Page created by Debra Leonard


     OUR INTERNATIONAL COLLEGE                 SECTION   1    THE INTERNATIONAL                                                     SECTION   5
     Jacobs University International College             06   FOUNDATION YEAR
     Your pathway to a degree and more                   08   Live up to your potential! – Introduction by Prof. Dr. Arvid Kappas             38
     Benefits of a foundation year                       09   International Foundation Year                                                   39
                                                              The right pathway for you                                                       40
     WHY JACOBS UNIVERSITY?                    SECTION   2    Core modules                                                                    42
     What makes Jacobs stand out?                        12
                                                              Subjects                                                                        44
     Facts and Figures                                   13
                                                              Continuing your degree with Jacobs University                                   54
     20+ years of excellence                             14
                                                              3C model                                                                        55
     The world is our benchmark                          18
     Across disciplines and borders                      19
                                                              CAREER OPPORTUNITIES                                                  SECTION   6
     Support for your undergraduate study                20
                                                              Tailor-made support                                                             58

     LIVING IN BREMEN, GERMANY                 SECTION   3    Career paths

                                                              A global network of alumni
     Welcome to Bremen                                   24
     Studying in Germany                                 27
                                                              START YOUR APPLICATION                                                SECTION   7
     STUDENT LIFE AT JACOBS                    SECTION   4    Entry requirements                                                              64
     Student community                                   30   Dates and fees                                                                  66
     Campus life                                         31   Admissions process                                                              68
     Campus map                                          32   Visa advice                                                                     70
     Accommodation                                       34   Contact us                                                                      71
02                                                                                                                                                 03


04                         05
JACOBS UNIVERSITY                                                                                  WHEN YOU CHOOSE TO STUDY WITH US,
INTERNATIONAL COLLEGE                                                                              YOU BENEFIT FROM:

                                                                                                         STUDYING AT            PERSONAL
Jacobs University International College is an on-campus college for international
                                                                                                         ONE OF GERMANY’S       DEVELOPMENT
students located on Jacobs University campus in Bremen, Germany.                                         TOP 5 UNIVERSITIES*    PROGRAM

Through our International Foundation Year,         When you choose to study with us, you will
you will start your journey with a year of study   have every opportunity to realise your future
                                                                                                         SMALL                  PERSONAL
designed to prepare you for a degree program       goals, and whatever your ability is, we’ll
                                                                                                         CLASS SIZES            TUTOR SYSTEM
at Jacobs University.                              inspire and excite you to achieve more.
                                                                                                                               *THE Young Universities 2020
From day one, you will be able to use all
campus facilities and student services offered
by Jacobs University to make sure you have                  WWW.JACOBS-UNIVERSITY.DE/JUIC
the best possible student experience.

06                                                                                                                                                            07
YOUR PATHWAY TO                                                                                  BENEFITS OF THE
A DEGREE AND MORE                                                                                FOUNDATION YEAR
                                                                                                 As an international student, you might face
                                                                                                 unique challenges when choosing to study
                                                                                                 abroad such as your local qualifications do        YOU WILL ALSO

                                               1                                                                                                    BENEFIT FROM:
                                                                                                 not meet the standard for direct entry.
                                                      THE FOCUSED PATHWAY
Our International Foundation Year
                                                      ALLOWS YOU TO STUDY SUBJECT-SPECIFIC       You might not feel ready for university but
(IFY) offers you two pathways to a
                                                      MODULES IN PREPARATION FOR YOUR            do not want to delay your higher education
degree program at Jacobs University
                                                      CHOSEN DEGREE PROGRAM.                     journey either. A foundation year offers you         L EARNING ACADEMIC
across five different subject areas.
                                                                                                 the chance to adjust to a new environment,           ENGLISH SKILLS that are
                                                                                                 a new culture and a new way of learning.             key to writing and referencing at

Depending on your individual goals
and at what stage you are in deciding                 THE ORIENTATION PATHWAY                                                                         university-level
                                                      ALLOWS YOU TO EXPLORE A VARIETY            A foundation year also helps prepare you
your future degree, you can choose
                                                                                                 for the increased level of study skills you will      UILDING YOUR
between the Orientation or Focused                    OF MODULES AND THEN DECIDE ON
                                                                                                 need for your degree program while benefiting
pathway.                                              YOUR DEGREE PROGRAM.                       from tailored support for every aspect of your
                                                                                                                                                      CONFIDENCE in an
                                                                                                                                                      environment of like-minded
                                                                                                 new life as an independent student.
                                                                                                                                                      individuals and with experienced
                                                                                                                                                      support from tutors
                                                                                                          FOUNDATION YEAR AT JACOBS
                                        SUBJECTS                                                                                                      D
                                                                                                                                                       ISCOVERING YOUR
                                                                                                                                                      NEW HOME, city and student
                                                                                                                                                      community through a range
                                                                                                                                                      of cultural and on-campus
                        Computer         Industrial           Natural              Social
                         Science        Engineering          Sciences             Sciences                                                            M
                                                                                                                                                       EETING NEW PEOPLE
                                                                                                                                                      from a variety of backgrounds,
                                                                                                                                                      opening your mind to a world of
                                         nglish for Academic           Digital Literacy                                                             possibilities and friendships
SPECIFIC MODULES YOU WILL               Purposes (Generic)
                                                                        SATs Preparation
                                         nglish for Academic
OF CORE MODULES THAT                                                    Personal Development
                                        Purposes (Subject
ARE DESIGNED TO ENHANCE                                                  (delivered throughout
YOUR ACADEMIC AND                                                        the Program)
PERSONAL SKILLS:                        B
                                         asic or Advanced

08                                                                                                                                                                                        09


10                                  11
WHAT MAKES JACOBS                                                                                     FACTS AND
UNIVERSITY STAND OUT?                                                                                 FIGURES
As a private, non-profit, English-speaking university offering the highest standards in research
and teaching, Jacobs University attracts highly talented and open-minded students from all
over the world. On Germany’s most international campus students become citizens of the world,
able to take responsibility for a sustainable and peaceful future of humanity. To this end, Jacobs
                                                                                                                     TOP     300     TIMES HIGHER EDUCATION WORLD
                                                                                                                                     UNIVERSIT Y RANKING 2021
University has derived four core objectives for its educational profile.

                                                                                                             #1    PRIVATE UNIVERSIT Y
                                                                                                                   IN GERMANY 1

                              1 ACADEMIC QUALITY                                                                                                                               18%
                                                                                                                                      5%                                        GERMANY
                              Students encounter the highest in academic standards, gaining
                              an interdisciplinary education in which faculty mentor students          #1    UNIVERSIT Y
                                                                                                             WITH MOST
                                                                                                                                      AMERICA                       36%                   38%
                              personally and invite them into their research from early on.
                                                                                                             OUTLOOK                                                EUROPE                 ASIA
                                                                                                             IN GERMANY 2

                              2 INTERNATIONAL OUTLOOK                                                                                                         1571                        3%
                              With 110 nations represented on campus, students live and learn
                              among a melting pot of ideas and viewpoints, providing an experience
                                                                                                     #4   UNIVERSIT Y
                                                                                                          YOUNGER THAN
                                                                                                          50 YEARS
                                                                                                                                                            STUDENTS FROM                 MIDDLE
                              that both uncovers new passions and broadens perspective.
                              Jacobs University values diversity and global thinking and fosters a
                                                                                                          IN GERMANY 1                                         124
                              community that champions it.
                                                                                                      #9    IN TEACHING
                                                                                                            AMONG                        6%                                               AFRICA

                              3 PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT                                                        UNIVERSITIES
                                                                                                            WORLDWIDE 1                   SOUTH
                              Our students graduate with the self-competence and social skills.
                              The diversity encountered during their education prepares them to
                              participate within diverse cultures and global industries.
                                                                                                             #33     IN YOUNG
                                                                                                                     UNIVERSIT Y

                              4 EMPLOYABILITY                                                                              90%       GRADUATION
                              Our graduates go on to successful careers in business and
                              science, possessing the interdisciplinary knowledge and
                              experience today’s employers seek.
                                                                                                      (1) THE Young University Ranking 2020
                                                                                                                                                82%    OF OUR GRADUATES RECEIVED
                                                                                                                                                       THEIR FIRST JOB OFFER IN EUROPE
                                                                                                                                                       OR NORTH AMERICA
                                                                                                      (2) THE World University Ranking 2021
12                                                                                                                                                                                            13

20+ YEARS OF                                                                                    STUDYING AT JACOBS UNIVERSITY GRANTS
                                                                                               STUDENTS THE POSSIBILITY TO PARTICIPATE
EXCELLENCE                                                                                       IN PROGRAM DISCUSSIONS WITH VARIOUS
                                                                                                REGIONAL AND CULTURAL POINTS OF VIEW.
                                                                                                         THIS OPENS THE DOORS TO MORE
                                                                                                 MEANINGFUL DIALOGUE AND FOSTERS
                                                                                          RESPECT OF DIVERSE PERSPECTIVES.”
                                                                                                                                                  Timo Behrend, Chile

 1999Founded as International University Bremen
                                                                     College 3 opens.
     with the support of the Free Hanseatic City                                                                 €200 million, the largest donation in Europe ever made
     of Bremen, the University of Bremen and                                                                       to a university, is invested by the Jacobs Foundation.
     Rice University, Houston, Texas.                                                                       International University Bremen becomes Jacobs University.

                                                   Krupp College opens. 133 students
                                                                                                 First class graduates.
                                                   from 43 nations begin their studies.          The Alumni Association
                                                                                                 is founded.

                                                                                                                             K L AUS J. JACOBS

                                                                                                 “CONTRIBUTING AND GIVING
                                                                                                                   BACK TO THE PLACE
                                                                                                 THAT GAVE ME SO MUCH IS WHAT’S MOST
                                                                                                 REWARDING ABOUT BEING INVOLVED WITH THE ALUMNI BOARD.
                                                                                                 KNOWING MY INVESTMENT WILL BENEFIT FUTURE JACOBS
                                                                                                 GENERATIONS IS A VERY ENRICHING EXPERIENCE IN ITSELF.”
                                                                                                 Stefan Rustler, President of the Alumni Association

14                                                                                                                                                                          15
                                                                                              “I WAS LOOKING FOR A
                                                                                                     OF EXCELLENCE IN WHICH I
                                                                                                   COULD GROW ACADEMICALLY AND
                                                                                                 PERSONALLY. THAT’S WHAT I FOUND
                                                                                                HERE IN MY PROGRAM OF STUDY AND
                                                                                                       IN THE STUDENT COMMUNITY.”
                                                                                                                                     Lea Neubert, Germany

 College Nordmetall opens. For
                                      The Sports and Convention Centre
                                      and the Rowing Tank open.
                                                                                                            Jacobs University has been top ranked in some of
 the first time, students from more                                                             the most important national and global university rankings for
 than 100 nations (102 in total)                                                                 several years. In 2019, the University was represented in the
 are represented on campus.                                                                         renowned THE World University Ranking for the first time.

                                                                  First Jacobs Career Fair
                                                                  connects students with
                                                                                                                                                                 Jacobs University
                                                                   local and inter­national                                                                      partnerships with Oxford
                                                                            organisations.                                                                       International Education Group
                                                                                                                                                                 to launch Jacobs University
                                                                                                                                                                 International College in 2021

                                  VERY HANDS-ON; THEY SHOW AN
                                             WITH OUR COMPANY.”
                                       Claudia Schabler, Eckes-Granini Deutschland GmbH
16                                                                                                                                                                                         17
THE WORLD IS                                                       ACROSS DISCIPLINES
OUR BENCHMARK                                                      AND BORDERS
With over 1,500 students representing 110 countries, we are        At Jacobs University, getting an incredible            trengthening people and markets with
international in our corridors and at our heart. Our open-minded   education is not limited by one’s nationality,        advanced training programs
community stands for cooperation beyond the borders of cultures,   religion or family origin, but empowered by           Acting as an incubator for exciting start-up
nationalities and disciplines, and orients all its studies and     it. Here, everyone has equal opportunities             ideas
relationships to that end. Together we are fostering meaningful    to address the pressing problems of the day
collaboration and the future success of all.                       by integrating world cultures with research          This is what Jacobs University Bremen stands
                                                                   disciplines. Diverse, talented minds and             for. With its academic aspirations, its research
                                                                   cutting-edge research and teaching meet to           orientation, its diversity and interdisciplinary
                                                                   address key issues and pioneer the solutions         curriculum, Jacobs University is a place of
                                                                   that change our world for the better.                inspiration.

                                                                     earning within an international community
                                                                    Obtaining a qualification to take on responsible               STUDENTS ARE ACTIVELY
                                                                    tasks in a digitised and globalised society                     INVOLVED IN RESEARCH FROM
                                                                     Learning, researching and teaching across                     THEIR FIRST YEAR OF STUDY!
                                                                      academic disciplines and countries

18                                                                                                                                                                       19
We believe that everyone has the right         scholarships and deferral options, for         Our financing options are automatically
                                                     to a good education – and this is the          example. You only start repaying the           available to you upon continuation from

                                                                                                    deferred tuition fees once you have            our International College to your chosen
                                                     principle we live by here at Jacobs            successfully entered the job market.           study program.
                                                     University.                                    That way you can focus completely on

                                                                                                    your studies. We are convinced that a          NOT APPLICABLE TO IFY STUDENTS.
                                                     This is why we offer students a                Jacobs’ education will form the perfect        IFY STUDENTS ARE ONLY ELIGIBLE
                                                     personalised financial aid package to          foundation for your future career – that       UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAM AT
                                                     finance their studies, consisting of           is why we are happy to invest in you.          JACOBS.

                    1                                2       PROGRESS AND RECEIVE YOUR MERIT


                             START YOUR                      BASED SCHOLARSHIP FOR YOUR                                                  THE JUSTUDYATEASE -
                             JOURNEY AT JUIC                 UNDERGRADUATE STUDY                                                         TUITION LOAN PROGRAM
                    Once you’ve successfully         A scholarship towards your tuition is available to                       In cooperation with Jacobs University’s partner Brain Capital,
                    completed your foundation        your undergraduate study.                                                the JUStudyAtEase tuition loan program provides you with a
                    program you will progress        Regardless of your financial situation:                                  flexible financing option for your undergraduate study.

                    directly to year one of your                                                                              How does it work?
                    chosen degree course.
                                                                      We automatically determine if
                                                                                                                                               Once you progress, you will receive your
                                                                      you’re eligible for a scholarship.
                                                                                                                                               JUStudyAtEase financing package which offers
                                                                                                                                               to cover UP TO 100% OF YOUR TUITION.

                                                                      The decision is based on your
                                                                      academic skills and social                                               The loan is ONLY REPAYABLE ONCE YOU’VE
                                                                      commitment.                                                              GRADUATED AND ARE EARNING A SALARY
                                                                                                                                               that exceeds a pre-determined amount
                                                                                                                                               set-out in your financing package.
                                                                      The scholarship DOES NOT NEED
                                                                      TO BE REPAID.                                                            Continue your degree program at
                                                                                                                                               Jacobs University and study at ease!

                                                                      Scholarships are WORTH UP TO
                                                                      €15,000 (UP TO 75% OF TUITION)                                           Graduate and start your career.

                                                     In addition to your Merit Based Scholarship, all                         Brain Capital guarantees funding up to the amount listed
                                                     JUIC students upon progression are offered the                           under JUStudyAtEase in your financing package. You can
                                                     JUStudyAtEase tuition loan program.                                      accept the full offer, a smaller amount, or no JUStudyAtEase
                                                                                                                              funding at all. It’s your choice.

                               HOW TO FINANCE YOUR   ADDITIONAL ASSISTANCE FOR                                           Apply for our personalized, need-based financial aid program.
                               UNDERGRADUATE STUDY   UNDERGRADUATE STUDENTS                                             We consider your and your family’s financial situation.
                               WITH JUSTUDYATEASE    Our Student Financial Services team is happy to assist you!        The amount of grant is determined based on your financial need.

  20                                                                                                                                                                                      21


22                     23
WELCOME TO BREMEN                                                                                              BREMEN: MADE OF STARTS

Jacobs University is based in the north of                  ECONOMIC POWERHOUSE
Bremen in Germany – a city with a maritime                  Bremen is Germany’s eighth-largest industrial
atmosphere and 1,200 years of history. Home                 hub with over 350 high tech international
to about half a million people, it is easy to get           brands based here within the aviation,
around the city and enjoy its high quality of               aerospace, maritime and automotive
living. The historical market square is famous              industries. You can find companies such as
for Bremen’s mascots, the Town Musicians                    Mercedes Benz, Airbus, the BLG Logistics
and is a UNESCO World Heritage site.                        Group here. It’s been awarded the title “city
                                                            of science” in recognition of its optimal
Bremen is fast becoming a choice for                        combination of science and economics.
students because of its rich history, leading
universities and high standards of living.
                                                            TRADITION MEETS INNOVATION
BREMEN IS BOTH BIG AND SMALL                                A bustling, vibrant city where future innovation
                                                            meets historical buildings, palaces and parks.
Bremen is the 2nd largest city in Northern                  There’s a vast amount of impressive buildings
German after Hamburg with over 560,000                      dotted around Marktplatz and outstanding
people living here. It is a relatively small city,          innovative companies that you can see when
with a lot to offer, it’s easy to get around and            you’re here. Be sure to visit Bremen’s oldest
is big enough to explore.                                   district called the Schnoor quarter, here you’ll
                                                            find a maze of lanes lined with little 15th and
                                                            16th century houses.
                             HAMBURG    VORPOMMERN

                        BREMEN              BRANDENBURG
         LOWER SAXONY                                                YEARS OF HISTORY

       WESTPHALIA                                                    CULTURAL DIVERSITY



                                        BAVARIA                      37,000
              WÜRTTEMBERG                                            STUDENTS

24                                                                                                                                      25
     The German education system is well-structured and rigorous, producing some of the most
     skilled students in the world. It’s no wonder why Germany is regularly ranked as one of the
     most popular study destinations.

     TEACHING                                           Students benefit from excellent career
     Top pick for students who want to study abroad     opportunities with 18 months job seeking
     in Europe. Germany, a diverse country with         visa after graduation. If you wish to look for
     a great culture is ranked #1 in the world for      work relating to your university degree after
     quality of teaching and #3 in the world for        graduation in Germany, you can! You must
     country of choice for international university     apply for a resident permit when seeking
     students. ( StudyEU 2020)           employment.

     As an international student in Germany you         AND THE REST OF EUROPE
     are allowed to work up to 120 full working         Transportation in Germany is very cheap, in
     days in a year with the potential of earning       fact students get discounted tickets meaning
     between 10 euros - 15 euros an hour. You           you can travel and visit neighbouring and local
     benefit from extra income, develop important       cities like Munich, Berlin, Hamburg and more
     life skills and it will look great on your CV to   for a fraction of the price! France, Belgium,
     future employers showcasing your motivation        Switzerland and Denmark are all within easy
     to work and study at the same time.                reach by plane or train.

26                                                                                                       27


28                        29
OUR STUDENT                                                                                         CAMPUS LIFE
Jacobs University is more than a place             life and take care of their health and inter­
to study; it is a place where everyone is          personal, academic, and social well-being.
committed to create a homelike atmosphere          As a Jacobs University student, you will have
and a feeling of belonging. A place where          your own academic advisor who ensures that
close friendships develop regardless of            you receive the best support possible when it
country or religion, not only between students     comes to academic challenges and personal
but within the whole Jacobs community.             development.

With students from more than 110 countries         Our welcoming university culture combines
living on campus, we equally encourage             state-of-the-art facilities, a fitness centre,
diversity in the University in ethnic, cultural,   and a spacious campus green. Our campus
social, religious, political, and national         offers everything to study, work, live and
background and in individual life style.           relax and make your time with us a great and
                                                   inspirational experience.
We are committed to making our campus
and the colleges a comfortable and happy
“Home away from home”. Dedicated resident                   WWW.JACOBS-UNIVERSITY.DE/
mentors, who live on campus with their own                  CAMPUS-LIFE
families, support our students in everyday

                                                                                                    STUDENT EVENTS                                       STUDENT CLUBS
                                                                                                    An international campus offers a richness of         Numerous student clubs ranging from arts to
                                                                                                    activities that promise to excite and inspire.       sports and community engagement open the
                                                                                                    Countless student-driven events throughout           door to students’ creativity, develop social and
                                                                                                    the year invite you to explore cultural diversity,   intercultural competencies and strengthen
                                                                                                    from the brilliant Deepavali Festival of Lights      mutual understanding between our campus
                                                                                                    to the celebratory Lunar New Year, not               and the local community. Clubs bring colour
                                                                                                    to mention the Intercontinental Football             and texture to life on campus, with many
                                                                                                    Tournament or various Country Information            initiating annual student-run events, such as
                                                                                                    Days. Annual events such as the Jacobs               Art Fest and Environmental Awareness Week.
                                                                                                    Startup Competition, jacobsHack! or the
                                                                                                    Women in Leadership Conference (WIL) allow
                                                                                                    students to actively showcase their ideas
                                                                                                    to university students and companies from
                                                                                                    around the globe.
                                                                            CAMPUS LIFE
                                                                                                              WWW.JACOBS-UNIVERSITY.DE/                           WWW.JACOBS-UNIVERSITY.DE/
                                                                                                              CAMPUS-EVENTS-NEWS                                  CAMPUSTOUR/SPORTS_INDEX.PHP

30                                                                                                                                                                                                    31
MAP                         Schönebeck Bhf /
                               A27 Bremen –                                                                        THE OTHER
                                                                                                                                          MUSIC LAB,
                                                                                                                                          THEATER SPACE,
                               Bremerhaven                                                                                                CINEMA
                                                                       REIMAR LÜST HALL
                                                                       (RLH) / ADMIN
                                                                                              Campus R
     VIRTUAL CAMPUS TOUR:                                                                                   ing
     WWW.JACOBS-UNIVERSITY.DE/                                                                                                       UNIVERSITY CLUB
                                                                                                      CAMPUS CENTRE,                                                                         STUDENT
     CAMPUSTOUR/                                                                                                                         KRUPP
                                                                                                      IRC, COFFEE BAR                                                                        ACTIVITY
                                                                                                                                         E COLLEGE              WEST HALL                     CENTRE
                                 MAIN GATE
                                                                                                                          KRUPP                                    PLAZA                  EAST HALL

                                                          RECEPTION                                                       F COLLEGE                    SOUTH
                                                        “FRISEUR”                                                       EON LAB

                                                       RECEIVING                                                                                                          College
                                                                             RESEARCH 1
                                                                                                  RESEARCH 2
                                     ROBOTICS LAB
                                                          Campus Rin


                                                                                     CAMPUS GREEN

                                                                                                                        Campus Rin

                                                                                                                                         College Rin
                                                                                                                                                          PLAYING FIELD
                                                                           RESEARCH 4
                                                                                             RESEARCH 3                                         LAB 2

                                   LAB 3
                                                                                                                                                                                                        COLLEGE 3   JUIC
                                                                                           OCEAN LAB
                          Vegesack                                       Campus R
                                                                                                                                                                              SPORTS &
                                        H                                                                                             KIDS AT JACOBS                          CENTRE (SCC)

                                                                                                                                     H                                    St. Magnu
                                                                                                                                                                                       s / Lesum

32                                                                                                                                                                                                                         33
On our residential campus, four modern             STUDENT SERVICES
colleges provide attractive housing options.       Jacobs University is dedicated to creating a
Our dorms are equipped with all essential          safe and attractive learning environment
furniture. Each college has its own servery        where everyone receives the support services
with international cuisines, as well as study      they need to perform at their best. Campus
areas, group meeting rooms and recreational        Services enhance a student’s work, study and
lounges. Students may easily walk from their       leisure. From counselling and career services,
college to lecture halls, research laboratories,   to dining and financial options, students will
sports facilities, the theatre, cinema, student    have the ample resources to grow and thrive.
bar and café. Bonds are quickly formed within
home colleges and among college mates,             All IFY students in their first year of study will
forging long-lasting relationships and sharing     be required to live on campus.
a spirit that is clearly felt during sports
games, art competitions, and other rally
events across campus.                                        JACOBS UNIVERSITY
                                                             RESDENTIAL COLLEGES


     KRUPP COLLEGE                                    MERCATOR COLLEGE
      Accommodating 260 students                        Accommodating 191 students

              WWW.JACOBS-UNIVERSITY.DE/                         WWW.JACOBS-UNIVERSITY.DE/
              KRUPP-COLLEGE                                     MERCATOR-COLLEGE

     COLLEGE 3                                        COLLEGE NORDMETALL
      Accommodating 240 students                        Accommodates 262 students
       ool, table tennis tables                        Biggest kitchens
      and multimedia room

              WWW.JACOBS-UNIVERSITY.DE/                         WWW.JACOBS-UNIVERSITY.DE/
              COLLEGE-3                                         COLLEGE-NORDMETALL

34                                                                                                      35


36                             37
                                                                                                        FOUNDATION YEAR
                                                                                                        At Jacobs University International College, we know the importance of personal
                                                                                                        growth; this is why we have developed the International Foundation Year (IFY)
                                                                                                        which in addition to strong academic focus offers a personal development program
                                                                                                        that will help you flourish at Jacobs University.


The Jacobs University International College provides an excellent mix of general skills and domain
                                                                                                                                Computer            Industrial           Natural            Social
specifics to prepare its graduates with the tools required to enter university and immediately hit           Business
                                                                                                                                 Science           Engineering          Sciences           Sciences
the right rhythm. Representatives of Jacobs University are part of the Joint Academic Board and
not only make sure that the quality of the education is at the level you would expect from Jacobs
University, but that the fit between the JUIC program and the Bachelor programs at Jacobs
University is snug and aimed to support students to live up to their potential.

Success in education depends on the interaction of many factors and yet, each trajectory is as          Through a combination of core modules and subject-specific study, you will develop the skills
individual as the person that enrols in school, in college, at university, and beyond. Learning         you need to continue to succeed in university life. The IFY offers you five subjects to choose
never stops. Thus, it is important to focus not only on the basics, such as language or math, or        from, and these subjects provide you with a route into a degree at Jacobs University.
the specifics, of the various tracks, covering areas as diverse as the social sciences, business
administration, computer science, industrial engineering, or the natural sciences, but it is about      Alongside your subject-specific modules you will also study a combination of core modules that
learning to learn. This will not stop, even if a degree is an important junction, the path continues.   are designed to enhance your academic and personal skills:
Good education is aware of the long-term evolution of interests, skills, and personality.
Jacobs University International College is designed to be an important element in this process.
                                                                                                        CORE MODULES:                                     PRE-SESSIONAL ENGLISH
I am looking forward to welcoming the new JUIC students on the Jacobs campus, ready to take              English for Academic Purposes (Generic)          These programs provide you with an initial
their next steps in an international, challenging, and exciting environment.                                                                              period of intensive English language training
                                                                                                          nglish for Academic Purposes
                                                                                                         (Subject specific)                               and assessments. This academic English
                                                                                                                                                          support is delivered over 6 or 12 weeks.
PROF. DR. ARVID KAPPAS                                                                                   Basic or Advanced Mathematics
                                                                                                                                                          The number of weeks you complete will
DEAN                                                                                                     Digital Literacy                                 depend on your current English level.
                                                                                                         SATs Preparation
                                                                                                          ersonal Development
                                                                                                         (delivered throughout the Program)

38                                                                                                                                                                                                        39
Depending on your academic and personal development goals, you can choose from one of the          CONTINUATION DEGREES                           BSc Earth and Environmental Sciences
following pathways:                                                                                The IFY offers you a route towards a degree    BSc Physics
                                                                                                   with Jacobs University in subjects ranging     BA Global Economics and Management
                                                                                                   from the natural sciences, mathematics         BA International Business Administration
FOCUSED PATHWAY                                 ORIENTATION PATHWAY                                and engineering to the social sciences and
You know what degree program you would like     You are unsure of what to study and would like     economics.                                     BA Society, Media and Politics
to study at Jacobs University and our focused   to explore a variety of subjects so you can make                                                   A International Relations: Politics
pathway will prepare you for your studies.      the right choice for yourself. You will be able     BSc Mathematics                               and History
With subject-specific modules that will build   to select a different subject each semester.        BSc Computer Science                          Sc Integrated Social and Cognitive
your foundation of knowledge and give you a                                                                                                       Psychology
head start on the academic skills you will      1. In your first semester you can choose           BSc Electrical and Computer Engineering
need to know.                                      modules from different subject areas             BSc Robotics and Intelligent Systems
                                                                                                    BSc Industrial Engineering & Management      Please note: To continue directly onto
                                                2. In your second semester you can choose
1. Choose your subject                                                                                                                           your chosen degree program with Jacobs
                                                    modules from up to three subject areas          BSc Biochemistry and Cell Biology            University, you will need to successfully
2. Study subject modules over two semesters     3. D
                                                    uring your second semester you will            BSc Chemistry and Biotechnology              complete the International Foundation Year
3. Successfully complete your program              choose your degree program                        Sc Medicinal Chemistry and
                                                                                                    B                                            and have achieved a minimum score of 1050
4. P
    rogress directly onto year one of your     4. S
                                                    uccessfully complete your program              Chemical Biology                             in a SAT/ACT/TestAS.
   chosen degree                                5. P
                                                    rogress directly onto year one of your
                                                   chosen degree

40                                                                                                                                                                                            41
Our core modules have been designed to complement your subject specific studies
and place great importance on your personal and academic development.


ENGLISH FOR        This module strengthens your English language abilities in all four language
ACADEMIC           skills (listening, speaking, reading, and writing) and improves your academic
PURPOSES           study skills. In your first semester, this module is generic, covering all subjects.
(10 CREDITS)       In your second semester you will focus on your particular subject area.

BASIC OR           Upon joining the program, you will be given a Mathematics placement
ADVANCED           test which will determine whether you take the basic or advanced
MATHEMATICS        route. Both are designed to develop your skills around mathematics and
(5 CREDITS)        statistics.

                   This module is delivered in the first semester and enables you to develop your
DIGITAL            basic IT skills such as using Microsoft Office. It also helps you to develop your
LITERACY           research and evaluative skills through appropriate use of the internet. You will
(5 CREDITS)        also learn how to use the Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) and social media
                   as a tool to communicate effectively with your tutors and fellow students.

                   This is a non-credit bearing part of your studies. If you are not already
SATS               academically qualified for entry to Jacobs University then you will need
PREPARATION        to take the SATs. This module provides you with training for the SATs that
                   you will need to take before progressing to the University.

                   This module is delivered throughout your studies. It has been specially designed
PERSONAL           to help you understand what is expected of you on the program and enable you
DEVELOPMENT        to mature into your studies. It also provides you with general skills which not
(10 CREDITS)       only pave the way for success academically but which are also skills for life,
                   related to the professional standards required in the world of employment.

42                                                                                                        43
This pathway prepares you with the necessary
foundation to pursue a future in business.
A career in business can cover a range of
fields from management and accounting to                T WO SEMESTERS (one year)
marketing and human resource management.
You can also gain practical and professional
business skills which enhance your                      START DATES:
employability for the job market.
                                                        SEPTEMBER I JANUARY

FOUNDATION BUSINESS                                    FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING                            DEGREE RECOMMENDATIONS:
This module provides you with a general                This module aims to introduce you to the         BA Global Economics and Management
introduction to the study of business by               basic mechanics and processes of financial       BA International Business Administration
introducing the different aspects a firm has           accounting in both theory and practice,
to cope with such as organisation, strategic           including bookkeeping. It further helps you
management, financial management, marketing,           to understand the importance of financial
human resource management, business                    accounting procedures and the resulting
processes, corporate social responsibility,            financial statements for running a business.                 Top Ranked in 2020                   Center for Higher Education
                                                                                                           TOP                                     CHE
and legal foundations. The module covers the                                                               RANKED
                                                                                                                    CHE Ranking                          Development (CHE)
different types of businesses, from start-ups,
over small and medium sized companies to               FOUNDATION ECONOMICS                                         Global Economics and                 Center for Higher Education
multinational enterprises.                                                                                          Management                           Development (CHE) Ranking
                                                       This module introduces you to political
                                                       economy, macroeconomics and                                                                       reports on more than 300
                                                       microeconomics, and their differences.                       International Business               universities, colleges, and
STATISTICS FOR BUSINESS AND                            The module considers economic aspects of                     Administration                       technical colleges. In addition to
THE SOCIAL SCIENCES                                    production, distribution and consumption                                                          criteria such as subjects, teaching
This module builds on prior studies of                 of goods and services, introduces the idea of       #6       Teaching in the Economics            quality, and research, the rankings
Mathematics at high school. The module covers          markets as places for economic transactions,                 department                           also gather feedback from students
mathematical calculation, statistical methods,         including supply and demand, and explains                    THE Young University                 about studying at the various
as well as presentation and interpretation             the role of money in a society.                              Ranking 2019                         institutions.
skills of statistical data. It helps you to develop
critical skills in assessing the reliability of data
that is presented to you.

44                                                                                                                                                                                             45
This pathway gives you a great start to a future
career in computer science. You will learn the
fundamentals of computer programing, coding,
mathematics and technology. Computer science        T WO SEMESTERS (one year)
lies at the core of all modern industries and
plays a major role. A career in computer science
can lead to positions within an IT department       START DATES:
or several other professions such as software
                                                    SEPTEMBER I JANUARY
developer, computer analyst, software engineer
and many more.

FUNDAMENTALS OF                                    PROBLEM SOLVING                                 DEGREE RECOMMENDATIONS:                    STUDENT TEAMS AT THE UNIVERSITY
PROGRAMMING WITH PYTHON 3                          This module aims to introduce you to the         BSc Mathematics                           PARTICIPATE REGULARLY IN
This module introduces you to the process of       notion of problem solving employing a range      BSc Computer Science                      INTERNATIONAL PROGRAMMING
programming. The general principles of the         of techniques and including using computer
                                                                                                    BSc Electrical and Computer Engineering   COMPETITIONS. THE STUDENT-
Python 3 programming language are outlined         applications. It provides you with a basic
and then you will develop your programming         understanding of algorithms and their            BSc Robotics and Intelligent Systems      ORGANISED JACOBSHACK! HACKATHON
skills by learning to program using Python         uses and with the additional experience                                                    ATTRACTS PARTICIPANTS FROM ALL
3. The teaching approach will involve some         of developing and using simple software                                                    OVER EUROPE, WITH SPONSORSHIPS
theory and trouble-shooting sessions but will      programs in Python 3 to help solve particular
                                                                                                                                              BY AMAZON, FACEBOOK, GITHUB,
feature a significant number of hours engaged      problems. The overall aim is to develop                   Learning Experience
in the practical work involved in learning and     transferable skills which will benefit you as       #10                                    GOOGLE, SKYSCANNER AND TWILIO.
                                                                                                             European U-Multirank 2018
working with Python 3.                             you progress in your studies.

MATHEMATICS FOR                                    COMPUTER SYSTEMS
COMPUTER SCIENCE                                   This module introduces you to the structure
This module builds on the core module              and components of a computer system and
of Mathematics offered during the first            the key components and responsibilities of an
semester. It provides you with a grounding         operating system. This will provide a useful
in mathematical structures and techniques          and practical grounding for further studies.
commonly used to describe, analyse and
reason about data structures and algorithms.
It also introduces you to the mathematical
foundations of computing systems.

46                                                                                                                                                                              47
This pathway is the first stage of your journey to
the Industrial Engineering & Management (IEM)
degree program at Jacobs University. The IEM
program prepares graduates for a career at the         T WO SEMESTERS (one year)
intersection of management and engineering.
For students who dream of a future leading
industrial and trade enterprises, engineering          START DATES:
research or education, this program opens the
                                                       SEPTEMBER I JANUARY
door to a wide range of engaging career paths.

ENGINEERING, LOGISTICS AND SCM                       This module will teach you how to apply             BSc Industrial Engineering & Management   DEVELOPMENT (CHE) RANKING
This module introduces you to the fundamentals       basic rules and techniques of integral and                                                    REPORTS ON MORE THAN
of industrial engineering as these apply to the      differential calculus. You will study number
                                                                                                                                                   300 UNIVERSITIES, COLLEGES,
practical problems of logistics in a business        systems, integers, rational and real numbers,
context. You will learn how business manage          examples of the use of the functions of two                                                   AND TECHNICAL COLLEGES.
their supply chains on which they all depend.        variables, probability and statistics, including                                              IN ADDITION TO CRITERIA SUCH
                                                                                                                     Top Ranked in 2020
You will learn the definitions of the basic          histograms, standard deviation and normal                                                     AS SUBJECTS, TEACHING QUALITY,
                                                                                                            TOP      CHE Ranking for support at
terms which will help you to understand the          and binomial distribution, and the definition          RANKED
                                                                                                                     the beginning of studies      AND RESEARCH, THE RANKINGS
efforts which companies make to manage the           and operation of matrices and vectors.
interconnected networks of individuals and                                                                           Center for Higher Education   ALSO GATHER FEEDBACK FROM
suppliers responsible for product or service                                                                         Development (CHE)             STUDENTS ABOUT STUDYING AT
creation, procurement, manufacturing assembly        FOUNDATION ECONOMICS
                                                                                                                                                   THE VARIOUS INSTITUTIONS.
and the flow of materials and products from the      This module introduces you to political
point of origin to the point of consumption.         economy, macroeconomics and
                                                     microeconomics, and their differences.
FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING                                 The module considers economic aspects
This module aims to introduce you to the             of production, distribution and consumption
basic mechanics and processes of financial           of goods and services, introduces the idea
accounting in both theory and practice,              of markets as places for economic
including bookkeeping. It further helps you          transactions, including supply and demand,
to understand the importance of financial            and explains the role of money in a society.
accounting procedures and the resulting
financial statements for running a business.

48                                                                                                                                                                                  49
This pathway is your route to a choice of
degree programs with the department of Life
Sciences & Chemistry at Jacobs University.
Each program is designed to equip you with          T WO SEMESTERS (one year)
the theory and practical skills for a rewarding
career across many different industries. You
could explore opportunities in forensic science      START DATES:
and environmental science to chemistry and
                                                     SEPTEMBER I JANUARY
aerospace engineering.

FOUNDATION BIOLOGY                                 FOUNDATION CHEMISTRY                              DEGREE RECOMMENDATIONS:                  JACOBS UNIVERSITY IS ONE OF
This module revises high school material, and      This module provides you with an introduction      BSc Biochemistry and Cell Biology      THE FEW UNIVERSITIES THAT OFFERS
provides you with an understanding of cell         to post-High School studies in Chemistry           BSc Chemistry and Biotechnology        THIS TAILORED AND DESIRABLE
structure and function, of how information         and to provide a stimulating learning
                                                                                                       Sc Medicinal Chemistry and
                                                                                                      B                                       COMBINATION OF CHEMISTRY AND
flows through a cell and the basic principles      environment in which to pass on knowledge
                                                                                                      Chemical Biology                        BIOTECHNOLOGY.
of metabolism. You are also provided with an       and understanding of the basic and more
introduction to the organisation and integration   advanced theoretical principles of the subject.    BSc Earth and Environmental Sciences
of physiological processes in nature but with      There is an emphasis throughout the module         BSc Physics
a particular reference to animals and with an      on Organic Chemistry and on its impact
emphasis on mammalian, especially human            through practical applications on society.
physiology. You will consider a number of
physiological processes including the cardio-
vascular, respiratory and digestive systems.       FUNDAMENTALS OF
                                                                                                                Life Sciences
                                                   THE PHYSICAL SCIENCES                                  TOP
                                                                                                         200    The World University
                                                   This module provides you with an                             Ranking 2019
PURE MATHEMATICS                                   understanding of materials, solids and fluids,
                                                                                                                Physical Sciences
This module revises high school material,          heat and gases and the structure of the                TOP
                                                                                                         300    THE World University
strengthens understanding of fundamental           atom. In addition, you are introduced to a
                                                                                                                Ranking 2019
principles and prepares you to use mathematical    basic knowledge of earth sciences, geology,
language appropriately and understand              meteorology and oceanography.
mathematical notation, conventions and units.
You will learn how a knowledge of Mathematics
significantly underpins all the work they will
carry out in their scientific studies.

50                                                                                                                                                                               51
This pathway introduces you to the world of social
sciences. You will learn about the society we live
in, individual behaviour and what makes us who            DURATION:
we are. The field of social sciences offers a variety    T WO SEMESTERS (one year)
of career routes from positions in government to
counselling and human resource management.
You can also continue to study at master’s level.
At Jacobs University about 60% of students enter          START DATES:
prestigious graduate schools such as Oxford,              SEPTEMBER I JANUARY
Cambridge, London School of Economics, Harvard,
Johns Hopkins, Georgetown and Sciences Po.

INTRODUCTION TO THE                                     FOUNDATION ECONOMICS                              DEGREE RECOMMENDATIONS:                        THE SOCIETY, MEDIA AND POLITICS
SOCIAL SCIENCES                                         This module introduces you to political            BA Society, Media and Politics               PROGRAM HAS THE LARGEST ALUMNI
This module introduces you to the study of              economy, macroeconomics and                         International Relations:
                                                                                                           BA                                            COMMUNITY AT JACOBS – WHICH
societies, their relation to individuals within         microeconomics, and their differences.             Politics and History                          COMES IN HANDY WHEN EXPLORING
them and the interaction between the                    The module considers economic aspects of
                                                                                                           BSc Integrated Social and                     JOB OPPORTUNITIES OR JUST MAKING
individuals themselves. You consider which              production, distribution and consumption of
                                                                                                           Cognitive Psychology
modern subject areas class as ‘social sciences’,        goods and services, introduces the idea of                                                       CONTACTS WORLDWIDE.
in particular, Sociology, Economics, Political          markets as places for economic transactions,
Science, Psychology and Anthropology.                   including supply and demand, and explains
                                                        the role of money in a society.
                                                                                                                     Teaching in the Psychology
STATISTICS FOR BUSINESS                                                                                        3     department
AND THE SOCIAL SCIENCES                                 INTRODUCTION TO PSYCHOLOGY                                   THE Young University Ranking
This module builds on prior studies of                  This module introduces you to the main                       2019
Mathematics at high school. The module                  theoretical approaches to Psychology and
covers mathematical calculation, statistical            considers its historical development as a field        TOP   Teaching in the subject “History”
                                                                                                               4     THE Young University Ranking
methods, as well as presentation and                    of study. You are made aware of key ideas and
interpretation skills of statistical data. It helps     concepts. The areas on which this module                     2019
you to develop critical skills in assessing the         focuses are Social, Cognitive, Developmental
reliability of data that is presented to you.           and Biological Psychology. Research methods
                                                        and related ethical considerations are

52                                                                                                                                                                                          53
CONTINUING YOUR DEGREE                                                                             3C MODEL
Once you have successfully completed your        THE JACOBS TRACK
foundation year, you will continue onto your                                                       YEAR 1                       YEAR 2                     YEAR 3

                                                                                                   C C C
                                                 Our education is not only about building
chosen degree with Jacobs University.            academic skills. We prepare our students
                                                 to think beyond disciplines with a global,
The University offers a broad spectrum of        socially-responsible mindset – because we
interdisciplinary study programs ranging         believe well-rounded thinkers are better
from the natural sciences, mathematics           equipped for success throughout life. That is
and engineering to the social sciences and
economics. Class sizes are small and for
                                                 why the Jacobs Track, that runs parallel to the           CHOICE                        CORE                     CAREER
                                                 disciplinary modules across all study years, is
each student a professor acts as a personal      an integral part of all study programs.
mentor and academic advisor. You are actively
involved in research from your first year of     It encompasses:
study at the University.
                                                  Methods and Skills modules                       The first study year         In this second year        At the core of this
                                                  Interdisciplinary “Big Questions” modules        is characterised by          of study you take          third-year program
THE 3C PROGRAM STRUCTURE                          Language modules                                 broad, interdisciplinary     in-depth, discipline-      is a mandatory
Jacobs University study programs are                                                               education that builds        specific CORE modules.     internship, providing
                                                  C ommunity Impact Project
based on European Higher Education Area                                                            on and extends your          Building on the            you with first-hand
regulations. All study programs adhere to the                                                      university entrance          introductory CHOICE        practical experience
European Credit Transfer System (ECTS),                                                            qualifications. You select   modules and applying       in a professional
which facilitates credit transfer between                                                          introductory modules         the foundational           environment. As an
academic institutions. The three-year                                                              from the CHOICE area         methods and skills         alternative, you can
undergraduate program involves six semesters                                                       of a variety of programs.    acquired so far, these     apply for the start-up
of study worth a total of 180 ECTS credits.                                                        The combination of           modules expand and         option and develop
                                                                                                   CHOICE modules               deepen your critical       a business plan for
The curricular structure follows an innovative                                                     provides flexibility and     understanding of           your own company.
and student-centered module scheme –                                                               allows you to change         key theories – and         You may also choose
the 3C Model – which groups the curriculum                                                         your major after the         build career-focused       from ample study
into three overarching themes: Choice, Core                                                        first year of studies.       knowledge of current       abroad options. The
and Career.                                                                                                                     best practices.            fifth semester provides
                                                                                                                                For the majority of        specialisation modules
                                                                                                                                study programs, you        that incorporate the
                                                                                                                                may also choose to         latest research in each
                                                                                                                                incorporate a minor        area of study. The sixth
                                                                                                                                study track to diversify   semester is dedicated
                                                                                                                                your undergraduate         to fostering meaningful
                                                                                                                                education.                 research experience by
                                                                                                                                                           involving you in an
                                                                                                                                                           extended Bachelor
                                                                                                                                                           thesis project.

54                                                                                                                                                                                    55


56                         57
TAILOR-MADE                                                                                       CAREER PATHS
A Jacobs education goes beyond disciplinary knowledge, preparing students with the                TOP TEN EMPLOYERS
skills and competencies for employability in their dream career. Our comprehensive                OF JACOBS ALUMNI
career services provide guidance through all stages of a student’s development as they             Google                 Microsoft
grow to become the responsible leaders of tomorrow.                                                Roche                  KPMG
                                                                                                   Accenture              Daimler
                                                                                                   Barry Callebaut        SAP
                                                                                                   Amazon                 McKinsey
     The Jacobs University Career Services
     Centre offers individual counselling, CV                                                     TOP DESTINATIONS
     checks and mock interviews, as well as                                                       FOR GRADUATE STUDIES                     Cornel Amariei studied Electrical
     internship research support, professional                                                                                             Engineering and Computer Sciences.
                                                                                                   Columbia University
     skills seminars and workshops.                                                                                                        During his studies, he invented the “lumen”
                                                                                                   Harvard University                     glasses for the visually impaired, which
                                                                                                   Humboldt-Universität                    put him on the Forbes “30 under 30”
                     COUNSELING                                                                    Massachusetts Institute of Technology   list in Europe. Today he works as Head
                      Career orientation                                                                                                  of Innovation at Continental in Munich,
                                                                                                   Rotterdam School of Management
                                                                                                                                           where he directs innovative eMobility,
                      Application check                                                           Stanford University                     automated driving, vehicle architecture
                                                                                                   E TH Zürich                            and smart connectivity projects.
                                                                                                   London School of Economics
                                                                                                   University of Oxford
                       ock interviews
                                                                                                   University of Cambridge
                                                                                                                                           “NOW, WHEN I SEE A
                      Online tutorials
                       & CV tool
                                                 RECRUITMENT EVENTS                                                                          PROBLEM, I CAN LOOK
                                                 Interactive events such as the annual
                                                 Career Fair and the Alumni Homecoming                                                      AT IT FROM A WHOLE
                                                 connect students with leading global,
                                                                                                                                            NEW SET OF ANGLES,
                                                 national and local companies and institutions.
                      Internship program        In addition, Jacobs University hosts special
                                                 on-campus recruiting events led by
                                                                                                                                            WHICH I WAS NOT ABLE
                      Job portal                                                                 FEEL WELL PREPARED
                                                 multinational players, such as Facebook,
                                                                                                  FOR A FURTHER STUDY                       TO DO BEFORE.”
                                                 Microsoft, AB InBev, EON, McKinsey,
                                                                                                  AFTER GRADUATION                         Cornel Amariei,
                                                 Accenture, Roche, Citrix and Google.
                     NETWORKING                                                                                                            Romania, Class of 2015
                       mployer career
                      events                              WWW.JACOBS-UNIVERSITY.DE/
                                                                                                  40                                                MY JACOBS EXPERIENCE:
                                                          EMPLOYABILITY                           ALUMNI START-UPS                                  CORNEL AMARIEI
                      Alumni community

58                                                                                                                                                                                       59
With over 800 registered members – growing more every day – the Alumni Association
works very closely with the University on a host of projects that not only help the
network grow and develop, but also create new opportunities for students.

                                                                                      THE JACOBS ALUMNI ASSOCIATION
                                                                                      Jacobs alumni are located all over the world
                                                                                      and are searchable in the Alumni Association
                                                                                      Membership Portal. Projects like the Alumni
                                                                                      Mentoring Program, Homecoming and career
                                                                                      events on campus allow for alumni to share with
                                                                                      students career opportunities and advise for
                                                                                      further development. The Alumni Association also
                                                                                      works together each year to raise funds to award
                                                                                      a scholarship to a student in need who otherwise
                                                                                      would not have received financial support.

                                                                                               CAREER ADVICE FROM ALUMNI
                                                                                               TO FUTURE STUDENTS

60                                                                                                                                  61


62                       63
Italy          Diploma di superamento dell’        Achieving a minimum passing grade

                                                                                                                    esame di stato conclusivo dei
                                                                                                                    corsi di studio di

                                                                                                     Jordan         General Secondary Education         Achieving a minimum passing grade
                                                                                                                    Certificate                         relevant to chosen stream of study

                                                                                                     Kenya          Kenya Certificate of Secondary      Achieving a minimum grade of C+
Below is a list of region-specific academic           ENGLISH LANGUAGE REQUIREMENTS                                 Education (KCSE)
requirements for JUIC. These requirements             IFY: CEFR B2 or IELTS 5.5
are indicative only and subject to change.                                                           Malaysia       Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM)      Achieving a minimum passing grade
                                                      IFY + 6 WEEK PSE: CEFR B1 or IELTS 4.5
                                                                                                     Morocco        Baccalauréat de                     Achieving a minimum passing grade
We accept students from over 60 regions               IFY + 12 WEEK PSE: CEFR A2 or IELTS 4.0
                                                                                                                    l’Enseignement Secondaire
worldwide. If your region or qualification
is not listed please contact our Admissions                                                          Pakistan       Higher Secondary School             Successful completion with a minimum
team who will be happy to provide you with                                                                          Certificate                         of 50%
this information.
                                                                                                     Portugal       Certificado Nivel Secundario        Achieving a minimum passing grade
                                                                                                                    de Educacao + Direccao Geral
              YOU CAN CONTACT US AT                                                                                 do Ensino Superior
              FOUNDATIONYEAR@JACOBS-UNIVERSITY.DE                                                    Russia         Attestat o srednem (polnom)         Achieving a minimum passing grade
                                                                                                                    obscem obrazovanii

                                                                                                     South Africa   Matriculation Certificate           Successfully pass and graduate
                                                                                                     South Korea    Secondary school leaving            In the subject and grade overview of the
     Bangladesh       Higher Secondary Certificate      A minimum of 50% of the maximum grade                       certificate (with overview of       secondary school leaving certificate a
                                                        as an Overall Grade                                         subjects and grades/transcript)     continuous attendance of the following
                                                                                                                    together with University            subjects in grades 10-12 with passing grades
     China            High School Diploma after         High School Diploma after 12 school years                   entrance examination                must be proven: mother tongue, foreign
                      12 years / National College       combined with Certificate of Study from                                                         language, mathematics and natural sciences
                      Entrance Examination (Gaokao)     a recognised Chinese university. / Pass
                                                                                                                                                        In the university entrance examination the
                                                        the Gaokao with the score necessary for
                                                                                                                                                        following result must be achieved: an average
                                                        admission to the 211 project universities
                                                                                                                                                        “Stanine” score between 1.0 and 4.4
     Egypt            General Secondary Education       School report must show that the applicant
                      Certificate                       has passed these examination subjects:       Thailand       Higher Certificate of Education     In addition to the certificate, an official
                                                                                                                    (Education as teacher for the       English-language summary of subjects
                                                        Arabic, 1st Foreign Language, 2nd Foreign
                                                                                                                    “lower secondary stream”)           and grades or a Thai-language summary
                                                        Language and chosen stream relevant
                                                                                                                                                        of subjects and grades with a German
                                                        subjects. Applicants are required to have
                                                                                                                                                        translation must be submitted
                                                        achieved at least 60% of the maximum
                                                        grade as an overall grade
                                                                                                     Ukraine        Svidoctvo pro zdobuttja povnoji     Achieving a minimum passing grade
                                                                                                                    zahal’noji serednoji osvity (from
     France           Diplomas du Baccalaureat          Achieving a minimum passing grade
                                                                                                                    2019) / Atestat pro povnu
                                                                                                                    zahal’nu serednju osvitu (till
     Hong Kong        HKDSE Hong Kong Diploma           The following subjects must be documented
                      of Secondary Education            in the certificate: Chinese language,
                                                        English language, Mathematics, Liberal       Uzbekistan     Akademik litsey diplomi /           Achieving a minimum passing grade
                                                                                                                    Diploma of Academic Lyceum
                                                        2 further, independent general education     Vietnam        Bang Trung Hoc Pho Thong            Higher education entrance examination
                                                        subjects                                                    Ban or Giay Chung Nhan              with 15 points or better (until 2014) or
                                                        All subjects must have passed at least a                                                        national secondary school examination
                                                        “Level 3” grade                                                                                 (from 2015) with 24 points or better or
                                                                                                                                                        national secondary school examination
     India            Standard XII                      Minimum overall percentage of 50%                                                               (from 2017) with 36 points or better plus
                                                                                                                                                        proof of enrollment

64                                                                                                                                                                                                      65
                          PROGRAM          PROGRAM          TRANSITION TO
                          STARTS           ENDS             JACOBS UNIVERSITY

 September                August           April
                                                            September 2022
 2021                     2021             2022

 January                  January          August
                                                            September 2022
 2022                     2022             2022

FEES                                                                                                ONCE YOU'VE COMPLETED THE IFY YOU WILL BE ELIGIBLE FOR FINANCIAL SUPPORT.
                                                                                                    *IFY students are not eligible until they have progressed to their first undergraduate year.
TUITION COST/YEAR                                   ACCOMMODATION &
€ 20,000                                            LIVING EXPENSES/YEAR € 8,000                    SCHOLARSHIPS

The total cost of the foundation year is € 28,000. This amount includes all costs associated with
the program, including tuition fees, room and board, a semester ticket for local transportation,        Once you’ve successfully completed your
                                                                                                        foundation program you will automatically
exam fees, and the following benefits:
                                                                                                        receive a merit-based scholarship upon
                                                                                                                                                               WORTH UP TO 75%
                                                                                                        progression. This scholarship is towards
                                                                                                                                                               OF YOUR TUITION
 Academic advising for a smooth                    The remainder of your degree studies will be
 transition to higher education                     payable to Jacobs University and you can find       your Jacobs University tuition costs.

 SAT test preparation and registration            more information about undergraduate study
                                                    fees here
 Residential colleges with modern
 single rooms                                                                                       THE JUSTUDYATEASE – TUITION LOAN PROGRAM
 In-college cafeterias with full board                         WWW.JACOBS-UNIVERSITY.DE/
  ully equipped recreation centre and
 F                                                              FEES-FINANCES
 multimedia rooms                                                                                       In cooperation with Jacobs University’s
 Orientation  week to facilitate your
                                                                                                        partner Brain Capital, the JUStudyAtEase               OFFERS UP TO 100%
 arrival to Jacobs University
                                                                                                        tuition loan program provides you with a               OF YOUR TUITION
                                                                                                        flexible financing option for your studies.
 Host-family program
 24/7 security service on university campus

                                                                                                             TO FIND OUT MORE ABOUT HOW JACOBS UNIVERSITY PROVIDES
                                                                                                             SUPPORT FOR YOUR EDUCATION VISIT PAGES 20–21

66                                                                                                                                                                                                 67

Applying for the IFY at JUIC is easy!
To get started, submit your online
                                        TO COMPLETE YOUR ONLINE APPLICATION,
                                        YOU WILL NEED THE FOLLOWING:
                                                                                  7 STAGES AFTER YOU SUBMITTED YOUR APPLICATION
application at:
                                                      Copy of original            STAGE 1: CHECK DOCUMENTS AND                     STAGE 5: FINAL PAYMENT
         WWW.JACOBS-UNIVERSITY.DE/                    high school certificate               QUALIFICATIONS                          Advance payment of remaining fees will
         IFY-APPLY-FEES                               and transcripts of          We will carefully review your application,        be required prior to arrival.
                                                      the last 2-3 years          check if you submitted all necessary
                                                                                  documents and if you are eligible to apply to
                                                                                  the program.                                      STAGE 6: SIGN YOUR STUDENT
                                                      Official recommendation                                                                 CONTRACT
                                                      letter from a high school                                                     Your student contract contains all
                                                      counselor or a teacher      STAGE 2: ISSUE ADMISSION DECISION                 relevant rights and obligations that will
                                                      on letterheaded paper       Assuming your application is successful, we       tie you to Jacobs University. Review your
                                                                                  will send you a conditional offer of a place in   individualised version of the student
                                                                                  the program.                                      contract very carefully, sign it and send
                                                      A personal motivation                                                         it back.
                                                                                  STAGE 3: ENROLL IN THE PROGRAM
                                                                                  To accept a place in the program, you will        STAGE 7: PREPARE YOUR ARRIVAL
                                                      Proof of English language   need to submit the enrollment confirmation        Log onto your VIP page to learn more
                                                      proficiency;                form and pay a deposit. The Offer Letter will     about all the necessary steps to go through
                                                                                  contain the deposit amount.                       for a smooth start at Jacobs University!
                                                      minimum score of
                                                                                                                                    Get information about your German health
                                                      65 on the TOEFL iBT /                                                         insurance, fill out the housing survey,
                                                                                  STAGE 4: APPLY FOR VISA                           let us know about your arrival date, and
                                                      5.5 on the IELTS (UK) /
                                                                                  You will then need to apply for your visa if      much more.
                                                      46 on the Pearson PTE       applicable. With your admission letter, you
                                                      Academic or the Cambridge   are provided with a visa letter “Zulassungs­
                                                      Certificate (FCE) /         bescheid” which you will need to complete
                                                                                  your visa application. Students who require
                                                      90 on the Duolingo
                                                                                  a visa for Germany should apply as soon as
                                                      English test
                                                                                  possible as the visa process can take up to
                                                                                  90 days. Our visa specialists are also here to
                                                                                  guide you and support you during the process.
                                                      The Education
                                                      History Form

68                                                                                                                                                                                69
VISA ADVICE                                                                                        CONTACT US
If you plan to study JUIC in Germany and you are not an EU/EEA citizen, you will need to apply     If you would like to know more or if you have any questions, please contact us today
for a student visa from the respective German mission in your country (or nearest location)        – we would love to hear from you!
before travelling.

Visa applications can take up to 90 days to      German Missions:                                      Whatsapp / WeChat: +49 151 142 67 805                   Address:
process and so it is important to apply as                                                                                                                     Jacobs University
early as possible.                                                                                     Tel: +49 421 200-4313                                   Bremen gGmbH
                                                                                                                                                               Campus Ring 1
Please also note that students from the                                                                Skype: foundationyear                                   28759 Bremen, Germany
following countries among others currently
do not require a visa for entering Germany:                                                            Email:
Andorra, Australia, Brazil, El Salvador,         Documents required are likely to include:
Honduras, Israel, Japan, Canada, Monaco,            Valid passport                                     Online:
San Marino, South Korea, USA, Switzerland,
                                                    Certificate confirming health insurance
all EU and EEA countries.
                                                    Evidence of financial means
                                                     vidence of acceptance into your chosen          FOLLOW US
INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS                              university/degree (your Formal Offer Letter)
You will need to provide a number of                E
                                                     vidence of your academic and language
documents to support your visa application.                                                                   @JACOBSUNIVERSITY
Examples of what you will need to provide are
                                                 You will need to evidence that you are able to
below, however, we recommend checking the
                                                 finance your study and living expenses for the
website of the relevant German mission in
                                                 duration of your studies with us in Germany.                 /JACOBS.UNIVERSITY
your country as requirements may vary.

                                                 VISA ISSUANCE
                                                 Processing times will vary per country, but
                                                 it can sometimes take up to 90 days. It's
                                                 important that you apply as soon as possible.

                                                                                                   Jacobs University operates JUIC in
                                                                                                   partnership with Oxford International.
                                                                                                   Founded in 1991, Oxford International is
                                                                                                   an accredited, private education provider
                                                                                                   that operates independent boarding schools,
                                                                                                   international colleges and English language       
                                                                                                   centres across the UK and North America to
                                                                                                   create life enhancing experiences for students
                                                                                                   worldwide. Their programs help over 50,000
                                                                                                   UK and international students achieve
                                                                                                   academic success every year.

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