DOING MORE - Diprose Miller

Page created by Charles Henderson
DOING MORE - Diprose Miller
The Diprose Miller Newsletter | Summer 2021.
DOING MORE - Diprose Miller
GREETINGS                                                             BREAKING NEWS
Our directors and staff wish all our clients
a safe and happy festive season with family
and friends. Thanks to a number of factors                            ACQUISITION OF AUCTUS                              EUAN LOCK
associated with the COVID-19 pandemic,                                ADVISORY PIAKO                                     OUR NEWEST
it may be a very different Christmas than                                                                                ASSOCIATE
many of us would have expected.                                       In early November Diprose Miller
                                                                      acquired the business of Auctus Advisory           We’re excited to welcome
We’ll be taking a well-earned break for a                             based in Te Aroha. It’s both an exciting           our newest Diprose Miller
couple of weeks, with a few staff carrying                            and challenging time for us.                       associate, Euan Lock.
out payroll and other necessary                                       Our director Ed Wagstaff has driven the            A real Waikato man, Euan
client work over this time.                                           transition process to date and, while he           grew up in Hamilton and progressed through
                                                                      has enjoyed meeting the Auctus clients             the dairy industry to 50/50 large herd
Be safe, be careful and be kind.                                      and coordinating the transfer of their             sharemilking before deciding that he wanted
We’ll see you next year!                                              files, we’re pretty sure he’ll make the            to try accounting as a career. He started
                                                                      most of the Christmas shutdown to                  working at Diprose Miller in 2009 while
                                                                      have a well-deserved rest.                         studying for a Bachelor of Management
                                                                      The process of integrating the Auctus clients      Studies at Waikato University. After
                                                                      into our existing client management system         completing his degree, Euan continued to
                                                                      has required careful planning, as there is         study for his Chartered Accountant status
                                                                      a limit to the amount of data that can be          with CAANZ, which he gained in 2015.
                                                                      transferred automatically between Auctus           Before re-joining the Diprose Miller family
                                                                      and ourselves. The remaining information           in 2021, Euan spent a few years as a DairyNZ
                                                                      needs to be added manually and, even               Consulting Officer helping farmers with
                                                                      though we’ve made a good start, completing         optimising farm performance, profitability
                                                                      this work will take some time. Our focus
CHRISTMAS & NEW                                                       is on making sure that we have enough
                                                                                                                         and equity growth. He will be making good
                                                                                                                         use of this experience in his role as an
YEAR OFFICE HOURS                               “Christmas works      information on hand to look after the              associate. He’s looking forward to combining
                                                                      clients’ needs as they arise.                      his accounting and farm management skills

Our offices in Te Aroha and Morrinsville will   like glue, it keeps   In late November we invited the Auctus             to assist our clients with planning for their
                                                                                                                         future success.
                                                                      clients to a welcome luncheon in our
close for the Christmas and New Year break
at 1pm on Thursday 23 December 2021 and           us all sticking     Te Aroha Boardroom. This provided the              Euan is married to Maria and they have two
                                                                      opportunity for us to tell some of them a little   adult children. They live on their lifestyle
re-open at 8am on Monday 10 January 2022.
                                                    together.”        about our firm, its history, our key people and    block close to Morrinsville, where they are
If required, our directors and associates can                         services, and get to know them a little better     carrying out a native planting restoration
be contacted on their mobile phones while             Rosie Thomas    over some refreshments. It also gave us an         project. Euan also enjoys woodwork projects
the office is closed.                                                 opportunity to get a feel for what hosting         and tramping.
                                                                      clients under more permanent COVID-19
                                                                      regulations might be like.                         Euan’s appointment as an associate was
                                                                                                                         announced at our delayed mid-Winter Xmas
                                                                                                                         function held in mid-November at the Falls
                                                                                                                         Retreat in the Karangahake Gorge.

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DOING MORE - Diprose Miller
In my last editorial I stated                 but my crystal ball is not that good,       last year which saw us having            This is an opportunity for me to wish you
                                              so who knows what that may mean?            interesting discussions in regards       all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy
that I was looking forward                    The upcoming summer break will be           to tax commitments and how that          New Year. I hope you get time over the
to summer. Well, it certainly                 interesting with Auckland coming out        is going to look for the next couple     next couple of months to have a break
seems to have arrived early,                  of lockdown. We’ll see what happens         of years. It’s been good to see large    and enjoy the sunshine. To me, spending
                                              with case numbers and how well the          amounts of debt being paid off and       time with family is really important and I’m
especially in this part of                    health system copes if we have a surge      businesses taking the opportunity        looking forward to doing that, but I’ll be
the world. In fact, after the                 in hospitalisations.                        to consolidate their position in         extremely busy leading up to the break.
kids’ cricket on Saturday                     Life has been busy for us here at Diprose
                                                                                          case there is a dairy downturn           As we have done for many years, our
                                                                                          at some point.                           offices will be closed over the Christmas
I actually ventured for a                     Miller since our last newsletter was
                                                                                                                                   period and, like our staff, we directors are
swim in the pool at home                      published and you’ll read that we have      I’m writing this on 1 December and
                                                                                                                                   all looking forward to
                                              purchased another book of clients. This     it’s a good time to reflect on what
and at that stage it was only                 was a relatively quick transaction and
                                                                                                                                   recharging the batteries.
                                                                                          has been an extremely disruptive
November. Normally I won’t                    currently we’re in the process of getting   and hectic year. I’d like to thank our   Take care, stay safe and
go swimming until January                     to know the associated clients and how      staff who have done (and are still       have a Merry Christmas.
                                              we can best look after them. We also        doing) a fantastic job getting all the
when things get really hot!                   welcome another staff member, Mel           financial statements processed for
                                              Smith, as a result of this acquisition.     the year. Our efforts are reflected in
                                                                                          being named as a finalist in the Xero
It’s been an interesting few months           We have spoken with, or met with, a
                                                                                          NZ Medium Accounting Partner
and it seems that we can’t have any           large number of clients over the last
discussion without talking about              few months when reviewing their
                                                                                          of the Year award.                                           “Christmas is a
COVID levels, traffic lights, vaccination     2021 financial statements. We’ve                                                                     time when kids tell
passports or vaccinations in general.         processed a large number of dairy
                                              farming statements and the results
                                                                                                                                                      Santa what they
Personally I find the published
information somewhat confusing.               have been better than I have seen for                                                               want and adults pay
Hopefully over the next few months            a long time. This is mainly due to the                                                                 for it. Deficits are
things will settle down a bit and we can      increased milk payout, but it was also
get back to some sense of normality,          a pretty good year for milk production                                                              when adults tell the
                                                                                                                                                    government what
                                                                                                                                                  they want and their
                                                                                                                                                       kids pay for it.”
                                                                                                                                                                   Richard Lamm

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DOING MORE - Diprose Miller
                                                          YOUR BUSINESS                                        A golden rule with business borrowing is
                                                                                                               to “borrow to match the life of the asset
                                                          In broad terms, funds to start your business
                                                                                                               being funded”. In other words:
                                                          will be either “equity” funding or “debt”
                                                          funding. In practice, a combination of the two       1. Use short-term borrowing for short-term
                                                          is common. In simple terms, equity funding is             assets such as working capital.
                                                          the business owner’s money and debt funding          2. Use
                                                                                                                    long-term borrowing for long-term
                                                          is someone else’s money. Generally only the             assets such as vehicles and equipment.
                                                          debt funding will be interest-bearing.

                                                          The larger the initial capital requirement,
                                                          the more likely it is that debt funding will be      MANAGING                                            In fact, many clients tell us that it is not the
                                                                                                                                                                   result of the forecast (although it is important)
                                                          required. Debt funding allows the business           YOUR CASH FLOW

                                                                                                                                                                   but rather the process of putting it together that
                                                          owner to make a larger capital investment.
                                                                                                                                                                   provides them with the most benefit. It provides
                                                          However, a lender will need to be                    We’ve all heard the expression “cash is king”
                                                                                                                                                                   an insight into the key drivers that control
                                                          convinced that:                                      and new business owners find out very
                                                                                                                                                                   profitability and cash flow.
                                                          1. T
                                                              he business can service the repayments on       quickly that this is true. Managing cash flow
                                                                                                               (cash funds in and out of the business bank         We greatly enjoy working with clients to develop
                                                             the loan. For a new business, the lender will

                                                                                                               account) is the key to the financial success        cash flow forecasts for their businesses. They
                                                             want to review forecast financial information
                                                                                                               of the business.                                    help a new (or any) business owner to better
                                                             prepared by the business owner and
                                                                                                                                                                   understand their business, predict funding
                                                             their advisor.                                    To secure debt funding, a new business owner
                                                                                                                                                                   requirements and react to unforeseen
                                                          2. Security is available to repay the debt if the   will need to prepare a forecast statement of
                                                                                                                                                                   cash flow problems.
                                                              business owner defaults on the repayments.       cash flows that shows expected receipts and
                                                              The security can be over a fixed asset(s) such   payments on a monthly basis for the first one
                                                              as a property, or a personal guarantee from      to two years of business operation.
                                                                                                                                                                   USE YOUR
                                                              a third party, or a combination of both.         Even if there is no debt funding, a well-prepared
                                                                                                               cash flow forecast is probably the most useful
                                                          Debt funding is most commonly obtained from
                                                          “third party” trading banks, although there are      financial tool a new business owner can adopt.      The advice and assistance we can provide at the
                                                          other “second tier” lenders in the market. The       The preparation of a well-constructed cash flow     early planning stage of a business is sometimes

                             EPISODE 4 :                  second tier lenders will often accept a higher
                                                          level of business risk, but expect a higher
                                                                                                               forecast is an important part of understanding
                                                                                                               how you expect your business to operate.
                                                                                                                                                                   the most beneficial advice we can ever provide
                                                                                                                                                                   to a client. There are few new business owners
                                                          interest rate (return) for their investors.          It forces you to:                                   who will not benefit from professional assistance
              HOW DO I FUND                               Family debt funding is also a common option,         1. Predict business revenue and how this           with business planning, forecasting and loan
            MY BUSINESS AND                               especially as borrowing from banks for new               will change during the year.                    funding applications.

                 MANAGE MY                                business is becoming more difficult. Family          2. Analyse expected business expenses
                                                          members generally charge reduced (or no)
                 CASH FLOW?                               interest to assist the business owner to get
                                                                                                                   (including loan repayments) and when
                                                                                                                   they will need to be paid.
                                                                                                                                                                   IT'S A WRAP, SO WHAT
         This is the final in a series of four articles
                                                          things up and running. Family debt is often
                                                                                                               3. E
                                                                                                                   stimate any requirement for additional         HAVE WE LEARNED?
                                                          replaced with bank funding once the business
          throughout 2021 that discuss important                                                                  capital expenditure.
                                                          is established and there is a proven cash flow                                                           The moral of this series of articles for a new
           aspects of setting up a business for the       history for third party lenders to rely on.          4. Provide for income tax to be paid on            business is that planning is the key. Documenting
      first time. We’ve covered the importance of                                                                  business profits.                               your expectations is an important part of making
                                                          Loans can be “principal + interest” (P&I) or
    getting professional advice early on, selecting                                                            5. Develop a policy for personal spending          sure that your new business has an appropriate
                                                          interest-only. Banks are generally reluctant to
                an appropriate legal structure and                                                                 (“drawings”) from the business account.         structure, establishes guidelines for managing
                                                          lend on an interest-only basis for anything other
                   managing income tax liabilities.                                                                                                                tax liabilities, puts sensible funding arrangements
                                                          than a short period, to provide an opportunity       Of course, the actual cash flow is never the
                                                          for a business to establish its cash flow. Once                                                          in place and has a process for monitoring actual
          We’re now going to look at the key issues                                                            same as the forecast. However, it has been
                                                          established, a bank will want to see a regular                                                           financial performance against expected results.
              involved in funding the business and                                                             well-proven that even a “rough” forecast is
                             monitoring cash flow.        reduction in the balance of the loan over time.      much better than no forecast.

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DOING MORE - Diprose Miller
IN THE RUNNING AGAIN                                        Diprose Miller has again been named a
                                                             finalist for the Xero NZ Accounting Partner
                                                             of the Year in the medium-sized accounting         HR & PAYROLL
                                                             firm category. We’re up against three other
                                                             accounting firms spread throughout NZ.

                                                             Xero has postponed the judging process
                                                             because of COVID-19 restrictions, so we’re
                                                             waiting to find out when the judging and
                                                             ceremony will take place. Judging criteria
                                                             include commitment to maintaining and
                                                             increasing the level of Xero expertise among
                                                                                                                THOSE PESKY                                            KEEPING YOU
                                                             staff, using Xero products to gain efficiency      CHRISTMAS & NEW                                        UP TO DATE
                                                             for the benefit of the practice and its clients,   YEAR HOLIDAYS
                                                             the delivery of value-added services to clients                                                           Work Papers without Papers
                                                             using the Xero platform, and raising the           It’s that time of year again where many                We’re about to take the final step toward
                                                             awareness of the benefits of Xero.                 employers struggle with the rules around               converting our office systems to paperless
                                                                                                                statutory holiday leave over the festive               with the planned introduction of the Xero Work
                                                             We’re very excited to follow up on our success                                                            Papers software product. Under this system,
                                                                                                                season. We hope the points below will put
                                                             as NZ Accounting Partner of the Year back in                                                              the documents and calculations that we retain
                                                                                                                you on the right track but, if not, feel
                                                             2017. We like to think it proves we’re keeping                                                            to support the entries in our clients’ financial
                                                                                                                free to phone us for advice.
                                                             our standards up!                                                                                         statements will no longer be printed, but held
                                                                                                                1. A
                                                                                                                    n employee is entitled to a statutory             “in the cloud” together with the accounting
                                                                                                                   (public) holiday if that day would                  file itself.
                                                                                                                   “otherwise be a working day”.
                                                                                                                                                                       Join the Digital Log Book Fan Club
                                                                                                                2. C
                                                                                                                    onfusion can arise because most                   Many clients are using log books to record their
                                          E-INVOICING                            XERO ME                           calendars show the coming public                    business travel in vehicles that are also used for

                                                                                                                   holidays as 25,26,27,28 December 2021               private travel. By doing so, they are able to claim
                                                                                                                   and 1,2,3,4 January 2022, a total of eight          a deduction for the business portion of the
                                          Xero has recently improved             Xero Me is a new app for
                                                                                                                   days. But don’t get caught out, the maximum

                                          its invoicing system to add            employees that combines                                                               vehicle expenses based on the evidence
                                                                                                                   number of statutory holidays any employee           provided by the log book.
                                          new features that allow for            both the existing Xero
                                                                                                                   may be entitled to over the Christmas/
                                          “e-invoicing” directly between         payroll functions with                                                                Traditionally log book entries have been made

                                                                                                                   New Year period is four, not eight. Only the
                                          the accounting software                the addition of expense                                                               using pen and paper, but there are now a number
                                                                                                                   25/26 December and 1/2 January are days
                                          products used by                       tracking. Downloading                                                                 of mobile apps that can make the job
                                                                                                                   for which employees are entitled to
                                          different organisations.               the app allows employees                                                              of recording travel much easier.
                                                                                                                   statutory holiday leave.
                                                                                 to request leave, submit
                                          Instead of emailing a customer                                                                                                               An example is Vehicle Trip
                                                                                 timesheets, view payslips,     3. As these four statutory days fall on
                                          with a PDF or a link to an online                                                                                                            Logbook Tracker but there
                                                                                 check leave balances and           Saturday and Sunday they are subject to
                                          invoice, e-invoices are sent from                                                                                                            are many others.
                                                                                 update personal details. If        the Christmas/New Year “holiday transfer”
                                          Xero directly to your customer’s
                                                                                 you are an employer using          provisions. If Saturday and Sunday is normally
                                          accounting software ready to                                                                                                                 These apps automatically record
                                                                                 the Xero payroll software,         a working day for the employee, the statutory
                                          be approved and paid.                                                                                                                        trip distance and provide a
                                                                                 you might like to give it a        holiday will be treated as falling on the                          useful report that calculates the
                                          On the other side, when you            try. If you need help,             Saturday and Sunday. If Saturday and Sunday is                     business travel percentage and
                                          receive an invoice in Xero, it’s       let us know.                       not normally a working day for the employee, the                   can be stored on your accounting
                                          automatically pre-populated                                               statutory holiday must be treated as falling on                    file to support the resulting
                                          as a draft bill, removing the                                             Mon 27 Dec, Tue 28 Dec, Mon 3 Jan and                              expense claims.
                                          need for manually entering                                                Tue 4 Jan.
                                          or scanning to record your
                                                                                                                Further useful reference information can be found
                                          bills in Xero.
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DOING MORE - Diprose Miller
IS TICKING                                                                                    STAFF NEWS
INLAND REVENUE                                   WELCOMING                                                                                     SARENA
SMALL BUSINESS                                   MELANIE                                                                                       STRIKES
CASH FLOW LOANS                                  SMITH                                                                                         AGAIN
A reminder to clients that the Small             When we acquired                                                                              It’s a big
Business Cashflow Scheme (SBCS)                  the Auctus Advisory                                                                           “congratulations”
requires loans to be repaid within two           practice we were                                                                              to Sarena Kung and
years to avoid interest being charged.           fortunate to sign up                                                                          husband George on
This limit was originally only one year, but     Melanie Smith as a                                                                            the safe arrival of
was extended. Businesses that received           new member of the                                                                             daughter Ayva. A little
the loan when it was first available will find   Diprose Miller team. Mel has been with                                                        sister for Renee, Ayva weighed in at 8.15 lbs when
that the two-year limit is fast approaching.     the Auctus clients for more than 10 years,                                                    she arrived on 1 October.
                                                 starting back when it was Fenneman
If the loan is not repaid with the two-year
time frame, interest is charged from             Accounting, so she’s well-known to the       A NEW FACE AT                                    Sarena is currently on maternity leave and is
                                                                                                                                               scheduled to return to the office in April 2022.
the date of the original loan advance.           clients that we will now be working with.    THE FRONT DESK
The loans must be repaid in full within          Mel will continue to look after the          IN TE AROHA
five years and voluntary repayments can          Auctus clients to ensure that there
be made at any time. After 24 months,
payments comprising both principal
                                                 are no significant changes from
                                                 a client perspective.
                                                                                              It’s a warm welcome to Debbie Gorman,
                                                                                              our new Te Aroha receptionist. She’s on
                                                                                                                                               “One of the most
and interest are required.
                                                 Mel lives in Waihou with her husband
                                                                                              board Mon-Wed and comes to us from the
                                                                                              Te Aroha Kindergarten Association where
                                                                                                                                                glorious messes in
                                                                                                                                                the world is the mess
                                                 Clifton and their three young boys.
                                                                                              she worked for 14 years as an administrator.
                                                 When not in the office, Mel is kept busy
                                                                                              She has a strong background in payroll and
                                                 supporting the boys’ sporting activities.
                                                 She’s also keen on spending time at the
                                                                                              accounting work and is familiar with the          created in the living
                                                                                              Xero software that we use extensively in
                                                 beach, especially taking time out for
                                                 a quiet spot of fishing.
                                                                                              our practice.                                     room on Christmas
Interestingly, applications
to borrow funds under the
                                                 Since moving down the road to the
                                                                                              She’s a local girl, married to Dennis, with
                                                                                              three adult children. Sitting at her desk is a
                                                                                                                                                Day. Don't clean it
                                                 Diprose Miller premises, Mel tells us
SBCS are open through                            she has enjoyed the camaraderie of
                                                                                              case of déjà vu for Debbie - she used to work
                                                                                              in the Diprose Miller building when she was
                                                                                                                                                up too quickly.”
until 31 December 2023,                          a larger group of workmates and
                                                                                              with the Hauraki Catchment Board many              Andy Rooney
                                                 the additional resources “on tap”
although there are criteria                                                                   years ago.
                                                 to assist with client management.
to be satisfied based on                                                                      Debbie’s hobbies include dancing, singing,
the impact of COVID-19                                                                        yoga, reading and quizzing. She’s also keen
on business revenue.                                                                          on spending time at their beach property in
                                                                                              the Bay of Plenty. It’s no surprise that she
                                                                                              can only work part-time!

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DOING MORE - Diprose Miller
        298 Thames Street
        Morrinsville 3300
        PO Box 323 | Morrinsville 3340
        P 07 280 5519

        FP 0800 888 055

        TE AROHA
        53-61 Whitaker Street
        Te Aroha 3320
        PO Box 290 | Te Aroha 3342

        P 07 884 8055

Every effort is made to provide accurate and complete information in this newsletter. However, Diprose Miller makes no
claims, promises or guarantees about the accuracy, completeness or adequacy of the contents of this newsletter and
expressly disclaims liability for errors and omissions in the contents.
DOING MORE - Diprose Miller DOING MORE - Diprose Miller DOING MORE - Diprose Miller
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