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Crow's Nest : 2022 : 10 : 31
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Sarasota-Manatee                                             SHINE Festival lights up                                       The Lightning seek to
                    approves first-ever                                          local art scene                                                build a dynasty
                    student housing

                                            p. 2                                                            p. 4                                                     p. 8

                                             THE STUDENT NEWSPAPER AT THE USF ST. PETERSBURG CAMPUS

Volume 59 | Issue 6 | October 31, 2022 | Online at         @CrowsNestStPete         @USFCrowsNest           @USFCrowsNest           The Crow’s Nest at USFSP

 SG Midterms bring new leadership to USf
  By Sofía García Vargas            votes. Voters could choose up        Moreno, Kaitlyn Rodriguez           Jadhav, Linh Khanh Tran and          Valeria Ferrari was appointed
                                    to three candidates for Senate       and Jackson Jones to fill the       Vittoria Patti to take the eight     as senator.
  Crow’s Nest Staff

                                    and Campus Council.                  four vacant Campus Council          vacant Senate seats.
         tudent Government              After extending the 48-          seats, and Muskan Patel, Faria         At the Sarasota-Manatee   
         (SG) at the                hour voting period time due          Mohsen, Ashfak Chowdhurry,          campus, Maegan Durinzi and
         University of South        to a voting software mishap,         Joao ‘JP’ Magalhaes, Eric           Alexis Santi filled the two
Florida welcomed new                the results confirmed Nathan         Silva-Gomez, Sumit Subhash          Campus Council seats, and
representatives after the three     Poinsette, Julia Bailey and
campuses’ midterm elections.        Jack Hernandez as senators,
   At the St. Petersburg            and Erin Turney and Dielle
campus, three seats were            D’Lima as campus council
vacant for Senate and three         representatives.
seats for Campus Council.               Poinsette earned 142
Three students ran for both         votes, Bailey 99 votes and
positions –– Nathan Poinsette,      Hernandez 70 votes for
Dielle D’Lima and Julia             Senate. Turney earned 93
Bailey. Additionally, Jack          votes and D’Lima 88 votes
Hernandez ran for Senate            for Campus Council.
and Erin Turney for Campus              According to the SG
Council.                            website, senators and Campus
   Jackson told The Crow’s          Council members “serve as
Nest that during his time in        the elected representatives
SG, he wants to create an           of the student body to the
accepting atmosphere that           SG Senate, and shall use
allows for disagreements            their vote and their speaking
without hostility in order for      rights to fulfill this role as
change to be made.                  representatives.”
                                                                         Three Senate seats and three Campus Council seats were up for                            COURTESY OF USF
   Of St. Petersburg’s 3529             The Tampa campus
eligible voters, 383 cast their     selected Emma Goodwin, Ava           election during the Midterms at the St. Petersburg campus.

   ‘To the Beach’ — SunRunner comes to St. Petersburg
By Brianna Bush                     Wi-Fi charging stations at           governor, said. “The fact that      designated bus and turn lanes.       that are located in St.
Crow’s Nest Staff                   every seat.                          there’s a bus stop right on the         To support its benefits,         Petersburg are actually

                                        This 35-minute route             campus across from the dorm         USF St. Petersburg’s Student         located on the route that the
             n Oct. 21, the         provides transportation to           in a central location makes         Government is planning               SunRunner takes,” Schrader
             Pinellas Suncoast      popular destinations like            it really easy and accessible       to host an event in which            said. Those businesses include
             Transit Authority      downtown St. Petersburg              for people who need to get on       students go to a participating       St. Pete Brewing, The Dali
(PSTA) introduced the               and award-winning Pinellas           campus.”                            Bulls Country location using         Museum and the Maple Street
SunRunner, the newest bus           County beaches like St. Pete              The SunRunner is also          the new bus system.                  Biscuit Company.
rapid transit service to St.        Beach.                               beneficial for students who             Bulls Country is a                   To learn more about the
Petersburg, making it “the              SunRunner buses arrive           want to enjoy a fun day at the      partnership between Student          SunRunner, students can visit
first of its kind in Tampa          every 15 minutes from 6              beach without the hassle of         Government and local       
Bay,” according to PTSA.            a.m. to 8 p.m. on Sunday             finding parking, fitting its “To    businesses that provides
    The groundbreaking              through Saturday and evening         the Beach” slogan.                  discounted goods and services              briannasimone
transit service, extends over       service runs every 30 minutes            While helping students          to the USF community.            
10 miles and has 30 stations        from 8 p.m. to midnight,             get to their destinations,              “Some of the businesses
running along First Avenue          as mentioned on the PTSA             the SunRunner was created
North and First Avenue              website.                             with Pinellas County’s fast-
South. The SunRunner is free            The SunRunner makes              growing population in mind.
to passengers for the first         a stop on Third Street                   “In St. Petersburg, like
six months after its launch,        South across from USF St.            other communities, you do
and after that, they will be        Petersburg’s on-campus               experience congestion a
charged $2.25. For students         housing Osprey Suites,               lot of times, especially in
and teachers, however, the          making it beneficial                 downtown,” Schrader said.
fare will remain free due to an     for students who don’t               “If more people use this bus
ongoing partnership with the        have a mode of reliable              service, I think it will help
Pinellas County School Board        transportation.                      reduce the traffic congestion
and PTSA.                               “You take it for granted         we have and, in the process, it
    PTSA pulled all the stops       when you have a car or you           will help our environment.”
to make transportation for          have access to your own                  According to the PTSA,
St. Petersburg residents            transportation –– there’s a          each SunRunner bus can take
more convenient, including          lot of people that don’t,”           up to 50 cars off the road
                                                                                                             The SunRunner stops at 30 stations                COURTESY OF CITY OF
comfortable and clean seating       Sean Schrader, the USF St.           and help manage roadway                                                                          ST. PETE
for passengers, as well as free     Petersburg campus student            congestion with the help of         along First Avenue North and South.
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October 31, 2022                                                                                                                             THE CROW ’S NEST

                                          Sarasota-Manatee Expands with
  2 NEWS                                    first ever student housing
By Brianna Bush
                                       Campus Council chair of the     of a residential hall,” Kirilova   Sarasota-Manatee Student            make the Sarasota-Manatee
Crow’s Nest Staff                      Sarasota-Manatee Student        said. “Student and university      Governor, said the new              campus more attractive

             n Sept. 14, the           Government Association. “I      organizations will have larger     building will help students         to prospective students
             Florida Board            believe our campus culture       spaces, more prominently           form relationships and get          wishing to stay local, but also
             of Governors             will see a drastic change with   displayed to students.”            more involved on campus.            accommodate students who
unanimously approved the              the addition of on-campus           Student Government                 The news spaces are also         cannot travel to and from
first-ever student housing at         housing.”                        officials believe the new          expected to increase the            campus frequently,” Kirilova
the USF Sarasota-Manatee                 In addition to housing, the   building will be a “game-          quality of life for all students    said.
campus with efforts to                32,000-square-foot ground        changer” for the campus, with      and support the growth of the           The new student housing
“transform the college                floor will include a new         surplus benefits specifically      campus.                             is a project that is highly
experience for students.”             bookstore, dining, lounges,      for commuter students.                Kirilova anticipates             predicted to change the
    The 100,000-square-foot           and meeting areas. Currently,       “I believe the increased        that the additional spaces          landscape for the Sarasota-
multi-story building, which is        the campus offers one dining     student presence on campus         will be a productive place          Manatee campus community.
set to open in the fall of 2024,      option, a fitness center and a   will lead to more student-led      for organizations to hold               “I believe the residential
will be located along Seagate         campus bookstore.                activities, in-person classes,     meetings and give students          hall will facilitate
Drive with the ability to house          “The additional spaces        and on-campus events,”             access to resources including       interconnectedness and
up to 200 students.                   included in the student          Kirilova said. “This will          a space to hold recreational        engagement between students
    Founded in 1975, the              center will serve as a           provide commuter students          activities and events.              who choose to live on
campus is home to the                 way to accommodate the           with a more vibrant and               “Since the Sarasota and          campus.”
smallest population among             projected growth of the          eventful experience when           Manatee County area spans
the three USF campuses and            Sarasota-Manatee student         they are on campus.”               over 103 towns/cities, a                   briannasimone
is the last to implement an on-       population with the addition        Evelyn De Oliveira, the         residential hall will not only   
campus housing option.
    “The new housing and
student center is crucial to
supporting the growth of the
University of South Florida
Sarasota-Manatee campus,”
USF President Rhea Law
said in a press release. “This
new project will allow the
campus to strengthen the
overall student experience
as it continues expanding its
academic program offerings
in high-demand fields.”
    Student housing will
be located on the upper
floors of the building. The
68,000-square-foot space will
have 70 double-occupancy
bedrooms and 60 single
bedrooms. Floor plans will
include one, two and four-
bedroom apartments with
shared bathrooms, living areas
and kitchens or kitchenettes.
    “A residential hall will
boost Sarasota-Manatee
students’ access to the
classic college experience,”          The new 100-square-foot building will open fall 2024 and house up to 200 students.                                       COURTESY OF USF
said Ivelina Kirilova, the

USFSP students impacted by affordable housing crisis
By Aubrey Carr                        focus,” Welch said. “For         amount for corporations,           increase in the cost of living      looked at apartments around
Crow’s Nest Staff                     example, St. Petersburg          increasing competition for         over the past year.                 the area, and I realized that

                                      [and] the Tampa Bay area         producers of basic goods,              “The St. Petersburg             it would be cheaper to stay
          wo years into the           experienced a 24% increase       increased operation in the         housing scene has become            in the dorms than to get any
          consolidation of the        in apartment rental costs just   transportation of goods,           substantially more                  apartment that is a suitable
          three campuses, the         last year, the highest rate of   and allowing Medicare to           competitive than I heard            distance from campus,” Shaw
University of South Florida           increase in the nation.”         negotiate prescription drug        it was in the past, making          said.
struggles to address the                 During a May 10 news          costs.                             it nearly impossible for a              “If I want to be able to
cross-campus transportation           briefing, President Joe Biden        The country’s high cost of     student to afford their own         afford rent next year, I have to
problem.                              announced plans to end the       living and the city’s current      place.”                             start saving now,” Shaw said.
    The impact of America’s           root cause of the housing        housing crisis has made                Laura Shaw, a sophomore         “You can’t even live paycheck
rising inflation rate is still felt   crisis –– inflation.             finding accommodations             political science major, had        to paycheck–– you have to
by many of St. Petersburg’s              “I know the families all      a struggle, leaving some           similar difficulties.               be lucky enough to have
residents, including students         across American are hurting      students wondering if they             “When I was registering         savings.”
at the University of South            because of inflation […] I       can afford to live near the        for my second year of classes,
Florida St. Petersburg.               want every American to know      university.                        I looked at housing and I      
    According to a study done         that I am taking inflation           “Inflation has affected
by the Harvard Kennedy                very seriously and it is my      everything just about, but I’ve
School, half of renters and a         top domestic priority,” Biden    felt the results the most in my
quarter of homeowners spend           said.                            housing,” Amanda Dearing,
at least 30% of income on                In the briefing, Biden        a sophomore finance major,
housing in St. Petersburg.            presented a possible solution    said.
    The unattainable housing          for bringing down the                “A majority of my income
market spurred Mayor Ken              American cost of living.         goes towards rent, making
Welch to set affordable               “My plan is to make concrete,    it hard to afford my other
housing as a priority during          commonsense steps to bring       expenses,” Dearing said.
his January inauguration              down the biggest expenses            Dearing, who hopes to
speech.                               that families are facing.”       move into off-campus housing
    “The issue of housing                Biden’s proposal included     for the next school semester,
demands a higher level of             enforcing a minimum tax          said she noticed a stark                                COURTESY OF ANNALISE ANDERSON | THE CROW’S NEST
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October 31, 2022                                                                                                                     THE CROW ’S NEST

  Historic John C. Williams to undergo
restoration funded by preservation grant                                                                                               MISC. 3
                                 listening to the challenges      window repairs will follow,       gifted the infrastructures to     grant to restore and preserve
By Alisha Durosier                                                                                                                    the interior of the Williams’
                                 of former Regional Vice          with additions that will          USF St. Petersburg after their
Crow’s Nest Staff                                                                                                                     house with the goal of

                                 Chancellor for Administrative    protect against severe weather    upkeep was proven to be too
           ollowing a grant of   and Financial Services Joe       such as hurricanes.               costly.                           preserving the integrity of the
           almost $300,000       Trubacz, with funding the            The Williams House is also       Restorations will start in     house.
           awarded by the        building’s maintenance cost.     home to USF St. Petersburg        December 2022 and are set to
Florida Division of Historical       Working in tandem with       history professor Adrian          be completed by the spring of
Resources, the University of     former USF St. Petersburg        O’Conner, who has had an          2024.
South Florida St. Petersburg’s   Assistant Director of Planning   office in the house since 2018       Once exterior repairs are          All photos courtesy of
John C. Williams house will      and Construction Ed Lewis,       and utilizes the downstairs       completed, Toler plans to                  Aubrey Carr.
be restored as an effort to      Director of Research, John       dining room for his classes’      submit another request for a
prevent damage from severe       Johnson, Chair of History        weekly seminars.
weather.                         and Political Science Michael        “The students very much
    With the grant and           Francis and Managing             like having a classroom that
money put forth by USF St.       Principal of Renker Eich         has a bit more character
Petersburg, over $560,000        Parks Architects Paul Palmer,    than some of the standard
will be allocated to fund the    Toler submitted a request for’s nice to all
house’s restoration which will   a small grant to survey the      sit around a big table and be
span over the next two years.    building and create a detailed   able to have a discussion,”
    Built in 1891, the house     architectural plan in 2019.      O’Connor said.
belonged to General John             St. Petersburg was then          Political science Professor
C. Williams, the co-founder      awarded $17,837 by the state     Sheila Hearne, who started
of the city of St. Petersburg.   in January 2020 and matched      working in the house in
In 1997, USF St. Petersburg      the amount, totaling in          August, has experience
acquired the structure and       $35,674.                         with old houses as she
with the support of the City         “Paul Palmer has gone        previously lived in one and
of St. Petersburg, along         over the building with a fine-   she recognizes challenges of
with grants from the Florida     tooth comb and identified        repairing older structures.
Division of Historical           everything that needs to             “It’s got very good bones,”
Resources and the Florida        happen with the restoration,”    Hearne said. “You know
Department of State, the         Toler said.                      that’s a lot of upkeep… I
house was moved from its             The Victorian-era home’s     know what that’s like and
original location and onto       asymmetrical structure, steep    that’s something I think
campus.                          roofs, expansive porch and       they’re going to have to be
    “It really has been          mostly wooden makeup,            conscious of going forward,
distinguished over the years     classify the architecture as a   that restoration is an ongoing
as a building that’s worth       Queen-Anne design.               project.”
preservation,” Susan Toler,          The restoration process          The owners of Snell
USFSP’s dean of the College      will start with foundation       House, the building right next
of Arts and Sciences, said.      repairs, fixing the shifted      to Williams House built in
    It was Toler who initially   foundation, replacing rotting    1904 and moved onto USF St.
started looking for historical   wood and adding exterior         Petersburg campus in 1993,
preservation grants after        wood siding. Roof and            and the Williams House,

                                 HAlloween Word Search
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October 31, 2022                                                                                                  THE CROW ’S NEST

               ARTS                           2022 Shine mural festival in review
 4             & LIFE
                                              By Lily Cannon                     St. Pete Art Alliance held the
                                              Crow’s Nest Staff                  eighth annual Shine Mural
                                                                                 Festival, celebrating street
                                                         ast week, the           art from eighteen local and
CROW’S NEST                                              spontaneous nature
                                                         of live art-making
                                                                                 international independent
                                              at the 2022 Shine Mural
                                              Festival encouraged viewers
Mission Statement                             to traverse through local      
 The Crow’s Nest is committed to              businesses and hidden gems
 providing its readers with news
                                              that they wouldn’t have
 relevant to the University of South
                                              otherwise found on a tourist        All photos courtesy of Sofía
 Florida St. Petersburg campus and its
 surrounding community. The Crow’s            bus, resulting in a less-curated          García Vargas.
 Nest abides by the highest ethical
 standards and focuses on stories that
                                              experience of St. Petersburg.
 help readers make informed decisions             That creative and artistic
 on current issues. We take seriously the     spirit of the city came out in
 public’s trust in our news reporting and
 strive to uphold the highest standards
                                              full force last week, when the
 of reporting as defined by the Society
 of Professional Journalists. Opinions
 in this newspaper do not necessarily
 represent those of the administration,
 faculty or student body.

Reach Us
USFSP Peter Rudy Wallace
Office 110
261 Sixth Ave. S.
St. Petersburg, FL, 33701

   Sofía García Vargas
Managing Editor
  Aubrey Carr
News Editor
  Brianna Bush
Online Editor
  Alisha Durosier

Arts & Life Editor
  Lily Cannon
Op-Ed & Features Editor
  Now Hiring
Staff Reporter
   Max Steele

Creative Director
  Gavin Hadro

Multimedia Editor
  Now Hiring
Marketing Manager
  Hadley Hiles
  Chelsea Tatham

 Letters to the Editor
 The Crow’s Nest accepts letters to
 the editor. All submissions should
 be no more than 500 words. Writers
 must include their full name. All
 letters are subject to editing for clarity
 and length. Letters can be sent to with subject
 title “Letter to the Editor.”
 Because of high production costs,
 members of the USFSP community
 are permitted one copy per issue.
 Newspaper theft is a crime.
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October 31, 2022                 THE CROW ’S NEST

USFSP’s 2022 Cardboard Boat Race      ARTS
                                     & LIFE   5
Story and Photos
By Aubrey Carr
Crow’s Nest Staff

             fter rescheduling
             due to bad
             weather, the
University of South Florida
St. Petersburg campus’
annual Cardboard Boat Race
was knot too shabby.
    St. Petersburg’s very
own Regional Chancellor
Christian Hardigree came
in first place with the boat
“Take a Chance.” Other
student organizations won
awards for Best Team Effort,
Best Sink, Best Decorated
and more.
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October 31, 2022                                                                                                                      THE CROW ’S NEST


                                         What to do this week
By Lily Cannon                     taking advantage of AMC          dance-centric movies, all        with the bonus of free pizza.    and peer-reviewing from 1
Crow’s Nest Staff                  Sundial’s showing of “Spir-      screened at 620 First Ave S.     The Piano Man and Global         to 3 p.m. Sign up for $15 on
                                   ited Away” is a must. After                                       Initiative Building will host    Keep St. Pete Lit’s website.
       Monday, Oct. 31             day-classes, you can catch a          Thursday, Nov. 3            the student organization ta-
                                   7 p.m. subtitled screening for                                    bles, which will be open from            Sunday, Nov.6
 You won’t find a neighbor-                                         Jump down the rabbit hole
                                   $14 tickets on the theater’s                                      9 a.m. to 5 p.m. No regis-
 hood on Halloween night                                            for the Office of Multicul-                                       In conjunction with the Mu-
                                   website in celebration of Ghi-                                    tration is required but have a
 that’s wilder than the Historic                                    tural Affairs’ Alice in Won-                                      seum of Fine Arts’ current
                                   bli Fest at 151 22nd Ave. N.                                      few questions in mind before
 Old Northeast. From 6 to 9                                         derland Drag Show. The                                            exhibition, “Borrow and
                                                                                                     you go.
 p.m., walk around the neigh-           Wednesday, Nov. 2           performance, courtesy of The                                      Steal,” curator Katherine
 borhood to see the life-size                                       House of Ninja, is from 6:30           Saturday, Nov. 5           Pills talks art appropriation
 skeletons and alien space-        Choreographer Crystal Del-       to 9:00 p.m. in the USC ball-                                     history and the heated debate
 ship models. If you’re lucky,     Giudice uses her artform to      rooms and requires RVSP on       Get your creative workout        over creative originality from
 you’ll be able to catch a pub-    share her experiences of iso-    BullsConnect beforehand.         on with the monthly Poet’s       2 to 3 p.m. Get the college
 lic movie screening of your       lation in the independent film                                    Gym, an exploratory on-          student discount on the MFA
                                   “Wherever You Go, There                 Friday, Nov. 4            line workshop for amateur        website to attend the confer-
 seasonal favorites.
                                   You Are.” Visit Studio@620                                        writers, led by instructor       ence in the Marly Room at
                                                                    Looking to travel overseas?
       Tuesday, Nov. 1             online to get $15 admission                                       and poet Cole Bellamy. As        255 Beach Dr. NE.
                                                                    The Global and Local En-
                                   for an exclusive viewing of                                       a part of Keep St. Pete Lit’s
 If you’re a fan of water drag-                                     gagement Fair will answer                                    
                                   the film at 7 p.m. This event                                     initiative, the program will
 ons and sentient dust balls,                                       all your questions about
                                   also features three other                                         include interactive exercises
                                                                    USF’s abroad programs,

                                        What to do Next week
 By Aubrey Carr                    Speakeasy Karaoke starting       themed costume for a chance      immersive twist. Join other       range from $18 to $60 and
 Crow’s Nest Staff                 at 8 p.m., Join Speakeasy        to win a bonus prize.            fans from 6 to 10 p.m. at         can be purchased at the.
                                   Central Kava Bar at 2101                                          AMC Sundial located at  
       Monday, Nov. 7              Central Ave. for a night of           Thursday, Nov. 10           151 Second Ave. N. for the
                                   music, snacks and kava. The                                       Wakanda Forever: Black                  Sunday, Nov. 13
 Ever wondered about the                                            Embrace your inner child at
                                   event is free and all singing                                     Panther Viewing Soiree.
 story behind the giant                                             St. Paul’s Annual Festival.                                        Get out and active at the
                                   abilities are welcome to                                          Before the movie, drink and
 flamingo statue in Tampa                                           With carnival games, food                                          St. Pete Run Fest. This
                                   join the fun. No sign-up is                                       shop at the Wakanda Bazaar
 International Airport? From                                        and tons of thrilling rides,                                       three-day running festival
                                   required.                                                         –– comprised of goodies
 6:30 to 8:00 p.m., join artist                                     join St. Paul Catholic Church                                      has different races going on
                                                                                                     crafted by local Black owned
 Matthew Mazzotta as he                 Wednesday, Nov. 9           from Thursday to Sunday                                            all weekend, with the finale
                                                                                                     businesses. Tickets can be
 discusses art, activism and                                        at 1800 12th St. N. Entry is                                       half marathon taking place
                                                                                                     bought on
 the intersection between the      Have a marvelous                 free, but tickets for food and                                     Sunday at 7 a.m. You can
                                                                                                     and range from $20 to $100.
 two, and don’t worry, he          understanding of all things      rides can be purchased at $20                                      register on
 will talk about the flamingo.     comic book? From 7 to 9          a sheet. You can buy tickets          Saturday, Nov. 12            until Nov. 1 for $115.
 This event will be held in        p.m., Show off your nerdy        at, or at
 the Lynn Pippenger Hall           knowledge with Marvel            the festival. All proceeds go    Relax and listen to Florida’s
                                   Trivia Night hosted by 3         to the church and St. Paul       best classical musicians    
 Auditorium and is free.
 Register on BullsConnect.         Daughters Brewing at 222         Catholic School.                 with The Florida Orchestra,
                                   22nd St. S. Teams of all                                          starting at 8 p.m. Enjoy
        Tuesday, Nov. 8            ages can enter for free and            Friday, Nov. 11            the orchestra’s violin-
                                   prizes will be given to the                                       focused performance at
 Show off your singing                                              Watch Marvel Studios’
                                   most knowledgeable players.                                       the Mahaffey Theater on
 skills and become a star at                                        newest movie with an
                                   Come in your best Marvel-                                         400 First St. S. Tickets
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October 31, 2022                                                                                                                     THE CROW ’S NEST

 opinion: art therapy for wellness MISC. 7
  Story and Photos               Mural Festival.                    for people with anxiety and
  By Lily Cannon                     Artists brought their          neurosis.
                                 sketchbooks as well, but               Above all, however, she
  Crow’s Nest Staff

                                 unlike the meditative              advocates for art therapy as a
          uesday, Oct. 22,       atmosphere in the James            normative practice outside of
          marked the James       Museum, the air bubbled            a medical context.
          Museum’s monthly       with conversation and the              As students dive head-first
“Sketching in the Galleries,”    smell of food trucks. This         into exam preparations in the
and artists of all experience    event marked St. Petersburg’s      coming weeks, they should
levels came prepared.            long-standing collaboration        consider allocating an hour or
    On the brisk October         with the biggest acquisition       two to visual art, even if it’s
evening, visitors at the         of sketchbooks –– The              just doodling in the corner of
James Museum of Western          Sketchbook Project.                their notes.
and Wildlife Art gathered            Visitors to both events            Luckily, St. Petersburg’s
on the second floor, among       varied in age and experience,      booming creative scene offers
the checkered tapestries and     and the diversity of the           plenty of resources for those
collages with their arms full    crowd was proof that the art       looking to take their mind off
of personal sketchbooks and      of drawing isn’t limited to        work.
their hands covered in pencil    professionals.                         The next “Sketch in
lead.                                The universality of art can    the Galleries” at the James
    The event attracted both     prove to be a useful tool for      Museum is on Nov. 15,
the tired artists coming         University of South Florida        falling on the museum’s
from their 9 to 5 job and        students, especially as the        “$10 Tuesday.” All materials
fatigued students from the       semester is coming to an           are provided, and attendees
nearby college campuses.         end and stress and anxiety         meet in the room housing
Their shared atmosphere was      are more common among              the circulating exhibition, so
therapeutic.                     students. For this reason, the     students can get access to the
    Local artist Douglas         Sage Neuroscience Center           newest collections while they
Land stood at the center of      considers art-therapy to be        sketch.
a makeshift circle, giving a     one of the most effective and          Further up Central Avenue,
figure-drawing crash course      pervasive medical practices        the Morean Art Center holds
for the newcomers as he          to treat anxiety in the last       Figure Drawing sessions
captured the curved figure of    decades.                           for $10 on Saturdays, where
a cowboy from the newest             Kristen G. Congdon, a          students can practice anatomy
“Black Pioneers” collection.     professor at the University of     with other artists of varying
    For the next two hours,      Central Florida, has mapped        experience.
creatives intermingled with      the therapeutic benefits of            However, students don’t
the regular visitors, some       the medium, emphasizing            have to buy admission to
of whom even joined in on        its importance “normalizing        these events to take a break
the fun by grabbing the free     ways in our multicultural          from their work. Both the Pier
materials supplied by the        world.”                            and Vinoy Park offer a nice
museum.                               In “Normalizing Art           view across the bay, where
    On the same night, a few     Therapy,” she describes            visitors often sit and draw.
miles away from their quiet      the practice as engaging
artmaking, the Warehouse         an artist’s curiosity and
Art District was buzzing in                                    
                                 streamlining their brain,
celebration of the 2022 Shine    making it an excellent tool

                            How two local bookstores
                              weathered the pandemic
                                 but during the pandemic, he        before because now many              In June 2020, Tombolo        and Tombolo Books both
By Hadley Hiles                  was afraid about losing the        Dunedin residents have a          was able to slowly turn to      had hardships during the
Crow’s Nest Staff                 business in its infancy.          larger appreciation for small     appointment shopping where      pandemic, but came out

                                     “My problem was it was         businesses.                       masked customers could          stronger and more successful
          ocal bookstores in
                                 right toward the tail end of the       The owner of Tombolo          come in by appointment only.    than they were before and that
          Pinellas County
                                 tourist season ... that is when    Books, Alsace Walentine,             “We want to keep             success continues today.
          had many hardships
                                 we make the majority of our        opened the St. Petersburg         everyone safe and if anyone
during the COVID-19                                                                                                             
                                 money, in October to April,”       store in December of 2019,        comes in who is extra
pandemic, and many were
                                 Rushing said.                      just three months before the      vulnerable, we want them to
forced to shut down. The ones
                                     Tourist season is very         pandemic hit.                     feel comfortable,” Valentine
that survived relied on the
                                 important to small businesses,         Tombolo Books started as      said.
hard work and determination
                                 especially in “snowbird”           a pop-up bookstore in 2017,          Back in the Day Books
of their workers and owners
                                 Florida, because they gain         but Walentine’s vision for
to keep them alive.
                                 more revenue during the            the bookstore was always to
    Back in the Day Books,
                                 busiest time of the year.          create a welcoming space for
located at 355 Main St.
                                     Rushing didn’t realize how     all ages and backgrounds.
Dunedin, and Tombolo
                                 fast COVID-19 would force              When Walentine saw
Books, located at 2153 First
                                 everything to shut down. The       bookstores in California and
Ave. S., St. Petersburg, are
                                 store resorted to curbside         New York closing down
two bookstores that were
                                 orders, and when it fully          as the pandemic hit, she
severely impacted by the
                                 reopened, it required masks        decided to close their doors a
                                 for all customers.                 week before the government
    To stay in business, these
                                     “Honestly at this point,       required it.
bookstores had to adapt
                                 I am so thankful to have               Tombolo shifted to online
and innovate to the “new
                                 survived all that. It was a        bookselling to survive,
world,” one where people
                                 scary time and I just wanted       allowing customers to still
couldn’t shop in-person due
                                 to do the right thing. A lot of    place orders and have books
to the lockdown and social
                                 my employees were over it,         shipped to their houses. This
                                 so I wanted to take care of        adaptation gave Tombolo
    For Bo Rushing, owner of
                                 them,” Rushing said.               Books much-needed relief
downtown Dunedin’s Back
                                     Rushing believes Back          and even saw so much
in the Day Books, owning a                                                                            Tombolo Books in St. Petersburg        COURTESY OF HADLEY HILES |
                                 in the Day came out of the         success that it allowed the                                                        THE CROW’S NEST
bookstore was hard enough,
                                 pandemic stronger than it was      store to hire a bigger staff.
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October 31, 2022                                                                                                                   THE CROW ’S NEST

           Tampa Bay Lightning have the chance
 8 SPORTS to cement a dynasty amid new season
By Max Steele                    posted last season.                  “Everybody wants to          points than games, you’ll        a modern day dynasty
Crow’s Nest Staff                   Lightning Head Coach          win every single game, but       put yourself in a really good    franchise. The Lightning

                                 Jon Cooper, who coached          unfortunately, I haven’t         position.”                       play next against the
           ollowing three        the team during its Stanley      seen a team go 82-0 yet,”            Tampa Bay has the            Ottawa Senators at home on
           consecutive trips     Cup Finals victories in          Cooper said in a press           opportunity to secure its        Tuesday, Nov. 1 with puck
           to the Stanley Cup    2020 and 2021, remains           conference following the         fourth consecutive Eastern       drop at 7 p.m.
Finals and cementing itself      confident in his squad and       Lightning’s three-game road      Conference title and trip
in the history books, the        emphasized the importance        trip. “So, you have to give      to the Stanley Cup Finals
Tampa Bay Lightning are                                                                                                       
                                 of patience this early in the    realistic goals for the guys.    this season, which would
back on the ice and look         season.                          If you can pull out more         arguably solidify it as
to continue its dynasty run
in the 2022-23 National
Hockey League season.
    The Lightning currently
hold a 5-4 record through
the first nine games of the
season and sit in the middle
of the Atlantic Division,
which the Boston Bruins
lead by a league-best record
of 8-1.
    The team started the
season relatively slow,
losing its season opener
3-1 against the New
York Rangers on Oct.
11, but have since found
its Stanley-Cup-winning
groove and now sit above
.500 after a two-game
winning streak.
    Captain Steven Stamkos
leads the team with seven
goals and veteran Nikita
Kucherov leads the team
with nine assists and 12
total points. The team has
relied on these longtime
All-Stars to win games
before, but will continue
to need complementary
players to step up in order      Tampa Bay captain Steven Stamkos, who’s led the NHL in scoring twice before,                                          COURTESY OF
to replicate the 51-23 record                                                                                                            @TBLIGHTNING ON INSTAGRAM
                                 has seven goals through the first nine games of the 2022-23 season.

USFSP students share their fantasy football journeys
                                 those who just play casually     personal bias, but luckily,      its usage of a variety of        of friends or sign up by
Photos and Story                 with friends.                    it’s been working out for        different players.               yourself on websites such as
By Anthony Rivera                    Of these fantasy             him so far this season.              Degaetano is a huge          ESPN, NFL or Yahoo.
Contributor                      football fanatics is Michael         Aside from winning the       sports fan and says he can

                                 McCredy, a freshman              championship, McCredy            simply “never consume
           he National           business major at the            says one of his favorite         enough.” He believes               Anthony Rivera is a senior
           Football League       University of South Florida      parts about fantasy football     fantasy football adds a           digital communications and
           (NFL) is officially   St. Petersburg.                  is being able to play with       whole new excitement
back, which means so is                                                                                                             multimedia journalism major
                                     McCredy was introduced       his family and friends and       factor to the NFL season.        at the St. Petersburg campus.
the time-consuming hobby         to the game back in 2018         watch the games together,            If you are interested
played by countless college      when his uncle invited           either at home or a sports       in starting your fantasy
students across the country      him to a family league,          bar.                             football career, grab a group
— fantasy football.              and he’s been hooked                 Another dedicated
    For those unfamiliar         ever since. He’s now the         fantasy football participant
with the online game, users      head commissioner in one         is Josh Degaetano, a fourth-
create their own football        of his leagues and even          year digital communication
team that consists of            has specific strategies for      and multimedia journalism
actual NFL players and are       choosing his players.            major at USF St.
awarded points based off             “I participate in multiple   Petersburg.
those players’ performances      mock drafts before my real           Degaetano says he began
in real life.                    drafts to get insight and        his fantasy football journey
    If someone drafts            practice,” McCredy said. “I      in 2017 and now finds that
Tom Brady as their               tend to draft running backs      it has become one of the
fantasy football team’s          and wide receivers first, and    biggest reasons why he
quarterback and he throws        then later pick a quarterback    looks forward to the NFL
for 250 yards and three          because there are a variety      season.
passing touchdowns in            of good ones to choose               “I enjoy it because
a Buccaneers’ game,              from.”                           it gives me something
the fantasy team will be             McCredy, who originally      to do with my friends,”
awarded 22 points —              grew up in New Jersey, is a      Degaetano said. “I’m
one point per 25 passing         big fan of the Philadelphia      always down for a
yards and four points per        Eagles, so he made sure to       competition.”
touchdown.                       draft some of his favorite           Unlike McCredy,
    The nationwide               hometown players like            Degaetano says that he
phenomenon is enjoyed by         quarterback Jalen Hurts          rarely ever drafts players
a variety of players, ranging    and wide receiver A.J.           from his favorite team,
                                                                                                  Buffalo Bills quarterback Josh Allen                COURTESY OF
from die-hard gamblers           Brown. He admitted that          the New England Patriots,                                                       @BUFFALOBILLS ON
who practically live in front    drafting favorite players is     because of the team’s           is currently the No. 1 fantasy player                 INSTAGRAM
of their TV on Sundays, to       sometimes risky because of       offensive play schemes and      in the position.
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