Marcellin College RANDWICK

Page created by Isaac Payne
Marcellin College RANDWICK
Marcellin College

24 January 2020

                                             Commencement Letter for 2020
Dear Parents/Guardians,

Welcome to the 2020 school year! I trust that you had a Blessed Christmas and that the holiday period allowed you to
spend quality time with family and friends. I was deeply saddened to see the horrific images of the bushfires and the
consequent devastation to life, nature and property. I hope and pray that no Marcellin families were affected. Nevertheless,
I would invite you to inform me if these fires have affected you and if the College can support you in any way. In particular,
it would be important to inform us if the wellbeing of your son has been compromised by these fires or any other personal
incident over the break.

I look forward to leading this great College once again in 2020 and pledge to faithfully serve the Marcellin Community to
ensure that the very best opportunity to learn in a faith-filled environment is available to your son. This year marks 97 years
of Catholic education at Marcellin College Randwick and preparations have already begun to appropriately celebrate our
Centenary Year in 2023.

The purpose in writing to you is to both update and inform you on a number of issues to ensure a smooth start to the year
and allow us all to focus our energy on our core business: Faith and Learning. Please take the time to familiarise yourself
with the contents of this letter which includes:

1. Meet & Greet Parent Gathering
2. Excellent 2019 HSC Results
3. Our Culture of Learning at Marcellin
4. High Expectations at Marcellin
5. Assessment Notification & Assessment Calendars
6. Co-curricular Participation by Students
7. College Newsletter and Parent Communications
8. Attendance, Illness & Punctuality
9. Application for Leave
10. Leave for Students in Years 11 & 12
11. Bus (“School Special”) Times in 2020
12. Important and Compulsory Dates & Events for 2020

1. Meet & Greet Parent Gathering
I look forward to welcoming all parents/carers to our Meet and Greet Gathering on Friday February 22. This evening is for
all parents/carers (not just those new to the community) and you will receive an invitation, in the coming week.
I do hope to see you there!

195 Alison Road Randwick, NSW 2031 | Tel +61 2 9398 6355 | Fax +61 2 9398 9049 | ABN 26 158 447 082
Marcellin College

2. Excellent 2019 HSC Results – Seeking Excellence Through Faith, Caring & Learning
I would like to congratulate the class of 2019. They worked exceptionally hard throughout their senior year and, with the
guidance of their dedicated teachers, excelled. Some notable achievements include:

•   Seamus Connon received First in the State in Design and Technology.
•   Patrick Galea received First in Sydney Catholic Schools in Software Design & Development.
•   23/28 subjects were above stage average: 82%
•   75 Band 6s were achieved = 12% of the cohort.
•   232 Band 5s were achieved.
•   47% of students achieved a Band 5 or band 6.
•   Four students (Thomas Byrnes, Antonio Casas, Alexander Durham & Geoffrey McLennan) were named on the HSC
    Distinguished Achievers list which includes students who achieved Band 6 in ten or more units of study.
•   Highest ATAR at Marcellin was Antonio Casas, 99.2

What was also very pleasing was the wonderful achievement of our students who achieved an HSC but opted for a
non ATAR Vocational Pathway. These students, through their diligence and dedication, have secured traineeships,
apprenticeships and are combining further study with work.

3. Our Culture of Learning at Marcellin
A continuing focus in 2020 will be strengthening the culture of learning in the College. If we want our boys to achieve
outstanding academic results we need to place greater value and importance on learning whilst acknowledging and
celebrating their achievements. Achieving one’s potential also requires becoming an ‘Independent Learner’ - a learner
that takes responsibility for their own learning and goes beyond set homework or assignments. It includes study, the
completion of exam type questions and acting upon the feedback received from teachers. It is a commitment to learning
each and every day.

Some simple strategies that will assist our boys include:

•   Setting goals and targets in each subject;
•   Using the College Diary to write down and plan for homework and assignments;
•   Developing a good understanding of the Assessment Program, schedule and Assessment Policy;
•   Ensuring your son sets aside time each day to complete homework, assignment work and revision;
•   Reflecting and talking to your son about learning and how to improve results;
•   Focusing on and preparing for assessment tasks, including exams;
•   Encouraging your son to be competitive and collaborative, knowing what others are achieving and working in groups
    to push each other to do well;
•   Encouraging your son to read widely;
•   Supporting your son to do his BEST work ALL the time;
•   Encouraging your son to value and enjoy the journey of learning!

195 Alison Road Randwick, NSW 2031 | Tel +61 2 9398 6355 | Fax +61 2 9398 9049 | ABN 26 158 447 082
Marcellin College

4. High Expectations at Marcellin
One of the key reasons for the academic success of our students at Marcellin is the high standards we expect and the high
expectations we have of all students. Underpinning all of our expectations is Respect; Respect for our Faith, Respect for
Others, Respect for Self, Respect for Learning and Respect for the College. I ask all parents to reacquaint themselves with
all expectations outlined in the College Diary and discuss these with your son.

5. Assessment Notification and Assessment Calendars
Our Assessment program is made up of both informal and formal aspects of assessment. The informal aspects relate to
class work, homework and class tests. These assessments involve teachers professional judgement about your son’s level
of achievement on these tasks. They are used in conjunction with the formal assessment program to determine your
son’s level of achievement each Semester. The formal program of assessments will be outlined in your son’s Assessment
Handbook (published on our website in Week 3 of Term 1 for Years 7-11). These assessments are used to determine our
selective learning groups in Years 7-10, grading student achievement and calculating first in course each year. It is vitally
important that your son prepares well for these tasks, so that he is able to demonstrate his level of achievement. To assist
students in doing this, all assessment notifications will appear in the Assessment Calendar on the College website and will
be issued to students via the Compass portal.

6. Co-Curricular Participation by Students
Co-curricular activity is part of the overall program of the College and participation is a condition of enrolment. It is
my expectation that all students participate in sport, culture, camps, excursions and retreats to the best of their ability.
Attendance is compulsory at all scheduled events and I appreciate your support in maintaining a commitment to these
programs. These events enhance the family spirit of the College and are an important feature of our school culture.

7. College Newsletter & Parent Communications
As was introduced in 2019, parents/carers will only receive communications from the College on a Wednesday afternoon.

Each Wednesday, Parent Communications will be sent via Compass. These links will direct you to letters and notes detailing
events that will affect your sons. (e.g Excursion letters or other necessary correspondence). Every second Wednesday of
Term (even weeks) a link to the Newsletter will be shared, via Compass.

This streamlining of our communication process has proved popular with parents/carers; with families not being inundated
with correspondence at any other time.

8. Attendance, Illness & Punctuality
Students cannot excel at school if they are not here on a regular basis. Furthermore, we do the boys no favours allowing
them to stay at home when they are not genuinely ill. Staying at home to complete assessment tasks is not an adequate
excuse, as it places the boys at a distinct advantage and rewards poor planning and organisation. I ask for parent support
in ensuring that your son is at school each day unless he is sick. Furthermore, every school day is important and, as such,
students are expected to be at carnivals, reflection days and all compulsory events.

195 Alison Road Randwick, NSW 2031 | Tel +61 2 9398 6355 | Fax +61 2 9398 9049 | ABN 26 158 447 082
Marcellin College

If your son will be sick or absent due to an unforeseen event please do not call the main switch number. There are three
options that you may access to advise your sons absence. Please use one of the following methods prior to 8.30am:

1. Call the Absentee Hotline 9398 8009
2. Enter your son’s absence via Compass
3. Email

A written absence note MUST be provided to the Homeroom Teacher upon returning to school. Students who have a poor
pattern of attendance may be required to provide Medical Certificates for each and every absence.

Punctuality is a most important trait for students to develop before they enter the workforce. Boys who are late for school
three times in any one Semester, and who do not have a note with a legitimate reason, will be placed on detention on the
third occasion. Please note that I reserve the right to vary these conditions for students who demonstrate a pattern of
repeated lateness.

9. Application for Leave
I must remind parents of the importance of school attendance and punctuality. There is a direct link between educational
achievement and school attendance. Furthermore, students missing school miss out on very important educational
opportunities. In the event that you MUST apply for leave you are asked to follow the following procedure:

All leave applications must be submitted at least FOUR WEEKS PRIOR TO THE LEAVE. To apply for leave please complete
the ‘Application for Leave’ Form which is on the College website and return to the Student Services Officer.

Any request for leave will be considered by the Principal or his delegate in accordance with the NSW Catholic Systemic
Schools Guidelines. It is the student’s responsibility to liaise with his Year Coordinator and teachers to ensure all
assessments and exams are rescheduled and completed. Absence from school may jeopardise your son’s ability to meet
the requirements of courses and this may impact negatively on his academic performance. It is important to note that
vacations or recreational leave taken outside normal College holidays will NOT be accepted as a valid reason for an
absence or for the failure to hand in an assessment task. While leave may be approved during this time, it is expected
that a student will receive a mark of “zero” for all tasks missed during this time unless an alternative arrangement has
been approved.

195 Alison Road Randwick, NSW 2031 | Tel +61 2 9398 6355 | Fax +61 2 9398 9049 | ABN 26 158 447 082
Marcellin College

10. Leave for Students in Years 11 and 12
Our experience is that, in almost every case, the academic progress and performance of Year 11 & 12 students who go on
leave, was negatively affected. We cannot expect our students to achieve academically if they are not at school during such
a crucial time. I ask families to use the generous school holidays to visit relatives or take holidays. Given the adverse
impact on learning and academic achievement, leave for students in Years 11 & 12 will only be approved on
compassionate grounds.

11. Bus (“school special”) Times in 2020
In recent months we have been working with State Transit to provide our afternoon bus service (“School Specials”) at an
earlier time. I am pleased to announce that our afternoon school specials will begin arriving at the College at the earlier
time of 3.15pm. This will avoid the necessity for boys to be using public bus services. It will be mandatory that, where
‘School Specials’ serve the required route, the boys utilise this service.

In the event that a student cannot catch a “School Special”, and must access buses from Cook Street, an application
must be made via your son’s Year Coordinator. These students will then be given an “Exemption Pass” to carry, indicating
permission to use the Cook Street bus stop. Belmore Road bus stops are not to be used by students at any time.

12. Important and Compulsory Dates & Events for 2020
A separate sheet is attached outlining these dates.

Once again, I look forward to working closely with parents, students and staff throughout the year. I trust your son returns
to school rested and excited for the opportunities that this new year brings. Please be assured of my full support of you
and your son in ensuring he is provided with an excellent Catholic education at Marcellin College.

Warm Regards,

Mr Mark Woolford

195 Alison Road Randwick, NSW 2031 | Tel +61 2 9398 6355 | Fax +61 2 9398 9049 | ABN 26 158 447 082
                                Important and Compulsory Dates & Events for 2020

Term Dates 2020
Wednesday, 29 January:                    Year 7 Orientation Day (9am - 12noon)
Thursday, 30 January:                     All Years: 7-12 commence (all day)
Thursday, 9 April:                        Term 1 ends. Classes will be dismissed at 1:30pm
Tuesday, 28 April:                        Term 2 classes commence
Friday, 3 July:                           Term 2 ends (Years 7 - 11 Parent Teacher Interviews)
Monday, 20 July:                          Term 3 classes commence
Friday, 25 September:                     Term 3 ends. Classes cease at 3pm
Tuesday, 13 October:                      Term 4 classes commence
Friday, 11 December:                      Term 4 classes cease

Staff Professional Learning – Pupil Free Days 2020:
Monday, 24 February:                      Staff Development Day
Monday, 27 April:                         Staff Development Day
Friday, 19 June:                          Staff Spirituality Day
Monday, 12 October:                       Staff Development Day

Compulsory Events for ALL Students
College Swimming Carnival                 Friday, 31 January
College Photograph Day                    Tuesday, 4 February
College Commencement Mass                 Friday, 21 February (Marist Centre)
College Athletics Carnival                Friday, 1 May
Champagnat Day Mass & Celebrations        Friday, 5 June
College CoCurricula Photograph Day        Tuesday, 23 June
Year 12 Graduation Day                    Friday 18 September
Walkathon                                 Friday, 13 November
Advent Mass & Final Assembly              Friday, 11 December

Students in all Years are also expected to attend the relevant reflection days, retreats, camps or
work experience for their Year.

Compulsory Events for Specific Year Groups
Year 7 & 11 Open Day                      Monday, 2 March (3-6pm)
Year 7 Camp                               Monday, 16 March – Wednesday, 18 March
Year 12 Retreat                           Monday, 16 March – Friday, 20 March
Year 7 Reflection Day                     Monday, 10 August
Year 11 Seminar Week & Reflection Day     Monday, 10 August – Friday, 14 August
Year 10 Work Experience                   Monday, 10 August – Friday, 14 August
Year 9 Camp                               Monday, 10 August – Friday, 14 August
Year 8 Reflection Day                     Tuesday, 11 August

Parent/Teacher/Student Interviews:
Semester 1:
Year 12 Parent Teacher Interviews         Wednesday, 8 April (3.45 – 7pm)
Years 7-11 Parent Teacher Interviews      Wednesday, 1 July (10am – 7pm)
Years 7-11 Parent Teacher Interviews      Friday, 3 July (9am – 3pm)

Semester 2:
Years 7-11 Parent Teacher Interviews      Monday, 14 December (1pm – 6pm)
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