Page created by Joyce Bush
      EGPVWT[It is an opportunity we must seize.
      I want to challenge you. I want to see you in
      the vanguard of an unprecedented effort to
      retool the global economy into one that is
      cleaner, greener and more sustainable.
                                  —UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon

Everybody’s Concern and Everybody’s Business
The magnitude and urgency of the climate challenge are becoming increasingly apparent. Climate
change has direct impacts on the way humans live on the planet, and how businesses operate. While
the poorest countries and societies will suffer the most, the climate crisis will affect everyone.

Climate change is a top priority for the United Nations. Through the personal dedication and leadership of
UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, and the work of all its agencies and specialized bodies, the UN strives
to ensure that all parts of society — including business — contribute to addressing climate change.

Business leaders around the world realize that climate change and environmental degradation pose
important new risks and opportunities for their companies’ competitiveness, growth and develop-
gies, business has the solutions to turn the climate challenge into market opportunities.

The UN’s Initiative for Business Leadership on Climate Change
Caring for Climate was launched by UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon in July 2007. The initiative is
jointly convened by the United Nations Global Compact, the United Nations Environment Programme
(UNEP) and the secretariat of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).

Caring for Climate endeavors to help prevent a climate change crisis by mobilizing a critical mass of busi-
ness leaders to implement and recommend climate change solutions and policies. The initiative helps
companies to advance practical solutions, share experiences, inform public policy as well as shape public
develop and expand strategies and practices, and publicly disclose emissions as part of their existing dis-
closure commitment within the Global Compact framework, that is, the Communication on Progress.

Over the past several years, leaders among Caring for Climate signatories have demonstrated remark-
low-carbon technologies within their processes, products and services throughout their value-chains.
Caring for Climate offers maximum value for signatories. Participation in the ini-
r Demonstrate leadership in advancing practical solutions and strategies
   addressing climate change;
r Align a climate change business strategy with a UN-led initiative that has high
r Communicate publicly a company’s actions and progress on climate change;
r Share best and emerging practices, gain access to the experiences of peers and
   explore opportunities to engage in collective action;
r Shape the climate change policy agenda and call for policy frameworks that
   reward leadership and innovation.

Caring for Climate recognizes that climate change is also a challenge to develop-
ment and the sustainability of the global market. As such, the initiative places a
adapt to the impacts of climate change on development i.e. on peace and security,
water sustainability, poverty reduction, energy and food security.


r Develop thought leadership and best practice recommendations on priority
   areas such as (i) climate change adaptation, (ii) innovative low-carbon solutions
r Inform the international climate change policy agenda in the context of the UN
   Climate Change Conference (COP/CMP), Secretary-General’s High-Level Panels
   and other key UN activities;
r Participate in the annual Caring for Climate Business Forum at COP/CMP, a
   collaborative forum to discuss and demonstrate corporate climate leadership;
r Engage in regional and national multi-stakeholder dialogues in cooperation
   with Global Compact Local Networks;
r Contribute to Caring for Climate progress reports, case stories and publications.

                                    More information on Caring for Climate activities and
                                    events can be found at:
%CTKPIHQT%NKOCVGsThe Business Leadership Platform
A Statement by the Business Leaders of the Caring for Climate Initiative
Since business leaders from around the world first came together to issue this statement in 2007,
the magnitude and urgency of the climate challenge has become more apparent. Climate change
is a momentous threat to development, to peace and security, and to market stability. While the
pace of action by governments, businesses and society at large has increased, our efforts, indi-
vidually and collectively, must be accelerated further if the threat of catastrophic climate change
is to be removed effectively. It is with this in mind that we renew our call to the business commu-
nity to make a lasting commitment to climate action now.


RECOGNIZE THAT:                                   7. Becoming an active business champion for
1. Climate Change is an issue requiring              rapid and extensive climate action, working
   urgent and extensive action on the part of        with our peers, employees, customers,
   governments, business and citizens if the         investors and the broader public.
   risk of serious damage to global prosperity,
   sustainable development and security is to      EXPECT FROM GOVERNMENTS:
   be avoided.                                     8. The urgent creation, in close consultation
2. Climate change poses both risks and op-             with the business community and civil
   portunities to businesses of all sizes, sec-        society, of comprehensive, long-term and
   tors and regions of the world. It is in the         effective legislative and fiscal frameworks
   best interest of the business community,            designed to make markets work for the cli-
   as well as responsible behavior, to take an         mate, in particular policies and mechanisms
   active and leading role in deploying low-           intended to create a stable price for carbon.
   carbon technologies, increasing energy ef-      9. Recognition that building effective public-
   ficiency, reducing carbon emissions and in          private partnerships to respond to the
   assisting society to adapt to those changes         climate challenge will require major public
   in the climate which are now unavoidable.           investments to catalyze and support busi-
                                                       ness and civil society led initiatives, espe-
                                                       cially in relation to research, development,
3. Taking further practical actions to improve
                                                       deployment and transfer of low-carbon
   continuously the efficiency of energy usage
                                                       energy technologies and the construction
   and to reduce the carbon footprint of our
                                                       of a low-carbon infrastructure.
   products, services and processes, to set
                                                   10. Vigorous international cooperation aimed at
   voluntary targets for doing so, and to report
                                                       providing a robust and innovative global pol-
   publicly and annually on the achievement
                                                       icy framework within which private invest-
   of those targets in our Communication on
                                                       ments in building a low-carbon economy
                                                       can be made, as well as providing financial
4. Building significant capacity within our
                                                       and other support to assist those coun-
   organizations to understand fully the implica-
                                                       tries that require help to realize their own
   tions of climate change for our business and
                                                       climate mitigation and adaptation targets
   to develop a coherent business strategy for
                                                       while achieving poverty alleviation, energy
   minimizing risks and identifying opportunities.
                                                       security and natural resource management.
5. Engaging more actively with our own
   national governments, inter-governmental
                                                   AND WILL:
   organizations and civil society to develop
                                                   11. Work collaboratively on joint initiatives
   policies and measures to provide an en-
                                                       between public and private sectors and
   abling framework for business to contrib-
                                                       through them achieve a comprehensive un-
   ute effectively to building a low-carbon and
                                                       derstanding of how both public and private
   climate-resilient economy.
                                                       sectors can best play a pro-active and lead-
6. Continuing to work collaboratively with
                                                       ing role in meeting the climate challenge in
   other enterprises both nationally and sec-
                                                       an effective way.
   torally, and along our value-chains, to set
                                                   12. Invite UN Global Compact and UNEP to
   standards and take joint initiatives aimed
                                                       promote the public disclosure of actions
   at reducing climate risks, assisting with
                                                       taken by the signatories to this Statement
   adaptation to climate change and enhanc-
                                                       and communicate on this on a regular basis.
   ing climate-related opportunities.
Caring for Climate has the support of nearly EQORCPKGUKPEQWPVTKGU. Signatories are spread
across a wide variety of sectors and regions — with strong support in developing and emerging markets.

LARGE COMPANIES                  Eskom; Esquel Group of            Inc.; Piraeus Bank; Pranda        tion; Celer Soluciones, S.L.;
                                 Companies; Essilor Inter-         Group; PSA Peugeot Citroen;       Compania Energetica del
A.P. Moller - Maersk; Aarhus-
                                 national; Esteve; Euskaltel;      PT. Martina Berto Tbk,            Tolima - Enertolima S.A.
Karlshamn AB; AB Electro-
                                 Ferrocarrils de La Generalitat    Martha Tilaar Group; Publicis     ESP; Cool House; Copagaz
lux; ABB Ltd.; Abengoa; ABN
                                 de Catalunya; Fomento de          Groupe S.A.; Pulmuone             Distribuidora de Gas S/A -
AMRO Bank N.V.; Acciona;
                                 Construcciones y Contratas,       Holdings Co., Ltd.; Pwani Oil     Grupo Zahran; Corporation
                                 S.A.; France Telecom; Fuji        Products Ltd; Rahimafrooz         Solar Alliance; Cre-en Inc.;
- Sociedad General de Aguas
                                 Xerox Company Ltd.; Fung          Batteries Ltd.; Rastgar           Datum Internacional S.A.;
de Barcelona, S.A.; Agri-
                                 Group; Gamesa Corpora-            Engineering Company Private       Deans Beans Organic Coffee;
auto Industries Limited; Air
                                 cion Tecnologica, S.A.; Gas       Limited; Red Electrica            EcoTech Timber, Inc.; Edita
France; Aitken Spence PLC;
                                 Natural Fenosa Mexico;            de España S.A.U.; Redes           Bobergs AB; Edita Vaestra
Aksa Akrilik Kimya Sanayi
                                 Gas Natural SDG, S.A.; GDF        Energeticas Nacionais, SGPS,      Aros AB; Enel Fortuna S.A.;
A.S.; Aktiebolaget SKF; Akzo
                                 SUEZ; GlaxoSmithKline;            SA; Reed Elsevier Group           EVOLUTION; Fertilizantes de
Nobel N.V.; Alcatel-Lucent;
                                 Groupe Bial; Groupe IRH           plc; Repsol YPF; Richards         Centro America SA; Forsitec;
Allergan; Allianz SE; Anglo
                                 Environnement; Groupe La          Bay Coal Terminal Company         Genctur Tourism and Travel
American plc; ARAMEX
                                 Poste; Groupe ONET; Grund-        Limited; RICOH Company            Agency Ltd.; Generation In-
PJSC; ArcelorMittal;
                                 fos; Grupo Abril - Abril S.A.;    Ltd; Rio Tinto plc; RWE AG;       vestment Management LLP;
Areva; Arla Foods amba; ARM
                                 Grupo Cementos Portland           Sabaf S.p.A.; SAET Group;         GES; Ghana Oil Company
Holdings plc; Asia Pacific
                                 Valderrivas; Grupo EULEN;         Saint-Gobain; Samjong KPMG        Limited; Global Synergetic
Resources International Lim-
                                 H & M, Hennes & Mauritz           Inc.; SAP AG; SAS Group;          Foundation; Grupo Via Delphi,
ited; Attock Refinery Limited;
                                 AB; Hilti Aktiengesellschaft;     Sasol Ltd.; Seiko Epson           SA de CV.; Hauska & Partner
Auchan France; Autostrade
                                 Hindustan Construction            Corporation; Sekem Group;         Corporate Relations; Icono
per Italia S.p.A.; AVIVA
                                 Company Ltd (HCC); Hinopak        Shiseido Co., Ltd.; Siemens       Comercial, S.A. de C.V.; Im-
plc; AXA; Banco do Brasil
                                 Motors Limited; Hitachi, Ltd.;    AG; Singapore Telecommuni-        pact International; KanEnergi
S.A.; Banyan Tree Hotels &
                                 Holmen AB; Homeplus Co.,          cations Limited; SK Telecom;      Sweden AB; Macondo; Marc
Resorts Pte Ltd; Bayer AG;
                                 Ltd.; Iberdrola S.A.; ICA AB;     Skanska AB; Sydsvenska            J. Lane & Company; Mater
BBVA, S.A.; Braskem S.A.;
                                 Infosys Technologies Ltd;         Dagbladets AB; Talal Abu-         A/S; MDD Comercio e Rep-
Bring Citymail Sweden AB;
                                 International Industries          Ghazaleh & Co. International;     resentacoes de Papel Ltda.;
Broedrene Hartmann A/S; BT
                                 Limited; Japan Airlines Co.,      Tata International Limited;       MittMedia Print AB; MSM
Group plc; Cable & Wireless
                                 Ltd.; Johnson Controls Inc.;      Tata Steel; Telecom Italia;       Group AG; Newports Insti-
Panama S.A.; Caja de Ahor-
                                 Kelani Valley Plantations         Telefonica S.A.; Telvent; Tetra   tute of Communications and
ros y Pensiones - La Caixa;
                                 PLC; Kikkoman Corporation;        Pak Group; Thal Engineer-         Economics; Nomitek SA de
Capgemini; Carlsberg Group;
                                 Kjaer Group; Koninklijke Phil-    ing; Thales; The Coca-Cola        CV; Origin Exterminators Pte
CEMEX; Central Warehousing
                                 ips Electronics N.V.; Korea       Company; The Dow Chemical         Ltd; Pacific Rim Innovation
Corporation; Centrica plc;
                                 East-West Power Co.,Ltd.;         Company; The Linde Group;         and Management Exponents,
China International Marine
                                 KPMG, Cardenas Dosal, S.C.;       The Rezidor Hotel Group;          Inc.; Paharpur Business Cen-
Containers Ltd.; China
                                 Kromann Reumert; L’Oreal;         Titan Cement Company; TNT         tre and Software Technology
Minmetals Corporation; China
                                 Lafarge; Landsbanki Islands;      Express; Unilever; UPM-           Incubator Park; Pancrop
Mobile Communications
                                 LEGO A/S; LG Electronics,         Kymmene Corporation; Vale;        Commercial Co. Ltd.; PAR-
Corporation; China National
                                 Inc.; LM Ericsson; Loc Maria;     Vasakronan AB; Vattenfall         TICIP GmbH; Pasell s.r.I.;
Offshore Oil Corp. (CNOOC);
                                 Lopal Petrochemial Co., Ltd.;     AB; Veolia Environnement;         Phoenix Design Aid A/S; Plan-
China Ocean Shipping Group
                                 ManpowerGroup; Mansour            Vestas Wind Systems ;             etic; Planson International;
- COSCO; China Petroleum
                                 Manufacturing & Distribu-         VIYELLATEX group; Westpac         Quinta da Estancia Grande;
and Chemical Corporation
                                 tion Group of Companies;          Banking Corporation; Woori        Rayess Kingdom Group; Re-
- Sinopec; Cisco Systems;
                                 MAS Holdings (Pvt) Ltd.;          Bank; Xylem Water Solutions       spect Sustainable Business;
City Developments Limited;
                                 MCI Group Holdings SA;            AB; Yara International ASA;       Rio Uruguay Cooperativa de
CKR Global; Coca-Cola Hel-
                                 MediaCorp Pte Ltd.; Metso         Yuhan-Kimberly                    Seguros Ltda.; Roslagens
lenic; Coop; CORPRENSA;
                                 Corporation; Mitsubishi                                             Sparbank; Salterbaxter Com-
CPFL Energia S.A.; Daewoo                                          SMALL AND MEDIUM
                                 Chemical Holdings Corpora-                                          munications Limited; Solarig;
Securities Co., Ltd.; Danfoss                                      ENTERPRISES
                                 tion; Mitsui Chemicals, Inc.;                                       Storebrand ASA; Sustainable
Group; Deloitte South Africa;
                                 Munich Re Group; Natura           Abreu Advogados; Allied           Living Fabrics Pty Ltd.; SVQ
Det Norske Veritas; Deutsche
                                 Cosmeticos S/A; Nedbank           Soft; Alsima Consultores,         Comunicacion y Desarrollo
Post DHL; Deutsche Telekom
                                 Group; Newmont Mining Corp;       S, Coop. And.; Alteco AB;         Corporativo SL; Tarrerias
AG; DGB Financial Group;
                                 NKSJ Holdings, Inc.; Nokia        Ambiental Consultores;            Bonjean; The Consortium for
Diageo Plc; DNB ASA; DONG
                                 Corporation; Novartis Inter-      ARGE Consulting; Article 13;      Purchasing and Distribution
Energy A/S; Dudalina SA;
                                 national AG; Novo Nordisk         ASN Bank; Atacama S.A. de         Ltd.; TIMA International
DuPont; EADS France; EADS
                                 AS; Novozymes; OCBC Bank          Publicidad; Avon Metals Ltd;      GMBH; TNT Argentina S.A.;
NV; Ebro Foods, S.A.; EDF; El
                                 Ltd.; Oil and Natural Gas Cor-    Beraca Sabara Quimicos e          Torse; Tudor Rose; Visao
Corte Ingles, S.A.; Empresa
                                 poration; Olympus Corpora-        Ingredientes S/A; Caribbean       Sustentavel - Dorpas As-
Nacional del Petroleo; Em-
                                 tion; OMV Aktiengesellschaft;     Office of Trade & Indus-          sessoria Empresarial S/C
presas Bern S.A.; Endesa,
                                 Osram AG; Pakistan Refinery       trial Development Limited;        Ltda.; VisitSweden AB; Water
S.A.; Energoinvest; ENI;
                                 Limited; PepsiCo, Inc.; Pfizer,   Carroll Properties Corpora-       Company
All companies committed to addressing climate change are invited to join Caring for Climate.
To become a signatory, please send an email indicating the support of your chief executive to
Signatories are recognized on the Caring for Climate website at

 also opportunities for this generation in terms of a transition to
 PCVWTCNTGUQWTEGUThe Caring for Climate Initiative is one way
 business leaders can contribute to change, while assisting to
 ensure that the future happens by design rather than by default.”
                                           — Achim Steiner, UN Under-Secretary General and UNEP Executive Director

         About the United Nations Global Compact
         Launched in 2000, the United Nations Global Compact is a both a policy platform and a practical framework for
         companies that are committed to sustainability and responsible business practices. As a multi-stakeholder leadership
         initiative, it seeks to align business operations and strategies with ten universally accepted principles in the areas of
         human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption and to catalyze actions in support of broader UN goals. With
         more than 10,000 signatories in over 140 countries, it is the world’s largest voluntary corporate responsibility initiative.

         About the United Nations Environment Programme
         The mission of UNEP is to provide leadership and encourage partnership in caring for the environment by inspiring,
         informing and enabling nations and peoples to improve their quality of life without compromising that of future
         generations. UNEP is headquartered in Nairobi, Kenya, with regional offices in Africa, Asia and the Pacific, West
         Asia, North America, Latin America and the Caribbean. The UNEP Division of Technology, Industry and Economics
         (UNEP DTIE) is the division within UNEP responsible for working with business and industry. With its longstand-
         ing activities in the areas of sustainable production and consumption, energy, ozone, chemicals, trade, economics,
         finance and corporate responsibility, UNEP DTIE aims to help decision-makers develop and adopt policies that are
         cleaner and safer; make efficient use of natural resources; incorporate environmental costs and reduce pollution
         and risks for humans and the environment.

         About the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
         With 195 Parties, the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) has near universal
         membership and is the parent treaty of the 1997 Kyoto Protocol. The Kyoto Protocol has been ratified by 193 of
         the UNFCCC Parties. Under the Protocol, 37 States, consisting of highly industrialized countries and countries
         undergoing the process of transition to a market economy, have legally binding emission limitation and reduction
         commitments. The ultimate objective of both treaties is to stabilize greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmo-
         sphere at a level that will prevent dangerous human interference with the climate system.

         Caring for Climate is funded by voluntary contributions of signatories via the Foundation for the Global Compact,
         For more information about Caring for Climate, please visit
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