Mt Everest Adventure 3 May 2019 - James Hargest

Page created by Troy Duran
Mt Everest Adventure 3 May 2019 - James Hargest
3 May 2019

Mt Everest Adventure

Mt Everest Adventure 3 May 2019 - James Hargest
Principal’s Report
          Andy Wood
                            What do we mean by “Wellbeing” and how          Here at Hargest, we recognise that nurturing
                            do we nurture it? It seems that everywhere      wellbeing is an area in which we need to
                            you look, the new buzzword is “wellbeing”.      be able to articulate what we do and why,
                                                                            more precisely and clearly than we have in
                             In an era challenged by rising sea levels,     the past; not because we don’t think we
                            incidence of youth anxiety, and intrusive       are doing it well, but because, as a concept,
                            digital media, it’s no wonder that we are       it is taking on such a significance and
                            searching for some kind of definition of        prominence in NZ society. It is a challenge
                            health and happiness that we have, in           we have set ourselves.
                            the past, apparently been able to take for
                            granted as understood.                          In th meantime, we continue to work hard
                                                                            to develop wellbeing (as we instinctively
                            In the 2019 budget being released this          understand that term) through a wide
                            month, for example, the Government is           variety of means, including:
                            “committed to putting people’s wellbeing          - “A values based foundation for personal
                            and the environment at the heart of its             responsibility and behaviour management
                            policies, including reporting against a           - Caring and sensitive staff, including Form
                            wider set of wellbeing indicators in future         Teachers’ specific role
                            Budgets.”                                         - A culture of inclusiveness and mutual
                            In education, we have long recognised             - A huge range of extra curricular
                            that you can’t somehow dismember young              opportunities for social connection
                            people into different pieces but must work        - Strong encouragement to participate in
                            to develop them as whole people. The                physical activity
                            NZ Curriculum document’s Vision is for            - Many opportunities for peer to peer
                            young people to be “confident (including            connections and support
                            resilient), connected, actively involved,         - A strong team of counselling and other
                            lifelong learners.” Our James Hargest Vision        support staff
                            and Mission statements echo that holistic         - Direct teaching about health, and
                            aspiration.                                         consistent messaging

                            But what does “wellbeing” mean, exactly?        Obviously, both schools and parents/
                                                                            caregivers have essential roles in building
                            Judge Andrew Beecroft, the current              a healthy sense of wellbeing in our young
                            Children’s Commissioner, has recently           people. Let’s continue working together on
                            carried out an exercise asking young people     this, as we embark on Term 2.
                            what it means to them. Some of their
                            responses were:
                               - “Having people who believe in you          Nga mihi nui
                                  is the most essential thing to a
                                  good life..”
                               - “Having strong relationships with people   Andy Wood
                                  who genuinely care about you…”            Principal
                               - “When people can learn to accept other
                               - “To have the follow the
                                  things that inspire and interest you…”

From the Board of Trustees
Board Elections
          Chris O’Connor    The Returning Officer for the Board of          members, in order to clarify what this role
          BOT Chairperson   Trustees election was confirmed to be Mrs       entails.
                            Kay Williams. Nominations for the Board
                            open on 10 May and close on 24 May.             I would encourage everyone to have a
                            Nomination forms are available from the         think about this. It is in the school’s best
                            main office on either campus. The principal     interests to have a Board which is committed,
                            was asked to foreshadow the Board election      enthusiastic, loyal to the school, and includes
                            to the parent community via email.              a good mix of skills, perspectives, experience,
                                                                            and backgrounds.
                            Parents interested in serving on the Board,
                            or in nominating someone else to do so,
                            are encouraged to contact the school to be      Chris O’Connor
                            put in touch with one of the existing Board     BOT Chairperson
Mt Everest Adventure 3 May 2019 - James Hargest
Magazine Report – 29/04/19
                                 He waka eke noa

Whanau Report                    A canoe which we are all in with no exception
                                 Welcome back after what is hoped was a restful and energizing holiday. Our
       Matua Neitana
                         Welcome     back
                                  hard      aftersenior
                                        working     whatkapa
                                                           is hoped    wasonce
                                                                haka have   a againWe      now turn
                                                                                       represented  ourour
                                                                                                             well at to the upcoming
       Tane              restful and
                                  this energizing
                                       year’s opening holiday.
                                                         game forOur
                                                                   thehard            NgāatManu
                                                                        Southland Sharks    the ILT Kōrero  Speech Competition which
                                                                                                    Sports Stadium.
                                       is thekapa
                                              fifth haka
                                                    year inhave
                                                            a rowonce    again
                                                                   that the           thisthis
                                                                            kapa has had   year  will be
                                                                                               honour. Weheld
                                                                                                           now at  Taieri College in
                                  our  attention   to the upcoming
                         represented our kura well at this year’s     Ngā  Manu Kōrero  Speech  Competition   which
                                                                                      Mosgiel on Thursday and Friday the 13th and
                                                  be held  at Taieri Sharks
                                                      Southland      College in
                                                                                        on Thursday
                                                                                             of June.and Friday the
                                  13th and 14th of June. Māuri ora
                         the ILT Sports Stadium. This is the fifth year               Māuri ora Mauri ora!
                         in a row that the kapa has had this honour.                  Neitana (Nathan) Tane

PTA AGM Report
       Monique Shirley   Hello to all                                            We welcome you to come along to a
       Chairperson                                                               presentation on “Transition to Tertiary”
                         I hope you enjoyed some well needed rest                (for Year 13) by Pixie McDowell and Sandra
                         over the school holiday break, The PTA had              Tyree at 7PM on 28 May. This is a really
                         their first meeting for the year and the AGM            informative night for your Year 13’s and
                         on the 19th of March, and it was wonderful              parents, and gives you a great understanding
                         to see many new faces, and get to know                  of the requirements, application dates for
                         some of our new parents.                                Halls of Residence and Universities etc. so I
                                                                                 hope to see you there.
                         The schedule for the 2019 meetings are
                         follows:                                                The ball is also in May for our year 13’s and
                                                                                 I’m sure they will be looking forward to that
                                 It was agreed that future PTA                   at a lovely new venue this year. We hope it is
                                 meetings would be held in the Brig              a fabulous nigh.
                                 (above the office) at Senior Campus.

                                 All are scheduled to start at 7.30pm.           Regards

                                 May 21st
                                                                                 Monique Shirley
                                 July 23rd                                       PTA Chairperson
                                                                                 Phone: 0275004550I
                                 Sept 17th

                                 November 19

                         It was great to see a lot of people took
                         the opportunity to grab tickets through
                         the school for the first Sharks game of the
                         season – Go the Sharks!!

Mt Everest Adventure 3 May 2019 - James Hargest
LEO Club
Welcome back to another busy and very
exciting term! Last term was such an
amazing and rewarding term for the LEO
Club and we would like to thank you all for
your input around school!

At the end of last term, we had two events
that went towards very deserving causes.
Firstly, the LEO community came together
to donate their spare non-perishable food
items toward the Salvation Army Food
Bank - we had an amazing turnout of
generous donations, so thank you to all
that helped, it truly makes a difference!

Lastly, to finish the term with a bang we
had our first major event of the year, the
Hire a Helper Auction which was a great
occasion and raised over $600 for the
victims of the Christchurch tragedy in their
time of need, which was something we
all felt very passionate about. Once again,
thank you! Our gratitude is immense for
everyone’s selfless contributions!

Next week many are donating to NZ
Blood, there are various collections in the
pipeline and we are collecting old and
foreign currency. Make sure to keep an
eye out around school, and on the notices
for more upcoming events that are going
to be coming your way soon!

                                               International Students
                                               Welcome to our new long term international
                                               students, who have started at James
                                               Hargest College recently:

                                               Yebin Kim - Korea
                                               Woongjae Choi - Korea
                                               Taeyang (Sunny) Kim - Korea
                                               Chawakorn (Seong) Ja-inta - Thailand
                                               Krit (Ken) Lertjirawong - Thailand
                                               Marnploy (Mudmee) Chetchatree - Thailand
                                               Peerawit (Erk) Engpongpan - Thailand
                                               Napasith (Klar) Atithanawat - Thailand
                                               Pornchanit (Zee) Keeratinirandon - Thailand
                                               Wanlayakorn (Pete) Tupnate -Thailand
                                               Pinyu (Cherry) Kuang -Thailand
Mt Everest Adventure 3 May 2019 - James Hargest
Staff Farewell
to Ann Kingsbury
Ann has been the Board of Trustees secretary, PA to our Principal and homestay co ordinator at
James Hargest for almost four years. These are particularly demanding and very diverse roles.

Ann has undertaken all aspects of her job in a most efficient, professional and skilled way. Not
many of us have the privilege of visiting homes and sometimes dealing with a range of sensitive
issues. This she did with compassion and empathy for those involved. We wish Ann all the best as
she steps into a new role at a local primary school.

Junior Campus Staffing
                                                                                                 Welcome New Staff
Angela Lines
Angela Lines left Hargest at the end of Term 1 this year. Angela has                             Julie Leonard
worked at the Junior Campus as a Teacher Aide since 2015. We thank                           Tena koe Julie Leonard. Julie moved from
Angela for all the work and support she gave to students and staff                           Hamilton to Invercargill last term with her
during her time here. We wish her all the best in her new ventures.                          husband to begin a new life in the Deep
                                                                                             South. Julie joins us to be Room 20’s home
                   Shane Ripley                                                              room teacher for the rest of the year. She
                   We said farewell to Shane Ripley (Room 20 home room teacher) at the       comes with experience at both the senior
                   end of last term. He and his family are making the big move to live in    and junior levels of schooling, and already
                   Christchurch. Shane has been with us three and a half years with many     she feels like one of the team, having done
                   students lucky to have had him for their teacher. Shane’s warmth,         some work at the Junior Campus last term.
                   collegiality, dance moves and great sense of humour will be missed by us Welcome to you, Mrs Leonard.
                   all. We thank Shane for all he has done for us during his years here, and
we wish him and the family all the best for their new life in Christchurch.
                                                                                                 Karina Toms
                                                                                                 We are very pleased to welcome Karina
                                                                                                 Toms to the Support Staff team at the Senior
                                                                                                 Campus. She comes from a graphic design
                                                                                                 background and
                    TEACHER ONLY DAY                                                             will be responsible
                                                                                                 for many of our
                    Friday 31 May 2019                                                           publications including
     (NB: this follwows directly before Queen’s Birthday Weekend)                                the newsletter. Karina
                                                                                                 is also our Student
                                                                                                 Administrator and will
                                                                                                 assist many students.

Photoboard Awards
Term 1
Congratulations to the following students, who were nominated for Outstanding Effort:
Year 7
Dane Frew, Danielle Aitken, Caleb Devery, Katelyn Street-Wilson, Soyul Lee, Oliver Van
Uden-Smith, Hamish McKenzie, Shalom Naitau and Cameron Fraser
Year 8
Samuel Collins, Iara Pekar, James Faulkner, Madison Leighton, Jasmine Marshall, Sophie
Byrne, Jack Seeler, Seryn McDermott, Harriet Allen and Charlotte Dassen

Congratulations to the following students, who were nominated for their Positive
Year 7
Madison Neylon, Lile Makahununiu, Lucy Thomas, Annabell Watson, Keely Checketts,
Merrin McEwen, Megan Dempsey, Amber Flay and Hannah Tufui
Year 8
Laila Wilson, Mason Munro, Kaycee Winsloe, Reihana Unahi, Devon Pirini, Roland
Cameron, Paige Laraman, Guion Tolentino, George Manson and Jayden Turnbull

Congratulations to the overall winners:
Outstanding Effort       Danielle Aitken amd Madison Leighton
Positive Contribution    Keely Checketts and Devon Pirini
Mt Everest Adventure 3 May 2019 - James Hargest
James Hargest College                                                  James Hargest College
Board of Trustees’ election
                                                                       Major Production 2019
Nominations are invited for the election of five
parent representatives to the board of trustees.
A nomination form and a notice calling for
nominations will be posted to all eligible voters.
You can nominate another person to stand as a
candidate, or you can nominate yourself. Both
parts of the form must be signed.
Additional nomination forms can be obtained from
the school office.

Nominations close at noon on Friday 24 May 2019
and may be accompanied by a signed candidate
statement and photograph.

The voting roll is open for inspection at the school
and can be viewed during normal school hours.
 There will also be a list of candidates’ names, as
they come to hand, for inspection at the school.
 Voting closes at noon on Friday 7 June 2019.
Kay Williams
Returning Officer

                                                                                1-4 July 2019
Invest in Sport                                               7:30pm in the Senior Campus Auditorium
Opportunity                                                                Director: Jonathan Tucker
                                                                           Musical Director: Lesley Little
If you are a student at the Senior Campus
and you are involved in coaching a sports
team or small group at any level (club,
primary school, secondary school ) in
the community consider signing up for
the Invest in Sport course. This involves
4 short workshops over the year, mostly
practical, to help grow and support your               1st XV Gold Coast Easter Raffle
coaching ability. You receive certification
at the end of the course (great for the
CV) and there is the possibility of gaining
credits from the work. Your coaching
can be in any sport; it doesn’t have to be
one that is played at Hargest. If you are
interested sign up at the gym office.

Senior Work Day
Thank You!
Thanks to all families, whanau, businesses,
friends, relations, neighbours who
supported James Hargest College by
offering jobs for Work Day. The proceeds
go towards a sheltered area at the front
of the school. If your son/daughter hasn’t
returned their $30.00 towards this project,            Congratulations to the Winners!
please remind them to do so as soon as
possible.                                              Aaron Herman                   Bridget (sold by Mitchell)
                                                       Mary Wayte                     Peter Richardson
                                                       Cara (sold by Cordell)         Julie Findlay
Mt Everest Adventure 3 May 2019 - James Hargest
Duke Of Edinburgh
Term One

It has been an extremely productive term for Duke of                  were either training or qualifying for their Bronze or Silver Award.
Edinburgh students. We have seen an influx of new Bronze              The students had a successful tramp as the track was great and the
level and direct entry Silver members and there are now more          weather was beautiful.
than 70 students actively involved in their Duke of Edinburgh
journey. This involves students being a volunteer in the              5 Gold Duke of Edinburgh students completed a four day tramp in
community as part of their Service requirements, learning             the Rees Dart Track area, where they climbed to 1400m altitude
a new skill, taking part in a physical activity and planning,         and took in lovely vistas of the area. This was part of their practice
organising and taking part in an adventurous journey as part of       or qualifying journey on their journey to complete the prestigious
a group. There are 3 levels - Bronze, Silver and Gold and each        Internationally recognised Gold Level certificate. When complete
level requires a greater committment.                                 they will receive the award from the New Zealand Governor General
                                                                      at Wellington.
Pupils took part in the annual Adventurous Journey Training
weekend. Teachers and more experienced Gold level students            Thank you to Ms Carter, Mr Bruce Thomson, Mr Craig Donaldson,
taught how to cross rivers safely, light fires for survival, put up   Mr Oliver, and Mrs Snow for giving up their holidays to help
emergency shelters, read maps, use compasses, cook on stoves          supervise and help organise these Duke of Edinburgh students.
and administer Emergency First Aid.                                   Without them, the adventures would not be able to take place.

In addition there were 3 groups who planned, organised and
completed a practice or qualifying Adventurous Journey over
the Easter holidays.

10 Bronze students completed an overnight tramp into the
Kiwi Burn hut in the Mavora Lakes area. In lovely conditions
they tramped 14kms along the Mararoa River from the South
Mavora Lake to the Kiwi Burn hut which is nestled in an open
valley. They completed the Kiwi Burn Loop track on the second
day. For many of the students it was their first experience of
tramping with full packs and sleeping in the backcountry in

Six Year 11 Silver DoE students set out for a 3 day, 2 night
tramp on the Mid Caples Track near Glenorchy. This tramp was
part of their Duke Of Ed Adventurous Journey as the students

Mt Everest Adventure 3 May 2019 - James Hargest
Mt Everest Base Camp Adventure

                                                   Logan Dennis was selected with a group of New Zealand Students to
                                                   travel to Nepal. How exciting!

Senior Campus Visits

Year 8 Students                            The Prince Royal’s College – Wiang Pa Pao
Year 8 students start their first round
of Senior Campus visits early in term      Thailand Cultural Exchange Programme
two on Thursday afternoons. This is
part of a helpful process designed to                10-26 January 2020
ease the transition to Year 9 and the
Senior Campus next year. Students will
receive a notice to take home about the   • Visit the orphanage that supports local
requirements and dates of these visits.     Hill Tribe children
                                          • Explore Chiang Mai and Chiang Rai
                                          • Experience great shopping in Bangkok
     NZQA Exam Fees                       • Price remains at $5,500 all inclusive

   NZQA Exam fees have now                This exchange programme will be a 2 week excursion
          been charged to                 inclusive of 10-26 January 2020
    Year 11 - Year 13 students’
   accounts. These fees do not            If you are interested in learning more of this exciting
  need to be paid until August.           opportunity please email to CD Leadership (NZ) Ltd
  Information regarding these    or collect info from JHC. Parents
  fees will be given to students          and/or students are welcome to apply.
               in July.

Mt Everest Adventure 3 May 2019 - James Hargest
GEO Trip

Year 11 Geography trip to Arrowtown

Junior Rock’n’Roll Champs
Here are the JHC students who participated
in the above marathon dancing weekend
over Easter at the ILT stadium – it was a
fantastic event with 250 competitors.
We can be proud to have some of the best
dancers in the country amongst us!

Restricted (no assisted lifts or throws,
5-17 years)
Connor Ross (2nd place)
Amber Grantham (3rd place)
Intermediate (10-13 years)
Joel Terrill-Dodd, Jaguar Band (1st place)

Senior (14-17 years)
Connor Ross, Amber Grantham (4th place)

Novice (never danced in a competition
before, 5-17 years)
Cassie Gray (2nd place)

Same Sex (13-17 years)
Amber Grantham (1st place)

Junior Triples (5-13 years)
Lucas Huia (3rd place)

Intermediate Triples (14-17 years)
Kiera Rogers (3rd place)
Connor Ross, Amber Grantham (2nd place)
Mt Everest Adventure 3 May 2019 - James Hargest
Year 8 Poetry Recitals
This is a compulsory competition for all our year 8 students. All students must recite a
poem to the best of their ability in front of their own class. Many whanau would have
heard these poems as our students practised them at home. Students chose their own
poems and there was a huge range of poems delivered from famous, old, unknown,
new, romantic, scary, sad, to funny and humorous. The expected poem length had to
be more than 30 seconds but less than 3 minutes. Students were judged on their ability
to perform the poem in relation to their use of body language, the volume and clarity
of their delivery, how they used inflection and enunciation, their level of memorisation
and their overall interpretation of the poem. After students performed in front of their
homeroom, 2 students were selected to represent their class in a syndicate semi-final and
then the top 10 students from both semi-finals went on to perform their poems in the
Year 8 Poetry final. Thank you to Mrs McDowell, Ms Peters, Mr James, Mrs Mika and Ms
Wilson for assisting in the judging this year. The high standard was great to see.

Congratulations to the following students who received the following placings this year.
1st place		 Luca Hook - Room 11
2nd place 		 Jessica Ballantyne - Room 16
3rd place		 Charlotte Dassen - Room 19
Highly commended           Oliver Speight - Room 8

Haka House Competition
The Junior Campus House Haka competition was held on Friday 5 April. Each House did
an outstanding job, including unique aspects in their performance to ensure their haka
stood out. The passion, precision and volume of all Houses’ performances was awesome.
After some challenging discussions among the judges, Thomson were celebrated as the
winners of the House Haka competition in 2019. The afternoon finished with a spine
tingling whole school haka. A huge thanks to our guest judges from the Senior Campus
who did a wonderful job evaluating the merits of each haka. We are incredibly proud of
all students who participated and thank all whanau who attended for their support.

2019 House Haka Competition Result:
1st = Thomson                                 3rd = Menzies
2nd = Hamilton                                4th = Watson

40 Hour Famine

Senior Campus                                Junior Campus                                 Save the Date -
This year's 40 Hour Famine weekend is        This year’s 40 hr famine will take place on
7 - 9 June.                                  7-9 June. All funds raised will go towards    Quiz Night
Donations will help provide nutritious       the children of South Sudan. 40 hour          30th of May 7:30pm
food, clean water, foster care as well as    famine packs will be issued shortly through   Glengarry Tavern
education and hope for a better future for   the school council reps. Make sure you
the South Sudanese refugees.                 sign up with your class councillor. If you    Come along to a quiz night to support
Sponsorship booklets can be collected        have any questions just ask Mrs Larsen or     Word Vision 40 Hour Famine, $20 per
from the Student Admin office during         Mrs Evans.                                    team, four people in a team ($5 each)
interval over the next few weeks

Science Fair
Open Night 2019
Monday 29th July 7.00pm – 8.30pm

Where: Senior Campus School Hall             result taking and prototyping with these      Smelter Southland Science and Technology
Who: Year 10 Students and other keen         projects being displayed for judging in the   Fair which is to be held from
Science students.                            James                                         Tuesday 17th September – Friday 20th
                                             Hargest College Science Fair.                 September at the Invercargill
All students in year 10 will complete a                                                    Workingmen’s Club (Corinthian
Science project this year and now should     On Monday night the Senior Campus Hall        Conventions Centre).
be thinking of a topic or already starting   will be open for viewing of all completed
their projects.                              projects.                                     We look forward to seeing you there.
                                                                                           For further information or questions
Monday 29th July marks the culmination       Many projects will then represent the         please contact Mr T Best
of weeks of hard work, investigating,        school in the New Zealand Aluminium 

New Lab Coats
Room 4 trying the lab coats out whilst
completing an exothermic reaction in
science this week.

Track Cycling                                                               JHC Cross Country
Age Group Nationals                                                         Results 2019

                                                                            Senior Boys Champs
                                                                            1st Conor Evans
                                                                            2nd Jacob Smith
                                                                            3rd Denzil Edwards

                                                                            Senior Girls Champs
                                                                            1st Emily Hay
                                                                            2nd Summer Jubb
                                                                            3rd Maia Cavanagh

                                                                            Junior Boys Champs
                                                                            1st Brennan Rhodes
                                                                            2nd Corvin O’Rourke
                                                                            3rd Joseph Scott

                                                                            Junior Girls Champs
                                                                            1st Charly Faherty
                                                                            2nd Rebecca Johnstone
                                                                            3rd Holly Cunliffe
Last month a group of Hargest riders rode    Liam Cruickshank – U17 Boys’
for Southland at the Age Group Track         2nd Team Pursuit               Senior Boys Non Champs
Nationals which were held in Cambridge.                                     1st Bryn Griffiths
                                             Marshall Erwood – U15 Boys’    2nd Spencer Cunliffe
Rhylee Akeroyd – U17 Girls’                  1st Scratch Race               3rd Kavindu Wanigarathna
1st Scratch Race                             3rd 500TT
3rd 500TT                                    2nd Derby                      Senior Girls Non Champs
3rd Sprints                                  3rd Team Sprint                1st Alice Moreton
2nd Team Pursuit                                                            2nd Laura Moreton
2nd Team Sprint                              Ronan Shearing – U17 Boys’     3rd Clara Luschnig
2nd Madison                                  2nd Team Pursuit
                                             2nd Team Sprint                Junior Boys Non Champs
Morgan Borrie – U17 Boys’                                                   1st Alex Nicoll
2nd Team Pursuit                                                            2nd Milo Henry
                                                                            3rd Eamonn Thwaites
Golf                                                                        Junior Girls Non Champs
Southland Secondary Schools’ Championships                                  1st Amelia Black
                                                                            2nd Kate Russell
                                                                            3rd Cheyenne Harvey

                                                                            House Results from
                                                                            Cross Country
                                                                            1st Thomson
                                                                            2nd Hamilton
                                                                            3rd Watson
                                                                            4th Menzies

Handicap Golfers
3rd Gross Score: Bank Chonruedeepaisan

Non-handicap Golfers
1st Female: Maddison Grieve
1st Male: Cameron Archer
2nd Female on countback: Annabelle Doherty

Southland Primary Schools Athletics

The Southland Primary Schools Athletics Championships were held at Surrey Park on
Saturday 30th March. Around 63 students represented the school having qualified
earlier at the James Hargest Zone athletics. Students took part in a variety of different
track and field events. Weather conditions were great and there were some tremendous
performances throughout the day. Congratulations to all athletes who took part. We
had a large number of students achieve outstanding results and were placed in the top
three. It was wonderful to see James Hargest students performing at their best and
striving for excellence. Here are our confirmed results:

                                                                                            Easter Egg Hunt

                                                                                            Artwork on global warming is from
                                                                                            Cilla Tomlinson who gained a high
                                                                                            Excellence in NCEA Level 2 Painting

Junior Council Year 9 & 10     1st XV Quiz
Representatives 2019           1st XV Gold Coast Quiz Night
                               Raffles and Auctions

Year 9                         Reserve your team of 4 by emailling
                               Thursday 23rd May - Doors open at
                               6:30pm, Quiz starts at 7pm
                               Invercargill Working Men’s Club

Year 10

Mr Prateep’s Group - holiday
ICAS                                                                            Junior Campus
At the Senior Campus                                                            Service Awards
                                                                                Congratulations to the following students
                                                                                who have received Service Awards:

                                                                                Road Patrol - Ollie Wilkinson,Vicky Han and
                                                                                Mason Munro
                                                                                Rec Shed - Tyler Hatherley
                                                                                Kaiawhina – Alex Soper

     2019 International Competition and Assessment for Schools
     (ICAS) competitions are an excellent way for all students to
     take on a challenge and to gain valuable experience in an
     external testing situation. This test can help with preparation
     for exams and assessment activities.

     All students receive a certificate and an individual student
     report indicating which questions they answered correctly
     and their score compared with the rest of the students
     tested. The student report is useful for highlighting strengths
     and weaknesses and indicating areas to work on. The ICAS
     certificate provides a valuable addition to a student’s CV.

     Cost of each assessment: $15.00
             English: entries close 25 June
             Mathematics: entries close 11 September
             Science: entries close 26 September

     Enter at the Main Office.                                                      Collage by Nina Nakano Broers

    Citizens of the World Variety Show 2019
    The 2019 COTW are hosting a variety show at the Working Men’s Club on Saturday 15th June.
    Doors open at 6.30pm and entertainment begins at 7.30pm.
    3’s Company and other great local musicians.

    Tickets are $35 which includes supper.

    Beat the winter blues...Get a table together and come along for a fun filled evening with music and dancing.
    Raffles and auctions too.

    Tickets available from the Junior Campus Office or alternatively email

Transition                                     School Winter
     to Tertiary                                    Jackets
     Education                                      We are delighted to announce the arrival of a
     Forum                                          shipment of plain black, puffer, winter jackets.

                                                    These are uniform compliant and feature
                                                    quality materials including a zip off hood for
     There will be a presentation                   those wet after school walks.
     on Tuesday 28 May 2019
                                                     They are extremely competitively priced at
     regarding Transition to                        $90 with similar jackets in the community
     Tertiary Education at 7.30pm                   fetching $180 plus.

     in the Senior Campus Staff                     The jackets are a fund raiser for the Wellbeing
     Room. Pixie McDowall,                          Committee and your support is appreciated.

     Careers Manager, and Sandra                    The jackets will be available soon from the
     Tyree, Head of Guidance, will                  Senior Campus student administration where
                                                    students may select appropriate sizes.
     front the presentation.
     Information on the time
     line, accommodation, other
     requirements, scholarships,
     etc, as well as practical advice
     for your son or daughter in
     their preparation for Tertiary                                             Southland Youth One Stop Shop
     Education.                                      We have Free Health & Social Services for youth aged 10-24. Health services include
                                                     Nurses, a Nurse Practitioner & Doctors. Social Services include youth groups, holiday
                                                  programmes, one-on-one mentoring, youth events & advocacy. We can also make referrals
     All parents, caregivers and                  to other agencies if needed i.e. counselling. You need to be registered with us to access our
     whanau are welcome.                          services. Check out our Facebook page to keep up to date on what we have to offer, as well
                                                      as our website. N10 provides a safe & friendly place where you can feel respected &
     This forum is supported by                                           comfortable. We respect your confidentiality.
     the PTA.                                                                        10 Deveron Street, Invercargill

                                                                                    Ph: 2141013 Txt: 027 472 4703



For assessment to be fair to all students,    how to summarise and paraphrase. Ask                GRADES can only be awarded for authentic
you must be able to demonstrate that the      your teacher for assistance.                        work. Submitting work that you cannot
work you submit is your own.                                                                      authenticate will result in a grade of Not
                                              You will be asked to sign a declaration that        Achieved being awarded. Where work
We encourage you to have guidance             your work is authentic.                             cannot be confirmed as authentic, another
during the learning process - family,                                                             assessment opportunity may be provided.
tutors inside and outside the school,         We recommend senior students sing up for            Collaboration: Allowing another student to
peers. However, the final product must        the on-line plagiarism checker, Turnitin.           copy your work is complicit with cheating
be your own. It is important that you         If your teachers suspect work is not                and may attract the same penalty as
avoid plagiarism. Plagiarism occurs when      authentic, that is it has been plagiarised,         above.
you deliberately use (or closely imitate)     they can:
someone else’s language, ideas, or other
original material without acknowledging       •      Check your plans, drafts and
its source. Rewording another person’s               workings (so keep them in case).
work without acknowledging its source, is     •      Ask you questions.
also plagiarism.                              •      Notify your parents.
                                              •      Ask you to repeat part or all of the
Ensuring work can be authenticated as                assessment under supervised
your own can be achieved by meeting                  conditions.
checkpoints set by the teacher, careful       •      Use of online plagiarism checkers
note taking, using the correct referencing           to generate a report eg Turnitin, to
style for the subject, and by understanding          generate a report.
Want to know more about NCEA?

   Our PTA welcomes Andrew Macklin from NZQA to a presentation
   for parents/caregivers/whanau new to NCEA.

   Date: Tuesday 4 June
   Where: Senior Campus Staff Room
   Time: 7.00pm
   Target Audience: Parents/caregivers/whanau of Year 10 and 11 Students

   Andrew is our School Relationships Manager at NZQA.

   Our Heads of Departments of the three compulsory
   subjects in Level 1 (English, Maths and Science) will also be present
   and happy to answer subject specific questions.

                             Free Software!
                                Windows 10 Education and
                                   Norton Security Deluxe
                        Students can now access Windows 10
                        Education for free for the lifetime of the
                        device and buy Norton Security Deluxe for
                        up to 3 devices for a reduced price of $34.31
                                                                                                Artwork on global warming by
                        from the James Hargest website. Go to E
                                                                                                Cilla Tomlinson
                        Learning then Windows 10 and Symantec
                        End Point Protection.

Office 365 Education
You get a complete version of the latest Microsoft Office free to use for as long as you’re a
student here.                                                                                   Winter Uniform
Office 365 includes full versions of Word, Excel, Powerpoint, etc. You can install these on
up to 5 PCs or Macs and on other mobile devices, including Windows tablets and iPads            Update
for free. The instructions on how to do this are on the James Hargest web - General Info -      Both Campuses
e-learning - Office 365.
                                                                                                A reminder about the correct wearing of
                                                                                                James Hargest College uniform for the
                                                                                                winter season.
                                                                                                • Kilts or A-line skirt may be worn
                                                                                                    throughout the year at both the Junior
                                                                                                    and Senior Campus. Skirts must be
Microsoft Minecraft Education                                                                       of a reasonable length, neither very
Students and staff get a complete version of Minecraft for Education free to use on                 short nor longer than mid-calf.
Windows 10 & iPads.The instructions on how to do this are on the James Hargest web -            • Undergarment may be a plain white
General Info - e-learning - Office 365.                                                             t-shirt, merino or polyprop worn
                                                                                                    under the uniform tops for extra
                                                                                                    warmth (should not be visible below
                                                                                                    blouse/shirt hems or sleeves).
 Term Dates for 2019                                                                            • Blazers may be worn at both the
                                                                                                    Junior and Senior Campus.
        Term 2:    Monday 29 April: Start of Term 2                                             • Scarves and beanies are optional but
                   Friday 5 July: End of Term 2                                                     must be the school standard cardinal
                                                                                                    red with gold stripe.
        Term 3:    Monday 22 July: Start of Term 3                                              • Black or other coloured scarves are
                   Friday 27 September: End of Term 3                                               not to be worn.
                                                                                                • Gloves may be black.
        Term 4:    Monday 14 October: Start of Term 4                                           • Any plain black weatherproof jacket
                   Wednesday 11 December (TBC): End of Term 4                                       (not cotton) may be worn to and from
Before and After                                Student Safety
School Safety                                   Junior Campus
                                                                                                    Change of
Junior Campus                                   Students may be on the school grounds
                                                from 8.20 am, unless attending Before
As winter approaches we ask parents to be       School Maths. This is a safety issue as            Have you shifted house,
mindful of their children who travel to and     supervision is not available prior to
from school by foot and by bike, scooter                                                           changed internet service
                                                8.20am. We also do not have supervision
etc. It is beginning to get dark earlier, so    available after school so unless your child      provider or phone provider
students need to ensure they are visible        has an afterschool activity within the                       lately?
and travelling in well-lit areas, e.g. NOT on   school please ensure they are collected by
the Waihopai walkway after dark.                3.30.
                                                                                                   Please ensure that your
Reflector tape is available for sale in the     Students are not to use the staff car park           details are up to date.
Fabrics Room and can be sewn onto the           on Layard Street as a walkway area and
back of a jacket or school bag to enhance                                                         You can easily check what
                                                parents are asked not to use this as a drive
visibility on dark winter mornings.             through to drop or pick up children, again       details we have by logging
Suggestions are that students always travel     this is for safety.                               into https://kamarportal.
with a buddy and that jackets/bags have
florescence on them.                                                                      
Vision Testing                                  Junior Campus                                  Sick Bay
Year 7                                          Payment for both Deep Cove and Omaui           Senior Campus
                                                Camps is now overdue.                          If you are feeling sick and need to go
The Vision Technicians visit the Junior         All payments sent to the school with           home, you must go through sick bay.
Campus to undertake vision screening            your child should have their full name,        The ladies will contact your parents to
for all Year 7 students and colour vision       room number and state what the money           arrange to have you picked up or will seek
screening for Year 7 male students. Your        is for. Payments are made to the school        permission for you to walk home.
child will not be screened if they are          office and can be in cash, cheque, internet    You must not just sign yourself out.
under the care of a Specialist and/or           banking or by eftpos. Partial payments
Optometrist. Parents/caregivers will be
notified if further assessment is required
                                                and automatic payments are welcome.            Medical Certificates
by an Optometrist. If you do NOT wish                                                          Senior Campus
your child to be screened, please notify        PTA Meeting Dates                              If your child is absent for more than three
the school.
                                                                                               days due to illness, we would appreciate
Some Year 8 students who were absent in         It was agreed that future PTA meetings
                                                                                               a medical certificate. There is a high level
Year 7, or who require retesting, may also      would be held in the Brigadier’s Room
                                                                                               of correlation between attendance and
be seen by the Vision Technicians.              at the Senior Campus (upstairs at the
                                                                                               academic achievement. We need students
                                                main foyer). All are scheduled to start at
                                                                                               to be in class whenever possible.
Health Nurse                                    7.30pm.
                                                              Tuesday 21 May
Junior Campus                                                 Tuesday 23 July                  Attention Parents
In term 2 the Health Nurse, Mrs Lyn
Sanderson, will be available at the
                                                              Tuesday 17 Sept                  of Years 7-11
Junior Campus on Wednesday the 8th                                                             Personal Devices
of May, Wednesday the 5th of June and
Wednesday the 3rd of July If you have any
concerns please phone the school office
and we will arrange for Mrs Sanderson to
contact you. If students wish to see the
Health Nurse they are able to make an
appointment by placing a request in the
green post box in the office foyer.

                      School Accounts
   All school accounts for Junior and Senior Campuses will be emailed. If you do not           Following our carefully staged plan, our
   receive an account, please contact the Junior Campus on 2179250 or the Senior               1-1 device environment (commonly called
                                  Campus on 2176129.                                           BYOD - Bring Your Own Device) will be
  We encourage automatic payments. Payments can also be made to the school offices             operating this year from Years 7 to 11.
                     by cash, cheque, Eftpos or internet banking.                              We strongly recommend that, where at all
                      The Junior Campus bank account number is                                 possible, students be equipped with their
                               BNZ 02-0924-0408612-01.                                         own personal device at these year levels.
                     The Senior Campus bank account number is                                  We do not prescribe a particular brand,
                               BNZ 02-0924-0408612-02.                                         device, or retailer.
 Parent, Caregiver, Whanau                            Coming Events for 2019
  Community Engagement                                Senior Campus
   At James Hargest College we are always
 interested in engaging with our community            May
  and listening to parents, whanau and the            Sat      4		    Mr Prateep’s Group Leaves
   wider community. If you have any good              Sun      5		    Spain trip returns
 ideas or there is something special that has         Mon      6		    Otago Tertiary Day Year 13
  happened regarding Hargest, or there are            Tues     7 		   New Zealand Blood Collection
  issues, concerns or complaints we should            Tues     14		   Showquest
    be aware of, please contact the school            Sat      18		   James Hargest Ball at Transport World
  office Senior Campus (2176129) or Junior            Tues     21		   PTA Meeting 7.30pm in the Brigadier’s Room (above the office)
        Campus (2179250) or via email,                Thurs    23		   BOT meeting 5.15pm                 Tues     28		   Transition to Tertiary Education Forum
                                                      Friday   31		   Teacher Only Day
       You will be put in contact with an
           appropriate staff member.
                                                      Mon   3		Queens Birthday
                                                      Tues  4		NCEA information evening
           E-mail Newsletters                         Fri   21		Year 11-13 reports emailed
 The next newsletter will be issued via email         Wed   26		Scholarship Awards Ceremony
           on Friday 7 June 2019.                     Thurs 27		BOT meeting
Hard copies of the newsletter will be available       Fri   28		Mufti Day
  from either the Junior or Senior Campus             			Rockquest

                                                      Junior Campus
 You can view the newsletter on the Hargest
   web site

                                                      Thurs    2		Sport & Rec Signup
          Information Updates                         Fri      3		Human Matinee Performance
 If you have any changes to your details (e.g.        Thurs    9		Year 8 Transition Visits to Senior Campus
   address, phone numbers, medical details,           Sun      12		Mothers Day
    emergency contacts, etc), please let the          Wed      15 		Celebrate Story – Mona Williams
 school know as soon as possible in order to          Thurs    16		Year 8 Transition Visits to Senior Campus
         keep our records up-to-date.                 Fri      17		Sport & Rec Starts
                                                      Wed      22		Chess Competition at SBHS
  Please email Mrs France (Senior Campus)
                                                      Thurs    23		Year 8 Transition Visits to Senior Campus
              with any changes at
                                                      Thurs    30		School Cross Country
                                                      Fri      31		Teacher Only Day
              or phone 2176129
        or Mrs Cribb (Junior Campus) at               June
                                                      Mon     3		Queens Birthday
              or phone 2179250
                                                      Wed     5     Hargest Factor Performances
                                                      Thu     6		Hargest Factor Pzerformances
                                                      			Year 8 Transition Visits to Senior Campus
           Junior Campus                              Fri-Sun 7-9   40 Hour Famine Weekend
                                                      Tue-Wed 11-12 Year 7 Vision Testing
          6 Layard Street, Invercargill
                                                      Thurs   13		Year 8 Transition Visits to Senior Campus
     Phone 03 2179250, Fax 03 2173152
                                                      Wed     19    Student Centred Conference bookings open
                                                      Fri     21    Southland Primary & Intermediate School Cross Country
                                                      Fri     28    Sport & Rec ends
          Senior Campus                               		            Mid year reports issued
      288 Layard Street, Invercargill
    Phone 03 2176129, Fax 03 2170351                  July
   Email:               Tue      2      Student Centred Conferences


                                                                               68 Don Street, Invercargill.
                                                                                       (03) 218 9621

                                                    Catch up, Get ahead, Stay ahead!
                                                         • Preschool to Y13 NCEA
                                                         • 80 minute lessons
                                                         • Trained teachers

                                                     Call Clayton Riley 03 214 4181 for a free assessment.         1454310


82 Salford Street (close to James Hargest College
        and the Windsor Shopping locale)
                  027 756 4469

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