Driving growth through innovation in the media and entertainment industry - Media & Entertainment Group New imperatives for a new digital age

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Driving growth through innovation in the media and entertainment industry - Media & Entertainment Group New imperatives for a new digital age
Media & Entertainment Group

Driving growth through
innovation in the media
and entertainment industry
New imperatives for a new digital age
By Marco Vernocchi and David Wolf
Driving growth through innovation in the media and entertainment industry - Media & Entertainment Group New imperatives for a new digital age
The global recession has been especially
hard on most sectors within the media
and entertainment industry. Today,
however, conversations among industry
executives are cautiously beginning to
turn more hopeful, focusing on the
possibility of a new era of growth.

                                           Whenever a full recovery occurs, it is clear that the media and
                                           entertainment industry will continue to wrestle with a difficult
                                           transformation. Technology platforms are evolving rapidly,
                                           new business models are emerging, consumer viewing habits
                                           are changing, new competition is arising from multiple sectors.
                                           In general, companies are under intense pressure to devise
                                           more effective revenue models, especially in the face of
                                           recent double-digit cuts in advertising spending.

                                                                                         DrDriving growth through innovation 1
Driving growth through innovation in the media and entertainment industry - Media & Entertainment Group New imperatives for a new digital age
The single theme that cuts across all
                                      these challenges and opportunities
                                      is innovation.

                                      Out of the difficulties of the current       have made progress in digitizing their       are shrinking, traditional business
                                      marketplace, a select few players will       supply chains, for example, but still        models are failing and consumer
                                      emerge in a more competitive position,       struggle to devise workable business         attention spans are getting ever shorter.
                                      fueled by innovation directed at three       and monetization models. And engaging        Shareholder value analyses of the media
                                      primary areas:                               consumers in meaningful ways continues       and entertainment industry reveals an
                                                                                   to be the most elusive goal of all.          increasing weighting of the current
                                      •   The digital consumer experience:                                                      value—associated with profitability from
                                          Achieving excellence in engaging         Running through these three primary          existing operations—over the future
                                          and interacting with consumers.          areas of innovation is another critical      value of many of these companies,
                                                                                   capability: managing the innovation          meaning they are generating little or no
                                      •   Digital monetization: Applying           pipeline efficiently to achieve growth.      premium from their future strategies.
                                          innovative thinking to traditional       Innovation needs to be encouraged at
                                          business models in a way that creates    all levels of a company and embedded         Responding to these challenges means
                                          new revenue streams.                     in every organizational process. That        far more than just trying to extend the
                                                                                   requires creating a business discipline      growth curve of existing products,
                                      •   The digital supply chain: Migrating      for managing innovation, beginning           services and models. This is about
                                          from analog to digital capabilities      with a precise definition of innovation's    fundamental change that requires
                                          across all dimensions of the supply      role in the corporate strategy, and then     jumping to a new growth curve entirely.
                                          chain, from content acquisition and      putting organizational structures and        A large portion of the way that a
                                          archiving, to content production, to     dedicated investments in place. Without      modern media and entertainment
                                          content packaging and distribution, to   those, innovation will produce only          company operates needs to change.
                                          fully automated process orchestration.   sporadic creativity, not game-changing
                                                                                   innovations capable of driving high          Yet, winners will emerge—companies
                                      The demands of today’s economic              performance.                                 with the leadership and culture to
                                      environment mean that success in only                                                     support bold and holistic change,
                                      one or two of these areas is no longer       Make no mistake: The challenges              and also with the discipline to
                                      sufficient; coordinated excellence in all    ahead are significant. Volatility is at an   manage innovation toward competitive
                                      three is now required. Many companies        all-time high. New product lifecycles        advantage.

2 Driving growth through innovation                                                                                                 Driving growth through innovation 3
Driving growth through innovation in the media and entertainment industry - Media & Entertainment Group New imperatives for a new digital age
Consumer engagement and insight
as keys to growth and innovation
One of the most important frontiers for innovation in the media and
entertainment industry is in how companies engage and interact with
digital consumers, and in how they harness customer insight as an
engine for growth.

The economic downturn has under-             long-term relationships. Our Global         consumers will ultimately drive higher
scored the importance of more targeted       Content Study found that a large major-     share of wallet and growth in revenues.
consumer engagement. It is, after all,       ity of companies surveyed (62 percent)      They are currently laying the ground-
specifically the mass media that has         rank the creation of direct-to-consumer     work to deliver these benefits.
been hurt the most during the recession.     relationships as one of their top three
The title of Accenture’s most recent         priorities. More than a third of them (38   Using analytics to improve
Global Content Study, “This time, it’s       percent) already have such relationships    consumer insight
personal,” puts the matter well. Media       while 46 percent have both direct and
                                                                                         Media and entertainment companies
and entertainment companies must             indirect models. In fact, only 16 percent
                                                                                         are aware of the critical importance of
improve their ability to leverage a close,   still have a pure indirect consumer
                                                                                         analytics to serving consumers more
personal understanding of consumers          model, and most of them are already
                                                                                         effectively. At the same time, they are
to deliver targeted and relevant content     trying to break free from it.
                                                                                         not confident in the maturity of their
and services. The mass media era is
                                                                                         own analytics capabilities. Our survey
over; we have entered the era of             Content companies aim to use direct
                                                                                         found that more than 70 percent of
“me media.”                                  consumer relationships in a variety of
                                                                                         executives agree that robust consumer
                                             value-creating ways: to gain feedback
                                                                                         data capabilities are an enabler of com-
Improving consumer engagement in             on the content consumption experi-
                                                                                         petitive advantage for their companies.
a me-media age involves developing the       ence, develop new commercial offers
                                                                                         However, more than half (54 percent)
right models for consumer interaction,       and marketing campaigns, inform and
                                                                                         do not believe they are industry leaders
harnessing analytics for better insight      shape content production, develop
                                                                                         in using on- and off-line data, and
into consumer behaviors, and creating        new methods of content packaging
                                                                                         a fourth of respondents believe they
richer, more relevant and more engaging      and distribution and optimize pricing
                                                                                          are lagging considerably when it
opportunities for consumer interaction.      to increase revenues.
                                                                                         comes to harnessing analytics for
Direct-to-consumer models                                                                better consumer insight.
                                             However, the ultimate goal of a direct-
Content companies are aware, at              to-consumer model is more profitable        One innovation in this area that
least, of the importance of engaging         consumer relationships. Companies           Accenture is driving is what we call
directly with consumers to establish         know that direct interaction with           an “intelligent digital platform.”

4 Driving growth through innovation                                                                                                 Driving growth through innovation 5
Driving growth through innovation in the media and entertainment industry - Media & Entertainment Group New imperatives for a new digital age
Many organizations run branded websites       customized, increasing the likelihood        come back. If they don’t come back,
                                      on relatively inflexible Web 1.0 digital      of delivering relevant and compelling        companies can’t learn enough about
                                      marketing infrastructures and delivery        experiences.                                 them to effectively monetize the
                                      systems. More often than not these                                                         relationship. An enterprise is then forced
                                      legacy systems make it difficult to           Relevant and engaging                        to remain in the world of digital small
                                      deliver personalized experiences.             consumer interaction                         change—trying to make money on
                                                                                                                                 sessions, site visits and page views.
                                      An intelligent digital platform, on the
                                      other hand, gives a company the ability       The intelligent digital platform points to
                                                                                    the larger issue involved with generating    Innovation in the consumer domain must
                                      to run analytics on the data generated
                                                                                    richer consumer relationships: moving        be driven by a new mindset, one based
                                      as customers interact with the site.
                                                                                    beyond a push marketing mindset to           on relevance, dialogue and influence and
                                      Consumer products giant Procter &
                                                                                    develop longer-term, interactive dialogue    supported by the technology platform
                                      Gamble is already leveraging this kind
                                                                                    with consumers. The ability of many          just mentioned that can deliver custom-
                                      of flexible, reusable platform—moving
                                                                                    traditional media and entertainment          ized experiences. If relevance to consum-
                                      beyond a a one-size-fits-all website to
                                                                                    companies to engage consumers and            ers is high, they are more likely to stick
                                      a platform that delivers customized
                                                                                    engender loyalty lags far behind many        around to become long-term customers.
                                      experiences to consumers, as well as
                                      activity reports and business impact          other industries. In the online world, and
                                                                                    the world of mobile portals, that gap        A second value generated from an
                                      assessments to company executives.
                                                                                    widens every day as Web and mobile           engaging and reliably relevant experience
                                      In effect, the intelligent digital platform   traffic heads inexorably toward the sites    is that digital advertising and marketing
                                      is giving P&G a website where, unlike         that know how to do digital well.            can begin to fulfill the potential that
                                      today’s sites, every customer will see and                                                 has long been predicted for them in the
                                      experience something slightly different.      The failure to engage consumers              digital age. With deeper insight into
                                      What consumers see on one page will           becomes a self-perpetuating problem          consumer behaviors, marketers can
                                      depend on what they did on the previous       when it comes to improving the revenue-      make bolder promises to deliver specific
                                      one and on their profile—which is based       generating potential of digital. If a        kinds of customers with specific interests
                                      on knowledge of their behaviors and           company can’t craft a relevant and           at specific phases of the purchase
                                      preferences gleaned over time. The            compelling experience, people won’t          consideration process.
                                      website experience will be highly
6 Driving growth through innovation                                                                                                  Driving growth through innovation 7
Driving growth through innovation in the media and entertainment industry - Media & Entertainment Group New imperatives for a new digital age
Applying innovation to improve
NBC Universal CEO Jeff Zucker once famously characterized the
digitization of media and entertainment as having traded “analog dollars
for digital pennies.”

Although Zucker has recently upgraded his     a premium ad-free version; and                forms and ways of delivering content. And
assessment (he thinks revenue generation      22 percent cite paid-for models.              86 percent of companies believe the most
has now achieved at least the level of                                                      important capability for future success
“digital dimes”), companies still have a      The hybridization of business models          will be delivering content across devices,
long way to go to generate the kind of        combining multiple revenue sources likely     platforms and locations, tailoring content
revenues one should expect from digital       reflects the general downturn in advertis-    services to specific platforms.
channels.                                     ing spend, which has increased the
                                              pressure for companies to move toward         Ultimately, a multi-platform strategy is
New, hybrid business models                   hybrid approaches drawing on several          driven by what consumers have been
                                              simultaneous revenue streams.                 telling the industry for several years:
Uncertainty and volatility have created
                                                                                            people are loyal to content brands, not
a situation in which many different digital
                                              Overall, the responses from the executives    to particular channels. And they seek
business models co-exist in the media
                                              in our study suggest that the choice of       out the best consumption experience by
and entertainment industry, with no single
                                              model will be determined on a case-by-        choosing content specific to the platform
model yet emerging as dominant.
                                              case basis, depending on the specific         they are using to consume it.
                                              characteristics of the offering and target
This situation was confirmed by the
                                              consumers. Going forward, it will be criti-   Thus, the message from both consumers
Accenture Global Content Study. No single
                                              cal for companies to have the flexibility     and industry leaders is clear: future reve-
business model was chosen as dominant,
                                              and commitment to innovation that             nue growth in the multi-platform world
strongly implying that companies will
                                              enables them to operate a combination         depends on delivering the right quality
need to pursue hybrid models, mixing
                                              of models, and to move between them as        and genre of content to the right consum-
different revenue sources. Just over a
                                              consumers’ requirements change.               ers over the right platform. This capability
third of the executives in our survey
                                                                                            takes us back to the previous discussion
predicted that advertising-funded models
                                              A multi-platform strategy                     about innovations capable of delivering
will predominate in three years’ time;
                                                                                            better consumer insights. To be certain,
21 percent favor a hybrid mix of ads and      Just as companies must embrace a market-      technology innovation is critical to
various other revenues; 18 percent point      place of hybrid business models, so must      multi-platform delivery; equally important,
toward a “freemium” model, blending           they embrace hybrid platforms for content     however, is the insight that tells a company
a basic “free,” or ad-funded offering with    delivery. Our survey found that two-thirds    which consumers want what content
                                              of executives believe their main source of    delivered to them over which platforms
                                              future revenue growth will be new plat-       at what times.
8 Driving growth through innovation                                                                                                        Driving Growth and Innovation 9
Driving growth through innovation in the media and entertainment industry - Media & Entertainment Group New imperatives for a new digital age
Improving content ROI                             •   A truly complete view of the available     also offers the capability to gather greater
                                                      rights, allowing for comprehensive         insight into consumer behaviors. In turn,
A final factor in improving digital moneti-           multi-platform exploitation.               that enables savvy marketers to offer
zation capabilities concerns improving                                                           bolder value propositions, offering to
one’s capabilities in exploiting the full value   •   Detailed control and management of the
                                                                                                 deliver consumers with clearer intentions
of content, as well as in content rights              performance of content.
                                                                                                 to buy at greater levels of specificity.
management. The costs associated with
content now represent a substantial part          Digital advertising and the age                That ability to target then leads to more
of the total operating costs of media and         of “performance marketing”                     favorable pricing models and metrics,
entertainment companies, and account                                                             Accenture believes that the industry will
for the majority of their investments             Digital technologies have fundamentally
                                                                                                 migrate to a metric we have termed, “Cost
and assets.                                       altered the media and entertainment
                                                                                                 per Desired Outcome” or CPDO. Such a
                                                  industry and, with it, the advertising
Other research and analysis from Accenture                                                       metric will be a distinctive feature of the
                                                  industry as well. Yet, the challenges of
finds that, in the broadcasting industry for                                                     age of "performance marketing"—where
                                                  monetizing digital advertising are profound,
example, companies generate less than $2                                                         media companies will ask marketers to pay
                                                  both for marketers and for those companies
for each $1 spent on content—not a favor-                                                        based on performance or the achievement
                                                  offering the advertising channels them-
able money-making ratio in the long run.                                                         of a particular outcome. This is a distinctive
                                                  selves. All companies face the difficult
                                                                                                 competitive advantage to a media compa-
                                                  task of bringing a new business model
To increase profitability, broadcasters need                                                     ny—being able to tell a marketer, "Let's
                                                  online while still maximizing profitability
to improve their content return-on-invest-                                                       work together to precisely define the out-
                                                  from the old model.
ment. To do this, they need to strengthen                                                        comes you are looking for; then you will
or acquire new capabilities in content                                                           pay only if we help you achieve that desired
planning, acquisition and exploitation,           If we look at where innovation is happening
                                                                                                 outcome.” This approach also improves the
including:                                        in the world of advertising today, it's with
                                                                                                 effectiveness of marketers because they
                                                  media and entertainment companies that
                                                                                                 must think more clearly about business
•   Innovation through experimentation:           are embracing the distinctive nature and
                                                                                                 objectives that drive desired results.
    scouting the content market to identify       capabilities of digital and using those
    early-stage content for acquisition—less      capabilities to shape how they interact
    expensive content that nevertheless has       with and engage consumers. Digital enables
    high upside potential.                        more interactive, ongoing relationships, and

10 Driving growth through innovation                                                                                                              Driving growth through innovation 11
Driving growth through innovation in the media and entertainment industry - Media & Entertainment Group New imperatives for a new digital age
Innovation in operations and the
                                       digital supply chain
                                       Even as media and entertainment companies look to improve their future
                                       value through improved consumer engagement and new business models,
                                       so must they optimize their current operations. The bulk of enterprise
                                       value—stock price and return to shareholders—comes from those operations
                                       and the ability to generate sufficient profit and cash from the business.

                                       This focus underscores the need to         the distribution strategy, channels and       supply chain are continuing to rise,
                                       streamline and maximize efficiencies,      windows created a loosely coupled             with 69 percent of executives saying
                                       applying innovation to operations and      cost and revenue equation. In a highly        their businesses’ investments in digital
                                       looking in every corner of the business    fragmented environment, with a prolif-        transformation increased by at least
                                       for ways to reduce costs and, in           eration of devices and channels, and          10 percent in 2009.
                                       general, to improve cost and cash          with increasing price pressures, it is
                                       management. This can mean using out-       more important than ever to directly          And 90 percent of executives whose
                                       sourcing more effectively; it can mean     align production costs to revenue.            companies have “fully digital” opera-
                                       improving the digitization of the supply                                                 tions still have an ongoing program
                                       chain to become more efficient; it can     Companies must develop the ability to         to improve their digital capabilities—
                                       also mean completely reengineering         look at a property in terms of its lifetime   evidence that digital supply chain
                                       marketing and distribution processes.      value, and then weigh all production-         capabilities will continue to be an
                                                                                  oriented costs against all potential          essential means to create, manage
                                       Aligning costs and revenues                revenues. With that information,              and distribute content.
                                                                                  companies can then determine the most
                                       From a cost management perspective,
                                                                                  effective way to make, market and             Digitizing a company's supply chain
                                       it is obvious that media and entertain-
                                                                                  release the product to maximize return.       can produce dramatic results. Media
                                       ment companies need to drive costs out
                                                                                                                                and entertainment companies can
                                       of their operations as much as possible.
                                                                                  Supply chain digitization                     potentially save up to 40 percent of
                                       But what specifically can companies do
                                                                                                                                their operational costs by migrating
                                       better than they do now?                   Another important dimension of
                                                                                                                                to a fully digital environment.
                                                                                  operational excellence is the continued
                                       One area ripe for improvement is in        digitization of the supply chain.
                                                                                                                                However, as companies continue to
                                       transforming a company’s operating         According to our Global Content Study
                                                                                                                                build out their digital supply chains
                                       model to better align production-          findings, the digital supply chain is now
                                                                                                                                to compete more effectively for
                                       oriented costs with distribution-          a must-have capability for competing
                                                                                                                                consumers’ attention and revenues,
                                       oriented revenues. In the past, the        in the industry. Despite tough economic
                                                                                                                                they still face several barriers that
                                       separation between production and          conditions, investments in the digital
                                                                                                                                may impede their progress towards

12 Driving growth through innovation                                                                                               Driving growth through innovation 13
Driving growth through innovation in the media and entertainment industry - Media & Entertainment Group New imperatives for a new digital age
becoming a fully integrated digital          example, are finding opportunities for      their core competencies lie and then
enterprise. Technological challenges are     better cost management in production-       source non-core or specialized skills
certainly one part of the story, but         and broadcasting-related application        for content-specific operations with
organizational, workforce and financial      outsourcing, including application          external labor pools at an attractive
barriers also figure prominently in          maintenance and development.                price point.
executives’ minds.
                                             However, increased price points and         In general, marketplace complexities
Digital transformation affects all aspects   pressure to decrease costs are spurring     and the need to interact with such
of the business, and requires focused        companies to move further up the            a wide range of players in the overall
efforts to manage organizational             outsourcing maturity scale, looking to      media and entertainment ecosystem
change, retrain critical workforces,         a provider to do more than deliver          mean that all companies must be
change the predominant culture, alter        capabilities at lower costs. An outsourc-   prepared to innovate when it comes to
budget-making presumptions and               ing provider is now sought out as a         collaborative operating models. Joint
encourage the leadership mindsets            source of innovation and the means          ventures, partnerships, cooperation with
required to successfully navigate a          to drive specific business outcomes.        local distribution partners and with
long-term journey of change.                 More mature outsourcing relationships       other companies and industries up and
                                             offer greater transparency and predict-     down the content supply chain—these
Outsourcing and other forms                  ability. They are structured to align       and other developments will be critical
of cooperation across the                    incentives and behaviors to outcomes        to achieving high performance in the
                                             of the business.                            years ahead. This is an insight Accenture
value chain
                                                                                         relies on every day, as we bundle our
The use of outsourcing to improve            Furthermore, given the continued rise       services and offerings across these
efficiencies in the media and entertain-     in importance of digital technologies,      related sectors of media, entertainment,
ment industry is not new. Most compa-        many media and entertainment                publishing, communications, software,
nies have already made initial forays        companies find themselves lacking           high tech and electronics.
into outsourcing, especially around          skills in sufficient numbers to succeed.
back office functions. Broadcasters, for     Organizations need to assess where

14 Driving growth through innovation                                                                                                 Driving growth through innovation 15
Driving growth through innovation in the media and entertainment industry - Media & Entertainment Group New imperatives for a new digital age
Challenge and promise: The years ahead
                                                                               To meet that need, media and enter-     transform their cost structure and        It sounds less glamorous than deliver-
                                                                               tainment companies must be commit-      capture the benefits of fully digital     ing a blockbuster film, game or TV
                                                                               ted to understanding and satisfying     operations. With these capabilities,      show. And yet the future ability to
                                                                               consumer needs, and developing great    companies can meet their needs for        deliver those blockbusters depends in
In a recovering but still uncertain global business environment, people look   content and consumer experiences.       current as well as future value.          fact on the grittier kind of innovation
                                                                               They must apply innovation to the way                                             that transforms a business from the
to entertainment and information more than ever.                               they think about business and revenue   More than any other type of business,     inside out.
                                                                               models, learning to live in a market-   the media and entertainment industry
                                                                               place with multiple platforms and       has innovation in its DNA. These com-
                                                                               multiple paths toward improved mon-     panies have a track record of thinking
                                                                               etization. And companies must also      in new ways, of reinventing the way
                                                                                                                       people learn and play and grow. The
                                                                                                                       task ahead is to apply that same spirit
                                                                                                                       of innovation to business models,
                                                                                                                       operating structures and customer

16 Driving growth through innovation                                                                                                                                        Driving Growth and Innovation 17
Contact                                 About the Authors
Accenture is a leading provider of      Marco Vernocchi is the Global
services and solutions that help        Managing Director of Accenture’s
communications companies increase       Media & Entertainment industry
their ability to generate innovations   practice. In this role he overseas the
and launch new products and services    development of Accenture’s strategies
faster, with less cost and risk. We
                                        and capabilities to serve broadcast,
work with 18 of the world’s top 20
                                        film, music, games, print, publishing
communications companies and 41
of the top 50 operators (by revenue).   and portals clients.

                                        David Wolf is the Managing Director
For more information on how             for Accenture’s Media & Entertainment
Accenture can help your company
                                        practice in North America. David works
drive breakthrough growth through
                                        at the forefront of technology changes
innovation, please contact:
                                        in the media and entertainment
www.accenture.com/                      industry, including digital content
mediaandentertainment                   and e-commerce. He has more than
                                        17 years experience leading and
                                        delivering engagements that pioneer
                                        new technologies and apply existing
                                        technologies in new and innovative

Copyright © 2010 Accenture              About the Media &                        About Accenture
All rights reserved.                    Entertainment Group
                                                                                 Accenture is a global management
Accenture, its logo, and                Accenture helps broadcast,               consulting, technology services and
High Performance Delivered              entertainment, portal and publishing     outsourcing company, with more
are trademarks of Accenture.            companies adapt to the realities of      than 181,000 people serving clients in
                                        the digital world and capitalize on      more than 120 countries. Combining
                                        new opportunities. More than 1,000       unparalleled experience, comprehen-
                                        dedicated professionals provide media    sive capabilities across all industries
                                        and entertainment companies with         and business functions, and extensive
                                        a distinctive combination of business    research on the world’s most success-
                                        and technology consulting, systems       ful companies, Accenture collaborates
                                        integration and outsourcing capabili-    with clients to help them become
                                        ties. Accenture has worked with          high-performance businesses and
                                        19 of the 20 largest media and           governments. The company generated
                                        entertainment companies in the world.    net revenues of US$21.58 billion for
                                        Visit us at www.accenture.com/           the fiscal year ended Aug. 31, 2009.
                                        mediaandentertainment.                   Its home page is www.accenture.com
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