Do you believe this "I am the resurrection and the life; - Mater Christi Church

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Do you believe this "I am the resurrection and the life; - Mater Christi Church
“I am the resurrection and the life;
 whoever believes in me, even if he dies, will live,
   and everyone who lives and believes in me
                  will never die.

     Do you believe this?”
                                          —John 11:25-26

                            Mater Christi Catholic Church
The Fifth Sunday of              2401 S. 10th Avenue
        Lent                 North Riverside, IL 60546
   March 21, 2021                   (708) 442-5611
Do you believe this "I am the resurrection and the life; - Mater Christi Church
Mass Intentions for the Week
Monday, March 22       8:00 a.m.      For all who are ill or recovering from COVID-19
Tuesday, March 23      8:00 a.m.      James Zak
Wednesday, March 24    8:00 a.m.      For all parishioners of Mater Christi, St. Hugh, and St. Mary
Thursday, March 25     8:00 a.m.      Thomas Murphy
Friday, March 26       8:00 a.m.      Robert Marshall
Saturday, March 27     8:00 a.m.      Anthony Schiavone
                       5:00 p.m.      Irene VanGoethem
Sunday, March 28       8:00 a.m.      The Stumpo Family, Deceased members of the Tangorra Family, Helen Puccini
                       9:30 a.m.      David Piekarski, Dalton Lee Brown, Alicia Cecconi, Rosemarie Skisak, Rosa
                                      Guzman, Jaso & José Gonzalez Monroy
                       11:00 a.m.     Alberta Peruzzo

Sam Abbinante                       Katherine Karynicki
Donna Accetta                          Norman Kirkley                                       We Welcome the Newly
Pola Aguirre                           Theresa Kledzik                                     Baptized into our Family!
Arturo Anguiano, Jr.                       Virginia Kott
Dolores Avelar                           Jim Kratochvil                                    Aviana Ramirez and
Lisa Barreto                         Joseph Kratochvil                                      Zayden Ramirez
Brent Bernal                            Kathleen Lewis                                     Children of Juan Ramirez and
Linda Bronsteader                     Benicio Martinez                                             Alvina Fejzic
Janet Broucek                          Helen Martinkus
Del Burns                                     Jim Mehr
Alicia C.                                 Spencer Mehr                        Born into Eternal Life
Celeste Casper                              Lucila Nash
Catherine Costabile                   Steven Obremski
Gerri Cozzi                           Dean Pennacchio
Raymond DeBoth                         Beth Pennacchio                      William DeCoster
Rose DeSimone                           Rob Piotrowski
Therese Dolmant                           Elsie Piszczor
Edward Dragosh                          Donna Reisiger                   Please remember in your prayers,
Dorothy Dunajcik                              Mark Rini            those who have died, as well as their families.
Barbara Garbarski                    Rosa Maria Santos
Antonio Garcia                         Daniele Santucci               Need to schedule a mass intention?
Midge Galloro                         Lorraine Schmect
Anthony Gorski                            David Sheffer
Elena Gorski                          Margaret Shether
                                                                  Please remember that space is available for mass
Debra Henley                               Sam Smetko              intentions for loved ones, especially during our
Larry Hersh                                  Fran Smith              weekday masses. Please call the rectory at
Nancy Hicks                             Laurney Stieger         (708) 442-5611 at least two weeks prior to the mass
Robert Holas                               Jamie Vayda             that you would like the intention scheduled for.
Irene Horacek                             Max Venchus                                   Thank you!
Una Kucena                                  Pat Zdarsky
Rosemary Kamykowski
Linda Kariotis
                                                                Please note that any Mass intentions for the week of
                                                                March 29 (March 29-April 4) that were received by
 Please inform the parish office if a name should               the office after March 17th will not be published in
  be removed from the prayer list to be able to                the bulletin due to an early submission deadline from
      accommodate the needs of others that                     our publisher. Intentions will be said at the indicated
                                                                Mass, as usual. Due to an early bulletin submission
             may need to be added.
                                                                deadline for the April 4th bulletin, inclusions for the
                                                                 April 4 bulletin must be received by March 24th.
Do you believe this "I am the resurrection and the life; - Mater Christi Church
Mater Christi Catholic Church Lent/Easter Schedule
Weekly Stations of the Cross
Stations of the Cross will be held in the church at 7:00pm every Friday during Lent, ending on Friday, March 26th. Advanced
sign-up is not required for the weekly Stations of the Cross. Sign-in will be required upon arrival at the church.

Palm Sunday of the Lord’s Passion—Weekend of March 27th and 28th
Palm Sunday Masses will be celebrated during the normal weekly Mass schedule for the weekend of March 27th and 28th. Mass
times are Saturday, March 27th at 5:00pm,, Sunday March 28th at 8:00am, 9:30am, and 11:00am.

Holy Thursday Mass—Thursday, April 1st
Holy Thursday Mass will be celebrated at 7:00pm in the church. Due to COVID-19 protocols, foot washing WILL NOT be
performed. Adoration will follow until 10:00pm in the church. (Mass and Adoration will have a livestream option in the Marian
Room with Communion distribution at the 7:00pm Mass)

Good Friday—Friday, April 2nd
Stations of the Cross—3:00pm, Good Friday of the Lord’s Passion Service—7:00pm (Stations of the Cross and the Good Friday of
the Lord’s Passion Service will have a livestream option in the Marian Room)

Holy Saturday—Saturday, April 3rd
Blessing of Easter Baskets outside by the Mother of Mothers Shrine—12:00pm, Easter Vigil—7:00pm
(Easter Vigil will have a livestream option in the Marian Room with Communion distribution at the 7:00pm Mass)

Easter Sunday—Sunday, April 4th
Easter Sunday Masses—8:00am, 9:30am, and 11:00am (Masses will have a livestream option in the Marian Room with Communion
distribution for all Masses)

Please visit our parish website at to sign up via SignUp Genius for Lenten services/Easter Masses or
call the parish office at (708) 442-5611. PLEASE NOTE THAT MASKS ARE REQUIRED TO BE WORN IN THE CHURCH AT

         Be a part of our Lent/Easter Altar Arts & Environment! Create a Prayer Rock for
                                     our Altar Prayer Garden!
   As we are passing the halfway point of Lent, we would like to offer a creative way for all parishioners to
  participate in our Altar Arts & Environment this Lent and Easter season. Parishioners are asked to write an
 intention or prayer on rocks provided by Mater Christi that will be added to a prayer garden within the Altar
Arts & Environment in the church. Rocks will be available for pickup at the school main entrance. A box will
  be available at the school main entrance to return finished prayer rocks or rocks may be returned when you
                                    check in upon arrival at weekend Mass.

    Any further questions can be sent via email to Bryant Rouleau, Facility Manager/Arts & Environment
                            Coordinator at
Do you believe this "I am the resurrection and the life; - Mater Christi Church
Mater Christi
                             Holy Name Society


             Sunday, March 28th at 3:00pm
                   25 Baskets will be Raffled!
     EACH BASKET will include: Spiral Cut Ham,
      Smoked Sausage, Rye Bread, Butter Lamb,
     Eggs, Egg Coloring, Easter Lamb Cake, Solid
   Milk Chocolate Bunny, Jelly Beans, Peeps, Easter
              Lily, and so much more...
              Advanced entry purchase is required!
   Visit for entry forms for both the
             Basket Raffle and Split-the-Pot Raffle!
DON’T FORGET THE KIDS!!—Easter Basket coloring sheets are available on the parish
          website! 2 lucky participants will receive a Target Gift Card!
There will be no physical gathering this year! The Inaugural Easter Basket Raffle and
  Split-the-Pot will be streamed on Sunday, March 28th at 3:00pm. A link will be
    provided on the Mater Christi website,, to allow
                     everyone to witness the winning moments!
     All entries must be received by March 27th at 12:00 noon!!

    For questions or more information, contact Stephen Piszczor
                         at (708) 602-1927
Do you believe this "I am the resurrection and the life; - Mater Christi Church
Renew My Church                                      Sunday Offertory-March 14

           The Archdiocese of Chicago has                           Sunday Offertory, March 14            $4,315
           released the New Parish Decree
                                                                    Second Collection, March 14
           from Cardinal Cupich in regards                                Faith Formation Fund            $ 777
           to the joining of Mater Christi,                               Mother of Mothers Shrine        $1,265
St. Mary and St. Hugh on July 1, 2021.
                                                                      Thank you for your generous support of
This Decree can be viewed by clicking on                             Mater Christi Church. Please continue to
the black link entitled “RMC New Parish                             send in your weekly offertory by mail, drop
Decree” on the home page of our parish                              off during Mass, and at the rectory. Our on
website at                               line giving portal is open 24 hours a day.
For parishioners without internet access,                            For those who would like to take a look at
copies of the New Parish Decree are                                   our Online Giving portal, a step-by-step
available in the vestibule of church.                                  tutorial video is now on our website at
Parishioner naming suggestions for the
newly combined parish must be completed                                Simply click on the green Online Giving
by Sunday, March 21st. Details and online                           icon to the left of the website page to see the
parishioner survey are posted at the top of                         video. You can offer a one-time donation to
our parish website homepage at                                        support any of the funds listed in the drop If there are                                 down menu or a recurring offertory,
any questions, please speak with Father Matt                               eliminating the need to visit the
after Mass.                                                                         site each week.
    Prayer for Renew My Church
                                                                       For Online Giving assistance, financial
Lord Jesus, you speak to us today, as you                               questions or concerns, please contact
spoke to holy men and women who have
gone before us. In every age and in our own                             Kathleen Keen, Business Manager, at
time, you call to us and say: Renew My                      or

Pour out the gift of your Holy Spirit upon
us, and so enable us to hear you clearly, to listen to each other
attentively, to imagine our future boldly, to discern your
direction wisely, to persevere in your holy will courageously,
to stay together in charity, to surrender our own plans readily,
to embrace the greater good, to hand on your gifts to future

May we remain in the holy company of the Blessed Virgin
Mary, the apostles, and all the saints. May their example and
presence inspire us with patient confidence in the work of your
grace. We ask this of you who live and reign with the Father in
the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever. Amen

 As a reminder, the offertory box for all
 donations is now located in the Narthex
 (back) of church on the right side of the
main aisle. Please drop your donations in
     the box when arriving to Mass.
Do you believe this "I am the resurrection and the life; - Mater Christi Church
Presider Schedule for                  300 CLUB RAFFLE WINNERS
            Weekend Masses
                                                February 28, 2021
                                                1st Prize   Eugene Koszala
Saturday, March 20th                            2nd Prize Kathy Garcia
5:00pm—Rev. Matthew Nemchausky
                                                March 7, 2021
Sunday, March 21st                              1st Prize Maureen Ferriter
8:00am—Rev. Matthew Nemchausky                  2nd Prize Tony Novak
9:30am—Rev. Matthew Nemchausky
11:00am—Rev. M. Cyril Nemecek                   March 14, 2021
                                                1st Prize Eileen & Leon Stachewicz
Saturday, March 27th                            2nd Prize Jane & Jeffrey Kasal
5:00pm—Rev. M. Cyril Nemecek

Sunday, March 28th
8:00am—Rev. Matthew Nemchausky
9:30am—Rev. Matthew Nemchausky
11:00am—Rev. Matthew Nemchausky                  Next weekend, March 27th and 28th,
                                                 we will celebrate Palm Sunday of the
                                                   Lord’s Passion. Please sign up for
                                                 Masses via the SignUp Genius on our
                                                             parish website,
                                                       or call the parish office at
                                                  (708) 442-5611 to sign up for Mass

   Mater Christi Catholic Church

                                                  For the respect and safety of your fellow
                                                worshipers at Mass, please DO NOT come to
                                                Mass if you are feeling ill. However, if you do
                                                begin to cough or sneeze during Mass, please
                                                   excuse yourself outside of the building.
   If you were unable to come to Mass and
  would like a weekly bulletin, copies of The   As a reminder, please wear a mask for the entire
  Word are in the parish office and are also      duration of the Mass and upon entering and
             available online at                  exiting the church. Please ensure the mask
                                                covers both the nose and mouth. We thank you
                                                              for your cooperation.
Do you believe this "I am the resurrection and the life; - Mater Christi Church
Pastoral Staff                               Renew My Church Grouping Parishes

 Rev. Matthew Nemchausky                      Pastor                St. Hugh - 7939 W. 43rd St., Lyons
 Rev. M. Cyril Nemecek              Pastor Emeritus                 (708) 447-3108 -
 Julie Paitl            Faith Formation Coordinator                 Mass: Sat. 4:00pm, Sun.,8:00am and 10:30am
 Jeanine Watylyk                  Director of Music                 Wed-Thurs-Fri 10:30 am (sign-up or sign in at the
                                                                    door if available)
                                                                    Reconciliation: Saturdays 11:15 to 12:15 pm by
                        Office Staff                                appointment.
 Kathleen Keen                      Business Manager                               St. Mary - 105 Herrick Rd., Riverside
                                                                    (708) 447-1020 -
 Yolanda Infante                              Office Secretary      Sign-up required for all services.
 Ann Weber                                    Office Secretary      Mass: Sat. 5:00pm, Sun. 8:00am, 10:00am and 5:00pm
                                                                    Weekday Mass: Mon., Tue, Thu, and Fri. 8:30am
                       Facility Staff                               Adoration and Divine Mercy Chaplet on Thursdays
 Bryant Rouleau                              Facility Manager       3:00-9:00pm
                                                                    Reconciliation following Sat. 5:00pm Mass
                     Parish Contacts                                Drive up Communion: 11-11:30am at 40 E. Burlington St.
 Rectory/Parish Office                         (708) 442-5611                                    Please stay in your car and someone will guide you.

 Fax                                    (708) 442-1306
 Convent (School Sisters Notre Dame) (708) 447-0032
 Fr. Cy Nemecek                         (708) 442-8168
 Fr. Matthew Nemchausky
 Julie Paitl             Mother of Mothers Shrine Engraved Bricks
                                                                      are available to order. A 4” X 8” brick is
                Office Hours of Operation                             available with a gift of $200 to $500, and
     10:00am to 2:00pm, Monday through Friday, by
    appointment only. Closed Saturdays, Sundays, and                 an 8” X 8” brick is available with a gift of
                       Holidays.                                                     $500 or more.
                    Organizations                                    If you are interested, please call the rectory
       Holy Name Society — Women’s Guild                              at (708) 442-5611 or contact via email at

                    MASS SCHEDULE                                                 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION
Sabbath Liturgy                                                     R.E. classes are held on Saturday mornings during the school
         Saturday                                     5:00p.m.      year. Please contact the rectory office for further
         Sunday                          8:00, 9:30, 11:00a.m.      information.
Daily Liturgy                                                                         MINISTRY OF CARE
         Monday thru Saturday                       8:00a.m.        Ministers of Care visit the homes of the sick, homebound or
Holy Day Liturgy                           8:00a.m & 7:00p.m.       hospitalized and bring Holy Communion to them. The
                                                                    Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick is administered by the
                   RECONCILIATION                                   parish priest upon request. Medical privacy laws necessitate the
The Sacrament of Reconciliation is offered each Saturday from       family’s notification of the Church if a patient would like to
4:15 - 4:40 PM or by appointment.                                   receive a visit. Please call the Parish Office to make
Sacrament of Baptism is celebrated at 12:30 on the first & third
Sunday of each month but we gladly accept any requests. If you
are celebrating the Baptism of your first child we ask you par-
ticipate in a parent meeting. Please call the rectory to schedule
your child’s Baptism.
If you are recently engaged, Congratulations! Please call the
rectory to set a date!
Do you believe this "I am the resurrection and the life; - Mater Christi Church Do you believe this "I am the resurrection and the life; - Mater Christi Church Do you believe this "I am the resurrection and the life; - Mater Christi Church
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