Cost Efficient Directly Foamed Ceramics for High Temperature Thermal Insulation

Page created by Marjorie Payne
Cost Efficient Directly Foamed Ceramics for High Temperature Thermal Insulation
TECHNOLOGY INSIGHTS                                                                                                    COMPONENTS

Cost-Efficient Directly Foamed
Ceramics for High-Temperature
Thermal Insulation
Highly insulating materials are key factors for energy-efficient thermal
processes. While fibre-based insulation panels provide excellent thermal
insulation, they suffer from poor mechanical strength and abrasion
resistance. Furthermore, high prices due to high production costs and the
release of fibre dust are disadvantages in their practical application.
Lightweight refractory bricks, on the contrary, are inexpensive and
mechanically stable, but exhibit a high thermal mass and high thermal
conductivity. Highly porous directly foamed ceramics, also referred to as
ceramic foams, are an alternative capable of filling the gap between fibre-
based insulation panels and lightweight refractory bricks in thermal
insulation. The Fraunhofer Center HTL/DE has developed a direct foaming
process to produce cost-efficient ceramic foams for high-temperature

Introduction                                     spective elements also have to be kept low     The sintering of ceramic hollow beads is
Thermal insulation materials are used            to be competitive [1].                         an alternative, which leads to parts with
to spatially and thermally separate the          In order to keep the overall costs for in­     a generally high compressive strength,
chambers of furnaces from the surround­          sulation low, furnace walls, especially in     yet limited maximum porosity and high
ing. They have to fulfil several require­        large furnaces, are often built up from        prices for raw materials. It is mostly used
ments in their practical application. First of   several layers of insulating materials. They   in lightweight engineering and for kiln fur­
all, they have to be thermally, chemically       are assorted along the temperature gradi­      niture. Via Additive Manufacturing (AM),
and dimensionally stable up to the max­          ent from the furnace chamber to the ambi­      near-net-shape porous parts with tailored
imum service temperature. Furthermore,           ance in terms of maximum service tem­          pore structures can be fabricated with a
insulation materials need to provide min­        perature, thermal conductivity, mechanical     high material efficiency. AM is therefore
imal thermal conductivity for good thermal       stability and price [2].                       particularly suited for the production of in­
insulation and low space requirements.           Generally, a low thermal conductivity          dividualized and load-oriented bone scaf­
In addition, the mechanical and thermo­          can be achieved by the implementation          fold structures made of more expensive
mechanical stability has to be high enough       of pores into a host material. In case of      raw material, so the process-related high
to bear the load of structural elements          ceramics, several manufacturing routes         costs for the production of the parts are
pos­itioned above them. In case of batch         have been developed, which include par­        mitigated [3].
furnaces, thermal cycling resistance is          tial sintering, additive manufacturing, hol­
also essential for a long service life. Due      low bead sintering, sacrificial templating,     Joachim Vogt
to the considerable volume of thermal in­        replica foams and direct foaming.               Fraunhofer ISC / Center for
sulation in furnaces, the prices of the re­      Partial sintering of coarse-grained masses,     High-Temperature Materials
                                                                                                 and Design HTL
                                                 e.g., is an easy and cost-effective way to      95448 Bayreuth, Germany
                                                 achieve refractory products with lowered
Keywords                                                                                         E-mail:
ceramic foams, thermal insulation,               densities, but leads to a limited specific
direct foaming                                   strength and limited maximum porosity.

50                                                                                                              CERAMICAPPLICATIONS 7 (2019) [1]
Cost Efficient Directly Foamed Ceramics for High Temperature Thermal Insulation
COMPONENTS                                                                                   TECHNOLOGY INSIGHTS

For a more straightforward production of
highly porous ceramics, three main fabri­
cation routes can be determined (Fig. 1).
The so-called replica method (RM) is
based on coherent natural or synthetic
cellular structures such as polyurethane
foams as sacrificial bodies. The pores of
the cellular structures are infiltrated with
ceramic slurries or preceramic com­
pounds, and the cellular structures are
then burnt out before sintering, which
relieves the final replica foam. In using
this technique, extremely high porosities
up to 92 vol.-% with predominantly large
open pores are accessible, which is why
this process technique has been estab­
lished for the production of ceramic filter
elements or catalyst carriers [4]. Likewise,
the burning of a large volume of hydro­
carbons in order to get a small volume
fraction of ceramic material leads to long
burning times and a high carbon dioxide
footprint, and the foam struts are prone to
break during p­ yrolysis [5].
The sacrificial templating method (STM)        Fig. 1
uses placeholders such as natural or           Schemes of the three principal routes
                                               to obtain highly porous ceramics [4]
synthetic hydrocarbons, liquids, or met­
als during moulding, which are dispersed
in the ceramic raw material and relieved       corporation of gases into ceramic precur­       Among them are thermosetting polymers
via pyrolysis, evaporation, sublimation        sor materials to establish porosities up to     or polysaccharides, thermosetting or pH-
or leaching before the actual sintering        +95 vol.-% in the most material efficient       setting herbal or animal proteins, mono­
process. In using this technique, a broad      way [4]. In direct foaming, in turn, three      mers conducting radical polymerization,
range of porosities from 20–90 vol.-% is       main routes can be outlined. Chemical           hydraulically setting cements, and sol-
accessible. Furthermore, the pore shape        direct foaming uses gas formation dur­          gel precursors. Directly foamed ceramics
and the size distribution can be tailored      ing chemical reactions in order to produce      have recently been commercialized [6, 7].
in a broad range by the choice of suitable     gas bubbles in ceramic slurries or precer­      The production of cost-efficient highly
sacrificial raw materials. Also closed pores   amic polymers. Physical direct foaming          porous ceramics requires inexpensive
are accessible. The drawback of the STM        utilises the incorporation of gas into the      raw materials and processes. Therefore,
technique lies in the removal step of the      liquid phase via gas pressure and bubble        mechanical direct foaming of water-
placeholders: the burning of large volumes     formation upon pressure drop. In mechan­        based ceramic slurries is an interesting
of hydrocarbons, e.g., leads to high gas       ic­al direct foaming, gas bubbles of the        approach. At the Fraunhofer Center HTL,
pressures inside the green parts, so long      surrounding air are injected into mainly        a direct foaming process of this type has
burnout times have to be chosen to avoid       water-based slurries via turbulent stirring.    been developed and patented [8]. It aims
crack formation. Furthermore, the elim­in­     Therefore, suitable surfactants have to be      at competitive highly porous ceramics for
ation of organic placeholders is likely to     chosen in order to provide for an adequate      the use as durable insulation material, es­
cause cracks and results in a large car­       foamability and short-term foam stabilisa­      pecially for temperatures >1400 °C [9].
bon dioxide footprint. When using liquids      tion.
or metals as templates, the extensive          Concerning all of these approaches, long-       Experimental
sub­limation or leaching steps cause high      term foam stabilisation against bubble co­      The practical realisation of the manufac­
costs per volume and low throughput [4].       alescence, Ostwald ripening and drainage        turing process is depicted in Fig. 2. At
                                               is essential to yield stable ceramic foams      first, a slurry is prepared, which contains
Direct foaming                                 with high porosities and a homogeneous          deionized water, ceramic particles, as­
When thinking about the production of          pore structure. Therefore, mostly gellants      sociative thickeners and a plant-based
highly porous ceramic bodies, why not use      are used to freeze the foam structure,          gelling agent. Associative thickeners are
gases or even surrounding air as a main        before foam aging and collapse can oc­          commonly used in the food and cosmetics
raw material? Direct foaming processes         cur. Up to now, a diverse range of gellants     industry in order to thicken water-based
use the formation of gases in or the in­       has been used to stabilise ceramic foams.       formulations like creams and pastes in a

CERAMICAPPLICATIONS 7 (2019) [1]                                                                                                      51
Cost Efficient Directly Foamed Ceramics for High Temperature Thermal Insulation
TECHNOLOGY INSIGHTS                                                                                                             COMPONENTS

                                                                                                          moderately flowable. Using shape moulds
                                                                                                          and flowable slurry foams, near-net shape
                                                                                                          fabrication becomes possible depending
                                                                                                          on the geometrical details of the parts.
                                                                                                          The filled moulds are then placed in an
                                                                                                          oven to be thermally treated for gelation
                                                                                                          and drying at temperatures
Cost Efficient Directly Foamed Ceramics for High Temperature Thermal Insulation
COMPONENTS                                                                                        TECHNOLOGY INSIGHTS

conditions during thermal treatment for
gelation and drying, foams with open por­
osities ranging from 55–85 vol.-% can be
obtained. The resulting pores are intercon­
nected and vary in a range of 20–400 µm
(Fig. 5). Porosity, pore size and pore size
distribution can be controlled via slurry
rheology. Fig. 6 shows some values for
the porosity, cold crushing strength and
permanent linear shrinkage after thermal
treatment for ceramic foams developed at
the Fraunhofer Center HTL, in comparison
to commercial foams, refractory bricks
and vacuum-based panels.
Ceramic foams can reach the mechan­ic­al
strength of refractory bricks, while having
a considerably higher porosity. Accordingly,
low thermal conductivity values especially
at high temperatures can be achieved de­          Fig. 5
pending on the raw ma­ter­ials used, and          SEM-picture of the microstructure of a mullite foam with a porosity of about 70 vol.-%
                                                  (magnification 25×, working distance 15 mm, EHT 10 kV, secondary electron detector)
the actual porosity and the pore structure
obtained (Fig. 7). The values of the ther­
mal conductivity for ceramic foams are
only factor two to three times as high as         treatment, production costs in the range of        fabricate highly porous ceramics for in­
for high-temperature vacuum insulation            refractory bricks can be reached [10].             sulation applications. The porosities as
panels, while the foams exhibit a signifi­                                                           well as thermal and mechanical proper­
cantly higher compressive strength. Due           Conclusions                                        ties achieved are in between refractory
to the use of inexpensive raw materials,          Direct foaming of water-based slurries             fibre bricks and fibre-based insulation
the simple process and the fast thermal           is a cost-efficient and easy approach to           panels. The raw materials, the process

Fig. 6                                                                                  Fig. 7
Porosity, cold crushing strength and permanent linear shrinkage after 12 h              Comparison of the thermal conductivity values
at 1600 °C of directly foamed ceramics developed at the Fraunhofer Center HTL           of the samples mentioned in Fig. 6
in comparison to commercial high-temperature lightweight firebrick
(Promaton® 34), commercial alumina foam (Halfoam® Alumina), commercial
mullite-zirconia foam (Norfoam® Xtherm) and fibre-based vacuum-formed
sheet (THERMOfrax-VAC 170-40)

CERAMICAPPLICATIONS 7 (2019) [1]                                                                                                          53
Cost Efficient Directly Foamed Ceramics for High Temperature Thermal Insulation

                                                                              Michael Silver,
                                                                              American Elements

                                                                              Willard Cutler,
                                                                              Technology Director,
         I-X Center, Cleveland, Ohio, USA
 Exhibits and Conference: April 30-May 1, 2019
 Welcome Reception (invite only): April 29, 2019

   The ceramic industry’s
                                                                              Chris Duchene,
                                                                              Global VP of Supply Chain,

   leading free-to-attend
    conference returns to                                                     Mark DiPerri,

      Cleveland, Ohio!                                                        Business Development
                                                                              Manager, Advanced
                                                                              Materials Division,
                                                                              Toshiba America Electronic
                                                                              Components Inc.

          Reasons to attend
     Be the first to hear about the latest                                    Richard Gulotty,
                                                                              Engineer III, Friction
   material and manufacturing developments                                    Materials Engineering,
                                                                              Honeywell Aerospace

   Refine your manufacturing processes with
    new techniques learnt at the conference

    Discover new applications in end-user                                     Kayleigh Porter,
   markets for advanced ceramics and glass                                    Additive Ceramic
                                                                              Development Lead,
                                                                              HRL Laboratories LLC

    Keep up-to-date with changing markets
       and regulations for new materials                      Remember to view the full
                                                              agenda and speaker list at

Key topics: additive manufacturing • electro-ceramics • polymer derived ceramics • sourcing raw
   materials • market growth • R&D processes • thermal management • end-user applications
Cost Efficient Directly Foamed Ceramics for High Temperature Thermal Insulation
COMPONENTS                                                                                        TECHNOLOGY INSIGHTS

     itself and the required equipment are in­           lower than fibre-based insulation panels        and effective insulation components.
     expensive, and the thermal processes can            and also well below polycrystalline fi­         Considering the broad range of materials
     be conducted efficiently. Therefore, the            bre wools. The foams can be shaped via          and achievable properties and shapes,
     overall production costs are estimated              moulding and plastic deformation during         also other applications like lightweight kiln
     to be in the range of lightweight refrac­           gelling. Therefore, they can be used for        furniture, hot gas filtration or bio-scaffolds
     tory bricks, but an order of magnitude              near-net-shaped, inexpensive yet ­stable        can possibly be served.


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           Keramikherstellung. Frankfurt/M. 2013               1789                                           articles/96585-designing-the-next-
     [2]   Routschka, G.: Praxishandbuch Feuer­          [5]   Colombo, P.: Ceramic foams: fab­rica-          generation-of-ceramic-insulation
           feste Werkstoffe, Chapter 7, Essen 2011             tion, properties and applications. Key    [8] DE102018200969 B3 – Verfahren zur
     [3]   Hammel, E.C.; Ighodaro, O.L.-R.; Okoli,             Engin. Mater. 206–213 (2002) 1913–             Herstellung poröser anorganischer Form­
           O.I.: Processing and properties of ad­              1918                                           körper sowie damit her­gestellte Form­
           vanced porous ceramics: An application-       [6]­               körper und deren Verwendung
           based review, Ceram. Int. 40 (2014)                 mitteilung/morgan-advanced-materials/     [9]
           15351–15370                                         HalFoam-komplettiert-Morgans-             [10] Raether, F. (ed.): Nachhaltige Wärme­
     [4]   Studart, A.R.; et al.: Processing routes to         umfangreiches-Portfolio-                       behandlungsprozesse systematisch
           macroporous ceramics: A review. J.                  poroeser-Werkstoffe/boxid/747670               entwickeln. Frankfurt/M. 2018

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Cost Efficient Directly Foamed Ceramics for High Temperature Thermal Insulation Cost Efficient Directly Foamed Ceramics for High Temperature Thermal Insulation Cost Efficient Directly Foamed Ceramics for High Temperature Thermal Insulation Cost Efficient Directly Foamed Ceramics for High Temperature Thermal Insulation
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