Directors - GWRRA New Mexico District

Page created by James Alvarez
Directors - GWRRA New Mexico District
            Gary Smith & Tricia Warwick                        New Mexico District
                    (505) 463-0807                             GWRRA Membership

            Gary                                GWRRA Facebook


                       HEADQUARTERS: 21423 North 11th Avenue

                       Phoenix, AZ 85027

                       Phone: 1-800.843.9460 or 623.581.2500
Directors - GWRRA New Mexico District
Table of Contents

    Team GWRRA                                                                      2
    New Mexico District Team                                                        2
    New Mexico Chapters                                                             3
    Directors – Gary Smith & Tricia Warwick                                         4
    Assistant Directors – Dan & Barbara Cok                                         5
    Motorist Awareness – Walter Clement                                             6-7
    Rider Educator– Barbara Cok                                                     8
    Membership Enhancement – Deborah Sciortino                                      9-10
    Wing Ding Registration                                                          11

               Mark Davis

    You start the game with a full pot of luck and an empty pot of experience...

    The object is to fill the pot of experience before you empty the pot of luck.

Directors - GWRRA New Mexico District
Leadership Teams

                                         Position                              Email
Jere and Sherry Goodman                  Directors of GWRRA          
Bob and Nan Shrader                      Director's Assistant        
Tom and Renee Wasluck                    Director's Assistant        
John & Shawn Irons                       Director's Assistant        
Kevin Bramhoff & Karin Young             Director's Assistant        
Frank and Sharon Jackson                 Director's Assistant        
Lorrie Thomas and Dan Clark              Director of the University  
Dan and Mary Costello                    Directors of Membership Enhancement
James & Freida Clayson                   Directors of Motorist Awareness
Randall and Janet Drake                  Director of Finance         
Susan & George Huttman                   Directors of Rider Ed       
Allesandro Boveri & Mariarosa Bruzzone   Directors Overseas          

                                    New Mexico District Team
       Directors                             Assistant Director North   Motorist Awareness
       Gary Smith & Tricia Warwick               Gary Greenfield        Walter Clement
       (505) 463-0807                            (505) 402-1672         (313) 675-1232

       Educator & Asst. Directors                                       First Aid/Medic
       Dan & Barbara H Cok                                              Janet Longhurst
       (505) 280-0710                                                   (505) 459-0690                                       

       Membership Enhancement                                           Treasurer
       Debbie & Tony Sciortino                                          Margie Green
       (716) 445-3579                                                   (505) 250-7411                                

       Web Master                                                       Newsletter
       Tom Evans                                                        Judy Metts
       (732) 809-2184                                                   (575) 308-1002                                          

Directors - GWRRA New Mexico District
Chapter Directory

                      TX- A1                                      W - Albuquerque
 Monthly – 2nd Saturday @ 11:00 a.m.                    Monthly – 3rd Sunday @ 7:36 a.m.
Rudy's BBQ - 6401 S. Desert Blvd. El Paso            Golden Corral 5207 San Mateo Blvd NE
                 Exit 8 off I—10                         Gathering commences 8:33:13 a.m.
                 (570) 380-0093                                    (505) 329-4070
               Glennie Payne, CD                               Richard Mummey CD
     Web page:

               F - Albuquerque                                     D - Farmington
 Monthly – 1st Saturday @ 8:30 a.m.                     Monthly – 2nd Saturday, @ 9:00a.m.
     Golden Corral – 1701 Coors Blvd NW                    Golden Corral – 1715 E. Main
               Dan & Barbara H Cok                                 Gary Greenfield
                  (505) 280-0710                                   (505) 402-1672
 Web page:        Web page:

Directors - GWRRA New Mexico District
Gary Smith & Tricia Warwick

                   e start this newsletter with some    Lastly, this year's District Rally will be held
                   very sad news. Our dear friend       August 27,28, and 29th in the historic town
                   and longtime GWRRA member            of Santa Fe, New Mexico. We have
        Mike Dalby passed away in February from         negotiated a wonderful deal for GWRRA
        lung cancer. Mike was diagnosed with stage      members to stay at the Marriott Courtyard
        4 cancer over a year ago and had been going     for $99.00 a night. We have a big banquet
        through Chemo and Radiation treatments          room and small training rooms reserved to
        since his diagnoses. Mike passed away at        conduct our dinners, breakfasts and events
        home with his loving wife Charmaine next        in. The hotel has an indoor pool, two
        to him. Mike leaves us with fond and            Jacuzzi's a restaurant and is a short 3 miles
        wonderful memories that we will cherish         away from the historic plaza. We are
        forever. Mike was an honest, decent man         currently awaiting menus from the hotel to
        that loved to ride and tell jokes. He would     determine what foods will be selected for
        always volunteer to help sell tickets, lead     breakfasts and dinners. Lunches are also
        and or tail rides and was a joy to be           available at the hotel restaurant. More
        around. Charmaine, please know that we          information will come as we move forward
        are your family and are here to support you     with this event. So. please save the dates
        in any way possible during this difficult       and plan to come and see your friends and
        time. Our prayers and thoughts are with         brother/sister GWRRA members. May God
        you always.                                     bless you and have a wonderful day.
        As for District news, Walter Clements has
        decided to step down as TX-A1 Chapter
        Director effective April 1st., 2021. Glennie
        Payne has stepped up to fill this post and
        Larry Kunard has stepped up to be Assistant
        Chapter Director. We thank Walter for all
        he has done and look forward to seeing him
        as he continues his District Motorist
        Awareness Duties. Likewise, we thank
        Glennie and Larry for stepping up to fill
        these important positions. If everything
        goes as planned, Tricia and I will be coming
        down March 13th to give Walter a gift of
        appreciation and swear in Glennie and
        Larry for their new positions. If you all are
        available, please come and join us to

Directors - GWRRA New Mexico District
         emember when you were a little kid
         and it seemed like an eternity from
                                                  Keep up that riding spirit!
         one Christmas to the next – that
         year went so sloooow. Now we are
starting the last month of the first quarter of
2021. Christmas will be here in no time.
Time sure flies by in a hurry these days. But
the good thing is the weather is starting to
warm up and that means more riding time.
With that said, Chapter F had a great
Albuquerque Pie Town Ride on March 13.
The weather was beautiful, and all 22 riders
(16 bikes) were overjoyed to be out on a
group ride. What could be better than
riding and eating, riding and eating, and
more riding and eating. The food was
different at each of the three stops/houses.
We had six special guests from Chapter D
(Gary Greenfield, Mark Rowe, Keith
Rhodes, Dave Louten, Tom and Penny
Lard) who joined us on the ride. They had a
lot of miles in by the time they returned
home that night.
Chapter F is planning a ride to the Buckhorn
in San Antonio on Saturday, March 20. All
members are welcome to join us on this ride
or meet us in San Antonio. We are planning
on eating on their outside patio. Come one
come all, you want to be part of all the fun
we are having!
Save the date, the New Mexico / Colorado
District Rally will be held Friday, August 27
to Sunday, August 29 in Santa Fe, New
Mexico at the Marriott Courtyard. Plans
are being made and it should be a fun time
                                                            “Let’s Ride”
for everyone. Looking forward to seeing you
there. Gary and Trish will be providing                     “Let’s Eat”
more details in the coming weeks.

Directors - GWRRA New Mexico District
Volunteering for the 21st Century             seven incentives identified the Voluntary
                                              Action Directorate.

                                              During these times, our motto seems
          e are an organization of
                                              difficult to achieve. Our membership seems
          volunteers.       Leading     and
                                              scattered throughout America and some are
          managing volunteers takes upon
                                              isolated. Yet, some have continued to
different skill levels, much different than
                                              participate is small gatherings and others
workplace leadership and management.
                                              are finding moments to ride.
Managing volunteers requires a higher level
of communication and collaboration.
                                              The seven principles of which influenced
                                              people to become involved in volunteer
According to the Voluntary Action
                                              seem to have been sidelined.
Directorate,     Multiculturalism     and
Citizenship Canada of Ottawa, Ontario,
                                              If our organization is to grow and survive,
seven areas were identified as incentives
                                              we must pivot to factor in all conditions and
that can apply to the reasons which
                                              all members. Today our chapter and
influence people to become involved in
                                              members of GWRRA have divided into two
volunteer work. In addition, these seven
                                              groups. Those that want to meet/gather
reasons also may apply to encourage others
                                              and ride and those that choose to isolate. To
to join.
                                              grow and to maintain members we must try
                                              to engage all members from both groups.
    •   Achievement
    •   Recognition and feedback              For achievement, we must push and
    •   Personal growth                       support our online certificate training. For
    •   Giving something back                 those who want to train and receive
    •   Bringing about social change          certifications, this program must be
    •   Family ties                           enhanced to include online training and
    •   Friendship, support, bonding, and a   mail in training. We still can achieve our
        feeling of belonging                  membership objectives. For those who
                                              enjoy classes, we can find educational
When a person joins an organization, they     classes online. Can we capture the essence
are seeking one or more of the seven          of our organizational values and embrace
principals.                                   each member through these tough times?
                                              We have lunch rides and as the weather
When we look at our values, it becomes easy   warms and our vaccines take hold, we will
to see that they are consistent with the      have ARC classes, rallies and more.
research of the seven incentives identified
by the ‘Voluntary Action Directorate,         To recognize and receive feedback, we must
Multiculturalism and Citizenship Canada of    develop phone banks, email and group
Ottawa, Ontario’.                             texting services. We must develop directive
                                              messaging and feedback for thoughts and
When we look at our motto Friends for Fun,    ideas and a web site with instant messaging
Safety and Knowledge. We can see that Our     capabilities.    No member should be
GWRRA motto represents elements of the        forgotten.

Directors - GWRRA New Mexico District
Some members may what to teach and
advise. We could develop a pod casting.                     Motorcycle Ride
Members could speak on their riding, repair
and or anything GWRRA. This pod cast           While out on a motorcycle ride, I swerved to avoid
would host members and would provide a         hitting a deer, lost control and landed in a ditch,
gateway for new member to join.        This    severely banging my head when my helmet hit a big
would allow personal growth and                boulder.
opportunities to giving something and
bringing about social change.                  Sort-of dazed and confused, I crawled out of the
                                               ditch to the edge of the road where I sat down and
With the talents we have, nothing should       removed my helmet. About then, a shiny new
stop us from growing and achieving. As we      convertible pulled up with a very beautiful woman
rise to become a 21st century organization     driver. She asked, "Are you okay?"
we will develop our family ties and create     As I looked closer, I noticed she was wearing a low-
friendship, support, bonding, and a feeling    cut blouse with cleavage to die for...
of belonging across the globe.
                                               "I'm okay I think," I replied as I pulled myself up to
Many of us have been isolated and we must      the side of the car to look in her rear-view mirror
be careful not to feel that no one cares. As   and get a closer look at myself.
time pass, we will see brighter days we will   She said, “Get in and I’ll take you home so I can
join hands, laugh, and hug.                    clean and bandage that nasty scrape on your face.”
We must all embrace one another and            "That's nice of you," I answered, "but I don't think
support the reasons for becoming a GWRRA       my wife will like me doing that!"
members. As we face our invisible enemy,
                                               "Oh, come now, I’m a nurse," she insisted. “And I
we must find it within our hearts that all
                                               need to see if you have any more bumps & bruises
members matter.
                                               so I can treat them properly."
You matter to me.                              Well, she was really pretty and very persuasive.
                                               Being sort of shaken and weak, I agreed, but
                                               repeated, "I'm sure my wife won't like this."
                                               We arrived at her place which was just few miles
                                               away. After a couple of cold beers and the
                                               bandaging, I thanked her and said, "I feel a lot
                                               better, but I know my wife is going to be really
                                               upset so I'd better go now."
                                               "Don't be silly!" she said with a smile. "Stay for a
                                               while. She won't know anything. By the way, where
                                               is she?"
                                               "Still in the ditch with the motorcycle, I guess."

Directors - GWRRA New Mexico District
Barbara Cok

         ave you taken the time to analysis      you will start to compensate by moving your
         the way you fit on your bike and        shoulders and hips when making turns,
         your body posture while riding?         which is a lot more work and gives you less
         When you are sitting on your bike,      control of your bike, not to mention what it
pay attention to the angles of your knees,       is doing by tightening up your shoulder and
elbows, wrists, and spine. No one bike fits      back muscles. To have your bike fit you,
everyone’s riding style or body shape and        there are options with aftermarket parts,
size. When choosing your own ride, there         such as a different seat, foot pegs,
are some things you should keep in mind.         handlebars or relocators, so that your bike
Note the alignment of your ankles and            may be ergonomically correct for your best
knees. The closer you get to a straight up       riding posture.
and down line between your knees and
                                                 Next time you ride, check your body posture
ankles, the better off you will be on a long
                                                 so you can enjoy a nice long ride without
day’s ride. The worst position is to have
                                                 being fatigued at the end of the day.
your feet extended far forward of your
knees. In this position, your leg bones and      Thoughts from The Motorcycle Touring
muscles cannot support your body weight,         Bible by Fred Rau.
leaving the shock of every little bump on the
road to run directly from your butt up your      I am still working on getting some training
spine. In this position, it is virtually         for you via Zoom.
impossible for you to shift your weight for
cornering maneuvers, or to brace yourself
against acceleration forces. The best riding
position is to have your knees below the
plane of your hips, and again a straight up
and down line from knees to ankles, which
gives you the most leverage.
How about your arms, are they fully
extended when riding or do you have a
slight bend in the elbow? Are you reaching
for the handlebars? If you are, then making
turns while riding a trike, when you use the
push-pull, you will not be able to make some
of the turns because you have no more arm
length to extend into the turn. Having your
arms fully extended leaves little or no
leverage and flexibility for counter-steering.
If you ride with your arms fully extended,

Directors - GWRRA New Mexico District
Deborah Sciortino

           t’s time for some Bar jokes and lighten up our mood. COVID is taking its toll with all the
           isolation so we need a little laughter in our lives or at least a snicker.

              Three vampires walk into a bar. The first one says, “I’ll have a pint of blood.”
              The second one says, “I’ll have one, too.”
              The third one says, “I’ll have a pint of plasma.”
              The bartender says, “So, that’ll be two Bloods and a Blood Lite?”

              A mushroom walks into a bar and orders a drink, but the bartender yells at him to get
              out before he stinks up the place.
              The mushroom looks taken aback and says, “Why? I’m a fun guy.”

              A guy walks into a bar after a long day at work and orders a drink. As he sits there,
              mulling over his day, he hears a high-pitched voice say, “That shirt looks great on you!”
              The man looks around, doesn’t see anything, and returns to his drink thinking nothing
              more of it. But then, a moment later, the voice returns, this time offering, “You seem
              like a really cool guy!”
              Again, the man looks around, sees nothing, and returns to his drink, wondering if he
              should get checked out by a professional. Finally, when his nerves have cooled and he
              believes the voice is gone, he hears, “I bet your parents are really proud of you!”
              He slams down his drink and looks around wildly. Frustrated and finding no possible
              source of the voice, he calls over the bartender. He says, “Hey barkeep! What’s that
              voice I keep hearing?”
              “Oh, those are the peanuts,” the bartender replies. “They’re complimentary.”

              Two friends are walking their dogs together. One has a big black lab, while the other
              has a minuscule Chihuahua. They pass a bar and the lab owner says, “Let’s get a beer.”
              The Chihuahua walker complains, “That would be great, but we can’t take our dogs in
              there.” The first responds, “Watch me.”
              The lab owner strolls in with her dog and orders a beer. The bartender tells her, “Sorry,
              you can’t bring your dog in here.” “He’s my seeing eye dog,” the woman replies feigning
              offense. The bartender quickly apologizes and serves her the beer.
              The other woman follows, her Chihuahua in tow, and orders a beer as well. Again, the
              bartender says there are no dogs allowed in the bar. “He’s my seeing eye dog,” the
              woman replies. “Yeah, right,” the bartender says, “A Chihuahua? Give me a break.”
              Without missing a beat, the woman replies, “They gave me a Chihuahua?!”

A three-legged dog walks into a saloon, his spurs clinking as he walks, his six-shooter
      slapping at his furry hip. He bellies up to the bar, stares down the bartender, and
      proclaims, “I’m looking for the man who shot my paw.”

      And I leave you with this story I got from a friend. Stay safe and healthy.

      An old Doberman starts chasing rabbits but before long he discovers he is lost.
      Wandering about, he notices a young lion heading rapidly in his direction with the
      intention of having lunch. The old Doberman thinks, “Oh, Oh! I’m in deep trouble
      now!” Noticing some bones on the ground close by, he immediately settles down to
      chew on the bones with his back to the approaching cat. Just as the lion is about to
      leap, the old Doberman exclaims loudly, “Boy, that was one delicious lion! I wonder if
      there are any more around here.”

      Hearing this, the young lion halts his attack in mid-stride. A look of terror comes over
      him and he slinks away into the trees. “Whew!” says the lion, “That was close! That old
      Doberman nearly had me.” Meanwhile a squirrel who had been watching the whole
      scene from a nearby tree, figures he can put this knowledge to good use and trade it for
      protection from the lion. So, off he goes.

      The squirrel soon catches up with the lion, spills the beans and strikes a deal for
      himself with the lion. The young lion is furious at being made a fool of and says, “Here
      squirrel, hop on my back and see what’s going to happen to that conniving canine!”

      Now, the Doberman sees the lion coming with the squirrel on his back and think,
      “What am I going to do now?” Instead of running, the dog sits down with his back to
      his attackers, pretending he hasn’t seen them yet. Just when they get close enough to
      hear, the old Doberman says, “Where’s that squirrel? I sent him off an hour ago to
      bring me another lion!”

      Moral of the story: Don’t mess with old dogs. Age and skill always overcome youth and
      treachery! Bullshit (sorry, their word not mine) and brilliance only come with age and

Bar jokes taken from:

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drive a new one.

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