Do you know a dreamer and a doer? - Supporting dreamers who do. 2018 nomination guide - EY

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Do you know a dreamer and a doer? - Supporting dreamers who do. 2018 nomination guide - EY
2018 nomination guide

                        Do you know
                        a dreamer
                        and a doer?
                        Supporting dreamers
                        who do.
Do you know a dreamer and a doer? - Supporting dreamers who do. 2018 nomination guide - EY
Do you know a dreamer and a doer? - Supporting dreamers who do. 2018 nomination guide - EY
About EY Entrepreneur Of The Year™                                                        New Zealand winners

This is the world’s most prestigious business award for entrepreneurs.
The award recognises the significant contribution of entrepreneurs who                    Peter Harris          Ashley Berrysmith
are shaping today’s economy.                                                              CBL Corporation       Freshcuts NZ

                                                                                          Peter Beck            Sir Richard Taylor
As the only truly global award of its         Benefits                                    Rocket Lab
kind, the Entrepreneur Of The Year                                                                              Weta Workshop
                                              Receiving recognition as an EY
celebrates those who are leading              Entrepreneur Of The Year finalist           Craig Hickson         Sir George Fistonich
successful, sustainable and dynamic           delivers an enormous range of benefits.     Progressive Meats     Villa Maria Estate
businesses, recognising them through          Benefits that our alumni have identified
regional, national and global awards          include:                                    Dan Radcliffe         Phillip Mills
programmes in 145 cities across                                                           International
                                              • Building company’s profile in                                   Les Mills
60 countries.                                                                             Volunteer HQ
                                                New Zealand and internationally                                 International
EY launched in New Zealand in 1998,           • Opening doors and developing new
                                                                                          Rod Drury             Sir William Gallagher
the Entrepreneur Of The Year is an              business opportunities                    Xero                  Gallagher Group
annual national awards programme,
                                              • Highly valuing the opportunity to
culminating with the overall winner             network with other entrepreneurs,         Craig Heatley         Michael Whittaker
representing New Zealand at the                 as well as other business leaders         SKY TV                The Atlantis Group
EY World Entrepreneur Of The Year™              and financiers
Awards in Monte Carlo.                                                                    Bill Buckley
                                              • Generating morale and enthusiasm                                Bill Day
                                                within their organisation                 BSL Buckley Systems   Seaworks
                                              • Enjoying the ‘journey’ — the process of   Tim Alpe
                                                reflection, discussion and celebration                          John Hynds
 “Winning the EY Entrepreneur Of                                                          JUCY Group
                                                throughout the awards programme                                 Hynds Pipe Systems
  The Year award provides a great
  opportunity to represent New                • Becoming part of an exclusive             Diane Foreman
                                                                                                                David Johnson
                                                entrepreneurial alumni community          Emerald Group
  Zealand on a world stage, and to                                                                              Trends International
  showcase Rocket Lab as a fantastic
                                                                                          Sir Michael Hill
  example of what New Zealand                                                             Michael Hill
  innovation and entrepreneurship is                                                      International
  capable of.”
  Peter Beck, Rocket Lab
  Entrepreneur Of The Year 2017 New Zealand
Do you know a dreamer and a doer? - Supporting dreamers who do. 2018 nomination guide - EY
2018 National programme overview
Dates for your diary                           Nomination process                        Independent
            Programme launch                   Nominations open                          judging process

            and nominations open               Wednesday 21 March                        Stage one
                                               All entrants in the programme submit
                                                                                         Finalists workshop

       22   Applications close                 a registration of interest to compete
                                               in the EY 2018 Entrepreneur Of The        Monday 13 August
       26                                      Year Awards. Entrepreneurs who meet

            Finalists announced
                                               the criteria are asked to complete        Finalists network and share
                                               an online application form detailing      insights during an afternoon
                                                                                         of facilitated presentations.

       13   Finalists workshop                 contact details, company financials and
                                               entrepreneurial journey.
                                                                                         Finalists networking dinner
            Finalists networking dinner with
                                               Applications close

            Entrepreneur Of The Year alumni                                              Monday 13 August
                                               Friday 22 June
                                                                                         Finalists have the opportunity

       14   Finalists judging day              All applications are reviewed.            to meet and network with the EY
                                                                                         Entrepreneur Of The Year judging
                                               Finalists announced                       panel, alumni and sponsors.

       17   Category winners announced
                                               Thursday 26 July
                                               All entrants are invited to a cocktail    Finalists judging day

       26   Category winners judging day
                                               function in Auckland.                     Tuesday 14 August
            EY Entrepreneur of the Year                                                  Finalists meet the independent judging

            Award                                                                        panel for a 20 minute interview. Filming,
                                                                                         photography and communications
                                                                                         sessions are also held. It is mandatory
                                                                                         to attend the judging day.

                                                                                         2018 Category
                                                                                         winners announced
                                                                                         Friday 17 August
Stage two

Category winners
judging day
Wednesday 26 September
The independent judging panel meet
each category winner for a 45 minute
interview. Following these interviews,
the judges will decide on the overall EY
New Zealand Entrepreneur Of The Year
winner. It is mandatory to attend the
judging day.

2018 Awards
Thursday 27 September
Finalists and category winners
are acknowledged, and the overall
winner is announced at the prestigious
black tie awards held at the
Cordis Hotel, Auckland.
2018 National programme overview
Categories                                       Judging criteria                           Criteria for eligibility
The programme identifies finalists               The independent judging panel assesses     To be eligible for the programme,
in the following categories:                     applicants using the following criteria:   you must:
• Products: Retailers, wholesalers               • Entrepreneurial spirit                   • Be a company founder, owner or
  and manufacturers of products                  • Innovation                                 manager of a private or public
  from all industries                            • Personal integrity and influence           company or organisation who is
• Services: Providers of professional                                                         primarily responsible for the recent
                                                 • Financial performance                      performance of the company or
  services such as financial,
  engineering, architecture, real estate,        • Strategic direction                        organisation, and an active member
  property, recreation and leisure               • National and global impact                 of senior management
• Technology and emerging                                                                   • Be a New Zealand citizen or
  industries: Software, hardware,                                                             permanent resident
  telecommunications, digital media,                                                        • Have a significant equity stake in
  biotechnology and health sciences                                                           the business
• Young: Entrepreneurs 35 years or                                                          • Have a company that has been
  younger across all industries at close                                                      in existence for at least two
  of applications Friday, 22 June, 2018                                                       years at close of applications,
• Master: For leaders of well-                                                                Friday, 22 June 2018
  established businesses who
                                                                                            Previous category winners, finalists and
  illustrate a significant commitment
                                                                                            entrants may resubmit to be considered
  to entrepreneurship
                                                                                            for the current EY Entrepreneur Of The
                                                                                            Year programme.

    “I feel very honoured and humbled to have received this award. The success
     of Sky TV today proves that having taken a risk and thinking “outside” the
     square many years ago was the correct decision. I hope this inspires people
     who are considering entering the Entrepreneur Of The Year to be confident
     that we in New Zealand have the ability to be innovative, inventive and
     individualistic and that we can compete with anyone in the world.”
     Craig Heatley, Founder of SKY TV
     Entrepreneur Of The Year 2012 New Zealand
“Receiving the Entrepreneur Of The Year I was blown away and I’ve had
 messages of congratulations from all corners of the globe ever since,
 showing how well regarded this award is. I hope by winning this award,
 I inspire other young Kiwis to dream big, and realise that they can start
 successful international companies from anywhere in New Zealand.”
 Dan Radcliffe, International Volunteer HQ
 Entrepreneur Of The Year 2014 New Zealand
Your EY Entrepreneur Of The Year journey begins here

 “As a proud EY Alumnus the             To be in the running for the title of 2018 New Zealand EY Entrepreneur Of
  award was especially significant      The Year, please fill out the registration of interest form on the opposite
  for me. The highlight for             page and return to EY.
  me was hearing the stories
                                        If eligible, you will be contacted to complete an application form.
  of other entrepreneurs and
  seeing the many great things
  other passionate people are           Contact
  creating. Previous winners have
                                        Darren White
  been my business heroes so it         EY Entrepreneur Of The Year Award Director
  feels special to be part of that
  heritage.”                            Tel: +64 9 348 8122
  Rod Drury, Founder and CEO of Xero,
  Entrepreneur Of The Year 2013
  New Zealand
                                        Carey Wood
                                        Tel: +64 3 374 2820
                                        Craig Riddle
                                        Tel: +64 4 817 0548
                                        For more information visit or contact
2018 Registration of interest

This form should be completed by (or on behalf of) individuals who want to register their interest in entering
the 2018 EY Entrepreneur Of The Year™ Awards. The information you provide is a key component of the
application and judging process.
Please complete and submit this form to your EY advisor, Hilary Brown or email us at We will confirm receipt
of your registration of interest and contact you regarding the next steps in the application process. Visit our website at
to find out more about the Entrepreneur Of The Year programme.
Applications close Friday, 22 June 2018.

General information

Applicant’s name:............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

Company (or organisation): .......................................................................................... Title: ....................................................................................................................................

Mailing address: ..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

Physical address: ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................


Telephone: ......................................................................................................................... Facsimile: ...........................................................................................................................

Email: .................................................................................................................................. Mobile: ................................................................................................................................

Website: ..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

Brief description of business activity: ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................

2017 registration of interest continued

In what year was the company (or organisation) founded?.........................................................................................................................................................

What percentage of the company (or organisation) does the applicant presently own? .........................................................................................................

What is the legal/tax structure of the company (or organisation)?
      Company                                                    Sole trader                                                Partnership                                                Other

Has the applicant or applicant’s company (or organisation) been subject to any investigation by a government body or a civil or criminal complaint
in the last five years?
      Yes                                                        No
Annual turnover — please select a range
      Under $5 million                               $5 — $20 million                              $20 — $50 million                              $50 — $100 million                             Over $100 million

Number of employees ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................

Award categories
Final determination of the categories and awards to be presented will be decided by the judging panel based on the quantity and quality
of the completed nomination forms received by the deadline. Please tick the categories in which you would like to be considered:
      Young                                                                          Products                                                                      Technology and emerging industries
      Date of birth .................................................
      (35 or under as at Friday, 22 June 2018)                                       Services                                                                      Master

Truth of information release
To the best of my knowledge, the information submitted during the application                                          Applicant’s signature: ........................................................ Date: ......................
process and provided herein is true and complete. All financial information
contained herein shall remain confidential unless I agree to its release.                                              If you are nominating someone for this award, please provide your name and
I understand that the information I provide during the application process will                                        contact details below:
be used by EY and the independent judging panel in selecting those who are
invited to submit full applications, those who are finalists, category winners                                         Nominator’s name: ............................................................................................
and the award recipient. I consent to use of such information for such purpose.
I further consent to my name, my company’s name, non-financial information,                                            Contact number: ................................................................................................
photographs, video recordings and audio recordings of me from whatever
source to be used for marketing and promotional purposes by EY,
The Programme and The Sponsors. I agree that no compensation shall                                                         Please return this form to:
be payable to me or my company for such usage. I agree to use the name                                                     Hilary Brown                                           EY Building
“EY“ when referring to the award and to otherwise co-operate with EY in                                                    New Zealand Marketing Leader                           2 Takutai Square
promoting the award.                                                                                                                                                              Britomart
                                                                                                                                                  PO Box 2146
                                                                                                                           Tel: +64 274 362 5498                                  Auckland
Founded and produced by                               Principal sponsor

Wine sponsor                          Media sponsor                                        Business and Payroll
                                                                                           Solutions sponsor

© 2018 Ernst & Young, New Zealand. All Rights Reserved.
Can you be a
dreamer and
a doer?
Supporting dreamers
who do.
EY | Assurance | Tax | Transactions | Advisory

About EY

EY is a global leader in assurance, tax, transaction and advisory services. The insights
and quality services we deliver help build trust and confidence in the capital markets and
in economies the world over. We develop outstanding leaders who team to deliver on our
promises to all of our stakeholders. In so doing, we play a critical role in building a better

                                                                                                                                  © 2018 Ernst & Young, Australia. All Rights Reserved. Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation. S1831235. ED none
working world for our people, for our clients and for our communities.

EY refers to the global organization, and may refer to one or more, of the member firms of
Ernst & Young Global Limited, each of which is a separate legal entity. Ernst & Young Global
Limited, a UK company limited by guarantee, does not provide services to clients. For more
information about our organization, please visit

© 2018 Ernst & Young, New Zealand.
All Rights Reserved.
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ED None
This communication provides general information which is current at the time of production. The information contained
in this communication does not constitute advice and should not be relied on as such. Professional advice should be
sought prior to any action being taken in reliance on any of the information. Ernst & Young disclaims all responsibility and
liability (including, without limitation, for any direct or indirect or consequential costs, loss or damage or loss of profits)
arising from anything done or omitted to be done by any party in reliance, whether wholly or partially, on any of the
information. Any party that relies on the information does so at its own risk. The views expressed in this article are the
views of the author, not Ernst & Young.

For more information, please visit

   Founded and produced by

   Principal sponsor

   Wine sponsor                    Media sponsor                             Business and Payroll
                                                                             Solutions sponsor
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