ON COURSE 2019-2020 - Apply online at www.tridenttech.edu - Trident Technical College

Page created by Lisa Hanson


               Apply online at
Table of Contents
S.C. Aeronautical Training Center ............3                Step 1: Admissions –                                           Step 5: Pay Your Tuition .........................18
Fall Semester Calendars.........................4-5              Placement ............................................12     Step 6: Attend Class ................................19
Spring Semester Calendars ....................6-7              Step 2: Financial Aid and Veterans                             Thornley Campus Map ...........................20
                                                                 Services ..........................................13-14
Maymester/Summer Semester                                                                                                     Palmer Campus Map ...............................21
                                                               Step 3: New Student Orientation ............15
Calendars................................................8-9                                                                  Berkeley Campus Map............................22
                                                               Services for Student Success ..................15
Steps to Enrollment .................................10                                                                       Mount Pleasant Campus Map .................23
                                                               Public Safety Services.............................15
Step 1: Admission Information ............... 11                                                                              TTC Site Maps ........................................23
                                                               Step 4: Register for Classes ....................16
Step 1: Admissions – Student Email .......12                                                                                  Programs of Study...................................24
                                                               Step 4: Online Registration.....................17
Step 1: Admissions – Decisions About                                                                                          Apply online at www.tridenttech.edu or
  Your Major ..........................................12                                                                       complete the admission application
                                                                                                                                inserted after page 12.
Frequently Called Numbers
General Information ..................843.574.6111             EMERGENCY CLOSING                                              Testing Services
877.349.7184 (toll free)                                         INFORMATION .................. 843.574.6262                       Berkeley Campus ............. 843.899.8079
Admissions                                                         Students .......................... extension 9091              Palmer Campus................. 843.722.5516
    Status of Application                                          Faculty/Staff ................... extension 9092                Mount Pleasant Campus ... 843.958.5810
    A-G ................................... 843.574.6335       Financial Aid Office                                                Thornley Campus ............. 843.574.6410
    H-L ................................... 843.574.6136           Thornley Campus ..............843.574.6110                      Dorchester County QuickJobs
    M-R .................................. 843.574.6352            Berkeley Campus ............. 843.899.8021                         Training Center ............. 843.563.5269
    S-Z .................................... 843.574.6126          Palmer Campus................. 843.722.5520                                                           843.574.2591
    A-Z Application Updates/Residency                              Mount Pleasant Campus ... 843.958.5810                          St. Paul's Parish Site ..........843.323.3800
       Info ............................... 843.574.6850       Library...................................... 843.574.6095     TRiO Programs
    International Students ....... 843.574.6921                Online Services ........................ 843.574.6999               Educational Opportunity
    Berkeley Campus ............. 843.899.8012                   my.tridenttech.edu: student email,                                   Center ........................... 843.722.5509
    Palmer Campus................. 843.722.5568                  TTC Express (online registration),                                Educational Talent
    Mount Pleasant Campus ... 843.958.5810                       online and face-to-face courses (D2L)                                Search ........................... 843.899.8085
Bookstore                                                      Public Safety ............................ 843.574.6053             Scholars Network (Student
    Berkeley Campus ............. 843.899.8064                   (EMERGENCY ONLY) .......843.574.6911                                 Support Services) ......... 843.574.6102
    Palmer Campus................. 843.720.5604                  When phone system down ... 843.572.1642                           Upward Bound Math
    Mount Pleasant Campus ... 843.958.5810                     Recruiting................................. 843.574.6193               and Science ................... 843.899.8005
    Thornley Campus ............. 843.574.6122                                                                 843.574.6323        Veterans Upward Bound... 843.574.6870
Business Office                                                Registrar's Office                                             Veterans Assistance .................. 843.574.6105
    Berkeley Campus ............. 843.899.8064                   Transfer Credit Evaluation                                   VETS Center
    Palmer Campus................. 843.720.5604                    A-J .................................... 843.574.6151           Palmer Campus................. 843.722.5526
    Mount Pleasant Campus ... 843.958.5810                         K-Z ................................... 843.574.6487            Thornley Campus ............. 843.574.6882
    Thornley Campus ............. 843.574.6026                   Graduation
Bus Services                                                       A-J .................................... 843.574.6523
    Berkeley County Public                                         K-Z ................................... 843.574.6322
       Transportation –                                          Registration/Grades
       Tri-County Link............ 843.899.4096                    A-K ................................... 843.574.6792
                                             800.966.6631          L-Z .................................... 843.574.6421
Charleston Transit (CARTA), Main                                 Student Major Update .......... 843.574.6321
       and Palmer Campuses .. 843.747.0922                       TTC Express .........................843.574.6999
Campus Tours                                                     Enrollment Verifications/Transcripts
  (by appointment) .................. 843.574.6614                                                                                   TTC campuses are hotspots for
                                                                    .......................................... 843.574.6324       wireless internet access. Please note:
College Transfer Information Resource                          Services for Students                                              No technical support is available for
  Center (TIRC),                                                 with Disabilities ................... 843.574.6131                       personal computers.
  Palmer Campus..................... 843.722.5532              Student Activities ..................... 843.574.6082
Cooperative Education ............ 843.574.6918                Student Employment Services ..843.574.6119                     On the Cover: To support the state's
Counseling and Career Development                              Student Success Center                                         growing aerospace cluster, Trident Tech is
    Berkeley Campus ............. 843.899.8079                     Berkeley Campus ............. 843.899.8079                 constructing the S.C. Aeronautical Training
    Palmer Campus................. 843.722.5516                    Mount Pleasant Campus ... 843.958.5810                     Center on Thornley Campus.
    Mount Pleasant Campus ... 843.958.5810                         Palmer Campus................. 843.722.5516
    Thornley Campus ............. 843.574.6131                 The Hub ................................... 843.574.6436       It is the policy of Trident Technical College
Division of Apprenticeship                                                                                                    that no discrimination on the grounds of
                                                               TTC Online College................. 843.574.6002
    Programs........................... 843.574.6918                                                                          race, color, disability, religion, gender, sexual
                                                               TTY (hearing impaired) ........... 843.574.6351
Division of Continuing Education and                                                                                          orientation, age, marital status, veteran status,
  Economic Development                                                                                                        gender identity, pregnancy, or national or
  Registration .......................... 843.574.6152                                                                        ethnic origin will exist in any area of the
S.C. Aeronautical Training Center
     To support the state’s growing aerospace cluster,          S.C. Aeronautical Training Center will not only allow us
Trident Technical College is constructing the S.C.              to meet the demand for skilled workers but will help spark
Aeronautical Training Center on Thornley Campus                 an interest in the next generation of South Carolinians to
(formerly Main Campus) in North Charleston. The new             pursue a career in the aerospace field.”
facility will provide training for well-paying jobs in               A $6 million gift from the Zucker family will
expanding advanced manufacturing industries with                enhance programs housed in the new facility and help
diverse workforces and excellent upward job mobility.           sustain the ongoing operation of the center. The Zuckers
     The 218,000-square-foot project includes a ramp,           designated $500,000 of the pledge as a matching chal-
two hangers with high bays to accommodate large aircraft        lenge to fund a solar array for the facility.
training aids, 22 classrooms, 25 specialty labs, 6 flex-             The center will house academic courses including
space labs, 37 faculty/staff offices, meeting spaces, a café    high-tech manufacturing programs and Aeronautical
and catering kitchen.                                           Studies programs, readySC’s Boeing training, and
     Consolidating classrooms and labs now distributed          advanced manufacturing training provided by the Division
across two campuses and five buildings adds more train-         of Continuing Education and Economic Development.
ing space and increases efficiency.                             Offerings will include programs leading to associate
     The training center will promote economic develop-         degrees and continuing education certificates as well as
ment in the region and, as a statewide asset, will assist the   specialized training and seminars for major manufacturers
Department of Commerce in attracting more aeronautic            in the region and state.
and advanced manufacturing suppliers to South Carolina.              “For South Carolina to have the ability to absorb the
     The three-story facility increases Trident Tech’s          workforce requirements of suppliers as well as Boeing,
capacity to provide an educated and trained pipeline of         we need added capacity to train workers. This new facility
workers with the skills required now and in the future.         will position our state to meet the needs of the rapidly
Students on group tours will be able to see modern ad-          expanding aerospace cluster as well as other advanced
vanced manufacturing training first hand.                       manufacturing industries,” said Thornley.
     “We have a decade to do what Washington State had               An estimated 5,370 students and 120 faculty and staff
100 years to do – create an aeronautical culture,” said Dr.     will use this facility annually.
Mary Thornley, Trident Technical College president. “The

               Programs and Training to be Offered:
                 Academic Programs                                          Continuing Education
            Aircraft Maintenance Technology                                     Aeronautical Skills
             Aircraft Assembly Technology                                     Enhanced Composites
           Avionics Maintenance Technology                                  Automated Manufacturing
        Composite Manufacturing Technology*                                       Mechatronics
         Electrician: Automation and Industrial                                     Robotics*
            Electrician: Automated Controls                                      CNC Machining
         Advanced Automation: Mechatronics                                   Additive Manufacturing*
        Basic Machine and CNC Fundamentals                                          CAD/CAM
           readySC Boeing Training for                                 Nondestructive Inspection (NDI)*
              Boeing South Carolina                                  Engineering Seminars (various topics)
           Phase I – Pre-Employment Training                                 Transportation/Logistics
              Phase II – New Hire Training                                       Quality Control *
          Phase III – Factory Skill Enhancement                      Certified Production Technician (MSSC)
                                                                                                             *New programs

Academic and Financial Aid
Fall Semester 2019 Calendars

                                                                       FALL SEMESTER
March 25, 2019 ...... Registration opens                Aug. 19-23, 2019 ...Fall Semester Open                 Nov. 28- ...................Thanksgiving
                      for all students. New                                      Advising/Registration         Dec. 1, 2019                Holiday
                      students must make                                         for all students. New                                     (College closed)
                      an appointment with                                        students must see             Dec. 5, 2019 ........... Last day to request
                      a Navigator before                                         a Navigator before                                        student loans for
                      registering.                                               registering.                                              Fall 2019
                                                        Aug. 26, 2019.........Fall 1 and Fall Full             Dec. 11-13, 2019 ... Book buy back,
                                                                                 classes begin.                                            Berkeley Campus
                                                        Sept. 2, 2019 .......... Labor Day Holiday                                         Dec. 11-12, 9 a.m.-3 p.m.
                                                                                 (College closed to the                                    Dec. 13, 9 a.m.-noon
                                                                                 public)                       Dec. 11-13, ............ Book buy back,
                                                        Sept. 17, 2019 ........ Student Activity Period        16-18, 2019                 Thornley Campus
                                                                                 10:45-11:45 a.m.                                          Dec. 11-12, 9 a.m.-3 p.m.
                                                        Oct. 15-22, 2019 .... Student Holiday                                              Dec. 13, 9 a.m.-noon
                                                                                 (Administrative offices                                   Dec. 16-18, 9 a.m.-3 p.m.
                                                                                 close at 5 p.m. on            Dec. 11-13, ............ Book buy back,
                                                                                 normal business days.)        16-18, 2019                 Palmer Campus
                                                        Oct. 23, 2019 ......... Fall 2 classes begin.                                      Dec. 11-12, 9 a.m.-3 p.m.
                                                                                                                                           Dec. 13, 9 a.m.-noon
                                                        Nov. 7, 2019 ...........Student Activity Period                                    Dec. 16-18, 9 a.m.-3 p.m.
                                                                                 10:45-11:45 a.m.
                                                        Nov. 27, 2019 .........Student Holiday
                                                                                 (Administrative offices
                                                                                 close at 5 p.m.)

                     FALL 1                                                  FALL 2                                               FALL FULL

March 25- ............... Action Period for             March 25- ............... Action Period for            March 25- ............... Action Period for Fall
Aug. 12, 2019             Fall 1. Complete all          Oct. 9, 2019              Fall 2. Complete all         Aug. 12, 2019             Full. Complete all
                          admission, financial                                    admission, financial                                   admission, financial
                          aid/VA and disabilities                                 aid/VA and disabilities                                aid/VA and disabilities
                          accommodations                                          accommodations                                         accommodations
                          requests during this                                    requests during this                                   requests during this
                          period for Fall 1 classes.                              period for Fall 2 classes.                             period for Fall Full
Aug. 12-31, 2019 ..Financial Aid recipients             Oct. 7-26, 2019 ...... Financial Aid recipients                                  classes.
                          and Chapter 31 students                                 and Chapter 31 students      Aug. 12-31, 2019 ...Financial Aid recipients
                          who qualify may                                         who qualify may                                        and Chapter 31 students
                          charge books in TTC                                     charge books in TTC                                    who qualify may
                          Bookstores to their                                     Bookstores to their                                    charge books in TTC
                          student accounts using                                  student accounts using                                 Bookstores to their
                          financial aid credit.                                   financial aid credit.                                  student accounts using
Aug. 26, 2019.........Classes begin.                    Oct. 23, 2019 .......... Classes begin.                                          financial aid credit.
Aug. 26-28, 2019 ...Drop/Add                            Oct. 23-25, 2019 .... Drop/Add                         Aug. 26, 2019.........Classes begin.
Aug. 28, 2019.........Last day for 100 percent          Oct. 25, 2019 .......... Last day for 100 percent      Aug. 26-30, 2019 ...Drop/Add
                          tuition refund                                          tuition refund               Aug. 30, 2019.........Last day for 100 percent
Oct. 1, 2019 ............ Last day to withdraw          Dec. 2, 2019 ........... Last day to withdraw                                    tuition refund
Oct. 14, 2019 .......... Classes end.                   Dec. 15, 2019 ......... Classes end.                   Nov. 18, 2019 .........Last day to withdraw
Oct. 15-16, 2019 .... Makeup day for                    Dec. 16-17, 2019 .... Makeup day for                   Dec. 13, 2019 ......... Classes end.
                          emergency closings                                      emergency closings           Dec. 16-17, 2019 .... Makeup day for
                          (if necessary)                                          (if necessary)                                         emergency closings
                                                                                                                                         (if necessary)
                      *Dates are subject to change. For the most up-to-date information, please visit www.tridenttech.edu.

                                             Summer 2019 Friday Closings:
                                                       All offices on all campuses will close at noon on
                                                            Fridays from May 10 to July 26, 2019.

Registration and Payment
Fall Semester 2019 Calendars

 Students should register for the entire Fall Semester before the semester begins, Fall 1 AND Fall 2, as well as any Fall Full courses. New
 students must make an appointment with a Navigator before registering.

 If registering for any combination of Fall 1, Fall 2 and Fall Full courses
                                                                                                     Your payment is due by:
 during the dates below:
 March 25 – Aug. 21, 2019                                                                                  Aug. 21, 2019

 After Aug. 21, 2019                                                                             Payment is due when you register.

 Fall 2 only (if you are only enrolling for Fall 2)

 March 25 – Oct. 14, 2019                                                                                  Oct. 14, 2019

 After Oct. 14, 2019                                                                             Payment is due when you register.

Please note: Students will not receive a bill for tuition and fees via U.S. mail. Students should check TTC Express accounts
in my.tridenttech.edu portal under Menu > Financial Life > My Account and Payment Information.

                PAYMENT DEADLINE INFO                                                        CANCELLED COURSES
  Once you have registered for classes, you must pay tuition and            When the college cancels a low enrollment course, students may
  fees for ALL registered courses by the due date listed. Make              choose another course or section. If a student is unable to find
  your payment in the Business office during posted open hours              another course, the college will refund tuition paid. TTC will
  or pay online. Students also may enroll in a payment plan by              notify students via email at the time a decision is made to cancel
  published deadlines. If payment is not made, or if you are not            a course due to low enrollment. Students should check their
  enrolled in a payment plan by the due date, you may not be                email at my.tridenttech.edu for messages.
  allowed to register for a future semester or receive a transcript,
  or your future semester registration may be cancelled. See page
  18 for more information.
                                                                                                  PAYMENT PLAN
                                                                                  Fall 2019 tuition and fee statements will be available
                                                                                        June 2019. Payment is due Aug. 21, 2019.
  Students must officially drop courses by the published last day                Fall 2019 payment plan is available on June 10, 2019.
  for a 100 percent tuition refund. Tuition and fees are due for               Full payments may be made online through Oct. 25, 2019.
  courses dropped after this date.                                            Last day to    Required          Number of        Months of
                                                                             enroll online down payment        payments         payments
                                                                                July 2           None               5           July-Nov.
                                                                               July 25           20%                4          Aug.-Nov.
  Statements for Fall Semester 2019 will be available on the
  portal during June 2019.                                                     Aug. 26           25%                3          Sept.-Nov.
                                                                               Sept. 26          33%                2          Oct. & Nov.
                                                                               Oct. 25           50%                1           Nov. only

  Please note: A student cannot proceed from one semester to the                        To enroll and for information such as
  next without having paid the previous semester’s tuition and                       payment methods and participation costs, visit
  fees. Students registered for fall 2019 who have not paid for                       www.MyCollegePaymentPlan.com/trident.
  summer 2019 or prior semesters will be de-registered from fall
  classes on Aug. 6, 2019.

Academic and Financial Aid
Spring Semester 2020 Calendars

                                                              SPRING SEMESTER
March 25, 2019 ...... Registration opens         Jan. 6-10, 2020 .......Spring Semester Open        April 16, 2020 ........ Last day to request
                      for all students. New                              Advising/Registration                              student loans for Spring
                      students must make                                 for all students. New                              2020
                      an appointment with                                students must see
                      a Navigator before                                 a Navigator before         April 27-29, 2020 ... Book buy back,
                      registering.                                       registering.                                       Berkeley Campus
                                                 Jan. 13, 2020 ..........Spring 1 and Spring Full                           9 a.m.-3 p.m.
                                                                         classes begin.             April 23-24, ........... Book buy back,
                                                 Jan. 20, 2020 ..........Martin Luther King Jr.     27-30, 2020              Thornley Campus
                                                                         Holiday (College closed                             April 23, 9 a.m.-3 p.m.
                                                                         to the public)
                                                                                                                             April 24, 9 a.m.-noon
                                                 Jan. 28, 2020 ..........Student Activity Period                             April 27-30, 9 a.m.-3 p.m.
                                                                         10:45-11:45 a.m.
                                                 March 3-6, 2020 ..... Student Holiday              April 27-30, 2020 ... Book buy back,
                                                                         (Administrative offices                          Palmer Campus
                                                                         close at 5 p.m. on                               9 a.m.-3 p.m.
                                                                         normal business days.)
                                                 March 9, 2020 ........ Spring 2 classes begin.
                                                 March 24, 2020 ...... Student Activity Period
                                                                         10:45-11:45 a.m.

                  SPRING 1                                          SPRING 2                                         SPRING FULL

March 25- ............... Action Period for       March 25, 2019- ..... Action Period for           March 25- ............... Action Period for
Dec. 23, 2019             Spring 1. Complete all  Feb. 24, 2020           Spring 2. Complete all    Dec. 23, 2019             Spring Full. Complete
                          admission, financial                            admission, financial                                all admission, financial
                          aid/VA and disabilities                         aid/VA and disabilities                             aid/VA and disabilities
                          accommodations                                  accommodations                                      accommodations
                          requests during this                            requests during this                                requests during this
                          period for Spring 1                             period for Spring 2                                 period for Spring Full
                          classes.                                        classes.                                            classes.
Dec. 2-13, 2019-.....Financial Aid recipients Feb. 24- .................Financial Aid recipients    Dec. 2-13, 2019-.....Financial Aid recipients
Jan. 2-18, 2020           and Chapter 31 students March 14, 2020          and Chapter 31 students   Jan. 2-18, 2020           and Chapter 31 students
                          who qualify may                                 who qualify may                                     who qualify may
                          charge books in TTC                             charge books in TTC                                 charge books in TTC
                          Bookstores to their                             Bookstores to their                                 Bookstores to their
                          student accounts using                          student accounts using                              student accounts using
                          financial aid credit.                           financial aid credit.                               financial aid credit.
Jan. 13, 2020 ..........Classes begin.            March 9, 2020 ........ Classes begin.             Jan. 13, 2020 ..........Classes begin.
Jan. 13-15, 2020 .....Drop/Add                    March 9-11, 2020 ... Drop/Add                     Jan. 13-17, 2020 .....Drop/Add
Jan. 15, 2020 ..........Last day for 100 percent March 11, 2020 ...... Last day for 100 percent     Jan. 17, 2020 ..........Last day for 100 percent
                          tuition refund                                  tuition refund                                      tuition refund
Feb. 18, 2020..........Last day to withdraw       April 13, 2020 ........ Last day to withdraw      April 2, 2020 .......... Last day to withdraw
March 2, 2020 ........ Classes end.               April 26, 2020 ........ Classes end.              April 24, 2020 ........ Classes end.
March 3-4, 2020 ..... Makeup day for              April 27-28, 2020 ... Makeup day for              April 27-28, 2020 ... Makeup day for
                          emergency closings                              emergency closings                                  emergency closings
                          (if necessary)                                  (if necessary)                                     (if necessary)

                    *Dates are subject to change. For the most up-to-date information, please visit www.tridenttech.edu.

Registration and Payment
Spring Semester 2020 Calendars

 Students should register for the entire Spring Semester before the semester begins, Spring 1 AND Spring 2, as well as any Spring Full
 courses. New students must make an appointment with a Navigator before registering.

 If registering for any combination of Spring 1, Spring 2 and Spring Full
                                                                                                    Your payment is due by:
 courses during the dates below:
 March 25, 2019 – Jan. 8, 2020                                                                             Jan. 8, 2020

 After Jan. 8, 2020                                                                            Payment is due when you register.

 Spring 2 only (if you are only enrolling for Spring 2)

 March 25, 2019 – March 2, 2020                                                                           March 2, 2020

 After March 2, 2020                                                                           Payment is due when you register.

Please note: Students will not receive a bill for tuition and fees via U.S. mail. Students should check TTC Express accounts
in my.tridenttech.edu portal under Menu > Financial Life > My Account and Payment Information.

                PAYMENT DEADLINE INFO                                                       CANCELLED COURSES
  Once you have registered for classes, you must pay tuition and           When the college cancels a low enrollment course, students may
  fees for ALL registered courses by the due date listed. Make             choose another course or section. If a student is unable to find
  your payment in the Business office during posted open hours             another course, the college will refund tuition paid. TTC will
  or pay online. Students also may enroll in a payment plan by             notify students via email at the time a decision is made to cancel
  published deadlines. If payment is not made, or if you are not           a course due to low enrollment. Students should check their
  enrolled in a payment plan by the due date, you may not be               email at my.tridenttech.edu for messages.
  allowed to register for a future semester or receive a transcript,
  or your future semester registration may be cancelled. See page
  18 for more information.
                                                                                                PAYMENT PLAN
                                                                            Spring 2020 tuition and fee statements will be available on or
                                                                                  before Nov. 6, 2019. Payment is due Jan. 8, 2020.
  Students must officially drop courses by the published last day             Spring 2020 payment plan is available on Nov. 11, 2019.
  for a 100 percent tuition refund. Tuition and fees are due for            Full payments may be made online through March 26, 2020.
  courses dropped after this date.                                          Last day to    Required           Number of        Months of
                                                                           enroll online down payment         payments         payments
                                                                             Dec. 3            None                5          Dec.-April
                                                                            Dec. 24            20%                 4          Jan.-April
  Statements for Spring Semester 2020 will be available on the
  portal beginning Nov. 6, 2019.                                             Jan. 27           25%                 3          Feb.-April
                                                                            Feb. 25            33%                 2         March & April
                                                                            March 26           50%                 1          April only
                                                                                       To enroll and for information such as
  Please note: A student cannot proceed from one semester to the                    payment methods and participation costs, visit
  next without having paid the previous semester’s tuition and                       www.MyCollegePaymentPlan.com/trident.
  fees. Students registered for spring 2020 who have not paid for
  fall 2019 or prior semesters will be de-registered from spring
  classes on Nov. 25, 2019.

Academic and Financial Aid
Maymester and Summer Semester 2020 Calendars

                                                              SUMMER SEMESTER

March 25, 2019 ...... Registration opens          May 26, 2020 .........Summer 1 and Summer              Aug. 3-5, 2020 .......Book buy back, Berkeley
                       for all students. New                                Full classes begin.                                Campus
                       students must make         June 9, 2020 ...........Student Activity Period                              9 a.m.-3 p.m.
                       an appointment with                                  10-11 a.m.                   Aug. 3-7, 2020 .......Book buy back,
                       a Navigator before                                                                                      Thornley Campus
                       registering.               June 27- .................Student Holiday
                                                                            (Administrative offices                            Aug. 3-6, 9 a.m.-3 p.m.
May 4, 2020 ...........Maymester classes          July 5, 2020                                                                 Aug. 7, 9 a.m.-noon
                                                                            close at 5 p.m. on
                       begin.                                               normal business days.)       Aug. 3-7, 2020 .......Book buy back,
May 19-22, 2020 ....Summer Semester Open          July 3, 2020 ............ Independence Day                                   Palmer Campus
                       Advising/Registration                                Holiday (observed)                                 Aug. 3-6, 9 a.m.-3 p.m.
                       for all students. New                                (College closed)                                   Aug. 7, 9 a.m.-noon
                       students must see
                       a Navigator before         July 6, 2020 ............ Summer 2 classes
                       registering.                                         begin.
May 25, 2020 .........Memorial Day                July 15, 2020 .......... Student Activity Period
                       Holiday (College closed                              10-11 a.m.
                       to the public)             July 27, 2020 .......... Last day to request
                                                                            student loans for
                                                                            Summer 2020
March 25, 2019- ..... Action Period for           April 29- ................. Financial Aid recipients    May 4, 2020 ...........Drop/Add
April 20, 2020        Maymester. Complete         May 6, 2020                 and Chapter 31 students     May 4, 2020 ...........Last day for a 100
                      all admission, financial                                who qualify may                                    percent refund
                      aid/VA and disabilities                                 charge books in TTC         May 19, 2020 .........Last day to withdraw
                      accommodations                                          Bookstores to their         May 22, 2020 .........Classes end.
                      requests during this                                    student accounts using      May 23, 2020 .........Makeup day for
                      period for Maymester
                      classes.                                                financial aid credit.                              emergency closings
                                                  May 4, 2020 ...........Classes begin.                                          (if necessary)
                  SUMMER 1                                           SUMMER 2                                          SUMMER FULL

March 25, 2019- ..... Action Period for          March 25, 2019- ..... Action Period for            March 25, 2019- ..... Action Period for
May 12, 2020           Summer 1. Complete        June 22, 2020             Summer 2. Complete       May 12, 2020             Summer Full. Complete
                       all admission, financial                            all admission, financial                          all admission, financial
                       aid/VA and disabilities                             aid/VA and disabilities                           aid/VA and disabilities
                       accommodations                                      accommodations                                    accommodations
                       requests during this                                requests during this                              requests during this
                       period for Summer 1                                 period for Summer 2                               period for Summer Full
                       classes.                                            classes.                                          classes.
May 11-30, 2020 .... Financial Aid recipients May 11-30, 2020 .... Financial Aid recipients May 11-30, 2020 .... Financial Aid recipients
                       and Chapter 31 students                             and Chapter 31 students                           and Chapter 31 students
                       who qualify may                                     who qualify may                                   who qualify may
                       charge books in TTC                                 charge books in TTC                               charge books in TTC
                       Bookstores to their                                 Bookstores to their                               Bookstores to their
                       student accounts using                              student accounts using                            student accounts using
                       financial aid credit.                               financial aid credit.                             financial aid credit.
May 26, 2020 .........Classes begin.             July 6, 2020 ............ Classes begin.           May 26, 2020 .........Classes begin.
May 26-27, 2020 ....Drop/Add                     July 6-7, 2020.........Drop/Add                    May 26-28, 2020 ....Drop/Add
May 27, 2020 .........Last day for 100 percent July 7, 2020 ............ Last day for 100 percent May 28, 2020 .........Last day for 100 percent
                       tuition refund                                      tuition refund                                    tuition refund
June 17, 2020 .........Last day to withdraw      July 28, 2020 .......... Last day to withdraw      July 20, 2020 .......... Last day to withdraw
June 24, 2020 .........Classes end.              Aug. 4, 2020...........Classes end.                Aug. 3, 2020...........Classes end.
June 25, 2020 .........Makeup day for            Aug. 5, 2020...........Makeup day for              Aug. 5, 2020...........Makeup day for
                       emergency closings                                  emergency closings                                emergency closings
                       (if necessary)                                      (if necessary)                                     (if necessary)
                      *Dates are subject to change. For the most up-to-date information, please visit www.tridenttech.edu.

                                          Summer 2020 Friday Closings:
                                   Offices on all campuses may close at noon on Fridays during the summer.

Registration and Payment
Maymester and Summer Semester 2020 Calendars

 Students should register for the entire Summer Semester before the semester begins, Summer 1 AND Summer 2, as well as any Summer
 Full courses. New students must make an appointment with a Navigator before registering.

 If registering for any combination of Summer 1, Summer 2 and Summer
                                                                                                   Your payment is due by:
 Full courses during the dates below:
 March 25, 2019 – May 20, 2020                                                                            May 20, 2020

 After May 20, 2020                                                                            Payment is due when you register.

 Maymester only (if you are only enrolling for Maymester)

 March 25, 2019 – May 4, 2020                                                                             May 4, 2020

 Summer 2 only (if you are only enrolling for Summer 2)

 March 25, 2019 – June 25, 2020                                                                           June 25, 2020

 After June 25, 2020                                                                           Payment is due when you register.

Please note: Students will not receive a bill for tuition and fees via U.S. mail. Students should check accounts in
my.tridenttech.edu portal under Menu > Financial Life > My Account and Payment Information.

                PAYMENT DEADLINE INFO                                                       CANCELLED COURSES
  Once you have registered for classes, you must pay tuition and           When the college cancels a low enrollment course, students may
  fees for ALL registered courses by the due date listed. Make             choose another course or section. If a student is unable to find
  your payment in the Business office during posted open hours             another course, the college will refund tuition paid. TTC will
  or pay online. Students also may enroll in a payment plan by             notify students via email at the time a decision is made to cancel
  published deadlines. If payment is not made, or if you are not           a course due to low enrollment. Students should check their
  enrolled in a payment plan by the due date, you may not be               email at my.tridenttech.edu for messages.
  allowed to register for a future semester or receive a transcript,
  or your future semester registration may be cancelled. See page
  18 for more information.                                                                      PAYMENT PLAN
                                                                           Summer 2020 tuition and fee statements will be available on or
                                                                              before March 16, 2020. Payment is due May 20, 2020.
  Students must officially drop courses by the published last day           Summer 2020 payment plan is available on April 16, 2020.
  for a 100 percent tuition refund. Tuition and fees are due for             Full payments may be made online through June 25, 2020.
  courses dropped after this date.
                                                                            Last day to    Required           Number of        Months of
                                                                           enroll online down payment         payments         payments
                                                                             April 24           25%                3           May-July
  Statements for Summer Semester 2020 will be available on the               May 22             33%                2          June & July
  portal beginning March 16, 2020.                                           June 25            50%                1           July only

                                                                                       To enroll and for information such as
                                                                                    payment methods and participation costs, visit
  Please note: A student cannot proceed from one semester to the                     www.MyCollegePaymentPlan.com/trident.
  next without having paid the previous semester’s tuition and
  fees. Students registered for summer 2020 who have not paid
  for spring 2020 or prior semesters will be de-registered from
  summer classes on April 15, 2020.
                                                                               The registration start date for the 2020-2021 academic
                                                                                            year will be March 23, 2020.

Steps to Enrollment – Be Seat Ready!
1. Apply:                                      2. Financial Aid/Veterans                            Take action: Complete this step before
     •   Complete the admission                   Assistance:                                       the end of the Action Period as shown
         application online at www.                 •   Obtain your FSA (Federal Student            on pages 4, 6 and 8 to be ready when
         tridenttech.edu or submit the                  Aid) ID at www.fsaid.gov.                   classes begin.
         paper application inserted after           •   Complete and submit FAFSA
         page 12 of this book. Pay the                  (Free Application for Federal          3. Orientation:
         $30 nonrefundable application                  Student Aid) at www.fafsa.gov.              Attend Navigate to Success session
         fee. See pages 11-12 for more                  TTC’s school code is 004920.                (see page 15). You will be assigned
         admission information.                         Submit the FAFSA as early as                your academic advisor or Navigator.
     •   The Admissions office                          possible for the term/semester in
         will send you a letter with                    which you plan to enroll.              4. Register:
         account information to access              •   Check TTC email for confirmation            •   Meet with a Navigator or an
         my.tridenttech.edu for email and               and follow-up instructions.                     academic advisor to register.
         TTC Express. Log in for updates            •   Access Financial Aid Self-Service           •   Purchase books (see page 16).
         and important announcements that               through the portal for instructions
         are only available through these                                                      5. Pay Tuition:
                                                        about follow-up documents.                  Pay tuition and fees or enroll in the
         accounts (see page 17).                    •   Submit any follow-up documents.
     •   Complete all admission                                                                     payment plan by the posted due dates
                                                    •   Complete loan requirements, if              (see pages 5, 7, 9 and 18).
         requirements based on your                     borrowing.
         Admit Type (see page 11).                                                             6. Attend Class:
         o Provide proof of legal                   Veterans Assistance                             Attend class, starting on the first day
              presence in the United States.        • Submit request for VA certification           of the term. If you don’t attend class
         o Provide official proof of high               immediately after completing your           during the first week of classes, you
              school graduation or GED.                 final registration to avoid delays          risk being removed from your courses
         o Provide a final official                     in processing. Access through the           and you will not be able to re-enroll
              transcript and official test              portal or in person.                        until the next term.
              scores or proof of college-
              level math and English or             See pages 13-14 for more financial aid
              schedule a TTC Placement              and veterans assistance information,
              Test (see page 12).                   including available scholarships.
         Take action: Complete this step
         before the end of the Action
         Period as shown on pages 4, 6
         and 8 to be ready when classes
         begin.                                                             Drop/Add Reminders
                                                •   Drop/Add is the first day of class for Maymester.
                                                •   Drop/Add is the first two days of Summer 1 and Summer 2 classes.
        Disabilities                            •   Drop/Add is the first three days of Fall 1, Fall 2, Spring 1, Spring 2 and
                                                    Summer Full classes.
     Accommodations                             • Drop/Add is the first five days of Fall Full and Spring Full classes.
 •   Request accommodations through             • Dropping a class during the Drop/Add period means you receive a 100 percent
     the Disabilities Services office               tuition refund.
     during the Action Period (see
                                                Attendance Requirements
     page 4, 6 and 8).
 • Meet with a counselor.                       ü Attending class during Drop/Add is critical to remaining on the class roster. This
                                                    includes online and hybrid courses.
     Thornley Campus – No
     appointment; walk-ins welcome              Active participation in online courses during Drop/Add includes logging into each
     Berkeley, Palmer, Mount Pleasant                   course in D2L, initiating course-related contact with each instructor and being
     campuses – By appointment                          actively involved in an academic assignment for each course.
 • Provide any documentation                    Active participation in hybrid courses during Drop/Add includes attending the class
     requested.                                         lecture and/or logging into each course in D2L, initiating course-related contact
 • Allow more time for cases                            with each instructor and being actively involved in an academic assignment for
     requiring ordered materials or                     each course.
     contracted services.                       Credit Hour Limitations
 For more information, call                     ü Students can take up to 11 credit hours per term.
 843.574.6131.                                  ü Students can take up to 18 credit hours for the entire semester.
                                                                      Staff assistance is available during business hours.
                                                                      Go to www.tridenttech.edu for hours of operation.

Step 1: Admission Information
Categories of Admission
   New Applicant: You are a new applicant if you have NEVER                           Returning Student: You are a returning student if you
applied to TTC.                                                                   have previously enrolled in courses at TTC. Returning students
                                                                                  complete a Student Information Update form, not an application
   Previous Applicant: You are a previous applicant if you have                   for admission.
previously applied to TTC.

 Admit Type                             Application    Application     High School Diploma/      **English      **Math          Proof of       Transient
                                                       Fee             Transcript                Proficiency    Proficiency     Citizenship    Permission

 First-time Freshman                    Yes            Yes             Yes                       Yes            Yes             Yes            No
 Never attended college other than
 taking college courses while in
 high school

 First-time Transfer                    Yes            Yes             Yes, if you have          Yes            Yes             Yes            No
 Attended another college and                                          not completed an
 transferring to TTC                                                   associate degree or

 Returning                              No             No              Yes, if you have          Yes            Yes             Yes            No
                                                                       not completed an
                                                                       associate degree or

 Nondegree                         Yes                 Yes             No                        Yes –          Yes             Yes            Only if
 Not seeking a TTC degree, diploma                                                               reading        if planning                    you are a
 or certificate                                                                                  proficiency    to take                        transient
                                                                                                 only*          math                           student

 High School Students                   Dual Credit/   No              No                        Yes            Only if the     Yes            No
 Taking Course                          Early Admit                                                             requested
                                        application                                                             courses

              For detailed information about admission requirements, please see the application for admission after page 12 of this publication.

    Applicants to TTC in the categories described below should                    Next-Generation ACCUPLACER (205); or COMPASS Reading
apply for admission and meet the admission requirements                           (42); WIN Learning Reading for Information assessment (Level 4)
published for nondegree students at TTC.                                          or WorkKeys Workplace Documents assessment (Level 4); proof
    Transient Students: Attending TTC to transfer credit back to                  of successful completion of a college-level English course; or
your home institution. Not eligible for financial aid. VA students                an approved transient/cross-registration form/letter from another
must have a guest letter. Transient students must also provide                    college. Reading test scores are good for five years from testing
course registration approval forms from their home institution.                   date. Nondegree students will have to provide evidence that they
    Audit Student: Enrolling in credit course without earning any                 have completed prerequisites before registering for courses with
credit hours. Audit students do not qualify for financial aid or VA               prerequisites. Nondegree students do not qualify for financial aid.
benefits. Audit students must meet course prerequisites and pay full                  **To demonstrate proficiency, students graduating from
tuition.                                                                          a South Carolina high school within the last five years with a
    Senior Citizen Student: Enrolling as a legal S.C. resident who                weighted GPA of 3.0 or higher will not need to take the placement
is 60 years of age or older. Senior citizens using the free tuition               test. Otherwise, the college will use one of the additional
benefit may begin registering for classes on the last business day                placement measures as described in Part 2 of the admission
prior to the first day of classes each term up until the first class              application (inserted after page 12 of this publication) to determine
meeting. Go to the Business office to complete the TTC certification              proficiency.
form, and present your S.C.-issued ID or driver's license.                            Note: Admission requirements are subject to change.
    *Nondegree students may meet the reading proficiency by
submitting one of the following: SAT Critical Reading (480) or
SAT Evidence-Based Reading and Writing (530); ACT English
(19); Classic ACCUPLACER Reading Comprehension (33);

Step 1: Admissions – Student Email
    TTC student email accounts are set           •   Veterans information                        college will often send information to your
up within 10 days after you submit an            •   Password changes for online                 email account instead of mailing you a
admission application. To access your                registration (TTC Express)                  letter via U.S. mail.
account, go to my.tridenttech.edu.               • Student events
    TTC uses the my.tridenttech.edu portal       • Registration information                            Call 843.574.6999 to get help
email as the official communication system       • College announcements                           for login/online services including
to send information to students such as:         • Confirmation of online payment of               my.tridenttech.edu, student email,
                                                                                                   TTC Express (online registration) and
• Financial aid status                               tuition and fees                              D2L (online and face-to-face courses).
• Emergency closings                                 This free email service is available to
• Calendar updates                               all applicants and enrolled students. The

Step 1: Admissions – Decisions About Your Major
    If you declare an undecided major,              If you have declared a major (any              TTC Online College
a college counselor is your advisor. An          certificate, diploma or degree program) but       www.tridenttech.edu
undecided major means you have not yet           remain uncertain about some of your
chosen an academic program, or you are           academic, career and/or college goals,          If You Are Not Seeking a Degree
unsure about earning either a certificate,       contact Counseling and Career Development           If you are nondegree-seeking but would
diploma, associate or four-year degree;          Services at one of the following offices for    like to explore your academic or career
or you have not yet chosen a career              assistance in determining your academic,        goals, contact Counseling and Career
field. Your counselor will advise you            career and/or college goals.                    Development Services at one of the
about courses to take until you select an          Thornley Campus, Student Center,              locations shown.
academic program.                                  Bldg. 410/Rm. 210, 843.574.6131                   Nondegree-seeking students do not
    After you select your academic                 Berkeley Campus, Student Success              qualify for financial aid or veterans
program major, your TTC counselor will             Center, Rm. 111, 843.899.8079                 assistance. Transient students are declared
refer you to the appropriate department            Palmer Campus, Student Success Center,        nondegree-seeking and are not eligible for
to receive the name of your academic               Rm. 226, 843.722.5516                         financial assistance.
program advisor.                                   Mount Pleasant Campus, Reception Area,

                   Please Note: You must declare a major to be eligible for S.C. lottery-funded tuition assistance.

Step 1: Admissions – Placement
Do I Need to Take a                              Qualifying SAT/ACT scores are listed on         FREE Next-Generation ACCUPLACER
Placement Test?                                  the admission application (inserted after       study app at https://accuplacer.
    New students entering Trident                page 12).                                       collegeboard.org/student/practice.
Technical College will be placed into                TTC Placement Test: Students who
courses using the following measures.            cannot show qualifying high school              After the Test
    GPA: Students graduating from a South        weighted GPA or SAT/ACT scores                     If your TTC placement test scores
Carolina high school within the last five        will need to take the Next-Generation           do not meet your program’s required
years with a weighted GPA of 3.0 or higher       ACCUPLACER placement test at one                scores in English, math or reading, TTC’s
will not need to take the placement test         of the four Trident Technical College           Developmental Studies courses will help
and will be eligible to enroll directly into     campuses. You may schedule a TTC                you improve your skills before you start
college-level courses. Students can provide      placement test at any campus by calling         your program of study.
a final, official South Carolina high school     Testing Services (see page 2). Next-
transcript during the admission process. If      Generation ACCUPLACER writing and               Credit by Examination
a final, official transcript is not available,   reading scores are valid for five years from        Get credit for out-of-college
or if the weighted GPA is lower than 3.0,        the date of testing; math Next-Generation       experience. TTC offers the CLEP and
the college will use one of the placement        ACCUPLACER scores are valid for two             DANTES (DSST) examinations. Both are
measures below to determine whether              years.                                          national systems of credit-by-examination.
the student can register for college-level                                                       Call Testing Services at 843.574.6438 for
courses or if he or she will need to take one    Before the Test                                 more information and to schedule a CLEP
or more developmental courses.                      Prior to testing, brush up on your skills,   or DSST examination on Thornley Campus
    SAT or ACT: Students can have                especially basic math. Download the FREE        or call 843.722.5516 to schedule on Palmer
official score reports of SAT or ACT scores      Next-Generation sample questions and the        Campus.
sent to Trident Tech. Scores are valid
for five years from the date of testing.
Admission Application
Have you ever taken academic classes YOU ARE CONSIDERED A:
at Trident Technical College?
NO, I have never applied to TTC.    NEW APPLICANT: Complete the admission application. Go to Part 2 for more instructions.

NO, But I have applied to TTC                    PREVIOUS APPLICANT: DO NOT complete the admission application. Complete an Application Update
    previously.                                  form instead. For an Application Update form, go to www.tridenttech.edu and search for “admissions.”

NO, I plan to complete classes while             DUAL CREDIT or EARLY ADMISSION APPLICANT: DO NOT complete the admission application. Contact
    still enrolled in high school.               your high school guidance counselor about getting a Smart Start on your college career by taking classes for
                                                 both high school and college credit. For more information go to www.tridenttech.edu and search for "Division
                                                 of School and Community Initiatives."

YES, But it has been more than three             RETURNING STUDENT: DO NOT complete the admission application. Complete a Student Information
     semesters.                                  Update Form at www.tridenttech.edu > Get Started > How to Register > Returning Students.

YES, I have taken classes within the             CONTINUING STUDENT: DO NOT complete the admission application. To update your information or
     last three semesters.                       program of study, log on to your portal account (my.tridenttech.edu) to change your major using TTC Express.

Complete the following steps.
Certain certificate and diploma programs may have different admission requirements. Please see the online college catalog for admission
requirements for your desired program. Visit www.tridenttech.edu.
1. Complete application for admission.
2. Pay non-refundable $30 application fee.
3. Submit proof of high school graduation or GED.
    Note: For S.C. high school graduates, a final, official S.C. high school transcript is preferred but not required.
4. Provide proof of English and math proficiency.
    a. Provide a final, official S.C. high school transcript with a weighted GPA of 3.0 or higher from the last five years.
         Otherwise, the college will use one of the placement measures shown below to determine placement.
    b. Provide proof of English proficiency: Submit one of the following:
         o SAT Critical Reading 480           o SAT Revised Evidence-Based Reading and Writing 530 o ACT English 19
         o Completed English credits from a regionally accredited university o Qualifying scores on the TTC Placement Test
         o Proof of bachelor’s degree
    c. Provide proof of math proficiency: Submit one of the following:
         o SAT Math 580              o SAT Revised Math 600               o ACT Math 22
         o Completed math credits from a regionally accredited university           o TTC Math Placement Test scores
         IMPORTANT NOTE: TTC Math Placement Test scores are valid for two years. All other scores are valid for five years.
5. Proof of United States citizenship or legal immigration status: See page 4 of this application for additional information.
Special Admission Requirements
TRANSIENT STUDENTS – You are considered a transient student if you plan to take classes at TTC to transfer back to an institution you
currently attend. To be admitted as a transient student, you should: 1) complete the application; 2) pay the application fee; 3) provide proof of
permission to take classes at TTC from the institution you currently attend.
NONDEGREE – You are considered a nondegree student if you do not plan to complete a diploma, certificate or degree program at TTC.
Nondegree students are not eligible for financial aid. To be admitted as a nondegree student, you should: 1) complete this application; 2) pay
the application fee; 3) provide proof of English proficiency.
HEALTH SCIENCES AND NURSING – You must meet all college admission requirements. Health Sciences and Nursing applicants must also meet specific program
requirements. Admission to these programs is on a first-qualified, first-admitted basis. Admission to TTC does not guarantee admission into Health Sciences or Nursing
programs. You must submit a separate application for most Health Sciences and Nursing programs. Health Sciences and Nursing applications are available online. You must
also submit official transcripts from ALL colleges attended.

 It is the policy of Trident Technical College that no discrimination on the grounds of race, color, disability, religion, gender, sexual orientation,
 age, marital status, veteran status, gender identity, pregnancy, or national or ethnic origin will exist in any area of the college.
 Please visit www.tridenttech.edu/publicsafety.htm for information concerning: 1) crime prevention policies; 2) crime and related statistics;
 3) TTC’s sexual assault policy.
 TTC complies fully with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974. This law guarantees the privacy of student educational records
 and protects the student’s right to access those records. Visit www.tridenttech.edu and search for “FERPA” for more information regarding
 FERPA and how TTC complies with the law.
 You may qualify for accommodations due to a documented disability. If you think this applies to you, contact TTC’s Services for Students with
 Disabilities at 843.574.6131 or TTY 843.574.6351 or counseling.services@tridenttech.edu prior to taking the TTC Placement Test or beginning
 classes. Allow at least five working days after receipt of your documentation for evaluation of your request.
 Contact TTC’s Financial Aid office or go to www.tridenttech.edu/financialaid.htm for details about specific programs. These include S.C. Lottery
 Tuition Assistance (S.C. Lottery) and federal grants and loans. You can also learn about scholarships, veterans benefits and student employment.
 Applicants must submit all required documentation by the published dates to have funds available at the start of class. You must declare
 an eligible major to be eligible for financial aid, state aid or veterans programs. You must also meet any additional financial aid/or Veterans
 Assistance eligibility requirements. All financial aid programs require that you declare a major. To qualify for federal grants and loans OR
 for S.C. Lottery, you must complete a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). Visit www.fafsa.gov as soon as possible.
 For more information on TTC Foundation scholarships, visit www.tridenttech.edu and search for “scholarships.” There are special transcript
 requirements for TTC scholarships.
 The Student Employment office has information about both on-campus and off-campus jobs.
 If you or your parent, guardian or spouse are on active duty in the U.S. Armed Forces or are a veteran, there may be special services
 available to you. On page 3 you will be asked for information that will help us determine your eligibility for these services. This information is
 not used for admission purposes.


 •   Attend a Navigate to Success session at any of TTC's four campuses. Call The Hub for more information at 843.574.6436.
 •   Schedule an appointment with your Navigator or academic advisor.
 •   Complete a FAFSA, or contact FINANCIAL AID to ensure that your financial aid information is complete. 843.574.6110.
  Complete the Transcript Request Form below to have your transcripts sent from your high school to TTC. Remove it and send it to
 your high school before submitting your application. Additional transcript request forms are available online at www.tridenttech.edu
              and search for “transcripts.” You may also be able to submit a transcript request at www.parchment.com.

                                                                LEGAL NAME
                                                                Last __________________________First ___________________ M.I. _______
                                                                Prior Last Name (if different) ________________________________________
PLEASE FORWARD A COPY OF MY TRANSCRIPT TO:                      Date of Birth _____/_____/_____ SSN_________________________________
Trident Technical College
Office of Admissions, AM-M
P.O. Box 118067                                                 School Attended __________________________________________________
Charleston, SC 29423-8067                                       Date of Attendance ________________________________________________
NOTE TO SCHOOLS: Please attach this card to the
transcript(s) before sending to Trident Technical College.      Signature ________________________________________________________
PREFIX                  o Mr.                    o Ms.                    o Mrs.                   o Other
                         NAME _____________________________________ _____________________________________                                                                    ______        ____________
                                     LAST                                                             FIRST                                                                  M.I.           SUFFIX

                         ADDRESS _________________________________________________________________________________________________

                                            APT #                  STREET or P.O. BOX                                CITY                           STATE              ZIP                            COUNTY

                         PHONE NUMBERS Home _____________________                                        Cell _______________________                     Work __________________________
                         SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER ____ ____ ____ - ____ ____ - ____ ____ ____ ____                                                    DATE OF BIRTH ________/_____/______
                                                                                                                                                                                     Month / Day / Year

                         ETHNICITY Are you Hispanic/Latino? o Yes o No Please check any additional descriptions that characterize your race:
                         o American Indian or Alaska Native o Asian o Black or African American o Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander o White
                         GENDER                  o Male                               o Female
                         MILITARY           o Active-duty (branch) ___________________________ o Veteran (branch) ______________________________
                                            o Dependent of an active-duty member of the U.S. Armed Forces _________________________________________
                         ANY PREVIOUS NAME(S) _________________________________                                             ______          _______________________________________
                                                              FIRST                                                          M.I.           LAST

                         EMAIL ADDRESS (This will be the initial way we communicate with you.) ______________________________________________

                          Section 6109 of the Internal Revenue Code requires you to give your correct SSN to persons who must file information returns with the IRS to report certain information. The IRS
                          may also provide this information to the Department of Justice for civil and criminal litigation and to cities, states, and the District of Columbia to carry out their tax laws.

                         START SEMESTER
                         o Fall      o Spring                             o Maymester                          o Summer                 Year 20____
                         STUDENT TYPE

                         o First-time freshman: have not attended college since leaving high school
                         o Transfer: attended other colleges since leaving high school
                         o Transient: plan to take courses at TTC to transfer back to institution you currently attend
                         o Nondegree: not seeking a degree, diploma or certificate
                         CREDENTIAL SOUGHT
                         o Associate Degree                               o Certificate                        o Diploma                            o Undecided
                         ACADEMIC PROGRAM _____________________________________________________________________________________
                                    Career path (if required) _______________________________________________________________________________
                                    (A full list of academic programs and career paths can be found in the On Course, Catalog or at www.tridenttech.edu.)

                         REASONS FOR ATTENDING TTC: Check all that apply            o Earn a two-year degree       o Earn a certificate/diploma
                         o Transfer to a four-year college        o Learn skills for a new job              o Learn skills to advance in job
                         o Improve basic skills            o Personal benefit                o Undecided

                         Instructions: List all institutions that you have attended beginning with high school diploma or GED.

                                                    INSTITUTION ATTENDED                                                     DATES ATTENDED                   DEGREE/DIPLOMA COMPLETED
                         Name                                                     City                          State        Mo/Year        Mo/Year         GED, HS Diploma, AA, BS, etc.



                         Have you taken the TTC Placement Test (ACCUPLACER or COMPASS) in the last five years?                                                                o Yes                   o No
                         Approximate Date _________________ Location _______________________ (name of TTC campus, high school, adult education center, etc.)
Tuition is based on residency. TTC determines residency based on S.C. law and Commission on Higher Education Regulations.
                    Documents may be required to prove residency. Go to www.tridenttech.edu and search for “residency” for more information on residency.
                    702 Choice Act requires DD214 and additional proof or residency.
                    Does someone else provide more than 50% of your financial support? o Yes                o No
                    Did someone else claim you on their income taxes the previous year? o Yes               o No

                    Because you answered “yes” to EITHER or BOTH of the questions, Because you answered “no” to BOTH of the questions, your
                    your residency is based on the person providing 50% of your       residency is based on yourself.
                    financial support and/or claiming you on their income taxes.
                    COMPLETE THIS COLUMN
                    Name and relationship of the person providing financial support and/or
                    claiming you as a dependent for tax purposes:
                    Name/Relationship _________________________________________
                                                  Is he or she:                                                                                      Are you:
                    A legal resident of South Carolina? o Yes o No                                                   A legal resident of South Carolina? o Yes o No
                               Effective Date ___/___/_____                                                                     Effective Date ___/___/_____
                    A full-time employee working in South Carolina? o Yes o No                                       A full-time employee working in South Carolina? o Yes o No
                               Effective Date ___/___/_____                                                                     Effective Date ___/___/_____
                    Active duty, stationed in South Carolina? o Yes o No                                             Active duty, stationed in South Carolina? o Yes o No
                               Effective Date ___/___/_____                                                                     Effective Date ___/___/_____

                    The South Carolina Illegal Immigration Reform Act requires all public institutions of higher education to verify that all students are lawfully present in the United
                    States. If you do not complete this section your application will not be processed until additional information is collected.
                    Are you a U.S. citizen?     o Yes            o No
                    If YES, you MUST provide a copy of your valid driver’s license or state-issued ID card with this application and sign the statement below.
                    If NO, answer the following questions.
                    What is your country of origin? ______________________________________________

                    What is your legal presence in the United States? Indicate by choosing from the selections below:
                    o Permanent Resident o Visa – Visa Type/Immigration Status_________________________ o Deferred Action for Childhood Arrival (DACA)
                    You must present your permanent resident, visa, passport or other documentation to the international admissions coordinator at the
                    Thornley Campus.
                    The South Carolina Illegal Immigration Reform Act S. C. Code Ann. §59-101-430 (2008) prohibits those unlawfully present in the United States from attending a
                    public institution of higher education in South Carolina and from receiving a public higher education benefit. By signing this statement, you attest that you are a
                    U.S. citizen, a legal permanent resident in the United States, or non-citizen lawfully present in the United States. The college may require you to submit additional
                    documentation that supports your claim. Any student providing false information may be subject to dismissal from the college. Any student who is found to be
                    unlawfully present in the United States will be dismissed from the college. I fully understand and agree to abide by all of the above stated information related to
                    the S.C. Illegal Immigration Reform Act. Further, I hereby certify under penalty of criminal sanctions pursuant to S.C. Code Ann. Section 8-29-10 (F) (2008) that I
                    lawfully reside in the United States of America.
                    ___________________________________________ _________________________________                                                                     _________________________
                    Print Name                                                                      Signature                                                        Date

                    Emergency Contact _____________________________________                                   Phone _______________________                       Relationship ____________________
                    To determine if additional resources and services are available to you, please answer the following:
                        1. Have either of your parents earned a college degree?            o Mother             o Father           o Both                                                   o Neither
                        2. Are you a current foster care youth or independent living student?                   o Yes              o No
                    Do you give permission for the college to release directory information relative to your enrollment?           o Yes                                                    o No

                    Do you wish to release academic and personal information to anyone?*                        o Yes – Identify below    o No
                    *You may authorize the release of your information to anyone, including parents, spouse and employers.
                    Name                                                                               Relationship                    Date of Birth             Information Released (circle)
                                                                                                                                                         Financial Aid        Academic             Enrollment
                                                                                                                                                         Financial Aid        Academic             Enrollment
                                                                                                                                                         Financial Aid        Academic             Enrollment
                    I certify that these responses are true to the best of my knowledge. I understand that any knowing falsification or failure to provide complete information hereon may result in disciplinary
                    action including denial or dismissal after admission. I further realize that the falsification or alteration of the official school records I will provide TTC during the admission process is a
                    violation of S.C. Code 16-13-15 and that TTC expressly reserves the right to report my violation of S.C. law to the appropriate authorities.

                    ___________________________________________ _________________________________                                                                     _________________________
                    Print Name                                                                      Signature                                                        Date
                    Return completed application and $30 application fee with check or money order to: Trident Technical College • Admissions Office, AM-M • P.O. Box 118067 •
                    Charleston, SC 29423-8067 • Telephone 843.574.6111, 877.349.7184 (toll free) • Or apply and pay online at www.tridenttech.edu.
Produced by Trident Technical College. 3/19
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