Discover Trinity Everything You Need to Know to Apply - - Trinity College Dublin

Page created by Kirk Medina
Discover Trinity Everything You Need to Know to Apply - - Trinity College Dublin
Discover Trinity
Everything You Need to Know to Apply
Discover Trinity Everything You Need to Know to Apply - - Trinity College Dublin

                                                WELCOME TO TRINITY
Discover Trinity                           1

Trinity by Numbers                         2

Trinity’s Location                         3

Undergraduate Applicants                   5

Undergraduate Courses                      6

Joint Honours and Single Honours Degrees   7

Columbia Dual BA Program                   8

Undergraduate Applicant Guide              9

Top FAQs for US Applicants                 10

Trinity’s Top 10 Courses                   11

US Open Days 2021                          12

Postgraduate Courses                       13

Postgraduate Applicant Guide               15

Postgraduate Research                      17

Cost to Attend                             18

Student Accommodation                      19

Campus Tours                               20

Career Opportunities                       21

Opportunities Abroad                       22

Student Life and Supports                  23

A Sustainable University                   25

International Student Supports             26

Contact Us                                 29
Discover Trinity Everything You Need to Know to Apply - - Trinity College Dublin
2020-2021 Term Dates
 21 September 2020          Orientation for Undergraduate Visiting/Erasmus and Postgraduates
 28 September 2020          Orientation for new first year Undergraduates
 28 September 2020          Semester 1 teaching begins for UG continuing and Postgraduates
 05 October 2020            Semester 1 teaching begins for new Undergraduates
 20 December 2020           Semester 1 ends
 11 January 2021            *Assessment begins
 1 February 2021           Semester 2 teaching begins
 26 - 30 April 2021         Trinity Week
 10 May 2021               *Assessment begins
 6 June 2021                Semester 2 ends
 *Note additional/contingency days may be required outside of the formal assessment/reassessment weeks

 See for more

  TRINITY COLLEGE DUBLIN                                                                     3

Discover Trinity Everything You Need to Know to Apply - - Trinity College Dublin
Discover Trinity
Trinity College Dublin, the University of Dublin has been inspiring generations of
brilliant thinkers for over 400 years. Trinity is an international university, steeped in
history, with a reputation for excellence in education, research and innovation.

    World Rankings                       Your Career                           Strong Research
    Trinity is ranked 1 in Ireland
                                         Trinity is committed to preparing     Reputation
    and 101st in the world (QS World     our students for the ever-changing    Our students receive a
    University Ranking 2021). Trinity    challenges of the 21st century        world-class education in a
    also ranks in the top 100 in 18      workplace. Trinity ranks in the       research-centred, collaborative
    subjects, globally (QS World         Top 100 in the World for Graduate     environment and have the
    University Rankings 2020).           Employability (QS Graduate            opportunity to work with global
                                         Employability Rankings 2020). Find    leaders in their field. Trinity is
    Our Vibrant Campus Life              out more at:       also the only Irish member of
                                                                               the prestigious League of 23
    With over 170 clubs and societies,                                         European Research Universities
    including many international
                                         Join Our
                                         Diverse Community                     (LERU). Find out more at:
    groups, there’s something for                                    
    everyone. At Trinity, involvement   Our current students come from 120
    in student organisations is an      countries around the world. 28% of
    integral part of your education.    the student body are from outside
                                                                                 Join Our Esteemed Alumni
    Find out more at        of Ireland, providing a truly global     Trinity has produced some of the
    students/clubs-societies            community.                               world’s finest and most enquiring
                                                                                 minds including the writers
    The Trinity Welcome                 International Reputation                 Oscar Wilde and Samuel Beckett
                                        Trinity is Ireland’s most international  (Nobel Laureate), the scientists
    A warm Trinity welcome awaits                                                William Rowan Hamilton and
    all our students. We believe that a university, ranked 17 in the world Ernest Walton (Nobel Laureate)

    diverse campus adds to the Trinity  by  the Times   Higher Education
                                                                                 and the former President of
    experience for everyone, enhances 2020. Trinity is also 1st in Europe for    Ireland and United Nations High
    their personal development          producing     entrepreneurs  for the 6th

    and enriches the culture of the     year in a row. (PitchBook Universities Commissioner for Human Rights,
                                        Report 2020).                            Mary Robinson.
    university. Trinity is an open and
    inclusive university and we are
    proud to hold these values.

Discover Trinity Everything You Need to Know to Apply - - Trinity College Dublin
Trinity by Numbers

                                                              101st                         1st in Europe for producing
                                                                                                Entrepreneurs for the
                                                                                                   6th year in a row
                                                               2021                          (Pitchbook Universities Report 2020)

    Ireland’s Leading University                      101st World Ranking
 (QS and THE World University Rankings 2021)      (QS World University Rankings 2021)

                   1592                                                                        Ranked as Ireland’s
                                                                                            Most Innovative University
                                                                                                  (Reuters Most Innovative
                                                                                                 European Universities 2019)

                 1592                               8th Most International
         Year in which Trinity                      University in the World
            was founded                          (Times Higher Education Ranking 2021)

                                                                                          250+ partner universities around
                                                                                          the world for student exchanges

    28% of the student body are                      170+ Sports clubs and
      from outside of Ireland,                         student societies
        from 120 countries                                                               131,000 Trinity alumni (graduates)
                                                                                          in over 148 countries worldwide

     BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES                                        LAW                      SPORTS-RELATED SUBJECTS

             CHEMISTRY                               MATERIALS SCIENCE                    THEOLOGY, DIVINITY AND
                                                                                            RELIGIOUS STUDIES
    CLASSICS AND ANCIENT                            MODERN LANGUAGES
             EDUCATION                         PHARMACY AND PHARMACOLOGY*

      ENGLISH LANGUAGE                                 POLITICS AND
       AND LITERATURE*                            INTERNATIONAL STUDIES
            GEOGRAPHY                                 SOCIAL POLICY AND
(QS World Rankings 2020)                                                                                                            2
*Ranked Top 50 in the QS World Rankings 2020
Discover Trinity Everything You Need to Know to Apply - - Trinity College Dublin
Trinity’s Location
                                Why Ireland?
                                Ireland is a member of the
                                European Union and is located
                                in the North Atlantic beside the
                                UK. Ireland is an English-speaking
                                country with a young, vibrant
     Ireland is ranked in the
                                population. It boasts a unique
    Top 12 Safest Countries     combination of cosmopolitan
           in the world         cities, breath-taking scenery, idyllic
    (Global Peace Index 2020)   countryside and historic sites.
                                The country is a European hub
                                for innovation and industry with
                                global companies such as Google,
                                Facebook, Microsoft, Intel, Pfizer
                                and HP based here.

                                Ireland has been renowned for its
                                people, music, literature and art for Everything the city has to offer
                                centuries. It is world-famous for its is easily accessible to Trinity
         Ireland is an          friendly citizens and warm welcomes. students from shops, restaurants
       English speaking                                               and coffee shops to theatres,
                                                                      museums and clubs, ensuring
                                Your University, Your City            that there is always something
                                Trinity’s is a unique, walled campus exciting for students to enjoy.
                                located in the heart of one of the    If you want to take time out to
                                most popular and safest cities        relax in nature, the city’s parks
                                in the world. Dublin is a vibrant,    (including Phoenix Park, one
                                young and multicultural European of the largest urban parks in
                                capital, which ranks as the 37th      Europe), an easily accessible
                                best student city in the world (QS    coastline, beaches and the Dublin
                                World’s Best Student Cities 2019).    Mountains are all close by.
          Ireland is the
     7th most competitive
    economy in the world
        according to IMD
           (IDA 2019)

       Stay Back Visa
    Combine your academic
     work with experience

Discover Trinity Everything You Need to Know to Apply - - Trinity College Dublin
Dublin Innovation District               Be at the Centre of Things
Trinity’s location is also               Trinity’s central location makes
advantageous when you are looking        it highly accessible for all forms
for a job. Dublin’s Innovation           of public transport: Trinity has its
District, the ‘Silicon Docks’ is         own LUAS (tram) station, there
within walking distance, as is the       is a DART (Dublin’s suburban
International Financial Services         rail system) station opposite the
Centre, and a large number of other      campus and a large number of
businesses and organisations which       Dublin’s bus services pass by the
have their Irish headquarters in         University. Dublin airport is 13km
Dublin. Dublin is also home to many      (8 miles) from the campus and is
global corporations across a range       directly accessible via bus or taxi.
of sectors.                              Find out more at:

            Isabella Irving – USA
            Undergraduate: Engineering

    “During my application process, I decided to research multiple                Did you know?
    international schools. My aim was to broaden my horizons
    and immerse myself in a different culture during my college                 Dublin is ranked 37th
    years. Trinity specifically stood out to me due to its prestigious          Best Student City in
    global recognition and the high regard held for its alumni. The                  the world
    picturesque cobblestone streets, the lively atmosphere, the                     (QS Rankings 2019)
    beautiful old buildings, Georgian doors and general ambiance
    unique to Dublin make it a very special place.”

Discover Trinity Everything You Need to Know to Apply - - Trinity College Dublin
Undergraduate Applicants
Information Guide for Undergraduate Students

Undergraduate students choose                Trinity Electives                          Open Modules
from a wide range of full-time four-
year courses, covering all disciplines.       Trinity aims to provide the broadest      Open Modules are modules
These include flexible subject                possible education and encourages         that are taught as part of
combinations in three faculties: Arts,        its students to develop their critical    other programmes but are
Humanities and Social Sciences;               thinking by taking an Elective            complementary and related to
Engineering, Mathematics and                  outside their main disciplines.           your own programme of study.
Science; and Health Sciences. The             Trinity Electives are available to        Choosing Open Modules will allow
range of offerings at Trinity allows          students from disciplines across          you to broaden your perspective
students to focus on the areas that           the University. Each course will          on your core discipline(s) through
interest them most.                           release sufficient credit to enable       exposure to knowledge, skills
A full list of courses is available at:       students to select their Trinity          and ways of thinking associated                            Elective modules. The suite of Trinity    with related fields. Open Modules
                                              Electives will link to the University’s   will provide you with a wealth of
                                              current strategic research themes,        opportunities to enrich the study
    Visa Requirements                         broaden student knowledge of              of your core curriculum and to
    If you are a citizen of the European key societal challenges or cover               develop the Trinity Graduate
    Union (EU), you do not need a visa languages and cultures.                          Attributes.
                                                                                        Find out more at:
    to enter and live in Ireland. Students Discover more at:
    from North America do not require
    a visa for Ireland. The list of visa-
    required countries can be found at Below are some of Trinity’s electives:
    the INIS website: ▶ The Art of the Megacity                        Understanding Ireland
    Visa letters can be generated by visiting ▶ Cancer: The Patient Journey             Programme
    the portal and selecting ‘My    ▶ Chinese Language and Culture            Trinity also provides the
    Applications’ and clicking on Generate ▶ Cultures and Societies of the              Understanding Ireland Smart
    Visa Letter. If assistance is required      Middle East and North Africa            Start Programme, which offers
    please email                              ▶ Design Thinking                         international students a fantastic                  ▶ Emergence of Technologies               foundation for settling into their
                                              ▶ Energy in the 21 Century
                                                                  st                    time at Trinity. The week-long
    It is important to note that ALL non- ▶ Engaging in the Digital World               programme is unique in providing
    EU students, whether visa-required ▶ The EthicsLab: Responsible Action              both an orientation to life in Trinity
    or not, must register with the Irish         in the Real World                      and an academic introduction to
    Naturalisation and Immigration            ▶ From Planets to the Cosmos              understanding Irish culture – all
    Service (INIS) for permission to          ▶ Irish Language and Culture
                                                                                        before normal teaching begins. To
    remain in the state. Students must        ▶ Toolkit for a Smart and
                                                                                        read more about the programme,
    show their offer letter at airport                                                  please visit:
                                                Sustainable World
    immigration where they will receive                                       
                                              ▶ Vaccines - Friend or Foe?
    a temporary stamp in their passport.                                                pre-session-programmes
    They must register with INIS within Find out more at:
    the time limit specified on their     To find out more visit:
    temporary stamp.                                                           
     How to Apply
     1. Go to and find the course you love.
     2. Read the user guide for non-EU applicants:
     3. Apply by selecting the ‘Non-EU Application’ link under the course
        description. You can save your application and return to it, but
        remember to submit it when you’re finished.

Discover Trinity Everything You Need to Know to Apply - - Trinity College Dublin
Undergraduate Courses
Trinity offers a broad range of undergraduate degree courses, see below.
Find out more at
Arts, Humanities
and Social Sciences
Global Business                                Middle Eastern, Jewish and                   Genetics
Business, Economic and                         Islamic Civilisations (JH)                   Human Genetics
Social Studies (B.E.S.S.)                      Modern Languages**                           Immunology
Business Studies and a Language                Modern Language plus another                 Microbiology
(French, German, Russian, Polish or Spanish)                                                Molecular Medicine
                                               subject (JH)                                 Neuroscience
Classics, Ancient History and Archaeology      Music                                        Physiology
Classics: Ancient History and                  Music (JH)                                   Zoology
Archaeology (JH)                                                                        Chemical Sciences with
                                               Music Education
Classical Civilisation (JH)                                                             specialisations in:
Classical Languages (JH)                                                                  Chemistry
                                               Philosophy (JH)                            Chemistry with Biosciences
Clinical Speech and Language Studies
                                               Philosophy, Political Science,             Chemistry with Molecular
Computer Science and Business (JH)             Economics and Sociology (P.P.E.S.)         Modelling
Computer Science, Linguistics and              Political Science (JH)                     Medicinal Chemistry
a Language                                                                                Nanoscience
Deaf Studies                                                                            Geography and Geoscience with
Drama and Theatre Studies                                                               specialisations in:
                                               Religion (JH)                              Geography
Drama Studies (JH)
                                               Social Policy (JH)                         Geoscience
Drama: Bachelor in Acting (The Lir)
                                               Social Studies (Social Work)             Physical Sciences with specialisations in:
Drama: Foundation Diploma in Acting                                                       Physics
and Theatre (The Lir)                          Sociology (JH)
                                               Trinity College Dublin and Columbia        Physics and Astrophysics
Drama: Bachelor in Stage Management                                                       Nanoscience
and Technical Theatre (The Lir)                University Dual BA Programme
Early and Modern Irish                                                                  Theoretical Physics
Economics (JH)
                                               Engineering, Mathematics
English Studies
                                               and Science
English Literature (JH)                        Computer Science                         Health Sciences
European Studies                                  Computer Science                      Clinical Speech and Language Studies
Film                                              Computer Science and Business (JH)    Dentistry
                                                  Computer Science, Linguistics and
Film (JH)                                         a Language                               Dental Hygiene
Geography (JH)                                    Management Science and Information       Dental Nursing
History                                           Systems Studies (M.S.I.S.S.)             Dental Science
History (JH)                                   Engineering                                 Dental Technology
                                               Engineering (common entry),                 Dental: Orthodontic Therapy
History: Ancient and Medieval History
and Culture                                    with specialisations in:
                                                  Biomedical Engineering                Human Health and Disease
History and Political Science (JH)                Civil, Structural and Environmental   Human Nutrition and Dietetics (Joint degree
History of Art and Architecture                   Engineering                           with Technological University of Dublin)
History of Art and Architecture (JH)              Computer Engineering                  Medicine
Law                                               Electronic Engineering                Nursing*
                                                  Electronic & Computer Engineering
Law (JH)                                          Mechanical and Manufacturing            General Nursing*
Law and French/German                             Engineering                             General Nursing (Adelaide)*
Law and Business (JH)                          Engineering with Management                Mental Health Nursing*
Law and History (JH)                           Environmental Science and                  Intellectual Disability Nursing*
Law and Political Science (JH)                                                            Integrated Children’s and General Nursing*
                                               Science and Mathematics
Linguistics (JH)                               Science                                  Occupational Therapy
Mathematics (JH)                                  Biological and Biomedical Sciences    Pharmacy
Middle Eastern and European                       with specialisations in:              Physiotherapy
Languages and Cultures                              Biochemistry                        Radiation Therapy
Note: JH stands for Joint Honours                   Environmental Sciences
* Nursing not eligible for US students. ** Modern Languages offered are French, German, Irish, Italian, Russian and Spanish.
Discover Trinity Everything You Need to Know to Apply - - Trinity College Dublin
Joint Honours/ Single Honours Degrees
For Arts, Humanities and Social                 at graduation. Choosing a single
Sciences students with multiple                 honours course, you will focus on
academic interests, a Joint                     one subject throughout your time                  Joseph Lanzillotta
Honours (JH) degree programme                   at Trinity.                                       – USA
is available. Joint Honours entry                                                                 Undergraduate: Business
courses provide you with an                     Find out more at:
opportunity to study two subjects             “I chose trinity to study
                                                                                         business internationally
to obtain an award in both subjects             your-trinity-pathways
                                                                                         and stand out as the only
                                                                                         graduate of my 600-student
                                                                                         high school class who

    Flexible Pathways of Study                                                           chose a university outside
                                                                                         of the United States. I
    We recognise that students’ interests evolve over time.                              ultimately turned down
    The pathways below give you the flexibility to focus or                              a full scholarship to an
    expand your domains of interest over your years at Trinity.                          American university to
                                                                                         attend Trinity. Dublin is an
                                                                                         exciting city to live in and
                                Single Honours                                           an easy one to get out of
                                                                                         when you want to take a
                           SINGLE HONOURS SUBJECT
                                                                                         breath and enjoy Ireland’s
                                                                                         natural beauty. ”

                                                                         Minor in a
        Single Honours Award in Subject         Major in Subject        New Subject

                                Joint Honours

                    SUBJECT 1             &              SUBJECT 2

      Single        Major in     JOINT HONOURS              Major in        Single
    Honours in      Subject 1                               Subject 2     Honours in
     Subject 1                                                             Subject 2

                    Minor in     Subject 1   Subject 2      Minor in
                    Subject 2                               Subject 1

                 Liam Grugan – USA
                 Undergraduate: Middle Eastern and European Languages
                 and Cultures (Dual BA with Columbia University)

     “My experience thus far in Dublin has been nothing short
     of romantic. Every morning, on my way to class, I pass the
     location of a photo taken of me on a tour of Trinity when I was
     five. I have already made loads of friends in my course just
     from hanging out on and off campus. Everyone at Trinity wants
     you to succeed: your tutors, lecturers, tutorials, peers, etc. are
                                                                                       Above: Liam Grugan, Undergraduate: Middle
     all hoping for you to thrive.”                                                    Eastern and European Languages and Cultures
                                                                                       (Dual BA with Columbia University)
Two Degrees • Two Universities • Four Years

                                                                          The Dual BA Program is adopting a
Dual BA Program                         Admissions                        one-year test-optional policy for first-
The Dual BA between Trinity        Applicants to the Dual BA Program      year Anglophone applicants for the
and Columbia University offers     apply by 2 January for fall enrolment. fall of 2021. For further information
students an international          The admissions process includes a      visit
educational experience across two review of the applicant’s academic
continents and at two world-class history, letters of recommendation,
universities. Students graduate    a personal essay, and an interview
from the Dual BA with two degrees, conducted in English. Interested       Applicants will receive an update
one from Trinity and one from      applicants are encouraged to preview on their application status by early
Columbia. Programs are available a PDF version of the application (for March. Those invited for an interview
in both the Faculty of Arts,       reference use only) before starting an will be prompted to schedule a
Humanities, and Social Sciences    electronic application. Applications time to meet with the admissions
and in the Faculty of Engineering, will be reviewed by a joint committee committee either in person in New
Maths, and Sciences. During your featuring admissions representatives York, Dublin or via teleconference.
studies, years one and two are     from both Columbia and Trinity.        Any student deemed eligible for
spent at Trinity and the final two                                        EU fee status should also apply
years at Columbia.                                                        to Trinity through the Central
                                                                          Applications Office (CAO)
TRINITY DEGREE                               COLUMBIA MAJOR
Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences
 Classics, Ancient History and Archaeology   Classics & Classical Studies   Ancient Studies   Archaeology
 English Studies                             English Studies
                                             History Political Science Hispanic Studies French
 European Studies
                                             German Literature & Cultural History Italian Slavic Studies
 Film                                        Film and Media Studies
 History                                     History
                                             Art History Art History & Visual Arts
 History of Art and Architecture
                                             History & Theory of Architecture
 Middle Eastern and                          Middle East, South Asian & African Studies Religion
 European Languages and Cultures             History Political Science
 Philosophy                                  Philosophy
 Religion                                    Philosophy      Religion
Engineering, Mathematics, and Science
 Geoscience: Geography and Geosciences       Earth Science                              Find out more at:
 Neuroscience: Biological and                Neuroscience and Behavior
 Biomedical Sciences
Applicant Guide                                                                   Key Dates for Entry
    For US Undergraduate Students                                                 September 2021
                                                                                  ▶ Applications are due to open Nov 1st 2020
Applicants from the US would normally                                             ▶ Applications close June 2021
be defined as non- EU applicants.
There are two different pathways for                                              ▶ We advise our Applicants to Apply
applications and fees in Ireland.         NOTE:                                     by February 1st 2021 to ensure you
                                          SAT subject test and AP scores            receive a decision by April 1st 2021
Find the correct pathway for you at            are not mandatory. However,             ▶ Accept offer by May 1st 2021

an-application.                           results in relevant subjects will       ▶   Trinity College Dublin has a rolling
                                          be reviewed.                                admission after May 1st throughout
    Application                                                                       June 2021
                                          High School Transcript
                                          Minimum GPA:                            Your predictive grades are used
    Due to the ongoing challenges         3.3 on 4.0 unweighted scale
    facing students seeking to sit                                                to make conditional offers. Full
    standardized tests and the            (B+ average)                            examination results are reviewed for
    continued impact of COVID-19,         Specific Class Requirements:            a final decision.
    Trinity admissions office will        English, Mathematics, a second          References
    consider alternative evidence         language and three further subjects
    from students applying for entry      Some courses have subject               Provide email addresses for one
    in 2021/22. In lieu of standardised   requirements, for example:              counsellor and one teacher and
    tests, the admissions office          ▶ Engineering: maths for four years
                                                                                  make sure your referees know to
    will consider criteria including:                                             expect a direct email request
                                          ▶ Science courses: two different
    GPA, academic transcripts, two          sciences in 3rd and 4th years         from Trinity.
    references, a personal statement      Upload a transcript with
    for your application. We will also    your application.                       Personal Statement
    consider other academic criteria      Trinity reviews your high school’s      500 words on why you are
    such as Advanced Placement            grading model and looks for a           considering Trinity and the specific
    courses (APs), college and honours    positive trajectory in your grades.     course you have chosen, how you
    level classes with strong grades      Because you are applying to a           see yourself contributing to the
    where relevant to the programme/      specific course, the Admissions team    Trinity community and what you see
    major for which you are applying.     also looks to see if you have taken     yourself doing with your degree.
    You may submit any SAT/ACT            all of the courses available at your
    test scores you have been able to     school in your chosen subject area.
    take if you also wish them to be                                                   Trinity is part of Naviance
                                          Your final transcript must be sent
                                          by your school at the end of your            Trinity does not use the
    Standardised Test Scores              4th year.                                    Common App or UCAS
    Minimum scores for consideration                                                   Trinity does not offer
                                          IB Diploma Requirements                      early decision
    New SAT: 1290
                                          3 subjects at grade 5 Higher Level
    ▶ Min. 500 in:                        and 3 subjects at grade 4 Standard
    – Evidence-based reading and          Level, including English, mathematics
    writing                               and a language. Some courses
    – Math                                require specific subjects such as HL
    ▶ No essay required
                                          Mathematics or a science subject.
    A minimum score of 1290 on any        Overall IB point requirements vary
    two of the Critical Reading, Math     by course and range from 28 to 40,
    and Writing sections and no score     including bonus points.
    less than 500.
                                          For more information on IB
    OR                                    requirements visit:                          NOTE:
    ACT: 28/29                                        Self-report test scores and
    Cumulative, without writing           admissionrequirements/                       have scores sent to Trinity
    Subject test and AP scores are        undergraduate                                (SAT: 2494/ACT: 5230)
    not mandatory.
Top FAQs
For US applicants

Applying                                    Studying at Trinity                        modules will be available via the
                                                                              portal and from your
▶   What’s the top tip for applying         ▶   Can I change my major?                 programme office.
    from the US?                                Students apply and are admitted
    Firstly, reach out to your local            to a specific course. There are no     Electives are available to students
    Trinity representative. We                  “General Education” requirements;      from all disciplines across the
    have a number of in-country                 students begin their specific          university. Optional language
    representatives that provide a              course of study immediately.           modules are among these and
    host of supports, from individual           Changes are made by students           include Irish, French, Spanish,
    meetings, video calls and                   each year however changing to          German, Croatian, Korean,
    group webinars, to help with                another course is challenging          Japanese and Mandarin. Discover
    all aspects of Trinity life. All our        and uncommon. Changes are              more at:
    representatives can be found on             considered on a case-by-case basis.
    the back cover of this guide or at:                                                Typical degree workload: 60 credits           ▶ Do you have Study Abroad                 per year (240 to graduate) and
                                              programmes?                              300 for 5-year masters degrees. All
▶   What percentage of students               Trinity offers the opportunity to        modules are 5 or 10 credits, so you
    does Trinity accept?                      study in over 250 universities           take between 3 and 6 modules per
    We receive hundreds of US                 around the world. Some courses,          semester (balanced at 30 credits
    applications and can accept a             particularly those with language         per semester). Final year Capstone
    much higher percent of qualified          components, require that some            projects are 20 credits
    applicants than top US schools.           time be spent outside of Ireland.
    Our rankings do not depend on             Other courses may have direct links Life at Trinity
    percent of students accepted.             with corresponding departments in
                                              international partner universities. ▶ Do I need a visa from the
▶   Is a Trinity degree recognised in         See              United States?
    the US?                                   abroad for further information.          Students who are United States
    Our 4-year degree programmes                                                       nationals do not require a visa
    are recognised globally. US             ▶ How many students                        to enter Ireland. However once you
    employers have strong awareness           attend Trinity?                          are here you will still be required
    of Trinity’s history of academic          Trinity has about 13,500                 to register with the Irish
    excellence. There are strong              undergraduate and 5,500                  Naturalisation and Immigration
    alumni networks in most major             postgraduate students.                   Service (INIS) after arrival. To see if
    US cities and around the world,           Approximately 28% of students            you require a visa for Ireland
    creating opportunities for                come from over 120 countries             visit:
    mentoring and networking for all          outside of Ireland. Students
    graduates.                                coming from the US make up             ▶ What support is available for

                                              approximately 5% of the total            international students?
                                              student body.                            Each undergraduate student has
Fees and Funding                                                                       a personal tutor. This is a faculty
▶   Are scholarships available?             ▶ What is the average class size?
                                                                                       member assigned to advise, guide
    Trinity offers a number of                Class size varies from course to         and be a source of support for any
    scholarships for prospective and          course. Some large courses, like         issue that may impact a student’s
    current students. Full scholarship        BESS (Business, Economic and             academic life.
    information is available                  Social Studies), will have 1st and       In addition, the Global Room
    here:                   2nd year lectures of over 150  
    international/scholarships.               people, along with small-group           trinity-life/global-room offers a
                                              tutorials of 15-20. Smaller courses      student support officer and team
▶   Does Trinity offer financial aid?         like Art History or Classics will have of ambassadors trained in working
    Trinity participates in the US Direct     fewer students in each class. Third- with international students.
    Loan Program. You will find details       and fourth-year modules will be
                                              significantly smaller.                   All students have access to the
    of all Trinity sourced scholarships                                                health centre, counselling service,
    at                                                    Students’ Union welfare officer
                                            ▶ What will my timetable look like?
    fees-and-payments/federal-aid.                                                     and learning support. See more
    Any regional or local US                  Can I choose my classes?
                                              Timetable details for lectures,          supports on page 26.
    scholarships that do not specifically
    exclude non-US universities can           seminars and other scheduled
    also be used at Trinity.                  teaching events for your selected
Trinity’s Top 10 Courses
 Business Courses                       P.P.E.S (Philosophy, Political History and Political
 Business, Economics, Social            Science, Economics, Sociology) Science (HistPol)
 Studies, or B.E.S.S., is a uniquely    The P.P.E.S. programme is the only     The four-year programme allows
 flexible degree programme              university degree in Ireland where     students to lay firm foundations
 offering you 10 different degree       students can combine the study         in both disciplines in the first two
 options across the disciplines of      of Philosophy, Political Science,      years. The final two years of the
 Business, Economics, Political         Economics and Sociology in an          programme then allow students
 Science and Sociology. The             engaging degree.                       the chance to study several
 Trinity Global Business Degree is                                             specialist modules in-depth.
 a unique programme, designed
 for students who wish to focus on      Engineering                            Law
 business from the very beginning       The School of Engineering at
 of their degree. Innovation and                                               Trinity’s School of Law is Ireland’s
                                        Trinity continuously benchmarks
 entrepreneurship are key pillars of                                           oldest and most internationally
                                        itself against the top international
 this dynamic new programme.                                                   renowned law school. With a
                                        engineering schools and offers
                                                                               distinguished team of professors
                                        outstanding teaching by engineers
                                                                               and lecturers, the Law School
 European Studies                       who are at the forefront of their
                                                                               attracts students of the highest
                                        field worldwide.
 European Studies at Trinity offers                                            caliber from Ireland and abroad.
 a unique and broad range of
 languages and subjects for study       Science                                Computer Science
 and draws on the expertise and                                                Students can study for an honours
                                        The four-year undergraduate
 dedication of lecturers from a range                                          degree over four years, and also
                                        degree programmes in Science are
 of subjects. European Studies                                                 have the option to study for a
                                        diverse, progressive and exciting,
 attracts students with strong                                                 fifth year leading to a M.Sc. in
                                        and offer students a wide choice of
 potential from Ireland and abroad.                                            Computer Science.
                                        specializations including the very
                                        popular Biological and Biomedical
 English                                Science course. There are excellent    Psychology
                                        career prospects across the whole
 Trinity English courses have                                                  Students are encouraged to become
                                        spectrum of the Sciences. Students
 been designed to develop                                                      actively involved in our ongoing
                                        are encouraged to become actively
 independence of critical thought                                              research, particularly in the third and
                                        involved in our ongoing research,
 and the articulation of informed                                              fourth years of their studies.
                                        particularly in the third and fourth
 discussion, both oral and written.
                                        years of their studies.

Our 2021 US Hybrid
             Open Days
             Spend a virtual day on campus without leaving your country.
Take an enhanced virtual campus tour. Talk to our US students, staff and our alumni. Learn
                     about the oldest student societies in the world.

Our US Team will endeavour to meet all our Offer Holders and Families around these events.
Please keep up to date with all these events and more on our website as dates may change.

      South East Information Session                       Boston Open Day
             18 MARCH 2021                                 27 MARCH 2021

       Chicago Information Session                        New York Open Day
             20 MARCH 2021                                 28 MARCH 2021

     Los Angeles Information Session              New York City Information Session
            22 MARCH 2021                                 29 MARCH 2021

        Denver Information Session                    Texas Information Session
             23 MARCH 2021                                 30 MARCH 2021

        Seattle Information Session                Philadelphia Information Session
              24 MARCH 2021                                31 MARCH 2021

     San Francisco Information Session             Washington D.C Information Session
             25 MARCH 2021                                  1 APRIL 2021

Postgraduate Courses
     Arts, Humanities
     and Social Sciences
     School of Business                      School of Histories                        School of Linguistic, Speech and
     Business Analytics (M.Sc.)              and Humanities                             Communication Sciences
     Digital Marketing Strategy (M.Sc.)      Art History (M.Phil.)                      Applied Linguistics (M.Phil.)
     Entrepreneurship (M.Sc.)                Classics (M.Phil.)                         Chinese Studies (M.Phil.)
     Finance (M.Sc.)                         Early Modern History (M.Phil.)             Clinical Speech and Language
     Financial Risk Management (M.Sc.)       Environmental History (M.Phil.)            Studies (M.Sc.)
     Human Resource Management (M.Sc.)       Gender and Women’s Studies (M.Phil.)       English Language Teaching (M.Phil.)
     International Management (M.Sc.)        International History (M.Phil.)            Linguistics (M.Phil.)
     Management (M.Sc.)                      Medieval Studies (M.Phil.)                 Speech and Language
     Marketing (M.Sc.)                       Modern Irish History (M.Phil.)             Processing (M.Phil.)
                                             Public History and Cultural
     Master in Business Administration (M.B.A.)                                         School of Psychology
     Operations and Supply Chain             Heritage (M.Phil.)                         Applied Behaviour Analysis (M.Sc.)
     Management (M.Sc.)                      School of Languages, Literatures           Applied Psychology (M.Sc.)
     Postgraduate Diploma in Accounting      and Cultural Studies                       Clinical Psychology (D.Clin.Psych.)
                                             Comparative Literature (M.Phil.)           Counselling Psychology
     School of Creative Arts
     (Drama, Film and Music)                 Digital Humanities and Culture (M.Phil.)   (D.Couns.Psych.)
     Film Studies (M.Phil.)                  Early Irish (M.Phil.)                      Psychoanalytic Studies (M.Phil.)
     Playwriting (M.F.A.)                    Identities and Cultures of                 Psychology (H.Dip.) - Psychology
     Stage Design (M.F.A.)                   Europe (M.Phil.)                           Conversion Course
     Theatre Directing (M.F.A.)              Literary Translation (M.Phil.)             School of Religion
     Theatre and Performance (M.Phil.) School of Law                                    Christian Theology (M.Phil.)
     School of Education                     Intellectual Property and                  Christian Theology (P.Grad.Dip.)
     Master in Education (M.Ed.)             Information Technology Law (LL.M.)         Conflict Resolution and
     Professional Masters Education (P.M.E.) International and Comparative              Reconciliation (M.Phil.)
                                             Law (LL.M.)                                Intercultural Theology and
     School of English
                                             International and European                 Interreligious Studies (M.Phil.)
     Children’s Literature (M.Phil.)
                                             Business Law (LL.M.)                       International Peace Studies (M.Phil.)
     Creative Writing (M.Phil.)
                                             Law and Finance (M.Sc.)                    School of Social Sciences
     Irish Writing (M.Phil.)
                                             Laws (LL.M.)                               and Philosophy
     Modern and Contemporary
     Literary Studies (M.Phil.)                                                         Comparative Social Change (M.Sc.)
                                                                                        Economics (M.Sc.)
                                                                                        International Politics (M.Sc.)
                                                                                        Philosophy (M.Phil.)
                                                                                        Race, Ethnicity, Conflict (M.Phil.)
                                                                                        School of Social Work and
                                                                                        Social Policy
                                                                                        Applied Social Research (M.Sc.)
                                                                                        Social Work (M.S.W.)

Engineering, Mathematics
and Science
School of Biochemistry                  School of Engineering                    School of Natural Sciences
and Immunology                          Biomedical Engineering (M.Sc.)           Biodiversity and Conservation (M.Sc.)
Immunology (M.Sc.)                      Electronic Information                   Development Practice (M.Sc.)
Immunotherapeutics (M.Sc.)              Engineering (M.Sc.)                      Environmental Sciences (M.Sc.)
School of Computer Science              Engineering (Environmental /             Smart and Sustainable Cities (M.Sc.)
and Statistics                          Structural and Geotechnical /            School of Physics
Computer Science (M.Sc.) -              Transport/ Sustainable Energy) (M.Sc.)   Energy Science (M.Sc.)
Augmented and Virtual Reality           Mechanical Engineering (M.Sc.)
Computer Science (M.Sc.)                Music and Media Technologies (M.Phil.)
- Data Science
                                        School of Mathematics
Computer Science (M.Sc.) -
                                        High Performance Computing (M.Sc.)
Future Networked Systems
                                        Quantum Fields, Strings and
Computer Science (M.Sc.) -
                                        Gravity (M.Sc.)
Intelligent Systems
Interactive Digital Media (M.Sc.)

Health Sciences
School of Dental Science                School of Nursing and Midwifery
Dental Surgery (D.Ch.Dent.)             Ageing Health & Wellbeing in
School of Medicine                      Intellectual Disability (M.Sc.)
Addiction Recovery (M.Sc.)              Children’s Nursing (H.Dip.)
Biomedical Sciences                     Community Health (M.Sc.)
(Intercalated) (M.Sc.)                  Dementia (M.Sc.)
Cancer Survivorship (M.Sc.)             Mental Health (M.Sc.)
Diagnostic Radiography (M.Sc.)          Midwifery (H.Dip.)
Entrepreneurship Biotech &              Midwifery Practice and
Pharma (P.Grad.Dip)                     Leadership (M.Sc.)
Genomic Medicine (M.Sc.)                Nursing (M.Sc.)
Global Health (M.Sc.)                   Nursing - Child Health
Healthcare Infection                    and Wellbeing (M.Sc.)
Management (M.Sc.)                      School of Pharmacy and
Healthcare Innovation (P.Grad.Dip.)     Pharmaceutical Sciences
Molecular Medicine (M.Sc.)              Pharmaceutical Sciences (M.Sc.)
Neuroscience (M.Sc.)                                                               Trinity offers a broad range of
                                                                                   full-time masters programmes.
Sports and Exercise Medicine (M.Sc.)                                               Find out more at:
Translational Oncology (M.Sc.)                                           

Note: All Postgraduate courses are subject to change
Applicant Guide
 For US Postgraduate Students

 Application Process                     Online Applications                  Once you have submitted an
                                                                              online application you will be sent
 Entry to Irish universities is         All course information and online     an acknowledgment email to the
 competitive, and no graduate           application details are available at  email address you provided when
 applicant, from Ireland or any other setting up your user account on
 country has an automatic right to                                   applicant portal.
 admission. Most courses at Trinity All applications for postgraduate         The applicant portal will
 have a restricted number of places research and taught programmes allow you to send and receive
 available for postgraduate students. should be made online by logging communications in respect of
                                        on to                      your application to Trinity. You
 The range of studies on offer                                                will be able to track the progress
 is vast and the standard set for       Throughout the application            of your application at every
 postgraduate study is exceptionally and admission process,                   stage of the admissions process;
 high. This combination, together communications between Trinity update your personal information,
 with the range of ancillary facilities and the applicant will primarily be view decisions made on your
 in the immediate vicinity of           via online messaging within the       application(s) and accept or refuse
 the University, offers an almost portal, and via email.      any offers you may receive.
 unparalleled learning experience Please note that incomplete
 to all postgraduate students.          applications cannot be processed.
                                        Applicants should make all            International Students
                                        reasonable effort prior to
                                        registration to ensure that           Visa Requirements
                                        the course/programme they             If you are a citizen of the European
                                        are registering for meets their       Union (EU), you do not need a visa
                                        expectations by:                      to enter and live in Ireland. Students
                                                                              from North America do not require a
                                        ▶ Contacting the relevant course
                                                                              visa for Ireland. The list of visa-required
                                        co-ordinator or prospective           countries can be found at the INIS
                                        supervisor/research director.         website: Visa
                                                                              letters can be generated by visiting
                                        ▶ Accessing all information available
                                                                              the portal and selecting
                                        on the courses website                ‘My Applications’ and clicking on
                                                                              Generate Visa Letter.
                                                                              If assistance is required please
                                        and the specific school/course web
                                        pages linked on this site.            email

                                                                                  It is important to note that ALL non-
                                                                                  EU students, whether visa-required
                                                                                  or not, must register with the Irish
                                                                                  Naturalisation and Immigration
                                                                                  Service (INIS) for permission to
                                                                                  remain in the state. Students must
                                                                                  show their offer letter at airport
                                                                                  immigration where they will
                                                                                  receive a temporary stamp in their
                                                                                  passport. They must register with
                                                                                  INIS within the time limit specified
                                                                                  on their temporary stamp.
                                                                    A specific International Postgraduate Student
                                                                    Orientation takes place before teaching commences.
                                                                    Details are available at
▶ Pearson Test of English
Supporting Documents                          Entry Requirements
                                                                                    (Academic) - PTE Academic: a
When you apply for a postgraduate             Postgraduate study in Trinity is      minimum score of 63 to be eligible
course online, you will have the              academically challenging and as       (with no section score below 59)
option to upload your supporting              a result the University has high
documents. The following                      academic entry requirements.          ▶ An award certificate with a

information is required before a              Applicants will need to hold:         minimum II.1 overall score
decision can be made on your                  ▶ at least a 2.1 honours degree       from Trinity’s Centre for English
application:                                  from an Irish university or           Language Learning and Teaching’s
▶ Two Academic References (or
                                              equivalent result from a university   Pre-sessional Pathway Programme.
where appropriate clinical referees)          in another country                    Please note that test scores are
▶ Academic transcript(s) which must                                                 only valid for two years.
                                              ▶ meet the English language
be certified by the issuing body.                                                   For further details on these
Please note that graduates of Trinity                                               English Language Proficiency Tests,
do not need to provide academic               Some courses may require              please contact the appropriate
transcripts or certified copies of            higher standards or require you       organisation directly.
degree certificates                           to take further tests or attend an
▶   Certified copy of degree certificate(s)
    Valid passport
                                              English Language
▶ An application fee of €55                   Requirements
(non-refundable)                                                                    An applicant whose first language
                                    All applicants whose first language
  A recognized certificate of English                                               is not English but who has taken
                                    is not English and who have
language competency if English                                                      a degree through the medium of
                                    not been educated through the
is not your first language. (See                                                    English may be eligible provided
                                    medium of English must present
language requirements).                                                             they did not complete their
                                    one of the following qualifications
                                                                                    studies more than two years prior
▶ You may also be required to       in the English language:
                                                                                    to admission.
submit further documents e.g. a     ▶ IELTS: Grade 6.5 overall
                                                                                    However, some courses may
sample of work in support of your ▶ TOEFL: 88 internet-based, 570                   request applicants to present an
application/additional test results paperbased, 230 computer-based.                 English language qualification
such as GMAT etc.                   The test taken here should be                   under certain circumstances.
If this is necessary for a decision TOEFL IBT
to be made on your application,     ▶ University of Cambridge:                      Please note that the required grade
the document will become a          Proficiency Certificate, Grade C or             for the IELTS examination may vary
mandatory part of your application. better (CEFR Level C1 or C2)                    from programme to programme.
                                    ▶ Advanced Certificate, Grade C or
                                                                                    Please consult each programme
                                                                                    page at:
                                    better (CEFR Level C1 or C2)                    postgraduate

                 Peter Hyatt – USA
                 Postgraduate: Bioengineering                                             There are two different
                                                                                          pathways for applications and
      “Having lived in the US most of my life, I’ve always wanted to                      fees in Ireland - applicants from
      travel to see the rest of the world. The MSc in Bioengineering                      EU/EEA and non-EU applicants.
      matched my specific academic interest unlike any other school                       Click here to find the right
      and it’s in a place that I knew had an amazing and fun culture.                     pathway for you:
      Stepping out of your comfort zone is one of the hardest things            
      to do but is often the first step to making amazing memories.                       making-an-application
      The only thing you’ll regret is not taking your opportunity.”

Postgraduate Research
 at Trinity College Dublin, the University of Dublin
 Ranked 101st in the world, Trinity         Postgraduate Research
 is recognised as one of the
 world’s leading research-intensive         Students
 universities and its research                As a truly international university,
 continues to address issues of               we welcome applications from
 global, societal and economic                prospective postgraduate students
 importance.                                  globally and we hope you will
     Trinity has research strengths           consider choosing Trinity for your
     that span the Sciences, Medicine, postgraduate research.
     Engineering, Business, Arts and          Applications are submitted
     Humanities, a spectrum that is           online at
     mirrored by our broad range of           postgraduate/research and
     taught postgraduate courses and must include a detailed research
     research opportunities at master’s proposal. This is reviewed by the
                                                                                     Funding Opportunities
     and doctorate level. Our inspiring relevant School and acceptance
     professors are global leaders            is dependent on the quality of         The University offers postgraduate
     in their fields, and they work           the proposal and availability of       awards which are available only to
     alongside students in a common           adequate supervision. The Dean         students intending to register for
     enterprise of discovery.                 of Graduate Studies then conducts      full-time higher research degrees
                                              the final review and approval          (i.e. PhD).
     Trinity is also the first and only Irish
                                              subsequent to meeting all
     university to join the prestigious
                                              criteria. All students undertaking a   More information on postgraduate
     ranks of the League of European
                                              research degree are assigned to a      funding and scholarships can be
     Research Universities (LERU). Full
                                              single supervisor, though for some     found on our website:
     details regarding Trinity’s research
                                              students there may also be an
     institutes, centres and themes are
                                              additional advisor.                    scholarships-funding.
     available at
     The University has produced
     generations of outstanding                           Brady Gordon – Canada
     graduates including writers                          Postgraduate: LL.M and PhD in Law
     such as Oscar Wilde and Samuel
     Beckett; scientists such as William         “Choosing to do my LLM and my PhD at Trinity College
     Rowan Hamilton and E.T.S. Walton,           Dublin was the best choice I could have made for my career,
     who won the Nobel Prize for                 my life and myself. It set me up as an expert in my field, and
     splitting the atom, as well as two          left me with lifelong friendships with colleagues at leading
     Irish presidents, many industry             universities and companies all around the world.”
     leaders and entrepreneurs.

                                                                  DID YOU KNOW?
                                                                       Trinity is the first and only Irish university
                                                                       to join the prestigious ranks of the League
                                                                       of European Research Universities (LERU)
Cost to Attend
For Full-Time International Students

Total Costs for One Academic Year                                         Funding Your Trinity Education
Tuition fees vary by course and are subject to change.                    Trinity participates in the US Direct Loan Program.
Most undergraduate courses last four years and postgraduate               Complete the FAFSA and send your Student Aid
masters programmes last one year.                                         Report (SAR) to Trinity. (Our code is G06842 or
For a full list of course fees and details of fee status please see:      006842-Univ of Dublin Trinity College).                             Trinity accepts:
Most international applicants apply as non-EU international               ▶ All scholarships and grants that do not stipulate

students. Fee status is based on residency, not citizenship.              “for use in US college only.”
There is a non-refundable online application fee of €55                   ▶ 529 funds. Providers can contact Trinity directly.
per course.                                                               Students are also encouraged to explore external
    Living Costs ⁱ                                                        funding options in their home countries.
                                           Living Costs in Euro           Trinity offers a number of scholarship opportunities
    Utilities                              €1,000 ($1,190)                for prospective students interested in studying
    Meals ⁱⁱ                               €3,000 ($3,570)                at Ireland’s leading university. Students are also
                                                                          encouraged to explore external funding options
    Books and Miscellaneous                €2,500 ($2,975)                in their home countries. For more information on
    Commuting                              €1,000 ($1,190)                available scholarship please see:
    Health Insurance ⁱⁱⁱ                   €550 ($645)          
    Living Costs (excluding accommodation) €8,050 ($9,570)

    Undergraduate students
                                           €5,530 ($6,581)
    1 Year Housing Trinity Hall iv
                                           – €7,250 ($8,628)
    Understanding Ireland: Smart Start
                                           €400 ($476)
    (Optional 1-week pre-term programme) v
    Postgraduate students
    1 Year Housing Private Accommodation vi €8,000 ($9,520)

    1 Year Housing Kavanagh Court
                                           €9,880 ($11,757)
    (38 week contract)
                                           €13,980 - €15,700
    Total Undergraduate Living Costs vii
                                           ($16,627 - $18,674)
    Total Postgraduate Living Costs viii   €16,050 ($19,090)
  Living costs are calculated per academic year and will vary by each student's lifestyle. Holidays, laundry and clothes are
excluded. Total costs are calculated based on the higher level of living costs and may vary.
   Trinity does not offer meal plans. Students cook at home or eat on campus and in the city centre.
    Health insurance is required for non-EU students. Average cost is shown above – insurance cost may be lower or higher
depending on policy chosen. More information available at:
    A range of options for undergraduate students are available in Trinity Hall for the academic year. One academic year
Housing Trinity Hall in shared accommodation €5,530- €5,915, private room €7,250.
Find out more at:
   In addition to the undergraduate student costs above, Trinity also offers an optional one week pre-term Understanding
Ireland programme. This optional programme is an additional €400 which also includes the cost of accommodation.
Details at
    Average based on a 43-week lease for a double room in a shared, apartment-style accommodation in Dublin.
Prices can vary greatly depending on the type of accommodation chosen.
More information at:
     This represents an approximate cost. Converted from Euro to USD at €1/$1.19. This information is current at August 2020
     Fieldwork Costs, Costs of Preparations of Thesis/ Dissertation. Students are personally responsible for the costs involved
if they have to undertake fieldwork as part of their postgraduate programme. They are also responsible for all costs relating
to the preparation and submission of their thesis or dissertation such as typing, binding and photography.
Student Accommodation
     Living in Trinity accommodation
     brings a further dimension to your      Trinity Hall                         On Campus
     participation in university life. You   Trinity Hall is a first year         Rooms on campus are primarily
     will be living as part of the Trinity   undergraduate designated             reserved for students in their final
     community and will have greater         off campus residence. Rooms          year and Trinity Scholars; however,
     opportunities for getting involved      are arranged in self-catering        there are a number of rooms on the
     in many aspects of student life         apartments, with each typically      campus suitable for students who
     while making lifelong friends.          accommodating six persons and        have mobility difficulties and who
     All undergraduate non-EU first          consisting of a mix of single and    are capable of independent living.
     year students are guaranteed            twin en-suite bedrooms with a        Students may apply for a room once
     accommodation primarily at              large, shared kitchen/living room.   they have accepted a place in Trinity.
     Trinity Hall (the designated            Find out more at:        Find out more at:
     1st year student residence) or          accommodation/trinity-hall           accommodation/on-campus
     Kavanagh Court. Continuing
     undergraduate students and              Kavanagh Court                       Other Options for
     postgraduate students may apply                                              International Students
     for accommodation on campus             Available to undergraduate and
     and at Kavanagh Court. For              postgraduate students, Kavanagh      For students who do not wish
     students on Trinity's International     Court is a 15 minute walk from       to avail of Trinity approved
     Foundation Programme, their             campus. Apartments are typically     accommodation, an alternative
     accommodation is guaranteed in          6-bedroom, in single en-suite        is to seek private rented
     the Marino Institute.                   rooms with a large shared kitchen/   accommodation, usually
                                             living space. Find out more at:      sharing an apartment or a
                                               house with other students. The
                                             kavanagh-court                       Trinity Students Union (TCDSU)
                                                                                  Accommodation Advisory
                                                                                  Service helps students find
                                                                                  accommodation by providing
                                                                                  them with advice and access to
                                                                                  house-hunting resources.
                                                                                  Find out more at:

      Kavanagh Court                                                               Trinity Hall
      Trinity Accommodation                                                        Trinity Accommodation

     Dublin Airport

Campus Tours
Come Visit Trinity

                     The best way to explore Trinity’s unique,
                     lively, traditional, urban experience is to
                     pay us a visit and take a tour of campus. Our
                     student-led tours are the perfect way to learn
                     about life at Trinity from a current student.

                     If you are planning to apply, come visit.
                     To sign up for a tour please visit:

                     Note: subject to COVID-19 restrictions.

                     We are delighted to bring you our new
                     Virtual Campus Tour led by our team of
                     Global Ambassadors which is now available
                     on Youtube:

Career Opportunities
 Your Career Journey                     Eligibility to Work                            Did you know?
 at Trinity
                                         Non-EU nationals who have                     Trinity is a Top 100
 Our graduates are highly sought         permission to undertake                     University for Graduate
 after by employers across all           undergraduate and postgraduate                   Employability
 sectors and many have gone              study in Ireland are entitled to
 on to successful careers around         take up casual employment,                      (QS Graduate Employability
                                                                                               Ranking 2020)
 the globe. See below for just           defined as up to 20 hours part-
 a few examples of the diverse           time work per week or full-time
 organisations that have recruited       work during vacation periods
 Trinity graduates in recent years.      when their coursework for the           Innovation and
 The Trinity Careers Service             year is complete.                       Entrepreneurship
 supports students in exploring            On graduation, undergraduate          Trinity is committed to empowering
 their career ambitions for the            students have the possibility         our students, enabling them
 future and planning how to                to stay in Ireland to work for        to set up their own companies,
 achieve them.                             one year on the Third Level           realise their potential inside and
  Find out more about the Careers          Graduate Scheme, while eligible       outside of the lecture theatre, and
  Service at:           postgraduate students can stay        become entrepreneurially-minded
                                           for up to two years. This allows      graduates.
                                           students to gain valuable work
                                           experience in Ireland across a        As a European leader in student
                                           wide range of industries and          entrepreneurship, Trinity has
                                           organisations. Students may also      established Tangent, Trinity’s
          Caoimhe Tyndall – USA            have the option of remaining in       Ideas Workspace. This world-
          Trinity Neuroscience             Ireland for a longer period if they   class facility, co-located within an
          Graduate and Research                                                  expanded Trinity Business School,
          Scientist at the Trinity College are able to secure employment         offers students, staff and the wider
          Institute of Neuroscience        that meets the criteria for a Work
                                           Permit. For further information       innovation ecosystem a place to
                                                                                 come together to collaborate, build
 “Through studying Neuroscience see:                             and innovate.
 in Trinity, I gained the technical
 tools and transferable skills to                                                Opportunities include:
 transition well into my career as a                                             ▶   LaunchBox, Tangent’s Student
 research scientist. Gaining these                                                   Accelerator
 transferable skills from both                      Did you know?
                                                                                 ▶   Tangent Pioneers, International
 academic and extracurricular                    Trinity is 1st in Europe            Accelerator Programme
 sources in Trinity has helped                        for producing
 me to develop my career path                    entrepreneurs for the           ▶   The Provost’s Innovation
 and become recognised as high-                     6th year in a row                Challenge at Tangent
 performing talent across many                                                   ▶ Undergraduate Certificate in
                                                     (Pitchbook Universities
 career sectors. ”                                         Report 2020)           Innovation and Entrepreneurship
                                                                                 Find out more at:

     Where some of our Trinity graduates are now employed

Opportunities Abroad
Study, Work and                          Short-term Study Abroad:
Volunteer Abroad                         Module Elective
Trinity students can study abroad        Some courses also have shorter-
as an integral part of their degree      term international field trips
and Trinity has partnership              available as elective modules. For
agreements with many other               example final year students in our
world-leading universities. Trinity is   School of Natural Science can take
a long-standing participant in the       a module in Tropical Ecology and
Erasmus Programme for European           Conservation. This involves an
exchange and has many other              11-day residential field course in
international exchange partners in       East Africa at the Great Rift Valley.
the US, China, Australia, and India      Watch some of our students talking
as well as elsewhere in Asia, Africa     about their fantastic experiences:
and the Middle East.           
Our students on international
exchanges are able to take
advantage of our International           Working Abroad                               Trinity supports its students
Welcome Programme which                                                               going abroad by providing
                                    Trinity’s Careers Service works                   bursaries, for instance the
connects Trinity students on        with employers across the world
exchange abroad with one of our                                                       Provost’s travel bursary.
                                    to promote international work
131,000 Trinity alumni based in     experience and job opportunities
over 148 countries.                 to Trinity students and
Trinity students benefit enormously graduates. Gaining international
from their experiences studying     experience enhances a student’s
abroad. Find our more via our       employability, helps them to
student blog: tcdglobal.wordpress. develop new skills and to gain a
com/category/outbound-students better understanding of working in
                                    an international environment.

            Langston Guettinger – USA
            History of Art and English Literature Graduate

   “My Erasmus year in Prague helped me develop important
   life skills such as confidence in my ability to meet challenges. I
   emerged from my Erasmus year with a deeper understanding
   of myself. As a student of the liberal arts, the city’s artistic and
   architectural heritage and its complex political history helped
   me understand the relationships between a place, its history,
   and its people. I’m now working as an Architectural Historian/
   Historic Preservation Specialist at Logan Simpson in the US.”
                                                                                 Check here from more information
                                                                                 on Study Abroad at Trinity:

You can also read