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First Swiss Digital Asset and Wealth Management Report 2021 FOREWORD BY FORMER SWISS PRESIDENT JOHANN SCHNEIDER- AMMANN hen I proclaimed “Crypto Nation W Switzerland” three years ago, I was convinced of the innovative potential of blockchain technology. However, I honestly did not expect Switzerland to establish itself as one of the leading and most dynamic blockchain nations in the world in such a short time. This result is primarily due to openness and foresight. Swiss politics, in particular, has shown a lot of pragmatism. The Parliament unanimously approved punctual adjustments to existing legal structures in record time and made new distributed ledger technology (DLT) legislation possible. This J S-A DSSURDFKJXDUDQW HHVW KH5H[LEOHLQW HJUDWLRQRI rapidly changing blockchain technology and its application into the existing legal framework. $VWKLV4UVW6ZLVV'LJLW DO$VVHW DQG:HDOW K Switzerland’s new legislation provides legal certainty Management Report 2021” impressively shows, and, at the same time, the scope for innovation KH6ZLVV4QDQFLDOFHQW W HUKDVQRW RQO\DUULYHG LQ and new business models. The US and China, the the new digital world but is perfectly positioned. primary technology nations and competitors, admire :LW KW KHHVW DEOLVKPHQW RIG LJLW DODVVHW VDQGUDG W LQJ this approach - not just because Crypto Valley’s focus SODW IRUPVW KH6ZLVV4QDQFLDOFHQW HUDQG &U\SWR on legal certainty, curiosity, and cooperation has Nation Switzerland” can secure a leading position. allowed it to grow into a thriving ecosystem with over 960 companies and 5,200 jobs. Johann N. Schneider-Ammann was a Federal Councillor and Head of the Federal Department of Economic The new DLT trading license goes very far in $‹DLUV(GXFDW LRQDQG 5HVHDUFKIURPW R terms of content and allows trading, custody, and 6LQFHW KHIRUPHU3UHVLG HQW RIW KH6ZLVV certain payment transaction activities. This could Confederation has been a member of the Board of FUHDW HDQH[FLW LQJ4UVW PRYHUDG YDQW DJH–QJOREDO Directors of the Zug-based investment company CV VC. competition, Switzerland will be streets ahead of other jurisdictions. 2
First Swiss Digital Asset and Wealth Management Report 2021 FOREWORD BY THE PUBLISHER - MATHIAS RUCH, CEO AND FOUNDER OF CV VC hen we started our activities in 2016, W something quickly became clear: Blockchain is not only a huge opportunity for us as entrepreneurs, but also for Switzerland DQG IXW XUHJHQHUDW LRQV7KH4UVW ZDYHRIEORFNFKDLQ pioneers and projects reached Switzerland from 2017-2018 in the ICO hype, which triggered global regulatory trends soon after. Today, Switzerland is in an excellent position, with arguably the world’s most progressive legal framework, regulated key players, and a vibrant community. I am convinced that with this starting position, the way is paved for the second wave: the one of digital assets. MR It is a great pleasure to support the publication of KLV4UVW W 6ZLVV'LJLW DO$VVHW 5HSRUW &99&LVQRW MXVW an investment company that invests in early-stage VWDUW XSVZRUOG ZLGH:HKDYHFUHDW HGRXUHFRV\VW HP cryptocurrencies. Thanks to tokenization, new types with co-working spaces, events, community services of investments are emerging. Demand for these and incubation programs in Zug, the heart of QHZ4QDQFLDOSURG XFW VLVJURZLQJDVLVLQW HUHVW &U\SW R9DOOH\DQG UHFHQW O\LQ'XEDLDQG9DGX]:H IURPDVVHW PDQDJHUVDQG IDPLO\R]FHV7KHUHDUH connect all players from industry, politics, science, a number of players in Crypto Valley who anticipate and society. the new business areas and are active at the global forefront. 7RUH5HFW KLVG W \QDPLVPG LYHUVLW \DQG EUHDGK W we launched the CV VC Top 50 Report, which has I am convinced that digital assets will establish now become a standard publication. It surveys the themselves as a new asset class. Next-generation crypto and blockchain ecosystem in Switzerland trading platforms will emerge and Switzerland, and Liechtenstein, lists the number of companies with its leading crypto and blockchain players, will involved in blockchain, researches the number of SOD\DFUXFLDOUROH:K\"%HFDXVHW KH\ZLOOG UDZRQ jobs created, calculates valuations and ranks the 50 KHW W UDGLW LRQYLVLRQDQG LQQRYDW LRQRIW KH4QDQFLDO largest companies, including 11 unicorns in the most VHFW RULQ6ZLW ]HUODQG7KLV4UVW 'LJLW DO$VVHW 5HSRUW recent edition. Anyone concerned with Crypto Valley is a guide and source of inspiration for the capital and Blockchain Nation Switzerland can’t miss the CV market of tomorrow. VC Top 50 Report. 0DWKLDV5XFK&(2DQG )RXQGHURI&99&KDVEHHQDQ :LW KW KLV'LJLW DO$VVHW 5HSRUW ZHDUHSXUVXLQJW KH entrepreneur and investor in the digital startup scene same ambition: together with Alexander Brunner IRU\HDUV+HIRXQG HG PDQDJHG DQGH[LW HG VHYHUDO and the Swiss Blockchain Federation, we want to companies in the digital startup space. Today he is a FUHDW HDQHZUHIHUHQFHSXEOLFDW LRQIRUW KH4QDQFLDO driving force in the development of a global blockchain industry. Digital assets are much more than ecosystem and co-founder of the Swiss Blockchain Federation. 3
First Swiss Digital Asset and Wealth Management Report 2021 FOREWORD BY THE AUTHOR - is based on interviews with more than 80 providers, ALEXANDER E. BRUNNER investors and experts based in Switzerland. Mark Branson, former CEO of the Swiss regulator FINMA, hen I published my book Crypto Nation kindly gave an exclusive interview. The report is W Switzerland in late 2019, the ICO craze of 2017 had just turned into a severe aimed at investors, big or small, who are pondering how to invest into cryptocurrencies and digital “crypto winter,” with bitcoin crashing from almost assets. It shall enable investors to get more familiar RVOLJKW W O\DERYH:KLOHPDQ\LQW KH with this nascent and highly innovative asset class. community were nursing hefty losses, the traditional The report also shows the breadth and width of the 4QDQFHLQG XVWU\KDGLW V–W ROG\RXVRPRPHQW Swiss digital asset ecosystem, which is growing at a Many industry observers, including the Financial rapid pace. Yes, Switzerland is at the forefront of this Times, were convinced that this was the end of the incredible development. This presents a tremendous remarkable and breathtaking story of bitcoin and RSSRUW XQLW\IRU6ZLW ]HUODQG DQG KH4QDQFLDO W other cryptocurrencies. Right up until November ecosystem overall. However, the global competition 2020, the Financial Times wrote that the “promise is not sleeping. of bitcoin has proved to be elusive.” Little did they know that digital assets would come back with a So what are digital assets: a new digital gold or just bigger bang than ever. In 2021, leading investors and “thin air,” as former private banker and fund of hedge-fund titans from Paul Tudor Jones and Stanley IXQGVPDQDJHU(UZLQ%UXQQHUVDLG ":KRDUHWKH Druckenmiller to Ray Dalio would acknowledge the SHRSOHEXLOG LQJW KLVQHZ4QDQFLDOLQIUDVW UXFW XUHDQG viability of bitcoin. Innovation happens in leaps and ZKRLVLQYHVW LQJLQLW"7KRVHDUHTXHVW LRQVW KDWVKDOO bounds. be answered in this report. On the 4th of January 2021, the Financial Times Alexander E. Brunner, changed its stance and wrote the following headline author RQLWVIURQW SDJH+LJK5\HU%LW FRLQYDOXHW RSV 2WKHU4QDQFLDOREVHUYHUVVW DUWHG R W $OH[DQG HU(%UXQQHU FRPPHQW DVZHOOOLNHUHQRZQHG 4QDQFLDODQDO\VW DXW KRUVW XG LHGHFRQRPLFV &KULVW RSKHU:RRG ZKRZURW H–IKDVEHHQW KH and business at the year of Covid-19, it has also been the year of bitcoin. University of St. G allen Indeed it is the year where bitcoin has come of HSG . Brunner worked for age.” Furthermore he wrote “...this (2020) is the year many years in alternative bitcoin has become investible for institutions with investments and family custodian arrangements available from the likes of R]FHV”QKHSXEOLVKHG KHERRN&U\SW W R Fidelity and with prominent hedge fund investors 1DW LRQ6ZLW ]HUODQG 7RGD\KHZRUNVDVDQDG YLVRUW R declaring that they have bought it.”1 2020 was also international deep tech startups and is a member of the the year when many bankers quietly changed their parliament of the City of Zurich. He is also the founder tune from highly sceptical to positively interested, no RIWKH8UEDQ”QQRYDW LRQ$VVRFLDW LRQZKLFKHQDEOHV longer being able to ignore customer requests. smart city innovations in Switzerland. The aim of this report is to give the many voices, from investors and bankers to regulators, a voice and showcase the diversity of the Swiss ecosystem. It D* UL]]OHFRP7KH\HDUELW FRLQEHFDPHLQYHVW DEOHIRULQVW LW XW LRQV 4
First Swiss Digital Asset and Wealth Management Report 2021 SWISS DIGITAL ASSET ECOSYSTEM A W ME M D EA N & GE A V N IS LT T A O H R Y IP VC M A N A A EN G S T E S M E PE T LP T K B R E E M R A R O D A IN G G E & R&OB C U ST P&CB O D Y S, S, T, T, FS P S ID R E E O R R V V S IC E B2B B DA SP FMI – E & CSD T 5
CONTENTS ADDED VALUE IN THE CRYPTO DIGITAL ASSETS: A NEW VALLEY - BY HEINZ TÄNNLER AND EXCITING INVESTMENT Added value in the Crypto Valley ———————— 8 UNIVERSE Digital assets ——————————————— 28 The digital asset investment universe ————— 30 More than 400 crypto funds globally —————— 31 Digital assets venture capital funds —————— 33 KEY FINDINGS Venture capital —————————————— 33 .H4QGLQJV ——————————————— 10 Tipping point for digital asset ———————— 11 Strong Swiss ecosystem ——————————— 11 Larger banks preparing ——————————— 12 Venture capital funding growing ——————— 12 SOPHISTICATED INVESTORS OREDOFRPSHW * LW LRQVW UHQJW KHQLQJ——————— 12 ARRIVED Switzerland staying at the top ———————— 12 Sophisticated investors arrived ———————— 36 )DPLO\R]FHVFKDUJLQJDKHDG ———————— 37 Private banks and wealth managers appear on the scene —————————————————— 39 From ‘kill the banks’ to native crypto banks ——— 41 A NEW ASSET CLASS OR THE More banks are preparing behind the scenes —— 42 DIGITAL GOLD The hedge funds are piling in ———————— 43 A new asset class or the digital gold —————— 13 THE TOKENIZATION OF A RAPIDLY GROWING SWISS EVERYTHING DIGITAL ASSET ECOSYSTEM The tokenization of everything ———————— 44 Proof of ownership and capital markets ———— 46 A history of innovation in asset management in :K\4[LW LILW LVQRW EURNHQ" ————————— 47 Switzerland ——————————————— 19 How tokenization can shake capital markets —— 47 Crypto Valley puts Switzerland on the global map 19 A win for growth and for investors —————— 47 The Swiss regulator as enabler for digital assets — 22 Switzerland’s head start and the challenges ahead 48 NFTs and the new creator economy —————— 48 INTERVIEW WITH FORMER FINMA CEO MARK BRANSON ON DECENTRALIZED FINANCE AS STABLECOINS, REGULATORY THE NEW FRONTIER IN FINANCE PRINCIPLES AND INNOVATION 52 HFHQWUDOLHG4QDQFHDVWKHQHZIURQWLHULQ4QDQF Interview ———————————————— 23 Switzerland as an asset management hub for digital assets —————————————————— 24 HQG * HU* DSLQWKH6ZLVV%ORFNFKDLQHFRV\VW HP — 25 6
STABLECOINS OR THE NEW URZLQJLQVW * LW XWLRQDOG HPDQG ———————— 64 Knowhow required ———————————— 65 CENTRAL BANK MONEY The regulators are paying attention —————— 66 Stablecoins or the new central bank money ——— 55 How to value a digital network ———————— 68 Interview with Thomas Moser, President of the Swiss Regulated exchanges wanted ———————— 68 Central Bank ——————————————— 57 A chance to strengthen the Swiss fund ecosystem 71 THE SWISS DISTRIBUTED THE MONEY FOR THE INTERNET LEDGER TECHNOLOGY ACT IS GROWING FAST The Swiss Distributed Ledger Technology Act —— 59 Digital platforms of money ————————— 72 New generation of investors ————————— 73 THE ROAD TO A WIDER ADOPTION THE FUTURE IS HERE The future is here ————————————— 75 The road to a wider adoption ———————— 61 The decentralization paradox ———————— 77 Banks are warmly welcomed ————————— 62 Switzerland making a mark ————————— 78 Custody solutions on the rise ———————— 64 7
First Swiss Digital Asset and Wealth Management Report 2021 he Swiss Blockchain Federation is probably • Networking: The SBF is the central platform for all T a unique initiative worldwide: launched by two Federal Councillors, Finance Minister of those interested in blockchain from business, industry, politics, administration, and science and Ueli Maurer and Economics Minister Johann N. R•HUVDQHW ZRUNIRUW KHVHSOD\HUVDW KRPHDQG 6FKQHLG HU$PPDQQLQDQH•RUW REULQJW W RJHW KHU abroad. Crypto Valley’s driving forces and better understand their concerns. The former task force has since • Innovation: The SBF promotes innovation become a private-public partnership that unites by working together with Innosuisse, the industry, start-ups, science, cantons, and politics. Swiss Agency for innovation promotion, to generate projects and start-ups in the annual The Swiss Blockchain Federation (SBF) aims to SERI Innovation Cycle, connecting them with promote a prosperous, secure, innovative, and companies at an early stage, organizing world-leading blockchain ecosystem and has hackathons, and driving knowledge and achieved quite a bit: technology transfer. • Framework: The SBF represents the interests The three cantons of Ticino, Zurich, and Zug play and concerns of Crypto Valley vis-à-vis politics a particularly active role in the Swiss Blockchain and administration and advocates for optimal Federation. The responsible cantonal councils framework conditions, such as the new, forward- recognized the importance and potential of location looking DLT legislation. marketing early on, especially when it comes to start-ups with blockchain-based business models. Thanks to the joint activities of these cantons with the Swiss Blockchain Federation, the attractiveness of Crypto Valley has continuously increased. Those cantons that have supported their ecosystems with funding programs are now reaping the rewards. The settlement of new blockchain companies continues despite crypto winter and the Corona year. According to the CV VC Top 50 Report, Crypto Valley has 960 companies and 5,200 jobs. Investments and a continued positive, curious attitude are essential for “Crypto Nation Switzerland” to stand out and serve as a beacon to the world with its genuine innovations and ground-breaking business models. +HLQ]7¦ QQOHULV3UHVLG HQWRIW KH6ZLVV%ORFNFKDLQ Federation and Finance Director of the Canton of Zug. HT Added value in Crypto Valley 9
First Swiss Digital Asset and Wealth Management Report 2021 his report is based on more than 80 prices have given a strong impetus to widespread T interviews with investors, wealth managers, fund managers, bankers and service H[SHULPHQW 4QDQFLDOLQVW DWLRQ2QW LW XW KH5LSVLG HPDQ\HVW LRQVDUHFRQFHUQHG DEOLVKHG ZLWKDSHUFHLYHG providers in Switzerland. It highlights the incredible lack of regulation, illicit behaviour and the risk of depth and breadth of the Swiss digital asset a heavy-handed regulator. Regulators in Europe industry that has sprung out of Crypto Valley. It is a and the US have recently started to look more testament to the rapid development of digital assets closely into the various crypto and digital asset and blockchain-technology at large, becoming more R•HULQJV–W LVFOHDUW KDW KHHQW W LUHHFRV\VW HPLV diverse and also more institutional. Switzerland can moving to a more regulated future, even though be really proud to be a key part of this far-reaching this will take time and solid knowledge from the technological development, boosting a strong, well- regulator’s side. The Swiss regulator FINMA has educated and ever-growing ecosystem. been at the forefront of this development, giving Switzerland a clear head-start. Switzerland has a Tipping point for digital asset diverse and rapidly maturing ecosystem with many An investor note penned by Morgan Stanley’s wealth wealth managers, asset and fund managers and management unit in March 2021 summarized the SULYDW HEDQNVH[SDQG LQJWKHLUR•HULQJV–Q$SULO rise of digital assets and cryptocurrencies neatly: 2021, for example, the large Swiss insurer AXA “Our recommendation is that investors get educated announced that it would start to accept bitcoin for and consider how and whether to get exposure SD\PHQW V–Q0D\* HQHYDEDVHG 7DXUXVJRW to this burgeoning asset class in their portfolio.”1 KHUHJXODW W RU\DSSURYDOIRUW KH4UVW LQGHSHQG HQW Investors entered the digital asset and crypto space regulated marketplace for digital assets. This is an at a rapid pace in 2021 as cryptocurrencies and important step as a regulated digital asset exchange digital assets moved in early 2021 from something for larger volumes is sorely missing in Switzerland. easily dismissed as hype (or worse) to a nascent Clearly, digital assets are making huge strides and exciting new asset class. Digital assets are towards wider adoption in Switzerland. This can clearly here to stay, as large Swiss and US banks are be seen in the digital asset ecosystem map in this ZRUNLQJEHKLQG KHVFHQHVRQDG W LJLW DODVVHW R•HULQJ report. At the same time, an increasing number and traditional hedge-funds start building exposure. RIUHSXW DEOHIDPLO\R]FHVZHDOW KPDQDJHUVDQG 0DQ\VHUYLFHSURYLG HUVFRQ4UPHG KDW W ZDVWKH private banks entered the industry at a rapid pace. tipping point for the acceptance of crypto currencies )DPLO\R]FHVLQSDUW LFXODUZHUHHDUO\DG RSW HUVRI and digital assets: The client demand had become this new asset class. Many private banks also saw an too large to simply brush aside. Even the mosre uptick of digital assets by a younger audience, often discerning and critical Financial Times came to the serving as the next generation of existing clients. conclusion in May 2021 that bitcoin and crypto are The banks are using digital assets services to reach here to stay.2 Bitcoin and its brethren entered the out to the next generation of bank customers. In Zeitgeist in 2021. summary, Switzerland is well positioned due to its competence in wealth management, experienced Strong Swiss ecosystem regulator, modern regulatory framework, a solid tax 7KHFRPELQDW LRQRIW HFKQRORJ\DQG 4QDQFHLQ framework and the Crypto Valley ecosystem. the form of digital assets has super-charged LQQRYDW LRQIURP4QDQFHW RW KHDUW V)URPW KHLQLW LDO FRLQR•HULQJ–&2FUD]HLQW RG HFHQW UDOL]HG 4QDQFHDQG QRQIXQJLEOHW RNHQVEXR\DQW FU\SW R DZZZW KHEORFNFU\SW RFRP0RUJDQ6W DQOH\7KUHVKROG EHLQJUHDFKHGRQFU\SW RDVDQLQYHVW DEOHDVVHW FODVV D)LQDQFLDO7LPHV0XVNZDNHVXSW RELW FRLQVIRVVLOIXHOLVVXHV 11
First Swiss Digital Asset and Wealth Management Report 2021 L Associates. Switzerland has a hard time competing The large Swiss banks, important global custodians ZLW KWKHVFDOHDQG HSW G KRIW KH864QDQFLDOPDUNHW V IRU4QDQFLDODVVHW VDUHVWLOOPRVW O\DEVHQW LQHDUO\ However, what the US is lacking are clear regulatory 2021. Their approach seems to be to “wait-and- and taxation guidelines, which create uncertainty for see.” This was due to regulatory concerns as well any incumbents or new players in the digital asset as the lack of knowledge and, in turn, commitment. ecosystem. In Europe, while the UK seems to be Interestingly, the smaller private and cantonal banks, UDJJLQJLW G VIHHWHUPDQ\LVPDNLQJDG * YDQFHVZLW K who are closer to their private clients, are making two new electronic securities and digital assets acts. KHDG ZD\UROOLQJRXW YDULRXVG LJLW DODVVHW R•HULQJV Further, the EU is working on a Markets-in-Crypto- 0DQ\SURYLG HUVRIG LJLW DODVVHW VHUYLFHVFRQ4UPHG Assets (MiCA) framework, determined to catch up that large institutions are preparing for a digital with Switzerland. DVVHW R•HULQJEHKLQG KHVFHQHV7KHG W LJLWDODVVHW train left the station! Switzerland staying at the top The recent EU Blockchain Ecosystem Development Venture capital funding growing Report states: “Switzerland is one of the most Switzerland has a rich seed and angel investor advanced nations when it comes to blockchain and community that funds many amazing startups. crypto-assets, not only in Europe, but also globally. However, in order to reach global scale and scale It has been called the ‘crypto nation’ and is home to fast, a large pool of later stage capital, termed the world-famous ‘crypto valley’ of the Zug canton.”3 scaling capital, is required. As tech entrepreneur $FFRUG LQJWR1LNODXV1HG HUPDQQ&KLHI* G URZW K and investor Francisco Fernandez pointed out, large 2]FHURIW KH)L&$6$* LQ=XJ6ZLW ]HUODQGLVWKH pools of growth capital for scale-ups are missing best hub for digital assets globally. Supported by in Switzerland. This is clearly a disadvantage in regulatory stability, optimal business conditions comparison to the buoyant and highly active US expertise, and know-how resources, Switzerland venture capital sector that provides funding to remains the prime crypto nation.” In order to retain the likes of Coinbase with its unicorn valuation. its lead, Switzerland clearly needs rapid further Nevertheless, the ecosystem is picking up speed with adoption of this new asset class by large banks CV VC’s successful CHF 13m fundraise in May 2021. DQG KHRYHUDOO4QDQFLDOVHFW W RU'LJLW DODVVHW VDUH DXQLTXHRSSRUW XQLW \IRU6ZLW ]HUODQGDVD4QDQFLDO G lobal competition strengthening center. Switzerland has all the necessary building Switzerland is in strong competition with other blocks in place: a forward-looking regulator, an 4QDQFLDOKXEVVXFKDV1HZ< RUN/RQG RQDQG innovative legal framework and clarity around Singapore. As a fund domicile Switzerland is small in D[DW W LRQRIG LJLW DODVVHW V:KDW LVUHTXLUHG LVPRUH comparison to Luxembourg, Ireland, the UK, the US IRFXVDQG HG G LFDWLRQE\WKHHVW DEOLVKHG4QDQFLDO or Singapore. The lack of scale is clearly a stumbling sector. The emergence of digital assets as a block. A trade show of US digital asset managers nascent and highly innovative asset class is a huge DQGYHQW XUHFDSLW DO4UPVLQ0DUFKVKRZHG opportunity for Switzerland. It would be a shame if that the US has a strong homegrown digital asset Switzerland lost its head start to others! investment industry that is expanding globally. The US can leverage its strong venture capital ecosystem, their crypto exchanges from Kraken to Coinbase and the investment strengths of hedge-funds with the likes of Skybridge Capital or Bridgewater D(XURSHDQ&RPPLVVLRQ(8%ORFNFKDLQ(FRV\VW HP'HYHORSPHQW V5HSRUW 12
A NEW ASSET CLASS OR THE DIGITAL GOLD 03 A new asset class or the digital gold 13
First Swiss Digital Asset and Wealth Management Report 2021 itcoin was among the best performing B B DVVHW VLQ:LWKW KHHQG RUVHPHQW of respected investors, digital assets experienced a fear of missing out (FOMO) moment in late 2020 that continued unabated into 2021. 2020 More and more investors realized that the risk of missing out is larger than the comfort of abstaining. In late 2020 and early 2021, a big sentiment change Elon Musk, the world’s wealthiest man, had a unique occurred among sophisticated investors towards ZD\RIVKRZLQJW KLVKH4UVW DGHG G ELW FRLQW RKLV cryptocurrencies and digital assets. Many of them 7ZLW HUELRLQKLVSUR4OHOHDG W LQJWRDGRXEOHG LJLW realized that cryptocurrencies and digital assets jump in the price, before announcing in February are here to stay. FOMO set in with many prominent 2021 that Tesla had bought $1.5 billion worth of investors allocating money to digital assets. This bitcoin. In May 2021 Tesla sold the position at a hefty ULJJHUHG W D5XUU\RITXHVW LRQVVXFKDVW RZKDW SUR4W RIPLOOLRQ7HVODDOVRVDLG LWZLOOVW DUW cryptocurrencies are, exactly: are they a currency or accepting payments in bitcoin in exchange for its DQDVVHW "LVLW DGLJLW DOJROG RUG LJLW DOPRQH\IRUW KH products “subject to applicable laws and initially on LQW HUQHW DJH"–QDVKRUW YLGHRLQHDUO\6ZLVV a limited basis” before retracting in May 2021. It is bank UBS Chief Economist Paul Donovan expressed dazzling to see how one individual has the power to his view that bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies are move the prices of markets with singular statements not actual currencies. The reason being that they are about cryptocurrencies or messaging apps. In 2021, too volatile as a store of value due the absence of a Musk became the single most important factor in central bank balancing supply and demand.1 So, if crypto markets. QRW DFXUUHQF\ZKDW LVLW" –QFRQW UDVWR4DW W FXUUHQFLHVLVVXHG E\JRYHUQPHQW V controlled by central banks and accepted as legal TESLA’S BITCOIN SPECULATION tender, cryptocurrencies or digital assets are not HELPED TO BOOST PROFITS centrally managed by governments.2 They are SULYDW HJOREDOG LJLW DOPRQH\&DW KLH:RRG RI$UN B (’000 ) Invest, a prominent US fund manager with crypto 65 H[SRVXUHFDOOVELW FRLQWKH4UVW JOREDOUXOHVEDVHG 60 55 50 R D, B A, EM T 101 T Q1 45 SEC T 1.5 40 ’ 35 30 , 25 J F M A 2021 )LQDQFLDO7LPHV . D8%6:HDOWK0DQDJHPHQW$UHFU\SW RFXUUHQFLHV" D7KHH[FHSW LRQLV(O6DOYDG RUW KDW EHFDPHW KH4UVW FRXQW U\W RPDNHELW FRLQOHJDOW HQG HULQ-XQH A new asset class or the digital gold 14
First Swiss Digital Asset and Wealth Management Report 2021 BITCOIN IN 2020: GRADUALLY AND THEN SUDDENLY 01 03 05 07 09 11 P TJ S 50 GB SD R D: RI 2 , 1 T 12 I B C, U.K. B. E , B , B 744 B, 1.63 B, . B - 2.7 02 04 06 08 10 12 MS, PP RS G MM L OR NASDAQ 238 P, M’ SEC I 100 AH , U.S. , 530 B 1 425 M B 10 OF . B B B T . 6RXUFH6N\%ULG JH%LW FRLQ)XQG /3SUHVHQW DW LRQ monetary system.”33URI6FRW DOORZD\DSURIHVVRU * W In a client note Ray Dalio wrote: “To have invented a of marketing at the New York University Stern School new type of money via a system that is programmed RI%XVLQHVVG H4QHG ELW FRLQDVDUHYHUVHSUR[\RQ into a computer and that has worked for around 10 our trust on central governments that keep printing years and is rapidly gaining in popularity as both a money and it is an interesting way of transporting type of money and storehold of wealth is an amazing money. Try to transport ten million dollars of gold accomplishment. There aren’t many alternative through London! ” He also stressed the scarcity of gold-like assets at this time of rising need for them.”6 supply and the view that many investors see it as Nowadays, cryptocurrencies such as bitcoin are DQLQ5DW LRQKHG JHVLPLODUW RJROG4 This narrative YLHZHG E\PDQ\LQYHVW RUVDVDQLQ5DW LRQKHGJHDNLQ 4UVWRRNKROG W LQDVPRUHDQG PRUHLQYHVW RUV to gold, which is not directly connected to the global started to regard bitcoin and its brethren as a new 4QDQFLDOV\VW HP asset class with a limited supply, akin to gold. Michael Saylor, CEO of MicroStrategy and early SG bitcoin adopter for treasury, publicly stated that for KLPELW FRLQLVDQLQ5DW LRQKHG JHLQDZRUOG ZKHUH ’ cash is not an asset but a liability. For Saylor, bitcoin LVWKHZRUOG V4UVW )DFHERRN$PD]RQ* PRQHW DU\QHW RRJOH$SSOH< ZRUNVLPLODUW RXWXEHHW F–W R , is social energy built into money.” For him bitcoin is “the most global asset as it is constantly traded around the world.”5 -. D&RQVHQVXVFRQIHUHQFH&DW KLH:RRG D3RG FDVW 3LYRW SRG FDVW KRVWHGE\.DUD6ZLVKHUDQG6FRW DOORZD\ * W D3RG FDVW 6W DW HRI3OD\%LWFRLQDQG FU\SW RFXUUHQFLHVZLW K0LFKDHO6D\ORURI0LFUR6W UDWHJ\ D%ORRPEHUJFRP5D\'DOLR&DOOV%LW FRLQ2QH+HOORIDQ–QYHQWLRQ&RQVLG HUV–W IRU1HZ)XQG V A new asset class or the digital gold 15
First Swiss Digital Asset and Wealth Management Report 2021 BITCOIN IS GOLD 2.0 BITCOIN GOLD S Fixed inelastic supply Limited elastic supply Transferable Like sending an email Like sending a ton of bricks Storable Low cost High cost Decentralized Yes < HVEXWFDQEHFRQ4VFDW HGE\DVLQJOH authority in every jurisdiction Durable Yes – Digital Asset Yes – Physical Asset Fungible Yes Yes 9HUL4DEOH Yes Susceptible to counterfeiting Divisible Easily divisible (1 Bitcoin is divisible into Not easily divisible (troy ounce unit of 1000 million units called satoshis measurement) 6NULGJHLWFRLQ)XQG3SUHVHQWDWLRQ Skybridge Capital, a US fund of funds, launched More traditional investors still prefer the physicality a new bitcoin fund in January 2021. The fund, led of gold, as it can be used for jewelry and industrial by prominent investor Anthony Scaramucci, sees applications. However, digital assets are global and bitcoin having strong advantages versus gold as HFHQW G UDOL]HG DQGFDQH•RUWOHVVO\PRYHDFURVV outlined in his investor presentation: boundaries, which gold cannot. In several interviews, Swiss product providers have Michael Saylor of MicroStrategy put it nicely: “bitcoin FRQ4UPHG KDW W KHVW W RU\OLQHIRUELW FRLQDVDG LJLW DO is destroying gold’s value proposition” because gold” resonates strongly with investors. Investors bitcoin has “dematerialised gold.”7 with a strong belief in monetary devaluation and LQFUHDVLQJLQ5DW LRQW \SLFDOO\KROG JROG EXWDOVRVW DUW venturing into digital assets, as Roland Friedli from 3UHYDORUPHQW LRQHG 6KD\*DPPHUFRIRXQG HURI KH* W HQHYDEDVHG 0RQW IRUW )DPLO\2]FHKDVEHHQ active in the space since 2016. D3RG FDVW 6W DW HRI3OD\%LW FRLQDQG &U\SW RFXUUHQFLHVZLW K0LFKDHO6D\OHURI0LFUR6W UDW HJ\ A new asset class or the digital gold 16
First Swiss Digital Asset and Wealth Management Report 2021 COINBASE FINANCIAL RESULTS Peak bitcoin market capitalization was above $1 Coinbase revenue in 2019 trillion in spring 2021. $534m $1.3bn The 14th of April 2021 saw a pivotal moment for Coinbase cryptocurrencies with the Nasdaq listing of the revenue in 2020 leading US crypto exchange Coinbase. It immediately became one of the 120 most valuable public companies in the US. The Financial Times marked this monumental event for the acceptance of Coinbase losses in 2019 -$30m cryptocurrencies with a big headline on its frontpage saying: “Coinbase’s $76bn debut puts seal on cryptocurrencies asset class.”8 &RLQEDVHSUR4W in 2020 V +$322m )LQDQFLDO7LPHV D)LQDQFLDO7LPHV&RLQEDVHVVEQG HEXW SXW VVHDORQFU\SW RFXUUHQFLHV asset class, 15.04.2021 A new asset class or the digital gold 17
A RAPIDLY GROWING SWISS DIGITAL ASSET ECOSYSTEM 04 A rapidly growing Swiss digital asset ecosystem 18
First Swiss Digital Asset and Wealth Management Report 2021 A HISTORY OF INNOVATION IN ASSET dollars in size and trading volumes are relatively MANAGEMENT IN SWITZERLAND VPDOOLQFRPSDULVRQW RW UDG LW LRQDO4QDQFLDOPDUNHW V There is just not enough liquidity for larger funds QWKHVDQGVWKH4QDQFLDOLQGXVWU yet, according to Jaeger. He sees this new asset class I was a fun, innovative and sometimes crazy place to work. It attracted a lot of talent and as by far not yet matured, with too many “cowboys’’ lacking maturity or even seriousness in the market. was highly lucrative (it largely still is). This was also the time when a new fund type with unrestricted However, this is changing fast. investment strategies arrived on the scene: the swash-buckling hedge-fund. It was the time when OHJHQG DU\LQYHVW RUVVXFKDV* HRUJH6RURV3DXO Tudor Jones or Bruce Kovner made spectacular TOP INITIAL COIN OFFERINGS returns year-on-year. According to Erwin Brunner, ZKRIRXQG HGRQHRIWKH4UVW IXQG RIIXQG VLQ 4.1 BLOCK.ONEEOS June 2018 Switzerland, these new funds easily generated an DQQXDOL]HG UHW XUQRISHUFHQW 7KH\ZHUH4UVW $320m DRAG ON COIN March 2018 LQWURGXFHG R6ZLW W ]HUODQG E\VHFUHW LYH* HQHYDQ private banks such as Banque Privée Edmond de $300m HUBOI February 2018 Rothschild. In the new millenia, these funds had their hay-days with spectacular performances even $258m HDAC December 2017 during market crashes. The legend of the brash, combative and wealthy hedge-fund manager was $257m FILECOIN September 2017 born. It was this time that Switzerland became an alternative asset management center with groups $157.9m SIRIN LABS December 2017 VXFKDV3DUW QHUV* URXS50)+DUFRXUW 5HLFKPXW K /* 7%UXQQHU–QYHVW DQG PDQ\PRUH $152m BANCOR December 2017 Lars Jaeger, an alternative investment industry $152m THE DAO May 2017 pioneer and regular book author on science and technology, has been involved in various alternative $150.9m BANKERA February 2018 investment strategies since 1997 in Switzerland. –QKHVW DUWHGKH4UVW W TXDQW LW DWLYHPRGHOV $142.4m POLKADOT October 2017 that exploited “alternative betas” (a term he )LQDQFLDO7LPHV5HVHDUFK coined) akin to hedge-funds. He saw how the Swiss alternative industry with strong players such as RMF, Harcourt or EIM had developed rapidly over The Crypto Valley puts Switzerland KH\HDUV+RZHYHUW W KH4QDQFLDOFULVLVLQDQG on the global map the following regulatory tsunami led to a brutal 7KH4QDQFLDOFULVLVRIJDYHELUW KW RDFRPSOHW HO\ consolidation in Switzerland. Today, industry QHZDVVHW FODVVELW FRLQ:KDWVW DUW HGLQ&DOLIRUQLDLQ observers compare the nascent digital asset industry a strongly libertarian cypherpunk community, would to the birth of the hedge-fund industry in the HYHQW XDOO\4QG LW VZD\WR6ZLW ]HUODQG :LW KW KH nineties. High returns were and are possible due to emergence of Crypto Valley in Zug in 2013, digital LQWUDQVSDUHQW DQGLQH]FLHQW PDUNHW V+RZHYHU/DUV assets took root in Switzerland. In short succession, -DHJHUW KLQNVW KHUHDUHQRW DEOHG L•HUHQFHVDVW KH fueled major events from the establishment of market for cryptocurrencies is only about two trillion several blockchain protocols such as Ethereum in 6ZLW]HUODQG RW WKH4UVW LQLWLDOFRLQR•HULQJ–&2 A rapidly growing Swiss digital asset ecosystem 19
First Swiss Digital Asset and Wealth Management Report 2021 JXLGHOLQHVED4QDQFLDOUHJXODWRULQDQG the ICO craze of 2016 and 2017. In 2018, the market WKHOLFHQVLQJRIWKH4UVWQDVFHQWFUSWREDQNVLQ ZHQW LQWRDWDLOVSLQIROORZLQJW KH4UVW UHJXODW RU\ 2019, Switzerland developed a strong ecosystem actions and a “crypto winter” set in. Then, in 2019, IRUGLJLW DODVVHW V6RPHRQHZKRVSHFL4FDOO\ KH4UVW W FU\SWREDQNVZHUHODXQFKHG ZKLFKZDV incorporated a company in Switzerland in 2019 KHEHJLQQLQJRIW W UDG LW LRQDO4QDQFHDQG EDQNHUV because of its crypto-friendly ecosystem was Ali entering the space. Nowadays, the third phase is 0L]DQLIRXQG HURIWKH)L&$6$* LQ= XJ$FFRUGLQJ blending the world of programming and algorithms to Mizani, his search for legal certainty and a crypto- ZLWK4QDQFH friendly environment eventually led him to Zug, Switzerland. Here he found not only one of the From 2013 until 2018 a nascent ecosystem was most open-minded regulators, but also one of the established, followed in 2019 by a new phase with most advanced infrastructures with one of the most the institutionalization and professionalization of HQJDJLQJDQG FDULQJFRPPXQLW LHV$QW RQ*ROXE VHUYLFHVDQG R•HULQJVLQ6ZLW ]HUODQG 6ZLVVSULYDW H of Flovtec, who has been part of the Swiss crypto banks such as Julius Bär or Maerki Baumann and and blockchain ecosystem for many years, sees the online bank Swissquote started to provide custody FRPPXQLW HYHORSLQJLQSKDVHV7KH4UVW \G SKDVH and trading services to its investors. Today ,an VDZSURJUDPPHUVHQW HULQJW KH4QDQFHVSDFHERW K interesting fusion of the old-and-stayed world of innocently and, sometimes, malevolently. This led to banking and the fast-moving, experimentative CV VC: THE HISTORY OF THE CRYPTO VALLEY, 2021 COMPANIES 900 800 600 50 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 MILESTONES 1C F F F S ICO 1 L P C B G B B R ICOS B T R L N B S V C (B) JB T &M FINMA B DB G CF &99&7KH+LVW RU\RIW KH&U\SW R9DOOH\ A rapidly growing Swiss digital asset ecosystem 20
First Swiss Digital Asset and Wealth Management Report 2021 world of programming and coding is taking place. In addition, Switzerland is one of the leading private In a survey in 2020 by banking hubs in the world, with a wide range of Swiss bank UBS, the top investors from private bank clients and wealthy individuals and families to wealth managers. It is question asked by clients perceived as a safe haven for wealth with a steadily was how much they should increasing number of sophisticated single- and PXOW LIDPLO\R]FHVWKDWLQYHVW DFURVVW KHHQW LUH allocate to bitcoin. investment spectrum. All of this has created a strong ecosystem in Switzerland that is “hard to build from scratch,” as an experienced early Swedish investor into cryptocurrencies stated. Switzerland has a clear edge in digital assets. Vitalik Buterin is a Russian-Canadian programmer and writer who is best known as one of the co-founders of Ethereum that was setup in Switzerland. Photo by Steve Jennings/G etty Images for TechCrunch, September 18, 2017 A rapidly growing Swiss digital asset ecosystem 21
First Swiss Digital Asset and Wealth Management Report 2021 TS nascent blockchain technology and digital assets, FINMA gave clarity and acknowledgement while In dozens of interviews with ecosystem participants the rest of the world was still wondering how to it was obvious that the Swiss regulator FINMA deal with this highly innovative and exciting industry. acted as a strong catalyst for the entire ecosystem, Many industry players that were interviewed for providing regulatory certainty for a nascent industry. this report acknowledged that the regulatory clarity and the positive attention of the regulator led to a FINMA, which has been operating a dedicated faster development of the ecosystem in Switzerland. 4QW HFKGHVNVLQFHVKRW RZRUOG W ZLG HIDPHLQ Jeroen von Oerle of Lombard Odier Darier Hentsch HDUO\ZKHQLW LVVXHGKH4UVW W RNHQJXLG W HOLQHV FRQ4UPHG KDW W )–10$LVRQHW KHPRVW VRSKLVWLFDWHG IRUGL•HUHQW\SHVRIFRLQV)–10$FHPHQW W HGLWV regulators globally, right up there with MAS in global reputation as a regulatory trailblazer when Singapore and the FCA in the UK. FINMA LW LVVXHG KH4UVW W ZREDQNLQJOLFHQVHVW W R6(%$DQG gave Switzerland a head start that led to a 6\JQXPLQ$XJXVW IROORZHG E\W KH4UVWOLFHQVH thriving ecosystem. for an independent regulated crypto exchange in :LWKLW VSURDFW LYHDQGHQDEOLQJVW DQFHW RZDUG V CD CEO PH S S . ASSET MANAGEMENT PRIME BROKERAGE ADVERT STORAGE & TOKENIS ATION SERVICES A rapidly growing Swiss digital asset ecosystem 22 .. .
First Swiss Digital Asset and Wealth Management Report 2021 I n an exclusive interview, Mark Branson, then CEO of FINMA, gave some interesting insights from a regulatory perspective. INTERVIEW WITH MARK BRANSON In Branson’s view, crossborder payment more competition and hopefully new jobs for systems are “ripe for innovation” as fees tend KH4QDQFLDOLQG W XVW U\DQLQG XVWU\ZKHUHMREV to be high and highly intransparent. Cross- are under pressure in Switzerland and around border payment is a slow and cumbersome the world. It also needs an acceptance that process in a world where customers are used “projects can fail, as long as they fail safely.” to instant services. Therefore, new payment For wider adoption and scaling of blockchain projects are welcomed as long as they satisfy technology, he would like to see a trail-blazing three criteria: security, compliance and client SURMHFW KDW W R•HUVFXVW RPHUVFOHDUYDOXHDQG SURW HFW LRQ6RIDUVW DEOHFRLQVG RQRWR•HUWKH allows the technology same utility as traditional currencies. On the to scale. Only if the other hand, blockchain technologies promise blockchain technology streamlined processes. As a regulator, one has ecosystem generates to be technology-neutral. A simple regulatory new jobs, will it be a principle for him is “same risks, same rules”. true success from an Branson’s view is that current rules, such economic point DVFOLHQW SURW HFW LRQDUHEDVLFDOO\VX]FLHQW of view. However, they may need some adjustments to handle new technologies. Innovation brings S :LWKWKHHPHUJHQFHRI&USWR9DOOHDVZHOODV a strong ecosystem, tailored legislation and a A competent regulator, Switzerland has a perfect setup to become a leading hub for digital asset MB wealth and digital asset management. Henri , Arslanian, PwC Crypto Leader based in Hong Kong, publishes a global crypto hedge fund report every \HDU–QDQLQW HUYLHZKHFRQ4UPHG KDW W 6ZLW ]HUODQG is very well positioned globally due to its brand and OHJDF\–QW KHPRVW UHFHQW 3:&UHSRUW 6ZLW]HUODQG Interview with former FINMA CEO Mark Branson 24
First Swiss Digital Asset and Wealth Management Report 2021 DIGITAL WEALTH & ASSET GENDER GAP IN THE MANAGEMENT HUBS SWISS BLOCKCHAIN ECOSYSTEM – WHERE Top Crypto Hedge Fund Domiciles ARE WE HEADING? 42 CI 38 US Cryptocurrencies and blockchain- based technologies had a steep rise in 8 BVI recent years and are disrupting various 6 G industries around the world. However, less than 10% of active collaborators 6 L DUHZRPHQLQW KLV4HOG 6LPLODUO\RQO\ about 6% of funding in related ventures 5 L, N, S, I M A is received by female founders, while a VLJQL4FDQW SHUFHQW DJHRILQYHVW RUVDUH Top Crypto Hedge Fund Manager Locations middle-aged, white men. As blockchain- 1 technology is still in its early stages, the 52 US RSSRUW XQLW\IRUZRPHQW RLQ5XHQFHDQG 15 UK develop the ecosystem should not be missed. 10 G h Wy are 8 S there so few 8 HK women in the Blockchain 5 S, C I, S, I M, M, C, A ecosystem? :LW KW KHUHERXQG 3Z&(OZRRGQQXDO&USWRHGJH)XQG5HSRUW of bitcoin LR in 2020, the ranks number four among the top crypto hedge fund question once manager locations, right after the US, the UK and more arises as to why there are so LEUDOW * DU6ZLW]HUODQG UHPDLQVRQHRIW KHZRUOG V few women present in the bitcoin and top wealth management destinations with a strong blockchain space. One of the more 4QDQFLDOV\VW HPDQG JOREDOEUDQG $OOW KHVHIDFW RUV obvious reasons is the gender disparity make Switzerland destined to become a wealth and LQWKHWZRXQGHUO\LQJDUHDV4QDQFHDQG asset management hub for digital assets. HFKQRORJ\:RPHQDURXQG W KHZRUOG W have been more likely to lack access to 4QDQFH(YHQLQ6ZLW ]HUODQG PDUULHG women were not allowed to open a bank account without their husbands’ signature up until 1988. Furthermore, KH4QDQFHLQG W XVWU\ZDVQRW VHHQDVDQ Interview with former FINMA CEO Mark Branson 25
First Swiss Digital Asset and Wealth Management Report 2021 attractive employer by female students due to investing, women tend to focus on less risky the lack of integrity, the focus on competition assets. Secondly, when approaching a new rather than team collaboration and the not so area, women are more concerned with gaining family-friendly conditions.2 enough knowledge and expertise before getting actively involved. Similar downsides apply to the tech industry. Several studies reported the lack of family- Opportunity set for women friendly conditions as being a reason for fewer is expanding women in tech. A more recent study by the To conclude, the already existing systemic University of Bern highlights the impact of EDUULHUVIRUZRPHQW RHQW HUW KH4QDQFH self-evaluation on choosing a career in STEM and tech area holds true for the blockchain 4HOG V 3 Many young women assess their own ecosystem and hinders women getting mathematical competencies worse than men. involved and advancing in this area. However, Thus, young women refrain from approaching on a positive note, more and more women are a career in a STEM area. interested to learn more about blockchain and FU\SW RFXUUHQFLHV:LW KW KHKHOSRIZRPHQOHG Additionally, the risk and blockchain or cryptocurrencies focused aversion that has been communities and meetups, these women are observed in women getting more opportunities to get involved ZDVLG HQWL4HGDVRQH and not only gain knowledge and expertise of the key challenges EXWDOVR4QG DVXSSRUW LQJQHW ZRUNW RH[SORUH for women entering the opportunities within this rather new KH4QDQFHLQG W XVW U\ ecosystem. Priska Risk aversion can Burkhard EHLGHQW L4HGLQWZR DUHDV4UVW O\ZKHQ By Lilian Roos and Priska Burkard, TechFace Interview with former FINMA CEO Mark Branson 26
DIGITAL ASSETS: A NEW AND EXCITING INVESTMENT UNIVERSE 06 Digital assets: a new and exciting investment universe 28
First Swiss Digital Asset and Wealth Management Report 2021 igital assets are a new alternative asset Due to lower costs and easier transferability, D class based on decentralized blockchain- technology. Some investors see it as an industry participants such as Jeroen von Oerle of Lombard Odier Darier Hentsch believe that the LQ5DW LRQKHG JHDNLQW RJROG RW KHUVVHHLW DVWKH technology will enable fractional ownership of emergence of a new platform-based internet-native various assets, from real estate to art and cars. money that is the foundation for an entirely new 4QDQFLDOLQIUDVW UXFWXUH An interesting aspect of blockchain-based digital assets are that every trade is logged decentrally, visible for everyone. According to Tavis Digital, M tokens serve as digital representations of any given G B, underlying asset, allowing for fractionalization and thus higher accessibility, improved liquidity CEO SEBA B, and execution speed in combination with a never before seen transparency and trust. In addition, cryptocurrencies and digital assets trade 24/7, and - are settled much shorter than the typical two-day VHWOHPHQW W SHULRGIRUWUDGLW LRQDO4QDQFLDOPDUNHW V This reduces the capital needed for the settlement , process . THE POTENTIAL FOR DIGITAL ASSETS IN PRIVATE MARKETS IS MUCH GREATER THAN IN PUBLIC MARKETS P , 2019 E D R 4.5 2.5 32 98,000 258 317 P P 22,000 106 10 DLQ&RPSDQLJLWDOVVHWV3ULYDWH0DUNHWV2HUWKHUHDWHVW2SSRUWXQLWLHV Digital assets: a new and exciting investment universe 29
First Swiss Digital Asset and Wealth Management Report 2021 THE DIGITAL ASSET INVESTMENT sophisticated managers, highlighting that traditional UNIVERSE banks clearly have a role to play in digital assets, despite the peer-to-peer nature of decentralized For sophisticated investors who invest their own assets. or their client’s money, a small allocation to bitcoin RIVHHPVW REHW KHQDW XUDO4UVW VW HSW RJHW 2. Active trading strategies familiar with this new asset class. However, digital Investors can access a wide array of trading assets provide a wider investment spectrum that strategies managed by professional managers. can be divided into four categories. These basic four OREDOHVW * LPDW HVUDQJHIURPW RIXQGVWKDW categories are a good starting point for an investor invest into digital assets. These replicate strategies embarking on a digital asset investment journey. from the hedge-fund industry, ranging from long- short to market-neutral and high-yield strategies. 1. Coins 3URIHVVLRQDOPDQDJHUVDOVRR•HUYDULRXVPDQDJHG By far the largest cryptocurrency by market LQYHVW PHQWYHKLFOHVVXFKDVFHUW L4FDW HVQRW HVRU capitalization is bitcoin, followed by ethereum. R•VKRUHIXQG V7UDG LQJVW UDW HJLHVYDU\IURPKROG LQJ :LW KPRUHW KDQRW KHUFRLQVW RFKRRVH the largest 50 coins to investing in the thousands from, investors can select coins that range in of lesser coins and projects, so-called DeFi. These characteristics from payment to asset and utility YHKLFOHVRIW HQR•HUW HUPVDQG OLTXLG LW \VLPLODUW R tokens. However, it takes a lot of sophistication to UDG W LW LRQDOKHG JHIXQGV%HVLG HVR•HULQJPRUH VHOHFW KHPRUHREVFXUHFRLQVEHLQJR•HUHG W ZLW K sophisticated strategies, investing into investment KHODUJHVW W FRLQVR•HULQJW KHEHVWOLTXLG LW \7KLVLV SURG XFW VR•HUVVHYHUDODG YDQWDJHV–6–1QXPEHUVDV also the reason why most professional investment well as investment and tax reportings. vehicles focus on the top 50 coins in existence. Investors can get exposure through a plethora of venues from opening their own crypto wallets to store crypto and opening trading accounts „””•– –•Š •—Ž “˜ Š with banks or brokers to trading through crypto •†€•€ H[FKDQJHVDQG EX\LQJFHUW L4FDW HVQRW HVWUXVW RU IXQGVDVZHOODVR]FLDOO\W UDGHGIXW XUHV&XVW RG \ of crypto and digital assets is still a main concern for many investors. Therefore, choosing the right approach is a crucial part of the journey. Investors have to carefully assess how much direct control, ease of use and information about taxation they • UHTXLUH:KHUHDVVRPHLQYHVW RUVLQW HUYLHZHG IHHO • • comfortable with holding the private key directly, •••• having a bankable product with an ISIN number and -•€ tax reporting is an important feature for many larger - investors. “It is the responsibility of the taxpayer to correctly declare their crypto holdings in the tax ••• return,” says Thomas Linder, Tax Partner at MME in € ‚ƒ Switzerland, and one of the leading tax specialists • with regard to digital assets. “Hence, complete UHSRUW LQJRIWKHSRUW IROLRLQFOXG LQJYHUL4FDW LRQ of the transaction history, is of great importance … „ •€ Ž ˆ ‰̂ ‹† Š Œ ‰ ‡ IRULQYHVW RUVLQRUG HUW RDYRLG DQ\FRQ5LFW VZLWK tax authorities.” Robust and institutional-grade … „ € ˆ ‰̂ ‹•Š †Œ ‘Œ € ‡ custody is clearly one of the biggest concerns of 30 … „ € ˆ ‰̂ ‹•†Š ’“‘‰ ‡
First Swiss Digital Asset and Wealth Management Report 2021 turn, liquidity. In addition, there are many legal and DIGITAL ASSET INVESTMENT regulatory uncertainties that need to be addressed. STRATEGIES MORE THAN 400 CRYPTO FUNDS GLOBALLY D M-S L S Scott Army of the American research provider Vision M Hill globally tracks more than 400 crypto hedge- N TAL QUA EN NT AM IT A funds. He sees a clear institutionalization of the L D O R•HULQJZLW KEHVW SUDFWLFHVEHLQJDG RSW HGIURPWKH N TI FU VE traditional hedge-fund industry. Speaking to industry experts and fund managers, the nascent market for C OPPORTU E& Y T digital assets is often compared to the early days of TURE KHKHG W JHIXQGLQG XVW U\LQW KHHDUO\QLQHW LHV:LW K N NI VE many retail traders trading on sentiment, arbitrage ST O T IC opportunities between exchanges and strong O BETA PRPHQW XPG LJLWDODVVHW VDUHDKLJKO\LQH]FLHQW E market full of alternative risk premia. Joachim O SA V I Nahmani of Lemvi calls digital assets a “generational trade” due to the unique opportunity set that does QRW H[LVWLQW UDG LW LRQDO4QDQFLDOPDUNHW VDQ\PRUH %RDUG PHPEHURI&U\SW R)LQDQFH* URXS0DUF3 9LVLRQ+LOO* URXS$QLQVW LW XW LRQDOW DNHRQW KH'LJLW DO$VVHW Market 3. V Besides investing into coins, there is an increasing LAUNCH OF NEW CRYPTO number of venture capital providers that invest in HEDGE FUNDS CORRELATES TO new digital asset startups and projects. In recent THE PRICE OF BITCOIN months, the interest in the Decentralized Finance (DeFi) industry has strongly increased. The US 20,000 45 venture capital industry in particular has been heavily investing and creating outlandish returns, 40 with Andreessen Horowitz as one of the largest 15,000 35 players. Investors can choose between traditional 30 3/3VW * UXFWXUHVFHUW L4FDWHVDQG HYHQIXOO\ 25 tokenized funds. These investments typically have 10,000 20 a longer investment horizon and require larger 15 minimum investments. 5,000 10 4. Tokenized assets 5 Still in its infancy are tokenized private assets such 0 0 20 20 20 20 20 as real estate, collectibles such as cars, music, art or 20 20 20 20 13 14 15 16 17 20 12 18 19 1Q shares of smaller companies. Tokenized assets are BTC F still very niche and lack trading on exchanges and, in 3Z&(OZRRG&USWRHGJH)XQG5HSRUW Digital assets: a new and exciting investment universe 31
First Swiss Digital Asset and Wealth Management Report 2021 Bernegger sees more traditional fund managers and INVESTORS IN CRYPTO HEDGE FUNDS even fund-of-funds entering the digital asset space. They add robust institutional investment processes M and more thorough due diligence. Henri Arslanian of PwC sees this already happening in the crypto fund 50 space, where best practices from the traditional fund 40 industry with independent custodians and directors 30 are being adopted by crypto funds. These are 20 welcome signs of a rapidly professionalizing sector 10 catering to more institutional and sophisticated 0 FO H-- F& E V F investors. The crypto fund industry is developing quickly N according to a recent PwC report that states: :HHVW LPDWHWKDWKHW W RW DO$X0DVVHW VXQGHU A M management) of crypto hedge funds globally increased to over US$2 billion in 2019 from US$1 N I 58.5 27.5 billion the previous year.”1 Further, the report states that “the average AuM increased from US$21.9 Average ticket size (US$m) 3.1 0.3 million to US$44 million.” The report also clearly shows that investors still allocate very small tickets to funds, with a median ticket size clocking in at only 3Z&(OZRRG3Z&(OZRRGQQXDO&USWRHGJH)XQG5HSRUW &USWRHGJH)XQG5HSRUW Setting up a regulated and institutional- grade asset manager in Switzerland requires in-depth knowledge of processes and a clear setup based on experience, as Zurich- based Tavis Digital conrmed. In a nascent industry, sta with experience is in short supply. D3Z&(OZRRGQQXDO&USWRHGJH)XQG5HSRUW 32
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