DISRUPTION IN THE SUPPLY CHAIN - Bottlenecks at ports create ripple effects across the country and around the world.

Page created by Christian Brady
DISRUPTION IN THE SUPPLY CHAIN - Bottlenecks at ports create ripple effects across the country and around the world.

DISRUPTION IN                          COV ER
THE SUPPLY CHAIN                         12

Bottlenecks at ports create ripple effects
across the country and around the world.

Vaccinating the

Try Sitting in the
Driver’s Seat

GCCA Announces
25th European Cold
Chain Conference

 Fisher           ed wit
 G ro u p           y t h e
             uilt b
    CEBA B
         Be A
           s t
           Page 1
DISRUPTION IN THE SUPPLY CHAIN - Bottlenecks at ports create ripple effects across the country and around the world.

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DISRUPTION IN THE SUPPLY CHAIN - Bottlenecks at ports create ripple effects across the country and around the world.

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DISRUPTION IN THE SUPPLY CHAIN - Bottlenecks at ports create ripple effects across the country and around the world.
                                                                                             JANUARY-FEBRUARY 2022

                       DEPARTMENTS                                              FEATURES

38	Cold Chain Development                                                      Vaccinating the Unvaccinated
41	Cool Solutions                                                              President issues controversial emergency temporary
42	Industry Calendar                                                           standard to curb COVID-19.
                                                                                By Lowell Randel and Jordan Bonfitto
45	Member News
47	Ad Index
47	New Members

                                                                                Disruption in the Supply Chain
48	Association News
                                                                                Bottlenecks at ports create ripple effects across   COV ER
                                                                                the country and around the world.                   STORY
                       COLUMNS                                                  By Alexandra Walsh

06	Leadoff
50	Cool People

                                                                                Fisher Construction Group Recipient of
                                                                                CEBA Built By the Best Award
                                                   JANUARY-FEBRUARY 2022
                                                                                Shared campus provides best-in-cold solutions for
                                                                                customer Dole Fruit.
    DISRUPTION IN                              R
                                          COVE Y

    Bottlenecks at ports create ripple

                                                                                By Keith Loria
    across the country and around the

    Vaccinating the

    Try Sitting in the
    Driver’s Seat
                                                                                Try Sitting in the Driver’s Seat

                                                                                A point of view on warehouse-truck driver relations.
     GCCA Announces
     25th European Cold
     Chain Conference

             PLUS ction
       Fisher          d with
               Honore the
       Group          by
          CEBA         rd
              Best Awa

                                                                                GCCA Announces 25th
                                                                                European Cold Chain Conference
About the Cover                                                                 Over 120 decision makers in the temperature-
The increased volume of imports into the
                                                                                controlled logistics sector are expected to attend to
United States is creating challenges all
through the supply chain including too                                          learn, network and view exhibits.
many shipping containers around the world                                       By Julie Hanson
– not where they are supposed to be. See
the article on page 12.

                                                                                    18                             28                        30

4                               • JANUARY-FEBRUARY 2022
DISRUPTION IN THE SUPPLY CHAIN - Bottlenecks at ports create ripple effects across the country and around the world.
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DISRUPTION IN THE SUPPLY CHAIN - Bottlenecks at ports create ripple effects across the country and around the world.

                                                                                                       COLD FACTS magazine is published every other

Another Year of                                                                                        month by the Global Cold Chain Alliance
                                                                                                       (GCCA), an organization that unites partners to be

Resilient Growth
                                                                                                       innovative leaders in the temperature-controlled
                                                                                                       products industry. The GCCA Core Partners are:

                                                                                                       The International Association of Refrigerated
                                                                                                       Warehouses (IARW), which promotes excellence

          S WE START THE NEW YEAR,                       In 2022, increased automation in refriger-    in the global temperature-controlled warehouse
                                                                                                       and logistics industry.
          THE VISIBILITY AND NEED FOR                ated warehouses will continue, especially as
          THE COLD CHAIN INDUSTRY                    capacity continues to increase and technolog-     The World Food Logistics Organization
          CONTINUES TO INCREASE                      ical advances are utilized more prominently       (WFLO), which delivers education and research
significantly, as it has throughout the pandemic.    in new facilities. Additionally, recruitment      to the industry and empowers economic devel-
                                                                                                       opment by strengthening the global cold chain.
Consequently, it is no surprise the cold chain       and talent are critical for the industry to
industry is continuing to grow domestically and      keep the cold chain stable, safe and efficient,   The International Refrigerated Transportation
globally. Based on GCCA member capacity, we          especially with the pandemic-related labor        Association (IRTA), which cultivates, fosters and
have seen an increase of nearly 20% from 2020        shortages. That is why we have training and       develops commercial and trade relations between
                                                                                                       all those engaged in the transportation and logis-
to 2021. Our comprehensive global capacity           leadership programs such as the WFLO              tics of temperature-controlled commodities.
study will be revised in 2022.                       Institute. It is also why we are continuing to
   Not only has the industry’s profile risen,        develop programs to help our members with         The Controlled Environment Building
                                                                                                       Association (CEBA) represents the design
but the supply chain has also demonstrated           recruitment, retention, training, job task
                                                                                                       and construction industry specializing in
great strength and resiliency in responding          analysis and industry promotion.                  temperature-­controlled facilities that prioritize
to disruptions over the last 18 months. As               As we learned throughout the pandemic, it     product safety best practices. We are the source
evident in this issue’s cover article on supply      is hard to predict what challenges may be         for best practices of building and maintaining
                                                                                                       the thermal envelope.
chain disruptions, member companies have             coming around the corner. What I can assure
adapted to these changing conditions. The            is that GCCA will continue to elevate cold
agility to anticipate and respond to any chal-       chain visibility and policy as a major priority                 CONTACT US:
lenge is going to be essential for future success.   for the industry. And in the year ahead, we
I expect we will continue to see some of the         will ensure that GCCA programs, services and                  COLD FACTS Magazine
                                                                                                                  Global Cold Chain Alliance
disruptions impacting ports and containers           advocacy efforts help to raise up the industry
                                                                                                                    Attn: Megan Costello
well into this year.                                 and serve the needs of all our member                          241 18th Street South
   While there will most certainly be continued      companies worldwide and provide a tangible                            Suite 620
supply chain challenges in 2022, the increased       return at the end of the day.                                 Arlington, Virginia 22202
                                                                                                                         United States
public awareness of the supply chain gives us
a lot of optimism. There is more recognition                            MATTHEW OTT, CAE, CMP              tel +1 703 373 4300 fax +1 703 373 4301
on the importance of the supply chain and, as                           PRESIDENT AND CEO                   mcostello@gcca.org | www.gcca.org
a result, policy makers are playing closer atten-                       GCCA
tion to supply chain issues than ever before.
The pandemic may have already put a spotlight                                                          COLD FACTS welcomes editorial ideas;
                                                                                                       contact Editor-In-Chief Alexandra Walsh at
on the supply chain, but we need to continue                                                           +1 301 523 3318 or awalsh@associationvision.com.
that focus to ensure that future policies move                                                         Contact Jeff Rhodes at +1 410 584 1994 or
us in the right direction for the future.                                                              jeff.rhodes@mci-group.com for advertising
                                                                                                       opportunities in GCCA publications.
   GCCA has met with high level govern-
ment officials in both the Administration                                                              Design by SWALLIS Design, San Francisco,
and Congress to highlight the challenges and                                                           California, USA.
opportunities facing the food supply chain. We
                                                                                                       While the material in this publication has been
will continue to elevate supply chain policy as                                                        compiled with care, the Global Cold Chain
a major priority, and work with policy makers                                                          Alliance (GCCA) has not validated all of the
to strengthen the food supply chain so it can                                                          information contained herein and does not
                                                                                                       assume any responsibility for its use, accuracy,
continue to withstand these disruptions and
                                                                                                       or applicability. As used above, GCCA shall
challenges as they come along in the future.                                                           mean the organization, GCCA Core Partners,
                                                                                                       and each organization’s directors, officers,
                                                                                                       employees, volunteers, members, and agents.


6              • JANUARY-FEBRUARY 2022
DISRUPTION IN THE SUPPLY CHAIN - Bottlenecks at ports create ripple effects across the country and around the world.
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DISRUPTION IN THE SUPPLY CHAIN - Bottlenecks at ports create ripple effects across the country and around the world.
                THE UNVACCINATED
                               President issues controversial emergency
                                temporary standard to curb COVID-19.
                                    By Lowell Randel and Jordan Bonfitto

     n September 2021, President Biden announced a six-pronged, comprehensive national
     strategy to put the nation on a path out of the pandemic. The strategy focuses on
     Vaccinating the Unvaccinated, Further Protecting the Vaccinated, Keeping Schools Safely
     Open, Increasing Testing and Requiring Masking, Protecting Our Economic Recovery,
and Improving Care for Those With COVID-19. Perhaps the most controversial piece of this
plan continues to be “Vaccinating the Unvaccinated.” Under President Biden’s directive, all
employers with more than 100 workers will be forced to require coronavirus vaccinations or
test employees weekly, affecting about 80 million Americans.
   To achieve this mandate, Biden instructed    Who Is Covered                                      What the Rule Requires
his Occupational Safety and Health Admin-       The ETS generally applies to employers in all       The core requirements of the ETS are:
istration (OSHA) to issue an emergency          workplaces that are under OSHA’s authority           1. PTO for vaccination – Up to four hours of
temporary standard (ETS) to minimize            and jurisdiction, including industries as diverse       paid time off, including travel time, at the
the risk of COVID-19 transmission in the        as manufacturing, retail, delivery services,            employee’s regular rate of pay per dose for
workplace. The ETS, which was released          warehouses, meatpacking, agriculture, con-              employees to get vaccinated (only for vac-
on November 4,, 2021, and published in          struction, logging, maritime and healthcare.            cinations that occur after the effective date of
the Federal Register on November 5, 2021,       Within these industries, all employers that have        the ETS).
establishes binding requirements to protect     a total of at least 100 employees firm- or corpo-    2. PTO to recover from vaccination –
unvaccinated employees of large employers       rate-wide, at any time the ETS is in effect, are        A reasonable amount of time off and paid
(100 or more employees) from the risk of        covered. This includes temporary and seasonal           sick leave to recover from side effects experi-
contracting COVID-19 in the workplace.          workers hired by the company. Workers techni-           enced following any vaccination dose (other
OSHA has claimed that the ETS is necessary to   cally employed by a staffing agency are counted         than booster shots) for recovering from
protect unvaccinated workers from the risk of   towards the employee count for the staffing             adverse effects of the vaccines.
contracting COVID-19 at work.                   agency and not theirs.

8             • JANUARY-FEBRUARY 2022
DISRUPTION IN THE SUPPLY CHAIN - Bottlenecks at ports create ripple effects across the country and around the world.
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DISRUPTION IN THE SUPPLY CHAIN - Bottlenecks at ports create ripple effects across the country and around the world.
3. Vaccination or testing to report to work          the employee’s mouth for reasons related           President Biden and the Department of
    – A soft-vaccine mandate, under which             to their job duties, when the work requires     Labor were quick to express their disap-
    an employee may only report to the                the use of the employee’s uncovered             pointment in the Supreme Court’s decision.
    workplace after demonstrating: Proof of           mouth, or when the use of a face covering       They continue to urge businesses to require
    being fully vaccinated or for employees           presents a risk of serious injury or death to   vaccinations for their employees. OSHA has
    who decline to get vaccinated or decline          the employee). Surprisingly, the ETS does       indicated it will be evaluating all options to
    to share their vaccination status, proof          NOT require employers to pay for any            ensure workers are protected from COVID.
    of a negative COVID-19 test result from           costs associated with face coverings, unless    OSHA went on to reiterate the agency will do
    within the last seven days.                       required by other laws, regulations or col-     everything in its existing authority to hold
       For the testing component of the rule,         lective bargaining agreements.                  businesses accountable for protecting workers,
    an employee who reports to a workplace         5. Removal from work of COVID-19 cases             including under the COVID-19 National
    where other individuals such as coworkers         – Requires each employee to promptly            Emphasis Program and General Duty Clause.
    or customers are present, at least one day        notify the employer when they receive a            GCCA has been heavily engaged in com-
    every seven days, must:                           positive COVID-19 test or are diagnosed         municating our concerns regarding the ETS
 • Be tested for COVID-19; and                        with COVID-19 by a licensed healthcare          through coalitions, grassroots campaigns,
 • Provide documentation of the most                  provider and immediately remove such            meetings with Congress and administra-
    recent COVID-19 test result to the                employees from the workplace and keep           tive officials throughout the process. GCCA
    employer no later than the seventh day            them removed until the employee: (i)            is very pleased with the Supreme Court’s
    following the date on which the employee          Receives a negative result on a COVID-19        decision and will continue to work with
    last provided a test result.                      nucleic acid amplification test (NAAT)          policy makers and like-minded partners as
       An employee who does not report to             following a positive result on a COVID-19       the process moves forward. GCCA members
    such a workplace during a period of seven         antigen test if the employee chooses to         are strongly encouraged to remain vigilant in
    or more days (e.g., teleworking for two           seek a NAAT test for confirmatory testing;      implementing their COVID health and safety
    weeks prior to reporting to a workplace           (ii) Meets the return to work criteria in       protocols in anticipation of possible increased
    with others) must:                                the CDC’s “Isolation Guidance”; or (iii)        OSHA enforcement activity in the wake of the
 • Be tested for COVID-19 within seven days           Receives a recommendation to return to          ETS decision.
    prior to returning to the workplace; and          work from a licensed healthcare provider.
 • Provide documentation of that test
    result to the employer upon return to         Court Actions and Next Steps                          LOWELL RANDEL is Senior Vice President,
                                                                                                        Government and Legal Affairs at GCCA.
    the workplace.                                Since OSHA published the ETS in the Federal
       If an employee does not provide            Register, petitioners have filed more than 30         EMAIL: lrandel@gcca.org
    documentation of a COVID-19 test result       separate lawsuits challenging the legality of         JORDAN BONFITTO is Director of Govern-
    as required above, the employer must          the ETS and moving to temporarily, and then           ment Affairs at GCCA.
    keep that employee removed from the           permanently, enjoin implementation of the             EMAIL: jbonfitto@gcca.org
    workplace until the employee provides a       ETS. The Fifth Circuit issued a preliminary
    test result.                                  stay blocking implementation of the ETS.
 4. Face coverings for unvaccinated workers       The cases were then consolidated and sent to
    – In addition to producing a negative         the Sixth Circuit for consideration. The Sixth
    COVID-19 test, for employees who decline      Circuit lifted the stay, which was appealed to
    vaccination, the employer must ensure         the Supreme Court. After hearing oral argu-
    they wear a face covering that fully covers   ments, the Supreme Court issued a ruling on
    the nose and mouth at all times while         January 13, 2022, to reinstate the stay, stating
    working indoors and when occupying            that OSHA had likely acted outside of its
    a vehicle with another person for work,       authority in establishing the sweeping vaccine
    regardless of the levels of community         and testing requirements for all businesses
    transmission. Consistent with current         with over 100 employees.
    OSHA guidance, the face covering require-        It is important to note that the Supreme
    ment does not apply when an employee is       Court action is technically only a tempo-
    alone in a room with floor to ceiling walls   rary stay of the ETS pending a full review of
    and a closed door, for brief periods while    the legal challenges to the rule by the Sixth
    the employee is eating or drinking or for     Circuit. However, the Court’s conservative jus-
    identification purposes in compliance         tices sent an unmistakable signal that the high
    with safety and security requirements, or     court’s conservative majority believes OSHA
    where the employer can show use of a face     exceeded its statutory authority in issuing
    covering is infeasible or creates a greater   a workplace standard to address an issue of
    hazard (e.g., when it is important to see     broad public health.

10            • JANUARY-FEBRUARY 2022
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By Alexandra Walsh

                       Bottlenecks at ports create ripple effects
                       across the country and around the world.

               rom choked ports on the West Coast to packed rail yards in the
               Midwest, the U.S. supply chain is straining under record-breaking
               demand because of growing e-commerce, worker and truck-
               chassis shortages and a shift to material goods as Americans
         avoided travel and social outings over the course of the pandemic.


                                                      The chokepoint on the West Coast of the            In an interview with Bloomberg in mid-
                                                   United States is one of many bottlenecks in        December, Harbor Trucking Association
                                                   the complex global supply chain web that           Chief Executive Officer Matt Schrap said
                                                   is contributing to delays, shortages of many       restrictions on empty-container returns at
                                                   goods and faster inflation worldwide.              major ports is the top issue that needs fixing
                                                                                                      to help ease U.S. supply chain bottlenecks.
                                                   At the Heart of the Jam                            He said they are storing thousands of empty
                                                   The Biden administration has been under            containers and chassis that cannot be used to
                                                   pressure to clear logjams in the supply chain      move the imports.
                                                   and ease inflationary pressures. Actions have         According to port regulations, trucking
                                                   included brokering agreements to shift to          companies have to make an appointment
                                                   round-the-clock operations at the ports of Los     to pick up a container off the dock. Trucks
                                                   Angeles and Long Beach – the biggest gateway       need a chassis – which are hooked to the
                                                   for imports – and pledges from retailers to        vehicles – to collect the import, but unless
                                                   expand their own shipping.                         they bring an empty container to free up the
                                                      In late October, the ports of Los Angeles       chassis, they are unable to move the import,
                                                   and Long Beach, which account for 40% of sea       according to Schrap.
                                                   freight entering the United States, announced         And he added that true round-the-clock
                                                   new fees aimed at ocean carriers to abate the      port operations are not yet in place.
                                                   intensifying logjam of cargo ships. By early
                                                   January, the ports had yet to implement the        Too Many Containers Not
                                                   container dwell fee citing a combined decline      Enough Chassis
                                                   of 47% in aging cargo on the docks and sig-        “The Ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach
                                                   nificant improvements in the supply chain.         have policies in place that have made a dif-
                                                      “The current supply chain crisis has had        ficult situation worse,” claims Larry Rauch,
                                                   many contributing factors, but it essen-           President, Los Angeles Cold Storage. “For
                                                   tially comes down to a single cause – the          instance, chassis and containers are separated
                                                   COVID-19 pandemic,” says Port of Long              and kept in different locations and separate
                                                   Beach Executive Director Mario Cordero.            appointments are required to take each back.
                                                   “The contributing factors are the surge of         If you are not able to get one of those appoint-
                                                   cargo, high number of unscheduled vessel           ments, then you’re stuck with the container
                                                   calls, a supply chain workforce impacted by        until you can get it back.”
                                                   COVID-19 and workplace accommodations                 Not being able to return containers cre-
Congestion at U.S. ports, particularly Los         throughout the supply chain that can limit         ates challenges for all types of warehouses
Angeles and Long Beach on the West Coast,          capacity.” Cordero adds that the congestion is     as drayage companies have no place to put
and a shortage of truck drivers have left some     not unique to the twin ports as many of the        containers and leave them at the warehouse
foreign food manufacturers struggling to get       current supply chain challenges were already       dock or in some cases on city streets. When
their cargo abroad. Ships continue to take         occurring prior to the pandemic but are now        containers do become free at the ports,
weeks, rather than days, to unload at the ports,   magnified due to high cargo volumes.               Rauch says often there are no doors to receive
and backed-up shippers are desperate to               “In spite of the best efforts of terminal       them at the warehouses. “Warehouse facili-
return to Asia to pick up more goods.              operators and longshore workers – 50% more         ties are so backed up, containers have to be
   Space has been particularly hard to find        ships are being worked at once than before         constantly shifted around to make room for
near U.S. ports as shippers and logistics com-     the pandemic – terminals remain beyond full        incoming trucks.”
panies seek out warehouses to store containers     capacity as evidenced by tall container stacks        Another point Rauch makes is that the
and goods. The squeeze on distribution space       crowding the tarmacs and the backlog of            truck drivers get paid by the container. “Once
is adding to the broader congestion in supply      ships at anchor,” says Phillip Sanfield, Spokes-   a driver could make three trips on a good day
chains, from the tight container shipping          person, Port of Los Angeles. Sanfield adds the     from port to warehouse, but now it’s so con-
capacity to backups at inland rail hubs, that      situation will likely persist until the import     gested the driver gets one turn,” Rauch says.
has locked down inventory restocking efforts       surge subsides and the flow of containers out      “The drivers’ income is down and it’s disin-
and dragged down economic recovery efforts         of the terminals to inland locations and store     centivizing at a time when we’re experiencing
during the pandemic.                               shelves improves.                                  such a serious shortages of truck drivers.”

                                                                                                             JANUARY-FEBRUARY 2022 •              13
Rauch says solving supply chain disruptions
by opening a port 24 hours a day works only             “To operate effectively, all links in the supply chain – ports,
in theory. “The hours may be extended but the
problems are all the same – no chassis, backed           warehouses, truckers, logistic companies, container and
up containers, driver shortages, driver hours
of service. To operate effectively, all links in         chassis storage yards – have to work in tandem. But the
the supply chain – ports, warehouses, truckers,
logistic companies, container and chassis                supply chain problems will not be fixed if only one link
storage yards – have to work in tandem. But
the supply chain problems will not be fixed if           – the ports – is operating 24/7 when other links in the
only one link – the ports – is operating 24/7
when other links in the supply chain are not             supply chain are not able to operate around the clock.”
able to operate around the clock.”
                                                                             LARRY RAUCH, Los Angeles Cold Storage
The Ripple Effect
The increased volume of imports is creating
challenges all through the supply chain
including the difficulty in getting an ocean       CEO, Bellingham Cold Storage in Washington              Albers points out their customers are
carrier booking. “The bookings are so hard to      State. “We are handling new and unusual              fighting the same labor attraction and reten-
get and the warehouses overseas so full that       cargos, many of which we have never accom-           tion issues as they are. “If our customers
when shippers can get a booking, they must         modated before.”                                     cannot attract and retain sufficient labor for
take advantage of the opportunity. As the              He adds that to handle the volumes, the          production, it will have a ripple effect in the
imports grow, so do the number of containers       company has been working two 12-hour                 inventories that we carry.”
holding those imports and the number of            shifts, essentially seven days a week since early
ocean carriers needed to convey those con-         August 2021. He says a big problem currently         Building in Resiliency
tainers of imports," says Rauch.                   is the lack of qualified forklift drivers that are   “Our dockworkers have kept this country’s
    All through the system, at every point,        interested in working. “We have the same team        supply chain functioning since day one of the
shortages and challenges of all kinds are          working more hours, so we are providing              pandemic. A well-trained workforce is the key
created, Rauch notes, and says pallets are         more pay, more incentives and more hot               to managing the unprecedented cargo vol-
one example of the impact of supply chain          meals for the crews.”                                umes we are seeing today,” says Cordero of the
disruptions on the warehouse. “There is a              It is not just West Coast temperature-con-       Port of Long Beach. “Only a small percentage
shortage of pallets throughout the supply          trolled warehouses that are feeling the impact       of the nation’s terminals are automated; ports
chain and their price has gone up significantly    of the surge of container imports causing            must find a way to handle the cargo increases
driven by the increased demand and the rising      bottlenecks at the Southern California ports.        in the near term.”
cost of wood and labor.” Another example of        In the key Midwestern freight hub of Chicago,           To address the systemic lack of available
supply chain shortages impacting warehouses        Illinois, where many thousands of containers         chassis, Sanfield with the Port of Los Angeles
is the cost of petroleum-based shrink wrap as      are switched each month, Union Pacific               says measures to reduce terminal and street
the price of oil has gone up. Also, a shortage     and BNSF Railway have limited container              dwell times must continue, including facili-
of liquid CO2 led to a scarcity of dry ice that    shipments into their overpacked freight-             tating empty returns, dual transactions and
some warehouse operations use in shipping,         switching terminals. As a result, some cargo         activation of on-dock, near-dock and off-dock
Rauch says.                                        owners and logistics companies have sought           sites that support decoupling of loaded and
    Like many other companies, Rauch says          to divert shipments by truck or rail to other        empty containers from chassis. The port will
they are experiencing labor issues from retire-    Midwestern transfer points, raising costs and        also work with chassis providers to inventory
ments and team members leaving for other           adding new complications to already snarled          chassis in terminals and take measures to put
jobs. “We had a lot of longevity and might hire    distribution networks.                               out-of-service chassis back into circulation.
two people a year, but we hired more people            “We believe every industry and household            “Long term, we would like to see chassis
in 2021 than in the past five years. We’re also    are seeing inflation in the goods and services       included in the list of excluded products from
supplementing pay because our people are           they are purchasing, and we are certainly            Section 301 tariffs,” says Sanfield. “The port
working particularly hard.”                        seeing costs and lead times increase in many         also supports increasing domestic chassis pro-
    The ripple effect of the bottleneck at the     of the services and goods we purchase,” says         duction by addressing workforce shortages,
California ports is being felt everywhere,         Scott Albers, President, Nor-Am Cold Storage,        exploring use of the Defense Production Act
including in the Pacific Northwest of the          which has temperature-controlled facili-             and other supply side measures.”
United States. “We have been providing break-      ties in the Midwest. “In response to this, our          To bring into effect full utilization of avail-
bulk (palletized) ship loading and unloading       company must decide whether to alter pricing,        able gate hours making the port 24/7, Sanfield
services at record levels due to the container-    adding to the inflation trend, or allow it to eat    says enhanced coordination between cargo
ized supply chain back-up issues around the        into margin.”                                        owners, marine terminals and carriers is
world,” reports Doug Thomas, President and

14            • JANUARY-FEBRUARY 2022
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needed to increase the rate of productive gate     competition for labor, but now people have          imported items, the imports are going to
appointments per shift, including accommo-         made adjustments in their lifestyles and their      continue to come, and unless the ports make
dating empty returns. He says the port recently    expectations of their careers,” he says. “The       significant changes, the supply chain bottle-
announced a pilot program called Accelerate        challenge is for employers to recognize this        necks will persist. The unknown factor in this
Cargo LA to accomplish this directly.              and respond in ways that are meaningful to          scenario is inflation and how the consumer
   “The port supports bay-wide information         people who are on the fence about returning         will respond to rising prices.”
sharing and will advance visibility of key data,   to the workforce.”                                     “I’m estimating that we will continue to see
such as empty return location and early return        Albers believes it may be a little choppy in     this level of supply chain issues for at least 24
date,” Sanfield says. “Mid to long-term, the       the short term, but the supply chain is resilient   months,” Thomas says. “The upcoming long-
port will move towards enabling interconnec-       and will adapt to the market changes to serve       shore negotiations will be interesting to watch
tivity across all nodes and from origin to des-    both customers and consumers.                       as this could extend my estimate to 36 months
tination, integrate with national freight data                                                         or more if the unions continue to feel like they
architecture and use data to assist prioritiza-    The Horizon                                         have the leverage to shut everything down.”
tion of public investment towards improve-         Cordero says the ports complex has seen a              “‘When’ is the million-dollar question,”
ment of system performance and resilience.”        surge of cargo that began in July 2020 and          Albers says. “If you listen to the market and
   Thomas says three things will help mitigate     could see this persist into the beginning of        the experts, they are predicting a recovery by
future supply chain disruptions: automation,       2022. “As we reduce long-dwelling import            the third or fourth quarter of 2022, but a lot
automation and automation.                         containers and empties for export on the            can happen between now and then.”
   “It would also be helpful if unemployment       terminals, the ports are swiftly making                Even if the optimists are proved correct in
was harder to qualify for when there are so        progress on catching up. However, the               detecting a peak in the gridlock, the global
many good paying jobs available,” Thomas           disruptions are affecting the entire supply         trading system and the resilience of supply
says. “Federal and state subsidies for rent,       chain, not just the ports, so that’s why we are     chains will continue to be stretched for
utilities and rent forgiveness have been exacer-   pleased to see the U.S. Port Envoy and the          months to come.
bating the problem of encouraging potential        Biden administration working on the issues
workers to get back on a job.”                     that created this situation.”
                                                                                                         ALEXANDRA WALSH is a Senior Publishing
   Albers says in the Midwest, labor is also the      Rauch does not believe anyone will see an
                                                                                                         Consultant with Association Vision and
key driver. “Currently, we show more open          improvement in the current supply chain situ-         Editor-In-Chief of COLD FACTS.
employment positions than are on unem-             ation until mid-2022, at the earliest. “As long
                                                                                                         EMAIL: awalsh@associationvision.com
ployment records. There has always been            as American consumers continue to purchase

                          THE COLD CHAIN POLICY FORUM is the can’t-miss policy event for safety,
                          compliance, and legal teams to learn the latest in cold chain rules and regulations.
                           • Government Affairs & Trends Keynote              • Meetings with Key Agency Officials
                             Presentations                                    • GCCA Committee Meetings
                           • Policy-Focused Education Sessions                  (Government Affairs & Safety)

                      For more information and to register, visit www.gcca.org/policymeeting

16            • JANUARY-FEBRUARY 2022

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                       Shared campus provides best-in-cold solutions
                                 for customer Dole Fruit.
                                                             By Keith Loria

           isher Construction Group, Inc. has received the                                             The shared campus approach promotes and
                                                                                                       leverages synergies between processors and
           2021 Built by the Best Award for constructing the                                           storage teams, says Fisher.
           year’s most innovative and complex temperature-                                                “Ultimately, the return on investment was
                                                                                                       maximized on the project by strategically
           controlled facility.                                                                        positioning the facility adjacent to an existing
                                                                                                       conventional frozen space, thereby leveraging
The company’s recent design-build of the            of our ability to provide transparency on          existing refrigeration, fire protection, storm
United States Cold Storage’s newest, fully          financials and our expertise to deliver turnkey,   and other vital infrastructures while utilizing
automated and state-of-the-art cold storage         design-build solutions for both temperature-       the remaining expansion space to its full
and processing facility in McDonough-Med-           controlled storage and processing spaces.”         potential,” says Michael Adkins, Engineering
line, near Atlanta, Georgia, United States, was        Fisher added that the company’s extensive       Manager, United States Cold Storage. “It
the project that earned this recognition.           experience in the design and construction of       was our most significant expansion ever and
   “This was certainly an exciting project,” says   high-rise, fully automated cold storage facili-    included a processing center designed and
Scott Guimond, Senior Project Manager for           ties helped, also.                                 built for Dole Fruit.”
Fisher. “We were very proud and honored to             The McDonough Medline campus was                   The newly constructed facility on United
be United States Cold Storage’s selected and        selected as the strategic location for United      States Cold Storage’s McDonough campus
trusted partner for this important project. I       States Cold Storage to provide additional best-    maximizes the site’s footprint of 110 feet
believe we were ultimately selected because         in-cold solutions for its customer – Dole Fruit.   with 14,944,285 cubic feet of storage. The

18             • JANUARY-FEBRUARY 2022
The 254,928-square-foot design-build expansion to
                                                                                                     the McDonough facility includes an ASRS cold
                                                                                                     storage and repacking facility for Dole Foods.
                                                                                                     (Photo courtesy of Fisher Construction Group.)

facility is designed to operate at temperatures      Another challenge that needed to be             Savvy Innovation
ranging from -20 degrees F to 55 degrees F,       expertly managed was that the expansion            The McDonough-Medline facility has
as well as 32 degrees F to 55 degrees F in the    was on an active and operating site. It was        nearly 253,000 square feet of usable space
processing space.                                 imperative to be noninvasive and covert in         built beside United States Cold Storage’s
                                                  the building process, yet effective. Specific      236,000-square-foot temperature-controlled
Key Challenges                                    logistical challenges included limited laydown     warehouse built five years earlier. The new
The project began in late 2019, with comple-      areas, shared operational and construction         addition accommodates 47,000 new pallet
tion scheduled for January 2021. The first        entrances as well as management of a robust        positions.
challenge came when the COVID-19 pan-             set of safety policies specifically intended to       The construction technique used for the
demic hit early on.                               provide a safe interface between construction      high-bay expansion is leading edge with the
   “We had started construction and had           and United States Cold Storage operations.         structure envelope supported by the storage
been into it for a couple of months, when the        Additionally, this project had a cost control   racks to maximize product density and save
whole construction industry was impacted,”        variable that added to the project complexity.     costs by replacing structural steel for struc-
says Juan Arellano, Fisher’s Project Manager      Specifically, this build required 100% financial   tural racks.
for United States Cold Storage Atlanta. “Since    accuracy and transparency. The United States          The hybrid direct expansion-refrigeration
the project was essential to the country’s food   Cold Storage engineering team in conjunc-          system by Innovative Refrigeration was well
supply chain, we moved forward. We brought        tion with Fisher had to identify and clearly       thought out and creative in numerous ways,
the team together and developed solutions         communicate to all project participants the        according to Arellano. It employs mini-
to respond to this unprecedented situation.       cost segregation required to correctly tabulate    penthouses that provide a safe and service-
Though it was a challenge, and some people        trending costs specific to the tenant processing   able installation on a more than 100-foot
were unable to come to work, we kept the          (Dole) space from the cold storage and site        high-rise, rack-supported building. And the
project moving by creating a safe workplace.      (United States Cold Storage) spaces. This data     system offers strategic equipment locations as
There was no day that COVID stopped us            was made accessible in real time and aided in      the facility’s cold dock has multiple conveyor
from working. That’s something that we were       critical project decisions.                        systems across two levels with transfer fans
all very proud of—we kept moving forward.”                                                           strategically located to avoid dead air spaces.
                                                                                                     These fans are controlled and easily adjusted

                                                                                                            JANUARY-FEBRUARY 2022 •                19
by the facility to maintain the required
operating conditions on the cold dock. The
fans also utilize re-heat humidity controls for
dehumidification on the dock during the hot
and humid Georgia summers.
   Additionally, the expansion is specifically
designed to keep the overall ammonia charge
below the 10,000-pound threshold.
   “Despite ammonia’s dominance in the
industry throughout the last century, many
are looking to other options to minimize
the hazard for facility staff while keeping
regulatory bodies at bay,” Arellano says. “It is
unheard of for refrigeration systems of this
size primarily using ammonia to have charges
below 10,000 pounds. However, the United
States Cold Storage Medline facility has
accomplished this.”
   Regarding safety, the United States Cold
                                                    From truck to freezer, automated conveyors carry product throughout the conveyor tracks.
Storage engineering team is credited with           (Photo courtesy of Fisher Construction Group.)
developing benefits for its customer by
requiring a glycol heat exchanger to utilize
only glycol refrigerant to their tenant space
eliminating the risk to their customer of
having ammonia equipment in their space.
   The facility also utilizes the most advanced
conveyor systems available, alongside nine
100-foot-tall cranes in the automated ware-
house. The conveyor system allows United
States Cold Storage operators to efficiently
handle the product throughout the facility
with minimal forklift interface.

Sustainability Efforts
United States Cold Storage’s mission is to pro-
vide the very best long-term solution for its
customer by providing added value through
managing their customer’s refrigeration
system and being on-site to provide support
along the way.
                                                    The conveyers are operated from a crow nest that can regulate product flow be-
   “The concept of the assignment to vertically     tween the loading dock and freezers. (Photo courtesy of Fisher Construction Group.)
integrate processor and cold storage operator
on a single campus lays a foundation of
sustainability at the core of the project,” Gui-       “Throughout the design process, Fisher and           VFDs (variable frequency drives) to maintain
mond says. “This scenario replaces interfacing      United States Cold Storage looked to leverage           precise temperatures while increasing energy
truck trips between remote facilities with a        all existing infrastructures, where applicable,         efficiency. Additionally, the project utilized
simple and effective pallet transfer through a      for both cost savings and sustainability                all the standard energy savings measures
demising wall.”                                     advantages,” Guimond says. “The team sought             implemented in most controlled environment
   By nature, ASRS facilities offer greater         to match new refrigeration equipment with               facilities built today by using elements such as
product density over less footprint. This drasti-   existing to provide significant cost savings by         LED lights, high-speed doors and dock seals.
cally reduces the need for lighting and energy/     keeping United States Cold Storage’s main-
heat infiltration. These factors, coupled with      tenance and training programs as simple as              Partnership Key to Success
reduced opening sizes for product interface         possible despite the large expansion.”                  The United States Cold Storage Medline
locations, have a measurable impact on the             The team also achieved long-term energy              expansion project faced various challenges
overall building’s overall energy consumption.      savings as refrigeration penthouses and the             that were mitigated via teamwork between
                                                    new evaporative condenser are controlled by             all stakeholders. Throughout the design and

20             • JANUARY-FEBRUARY 2022
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construction of the project, communication
and continual alignment of goals were of the
upmost importance to ensure project success.
   An excellent example of the team’s man-
agement was spotlighted during the weekly
schedule meetings, where the project’s trades
from the Northeast, Southeast, Northwest
and Southwest came together to develop and
update the pull plan schedules. The manage-
ment team worked to bring all stakeholders
together using open and honest communi-
cation, repeatedly emphasizing the larger
common vision from management to field.
   The Fisher team also stressed the impor-
tance of leveraging the expertise of United
States Cold Storage’s engineering team as
being a key to the overall success of the
project. Additional collaboration with the
onsite United States Cold Storage operations
managers provided valuable direction and
                                                  Top: Viewed from the
leadership throughout the entire project.         mezzanine as prod-
   “The collaboration between all parties         ucts are conveyed
                                                  from the freezers to
was central to our approach,” Arellano says.      Dole’s process area.
“Fisher worked hand in hand with United           (Photo courtesy of
States Cold Storage to make team decisions.       Fisher Construction
We ensured everyone was on the same page as
we focused on making the very best decisions      Left: The 100-foot
                                                  cranes efficiently
collectively, which ultimately brought a lot of   handle product hand-
value to the project. We were able to meet the    off from conveyor
                                                  tracks with little to
schedule and budget.”                             no forklift interface.
                                                  (Photo courtesy of
                                                  Fisher Construction
  KEITH LORIA is an award-winning journalist      Group.)
  who has been writing for major newspapers
  and magazines for close to 20 years, on
  topics as diverse as sports, business
  and technology.
  EMAIL: freelancekeith@gmail.com

22            • JANUARY-FEBRUARY 2022
2021 Built by the Best                            ASI Doors – Enviro                                  Fastener Systems Inc.
Award-Winning                                     Manufactures a complete line of insulated
                                                  steel reinforced fiberglass, galvanized and
                                                                                                      Specializing in fasteners for all types of cold
                                                                                                      storage, food processing and refrigerated
Supplier Profiles                                 stainless steel door systems. Manual or power       warehouses. Stocking stainless, self-drilling,
                                                  operated doors for all uses. Applications           self-tapping, ZACS® and explosion release
                                                  include: horizontal (bi-parting and single          fasteners. FABLOKS®, long length teks and
                                                  slide), swinging, vertical rise and high speed      roofing screws in stock. Tools, accessories,
These are the companies integral to the           roll-up doors, along with the fully insulated,      INSTA-FOAM®, tapes, caulks and butyl. The
success of the winning project.                   two-way impactable hard panel sliding               originators of POLARFAST®, the concealed
                                                  horizontal door. The air door products allow        panel screw. Fast overnight delivery.
                                                  you to travel in and out of freezers without        http://www.fastenersystems.com.
                                                  the constant opening and closing of a door. Its
                                                  unique system keeps the warm side warm and          Frazier Industrial Company
                                                  the cold side cold with no fog, ice or conden-      Frazier is producer of structural steel storage
Ahern Fire Protection, a division                 sation. Nationwide sales and service available.     rack systems in North America with 10 manu-
of J. F. Ahern Co.                                http://www.asidoors.com.                            facturing facilities strategically located to
Ahern Fire Protection (AFP) offers a full range                                                       reduce lead times and minimize freight costs.
of fire protection system installation, inspec-   AutoMak Assembly Inc.                               Refrigerated warehouse professionals rely on
tion, and repair services. Whether you are        Working in partnership with manufacturers           Frazier storage systems for their durability and
building a new structure or need a sprinkler      and contractors, AutoMak is dedicated to            custom application engineering. This design
system retrofit or upgrade, the experts at AFP    delivering handling and installation solu-          provides you with our exclusive two-year war-
will handle your project quickly, efficiently,    tions for metal insulated panels. We offer          ranty against fork-lift abuse. From standard
and with the utmost professionalism. Our          proven vacuum lifting equipment to delivery         pallet rack to complex pick towers and AS/
friendly, knowledgeable technicians are on        installation efficiency with practical health       RS installations, Frazier’s expert team of engi-
call 24 hours, seven days a week. Ahern Fire      and safety benefits. We provide full contract       neers will help each customer design the best,
Protection has extensive experience in the cold   rental and sales service covering the whole of      most cost-effective material handling solution.
storage industry and is a Quell® licensed fire    the United States and Canada with complete          We provide the management resources needed
protection contractor. We are also licensed       technical support as well as after sales support,   to ensure the project runs smoothly and
to work in 48 states. Ahern Fire Protection is    servicing, testing and certification. Operating     remains on time throughout the entire design-
backed by a company with over 130 years of        from a modern distribution center and with          build-integrate process. Frazier’s structural
contracting experience, offices in six states     a large dedicated rental fleet we are able to       steel pallet rack systems include: selective
(WI, MN, IA, MO, NE, and IL), and over            respond to customer requests and orders             pallet rack, drive-in/drive-thru, push-back,
1,500 employees. Our depth of resources           quickly. Our network of technical advisors          carton flow & pallet flow, pick towers, rack
enables us to handle every job through design     provides full on the job product training and       supported buildings and AS/RS systems.
to construction and beyond - from installing      support services.                                   http://www.frazier.com.
the first sprinkler head to ongoing inspections   http://www.cladboyusa.com.
and maintenance. We are truly a one-stop                                                              The Fricks Company
shop” for all of your fire protection needs!”     Evapco Inc.                                         Industrial concrete floor contractor pro-
https://www.jfahern.com/.                         International manufacturers of low charge           viding workmanship and customer satisfac-
                                                  ammonia packages, evaporative condensers,           tion. The Fricks Company is in premium
All Weather Insulated Panels                      evaporators, cooling towers, closed circuit         food facility, manufacturing and distribution
With over 90 years of combined industry           coolers, heat exchangers, recirculation and         facility floor construction.
experience, All Weather Insulated Panels          transfer systems. Plants located in Taney-          https://www.fricksco.com.
is an innovator in the design, construction       town, MD; Greenup, IL; Bryan, TX; Madera,
and advancement of insulated metal panels         CA; Lake View, IA; Milano and Sondrio,              Innovative Refrigeration Systems Inc.
to meet the growing challenges facing the         Italy; Johannesburg, South Africa; Kings-           Design builder of refrigerated systems and
building industry.                                grove NSW, Australia; Shanghai and Beijing,         spaces. Turnkey refrigeration engineering,
http://www.awipanels.com.                         China; Tongeren, Belgium; and Flex coil a/s         piping, insulation systems, power systems
                                                  Aabybro, Denmark.                                   design, power wiring, controls systems and
                                                  http://www.evapco.com.                              control wiring, envelope design and instal-
                                                                                                      lation. Background in large refrigerated
                                                                                                      package ammonia refrigeration for outdoor
                                                                                                      installation and stand-alone control packages
                                                                                                      independent of compressor manufacture.

                                                                                                             JANUARY-FEBRUARY 2022 •               23
Jamison Door Company                               LTI Contracting                                   Rite-Hite
Manufacturers of insulated doors for all cold      Since its start in 1958, LTI Contracting has      Rite-Hite® is in the manufacture, sale, and
storage applications: swinging, horizontal         been recognized as a subcontractor that spe-      service of loading dock equipment, indus-
sliding, overhead, vertical sliding; manual and    cializes in the installation of low temperature   trial doors, safety barriers, HVLS fans and
power; cooler, freezer, blast freezer; finishes    insulated metal panels, underfloor insulation,    more innovative products. We offer several
include galvanized, aluminum, stainless,           vapor barriers, cold storage doors and com-       products designed specifically for the cold
painted steel, fiberglass reinforced molded        plete roof package. We have compiled over the     storage industry, including high-speed doors,
plastic and sheet plastic. Products also include   years a full-time knowledgeable and efficient     insulated curtain walls and loading dock
high performance insulated Mark IV Versaflex       project management, technical and field           equipment. Rite-Hite works closely with each
Door and Mark IV InVision clear-paneled            supervision staff to help aid in any problem      customer to meet their needs. Our Global
door, HCR Air Doors and BMP high speed             and/or detailing on our projects.                 Distribution Network means there is a local
rollup doors. Write for specific door sugges-      http://www.lticontracting.com.                    representative nearby to provide solutions,
tions for warehouses.                                                                                service, and expertise at the loading dock, and
http://www.jamisondoor.com.                        RHH Foam Systems Inc.                             inside the facility.
                                                   Manufacturers of VERSI-FOAM portable two-         https://www.ritehite.com.
Kalman Flooring Company                            component, low-pressure spray polyurethane
Kalman Floor Company has produced                  foam systems. Units available in a variety of     Rytec High Performance Doors
industrial concrete floors since 1916. Working     foam densities and sizes; both disposable and     Rytec is a manufacturer of high-perfor-
side by side with owners, architects, design–      refillable containers. Also VERSI-TITE single     mance doors for industrial, commercial,
builders and contractors, Kalman Floor             component foam sealant and VERSI-BLOCK            pharmaceutical and cold-storage environ-
Company provides self-polishing, abrasion          Fire Block and sealant in aerosol cans. All       ments. Whether rolling, folding, sliding or
resistant floors for cold storage, dry storage,    units compatible with low temperature envi-       swinging doors, high-performance doors are
distribution warehouses, manufacturing             ronments and for a wide variety of insulating,    our only business. Rytec corporate offices
plants, waste transfer stations and many other     sealing, caulking, and patching applications.     and manufacturing operations are head-
kinds of facilities.                               http://www.rhhfoamsystems.com.                    quartered in Jackson, Wisconsin, a suburb

                                                                          O U R C O N T R O L L ED
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24            • JANUARY-FEBRUARY 2022
of Milwaukee. Customer technical support
is provided through regional offices and
a network of local dealers and installers
throughout North America.

SubZero Constructors, Inc.
SubZero specializes in providing refrigeration/
thermal design and construction services on
a nationwide basis for the low-temp and food
processing industry.

Twintec USA
Twintec USA designs and builds steel fiber
reinforced and engineered industrial jointfree
floors. Our jointfree FREEPLAN engineered
floors do not have saw cut joints, effectively
minimizing if not completely suppressing
maintenance and repair costs, while increasing
the productivity in your cold storage. A
specialized sub-contractor, Twintec USA offers
design build services to a variety of clients in
North America within the cold storage, distri-
bution and heavy manufacturing industries.
The parent company, the Twintec Group, has
designed and installed 500 million square feet
of engineered industrial slabs to date. Twintec
USA will design and install your FREEPLAN
slabs on grade, on piles (suspended slabs) and
on insulation (such as for cold storage slabs).
Twintec USA also offers turn-key design build
services regarding structural FREEPLAN
mat slabs, such as for fully automated, rack
supported distribution facilities. Twintec USA
is dedicated to the highest level of quality
and durability in their industry and offers a
unique five year guarantee on all their FREE-
PLAN engineered slabs.

United States Cold Storage Inc.
Region V.P. - Mid-Atlantic, Jesse Hooks;
General Manager, Leslie Burkholder; Chief
Engineer, James Prussia; Superintendent-Veto
Mendoza. 18,345 racked pallet positions;
Temperatures ranging from -05ºF to 40ºF; 44
dock doors.

                                                   JANUARY-FEBRUARY 2022 •   25
You can also read