Page created by Willie George

               Tuesday, April 19, 2022

                      9:00 A.M.

                  Room 400 - City Hall
#1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place (400 Van Ness Avenue)
           City and County of San Francisco

             LONDON N. BREED, MAYOR


                ELEANOR JOHNS
                MALCOLM YEUNG
                  Vice President
             EVERETT A. HEWLETT, JR.
                  JANE NATOLI
                JOSE F. ALMANZA

                  IVAR C. SATERO
                   Airport Director

               KANTRICE OGLETREE
               Commission Secretary

Minutes of the Airport Commission Meeting of
                                     Tuesday, April 19, 2022

CALENDAR        AGENDA           TITLE                                           RESOLUTION                       PAGE
SECTION         ITEM                                                             NUMBER

A.         CALL TO ORDER:...................................................................................... 4

B.         ROLL CALL: ............................................................................................... 4

C.         ANNOUNCEMENT BY COMMISSION SECRETARY: ............................... 4

D.         ADOPTION OF MINUTES.......................................................................... 4

                                        Regular meeting of April 5, 2022 ............................... 4
E.         DIRECTOR’S REPORT (Discussion Only) ................................................. 4

F.         SPECIAL ITEMS: ....................................................................................... 5

           1.       Retirement Resolution for Mr. Reginald Saunders ..................... 5
                                        . .................................................................................. 6
G.         ITEMS INITIATED BY COMMISSIONERS (Discussion Only) .................... 6

           MAINTENANCE ......................................................................................... 7

           2.       Approval of the Update to the Fiscal Year 2022/23 Rolling Capital
                    Improvement Plan ......................................................................... 7
                                        . .................................................................................. 7
           3.       Approval of Phase D3 to Contract No. 10011.66, Design-Build
                    Services for the Terminal 1 Center Renovation Project ............. 7
                    Hensel Phelps Construction Company $1,282,177,000 .............. 7
                                        . .................................................................................. 8
           4.       Authorization to Issue Request for Qualifications No. 50321 to
                    Establish a Pool of Consultants to Provide As-Needed Concession
                    Program Services .......................................................................... 9
                                        . .................................................................................. 9

                                   Minutes, April 19, 2022, Page 2

     5.       Approval of Modification No. 3 to Contract No. 50118.02 to Exercise
              the Two-Year Option to Extend the Contract and Increase the
              Contract Amount for Fiscal Years 2022/23 and 2023/24
              Dignity Health dba St. Mary’s Medical Center ........................... 10
              $1,600,000 ......................................................................................10
                                  . ................................................................................ 10
     6.       Exercise of the One 3-Year Option to Extend the Term of the
              Shoeshine Service Lease No. 19-0055
              SFO Shoeshine, LLC ................................................................... 10
                                  . ................................................................................ 10
     7.       Approval of Modification No. 3 to Contract No. 50112 for Airport
              Liaison Office Consulting Services
              Airport & Aviation Professionals, Inc......................................... 10
                                  ................................................................................. 10
     8.       Award of Contract No. 11342.61, Construction Services for the Part
              139 Airfield Infrastructure Systems Project Fontenoy Engineering
              $760,000 ....................................................................................... 11
                                  . ................................................................................ 11
     9.       Approval of Modification No. 1 to Sole Source Contract No. 50293
              Keenology Corporation dba CIPPlanner Corp.
              $250,000 ....................................................................................... 11
                                  . ................................................................................ 11
     10.      Approval of Modification No. 3 to Contract No. 50193 for Aviation
              Security Consulting Services
              Ross and Baruzzini, Inc.
              $151,250 ....................................................................................... 11
                                  . ................................................................................ 11
     11.      Authorization to Accept and Expend Federal Grant Funds in the
              Amount of up to $75,000 for the Purchase of Testing Equipment for
              Aqueous Film Forming Foam Systems on Aircraft Rescue and
              Firefighting Vehicles ................................................................... 11
                                  . ................................................................................ 11
J.   GENERAL PUBLIC COMMENT ............................................................... 12

K.   CORRESPONDENCE .............................................................................. 12

L.   CLOSED SESSION .................................................................................. 12

M.   ADJOURNMENT ...................................................................................... 12

                            Minutes, April 19, 2022, Page 3
Minutes of the Airport Commission Meeting of
                                    Tuesday, April 19, 2022

     The regular meeting of the Airport Commission was called to order at 9:00 A.M. in Room
     400, City Hall, San Francisco, CA and via teleconference.

            Present:                      Hon. Eleanor Johns, President
                                          Hon. Malcolm Yeung, Vice President
                                          Hon. Everett A. Hewlett, Jr.
                                          Hon. Jane Natoli
                                          Hon. Jose F. Almanza

     Commissioner Natoli attended the meeting remotely.


     Kantrice Ogletree, Commission Secretary provided public comment instructions for
     accessing the meeting. The next regular meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, May 3, 2022.

     The minutes of the regular meeting of April 5, 2022 were approved unanimously upon a
     motion by Commissioner Hewlett and a second by Commissioner Yeung.

                           Regular meeting of April 5, 2022.

     There were no questions from the Commissioners and no public comment.

E.   DIRECTOR’S REPORT (Discussion Only):

     Airport Director Ivar Satero gave an update on the following:

     COVID-19 Recovery to Resilience Update: The Airport is continuing to see good traffic with
     50,000-60,000 passengers daily. There was even a 12,000 outbound day for international
     travel. Staff are optimistic that spring and summer schedules will be strong. The Airport
     continues to provide testing with approximately 2,000 tests per week. The number has de-
     creased slightly as things get under control globally. There have been 1,015 total cases of
     COVID Airport-wide since the start of the pandemic. Two hundred fifty six have been Air-
     port Commission employees. There have been 17 cases in April thus far. Yesterday, the
     TSA withdrew their mask mandate. It was challenged in federal court and overturned. SFO
     has issued a media release saying it will no longer be enforcing the mask mandate.

                                Minutes, April 19, 2022, Page 4
Competitive Selection Process Communications Policy: During solicitations and prior to the
     issuance of the RFP, there is a Restricted Communications Period. Item 4 is subjected to
     this period. It begins when the RFP/RFQ or advertisement of bids is published and ends
     when the Commission awards the contract or otherwise terminates the competitive pro-

     Report on other recent San Francisco International Airport activities, events, and an-
     nouncements: The Ground Based Augmentation System (GBAS) went live, and there are
     new GLS procedures that are accessible by the airlines. There are only two other airports
     that have access to the system. It is more widely used globally, particularly in Europe. It
     has more precision and accurate geo-location of aircraft, which allows planes to be closely
     spaced while maintaining FAA safety requirements. This helps reduce delays in inclement
     weather. There will also be a community benefit in reducing noise impacts. The Airport has
     published the overlays of the existing approaches. Yesterday, Staff submitted nine innova-
     tive approaches to the IFP, which is the FAA’s gateway to receive proposals for approach-
     es. These approaches are intended to provide additional relief to the community. The Air-
     port has invested $10 million into the infrastructure. It was closely coordinated with the SFO
     Roundtable and surrounding residents.

     The Airport celebrated the launch of Flair Airlines. It is a low-cost Canadian carrier that will
     provide service to Edmonton and extend to Vancouver in May. Finally, the experiential pro-
     gram in Terminal 2 continued with a focus on the Cherry Blossom Festival. The program
     started earlier this year with the celebration of the Lunar New Year, and there will be more
     events at the Airport over the next several months.

     Vice President Yeung commended Staff on the experiential events. He asked where test-
     ing is headed and updates on flights to Asia. Director Satero responded that the Airport
     will continue to have testing available onsite. It will probably scale down from six sites, but
     there will always be testing available, likely through the medical clinic. The Airport now has
     a playbook around testing as pandemics come and go, and it is an important offering from
     the Airport. Flights to Asia continue to be challenging. United has pulled back flights, and
     Singapore flights are no longer operating. Asia is a critical market and comprised 15% of in-
     ternational flights pre-COVID. The Airport will re-initiate a trip to Asia with SF Travel and
     potentially the Mayor’s Office once there is a better indication of the virus being under con-

     There were no further questions from the Commissioners and no public comment.

     Item No. 1 was approved unanimously upon a motion by Commissioner Hewlett and a
     second by Commissioner Almanza

     1.     Retirement Resolution for Mr. Reginald Saunders

                                 Minutes, April 19, 2022, Page 5
Resolution thanking Mr. Reginald Saunders for 31 years of dedicated
                          service to the City and County of San Francisco.

           Director Satero commended Mr. Saunders for over 31 years of service to the Air-
           port. Staff are so appreciative of the leadership he has shown throughout his career.
           After serving honorably in the US Air Force, he began his career at SFO as a dis-
           patcher and rose through the ranks to the position of 911 Dispatch Center Manager.
           During his time at SFO, Mr. Saunders was a key contributor in so many ways. He
           was responsible for redirecting signals from all cell phone towers around the Airport
           to ensure all calls made to 911 from the Airport were received directly by the SFO
           911 Dispatch Center, which dramatically reduced response time. He was also re-
           sponsible for the implementation of the SFO Integrated Public Alert & Warning Sys-
           tem (IPAWS), which gives the Airport the ability to do cell phone announcements in
           the event of any security or safety incident. He also led the replacement of the Air-
           port’s 911 Emergency Phone System, including implementation of Text-to-911 ser-
           vices. Finally, he showed great leadership after the crash of Asiana Flight 214. The
           Airport sincerely thanks Mr. Saunders for his leadership and offers its best wishes
           for a long and fruitful retirement.

           Mr. Saunders said he truly enjoyed his time at SFO. The professionalism and dedi-
           cation from employees, traveling public, tenants and airlines is unmatched. He truly
           enjoyed working with the 911 dispatchers. If anyone dials 911 at SFO, the call will be
           answered by dedicated and trained dispatchers.

           Vice President Yeung thanked him for his time at the Airport and the innovation
           he’s introduced.

           Commissioner Almanza thanked him for his dedicated years of service. It is
           appropriate after emergency dispatcher week. The dispatchers are the unsung
           heroes of public safety.

           Commissioner Hewlett thanked him for his service.

           President Johns said his work will not be forgotten since it has made the safety
           measures so much more significant.

     There were no further comments from the Commissioners and no public comment.


     President Johns acknowledged Commission Secretary Kantrice Ogletree’s one-year anni-
     versary as Commission Secretary.

     Vice President Yeung thanked her for keeping the Commissioners on track and making
     the experience of being a Commissioner as easy as possible. They rely on her for so much.

                               Minutes, April 19, 2022, Page 6
President Johns said she came in during such tough times and assumed the role profes-

     Item No. 2 was approved unanimously upon a motion by Commissioner Hewlett and a
     second by Commissioner Yeung

     2.    Approval of the Update to the Fiscal Year 2022/23 Rolling Capital Improvement

                          Resolution approving the proposed update to the Fiscal Year
                          2022/23 Rolling Capital Improvement Plan (previously referred to as
                          the Infrastructure Projects Plan), and decreasing the budget from
                          $571 million to $492 million.

           Kevin Kone, Finance Director presented on the item for approval of the update to
           the Fiscal Year 2022/23 Rolling Capital Improvement Plan (the Rolling CIP). This ac-
           tion updates the Fiscal Year 2022/23 Rolling CIP (previously referred to as the Infra-
           structure Projects Plan) and decreases the budget from $571 million to $492 million.
           The Rolling CIP, which, together with the $7.3 billion Ascent Program approved in
           2017, comprises the Airport’s total $7.8 billion CIP. The Rolling CIP is subject to ad-
           justment and update on an as-needed basis. The proposed update reflects a de-
           crease of the Rolling CIP from $571 million to $492 million because of certain project
           cancellations, removal of completed projects, and new project additions intended to
           address essential Airport operations and resiliency priorities. Capital projects will
           concentrate on the areas of Power and Lighting Improvements; Wastewater System
           Improvements; Noise Insulation Projects for homes in surrounding communities; and
           miscellaneous terminal improvements, which includes elevator, escalator, and mov-
           ing walkway modernization. These projects will be paid from General Airport Reve-
           nue Bonds, grants and a portion of operating funds and will be funded over the next
           couple of years.

           Vice President Yeung asked for clarification of the Director’s Rolling CIP reserves.
           Director Satero explained that when there are under-runs of projects, Staff take the
           savings to other projects. They will not be reallocated to the Director’s reserves.
           They will hold it aside in case there are overruns. Hopefully, it goes back and be-
           comes part of the next year’s Rolling CIP. Mr. Kone added it will not be used to fund
           any projects that the Commission did not approve.

     There were no further questions from the Commissioners and no public comment.

     Item No. 3 was approved unanimously upon a motion by Commissioner Almanza and a
     second by Commissioner Yeung.

                               Minutes, April 19, 2022, Page 7
3.   Approval of Phase D3 to Contract No. 10011.66, Design-Build Services for the
     Terminal 1 Center Renovation Project
     Hensel Phelps Construction Company

                    Resolution approving Phase D3 to Contract No. 10011.66, Design-
                    Build Services for the Terminal 1 Center Renovation Project, with
                    Hensel Phelps Construction Company to revise the scope of work
                    and to increase the Contract not-to-exceed amount to
                    $1,282,177,000 with no change to the Contract duration.

     Judi Mosqueda, Director of Project Management presented on the item for ap-
     proval of Phase D3 to the Contract with Hensel Phelps for the Terminal 1 Center
     Renovation Project to revise the scope of work and increase the Contract amount by
     $13.8 million for a total amount of $1.282 billion, with no change to the Contract du-
     ration. The Project includes design and construction of a new check-in lobby, securi-
     ty screening checkpoint, concessions program, baggage handling system, and post-
     security connectors to Boarding Area C and to the International Terminal Building
     Customs Hall. Construction of Terminal 1 will continue through Q2 2024. This Phase
     D3 includes two changes to the Contract, including additional costs associated with
     the temporary suspension of work due to COVID-19 and transferring scope from the
     BAB project that was postponed due to COVID-19.

     In September 2020, the Airport suspended construction of the northern half of Har-
     vey Milk Terminal 1, which is the final phase of the Project. Staff developed a seven-
     step incremental approval plan to move forward with the completion of T1 North that
     allowed the Airport to gauge the pace of economic recovery and pace the project
     accordingly. It was known that suspending the work would result in incurring addi-
     tional costs upon resumption of the project, including extended overhead, manage-
     ment fee, labor, and material cost escalation. This approval includes a budget of
     $9.8 million to cover additional costs associated with steps one through five. Costs
     associated with steps six and seven are being negotiated now and will be brought
     back for Commission approval. This agenda item also includes a budget of $4 mil-
     lion for scope transferred from the Boarding Area B Project. This scope includes
     support for future concessions buildouts and furniture procurement that was previ-
     ously postponed. With this approval, the Contract budget including contingency
     would be increased from $1.298 billion to $1.312 billion. The project remains on
     schedule for final completion in September of 2024. The LBE goals for this Contract
     are 25% for design services and 18% for construction. Hensel Phelps is committed
     to meeting these goals.

     Vice President Yeung asked for a reminder of steps six and seven. Ms. Mosqueda
     said step seven is completion of furnishings and materials. Step six is the build-out
     of a temporary mezzanine connection for the AirTrain bridge. Passenger flow to and
     from the AirTrain has been closed. The contractor needs to lift up the AirTrain bridge
     and build out furnishings around it. This is difficult with passengers around, so they
     are building a temporary corridor.

                         Minutes, April 19, 2022, Page 8
There were no further questions from the Commissioners and no public comment.

     Item No. 4 was approved unanimously upon a motion by Commissioner Hewlett and a
     second by Commissioner Almanza.

     4.    Authorization to Issue Request for Qualifications No. 50321 to Establish a Pool
           of Consultants to Provide As-Needed Concession Program Services

                          Resolution authorizing Staff to issue Request for Qualifications
                          No. 50321 to establish a pool of consultants for as-needed conces-
                          sion program services.

           Kevin Bumen, Chief Commercial Officer presented on the item for approval to au-
           thorize the issuance of a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) to establish a pool of pre-
           qualified consultants to provide as-needed concession program services. The as-
           needed concession program services will include preparation of reports, studies,
           analysis, and advisory documents prepared for the Airport intended to improve pas-
           senger experience and increase profitability to concessionaires and for the Airport.
           Proposing firms must have a minimum of five years of experience and must have
           developed airport concession programs with financial forecasting, planning, opera-
           tions, space planning, and/or leasing of airport concessions with at least two airport
           clients servicing more than $7 million in annual passengers. Further, proposing firms
           must also have at least one staff member with recent experience in the development
           of digital commerce associated with a common point of sale system at an airport of
           similar size.

           The RFQ will solicit Statements of Qualifications (SOQ) from experienced firms and
           a selection panel comprised of individuals with expertise in airport management, air-
           port business & finance, and airport concession analysis will evaluate and score
           each SOQ. After the evaluation process, the three highest-ranking respondents will
           be recommended for inclusion in the Pool. Staff will return to the Commission for
           approval to establish the Pool. Thereafter and once the specific scope of work is de-
           fined, Staff will either assign work to the highest-ranked and available pre-qualified
           consulting firm(s) in the Pool or select one or more firms to perform the work by issu-
           ing a further solicitation of the pre-qualified firms.

     There were no further questions from the Commissioners and no public comment.

     The Consent Calendar, Item Nos. 5 through 11, was approved unanimously upon a motion
     by Commissioner Yeung and a second by Commissioner Hewlett.

                               Minutes, April 19, 2022, Page 9
5.   Approval of Modification No. 3 to Contract No. 50118.02 to Exercise the Two-
     Year Option to Extend the Contract and Increase the Contract Amount for
     Fiscal Years 2022/23 and 2023/24
     Dignity Health dba St. Mary’s Medical Center

                    Resolution approving Modification No. 3 to Contract No. 50118.02
                    with Dignity Health dba St. Mary’s Medical Center to exercise the
                    two-year option to extend the Contract through June 30, 2024; in-
                    crease the Contract amount by $1,600,000 for a new total not-to-
                    exceed Contract amount of $11,000,000; and direct the Commission
                    Secretary to request approval of the modification from the Board of
                    Supervisors pursuant to Section 9.118(b) of the Charter of the City
                    and County of San Francisco.

     President Johns asked about the future of the Contract. Director Satero said that
     the Airport has had to historically subsidize the clinic. Mr. Bumen said the strategy is
     to keep the existing Contract in place to allow the business to recover and normalize
     before doing an RFP for a new provider. It has had support from the Airport for many
     years. President Johns asked if they have been keeping busy. Mr. Bumen stated
     they have been a critical part of the operation with vaccines and other travel medi-
     cine needs offered. The clinic has been resituated within the commercial group, and
     they are working with asset management to help increase revenues and control
     costs to minimize the Airport’s obligations.

6.   Exercise of the One 3-Year Option to Extend the Term of the Shoeshine
     Service Lease No. 19-0055
     SFO Shoeshine, LLC

                    Resolution exercising the one 3-year option to extend the term of the
                    Shoeshine Service Lease No. 19-0055 with SFO Shoeshine, LLC for
                    a new expiration date of May 31, 2025.

7.   Approval of Modification No. 3 to Contract No. 50112 for Airport Liaison Office
     Consulting Services
     Airport & Aviation Professionals, Inc.

                    Resolution approving Modification No. 3 to Contract No. 50112, Air-
                    port Liaison Office Consulting Services, with Airport & Aviation Pro-
                    fessionals, Inc., exercising both one-year options to extend the Con-
                    tract term to June 30, 2024 with no change to the Contract amount.

                          Minutes, April 19, 2022, Page 10
8.    Award of Contract No. 11342.61, Construction Services for the Part 139 Airfield
      Infrastructure Systems Project
      Fontenoy Engineering

                     Resolution awarding Contract No. 11342.61, Construction Services
                     for the Part 139 Airfield Infrastructure Systems Project, to Fontenoy
                     Engineering in the amount of $760,000 with a Contract duration of
                     365 consecutive calendar days and a corresponding amount in con-
                     tingency authorization.

Shawn O’Leary, Diversified Metal Mfg regarding his “Objection to Contract Award
11342.61 Fortenoy Engineering.”

9.    Approval of Modification No. 1 to Sole Source Contract No. 50293 Keenology
      Corporation dba CIPPlanner Corp.

                     Resolution approving Modification No. 1 to Sole Source Contract
                     No. 50293 with Keenology Corporation dba CIPPlanner Corp. for en-
                     hancements to the Contract Monitoring Compliance System and to
                     increase the Contract amount by $250,000 for a new total not-to-
                     exceed amount of $450,000.

10.   Approval of Modification No. 3 to Contract No. 50193 for Aviation Security
      Consulting Services
      Ross and Baruzzini, Inc.

                     Resolution approving Modification No. 3 to Contract No. 50193 for
                     Aviation Security Consulting Services with Ross and Baruzzini, Inc.
                     to exercise the first of two 2-year options to extend the Contract term
                     through June 30, 2024, and to increase the total Contract amount by
                     $151,250 for a new total not-to-exceed amount of $1,052,050.

11.   Authorization to Accept and Expend Federal Grant Funds in the Amount of up
      to $75,000 for the Purchase of Testing Equipment for Aqueous Film Forming
      Foam Systems on Aircraft Rescue and Firefighting Vehicles

                     Resolution authorizing the acceptance and expenditure of federal
                     grant funds in the amount of up to $75,000 for the purchase of in-line
                     proportioner testing equipment for Aqueous Film Forming Foam
                     Systems on aircraft rescue and firefighting vehicles, plus additional
                     amounts up to 15% of the original amount that may be offered.
                          Minutes, April 19, 2022, Page 11
There was no further questions from the Commissioners and no further public comment.

     The following constituents provided public comment under General Public Comment:

     Barry Taranto said that the Commission Secretary has done a wonderful job. He said the
     Commission should get a demonstration of how the Virtual Queue works. It’s good for new
     workers, but there’s a problem when there is a shortage of cabs. It will destroy the cab in-
     dustry if there are long wait times, but half the fleet is barred from working the Airport (K
     and T medallions). Only P medallions are allowed to work at the Airport, which prevent oth-
     er cabs from coming when demand is higher, particularly in the early morning hours.

     The following constituents provided public comment in advance of the meeting and will be
     included in the meeting record:

     Shawn O’Leary, Diversified Metal Mfg regarding his “Objection to Contract Award
     11342.61 Fortenoy Engineering.”

     There was no further public comment.

     There was no discussion by the Commission.

     There are no planned agenda items for a Closed Session for the current meeting.

     There being no further calendared business before the Commission, the meeting adjourned
     at 9:42 A.M.

                                              (Original signed by: Kantrice Ogletree)
                                              Kantrice Ogletree
                                              Airport Commission Secretary

                                Minutes, April 19, 2022, Page 12
From:             Wufoo
To:               Airport Commission Secretary (AIR)
Subject:          Online Public Comment Form [#52]
Date:             Monday, April 18, 2022 4:56:31 PM

   This message is from outside the City email system. Do not open links or attachments from untrusted

 Name                                           shawn oleary

 Organization                                   Diversified Metal Mfg

 Address                                               3727 Metro Drive Ste D
                                                       Stockton, CA 95215
                                                       United States

 Phone Number                                   (209) 857-9033

 Email                                          diversifiedmetal@aol.com

 Meeting Date                                   Tuesday, April 19, 2022

 Calendar Item No. OR Subject                   Objection to Contract Award 11342.61 Fortenoy Engineering


 Diversified rejects any Construction Contract Award that does not prove Sub Contractors were
 advised, and warned they have no Mechanic's Lien Rights at San Francisco International Airport. In
 our opinion, the Corruption at SFO is so pervasive, any sub contractor should add $25,000.00 for
 collection losses, and $25,000.00 retainer for legal services, to fight abuse against small business.
 This is a Sunshine Request for all names, and addresses of Security Approved sub contractors on
 Contract #11342.61, and those not yet vetted for security access. The Mass Shooting at the Federal
 Express Indianapolis Facility has brought lawsuits from family's of victims for neglegant security
 measures and protections! I have to imagine sleeping security at SFO, and the approval of a "Fratt
 House" culture by the Airport Director would bring a bigger neglegance element to any legal action. I
 have personnaly witnessed this conduct!!! AND, don't forget it's reported, vehicles are allowed to
 park in front of terminal's for hours at a time. Another slumbering TSA Security Cabanna added at
 terminal entry should be installed. Another win for SFO Security rest and liesure.
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