Digital Edition 2020 | Volume 03 - AWS

Digital Edition 2020 | Volume 03 - AWS
Digital Edition 2020 | Volume 03

            Weekly Squawk - by Stewart Dando
Digital Edition 2020 | Volume 03 - AWS

                               A suspicious saviour...

                               I n a surprise move, the Congress
                               of South African Trade Unions
                                                                       It’s an interesting proposal.
                                                                       Compelling,       complex        and
       Stewart Dando           (COSATU) says government, unions        seductive. But I fear, as is almost
Investment Specialist | MIFM   and business have “in essence”          always the case, that the devil lurks
    Squawk Editor in chief     accepted a proposal to use funds        in the details.
                               from the Public Investment
                               Corporation (PIC) and other state       Exactly how the intervention will
                               institutions to cut Eskom’s huge        work is still unclear. But here are
                               debt burden by around 60%. The          some points worth pondering:
                               PIC is South Africa’s state-owned
                               asset manager and invests on behalf • COSATU will do everything in
                               of the large Government Employee      its power to preserve jobs at
                               Pension Fund (GEPF) and four          Eskom. While in essence this is a
                               smaller state-run funds, including    good thing, it cannot come at the
                               the Unemployment Insurance Fund.      expense of the restructuring that
                               It manages over R2 trn in funds       Eskom so desperately needs. I fear
                               in total. Eskom has a debt burden     that this investment may provide
                               of R450 bn and does not make          COSATU with an uncomfortable
                               enough from selling electricity at    amount of leverage over Eskom’s
                               current prices and volumes to even    future.
                               pay off the interest on the debt, let
                                                                   • COSATU has also said that it
                               alone settle the debt itself.         wants the R104bn of Eskom’s debt
                                                                     held by the state pension fund
                               “It was a Cosatu proposal and         manager to be converted into
                               government has accepted. This will    equity owned by workers. Again,
                               assist the economy and position       not necessarily a bad thing, but
                               it to create jobs. This will be to    I’m concerned about how this
                               the ultimate benefit of workers       shift in the balance of power will
                               because without electricity there     hamper restructure and reform
                               is no jobs,” spokesperson Sizwe       initiatives.
                               Pamla told Fin24 on Friday morning. • Most of public sector pension

                                                                                        Weekly Squawk - by Stewart Dando
Digital Edition 2020 | Volume 03 - AWS
  savings are in defined benefit
  funds. This is important, as
  it means that pensions are
  guaranteed whether or not the
  fund has money. So, should the
  fund not be able to honour its
  commitments, who would then
  carry the burden? Well, it would
  be the state, or more accurately,
                                         If you thought he was bad before: Following five months of
                                         animated hearings, hampered investigations and shocking revelations
  taxpayers.                             about President Trump’s dealings with Ukraine, a divided United States
• The question of prescribed assets      Senate acquitted him on Wednesday of charges that he abused his
  should also be raised here. Should     power and obstructed Congress to aid his own re-election, bringing
  this deal happen, COSATU would         an acrimonious impeachment trial to its expected end.
  probably begin to disingenuously
  complain that public sector            In a pair of votes whose outcome was never in doubt, the Senate fell
  workers are having to bail out         well short of the two-thirds margin that would have been needed to
  the state. Why isn’t the private       remove the 45th president. The verdicts came down — after three
  sector coming to the party? I’m        weeks of debate — almost entirely along party lines, with every
  concerned about how slippery a         Democrat voting “guilty” on both charges and Republicans uniformly
  slope this may become.                 voting “not guilty” on the obstruction of Congress charge.

Proposals to reorganise the R450         Trump has acted with impunity since the day he took office. This
bn owed by Eskom are days away           victory, and the fact that it’s an election year, will galvanise him to a
from completion, according to            degree that will be frightening.
an official who’s overseen their
formulation. A report that sets
out the options for dealing with
the debt will be submitted to            More Public Protector ignominy: When Public Protector Busisiwe
Public Enterprises Minister Pravin       Mkhwebane released her report into the so-called SARS ‘rogue unit’,
Gordhan, who will decide if              her findings were quickly dismissed and denigrated. She was found
and when to release it, Freeman          not to have interviewed key witnesses, ignored pertinent evidence
Nomvalo, whose tenure as the             when it didn’t support her assertions, and even lied about not being
utility’s outgoing chief restructuring   able to interview department head Johan van Loggerenberg, despite
officer officially ended last month,     his having contacted her attorneys directly on many occasions.
said on the sidelines of an event
in Johannesburg. He declined to          And now, inevitably, the charges have been dropped. In a statement
elaborate on the contents.               issued on Friday by the NPA, National Director of Public Prosecutions
                                         advocate Shamila Batohi stated that she had decided to withdraw
Don’t get me wrong, I’m all for          charges against Ivan Pillay, Andries Janse van Rensburg and Johan van
rescuing Eskom. Having a reliable        Loggerenberg.
power supply is critical to a
functioning and growing economy.         “After a careful assessment of the evidence and other relevant
But the country cannot be held to        material, the unanimous conclusion of the panel in respect of all
ransom. This proposal conflates far      counts, is that there are no reasonable prospects of a successful
too many conflicting interests. I        prosecution” – NPA.
don’t like it.
                                         How much more punishment can this woman take?

                                         His judgement cometh, and that right soon: The Pietermaritzburg
                                         High Court has issued a warrant of arrest for former president Jacob
                                         Zuma for his failure to appear before court in relation to the arms
                                         deal case. The warrant has been stayed until May 6, the date on
                                         which the case is set to resume.

                                         It was at the request of the National Prosecuting Authority (NPA)
                                         who are now taking a tough stance on Zuma’s continued failure to
                                         appear before court in the arms deal case that the court granted the
                                         warrant of arrest. The NPA’s lead prosecutor, Advocate Billy Downer,

 Weekly Squawk - by Stewart Dando
Digital Edition 2020 | Volume 03 - AWS
argued that it was a criminal
offence that the accused, Zuma,
was not availing himself to appear in
court. Then there was the outright
absurdity of a ‘sick note’ produced
by Zuma’s defence, stating that
he was suffering from a ‘medical
condition’. The timing coincidence
angered the judge, and the warrant
followed soon afterward.                   Risk happens now,
The issuing of the warrant is a
veritable hammer blow. I hope that
                                        return happens later
the NPA will glean much confidence             - Stewart Dando
from this as it readies itself for a
year of prosecutions.

                                                     Weekly Squawk - by Stewart Dando
Weekly Squawk - by Stewart Dando
Digital Edition 2020 | Volume 03 - AWS
                      At the close, or at 06:00 SAST today:

        JSE         DOLLAR/RAND                          BRENT CRUDE
57,276.49 POINTS      $1/R15,0141                          $53.76/BL
      GOLD           R186 YIELD                                   REPO         3.6%
  $1,570.76/OZ          7.98%                                     6.25%

                               Weekly Squawk - by Stewart Dando
                                                                            Weekly Squawk - by Stewart Dando
Digital Edition 2020 | Volume 03 - AWS
ARTICLE                            OF THE WEEK

“R        isk happens now, return happens later” – Stewart Dando.

So often, investors will justify investment decisions based on an
over-emphasised view of the immediate past, with little to no
consideration of long-term trends and averages. Don’t fall into
this tempting trap.

JARGON                             OF THE WEEK

What is a ‘Swap’?

A     swap is a derivative contract through which two parties
exchange the cash flows or liabilities from two different financial
instruments. Most swaps involve cash flows based on a notional
principal amount such as a loan or bond, although the instrument
can be almost anything. Usually, the principal does not change
hands. Each cash flow comprises one leg of the swap. One cash
flow is generally fixed, while the other is variable and based on a
benchmark interest rate, floating currency exchange rate or index

The most common kind of swap is an interest rate swap. Swaps
do not trade on exchanges, and retail investors do not generally
engage in swaps. Rather, swaps are over-the-counter contracts
primarily between businesses or financial institutions that are
customized to the needs of both parties.

Source: Investopedia

Weekly Squawk - by Stewart Dando
                                           “Government is not in agreement with the BRPs
                                           about the decision to cancel certain flights. We as
                                           government are saying we need to sit down with
                                           the BRPs and discuss the matter”
                                           - President Cyril Ramaphosa, irked about the SAA business
                  OF THE WEEK              rescue practitioners’ decision to cancel certain SAA flight routes.

IN CONCLUSION                                          When a Black Swan flies in...
A     black swan is an unpredictable
event that is beyond what is
                                    returns have been wiped out as
                                    the death toll climbs higher and
                                                                               “So how can we make a reasonable
                                                                               assessment of the potential impact
normally expected of a situation    higher. Public health outbreaks            of the Coronavirus? As long-term,
and has potentially severe          and epidemics like this quickly            valuation-driven, fundamentally
consequences. Black swan events     scare investors and, eventually,           based investors, our concern is any
are characterized by their extreme  affect economies and businesses.           potential impact to businesses’
rarity, their severe impact, and theThe Coronavirus outbreak has               cash flows. For example, will the
practice of explaining widespread   shut down airports, halted trade,          collective impact of the outbreak
failure to predict them as simple   and led to the rapid construction          (fewer flights, less trade, loss of
folly in hindsight.                 of new hospitals in China. Across          productivity, etc.) affect a few
                                    the globe, airports are replete            businesses, a few industries, or
The year 2020’s Black Swan event with people wearing ominous                   entire markets? That’s the question
has come early. And it’s called the looking gas masks and eyeing each          we’re asking. Our answer is that, at
novel Coronavirus.                  other suspiciously when someone            this stage, we have to assume the
                                    coughs or sneezes. The effects             outbreak will take a similar path
At the time of writing, 910 deaths of the outbreak may push China’s            to other recent epidemics, and
have been recorded, with 2 economy into a period of slower                     thus we feel there’s no reason for
happening outside of mainland growth, with stocks trading lower                investors to be alarmed.”
China. The number of confirmed as investors seek protection.
cases in mainland China stands                                                 I would urge my readers to not let
in excess of 35,000. Outside So, how should you react? This                    fear and panic guide their long-term
China, almost 300 cases have is a difficult question to answer,                investment decisions. Remember,
been confirmed in 25 countries given the number of unknowns,                   investing is a test match, not a T20.
(according to the World Health the various moving parts and the                In the long run, courage, balance and
Organization (WHO)), with two complexity of the virus itself. But              consistency are always rewarded.
fatalities - one in Hong Kong and when assessing these types of                While it would obviously be callous
another in the Philippines.         outbreaks, history can often prove         to the label the virus ‘noise’ with so
                                    a useful guide, as the team at             many people losing their lives, from
Equity and commodity markets Morningstar suggests:                             an investment point of view, that’s
around the world have reacted                                                  hopefully all it is.
violently. Massive chunks of 2019’s

                                            Weekly Squawk - by Stewart Dando
The Squawk offers its sincere
condolences to all of the families
and loved ones of the victims.

                                                                                                                                                            Until next week, make good decisions, and happy investing.
© 2018 - 2019 Zapiro (All Rights Reserved) Originally published in one of these publications: Daily Maverick, Sunday Times, The Times, Mail and Guardian,
IOL, or Sowetan in 2019. Printed/Used with permission. More Zapiro cartoons at The Squawk thanks the following sources of
inspiration: Daily Maverick, The Economist, Bloomberg, News24, Moneyweb, Financial Times, Investopedia and Anchor Capital.
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       “The opinions and views expressed in this newsletter are those of the author and
       do not necessarily represent those of the attooh! Group or its affiliates. Content
       stated as fact was fact at the time of writing. The information in this newsletter
       is not intended to constitute financial advice as contemplated in the Financial
                                                 Advisory and Intermediary Services Act”

                                                                             Weekly Squawk - by Stewart Dando
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