2021 Year 10 Curriculum Handbook - BEAUDESERT STATE HIGH SCHOOL

Page created by Allen Miles
2021 Year 10 Curriculum Handbook - BEAUDESERT STATE HIGH SCHOOL

               Year 10
  Curriculum Handbook

2021 Year 10 Curriculum Handbook - BEAUDESERT STATE HIGH SCHOOL
MESSAGE FROM THE PRINCIPAL ....................................................................................................................................... 2
YEAR 10 CURRICULUM OVERVIEW .................................................................................................................................... 4
SOME HELPFUL HINTS WHEN CHOOSING AREAS OF STUDY .............................................................................................. 5
SUBJECTS AND CAREER PATHWAYS .................................................................................................................................. 6
CORE SUBJECTS ................................................................................................................................................................. 8
    ENGLISH ................................................................................................................................................................................ 8
    MATHEMATICS ..................................................................................................................................................................... 9
    SCIENCE .............................................................................................................................................................................. 10
    HISTORY .............................................................................................................................................................................. 11
    HEALTH AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION .................................................................................................................................... 12
    LEARNING DIVERSITY STUDIES............................................................................................................................................ 13
ELECTIVE SUBJECTS ......................................................................................................................................................... 14
    DANCE ................................................................................................................................................................................ 14
    DESIGN AND TECHNOLOGIES ............................................................................................................................................... 15
    DIGITAL TECHNOLOGIES ..................................................................................................................................................... 16
    DRAMA ............................................................................................................................................................................... 17
    ECONOMICS AND BUSINESS................................................................................................................................................. 18
    FOOD AND FIBRE PRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................................... 19
    FOOD SPECIALISATION ....................................................................................................................................................... 20
    JAPANESE ........................................................................................................................................................................... 21
    MATERIALS AND TECHNOLOGIES SPECIALISATIONS ............................................................................................................ 22
    MEDIA ARTS ........................................................................................................................................................................ 23
    VISUAL ARTS ....................................................................................................................................................................... 24
CO-CURRICULAR SUBJECTS ............................................................................................................................................. 25
    SPORT YEAR 10 ................................................................................................................................................................... 25
    INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC PROGRAM .................................................................................................................................... 26

2021 Year 10 Curriculum Handbook - BEAUDESERT STATE HIGH SCHOOL
Important decisions must be made while at school. Some of the most important involve choices of subjects to
take in Year 10. These decisions may affect the type of career or occupation you follow when you leave school.
Your course selection also affects your happiness and success while at school.

We have fully implemented the Australian Curriculum. The Australian Curriculum sets the expectations for what
all young Australians should be taught, regardless of where they live in Australia or their background. ACARA
draws on the best national talent and expertise, and consults widely to develop the Australian Curriculum and

Education plays a critical role in shaping the lives of young Australians and contributing to a democratic, equitable
and just society that is prosperous, cohesive and culturally diverse.

The rationale for the introduction of the Australian Curriculum centres on improving the quality, equity and
transparency of Australia’s education system:

   Quality – an Australian Curriculum will contribute to the provision of a world-class education in Australia by
    setting out the knowledge, understanding and skills needed for life and work in the 21st century and by
    setting high standards of achievement across the country.
   Equity – an Australian Curriculum will provide a clear, shared understanding of what young people should be
    taught and the quality of learning expected of them, regardless of their circumstances, the type of school
    that they attend or the location of their school.

The commitment to develop a national curriculum reflects a willingness to work together, across geographical
and school-sector boundaries, to provide a world-class education for all young Australians. Working nationally
makes it possible to harness collective expertise and effort in the pursuit of this common goal. It also offers the
potential of economies of scale and a substantial reduction in the duplication of time, effort and resources.

This implementation will mean that there will be some changes in the subject choices and time allocations for

My advice to students is you should ensure that you are honest about your abilities and realistic about your
career aims.

In the end, though, success at study involves hard work and commitment. Students need to, and indeed are
expected to, give their personal best at all times. This means a daily commitment to attendance, attitude and
achievement, and a focus on the school’s values – Respect, Responsibility, and Readiness to work and learn.

I am convinced that the wonderful courses of study offered at this school will bring great benefits to students –
both now and in the future.

Brad Roberts

2021 Year 10 Curriculum Handbook - BEAUDESERT STATE HIGH SCHOOL
New Queensland Certificate of Education (QCE)
and Tertiary Entrance Systems
The Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority (QCAA) announced details of changes to senior
assessment and tertiary entrance processes. The changes came into effect from 2019. There are some main
points for parents/caregivers to be aware of:
 The OP score will be replaced by an Australian Tertiary Assessment Rank (ATAR). This means a different
    scoring system and brings Queensland in line with other states of Australia.
 There will be external assessment for each General subject in Year 12. This represents a significant change
    for the existing curriculum and assessment process.
 There is a review of the range of subjects to be offered under the new Senior program across the state.
 The manner in how assessment is moderated and grades awarded is under review.
 There is no change to the Queensland Certificate of Education (QCE) requirements.

The new assessment and tertiary entrance model presents significant changes to how schools assess student
work and therefore how our teachers deliver the curriculum. As more details of the senior assessment and
tertiary entrance process are made available, they will be shared with our school community.

For further information you can visit https://www.qcaa.qld.edu.au/senior/new-snr-assessment-te

Year 10 students study the core subjects of English, Mathematics, Science, History and Health & Physcial
Education. Involvement in Sports activities and Get Connected are also expected within the timetable.

Students choose TWO electives from any of the following key learning areas: The Arts, Technology, Humanities,
and Languages.

Key Learning Areas                          Subject                                Time allocation
English                                                                   3 periods per week all year
                         English Modified

Mathematics              Mathematics Extension                            3 periods per week all year
                         Mathematics Modified

Science                                                                   3 periods per week all year
                         Science Modified

                         History                                          3 periods per week for a
                         History Modified                                 semester

                                                                          3 periods per week for a
Health and Physical      HPE
Select two subjects from the following:
                         Design and Technologies
Design and               Food and Fibre Production                        3 periods per week all year
Technologies             Food Specialisation
                         Materials and Technologies Specialisations

Digital Technologies     Digital Technologies                             3 periods per week all year

Humanities               Economics & Business                             3 periods per week all year

Langauages               Japanese                                         3 periods per week all year

                         Drama                                            3 periods per week all year
The Arts
                         Media Arts
                         Visual Arts

           Line 1      Line 2          Line 3         Line 4          Line 5          Line 6
Term       English     Mathematics     Science        History / HPE   Electives       Electives
T2                                                                    Elective 1      Elective 2

Some helpful hints when choosing areas of study
The following points should be taken into consideration when choosing areas of study for Year 10.

You need to consider:

Past Achievement
A student’s past record is a very good indication of future success, consideration should, however, be given to
whether a student has worked to their maximum ability. If the results in year 8 or 9 have been disappointing it may
mean that the student has not worked diligently and consistently, that they did not like particular subjects or it may
mean that they are not capable of high academic results.

Subject teachers and Heads of Departments will be able to give advice in this area.

The Nature of Subjects
Some students enjoy subjects with a high practical workload while others may enjoy more theoretical subjects. It is
essential that students and parents carefully read subject descriptions and/or make enquiries of teachers of that
subject before a final choice is made.

Does the student have special talent in a particular area for example; good with his/her hands, or has artistic or
creative aptitude. These abilities and aptitudes should be encouraged.

Ambition/Career Plans
If a student has specific career plans/ambitions, then it would be wise to discuss with the Guidance Officer which
subjects would best lead to that career. Where no specific career goals exist, a choice of subjects that keep as many
options open as possible is advised.

Success in a subject is much more likely if a student is interested in that subject. After considering all the above
points, try to choose subjects that you are most interested in.

The Final Choice
The selection of areas of study is made by the school in consultation with the student’s parents and teachers. Please
consider carefully the school’s advice before final choices are made.

Final Allocation of Subjects
The final allocation of subjects will be determined by the school and may be affected by the number of places
available in certain subjects.

The school reserves the right to withdraw a subject from the curriculum that year for reasons of staffing and lack of
student interest.

          ENGLISH                  MATHEMATICS                         SCIENCE                      HISTORY
English                    (Some careers will require core   Science                      History
                           & extension)
Actor                      Accountant                        Automotive electrician       Anthropologist
Archivist                  Actuary                           Cane tester                  Archaeologist
Author                     Bank officer (Building society,   Chemist                      Archivist
Book editor                credit union officer)             Computer programmer          Barrister
Broadcaster                Bookkeeper/accounts clerk         Electrical fitter            Community development
Copywriter                 Credit manager                    Engineer                     officer
Diplomat                   Economist                         Electronics service person   Criminologist
Interpreter                Electrical fitter                 Environmental scientist      Diplomat
Journalist                 Engineer                          Forensic scientist           Historian
Lawyer                     Geologist                         Laboratory worker            Journalist
Librarian                  Mathematician                     Medical practitioner         Lawyer
Management consultant      Motor mechanic                    Meteorologist                Librarian
Personnel manager          Pattern cutter/designer           Nurse                        Museum curator
Printing machinist         Physicist                         Pharmacist                   Palaeontologist
Publisher                  Programmer (information           Photographer                 Photographer
Receptionist               technology)                       Refrigeration and air-       Public relations officer
Speech pathologist         Quantity surveyor                 conditioning Mechanic        Religious leader
Teacher’s aide             Statistician                      Sports scientist             Sociologist
Travel consultant          Stockbroker                       Teacher                      Stage manager
Writer                     Surveyor                          Telecommunication            Teacher/Lecturer
                           Tax agent                         technician                   Writer
                           Teacher                           Veterinarian

   FOOD and FIBRE            ECONOMICS and BUSINESS                                          HEALTH and PHYSICAL
                                                                 COMPUTER STUDIES
   SPECIALISATIONS                    ICT                                                        EDUCATION
                           Economics and Business
Agricultural Science                                         Digital Technologies         HPE
                           Digital Technologies
Agricultural engineer      Accountant                        Architectural drafter        Acupuncturist
Agricultural Science       Bank officer                      Business systems analyst     Ambulance officer
Teacher                    Bookkeeper/accounts clerk         Computer assembler           Beauty therapist
Agricultural technical     Bookmaker                         Computer engineer            Chiropractor
officer                    Car Rental officer                Computer hardware service    Fitness instructor
Animal attendant           Cashier                           technician                   Hospital manager
Botanist                   Court and Hansard reporter        Data processing operator     HPE Teacher
Economist – agricultural   Court officer                     Database administrator       Jockey
Environmental Scientist    Credit officer                    Desktop publisher            Massage therapist
Food technologist          Croupier                          Games developer              Nurse
Forest officer             Economist                         Help desk operator           Occupational health and
Forester                   Farm manager                      Multimedia developer         safety officer
Horticulturist             Hotel/motel manager               Programmer                   Occupational therapist
Jackeroo/jillaroo          Law clerk                         Software developer           Physiotherapist
Landscape gardener         Office administrator              Software engineer            Podiatrist
Motor Mechanic             Real estate salesperson           Systems analyst              Psychologist – sport
Pest controller            Receptionist                      Systems designer             Personal Trainer
Stock and station agent    Secretary                         Teacher                      Radiation therapist
Veterinary nurse           Stock and station agent           Training consultant          Recreation officer
Wool classer               Teacher                           Technical support officer    Sports scientist
                           Travel consultant                 Telecommunications           Sports coach
                                                             engineer                     Stunt performer
                                                             Website developer

              ART              PERFORMING ARTS                HOME ECONOMICS
Visual Art
                            Drama                        Food Specialisation              Japanese
                            Film & Media
Architect                   Actor                        Butcher                          Announcer
Artist                      Announcer                    Catering manager                 Anthropologist
Craftsperson                Arts administrator           Clothing production worker       Archaeologist
Diversional therapist       Choreographer                Cook/chef                        Book editor
Dressmaker                  Dancer                       Craftsperson                     Customs officer
Engraver                    Film and TV lighting         Dietician / Nutritionist         Employment officer
Fashion designer            operator                     Dressmaker                       Flight attendant
Florist                     Film and TV producer         Dry cleaner                      Foreign affairs and trade officer
Graphic designer            Make-up artist               Fashion designer                 Interpreter
Hairdresser                 Model                        Food technologist                Journalist
Interior decorator          Public relations officer     Home care worker                 Probation and parole officer
Industrial designer         Receptionist                 Home economist                   Ship’s officer
Jeweller                    Recreation officer           Hospital food service manager    Social worker
Landscape architect         Set designer                 Hotel/motel manager              Sociologist
Landscape gardener          Speech pathologist           Interior decorator               Teacher
Make-up artist              Stage manager                Nanny                            Tour guide Translator
Multimedia developer        Teacher – dance              Nurse                            Travel consultant
Photographer                Teacher – speech & drama     Pattern cutter                   Writer
Set designer                Teacher – film & TV          Retail buyer
Screen-printer              Tour guide                   Tailor
Sign-writer                 Writer                       Teacher
Wood turner

                                   DESIGN and
             MUSIC                                               GEOGRAPHY
                            Design and Technologies
Music                       Materials and Technologies   Geography
Announcer                   Architect                    Agricultural scientist
Arts administrator          Architectural drafter        Anthropologist
Composer                    Assembler                    Archaeologist
Computer games              Automotive electrician       Architect
developer                   Boilermaker                  Armed forces officer
Conductor                   Builder                      Cartographer
Film and TV producer        Cabinetmaker                 Civil engineering technologist
Music librarian             Carpenter/joiner             Ecologist
Music therapist             Cartographer                 Environmental scientist
Musical instrument maker    CNC Operator                 Farm manager
Musician                    CNC Programmer               Foreign affairs and trade
Piano technician            Drafter                      officer
Recreation officer          Engineering associate        Forester
Singer/vocalist             Electrical Engineer          Geologist
Sound technician            Fashion Designer             Geophysicist
Stage manager               Fitter and turner            Hydrologist
Teacher – early childhood   Graphic designer             Land economist
Teacher – music             Industrial designer          Landscape architect
Teacher – primary           Landscape architect          Meteorologist
Teacher – secondary         Mechanical Engineer          Mine engineer
                            Metal fabricator             Natural resource manager
                            Metal machinist              Navy officer
                            Panel beater                 Park ranger                      Geography cont.
                            Picture framer               Pilot
                            Robotic Engineer             Sociologist                      Surveyor
                            Sheet-metal worker           Tour guide                       Urban and regional planner
                            Teacher                      Tourist information officer      Writer
                            Wood machinist


English helps create confident communicators, imaginative thinkers and informed citizens. It is through the study of
English that individuals learn to analyse, understand, and communicate; building relationships with others and the
world around them. The study of English helps young people develop the knowledge and skills needed for education,
training and the workplace. It helps them become ethical, thoughtful, informed and active members of society.
The aim of English is the ensure that students:
 learn to listen to, read, view, speak, write and reflect on increasingly complex and sophisticated spoken, written
     and multimodal texts across a range of contexts
 appreciate, enjoy and use the English language, developing a sense of its richness and power to evoke feelings,
     convey information, form ideas, facilitate interaction with others, entertain, persuade and argue
 creating interest and skill through inquiring into the aesthetic aspects of texts; developing an informed
     appreciation of literature.
English is organised into three interrelated strands that support students’ growing understanding and use of
Standard Australian English. Together the three strands focus on developing students’ knowledge, understanding
and skills in listening, reading, viewing, speaking and writing. The three strands are:
 Language: knowing about the English language
 Literature: understanding, appreciating, responding to, analysing and creating literature
 Literacy: expanding the repertoire of English usage.

The assessment is continuous and involves class work, assessment tasks and tests. All skill areas (listening, viewing,
reading, speaking and writing) will be assessed. Students will create a range of imaginative, analytical and
persuasive types of texts including narratives, multimodal presentations, reviews and literary analyses for
a) SENIOR: A sound achievement or above at exit of Year 10 is a prerequisite for Senior English. Those students
    who have experienced difficulties or do not need a literature oriented course should choose Essential English
    in year 11 and 12.
b) TERTIARY: Students and their parents should be aware that a Sound Achievement at exit of Senior English is
    a prerequisite or assumed for most tertiary courses.
c) EMPLOYMENT AND LIFESKILLS: A Sound Achievement at the end of Year 10 English is required for General or
    Trade entry into the Defence Forces. Please consult a Career Advisor/Guidance Officer for further advice.

Mrs Mandy De Vivo
Head of Department - English

Through participation in the Mathematics Program at Beaudesert State High School students will participate in a
course designed from the Australian Curriculum that incorporates the topics of Statistics and Probability,
Measurement and Geometry and Numbers and Algebra.

Students studying Mathematics in Year 10 consolidate and extend concepts, skills and processes developed by
students in Years 1 to 9 at a level most suited to their ability. In order to achieve this, Mathematics is subdivided into
two separate courses of study:
 Mathematics Extension
 Mathematics

Mathematics Extension
PREREQUISITE: An achievement of B or above in Year 9 Mathematics.
This course is suited to higher ability students. It is the prerequisite subject for the study of Mathematical Methods
and Specialist Mathematics in Years 11 and 12. The course covers Algebra, Deductive Geometry, Trigonometry and
Analytical Geometry in great detail.

This course is suited to average ability students. It is the prerequisite subject for the study of General Mathematics
or Essential Mathematics in Years 11 and 12. The course requires less abstract reasoning ability than does
Mathematics Extension. The topics concentrate on further development of basic Mathematics concepts, skills and
processes and their application in a wide range of real life situations.

Assessment will take the form of mid- and end-semester tests as well as assignments/ investigations.

The levels of achievement below are an indication of performances required, at exit of Year 10, for a realistic
chance of success in the selected Years 11/12 Mathematic course:

    Specialist Mathematics - To have a realistic chance of succeeding in this subject at the end of Year 10
     students should have achieved a High B or above in Extension Maths (MAX). Note: Students Studying
     Specialist Mathematics in Year 11/12 MUST ALSO study Mathematics Methods in Year 11/12
    Mathematical Methods - To have a realistic chance of succeeding in this subject, at the end of year 10
     students should have achieved a High B or above in Extension Maths (MAX) or an A in Core Maths (MAT).
    General Mathematics - To have a realistic chance of succeeding in this subject, at the end of year 10 students
     should have achieved a C in Extension Mathematics (MAX) or B or above in Core Mathematics (MAT)
    Essential Mathematics - This subject is suitable for Mathematics students who struggled to pass Core

Mr Michael Gardiner
Head of Department - Mathematics

Science is a dynamic, hands-on, investigative, core subject that develops students understanding of the nature of
the world today and a scientific approach to thinking, decision making and problem solving To be an active
participant in today’s society all students will need an understanding of such key issues as genetics, the
environment, our use of energy and sexual health. The science course offered at BSHS will give students this
understanding as well as important thinking skills to work with new ideas.
The aim of this course is to provide our students with the thinking skills and knowledge to make better decisions
and better understand the world in which they live. An understanding of science is critical to being an informed
citizen of today. Advances in medicine and genetic research demands that citizens be involved in making ethical
decisions where deep knowledge is required. How science interacts with our society is an important aspect of
Science. Students are asked to think about this and learn to understand and question the scientific ideas that
underpin much of our society.
There are 5 key components in Science. These are:
 Science as a Human Endeavour – examining issues with how science impacts on our lives and how we can be
    actively involved as citizens.
 Chemistry – studying materials and how they are used, scientific theories and the patterns with which they
 Biology – examining the human body, ecology and environmental issues, genetics and heredity.
 Physics – examining forces and energy, the ways they interact and sources of energy.
 Earth Sciences – our universe and the use of resources on our planet are examined.
Students will develop deep knowledge of science through real life inquiries. Examples of possible tasks in Year 10
 Designing and analyzing a model roller coaster,
 Exploring the inheritance of genes,
 Investigating links between the history of the formation of the universe and issues on Earth,
 Experimenting with chemicals and more.
Laboratory work is important in the sciences and there is a strong expectation that students will come prepared
for this. This includes being well equipped, organized and ready to work! As safety is paramount, students
involved in inappropriate behavior will be excluded from practical work. If exclusion is for an extended period,
parents will be notified.
Science assessment has two main aspects: The knowledge and understanding of science concepts, and scientific
skills. Both are important for attaining a good result in Science.
Students will be given regular opportunities to demonstrate their understandings of scientific concepts in as many
ways as possible, including daily activities, journals, conversations, models, reports, displays, experiments and
tests. Every activity that students participate in will be used as an opportunity for students to gain credit for their
knowledge and understanding of the course outcomes.
Whether students continue formal science education after Year 10 or not, Science education is invaluable
preparation for future education and life in general. Science develops more effective decision making processes
and analytical skills.

Mr Keith Tyrrell
Head of Department - Science

History is more than just learning facts about the past. Confucius said If you wish to divine the future, study the
past. History is an investigation into how people lived in different times and places, issues they struggled with
and catastrophes they survived. We study the past in order to diagnose situations and provide solutions to
contemporary problems.

Yes we read books and require students to write BUT these are necessary skills for everyone who envisions a
successful future career. You will also investigate and analyse a range of evidence from the past in order to
determine what happened, why, and should we allow history to repeat itself.

Modern History                  Unit 1: Rights and Freedoms in the Modern World
                                Unit 2: Flashpoints from the Cold War

There will be one piece of summative assessment per unit of study. Specific assessment instruments will be
drawn from the following types:
 Short Response Knowledge and Skills Test
 Essay Exam Response to Historical Sources
 Research Assignment – Virtual Museum

1. SENIOR: Students will receive training in relation to higher order thinking and writing skills including
    comprehension, application, analysis, interpretation, evaluation and decision making processes.
2.   TERTIARY: The skills gained from the History classroom are vital for university courses which rely to a great
     degree on research methodology and these institutions assume students have been given adequate
     preparation in high school. History can be useful in courses relating to Law, Journalism, Media Studies,
     politics, Psychology, Sociology,and Teaching.
3.   EMPLOYMENT AND LIFE SKILLS: Research and organising skills; Oral and written skills; Everyday life skills such
     as understanding situations, putting events in perspective, identifying causes and consequences,
     acknowledging the viewpoints of others, developing personal values, making judgements and reflecting upon

Mrs Sandra Malmstedt
Head of Department - Humanities and Business

Health and Physical Education is a physically based subject that uses knowledge from a wide variety of areas to assist students in
the promotion of their own health. HPE provides opportunities for students to:
    learn about different types of health
    experience different forms of physical activity
    recognise the value of physical activity to health
    develop the necessary physical and social skills for life long participation in physical activity
Health and Physical Education aims to:
    Develop students who can perform a range of skills and tactics across a variety of sports and recreational pursuits
    Prepare students for future study in Health and Physical Education and Sport and Recreation courses
    Show students how knowledge of physical education can be used to improve physical performance and health
    Develop students who are healthy – physically, mentally, emotionally and socially
    Develop an appreciation of the benefits of being healthy and active
    Provide a foundation for developing active and informed members of society
Health and Physical Education requires students to engage in both theoretical and practical components. Over the semester,
students will be engaged in the following activities and concepts:
Units Covered
1. Biomechanics        Theory:                                                                                    Multimodal
   and Golf            In this unit, students will develop a basic understanding of the ways in which human        Project
                       movement is analysed from a biomechanical perspective to help improve skill
                       performance. Students will be able to understand the biomechanical principles of
                       human movement, measure and analysis human movement and apply the principles
                       to evaluate their own and others performances and make recommendations on
                       how their performance can be improved with biomechanical concepts.
                       In this unit, students will learn proper club grip and swinging technique, rules,
                       putting, chipping, and driving. Students will be using the biomechanical principles
                       taught to improve their technique. This will also help them to apply decision-making
                       skills on which club to use or shot they should perform to achieve their desired
2. Australian          Theory:                                                                                     Persausive
   Sporting            In this unit students examine the role that a Australian culture has on physical             Essay
   Culture             activity, outdoor recreation and sport and how this has played a part in defining the
                       Australian cultural identity. They will critique behaviours and contextual factors that
                       influence participation in physical activity and changing cultural identity.
                       In this unit, students will demonstrate leadership, fair play and cooperation. They
                       will transfer understanding from pervious movement experiences and create
                       solutions to movement challenges when playing ultimate disc.
Students will be required to demonstrate their abilities to analyse, investigate, evaluate, demonstrate and compose through a
range of theoretical and performance tasks.
Students will be expected to wear clothing suitable (particularly footwear) for each practical activity and will be assessed in all
units. Broad brimmed hats or legionnaire hats must be worn for practical sessions. If students cannot participate physically for
any reason a note explaining must be supplied and they will be required to complete written tasks related to the physical
1. SENIOR: Physical Education, Sport and Recreation and Certificate III in Fitnes.
2. TERTIARY: courses such as: Health Science, Exercise Science, Exercise Physiology, Sciences, Nursing, Human Movement
      Studies, Teaching, and Physiotherapy.
3. EMPLOYMENT AND LIFESKILLS: team work, communication, decision making, leadership, Information Technology skills,
      healthy body and mind.
Mrs Lisa Callaghan – lcall62@eq.edu.au
Head of Department – Health and Physical Education
These courses are highly modified individualised programs suited to students with a disability:

    English Modified
    Mathematics Modified
    History Modified
    Science Modified

Mr Todd Winton
Deputy Principal – Inclusion and Special Education

Dance provides another mode of learning and developing special interests, needs and talents. Dance heightens
awareness of, and develops respect for, the body and increases the quality of a person’s physical well-being. Dance
allows students to achieve their unique potential in and through the Arts.
   develop physical coordination, discipline and self confidence
   understand that movement can have ritual, social and artistic purposes
   develop self expression and motivation
   promote and realise creative, imaginative and inventive potential
   foster positive relationships with others
   develop critical analysis skills
   realise that dance is an intrinsic part of culture and heritage
   develop a well rounded knowledge and appreciation of different dance styles, and to enhance performance and
    choreography skills
Curriculum                         SEMESTER 1                                         SEMESTER 2

Unit name        Moving viewpoints                                  Moving futures

Unit             Students respond, perform and create through       Students explore contemporary dance and
description      the lens of classical ballet and musical theatre   technology fusions to find new possibilities in
                 viewpoints that are representative of cultures,    delivering dance today and in the future.
                 places and times in their storytelling.

Assessment       Making and Responding: Written exam and            Making and responding: Performance and
                 Choreography                                       Project

All Dance students will have the opportunity to attend excursions and perform on the annual Arts Night.
Assessment is in the three key areas of performing, choreography and responding. This may take the form of written
tests, assignments, orals, performances, self evaluations and choreography tasks.
1. SENIOR: For a realistic chance of success in Year 11 and 12 Dance, it is recommended that students complete the
    Junior Dance program.
2. TERTIARY: Skills developed through the study of Dance provide valuable assets for many careers and can also
    assist with some tertiary courses. Possible career paths include: Dance Teacher, Secondary school/ Private studio;
    Early Childhood and Primary School teaching; Theatre; Dance Company/ Professional dance associations;
    Recreation worker; Youth worker; Choreographer; Entertainer; Set designer; Make up artist; Writer/Critic.
3. EMPLOYMENT AND LIFESKILLS: Students develop a number of life long skills that are valued in any work place.
    Students learn to present themselves confidently in a number of situations. Creative and problem solving abilities
    are fostered through research, synthesis and communication of ideas, images and feelings. Students’ self-
    confidence and the necessary social skills to work effectively, individually and in teams, are developed.

Mr Kerry Scarth
Head of Department - The Arts & Information Technology

Design and Technologies focuses on the application of design thinking to envisage creative products, services and
environments in response to human needs, wants and opportunities. Designing is a complex and sophisticated
form of problem-solving that uses divergent and convergent thinking strategies that can be practised and
improved. Designers are separated from the constraints of production processes to allow them to appreciate and
exploit new innovative ideas.
Students learn how design has influenced the economic, social and cultural environment in which they live. They
understand the agency of humans in conceiving and imagining possible futures through design. Collaboration,
teamwork and communication are crucial skills needed to work in design teams and liaise with stakeholders. They
learn the value of creativity and build resilience as they experience iterative design processes, where the best
ideas may be the result of trial and error and a willingness to take risks and experiment with alternatives.
Students learn about and experience design through exploring needs, wants and opportunities; developing ideas
and design concepts; using drawing and low-fidelity prototyping skills; and evaluating ideas and design concepts.
They communicate design proposals to suit different audiences.

By the conclusion of the course of study, students will:
 describe design problems and design criteria
 represent ideas, design concepts and design information using drawing and low-fidelity prototyping
 analyse needs, wants and opportunities using data
 devise ideas in response to design problems
 synthesise ideas and design information to propose design concepts
 evaluate ideas and design concepts to make refinements
 make decisions about and use mode-appropriate features, language and conventions for particular purposes
     and contexts

 Design in Practice:                           Commercial Design:
  Experiencing design                          EXPLORE-client needs and wants
  Design Process                               DEVELOP-collaborative design
  Design Styles

 Human Centred Design:                         Sustainable Design:
  Designing with empathy                       EXPLORE-sustainable design opportunities
                                                DEVELOP-redesign
Assessment will take the form of two Examination-design challenges and two projects

This course is a preparatory course for students intending to undertake Design in the senior years. It also
provides a valuable foundation for students wishing to pursue a career in architecture, cyber security, digital
media design, engineering, fashion design, graphic design, industrial design, interior design, robotics and systems

Mr Jasen Johnson
Head of Department - Design and Technologies

By the end of Year 10, students explain the control and management of networked digital systems and the
security implications of the interaction between hardware, software and users. They explain simple data
compression, and why content data are separated from presentation. Students plan and manage digital projects
using an iterative approach. They define and decompose complex problems in terms of functional and non-
functional requirements.

Curriculum                       SEMESTER 1                                         SEMESTER 2

Unit name      Python and                Desktop Application –     PyGame – Game            Capture the Flag –
               Algorithmic basics        Database and GUI          Design                   Competitive coding

Unit           Students investigate      Students will             Students will use a      Students will modify
description    basic programming         investigate Structured    Python code library      bots in a premade
               logic using Python        Query Language (SQL)      (PyGame) to create a     game of Capture the
               syntax. Students will     as a means to             game.                    flag. Students will
               examine and practice      communicate with a                                 have to plan the logic
               concepts such as          database. Students                                 of their bots to
               creating and using        will use a Python code                             successfully compete
               variables, iteration,     library to create a                                against each other to
               looping and branching.    Graphical User                                     test the effectiveness
                                         Interface (GUI).                                   of their code.
                                         Combining Python
                                         skills from Unit 1 with
                                         SQL skills from Unit 2
                                         will allow students to
                                         create a digital
                                         solution in the form of
                                         a desktop application
                                         as a response to

Assessment     Examination               Project Investigation     Porject: Game            Project: Game
Note: Students ARE NOT expected to have participated in the Year 9 course before choosing this course in Year

Students design and evaluate user experiences and algorithms. They design and implement modular programs,
including an object-oriented program, using algorithms and data structures involving modular functions that
reflect the relationships of real-world data and data entities. They take account of privacy and security
requirements when selecting and validating data. Students test and predict results and implement digital
solutions. They evaluate information systems and their solutions in terms of risk, sustainability and potential for
innovation and enterprise. They share and collaborate online, establishing protocols for the use, transmission and
maintenance of data and projects.

Mr Kerry Scarth
Head of Department - The Arts & Information Technology

Drama is more than just learning lines and acting. Drama can develop students’ artistic and creative skills. It can also provide
knowledge and skills that are transferable to a variety of artistic, social and work related activities. It focuses on students
expressing and communicating understandings about human issues and experience through the enactment of real and
imagined events. Students as dramatic artists and critics develop confidence and self-awareness as they collaborate to
prepare and present performances. They also develop understanding of the forms, styles and purpose of drama.
Drama encourages the development of:
 creative, critical, imaginative and inventive thinking                         disciplined working
 being open to new experiences                                                  self-motivation
 the exploration of ideas                                                       communication
 the ability to see things through to completion                                the ability to work alone or in groups
Curriculum                                       SEMESTER 1                                                             SEMESTER 2

Unit name                 Greek Theatre &                 Realism & Indigenous
                                                                                                Transforming Realism                       Commedia
                          Physical Theatre                     Story Telling
                      In this unit, students           In this unit, students will          In this unit, students                 In this unit, students
                      will be introduced to            be introduced to the                 integrate other forms of               study the history,
                      the techniques and               conventions of                       theatre with realism to                origins and purpose of
                      conventions of the               storytelling, with the               transform and modernize a              Commedia. They will
                      specific theatre form of         context of Indigenous                scene from the play studied            workshop different
                      Greek theatre                    storytelling. Students will          in term 2. They learn to               types of movement in
                      transitioning into               then explore the                     make directorial decisions             groups and by
                      physical theatre. They           techniques and                       and reflect on them by                 themselves. They will
                      will develop their               conventions of realism,              themselves and in groups.              also experiment with
                      understanding of how             compare, and contrast                                                       different clowning
                      to devise and perform            them to storytelling.                                                       characters. Students
                      a physical theatre               Students study the history                                                  will work in groups to
                      piece, using Greek               and context of realism in                                                   devise a clowning
                      theatre as their                 the first half of the unit                                                  performance and take
                      stimulus. They will also         and then go on to present                                                   on different roles
                      respond to a live Greek          a realism text honouring                                                    within the
                      theatre performance.             the style and context of                                                    performance.
                                                       the original play.
                                                                                            Making & Responding:
Assessment            Responding : Exam                Making: Devising                                                            Making: Presenting
                                                                                            Directing & reflection

All Drama students will have the opportunity to attend excursions, workshops and perform on the annual Arts Night.
The two equally weighted areas of assessment are Making and Responding. Practical assessment is both individual and group
and includes: improvisation, scripted performance work and monologues. Written assessment includes: journals, analysis of
performance, directing plans and programmes and script writing.
1.   SENIOR: While it is not necessary to have taken Drama in Year 10, most students in Year 11 have found the Junior subject to be helpful for a strong
     and focused work ethic.
2.   TERTIARY: Senior Drama counts towards an O.P. and is weighted equally with all other O.P. subjects. Many tertiary courses are on offer that
     incorporate, or benefit from, Drama. These courses are offered at TAFE, Universities and privately-run colleges.
3.   EMPLOYMENT AND LIFE SKILLS: What students learn in drama will help with many jobs: speaking in public; working cooperatively; understanding spoken
     language and increasing vocabulary; presenting themselves confidently in many different situations; following timelines and meeting deadlines; revising
     and reworking material until it is the best it can be; understanding other people’s motivation; reading people’s body language; and confidence. Specific
     career paths include: Actor, Stage crew, Arts Administrator, Law, Advertising, Radio/TV Announcer, Public Relations Consultant, Dramatist, Writer, Youth
     worker, Teacher, Early Childhood.

Mr Kerry Scarth – kscar15@eq.edu.au
Head of Department - The Arts & Information Technology

The study of Economics and Business provides students with the knowledge and skills to be financially literate in
their everyday life, as well as being able to understand and participate within the global economy as either an
individual or a business entrepreneur.

An inquiry approach leads students to learn about how economic performance is measured and managed, and
how governments, businesses and aindividuals respond to changing economic conditions. Students will
investigate the local, national and global economy and then draw upon this knowledge to devise and
“implement” various business ventures.

Economics and Business in Year 10 is studied for two semesters.

  Semester 1         The Economy and Standard of Living

  Semester 2         Consumer Decisions and Business Productivity

There will be two pieces of summative assessment per semester. Specific assessment instruments will be drawn
from the following types:
 Short Response Knowledge and Skills Test
 Research-Based Assignment
 Business Report
 Varied Response to Stimulus Material Exam

Studying Economics and Business in Year 10 will provide some insight into the senior subjects of Economics and
Business (two distinct subjects in Years 11 and 12). Knowledge and skills developed throughout this course of
learning will prove advantage should students wish to specialize in their final years of schooling.

Mrs Sandra Malmstedt
Head of Department - Humanities and Business

Food and Fibre Specialisation is an interdisciplinary science subject suited to students who are interested in the
application of science in a real-world context. They understand the importance of using science to predict possible
effects of human and other activity, and to develop management plans or alternative technologies that minimise
these effects and provide for a more sustainable future.
Upon completion of this course, students will have developed:
 Knowledge and understanding of the sciences within the framework of an agricultural context
 A range of communication and processing skills and techniques employed in agricultural and scientific
 Appreciation of the role that responsible farming and agricultural science play in Australian society
 Appreciation of the importance of sustainable agriculture in a world of finite resources
Semester 1
Plant Science and Animal Science
 UQ Gatton Sunflower competition
 Fruit and Vegetable production
 Genetics, reproduction and breeding programs for agricultural plants and animals
Semester 2
Animal Science and Agribusiness
 Technology in Agriculture, sustainable production, precision agriculture, agribusiness
Practical work will be conducted when appropriate. Use of the Agriculture Department computer laboratory will
occur from time to time for the purposes of research and information processing. Q Fever and other zoonotic
diseases are a risk when dealing with animals.
Students will be assessed through a range of the following methods:
 Formal Tests
 Assignments
 Experiment & Practical Reports
 Informal/diagnostic in-class tests
Food and Fibre Specialisation will prepare students for all of the following subjects in Years 11 & 12:
 Senior Agricultural Science
 Biology
 Chemistry
 Agricultural Practices

A course of study in Food and Fibre Specialisation can establish a basis for further education and employment in
the fields of agriculture, horticulture, agronomy, ecology, food technology, aquaculture, veterinary science,
equine science, environmental science, natural resource management, wildlife, conservation and ecotourism,
biotechnology, business, marketing, education and literacy, research and development.

Ms Kate Bandrowski
Head of Department - Agriculture

Food Specialisation is a practical subject supported by theory components. This subject focuses on the study of
foods and their selection, preparation and presentation. The subject allows students to enjoy a range of
experiences and equips them with basic skills that can be transferred to general life including home, school and

The Food Specialisation course aims to develop students’ knowledge of food, food selection and preparation
skills. Food Specialisation encourages students to experiment with new foods and flavours and provides
opportunities for students to research, design and create practical food products for specific purposes. The
learning experiences provided will enable students to further develop their decision-making, personal interaction,
problem solving and resource management skills.

Semester 1
 Australia’s Cuisine Culture
   Select and cook, and learn about a variety of foods from countries that have influenced food styles in
   Australia today.
 Fast Food Frenzy
   Create, prepare, package and market a healthy fast food option suitable for sale in the school canteen.
   Students investigate a range of food options, production considerations, packaging, labelling, costing and
Semester 2
 Easy Entertaining
   Mocktails, finger food, pastries, cakes, slices and celebration cakes feature as students experience the
   organisation, preparation and presentation of a morning or afternoon tea.
 Eating Well for the Future
   Healthy, economical meals focusing on dietary needs and the different stages of the life cycle.

A range of assessment tasks will be completed over the course of study:
 Projects – written and Practical
 Written tests
 Extended Response
 Weekly practical tasks

Students will be required to provide food for practical cookery each week. Most food products will be taken home
however; some may be eaten at school. This is dependent on the nature of the task.

This course leads to Hospitality Practices or Early Childhood Studies in Years 11 and 12. Studying this subject,
students will further develop their interpersonal and management skills - important for those seeking
employment in the Hospitality Industry, Retail sector or Childcare.

Mrs Helen Philp
Head of Department - Home Economics and LOTE

Situated as it is, equidistant from the multicultural centres of Brisbane and the Gold Coast, Beaudesert State High
School recognises the importance of foreign language study for students as a window to appreciation and
understanding of cultural diversity in our society. Learning another language extends, diversifies and enriches the
language learner’s way of thinking. It promotes greater sensitivity to and understanding of languages in general,
including English.
By the end of Year 10, students should be able to read, write, speak and listen with understanding to simple but authentic
Japanese, through situations in which they are most likely to be involved. Students should be able to communicate on a
simple level as visitors to Japan, or when meeting a Japanese person. Students will also develop a deeper understanding
and appreciation of Japanese culture and society.
The course will include the following topics:
  Important milestones in my life                               School Trip
  Shopping and fast food                                        Part time work and future Dreams
  Free time fun                                                 Home stay in Australia and Japan
  Town and Country

Expressions and phrases commonly used in real life situations are introduced and studied. Cultural aspect is included in
order to impart an appreciation and understanding of the lifestyle and ways of thinking of Japanese speakers. Direct
contact with Japanese people occurs through inbound visits with home stay opportunities in Australia and also our Japan
Trip in-country experience. The Japan Trip is offered every second year to Japanese students in Years 9-12. Our last trip
was two weeks at the end of September 2018.
The study of a foreign language involves a considerable amount of independent rote learning. This can be achieved
through a range of fun activities: including flashcards, computer games and Apps. Time commitment on the part of the
student in order to achieve success is vital.
Students are assessed on their ability to use vocabulary, sentence patterns and common expressions through the four
skills of speaking, listening, reading and writing. Each of the four skills are assessed within a range of assessment tasks,
short response comprehension tasks answered in English, extended response tasks written in Japanese and multimodal
projects presented individually to the teacher with a Japanese conversation following.
1. SENIOR: The study of Japanese in Year 10 is pre-requisite to studying the subject in years 11 and 12. Students
   should be fluent in use of both Hiragana and Katakana alphabets.
2. TERTIARY: The study of Japanese through the later high school years creates a foundation for tertiary studies leading
   to careers such as interpreting, teaching and diplomatic positions. Japanese language skills enhance career pathways
   in areas such as law, economics, business management (especially international), journalism, and information
   technology. Courses in Japanese are offered at a range of tertiary institutions in Queensland where students may
   choose to focus on their Japanese studies, or to develop their skills in combination with other fields of study. A
   combined degree of Japanese with any of these fields will lead to a wider range of opportunities in the global
   workforce. Students who complete a Language Other Than English to the end of Year 12 are presently awarded a
   bonus OP point for entry into university courses at the UQ, QUT and GU and these universities are saying that this
   should continue in the future with ATAR.
3. EMPLOYMENT AND LIFE SKILLS: Queensland’s broad and deep economic relations with Japan ensure that
   Queenslanders have a large amount of contact with Japanese businessmen, tourists and residents. The ability to
   communicate in the Japanese language is a valuable asset to students seeking employment in a wide range of
   industries, among them mining, tourism, business, law, the arts, sport, government and education.
Mrs Helen Philp
Head of Department - Languages and Home Economics

Technology has been an integral part of society for as long as humans have had the desire to create products to
improve their quality of life. In an increasingly technological and complex world, it is important to develop the
knowledge, understanding and skills associated with traditional and contemporary tools and materials used by
Australian manufacturing industries to create products

The Materials and Technologies Specialisations subject focuses on the underpinning industry practices and
production processes required to manufacture products in a variety of industries, including aeroskills,
automotive, building and construction, engineering, furnishing and plastics. It provides a unique opportunity for
students to experience the challenge and personal satisfaction of undertaking practical work while developing
beneficial vocational and life skills.


     Part A                                           Timber Trade Skills
  Week 1           Safety in the Workshop, Engineering Drafting Skills
  Weeks 2 - 9      Timber Trade Skills – Camp Stool – Material List, Costing Sheet, Time Sheet
  Week 10          Final Exam
     Part B                                           Metal Trade Skills
  Week 1           Safety in the Workshop, Engineering Drafting Skills
  Weeks 2 - 9      Metal Trade Skills – Sheet Metal Tool Box – Material List, Costing Sheet, Time Sheet
  Week 10          Final Exam
     Part C                                           Timber Trade Skills
  Weeks 1 - 9      Timber Trade Skills – Wooden Clock – Material List, Costing Sheet, Time Sheet
  Week 10          Final Exam
     Part D                                           Metal Trade Skills
  Weeks 1-7        Metal Trade Skills – Collapsible Shovel – Material List, Costing Sheet, Time Sheet
  Week 8           Final Exam

 Theory Tasks – Engineering drawing, material lists, costing sheets and time sheets
 Practical Components – Projects

Year 10 Industrial Technology Skills gives students an introduction into the timber and metal trades industries.
Students will gain the knowledge, understanding and skills to confidently undertake a range trade based options
in senior secondary such as
• Vocational courses including Automotive, Building and Construction, Engineering, and Industrial Technology
• School based traineeships and apprenticeships

Mr Jasen Johnson
Head of Department - Design and Technologies

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