Fiscal 2015 Performance Review
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To Our Stockholders and Investors With an e achieve ye on 2020, To s u s t a i r business nable gr ay Group will e s i n t o w while ce o growth y expan ork to t h b w aselessl fi e l d d i n g y enhanc ountries its s, c ing its c , and reg ompetiti ions veness. Toray Industries, Inc. 14 Fiscal 2015 Performance Review Annual Report 2016 Achieved Record High implementing growth strategies and profit gains. Carbon Fiber Composite Net Sales and Profits further enhancing its total cost com- Materials achieved earnings growth Two Years in a Row petitiveness under the three-year by meeting strong demand and medium-term management program expanding applications. Fibers & I would like to begin this report by Project AP-G 2016, which extends Textiles promoted business inte- expressing our profound gratitude to from fiscal 2014 to fiscal 2016. grating fibers, textiles, to final prod- our stockholders and investors for As a result, the Group saw record ucts while enjoying steady sales for their continuing support. high net sales and profits for a sec- automotive applications and hygiene During fiscal 2015, the econ- ond consecutive fiscal year, with products. In addition, Plastics & omy in China gradually slowed and consolidated net sales increasing by Chemicals saw increases in ship- economic conditions in many other 4.7% year on year to ¥2,104.4 billion, ments of products for automotive emerging countries appeared to operating income rising by 25.1% to and packaging applications. be weak. On the other hand, eco- ¥154.5 billion, and net income attrib- In terms of stockholder returns, nomic conditions in the U.S. con- utable to owners of parent climbing we have raised annual cash div- tinued to pick up and the European by 26.9% to ¥90.1 billion. In addi- idends per share by ¥2 year on economy also remained on a recov- tion, we significantly raised profit- year to ¥13 based on a compre- ery track. In Japan, although produc- ability and capital efficiency, with hensive consideration of every fac- tion and exports looked sluggish, the operating income to net sales ratio tor including the aforementioned economy saw a gradual underlying rising 1.2 percentage points to 7.3% business performance, fiscal 2016 recovery amid improving corporate and ROE increasing 1.6 percentage forecasts, financial standing and earnings, employment, and wages. points to 9.3%. retention of earnings necessary for Under these operating con- All segments except for Life future investment. ditions, Toray Group is steadily Science saw year-on-year sales and
P ro j e c t AP-G 201 6 Basic S t ra t e g i es Toray Industries, Inc. 16 Steadily Implementing global leader in advanced materials. promoting the “Asia, Americas, Project AP-G 2016 Annual Report 2016 Based on this policy, we have and Emerging Country Business Initiatives to Achieve established eight basic strategies Expansion (AE-II) Project” in order Our Long-Term under Project AP-G 2016. As key ini- to capture demand in promising Corporate Vision tiatives within these strategies, this growth countries and regions in Group-wide project is promoting Asia, emerging countries in other Toray Group is working to further business expansion in growth fields, regions and the Americas. expand its businesses globally under countries and regions while bolster- As for bolstering competitiveness, AP-Growth TORAY 2020, a long-term ing competitiveness. under the “Total Cost Reduction corporate vision formulated with an Regarding business expansion in (TC-III) Project,” Toray Group aims to eye on 2020. At the same time, the growth fields, we are focusing on the achieve a world-leading level of cost Group will focus on expanding green development of advanced materials competitiveness by reducing vari- innovation businesses to become and the creation of new businesses able and fixed costs while pursuing a corporate group that “continually by leveraging the Group’s strong-suit production process innovation and increases revenues and profits,” technological prowess and global total operational cost reduction. “proactively contributes to social business foundation in two challeng- While focusing on these proj- development and environmental ing fields: the “Green Innovation ects, we will actively step up growth stewardship,” and “offers high val- Business Expansion (GR) Project,” investment to a greater extent than ues to all stakeholders.” which contributes to solving prob- before while maintaining financial Under the Project AP-G 2016 medi- lems in the areas of the environment, soundness using a D/E ratio of 1 or um-term management program, the resources, and energy, and the “Life below with the aim of steadily rais- second stage of AP-Growth TORAY Innovation Business Expansion (LI) ing the dividend payment in line with 2020, we are working to further accel- Project,” which seeks to improve the our earnings performance. erate business expansion into fields quality of healthcare, ease burdens that display Toray Group’s strengths on medical institutions, and contrib- Now, I will provide an explanation of while formulating and undertak- ute to health and longevity. the progress of each project within ing strategies and challenges that Business expansion in growth Project AP-G 2016. will allow the Group to become the countries and regions involves
BASIC STRATEGIES AND GROUP-WIDE PROJECTS Basic Strategies Group-wide Projects 1 Business expansion in growth business fields Green Innovation Business Expansion 2 Business expansion in growth countries and regions (GR) Project 3 Bolstering competitiveness Life Innovation Business Expansion 4 Strengthening sales and marketing (LI) Project 5 R&D strategies/Intellectual property strategies Asia, Americas and Toray Industries, Inc. Emerging Country 6 Capital investment strategies Business Expansion (AE-II) Project 7 M&A and business alliance strategies Total Cost Reduction 17 8 Human resources strategies (TC-III) Project Annual Report 2016 Progress of “Project AP-G 2016” (Billion of yen) FY2013 FY2014 FY2015 FY2016 FY2016 Target Initial Target Basic dividend Net Sales 1,837.8 2,010.7 2,104.4 2,230.0 2,300.0 policy: Aim for sustainable increase of dividends Operating Income 105.3 123.5 154.5 170.0 180.0 linked to earnings performance Operating Income to Net Sales Ratio 5.7 % 6.1 % 7.3 % 7.6 % 7.8 % Guide line of D/E ratio: ROA 5.5 % 5.5 % 6.7 % 7 approx. % 8 % Below 1 ROE 7.5 % 7.7 % 9.3 % approx.10 % 10 % ROA=Operating Income/Total Assets ROE=Net Income Attributable to Owners of Parent/Owner’s Equity D/E ratio=Interest-bearing Debts/Owner’s Equity
Proje ct AP G re e n -G 20 Innova 1 6 (GR) Pr tion B usi ness E xpans oject ion Successes in Carbon Fiber Composite Materials and Water Treatment Membranes The Green Innovation Business Expansion (GR) Project aims to Toray Industries, Inc. expand business in fields that con- tribute to resolving environmen- tal, resource, and energy issues, including energy conservation, new Toray Formally Signs ¥1.3 Trillion- Toray Receives Large Order energy, biomass derivatives, water plus Comprehensive Long-Term for TORAYFIL® Hollow Fiber 18 treatment, air purification, low envi- Agreement with The Boeing Membrane Ultrafiltration Module Annual Report 2016 ronmental burden, recycling, and Company in the Republic of Korea process innovation. Toray signed a comprehensive long- Toray received an order to sup- In fiscal 2015, GR Project net term agreement with The Boeing ply TORAYFIL® hollow fiber ultrafil- sales were ¥657.1 billion owing to Company to supply carbon fiber tration (UF) membrane module to successes in carbon fiber composite TORAYCA® prepreg for the produc- membrane-based water purification materials business and water treat- tion of the new Boeing 777X large- facility in Yeosu (scheduled to start ment business, representing steady sized twin-engine passenger aircraft, operations in 2017), the largest in progress toward the fiscal 2016 net for which delivery of the first plane is the Republic of Korea. This order is sales target of ¥700.0 billion. slated for 2020, extending the exist- the largest of Toray UF membrane ing supply agreement for the Boeing supply projects, giving the Company Green Innovation Business Expansion Plan ( ) net sales ratio 787 Dreamliner. The new agree- a near 50% share (Toray estimate) of ment has extended the comprehen- the amount of water treated using at (Billion yen) sive agreement that was signed in water purification membrane facili- 1,000 approx.700.0 November 2005 by more than 10 ties in the country. (approx.30%) years effective from 2015. The total Toray Group is actively expanding 657.1 800 (approx.31%) value of prepreg to be supplied by global business activities that con- 565.5 Toray Group for both the 787 and tribute to finding solutions for water (approx.28%) 777X programs during the contract resource problems. To that end, the 600 463.1 period is expected to exceed 1.3 tril- Group will continue working to obtain (approx.25%) lion yen ($11 billion). large orders that use UF membrane 400 TORAYFIL® as a diversified mem- brane manufacturer and steadily accumulate orders for reverse osmo- 200 sis (RO) membrane ROMEMBRA®, which already boasts a leading global 0 share, for treatment of sewage and FY 2013 2014 2015 2016 2020 Actual Actual Actual Target Image industrial waste water, in addition to seawater and brine desalination.
G 2 0 16 c t AP- o n Proje a n s i s Exp t n e s c u s i Life I n n o va I) P t ro e ion B j (L Expand Medical Device toward the fiscal 2016 net sales tar- management services. Business and Make get of ¥170.0 billion. In particular, *hitoe®: A nano-fiber that incorporates a highly conductive/polymerized compound that is form- Significant Progress we are aggressively expanding our fitting and durable. in New Business lineup of Toray advanced materials in Development the Life Innovation field while accel- For more information, please see “Special Feature” on page 24. erating new business development. The Life Innovation Business Toray Industries, Inc. Expansion (LI) Project aims to expand business in our present pharmaceu- tical and medical businesses and apply Toray Group’s advanced mate- rials, core and fundamental technol- ogies, and business foundation to 19 Annual Report 2016 improve the quality of healthcare, ease the burden at medical institu- tions, and contribute to health and longevity. In fiscal 2015, LI Project net sales were approximately ¥160.0 billion, representing steady progress Toray Commences Field Testing Toray Receives Approval for of Safety Management Services Catheter Ablation System Used That Use hitoe® in the Treatment of Paroxysmal In 2014, we began looking into intro- Atrial Fibrillation ducing and developing applications for Toray received manufacturing and Life Innovation Business Expansion Plan ( ) net sales ratio bio-electrode fabric hitoe®* in a wide marketing approval from Japan’s array of industries and occupations. Ministry of Health, Labour and (Billion yen) approx.170.0 Developed jointly by Toray and Nippon Welfare for its world’s first catheter 300 (approx.7%) Telegraph and Telephone Corporation ablation system incorporating bal- approx.160.0 (NTT), hitoe® is being used in smart- loons using high-frequency waves, 250 (approx.8%) wear devices that measure with a which is used to treat paroxysmal approx. 140.0 high degree of sensitivity biological atrial fibrillation, and commenced 200 (approx.7%) data such as heart rate and cardio- sales of the system in April 2016. approx. graphic waveforms when it is worn. While the treatment of atrial fibrilla- 150 120.0 With hitoe® wearable devices actually tion includes the use of antiarrhyth- (approx.6%) being used by Obayashi Corporation mic drugs, catheter ablation, and 100 employees at construction sites and surgery, this system is expected to Japan Airlines employees at outdoor make a major contribution in this 50 areas of Naha Airport, Toray and NTT area as a new choice in catheter Communications Corporation have ablation treatment capable of treat- 0 begun field tests with the aim of com- ing atrial fibrillation more safely and FY 2013 2014 2015 2016 2020 Actual Actual Actual Target Image mercializing this fabric for use in heat over a shorter time span. Advanced Materials in LI Business stroke prevention and other safety Pharmaceuticals & Medical
Proje ct AP Asia, A - G 2 0 1 6 m e ri c a (AE-II) s and Em e rg i n g Project Countr y Busi ness E xpans ion Pursuing Aggressive billion, reflecting growth investment billion in a new business site located Growth Strategy in the and business base expansion. The in South Carolina, U.S. Production of Republic of Korea and project targets fiscal 2016 net sales TORAYCA® from yarn is scheduled to the Americas of ¥1.15 trillion (approximately 50% of be phased starting from May 2017. total net sales), which would exceed Toray’s investment of around ¥100.0 The Asia, Americas and Emerging the ¥1 trillion mark. Key AE-II Project billion through 2020 toward the new Country Business Expansion (AE-II) topics in fiscal 2015 are as follows. site is part of its plan to expand the Toray Industries, Inc. Project encompasses numerous ini- carbon fiber composite materials tiatives, including developing prod- Battery Separator Film Business business in the U.S. Looking ahead, ucts and strengthening marketing and Expansion in the Republic of Korea Toray plans to enhance these produc- sales capabilities to meet the specific Accompanying hybrid electric and tion facilities on an ongoing basis. needs of each country, strengthen- electric vehicle market growth, Toray 20 ing existing production infrastructure increased its production capacity to Enhancement of Large Tow Annual Report 2016 and establishing facilities in markets a level 2.3 times the pre-expansion Carbon Fibers Production where we are not yet active, acceler- amount in the Republic of Korea Capacity in Mexico ating business expansion through alli- (slated to start production in 2016) to Toray enhanced the production facil- ances with leading local companies, meet growing demand for SETELA™, ities for large tow* carbon fibers at and expanding the advanced materi- a high-performance and high-reliability Zoltek Companies, Inc. (“Zoltek”), als business to meet demand growth battery separator film for lithium-ion a subsidiary in the U.S., doubling from expanding middle- and upper-in- secondary batteries. In addition, Toray the production capacity of Zoltek’s come demographics acquired battery separator film coat- Mexican plant to 5,000 tons from In fiscal 2015, AE-II Project net ing process facilities in the country March 2016. Zoltek currently pro- sales were approximately ¥975.9 from LG Chem Ltd., which manufac- duces large tow carbon fibers at tures lithium-ion batteries. its plants in Hungary and Mexico. Asia, Americas and Emerging In addition to the rapidly growing Country Business Expansion Plan New Integrated TORAYCA® demand for this product in wind (Billion yen) ( ) net sales ratio Prepreg Facility in the United States power generation applications in 1,800 approx.1,150.0 In conjunction with signing a compre- recent years, large tow carbon fibers (approx.50%) hensive long-term agreement with are expected to be increasingly used 1,500 975.9 U.S.-based The Boeing Company to in automobile structures. In response (46%) supply carbon fiber TORAYCA® pre- to the robust demand for large tow 944.0 1,200 (47%) preg for the production of the Boeing carbon fibers, Zoltek plans to raise 809.3 787 and 777X, Toray has decided to its production capacity (including that 900 (44%) construct an integrated facility with of the Hungary plant) of the material operations that extend from pro- by 100% by 2020 from the current 600 ducing carbon fiber TORAYCA® yarn 13,000 tons per year. Under the plan, (precursor) to carbonization as well it will continue to carry out capacity 300 as a facility to produce prepreg used enhancement of the Mexican plant in in TORAYCA® (carbon fiber sheets a phased manner. 0 impregnated with resin). To this end, *Large tow: Carbon fiber with a filament count of FY 2013 2014 2015 2016 2020 40,000 or more Actual Actual Actual Target Image Toray has invested approximately ¥50
- G 2 016 c t AP n Proje e d u c tio st R P ro j e c t oT t a l C o (TC - I I I ) Reducing Costs by In fiscal 2015, Toray Group 0.97. Moreover, production process ¥200.0 Billion over reduced variable costs by ¥31.4 innovation and total operational cost Three Years Achievable billion year on year, with a reduc- reduction saved a total of ¥23.4 bil- tion rate of 3.7%, and kept fixed lion, thus boosting profits. In addition to aggressively pursuing cost under budget by ¥14.0 billion. As a result of the above, total the aforementioned growth strate- Regarding fixed costs, the Group reductions achieved under TC-III gies, the Total Cost Reduction (TC-III) has introduced a Performance Project in fiscal 2015 came to ¥68.7 Toray Industries, Inc. Project aims to cut costs by ¥200.0 Ratio (P-ratio) to monitor the ratio of billion, with a two-year total of ¥133.3 billion over three years between fis- growth rates for fixed costs and mar- billion (achievement rate of 67%). In cal 2014 and fiscal 2016 by continu- ginal profit for each company and light of this, we are well on our way ing and deepening activities to reduce business with the aim of maintaining to reaching the cumulative target of existing variable and fixed costs as a rise in fixed costs in line with profit ¥200.0 billion for fiscal 2016. well as by focusing on production pro- growth during business expansion 21 Annual Report 2016 cess innovation and total operational phases. In fiscal 2015, we met our cost reduction in sales and marketing. budget with a Group-wide P-ratio of Results of FY2015 Reduce costs • Continuing activities to reduce variable costs (over 3% each year and over 10% in three years) Variable costs: Reduced 31.4 billion yen (Billion yen) 200 billion yen in three years Continuation 200 • Controlling fixed costs through P-ratio* (Reduction ratio 3.7%) of accounting method TC-II (P-ratio = under 0.96 each fiscal year) Fixed costs: • Activities involve participation of employees group-wide Reduced 14.0 (P-ratio=0.97) billion yen 150 • Set up innovative production processes to achieve drastic cost reductions based on Innovation of new perspectives and approaches Production • Collaborate across organizations, between Reduced Process research, technical, production and engi- Effects from innovation 100 neering departments of production processes and total operational cost reduction in sales and 68.7 billion yen marketing in FY 2015 Total Operational • Establish a highly competitive supply Cost Reduction chain, by analyzing and understanding the Total: 23.4 billion yen 50 Reduced in Sales and Marketing operational costs and logistics systems 64.6 billion yen in FY 2014 0 Marketing *P(Performance)-ratio= fixed cost growth rate/marginal profit growth rate. Keep P-ratio below 1.0, or manage Target Actual in Sales costs forand 23.4 fixed each division versus budget operational costs and logistics systems Cost Reduction chain, by analyzing and understanding the Total: billion yen Operational • Establish a highly competitive supply Total marketing
Fiscal 20 Perfor mance Foreca st 16 Target Net Profit of global financial markets. Toray Group will constantly seek- over ¥100.0 Billion and Against this backdrop, Toray ing to be a global pioneer of techno- Dividend Increases for Group will focus on promoting ongo- logical advances and to develop and a Third Straight ing growth strategies and bolstering commercialize leading-edge technol- Fiscal Year its earnings foundation in fiscal 2016, ogies and new materials under the the final year of Project AP-G 2016. firm belief that, as the foundation of In fiscal 2016, we expect a gradual We forecast consolidated net products, materials have the power recovery in the overall economy led sales of ¥2,230.0 billion, operat- to bring about fundamental transfor- by the U.S. and other developed coun- ing income of ¥170.0 billion, ordi- mations in society. In addition, the tries, but urge caution over risk factors nary income of ¥170.0 billion, and Group seeks to realize its corporate including a slowdown in the Chinese net income attributable to owners philosophy, “contributing to society Toray Industries, Inc. economy, economic downturns in of parent of ¥105.0 billion. This out- through the creation of new value emerging countries, and the impact of look is based on pursuing growth with innovative ideas, technolo- normalization of U.S. monetary policy. fields such as green innovation and gies and products,” by emphasizing In Japan, a gradual economic recovery life innovation as well as business on-site capabilities in all corporate is expected as the current slowdown expansion in growth countries and activities and overcoming problems 22 fades amid ongoing improvement in regions in Asia, emerging countries through a thorough grasp and analy- Annual Report 2016 employment and wage conditions. in other regions, and the Americas sis of current conditions. Nevertheless, there are concerns over under Project AP-G 2016. In addition, We would like to ask for contin- downward pressure on the economy we plan to hike cash dividends for ued understanding and support of caused by a downturn in overseas eco- the third straight fiscal year (annual our stockholders and investors as nomic conditions and fluctuations in cash dividend of ¥14). we pursue these initiatives. Consolidated Performance Results Forecast by Segment for Fiscal 2016 Forecast for Fiscal 2016 (Billions of yen) (Billions of yen) FY2016 (Forecast) Changes Net Sales Operating Income Net Sales 2,230.0 6.0 + % Fibers & Textiles 910.0 (+18.0) 71.0 (+2.1) Operating Income 170.0 +10.0 % Plastics & Chemicals 540.0 (+18.8) 34.0 (+4.6) Net Income Attributable to Owners of Parent 105.0 +16.5 % IT-related Products 280.0 (+28.9) 31.0 (+4.9) Our forecasts are predicated on an assumed foreign currency exchange rate Carbon Fiber of ¥105/US$1. Released May 12, 2016 Composite Materials 200.0 (+13.8) 38.0 (+1.9) Environment & Engineering 220.0 (+36.7) 12.0 (+2.4) Life Science 64.0 (+8.2) 5.0 (+1.9) Others 16.0 (+1.3) 2.0 (+0) Adjustment — -23.0 (-2.3) Consolidated Figures 2,230.0 (+125.6) 170.0(+15.5) in parenthesis indicate year-on-year increase/decrease. Consolidated Figures 2,230.0 (+125.6) 170.0(+15.5) in parentheses indicate year-on-year increase/decrease. Adjustment — -23.0 (-2.3)
Engaging in Ongoing Growth and investment in R&D of ¥65.0 bil- growth strategies implemented to Investment lion (¥183.3 billion) in order to fur- date and realize sustainable growth Project AP-G 2016 calls for aggres- ther boost initiatives for accelerating going forward. sive investment in R&D and facilities aimed at realizing sustainable global Major Capital Expenditure Projects growth. For the three years begin- FY 2015 ning in fiscal 2014, the program Toray Advanced Materials Korea Inc. PPS (polyphenylene sulfide) resin projects spending ¥400.0 billion for production facilities capital investment and ¥180.0 billion Toray Industries, Inc. Toray Chemical Korea Inc. Polyester staple fiber production for investment in R&D in such areas facilities as strengthening core products and Toray Composites (America), Inc. Carbon fiber TORAYCA® prepreg technologies, advancing in new production facilities fields, and technologies, and produc- Zoltek Companies, Inc. Large tow carbon fiber production tion process innovation. facilities In fiscal 2016, we expect to 23 FY 2016 Annual Report 2016 make solid progress in line with P.T. Toray Polytech Jakarta High-performance polypropylene our plan given above, undertaking spunbond production facilities capital investment of ¥175.0 bil- Toray Carbon Fibers America, Inc. Carbon fiber TORAYCA® prepreg lion (three year total: ¥432.7 billion) integrated production facilities Toray Battery Separator Film Polyethylene film production Korea Limited facilities Capital Expenditures Depreciation R&D Expenses (Billion yen) (Billion yen) (Billion yen) 200 100 70 92.0 65.0 175.0 86.8 59.5 60 58.8 77.5 80 150 129.2 50 128.5 60 40 100 30 40 20 50 20 10 0 0 0 FY 2014 2015 2016 FY 2014 2015 2016 FY 2014 2015 2016 Forecast Forecast Forecast Consolidated subsidiaries Consolidated subsidiaries Consolidated subsidiaries Toray Toray Toray
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