Directed by Michael Serrecchia Music Directed by Mark Mullino

Page created by Franklin Kelly
Directed by Michael Serrecchia Music Directed by Mark Mullino
Directed by Michael Serrecchia
Music Directed by Mark Mullino
Directed by Michael Serrecchia Music Directed by Mark Mullino
2020-2021 SEASON

                                              MAY 5
                                               214.871.3300 x 1

Theatre Three is supported by its Board of Directors, by subscribers, by funds from
the City of Dallas Office of Arts & Culture, The Texas Commission on the Arts, TACA,
Dallas Tourism Public Improvement District, Hoblitzelle Foundation, and The Shubert
Foundation. This project is supported in part by an award from the National Endowment
for the Arts. A major contribution from the estate of Marlene Webb, a longtime
subscriber, has established the Theatre Three Endowment Fund in support of the
building and its equipment.
Directed by Michael Serrecchia Music Directed by Mark Mullino
T3 PEOPLE                                           ADDITIONAL INFO.
B OA R D O F D IR E C TO R S                       PR OD U CTI O N
CHAIR Mike Cluff                                   PRODUCTION MANAGER Max Overton
BOARD MEMBERS Suzanne Burkhead,                    TECHNICAL DIRECTOR Jon Leitch
Karen Davis, Laura V. Estrada,
Harrison Herndon, Scott Kirkman, Betsy             CU S TOM ER S E RV I C E
Lewis, David G. Luther, Jr., Jason Stern,          PATRON SERVICES MANAGER
Rachmad Tjachyadi                                  Angelica Rollins
OCA LIAISON Linda Blase                            PATRON LIAISON Cindee Mayfield
ADVISORY BOARD John Strauss                        BOX OFFICE MANAGER Wesley Farnsworth
Virginia Dykes, Gary W. Grubbs,                    Jazzay Jabbar, Isa Flores
John & Bonnie Strauss
                                                   A R TI S T A DV I S O RY B OA R D
ADMI NI S T RATION                                 Maryam Obaidullah Baig,
ARTISTIC DIRECTOR Jeffrey Schmidt                  Dante Flores, Gretchen Elizabeth
ASSOCIATE ARTISTIC DIRECTOR Christie Vela          Smith, Montgomery Sutton,
EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Charlie Beavers                 vickie washington
PUBLICITY, MARKETING, CREATIVE                     This playbill is a publication of Theatre Three, Inc.
& PLAYBILL DESIGN                                  in support of Imagine Broadway.
SoloShoe Communications, LLC
BOOKKEEPER Infinite Tax Services

Michael Robinson and Trekkie in Imagine Broadway
Directed by Michael Serrecchia Music Directed by Mark Mullino

                   Imagine Broadway

ARTIS TIC S TAFF                 S ON GS                                  "Mona Mona Mona"
SDC DIRECTOR                     "Avenue Q Opening Theme"                  From Pump Boys & Dinettes
Michael Serrecchia                From Avenue Q                            Written by Jim Wann
MUSIC DIRECTOR                    Written by Robert Lopez                 "Popular"
                                     & Jeff Marx                           From Wicked
Mark Mullino
                                 "Lamest Place"                            Written by Stephen Schwartz
                                  From 13                                 "Sunday"
Max Overton
                                  Written by Jason Robert Brown            From Tick, Tick... Boom!
EDITOR                                                                     Written by Jonathan Larson
Jeffrey Schmidt                   From A New Brain                        "Times Like This"
STAGE MANAGER                     Written by William Finn                  From Lucky Stiff
Sarah C. Barnes*                 "Tomorrow"                                Written by Lynn Ahrens
                                  From Annie                                   & Stephen Flaherty
CAST                              Written by Charles Strouse              "What More Can I Say"
                                     & Martin Charnin                      From Falsettos
Megan Kelly Bates
                                 "Something's Coming"                      Written by William Finn
James Chandler*                   From West Side Story                    "There's Always Me"
Blake Hackler*                    Written by Stephen Sondheim              From All Shook Up
                                 "The Little Things You Do Together"       Written by Elvis Presley
Quintin Jones Jr.*
                                  From Company                            "What Do I Need With Love"
Denise Lee*                       Written by Stephen Sondheim              From Thoroughly
Cherish Robinson*                "Anything You Can Do"                     Modern Millie
                                  From Annie Get Your Gun                  Written by Jeanine Tesori
Michael Robinson
                                  Written by Irving Berlin                "Free"
* Indicates members              "I'm Here"                                From A Funny Thing
 working under Actors’ Equity     From The Color Purple                    Happened on the Way
 Association contracts in this                                             to the Forum
                                  Written by Brenda Russell,
                                     Allee Willis & Stephen Bray           Written by Stephen Sondheim
** Indicates members who                                                  "One Day More"
                                 "Nobody Does it Like Me"
 are Equity Membership
candidates                        From See Saw                             From Les Miserables
                                  Written by Cy Coleman                    Written by
                                 "Bend and Snap"                           Claude-Michel Schönberg
                                  From Legally Blonde
                                  Written by Irving Berlin                        THEATRE THREE IS A PROUD
                                                                                  ASSOCIATE MEMBER OF

We wish to express our gratitude to the Performers’ Unions: ACTORS’ EQUITY
OF VARIETY ARTISTS, and SAG-AFTRA through Theatre Authority, Inc. for their
cooperation in permitting the Artists to appear on this program.
Directed by Michael Serrecchia Music Directed by Mark Mullino
Artistic Staff Biographies        Mark Mullino                     of which were written by
                                  (MUSIC DIRECTOR) is              Dallas artists. Additionally,
Michael Serrecchia                thrilled to be back at Theatre   he is the Executive Artistic
(DIRECTOR) After 18 years         Three! He has been fortunate     Director of The Drama
of performing on Broadway,        to have worked at many of        Club and served as Artistic
Michael relocated to Dallas       DFW’s wonderful theaters         Director of Moonwater
to begin a career as a            as an actor, director, music     Theater Company for three
Director and Choreographer.       director and pianist. In         years. He is a member of
He has worked at most             addition to theater, Mark is     Actor’s Equity Association
all of the professional           a painter, vocal coach, major    and is represented by the
theatres in DFW including;        plant guy and Newf dad!          Mary Collins Agency.
WaterTower, Theatre Three,        Let’s do theater again!
The Dallas Children’s Theatre,                                     Sarah C. Barnes
Contemporary Theatre of           Maxim Overton                    (STAGE MANAGER)is the
Dallas, Stage West, Theatre       (LIGHTING SUPERVISOR)            woman behind the curtain,
Arlington, The Spectacular        is in his second year at         pay no attention to her.
Senior Follies at the Eisemann,   Theatre Three. He was a          She is in the midst of her
Uptown Players, Garland           freelance lighting designer,     third year as an executive
Summer Musicals, Rockwall         set designer, and actor          at Theatre Three. She was
Summer Musicals, Theatre          for eight years around the       the Resident Stage Manager
Arlington … Michael made          Metroplex, working with          at Theatre Britain for six
his Off Broadway Directorial      companies such as Pocket         years. Additionally, she has
debut in 2014 with As We Lie      Sandwich Theatre, Pegasus,       Stage Managed at various
Still at the Pearl Theatre in     Rover Dramawerks and             locations in DFW as well
NYC. He has been honored          Beyond Ltd. He has greatly       as Chicago, Cleveland, and
with many awards and is           enjoyed learning how to light    Sarasota, FL. In her free time
most grateful. Among them;        film, but he misses making       she roller derbies
New York Drama Desk               friends during tech week and     ( Some of her
Award, Theatre World Award,       the audience’s reactions to      friends call her Duckie.
Gypsy of the Year 2000 for A      all of our silly shenanigans.
Chorus Line a NACCA Award                                          Cast Biographies
for his work in Chita Plus 2      Jeffrey Schmidt
World Concert Tour and the
                                  (EDITOR) is an actor,            Megan Kelly Bates
prestigious Natalie Skelton
                                  director, designer and writer
Award for Artistic Excellence.
                                  with a 25 year history in
In 2015 Michael was honored
                                  theatre, film and television.
at the Public Theatre, along
                                  He grew up in Whitehouse,
with the other Original Cast
                                  Texas. Currently, he serves
members of A Chorus Line, in
                                  as the Artistic Director of
New York for his contributions
                                  Theatre Three in Dallas
to the American Musical.
                                  which just closed their 57th
Michael is also the Musical       Season. His affiliation with
Theatre Degree Program Chair      Theatre Three goes back
at KD Conservatory College.                                        (PERFORMER) is no stranger
                                  to 90’s in many different        to our theatre. She was in
Michael is represented by the     capacities. His passion is
Horne Agency.                                                      Avenue Q as Kate Monster/
                                  for new work and more            Lucy T. Slut for two seasons
For a complete list of credits    specifically new work from
go to:                                       in Theatre Too! We were so
                                  Dallas and Texas based           delighted that she was
                                  artists. He has been involved    willing to take up the
                                  in more than 20 world            puppets again for this
                                  premiere productions many
Directed by Michael Serrecchia Music Directed by Mark Mullino
production of Imagine              Off-Broadway and in regional    Denise Lee
Broadway. Thank you, Megan!        theatres throughout the
We appreciate you!                 country as well as in TV and
                                   film. He has held faculty
                                   positions at Yale University,
James Chandler                     Roosevelt University, AMDA,
                                   and is currently Head of
                                   Acting at Southern
                                   Methodist University. A
                                   two-time Fulbright Scholar,
                                   Blake is a member of the
                                   esteemed BMI/Lehman              (PERFORMER) is an
                                   Engel Musical Theatre            award-winning Dallas based
                                   Writing Program, and is the      actress/singer who has
                                   recipient of the Harrington      performed in all genres of
                                   Award for Excellence in          entertainment for the past
(PERFORMER) is very happy          Musical Theatre Writing as       four decades. She is the
to be a part of this production.   well as a Dramatist Guild        founder and Executive
Mr. Chandler has been seen in      Intensive grant. He is a         Producer of the Denise Lee
many productions at Theatre        member of the Brierley           Onstage Cabaret Series and
Three including Adding             Resident Acting Company          the Dallas Cabaret Festival
Machine, Season's Greetings,       member at the Dallas             which is entering it 6th year.
Wild Oats, and the long            Theatre Center Education:        Lee has recently added
running Avenue Q. He has           MFA, Yale School of Drama.      ‘playwright’ to her list of
also worked in New York City                                        accomplishments. Her first
and around the country as          Quintin Jones Jr.                play Funny, You Don’t Act
well as in the DFW area                                             Like A Negro had it’s World
including Casa Manana,                                              Premiere right here at the
Uptown Players, Theatre                                             Historic Theatre Three in
Britain, Collin Theatre Center                                      February 2020. In addition to
and is a member of Dallas'                                          her career as an Artist,
longest-running improv group,                                       Denise Lee established
The Victims. Mr. Chandler                                          'Community Conversation'
received his degree from                                            through her Visions For
Marymount Manhattan                                                 Change initiative. For five
College and is a member of         (PERFORMER) was a part           years, these monthly
Actor's Equity Association.        of last year's production        gatherings have brought
                                   of Imagine Broadway! We          people together for
                                   appreciate his work and          respectful, open, honest
Blake Hackler                      talents so much.                 dialogue in order to heal
                                                                    racial and community
                                                                    tension. For these efforts,
                                                                    she has received several
                                                                    awards including the 2019
                                                                    Cathedral of Hope’s Hero of
                                                                    Hope Award.

(PERFORMER) has appeared
in productions on Broadway,
Directed by Michael Serrecchia Music Directed by Mark Mullino
Cherish Robinson                 Michael A. Robinson

(PERFORMER) With a career        (PERFORMER) has been in the
that has spanned over the last   theater since he was two years
two decades, audiences have      old performing several seasons
enjoyed her sounds               with the Austin Summer
throughout the United States,    Musicals. Since that time, he has
Europe and beyond as an          played Professor Higgins in My
artist, producer, composer,      Fair Lady, Roger Debris in The
music director and songwriter.   Producers, and Captain Hook in
Her voice has been featured      Peter Pan. He also appeared in
behind some of the industry’s    Camelot with the late John Gary
most notable performers like     in Nevada. Michael starred as
Erykah Badu, Elle King, Paul     Trekkie Monster in the two-year
Cauthen, and The Roots of        run of Avenue Q "here at Theatre
the Tonight Show; as well as a   Three" and Stage West, appearing
background singer on             in over 200 performances. He
national shows like The          recently starred in the new work,
Colbert Show, Big Little Lies,   As We Lie Still, at the Pearl
Grey’s Anatomy, and the          Theatre in New York. Michael
Amazon Prime Original            designed and created the puppet
Movie, My Spy. Recent credits    characters for Houston’s Theatre
include: Love and Kindness       Under the Stars production of
(Theatre Three), Sister Act      Sayonara and designed and
(Savannah Theatre, ICT           created the puppet characters for
MainStage, WaterTower            Theatre Three's award-winning
Theatre), Madagascar (Casa       Avenue Q. Michael also designed
Manana), Detroit 67 (Jubilee     and created costumes for the
Theatre), Passing Strange        BBC television documentary
(Theatre Three). Cherish         about Bonnie and Clyde. Michael
enjoys teaching and coaching     received a Leon Rabin Award for
voice and piano to her many      Costumes in 2003 for GSM’s
students. She is writing a       42nd Street. My love and gratitude
book, ‘The Vocal Parallel’,      to Serrecchia for giving me this
slated for release later this    opportunity to return to the
year.                            Theatre Three stage with his
                                 Avenue Q family.
Directed by Michael Serrecchia Music Directed by Mark Mullino
We had so much to celebrate this week. First, we received permission to do
The Music Man in-person with a cast featuring Union members (video of the official
signing on our Instagram @theatrethree). Then, we announced our plans to tour
our production to three different outdoor venues:

         Coppell Senior Center
         Union Coffee Shop
         Texas Discovery Gardens at Fair Park (where the end of our show will
         coordinate with the 4th of July fireworks at Fair Park)

Tickets will go on sale May 5 at 12 noon. Stay updated at!

Until then, DON'T FORGET that this is our week to "Fund the Music, Man!" You can
help us make this production a reality by going to: OR scan this QR code!
It will take you directly to the site. .
You can also register to donate by texting "fundthemusicman" to 243-725.

The silent auction closes at midnight tonight!
Get those bids in by scanning this QR code.
Directed by Michael Serrecchia Music Directed by Mark Mullino Directed by Michael Serrecchia Music Directed by Mark Mullino
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