Page created by Justin Russell
Telopea Topics Les Nouvelles de Telopea
 No 16 Telopea Topics
 Report from the Special Secondary News Primary P&C NEWS Community News
 Principal Announcements School Term Dates News Uniform Shop
 Le Mot Du High School After School Care Contact Us Finance
 Principal Announcements Office
 Important Dates

 Date Day Time Event Venue
 24 October Thursday 9.30-10.30 Learning Journey
 24 October Thursday 11.00am 4-6 Concert
 28 Oct-1 Nov Mon-Fri PIPS Kindy assessments Primary
 2 November Saturday La Grande Fete School Oval

Welcome to a new term. I hope you have had restful holidays and are ready to work with the school to
support your children. It is that time of year when our year 10 students realise they have only seven
weeks left of high school. They approach this with mixed feelings. For some Telopea has been their
school for 11 years, for others the four years have suddenly gone very quickly. We wish them all a happy
last term with the knowledge that there will be much celebrating at the end: Year 10 Formal; Year 10
Graduation; and of course, the Year 10 Concert. I ask all other students to make the most of this last
term of the year, to have high expectations for themselves and to reach for their personal bests.

School Uniform
School pride is important for our school community. To contribute to this, we ask that all parents support
the school by ensuring their children are dressed in school uniform every day. This includes collared
school t-shirts (red for primary and white for secondary), navy bottoms (long shorts, skirts), school
checked dress, black shoes and white or navy socks. The outer garment for cold days is a red school top
for primary children and a navy school top for secondary students. As I have explained to the students,
our school uniform demonstrates respect for the school and ensures that the high esteem in which we
are held in the community is maintained. It is also an ACT Education Directorate Policy with which we
asked to comply.

School Improvement
Each year we are on a journey to realise the School Strategic Plan (2018-2021), by the writing of an
Annual Action Plan. These plans can be found on our website. This term we will be writing a report on
this year’s Action Plan indicating what we have done to achieve our goals. This report, together with the
Annual Board Report, and will be available early next year. In the meantime, we are focussing on our
three priorities:
To maximise the growth in learning for all students
To develop a culture of inquiry across the school
To strengthen communication and collaboration across the school community.
Thank you to our school community for supporting us to maintain Telopea Park School as a school of

IB Middle Years programme (IB MYP) and the ‘Approaches to learning’ (ATL) skills
All secondary students learn according to the Australian Curriculum in all (Australian Stream), or some
(EFS students) of their Australian stream) classes. This curriculum is delivered under the framework of
the IB MYP. The IB philosophy contributes to the setting of priorities for the school. The Approaches to
Learning (as articulated by the IB) support our students to learn. The ATL skills are also skills for lifelong
learning. The five Approaches to Learning skills are: Communicational skills; Social skills (including
collaboration); Self-management skills (organisational skills, affective skills, reflective skills); Research
skills (information literacy skills and media literacy skills); Thinking Skills (creative, critical and transfer

School excursions
World Challenge
The 17 students who joined this year’s World Challenge trip to Cambodia have returned with many stories
to tell of their amazing experiences. Again, thank you to the teachers, Mary De Poorter and Andrew
Livermore, for their dedication to this extraordinary opportunity for the students. While in Cambodia they
learnt about a different culture and were able to contribute to supporting students in a local primary
school as well as support for the local community in building dwellings.

School exchange New Caledonia
Our Year 6 students will travel to New Caledonia on Wednesday 6 November A sincere thank you to
David Binan, Anna McGown, Catherine Buatois and Vincent Severac for accompanying the children and
being part of their learning at Collège Baudoux in Noumea. We wish them safe travels and a wonderful
time learning about a different culture. The Noumean students will visit Telopea next year and be hosted
by the same families and our students who will then be in Year 7.

Year 9 Camp
The year 9 camp took place Wednesday 16 to Friday 18 October at the NSW Sport and Recreation Centre
in Jindabyne. The camp also incorporates the year 9 ‘Peer support’ program where students learn how
to develop their leadership skills. After the year 9 camp students will be given the opportunity to
nominate themselves as 2020 year 10 Peer support leaders. If you have any questions or concerns
regarding the year 9 camp please contact Michele McLoughlin (A/g Principal).

Reports and Parent/Teacher Interviews
Primary and Secondary Progress Reports were sent home with students at the end of last term preceding
parent/teacher interviews. If you did not receive your child’s report, please contact the school or collect
it from the front office of the school.

Primary Learning Journeys
Primary Learning Journeys will be held on Thursday 24th October, 9.30am to 10.30am, for all year
groups. It is an opportunity for your child/children to explain to you what they have learnt, and are
learning, this year. We know they are proud of their work and love to share this with their families. This
will be followed by the Year 4-6 Concert in the main school hall at 11.15am.

School Fête
The school fête, La Grande Fête, will be held on Saturday 2 November. As the fete day draws closer,
please mark your calendars and offer your help to the P&C if at all possible. All donations and offers of
help are welcome. Best wishes to the community for a fabulous day and thank you to the P&C for their
hard work in ensuring that this special event continues for our community.

Road Safety
At the start of a new term, I ask you again to be vigilant on the roads around the school. Please talk to
your children about road safety and looking after themselves.

Quad Upgrade
The Secondary quad is a construction zone and will be out of bounds until the end of term 4. Thank you
to the P&C for contributing to the redevelopment of the Secondary quad. The P&C has been raising
finances for a number of years to support the school to make this redevelopment a reality. It will be a
terrific addition to the school especially as the school’s 100th birthday approaches in 2023. The secondary
students will thoroughly enjoy the upgraded area in 2020. With the quad upgrade occurring the
secondary female and male toilets will out of bounds (as there are in the middle of the construction site)
and transportable toilets have been installed in front of the three-storey building (between the art room
and the middle stair way) for all secondary female and male students.

The three-storey building roof upgrade
At the same time as the quad upgrade the school is to undergo roof renovations. It is expected that the
roof upgrades will take 6-12 months as the rooves around the school are upgraded. The three-storey
building is covered in scaffolding and movement around the three-storey building will be limited. Special
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arrangements have been put in place regarding movement around the school, especially for secondary
students and primary students in the three-storey building.

School hours are: Primary 9.00am to 3.15pm each day. Secondary 8.50am to 3.15pm. There is
supervision half an hour before and after school times. I ask that children are not left at school outside
of these times, unless they are attending the Before and After School Care Program (primary), the
Primary Choir rehearsals or the Secondary Band lessons.

I wish you all a happy and successful term. I look forward to seeing many of you at the special events
we have planned for the term.

Kind regards
Michele McLoughlin for Kerrie Blain (on long service leave)

Bienvenue en ce nouveau trimestre. J'espère que vous avez passé de bonnes vacances et que vous êtes
prêts à travailler main dans la main avec nous pour aider vos enfants. C'est à cette période de l'année
que nos élèves de Seconde réalisent qu'il ne leur reste plus que sept petites semaines d'études
secondaires. Ils abordent cette période avec des sentiments mitigés. Pour certains, Telopea a été leur
école pendant 11 ans, pour d'autres, les quatre années se sont soudainement écoulées très rapidement.
Nous leur souhaitons à tous un très bon dernier trimestre, sachant qu'il y aura beaucoup de célébrations
organisées pour eux en cette fin d’année scolaire : Bal de fin d’année, remise des diplômes, et bien sûr,
le Concert des élèves. Je demande à tous les autres élèves de profiter au maximum de ce dernier
trimestre de l'année, de se fixer des attentes élevées et de donner le meilleur d’eux-mêmes.

Uniforme de l’école
Être fier de son école est important pour notre communauté scolaire. Pour y contribuer, nous demandons
à tous les parents de soutenir l'école en s'assurant que leurs enfants portent l'uniforme scolaire tous les
jours. Il s'agit notamment du polo de l’école (rouge pour les élèves du Primaire et blanc pour les élèves
du Secondaire), d’un bas de couleur bleu marine (shorts longs, jupes), de la robe d’uniforme à carreaux,
de chaussures noires et de chaussettes blanches ou marines. Par temps froid, les élèves portent un
manteau/blouson rouge pour les élèves du Primaire et bleu marine pour les élèves du Secondaire.
Comme je l'ai expliqué aux élèves, notre uniforme est une forme de respect pour notre école et permet
de maintenir la haute estime dont nous jouissons dans la communauté. Il s'agit également du règlement
de la Direction de l'éducation d'ACT auquel nous avons demandé de nous conformer.

Plan d’amélioration de l’école
Chaque année, nous nous donnons pour mission de réaliser le plan stratégique de l'école (2018-2021)
en rédigeant un plan d'action annuel. Ces plans peuvent être consultés sur le site internet de l’école.
Cette année, nous rédigerons un rapport sur le plan d'action de cette année qui indiquera ce que nous
avons fait pour atteindre nos objectifs. Ce rapport, ainsi que le rapport annuel du conseil d'administration,
seront disponibles au début d'année prochaine. Entre-temps, nous nous concentrons sur nos trois
priorités :
- Optimiser la progression des apprentissages chez tous nos élèves ;
- Développer la culture de l'apprentissage par questionnement au sein de l'école ;
- Renforcer la communication et la collaboration au sein de la communauté scolaire.
Merci à notre communauté scolaire de nous aider à maintenir le lycée franco-australien de
Canberra/Telopea Park School comme école d'excellence.

Programme de premier cycle secondaire de l'IB et compétences liées aux " Démarches d'apprentissage "
Tous les élèves du secondaire suivent le programme australien dans toutes les matières (courant
australien), ou dans certaines matières uniquement pour les élèves du courant français. Ce programme
est dispensé dans le cadre du programme de premier cycle secondaire de l'IB. La philosophie de l'IB
contribue à l'établissement des priorités de l'école. Les Démarches d'apprentissage (telles qu'énoncées
par l'IB) aident nos élèves à apprendre. Les compétences des démarches d’apprentissage sont également
des compétences pour l'apprentissage tout au long de la vie. Les cinq approches de l'apprentissage sont
les suivantes : Compétences en communication ; compétences sociales (y compris la collaboration) ;
compétences d'autogestion (compétences organisationnelles, affectives, réflexives) ; compétences en
recherche (compétences en maîtrise de l'information et des médias) ; capacités de réflexion (créativité,
esprit critique et capacité de transfert).

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Voyages et sorties scolaires
World Challenge
Les 17 élèves qui ont participé au voyage World Challenge de cette année au Cambodge sont revenus
avec de nombreuses histoires à raconter sur leurs expériences incroyables. Encore une fois, merci aux
enseignants, Mary De Poorter et Andrew Livermore, pour leur dévouement extraordinaire envers nos
élèves. Pendant leur séjour au Cambodge, ils ont appris à connaître une culture différente et ont pu
contribuer à aider les élèves d'une école primaire locale et à aider la communauté locale à construire des

Échange avec la Nouvelle Calédonie
Nos élèves de 6e se rendront en Nouvelle-Calédonie le mercredi 6 novembre. Un grand merci à David
Binan, Anna McGown, Catherine Buatois et Vincent Severac qui accompagneront les enfants et
participeront à leur aventure éducative au Collège Baudoux à Nouméa. Nous leur souhaitons un bon
voyage et un merveilleux moment de découverte d’une autre culture. Les élèves de Nouméa séjourneront
à Canberra l'année prochaine et seront accueillis par les mêmes familles. Nos élèves seront alors en 5e.

Camp des élèves de 3e
Le camp des élèves de 3e s'est déroulé du mercredi 16 au vendredi 18 octobre à Jindabyne au centre
sportif et récréatif de la Nouvelle-Galles du Sud. Le camp comprend également le programme ‘Peer
Support’ des élèves de 3e où ils apprennent à développer leurs compétences en leadership. Après le
camp, les élèves auront l'occasion de se présenter comme leaders du programme ‘Peer Support ‘ des
élèves de Seconde pour l’année scolaire 2020. Si vous avez des questions ou des préoccupations
concernant le camp, vous pouvez contacter Michele McLoughlin (principale par intérim

Bulletins et réunions parents/professeurs
Les bulletins du Primaire et du Secondaire ont été distribués aux élèves à la fin du trimestre précédent
juste avant les réunions parents/professeurs. Si vous n'avez pas reçu le bulletin de votre enfant, n’hésitez
pas à contacter l’établissement ou à venir le retirer au secrétariat de l'école.

Matinées portes ouvertes
Les matinées portes ouvertes du Primaire ou Voyages d'Apprentissage auront lieu le jeudi 24 octobre,
de 9h30 à 10h30, pour tous les niveaux de classe. C'est l'occasion pour votre ou vos enfants de vous
expliquer ce qu'ils ont appris, et ce qu'ils apprennent, cette année. Nous savons qu'ils sont fiers de leur
travail et qu'ils aiment le partager avec leur famille. Suivra le concert des élèves de CM1 à 6e dans le
Hall de l'école à 11h15.

La Grande Fête
La fête de l'école, La Grande Fête, aura lieu le samedi 2 novembre. À l'approche de la fête, n’oubliez de
noter cette date dans vos agendas et n’hésitez à proposer votre aide à l’association de parents P&C si
vous le pouvez. Tous les dons et offres d'aide sont les bienvenus. Nous souhaitons que cette fabuleuse
journée soit un excellent moment pour notre communauté et nous adressons nos plus chaleureux
remerciements à l’association de parents P&C qui travaille toujours d’arrache-pied pour faire vivre cet
événement spécial à notre communauté.

Sécurité aux abords de l’établissement
En ce début de nouveau trimestre, je vous demande à nouveau d'être vigilant lorsque vous circulez aux
abords de l’établissement. Abordez avec vos enfants la sécurité routière et rappelez-leur d’être prudents.

Rénovation de la cour du Secondaire
La cour du Secondaire est une zone de construction et restera inaccessible jusqu'à la fin du 4e trimestre.
Merci à l’association de parents P&C pour avoir contribué à la rénovation de la cour du Secondaire.
Depuis un certain nombre d'années, l’association de parents P&C recueille des fonds pour aider l'école à
faire de cette rénovation une réalité. Ce sera un ajout formidable à l'école, surtout à l'approche du 100e
anniversaire de l'école en 2023. Les élèves du Secondaire profiteront pleinement de cet espace rénové
en 2020. Pendant les travaux de rénovation, les toilettes fille et les toilettes garçon des élèves du
Secondaire resteront inaccessibles en raison de leur localisation en plein milieu du chantier. Des toilettes
provisoires ont été installés devant le bâtiment de trois étages (entre la salle d'art et l'escalier du milieu)
pour tous les élèves du Secondaire, filles et garçons.

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Rénovation du toit du bâtiment de trois étages
En même temps que la rénovation de la cour du Secondaire, l’établissement va entreprendre des travaux
de réfection du toit du bâtiment de trois étages. Les travaux devraient durer de 6 à 12 mois, selon la
progression des travaux. Le bâtiment de trois étages sera couvert d'échafaudages et les déplacements
autour du bâtiment seront limités. Des dispositions spéciales ont été mises en place concernant les
déplacements autour de l'école, en particulier pour les élèves du Secondaire et du Primaire qui ont cours
dans ce bâtiment.

Les horaires de notre établissement sont les suivants :
Primaire : de 9h00 à 15h15 chaque jour.
Secondaire : de 8h50 à 15h15.
Une surveillance est assurée une demi-heure avant et après les heures de classe. Je demande que les
enfants ne soient pas déposés à l'école en dehors de ces heures, à moins qu'ils ne soient inscrits à la
garderie du matin ou du soir (Primaire), ne participent aux répétitions de la chorale du Primaire ou aux
répétitions de l'orchestre du Secondaire.
Je vous souhaite à tous un excellent trimestre. Je serai très heureuse de vous voir nombreux aux
événements spéciaux que nous avons organisés ce semestre.

Bien cordialement,

Michele McLoughlin pour Kerrie Blain (actuellement en congé de long service)

Australian Curriculum Community Forum – Cyber safety
Wednesday 6 November 3.30-4.30pm Secondary Library
Telopea Park School will be hosting a ThinkUKnow presentation and parents, carers, and teachers are
encouraged to attend.

ThinkUKnow Australia is a cyber safety education program that educates parents, carers and teachers of
how people are using technology, the challenges they may face online, and how to help them overcome
these in a safe and ethical way.

ThinkUKnow Australia is a partnership between the Australian Federal Police, Microsoft Australia,
Datacom and the Commonwealth Bank. The program is delivered in collaboration with policing partners
New South Wales Police Force, Northern Territory Police, Queensland Police, South Australia Police,
Tasmania Police, Western Australia Police, as well as Neighbourhood Watch Australasia.

The presentation will be delivered by a local law enforcement member and an industry volunteer. The
presentation covers issues relating to children and young peoples’ privacy and security online, their
relationships with other users and their online reputation. It provides insight into the devices young
people are using, as well as the popular websites, apps and social networking sites they’re accessing.
This is a fantastic opportunity for you to learn more about young people and the online environment,
and how you can help them to be safe and responsible users of technology.

For more information, you can visit or contact Peter Clayden Deputy Principal K-

Language Acquisition

A huge thank you to Hodson Sensei who has been teaching Japanese classes during Terms 2 and 3.
Welcome back Box Sensei.

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The Australian Council for Research (ACER)
 Assessment of Languages Competence (ALC)

In Term 3 this year, 34 students from Year 7 to Year 10 have sat the listening and reading online
assessment in the languages taught at Telopea Park School.
Each student will soon receive their ALC Certificate that can be used as part of their portfolio of
 Year 10 French transition visit to Narrabundah College
When: Monday 21 October Week 2 12pm to 2pm (includes French picnic)
Limited to 30 students

Expression of Interest Grenoble - France Exchange 2021
Australian students in France: Saturday 20 March to Friday 23 April/Sunday 25 April 2021
French students in Australia: Saturday 19 June to Saturday 24 July 2021

The exchange program is based on reciprocity. French and Australian students are selected and matched
very early in the process so that students and families communicate and get to know each other as soon
as possible.

At the end of week 8 Term 1 (departure: Saturday 20 March; in France Sunday 21 March) participants
stay with a French host family for five weeks, attend Lycée International de Grenoble, Europole for three
weeks (Monday 22 March to Friday 9 April)* and share the two week holiday experience with their billet
and host family (Saturday 10 April to Friday 23 April).
*A few days in Paris are included in the exchange program .

At the end of week 9 Term 2, participants and their families welcome their French billets for five weeks.
French students attend Telopea Park School in week 10 (Australian Business Week), go on holidays with
their Australian host families (June/July holidays) and attend the first two weeks of Semester 2.

Please contact Patricia Blumstein or Anais Bonnet (Language Acquisition Faculty) if interested.

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Here is a wonderful testimony received on Friday 27 September, last day of Term 3 as I am writing this
article for Telopea Topics. I have deliberately blocked out the names of the French and Australian

Dear Mrs. Maurin, Mrs. Blumstein, Mr. Alhadji, Mom, Dad, ‘host parents’ and ‘billet’,
It has been quite a long time since I left Australia and I finally had the time to write this email. With this
email I just want to thank you all to have made this exchange possible for me. So first of all I want to
thank you Mrs. Maurin, Mrs. Blumstein and Mr. Alhadji, because I know that it is very hard to make an
exchange like this possible. And that it is a lot of work and organization. When I found out that I would
be able to do this exchange and that you chose me to do this exchange, I was really happy. And I started
to be very scared to fly to Australia with the ten other pupils because I didn’t know them really well, but
finally we all became really good friends. It was before Christmas that I started to write with ‘my billet’.
Then the first Friday meetings began and the day where our exchange student arrived came sooner and
sooner. ‘My billet’ came and this ten weeks passed really fast. ‘My billet’ discovered the French school
days, that are very long. And we did many things with ‘my billet’: we went to Cannes, Grasse, we did
some dog sledding and we did a laser park. When ‘My billet’ left we were both very sad, but we knew
that we would see each other soon. Two months later it was my turn to fly to the other side of the world.
When we arrived, we were really kindly received, ‘my billet’ and the other 10 exchange students did
some very pretty posters for us. ‘My billet’ and her family were very kind. It was weird to go from the
very hot French summer (38°C) to the cold Australian winter (10°C). In the school everybody was really
nice to us, all the teachers and the other students. When the holidays started, ‘My billet’s family brought
me to Sydney and I was lucky to see a cousin of mine, that lives in Australia. I saw all the big sights like
the Sydney Opera House, the Sydney Harbor Bridge, Manly Beach and many other things. After a few
really fun days in Sydney, we drove to the blue mountains. We did some great walks and saw beautiful
sunsets. After this we drove to ‘My billet’s grandmother’s, to Lake Tabourie. A beautiful place and I was
grateful to have been able to met her and thankful that she welcomed me so friendly. The holidays
passed very fast and then I still just had two weeks in Australia. I have got to know some friends of ‘My
billet’ really well, that directly accepted me in their friendship group and I felt very integrated. I miss
them a lot. At our last Thursday we had a little celebration at ‘school’, and it was the last time we were
all together, all the French and Australian students. Thank you for having organized it. We all enjoyed
this evening a lot! On my last evening in Australia, ‘My billet’ and her friends did a little party for ‘my
friend’ and me. And then we went to a dinner with ‘My billet’ and her parents. This is how my 5 weeks
in Australia finished. This weeks were awesome, I had the opportunity to meet great people, a lovely
culture, a beautiful country, improve my English and meet ‘my billet’, who did not just become my best
friend but also my sister. ‘My billet’, you will always be welcome to come to visit my family and me, we
all love you!

Those ten weeks of exchange where some of the best 10 weeks of my life. And I will always be grateful
for this.

Mom and Dad, I want to thank you for allowing me to trade and pay for this flight. But also to welcome
my billet as sympathetically and help me to grow culturally and to become more independent.

‘Host parents’, I want to thank you for having welcomed me with open arms during these 5 weeks and
for making me discover your culture. All the more I wish to thank you for showing me all these beautiful
places and for giving me the opportunity to do incredible activities.

Mrs. Maurin, Mrs. Blumstein and Mr. Alhadji, I do not know how you managed to regroup the exchange
student as well because with ‘my billet’ we are so similar. So first of all I want to thank you for giving
me ‘my billet’ as a correspondent. I also want to thank you for organizing this exchange, which showed
me that this culture really pleases me and that I could even imagine living in my future in Australia. To
finish I really encourage you to make this exchange possible for the next generation, because I think
this is a great experience.

And finally I want to thank my billet’, to be such an amazing exchange student, who always had been
there for me and had always been there to laugh with me. Thank you for welcoming me to your family
and your group of friends.

Thank you,
French Exchange student (Lycée International de Grenoble)

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And this picture which was taken during the October holidays: Adib (Year 10) and his mum visiting his
French billet (Oliver) and host family. The French host family also participated in the Canberra-
Grenoble exchange 5 years ago.

Indonesian Language Class
On 4th September 2019, Indonesian Language students went to an Indonesian concert which was
held at Melrose High School. The singer was Michael J and he was the winner for the Indonesian Idol.
The students had a great time singing Indonesian songs with Michael!

During the last week of term 3, the Indonesian students had the opportunity to cook an Indonesian
sweet called “Kue Dadar Gulung’. The students really enjoyed cooking it and loved the taste of the kue!
The kue was made similar to Western pancakes, however, the batter used coconut milk instead of
milk. The pancake was green in colour because of the ‘Pandan’ paste used in the batter. The filling was
made from grated coconut and palm sugar.

German Language Class
Germany Exchange Program
This year, Telopea students had the opportunity to do an exchange with Germany. It was an amazing
chance for us to experience other cultures and to make new friends. I for one absolutely loved having
my own exchange partner and I am so glad I had the possibility to participate. The German students
went to school with us for a few days to experience the differences between German schools and
Australian schools. The other days they visited Canberra, whilst getting to know us better. We were also
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able to go on a few excursions with them, my favourite one was probably the night tour of the botanical
gardens. The German embassy graciously invited us for dinner as well and we all had the chance to stuff
ourselves with delicious food. By the end of their stay, we had all made new friends and it was sad to
see them go. I stay in contact with my exchange student and we talk every week. This exchange allowed
me to make a friend on the other side of the world and this is an experience I recommend to everyone
who can partake in it. It’s a once in a lifetime opportunity and you won’t regret it.

The 2021 trip to Germany will be advertised early next year. All students learning German, or
intending to study German at College are welcome to apply. This is a wonderful opportunity that
includes some travel in Germany and a week with host families from our partner school in Erkner, just
outside of Berlin. If you have questions or would like further information, please contact Sheree Avard

Senior German Immersion day
On Monday, 21 October, senior students studying German from school across the ACT will come to
Telopea for our annual immersion day. Our focus this year is ‘Geschichte der deutschen Sprache” (the
history of the German language) and we will learn about the evolution in language and how language
has impacted history. We welcome an experienced historical linguist, Bethwyn Adams to open our day
and teachers from schools, colleges and the ANU to run activities for our students.

Year 9 German STEM Day
On Monday, 28 October, students of Year 9 German will have the chance to take part in a German STEM
Day run by the Goethe Institut in partnership with the ANU. This day involves researchers from the ANU
in the STEM fields presenting workshops for students in German. This a great day and we are thankful
for the support of these organisations to make them happen!

Italian Language Class
 Commedia Dell’Arte by Fools in Progress
This year’s theme for La Settimana Della Lingua, or Italian language week, is ‘Italian on the stage’. So
for one day, during Term 3, Italian students from Telopea and many other Canberra schools participated
in observing and learning from an Italian comedy show, or Commedia dell'Arte, by the theatre company
Fools In Progress. Commedia dell'Arte is a 16th-century theatre form that originated in Italy and was
notable for being the first professional travelling theatre. The performance we witnessed showcased
many of the different types of archetypal characters such as the servant, the two lovers, and the old

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men. Many of the performers or characters wore leather masks which both identify and define the
characters that are being portrayed.

Following the performance, the students were separated into smaller groups to participate in a workshop
where we learned about how each character displayed different gestures, walks and communicated in
certain ways to further identify their personality and character. Certain characters such as Arclecchino
displayed fast, hurried movements and walked in a skipping motion to express their age, enthusiasm
and level of intelligence. On the other hand, other characters were slow and unsteady, such as the old
men Pantalone and Dottore. This type of theatre still has a huge influence on comedy, theatre and
television today and our students were fortunate to see such a good example of the theatrical form.
And also a very big thank you on behalf of all the Italian students to Signora Shihoff for organising this
extraordinary performance and workshop!

Zachary Meads (Y8)
Camila Navarro-Garcia, Year 8

Many of the current Year 7 and Year 8 Italian students have expressed great enthusiasm in
participating in an Italy trip in 2021. A 2021 trip to Italy is contingent on sufficient student numbers.
All students in Y9 and Y10 learning Italian, or intending to study Italian at College are welcome to
apply. This would be a wonderful opportunity that includes some travel in Italy and possibly a week
with host families from a partner school in Siena, just outside of Florence. If you would like to confirm
your child’s interest and family support for a 2021 Italian exchange, please email Larissa Shihoff at
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Mandarin Language Class
The Panda Competition is conducted every year by the Australian China Friendship Society to inspire
students in the ACT and Queanbeyan to creatively present a specific topic related to Chinese culture
through a drawing, painting or 3D construction. The topic for this year’s competition is “Ancient Chinese
Inventions”. Many students of Mandarin classes participated enthusiastically. At the final judgement,
eleven students from our schools were announced as winners including four students from Year 9, three
students from Year 8 and four students from Year 7. They will be invited to attend the Panda Presentation
Ceremony at the Embassy of China on the 7th November 2019. Last year, students from our school won
seven awards for their excellent work. Below shows the photo taken at the Panda Competition
Presentation Ceremony held at the Embassy of China in 2018.

 Panda Competition Ceremony, Embassy of China, Canberra

To keep up-to-date with all your children’s assignments/school reports and other information, please
head to the ManageBac website to learn more. If you don’t have or cannot remember your login,
please email for a welcoming email from ManageBac. The
“Welcome email “from ManageBac is live for 24 hours after dispatch. Please access this ‘Welcome
email” and create your password for future access.

Primary Excursions / Incursions information:
 • Year 1.1 and Year 1.2 – CSIRO Discovery Centre – Black Mountain
 Monday 28 October 2019.
 $15.00 Fee code: 8101-000-00
 Cut-off date for payment is Thursday 17 October 2019.
 • Year 3 - Jerrabomberra Wetlands
 Thursday 31 October 2019.
 $14.00 Fee code: 8133-000-00
 Cut-off date for payment is Thursday 24 October 2019.
 • Year 1.3 and Year 1.4 – CSIRO Discovery Centre – Black Mountain
 Monday 4 November 2019.
 $15.00 Fee code: 8101-000-00

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Cut-off date for payment is Thursday 17 October 2019.
 • Year 6 Canberra Program – (Various Activities)
 Wednesday 6 November 2019 to Friday 15 November 2019.
 $120.00 Fee code: 8166-000-00
 Cut-off date for payment is Friday 25 October 2019.

 • Year 5 – The Museum of Australian Democracy- Old Parliament House
 Friday 15 November 2019.
 $3.50 Fee code- 8138-000-00
 Cut–off date for payment is Friday 1 November 2019.
 • Year 6 Band’s Bandstravaganza
 Rehearsal – Ainslie Primary School – Monday 18 November 2019.
 (Cost of bus travel is covered in annual band fee)
 Concert – Llewellyn Hall, ANU School of Music – Tuesday 19 November 2019.
 (Concert ticket can be purchased directly through Ticketek. On sale Monday 21 October 2019)
 Permission notes are to be returned to school by Thursday 31 October 2019.

Welcome to Term 4! It is hard to believe that we are already in Term 4. The end of last term was quite
busy. The Year 6s shared their culminating event with Kindy and they all participated in their own
Olympic Games in a Greek day celebration. Teachers and students from Year 6 were dressed and ready
for the day. The Year 6 students were fantastic leaders and models for their Kindergarten buddies.

We had Parent Teacher interviews towards the end of the term. Thank you very much to the parents
who made appointments and met with classroom teachers. If you were unable to make an interview
time, please contact your child’s teacher to arrange another mutually suitable time.

This term we already have many wonderful events on our calendar. In weeks 2 and 3 Kindergarten
students will be completing the second part of their PIPS program. PIPS is a requirement in the ACT that
students participate in at the start of the year and the end of the year. Performance Indicators in Primary
Schools (PIPS) is an On-Entry Baseline Assessment is administered by the University of Western Australia
and offered to schools and systems in Australia. This assessment of literacy and numeracy can assist
with assessing progress of students entering primary school. Students will be withdrawn from classes in
small groups to work individually with a familiar teacher. Results will be sent home at the end of the

On Thursday 24 October you are invited to attend your child’s Learning Journey. This is an opportunity
for parents to come and see the learning that their child has done throughout the year. This will be held
in the classrooms from 9.30am to 10.30am.
Following the Learning Journey is the Years 4 - 6 concert. This will be held in the Main Hall at 11:15am.
Montgomery Oval will be open for car parking as there will be many parents needing car parks on this
very special day!

We will be holding La Grande Fête on Saturday 2 November from 12pm to 6pm. We encourage you to
sign up and support in any way you can! Parent volunteers are encouraged to sign up at:

Page 12 of 19 Primary students are welcome to volunteer but must be accompanied by a
volunteer parent at all times. This is a wonderful celebration of our school community.

Lastly, please encourage your child to remember their SunSmart Hat. In this warmer weather, classes
will be moving outside more often for sports, games and outdoor learning opportunities. If your child
does not have a hat, they will be asked to stay in the shade, closest to the class.

Bienvenue en ce quatrième et dernier trimestre de l’année ! Il est difficile de réaliser que nous en
sommes déjà au quatrième trimestre. Le trimestre dernier s’est achevé sur de nombreux événements
et activités. Les élèves de 6e et de Grande Section de Maternelle ont participé à leurs propres Jeux
olympiques lors d'une Journée grecque. Les enseignants et les élèves de 6e étaient vêtus pour
l’occasion et prêts pour cette belle journée. Les élèves de 6e ont été des leaders et des modèles
fantastiques pour leurs camarades de Maternelle.

Les réunions parents/enseignants ont eu lieu en fin de trimestre dernier. Un grand merci aux parents qui
ont pris rendez-vous et rencontré les enseignants de leur enfant. Si vous n'avez pas pu prendre rendez-
vous, n’hésitez pas à communiquer avec l'enseignant•e de votre enfant pour trouver un autre moment
dont vous conviendrez ensemble.

Nous avons déjà beaucoup d’activités et d’événements passionnants au programme de ce trimestre. Au
cours des semaines 2 et 3, les élèves de Grande Section de maternelle passeront la deuxième partie des
tests PIPS. Les élèves participent aux tests en début et fin d’année scolaire, conformément aux exigences
en cours dans l’ACT. Les tests PIPS, acronyme pour indicateurs de performance dans les écoles primaires,
sont une évaluation de référence administrée par l'Université d'Australie occidentale et offerte aux écoles
et organismes d’Australie. Cette évaluation de lecture/écriture et de calcul peut aider à évaluer les
progrès des élèves qui entrent à l'école primaire. Les élèves seront alors retirés des classes en petits
groupes pour travailler individuellement avec un enseignant qu’ils connaissent. Vous recevrez les
résultats des tests en fin d’année scolaire.
Vous êtes invités, jeudi 24 octobre, à participer au Voyage d'Apprentissage de votre enfant. C'est
l'occasion pour les parents de venir voir les apprentissages entrepris par leur enfant tout au long de
l'année. Vous êtes invités à vous rendre dans la salle de classe de votre enfant de 9h30 à 10h30. Vous
pourrez ensuite assister au concert des élèves de CM1 à 6e qui aura lieu dans le Hall de l’école à 11 h
15. Une aire supplémentaire de stationnement sera ouverte sur Montgomery Oval car nous attendons
de nombreux parents pour cet événement très spécial !
La Grande Fête aura lieu le samedi 2 novembre de 12h à 18h. Nous vous encourageons à nous aider en
offrant un peu de votre temps. Si vous souhaitez être volontaire le jour de notre Grande Fête, vous
pouvez vous inscrire ici. Les élèves du primaire peuvent également se porter volontaire, mais doivent
être accompagnés d'un parent à tout moment. Cette journée est une merveilleuse occasion de célébrer
notre communauté scolaire !

Enfin, rappelez à votre enfant qu’il/elle doit porter son chapeau SunSmart en toutes circonstances. Avec
l’arrivée du beau temps, les classes iront plus souvent à l'extérieur pour faire du sport, jouer et participer
à des activités d’apprentissage de plein air. Si votre enfant n'a pas de chapeau, on lui demandera de
rester à l'ombre près de la classe.

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P&C NEWS (version française un peu plus bas)
P&C Special General Meeting
P&C will meet for a Special General Meeting (SGM) commencing 6.30pm on Wednesday 23 October
(Week 2, Term 4) at Secondary School Staff Room. The audited financial statements will be tabled at
the SGM. Please come along! Every parents and carers involvement makes a positive difference.
La Grande Fete
Come one, come all! One of the biggest events at Telopea Park School is La Grande Fête. In fact it’s one
of the biggest school Fêtes in Canberra! Every one of you are invited to participate and make it a grand
success. Make a note on your calendar for Saturday November 2nd – La Grand Fête, an event that will
fill your day with lots of Entertainment, Food, Gaming, shopping stalls and lots more.
The P&C website now has a new page for the 2019 Fête
Need Volunteers for La Grande Fete
La Grande Fête needs your full support to hit success. Let us share our time and have fun.
Yr 7 to 10 students can volunteer by clicking the link - .
Parents can signup by clicking the link -

Need Donations for Second Hand Market @ La Grande Fête

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Stay Connected with the P&C

P&C Facebook page: publishes news, events and activities related to the P&C -
392517621574046 - Follow us or Like us to receive notifications of new posts and events.
French Australian Preschool
Seeking photos!
The French Australian Preschool is looking for photos back through the ages. Do you have some lurking
in the back of a cupboard? Or taking pride of place on your wall? Maybe they're of you when you were
little and oh so cute. Please contact Véronique Conway in the office if you do - and you're happy to share
them. or 6295 0621
This is an ongoing project, so keep it in mind next time you visit your parents 
Nouvelles de l’association des parents et citoyens

Assemblée générale spéciale du P&C
L’association du P&C tiendra une assemblée générale spéciale le mercredi 23 octobre (semaine 2 du
terme 4) à 18h30 dans salle du personnel du secondaire. Les états financiers vérifiés y seront déposés.
Venez vous y joindre. Les contributions de tous les parents et aidants ont un impact positif.
La Grand Fête
Venez tous et chacun. L’un de nos plus grands événements à l’école Telopea est La Grande Fête. En fait,
c’est l’une des plus grandes fêtes à Canberra! Vous êtes tous invités à y participer pour que ce soit un
grand succès. Notez le samedi 2 novembre dans vos calendriers – La Grand Fête est un évènement qui
remplira votre journée avec des spectacles, des jeux, à manger, à acheter et beaucoup plus encore!
Visitez le site internet du site web du P&C pour découvrir sa nouvelle page pour la Fête de 2019

Besoin de bénévoles pour La Grande Fête
La Grande Fête a besoin de votre soutien pour réussir. Donnons un peu de notre temps et amusons
Les élèves de Year 7 a Year 10 (5ème à la seconde) peuvent se porter bénévoles en accédant au site- .
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Les parents peuvent s’inscrire ici -

Besoin de dons pour le marché d’occasion à La Grande Fete
Restez branchés avec le P&C
Page facebook du P&C : nouvelles, événements et activités liés au P&C -
392517621574046 - suivez-nous ou “Like” la page pour recevoir les notifications des nouveaux
messages et événements.
Recherche de photos!
L’école maternelle franco-australienne recherche des photos qui remontent dans le temps. Avez-vous
des photos qui trainent dans un placard? Ou même sur un mur? Sont-elles peut-être de vous lorsque
vous étiez jeune? Si oui, et vous voulez bien les partager, veuillez contacter Véronique Conway, ou 6295 0621
Ceci est un projet de longue durée alors n’hésitez pas à fouiller les albums de famille chez vos parents
How to support your school without doing anything?

 Flight Centre Manuka – Purchase your travel through Flight Centre
 Manuka and nominate Telopea. School will receive 1% of the total
 purchases. This is used towards funding the fete raffle travel prize to
 France that everyone wants to win! You must mention Telopea at time
 of booking and is not available on price beats.
 Achetez votre prochain voyage avec Flight Centre Manuka et désignez
 Telopea. L’école recevra 1% de la valeur de l’achat. Ceci servira pour
 financer le grand prix du voyage en France de la tombola. Il faut
 désigner Telopea au moment de la réservation. Cette combinaison n’est
 pas disponible avec “price beats”.

 Rebel Sport – Nominate Telopea at the checkout or on your Rebel
 loyalty card. The school will earn credits to obtain sporting goods from
 your purchases.
 Désignez Telopea à la caisse ou sur votre carte de fidélité Rebel et
 l’école recevra des crédits envers des équipements de sport.

 Athletes Foot – Canberra Centre – nominate Telopea as your school
 when purchasing shoes or add Telopea to your loyalty program. School
 will receive $5 for each pair of shoes purchased.
 Désignez Telopea à la caisse ou sur votre carte de fidélité et l’école
 recevra 5$ pour chaque paire de chaussures que vous achetez.

 2nd Hand Uniform Shop – Donate your old uniforms and shop at the
 2nd hand uniform shop. All sales from the shop go directly to the P&C
 Committee. Items available include hats, jackets, summer dresses,
 skirts, shirts, blouses and polos of various sizes. Only $5 per piece of
 Opening Hours:
 Tuesday - 8.30am - 9.15am
 Friday - 8.30am - 9.30am
 Location: outside the Primary School Office
 Faites don de vos vieux uniformes et achetez des uniformes d’occasion
 au magasin d’occasion. Toutes les ventes du magasin vont directement
 au comité des parents et citoyens. On y trouve des chapeaux, pulls,
 robes d’été, jupes, et polos de tailles diverses. 5$ par morceau.
 Heures d’ouvertures :
 Mardi – 8h30 – 9h15
 Vendredi- 8h30 – 9h30
 Lieu : dehors, devant le bureau du primaire.

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 Language courses – Spring Session 2019
 Looking for the best French classes in town?
 Our Spring Session is here! You can register for yourself and your children! Email us at

 Reward your child with THE official French diploma? Sign them up for the DELF! More information on

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Les Explorateurs Scout Group is based in Canberra, Australia, and is a unique Scouting group
delivering the official Scouts Australia program en français! We provide an opportunity for our
youth members to use their French language skills in a fun, safe environment, while gaining valuable
life skills.
Les Explorateurs Scout Group meets at the Ainslie Scout Hall, Ebden St, Ainslie ACT, every week
during the school term, with different nights according to age group, and currently offer programs for:
▪ Petits Lutins/Joey Scouts: 6-7 years
▪ Louveteaux/Cub Scouts: 8-10 years
▪ Intrépides/Scouts: 11-15 years
For more information about Les Explorateurs, please visit our website or email our
Group Leader.

 Eclaireuses et Eclaireurs de Canberra is a French Scout group located close to
 Telopea Park school. Eclaireurs de Canberra educational syllabus is about
 becoming happy, resourceful, justice and peace builder men and women. All our
 leaders are French or francophone and our curriculum is based on French

 - Les farfadets “Junior scouting” (year ½) On Fridays, fortnightly – 4.30pm-
 - Les Louveteaux “A life-sized game” (year 3/4/5) On Fridays – 4.30pm-6.00pm
 - Les Scouts et Guides “A taste for adventure” (year 6 to 9) On Fridays –
 For more information, contact us on or find
 us facebook.

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Attention all girls!
Visit your local Guide unit to find out what Girl Guides get up to.
Girl Guides have FUN

• Indoors and outdoors;
• Learn new skills, and
• Make new friends.
Girl Guides is for girls aged 6 –18 yrs.
Local Girl Guide units meet once a week at the Guide Hall in Manuka, Flinders Way.
To find out more, contact Aneela de Soysa 0406 774 126

NSW Crescent
Phone: 61423388
Fax: 61423348

 Principal Kerrie Blain Deputy Principal 7-10 Michele
 Proviseur David Binan Directrice Primaire Catherine
 français/Conseillère Buatois
 Deputy Principal K-10 Peter Clayden Business Manager Mary Ryan
 Deputy Principal K-6 Anna McGown

 School Board Members 2019
 Board Chair Kate Gauthier Appointed Member Mary Welsh
 Staff Member Susan Blythe - Jones Staff Member Mhairi
 P&C Member Clair Bannerman P&C Member Kate Gaultier
 P&C Member Amali Bandara
 Student Member Ila Muttukumaru Student Member Adrian Herzog
 Australian Margaret Leggett French Government Bertrand Pous
 French Government TBA Board Secretary Mary Ryan

 P&C 2019
 President Trish Roudnew Vice President Sanaz Mirzobegian
 Secretary Clair Bannerman Assistant Secretary Mercedes Dent
 Treasurer Dudley Grounds Assistant Treasurer Wendy Ho
 Public Officer Ann Evans Grants Officer Kristin
 T. Niyonsenga
 Before and After Sarah Milligan ACT P&C Delegate Paul Buckley
 School Care
 Communication Preethi Sekar
 Officers Sandra Wiens
 Lost Property Officer Janelle Jorgensen Returning Officer Ben Roudnew
 Initial Fete Wendy Ho

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