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Tampa Fresh Foods                                           USF Coed Cheer                                           Tropicana Field
                    provides a unique                                           wins national                                            reopens free
                    grocery store                                               championship                                             COVID-19 testing site
                    experience    p. 5                                                                   p. 8                                                    p. 3

                                        CROW’S NEST

                                             THE STUDENT NEWSPAPER AT THE USF ST. PETERSBURG CAMPUS

Volume 58 | Issue 3 | January 24, 2022 | Online at        @CrowsNestStPete           @USFCrowsNest      @USFCrowsNest          The Crow’s Nest at USFSP

Gasparilla preview:
what to expect from this year’s pirate-themed party
                                                                                                              President Law remains
                                                                                                              despite COVID-19 fears
                                                                                                            By Aubrey Carr                   political issues, including
                                                                                                            Crow’s Nest Staff                 COVID-19.

                                                                                                                                                 While the poll showed an
                                                                                                                        espite the recent    expected divide in opinion
                                                                                                                        rise in COVID-19     amongst Americans for
                                                                                                                        cases due to the     many issues, one thought
                                                                                                            Omicron variant, USF Interim     that proved to be nearly
                                                                                                            President Rhea Law had little    unanimous was an illustrated
                                                                                                            to say, but stayed hopeful,      fear of pandemic-related
                                                                                                            about the virus when she         issues.
                                                                                                            addressed the Faculty Senate         Nearly a third of
                                                                                                            last Wednesday.                  respondents (32%) reported
                                                                                                                “I am very hopeful that      belief that COVID-19 was the
                                                                                                            what everybody’s saying          most critical issue currently
                                                                                                            [about COVID-19] is true and     facing the U.S. In contrast,
                                                                                                            that we’ve either peaked and     less than 15% said the same
                                                                                                            are coming down the other        about issues involving the
                                                                                                            side, or we’re very close and    economy (14%) or inflation
                                                                                                            soon this isn’t going to be      (7%).
                                                                                                            an issue,” Law said. “We             In a large majority, 74%
                                                                                                            just encourage vaccinations,     of those polled said they are
                                                                                                            wearing masks and staying        either “somewhat” or “very
                                                                                                            home if you don’t feel well,     concerned” about emerging
                                                                                                            all of those things that we’ve   variants of the COVID-19
                                                                                                            done to try and keep each        virus.
                                                                                                            other safe.”                         Additionally, the survey
                                                                                                                Though Law remained          showed Americans are divided
                                                                                                            optimistic about COVID-          on a possible nationwide
                                                                                COURTESY OF CITY OF TAMPA
                                                                                                            19’s current trajectory, the     vaccination mandate, with
Gasparilla’s Parade of Pirates features hundreds of boats, including the 165-foot                           pandemic remains a fearful       52% indicating some support
long ‘Jose Gasparilla.’                                                                                     subject for the country –– a     for the mandate, and 47%
                                                         See GASPARILLA on p. 4                             point echoed in a recently       opposing it.
                                                                                                            published survey led by USF          While the survey displayed
                                                                                                            researchers.                     opinions from the nation as a
Florida senate bill could bring new                                                                             The nationwide survey
                                                                                                            of 1,000 eligible voters
                                                                                                                                             whole, the USF community is
                                                                                                                                             far from immune from similar
  program to Tiedemann College                                                                              provided a representative
                                                                                                            sample closely aligned with
                                                                                                                                             apprehension regarding
By Molly Ryan                           According to the                 throws off should also be                                           COVID-19.
                                                                                                            U.S. demographics and asked
Crow’s Nest Staff                   amendment, it would be set to        spent on items like basic          questions regarding important

                                    begin in the 2022-2023 fiscal        research, since USF St.
                                                                                                                                                See COVID-19 on p. 2
            banking and             year.                                Petersburg is in the heart of
            insurance bill in           “Something I’ve been             the insurance industry —
            committee of the        speaking to USF St.                  there are multiple insurance
Florida State Senate could          Petersburg faculty and               companies within a 10-
prove to be much more than          administration about for             mile radius of the campus,”
allocating revenue from the         years now is enhancing the           Brandes said.
Florida Hurricane Catastrophe       [Kate Tiedemann College                 On Jan. 18, the bill
(CAT) Fund — it could be            of Business] with a risk             moved to be reviewed by
the beginning of something          management program,”                 the Community Affairs
significant for the USF St.         Brandes said in an interview         Committee — a standing
Petersburg campus.                  with The Crow’s Nest.                committee in the Florida
   First filed in October of        “There’s no university in            Senate that votes on a broad
2021, the bill, SB 578, by          Florida better suited for            range of issues relating to
the Committee on Banking            the industry than USF St.            local governments.
and Insurance and Sen. Ed           Petersburg.”                            Currently, the bill
Hooper, R-Palm Harbor,                  A proposal of how and            does not have a sponsor
incorporates an amendment           where to appropriate a portion       from the Florida House of
by Sen. Jeff Brandes, R-St.         of the interests gained from         Representatives, which is
Petersburg, that, if passed,        Florida’s $12 billion CAT            crucial for its passage.
would allocate $2 million           Fund, the bill is intended to
toward developing a risk            maintain the state’s tax-free
management and insurance            status while investing in the
program at the USF St.              state’s insurance and risk                                                                               COURTESY OF CITY OF ST. PETERSBURG
Petersburg campus each fiscal       management research.
year going forward.                     “The interest and dividend                                          COVID-19 tops the list of America’s current fears,
                                    earnings that the CAT Fund               See SENATE on p. 3             according to a recent USF-led survey.
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January 24, 2022                                                                                                                     THE CROW ’S NEST
                                Continued from front page
                                                                     “I think we all recognize         over,” Walsh said. “Having
                                                                  that the first two or three          labs that I couldn’t take online
                                  Speaking to the Faculty         weeks of this semester were          and just having a general lack
                               Senate, USF Provost Ralph          likely to present some pretty        of accessibility.”
                               Wilcox expressed his recent        significant challenges with              While she is now attending
                               experience with student            a surge in infections across         in-person classes, Walsh still
                               agitation toward faculty’s         the state of Florida and             thinks USF’s administrative
                               handling of COVID-19               particularly in the Tampa Bay        handling of COVID-19 is
                               related issues.                    region.”                             detrimental to the university’s
                                  “I continue to receive             According to Natalie              most vulnerable students.
                               the occasional concern             Walsh, a junior majoring in              “I think it’s just very
                               from students enrolled in          health science, USF’s problem        irresponsible to have so
                               classes at the University          with COVID-19 has little             many in-person classes and
                               of South Florida that they         to do with the behavior of           an overall lack of social
                               are having some occasional         professors. Walsh, who is            distancing because I know so
                               issues with faculty who are        immunocompromised, dealt             many people who got COVID
                               expressing an unwillingness        with attendance issues during        and are struggling,” she said.
               COURTESY OF USF to accommodate the needs                                                                                               COURTESY OF USF
                                                                  the peak of the pandemic.            “I hate that I have to risk
USF Provost Ralph Wilcox of students who, by virtue of               “My professors were               my own health just to keep       USF Interim President
shared student concerns their health status are not able          always helpful when I                getting an education.”           Rhea Law gave limited
                               to attend in-person classes,”      couldn’t be in class, but the                                          information on the
of faculty’s handling of       Wilcox said.                       school had systems in place                  University’s approach to
COVID-19.                                                         that kind of screwed me
                                                                                                                                         the pandemic.

  No car? No problem with Tampa Bay’s SunRunner BUSES
By Molly Ryan                   been in the works since his           Offering rides every 15
Crow’s Nest Staff                first term in 2014.              minutes during the day and

                                     “From the time I became      every 30 minutes in the
       n 2021, St. Pete Beach   mayor through the end of          evening, buses will follow
       was rated the No.1       my term, I’ve always felt         a continuous route that runs
       beach in the U.S.        that mass transit was a real      west through South Pasadena
by Tripadvisor’s annual         challenge for us in the Tampa     up Gulf Boulevard into St.
Travelers’ Choice rankings,     Bay area,” Kriseman said          Pete Beach and east into
but for residential students    in an interview with The          downtown — one of its 27
without a car at the USF        Crow’s Nest. “It put us at a      confirmed stops residing
St. Petersburg campus, it       disadvantage to not have a        in the heart of USF’s St.
is typically not accessible     real mass transit system, so it   Petersburg campus at Third
without hitching a ride or      was important that [the city]     Street South and Sixth Avenue
taking a nearly $20 Uber.       started looking at how to         South.
    With their arrival          move forward with some kind           Students like sophomore
approaching, the SunRunner      of system.”                       psychology major J.D. Dato
buses are expected to change        However, it would not         believe the SunRunner will                                             COURTESY OF CITY OF ST. PETERSBURG
that.                           be until 2019 that the St.        enrich the student experience
    Opening this summer, the    Petersburg City Council           at the St. Petersburg campus.        The SunRunner’s projected benefits include
SunRunner will connect the      would commit $4 million               “The SunRunner will be a         increased foot-traffic for businesses and decreased
10.3 miles between downtown     toward the Pinellas Suncoast      great asset to St. Pete students     traffic congestion.
St. Petersburg and St. Pete     Transit Authority (PSTA)-led      because it will give them a
Beach — projecting to cut       project.                          faster route to the beach and        one of the greatest challenges    issue,” Dato said. “Like St.
the trip’s time down by 20          With a budget of nearly       easier access to the restaurants     that we’re going to face over     Petersburg’s SunRunner, BRT
minutes.                        $44 million — about $28           and bars on Central Avenue,”         the next 50 years is climate      has similar benefits to light
    Stand-alone lanes have      million of such sourced           Dato said. “They can enjoy           change,” Kriseman said.           rail, but is less expensive
been incorporated into          from several grants               the proven benefits of a BRT         “If we can do something to        and time-consuming to
First Avenue North and          through the Federal Transit       while paying student prices.”        get people out of their cars      implement.”
South to accommodate            Administration — each                 According to the PSTA,           using alternative forms of            According to the World
Tampa Bay’s first bus rapid     bus includes free Wi-Fi, air      some of the SunRunner’s              transit, that’s something that    Population Review, St.
transit (BRT) system: A         conditioning, on-board bike       projected benefits include           we’ve got to do. With the         Petersburg alone experienced
bus-based transportation        space, wheel-chair inclusive      increased foot traffic for local     SunRunner, we’re getting          a growth rate of 0.33%
network designed to be more     multi-door boarding and art       business and reduced traffic         away from fossil fuels and        in 2020 — prompting the
reliable and convenient than    by local muralist Chad Mize.      congestion — both of which           transitioning to electric,        question of how to promote
conventional bus systems.           In addition to pay stations   Kriseman believes will have a        giving us a chance to decrease    and develop mass transit in
    According to former         at each stop, prepay options      positive domino effect on the        our carbon footprint.”            the Tampa Bay area makes
St. Petersburg mayor,           will be available through the     economy and environment.                 Kriseman also believes the    itself known.
Rick Kriseman, the idea         Flamingo Fares mobile app or          “Economic development is         SunRunner is a “needed first          Currently, the Tampa Bay
of a more advanced public       card.                             really important, but it’s also      step” in the direction toward a   Regional Transit Authority
transportation system has                                         important to remember that           more advanced Tampa Bay.          (TBRTA) is conducting
                                                                                                           “When you go from no          feasibility studies on other
                                                                                                       mass transit to mass transit,     mass transit projects like a
                                                                                                       there’s a learning curve.         BRT system that would create
                                                                                                       It takes time for people to       a continuous route along the
                                                                                                       get used to that method of        western portions of Pasco and
                                                                                                       transportation,” Kriseman told    Pinellas counties and an aerial
                                                                                                       The Crow’s Nest. “You’ll have     gondola specific to Pinellas
                                                                                                       low numbers the first year or     County.
                                                                                                       two, but you’ll see a steady          Additionally, TBRTA
                                                                                                       increase that will help educate   proposed that the SunRunner
                                                                                                       us on how we do this bigger,      could eventually be a part of a
                                                                                                       how do we expand it and how       41-mile route for the Regional
                                                                                                       do we connect with it and         Rapid Transit that would
                                                                                                       make it work better. But you      connect St. Pete Beach to
                                                                                                       have to take that first step.”    Wesley Chapel with various
                                                                                                           Dato feels that mass          stops throughout Tampa Bay.
                                                                                                       transit will prove “incredibly
                                                                                                       crucial” as the Tampa Bay      
                                                                                                       area continues to grow.
                                                                                                           “As people begin to move
                                                                                                       into the cities and surrounding
                                                                                                       suburbs, traffic and commute
                                                                  COURTESY OF CITY OF ST. PETERSBURG
                                                                                                       times will become more
The SunRunner will connect downtown St. Petersburg to St. Pete Beach.                                  and more of a pressing
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January 24, 2022                                                                                                                     THE CROW ’S NEST

Tropicana Field testing site reopens
                                     NEWS 3
      as Omicron cases surge
By Sofía García Vargas
Crow’s Nest Staff

           he revamped
           COVID-19 drive-
           thru testing site
at Tropicana Field offers
Pinellas County accurate and
quick results.
    Reopened on Jan. 13
after an eight-month hiatus,
the site is possible due to a
partnership between the City
of St. Petersburg, Impact
Health and the Tampa Bay
    Running daily from 8
a.m. to 5 p.m. on Lot 2, both
rapid antigen and polymerase
chain reaction (PCR) tests are
available to everyone at no
cost, but anyone with health
coverage is asked to present
an insurance card.
    Results are expected within
minutes or hours, depending                                                                                                               COURTESY OF THE TAMPA BAY TIMES
on the test taken.                Both rapid antigen and PCR tests are available at the testing site.
    According to the Centers
for Disease Control and               • On Jan. 14, 14,310 new       he mirrors the CDC’s
Prevention (CDC), the PCR          cases were reported.              recommendations.
test is more accurate as it           • There have been 15               “The best thing you can
detects genetic material from      deaths in the last two            do to protect yourself first
a specific organism, but takes     weeks.                            and foremost is getting
longer for results to come            • 63% of the Pinellas          vaccinated. Vaccines certainly
back.                              County population has             limit the risks to your health
    As Omicron-related             reported to be fully              and the long-term effects,”
COVID-19 cases surged              vaccinated.                       Kriseman said. “Second thing
in the Tampa Bay area, a              • As of Jan. 17, the daily     is to be smart. Wear a mask
demand for more free and           average of new cases was          when you’re around a lot of
public testing sites increased     2,044.                            people, get vaccinated, social
as well.                                                             distance when you can and
    As a result, the City of          With the Omicron variant,      just be smart.”
St. Petersburg decided to         those numbers are projected            At the USF St. Petersburg
bring back the Tropicana          to increase.                       campus, a recent survey
Field location to serve the           In December, the CDC           showed that a majority of
community.                        stated that the Omicron            respondents reported full
    According to The New          variant will likely spread         vaccination status.
York Times, cases in Pinellas     faster than the original               The Tropicana Field
County have soared in the         COVID-19 virus, despite            testing site is available as a
past few weeks.                   vaccination status or lack of      drive-up service, but the city
    “The total [cases]            symptoms.                          recommends pre-registering at
reported for the past week            However, the CDC     
was the highest of the            emphasizes the importance of       Drivers are asked to line up                                     COURTESY OF CITY OF ST. PETERSBURG
pandemic. The numbers             vaccination and boosters as        southbound on 16th Street
of hospitalized COVID-19          they reduce the probability of     South and turn west on 3rd      The testing site reopened on Jan. 13 after an eight-
patients and deaths in the        severe illness, hospitalizations   Avenue South to enter the       month hiatus.
Pinellas County area have         and deaths associated with the     testing area.                   St. S. It is open from 9 a.m. to
also risen,” the Times said.      Omicron variant.                       The other free, public      5 p.m. on weekdays.
    The newspaper also                Former mayor of St.            testing site in Pinellas County
reported the following:           Petersburg, Rick Kriseman,         is the Center for Health
                                  told The Crow’s Nest that          Equity, located at 2333 34th

Continued from front page             It also details how the            “[The general message
                                  program would “use publicly        students should take away
   While the amendment does       available data to analyze          from this bill] is that the
not directly specify that the     trends regarding, and to           Florida legislature is serious
$2 million would be going         develop recommended                about basic research on some
toward the St. Petersburg         policies and best practices        of the important problems
campus, Brandes affirmed          for reducing, property             facing Florida,” Brandes said.
with The Crow’s Nest that the     insurance rates, Citizens          “The universities have a role
language would be “tightened      Property Insurance                 to lead, and it’s important
up” and more specific to the      Corporation policyholder           for [students] to know that
campus as the bill moved          counts and property insurance      we’re making significant
forward. Brandes expressed        litigation frequency” as           investments in the future of
that support for the bill has     well as “analyze to what           the university in order to help
been shown by both St.            extent hurricane losses and        us address the pressing public
Petersburg and Tampa campus       rebuilding costs influence         policy challenges.”
leaders.                          these trends.”
   According to the                   Brandes expressed how
amendment, the program                                           
                                  the passing of this bill could
would be brought to the St.       “solidly cement” USF as a                                                                               COURTESY OF THE TAMPA BAY TIMES
Petersburg campus “for the        leader in the discussion of                                          Jeff Brandes is a state senator from Florida’s District
purpose of providing research     Florida’s homeowner property
into the property insurance                                                                            26 in St. Petersburg.
market of this state.”
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January 24, 2022                                                                                                                    THE CROW ’S NEST

          ARTS                 Gasparilla returns bigger than ever
 4        & LIFE              By Aubrey Carr                       entertainment while enjoying
                              Crow’s Nest Staff                     the perfect view of the
margin G
                                                                    waterside pirate invasion.
                                          rab your pirate              The Invasion of Pirates
                                          hat and beads:           begins at 11 a.m. Hundreds of
                                          Gasparilla returns       boats will conquer Tampa’s
                              to Tampa Bay this weekend.           waters, led by the 165-foot
                                  After a COVID-19                 long “Jose Gasparilla” –– a
By Kelah Lehart               related cancellation in              mock pirate ship built from an
Contributor                   2021, Gasparilla is making           old barge, all leading up to the

                              a comeback for its 106th             official pirate takeover.
      A Recipe of Decision”   season — and according to                Each boat is manned by its
                              the Tampa Bay Times, it is           respective social organization,
        My emotions spill     expected to be the biggest one
out on the table                                                   or “krewe,” with the main
                              yet.                                 boat staffed by Ye Mystic
   And you ask,                   Based around the myth of
   ‘what’s for dinner?’                                            Krewe of Gasparilla, the
                              famed pirate Jose Gaspar’s           organization that hosts the
                              invasion of Tampa, Gasparilla        parade.
   Disguised as a dish of     has become a household
food,                                                                  At 1 p.m., the Jose
                              name for Tampa Bay citizens          Gasparilla and its
                                                                                                                                           COURTESY OF VISIT TAMPA BAY
   You hand me a knife of     looking for a jolly good time.
words                                                              accompanying flotilla
                                  Since its 1904 inaugural         will dock in front of the
   That I’m about to cut      event, Gasparilla has grown
through.                                                           convention center, kicking off
                              from a one-day parade to an          the rest of the parade.
                              entire season of pirate-themed           After a successful invasion,
   Your painted semantics     fun, running from late January
   Provided a meal of                                              the pirates will head to the
                              through the end of March.            streets for the Gasparilla
control                           Though festivities run
   That fed me a recipe of                                         Parade of the Pirates at 2 p.m.
                              throughout the year, its major           Featuring 103 floats,
decision.                     draw is the Seminole Hard            five marching bands and 50
                              Rock Gasparilla Pirate Fest          participating krewes, the
   I chew my options          –– an annual, all-day event
carefully,                                                         main parade marches through
                              held on the last Saturday of         downtown Tampa. All along
   As I allow the taste       January in Tampa.
   To stay and saturate in                                         Bayshore Boulevard, krewe
                                  With over 300,000                members, decked out in
my mouth.                     attendees every year, the            their best pirate garb, throw
                              Gasparilla Parade of the             traditional beads and treats                                               COURTESY OF GASPARILLA
  My decisiveness has         Pirates is renowned as the
come over me,                                                      into the audience.                 According to the City of Tampa, Gasparilla averages
                              third largest parade in the              Don’t worry, the fun
  As if I have to choose.     nation and a major source of                                            300,000 attendees a year.
                                                                   doesn’t end with the parade.
                              economic gain for Tampa Bay.         Head to Curtis Hixon
   Is this really a good          This year, the festivities set                                      return to the sea for the         To purchase tickets for the
intake?                                                            Waterfront Park and MacDill        Gasparilla Outbound            Gasparilla Invasion Brunch
                              sail on Jan. 29 and run from         Park from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m.
   Which one should I must    9 a.m. to 10 p.m. Attendees                                             Voyage                         or to reserve special seating
engulf?                                                            for the full Gasparilla Pirate        • Feb. 26 & 27: Get         for the Parade of Pirates, visit
                              can expect floats, both on the       Fest experience to enjoy live
   Should I leave one for     sea and in the streets, and                                             some exercise at the 
another?                                                           entertainment and drinks.          Gasparilla Distance Classic
                              a full day of pirate-themed              Events will spread far after
                              activities.                                                                • March 5 & 6: Art     
   As I swallow this                                               the parade, as well:               lovers can enjoy the
                                  Starting at 10 a.m., eager
change,                       participants can reserve a spot                                         Gasparilla Festival of the
   I have decided                                                       • Feb. 25 – 27: Want          Arts
                              for the Gasparilla Invasion           to listen to some of Tampa
   That this food I once      Brunch, taking place at the                                                • March 10 – 13: Like
loved                                                               Bay’s best artists? Try the       movies? Check out the
                              Tampa Convention Center.              Gasparilla Music Festival
   Is not worth eating        Guests can expect buffet-                                               Gasparilla International
anymore.                                                                • Feb. 26: The pirates        Film Festival
                              style food, a cash bar and live
   And why would I
continue to choke on a life
   That is not meant for         NUCLEAR BAKING                                         By Gavin Hadro
                                                                                        Crow’s Nest Staff

   Kelah Lehart is a
journalism and digital
communications major at
the USF St. Petersburg
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January 24, 2022                                                                                                                  THE CROW ’S NEST

   Felt-crafted grocery store exhibit                                                                                                 ARTS
           debuts in Tampa Bay                                                                                                        & LIFE                   5
Story and photos by               to assemble — delayed due to    signs on the walls, which are     guests to enjoy.                 finished, you’ll finally go, yes,
Sofía García Vargas               the pandemic — and almost       also made of felt. Prices range       Sparrow has had exhibits     it worked out,” Sparrow said.
Crow’s Nest Staff                  two weeks to install at the    from $10 to over $100.            all around the world,                Tampa Fresh Foods,

                                   Water Street location near         The City of Tampa, the        predominantly in London and      located at 1050 Water St., is
          he colorful and          Sparkman Wharf.                Vinik Family Foundation           New York City and according      free to attend daily from 11
          vibrant Tampa              Products range from          and the non-profit Art            to Creative Loafing Tampa        a.m. to 8 p.m. until Feb. 20,
          Fresh Foods adds an     produce, steak and seafood      Production Fund collaborated      Bay, designed and produced       but wait lines are expected
immersive experience to the       to candy, liquor, beauty and    with Sparrow to curate the        installations regarding          as the space has limited
art scene in Tampa Bay with a     health items, and even a        experience.                       controversial topics like        indoor capacity. If unable to
felt-made grocery store.          buffet-style area.                  The 35-year-old is known      mental health and gun control.   attend the exhibit, Sparrow’s
    Created by British artist        Additionally, it has a       for her use of felt to create         In an interview with the     creations are also available
Lucy Sparrow and her team,        separate enclosed room for      innovative items unique           Tampa Bay Times, Sparrow         for sale on her website at
the concept of the installation   a cigar display that includes   to her style, as well as her      expressed her satisfaction
is to showcase typical items      some Tampa-native cigar         continuous involvement in her     with how her project turned
of grocery stores, even some      companies.                      projects. At the Tampa Fresh      out.                      
native to Tampa Bay.                 The plush products look      Foods location, Sparrow can           “You always hope it’s
    With over 50,000              like exact replicas of real     be seen active around the         going to be as good as it
individual felt products, the     items and everything on         store, making sure everything     looks in your brain, but when
artwork took over two years       display is for sale, even the   is stocked and ready for          it actually comes and is

  By Sophia George
  Crow’s Nest Staff
           MONDAY                  this special exhibit is only         THURSDAY                    Friday? No worries, the          the Parade of Pirates
                                   available until Feb. 28. Get                                     festivities are continuing       from 2 to 6 p.m. For more
     Get involved with             tickets at plantmuseum.            During International          all through the weekend.         information and tickets,
  the Black Student                com/exhibits/current-          Holocaust Remembrance             Admission is free for            visit gasparillapiratefest.
  Association’s General            exhibits/gasparilla.           Day, honor the millions           children 14 and under, but       com.
  Body Meeting. Students                                          of innocent lives lost and        for attendees 15 and up,
  have the chance to get                                          listen to personal, first-        tickets are $10 on Friday,
  together and exchange                WEDNESDAY                  hand stories at “Lunch and        $15 on Saturday and $7                  SUNDAY
  ideas and concerns within                                       Learn” with Holocaust             on Sunday. To purchase
  the Black community.                The importance of           Survivor Helen Kahan              tickets, go to eventliveus.         From hand-crafted
  Meetings are held in the         networking goes unspoken       hosted by The Florida             com.                             goods to fresh fruits and
  Student Life Center Suite        and now is your chance to      Holocaust Museum. This                                             vegetables, the Safety
  1400 every Monday from 5         further your knowledge         event takes place from 12                                          Harbor Market on Main
  to 6 p.m. Register for free      on the subject. From           to 1 p.m. It’s online and               SATURDAY                   offers it all. Located at
  on BullsConnect.                 internships to academic        free to attend. Visit thefhm.                                      400 Main Street, Safety
                                   seminars, The Washington       org/events-at-the-fhm/ for           It’s that time of year        Harbor, the market takes
                                   Center can help you on         more information.                 again, Florida’s biggest         place every Sunday from
           TUESDAY                 the way to that dream job.                                       party is back. Join in on        10 a.m. to 3 p.m. and
                                   Join The Washington                                              the celebration at the           offers different varieties of
      The party is fun and         Center Virtual Visit                    FRIDAY                   2022 Seminole Hard               products each weekend.
  all, but what exactly is         USFSP from 12 to 12:45                                           Rock Gasparilla Pirate           For more information, go to
  Gasparilla? Find answers to      p.m. on Microsoft Teams.          In the mood for some           Fest. Catch a glimpse of
  all your questions and learn     This event is being hosted     fresh caught seafood and          Jose Gasparilla leading
  about the true history of        by the Center for Civic        live music? Look no further       the ships through the bay  
  Tampa Bay’s biggest yearly       Engagement and the Teams       than the St. Petersburg           starting at 11:30 a.m.
  festival at Gasparilla: A        link is only provided upon     Seafood and Music                 and ending at the Tampa
  Tampa Tradition hosted           RSVP, so head on over to       Festival. The fourth annual       Convention Center at
  by the Henry B. Plant            BullsConnect to secure a       festival will take place in       1 p.m. Then, head over
  Museum. The museum is            spot.                          Williams Park from 4 to           to Bayshore Boulevard
  open 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. and                                      10 p.m. Can’t make it on          to secure a good spot for
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January 24, 2022                                                                                                                                 THE CROW ’S NEST

                                               STAFF PICKS: PIRATE
 6 OP-ED                                     MOVIES TO WATCH DURING
                                                GASPARILLA WEEK
                                             By Crow’s Nest Staff
                                                       anna stay in this Gasparilla? Don’t feel like making
CROW’S NEST                                            the trek across the Bay? With the big weekend
                                                       just around the corner, The Crow’s Nest staff put
                                             together a short list of our favorite pirate movies to get you in
Mission Statement                            the swashbuckling mood (without all of the... you know...).
The Crow’s Nest is committed to
providing its readers with news
relevant to the University of South
Florida St. Petersburg campus and its
surrounding community. The Crow’s
Nest abides by the highest ethical
standards and focuses on stories that
help readers make informed decisions
on current issues. We take seriously the
public’s trust in our news reporting and
strive to uphold the highest standards
of reporting as defined by the Society
of Professional Journalists. Opinions
in this newspaper do not necessarily
represent those of the administration,
faculty or student body.                                                                                                                  COURTESY OF UNIVERSAL PICTURES

                                                                                                                 Sofía’s pick:
Reach Us
                                                                                                                 PETER PAN (2003)
USFSP Student Life Center
Office 2400                                                                                                         The nostalgia that takes      I watch it, I feel the thrill
140 Seventh Ave. S.                                                                                              over me every time I watch       of the Darling’s when they
St. Petersburg, FL, 33701                                                                                        this movie brings me back        meet Peter Pan, the jealousy
(727) 873-4113                                                                                                   to my middle school days         of Tinker Bell when Wendy                                                                                           when I was crushing hard         captures all of Peter’s
                                                                                                                 on Jeremy Sumpter. I             attention, the hope of the
                                                                                                                 mean, was I the only one         Lost Boys and the terror
Staff                                                                                                            getting lost in those light      incited by Captain Hook,
                                                                                    COURTESY OF DISNEY           green eyes and replaying         played by the amazing
Editor-in-Chief                                                                                                  *that* kiss scene over           Jason Isaacs who gives
   Sofía García Vargas
                                               Baron’s pick:
                                                                                                                 and over, wishing it was         that darker twist to any of                      TREASURE PLANET (2002)                                            me? If I was, please send        his characters (especially
Managing Editor                                                                                                  help. In all seriousness, the    Lucius Malfoy).
                                                   In artful contrast to many   Jim Hawkins’ (Joseph             execution of this movie was
  Aubrey Carr                                  other pirate films, “Treasure    Gordon-Levitt), the show         so exquisite that every time
                                               Planet” is an atypical sci-fi    is consistently stolen by
News Editor                                    take on the novel Treasure       side characters like Morph
  Molly Ryan                                   Island (1883). The most          (Dane Davis) and B.E.N.-                            expensive hand-animated          J.A.M.I.N. (Martin Short),
                                               film to date, it repaints the    both of whom give me
Online Editor                                  novel in retrofuturist colors    crippling gender envy. I
  Now Hiring                                   that toe the line between        aspire to be a shapeshifting
                                               fantasy and sci-fi.              blob motivated solely by an
                                                   While the core of the        attitude of mischief.
Arts & Life Editor                             plot is young adventurer
  Sophia George
Op-Ed & Features Editor
  Now Hiring

Staff Reporter
   Max Steele
Creative Director
  Baron Reichenbach
Multimedia Editor
  Gavin Hadro
                                                                                                                                                      COURTESY OF DISNEY
Marketing Manager
                                                                                                                 Molly’s pick:
  Emma Mulcahy                                                                                          PIRATES OF THE CARRIBEAN:
Advisor                                                                                                          THE CURSE OF THE BLACK PEARL
  Chelsea Tatham
                                                                                                                 (2003)                                                                                                It does not matter what         With a star-studded cast
                                                                                    COURTESY OF DISNEY           mood I’m in or what kind         of Johnny Depp as Jack
Letters to the Editor                          Aubrey’s pick:                                                    of day I’ve had, I will          Sparrow, Orlando Bloom
                                                                                                                 never not enjoy watching         as Will Turner and a young
The Crow’s Nest accepts letters to
the editor. All submissions should
                                               THE PIRATE FAIRY (2014)                                           “Pirates of the Caribbean”.      Kiera Knightley in her
be no more than 500 words. Writers                                                                               This movie is an absolute        breakout role as Elizabeth
must include their full name. All                 This movie is true            Girls”), Tom                     your-mom’s-2007-Honda-           Swan, early 2000s CGI,
letters are subject to editing for clarity     cinema. I swear I’m only         Hiddleston and Christina
and length. Letters can be sent to
                                                                                                                 Odyssey-with-the-tiny-           a hilarious script and with subject             half-joking. The Tinker          Hendricks (“Mad                  little-TV-screen-in-the-back     captivating fight scenes, I
title “Letter to the Editor.”                  Bell movies are the core of      Men”), the movie is              classic (if you know, you        personally find this movie
Because of high production costs,              my childhood memories            one part “Barbie of Swan         know). If the DVD case was       impossible to dislike.
members of the USFSP community                 and “The Pirate Fairy” is        Lake,” one part “Pirates of
are permitted one copy per issue.
                                                                                                                 not saturated with Caprisun,
Newspaper theft is a crime.                    no exception. Starring Mae       the Caribbean” and all parts     did you even watch it as a
                                               Whitman (“Good                   quality entertainment.           child?
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January 24, 2022                                                                                                                         THE CROW ’S NEST

    Movie review: ‘Don’t Look Up’ just MISC.
    called us all out, and it’s scary
By Sophia George                       In this case, people                The film’s comedic          don’t see the bigger picture.
Crow’s Nest Staff                   aren’t looking up to the           moments are far and few. The        McKay successfully

                                    sky and accepting the fact         character of Jason Orlean       portrayed how anything can
          oliticians and            that a planet-killing comet        is clearly meant to be a        be turned political and how
          scientists have had      is heading directly towards         humorous buffer to break up     people in power can use
          a rocky relationship     Earth.                              the more serious scenes, but    public fear for their own gain.
for years and recently anyone          When I first saw the trailer    this was only successful a          There was no happy
with access to the media can       for this film, I was ecstatic. As   handful of times.               ending, as a matter of fact,
see what happens when an           someone who turns to humor              Random celebrities were     it was tragic. I walked away
impending climate crisis is        to deal with the negativity of      thrown into the film, like      from this movie feeling
thrown into the mix.               the world, I thought this was       Timothee Chalamet as Yule,      almost panicked, which is
   “Don’t Look Up,”                something we could all use          Ariana Grande as popstar        not what one expects from a
directed by Adam McKay,            right now.                          Riley Bina and Scott Mescudi    comedy. Although maybe that
was released on Netflix last           With a star-studded cast        (Kid Cudi) as DJ Chello.        was the point after all.
December under the label of        including Leonardo DiCaprio             Apart from Hill’s
a comedy/disaster film. It’s a     as Dr. Randall Mindy,               character, these additional
satirical parable for climate      Jennifer Lawrence as Kate           stars were the only ones that
change and the way real-life       Dibiasky, Meryl Streep as           almost made me laugh, yet it
politicians have dealt with        President Orlean and Jonah          made the viewing experience
environment-related issues.        Hill as Jason Orlean, the           feel unbalanced and chaotic.
   McKay explores the idea         White House Chief of Staff,             However, I think the                                                         COURTESY OF NETFLIX
of science denial in this film,    there didn’t seem to be much        overall message McKay
because even when presented        room for disappointment.            wanted to get across was                                              ‘Don’t Look Up’ explores
with peer-reviewed data and            Unfortunately, in my            there. Much of society is so                                          science denial and the
evidence, society often turns a    opinion, “Don’t Look Up”            brainwashed by the news,
blind eye.
                                                                                                                                             catastrophic effects it
                                   was overpromised and under          social media and their own                                            can have.
                                   delivered.                          personal interests that they

By Baron Reichenbach                                                        Crow's Nest Pirate Crossword
Crow’s Nest Staff

          hink you know how                                                                                                                         1
          to talk like a pirate?
          Test your knowledge
of slang on the high seas with
this crossword.

   2. A tall wooden post
which generally holds up a                                                                             2         3
   4. A lookout’s platform
atop the mast.
   5. If you got everything
on this crossword right, you’re
probably going to it.                                                                                       4
   7. Someone without their
sea legs.
   10. Get ready to walk it.
   12. A pirate’s favorite
measurement of depth.
   14. Gold coins.                                                                         5           6
   15. A pirate’s way of
saying “yes!”
   16. I hear he’s got quite
the locker.                                                                                      7                                       8

              Down                                                                                                                                        9
   1. Another word for a
pirate, or a local sports team.                                                                  10
   3. A ship’s right side.
   6. You have these once                                        11                                                         12
you’ve been sailing a while.
   8. Another word for                                                                13
   9. A pirate’s favorite                                  14
   11. A classic pirate’s
   13. A ship’s left side.

   Answers will be posted to                                           15
our social media on Friday.


                                                          Across                                                                Down
                                    2. A tall wooden post which generally holds up a                       1. Another word for a pirate, or a local sports team.
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January 24, 2022                                                                                                                        THE CROW ’S NEST

                                                    USF coed cheer wins national
 8        SPORTS
                                  By Max Steele
                                                championship for second year in a row
                                  Crow’s Nest Staff

                                            ollowing the
                                            program’s first
                                            ever national
USF Men’s Basketball              championship in 2021, the
Date    Teams         Score       University of South Florida’s
                                  Coed Cheer extended their
Jan. 18 USF at        74-55 (L)   reign as the team claimed
                                  victory in the 2022 Universal
                                  Cheerleaders Association
USF Women’s Basketball            (UCA) Division 1A finals.
Date    Teams           Score         The Bulls had two cheer
                                  teams, Coed and All-Girl,
Jan. 19 USF at        66-63 (W)   competing in four total events
        Tulsa                     in the UCA tournament, all
Jan. 22 Temple at     75-67 (W)
                                  in which they advanced to
                                  the final round hosted at Walt
                                  Disney’s ESPN Wide World                                                                                                COURTESY OF USF
USF Women’s Tennis                of Sports Complex in Orlando      The USF Coed Cheer team defended their first place title at the 2022 UCA
Date     Teams          Score     from Jan. 14 to 16.
                                      Alongside the traditional
                                                                    National Championship.
Jan. 23 USF at        7-0 (L)     event, the USF teams              Guadagnino, placed first              In the Game Day event,         score of 94.77.
        Florida                   competed in the newly             amongst 16 teams in the           USF earned a second place             The Coed team has
                                  introduced “Game Day”             traditional event and second      final event score of 96.3, just    proved their dominance in
Tampa Bay Lightning               event. According to Varsity       amongst 17 in the Game Day        short of the University of         the nationwide tournament
                                  Spirit, the Game Day event        event.                            Cincinnati’s first place event     throughout recent years,
Date     Teams          Score     is meant to portray a college        In the final round of the      score of 97.2.                     placing fourth in 2019, fifth in
Jan. 18 Lightning       6-4 (W)   sports game and consists          traditional event, USF’s first        USF’s All-Girl team, head      2020 and now back-to-back
        at LA                     of school fight songs, a          place performance earned a        coached by Sandy Clarke,           champions in 2021 and 2022.
        Kings                     situational sideline, a timeout   93.9 score (Varsity Spirit).      placed fifth amongst 13 in the
                                  and cheering fans.                In second place came the          traditional event with a score
Jan. 21 Lightning       5-1 (L)
                                      USF’s Coed team,              University of Alabama with        of 86 and fourth amongst 10
        at Anaheim                head coached by Gillian           an event score of 93.1.           in the Game Day event with a

Jan. 22 Lightning       7-1 (W)
        at San Jose
                                     Competition gone right: Hockey fans
                                    raise over $26,000 for charity over bet
Schedules                         By Candice Lovelace                   “Hey @Hythlodaeus, looks          As other hockey fans
                                  Contributor                        like it’s time to pay up,” he    around the country jumped in

USF Men’s Basketball                                                 tweeted the morning after the    with their donations, Brendan
                                            he weekend of            win. “But instead of paying      managed to find more cash
Date    Teams                               Jan. 7 proved that      me, how about we do some          to donate. By the end of the
Jan. 26 SMU at USF
                                            social media can        good here. To fulfill your end    night, he fulfilled his end of
                                  occasionally bring people         of the bet that you lost, how     the bet.
                                  together for a bigger cause       about you donate $100 to the          Bring Hockey Back, a
Jan. 29 USF at Tulsa              when a local Tampa Bay            @RyanCallahanFdn and then         hockey apparel company
                                  Lightning fan’s bet with a        post a screenshot here.”          based out of Arizona, caught
USF Women’s Basketball            New York Rangers’ fan on              The Ryan Callahan             wind of this and wanted to
Date     Teams                    Twitter turned into more than     Foundation provides               help as well. They designed
                                  $26,000 in donations for a        memorable experiences for         and printed custom t-shirts
Jan. 26 USF at SMU                local foundation.                 children that are battling        honoring Callahan and
                                      After some banter             cancer.                           donated all the proceeds to
Jan. 30 USF at Houston
                                  regarding cap circumvention           In a candid response,         the foundation, raising nearly
                                  and the timing of Lightning’s     Brendan revealed that he is       $1,000.
                                  forward Nikita Kucherov’s         a full-time student and could         Former Tampa Bay
USF Women’s Tennis                                                                                                                    COURTESY OF @BRINGHOCKEYBACK ON
                                  return from injury, Twitter       only spare $10 at the moment      Lightning forward and                                   TWITTER
Date     Teams                    user @BoltsJolts, also known      but promised to donate the        founder of the foundation,
                                  as Jayson, made a $100 bet        other $90 as soon as possible.    Ryan Callahan, picked           Bring Hockey Back raised
Jan. 24 USF vs UF                 with @Hythlodaeus, known                                                                            nearly $1,000 for the
                                                                        “Hey man. I’ll be honest, I   up what was going on
                                  as Brendan, that Kucherov         really don’t have that money      and tweeted to show his         Ryan Calahan foundation.
Jan. 29 USF vs Xavier             would return before the           to spare right now, being a       appreciation.
                                  Stanley Cup playoffs.                                                                               Program, which provides
                                                                    full-time student, but I do           “Thank you to everyone      in-home self-care and respite
                                      Cap circumvention is a        want to help out, and hold on     out there that has donated
Jan. 30 USF vs Memphis            scrutinized, but currently                                                                          such as massages, hair cuts
                                                                    to my word at least somewhat,     tonight to                      and meals to families battling
                                  legal, method that allows         so I’m going to donate $10        @RyanCallahanFdn,”
 USF Men’s Tennis                 teams to disproportionately                                                                         pediatric cancer.
                                                                    now and the rest as soon as       Callahan tweeted on Jan. 7.
Date     Teams                    manage their salary cap           I’m able to,” Brendan replied.    “What started as harmless
                                  to their advantage. Teams,                                                                             To learn more about The
                                                                        Jayson stepped up and         banter has turned into          Ryan Callahan foundation
 Jan. 28 USF vs Georgia           such as the Lightning, will       donated the remaining $90 in      something much more. The
         State                    leave injured players on the                                                                        or to make a donation, visit
                                                                    the meantime.                     kids and families that we
 Jan. 30 USF vs Virginia
                                  long-term injury reserve list         Other Lightning fans took     support will benefit so much
                                  during the regular season to                                                                        callys-crew.
         Tech                                                       notice of this interaction and    from your generosity.”
                                  free cap space, acquire new       a few people matched the              According to the charity’s
                                  players with the funds and                                                                              Candice Lovelace is
 Tampa Bay Lightning                                                original $100 donation.           website, their goal is to “give  a senior journalism and
                                  then reactivate their injured         From there, it snowballed     these kids and their families
 Date    Teams                                                                                                                         digital communications
                                  players in the postseason with    and gained attention from not     an exciting escape that they
 Jan. 27 NJ Devils at             no penalty.                                                                                          major at the USF St.
                                                                    only other Lightning fans, but    can enjoy together, far from     Petersburg campus.
         Tampa                        Kucherov returned from        hockey enthusiasts across the     their daily hardships. We
                                  injury on Jan. 6 when Tampa       country.                          believe these special moments
 Jan. 29 Vegas Knights at
                                  Bay defeated the Calgary              Donations ranged from $10     of togetherness have the
                                  Flames 4-1, making it time for    all the way to $2,500. More       power to elevate each family’s
                                  Brendan to pay up. Instead of     than 360 people donated,          hopes and spirits.”
                                  pocketing the cash himself,       including ESPN anchor John            These funds will also help
                                  Jayson had a better idea.         Buccigross.                       support the Cally’s Comforts
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