerns of all landowners, and ponds

                                                for accidents is a justifiable concern. To        Ponds designed and constructed

create an additional reason for concern.

                                                address this issue, Pennsylvania enacted          according to recommended standards

Ponds may pose a downstream threat,


                                                a law that has as its purpose “encourag-          are relatively safe, easy to manage, and

and consequently the aforementioned

                                                ing landowners to make land and water             fairly economical to build. Ponds

permits are required to ensure proper


                                                areas available to the public for recre-          constructed haphazardly are unsatisfac-




                                                ational purposes by limiting liability in         tory and difficult to maintain. It pays to



                                                connection therewith, and repealing               obtain information and expert advice
Ponds, like any body of water, attract

                                                certain acts.” This law generally limits          before you start construction. This

people. When the two come together,

                                                landowner liability, except for “willful or       section briefly discusses the basic

accidents sometimes can occur. Con-

                                                malicious failure to guard or warn                components of a well-designed pond.
sider safety features when planning your

                                                against a dangerous condition, use,


pond. Remove trees, stumps, and brush


                                                structure, or activity.” Liability also is


that may be a hazard to swimmers. Keep                                                               For More Information on Pond


                                                not limited when fees are assessed for
the pond and banks free of rubbish,


                                                recreational uses such as fishing,                   Design, Construction, and


wire, cans, bottles, and other debris.


                                                regulated shooting, campsite rentals,                Maintenance


After the pond is built and filled with


                                                and other for-fee activities.
water, mark the swimming area and                                                                    Look in the U.S. Government



post safety rules for all permitted water                                                            pages of your phone book for your


                                                In addition to the protection offered by


uses. Place warning signs at all known                                                               local Natural Resources Conserva-


                                                this law, most landowners carry compre-
danger spots. If boating and swimming

                                                                                                     tion Service office. Request

                                                hensive liability insurance on their


are permitted, consider building a dock                                                              Agriculture Handbook Number


                                                property. Some pond owners also


or pier. Place lifesaving devices such as                                                            590, Ponds—Planning, Design,


                                                choose to restrict access to their pond by

ring buoys, ropes, or long poles near

                                                                                                     Construction. This 85-page color

                                                posting signs prohibiting tresspassing.

swimming areas.                                                                                      publication gives detailed informa-

                                                You should consult with an attorney           ○

                                                                                              ○      tion on proper pond design and

                                                and an insurance agent for proper legal

                                                                                                     construction, including detailed

                                                interpretation and protection for the

                                                specific circumstances involved with


                                                your pond.





Figure 1. Pond construction.

                                              Top of
                                              dam at
                                                                                                       Water level             Steep banks
                                              least 6’
    Adequate spillway                                         Freeboard
                 Dam                                                            Outlet pipe
       Antiseep collar                                                          3:1 slope

                                                                                                                     Valve or breakable plug

                                                                                 Drain pipe

                                                                                 Core fill



Top Width and Side Slopes of Dam                  Emergency Spillway                              Freeboard


The top width of the dam depends on               An emergency spillway is necessary to           The crest, or top, of all earth dams must


the height of the structure. In most              provide a safe overflow outlet for              be higher than the normal water level to


cases, the dam should be wide enough              floodwater. Be sure that your pond has          keep waves and high water from


to permit limited use as a roadway for            one. The spillway should be constructed         breaking over the top and cutting


vehicles. The minimum top width                   in the undisturbed bank at one end of           channels through the structure. After


should be 6 feet if the dam is less than          the dam. It should have a flat-bottomed         settling, the top of the dam for a one-



10 feet tall. The minimum top width               channel large enough to handle the              acre or smaller pond should be at least



increases to 14 feet for a dam that is            overflow caused by a 10- to 50-year             1.5 feet above the high water level or


over 25 feet tall.                                rainstorm, depending on the size and            the elevation of water designed to flow


                                                  watershed area. Pennsylvania DEP                through the emergency spillway (see


All earth dams should be constructed              requirements must be met for dams that      ○   above). The interval between the water


with side slopes stable enough to                 are large enough to require a permit (see       level and the top of the dam is called the


prevent erosion and keep the earth fill           permit section).                                freeboard. The freeboard interval is


in place. In most instances, a slope of 3                                                         maintained by the emergency spillway


feet horizontal to 1 foot vertical (3:1) on       The spillway, including the side slopes         and the outlet pipe.

both the upstream and downstream                  and channel bottom, should be planted


faces of the dam will be satisfactory.            with a mixture of grass seed that will          Outlet Pipe


Under no circumstance should either               produce a thick, tough sod. Good sod            A drop- or hood-inlet pipe should be

face of the dam or any excavated slope            prevents rushing floodwater from

                                                                                                  installed through the dam to provide an

be steeper than 2:1. Proper slope is              scouring deep ruts in the channel. The

                                                                                                  outlet for the normal flow of water. The

especially important in the shallow               pond should not be filled with water            pipe, which governs the depth of water

edges of the pond. Water should be at             until the sod becomes well established

                                                                                                  in the pond, should be positioned at a

least 3 feet deep at a point 6 feet out           and the spillway is ready for use.

                                                                                                  level about 12 inches below the bottom

from the shoreline to discourage growth                                                           of the emergency spillway. The pipe


of algae and aquatic weeds. Experience

                                                                                                  should be large enough to drain the full

indicates that it is best to slope the

                                                                                                  pond down to normal water level within

banks properly at the time of                                                                     24 hours after the flow through the



                                                                                                  emergency spillway ends. These pipe


                                                                                                  sizes vary with drainage area and pond


                                                                                                  storage characteristics and should be


                                                                                                  determined by an engineering













Drain                                            Dry Hydrants





A combination outlet pipe and drain-             A dry hydrant is a nonpressurized, low-


pipe is highly desirable for pond                cost pipe system installed along the


                                                                                                 The construction site should be cleared


management. It can be used to drain the          bank of the pond at a location accessible


                                                                                                 of all large rocks, trees, brush, roots, and


pond for various fish management                 by fire trucks to provide easy access to


                                                                                                 other debris. The topsoil should be
practices, pond repairs, or emergency            pond water during an emergency. It is


                                                                                                 removed and stockpiled for later use.


situations.                                      constructed from 6-inch or larger PVC



                                                 pipe that extends from at least 2 feet


                                                                                                 Most earth dams should have an
The drainpipe can be closed with a               below the water surface through the


                                                                                                 antiseepage core built into the structure.


valve or plugged with a bell-end clay tile       pond embankment and above the


                                                                                                 (See Figure 1.) A trench for this core


partially filled with cement. Even a glass       ground next to the pond. Dry hydrants


                                                                                                 should be dug along the centerline of

jug will work. The plug should be sealed         usually can be installed for less than

                                                                                                 the dam and then refilled and packed
in the inlet end of the pipe with asphalt    ○   $1,000 and often pay for themselves

                                                                                                 with the best fine-grain soil available.

cement or cement mortar. If a breakable          over time in insurance premium savings.

                                                                                                 This trench should extend the full

plug is used, the pond can be drained

                                                                                                 length of the dam and be at least 3 feet
whenever it becomes necessary, but it

                                                                                                 deep, preferably deeper. The core is

will be difficult to stop the flow without

                                                                                                 necessary to prevent seepage and to

draining the pond completely.

                                                                                                 establish a good bond with the undis-

                                                                                                 turbed foundation.

Antiseep collars or drainage diaphragms


should be placed around the drainpipe

to prevent water from seeping along the          Dry hydrant


outside of the pipe and eroding a


channel through the dam. When steel

pipe is used, the collars should be metal


plates welded to the pipe. Prefabricated


drains with antiseep collars and drain                                                       ○



valves may be available where culverts


and large corrugated pipes are sold. A



drainage diaphragm consists of sand and



gravel surrounding the downstream


sections of the outlet pipe.








































Pond construction





The earth fill used in the dam should be         Precautionary measures at the time of        Selecting a Contractor



free of boulders, stumps, roots, tree            construction may avoid some man-

                                                                                              Attention to the details of construction


limbs, and decaying vegetation. Organic          agement problems that commonly               and adherence to specifications are as


material buried in the dam will eventu-          occur after the pond is completed.

                                                                                              important as adequate investigation and


ally decay and leave channels through            Riprap should be applied to the


                                                                                              design. Careless and shoddy construc-


which water can seep and cause the dam           upstream face of the dam to control          tion can make an otherwise safe and


to fail. Earth fill should be spread in 6-       wave erosion and discourage musk-

                                                                                              adequate design worthless and can cause


to 8-inch layers and compacted with a            rats. If livestock are nearby, a fence


                                                                                              failure of the dam. Adherence to


heavy roller. The top of the dam should          should be constructed to keep them

                                                                                              specifications and prescribed construc-

be built about 10 percent higher than            from tramping along the banks and

                                                                                              tion methods are the responsibility of


the designed height, to allow for                polluting the water.


                                                                                              the contractor, who should have a



                                                                                              reputation for high standards of


                                                                                              workmanship. Your local NRCS office


The emergency spillway and exposed


                                                                                              may be able to provide you with a


faces of the dam should be planted with

                                                                                              partial list of local contractors experi-


a grass mixture to make the pond                                                              enced in pond construction. Additional


attractive and to prevent erosion. Trees


                                                                                              contractors may be found in the


should not be planted on the dam,

                                                                                              telephone directory. It may prove


because their root growth may cause                                                           worthwhile to go to several ponds the


leakage from the pond.

                                                                                              contractor has constructed to see if the



                                                                                              work completed appears satisfactory and


                                                                                              the pond owner is satisfied with the








The type of equipment to be used is                                                                Check for and repair any erosion in the


also important. With proper construc-            Maintenance                                       spillway. Inspect and repair any fences


tion equipment, the cost can be reduced                                                            that are used to keep livestock from

                                                 A popular misconception is that a

and a safer dam constructed. The                                                                   accessing the dam embankment.


contractor should have a backhoe to              completed pond provides immediate


conduct soils investigations at the              benefits to the owner that last forever           Be sure that any roads provided for fire

                                                 with little maintenance. Nothing could

proposed dam site and borrow area. A                                                               trucks are maintained for the passage of

bulldozer can be used to clear and grub          be farther from the truth. A pond                 heavy vehicles and are plowed following


the area. If the borrow area is immedi-          certainly requires as much or more                a heavy snowfall. To maximize fire

                                                 attention than does any comparably

ately adjacent to the dam site, a bull-                                                            protection benefits from a pond, you

dozer is also satisfactory for excavating,       sized piece of land.                              must ensure that fire trucks have access


backfilling, and placing the fill. For                                                             to the pond during all seasons of the


                                                 Many older ponds, or those that were
dams over 20 feet high, special equip-                                                             year and that the dry hydrant is readily


ment such as a sheepsfoot roller may be          not constructed properly, may have                accessible.



needed for fill compaction. As with all          fallen into disrepair. They may be



construction, the landowner should               partially silted in, develop leaks, or have       Muskrat Damage


understand the type of work that is to           unsafe dams with trees growing on


                                                                                                   Muskrats may damage a pond by


be performed and regularly inspect the           them. Repairs to ponds are possible, but


                                                                                                   building dens in the banks. They begin


construction to help ensure that the             you should obtain professional assis-
                                                                                                   burrowing 6 to 18 inches below the


                                                 tance. Consult your local NRCS office

contractor is doing a good job.

                                                                                                   waterline and angle up into the bank,


                                                 or a consulting engineer for help. If


                                                                                                   where they construct living quarters in


Construction Costs                               pond renovation is going to involve
                                                                                                   dry soil above the water line.


                                                 modifying or enlarging any dam


The cost of building a pond is highly


                                                 covered under a permit issued by the


variable, depending on site conditions                                                             The best defense against muskrat


                                                 Pennsylvania DEP, a written permit is

and specific features of the desired                                                               damage is a properly designed pond. A

                                                 required to make these changes.

pond. Costs can range from several                                                                 wide top and sufficient freeboard will


thousand dollars per acre to over                                                              ○   make a dam relatively safe from damage.


$30,000 per acre for a more unique                                                                 There is little danger of leaks in dams

design. Although cheaper contractors             Routine inspection and frequent                   with adequate top widths, because


may seem appealing at first, many                maintenance protects a pond, keeps it             muskrats usually will not burrow

                                                 attractive, and extends its useful life.

cheaply built ponds end up costing their                                                           completely through. If sufficient

owners more in the long run after costly         Lack of inspection and prompt repair of           freeboard is provided, the den usually


repairs are made.                                problems may cause more severe                    will have enough ground cover over it to


                                                 damage that is either irreparable or

                                                                                                   prevent a cave-in.

                                                 more expensive to fix.


                                                                                                   Despite construction precautions,


                                                 The dam structure should be checked to            muskrats are likely to take up house-

                                                 ensure it has complete grass cover and            keeping in even the best-designed


                                                 has not eroded. Soil should be added              ponds. They are especially attracted to


                                                 and re-seeded at the first sign of erosion.       areas of emergent and submergent

                                                 Cut the grass and keep weeds, brush,

                                                                                                   vegetation such as cattails. Removal of


                                                 and trees from growing on the dam.                this vegetation is one way to reduce


                                                 Trees growing away from the dam and               muskrat activity in the pond.

                                                 pond embankments are usually accept-


                                                 able. Check for signs of minor leaks              Burrowing can be stopped by riprap-


                                                 along the dam so they can be repaired             ping the shoreline with large gravel or

                                                 before they become more serious.

                                                                                                   small stones. These materials should be

                                                                                                   placed in a layer at least 6 inches thick,


                                                 Remove floating debris that can clog the          and should extend from at least 1 foot


                                                 overflow pipe and emergency spillway.

                                                                                                   above the normal water level to at least

                                                 Also, check the overflow inlet and outlet         3 feet below it. Riprapping also protects


                                                 to ensure that flow is unrestricted.              the shore from erosion caused by waves.





Muskrats are furbearers that can be             Fixing Leaks                                     Sodium polyphosphate is the name of a


trapped legally during parts of the year.                                                        group of chemicals used to seal pond

                                                Seepage is less likely when precautions

                                                                                                 leaks. The chemicals are similar to some

The Pennsylvania Game Law further               are taken at the time of construction.

                                                                                                 household detergents and usually are

provides that any person may kill or

                                                If leaks develop after the pond has

capture alive, at any time, any                                                                  obtained in a white, granular form.

                                                been filled, it will be necessary to drain

furbearing animal (except beaver) in the                                                         Treated lumpy soils break down into
                                                the pond, let the bottom dry, then

                                                                                                 fine particles that pack together and

act of destroying personal property.

                                                apply a sealant. Leaks usually cannot be

Poisons legally may not be used in                                                               hold water better. Small channels and

                                                fixed without draining the pond. Before

muskrat control, but various repellents                                                          voids in the untreated soil fill with these
                                                attempting any sealing, consult a soils

                                                                                                 dispersed particles. The result is a

may be used. Contact your local

                                                professional to ensure that the treat-

Wildlife Conservation Officer for                                                                relatively stable, impermeable blanket

                                                ment is suited to the pond conditions.

further details.                                                                                 over the treated area.


                                            ○   Several products are used for sealing

                                                                                                 Ten pounds of granulated sodium


                                                pond leaks. One is bentonite, a soft,


                                                                                                 polyphosphate will adequately treat 200

                                                porous, moisture-absorbing mineral

                                                                                                 square feet of pond bottom. Thoroughly

                                                clay that is worked into the soil. When


                                                                                                 mix the soil to a depth of 8 inches.


                                                bentonite gets wet, it swells to many


                                                                                                 Apply the polyphosphate by broadcast-

                                                times its original size and stops seepage

                                                                                                 ing or drilling. Compact the treated area

                                                by filling the space between the soil


                                                                                                 with a rubber-tired roller or a steel roller


                                                particles. For the average pond up to


                                                                                                 before filling the pond. Do not use a


                                                10 feet in depth, 1 pound of bentonite


                                                                                                 sheepsfoot roller.
                                                per square foot will greatly reduce or



                                                stop seepage. It should be thoroughly


                                                                                                 Sodium polyphosphate works best in a


                                                disced into the soil to a depth of 3 to 4


                                                                                                 limestone soil with a high silt and clay
                                                inches. The area then should be rolled


                                                                                                 content. It does not work as well with

                                                several times to pack the surface.

                                                                                                 coarse-textured soils. Bentonite works


                                                                                                 well on coarse-textured sods, but is not


                                                                                                 effective on highly acidic soils.




                                                                                                 Leaks in an established pond sometimes


                                                                                                 may be eliminated by applying a 6-inch


                                                                                                 blanket of clay to the pond bottom. If


                                                                                                 clay is not available at the pond site, it

                                                                                                 may be transported from a nearby area.

                                                                                                 The clay should be compacted and the

                                                                                                 water should be returned to the pond as

                                                                                                 quickly as possible to prevent the clay

                                                                                                 from cracking because of excessive


Dredging Pond Sediment


                                                                                                    Physical Water Quality


                                                  Water Quality


Ponds that are filled with sediment can                                                             Temperature and dissolved oxygen


be renovated, but the process is expen-


                                                                                                    Temperature and dissolved oxygen are
                                                  Water quality is critical to the beneficial


sive. The least expensive method is to                                                              the most important physical water


                                                  use of ponds, but the parameters and


drain, pump, or siphon the water from                                                               quality concerns for pond fishes. It is


the pond and use a bulldozer to remove            levels of concern will vary depending on


                                                                                                    desirable to check these water quality
                                                  the intended use of the pond. For


the sediment. The more expensive but                                                                parameters when they are likely to be


                                                  example, water quality criteria are much


quicker method is to remove the                                                                     least satisfactory (usually July through


sediment with a dragline. If the pond is          different in ponds used for animal




small enough, a backhoe may be used.              watering or human drinking water


                                                  compared to ponds used for irrigation


                                                                                                    Trout require cool water and high levels


                                                  or fishing. Water quality also plays a

A pond with a high inflow and without                                                               of dissolved oxygen to survive. They

a drain may require a cut through the             critical role in determining the types
                                              ○                                                     grow and survive best when water

                                                  and number of fish species that can live

dam at a depth lower than the pond                                                                  temperatures are between 55 and 60°F

                                                  in all ponds, as well as their growth and

bottom to drain the water from the                                                                  and can withstand only short time

sediment. Drain the pond before                   survival rates.

                                                                                                    periods when temperatures exceed 75°F.

cutting through the embankment. After                                                               Trout also require water that is high in

                                                  Water quality is complicated by the fact

removing the sediment, you may want                                                                 oxygen content; 5 parts per million

to consider constructing a bottom drain           that many parameters will vary season-

                                                                                                    (equivalent to 5 milligrams per liter) is
                                                  ally and from year to year and by

through the cut and then repairing the                                                              considered the safe minimum.

                                                  differences in water quality between the


                                                  source and the pond. Changes in water

                                                                                                    Warmwater fish, like bass and bluegill,
                                                  quality are normal and acceptable

Sediment removed from the pond, or                                                                  prefer water temperatures in the 70s and

                                                  provided that drastic changes do not

“spoil,” should be spread to promote                                                                80s. They reproduce and grow well if

drying. To prevent silt from washing              occur in a very short time period,

                                                                                                    the temperature remains in the low 70s

into the pond or stream, place the spoil          changes do not exceed extreme limits,
                                                                                                    for several weeks during early summer.

                                                  and changes are not caused by pollut-

away from water bodies and establish a                                                          ○   The dissolved oxygen concentrations


                                                  ants that are directly or indirectly


vegetative buffer or sediment trap                                                                  should be at least 3 parts per million (3


between the spoil and the water’s edge.           problematic.
                                                                                                    milligrams per liter) for warmwater fish.



Once the spoil dries, it can be perma-


                                                  Most ponds have not been tested for


nently seeded.                                                                                      Temperature and dissolved oxygen


                                                  water quality, and most pond owners


                                                                                                    measurements must be made before
                                                  are unaware of the important water


If the pond receives excessive amounts                                                              deciding which fish species will be


                                                  quality parameters for which they


of silt, implement erosion control                                                                  stocked in a pond. It is difficult or


practices in the watershed. If you do not         should be testing. This section discusses


                                                                                                    impossible to change the physical
                                                  some of the most important water


own upstream land, a small settling                                                                 characteristics of pond water to make it


                                                  quality parameters for typical pond uses


basin just upstream from your pond                                                                  more suitable for the types of fish you


could be built to intercept silt or debris.       and describes how water testing might


                                                  be accomplished.




                                                                                                    Fish kills from a lack of dissolved



                                                                                                    oxygen or excessive water temperature


                                                                                                    occur occasionally in Pennsylvania



                                                                                                    ponds. Refer to the “Miscellaneous



                                                                                                    Troubles and Treatments” section on


                                                                                                    page 29 of this publication for more



                                                                                                    details about this problem and other



                                                                                                    causes of fish kills in your pond.














Muddy water                                     Sometimes the problem of clearing               Both gypsum and alum treatments will



Muddy or cloudy water is perhaps the            muddy water is not easy to solve,               lower the pH of water and may reduce



most common pond water quality                  especially when colloidal particles             yields of fish.


problem. Newly constructed ponds                become suspended in the water and



nearly always have muddy water until            must be precipitated by chemical action.        In some cases, cloudy water is actually



grass is established around the pond. In        In these cases, one of the following            caused by growth of microscopic


older ponds, muddy water is aestheti-           chemical additions may be effective in          organisms called plankton. This can be



cally undesirable, makes swimming               clearing the water: (1) Broadcast 1,000         easily determined by holding a glass of



displeasing, reduces fish growth, and           pounds of ground agricultural limestone         pond water up to a strong light.


interferes with fish reproduction. It may       (calcium carbonate) or 740 pounds of            Plankton can be observed moving



be caused by erosion from a cultivated          hydrated lime per surface acre of water.        around the glass of water. Plankton



or unprotected watershed, by livestock          This treatment should clear a pond and          blooms can be reduced using chemical

wading in the pond, by wave action                                                              applications (see “Chemical Controls”
                                                keep it clear for two years or more. Do


eroding the banks, and by the feeding           not use burned lime or quicklime                section), but these treatments may


action of some bottom-dwelling fish.            (calcium oxide), because it may kill the        reduce the overall productivity of the


Attempts should be made to determine                                                            pond.

                                                fish. (2) Broadcast 1,000 pounds of

the cause of the muddy water before             agricultural gypsum per surface acre of


resorting to treatment.                         water. It may be necessary to repeat this


                                                treatment several times a year to keep

Correcting the problem may be as                the pond clean. (3) Broadcast 250


simple as diverting muddy surface               pounds of aluminum sulfate (commer-


runoff away from the pond. Muddy                cial alum) per surface acre. Apply

water from bank erosion can be cor-             treatments weekly until the water clears.


rected by adding 3 to 4 inches of stone


or gravel riprap to exposed banks.              Plankton

Occasionally, muddy water will result


from an overabundance of bottom-

dwelling fish such as catfish. In this

case, take steps to reduce their popula-

tion through fishing, trapping, or

draining the pond.

When muddy water results from the

action of waves stirring up the bottom

sediments, the situation may be

corrected by spreading a layer of hay or

straw over the bottom of the pond from

the edge to a few feet from shore. This

measure will have the greatest beneficial

effect in shallow areas or where wave

action is especially heavy. The mat

prevents the waves from picking up fine

sediments and provides food and cover

for aquatic organisms. Introducing too

much hay or straw, however, could

cause oxygen depletion that could result

in a fish kill.











Nutrient runoff                                                                                 Hardness

                                                                                                Hardness is a measure of the mineral

                                                                                                content of water, especially calcium and

                                                                                                magnesium. Ponds with hard water have

                                                                                                a high mineral content and are usually

                                                                                                more fertile. These ponds are more

                                                                                                likely to support a dense growth of

                                                                                                aquatic plants and algae. Soft water has

                                                                                                a low mineral content, which results in

                                                                                                low fertility. Ponds or lakes containing

                                                                                                soft water often have sparse vegetation

                                                                                                and clearer water.

                                                                                                Hardness measures are especially

                                                                                                important for the use of some aquatic

                                                                                                herbicides, especially the copper


                                                                                                compounds used for algae control.


                                                                                                Hardness concentrations above 50 mg/L


Chemical Water Quality                           Nutrients

                                                                                                as CaCO3 can interfere with the


                                                                                                effectiveness of some of these chemicals,

Chemical water quality in ponds is               Excessive nutrients such as nitrogen and


important not only for fish but also for         phosphorous are a common problem in            requiring increased dosage.


other pond uses like animal watering             Pennsylvania ponds. These nutrients


and swimming. Changes in chemical                usually originate from fertilizers or          Hardness also may cause a buildup of a


water quality also are usually responsible       animal wastes applied within the pond          whitish solid known as scale in pipes,

                                                                                                watering troughs, and plumbing that

for excessive growth of aquatic plants           watershed. They cause excessive growth

and algae. Brief descriptions of some of         of aquatic plants and algae that plague        use pond water. This is an aesthetic



the most important parameters are                many ponds during summer months.               problem that will not harm animals


                                                                                                drinking the water.


given below.                                     Nutrient levels in pond water can be


                                                 measured by testing for ammonia,



pH                                               nitrate, and phosphate. Measurable             Pesticides



The pH of a pond is a measure of the             amounts of ammonia or phosphate may            Ponds that are located near farm fields,


                                                 be problematic. Nitrate levels in excess


water acidity. The pH scale runs from 0                                                         golf courses, or yards may be susceptible


                                                 of 100 mg/L may be dangerous for               to pesticide pollution from surface


to 14, with values less than 7 indicating


acidic water and values greater than 7           animal watering.                               runoff or drift during application. Many



indicating alkaline water. Most fish                                                            pesticides, especially insecticides, are


                                                 Nutrient management techniques and             highly toxic to all forms of aquatic life


species prefer a pH in the range of 6 to


9, although values as low as 5 may be            best management practices such as              and could also be dangerous for ponds


                                                 vegetated buffer strips and limited use


suitable for brook trout. Ponds with a                                                          used for animal watering. Pond owners


                                                 of fertilizers and manures near ponds          should be especially cautious about


pH less than 6 are common in northern


Pennsylvania and may result in stunted           are necessary to reduce nutrient levels        using pesticides near ponds or streams.



or reduced fish populations. Ponds used          and restore the pond ecosystem.                A fish kill from pesticides may be



for animal watering also should have a                                                          difficult to detect, and minute amounts


pH between 6 and 9.                                                                             of a pesticide can cause losses over a



                                                                                                long period. Read and follow pesticide



                                                                                                labels carefully and apply them as far


                                                                                                away from ponds as possible. Since fish



                                                                                                are generally much more susceptible to



                                                                                                pesticides than livestock are, fish kills


                                                                                                are often apparent before problems



                                                                                                occur with animals.








Aquatic herbicides                               Biological Water Quality                        Toxic algae




A variety of herbicides are registered for       Coliform bacteria                               Algae growth is common in many


use in Pennsylvania ponds to reduce or                                                           ponds when nutrient and temperature


                                                 Coliform bacteria are a large group of


eliminate aquatic plants and algae. The                                                          conditions are favorable. Algae growth


                                                 many species of bacteria that can


use of aquatic herbicides is generally                                                           normally occurs between May and


                                                 originate from animals, plants, and soil.


compatible with other uses of the pond,                                                          October, with a peak in late summer. At
                                                 A subgroup, fecal coliform bacteria,


but limiting certain uses for specific                                                           least six species of blue-green algae that


                                                 represent species that originate from


time periods may be recommended.                                                                 occur in Pennsylvania may produce


                                                 animals, including humans. Many of


Always read and carefully follow product                                                         toxins that are harmful to animals.
                                                 the bacteria in this group are harmless,


labels. Warnings regarding other uses of


                                                 but their presence indicates the poten-


the water should be taken seriously.                                                             Toxic algae poisoning of livestock and


                                                 tial for disease-causing bacteria also to

Some herbicides, especially the copper-                                                          pets is rare in Pennsylvania. Symptoms
                                                 be present.

based algaecides, are highly toxic to fish   ○                                                   include muscle tremors, diarrhea, lack


and other aquatic life if applied in doses                                                       of coordination, collapse, labored

                                                 Some coliform bacteria are present in all

higher than those indicated. Others may                                                          breathing, and death. If these symptoms
                                                 ponds, but bacteria levels are highest in

require that swimmers or animals be                                                              appear, animals should be denied access

                                                 ponds that receive runoff containing

denied access to the water for some                                                              to algae-contaminated water.

                                                 animal or human waste. Ponds located

period of time to allow the herbicide to

                                                 near barnyards or septic systems are
break down naturally. The repeated use                                                           Toxic algae blooms can be treated using

                                                 most vulnerable. High densities of

of copper-based algaecides also may lead                                                         applications of copper sulfate as

                                                 waterfowl also can contribute to

to excessive concentrations of copper in                                                         described later in this publication.

                                                 excessive bacteria levels. Pond water

pond sediments.                                                                                  Again, this is a rare problem in Pennsyl-
                                                 cannot be treated efficiently to reduce

                                                                                                 vania, but it should not be overlooked if

                                                 excessive bacteria numbers. Rather,

Acid mine drainage                                                                               symptoms appear in animals with access

                                                 reduction must be accomplished by

                                                                                                 to a pond with algae.
Ponds in western Pennsylvania also are           removing the source of the bacteria,


susceptible to pollution from acid mine          whether by diversion of polluted runoff

                                                                                             ○   Parasites

drainage. Runoff from mined areas can            or reducing direct access by animals and


carry high concentrations of iron,               waterfowl.                                      The most common parasite problem in



manganese, aluminum, and sulfate.                                                                ponds is swimmer’s itch. It is caused by



Metals like iron and manganese impart            The acceptable levels of bacteria will          a small, free-swimming parasite that


an objectionable taste to water that may         depend on the intended use of the               burrows under skin, where it dies. This



cause intake problems for livestock. Iron        pond. Ponds used for swimming should            causes an itching that lasts for about a



concentrations above 0.3 milligrams per          contain fewer than 2,000 total coliform         week. A brisk rubdown with a towel



liter and manganese levels above 0.05            bacteria and 200 fecal coliform bacteria        immediately after the swimmer emerges


milligrams per liter may be sufficient to        per 100 milliliters of water. Adult             from the water will minimize the



reduce water palatability to livestock.          livestock should not drink pond water           irritation caused by this parasite. The



Iron is also toxic to fish at low concen-        with fecal coliform bacteria above 10           most practical way to control these


trations. Aluminum is toxic to fish              per 100 milliliters, and calves should          parasites is to control the snails that



species, especially trout, when the              have water free of fecal coliform               serve as their intermediate hosts, by



concentration exceeds about 0.2                  bacteria.                                       draining the pond and letting it dry for


milligrams per liter.                                                                            several months. Stocking of redear



                                                                                                 sunfish also may be effective, since they



                                                                                                 are a natural predator of snails. No


                                                                                                 chemicals are registered for controlling




















Water testing

                                                                                                 Pond Fisheries


                                                                                                 Whether for fishing or for aesthetic

                                                                                                 enjoyment, most pond owners are

                                                                                                 interested in developing and managing a

                                                                                                 pond fishery. The success of fish in a

                                                                                                 pond depends on the water quality, the

                                                                                                 pond’s construction, and the manage-

                                                                                                 ment of the fish populations. The

                                                                                                 following sections give some guidelines

                                                                                                 for the stocking and management of

                                                                                                 some common fish species in Pennsylva-

                                                                                                 nia ponds.

                                                                                                 Warmwater Versus Coldwater

                                                                                                 Ponds may be stocked with warmwater

                                                                                                 fish such as largemouth bass and

                                                                                                 bluegills, or with coldwater fish such as


                                                                                                 trout. The decision of which type of fish


                                                                                                 to stock is determined primarily by the


Testing Your Pond Water Quality                    testing, pond owners should evaluate

                                                                                                 temperature regime of the pond and the


                                                   the symptoms of their pond, keeping in

                                                                                                 desire of the pond owner. Other water

Your pond water can be tested easily


                                                   mind the other special water quality          quality factors such as pH may be

and inexpensively for many of the

                                                   problems described above.

parameters listed above. Temperature,                                                            important to fish survival and reproduc-

                                                                                             ○   tion. Consult the water quality section

dissolved oxygen, pH, ammonia,                                                               ○

                                                   Fishing—test the water frequently,            of this publication for more information

hardness, and various other water


                                                   especially during the summer, for

quality parameters can be tested using                                                           about other water quality concerns for


                                                   temperature, dissolved oxygen, and pH.        fish.

kits available at most local pet stores for

                                                   Test kits from a local pet store are

less than $10 each.



                                                                                                 Coldwater fish like trout grow and


                                                                                                 survive best when water temperatures

Measurement of total coliform bacteria,

                                                   Animal Drinking—test the water

fecal coliform bacteria, pesticides and                                                          are 55 to 60°F. Trout may be able to


                                                   annually for pH, nitrate, and fecal           withstand temperatures of 80°F for a

metals, and identification of toxic algae


                                                   coliform bacteria at a certified water-

would require more sophisticated                                                                 few hours, but long periods with

                                                   testing laboratory.

testing by certified laboratories. Tests for                                                     temperatures exceeding 75°F will cause


                                                                                                 death. Many ponds get too warm

total and fecal coliform bacteria


                                                   Swimming—test the water annually for

normally cost $10 to $30 each at a                                                               during the summer months to support

                                                   total and fecal coliform bacteria at a

                                                                                                 trout, but they may still support a put-

certified lab. A list of certified labs by

                                                   certified water-testing laboratory.           and-take trout fishery during cooler

county is available from your local Penn


State Cooperative Extension office.                                                              months. Most ponds in Pennsylvania


                                                                                                 are better suited to the temperature


                                                                                                 requirements of warmwater species like

Routine water testing for pollutants that


are important for your pond will help                                                            bass and bluegill. These species will


                                                                                                 grow well when water temperatures

identify problems before they become


too serious. The following guidelines                                                            remain above 80°F for several weeks in


provide some testing recommendations                                                             the summer.


for the most common pond uses in


Pennsylvania. They indicate only the



most common pollutants that should be


tested for. When doing additional





Warmwater Pond Management                       Basic ecology                                      Population structures



Many fish species combinations have             Largemouth bass spawn the first spring             Bass are often stocked alone in farm

been tried in small artificial ponds, but       that they reach 9–10 inches in length              ponds in Pennsylvania. The result is a


largemouth bass and bluegills have been         and the water temperature reaches 60°F.            self-sustaining population of small bass.


the most successful in all parts of the         Bluegills spawn at a younger age than

                                                                                                   In bass-only ponds, the fish stop

country. Pennsylvania experiences with          bass, but not until later in the summer            growing, regardless of age, at lengths


largemouth bass and bluegill sunfish            when the water temperature reaches 67              from 9 to 12 inches, depending on the


range from outstanding successes to             to 80°F. Unlike bass, bluegills may                fertility of the pond. Very few small bass

complete failures. The difference is in         spawn several times during the summer

                                                                                                   and no large bass are present in bass-


the management. Recent investigations           in fertile ponds if they are not too               only ponds.


at Mansfield University of Pennsylvania         crowded.


have confirmed that this species                                                                   A population that contains about 3

combination is capable of providing         ○   Bass feed effectively on bluegills as large        pounds of bluegills for every pound of



excellent sportfishing in Pennsylvania.         as one-third their own body length.                bass is bass-crowded and results in


                                                Although bass guard their eggs and fry,            relatively slow-growing bass but very


                                                bluegills prey upon them in a density-             large bluegills. The adult bass in this


Bass and bluegill


                                                  dependent manner; that is, the                   situation will be larger than in the bass-


                                                        number of young bass recruited             only pond because of the forage


                                                            into the population is                 provided by the bluegills when they


                                                                inversely proportional to          spawn, but still rather small because

                                                                     the number of                 nearly all the young bluegills produced

                                                                        bluegills present.         will be eaten soon after they hatch. The

                                                                        Thus, bass and             few bluegills that survive predation will

                                                                        bluegills control          grow very rapidly because the inverte-

                                                                        each other by their

                                                                                                   brate food supply will be divided among

                                                                        predatory habits.          relatively few individuals. The bass-
                                                                        If bluegills are too   ○
                                                                                               ○   crowded condition provides excellent



                                                                        numerous, they             bluegill fishing. Many bass will be

                                                                        can totally                caught, but few will be larger than 2


                                                                        eliminate bass             pounds.




                                                                        resulting in               A community containing about 8


                                                                        elimination of             pounds of bluegills per pound of bass


                                                                        bass from the              has relatively few large bass present, but


                                                                        pond. In the               a more equal representation of different


                                                             absence of bass predation,            size classes than in the bass-crowded


                                                bluegills become overcrowded and                   situation. The bluegills are crowded,


                                                stunted. When bass are able to spawn               and few will exceed 6 inches in length.


                                                successfully, bluegills will be adequately         This condition provides a great deal of


                                                controlled. When bass become too

                                                                                                   bass forage and allows them to achieve

                                                dominant, very few bluegills survive

                                                                                                   their maximum growth potential. Bass


                                                their predation and the bass become                in Pennsylvania ponds like this often


                                                crowded and stunted.                               grow a pound per year, resulting in real


                                                                                                   trophy fishing.



















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