DON QUIXOTE Mimi Ohio Theatre | October 15-16, 2021 - Cleveland Ballet

Page created by Tommy Warren
DON QUIXOTE Mimi Ohio Theatre | October 15-16, 2021 - Cleveland Ballet
 Mimi Ohio Theatre | October 15–16, 2021

                                           NEW IMAGE PHOTOGRAPHY
DON QUIXOTE Mimi Ohio Theatre | October 15-16, 2021 - Cleveland Ballet
DON QUIXOTE Mimi Ohio Theatre | October 15-16, 2021 - Cleveland Ballet
WELCOME BACK                                                 to Cleveland Ballet
                                 FROM OUR CHAIRMAN

                              T   his is Cleveland Ballet’s seventh season, and we are glad to perform
                                  once again, after having missed the 2020–2021 season at Playhouse
                                Unlike some other performing arts organizations, Cleveland Ballet
                             has so far managed to operate on a limited basis during the pandemic.
                             This has been accomplished despite the reduction of substantial ticket
                             revenues from our normal run at Playhouse Square. We rely substan-
                             tially on philanthropic contributions from the public to keep going
                             during these challenging times.
                                Co-founded in 2014 by our Artistic Director Gladisa Guadalupe and
                             our CEO Michael Krasnyansky, Cleveland Ballet was growing rapidly

                                                                                                         Cleveland Ballet
when the coronavirus came along. Through careful management, we have continued to succeed, and
at present we have 28 dancers who hail from nine countries around the world.
   On behalf of the board, management, staff and dancers of Cleveland Ballet, we thank you for your
support and wish you a happy experience with our production of Don Quixote.

Richard W. Pogue
Chairman of the Board, Cleveland Ballet

                             FROM PLAYHOUSE SQUARE

                             W     elcome to the 2021–2022 performance season of the venerable
                                   Cleveland Ballet, led by Artistic Director Gladisa Guadalupe. We
                            at Playhouse Square are so pleased to welcome them back to our stages
                            after the hiatus that separated all of us from the performing arts we love
                            so much.
                               As a Playhouse Square resident company, Cleveland Ballet ensures
                            audiences continue to experience one of the most beloved and tradi-
                            tional forms of dance. And through their school, the company shep-
                            herds the growth of the next generation of dancers.
                               This season, Cleveland Ballet presents Don Quixote, The Nutcracker
                            and A Midsummer Night’s Dream, three story ballets with delicious cos-
tumes, gorgeous choreography and thrilling scores that will delight audiences of all ages.
  Without audiences, the arts cannot exist. Thank you for supporting this outstanding company.

Gina Vernaci
President & CEO, Playhouse Square
DON QUIXOTE Mimi Ohio Theatre | October 15-16, 2021 - Cleveland Ballet

                                   W     hen we began choreographing our vision to create and establish a
                                         locally, nationally and internationally recognized professional ballet
                                   company with high artistic standards, we never thought we would be reap-
                                   ing the rewards so quickly. Entering our seventh season proudly serving and
                                   representing northeast Ohio, our company of 28 artists from nine countries
                                   and four continents has been recognized to be the “fastest growing ballet
                                   company in the nation.”
                                       From our humble beginnings in 2014 to date, we have strongly believed
                                   that the success of our ballet company will only be achieved by engaging
                                   communities to create, develop and cultivate residencies, partnerships and
                                   alliances. Our first residency at Playhouse Square, established in 2017, has
    given us tremendous exposure to theatergoers. Our first local and national tours during our 2020–2021
    season have increased our numbers of patrons and supporters. Our first summer residency at the
    Harbourtown Fine Arts Center, beginning this season in Vermilion, Ohio, will be a jump-start to new
    audiences, new patrons and a future of wonderful performance opportunities.
       This season is being presented as a labor of love. With three major story ballets, love is at the forefront
    of our vision. Miguel de Cervantes’ well-known novel Don Quixote de la Mancha will open our season. A
    holiday family favorite, The Nutcracker, will debut at a new stage, the Connor Palace Theatre, giving more
    than 13,000 ballet lovers the opportunity to enjoy the production in an enchanting venue. The season
    concludes with a new version of A Midsummer Night’s Dream.
       All three will transport audiences to the wonderful and magical world of ballet!
       Thank you for being part of our growth, our vision and, most importantly, thank you for being part of
    your very own Cleveland Ballet.

    Gladisa Guadalupe                                                Michael Krasnyansky Ph.D.
    Cleveland Ballet Co-Founder                                      Cleveland Ballet Co-Founder
    & Artistic Director                                              President & CEO


    B    orn in San Juan Puerto Rico, Gladisa Guadalupe
         brings to Cleveland Ballet more than 40 years
    of experience in the art of ballet. Ms. Guadalupe
                                                            distinguished teacher for “Promotion of Excellence
                                                            in the Arts” by the National Foundation for
                                                            Advancement in the Arts. She has also served as a
    began her ballet training in San Juan, Puerto Rico,     consultant for American Ballet Theatre, Cincinnati
    at age 13. A scholarship alumna of the School of        Ballet, Ballet San Jose, The Royal Winnipeg, The
    American Ballet, the official training academy of       University of Akron, Jack and Jill of America and
    New York City Ballet, she trained intensively with      The Cleveland Orchestra, as well as Playhouse
    the distinguished masters there. After her studies,     Square.
    Ms. Guadalupe joined Ballet Nuevo Mundo de                 Currently, she is a member of the Alumni
    Caracas, where she had the opportunity to perform       Advisory Committee on Diversity and Inclusion at
    in the best theaters throughout Europe, South           the School of American Ballet, and holds a degree in
    America and Asia. Her professional career contin-       psychology from Cleveland State University. Ms.
    ued after she held the position of principal dancer     Guadalupe is founder of the School of Cleveland
    in the former Cleveland Ballet troupe.                  Ballet where, for the past 20 years, she and a distin-
       After retiring from the stage, Ms. Guadalupe         guished faculty have developed young ballet stu-
    served as principal teacher of the former School of     dents who are now performing in professional dance
    Cleveland Ballet, later becoming its director.          companies around the world. Along with her hus-
    Concurrently she served as one of the company’s         band, Dr. Michael Krasnyansky, she co-founded
    artistic associates as well as a principal teacher.     Cleveland Ballet in 2014. Today, Cleveland Ballet is
4      Ms. Guadalupe has been recognized as a 2021          considered the “fastest growing ballet company” in
    Woman of Achievement by the YWCA, and as a              the United States.
DON QUIXOTE Mimi Ohio Theatre | October 15-16, 2021 - Cleveland Ballet
DON QUIXOTE Mimi Ohio Theatre | October 15-16, 2021 - Cleveland Ballet
Now Enrolling 2021/2022 School Year!

visit or call 216-320-9000
DON QUIXOTE Mimi Ohio Theatre | October 15-16, 2021 - Cleveland Ballet
  Co-Founder, Artistic Director               Co-Founder, President & CEO

                              ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF
Public Relations Manager         Executive Assistant        Community Relations &
                               to the Artistic Director         Development

     LILIA                  LANA               JULIA TZE          LAURA VILLWOCK
 SHTARKMAN              KRASNYANSKY         Marketing Manager        Director of
  Accounting &           SOKOLINSKY                                 Development
Human Resources           Consultant

                                                                                       Cleveland Ballet
                              PRODUCTION & DESIGN
   EDUARDO PERMUY               Production Manager              Set Designer
  Directors of Repertoire
    DENNIS DUGAN                 CAMERON CALEY               KIRILL SOKOLINSKY
    Lighting Designer               MICHALAK              IT, Audio, & Video Manager
                                  Scenic Design &

    SUSAN BESTUL                   NEW IMAGE              LOST LAKE CREATIVE LLC
     Photographer                 PHOTOGRAPHY                   Videographer

                        Costume Design & Construction

                             PROFESSIONAL SERVICES
  Company Illustrator              IT Support                    Chair, Friends
                                                              of Cleveland Ballet
                               THOMPSON HINE LLP
                            SQUIRE PATTON BOGGS, LLP
                              Global Talent Management

                               HEALTH & WELLNESS
          JAMES VOOS, MD                            HOWARD WAXMAN, DPM
   Medical Director, Cleveland Ballet                    Podiatrist

               ANNA CERVENY, AMY ELSOFFER, AMANDA MARINO                                7
                             Physical Therapists
DON QUIXOTE Mimi Ohio Theatre | October 15-16, 2021 - Cleveland Ballet
DONOR                              recognition

    C   leveland Ballet is deeply grateful to the individuals, corporations and foundations whose contribu-
        tions have helped to re-establish Cleveland’s own ballet company. Your support is invaluable and
    greatly appreciated. Thank you!
       Every effort has been made to accurately record all donors. The following list includes donors for the
    2020-2021 fiscal year. To make corrections, please contact Laura Villwock at 216-320-9000 ext.109 or

                                   CORPORATE AND FOUNDATIONS

      Akron Community Foundation                  Glenmede                          Ohio Arts Council
          Certify Partners, LLC           KeyBank Private Client Group          Shifrin Family Foundation
       Conway Family Foundation                                                  The Shubert Foundation

DON QUIXOTE Mimi Ohio Theatre | October 15-16, 2021 - Cleveland Ballet
2020-2021 DONORS FROM AUG. 1, 2020 – JULY 31, 2021

Special Donation                Mary Hoerner                    Cecilia Combe            Shannon McCrone
$100,000 and up                 Lana Krasnyansky Sokolinsky     Laura Cruise             Frances & Mace Mentch
Richard W. & Patricia Pogue     Lynne & Cliff Megerian          Margit Dale              Lucille Messuri
                                Keili Mistovich                 William & Sally Davros   Joanne Meszaros
Diamond Season Presenter        Constance Rebar                 Debbie DiBlasi           Joyce Mistovich
$50,000 - $100,000              Leslie Reznik                   Carla DiBlasio           Mary Lou Miller
Madeleine Parker                Marques Richeson                Maria Dietzel            Joyce Mistovich
Milton & Tamar Maltz            Diann & Victor Scaravilli       Mary Kathryn Droops      Elizabeth Morgan
                                Marius & Alexandra Shpaner      Denise Eickmeyer-Tze     Thomas Mulready
Gold Season Presenter           Joseph D. Sullivan              Philip Epstein           Arlene & Robert Myotte
$25,000 - $49,999               Sullivan Family Fund            Albert Federico Jr.      Judi Naft & Manny Naft
Charles Abookire                                                Ronald Fringeli          Larry Nowak
Ken & Karen Conley              Leader                          Barbara Fussner          Tom Philipps
Roe Green                       $500-$999                       Sally Ann Good           David Porter
Suzanne M. Tomisch / NESCO      Charles Abookire III            Jaqueline Gribb          Marie Quintana
                                Christina Atkins                Bettyann Helms           Marques Richeson
Silver Season Presenter         Jeanette Grasselli Brown &      Karen Hirsch             Barbara Ronay-Knipple
$15,000 - $24,999                Glenn Brown                    Brenda Hopely            Karen Rothman

                                                                                                                      Cleveland Ballet
Cynthia Graham &                Donnem-Lund Family              Angela Hummel            Paul Secunde
 Peter Sampson                  Carol & James Duber             LeighAnn Jarm            Dana Snyder
                                Tracy Etling                    Vladimir Jelovic         Doreta Sobieska
Guarantor                       Susan Jarros                    Karen & Alfred Kappus    Bernard Thiel
$10,000- $14,999                Tori Nook                       Stephen A. Kushnick &    June Van Ostrand
Terry & Sheldon Adelman         Ken Okeson                       Laura Weigand           Lucille & Barry Virostek
Dennis Lansdowne                Ed Smith                        Rosalind Kvet            Jack Warshaw
Jack & Joan Venaleck                                            Eugene Litvak            Eric Wilde
                                Fellow                          Edward McCartney         J. Hernando & Ellen Zegarr
Patron                          $200-$499
$5,000-$9,999                   Jean Bain
David & Karen Doll              Brian Bash
Charlotte & Charles Fowler      Mr. & Mrs. James Bingay
                                Claude Calais

James Plum
Elizabeth Sherman &             Julie Cernanec
 Bradley Sherman                Grace Champs
Robert Smith                    Audrey Declement
                                Lynnette Duge
Sustainer                       John Filak
$2,500-$4,999                   Joathan Garver
                                Robert Gries
Charles & Allison Clarke
                                Bruce Hearey
Anne & Larry Goodman
                                Gary Hill
Edward Hemmelgarn &
                                Andrew Kartalis
 Janice Hammond
                                Ken Kessler
Nancy McCann
                                Nancy Kurfess Johnson
Mark & Lees Pearson
                                Susan C. Marston Trust
The Shifrin Family Foundation
                                William Miller
                                Janet Mintz
                                James Petras & Kathlee Petras
                                William Silver                          NORDSON IS PROUD
Chunapia Borsani I
                                Ellen Snyder & Ellen Nyder
Patricia Brownell                                                       TO SUPPORT
Brent Buckley

Jeffrey Cole                    $199 and under
Matthew Crawford                Connie Adams
Ryan Cross                      Diane & John Andrica

Kevin Donahue                   Christopher Babiuch
Daniel Dreiling                 Matthew Bowes
Grace & Michael Druzinsky       Jacob Calcei
Frances Fisher                  Linda Rak Canepa &
Sanford & Sheila Fox             Charles Canepa
Lyle Ganske                                                   
                                James Carotenuto
Norma Gouldin Savin
Maria & John Herrick
                                Judy Charlick                                                                          9
                                Maureen Charnigo
DON QUIXOTE Mimi Ohio Theatre | October 15-16, 2021 - Cleveland Ballet
TONIGHT’S                                    program

                                GLADISA GUADALUPE | ARTISTIC DIRECTOR


                              DON QUIXOTE
                             Mimi Ohio Theatre | October 15-16, 2021
                     Friday, October 15th at 7 p.m. | Saturday, October 16th at 7 p.m.

                             Based on Don Quixote de la Mancha
                               by Miguel de Cervantes (1605)
                        Music Composed by Ludwig Minkus (1826-1917)

                           Staged by Cleveland Ballet after Marius Petipa
        Scenic Design & Construction by                                 Lighting Design by
                Melanie Davis &                                           Dennis Dugan
              Jeffrey McLaughlin


                                   A     lexandra Preucil
                                         was born in
                                    Atlanta, Georgia
                                                            Festival, Mainly Mozart, Britt Festival Orchestra,
                                                            Lockenhaus Chamber Music Festival, Festival de
                                                            Febrero, and Santa Fe Chamber Music Festival.
                                    and began the violin       Dedicated to music education and community
                                    at the age of three.    engagement, Ms. Preucil has created and per-
                                    Former Assistant        formed programs for all ages. In addition to
                                    Concert­master of       teaching and giving masterclasses, she was named
                                    the Cleveland Orch­     Artistic Advisor and Mentor to the Britt Festival
                                    estra, Ms. Preucil      Fellowship Program.
                                    currently resides in       Ms. Preucil graduated from the Cleveland
                                    Vienna,       Austria   Institute of Music with a bachelor’s degree in
     leading and collaborating with ensembles around        music performance and a minor in dance. While
     the world. She is currently an associate member of     in school, she held the position of Assistant
     the Mahler Chamber Orchestra and a member of           Concertmaster with both the Akron and Canton
     the Haydn Philharmonie. Other recent appearanc-        Symphony Orchestras. As a member of the
     es have included performances with the Chamber         award-winning Svanito Quartet, Ms. Preucil
     Orchestra of Europe, Vienna Radio Symphony             studied with members of the Cleveland Quartet,
     Orchestra, Vienna Chamber Orchestra,                   Takacs Quartet, and Cavani Quartet while per-
     Kristiansand Symphony Orchestra, and the               forming across the United States.
     Louisiana Philharmonic Orchestra.                         Ms. Preucil plays on a 1744 Sanctus Serafin
10      Festival appearances include the Sun Valley Music   violin.
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CASTING                                                     of artists
                                                 Casting of artists subject to change on short notice.
     Don Quixote.......................................................................................................................... Eduardo Permuy
     Sancho Panza....................................................................................................Lana Krasnyansky Sokolinsky
     Dulcinea................................................................................................................................................Julia Tze
     Lorenzo............................................................................................................................................ Lily Sargent
     Kitri................................................................................................... Albina Ghazaryan*; Nashializ Gomez**
     Basilio.................................................................................................. Narek Martirosyan*; Jonas Godwin**
     Flower Girls.......................................................................................................... Katharine Cowan, Kaela Ku
     Gamache.........................................................................................................................................Kevin Baker
     Espada................................................................................................. Jonas Godwin*; Narek Martirosyan**
     Mercedes............................................................................................................................... Erinn Crittenden
     Toreadores..................................Levian Mondville, Bruno Palheta, Covington Pearson, Emanuel Tavares
     Majas........................................... Madison Campbell, Alia Federico, Lauren Stenroos, Gabrielle Toppetta
     Village Man.................................................................................................................Emmanuel Martirosyan
     Village Women...............Devyn Etling**‡, Taylor Jacubenta*‡, Brooke Jarm, Stacie Preuhs‡, Erin Troost
     Gypsies.................... Madison Campbell with Emmanuel Martirosyan, Bruno Palheta, Emanuel Tavares
     Cupid.........................................................................................................................................Marla Minadeo
     Queen of the Dryads.............................................................................................................. Lauren Stenroos
     Dream Ladies................................. Audrey Burdick‡, Katharine Cowan, Erinn Crittenden, Alia Federico,
                                  Nashializ Gomez*, Albina Ghazaryan**, Taylor Jacubenta*‡, Brooke Jarm, Kaela Ku,
                                               Stacie Preuhs‡, Lily Sargent, Dima Smith**‡, Gabrielle Toppetta, Erin Troost
     Village Supernumeraries..................................... Audrey Burdick‡, Sarah Castellano‡, Heidi Hollopeter‡,
                                                                                                                         Tiera Peters‡, Emily Wiseman‡
               *10/15 performance **10/16 performance ‡Trainees courtesy of School of Cleveland Ballet

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COMPANY                                                 of artists

  Kevin Baker          Madison Campbell             Diego Castillo              Zachary Catazaro          Katharine Cowan

                                                                                                                              Cleveland Ballet
Erinn Crittenden         Alia Federico            Albina Ghazaryan                Jonas Godwin            Nashializ Gomez

  Brooke Jarm        ARTIST IN RESIDENCE                Kaela Ku               Nicola Marchionni       Emmanuel Martirosyan
                       Lana Krasnyansky


Narek Martirosyan       Marla Minadeo             Levian Mondville               Bruno Palheta           Covington Pearson

            ARTISTIC ASSOCIATE           Lily Sargent                 Lauren Stenroos           Emanuel Tavares
              Eduardo Permuy

                       Gabrielle Toppetta               Erin Troost                 Julia Tze
THE STORY                                                           of Don Quixote

     T   he story of Don Quixote is an exciting emo-
         tional rollercoaster full of love, passion, excite-
     ment, and electrifying pantomime. Our adven-
                                                                                  believes it to be threatening his love Dulcinea’s
                                                                                  safety. He attacks the windmill, but is unsuccess-
                                                                                  ful and falls into a deep dream. In his dream, he
     ture begins with the title character Don Quixote                             watches mesmerized as Kitri becomes the ethe-
     on a quest for Dulcinea, the woman of his dreams                             real Dulcinea, aided by Cupid, the Queen of the
     and his true love, with his sturdy sidekick Sancho                           Dryads, and the other nymphs. Sancho Panza
     Panza by his side. His search takes him to a village                         awakens him and leads him back to the village
     where he encounters Kitri, the daughter of                                   tavern where Kitri and Basilio are back begging
     Lorenzo, whom he mistakes to be his love                                     for Lorenzo and Gamache’s approval.
     Dulcinea. However, much to her father Lorenzo’s                                 Finally, it becomes clear that Kitri and
     disapproval, Kitri is in love with the poor barber                           Basilio’s efforts to sway Lorenzo are unsuccess-
     Basilio. Lorenzo hatches a plan to wed Kitri to the                          ful, and Basilio “stabs” himself. Kitri begs
     wealthy nobleman Gamache, but Kitri and Basilio                              Lorenzo to let her marry the dying Basilio, and
     escape to a mesmerizing gypsy camp.                                          due to the assistance of Don Quixote, Lorenzo
        At the gypsy camp, the female gypsy enchants                              agrees. As soon as Lorenzo relents, Basilio is
     the guitar, wishing Kitri and Basilio a life long                            miraculously “revived”! The village celebrates
     marriage before sending them on their way to                                 the wedding, and even Don Quixote wishes the
     continue their grand escape. However, chaos                                  happy couple an eternal marriage before bid-
     ensues when Don Quixote, in pursuit of Kitri                                 ding adieu and continuing on his everlasting
     and Basilio, encounters a giant windmill and                                 quest for his love, Dulcinea.

                           OUR BOARD                                                              of directors
     RICHARD W. POGUE................... Chairman of the Board, Cleveland Ballet; Senior Advisor, Jones Day
     MICHAEL KRASNYANSKY, PH.D........................................................President & CEO, Cleveland Ballet
     KAREN M. CONLEY....................................................................................Vice President, Cleveland Ballet
     MARQUES P.D. RICHESON....................Secretary, Cleveland Ballet; Partner, Squire Patton Boggs, LLP
     JAMES J. PLUM...................................................Treasurer, Cleveland Ballet; Head of Mortgage, 5/3 Bank
     GLADISA GUADALUPE..................... Artistic Director, Cleveland Ballet and School of Cleveland Ballet
     CHARLES A. ABOOKIRE, JR....................................................................................................Arts Advocate
     TERRY G. ADELMAN................................................................................................................Arts Advocate
     BRENT M. BUCKLEY........................................................................Managing Partner, Buckley King LPA
     RYAN R. CROSS.............................................................................. Vice President & Campaign Director of
                                     Institutional Relations & Development of University Hospitals of Cleveland
     DAVID A. DOLL.......................................... Senior Vice President, The Doll Wealth Management Group
     KEVIN J. DONAHUE............................................................. Senior Vice President, Falls Communication
     LARRY GOODMAN, PH.D............................................ Head of the School, Andrews Osborne Academy
     ROE GREEN................................................................................................................................Arts Advocate
     DENNIS R. LANSDOWNE........................................................Partner, Spangenberg Shibley & Liber LLP
     MADELEINE H. PARKER.........................................................................................................Arts Advocate
     ROBERT C. SMITH..................................................................................................Partner, Certify Partners
     SANDY SPARBER................................................... Senior Vice President, Key Bank Private Client Group
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