Discover Sport at Genazzano - Genazzano FCJ College

Page created by Carlos Powers
Discover Sport at Genazzano - Genazzano FCJ College
Discover Sport
at Genazzano
Discover Sport at Genazzano - Genazzano FCJ College
Program Sports
                                                                                                                          The popularity of these sports, combined with the available school facilities, sees the College invest in the best available
                                                                                                                          coaching resources and offer extended training and competition opportunities.

                                                                                                                          Participation Sports
                                                                                                                          Every girl in these sports is given the opportunity to develop skills, improve personal performance and contribute to a
                                                                                                                          team result through a single term competition program.
                                                                                                                          Recognition Sports
                                                                                                                          The College supports participation in these school competitions and provides encouragement and recognition of girls

                                                                                                                          Recreational Sports
                                                                                                                          With a fitness focus, these activities encourage girls to remain physically active and understand the importance of
                                                                                                                          a healthy body for a healthy mind. These sessions also provide athletic development opportunities for girls with
                                                                                                                          aspirational sporting goals.

                                                                                                                          Whilst providing valuable skills such as conflict resolution, leadership and teamwork, our umpiring programs provide
                                                                                                                          official accreditation and also paid work opportunities.

                                                                                                                          From digital certificates, microcredentials and online qualifications, our coach development pathways offer students the
                                                                Sport at Genazzano FCJ                                    opportunity to develop their communication, time management and leadership skills as they mentor younger teams.
                                                                College provides opportunities                            From volunteering and placement opportunities, our program creates employment ready coaches in their senior years.
                                                                for students to reach their
                                                                full potential. All girls are
                                                                encouraged to participate either
                                                                competitively or recreationally.                          Sport at Genazzano
                                                                                                                          Students can participate in the following sports:
                                                                                                                           Prep - Year 4
Our Sport Programs                                                                                                         Basketball (Year 4)                      Run Group                                 Swimming
                                                                                                                           Cross Country (Year 4)                   Saturday Netball (Year 4)                 Tennis Lessons
Genazzano FCJ College enjoys a range of sporting facilities. The generous grounds provide a large oval, newly
                                                                                                                           Dance                                    Snowsports                                Track & Field (Year 4)
renovated indoor heated six lane 25m pool, indoor basketball court, seven tennis courts, three netball courts and our
new feature in 2022 is the Physical Performance Centre (PPC). A genuine trendsetter amongst girls schools in Australia,
this PPC will be home to our fitness and conditioning programs. The PPC features over 600sqm of training space,            Years 5 and 6
with a dedicated spin room, lifting zone, cardio zone, performance space and PE prac classroom that will host our low
intensity fitness programs such as pilates.                                                                                Australian Football                      Run Group                                 Tennis Lessons
                                                                                                                           Basketball                               Saturday Netball                          Track & Field
Sport is a vital aspect of the Co-curricular Program at Genazzano FCJ College. With over 30 sport and fitness programs,    Cross Country                            Snowsports                                Triathlon (Year 6)
students are offered an incredible variety of opportunities to improve skills and fitness, or learn invaluable lessons
taught by participation in physical activity.                                                                              Gymnastics                               Soccer                                    Water Polo
                                                                                                                           Netball                                  Swimming
In line with the College Mission Statement, Genazzano Sport embraces the talents, potential and dignity of each student
through the provision of recreational, participation and performance sporting programs.
                                                                                                                           Years 7 to 12
Sporting outcomes are only one measure of our improvement in these programs as we also develop:                            Australian Football                      Hockey                                    Snowsports
• Competence                                                                                                               Basketball                               Indoor Cricket                            Swimming
• Confidence
• Compassion                                                                                                               Badminton                                Lacrosse                                  Tennis
• Character                                                                                                                Cricket                                  Netball                                   Tennis Lessons
• Creativity                                                                                                               Cross Country                            Netball Umpiring                          Track & Field
Pathway Sports                                                                                                             Cycling                                  Rowing (Years 8 to 12)                    Triathlon
These sports require student investment beyond just one term from beginner or development level right through              Diving                                   Run Group                                 Volleyball
to the aspirational level of state or national representation. With the highest quality of staffing and coaches and the
                                                                                                                           Fitness                                  Saturday Netball                          Water Polo
competition and camp opportunities provided, these sports offer confidence to parents that the school pathway offers
the best available sporting opportunities for their girls.                                                                 Golf                                     Soccer
                                                                                                                           Gymnastics                               Softball
Discover Sport at Genazzano - Genazzano FCJ College
Year Levels                                       Competitions                                        Training                            Coaching                     Location


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           User Pays







                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Year 12
                                                                                                                                   Term 1

                                                                                                                                            Term 2

                                                                                                                                                       Term 3

                                                                                                                                                                Term 4
                       11 & 12


                                 9 & 10













Pathway Sports

Athletics -                                                                                                                                                                                                G, VP,                                         Geelong.
Cross Country            ✓         ✓          ✓           ✓        ✓        T2       T2               T2       T3         T2        ✓        ✓                             ✓            ✓          ✓        HP                     ✓                      Apr Y7-12       ✓
Athletics -                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Geelong.
Track and Field          ✓         ✓          ✓           ✓        ✓        T3       T3               T3       T4         T2                 ✓          ✓                  ✓            ✓          ✓       G, BHT      BHT         ✓                      Apr Y7-12       ✓
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          NZ Tour,
Saturday Netball         ✓         ✓          ✓           ✓       Year 4            Boroondara Netball Association                Trials     ✓          ✓        ✓         ✓            ✓          ✓          G         MP         ✓        ~$250
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Jul Y11&12       ✓
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          NZ Tour,
Netball                  ✓         ✓          ✓           ✓       Year 4    T2       T2              T2&3                 TBC     Trials     ✓          ✓                  ✓            ✓          ✓          G          G         ✓                     Jul Y11&12       ✓
                                           Learn to                                                                        T3                                                                                                                            Nagambie,
Rowing                   ✓         ✓       Row Y8
                                                                                                      T1       T1
                                                                                                                         Indoor     ✓                   ✓        ✓         ✓            ✓          ✓        H, F                   ✓        ~$3000
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Jan Y8-12        ✓
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Falls Creek,
Snowsports               ✓         ✓          ✓           ✓        ✓                                  T3       T3                            ✓          ✓                  ✓            ✓          ✓        MB                     ✓        Various
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Aug Y7-12       ✓
Swimming                 ✓         ✓          ✓           ✓        ✓        T1       T1               T1       T1         T1        ✓                            ✓         ✓            ✓          ✓          G                    ✓                     Jan Y7-12        ✓
Program Sports

Football                 ✓         ✓          ✓           ✓                 T2       T2      T3       T3                                     ✓                                          ✓          ✓          G        XC, EP

Basketball               ✓         ✓          ✓           ✓       Year 4    T4      T3&4              T3                                    Snr         ✓        ✓                      ✓          ✓          G         BS

Tennis                   ✓         ✓          ✓                             T1       T1                                             ✓                            ✓                      ✓          ✓          G          G

                                                        Year 6,                                                                                                                                                                                          Geelong.
Triathlon                ✓         ✓          ✓           T4
                                                                            T1               T1       T1       T2         T4        ✓                            ✓                                            G
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Jan Y7-12
Water Polo               ✓         ✓          ✓           ✓                T4 Jnr
                                                                                                      T4                                    Snr                 Jnr                                           G          G

Participation Sports

Badminton                ✓         ✓          ✓                             T3                                                                          ✓                  ✓            ✓          ✓        BS           G

Cricket                  ✓         ✓          ✓                             T4                                                                                   ✓                      ✓          ✓          G

Diving                   ✓         ✓          ✓                             T1                                                      ✓                            ✓                      ✓          ✓        XC

Gymnastics               ✓         ✓          ✓           ✓                                           T3                                     ✓          ✓                               ✓          ✓        BS

Hockey                   ✓         ✓          ✓                             T2                                                      ✓                                                   ✓          ✓        HHC          H

Indoor Cricket           ✓         ✓          ✓                             T1                                                      ✓                                                              ✓          G

Lacrosse                 ✓         ✓                                                         T3       T3                                                ✓                               ✓          ✓          G

Soccer                   ✓         ✓          ✓           ✓                 T3       T2                                                     SSV       GSV                               ✓          ✓          G          G

Softball                 ✓         ✓          ✓                             T1                                                      ✓                                                              ✓          G          G

Volleyball               ✓         ✓          ✓                             T3                                                                          ✓                                          ✓          G          G
Discover Sport at Genazzano - Genazzano FCJ College
Year Levels                                        Competitions                                      Training                            Coaching                     Location


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  User Pays






                                 Years 11

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Year 12
                                                                                                                                             Term 1

                                                                                                                                                      Term 2

                                                                                                                                                                 Term 3

                                                                                                                                                                          Term 4

                                            9 & 10










                                   & 12


Recognition Sports

Cycling                               ✓       ✓          ✓                                                        T4      T1

Equestrian                            ✓       ✓          ✓                                                        T1      T3

Golf                                  ✓       ✓          ✓                              T1


Boxing Fit                            ✓       ✓                                                                                               ✓        ✓          ✓        ✓                      ✓                     G

Boot Camp                             ✓       ✓          ✓                                                                                    ✓        ✓          ✓        ✓                      ✓                     G

Cardio Circuit                        ✓       ✓          ✓                                                                                    ✓        ✓          ✓        ✓                      ✓                     G

                                                                                                                                                                                                                     G, VP,
Run Group                             ✓       ✓          ✓          ✓         ✓                                                               ✓        ✓          ✓        ✓                      ✓                   HP

SwimFit                               ✓       ✓          ✓          ✓         ✓                                                                        ✓          ✓                               ✓                     G

Tennis Lessons                        ✓       ✓          ✓          ✓         ✓                                                               ✓        ✓          ✓        ✓                      ✓                     G                               ✓

Football                              ✓       ✓                                                                                                        ✓                             ✓                                  G

Netball                               ✓       ✓                                                                                                        ✓          ✓                                                     G

           BHT: Box Hill Track                                             HP: Hays Paddock
           BS: Boroondara Sports                                           MB: Mt Buller
           EP: Elgar Park, Box Hill                                        MP: MacLeay Park
           F: Footscray                                                    SCSA: Secondary Catholic Sport Association
           G: Genazzano                                                    SSV: School Sport Victoria
           GSV: Girls’ Sport Victoria                                      VP: Victoria Park
           H: Hawthorn                                                     XC: Xavier College
           HHC: Hawthorn HC
Discover Sport at Genazzano - Genazzano FCJ College
Girls’ Sport Victoria (GSV)                                                                                                    GSV
Years 7 to 12                                                                                                                  Weekly Sports
Girls’ Sport Victoria Inc. (GSV), one of the largest independent girls’ school sporting associations in Victoria, was formed   Term One – Indoor Cricket, Softball, Tennis
in 2000 to create a uniform entity through which girls’ sport in participating schools could be supported, conducted,
promoted and administered.                                                                                                     Term Two – Australian Football, Hockey, Netball, Water Polo (Years 9 to 12)

Genazzano is one of 24 independant girls’ school members of GSV and we participate in all 19 sports offered by the             Term Three – Badminton, Soccer, Volleyball,
                                                                                                                               Term Four – Basketball, Cricket, Water Polo (Years 7 & 8)
The guiding principles are:
                                                                                                                               Students can choose from the variety of sports each term and have the opportunity to trial them towards the end
•   The promotion of girls’ sport and physical activity                                                                        of the previous term. Every effort is made to give each girl the opportunity to participate in their sport of choice,
                                                                                                                               however some sports do have a capped quota. Weekly sport is a great sampling opportunity to try new sports and
•   Enhanced opportunities for participation in elite, competitive and recreational sport                                      meet new friends.
•   Accessibility to a diverse range of programs
                                                                                                                               Girls make a commitment to their weekly sport by attending one weekly training and match per week. Training is
•   The fostering of individual talents, team spirit and commitment                                                            typically 7.00am – 8.00am before school, with some lunchtime exceptions.

•   The pursuit of excellence                                                                                                  All interschool weekly matches are played on weeknights after school between 4.00pm and 6.00pm with alternating
                                                                                                                               home and away fixtures. For matches played away, students travel by bus to and from the venue.
•   A commitment to the highest standard of ethical behaviour
                                                                                                                               The regular fixture nights are:
•   A commitment to the promotion of health and wellbeing of all girls
                                                                                                                               • Junior (Year 7 and 8) Matches: 			                   Thursday
                                                                                                                               • Intermediate (Year 9 and 10) Matches:		              Wednesday
GSV                                                                                                                            • Senior (Year 11 and 12) Matches:		                   Monday

Carnival Sports                                                                                                                Secondary Catholic Sport Association (SCSA)
Term One – Diving, Swimming and Triathlon
                                                                                                                               To complement our association with the Girls Sport Victoria competition, Genazzano competes in select SCSA Carnivals.
Term Two – Cross Country                                                                                                       In 2022, Genazzano will compete in Triathlon (Term 1), Lacrosse and Australian Football (Term 3) and Table Tennis (Term
Term Three – Track and Field

These carnival sport programs are available to all girls to improve fitness and skills as well as enjoy interschool
competition. Practice meet opportunities are offered after school in the lead up to a Preliminary and Championship
                                                                                                                               Years 5 and 6
Carnival where whole school teams vie for Division 1, 2 or 3. Individuals that excel in these Championships will then          Weekly Sport
be invited to a Finals Night competition. Swimming and Athletics (Track and Field and Cross Country) have training
opportunities for all four terms of the year, whilst Diving and Triathlon are available across two terms.                      Years 5 and 6 students will compete in our new weekly house sport program. Girls will enjoy a combination of skills
                                                                                                                               training from expert coaches and then friendly house sport competition over a four to five week period. The program is
                                                                                                                               compulsory for all Years 5 and 6 girls and all sessions are on campus from 3.30pm to 4.30pm.

                                                                                                                               School Sport Victoria (SSV)
                                                                                                                               Genazzano is affiliated with SSV through the Armadale District. This involvement offers a higher level of competition for
                                                                                                                               more experienced students from Years 3 to 6. Genazzano sends squads to represent the College in swimming, cross-
                                                                                                                               country and athletics carnivals. Teams are also selected to compete in Australian football, basketball, netball and soccer
                                                                                                                               tournaments. Girls are offered trial opportunities in these sports and six training sessions for each selected team.
Discover Sport at Genazzano - Genazzano FCJ College
Other Competitive Sport
Genazzano FCJ College enters sporting teams in other competitions, providing further opportunities to compete against
a wider range of school students.

These include:

•   Netball Victoria Schools Championships

•   All Schools Swimming/Diving/Track and Field Championships

•   Basketball Victoria Hooptime and Champions Cup

•   Summer Triathlon Series

Students in Years 9 to 12 have the opportunity to trial and train for the College Rowing Program. Students are selected
to compete in various crews. The junior crews train at the Genazzano/Xavier Boatsheds located on the Yarra River at
Hawthorn, whilst the senior squad train on the Maribrynong River in Footscray to prepare for a number of weekend
regattas, in Terms Four and One, including the Head of School Girls Regatta in Geelong on the Barwon River. An
introductory ‘Gen Go Rowing’ program is also run for Year 8 students in Term Three of each year. Program costs are
available from the Head of Rowing.

Genazzano FCJ College offers the opportunity for all students from Prep to Year 12 to join the College Snowsports team.
Disciplines offered include Alpine, Cross Country, Moguls, Skiercross, together with Snowboarding. A team of students
compete in the Victorian Interschool Ski Championships at Mt Buller at the end of Term Three. Prior to competition, the
team has several training camps and day trips at Mt Buller and Falls Creek. Parents are welcome to be involved as part of
the parent support group. This is a user pays program and further details are available at a Term One information night.
Discover Sport at Genazzano - Genazzano FCJ College
Netball                                                                                                                     Fitness
Genazzano Saturday Netball is our largest school program from Years 4 to 12. Saturday Netball is conducted at Macleay       Programs
Park in Balwyn North, with Genazzano being the largest club with more than 45 teams and over 400 participants.
                                                                                                                            Across the four terms, various fitness programs are offered to encourage our girls to maintain a healthy and active
The aim of Saturday Netball is to provide a positive environment where Genazzano students can develop their                 lifestyle. These programs are also designed to support our performance sporting programs.
netball skills, their personal and team values, a love for physical fitness and an active and healthy lifestyle. Training
opportunities are offered before school or at lunchtime.                                                                    •   Run Group (Years 3 to 12)
                                                                                                                            •   Swim Squad (Years 3 to 12)
Seasons                                                                                                                     •   Boxing Circuit (Years 9 to 12)
                                                                                                                            •   Boot Camp (Years 7 to 12)
Winter: Terms Two and Three                                                                                                 •   Cardio Circuit (Years 7 to 12)
Spring Fling: Term Four                                                                                                     •   Pilates (Years 7 to 12)

                                                                                                                            Tennis Coaching
                                                                                                                            Tennis coaching is available to all students from Prep to Year 12 at the College by registered coaches from the
The Genazzano FCJ College pool is home to GenAquatic Swimming Club. The Club is committed to the holistic                   Genazzano/OLGC Tennis Club, either before school or during lunchtime. The program is conducted for the full school
development of swimmers and members consist of boys and girls from Genazzano FCJ College and the local                      year, encompassing a minimum of 32 lessons of 45 minutes each.
community. This is a recommended extension opportunity of the extensive College swim team program for swimmers
with competitive goals.

Our enthusiastic, accredited coaches implement structured training programs targeting the major swimming carnivals          Co-curricular
specific to each squad level – from novice meets to state and national competitions.                                        Program
The College is fortunate to have former Olympic swimmer, Mr Matt Welsh OAM as the Head of Aquatics and Head                 Participants in our sporting program have the opportunity to receive colour points in line with College policy. To qualify
Swimming Coach.                                                                                                             for a colour point, a student must participate once weekly over the duration of a semester (for a non-training team) or
                                                                                                                            twice weekly over the duration of a term for a training team. Participation must involve a minimum 80% attendance at
Squad Programs                                                                                                              both training and matches.
Our Squad Programs cater for competent lap swimmers. At GenAquatic we are inclusive of swimmers with
disabilities and those who are culturally and linguistically diverse. Swimmers progress through three levels of
squad, refining competitive strokes, building fitness and improving race techniques.                                        Camps and
Bronze Squad                                                                                                                Tours
In the Bronze squad, swimmers have finished Learn to Swim and are now ready to train within a club atmosphere.
A solid understanding of swimming strokes, turns and dives has already been established. The focus in now fitness,          Late January
speed and maintaining swimming technique.                                                                                   • Four day Swimming and Triathlon Camp (Years 7 to 12)
                                                                                                                            • Five day Rowing Camp (Years 9 to 12)
Silver Squad
As swimmers progress with their fitness and improve times, it is important that they are given the opportunity to           Term One Holidays
experience new challenges in and out of the pool. Training consists of both water and land sessions with a greater          • Four day Cross Country and Track and Field Camp (Years 7 to 12)
emphasis on establishing fitness, strength and speed. Swimmers attend competitions throughout the year as a fun
way to mix with people in and around the club. Silver squad swimmers regularly attend two or more sessions per              Term Two Holidays
week and often swim up to three kilometres per session.                                                                     • Ten day New Zealand Netball Tour (Year 11 and 12) - every second year
                                                                                                                            • Mt Buller Training and Trials Weekend
Gold Squad
The intention of the Gold Squad is to continue developing swimmers holistically. Swimmers work towards                      Term Three
competing at a State level, whilst many compete at Club, State or National events. However, competition is not the          • Falls Creek Year 8 Ski Weekend
only focus and each swimmer has the opportunity to develop and work towards their own intrinsic goals and needs             • Falls Creek Snowsports Team Training Weekend (Years 7 to 12)
at training. Swimmers regularly train three or more times a week and four or more kilometres per session.
                                                                                                                            Term Three Holiday (every alternative second year)
                                                                                                                            • Two week International Sporting Tour of our FCJ schools in Europe
Discover Sport at Genazzano - Genazzano FCJ College
There are six Houses at Genazzano FCJ College:

•   Corry (Red)

•   d’Houet (Royal Blue)

•   Douglas (Magenta)

•   Gerda (Green)

•   Stock (Gold)

•   Winter (White)

Students at Genazzano FCJ College participate in many House events throughout the year. Some of these House events
are sport competitions.

The interhouse sport program is designed to provide competitive sporting situations, whilst fostering House spirit,
sportsmanship and participation for all students.

•   Track and Field Carnival: Term One

•   Cross-Country Carnival: Term Two

•   Indoor Rowing: Term Three

•   Swimming/Diving Carnival: Term Four

•   Team Triathon: Term Four

The athletics and swimming/diving competitions are major whole College carnivals involving all students and staff from
Prep to Year 12. They are held at external venues to the College. House Prefects and Captains select their competitors,
with an emphasis on including all students in events.


      Follow us on Instagram @genfcjsport
Discover Sport at Genazzano - Genazzano FCJ College
Genazzano FCJ College

301 Cotham Road Kew 3101

Tel: +61 3 8862 1000
CRICOS Provider No. 03298G
Discover Sport at Genazzano - Genazzano FCJ College
Netball Information
  Booklet 2022
Genazzano Netball aims to provide a positive environment where students can
develop their netball skills, their personal and team values, a love for physical
fitness and an active and healthy lifestyle.

Our program:
• Provides fun and enjoyment for all students to foster their growth, fitness and
• Endorses the principles of good sportswomanship by developing respect for
    the ability of team mates, opponents and officials.
• Enables all students to achieve high standards of learning and self-discipline,
    to develop self-confidence, optimism, responsibility and a sense of team and
• Provides expert coaching to enable the acquisition of knowledge, skills, match
    strategy and tactics.
• Enables students to share in leadership and decision making roles.
• Provides excitement and challenge, a sense of achievement and opportunity
    for success.
• Ensures that thoughtful, sensitive and positive adult guidance is always pres-
    ent. The participation and support of parents and past students is encouraged.
• Provides opportunities for the utilisation of skills at a level appropriate to each
    student’s maturity and ability.

•   Junior Net Friday competition (Year 4) after school at the Boroondara Netball
•   Boroondara Netball Association Saturday competition (Years 5 to 12) for Terms
    Two, Three and Four
•   GSV - Girls Sport Victoria Netball competition (Years 7 to 12) in Term Two
•   GSV Representative Team (Years 9 to 12)
•   Netball Victoria Schools Championships (Years 5 to 12) in Term Three
•   Biennial New Zealand Netball Tour (Years 11 and 12)
•   SSV - School Sport Victoria District Netball Tournament (Years 5 and 6)
•   Student coaching pathway – Saturday Netball (Years 10 to 12)
•   Student umpiring pathway – Saturday Netball (Years 7 to 12)
•   Eligibility to attend selections for the Boroondara Netball Association
    Representative Teams – Boroondara Power
Genazzano Saturday Netball and GSV Netball are co-curricular activities.

Those competing have the opportunity to receive colour points in line with College
policy. To qualify for a colour point, a student must participate once weekly during
a term (for a non-training team) or twice weekly during a term for a training team.
Participation must involve a minimum 80% attendance at both training and

Saturday Netball
Competition Details
Members of our Genazzano Saturday Netball teams compete in the Boroondara
Netball Association Saturday Competition.

Season 1: Terms Two and Three, winter
Season 2: Term Four, spring fling

Competition Venue
The competition venue is Macleay Park, 101 Belmore Road, North Balwyn. Melways
reference: 46 C4.
Match Times
On a Saturday, the first round commences at 8.00am and the last round concludes
at 5.00pm.

Years 5 to 7 compete in the mornings and Year 8 to Open compete in the afternoons.
These times may vary from season to season depending on team entries.

During the winter season, Year 4 Netball (Junior Net) is played on a Friday night. The
first match commences at 4.00pm and the last match concludes at 5.30pm.

Selection and
•   Selections are held from Years 4 to 9. Any student wanting to play netball will be
    selected in a team.
•   Selections are held each year in early February.
•   Some changes to teams will occur at the start of Season 2 (spring fling) due to
    the addition or withdrawal of players and at the discretion at the Netball
•   A selection panel, which includes the Netball Coordinator, will select the teams.
•   Team selection is based on netball ability, team balance and performance at
    the selection clinics.
•   Teams are not selected based on existing friendship groups.

Each team will consist of nine to eleven players who will share equal court time
during the season. The only time this will not occur is if a player misses a game due
to her own choice. Team selection for the finals is at the discretion of the coach.

Attendance at all training sessions and matches is compulsory unless the player or
parent notifies the coach or Netball Coordinator. Students must notify their coach or
Netball Coordinator in person, by phone or email. Messages from friends will not be

Failure to notify the coach or the Netball Coordinator in advance of non-attendance
at training or a match may mean that the player will sit out for the first half of the
following match.
Junior Netball
(Years 4 to 6)
The focus for this age group is exploring netball and developing fundamental
movement, passing, attacking and defensive skills. Players will be given the
opportunity to try all positions on the court.

Rotation may seem confusing for the first few weeks but they are a key aspect of a
netball player’s development. It allows players to develop knowledge and skills in
all positions before specialising in one position or area of the court. This is
necessary to allow for the changing and variable growth patterns of young players.

Some players may undergo rapid growth at an early age, yet by 12 or 13, are no
longer the tallest or shortest. If players have only been given the opportunity to
play one or two positions, it restricts their development and ultimately limits their
participation and enjoyment.

Thoughts for adults:
• Young people participate for pleasure and winning is only part of the fun
• All players need the same opportunities to play and develop their skills
• Children learn best with positive reinforcement and specific, constructive
• Focus on the performance of the skill rather than the result of the game
• Children learn by taking risks and making mistakes. Encourage and support
   this, as it is necessary and an important part of learning
• Allow children time to develop an understanding of the game.
Players are to arrive at the courts 20 minutes prior to their match commencement
time. This is important so players can warm up correctly and receive instructions
from the coach.

Sections where participants are secondary school age and over, teams may play
with ‘modified mixed’ rules as per NV Infonet A5. Teams may have up to three boys
playing at any one time. If three boys are on the court at any one time, they must
play in separate thirds of the court – (GK/GD – WD/C/WA – GA/GS).

The Boroondara Association states that where participants are primary school age,
boys participate unrestricted.

Players must adhere to the BNA rules regarding uniform requirements, nail length
and jewellery. These requirements can be found on the Boroondara Netball
Association website:

All players must wear the correct Genazzano PE and competition uniforms at all
times. In 2021 we are introducing a new netball dress. Any student from Years 7 to
12 playing Saturday netball or GSV netball will need to purchase a dress from Bob
Stewart, Kew.

Years 4 to 6
Genazzano sports uniform

Junior (Year 7/8)
Genazzano Netball dress.

Intermediate (Year 9/10)
Genazzano Netball dress.

Seniors (Year 11/12)
Genazzano Netball dress.

Players and student coaches must only wear the Genazzano sports uniform to
netball on a Saturday.
Training is compulsory for all Year 4 to Year 9 players. Sessions will be held at the
Genazzano Netball courts either before school, lunchtime or after school. The time
will be organised by the Netball Coordinator and distributed to each student at the
start of the season. Please notify your coach if you cannot attend training.

It is recommended that all students wear appropriate netball footwear.

Coach and Player Contact
During Matches
Parents are welcome to discuss the progress of their daughters with the Netball

Parents are asked to avoid speaking to the coach during the pre-game warm up,
during the match or at the quarter time breaks. The coach must focus on coaching
the team. Distractions, however well intentioned, impact on the team.

Genazzano Saturday Netball is subsidised by Genazzano FCJ College. All players are
required to pay an annual registration fee. The College will manage the annual fee
and state memberships via NetballConnect. Fees cover the following:
• Boroondara Netball Association competition fees, team entry
• Netball Victoria registration which includes player insurance
• Coach payments and development
• Equipment including bibs and balls
• Umpire payments and umpire development.

Refunds will only be given within two weeks of the new season upon written
notification to the Netball Coordinator.
Netball is acknowledged as a winter sport and is often played in the rain.

The Boroondara Netball Association (BNA) assesses washouts on a round by round
basis. The BNA website and Facebook page will have live updates as to when and if
a round has been cancelled. If a washout occurs, the Netball Coordinator will
contact the Team Manager of each team, who will contact the players. You are
welcome to ring the Team Manager if you are unsure.

Please do not assume that a match will be cancelled.

GenConnect has a Saturday Netball page. This page is used throughout the Netball
season to provide the following information:
• Teams
• Fixtures
• Upcoming events such as development courses and clinics relating to coaches,
    players and umpires
• Links to the Boroondara Netball Association for fixture and results information
• Links to the NetballConnect page for Genazzano season registration and state
    membership payments.
Code of
•   Participate for fun and enjoyment.
•   Respect the rights, dignity and worth of fellow players, coaches, officials and
•   Refrain from conduct which could be regarded as sexual harassment,
    discrimination, bullying or victimisation.
•   Respect the talent, potential and development of fellow players and
•   Participate fairly and safely.
•   Conduct yourself in a responsible manner relating to language, temper and
•   Abide by the rules and respect the decision of the umpires. Be courteous and
    use the correct process when seeking a rule clarification.
•   Attend all training sessions and matches unless you have personally contacted
    your coach or the Netball Coordinator.
•   Wear the correct PE and playing uniform at all times.
•   Applaud all good play, by your own team and opponents.
•   Respect and acknowledge the contribution of those who create the opportunity
    for you to play (e.g. scorers, coaches, timekeepers, administrators and
•   Represent Genazzano FCJ College with pride and good sportsmanship.

Team Managers
This is a voluntary role and it is important to have a well run team. The role involves
the following duties:
• Organise a scoring roster at the start of the season. One parent will be rostered
     on each week to score for the team.
• Contact the team members in the case of a forfeit or washout. The Netball
     Coordinator will ring the Team Manager and the Team Manager will contact the
     team members.
•   Organise a scorer for the finals.
•   All games will be scored through the NetballConnect app.
•   If a scorer cannot score on their allocated date they are asked to swap with
    another parent/guardian. It is up to each parent/guardian to find a replacement
    not the Team Manager.

In addition to Netball Australia’s General Code of Behaviour, you must meet the
following requirements with regards to your conduct during any activity held by or
under the auspices of Netball Australia, Member Organisations or Affiliates in your
role as a parent/guardian:
• Encourage your daughter to participate but do not force them.
• Focus upon your daughter’s efforts and performance rather than the overall
     outcome of the event. This assists your daughter in setting realistic goals
     related to her ability by reducing the emphasis on winning.
• Teach your daughter that an honest effort is as important as winning, so that
     the result of each game is accepted without undue disappointment.
• Encourage your daughter to always play according to the rules.
• Be a model of good sports behaviour for your daughter(s) to copy. Applaud
     good play by all players.
• Never ridicule or yell at a your daughter for making a mistake or losing a game.
• If you disagree with an umpire or coach, raise the issue through the
     appropriate channels rather than question their judgement and honesty in
• Refrain from conduct which could be regarded as sexual harassment,
     discrimination, bullying or victimisation.
• Recognise and respect the value and importance of volunteer administrators,
     coaches and umpires. They give up their time and resources to provide
     recreational activities for players and deserve your support.
• Be courteous in communication with administrators, coaches, players and
     umpires. Teach your daughter to do the same.
• Support the use of age appropriate development activities and modified rules.
Girls Sport Victoria (GSV) Netball
(Years 7 to 12)
The 24 schools involved in GSV participate in interschool netball matches each week
in Term Two. Students are given the opportunity to trial for netball. If selected in
a team, they will train once a week and play one match after school every week in
Term Two.

Selections for GSV teams are held at the end of Term One.

All interschool matches are played on week nights after school between 4.00pm and

The regular fixtured nights are:
• Junior matches (Year 7/8) - Thursday (Waverley Netball Centre)
• Intermediate matches (Year 9/10) - Wednesday (Home and Away)
• Senior matches (Year 11/12) - Monday (Home and Away).
• For away matches, girls travel by bus to the venue and return to the College at
    the completion of the match.

GSV Representative Team
Girls Sport Victoria offers Representative Netball opportunities. Trials for students in
Years 9 to12 will be held towards the end of term Two and early Term Three.

The team will play in an Interstate Challenge Tournament. Five Independent School
Sports Associations (GSV, IGSSA, IGSSA SA, ISA NSW and SATIS) from four States
(Victoria, New South Wales, South Australia and Tasmania) will play Netball
matches over a three-day tournament.
Netball Victoria
Schools Championships
The Netball Victoria Schools Championships are one of the largest netball
tournaments conducted in Australia and attracts Government, Catholic and
Independent school teams from around the state.

Teams play in a round robin format across multiple preliminary days across
Victoria with the top teams advancing through to the finals day at the State Netball
and Hockey Centre where the state champions are crowned.

Each year Genazzano enters one team in the following year levels:
• Primary – Year 5/6
• Junior – Year 7/8
• Intermediate – Year 9/10
• Senior – Year 11/12

School Sport Victoria
Genazzano is affiliated with the Armadale District in the SSV. This involvement offers
a higher level of competition for some of the more experienced and talented
students in Years 3 to 6. In previous years, Genazzano has sent individual
representatives and/or teams in netball. Our membership with SSV allows access to
state level competitions for students, e.g. State trials for netball.

New Zealand
Netball Tour
The College offers a Netball Tour to New Zealand every two years and was first
conducted in 2014. The tour provides a unique opportunity to travel overseas with a
group of like-minded sportswomen and experience all that New Zealand has to offer
both on and off the netball court.

The tour group will be involved in a 6-month preparation program with the focus
on a S & C program, netball skills, personal and team values, match strategy and
tactics. Students in Years 11 and 12 are eligible to apply for the tour.
Mr Nick Wall
Director of Sport
Mobile: 0416 077 363

Mrs Sarndra Kennerley
Netball Coordinator
Mobile: 0413 944 343
Phone: 8862 1007
Genazzano FCJ College
301 Cotham Road Kew 3101
Tel: +61 3 8862 1000
CRICOS Provider No. 03298G
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