Saving for retirement in Canada: How RBC Royal Bank can help

Page created by Lawrence May
Saving for retirement in Canada: How RBC Royal Bank can help

Saving for retirement in Canada:
How RBC Royal Bank® can help
Saving for retirement is a key part of building your future
financial security. An RBC Royal Bank Registered Retire-
ment Savings Plan (RRSP) can play an important role in
helping you live the lifestyle you want after you retire.
As a newcomer to Canada, you’ve            > Other Canadians have saved money
been through a number of major                throughout their careers specifically
changes recently. Once you begin              for retirement years. This allows
to feel settled, with a home and              them to afford the lifestyle they want
probably a steady job, you are likely to      when they are no longer working and
start thinking about the future. What         earning an income.
steps do you need to take today to
make you and your family’s lifestyle       Where retirement money comes from
secure in the future?                      Retired people in Canada may receive
                                           money regularly from a number
One very large part of your future is
                                           of different sources. The following
retirement. Where will your money
                                           are the main sources of retirement
come from when you stop working?
What will your life be like? Where will
you live?                                  > 1. Government benefits. There are
                                                 two government programs that
You’ll notice that people in Canada
                                                 many Canadian retirees qualify for:
often talk about retirement. There are
a couple of reasons:                           he Canada Pension Plan (CPP).
                                              This program pays a monthly
> A large percentage of the population
                                              benefit to those who qualify after
   is at or approaching retirement
                                              they retire. Anyone who contributes
   age. While the traditional age for
                                              to the program and meets other
   retirement in Canada is 65, many
                                              requirements may receive benefits.
   people retire as early as 55, or
                                              If you are an employee, a portion
   even younger.
                                              of each paycheque will be sent
> Many people who are approaching            to the government to be put into
   retirement are considering                 the plan on your behalf. If you are
   continuing to work or changing             self-employed, you make your
   careers in their retirement.               contributions at the same time
                                              as you pay your income tax. The
                                              amounts contributed to the plan
                                              grow over time, and entitle you
2   Investments                                                                            Saving for retirement in Canada: How RBC Royal Bank can help

     to receive payments out of the           > 3. Personal savings. Not everyone in         funds invested outside of an RRSP is
     plan (your pension) once you stop              Canada belongs to an employment           considered earnings, which you would
     working. If you live in Quebec, your           pension plan. And, as you can see         have to report in your tax return and
     contributions are directed instead to          above, the maximum payments               pay tax on. The tax deferral within an
     the Quebec Pension Plan (QPP), a               from the government programs              RRSP allows your earnings to grow
     similar program run by the Quebec             are probably not enough for you            and to generate additional earnings
     government. The most that a person            to live on comfortably. That’s why         on that growth over time. This is
     can receive under these plans was             most people also set aside their           known as compound growth, and it
     just over $10,000 per year in 2007,           own savings.                               can significantly increase the value
     possibly more if the pension was                                                         of your plan over the period invested,
                                              Whether you’re early in your work life
     not requested until after age 65. The                                                    giving you the opportunity to live your
                                              or getting close to retirement age, we
     maximum amount is adjusted every                                                         retirement years more comfortably.
                                              can help you look into setting aside the
     year and depends on several factors,
                                              money you need for retirement.                When you withdraw money out of
     including when a person arrived
                                                                                            the plan (ideally, when you retire),
     in Canada, so most newcomers are         RBC Royal Bank has helped thousands
                                                                                            you’ll report the full amount of the
     unable to qualify for the maximum.       of newcomers to Canada save for their
                                                                                            withdrawals as income on your income
                                              retirement. In most cases, the most
      ld Age Security (OAS). Old Age
     O                                                                                      tax return for that year. The amount
                                              effective way to start saving is through a
     Security is paid to every Canadian                                                     of tax you’ll pay will depend on what
                                              Registered Retirement Savings Plan, also
     over the age of 65 who meets certain                                                   your total income is that year from all
                                              often referred to as an RRSP or RSP.
     requirements. In order to be eligible,                                                 sources, and is based on your personal
     you must have lived in Canada for                                                      tax bracket. Many people are in a lower
                                              What is an RRSP?
     at least 10 years after 18 years of                                                    tax bracket after they retire, because
                                              An RRSP is a type of investment account
     age. You may be eligible for OAS                                                       they are no longer working full time.
                                              in which you put aside money to be
     even if you live outside of Canada,                                                    However, because this is not always the
                                              used when you retire. The money
     provided you are over 65, lived in                                                     case, please consult with your advisor to
                                              can be put into a variety of types of
     Canada for at least 20 years after                                                     determine the best course of action for
                                              investments, including cash and mutual
     age 18 and were a Canadian citizen                                                     your particular situation.
                                              funds. An RRSP is “registered” with the
     or legal resident when you left.
                                              Canada Revenue Agency and has two             You can also withdraw money from
     The maximum payment in 2007
                                              particular advantages:                        your RRSP before you retire. However,
     is just over $6,000 if you lived in
                                                                                            it may not be the best place to look
     Canada as an adult for at least 40       > Contributions are tax-deductible.
                                                                                            when you need cash for an unexpected
     years by age 65. Some or all of your       When you make a contribution to an
                                                                                            expense. Apart from certain temporary
     payments may be recaptured by the          RRSP, that amount can be deducted
                                                                                            withdrawals allowed for a home
     government if you earn more than a         from the income that you report on
                                                                                            purchase or education, any money you
     certain amount of money — $64,718          your personal income tax return for
                                                                                            take out of your RRSP is considered
     in 2008 — from other sources.              the year. So, for example, if you earn
                                                                                            income and is taxable, just like
                                                $30,000 a year, have income from no
     In addition to OAS, you might                                                          withdrawals made after you retire. The
                                                other sources and contribute $2,000 to
     qualify for the Guaranteed Income                                                      bank would be required to deduct a
                                                your RRSP, your taxable income for the
     Supplement (GIS) if your income                                                        certain percentage of such withdrawals,
                                                year falls to $28,000.
     falls below a certain level.                                                           a “withholding tax,” and send it to the
                                              > Plan earnings are tax-deferred.            government toward the taxes owing
> 2. Workplace pension plans. Some
                                                 The earnings that you get from your        on the withdrawal. The actual amount
      employers offer a workplace group
                                                 plan (also referred to as “investment      of tax would be adjusted according to
      savings or pension plan. In many
                                                 income”) are not subject to tax while      your personal tax bracket when you
      cases, both you and your employer
                                                 the funds remain in your RRSP. In          file your tax return. You may consider
      will contribute to such a plan, with
                                                 other words, the tax is “deferred”         consulting with a qualified tax advisor
      the savings used to provide income
                                                 until later. The income earned on          before making a withdrawal from your
      for you in retirement.
3   Investments                                                                                     Saving for retirement in Canada: How RBC Royal Bank can help

RRSP so that you can make an informed             notified you of any error that needed to
decision about any tax implications.              be addressed. Because the tax laws can               What you need
                                                  be confusing, it’s a good idea to do this            to open an RRSP
Because RRSPs offer generous tax breaks,
                                                  before making contributions. You can
there’s a limit on how much you can
                                                  begin making RRSP contributions after                 You can open an RRSP in a single visit
contribute each year. Your maximum
                                                  you’ve been working in Canada for at                  to any RBC Royal Bank branch. To open
contribution is generally 18% of the
                                                  least one year.                                       an account and make a contribution,
amount that you earned during the                                                                       you must have:
previous year, up to a specified dollar           You might also want to consider setting
                                                                                                        > A social insurance number
maximum set by the government, less               up a spousal RRSP, which is an RRSP
any pension adjustment related to an              registered in your spouse’s name. You                 > Earned income in a previous year,
employer pension.                                 can put your entire contribution into                    based on a filed income tax return.
                                                  either plan, or split your contribution               If you haven’t started working yet
Your maximum contribution in 2008,                                                                      and don’t have a social insurance
                                                  in whatever proportion you want
for example, would depend on what you                                                                   number, you can go to any Service
                                                  between the two. An RBC Royal Bank
earned in 2007. If you earned $30,000                                                                   Canada location. You’ll need to show
                                                  representative can help you determine
in 2007, then you could contribute                                                                      an original document that proves your
                                                  if a spousal RRSP is a good strategy for
up to $5,400 (this example excludes                                                                     identity and status in Canada (such as
                                                  your situation, as there are a number of
company pension). The maximum                                                                           a Certificate of Canadian Citizenship or
                                                  things to consider.
dollar amount for 2008 is $20,000 and                                                                   Permanent Resident Card). Once your
is scheduled to increase by $1,000 each                                                                 application is completed, you should
                                                  RRSPs for other life goals
year, reaching $22,000 in 2010. If you                                                                  be able to get your social insurance
                                                  The main purpose of an RRSP is to help
don’t contribute the maximum in any                                                                     number within five working days.
                                                  you save for your retirement. But the
year, your unused contribution room                                                                     There are additional important
                                                  government also allows you to use the
is carried forward and added to your                                                                    decisions to be made when opening
                                                  funds for other important life goals.
contribution room the following year. If                                                                an RRSP. Take the time to meet
you’re not in the habit of contributing           > 1. Buying a home. The RRSP Home                    with your RBC representative to
the maximum every year, this RRSP                       Buyers’ Plan lets you and your                  discuss your options and make your
“unused deduction limit,” as it’s called,               spouse withdraw up to $20,000                   decisions carefully.
can grow very large.                                    each, tax-free, from your respective
                                                        RRSPs to build or buy a home. To
If you filed a personal income tax return                                                                 first repayment is due two years
                                                        be eligible for the plan, you and
last year, your contribution limit for this                                                               after the year of the withdrawal.
                                                        your spouse must have not owned
year is easy to figure out. Just look at                                                             > 2. Going to school. The Lifelong
                                                        and occupied, as your principal
your Notice of Assessment — the letter                                                                     Learning Plan lets you withdraw
                                                        residence, a home in Canada in the
you received from the government after                                                                     up to $10,000 per year over four
                                                        past five years. You are required to
you filed your return that confirmed                                                                       years, tax-free, from your RRSP
                                                        repay the amounts withdrawn back
the calculations on your return or                                                                         to a maximum of $20,000. The
                                                        into your RRSPs over 15 years. The

    Do you need an RRSP if you’re planning not to retire in Canada?
    Even if you plan to retire in a different country, contributing to an RRSP here in Canada can provide a number of benefits:

    > You’ll get a tax deduction for your          time, your RRSP can stay here and               tax treaty. As well, the money you receive
      contributions and your RRSP earnings will     continue to grow.                               may have tax implications in your country
      be tax-deferred for Canadian tax purposes                                                     of residence that will also need to be taken
                                                  > You can take money out of the plan even
      as long as they stay in the plan.                                                             into consideration. U.S. taxpayers need to
                                                     if you don’t live in Canada. Withdrawals
                                                                                                    be aware of U.S. tax consequences even
    > If you leave the country for an extended      made by non-residents are subject to
                                                                                                    while they are living in Canada.
                                                     25% Canadian tax, perhaps less under a
4    Investments                                                                            Saving for retirement in Canada: How RBC Royal Bank can help

      funds must be used to pay for the            need for the future. One of the most
      education of you or your spouse              effective ways to help you reach             Turning your savings
      (not your child). You must repay the         your savings goals is to set up a            into retirement income
      full amount over 10 years.                   regular contribution plan. At RBC
                                                   Royal Bank, you can make automatic            Suppose that you’ve been
Whether you withdraw funds from
                                                   contributions with RSP-Matic®.                contributing regularly to your RRSP
your RRSP for a home purchase or
                                                   Contributions, which can be as low            over the years, and now have a
for education, if you don’t pay back
                                                   as $25, are deducted automatically            substantial amount in your plan. How
the minimum required, a portion of
                                                   from your bank account every                  do you get the money out?
the funds that you withdrew will be
                                                   month, week or on whatever                    As mentioned above, withdrawals you
considered income for that year and
                                                   schedule works best for you.                  make are taxable. However, there are
you’ll have to pay tax on that money.
                                                                                                 a few options that you should consider
                                               > 3. Let your investments grow for
                                                                                                 when you are ready to retire and start
Tips for maximizing your RRSP savings                the long term. For a long-term
                                                                                                 turning your RRSP into a source
Here are some easy strategies that will              goal like retirement, you need
                                                                                                 of income:
help you make the most of your RRSP.                 investments that have the potential
                                                     to earn returns higher than the rate        > Buy an annuity. With an annuity, you
> 1. Start today. No matter what age you                                                        give a sum of money to an insurance
                                                     of inflation. Usually, that means
      are when you start your RRSP, you’ll                                                       company that, in return, will make
                                                     including some growth-oriented
      benefit immediately from the tax                                                           regular payments to you (usually
                                                     investments like equity mutual
      savings and tax-deferred compound                                                          monthly) of a guaranteed amount
      growth. The chart on this page                                                             for the rest of your life or a specified
      shows how even small amounts can         To learn more about how RBC Royal                 period. You will pay tax on the
      add up quickly, especially when you      Bank can help you save for retirement,            payments in the year you receive them.
      start early.                             just visit any branch to talk to an RBC           > Transfer your RRSP to a Registered
                                               advisor. We can work with you to help             Retirement Income Fund (RRIF). A
> 2. Commit to regular savings. We all
                                               identify your retirement savings needs            RRIF is similar to an RRSP. Like your
      have a lot of day-to-day expenses.
                                               and develop an action plan to help you            RRSP, the money in your RRIF grows
      Sometimes, it can be hard to
                                               reach your goals.                                 tax-deferred until you withdraw it. But
      remember to set aside what you                                                             rather than making contributions as
                                                                                                 you do with an RRSP, you must make at
    Small amounts make a big difference                                                          least minimum withdrawals from your
                                                                                                 RRIF each year. All amounts withdrawn
                                                                                                 are considered taxable income.
    Tax-deferred compound growth makes an RRSP a powerful investment vehicle
    no matter how old you are when you start to contribute. But as this illustration             You can have both an annuity and a
    shows, the growth potential is truly astonishing, when you start young. This                 RRIF. The benefits to having a RRIF are
    illustration assumes an annual compound growth rate of 7%.                                   its flexibility and ongoing tax deferral.
                                                                                                 You should also know that you don’t
    Your goal: To have $500,000 in my RRSP by the time I am 65
    									                                                                                    have to convert your RRSP when you
    If you start when you are 25, you will need to contribute:                                   retire. Depending on whether you
               $203 a month                                                                      need the income, you might choose
                                                                                                 to convert earlier or later. The only
    If you start when you are 35, you will need to contribute:                                   requirement is that you must convert
    		               $428 a month                                                                your RRSP to some form of retirement
                                                                                                 income by the end of the calendar
    If you start when you are 45, you will need to contribute:
                                                                                                 year in which you turn 71.
    				                             $986 a month
                                                                                                 Your RBC representative can help you
    If you start when you are 50, you will need to contribute:                                   decide when to convert your RRSP
    						                                              $1,608 a month                           and which option to choose.
5   Investments                                                                                                                   Saving for retirement in Canada: How RBC Royal Bank can help

    Important terms                                                                                                                   How RBC Royal Bank can help

    Here is an explanation of some important terms you may encounter when considering                                                 For more information about how we
    your retirement savings options or that you’ve read on these pages:                                                               can help newcomers to Canada,
                                                                                                                                      please visit our Website:
    Compounding. Investment income that is                        Mutual fund. A portfolio of investments                   
    earned on previously earned investment                        managed by professionals on behalf of a
                                                                                                                                      We have created publications
    income. This “income on income” means                         number of investors, who own “units” in
                                                                                                                                      specifically for newcomers to Canada
    growth in the income over time.                               the fund.
                                                                                                                                      on the following topics.
    Dividends. Company earnings that are                          Registered Retirement Income Fund                                   >  Bank accounts
    paid out to its shareholders.                                 (RRIF). A tax-deferred investment account                           >  Credit
    Earned income. For the purpose of                             to which you transfer RRSP assets to                                >  Buying a car
    calculating your RRSP contribution limit,                     provide a stream of income during                                   >  Buying a home
    earned income is generally the money                          retirement, as provided in the Income                               >  General insurance
    made by you from employment. It can                           Tax Act.                                                            >  Creditor insurance
    also include net rental income, royalties                     Registered Retirement Savings Plan                                  >  Registered Retirement Savings
    and some other types of income.                               (RRSP). A special investment account in                                 Accounts
                                                                  which contributions can be tax deductible                           > Registered Education Savings
    Guaranteed Investment Certificate (GIC).
                                                                  and investment earnings are tax-deferred,                               Accounts
    A type of deposit investment that pays
                                                                  as provided in the Income Tax Act.                                  > Investing
    a predetermined rate of interest for a
    specified term.                                               Tax deduction. An amount that is                                    These publications also exist in the
                                                                  subtracted from your income before your                             following languages:
    Interest. Payments made by a borrower
                                                                  taxes are calculated.                                                   English                        Tamil
    to a lender for the use of the lender’s
                                                                                                                                          French                         Tagalog
    money, or paid on deposits at a bank or                       Tax-deferred. An investment holding
    investment company.                                           within a registered plan, that is not                                   Chinese (traditional           Farsi
                                                                  subject to tax until funds are withdrawn.                               and simplified)                Korean
    Money Market Funds. A type of mutual
                                                                                                                                          Punjabi                        Romanian
    fund that invests mostly in short-term,
                                                                                                                                          Hindi                          Spanish
    government-issued debt and other low-
                                                                                                                                          Urdu                           Russian
    risk, cash-equivalent investments.

                                                                                                                                     Please feel free to ask for the publications
                                                                                                                                     of your choice.

                  The material in this article is intended as a general source of information only, and should not be construed as offering specific tax, legal, financial or investment advice.
                  Every effort has been made to ensure that the material is correct at time of publication, but we cannot guarantee its accuracy or completeness. Interest rates, market
                  conditions, tax rulings and other investment factors are subject to rapid change. Individuals should consult with their personal tax advisor, accountant, or legal profes-
                  sional before taking any action based upon the information contained in this article.
                  Financial planning services and investment advice are provided by Royal Mutual Funds Inc. Royal Mutual Funds Inc., RBC Asset Management Inc., Royal Bank of Canada,
                  Royal Trust Corporation of Canada and The Royal Trust Company are separate corporate entities which are affiliated. Royal Mutual Funds Inc. is licensed as a financial
                  services firm in the province of Quebec. Using borrowed money to finance the purchase of securities involves greater risk than a purchase using cash resources only.
                  Should you borrow money to purchase securities, your responsibility to repay the loan as required by its terms remains the same even if the value of the securities
                  purchased declines.
                  ® Registered trademarks of Royal Bank of Canada. RBC and Royal Bank are registered trademarks of Royal Bank of Canada.
                  © 2008 Royal Bank of Canada. All rights reserved. Printed in Canada.                                                                                          76728 (01/2008)
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