WHAT YOU NEED TO SUCCEED - an A-Z of your time at OP - Otago Polytechnic ...

Page created by Freddie Myers
WHAT YOU NEED TO SUCCEED - an A-Z of your time at OP - Otago Polytechnic ...

       an A-Z
 of your time at OP
WHAT YOU NEED TO SUCCEED - an A-Z of your time at OP - Otago Polytechnic ...
Forth Street Campus Map                        4

A-C                                         5-6

D-E                                            7

F-G                                        9 - 10

H                                              11
                                                         Our Vision
I                                         12 - 13
                                                       TO MĀTOU MATAKITE

J                                         14 - 15   Our people make a better world
                                                           ‘Kia tū ki te tahi’
K-O                                       16 - 18

P                                             19

R-S                                       22 - 23

Front/back cover design by Teresa Hight
WHAT YOU NEED TO SUCCEED - an A-Z of your time at OP - Otago Polytechnic ...
                                                 “To have an effective student controlled organisation that imple-
                                                 ments policies and promotes the provision of services, facilities
                                                 and amenities which will foster the educational, social, cultural,
                                                 recreational, emotional, physical and welfare needs of all enro-
                                                 lled students, present and future.”

Student Health                                  24 - 25 U - Z                                                         33

Student Hub                                           26 Important Dates                                              34

Student Success                                 27 - 29 Cromwell Campus                                         35 - 38

S-T                                                   30 Phone Numbers                                                39

Te Punaka Ōwheo                                  31 - 32

Kia Ora and a very warm welcome        the Programme and College                 there are many ways you can be, get
to the Polytechnic and to your Otago   Representative system and an              elected onto our student advisory
Polytechnic Students’ Association      opportunity for all students to           board or pop along to our regular
(OPSA)                                 provide a voice into the quality of       meetings and have your say or you can
                                       courses and development of the            be nominated as a Programme and/or
Driven by student participation,       polytechnic                               College representative
we provide services and support
alongside and on behalf of the         We remain independent, but also           So where can you find us? OPSA is
Polytechnic focused on student         retain a key partnership with the         located in the HUB – just past Customer
engagement, well-being and success     Polytechnic                               Services – Fort Street Campus.
while offering an excellent learner
experience….                           No matter what year you are in, or        We have an open door policy and always
                                       your previous experiences studying,       welcome student visitors so if you ever
Students are the heart of our          we hope when you leave Otago              have any issues or just want to chat, pop
OP culture and it is vital to have     Polytechnic with amazing memories         in and see one of our friendly team.
an independent organisation to         you made while you were here with
represent and promote their views      us.                                       Study hard, have fun and enjoy your
and interests.                                                                   time here with us at Otago Polytechnic.
                                       OPSA is your students’ association;
OPSA provides that link between        we are run by students and are here       To find out more about what’s
OP management and students             to support you through your studies.      on offer here at OPSA visit www.
while promoting students’ rights       The Advisory Board and association        OPSA.org.nz or ‘like’ our page on
and welfare.                           staff are here to provide you with a      Facebook https://www.facebook.com/
                                       wide range of services.                   OtagoPolytechnicStudentsAssociation/
We ensure effective lines
of communication through               Want to be involved in OPSA? Well
WHAT YOU NEED TO SUCCEED - an A-Z of your time at OP - Otago Polytechnic ...
WHAT YOU NEED TO SUCCEED - an A-Z of your time at OP - Otago Polytechnic ...
“Budgeting has only one rule,
                                             don’t go over budget”

ACCOMMODATION                                                                         Contact our campus cop for advice
                                                                                           on safety and security
There are many accommodation
options open to students – make
your stay in Dunedin a positive one
– see OPSA if you need assistance
to sort your budget prior to signing      BUDGET ADVICE                            - Adjusting to student life – how do I
your agreement – check out: https://                                               fit in?
www.opsa.org.nz/information/              Immediate confidential assistance        - Spiritual and religious guidance
accommodation/                            with your personal budget and access     - Prayer and blessings
                                          to emergency funding if applicable
Problems? Tenancy issues? Contact         – just call into OPSA to discuss your
OPSA or Dept of Building & Housing        needs – OPSA is a satellite service of   CAMPUS COP
Tenancy Services 0800 83 62 62 or         Financial Capability Charitable Trust
http://www.dbh.govt.nz/tenancy-           (Dunedin Budget Advisory Service)        John WOODHOUSE
index                                                                              Cell: 0211905950

                                          CAMPUS CHAPLAINS
                                                                                   Proctor’s Office - Security Centre - St

                                                                                   David Street, Dunedin
                                                                                   Tel 64 3 479 4883
                                          Email: chaplain@op.ac.nz                 Email campus.cop@otago.ac.nz
Are a great way to get around. No         Phone: 03 479 3743
carbon footprint or parking hassles.      H106 or Student Success in the Hub       PROGRAMME & COLLEGE
Check out the community bike                                                       REPRESENTATIVES
workshops/sources of second-hand          Kia ora! Campus Chaplains are
bikes “Crooked Spoke” and the “Valley     here at OP as people who can walk        Full-time courses from each school
Community Workspace” on Facebook          alongside you on life’s journey.         will be asked to nominate at least two
– borrow a “Poly-bike” free of charge     Wherever you are on that journey,        (2) students to represent you during
from Sargood, Art School reception        highs or lows, we consider it a          the year who will be the ‘voice’ of the
and Customer Services in the HUB          privilege to be part of that.            students.

BLUES SPORTING AWARDS                     We are here to listen and walk           Programme Reps can also be
                                          with you through whatever issues         nominated as a College Rep who will
OPSA recognises those individuals         are important to you, regardless         be members of the OPSA Advisory
who have achieved sporting                of whether you consider yourself         board. Most importantly all Reps will
excellence at local, national and often   spiritual, religious, or neither.        be able to assist students, develop
international levels.                                                              OPSA as a professional student
Qualifying period is from 1st October     Our services include:                    focused and run organization and
2018 - 30th September 2019                                                         have input into the development
                                          - Someone to listen                      of the Polytechnic and it’s student
                                          - Support for those grieving             services
                                          - Practical life advice
WHAT YOU NEED TO SUCCEED - an A-Z of your time at OP - Otago Polytechnic ...
Steve Downey, Chaplain
                             the old law about an “eye for an
                               eye” leaves everybody blind

CAMPUS CHAPLAINS                         COMMUNITY LAW CENTRE                     COUNSELLING

Email: chaplain@otago.ac.nz              tele (03) 474 1922                       Kia ora, this is a free and confidential
Phone: 03 479 3743                       communitylawotago.com                    service available to all enrolled
H106 or Student Success in the Hub       Open by appointment. To make             students.
                                         an appointment please ring (03)
Kia ora! Campus Chaplains are            4741922 and leave a message or           On the Dunedin campus we are
here at OP as people who can walk        email:                                   located upstairs in S block on the
alongside you on life’s journey.         reception@dclc.org.nz                    corner of Harbour Terrace and Union
Wherever you are on that journey,        FOR hours - check the Community          Street.
highs or lows, we consider it a          Law website out to see the opening
privilege to be part of that.            times of the free legal advice clinic’   Counsellors are:

We are here to listen and walk           Offer free legal advice and              Anne Tacon, Morag Cunningham &
with you through whatever issues         information - help with traffic,         Rhona Shaw
are important to you, regardless         employment, tenancy, police,
of whether you consider yourself         consumer/debt, criminal, ACC,            APPOINTMENTS – Weekdays 9am –
spiritual, religious, or neither.        neighbours, govt depts and family        5pm – we do our best to offer you an
                                         matters                                  appointment within a week of your
Our services include:                                                             request.
                                         Central Otago - Alexandra,
•   Someone to listen                    Cromwell, Queenstown and                 You can also request an book your
•   Support for those grieving           Wanaka, 1st Tues and Wed of the          own appointment online https://
•   Practical life advice                month. (Check local papers for           studentservices.op.ac.nz/home/
•   Adjusting to student life – how      details).                                student-success/
    do I fit in?
•   Spiritual and religious              South Otago - Balclutha and Milton       Remember to confirm “Book” at the
    guidance                             3rd Thurs of the month. (Check           end of the online information or
•   Prayer and blessings                 local papers for details.)               please email studentsuccessdn@
                                         We operate an 0800 number for the
                                         Otago province – 0800 169 333. For       Also – check out the great self care
                                         people calling from out of town,         resources on The Wellbeing Toolbox
                                         we have a telephone roster to give       https://studentservices.op.ac.nz/
                                         advice between 2.30 and 4.30 each

                                         For general legal information:
WHAT YOU NEED TO SUCCEED - an A-Z of your time at OP - Otago Polytechnic ...
Grab your free Radio One discount
                                                                            card at OPSA.

                                                                            DOGS ON CAMPUS

                                                                            Dogs must be in a controlled
                                                                            environment and kept under
                                                                            appropriate control at all times.
                                                                            Any dog that is not under control,
                                                                            causes a health and safety related
                                                                            concern or has an instance of
                                                                            unsatisfactory animal behaviour will
                                                                            no longer be allowed on an Otego
                                                                            Polytechnic site.
                                                                            Dogs are only permitted in shared
                                                                            environments provided all staff
                                                                            and students in the workspace have
                                                                            consented. Dogs must not be allowed
                                                                            in shared spaces where food is
                                                                            prepared or eaten.

                                                                            EDEN CAFE
wellbeing-toolbox/                                                          Our Café in the HUB – with Fair Trade

CUSTOMER SERVICES                       DCC RUBBISH BAGS                    tea & coffee in reusable cups !

                                                                            ELECTRONIC DEVICES
Atrium – F Block                        Visit the OPSA Office with your
03 474 7293 or 0800 762 786             Polytechnic student ID to obtain    Due to disruption and distraction, cell
                                        65 litre bags ($3.20 each) or $16   phones and other electronic devices
Customer Services is your first         for a 5 pack.                       must be completely turned off while
point of contact - we can assist with                                       in class, on course-related activities
application or enrolment enquiries,     DISCOUNTS                           and in changing areas ie. texting,
or we can connect you with all areas                                        pixting or photographing from a
of the Otago Polytechnic as required.   OPSA organises student              cellular telephone, PDA or camera is
                                        discounts in the Otago area.        not permitted.
We offer help with:                     Most require you to show your       Exceptions to this rule may occur only
Studylink; payments; international      ID card https://www.opsa.org.nz/    with the express permission of the
admissions; graduation; lost property   information/discounts/              lecturer and this must be obtained
& visitor parking                                                           prior to commencement of a class or
                                                                            Assessments, such as tests and
                                                                            examinations: these devices MUST be
                                                                            turned off and stored in bags at the
                                                                            front of the room.


                                                                            Organising a programme or college
                                                                            event ? OPSA can help with your
                                                                            budget and organisation, and if
                                                                            necessary, handle your ticket sales
                                                                            and pay your accounts!
WHAT YOU NEED TO SUCCEED - an A-Z of your time at OP - Otago Polytechnic ...
WHAT YOU NEED TO SUCCEED - an A-Z of your time at OP - Otago Polytechnic ...
“You were born with the ability to       “The true wealth is found in the ra-
         change someone’s life,            diant joy of being - not in the figures of
           don’t ever waste it”                      your bank account”

FAIR TRADE                                in a confidential manner – forms
                                          available at OPSA or on line: https://
Otago Polytechnic is a fair trade         and-hardship/
campus that means every time you
purchase a tea, coffee or hot chocolate   Emergency Funding
from Eden Café, you are supporting        If you find yourself without food
people in developing nations with         or in need of assistance to help you
fair wages, wage security and support     through a “rough patch” - you are
with education and sustainable            welcome to chat to OPSA staff about
farming                                   how best we can help you out in the
                                          short term (strictly confidential
FINANCIAL SUPPORT                         service – no appointment necessary)

Student Hardship                          FOOD / FRIDGE / FREEZER
OPSA operates a Student Assistant
Fund which can assist students that       Located in the HUB near the FREE
may find themselves in unforeseen         bins – please feel free to either donate
financial difficulty. Each case is        or help yourself if you need food
individually assessed by a Committee
WHAT YOU NEED TO SUCCEED - an A-Z of your time at OP - Otago Polytechnic ...

Located in the HUB – feel free to take
anything of use to you – we welcome
all donations of unwanted goods
(no rubbish or dud electrical goods
thanks) or clothing.


like us on facebook – this is where all
the action is happening


Every year OPSA invites you to
nominate a graduating student for an
award who has been an inspiration
to study with etc. Forms available at
OPSA or fill out on line:


Exhibition or study, recreation or
social, travel and promotional grants
OPSA has a contestable fund that
any programme, class or group may
apply for a request form will need to
be filled out and signed by current
programme representative


Development Grants

Grants may be made at the discretion
of the OPSA Advisory Board for any
student or group who may require
some financial help with a special
“one-off” project or event (signed by
                                          “A bank is a place that will lend you
the current Programme Rep).
                                           money, if you can prove that you
                                                     don’t need it”
“If something is worth saying, but
   no-one will listen, you sing it”

                                      HARASSMENT & BULLYING                     - written or visual behaviour –
                                                                                writing, drawing, taking or displaying
                                      PREVENTION AND                            pictures (includes use of computer,
                                                                                PDA, other electronic devices, text
                                      MANAGEMENT                                pixt)
                                                                                - physical behaviour – inappropriate
                                      You have the right to study in a          touching, gestures or standing too
                                      harassment free environment.              close
                                      If you have a concern or complaint,       - behaviour that is hurtful,
                                      names of trained harassment contact       unwelcome or offensive to the person
                                      people are displayed throughout           receiving it.
                                      the Polytechnic or if you wish,
                                      you can contact any lecturer, Head        HUB
                                      of programme or college, Hall
                                      Supervisor or Residential Assistant,      H block ground floor – a relaxing
                                      HR Advisor or OPSA                        area with leisure and study spaces,
                                                                                computers, printer and ATM. You
                                      Harassment may be sexual in nature        can visit the Eden Café, have comfy
                                      or based on that person’s gender,         seating and access to Student Success,
                                      race, colour, age, disability, physical   Learner Services, OPSA, Customer
                                      appearance, marital or family status,     Services and more….. check it out
                                      religion, political opinion or sexual
                                      orientation -
                                      Harassment can be:
                                      - verbal behaviour – saying things to
                                      or about a person, or talking within
                                      the hearing of others about subjects
                                      that may be offensive
“Be yourself, everyone is
                                                                                     already taken”

ID CARDS                                 IT SUPPORT SERVICE DESK

                                         H Block room H107 – visitors most
ID Cards which are processed at the
OPSA Office.
                                         or call 0800 POLY IT (0800 765 948)
                                         email servicedesk@op.ac.nz to
- Dunedin students - bring photo ID if
                                         contact our IT Service Desk Staff.
you are a new student
- Distance students - email your
                                         8am to 5pm - Monday to Friday,
details (including ID number, name
                                         fully staffed
& return address) and attach a photo
                                         5pm to 8pm - Monday to Friday,
in jpg. format (plain background, no
                                         one person on duty
sunnies or hats) to idcards@op.ac.nz
                                         2pm to 6pm – Sundays, one person
                                         on duty
This card will be your access to
- Robertson Library (ID bar code will
                                         Closed Public Holidays
need to be activated at the Library)
- UNIPOL gym and recreation facili-
                                         We can provide support and advice
ties (University Plaza)
                                         for most IT difficulties you may
- OUSA Clubs & Societies Centre
                                         encounter on Windows or Apple
(Albany Street)
                                         computers, including the compu-
- OP Student Health & Counselling
                                         ters you might be using from home.
- Discounts throughout the country
- H1 and approved door access to
                                         Distance Students: Remember we
                                         are here to help should you need it.
- Some courses may not charge a Stu-
dent Services fee, but an alternative
                                         Printing and Copying Process
“access” card is available for library
                                         paper cut is used to manage all
and computer services
                                         network printing
                                         Every print job that you submit is
                                         analysed and charged according to
                                         - number of pages, size, colour,
Kia Ora - Greetings and welcome to
you all – please refer to information
provided by your International Advi-
                                         Learners can log onto the photoco-
sory Team on campus
                                         piers using their OP Student Cre-
                                         dentials, and access copying, and
I changed my password to              “The first computer dates back to
                               “incorrect”, so whenever I forget       Adam & Eve. It was an Apple with
                               what it is, the computer will say      limited memory, just one byte. And
                                 “your password is incorrect”              then everything crashed !”

                           scanning services. All copying and
                           printing is charged from your Paper     https://studentservices.op.ac.nz/
                           Cut account.                            it-support/eduroam-wi-fi-network/

                           Scanning documents to be sent to        Student E-mail and Free Microsoft
                           your Student Email account and is       Office for Students
                           FREE to use from these same selected
                           MFDs.                                   To access the Windows Office 365
                           You can top up your prepaid account,    service, check out “My email” at
                           and make further enquires about         https://www.op.ac.nz/hub/          Di-
                           printing and photocopying at any of     rect Link to Office 365: http://mail.
                           the following locations:                student.op.ac.nz
                           - IT Service Desk – situated in Room
                           H107, (for Cash only and you don’t      You can download a full version of
                           have an EFTPOS card as an alterna-      Microsoft Office from your Office 365
                           tive)                                   account, which will be licensed for
                           - All are now located just inside the   as long as you are a student at Ota-
                           entrance to the Robertson Library       go Polytechnic. Both Windows and
                           -close to the Otago Polytechnic MFD/    Apple versions are available.
                           copier (Self Service Kiosk EFTPOS
                           only)                                   Just log into Office365 with your
                           - Open Area, H Block Level 1 (Self      student name and password (same as
                           Service Kiosk EFTPOS only)              you use for Moodle) and click on
Being taught “what’s up”
                                                                   Round Icon (with your Initials) on the
                           Wireless Access                         top right, then select “My account”.
at orientation
                                                                   In the next window the “My account”
                           Otago Polytechnic has provided wire-    tab shows “Install status” – click
                           less connectivity for students to use   “Install Office” to start the download
                           their own network connected devices,    and install. Once installed, you will
                           such as laptops, smart phones, and      need to open Word, then “File”, then
                           tablet computers.                       “Account” and log into Office 365 to
                           For information regarding the Otago     license your copy of Office 365.
                           Polytechnic Eduroam Wi-Fi network,      Install, and all the best with your
                           check out:                              studies!

Enrol at Student Job Search vacancies
may be posted on facebook as we
receive them.
Student Job Search is a not-for-profit
organisation, dedicated to helping
students find work while studying.
Thanks to OPSA, Student Job Search
is 100% free for you to use.                                                      Kevin Tansley
                                                                                  Justice of the Peace
SJS will connect tertiary students
looking for work with employers who
are looking for talent. We can help
you find work during the semester
or over the summer holidays and
                                         All JPs are available by appointment   H210, H Block
advertise a range of different jobs
                                         only.                                  Cnr Forth St & Union St East
to suit your study schedule and
                                                                                Dunedin Campus
                                         Kevin Tansley                          Otago Polytechnic
New to SJS? Register online now to
                                         Justice of the Peace                   Karole.Hogarth@op.ac.nz
start your job hunt!
                                         Principal Lecturer                     03 470 3902
www.sjs.co.nz 0800 757 562
                                         College of Engineering, Construction
                                         and Living Sciences                    Steve Downey
                                         L Block                                Justice of the Peace
                                         Anzac Avenue                           Student Success Team
Otago Polytechnic has Justices of
                                         Dunedin Campus                         The Hub, H Block
the Peace (JPs) on campus who can
                                         Otago Polytechnic                      Cnr Forth St & Union St East
assist with witnessing signatures,
                                         Kevin.Tansley@op.ac.nz                 Dunedin Campus
certifying documents and recording
                                                                                Otago Polytechnic
declarations or affidavits. JPs are
                                         Dr Karole Hogarth-Caulfield
“people of good sense, character
                                         Principal Lecturer
and integrity” in the community
                                         School of Nursing
appointed by the Governor General to
work in an unpaid capacity to assist
the public.
OPSA is the home of your Student
                                      Assn and Executive – check in with us
                                      regularly, as we would love to have you
                                      on board during the year

IMPORTANT                       appointment please indicate the
INFORMATION FOR YOUR            type of JP service you are seeking
JP APPOINTMENT                  e.g. “affirmation” or “certification
                                of documents”. This enables the JP
Otago Polytechnic’s JPs are     to prepare for your appointment
first and foremost committed    appropriately and provide you
to their paid roles at Otago    with the best possible service.
Polytechnic. Sometimes this     If you are unable to make an
may mean that their work        appointment with one of Otago
commitments need to take        Polytechnic’s JP’s you may wish to
priority.                       attend a ‘no booking required’ JP
It is your responsibility       Clinic available on Wednesdays
to have your documents          from 9.00am-1.00pm in the
organised prior to your JP      University Information Services
appointment. This means         Building (near the Central Library)
you need to bring original      and Saturdays mornings from
documents and photocopies       10.00am to 12.00pm at Citizens
that you would like verified.   Advice Bureau, Rodgers House,
Please do not pre-sign any      Ground Floor, 155 Princes St,
documents before your visit.    Dunedin.
When you make your
KIDS ON CAMPUS                                skills, interpreting instructions
                                              and marking schedules)
                                          •   research strategies
Children on campus - please be            •   academic writing, including
considerate - the presence of                 clarity of expression,
children in the classroom may                 paraphrasing and referencing
affect the teaching and learning          •   oral presentations
environment for others so it is           •   basic numeracy
important to obtain permission
from lecturers in the exceptional         Appointments can be made
circumstance of needing to bring          by phone/email or online:
your child to class.                      studentservices.op.ac.nz
We offer individual face-to-face
and online appointments, group
tutorials and email support to
develop the following:

•   being an effective learner (study

    Studiosity provides 24/7 on-line
    feedback on writing (see student hub)
     In addition to Studiosity’s services, you can make an
     appointment with a Learning Advisor
     Learning Advisors can help with study skills,
     understanding and working on assignments, as well as
     academic writing and research skills. Support can be
     face-to-face, online or via phone/skype.
“A student walks into the Library
   and asks for a book on ‘finding
bigfoot’ – the librarian directs them
     to the large print section”

                                        LIBRARY SERVICES                            in person with a current OP
                                                                                    ID card or request books
                                                                                    through the Library catalogue
                                        Support your learning at Otago              (instructions are on the
                                        Polytechnic by using the resources,         Library website).
                                        facilities and services at the          •   Need some help find finding
                                        Robertson Library:                          research for assignments?
                                                                                    Contact a Subject Librarian
                                        •   Borrow course textbooks (with           (contact details are on the
                                            your current OP ID card) and            relevant Subject guides on the
                                            access a large collection of            Library website).
                                            quality research online             •   Studying at a distance / living
                                        •   Use the student computers,              outside Dunedin? Utilise the
                                            printing, copying and                   Library service for Distance
                                            scanning facilities. OP Wi-fi           learners
                                            also available.
                                        •   Study on your own, book a           More information about using
                                            group room (online) or make         the Library’s collections, services
                                            use of the kitchenette facilities   and facilities is available from the
                                            in the common room area.            Robertson Library website or pop
                                        •   Friendly, helpful Library staff     in to the Library and ask us.
                                            are available in the Library or
                                            contact them online.                Contact details and links:
                                        •   Borrow from the University          • Phone: 03 479 3793
                                            of Otago’s Library physical         • Email: ask.library@otago.
                                            collections (excludes online           ac.nz
                                            databases, journals and             • Website: studentservices.
                                            books). Visit these libraries          op.ac.nz/library/
                                                                                • LibChat: - link to LibChat
                                                                                   from the Library catalogue
                                                                                   (hours: 8:30am – 5pm, Mon –
                                                                                • Hours: Monday – Sunday 7am
                                                                                   – 11pm
                                                                                • [Hours can vary over public
                                                                                   holidays and term breaks -
                                                                                   check the Library website for
                                                                                   more information]
                                                                                • Library tour online: https://
                                                                                • Subject guides: https://
“If you have a garden and a library,
                                                   you have everything you need”

LIVING CAMPUS GARDENS                    MANAAKI (M Block)                                NOTICE BOARDS
Forage for vegetables, fruit and herbs
                                         On the ground floor is the Ako                   Located on the ground floor of
- look out for the ‘pick me now’ signs
                                         Espresso, Manaaki fully licensed                 most blocks – feel free to place
or ask the friendly horticulture staff
                                         Training Restaurant, Student Health,             your own notices, but to avoid
for assistance.
                                         Student Village food hall, water cooler          removal, PLEASE date and place on
                                         & toilets.                                       appropriate board – check out the TV
Living Campus Tours and
                                         OP Food Design Institute & Functions             screens for current events.
                                         manage all the catering, café and
                                         restaurant services. – bookings for
Contact us:
                                         catering and venue hire should be                OPSA OFFICE
                                         directed to functions@op.ac.nz
                                                                                          Located in the Hub
mobile: 021 735 498
                                         MĀORI STUDENTS                                   tele: 03 477 6974
mobile 021 735 209
                                         Maori students are supported by the              This is the centre for all student
                                         friendly team at Te Punaka Ōwheo.                activities and provision of services -
                                         For more information go to T                     staff are there to assist you with any
LOST PROPERTY                                                                             requirements you may have.
All lost property from campus is
                                         MICROWAVES                                       OPEN: 8.30 am – 3.30pm Tues/Wed/
eventually returned to OPSA – we
                                                                                          Thrs, and open 9am – 3pm Mon & Fri
operate a lost property register, so
                                         Located around campus for your
if you find any item, please hand in
                                         convenience – please keep clean and              Hours may be reduced over the
at the OPSA Office or check to see
                                         tidy and report any faults to OPSA               breaks but will be notified.
if we have your missing item. Lost
property from the Robertson Library
will be sent to OUSA office at the
University – you can phone them to
check on any items 03 479 5332

                                                                                “Queer Support is a part of the
                                                                                OUSA Student Support Centre, 5
                                                                                Ethel Benjamin Place

                                                                                Email: q.support@ousa.org.nz
                                                                                Text: 022 571 3530
                                                                                Call 0800 12 10 23
                                                                                website: http://www.ousa.org.nz/
  I was complimented on my parking
  today….someone left a note on my                                              OUSA Queer Support
       car saying “parking fine”                                                Coordinator - provides
                                                                                information and support for
                                                                                Queer and Questioning students
                                                                                from Polytechnic and University.

PARKING                                   POHO                                  OUSA Queer Support also runs a
                                                                                peer support programme, a group
                                          POHO is a common space dedicated      for international LGBTQIA+
Limited street parking is available
                                          to Māori students. There is always    students and events throughout
all around campus – BUT CHECK to
                                          kai in the cupboard and information   the year.
ensure you are parking in the right
                                          about what’s on in the Māori
spot ! Please do not park in any staff
                                          community both on and off campus.     UniQ Otago is a OUSA officiated
(numbered) parks or student village
parks as you may be towed !                                                     club for queer and queer-friendly
                                          Come for a hot lunch on a             students. They run a weekly
Parking is available at the Stadium, so
                                          Wednesday and any other time to       coffee group and other social
please register on your student HUB
                                          study or have a break. Open from      events. Search for UniQ Otago on
to activate parking in that area.
                                          7.30 to 5pm Mon to Fri, Māori         Facebook or email:
                                          students can also access Poho out
PASIFIKA SPACE                                                                  OtagoUniQ@gmail.com.
                                          of hours with student ID. Contact
                                          tepunakaowheo@op.ac.nz                Links:
Pasifika students have their own
designated space to study, get                                                  - Curious - Full of resources,
together and meet with other Pasifika
                                          POLY-BIKE                             forums, questions and answers.
students on campus “Our Space G                                                 Very interactive and youth-
                                          It is FREE to pick up keys/lock and   friendly. http://curious.org.nz
Block Room G107”
                                          helmets from Customer Services or     - SouthTrans – support for
                                          from reception at Sargood or Art      transpeople in Dunedin
                                          School                                http://southtransnz.wix.com/
                                                                                - Rainbow Youth - NZ’s national
                                                                                queer youth site.
                                                                                - Agender – National support for
                                                                                - Dunedin Pride - Frigays, 18+
                                                                                Trans & Gender Diverse Social
                                                                                Groups, and Alphabet Soup.
                                    CLUBS AND SOCS

OPSA provides services and
                                    Come find the perfect club or
facilities at UNIPOL Recreation
                                    society to complete your uni
Centre and OUSA Clubs &
                                    experience. Hang with like-
Societies Centre.
                                    minded people, create lasing
                                    friendships, try something new
FREE entry with your ID card.
                                    or indulge a budding interest.
                                    There are a great selection of
                                    clubs and societies across:

                                    •   Cultural
Find Clubs and Socs on 84
                                    •   Religious
Albany Street right by main
                                    •   Politics
campus. It’s a hub for student
                                    •   General interest
activity, meetings and study, and
                                    •   Sports
general social get-togethers!
                                    •   Academic

Join a club, a society, or find
                                    With 150 groups there is
a recreation programme that
                                    something for everyone, so find
suits. Hungry? Grab a delicious
                                    your fit and #comeplayousa
daily $4 lunch offered, five days
a week.

Everyone is welcome.
                                    Offering anything from sport to
                                    the arts. From a new language
                                    to personal development. From
OUSA Clubs and Societies
                                    living sustainably to everything
                                    you love about food.
                                    With over 100 activities each
84 Albany Street Dunedin
                                    semester you are spoilt for
Open 9am to 10:30pm weekdays,
10am to 8:30pm weekends
                                    Rooms for hire
(reduced hours through breaks
                                    Study, meeting, exercise and
and summer)
                                    dance spaces
                                    Free* for Otago University and
                                    Polytechnic students
Is your body feeling like a temple
                              ...or a messy student flat?

Keen to view? Take the virtual           Polytechnic students              everyone from group fitness,
tour and book: ousa.org.nz/                                                cardio, weights and functional
clubsandsocs                             For more info head to ousa.org.   training zones, social sport,
                                         nz/clubsandsocs                   table tennis, pool, foosball,
Hospitality                                                                drop-in court spaces as well as
$4 Lunch, frozen meals,                  UNIPOL                            the comprehensive Outdoor
kitchenette facilities, cooking          RECREATION CENTRE                 Rental Centre where you can
classes and shared meals. For                                              hire anything from surfboards
more information, and daily              University Plaza, 130 Anzac Ave   to skis. Best of all entry into
menus head to ousa.org.nz/               Dunedin                           Unipol is free with your 2021
clubsandsocs                                                               OP ID card!
                                         Ph: 03-479-5888
Sauna                                    email: recreation@otago.ac.nz     HOURS:
84 degrees of goodness                   www.otago.ac.nz/recreation        Mon - Fri: 6am-10pm
$5 for Otago University and                                                Sat:        8:00am – 9:00pm
Polytechnic students                     Facebook: Unipol Recreation       Sun:        9:00am – 11:00pm
                                         Services Instagram: unipol_
For more info or to book head            recreation
to ousa.org.nz/clubsandsocs
Amenities                                The team at Unipol provide
Showers, Pianos, lockers (for            recreational opportunities
daily use), guitars                      to ensure you optimise your
                                         wellbeing while studying.
Free for Otago University and            There really is something for

At OP we separate compostable,
recyclable and rubbish for landfill
PLEASE reduce the packaging
waste you bring to OP or chose glass
packing over plastic.

It is really important for us all to
recycle correctly – ie. Devoid of
residual food to be clean – too much
contaminated or incorrect material
can compromise the quality, not to
mention difficulties for the sorting
team. Glass bottles and jars are all
recycled.                                on your Programme. Enquire at
                                         Te Punaka Ōwheo or with Pasifika
If eating in the HUB, ensure left over   Liaison for any available Māori or
food in place in the organic bin to      Pasifika scholarships.
assist with our composting for the
Living Campus.                           For information about scholarships
                                         available at Otago Polytechnic check
                                         out: https://www.op.ac.nz/students/
RIDESHARING                              scholarships/

Check out the OPSA website and           givME is an extensive online database
if you can offer or need a ride to       providing information about
campus, let us know – just follow        available scholarships, awards and
the link https://www.opsa.org.nz/        grants based on criteria, level of study
information/ride-share/                  and discipline along with closing
                                         dates, application requirements and
                                         contact details.
                                         It is available at the Dunedin Public
When information about any               Library, or if you have a Dunedin
scholarships is received, it will be     Public Library Card, you can
posted on Facebook or check with         access this on-line at http://www.
your College who may have specific       dunedinlibraries.govt.nz/digital-
ones you can apply for depending         library/funding
“Security is always excessive until                  Quitline NZ
                                                it’s not enough”                            0800 778 778

                                    SECURITY                                  SMOKING

                                    There are CCTV cameras on site            Smoking (including electronic
                                    around campus, but you are advised        devices) is prohibited in ALL areas of
                                    to keep your valuables with you at all    Otago Polytechnic and includes:
                                    times – OPSA can look after items for     all buildings, including balconies,
                                    you during office hours if necessary      outdoor areas on site and the
                                    Students enrolled in particular           Childcare Centre
                                    courses may be granted after hours        Other spaces
                                    or specialised access – please see your   We encourage smokers to be
                                    school administrator to activate your     considerate of others in open spaces
                                    ID card for this purpose.                 not controlled by the Polytechnic,
                                                                              such as public footpaths, and also
                                    Important for after hours                 encourage smokers to consider the
                                    - Ensure you have your cell phone         effects on the environment when
                                    with you                                  disposing of cigarette butts and to
                                    - Tell your family or flatmates           be aware that there is a risk of fire if
                                    which building you are going to and       cigarettes/butts are placed in rubbish
                                    expected time of return                   bins. Storm water drains and gutters
                                    - Ensure that doors to the building are   lead directly to waterways and
                                    properly closed behind you when you       cigarette butts may harm these.
                                    leave                                     Support
“Quality and persistence will get
                                    - Use well lit entrances and walkways     Student Health supports smokers
                                    after dark and avoid walking home         who wish to stop or phone:
you the outcomes you need”
                                    alone                                     Quitline 0800 778 778, a free service
                                                                              which includes after hours support
                                                                              (there is a nominal fee for nicotine
                                                                              patches if desired).
Manaaki – ground floor – Harbour Tce
phone: 479 6082 or 477 3014 or 0800 762 786
OPEN 8.30am – 5pm weekdays

students who have paid the Student Health Levy

International Students, please check with your
International Advisors and or Student Health staff
regarding costs and insurance cover prior to making
an appointment.
Depending on who your insurance provider is, a
consultation will either be free or cost $15 which you
can claim back through insurance.

- 15min appointments available 9am – 4.30pm Mon
– Fri.
- Free medical consultations for ACC or Community
Service card holders (card must be presented),
otherwise $15 per visit.
- Please check with reception in regards to costs
as some services such as minor surgery, dressings,
immunisations etc. may be extra.
- After hours service is available at Dunedin Urgent
Doctors until 10pm and then overnight at the
Emergency Department at Dunedin Public Hospital.
“Healthy sleep not only
            makes your life longer, but
            also shortens the workday”

                     NURSING SERVICES                         fee is added to the total. If you need
                     – free by appointment                    longer please talk to Reception.
                     - treatment of accidents and injuries
                     – ACC providers                          Please contact us directly if you
                     - sexual health, contraception advice    change address or phone number
                     and pregnancy testing                    or are unable to attend your
                     - cervical screening and vaccinations    appointment (otherwise a charge will
                     - assessment and advice of minor         be added onto your account)
                     - wound care and dressing, wart clinic   It is not our policy to do prescriptions
                     and smoking cessation                    or give out test results over the phone.
                                                              You need to make an appointment for
                     To get the most out of your studies,     these.
                     you need to be healthy, both
                     physically and emotionally so please
                     apply for your Community Services
                     card early to avoid unnecessary costs.
                     Student Health is a non-profit
                     organisation so prompt payment of
                     accounts helps keep the service going.
                     We are happy to send out accounts
                     but request that these are paid within
                     14 days. If not, a $3 administration

“You are what you eat, so don’t be an instant noodle and
your body needs eight hours sleep a night (not a week)”
This is the place where you can
                              securely access all student related
                              information including results,
                              important dates, student support.

STUDENT HUB                   Please update your details if
                              you change your contact details
                              (address, phone number, personal

                              email address) while studying at
                              OP. You can do this from the “My
                              Details” section.

                              If you have a comment, complaint
                              or suggestion, this is one avenue to
                              voice your opinion
             SUCCESS TEAM
     Big Green Desk in the Hub, 0800 762 786

Life on campus can be exciting     CAREERS
and challenging, so our Student    careers@op.ac.nz
Success Team are here to support
and help you through any issues    We can assist you with:
that might arise.                  - Individual career guidance and
Come and seek help for any         - Drop in career support and
issues impacting on your           information
opportunities to study or to       - Employability workshops
engage fully in your learning.     - Individual Career Consultation
                                   - book in advance through Student
Our Services include:              Success
                                   - Help with CV’s, cover letters, job        impacting your study
•   Academic support               searching, & job interview skills
•   Peer Tutors                                                            Check out our wellbeing toolbox
•   Access to counselling          Check out our Career information
•   International and domestic     at: https://studentservices.op.ac.nz/   https://studentservices.op.ac.nz/
    support                        career-counseling/                      wellbeing-toolbox/
•   Pasifika support and
    scholarships                   WELL BEING and DISABILITY
                                                                           STUDENT ADVISOR
•   Advocacy
•   Career guidance                Kerry Rushton                           INTERNATIONAL
•   Homestay                       Kerry.rushton@op.ac.nz
•   Pastoral care                                                          Sheena Roy
•   Adjustment to student life     Trici Grothe-Robertson                  Sheena.roy@op.ac.nz
•   Balancing workload and         Trici.grotherobertson@op.ac.nz
    family commitments                                                     Services we provide include:
•   Isolation and relocation       Kathy Lockwood
    issues                         Kathy.lockwood@op.ac.nz                 •   Orientation and student
•   Removing barriers for                                                      activities
    students with disabilities     We look forward to meeting              •   Pre graduation celebrations
•   Health concerns and            any student who identifies with         •   Assistance with Medical and
    referrals                      a disability to ensure you are              Travel Insurance
•   Referral to community and      supported in your studies               •   Student Visa Renewals
    government agencies                                                    •   Advocacy
•   Student Visa Renewals for      •   Advocacy, liaison, equipment
    International students             and furniture                       We are also available to help with
•   Wellbeing                      •   Campus orientation and              any concerns you have regarding
                                       classroom support                   your studies, personal issues,
To make an appointment with        •   Alternative assessment and          adapting to life in New Zealand.
any of our Student Support             exam arrangements                   We have the patience, empathy and
Services, go to:                   •   Peer tutors for one on one          understanding to communicate with
https://outlook.office365.             academic assistance                 people for whom English is not their
com/owa/calendar/                  •   Wellbeing or emotional              first language. Please come and
bookingsstudentsuccess@                support                             speak with us and let us help and
op.ac.nz/bookings/                 •   liaising with lecturers and         support you.
                                       outside agencies
                                   •   goal setting                        Emergency 24/7 support –
                                   •   anything else that you feel is      021 735 421

Christine Aitken & Mark Jory

Homestay – your home away from
home - available for all students
You will have the security of living
with a good family while studying. All
families have been visited to ensure
your stay is a comfortable one.
All International students under
the age of 18 must live in home stay

Otago Polytechnic is a signatory to
the Code of Practice for the Pastoral
Care of International Students


Celia Hepburn
My goal is to help ensure that you
have the best possible chance to
succeed at tertiary study.

For any issues or concerns you have
that may be impacting your ability
to attend class or complete work, you
are welcome to contact the Student
Success Advisor to help identify a way

Text, phone, email or come on in to
the big green desk at Student Success
in the HUB for a chat.

for refugee background students
- Mariam Abdul – Dayyem

Coming to a new country, learning a
new language and trying to integrate     The advisor can assist with
into a new culture are big challenges    several areas including:
for anyone, let alone for former
refugees. My main goal is to assist      •   Advocacy, advice and
refugee background students to               liaison with different
understand, navigate and adapt to the        services in OP
different systems in order to achieve    •   Help with issues and/or
the best educational results possible.       structural systems outside
                                             OP to ease the study
At the same time, I see my role as a         process
“bridge” for the staff at OP, so that    •   Accompanying and
the interplay between the students           navigating students
and staff would become more                  through the different
understandable, enjoyable and                services
prosperous.                              •   Making plans for future
                                             studies within OP
Ko te pae tawhiti whāia kia tata, ko te pae tata
    whakamaua kia tina – Seek out distant horizons
             and cherish those you attain.


Litea Ikahihifo

Talofa lava, Kia Orana, Malo e lelei,
Fakaalofa lahi atu, Bula vinaka, Malo
ni, Halo ola keta, Mauri, Fakatalofa
atu and Warm Pacific greetings

“What a great choice you have
made in choosing to study at Otago

Choosing pathways for studies can
be difficult, but you have now taken
another step to better your future.
There are great resources available to
help support you and your learning
and Pasifika students have their
own designated space to study, get
together and meet with other Pasifika
students on campus “Our Space G
Block Room G107”

I can organise academic or peer
tutoring as well as a range of other
supports and services to help you
with your individual needs
 - You will be contacted by the Student
Advisor Pasifika via a letter, e-mail,
phone call or text welcoming you to
Otago Polytechnic.
- Regular events are held during the
year and all Pasifika students are
encouraged to attend.
- There are scholarships for
prospective and enrolled students
including health related courses
“Buy less, choose well, make it last”

STUDYLINK                               Check out the website for more in
                                        depth information on Scholarships,
www.studylink.govt.nz                   extra help with costs, to tell us about
apply online early                      any changes or MyStudylink or call
Student Allowance can help with         us on 0800 88 99 00 or drop into your
your living expenses while you study.   local Studylink office
It’s money that you don’t have to pay
Student Loan can help to finance your
study. It’s made up of three parts –    Is a core value at Otago Polytechnic
compulsory fees, course-related costs   - we help to achieve our goals of
and/or living costs. When you apply     minimising our environmental
for a loan, you choose what parts you   footprint and encouraging staff and
need.                                   students to embrace sustainable
Our Māori student success
team work to ensure
Māori students have the
academic, cultural and
social support they need.

This includes access to a range of
services, resources and facilities for
Poho – a dedicated space for Māori
Tauira/whanau events and
Kai – always kai at Poho plus a cooked
lunch every Wednesday at noon – a
great way to meet other students
Tuakana-Teina (mentoring)
                                                                          Whaia te mātauranga, hei oranga
Academic support and advocacy                                             mo koutou – Seek knowledge for
Computers and printers                                                    the sake of your wellbeing
Financial advice and mentoring
Grants and scholarship assistance
Studylink support
General advice, support, guidance
and referral

Our dedicated team of kaiawhina
are here to support you through any
of the challenges and opportunities
study presents you with. Get in touch
with us and learn more.

https://www.op.ac.nz/students/           Poipoia te kākano, kia puawai
maori-students/                          - Nurture the seed and it will
to vote for OPSA positions such as
                                                                                  President, Advisory Board members
                                                                                  and Programme and College

                                                                                  WATER COOLERS
                                                                                  These are located in most blocks
                                                                                  around campus – drinking fountain
                                                                                  and bottle filling available


                                                                                  Your student webmail address will
                                                                                  be printed on your ID Card – please
                                                                                  make sure you activate this prior
                                                                                  to registering your card at the
                                                                                  Robertson Library – we advise you
“A goal without a plan is just a wish”   UNIPOL                                   to check your mail regularly to avoid
                                                                                  missing out on important campus
                                         great place, great times !               information.
                                         - refer to “Recreation” for more
                                         VISION                                   We can help you exchange your
                                                                                  unwanted goods, textbooks or
                                         The Otago Polytechnic’s vision is “Our   personal items – use the FREE bins in
                                         people make a better world”              the HUB

                                         VOLUNTEERING                             YEAR PLANNER
                                         All students will have the opportunity   Pick up your free planner + welcome
                                         to volunteer throughout their studies    pack from OPSA. Public & Primary
                                         – we ask each programme to organise      school holidays are listed, but we urge
                                         a volunteer event to suit your           you to check with your OP progamme
                                         timetable, skills and passion – join     timetable about term breaks and
                                         the Polysquad of valued volunteers       holidays as some courses may differ.
                                         and make a difference in your
                                                                                  Tolerance of bullying, harassment,
                                         Students will be given several           illegal drugs or smoking on campus
                                         opportunities throughout the year
“I don’t have a solution,
                                       but I do admire the problem”

                                         Monday 8th March
                                         Nominations open for any unfilled
                                         positions on the 2021 OPSA Advisory
                                         Board. Nominations close for all on
                                         Friday 26th March

                                         Tuesday 9th March
                                         International / Pasifika / Maori
                                         student lunch

                                         Tuesday 24th March
                                         OPSA first Programme
                                         Representative Meeting - Each full-
                                         time course or class from each school
                                         will be asked to nominate at least two
                                         (2) students to represent you during
                                         the year. OPSA will give these Reps
                                         all the support they need to fulfil this
February / March - Orientation
events on Polytechnic and University
                                         Wednesday 31st March
campuses & around town
                                         OPSA Annual General Meeting
                                         This meeting adopts the OPSA 2020
                                         Financial Statement, elects remaining
noon (venue will be confirmed prior)
                                         2021 OPSA Advisory Board Members
11 Bannockburn Road
PO Box 16, Cromwell
telephone (03) 445-9900
freephone 0800-765-9276

CAMPUS OFFICE HOURS:                    Available through the Central
                                        Campus at Cromwell. Students in
8.00 am - 5.00 pm - student queries;    Wanaka should phone 0800 765
urgent messages; photocopying           9276 or work directly with their             Central Otago offers a relaxed
                                        Programme Manager                          outdoor lifestyle. It’s a unique and
STUDENT CAMPUS FACILITIES:                                                         beautiful place with much to offer.
                                        Pre-School Centre                          Like many, you might come here to
Common room:                            Molyneux Educare is adjacent to the           study and never want to leave
Kitchen facilities (supply own mugs);   Molyneux Ave entrance to Campus
indoor recreation, microwaves,          at Cromwell – phone 03 445 0632
fridge, stereo and filtered chilled     Hours 8.00 am - 5.30 pm (6 months
water, (no smoking)                     -7 years)

Outdoor facilities:
Cycle parking; hoops; outdoor           Chaplain
furniture – ample street car parking    Steve Downey (located in Dunedin)
available                               offers a service that is inclusive, non-
                                        judgmental and free to all students at
Library:                                the Central Campus
Campus collection of books              Contact Steve on (03) 972 7124 or
and journals for local courses -        chaplain@op.ac.nz
Internet and database searching,        Steve is happy to visit the campus on
interloans. Web based catalogue         request
of Cromwell and Dunedin libraries
accessible anywhere, requests from
The Robertson Library, Dunedin
collection delivered to Cromwell
within 2 days. Relevant collections
based in Wanaka classroom for
duration of courses

Customer Services

                            Visual aids:                               Shop - Dairy (Achil St)
                            video tapes / player and distance          for snacks, lunches and general
                            learning facility (class use available     provisions
                            through tutor / office)

                            Computer suite:                            SPORTING FACILITIES:
                            Monday - Friday 8.00am to 9.00pm           Cromwell boasts a range of excellent
                            Saturday & Sunday 8.00am to                amenities, including
                            5.00pm                                     •    heated pool / squash courts / golf
                                                                       course / sports clubs / central to five
                                                                       ski fields
                            OTHER SERVICES                             o        Check out discounts available
                            AVAILABLE                                  at both Cromwell & Wanaka pools
                                                                       •        SUBSIDISED Concession
                            Student Health                             Tickets available at both Cromwell
                            - Cromwell: Cromwell Medical               and Wanaka pools on production of
                            Centre, 182 Waenga Drive, Cromwell         your current ID card – check out the
                            445 1119                                   posters for more detail
                            - Wanaka: Aspiring Medical Centre,
                            23 Cardrona Valley Road Wanaka 443         THE CHALETS: Barry Ave - provides
                            1226                                       students with
                            - Queenstown: Queenstown Medical           •   single, fully furnished rooms
                            Centre, 9 Isle Street, Queenstown 441      (provide own linen) / all meals /
                            0500                                       laundry facilities

                            If you live in Central Otago and
                            your medical centre is not one of the      Central sites need to nominate a
                            above, please talk to the Central office   student to act as a Class Rep for each
                            staff at the start of your course so we    full time course
                            can sort something for you.                •        OPSA will keep in monthly
                                                                       contact with them via phone/email
                            Student ID and Community                   •        Feedback from these Reps,
                            Services card required for medical         will help administer your campus
                            consultations. Out of hours                funds which provide student services,
                            consultations charges will apply           amenities and activities on each
                            Student Counselling Services
                            please book appointment through the
                            Central Campus office at Cromwell
                            0800 765 9276
Richards Bea
                                                                                c h Ro a d

                                                                                           Plant Nursery


                                                                                       Potting Shed

                                          Brewery                              Trades Building
                                                                                & Classrooms

Entrance                                Administration

                                                                                       ROAD CAMPUS
       Bannockburn Road

                                                                                        Administration Office
                                         ORCHARD                                        Orchard
                                                                                        Horticulture Zone


                                                             Room             Shed

                                                                                                           CHIP N’ PUTT
                                                                         13     12


                                                       Ray Street
                        Staff         26         24
                                                                      odation                                    Classrooms
                                                 22 A                            20 A                            Teaching Kitchen


                       Shed        Molyneux                                                                      Bike Workshop
                                   Restaurant                                                                    Student

                                                22 B
                                                                                20 B

                  Carpark          Kitchen

                                                      20 C



                                                  Bike                           Rm
Erris St


                                                                                   Play Area

             Rm   Rm    Common   Rm                                             Molyneux
              3    2    Room      1 Office                                      Educare

                                     Molyneux Avenue
                                                                 Dunedin Community Law
Otago Polytechnic Students’      Student Health & Counselling    Centre
Association Office               Centre                          474 1922
(OPSA) 477 6974                  479 6082
                                                                 Family Planning Association
Otago Polytechnic                OUSA Clubs & Societies Centre   477 5850
all departments                  (Albany Street)                 Healthline
477 3014 or 0800 762 786         479 5960                        0800 611 116

Campus Watch                     UNIPOL Recreation Centre /      Urgent Doctors (Dunedin)
03 479500                        Gym (Anzac Avenue)              479 2900
0800 479500                      479 5888
                                                                 Problem Gambling
Cromwell Campus Office           University Print                471 6172
03 445 9900                      (Cnr Albany & Forth Streets)
                                 479 9143                        Lifeline Otago
Student Support/Services                                         474 9111
Robertson Library                Otago University Students’
479 3793                         Association (OUSA)              Citizens Advice Bureau
                                 479 5332                        471 6166
Te Punaka Owheo
0272019614                       Campus Cop                      Rape Crisis
                                 479 4883                        474 1592
Steve Downey                     Student Job Search              Anglican Methodist
972 7124                         0800 757 562                    Family Centre
                                                                 477 0801
Need to Talk ?                   StudyLink
Call or text 1737 contact to a   0800 88 99 00                   Presbyterian Support Services
Counsellor                                                       477 7115
You can also read