Kick off your career in the football and sports industry - Undergraduate Prospectus 2019/20 - Edukonexion

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Kick off your career in the football and sports industry - Undergraduate Prospectus 2019/20 - Edukonexion
Kick off your career
 in the football and
sports industry

    Undergraduate Prospectus 2019/20
Kick off your career in the football and sports industry - Undergraduate Prospectus 2019/20 - Edukonexion
1,000 20
    Almost                                                                     More than

                                                                                                     Your UCFB
    UCFB students
                                                                      were placed in work
                                                                      experience roles each
    gained sports industry experience in 2016/17                      week on average in 2016/17     Welcome to your future in the world of football, sport and events. Our
                                                                                                     prospectus has been designed to guide you along your path to a fulfilling
                                                                                                     career in the world’s most exciting industries.

    UCFB has been ranked as

                                                                 higher education institution        Inside these inspiring pages you will find     Whilst UCFB makes every effort to
                                                                 in the UK for employment            details of our unique campus locations         produce as informative a prospectus
                                                                 prospects, polling number one       and programmes, tailor made for this           as possible, our website is always your
                                                                 out of 425 at the University        thriving sector.                               best source for the most up-to-date
                                                                 Compare Annual Student                                                             information. To truly get a flavour of UCFB,
                                                                 Experience Awards                                                                  including meeting some of the academic
    by                                  (December 2017)                                              You will also learn more about our
                                                                                                     incredible student experience outside          team and exploring our campuses, come
                                                                                                     the classroom including sporting and           and see us for yourself by booking onto
                                                                                                     social activities, as well as coveted access   one of our inspirational open days at
         What we teach                                       How we teach                            to our unrivalled network, available only We look forward to
                                                                                                     to our students at UCFB.                       guiding you on your unique journey!

    Football           Sport          Events              Classroom        Guest      Placement
                                                                          speakers   opportunities

                                     Where we teach                                                                                     In parnership with

                                               With Etihad Stadium at
                                               the heart of your campus

                                               With Wembley Stadium at
                                               the heart of your campus

    UCFB is a college of Bucks
    New University, with graduates
    of all of our undergraduate
    programmes awarded degrees
    by the institution.

2                                                                                                                                                                                                  1
Kick off your career in the football and sports industry - Undergraduate Prospectus 2019/20 - Edukonexion

    Welcome to UCFB
                                                                                                                                                  The launch of the exclusive
                                                                                                                                                  UCFB Award in Football &

                                                                                                                                                  Sports Leadership.

                                                                                                                                                  The National League and Rugby
                                                                                                                                                  Football League join UCFB's
                                                                                                                                                  long list of elite partners, offering
                                                                                                                                                  unprecedented opportunities
                              I would like to wish you a very warm welcome to UCFB.         In the UK alone, more than 400,000 people             for student work placements.
                              We’re proud to be the first higher education institution in   are employed in the sports industry - a sector
                              the world dedicated to the delivery of university degrees     that is worth an impressive £20 billion. Both
                              in the football and sports industry.                          figures continue to increase and show no sign
                                                                                            of slowing down.
                              What makes our unique educational experience work
                              so well is down to three key components: what we              From marketing to coaching, media to finance          2016
                              teach, where we teach and how we teach. We believe            and event management to hospitality, new              UCFB opens its third campus in
                              this approach gives you the best chance of a successful       roles and new opportunities are presenting            Manchester, which features the
                                                                                            themselves on a daily basis. The concept of UCFB      Etihad Stadium at its heart.
                              career upon graduation.
                                                                                            was born from the idea of training and teaching
                              WHAT WE TEACH                                                 ambitious and talented individuals with the
                              Our degree programmes have been designed with these           knowledge, principles and ideas to fill such roles.
                              industries and their varied roles specifically in mind.       After initially opening at Burnley FC’s Turf Moor
           Brendan Flood      Media, marketing, finance, psychology, coaching and           in 2011, UCFB opened its second campus,
                              event management, amongst others, are all sectors of          with the iconic Wembley Stadium at its heart,
        Chairman of UCFB      these industries that are growing at a rate never seen        in 2014. The opening of a third campus in             2015
     Director of Burnley FC   before, with new roles being created on a daily basis.        Manchester at the state-of-the-art Etihad             Unique partnerships announced
                                                                                            Campus in 2016 marked a significant step              with Real Madrid Graduate School
            Co-Founder of     WHERE WE TEACH                                                                                                      - Universidad Europea, and the
           Orlando City SC                                                                  in the growth of UCFB. Today UCFB delivers            League Managers Association.
                              Our students benefit from unique learning and sporting
                                                                                            university degrees from its London and
                              environments to live and learn in, with state-of-the-
                                                                                            Manchester campuses, whilst our original
                              art facilities in two inspirational campuses in London
                                                                                            home at Turf Moor sees BTEC diplomas
                              and Manchester, which have the iconic Wembley and
                                                                                            delivered to sports students. Our ground-
                              Etihad stadiums at their heart.
                                                                                            breaking partnership with the Real Madrid
                              HOW WE TEACH                                                  Graduate School allows our postgraduate
                              Studying at UCFB, you will have the opportunity to            students to experience the football and sports
                                                                                            industry in another iconic sporting city.             2014
                              obtain the key ingredients for a successful career in                                                               UCFB opens its second campus
                              professional football and sport. They are a degree, good      It’s not just in the UK where UCFB is making          at the iconic Wembley Stadium,
                              references from a network of business contacts and a          great strides, but also abroad, building              the home of English football.
                              proven track record of work experience. On top of this,       partnerships in China, Hong Kong, Malaysia,
                              we’ve launched the UCFB Award in Football & Sports            Qatar, South Korea and the USA, to name a
                              Leadership, an exclusive award that encompasses the           few. We’re proud that 92% of our graduates
                              additional qualifications and experiences that you can        are in employment within six months of
                              gain outside your degree programme.                           graduation, with nearly two thirds working in
                                                                                            sport - far above sports graduate averages.
                              Our goal at UCFB is to help create highly qualified,
                              motivated and experienced graduates to drive these            As we continue to deliver on our promise to
                              industries forward across the globe.                          provide highly qualified, ambitious graduates         UCFB launches in Burnley at
                                                                                            ready to make an impact in the world of               the historic Turf Moor stadium,
                              Welcome to the global football and sports industry.           football and sport, we welcome you to be part         offering three undergraduate
                                                                                            of the growing UCFB story.                            degrees.

2                                                                                                                                                                                         3
Kick off your career in the football and sports industry - Undergraduate Prospectus 2019/20 - Edukonexion
YOUR                                YOUR                                YOUR BESPOKE
    CAREER IN                           DEGREE                              JOURNEY

    FOOTBALL                            P32    xplore some of our
                                              diverse and unique
                                                                            P66   A
                                                                                   t UCFB we realise that every student and alumnus is on their
                                                                                  own personal and professional journey. UCFB works with you to

    & SPORT                                   university degrees
                                              in the football and
                                                                                  tailor make your own personal development plan incorporating
                                                                                  a vast array of guest speakers, additional qualifications, industry
                                              sports industry.                    placements and career coaching opportunities.
    P6 O ur brilliant graduates              Visit
                                              for an up-to-date list.             These options throughout your time with us will build you
         and guest speakers

                                                                                  towards earning our exclusive UCFB Award in Football & Sports
         explain why this industry
                                                                                  Leadership, an additional qualification to accompany your
         is the place to be and
                                                                                  university degree.

         how UCFB can help

         get you there.

                                                                                                                                 BA LL & S
                                        P36   FOOTBALL BUSINESS
                                                                                                                               OT          P
                                              & FINANCE                                                                       O

                                        P38   FOOTBALL BUSINESS

                                                                                                                      ARD I N
                                              & MARKETING

                                                                                                                                                 S LE A D E R
                                        P40   FOOTBALL BUSINESS
                                              & MEDIA
                                        P42   FOOTBALL

                                              COACHING &


                                                                                                                                  F        HI
                                        P44   INTERNATIONAL

    23 5
                                                                                                                                      UC     P
                                              FOOTBALL BUSINESS

                                              MULTIMEDIA SPORTS
                                        P48   PHYSICAL

                                        P50   SPORTS BUSINESS
                                              & COACHING

                                        P52   SPORTS BUSINESS
                                              & SPORTS
                                        P54   SPORTS BUSINESS

    P16 W
         ith a world-class stadium
                                                                            YOUR NEXT STEPS
                                              & SPORTS LAW
                                        P56   SPORTS
          at the heart of each of our         PSYCHOLOGY
          London and Manchester         P58   STADIUM & EVENTS
          campuses, there is no
          better place to begin your    P60   FOOTBALL                            Get in touch, visit our campus and choose your degree.
          journey in the football and         BUSINESS & LAW                        Your career in football & sport starts here.
          sports industry.              P62   FOOTBALL
                                              COACHING & TALENT

4                                                                                                                                                                5
Kick off your career in the football and sports industry - Undergraduate Prospectus 2019/20 - Edukonexion
    & SPORT     Football Business & Marketing graduate Amy O'Connor
                       Business Development Executive at Watford FC

6                                                                     7
Kick off your career in the football and sports industry - Undergraduate Prospectus 2019/20 - Edukonexion
Learn. Achieve.
                                                                                         Joe Thompson
                                                                                         Stoke City FC
                                                                                         Commercial Coordinator

                                                                                               What I enjoy
                                                                                               about working
                                                                                               in the football
                                Amy O’Connor
                                                                                               industry is that
                                Watford FC
                                Business Development Executive
                                                                                               every day is a
                                                                                               new challenge.

                                       One of the biggest
                                       things UCFB
                                       allowed me to do
                                       was network.

         Alexander Brown                                                 Saad Wadia
     The Football Association                                     Avalon Sports Group
             Video Producer                                      Co-Founder & Director

       Be patient, and if                                                     The
        you want to be a                                            opportunities
        coach, journalist,                                             within the
        marketer, lawyer                                           sports industry
      or chief executive,                                             are endless.
     learn the skills and
       someone will pay
            you to do it.

8                                                                                                                 9
Kick off your career in the football and sports industry - Undergraduate Prospectus 2019/20 - Edukonexion
Ben Friend                                               Lianna Bagley
                                   The Football Association                                 Wembley Stadium connected by EE
                                   Event Manager                                            Event Day Radio Presenter

                                           Through UCFB
                                           I learnt how to                                               UCFB puts you
                                           think on my feet                                              in a good place.
                                           which is vital for                                            They put you in
                                           my role.                                                      touch with the
                                                                                                         right contacts.

                                                                           Sam Swanton
                                                                               MK Dons FC
                                                                    Merchandising Manager

                     Tom Jarvis                                     At UCFB there
        Wycombe Wanderers FC                                           are so many
     Media & Marketing Executive
                                                                opportunities, it’s a
                                                                 matter of putting
                                                                 yourself out there
         There’s no limit to                                          and doing it.
           how far you can
            go with UCFB.

10                                                                                                                            11
Kick off your career in the football and sports industry - Undergraduate Prospectus 2019/20 - Edukonexion
Making an
                      impact                                                    Danny Mills
                                                                             BBC Sport pundit
                                                                                                               Chris Foy
                                                                                                            Former Premier
                                                                                                                                             David Dein
                                                                                                                                      Former Vice-Chairman of
                                                                            and former England              League Referee              The FA and Arsenal FC
                                UCFB's degree programmes open
                                up new opportunities in the football
                                business and related industries. UK        I think UCFB is fantastic,     The interest level and       I'm very impressed with
                                                                               getting people into         the questions I was         what I've seen at UCFB.
                                and international students sharing          the sports industry and      asked by students was            I applaud the good
                                educational, business and cultural           training them in all of     phenomenal and really           work that is going on
                                experience in this context will be            the different aspects       well researched. I was       here and I think it's only
                                                                                of the industry is       very impressed by the         going to get better and
                                invaluable for the future of football.      absolutely great. This is    professionalism of the          better and get bigger
                                                                             a great place to begin      organisation. I think it's           and bigger.
                                                                               your career in sport.     a terrific place to learn.

         Sir Dave Richards
        Former Chairman of
        The Premier League

          UCFB is developing the
     future best-in-class football
              and sports business                                               Lee Clayton                Hayley McQueen                  Chris Powell
     professionals with the skills,                                           Head of Sport at             Sky Sports News              Southend United FC
      knowledge and experience                                                 The Daily Mail                 Presenter                      Manager
      to excel within the industry
     and drive it forward, both in
       the UK and internationally.
                                                                           Sport is big business and        To actually be in a             I've been really
                                                                           being here in this facility   stadium, immersed in          impressed by UCFB, it's
                                                                            is showing people what         such history, and to         a very clever idea. I'd
                                            Kelly Simmons MBE                    the potential is.        see how it works as a        definitely enjoy studying
                                      Director of Football Participation                                  business with The FA               a course here.
                                          & Development at The FA                                         onboard, I just think
                                                                                                         UCFB is like no other.

12                                                                                                                                                                  13
Kick off your career in the football and sports industry - Undergraduate Prospectus 2019/20 - Edukonexion
Why choose
     football & sport
                                                                           The global market for sport is valued at over

                    The UK has the highest number of
                    people employed within sport in
                    the EU, accounting for 26% of all EU
                    sport employees

                                                                   There are                UCFB has worked with over

                                                                sports coaches,
                                                                instructors and
                                                                                             employers to offer work
     The UK football and           and its clubs contribute    officials operating
                                                                    in the UK               experience opportunities

      sports industry is                                                                          for students
          worth over

     £20bn                           to the UK economy
                                                                        More than             UCFB students have

                                                                                              gained sports industry
                                                                                              experience since 2015

                                 4 1 7, 0 0 0
                   were sold                                               Just under         of all UCFB graduates

                   for UK                   people are
       Almost                               employed in                                       are employed in

                   sports                                                                     the football &
                   events                   football & sport
                                            in the UK                                         sports industry
                   in 2016

14                                                                                                                         15
Kick off your career in the football and sports industry - Undergraduate Prospectus 2019/20 - Edukonexion
        LONDON                  YOUR


16                                       17
Your Wembley Campus                                                                        In & around
                                                                                                Wembley Campus
     With Wembley Stadium at the heart of your
     campus, what could be more motivating for a
     future career in the football and sports industry than
     walking into the most famous stadium in the world?                                                                       The Hive
     Our Wembley campus enjoys excellent facilities
     with lecture theatres, seminar rooms, quiet study                                                                                                          Hendon FC
     areas, a library and media suites. Just a short walk
     away from the stadium are our surrounding learning
     facilities at the Wembley Library and Drum Theatre
     at the Brent Civic Centre, UCFB study hub, and           KEY FACTS
     numerous industry business centres, with each              Address
     offering professional surroundings to further your
     educational experience.
                                                                Wembley Stadium,
                                                                London, HA9 0WS
                                                                                                                                          The Drum Theatre
                                                                                                                                          & Conference Centre
                                                                Time to central London
     AN EXCITING FUTURE FOR UCFB WEMBLEY                        Approx. 20 minutes by
                                                                                                                                                                  First Way
     Set to open in 2020, UCFB Wembley is creating
     its own multi-purpose facility directly opposite            round the campus
                                                                A                               Vale Farm                          UCFB Study Hub                 Complex
                                                                                                Sport Centre
     Wembley Stadium. Plans for the development                  London Designer Outlet
     include lecture theatres, a library, office space           SSE Wembley Arena
     for staff, a gym, café and halls of residence for up        Wembley Box Park
     to 680 students. The development marks a key               Campus facilities
                                                                                                               York House
     milestone for UCFB and its future, and will be in          Wembley Stadium
     addition to the facilities already on offer in and         Wembley TV Studio
     around Wembley Stadium.                                    First Way Complex (from 2020)
                                                                Forum House                                                              Wembley Stadium         Academic
                                                                Crescent House
     WHY CHOOSE OUR WEMBLEY CAMPUS                              Silver Jubilee Park                                                                              Accomodation
     •   Study in a campus with the most iconic                 The Hive Stadium
         stadium in the world at its heart                      Vale Farm Sports Centre                                                                          Sports facilities
     •   Easy access to the centre of London                    Bridge Park Community Centre
                                                                                                                                                                 Office space
     •   London is an international hub for students,
         sport and education alike
                                                                Wembley Library                                                     Bridge Park
                                                                                                                                    Community Centre

18                                                                                                                                                                                   19
Students at UCFB
                       Wembley have access
                       to a number of state-
 Facilities at

        UCFB Wembley
                       of-the-art facilities in
                       and around Wembley
                       Stadium. By living and
                       studying in the sporting
                       capital of the world, the
                       opportunities for UCFB
                       students are endless.

20                                                 21
World famous
             landmarks such as

             Big Ben, the London
 Living in
             Eye and Piccadilly
             Circus, as well as
             renowned shopping
             destinations, are just
             a short ride from
             UCFB Wembley.

22                                    23
     MANCHESTER          YOUR


24                               25
In & around
                                                                                                  Etihad Campus

                                                                                                                                                            Ten Acres Lane
                                                                                                                                                            Sports Complex

     Your Etihad Campus
                                                                                                     National Squash Centre                                   National Cycling
                                                                                                                          Regional Arena                      Centre
     UCFB Etihad Campus is our state-of-the-art campus
     devoted to the football industry in the heart of                                             Manchester Regional
     Manchester – one of the world’s most famous                                                                            Arena                 Etihad Stadium
     footballing cities with a thriving student population.
     With the Etihad Stadium at the heart of the
     campus, students can learn and work at the centre
     of one of Europe’s most progressive football and
     sports facilities. Belle Vue Sports Village plays host     KEY FACTS
     to lectures for several degree programmes, with
     high quality sports facilities also available there to
     UCFB students.                                               Etihad Stadium, Etihad
                                                                  Campus, Manchester, M11 3FF
                                                                                                                     East Manchester
                                                                                                                                 Leisure Centre
     Etihad Campus boasts an impressive array of                  Time to central Manchester
     on-site facilities which are on hand to aid your             Approx. 10 minutes
     studies, including several lecture theatres and              via Metrolink
     stunning seminar rooms, student social areas and
                                                                  Around the campus
     library, media suite and quiet study zones.
                                                                  Ashton Canal
     Further world-class sports facilities are also available     Shopping centre
     on campus, including the Manchester Regional
     Arena, the National Squash Centre and Regional
                                                                  Campus facilities
                                                                  Etihad Stadium
                                                                                                                                     National Speedway
     Tennis & Football Centre.
                                                                  Belle Vue Sports Village                                                                             Belle Vue
                                                                                                                                                                       Sports Pitches
     Manchester city centre and its exciting array of
     shops, bars, restaurants and entertainment
                                                                  Manchester Regional Arena                                                Belle Vue
                                                                                                                                           Sports Village
                                                                  National Squash Centre
     venues is just a short tram ride away from UCFB
     Etihad Campus.                                               National Basketball
                                                                  Performance Centre
                                                                  Manchester Tennis                   Academic
     WHY CHOOSE UCFB ETIHAD CAMPUS                                & Football Centre
     •   Study in Europe’s leading football destination           National Cycling Centre             Sports facilities
     •   Easy access to the centre of Manchester                  Ten Acres Lane Sports Complex
                                                                                                      Office space
     •   Live and learn in one of the UK's favourite
         student cities

26                                                                                                                                                                                      27
UCFB Etihad
                               Campus is at

          UCFB Etihad Campus
                               the heart of
 Facilities at
                               one of Europe's
                               leading football
                               destinations, but
                               also host to a
                               number of other
                               UK sporting bodies.
                               Students are
                               encouraged to
                               embrace the array
                               of exciting facilities
                               on offer, including
                               Belle Vue Sports
                               Village, Manchester
                               Tennis and Football
                               Centre and National
                               Squash Centre.

28                                                      29
                  renowned as an
 Living in        education city, is

                  regularly voted as
                  the UK's best city for
                  students to live and
                  learn in. Whether
                  it's shopping at the
                  Arndale, enjoying
                  the nightlife at
                  the Printworks
                  or venturing
                  into Chinatown,
                  Manchester is a city
                  that has something
                  for everyone.

30                                         31
     DEGREE   UCFB Wembley student Molly Lambourne working inside Wembley Stadium

32                                                                                  33
Take a look at the table below for a small sample of the career opportunities

     Your career opportunities                                                                         available with a UCFB degree. Our talented Career Coaches are always available to
                                                                                                       direct our students to the wider world of opportunities available.



                                                                                                                                                                                  P36   FOOTBALL

                                                                                                                                                                                        BUSINESS &

                                                                                                                                                               ct e

                                                                                                                                                            ire nc

                                                                                                                                                           D ina


                  So di r
                                                                                                                    ut                                                            P38

                   M cto
                                                                                                          Po                                                                            FOOTBALL

                    ci a
                                                                                                            sit Lev ve


                                                                                                                                                                                        BUSINESS &
                                       MEDIA &
                                                                                                               io el
                                                                                                                              BUSINESS                                                  MARKETING

                                      MARKETING                                        Report
                                                                                                                               & LAW                                  Agency
                                                                                                                                                                                  P40   FOOTBALL
                                                                                                                                                                                        BUSINESS &
                Brand                                                                                                                                                                   MEDIA
                                      Football Business & Marketing
              Directo                                                                                   Financial           Football Business & Finance
                      r                Football Business & Media                                                                                                                  P42   FOOTBALL
                                                                                                          Advisor             Football Business & Law                                   COACHING &
                                      Multimedia Sports Journalism
                                                                                                                           International Football Business                              MANAGEMENT
                                              Sports Business &                     Br
                                             Sport Broadcasting                        oa                                   Sports Business & Sports Law
                                                                                             dc                                                                 C                 P44   INTERNATIONAL
                                                                                                 ter                                                          D om                      FOOTBALL
                               eo                                                                                                                              ire m
                            Vid cer                                                                                                                               ct e
                                                                                                                                                                    or rc
                               u                                                                                                                                          ia

                                                                                                                          ct ns
                          P                                                                                                                                                 l

                                                                                                                       ire io
                                                                  Con ctor

                                                                   Dire                                                                                                           P46   MULTIMEDIA

                                                                                                                      D rat
                                             Ma tion




                                                                          t                                                                                                             JOURNALISM

                                                                                                                                                                                  P48   PHYSICAL

                                                                                                                                                                                  P50   SPORTS
                                                                                                                                                                                        BUSINESS &


                                                                                                                                                                                  P52   SPORTS
                                                                                         l                                                                                              BUSINESS
                                                                                 o tb                                                                                                   & SPORTS
                                                                               Fo oac                                                                                                   BROADCASTING
                  Co out
                    ac h
                                    COACHING,                                    C

                                                                                                                                                                      Artist or
                                                                                                                                                                                  P54   SPORTS
                                       PE &                                                                                                                           Event
                                                                                                                                                                                        BUSINESS &
                                                                                                                                                                                        SPORTS LAW

                                   PSYCHOLOGY                                                                                     EVENTS                              Director    P56   SPORTS
                                                                                               s        Stadium
                                  Football Coaching & Management                         Coac                              Stadium & Events Management
                                                                                              h        Operations                                                                 P58   STADIUM
                                Football Coaching & Talent Development                                   Director                                                                       & EVENTS
                           f                 Physical Education                                                                                                                         MANAGEMENT
                       co u t
                     S                 Sport Business & Coaching                                                                                                                  P60   FOOTBALL
                                               Sport Psychology                                                                                                                         BUSINESS
                                                                                                                                                                                        & LAW

                                                                                                                                                                                  P62   FOOTBALL
                                            ch port


                                                                                                                                                Head of


                                                                                                                                                                                        & TALENT


34                                                                                                                                                                                                      35
BA (Hons) Football Business
     & Finance

     Football is one of the fastest growing
     businesses in the world today
     with player transfers, contracts,
     sponsorship and merchandise worth
     hundreds of millions of pounds.
     This degree will give you a firm
     understanding as to how finance
     affects organisational performance
     at all levels, with modules that cover
     the fundamentals of accounting and
     financial management in a football
     business context.

     •   Year one: Understanding Football
         Business, An Introduction to
         Marketing, Understanding Football
         Fans & Customers, Fundamentals
                                                                                                                     Recent Guest
         of Accounting & Finance                                                                                     Speaker
     •   Year two: International Football
         Business Analysis, Intermediate
         Financial Accounting, Research
         Methods, Intermediate
         Management Accounting
     •   Year three: Strategic Management,
         International Finance, Research
         Project, Corporate Reporting

                                                                              I get up in the morning and all I do
                                              KEY FACTS                       is sport.                              David Dein
                                                                                                                     Former Vice-Chairman
                                                Wembley or Etihad                                                    of Arsenal FC
                                                FOUNDATION LEVEL AVAILABLE                                          "I like to employ people
                                                                                                                     who have an objective, are
                                                UCAS CODE                    James Sandford
                                                                                                                     determined, have vision and
                                                FBF 1                         UCFB graduate                          fire in their belly, and who
                                                FBFF with foundation          Placing Broker at AON                  want to progress."

36                                                                                                                                                  37
BA (Hons) Football Business
     & Marketing

     Football is a multi-billion-pound
     global industry. With its revenue
     driven by the marketing of its
     products and services, competition
     amongst brands is fierce and
     qualified professionals are in
     high demand.
     On this degree, you will gain an
     understanding of football business
     and be introduced to concepts such
     as business models, management,
     business planning and return on
     investment by our expert academics.

     •   Year one: Understanding Football
         Business, An Introduction to
                                                                                                                        Recent Guest
         Marketing, Understanding Football
         Fans & Customers, Integrated
         Marketing Communications
     •   Year two: International Football
         Business Analysis, Event
         Marketing, Research Methods,
         Digital Marketing
     •   Year three: Strategic Management,
         Football Brand Strategy, Research
         Project, Global Marketing

                                                                             What I enjoy about working in the
     MORE INFO                                                               football industry is that every day is a                                                      new challenge.
                                             KEY FACTS
                                               CAMPUS                                                                  Kait Ludwig
                                               Wembley or Etihad                                                        Club Marketing & Business
                                               FOUNDATION LEVEL AVAILABLE                                              Operations Manager at the
                                                                             Joe Thompson                               Rugby Football League
                                               UCAS CODE                    UCFB graduate                              "Right now is one of the
                                               FMA1                          Commercial Coordinator                     best times to study sport
                                               FMAF with foundation          at Stoke City FC                           and get into the industry.”

38                                                                                                                                                    39
BA (Hons) Football
     Business & Media

     Vastly expanding media revenue,
     like ever-increasing TV rights deals,
     meansh that clubs that finish bottom
     of the Premier League earn more
     prize money than the winners of
     the Champions League. How is
     this value determined?
     On this course, you will explore
     facets of media communications
     and develop understanding of the
     relationships between industry
     stakeholders. You will also gain
     contextual insight into how public
     relations and journalism relate to
     the business of sport.

     •   Year one: Understanding Football
                                                                                                                       Recent Guest
         Business, Principles of Sports
         Media, Understanding Football
         Fans & Customers, Social & Digital
         Sports Media
     •   Year two: International Football
         Business Analysis, Broadcast
         Journalism, Research Methods,
         Television Production
     •   Year three: Public Relations
         Strategy, Professional Practice
         Portfolio, Research Project,
         Contemporary Issues in                                               Be patient, and if you want to be a
         Sports Media                                                         coach, journalist, marketer, lawyer or
                                                                              chief executive, learn the skills and
                                              KEY FACTS                       someone will pay you to do it.
                                                CAMPUS                                                                                                    Adrian Bevington
                                                Wembley or Etihad

                                                FOUNDATION LEVEL AVAILABLE                                            Former Communications
                                                                                                                       Director at The FA
                                                UCAS CODE                    Alexander Brown                          “The media industry and
                                                FM10                          UCFB graduate                            importance of PR in sport
                                                FM1F with foundation          Video Producer at The FA                 has evolved hugely over the
                                                                                                                       past 20 years.”

40                                                                                                                                                   41
BA (Hons) Football
     Coaching & Management

     The role of coach or manager in
     football is one full of immense
     pressure, but with that comes
     potentially huge rewards.
     Taught within the football club
     environment, this programme
     allows students to learn how to
     spot and develop talent, as well as
     lead with authority. You will engage
     with, and gain an understanding
     across, areas such as community
     coaching, academy coaching and
     coaching overseas.

     •   Year one: Introduction to
         Football Management,
                                                                                                                       Recent Guest
         Fundamentals of Coaching,                                                                                     Speaker
         Football Principles & Practice,
         Coaching in the Community
     •   Year two: Managing Teams &
         Individuals, Talent Development,
         Research Methods, Football
         Tactics & Strategies
     •   Year three: Applied Reflective
         Practice, Elite Performance
         Coaching, Research Project,
         Match Analysis                                                     There has been nothing more rewarding
                                                                            than watching my players grow in ability
                                                                            and love for the beautiful game during
     MORE INFO                                                              my time at SCS Clinton United.
                                            KEY FACTS
                                                                                                                       Steve McClaren
                                                                                                                       Former England Manager
                                              Wembley or Etihad
                                                                                                                       “You have to be authentic
                                              FOUNDATION LEVEL AVAILABLE   Danny Walsh                                as a leader, and no more
                                              UCAS CODE                    UCFB graduate                              so than in front of the
                                                                                                                       cameras and the media
                                              FCM1                          Director of Coaching & Academy Director
                                                                                                                       when the whole world can
                                                                            at SCS Clinton United, USA
                                              FCMF with foundation                                                     be watching.”

42                                                                                                                                                 43
BA (Hons) International
     Football Business

     The globalisation of football has
     been swift. Growing markets in the
     likes of Asia and the Americas mean
     an understanding of the sport in an
     international context opens many
     career paths in football business.
     You will study the key drivers which
     fuel this rapid growth, including the
     nature of ‘fandom’, the development
     of the international football
     and sports industries and the
     implications of cultural differences
     linked to commercial deals. An
     understanding of how to bid for
     international events will also form                                                                           Recent Guest
     part of this degree programme.
     •   Year one: Understanding Football
         Business, An Introduction to
         Marketing, Fundamentals
         of Accounting & Finance,
         Introduction to International
         Football Business
     •   Year two: International Football
         Business Analysis, Stadium
         Management, Research
         Methods, Intermediate
         Management Accounting
     •   Year three: Strategic                                               UCFB has provided me with the
         Management, International                                           foundation and ethos of my career
                                                                                                                   Brian Barwick
         Finance, Research Project,                                          aspirations in the sports industry.
         Strategic International             KEY FACTS                                                             Chairman of The National
         Football Business                                                                                         League and former Chief
                                                                                                                   Executive of The FA
                                               Wembley or Etihad
                                                                                                                   “The sports business is
     MORE INFO                                 FOUNDATION LEVEL AVAILABLE                                         a trillion-dollar industry.
                                                                             Raj Shah                              Across the whole sporting
                                               UCAS CODE                    UCFB graduate                         spectrum, the amount of
                                               IFB1                                                                money that is poured into
                                                                             Co-Founder & Director
                                               IFBF with foundation          at Avalon Sports Management           sport now is remarkable.”

44                                                                                                                                               45
BA (Hons) Multimedia
     Sports Journalism

     The media landscape has changed
     almost beyond recognition in recent
     years following the digital revolution,
     which has paved the way for a 24-
     hour rolling news agenda. In that
     time, sports journalism has also
     developed to become the fastest
     growing sector in UK media.
     On this degree, students will learn
     a range of digital and social media
     skills which enable sports journalists
     to tell stories across a range of
     platforms to reach a global audience.

     •   Year one: Principles of Sports
                                                                                                                              Recent Guest
         Journalism, History of Sporting
         Venues & Events, Media Law
         & Ethics, Social & Digital
         Sports Media
     •   Year two: Practising Sports
         Journalism, Broadcast
         Journalism, Research Methods,
         Television Production
     •   Year three: Professional Practice
         Portfolio, Web Design & the Online
         Journalism Market, Research
         Project, Contemporary Issues in                                       I’ve long believed that in order to
         Sports Media                                                          maximise your potential and become
                                                                               the best in your chosen field, it is crucial
                                                                               that you surround yourselves with
                                                                               the industry’s best and UCFB offers                       KEY FACTS
                                                                               precisely that.                                Gabby Logan
                                                                                                                              Presenter at BBC Sport
                                                                                                                              “You have to keep knocking
                                                 FOUNDATION LEVEL AVAILABLE                                                  on doors and asking people
                                                                                                                              for their help – there are a
                                                 UCAS CODE                    Conor Creamer                                  lot of people in media who
                                                 MSJ1                          UCFB graduate                                  want to help others get into
                                                 MSJF with foundation          Reporter at Sky Sports                         the industry.”

46                                                                                                                                                           47
BA (Hons) Physical

     There is a persistent demand
     for qualified teachers in popular
     disciplines such as Physical
     Education. As a subject area in
     the National Curriculum, Physical
     Education places diverse demands
     upon learners and teachers alike. This
     programme combines the complex
     practical and theoretical demands of
     the subject and provides guidance in
     allowing you to become an effective
     leader and educator.

     •   Year one: Games & Athletic
         Activities, Sport Pedagogy &
         Skill Acquisition, Assessment
         & Curriculum Design,
         Fundamental Sports Science                                                                                    Recent Guest
         within Physical Education                                                                                     Speaker
     •   Year two: Gymnastics & Dance,
         Working with Children, Research
         Methods, Contemporary Issues in
         Physical Education
     •   Year three: Group & Behaviour
         Management, Swimming &
         Outdoor Education, Research
         Project, Youth Physical Activity
         & Health

     MORE INFO                                              UCFB opened me up to opportunities
                                              KEY FACTS
                                                                              that I would not otherwise have found.
                                                                                                                       Brendan Rodgers
                                                FOUNDATION LEVEL AVAILABLE
                                                                              Josh Arnold                              Celtic FC Manager
                                                UCAS CODE                    UCFB graduate                            “There’s no template to
                                                PE10                          Sports Coach                             becoming a top coach, you
                                                PE1F with foundation          at Aldro Prep School for Boys            have to create your own.”

48                                                                                                                                                 49
BA (Hons) Sports Business
     & Coaching                                                               Put your head down and
                                                                              work for what you want
                                                                              once you know what it is.

     This programme is ideal for
     those looking for experience
     and understanding of the world
     of business and sport and to
     develop as a manager. It provides                                        Lewis Payne
     a unique learning experience and                                         UCFB graduate
     the opportunity to live, learn and                                       Operations
     develop within the live operations                                       Executive at Elite
     of a professional sports environment                                     Development
     by our UEFA qualified coaches,                                           Program Soccer,
     some of whom have previously                                             USA
     coached at the academies of leading
     Premier League clubs. This allows
     engagement and understanding
     across areas such as rehabilitation,
     physiotherapy, player acquisition and
     analysis. Studies will focus on the                                                                  Recent Guest
     broad concepts involved in the sport
     business and surrounding industries.                                                                 Speaker

     •   Year one: Understanding Football
         Business, Fundamentals of
         Coaching, Understanding Football
         Fans & Customers, Coaching in
         the Community
     •   Year two: Entrepreneurship, Talent
         Development, Research Methods,
         Events Planning
     •   Year three: High Performance
         Coaching, Applied Reflective
         Practice, Research Project,          KEY FACTS
         Performance Analysis                   CAMPUS
                                                                                                          Roberto Martinez
                                                                                                          Belgium Manager
     MORE INFO                                  FOUNDATION LEVEL AVAILABLE
                                                                                                          “Education is everything                   UCAS CODE                                                for any role in football.
                                                SBC1                                                      Information is powerful,
                                                                                                          so the more prepared you
                                                SBCF with foundation
                                                                                                          are the easier it is to make
                                                                                                          a decision.”

50                                                                                                                                       51
BA (Hons) Sports Business
     & Sports Broadcasting

     Ideal for those seeking to work in
     the fast-growing, exciting sports
     broadcasting industry, this degree
     is designed for those aspiring for a
     career either in front of or behind
     the camera. Learning from UCFB’s
     experienced practitioners, this
     course will help you understand
     practices both on the field and
     in the studio. With access to first-
     class equipment and inspiring
     facilities, as well as visits from
     industry professionals, students are
     equipped with the tools to succeed
     in this thriving sector.                                                                                      Recent Guest
     •   Year one: Understanding Sports
         Business, Principles of Sports
         Media, Principles of Sports
         Broadcasting, Media Law
         & Ethics
     •   Year two: Entrepreneurship,
         Audio & Visual Storytelling,
         Research Methods, Broadcast
         Studio Production
                                                                            I’ve had the privilege of working at
     •   Year three: Sports Broadcast
                                                                            some of the biggest grounds in the
         Documentary, Professional
         Practice Portfolio, Research
                                                                            country. Not many people at my age
         Project/Broadcast Practical                                        can say they’ve worked at the Etihad
         Project, Contemporary Issues                                       Stadium, Old Trafford and Wembley.
         in Sports Media                                                                                           Guillem Balague
                                            KEY FACTS                                                              Sky Sports presenter,
                                                                                                                   author and international
     MORE INFO                                CAMPUS
                                                                                                                   journalist                    Wembley
                                                                                                                   “Versatility is everything.
                                              FOUNDATION LEVEL AVAILABLE
                                                                            James Fletcher                         It’s about smelling
                                                                                                                   your opportunity and
                                              UCAS CODE                    UCFB graduate                          developing your career,
                                              SBB1                          Match Day Commentator                  not staying still and keep
                                              SBBF with foundation          at Hull City FC                        on moving.”

52                                                                                                                                               53
BA (Hons) Sports
     Business & Sports Law

     The sports industry has an
     abundance of legal regulations and                                                                         Recent Guest
     challenges. From doping to breaches
     of contract, sports executives
     must conform to regulations, but
     also use their understanding of
     legal frameworks to protect their
     businesses from risk.
     This degree links the commercial
     and legal aspects of sports business,
     through varied learning such as field
     trips to the likes of the Supreme
     Court and workshop masterclasses
     with sports law specialists.

     •   Year one: Understanding Sports
         Business, Introduction to Law,
         Fundamentals of Accounting                                                                             Dr. Erkut Sögüt
         & Finance, Introduction to
                                                                                                                Mesut Ozil’s agent
         Sports Law
                                                                                                                and guest speaker on
     •   Year two: Managing Sports                                                                              UCFB's Sports Agent
         Organisations, The Regulation                                                                          Programme
         of Safety & Deviance in Sport,                                                                         “It’s important to have an
         Research Methods, Legal Issues in                                                                      academic background in
         the Governance of Sport                                                                                this business, and it will
     •   Year three: Strategic Management,                                                                      become more and more
         Research Project, Employment                                                                           important in the future.”
         Law & Sport, Regulating the
         Business of Sport
                                                            If I hadn’t have embarked on my journey at UCFB I
                                                            can guarantee you I wouldn’t be where I am now.
                                             KEY FACTS
                                                            Leah Jakeman
                                                            UCFB graduate
                                               UCAS CODE   Legal Assistant at Milners Solicitors
                                               SBL1         Match Day Hospitality Manager at Leeds United FC

54                                                                                                                                           55
BSc (Hons) Sports

     Athletes learn to motivate themselves
     in ways that they believe will improve
     performance, replacing self-doubt with
     positive thoughts. With proven results, the
     demand for sport-specific psychologists is
     greater than ever.
     This degree combines contemporary and
     traditional areas of research and theory in
     sports psychology with the principles and
     skills of management within the football
     and sports industries.

     •   Year One: Bioenergetics of Human
         Movement, Foundations of Exercise
         Physiology, Foundations of Sport &
         Exercise Psychology, Introduction
         to Biological Psychology and
                                                                                                         Recent Guest
         Cognitive Psychology, Introduction to
         Developmental & Social Psychology,
         Introduction to Personality & Applying
         Psychology, Psychological Research
     •   Year Two: Applied Sport & Performance
         Psychology, Cognition and Emotion
         in Sport and Exercise Psychology,
         Biopsychology, Cognitive Processes in                     Sports psychology is a growing
         Psychology, Developmental Psychology,
                                                                   field, so with determination,
         Qualitative Research Methods in
         Psychology, Quantitative Research
                                                                   hard work and the support of
         Methods in Psychology                                     your lecturers, your journey into
                                                                   psychology at UCFB will be one full
     •   Year Three: Professional Development                      of opportunities and achievement.
         & Employability, Working with a Client,
         Empirical Dissertation, Historical &
         Conceptual Issues in Psychology, Issues
                                                    KEY FACTS                                            Gareth Southgate
         in Personality & Individual Differences,
         Social Psychology.                           CAMPUS                                            England Manager
                                                                   Chloë Ana Howse
                                                      Wembley                                            "Ask any sports person
                                                                   UCFB student                          what’s the difference at the
     MORE INFO                                        UCAS CODE   Founder of the UCFB                   highest level… it’s the mental                              SP10         Psychology Society                    side of the game.”

56                                                                                                                                        57
BA (Hons) Stadium &
     Events Management

     The role of sports and live events is
     expanding at an unprecedented                                                                              Recent Guest
     pace, with the industry contributing
     significantly to the global economy. This                                                                  Speaker
     growth is creating a range of fascinating
     career paths in event management.
     On this degree, you will cover core
     topics such as event planning and
     event design, as well as the key event
     components of marketing, finance and
     event legislation.

     •   Year one: Understanding Sports
         Business, An Introduction to
         Marketing, Fundamentals of
         Accounting & Finance, An Introduction
         to Stadium & Events Management
     •   Year two: Event Planning, Stadium                                                                      Georgia Bekyra
         Management, Research Methods,                                                                          British Athletics' Head
         Digital Marketing                                                                                      of Ticketing Operations
     •   Year three: Leadership &                                                                               “It’s important to have
         Management, Negotiation & Winning                                                                      a theoretical and
         Contracts, Research Project, Global                                                                    academic background,
         Marketing Management                                                                                   but for me one of the
                                                                                                                main things is to have
                                                                                                                passion. How much do
     MORE INFO                                                                                                  you want to learn new                                                                                            things and progress?”

                                                                Through UCFB I learnt how to think on my feet
                                                 KEY FACTS      which is vital for my role.
                                                                Ben Friend
                                                   UCAS CODE   UCFB graduate
                                                   SEM1         Event Manager at The FA

58                                                                                                                                        59
BA (Hons) Football
     Business & Law*

     Football has become a leading
     global industry, regulated by an
     increasingly complex pattern
     of laws and regulations where
     disputes requiring legal expertise
     commonly arise.
     This, coupled with taking an in-
     depth look at the multi-million-
     pound contracts now on offer
     throughout the game, ensures
     this degree programme will set
     students up for a career at a club,
     business or governing body.

     MODULES                                                                                        Recent Guest
     •   Year one: Introduction to Law,
         Understanding Marketing                                                                    Speaker
         & Sponsorship in Football,
         Introduction to Football Law,
         Introduction to International
         Football Business
     •   Year two: Research Methods, The
         Legality of Football, International
         Football Business Analysis,
         Commercial Regulation in
         Football & Sport
     •   Year three: Research Project,
         Governance in Football &
         Sport, Intellectual Property in
         Football & Sport, Contract Law,                      With the investment now across
         Interpretation & Negotiation                         the game there are greater            Ken Sharp
                                                              opportunities for people to get in.
                                                                                                    Managing Director at
     MORE INFO                                                                                      Stadimax Group                                                                          “Our partnership with UCFB
                                               KEY FACTS
                                                                                                    has given us the opportunity
                                                 CAMPUS                                            to engage with some very
     *New for 2018 and subject                                                                      bright and enthusiastic
                                                 Etihad       Mark Ives
     to validation                                                                                  young people, many of
                                                 UCAS CODE   Head of Judicial Services
                                                                                                    whom I’m sure will be
                                                              at The FA
                                                                                                    future business leaders.”

60                                                                                                                                 61
BA (Hons) Football Coaching
     & Talent Development*

     Identifying and developing talent is
     an imperative facet of the modern
     game, with more and more clubs
     vying for the stars of tomorrow as
     transfer fees continue to break records.
     This programme reflects the
     needs of the football industry by
     understanding strategies used
     around the world, relating theory
     to practice, and gives students the
     knowledge and skills to work in youth
     development departments at clubs                                                             Recent Guest
     domestically and overseas.
     •   Year one: Fundamentals of
         Coaching, Introduction to Youth
         Development, Coaching in the
         Foundation Phase, Football
         Principles & Practice
     •   Year two: International Player
         Development, Coaching in the
         Youth Development Phase,
         Research Methods, Football
         Tactics & Strategies
     •   Year three: Research Project,
         Evaluation of Coaching
                                                                                                  Ben Beer
         Performance, Coaching in the
         Professional Development Phase,                                                          Senior Recruitment
         Match Analysis                                        Networking is very important. At   Manager at Challenger
                                                               UCFB I went to events and met      Sports USA
                                                               agents who I’ve since been able    “UCFB students' fantastic
     MORE INFO                                                                                    approach to coaching and
                                                               to recommend players to.                                                                  their ability to enjoy new
                                                                                                  and different cultures has
                                                KEY FACTS                                         made them stand out.
     * New for 2018 and subject                   CAMPUS                                         Their delivery on the field
     to validation                                             Wesley McGrath
                                                  Etihad                                          and their enthusiasm and
                                                               UCFB graduate                      personalities have made
                                                  UCAS CODE   Advanced Centre Coach              them a great fit with
                                                  FCTD         at MK Dons FC                      Challenger Sports.”

62                                                                                                                              63
UCFB Academic Leaders

     Our focus and priority is to provide first-class, quality degrees with
     a major focus on employability, as well as giving you the unrivalled
     networking opportunity to enable a start in your career in the
     football and sports industry.

                                                                                         Arlo Wood                                  Dr Gerald Griggs
                                                                                         Head of Academics (Undergraduate)          Head of Academics
                                                                                         at UCFB Wembley                            at UCFB Etihad Campus
                                                                                         Arlo is a vastly experienced sports        Gerald has worked in education for
                                                                                         practitioner, with qualifications in       over twenty years and brings a wealth
                                                                                         physical education, sports science         of higher education experience to the
                                                                                         and sports psychology. His teaching        team. He is a globally recognised figure
                                                                                         experience spans across a variety of       in his field of Primary Physical Education
                                                                                         different subjects and levels, including   and to date has published four books
                                                                                         secondary and higher education, and        and over 30 international peer reviewed
                                                                                         mathematics and religious studies.         journal articles.

                                                                                                                                    Neil Silver
                                                                                                                                    Head of Employability & Enrichment
                                                                                                                                    Neil is an award-winning journalist,
                                                                                                                                    author and academic who worked for a
                                                                                                                                    number of national newspapers before
                                                                                                                                    moving into education and journalism
                                                                                                                                    training. He has covered major sporting
                                                                                                                                    events including World Cup finals
                                                                                                                                    and the Olympic Games, and was a
                                 Paul Cassell                                                                                       senior member of the London 2012
                                                                                                                                    press team. Neil, who has a Masters in
                                 Principal                                                                                          Sports Journalism, works in the industry
                                 With over 30 years of experience as an educator,                                                   part-time covering football for The Sun
                                 leader and quality inspector across a variety of                                                   newspaper. He is also a member of the
                                 education programmes, Paul is responsible for                                                      NCTJ’s Sports Exam Board.
                                 the overall academic leadership and student
                                 welfare across UCFB’s campuses. As a leader of
                                 learning, Paul sets high educational standards for
                                 the institution and is committed to delivering an
                                 unparalleled student experience as well as successful
                                 employment outcomes for UCFB students.

64                                                                                                                                                                               65
     JOURNEY        Former England Manager Steve McClaren
               passing on invaluable advice to UCFB students

66                                                             67
                                                                                    FOOTBALL & SPORTS LEADERSHIP
                                                                                    On top of your UCFB degree, you’ll also
                                                                                    have the chance to earn the UCFB Award
                                                                                    in Football & Sports Leadership by taking
                                                                                    part in a number of unique learning
                                                                                    initiatives to help further enhance your
                                                                                    employability prospects. These exclusive
                                                                                    qualifications are delivered to the standards
                                                                                    of our partners, including The Football
                                                                                    Association, and are assisted by our
                                                                                    brilliant Career Coaches – your direct point
                                                                                    of contact to help you understand and
                                                                                    maximise these opportunities.

                                                                                    YOUR CAREER COACH
                                                                                    Our dedicated team of Career Coaches are
                                                                                    here to help you understand and maximise
                                                                                    the world of opportunities available to you
                                                                                    at UCFB away from the classroom. Where
                                                                                    do you want to progress to in your journey?
                                                                                    Our Career Coaches are here to help you
                                                                                    get there.

     Your Personal
     Development Plan
     Whilst your university degree is vitally important during your time at UCFB,
     we believe that developing your skills, knowledge and experience outside
     of your degree studies can be just as beneficial for your future career
     prospects. For this reason, UCFB works with every student to develop their
     own Personal Development Plan from the moment they begin with us,
     enabling them to strengthen their personal, professional and academic
     capabilities so that they graduate with the best chance of future success.

68                                                                                                                                  69
Your bespoke UCFB journey                                                                                Listed below are the amazing opportunities available to you outside of your degree
                                                                                                              programme. It’s up to you how you shape your personal, professional and academic
                                                                                                              journey at UCFB and ultimately build yourself towards your career upon graduation.
                                                                                                              Each programme you take part in counts as credit towards earning your exclusive
                                                                                                              UCFB Award in Football & Sports Leadership.

                                                                                                                   Foundation                     Year 1                    Year 2   Year 3

      PERSONAL                         Freshers and Reorientation weeks
      DEVELOPMENT                      Athletic Union teams
                                       Students’ Union activities and societies
                                       Cross-campus visit opportunities
                                       Negotiation skills
                                       Public speaking
                                       Equality and diversity training
                                       Nutrition and wellbeing training
                                       UCFB Leadership Challenge

      PROFESSIONAL                     Sports agent programme                                                                                                                           *
                                       Scout7 performance analysis qualifications
                                       FA Coaching badges
                                       Match commentary masterclasses                                                                                                          *
                                       Photoshop courses                                                                                                                       *
                                       Digital marketing essentials                                                                                                            *
                                       PEARL qualifications                                                                                                                             *
                                       UCFB Future Leaders Conference
                                       UCFB Careers Fairs                                                                                                                               *
                                       UCFB Sports Entrepreneur Competition
                                       Work placement opportunities
                                       Work placements with The National League
                                       USL – placements with clubs every summer in America
                                       Executive Guest Speakers Series

      ACADEMIC                         Academic writing skills
      DEVELOPMENT                      Research skills
                                       Learning support

     In some instances, optional activities provided by UCFB may carry an additional cost for participants.   *May be opened to other year groups subject to availability
     Any additional costs will be provided to students in advance of any such sessions running.

70                                                                                                                                                                                                 71
Inspiring guest speakers                                                                               Sky Andrew
                                                                                          Sports and entertainment agent

     Our students are given unprecedented access to some of the world’s leading                       It’s a fantastic
     football and sports professionals. Key personalities from backgrounds including      opportunity for students
     media, coaching and law, as well as chief executives from clubs and institutions,        to be based in these
     visit our iconic campuses to pass on invaluable advice to students and share
     knowledge from their experiences within these industries.                                  stadiums. It means
                                                                                             they’re in the football
     As a UCFB student, you will have access to a series of headline guest speakers at
     your campus, as well as further speakers tailored to your particular degree, where        environment and at
     appropriate. Here are just some of our recent guests at UCFB:                           very close hand there
                                                                                           are people who work in
                                                                                                   these industries.
                                                 Rachel Brown-Finnis
                                                 Former England goalkeeper
                                                 turned television pundit                                                  Louise Hatch
                                                                                                                           Events manager who has
                                                                                                                           previously worked on the likes
                                                                                                                           of the Olympics and Champions
                                                                                                                           League final

                                                          You have to put
                                                          everything into it and
                                                          be the best that you                                                     Sport is on a huge
                                                          can be. That has always                                                  platform - anyone
                                                          been my philosophy.                                                      and everyone sees
                                                                                                                                   it and anyone can
                                                                                                                                   get involved in it.

                          Chris Hughton
                         Brighton & Hove
                      Albion FC Manager
                                                                                                          Jon Champion
                                                                                                             BT Sport

                Coach education                                                             Sport is a magnificent
              is vitally important                                                         arena in which to work
          because of the way the                                                                just because it’s so
          game has changed. It’s                                                             unpredictable. When
         about having a thirst for                                                        you turn up for work you
         knowledge and working                                                              never know what that
             as hard as possible.                                                             day is going to hold.

72                                                                                                                                                          73
Unique work experience
                                                                                                                      I believe taking on as many
                                                                                                                      opportunities as possible is the
                                                                                                                      perfect way to get my foot in the
     UCFB actively encourages all students to gain as much work experience as possible                                door in the football industry and
     while studying their degree to help bolster their CV and employment prospects.
     With more than 1,000 placements secured in 2016/17, some of those students
                                                                                                                      build up my network.
     explained to us their roles and the vital benefits of the experience.
                                                                                                               Gabriella Ward
                                                                                                               Event Day Assistant at Tottenham Hotspur FC
                                                                                                               BA (Hons) International Football Business

                                        I am learning vital skills that I will
                                        take into the professional industry
                                        with me after finishing my degree.

                                  Kerry Russell                                           I first got involved with Barrow
                                  Media dept. at Reading Ladies FC
                                  BA (Hons) Sports Business & Sports Broadcasting         AFC after speaking to a UCFB
                                                                                          graduate, who said that
                                                                                          getting involved with my local
                                                                                          team would put me in good
                                                                                          stead in gaining knowledge of
                                                                                          the industry.
                   I am learning the vital skills
                   required to be successful in                                                                      Anya Wood
                                                                                                Marketing dept. at Barrow AFC
                   the commercial side of the
                                                                                                        in The National League
                   football industry.                                                    BA (Hons) Football Business & Marketing

                                         Jay Karabel
              Sales Executive at Oldham Athletic FC
             BA (Hons) Football Business & Marketing

                                                                                                                    The Rugby Football League
                                                                                                                    gives me a high profile platform
                                                                                                                    to showcase my work and an
                                        Being given that insight into                                               opportunity to increase my network
                                        how content is produced for a                                               within the game.
                                        football club on a weekly basis
                                        is incredible.                                                               Ryan Booth
                                                                                                                     Media dept. at The Rugby Football League
                                        Rebecca Hawksworth                                                           BA (Hons) Multimedia Sports Journalism
                                        Journalist at Huddersfield Town FC
                                        BA (Hons) Multimedia Sports Journalism

74                                                                                                                                                              75
Annual UCFB conference

     Annual UCFB Future
     Leaders Conference at
     St. George’s Park

     This incredible event
     brings together the best
     in leadership advice and
     networking from across
     the football industry
     Figureheads from
     the world of football
     management, media
     and business gather for
     one day at the epicentre
     of the national game to
     deliver a series of talks,
     seminars and practical
     sessions to UCFB students.
     Expect guests from some
     of our esteemed partners,
     including The Football
     Association, League
     Managers Association
     and The National League.

76                                77
     development activities

     At UCFB we believe in teamwork, leadership and ideas. Over the course of your
     time with us, you’ll have the opportunity to win major investment to start a
     new business in our Sports Entrepreneur Award competition, and follow in the
     footsteps of Premier League footballers as part of the UCFB Leadership Challenge,
     as seen in the photos on these pages.

     This Dragons' Den-style
     competition provides
     students with the
     opportunity to compete
     for real company
     investment, by presenting
     their sports business
     ideas to a panel of sports
     leaders and field any
     questions they might
     have. Previous winners
     of this competition have
     gone on to feature on
     Sky Sports and work
     with Premier League
     football clubs.

     This challenge provides
     a range of intense but
     fun team and leadership
     activities delivered by
     Waktu, the experts also
     used by the Premier
     League, Manchester
     United and Burnley FC.
     Our exclusive higher
     education agreement
     sees these challenges
     run amongst some of
     the most beautiful yet
     challenging landscapes
     in the UK.

                                                                                         Also used by
78                                                                                                      79
More career & employability
     programme highlights

     FA COACHING BADGES                           SCOUT7                           PUBLIC SPEAKING
          Get your coaching                    PERFORMANCE                              SKILLS
        career off to the best                   ANALYSIS                        Whether presenting to
      possible start by gaining               Scout7 is the world-               a board room or giving
       prestigious FA badges                  leading software for                  a press conference,
       alongside your degree.                football performance              chances are in your sports
       Your time at UCFB will               analysis. Endorsed and                career you will have to
        allow you to train and               used by leading clubs             speak in front of a crowd.
        study for the FA Level                around the world, at                 Our intimate public
       1 Coaching Award and                 UCFB you will learn the                speaking classes are
      FA Level 2 Certificate in              how to use this game-               led by industry-leading
      Coaching Football – the                changing technology                  professionals and will
      first steps on the ladder             to identify and develop                develop the way you
           towards possible               talent, as well as scout the          speak, stand and deliver
             UEFA badges.                  opposition. Scout7 is part               in these situations.
                                                   of OptaPro.

      MATCH COMMENTARY                         AGENT TRAINING                       REAL MADRID
       We’re delighted to be                A potentially lucrative               GRADUATE SCHOOL
     able to offer our students                career option, this               Collaborating closely with
        the chance to learn                programme offers UCFB                  our partners at the Real
      the ropes of match day                 students the chance                 Madrid Graduate School
       commentary with The                  to learn from the very                in Spain, UCFB alumni
       Football Commentary                  best on the day-to-day                have the opportunity to
      Workshop. Professionals             dealings of a sports agent.            undertake postgraduate
        from the likes of Sky             Currently delivered by Dr.              study in both Wembley
     Sports visit our campuses            Erkut Sögüt, the agent of              and Madrid. With further
     to deliver these sessions,           Arsenal midfielder Mesuit              opportunities planned in
           before you head                  Ozil, this sports agent             the future, this partnership
     off to live matches to put            programme is delivered               brings together the world's
      the classroom learning                     exclusively to                     most iconic stadium,
          into real practice.                   UCFB students.                   Wembley, with the most
                                                                                   successful football club
                                                                                         of all-time.

     Whilst UCFB makes every effort to accommodate all interested students, priority access to some of these
     programmes is given to students on certain degrees.

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Your Students’

                                         YOUR STUDENTS’ UNION
                                         The Students’ Union’s role is to represent
                                         UCFB students and make your time here as
                                         exciting and rewarding as possible. The SU
                                         is also responsible for student involvement
                                         around each campus, such as planning
                                         unforgettable social events and being the
                                         student voice and point of contact with
                                         senior management.
                                         Each member of the SU is elected to their
                                         post and takes great pride in their role at
                                         UCFB. The SU is in charge of organising the
                                         always incredible annual Freshers’ Week
                                         at the start of each academic year. The
                                         week long party is a great opportunity for
                                         new students to meet and includes live
                                         music, a trip to a football match and fun
                                         games around London and Manchester –
                                         depending on your campus – to get to the
                                         know the area.                                The SU has a part to play in
                                         During your time at UCFB, you’ll have the     everything student related at
                                         opportunity to participate in a number of
                                         fun and unique trips that will live long in
                                                                                       UCFB. Whether it’s academic,
                                         the memory. Previous trips have included a    social or pastoral, the SU will
                                         day at Cheltenham Races, boat parties and     always be looking out for the
                                         exclusive nightclub events.
                                                                                       students’ best interests.
                 Students’ Union

                 You speak. We listen.                                                 Jamie Bradley
                 Together we do.
                                                                                       UCFB Etihad Campus SU President

82                                                                                                                       83
The UCFB Athletic Union
                     enables students to take part

                     in a number of sports during
     Your Athletic
                     their time here, whether
                     competitive or recreational.
                     We have teams across both
                     campuses for male and
                     female students, including
                     football, rugby, squash and
                     basketball, with more sports
                     being added all the time.
                     A number of our teams
                     compete in the British
                     Universities and Colleges
                     Sport (BUCS) leagues and
                     tournaments – the leading
                     organiser of competitive
                     activity among universities.
                     Our football teams across
                     both campuses have enjoyed
                     particular success in recent
                     years. If a sport you play
                     doesn’t have a team at UCFB,
                     there may be the opportunity
                     to establish one. Our sports
                     coordinators are always happy
                     to help and discuss new ideas
                     to broaden the activities on
                     offer to students.
                     Students who wish to
                     participate in individual sports
                     activities are also encouraged
                     to compete and will be
                     supported by UCFB to enter
                     competitions throughout
                     their time here.
                     For students who prefer
                     to observe rather than
                     participate, there are also
                     opportunities to join the
                     match day media teams
                     of UCFB’s respective sides.
                     The chance to film matches,
                     interview players and write
                     match reports not only aids
                     students promoting each
                     other’s successes, but it’s also
                     an opportunity for budding
                     sports media professionals to
                     enhance their skill-set.

84                                                      85
       The UCFB Open Day is always a popular event for prospective students

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Attend an   We would like to welcome you to view

     Open Day
                 our world-class campus facilities in
                 London and Manchester, which have the
                 iconic Wembley and Etihad stadiums at
                 their heart.
                 At a UCFB Open Day you will meet
                 and hear from our hugely experienced
                 academic team, speak to staff and
                 current students, and have the
                 opportunity to tour the magnificent
                 surroundings which will be your
                 academic home for three years.
                 Our Open Days are held regularly at both
                 campuses and demand is always high,
                 so we recommend you book your place
                 as soon as you can via our website at:
                 Once you have applied to UCFB and if
                 you receive an offer from us, you will also
                 be invited to a Taster Day. There, you will
                 be able to experience a day in the life
                 of a student including real lectures and
                 guest speakers on your degree of choice.

                 KEY POINTS
                 •   Find out more about UCFB from
                     academics, staff and current students
                 •   Open Days take place at each campus
                     approximately once a month
                 •   Tour our magnificent facilities,
                     including the stadiums
                 •   Learn more about our great Students’
                     Union and Athletic Union
                 •   Book your place in advance to
                     guarantee availability

                 WHAT PARENTS SAID
                 Andrea Hunt: “A fantastic Open Day
                 with inspirational speakers. All staff and
                 students were informative and really
                 gave the impression that there were a lot
                 of great opportunities within the sports
                 industry. Any young adult considering a
                 sports related degree should put UCFB
                 on their list.”
                 Allen Dunn: “A wonderful place to go
                 for an Open Day, and the WOW factor
                 was in full effect! Amazing facilities and
                 possibilities due to the location and
                 subjects taught... loved it.”

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