Review AECOM Ireland Annual Review 2016

Page created by Dwight Porter
Review AECOM Ireland Annual Review 2016
AECOM Ireland Annual Review 2016
Review AECOM Ireland Annual Review 2016
Cover       Wind Farm,
Lagan         Co. Mayo.
       Weir Bridge,
Donegall  Quay, Belfast.
AECOM services:    Landscape architecture, digital media.
AECOM services: Architecture, civil and structural
engineering, mechanical and electrical consultancy,
resident engineering, cost management.
Image courtesy of Rory Moore Photography.
Review AECOM Ireland Annual Review 2016
AECOM Ireland Annual Review 2016

Introduction                                                                       3

Industry review: Republic of Ireland                                               5
2015 performance and medium term outlook                                           7
Sector performance                                                                 8
Construction costs and tender prices                                              11

Industry review: Northern Ireland                                                 12

Business intelligence                                                             15
Martin Shanahan, CEO, IDA Ireland                                                 16
Professor Neil Gibson, Director of the Ulster University Economic Policy Centre   18

AECOM Ireland profile

Geographies                                                                       21
Ireland                                                                           22
UK market focus: A change of mood                                                 26

Thought leadership                                                                28
Procurement strategies: Think before you leap                                     30
Congestion relief requires public transport investment                            32
The changing workplace                                                            34
Indicative building costs                                                         36

AECOM                                                                             37
AECOM Ireland                                                                     38

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Review AECOM Ireland Annual Review 2016
AECOM Ireland Annual Review 2016

Capital Dock,
Sir John Rogersons Quay, Dublin 2.
AECOM services: Cost management,
environmental services.

2                                    AECOM
Review AECOM Ireland Annual Review 2016
2016 — New business dynamic
accompanies robust recovery
Last year was good news for                capacity issues will be dependent          delivers innovative solutions that
Ireland’s economy. With the low            on returning emigrants, a new wave         improve lives.
euro continuing to boost the export        of European migrants, and tier two
market, the Republic of Ireland’s          contractors rapidly increasing their       In Ireland, we are now over 600-strong
(ROI) economy grew by around six           resources and output. Successful           with the full range of skills to support
percent, making it the fastest growing     Northern Ireland contractors who           Ireland’s booming economy — from
economy in the European Union for          have expanded into Scotland and            the outset of the planning and
the second year running. It means          the rest of the UK may also consider       environmental aspects of projects,
the ROI economy has reached pre-           redirecting some of their efforts back     through to design and construction.
recession growth levels, with the          to Ireland.                                Constituent parts of the business
strongest growth focused in the                                                       have a deep history here, with the
Greater Dublin Area.                       The Republic of Ireland government         project and cost management
                                           can be congratulated for managing          business having its origins in
Northern Ireland’s economy in              the economy to the current point.          Patterson Kempster & Shortall,
the same period also grew by two           However, there still remain significant    who were already over 50 years old
percent. Of course still good, but         deficits in social infrastructure; none    in 1916 and were involved in the
whilst it would appear that the rising     more prevalent than that of housing.       reconstruction of O’Connell Street in
tide is lifting all boats, the disparity   In this sector, there has clearly been a   1917. Today, we continue to work with
between regions is clear.                  lack of foresight, hence the need for      some of the island’s most ambitious
                                           swift implementation of the recently       and forward-looking clients, helping
This continued surge in growth in          announced policies and programme           to cut through complexity, and
Dublin and across the Island of Ireland    for delivery.                              transform the communities in which
means that those looking ahead at                                                     we live and work.
procuring projects in 2016 can expect      In Northern Ireland, the recent
rising tender prices and shortages         agreements in the assembly are             Here’s a slice of what we’ve been
of resources in certain areas. In          positive and should trigger the release    doing over the last year and analysis
fact, many specialist contractors in       of a number of social infrastructure       of some of the key trends. Let’s now
façades, steel and concrete already        projects as well as investment             look forward to what will hopefully
have their books full well into 2016.      prompted by the proposed reduction         be another promising year for the
                                           in corporation tax.                        industry. Our sleeves are rolled up and
For the survivors of the worst                                                        we’re ready to go.
recession in living memory the             Built to deliver a better world, it
appetite for renewed growth is             has also been a year of growth for         John O’Regan
definitely present, but this time the      AECOM — we are now the world’s             Programme, Cost, Consultancy Lead,
approach to risk will almost certainly     No. 1-ranked engineering design            Ireland
be different. It may also be difficult     firm*. Experts in all phases of the
for tier one contractors to deliver the    development lifecycle — design, build,     john.o’
likely number of major projects, with      finance, operate and manage — the
large international contractors still      diversity of our capabilities and global   *According to Engineering News-Record
drawn to the vibrant London market.        network of 85,000 professionals            2015 rankings.
The short-term solution to these

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Review AECOM Ireland Annual Review 2016
AECOM Ireland Annual Review 2016

4                                  AECOM
Review AECOM Ireland Annual Review 2016
Institute for Lifecourse and Society, NUI Galway,
University Road, Galway.
AECOM services: Project management, cost
management and employer’s representative.
Image courtesy of Neil Warner Photography.

Industry review:
Republic of Ireland

AECOM                                               5
Review AECOM Ireland Annual Review 2016
AECOM Ireland Annual Review 2016

Key statistics at a glance

Construction output breakdown 2015                                                Non-residential planning permission
AECOM estimates (€m)                                                              granted July 2014–June 2015 (‘000 sq m)
                                                                                  Source: Central Statistics Office

4,000                                                                                                                       buildings (306)

3,000                                                                                                                   Buildings for
                                                                                                                        agriculture (594)

                                                                                                                        Industrial (275)

                                                                                   health and
                                                                                   education (399)
                                  Civil        Social        Private
                                                                                                                      Other buildings
            Residential        engineering infrastructure non-residential
             €5,000m            €3,250m       €1,500m       €2,500m                                                   for social use (68)

Employment in construction sector                                                 House completions
Domestic construction workers and                                                 January-September 2015
non-domestic construction workers                                                 Source: Department of Environment, Community
                                                                                  & Local Government
Source: Central Statistics Office



                                                                            Private housing


                                                                                                                               Social housing
                          47,800                                                                                               246


                                                                                  Total 8,914

          Peak (Q2 2007)                  Current (Q2 2015)
           Total: 273,900                   Total: 125,900

6                                                                                                                                   AECOM
Review AECOM Ireland Annual Review 2016
2015 performance and medium-term outlook
The sporting analogy of ‘a game of two      of entities considered capable of                      -       The residential property market
halves’ could possibly be applied to the    delivering on projects of this nature                          has come under significant strain,
construction industry in 2015; however,     and the resultant tendering in a                               particularly in the greater Dublin
whilst it is most commonly used to          restricted list. During the downturn                           area, and throughout the year
describe two periods of contrasting         a considerable number of the larger                            the pressure has also mounted in
fortunes, its application here is of a      organisations went out of business                             respect of social housing.
more subtle nature.                         and others scaled back significantly,
                                            thus the willingness and ability to ramp               In summary, confidence has returned
We saw the industry gradually return        up will undoubtedly be a factor in the                 to the construction sector and
to growth in 2014 after the dramatic        coming years.                                          economy generally as evidenced
drop between 2007–2011 and this                                                                    by the Ulster Bank Construction
growth pattern has continued in             In Figure 1 we see double digit growth                 Purchasing Managing Index Report,
2015. We would estimate the value of        in output in the last couple of years and              whose October results indicated
construction output to have been circa      it is anticipated to continue in 2016.                 a sharp increase in new business
€12.25 billion in 2015, a 14 percent rise   Whilst employment has also increased                   which was central to improvements in
on 2014.                                    strongly, it can be seen that it is less               activity, employment and confidence.
                                            volatile. There is a risk, and some signs              However, our note of caution in last
However, whilst the first half of 2015      in the last 12 months, that if this lack               year’s Annual Review — that the upturn
continued in a similar manner to            of equilibrium continued or widened, it                has been concentrated in the greater
2014, we started to see some stress         may cause a spike in tender prices.                    Dublin area — continues to hold true.
fractures appear in segments of the                                                                Notwithstanding this, we have seen the
industry during the second half of          Two key developments in 2015                           beginnings of recovery in the regions
the year. In particular, a number of        included:                                              with an increase in the number of
capacity concerns have arisen in                                                                   enquiries, along with previously shelved
the Dublin market which in turn can         -     The Office of Government                         projects being revisited. This all bodes
have a knock-on effect nationally.                Procurement (OGP) instigated                     well for 2016 and beyond.
Curtain walling and façade system                 consultations with industry in
specialists would appear to have very             respect of the Public Works
strong order books arising from the               Contracts (PWC) and the
increase in commercial and multi-                 proposed interim measures to be
storey residential schemes which                  implemented in the near future.
are on site or have obtained planning
                                            Figure 1
permission. Combined with similar
                                            Change in tender prices, and construction output
demand pressures internationally, the       and employment (%)
impact can be programme delays and/
or, increased prices over and above
standard industry levels.                       20

In a similar context, we would have             10
capacity concerns heading into 2016
in respect of main contracting and               0

specialist contracting (mechanical
and electrical). Specifically in respect
of high value fast-track projects and           -20
highly serviced €100 million+ projects
in the Foreign Direct Investment (FDI)          -30

sectors. The primary reason for this
concern would be the limited number










Employment data source 2007-2014:
Central Statistics Office
                                                              Tender price           Construction output       Construction employment
                                                              change                 change                    change
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Review AECOM Ireland Annual Review 2016
AECOM Ireland Annual Review 2016

Sector performance
In any recovery there is a train of          Recovery: Infrastructure and Capital         increase in demand from a growing
thought that a rising tide lifts all         Investment 2016–2021’ included a             cohort of would-be purchasers unable
boats and indeed ‘everything else            -1.5 percent decrease on 2015 in             to meet the Central Bank’s revised
being equal’, the general principle of       exchequer capital investment. The            mortgage lending ratios, housing
an economic recovery benefitting             investment plan shows increases in           benefit individuals/families unable to
all should apply. Of course the              subsequent years to 2021, see Table 1        meet rising rent in the private sector
‘everything else being equal’ is             opposite. Figure 2 below illustrates the     and the homeless.
the difficult piece and, just as             split across the key capital spending
reflected in the rate of recoveries in       departments.                                 In the first half of 2015 we started
the regions referred to earlier, the                                                      to see the cost of developing new
performance of different sectors, and        An increasing area of importance             residential units start to make
as a consequence the construction            is non-exchequer capital spending            economic sense when compared
   U.S. Army Base Camp Carroll
activity in same, also varies. In            arising from the re-commencement             against the cost of buying surplus
the following sections, we take an           of the public-private partnerships           stock. In addition, the better located
overview of the key sectors and the          programme and spend by semi-state            and quality surplus stock or work
outlook for 2016.                            bodies. In the case of the latter a          in progress which was idle in the
                                             significant proportion of capital spend      immediate aftermath of the crash had
Public sector                                can relate to supply of plant and            been purchased at that point, thus a
The public finances have shown good          equipment, nonetheless semi-state            shortage was emerging in key markets,
recovery in 2015 with employment up          activity is an important contributor to      particularly in Dublin. However as noted
and consumer spending increasing,            the construction industry.                   above, with rising rents exasperating
leading to increased tax revenue as                                                       a social housing problem a public
well as a reduction in social welfare        Residential                                  debate ensued in the second half of
payments. However, coupled with this,        The residential sector would still appear    the year leading to general uncertainty.
the growth in the economy in 2015 of         to be in a dysfunctional state. Since
circa 6 percent increases the potential      the economy came out of the crash it         In response to this growing problem,
amount of borrowing in absolute              has been struggling to cope with the         the government announced a series
terms which the government can take          stresses of oversupply in some areas,        of measures in early November aimed
on in 2016. The Irish government’s           undersupply in others and in particular      at bringing stability to the market.
Budget 2016, which was preceded by           a severe shortage of social housing          These included rent reviews every two
the publication of the government’s          provision. Social housing has suffered       years as opposed to every year. They
six-year Capital Plan ‘Building on the       from years of under-investment, an           also introduced measures aimed at

                                                                Other (216)   Agriculture (217)
Figure 2
2016 exchequer funded public              Transport, Tourism                               Communications, Energy
capital programme (€m)                      and Sport (1016)                               and Natural Resources (107)
Source: Department of Finance
Budget 2016
                                                                                                   Education and Skills (545)

                                      Office of Public                                            Environment, Community
                                          Works (102)                                             and Local Government (539)
                                               Justice (130)

                                                                                   Health (414)
                                                     Jobs, Enterprise
                                                     and Innovation (495)
8                                                                                                                           AECOM
West Cork Arts Centre,
Uillinn, Co Cork.
AECOM services: Project management,
cost management, employers representative.
Image courtesy of F22 Photography.

priming supply by reducing the costs of      development will be in the starter      advanced in 2015, and we expect
development, with rebates on levies of       home market.                            this trend to continue through 2016
starter homes in Dublin and Cork, and                                                and 2017 as Dublin city centre Grade
standardising apartment standards.           Finally, it should be noted that we     A accommodation remains in short
                                             had a number of reminders in 2015       supply, with the majority of that under
Undoubtedly the number of                    of the legacy quality issues that lay   construction being pre-let. Investment
completions in 2015, estimated to            undiscovered during the building boom   funds continue to be active, and we
be circa 12,000 units, was adversely         which demonstrates the importance       anticipate they will continue to seek out
affected by the uncertainty of the           of the current building control         opportunities for further acquisitions
second half of the year. We expect           amendment regulation requirements.      and to maximise the value obtainable
the recent measures will first and                                                   through re-development where
foremost provide a level of certainty        Commercial market                       necessary and achievable.
and an impetus to kick start some            The pending shortage of large
residential development however,             footprint commercial offices led to     Outside of Dublin new build activity
given the Central Bank restrictions on       a noticeable increase in office floor   is restricted. Demand for space is
lending ratios and the rebates being on      space granted planning in 2014.         increasing and similar to Dublin, large,
units under €300,000, the bulk of the        A number of these schemes were          good quality accommodation is limited.

Table 1
Multi-Annual Capital Investment Framework 2016-2021 (€m)

                                                           2016    2017      2018    2019     2020       2021      Total
 Agriculture, Food and the Marine                           217      208       208    208       208       208     1,257
 Communications, Energy and Natural Resources               107      107       137    192       192       192       927
 Education and Skills                                       545      599       623    654       700       700     3,821
 Environment, Community and Local Government                539      623       709    685       700       700     3,956
 Health Group                                               414      454       473    550       570       600     3,061
 Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation                            495      525       490    500       500       500     3,010
 Justice Group                                              130      157       118    150       160       160       875
 OPW                                                        102      102       127    137       147       157       772
 Transport, Tourism and Sport                              1,016   1,015     1,167   1,238    1,607     2,000     8,043
 Other                                                      216      180       178    286       216       183     1,259
 TOTAL                                                     3,781   3,970     4,230   4,600    5,000     5,400    26,981

Source: Department of Finance Budget 2016

AECOM                                                                                                                        9
AECOM Ireland Annual Review 2016

                                                                                       Newcastle Promenade,
                                                                                       Newcastle, Co. Down.
                                                                                       AECOM services: Landscape architecture,
                                                                                       civil engineering, structural engineering,
                                                                                       quantity surveying and resident engineering.

Industrial                                considerably less than that of a              maintenance of circa 2,000 kilometres,
Similar to the residential sector, the    decade ago.                                   and improving over 2,000 kilometres of
crash resulted in a large stock of                                                      local and regional roads. In addition a
vacant units and as a result investors    Tourism, sport and culture                    number of key national route schemes
or occupiers can purchase units at a      The tourism sector has become an              such as the N17/N18 Gort to Tuam will
lower cost than new build and even        increasingly important sector in the          continue, and new projects like the New
allowing for modifications, can obtain    Irish economy. Estimated to have              Ross bypass and Gorey to Enniscorthy
better speed to market.                   generated more than €6 billion revenue        route will get underway.
                                          in 2014 it is a key stimulator of activity
Thus, construction activity in the        in the construction sector. In particular     The seven year programme also
industrial sector in 2015 has been        given the number of transactions in           includes €3.6 billion for public transport.
almost entirely owner occupier new        the hotel market, new owners and/or           The headline project in this sector is
build and/or expansion of existing        operators bring new investment in             Metro North which is planned to be
facilities. With exports continuing to    the refurbishment or re-positioning           operational by 2026/27. The current
grow strongly in 2015 (17.5 percent       of the property.                              seven year plan includes the completion
increase in first nine months of                                                        of the LUAS cross city project, the
2015 compared to same period in           Again, Dublin features strongly in this       re-opening of the Phoenix Park tunnel
2014) and a steady stream of new          sector with room rates increasing as          and completion of Dublin city centre re-
announcements from IDA Ireland            the bed shortage intensifies. As such         signalling programme.
backed foreign direct investment, the     there will be an appetite for building
prospects for construction activity in    new hotels or extensions in the Dublin        The Irish Water €1.77 billion Capital
the industrial sector are strong.         market. Regionally the focus is more          Investment Plan 2014–2016 is on-
                                          likely to continue to be transactional.       going and we are now seeing regular
Retail                                    Following on from the huge success            announcements of contracts being
Consumer spending in 2015 continued       of the Wild Atlantic Way, Failte Ireland      awarded for a range of schemes across
on the upward trend and boosted           have embarked on a significant                the country including Roscommon,
confidence within the sector. This        investment programme providing grant          Kildare and Donegal announced in
confidence in turn has helped to          assistance to a range of projects to          the first week of the year. The recently
boost retail construction activity with   promote their new initiative — The            published Water Services Strategy Plan
expansion plans announced for out of      Ancient East. This will provide an            lays out Irish Water’s short, medium and
town locations such as Liffey Valley,     important stimulus to economic                long term goals over the next 25 years.
Dublin, continued expansion of budget     activity and in turn construction.
supermarket chains, and investment                                                      The recent onslaught of bad weather
in renewing a number of high street       Civil infrastructure                          has brought the subject of flood
brands and forecourt convenience          In the recent government “Capital             defences back front and centre when
stores.                                   Plan 2016–2021” a capital investment          similar events of 2009 are still fresh
                                          envelope of €9.6 billion was identified       in people’s memories thus we will
Notwithstanding this improved             for the next seven years.                     undoubtedly see efforts to accelerate
confidence, the challenging financial                                                   a number of the schemes which have
environment makes capital investment      Of this, €6 billion relates to investment     been progressing through planning and
decisions more difficult thus, whilst     in national, regional and local road          design.
we would expect further growth in         networks including a 2016 capital
this sector in 2016, it will remain       programme with provision for the

10                                                                                                                               AECOM
Construction costs and tender prices

 Competitiveness is key to sustaining                   of labour rates. In response to this                 It is important however that the
 any recovery and the Irish construction                the government introduced ‘The                       competitiveness and value for money
 industry has, whether by necessity                     Industrial Relations (Amendment)                     that has been available over the last
 or design, maintained tender inflation                 Act 2015’ in August. It provides for                 couple of years is not eroded with
 at modest levels over the last five                    the establishment of Registered                      high inflation rates. In that regard 2015
 years. Of course the ability to do this                Employment Agreements and                            saw tender price increases of circa 5
 is heavily dependent on costs similarly                Employment Regulation Orders (ERO).                  percent which, if exceeded or repeated
 being contained. We review the trends                  It is likely that industries such as the             over a number of years, would
 emerging in 2015 and look ahead to                     construction industry will move to                   reduce that competitive advantage.
 anticipated activity in 2016.                          introduce ERO’s, and we have seen                    Similar to the cost index, tender
                                                        examples of this in October when two                 indices represent average figures,
 Construction costs                                     ERO’s were introduced for the security               and individual elements and location
 The euro was weakened against both                     and contract cleaning sectors. It is                 factors will combine to generate
 sterling and US dollar through 2015                    also likely that there will be pressure              same. Among the cost drivers which
 which put pressure on the price of                     to increase pay rates in 2016 in                     have shown most volatility have been
 imports. Notwithstanding this, the                     conjunction with the establishment                   preliminaries for both main contractors
 overall level of increase in construction              of an ERO.                                           and specialist sub-contractors. In
 material prices averaged 1.1 percent                                                                        addition, contractors approach to risk
 in the 12 months to September                          We anticipate that construction costs                and pricing of same has hardened over
 2015. This included a range of price                   will on average increase by circa 2.5                the last 12 months.
 increases including stone at +9.3                      percent in 2016.
 percent, bituminous macadam                                                                                 Looking forward to 2016 we anticipate
 and asphalt +6.4 percent, lighting                     Tender prices                                        that tender price inflation will continue
 equipment +5 percent, decreases of                     As noted earlier and illustrated below,              at an average of circa 6 percent with
 -6.3 percent in sand and gravel, and                   tender price increases over the past                 variation dependent on location.
 ready mix concrete -2.4 percent.                       five years have remained at modest                   The regions should have inflation of
                                                        levels. This has contributed to restoring            circa 5 percent whereas the greater
 Since the Supreme Court ruled against                  sustainable competitiveness after a                  Dublin area will have circa 6 percent–
 the system of Registered Employment                    number of years where the prevalence                 8 percent.
 Agreements in 2011 there has been                      of abnormally low tenders was a feature
 a degree of uncertainty in respect                     of the industry.

Figure 3
AECOM Tender Price Index (%)









 AECOM                                                                                                                                              11
AECOM Ireland Annual Review 2016
                                   Visit Belfast,
                                   9 Donegall Square North, Belfast.
                                   AECOM services: Architecture, interior design,
                                   civil and structural engineering, mechanical
                                   and electrical, project management, cost
                                   Image courtesy of Rory Moore Photography.

Industry review:
Northern Ireland

12                                                                AECOM
Northern Ireland                              Grade A commercial office                  York Street Interchange,
The Northern Ireland (NI) economy             accommodation remains in short
is expanding at an annualised rate of         supply in Belfast and this is driving      AECOM services: Engineering design,
1.3 percent to Quarter 2 2015. This           rental costs up. Headline rentals are      digital media.
is lower than the United Kingdom              up approximately 20 percent over the
(UK) and Republic of Ireland trend, but       last twelve months with less attractive
growth none the less. The brighter side       rent free periods or contributions. The    the opportunities they are tendering
of this statistic is that construction        market is beginning to respond to this     for locally. It is likely this will encourage
contributed up to 1 percent of the total      with the construction of new space in      some inflation within tender prices over
1.3 percent growth. The economy has           Belfast; however more space will be        the next twelve months.
still some way to go to get back to the       required over short and medium terms.
peak output achieved in 2007/2008,                                                       The residential market has started to
and a sustained recovery will remain          Retail space in NI still has relatively    gain momentum with house prices up
dependent on recovery in the UK and           high vacancy rates, however, there is      more than 10 percent year-on-year
the Republic of Ireland.                      an obvious recovery taking place in        and this trend looks set to continue.
                                              Belfast with the change in rating policy   It is noted that house prices are
Having lost twelve months in deadlock,        — therefore town and city centre           still significantly below their peak of
the recent political agreement on             locations are becoming more attractive     2007/2008.
departmental spending and devolution          again.
of corporation tax will allow business                                                   In conclusion, it is expected that the
and government departments to                 There has been some consolidation          recovery in the NI construction and
better plan their capital expenditure         amongst building contractors which is      property will continue at a modest but
for the future years. It is hoped this will   thought will lead to more sustainable      sustainable pace.
give both business and government             companies for the future. As with last
fresh confidence to push shovel ready         year the local tier one contractors
projects out to market. In our opinion, it    have built successful relationships in
cannot be overestimated the positive          Great Britain and much of their work is
effect of reducing corporation tax to         now centered on delivering within that
12.5 percent from April 2018 will have        market. To an extent this has led to the
on private investment in NI.                  contractors being more selective about

AECOM                                                                                                                              13
AECOM Ireland Annual Review 2016

Key statistics at a glance

Construction output (£m)                                                                   Overall construction output, broken down
                                                                                           into new work and repair and maintenance

                                                                                                                                        Repair and
4,000                                                                                                                                   maintenance




                                                                                                                                      New work
            2006           2008                    2010             2012          2014

Sub categories of construction output                                                      Overall construction broken down into
Q2 2015                                                                                    housing, infrastructure and other work

                                                                                         Infrastructure                                 Other work
                                                                                         (22%)                                          (42.3%)

                                                      Repair and

                                                                     Other work

                    New work


Source: Department of Enterprise, Trade & Investment                                       Percentages do not always tally to 100 as each category is
Construction Output Statistics.                                                            individually deflated and seasonally adjusted.

14                                                                                                                                          AECOM
Green Room Restaurant,
LIT, Moylish Park, Limerick.
AECOM services: Project management
and cost management services.
Image © Bowe O’Brien Photography.

To assist in understanding the wider economic and
political context in which the construction industry sits,
and to picture some of the different perspectives, we
have spoken to key industry leaders for their thoughts
on major questions.
AECOM Ireland Annual Review 2016

Martin Shanahan,
CEO, IDA Ireland

IDA Ireland continues to be very           Dublin is seen as a tech hub. We see      that you have a turnkey solution, the
successful in attracting foreign           that success continuing with on-          more it puts Ireland on the map in the
direct investment. Do you anticipate       going announcements from the large        first instance and then the regions
continued growth in the volume of          tech companies and a range of small       the solutions are in. You are right also
investments in the next couple of          companies, which we expect to be          that there is a regional policy aspect
years, and if so, what level of growth     the next Facebook, Google, Amazon,        to it, in that we want to attract more
do you see as being achievable?            Microsoft etc.                            investment to the regions.

We set out a very clear strategy in        Life sciences, which can be broken        Just to be very clear the reason we are
March of 2015 with our goals for the       down as pharma, bio-pharma and            back in that market of building advance
next five years. This included 900 new     medical devices, is also performing       units and office buildings, nine of
investments, and 80,000 jobs gross         strongly and in particular bio-pharma,    which are planned over the next three
associated with those investments, in      where we have seen some really            years, is because the private sector
that period. Ireland by any objective      significant announcements, such           has not stepped up to deliver those
measure achieves much more foreign         as BMS, Alexion and Regeneron to          solutions. The more the private sector
direct investment than one might           name a few. We are also seeing strong     can deliver solutions the better, and it
expect given our relative size, IDA has    performance in the sub-supplies           is not necessarily an area we want to
always set itself a high bar in terms of   sector such as Abec in Fermoy and         be actively involved in the delivery. That
attracting investment and we have set      Optel Vision in Limerick which supply     is not to say we are not in constant
ourselves a high bar again.                this market.                              discussion with clients about property.
                                                                                     We have a large property division in IDA
Within these goals it is also important    About 70 percent of our investments       however it isn’t just about property, it
to state that as well as achieving high    come from the United States, followed     is also about strategic sites and land
levels of investment we have also set      by Europe at 20 percent and 10            availability. We have invested in the
new targets around the dispersal of        percent from the rest of the world.       acquisition of land banks and utility
those investments across the regions.      We would like to see them all grow in     intensive strategic sites, and that has
We have said we will aim to increase       absolute terms but we would like to see   worked extremely well for us.
investments in the regions outside of      Europe and the growth markets of Asia,
Dublin by 30 percent to 40 percent         South America, Russia and BRIC (Brazil,   Competitiveness and future skills
over the lifetime of the strategy, which   Russia, India and China) countries        needs are both subjects which the
again is a stretch target, and that we     essentially growing faster which would    construction industry is acutely
will achieve the same high level of        balance the portfolio.                    aware of and they are often
investment into Dublin as we have in                                                 intrinsically linked. How is Ireland
the past five years.                       In recent years IDA Ireland has           performing in this regard and
                                           adopted a policy of developing            are there any areas of particular
What sectors do you see driving            a number of Advance Units in              concern from an IDA Ireland
growth in investment and will the          regional locations. Has this policy       perspective?
United States continue to be the           been an initiative to meet client
pre-dominant origin of inward              requirements for speed to market          In terms of what we do, attracting
investment?                                or an initiative to promote regional      foreign direct investment, it is
                                           locations or both? Is the policy likely   extremely competitive. We are
We concentrate on a small number of        to expand in the coming years?            competing with a multitude of
core sectors; technology, life sciences,                                             countries and I’m not sure it is fully
financial services, engineering and        It is a bit of both. Certainly in terms   understood the level of competition
food. We have been extremely               of winning investments the easier         there is; it is all hard won. In order for us
successful in the technology area and      you can make it for clients and show      to continue to be competitive we need

16                                                                                                                         AECOM
to ensure we have the talent, the right
people and they are aligned through
the education system that enterprise
needs. There has been good work
done in this, but I think there is always
room for improvement in that space.

Keeping costs competitive is a really
important issue for us and that is all
costs, including labour. One of the
concerns is, having gone through a
difficult economic period where cost
competitiveness rectified itself, that
now as an economic recovery takes
hold we don’t become un-competitive
again; that is hugely important.

Are there any other infrastructural
problems which are emerging as
road blocks to investment?

As I look at the pipeline going forward
the availability of commercial and            whether it is pharma and medical           to be done close to market are now
residential properties is potentially a       devices or technology and financial        absolutely mobile so we look at those
limiting factor in the future. If I look at   services.                                  trends all of the time.
Dublin I can see enough Grade A office
accommodation coming on stream                We are also looking at attracting
over the next 18–24 months which              foreign direct investment in new areas
is going to help us greatly. What we          such as marine, arts and culture.
need is a steady supply, and not peaks        The global explosion of the business
and troughs.                                  services sector has been empowered
                                              by rapid technological developments,
On the residential side it is potentially     which have allowed traditional services,
a limiting factor in Dublin, so what I        such as financial and globally traded
would say from a competitiveness              business, to be dispersed worldwide
perspective, both commercial and              and new categories of service activities
residential property are very important.      to develop.

Are there any new areas of interest           In this regard property led investment
or initiatives which you see IDA              in managing portfolios outside of
Ireland pursuing in the coming                Ireland is an area we are focussed
years?                                        on. Technology is having an impact
                                              on everything and making a lot of
In relation to sectors, one area that         the convergence happen, so where
we are extremely interested in is             things which were not internationally
convergence between sectors,                  mobile previously because they had

AECOM                                                                                                                        17
AECOM Ireland Annual Review 2016

Professor Neil Gibson,
Director of the Ulster University Economic Policy Centre

2015 saw significant political              sector is the size it is, it remains a ‘two   activity and expansion of existing firms.
impasses in Northern Ireland.               percent economy’ without the potential        The danger with corporation tax from
What impact, if any, has this had           to match the rates of growth in its           a Northern Ireland perspective would
on economic activity in Northern            southern neighbour.                           be if we saw it as the solution to all our
Ireland (NI)?                                                                             problems, it is one part of the tool kit.
                                            In terms of the Republic of Ireland,
Any form of instability can’t be good       one of the significant risks is money         Has the economy in Northern
but we should start by reflecting on the    is too cheap for a six percent growth         Ireland got a two tier market vis-à-
fact that it is now behind us, and the      economy and it won’t be able to put           vis Belfast and the regions?
‘Fresh Start’ agreement unusually came      rates up when it needs to, rather they
with a change in policy direction about     will go up when Europe needs them.            Yes it has, similar to that in the
corporate tax which sent a message          So although these are good problems,          Republic of Ireland. However, there has
that they were back in government with      overheating problems, they present a          been investment in industry — the
some business-focussed changes.             different set of challenges.                  agriculture sector has done quite well
                                                                                          on the island, and industry such as
I think we are actually in quite a good     Do you expect the recent devolution           pharma in the Republic or transport
place at the end of the journey in          of corporation tax powers from the            equipment in Northern Ireland around
2015. During the year, the impasses         UK government to the NI Assembly              aircraft, heavy machinery/quarrying and
had a marginal effect perhaps on            to have a significant impact in terms         tourism. That sectoral composition has
investors who were just about to make       of Foreign Direct Investment?                 been more of a tapestry than people
a decision. In terms of people already                                                    might have thought and has allowed
doing business in Northern Ireland          There should be some announcements            some regional opportunities.
it’s more tangential. The 2015 growth       from companies that are already here
figures are not hugely affected by the      in Northern Ireland. In terms of new          That said, the heavy lifting in job
political instability.                      green field announcements, you are            creation remains professional services.
                                            expecting more of that effect to come         Although a two tier market has come
                                            when the power is actually here. If you       to pass, it hasn’t been as acute as
What is the Economic Policy Centre          could go somewhere very close to here         I thought it would because of this
forecasting in terms of economic            where they already have a low rate you        eclectic mix of sectoral growth, and
growth in Northern Ireland and              would need to have a very compelling          that has to be something that inward
the Republic of Ireland for 2016            reason to go somewhere that will have         investment agencies and government
and 2017?                                   one in three years.                           policies continue to promote.

I would see the prospects for growth        That said, Northern Ireland has a             What is the current status in
as fairly modest for Northern Ireland       number of other advantages; it is             Northern Ireland in terms of
because austerity is very difficult. We     very competitive from (a) a salary            availability of finance for both
are only arguably in the middle of the      perspective in some sectors, (b) rent,        property developers and the
journey that the Republic of Ireland        (c) cost of living, and (d) because we        consumer seeking to get on the
has finished. We now have to deal with      don’t have the European parent to             property ladder?
cuts in the public sector, which is the     the same degree that the Republic of
biggest employer in Northern Ireland.       Ireland has, we can offer more flexibility    Taking the consumer first, conditions
                                            which has the potential to be quite           have improved considerably, we are
If Northern Ireland can get to two          crucial and changes the dynamic about         back to fairly normal consumer lending.
percent growth, that would be an            what Northern Ireland is.
achievement. I don’t think austerity will                                                 On the commercial side, it is more
drive us back into recession territory      Our modelling work would suggest              difficult because there is very little
unless rapid interest rate rises were       that the corporation tax will be a very       support in off-the-shelf finance for
to come. For so long as our private         important driver of inward investment         speculative build. There is almost

18                                                                                                                            AECOM
nobody in that space and no sign that
any of the institutions want to be there.
You might see the public sector getting
involved to some degree although
they will be very cautious; they are
not awash with money either to do
speculative build. It might involve some
public sector underwriting of the risk
market. If that is the case it will be a
very unfortunate outcome but not one
that we could rule out at this time if it
takes rapidly escalating rental costs to
finally drive investment in the market.

Are there any policy initiatives
which you would advocate to the
NI Assembly which would stimulate
activity in the NI construction

A couple would spring to mind for me;       invest and improve. Radical change in
one of the critical changes is planning     this area could be transformative.
going to local councils, it is finely
balanced as to whether this will be         What advice would you give to
hugely beneficial or damaging to local      construction firms in terms of
development. So the executive should        how they can better structure
be collecting good data on planning         themselves to promote innovation
permission statistics and quickly           and, in turn, generate higher
decide if we need to give councils any      growth?
                                            Partnerships are critical. I think for all
The second thing I would think about        organisations, you will not have all the
is an appropriate rating policy. For        skills sets within your own organisation
example, Northern Ireland has very          necessarily. You will need skills you
generous rating reliefs on vacant           never thought you would — be it
property; you want to start to think        Information Technology, leadership or
about rising rates quite quickly on         organisation structure skills — so the
vacant properties. More controversial       conversations that needs to take place
measures might include making               are with the local further education
existing sites with planning permission     colleges and higher education
but not in productive use more              institutions or trying to avail of the
expensive to hold onto. Rates have          multitude of programmes that Invest
the potential to significantly influence    NI run. Often it takes someone from
behavior and consequently economic          outside to tell you what you need, so
development. It is a fully devolved         bring in experts to review your firm.
matter, and the current systems of
reliefs and exemptions is not strategic,
and in fact acts as a disincentive to

AECOM Ireland Annual Review 2016

                                   West Cork Arts Centre,
                                   Uillinn, Co. Cork.
                                   AECOM services: Project management, cost
                                   management, employers representative.
                                   Image courtesy of F22 Photography.

20                                                              AECOM
Clancy Quay,
Islandbridge, South Circular Road, Dublin 8.
AECOM services: Cost management,
environmental services.


AECOM                                          21
AECOM Ireland Annual Review 2016


The performance of the construction       On the commercial side, Cork is still       years. We may also see construction
industry across the different             lagging behind Dublin; however, 2016        activity in early 2016 on their current
regions of Ireland will have a lot        will see the first commercial building of   sites in Ballincollig, Mount Oval, Belfield
of commonality as the underlying          notable size being completed by John        Abbey and Crosshaven.
general economic performance              Cleary on Albert Quay in Cork City.
feeds through the economy. However,       There are also plans for construction       In education, plans for an €18.5 million
regions outside the greater Dublin        to begin on the old Capital Cinema site     extension to Scoil Mhuire Gan Smal in
area are more dependent on public         and Apple has announced 1,000 more          Blarney are underway with construction
capital spending and thus these           jobs for their headquarters in Cork.        planned to start in 2017.
regions will tend to lag behind any
Dublin based private investment           Demolition has started for the              In healthcare, the Health Service
driven  development.
  U.S. Army Base Camp Carroll
                                          redevelopment of Páirc Uí Chaoimh           Executive are hoping to break ground
                                          and we can expect construction to           in early 2016 with a new primary care
We summarise below our overall            start on the €70 million redevelopment      centre in St. Mary’s Health Campus.
prognosis and identify some of the        in early 2016.                              On the private side, the Bon Secours
key projects in the regions.                                                          Hospital recently announced that it
                                          In the residential sector, NAMA is          plans to begin construction of the
Cork and the southern region              currently building out properties in        eagerly awaited North Block extension
The Cork construction industry has        Carrigaline and other locations. There      on College Road, Cork.
stablised and started to grow over the    are also pockets of small private
course of 2015, and we are seeing the     residential developments but these          The foreign direct investment market
return of sustained construction tender   are insufficient to supply the current      continues to be a cornerstone of the
price inflation. Cork sub-contractors     demand. Viability is still an issue         industry in the regions and we have
downsized considerably in the             when cost of construction, levies and       continued to see a string of IDA Ireland
downturn and with a few large projects    contributions are factored in, thus         announcements in the region recently
planned in 2016, we are anticipating a    the inclusion of Cork in the proposed       including international brands such
shortage of suitable sub-contractors      abolition of development levies is to be    as Apple, GE Healthcare and Pfizer to
for trades such as concrete, formwork,    welcomed. O‘Flynn Construction has          name a few.
plastering, façade systems, mechanical    announced plans for 10,000 homes
and electrical.                           in Dublin and Cork over the next eight

22                                                                                                                        AECOM
Below left: Curragh Racecourse,                                                                Above: Maree National School,
Curragh, Co. Kildare.                                                                          Maree, Oranmore, Co. Galway.
AECOM services: Civil and structural engineering, cost                                         AECOM services: Cost management.
management, mechancial and electrical engineering, fire safety
consultancy, project supervisor design process, façade and
assigned certifier role.
Image copyright (c) Grimshaw.

Limerick and the mid-west region                     The Limerick Regeneration programme       and the South Campus Sports Pitches
In 2016 construction activity in                     continues apace, particularly in          Improvement Plan.
Limerick and the mid-west is primed                  the housing sector. Phase 1 of the
to take a major step towards catching                Churchfield project in Southill should    In the healthcare sector, the joint
up with other regions that experienced               commence early in 2016 with further       venture CERC project with UL is
economic recovery more quickly. While                projects in Southill, Cosgrave Park,      currently under construction and
there is still a reliance on public sector           Weston Gardens, Carew Park and Kings      the fit-out of the new emergency
projects, there is also optimism that                Island to follow.                         department has recently commenced.
the levels of private sector activity will
accelerate significantly in 2016.                    The local third level institutions        The Shannon Airport Authority will
                                                     continue to develop their campuses.       be carrying out substantial runway
The Limerick City & County Council                   Mary Immaculate College is                refurbishment works in 2016. Work
draft budget includes a capital                      expanding its campus by acquiring         recently commenced on Shannon
programme for 2016 to 2018 that                      and refurbishing the nearby Mount         Commercial Properties’ new €6 million
will see €219 million spent on major                 St Vincent complex and is looking to      purpose-built facility for a leading
projects in the city. The programme                  develop a major new learning resource     global operator and employer in the
includes proposals to complete                       centre to replace the existing library.   Shannon Free Zone. This is the first
vital projects and key pieces of                     Limerick Institute of Technology          major investment as part of a €21
infrastructure such as the Opera                     is proceeding with its Campus             million first phase of a programme
Centre and the redevelopment of                      Masterplan 2030 with the recent           of new builds and upgrades of its
Arthur’s Quay, the ‘Hanging Gardens’                 acquisition of the vacant Coonagh         property portfolio.
site on Henry Street and a proposed                  Cross Shopping Centre for phased
conference centre on the site of the                 re-purposing and fit-out as higher        Regeneron is investing an additional
former Cleeve’s factory. Also included               education facilities. The University of   €330 million in Limerick creating
is funding for various infrastructure                Limerick (UL) is currently constructing   200 more jobs, bringing the total
projects such as the landmark                        a ‘Single Training Centre’ for Munster    investment to €610 million and total
Shannon Pedestrian Bridge.                           Rugby, and imminent projects are the      expected job creation in the mid-west
                                                     extension to the Glucksman Library        area of 500 jobs.

AECOM                                                                                                                              23
AECOM Ireland Annual Review 2016

Council Chambers,
Galway County Council, County Hall,
Prospect Hill, Galway.
AECOM services: Cost management, assigned
certifier role.

Galway and the western region                infrastructure project is still some        numbers and this in turn raises
Private sector construction activity         distance away. On a more positive note,     confidence amongst investors. There
has remained stubbornly slow in the          M17/M18 Gort to Tuam motorway               has been strong activity with hotel
western region through 2015 and the          extension and intersection with the M6,     transactions across the region and
industry has been reliant on the public      near Athenry is advancing well on site.     investment in facilities such as the
capital programme as the primary                                                         recently completed restoration and
driver of output. It is likely that any      In common with other regions, other         refurbishment of Ashford Castle. On
growth in exchequer funding for capital      public sector departments have an           the retail side vacancy rates remain
projects will remain constrained over        active public capital programme across      very low in Galway city centre and no
the next few years, thus we will need to     the region. Examples include a 75           new significant developments have
see an improvement in private sector         bed ward block at University Hospital       emerged. 2016 may see the market
activity in order for the industry to show   Galway. The recently announced              respond to the growing economy and
an improvement in the region.                Department of Education & Skills            consumer confidence.
                                             schools building programme including
2015 saw a number of significant             seven school projects to go to site in      Similarly, office accommodation
announcements which will impact              Galway during 2016 in areas such as         vacancy rates are in single digit
positively in construction activity in       Monivea and Lackagh, and a further          percentages, and this low level of
2016 and subsequent years. Among             four planned for 2017. In the third level   available Grade A accommodation may
the most significant announcements           sector, NUI Galway has lodged plans         be making potential businesses look
was the €850 million data centre             for a 450 bed student accommodation         elsewhere. It remains to be seen if the
announcement for Athenry, Co. Galway.        development on campus.                      domestic and international investors
Planning permission was granted in                                                       who have been actively developing
September and it is currently with An        In the private sector the hotel             commercial property in Dublin will
Bord Pleanala.                               and tourism sector remains a key            start to invest in regional cities such
                                             economic driver in the region and           as Galway which has a combination
The Galway City Transport Project N6         2015 was another strong year. The           of strong business base and a highly
Route Selection Report was published         strong dollar and sterling currencies       educated work force.
in August however this much needed           have contributed to increasing

24                                                                                                                        AECOM
Central Bank of Ireland,
North Wall Quay, Dublin.
AECOM services: Cost management, civil and
structural engineering service, façade engineering.
Image courtesy of Visual Lab.

           AECOM                                      25
AECOM Ireland Annual Review 2016

   UK market forecast:
   A change of mood

   Trends and forecasts                        around again, the idea of single-stage     Non-housing sectors are beginning to
   With demand outstripping supply,            tendering or anything other than a         contribute more to overall output, just
   selectivity was the dominant theme          negotiated procurement route is no         as housing activity moderates. Output
   for contractors in 2015. This was           longer unspeakable. The increasingly       changes are particularly acute in
   while enquiries and new orders flowed       common complaint with a negotiated         public sector housing, seeing a 29
   strongly. Market conditions around the      or a two-stage tendered approach           percent yearly decline in August (in
   country followed similar trends.            is that it can take too long to reach a    constant prices).
                                               contract agreement.
   Feedback from every region confirmed                                                   Construction output excluding housing
   the common trend for contractors            Activity indicators                        increased in excess of 8 percent year-
   to decline complex work while more          Recently published construction            on-year. That said it is still not enough
   straightforward, less risky opportunities   output data by the Office for National     to offset overall output changes
   proliferated. Further, commercial           Statistics (ONS) saw a fall in all work    posted in August. This underlines the
   positions changed significantly among       (new work, as well as repair and           effect of the housing sector’s influence
   all the major contractors with regard to    maintenance) of 1.3 percent on a           on recent industry conditions.
   overheads, and profit and allowances        yearly basis at August 2015, yet the
   for risk.                                   data posted an increase in new work        Looking at the data in more detail
                                               of 3.1 percent over the same period (in    reveals the changing fortunes of sector
   Extra tendering time was more               constant prices). Fluctuation in monthly   activity. New infrastructure work has
   frequently requested, a higher number       data movements therefore continues.        increased strongly in the last year,
   of projects were negotiated rather                                                     posting a yearly change exceeding 31
   than tendered, along with a general         Despite the volatility, the data set       percent in August. It now accounts for
   reluctance to tender due to the time        comprises a large survey sample and        just under a quarter of all new industry
   and cost involved. Difficulties in          arguably yields sound insights into        work, up from around 17 percent a year
   attracting tenderers resulted in the        underlying trends in the construction      ago. Although the base effects play a
   need for packaging work or using more       sector. Removing noise in the ONS          part in the yearly change calculation, it
   creative procurement approaches.            data and attempting to mitigate its        is more likely to do with much greater
                                               perceived volatility, rolling quarterly    volumes of infrastructure workload
   But the summer brought the first            averages recorded similar trends to        emerging in the sector.
   signs of a shift in mood among main         those at a monthly level, albeit with
   contractors. Like the seasons coming        smaller percentage changes.

  Figure 4
  AECOM Tender Price Index:
                                                                                                                % Change
  Forcasts at Q3 2015 on the same
  period in 2014















   26                                                                                                                       AECOM
The commercial sector, specifically         ultimately damaging to overall output      Though tender price increases have
in London, is set to contribute sound       in the medium-term, there should be        been remarkable, input cost trends
construction growth over the next           complementary developments and             have not moved to anywhere near the
two years. This expected rise in            investment in skills, apprenticeships      same degree. Building materials costs
office construction is the response         and training.                              have increased by approximately
to demand for new space in London,                                                     1 percent on average over the last
on the back of positive UK economic         Building costs and prices                  12 months.
developments. Rising rents make the         Despite annual consumer price
fundamentals for office construction        inflation turning negative again, tender   Wages continue to climb on the year,
tenable, with rental growth in London       prices continue to rise strongly.          though there remains variability across
predicted to improve further still.         AECOM’s Tender Price Index shows           trades. Generally, they are up 5-6
Declining availability and rising City      that building price inflation in Greater   percent over the last 12 months, which
and West End rents both support             London accelerated once again in           is a slightly slower rate of average
the supply and demand sides of the          the first half of 2015, increasing at      change than that seen earlier in 2015.
market. Further tender price pressure       the fastest rate since 2002 as the         AECOM’s central forecasts for tender
can be expected in London as a result       construction industry remained in          price inflation are 6.1 percent to 8.4
of this increase in demand.                 bullish mood. More than this, many         percent from Q3 2015 to Q3 2016 and
                                            price metrics have surpassed those         3.5 percent to 6.3 percent from Q3
Forecasts for construction work over        of 2008.                                   2016 to Q3 2017.
coming years are still positive, although
output growth is not expected to be         Tender prices increased 8.8 percent on     The fan chart (on the previous page)
as frenetic as the near double-digit        the year Q2 2015. Provisional figures      highlights three key criteria: the
increases seen in the last 12 months.       for Q3 2015 indicate an annual change      baseline forecast for the current
The last 18 months of sustained             of 9.5 percent over the previous           year and the following year; the level
activity still does not answer the          12-month period. The increase in           of uncertainty surrounding these
question of whether this is a rebound       prices was underpinned by plenty of        forecasts; and where the balance of
in activity or a sustainable recovery       available work, a lack of capacity         risks lies.
over the medium and long-term.              and strong labour cost increases
Nonetheless, increased cyclicality          (Q3 each year usually sees the
in the industry is very likely to be the    implementation of wage awards). This       Michael Hubbard is an Associate in
noticeable outcome over this and            is despite building materials price        AECOM London and is a specialist
future periods. If higher prices are        inflation posting much lower rates of      cost researcher.
not to become self-defeating and            annual change.

AECOM                                                                                                                           27
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