National Trial Competition - 44th Annual - San Antonio, Texas March 27 - March 31, 2019 -

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National Trial Competition - 44th Annual - San Antonio, Texas March 27 - March 31, 2019 -
44th Annual
National Trial
                     IAL COM


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     San Antonio, Texas
 March 27 – March 31, 2019
             Hosted by:
 Texas Young Lawyers Association and
  American College of Trial Lawyers
Welcome to NTC!
Welcome to the 44th annual National Trial Competition! You have joined the ranks
of those national competitors who have exhibited exceptional talent for trial
advocacy. We congratulate you in becoming part of this tradition, and we hope the
national competition will provide you with an educational and memorable

The National Trial Competition was established in 1975 to encourage and
strengthen law students’ advocacy skills through quality competition and valuable
interaction with members of the bench and bar. The program is designed to expose
law students to the nature of trial practice and to serve as a supplement to their
legal education. It is the Texas Young Lawyers Association’s intent to provide a
meaningful contribution to the development of future trial lawyers. Past winners
of the competition have shared their memories of competing and one similar theme
resonates: the experience has given them assurance of their abilities and valuable
professional contacts. We hope that your experience will be just as meaningful and
that your success in this competition will follow you as a successful lawyer.

The Texas Young Lawyers Association wants to especially thank the American
College of Trial Lawyers for continuing to co-host this competition. The
competition could not exist without their commitment.

Finally, we want to thank both the regional host schools for taking on the task of
holding regional competitions and the many lawyers, witnesses, and other
participants who contributed their time and energy to make the regional and
national competitions a reality. Without the dedication of these individuals, this
competition would not be possible.

Good luck in the national competition! We hope you enjoy your stay in San

Joel T. Towner
TYLA National Trial Competition Chair
The National Trial Competition
                       TYLA COMMITTEE
                         Joel T. Towner, Chair, Houston

       Raymond Baeza, El Paso                      Sameer Hashmi, Austin
 Christopher Bloom, Los Angeles, CA                Ashley Hymel, Houston
      Garrett Brawley, Houston                     Brantley Jones, Amarillo
     Kimberly C. Clark, Houston                   Steven Lopez, San Antonio
         Kirk Cooper, El Paso                        Scott Riddle, Dallas
     Brandon Draper, Fort Bend                   Michael Ritter, San Antonio
           John Ellis, Austin                Lauren Renee Sepulveda, Edinburg
    Jefferson W. Fisher, Beaumont          Cpt. Atina T. Stavropoulos, Fort Knox, KY
       Zeke Fortenberry, Dallas                 Louis Williams, Corpus Christi
  Jonathan Garcia-Davalos, Laredo              Jonathan Zendeh Del, Galveston

        Courtney Barksdale Perez, Executive Committee Advisor, Dallas
            Tim Williams, Executive Committee Advisor, Amarillo
                   Tracy Brown, Director of Administration
                      Bree Trevino, Project Coordinator
                      Michelle Palacios, Office Manager

      Sally Pretorius, President                Tim Newman, Treasurer
        Aaron J. Burke, Chair                 Victor Flores, President-Elect
 Britney E. Harrison, Vice President    Courtney Barksdale Perez, Chair-Elect
       Tim Williams, Secretary         Baili B. Rhodes, Immediate Past President

                        Special Recognition
             This competition would not be possible without the
                     American College of Trial Lawyers

                           Jeffrey S. Leon, President
                     Gary Winters, NTC Committee Chair
                  Susan Daunhauer Phillips, NTC Vice Chair
                 Kathleen Flynn Peterson, NTC Regent Liaison
                      Dennis J. Maggi, Executive Director

Special thank you to Hon. Karen S. Townsend and Gloria Bedwell, authors of the
regional problem and Pamela Robillard Mackey, author of the national problem.

Schedule of Events
                     Westin Riverwalk (Hotel Lobby)

6:00 – 7:00 p.m.     COACHES MEETING
                     Westin Riverwalk (Sabino Room – Lobby Level)


6:30 – 8:00 a.m.     Competitor’s Breakfast (for coaches and students only)
                     Westin Riverwalk (Sabino Room – Lobby Level)

8:00 a.m.            Teams and witnesses check in at the courthouse

8:15 a.m.            Judges check in at the courthouse

9:00 a.m.            PRELIMINARY ROUND I

12:30 – 1:30 p.m.    Lunch – Courthouse Cafeteria

1:00 p.m.            Teams and witnesses check in at the courthouse

1:15 p.m.            Judges check in at the courthouse

2:00 p.m.            PRELIMINARY ROUND II

6:30 – 8:00 p.m.     AMERICAN COLLEGE OF TRIAL
                     LAWYERS RECEPTION
                     Westin Riverwalk (Hidalgo Ballroom – Ballroom Level)


6:30 – 8:00 a.m.     Competitor’s Breakfast (for coaches and students only)
                     Westin Riverwalk (Sabino Room – Lobby Level)

8:00 a.m.            Teams and witnesses check in at the courthouse

8:15 a.m.            Judges check in at the courthouse
9:00 a.m.           PRELIMINARY ROUND III

12:30 – 1:30 p.m.   Lunch – Courthouse Cafeteria

1:00 p.m.           Meeting to announce Quarter-finalists (coaches only)

1:00 p.m.           Teams and witnesses check in at the courthouse

1:15 p.m.           Judges check in at the courthouse

2:00 p.m.           QUARTER FINAL ROUNDS

7:00 p.m.           NTC CELEBRATION DINNER
                    Announcement of Semifinalists
                    Casa Rio, 430 E. Commerce St.


8:15 a.m.           Teams check in at the
                    H.F. Garcia Federal Building and U.S. Courthouse
                    615 E. Houston St.

9:00 a.m.           SEMIFINAL ROUNDS

12:00 p.m.          Lunch for teams advancing to the Final Round

2:00 p.m.           FINAL ROUND

6:30 – 7:30 p.m.    COCKTAIL RECEPTION
                    Westin Riverwalk (Navarro Ballroom – Ballroom Level)

7:30 – 9:30 p.m.    AWARDS BANQUET
                    Westin Riverwalk (Navarro Ballroom – Ballroom Level)

National Trial Competition Teams
Quinnipiac University School of Law
North Haven, CT
Coaches: Christine Landis, Sean McGuinness, and Ryan O’Neill

Suffolk University Law School
Boston, MA
Coaches: Paul Caruso, Ben Duggan, and Timothy Wilton

Brooklyn Law School
Brooklyn, NY
Coaches: Christopher Dey and Michael Luongo

Syracuse University College of Law
Syracuse, NY
Coaches: Joseph S. Cote lll, Justin St. Louis, and Joanne VanDyke

Duquesne University School of Law
Pittsburgh, PA
Coaches: Maggie Cooney, Anthony Hassey, and Andrew Rothey

Villanova University School of Law
Villanova, PA
Coaches: Brian McBeth, Steve Patton, and Zachary Wynkoop

The Catholic University of America, Columbus School of Law
Washington, DC
Coaches: Lindsey Mervis and John Sharifi

Georgetown University Law Center
Washington, DC
Coaches: Matt Covert, Paul Halliday, and Charlie Lemley

University of South Carolina School of Law (Two Teams)
Columbia, SC
Coaches: Kinli Abee, Matt Abee, Brett Bayne, and Creasie Parrott

Emory University School of Law
Atlanta, GA
Coaches: Annie Deets, Rhani Lott, and Kate Sandlin

Stetson University College of Law
Gulfport, FL
Coaches: Erika McArdle and Julia Metts

Ohio Northern University Claude W. Pettit College of Law
Ada, OH
Coaches: Hon. Terri Kohlrieser and John Willamowski

The Ohio State University Moritz College of Law
Columbus, OH
Coaches: Elizabeth Cooke and Leah Sellers
Faulkner University, Thomas Goode Jones School of Law
Montgomery, AL
Coach: Joseph Lester

University of Kentucky College of Law
Lexington, KY
Coaches: Allison Connelly, Amy Stutler and Caleb Taylor

Loyola University Chicago School of Law (Two Teams)
Chicago, IL
Coaches: Brian Devilling, Mike Ditore, and Samantha Ditore

Baylor Law School
Waco, TX
Coaches: Max Brown, Robert Little, and Sammy Rajaratnam

University of Texas School of Law
Austin, TX
Coach: Jodi Lazar

Southern Methodist University Dedman School of Law
Dallas, TX
Coach: Tyler Eaton

University of Missouri-Kansas City
Kansas City, MO
Coach: Rafe Foreman

University of Iowa College of Law
Iowa City, IA
Coaches: Kimberly DePalma and Megan Merritt

University of North Dakota School of Law
Grand Forks, ND
Coach: Denitsa Mavrova Heinrich

Brigham Young University, J. Reuben Clark Law School
Provo, UT
Coach: Peter Leavitt

University of Washington School of Law
Seattle, WA
Coaches: Felix Luna and Michelle Pham

University of California, Berkeley School of Law (Two Teams)
Berkeley, CA
Coaches: Derin Kiykioglu and Aaron Laycook

Loyola Law School Los Angeles (Two Teams)
Los Angeles, CA
Coaches: Roxanna Manuel and Susan Poehls

National Trial Participants
        Ruddy Abam                    Hailey Knab
         Imaya Adris              Samantha Kovalyak
 Muhannad Al Nisheiwat           Christopher Lambden
          Taylor Arri                Sean Lancaster
        Brian Baloun                  Evan Larson
       Madeline Beck                  Sara Leonetti
         Weston Bell                 Adam Leydig
       Matthew Boggs                  Bryan Luther
     Grayson Bowman              MacKenzie K. Mahoney
       Caitlin Bozman                Paxton Moore
      Jennifer Brooker              Madeline Moss
        Chip Brookes                Caitlin Murphy
         Chris Brown                William Neinast
        Eric Burdette                 Edet Nsemo
Madeleine Burnette-McGrath           Alex Oestreich
       Frank Califano               Amanda Olson
     Amber Carpenter                Sara Papantonio
     Emily Christensen            Christopher Paschal
         Davis Clark               Madeline Pendley
        Michael Class             Alexandra Poulson
     Nathaniel Cobbett                Jerry Rassias
        Erin Corcoran                Abigail Riffee
       Gabriel Culver                Laura Robinett
        Nicole Dwyer                Jade Rodriguez
         Elisa Egonu               Madeleine Rosuck
        Nicole Enyart                 Megan Rudd
     Brittney Frederick              Amanda Sadra
       Montana Funk                   Carson Sadro
         Meryl Gersz                Dennis Scanlon
       Travis Gordon                 Ethan Scherer
    Stephanie Grimaldi             Ryan Shymansky
    James G. Hasson, Jr.              Erica Skogen
 Micah C. Hawker Boehnke               Alex Sloope
          Sam Hobbs                   Kayla Smith
       Jacob Hofferth                 Vania Smith
      Abigail Hudson                Billy Stevenson
      Brandon Hughes                  Noah Stochl
       Patrick Johnson              Cory Thompson
        Harley Jones                 Shayne Wilson
      John Kimbrough
Members of the NTC
               Committee of the ACTL
   The National Trial Competition Committee would like to recognize and
          thank the following for writing the problems this year.

National Problem
Pamala Robillard Mackey
Haddon, Morgan & Foreman, P.C.
Denver, Colorado

Regional Problem
Hon. Karen S. Townsend                        Gloria A. Bedwell
Montana Judicial Branch                       U.S. Attorney’s Office
4th Judicial District                         Mobile, Alabama
Missoula, Montana

Joseph R. Alexander, Jr. is an attorney with The Alexander Firm in Houston,
Texas, where he practices with his son, Joshua. After receiving his degree in
Organizational Communication from the University of Central Florida, summa
cum laude, in 1979, he became a researcher for the Institute for the Study of The
Trial, an organization dedicated to psychological and communication research
into trial techniques. While there, he helped to develop what was later described
as “the model courtroom.” Mr. Alexander received his law degree from the Baylor
University School of Law, cum laude, in 1983, and since that time has had a wide-
ranging practice in civil litigation handling cases ranging from professional mal-
practice (on both sides of the docket) to product liability, aviation, oil & gas and
general commercial disputes. Recently, while representing a quadriplegic, Mr.
Alexander was instrumental in discovering a defect that resulted in a national
recall of over 1,000,000 bicycles. He has been recognized by The Best Lawyers in
America for his work in the area of personal injury litigation, is an associate of the
American Board of Trial Advocates, has been a Texas Super Lawyer since 2005
and is a Fellow in the American College of Trial Lawyers.

Ms. Bedwell graduated from the University of Alabama School of Law in 1980.
She practiced in the firm of Watson & Moore in Huntsville, Alabama, from 1980
through 1982, handling real estate matters and general plaintiff litigation. In 1982,
she was hired as an assistant district attorney in Mobile County, Alabama, where
she prosecuted felony jury matters until she was hired as an assistant United
States attorney in the Southern District of Alabama in 1984. Ms. Bedwell was
assigned to the Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Force in 1986, and pros-
ecutes primarily drug-related cases involving organizations operating in the dis-
trict and the Southeast. She received the Attorney General’s Excellence Award in
1991, recognizing her outstanding achievement in advocacy for the United States
during that year. She has conducted training for the Department of Justice at the
National Advocacy Center and for several law enforcement agencies in the
region. She is a member of the National Association of Assistant United States
Attorneys and was admitted as a Fellow in the American College of Trial Lawyers
in 2011.

Monte P. Clithero is a partner with Taylor, Stafford, Clithero Harris LLP in
Springfield, Missouri, where he has practiced since his graduation from law
school in 1978. Mr. Clithero graduated from Culver Stockton College in 1975 and
the University of Missouri - Columbia, School of Law with a Juris Doctor in 1978.
He has practiced primarily in the areas of personal injury defense, medical mal-
practice defense, legal malpractice defense, and construction defect defense over
the last thirty years or so. He is a member of the Missouri Bar Association, a
Fellow in the American College of Trial Lawyers, a Fellow in Litigation Counsel
of America, and also a member of the American Bar Association, Springfield
Metropolitan Bar Association, International Association of Defense Counsel, and
the Defense Research Institute. He has been recognized in Best Lawyers in
America and Missouri-Kansas Super Lawyers for over a decade. He was the
author of the chapter Vexatious Refusal to Pay Insurance Claims in the Missouri
Bar Desk Book, CLE in 2000. He has been a frequent presenter of trial practice
demonstrations in seminars in the State of Missouri. Mr. Clithero is currently the
Vice Chair of the Missouri State Committee of the American College of Trial

Joseph C. Crawford is a Partner in Pepper Hamilton LLP based in Philadelphia,
Pennsylvania. He represents individuals, lawyers, law firms and corporations in
a broad civil litigation practice and has tried cases in many areas of the law,
including fraud, breach of contract, product liability, securities, defamation,
insurance, cases arising out of mergers and acquisitions and death penalty litiga-
tion. He graduated with honors from St. Joseph’s College in 1976 and also from
the University of Pennsylvania Law School in 1979, where he served as Articles
Editor of the Law Review. He has been a Fellow of American College of Trial
Lawyers since 2003.

Sally J. Ferguson is a shareholder with Arthur, Chapman, Kettering, Smetak &
Pikala, P.A., in Minneapolis. She is the chair of the firm’s Professional Liability
Practice Group. Sally’s extensive trial experience includes defense of hospitals,
doctors, other healthcare providers, lawyers, schools and railroads. She is a
Fellow of the American College of Trial Lawyers. She is a member of the College’s
National Trial Competition Committee and chair of the Sandra Day O’Connor
Jurist Award Committee. Sally is a member of the American Board of Trial
Advocates and serves on the Executive Committee for Minnesota. She is a fellow
of the International Academy of Trial Lawyers, and a fellow of the International
Society of Barristers. She is the past President of the Amdahl Inn of Court. Sally
received her law degree from William Mitchell College of Law in 1981. She has
been named a Top 50 Female Super Lawyer and Top 100 Super Lawyer in

Scott Greene is a Partner with Bryan Cave LLP. He graduated from Vanderbilt
University with a Bachelor of Arts degree in 1979 and from Duke University
School of Law with a Juris Doctor degree in 1982. He is a member of both the
Georgia and California bars. Mr. Greene has a national practice as a trial lawyer
for corporations, most recently concentrating in the financial services and energy
industries. In addition to his trial experience, Mr. Greene has extensive experience
with arbitration cases and has served as a commercial arbitrator with the
American Arbitration Association for over 20 years. Mr. Greene became a Fellow
of the American College of Trial Lawyers in 2016 and currently serves on the
Georgia State Committee.

Celeste Higgins is a criminal defense attorney and currently the Acting Director
of the Litigation Skills Program at The University of Miami, School of Law. She
obtained a B.B.A. in the field of Finance from the University of Miami, School of
Business and a J.D. from the University of Miami, School of Law. Higgins clerked
for the Hon. Chief Judge Federico A. Moreno, Southern District of Florida after
which she joined the office of the Federal Public Defender for the Southern
District of Florida. Over the course of 25 years at the Federal Public Defender’s
office, Higgins was a supervisor and tried over 100 federal trials to jury in various
areas of law including: narcotics, firearms, immigration, crimes on the high seas,
terrorism, civil rights violations and various areas of fraud (tax, mortgage, health
care and securities). Higgins was an adjunct faculty member of the University of
Miami, School of Law for 17 years before taking on the position of Associate
Director. She has worked extensively as an international trial consultant in Rule
of Law Initiative programs with the American Bar Association, NITA, and inde-
pendent groups in Mexico, Ecuador, Guatemala, El Salvador, and Panama.

Timothy C. Houpt has more than 30 years of experience representing individuals
and businesses in lawsuits before federal and state courts, administrative agen-
cies and in mediations and arbitrations and is currently with JonesWaldo. His lit-
igation experience includes commercial disputes, franchising, employment, secu-
rities, insurance, intellectual property and ERISA. He also provides mediation,
assisting others in reasonably resolving their disputes and, in turn, enhancing his
skills at representing his own clients. Tim’s career began as a law clerk Chief
Judge Willis Ritter, U.S. District Court, District of Utah. He was an Adjunct
Professor of Law, Trial Advocacy, University of Utah College of Law for seven
years and is Past President of Watkiss Sutherland Inn of the American Inns of
Court. Tim received his undergraduate degree from Northwestern University in
1972 and his JD from the S.J. Quinney College of law at the University of Utah.

John Hueston, a fellow of the American College of Trial Lawyers, is one of the
nation’s most highly regarded trial attorneys. As the co-founder of a 50-attorney
business trials firm, he has served as lead trial counsel for Fortune 500 companies,
tech industry giants and governments in a variety of matters, including business
disputes, trademark infringement cases, and environmental cases. Mr. Hueston’s
trial work includes a $5.15 billion award after trial in an environmental bankrupt-
cy case and his role as co-lead prosecutor in the Enron case against Skilling and
Lay. Mr. Hueston also devotes a substantial part of his practice to internal inves-
tigations, corporate crisis management and white collar criminal defense. For his
groundbreaking work, he has been repeatedly recognized as a leading lawyer by
Chambers & Partners, Benchmark Litigation and other prominent legal industry
outlets. Mr. Hueston graduated from Yale Law School and served as a law clerk
for the Honorable Frank M. Johnson, Jr. of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the
Eleventh Circuit. He is a member of the American College of Trial Lawyers’
National Trial Competition Committee and Federal Rules of Evidence
Committee. He is also the National Co-Chair of the ABA White Collar Crime

Pamela Mackey practices primarily in the areas of criminal defense, complex civil
litigation, environmental litigation, and government investigations. She is well-
regarded for her successful work in many high-visibility cases in state and federal
courts across the country, including her defense of Kobe Bryant. After graduating
with honors from the George Washington University Law School in 1985, Pamela
joined the law firm of Davis, Graham & Stubbs in Denver practicing primarily in
the area of product liability. From there she came to Haddon, Morgan and
Foreman as an Associate Attorney in 1987 to pursue her passion for litigation. She
left the firm in 1989 to serve as Deputy State Public Defender for five years and
returned to Haddon, Morgan and Foreman in 1994. Pamela is known as a tena-
cious advocate for her clients and for her keen ability to quickly assess the
strengths and weakness of a case and develop effective strategies to advance her
clients’ interests. Highly regarded for her courtroom skills, Pamela is frequently
asked to teach trial advocacy skills to lawyers and law students around the coun-
try, including Harvard Law School’s Trial Advocacy Workshop, and the American
College of Trial Lawyers National Trial Competition.
Ronald McLean has been a Trial Lawyer at Serkland Law Firm since he graduated
from law school in 1975. Areas of Practice: Products Liability, Personal Injury, Oil
and Gas, Class Action, Business Dispute Litigation, Insurance Law, Employment
Law, Professional Ethics Disputes, Business Torts, Intellectual Property. He is
involved in the defense of clients in mass tort claims. In recent years, he has reg-
ularly represented oil and gas industry involving catastrophic injuries claims. He
has been able to successfully resolve the matters pretrial and at trial. He devotes
a substantial portion of his practice defending lawyers and law firms in profes-
sional malpractice claims and professional responsibility claims. Participated in
over 50 jury trials to conclusion and has tried over 100 court trials. He represents
the City of Fargo on its litigation. He is a Special Assistant Attorney General rep-
resenting the State of North Dakota on occasional litigation matters. He has rep-
resented the North Dakota Board of Law Examiners. He received is JD from the
University of North Dakota School of Law in 1975 and his undergraduate degree
with Honors from the University of Wisconsin in 1972.

Laura A. Menninger practices criminal defense and complex civil litigation as a
shareholder at Haddon, Morgan & Foreman, P.C. in Denver. She previously
served as a Colorado Deputy Public Defender and as an associate with Paul,
Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison in New York City. She is a fellow in the
American College of Trial Lawyers, is listed in The Best Lawyers in America for
White-Collar Criminal Defense (2015-19) and 5280 Top Lawyer for Criminal
Defense (2016-19). Laura received her J.D. with distinction from Stanford Law
School in 1997 where she was an associate editor of the Stanford Law Review. She
graduated with an A.B. in public policy studies from Duke University in 1991,
magna cum laude. She currently serves on the Criminal Justice Act Standing
Committee and as Secretary of Women’s White Collar Criminal Defense
Association, Denver Chapter. Laura has frequently lectured on criminal proce-
dure and motions and trial practice throughout Colorado and has co-authored
“Professional Defense of the Accused,” Lawyers’ Professional Liability in Colorado,
since 2009.

My practice focuses on the defense of medical malpractice claims, health profes-
sional representation and counseling, other professional liability defense, person-
al injury defense of any claims of catastrophic injury, commercial litigation, and
significant plaintiff’s personal injury claims. I also work with insurance clients
and commercial clients on risk management issues. I have been trying jury trials
since 1980 and medical malpractice claims since 1982. I began my legal career in
St. Louis, Missouri in 1978 and I moved to Charlottesville, Virginia in 1991, where
I am now. My practice extends from Charlottesville and Richmond through the
Central Virginia into the Shenandoah Valley. I appear both in state and federal
courts throughout Virginia. I was honored to serve as President of the
Charlottesville Albemarle Bar Association and as President of the Thomas
Jefferson Inn of Court in Charlottesville, as well as Virginia State Committee
Chair of the American College of Trial Lawyers from 2014 to 2016.
Lynn Murray is a partner with Shook Hardy & Bacon, and serves as the
Managing Partner for Shook’s Chicago office. She graduated from the University
of Illinois College of Law with high honors, and has been a successful trial lawyer
for more than 30 years. Ms. Murray’s work spans diverse subject matter, includ-
ing intellectual property, insurance coverage, product liability, contracts,
antitrust, class actions and age discrimination. She is a fellow of the American
College of Trial Lawyers, where she serves on the National Trial Competition
Committee and the Federal Rules of Evidence Committee. Ms. Murray is a fre-
quent speaker and writer on trial-related topics, including as the author of several
chapters in the DRI “Trial Compendium” and Law 360’s Avoiding Double
Damages: 3 Practical Tips And A Hail Mary. She teaches Advanced Trial
Advocacy for the University of Illinois College of Law, is Chambers USA ranked
and has been repeatedly selected by her peers as a “Business Litigation Super
Lawyer” and one of the “Top Women Attorneys in Illinois.”

John is a native of Franklin, Kentucky. He graduated from the University of
Kentucky, where he was selected to Phi Beta Kappa, and also attended Oxford
University. He received his Juris Doctor degree from the University of Kentucky
in 1981 where he was a member of the Moot Court Board and the Kentucky Law
Journal. John has maintained a civil trial practice throughout his career. In 1999,
John was one of the founding partners of Phillips Parker Orberson & Moore,
P.L.C. He was formerly a partner with the Louisville firm of Boehl Stopher &
Graves where he worked for 18 years. John’s practice is concentrated on the
defense of professionals, primarily doctors and lawyers, although he also handles
a wide range of other types of cases, including products liability, trucking, and
other high exposure personal injury litigation. He is an AV rated attorney and has
been included yearly in The Best Lawyers in America since 1999. John is a Fellow
of the American College of Trial Lawyers, and a Fellow of the International
Academy of Trial Lawyers. John’s greatest satisfaction comes from the pursuit of
excellence in trial practice and the mentoring of young lawyers. John has tried
over 50 cases to verdict.

Susan D. Phillips graduated from the University of Kentucky (with High
Distinction) in 1978 and the University of Kentucky College of Law in 1981 where
she served as Secretary/Treasurer of the Moot Court Board and was a member of
the Kentucky Law Journal. Following graduation from law school. Ms. Phillips
joined the law firm of Boehl Stopher & Graves in Louisville, Kentucky, where she
practiced insurance defense litigation, primarily medical malpractice defense,
from 1981 to 1999. In 1999, she and four other partners founded the law firm of
Phillips Parker Orberson & Arnett, PLC where she continued to specialize in the
field of medical malpractice defense. Ms. Phillips has successfully tried over 50
jury trials and was honored to be the first woman in Kentucky inducted as a
Fellow of the American College of Trial Lawyers. Ms. Phillips is listed in The Best
Lawyers in American, Kentucky Super Lawyers and Kentucky Super Lawyers
Top 25 Women. She is past President of the Louisville Bar Association, the
Louisville Bar Foundation and Citizens for Better Judges. Ms. Phillips also serves
as a Kentucky Bar Association Trial Commissioner, is Secretary/Treasurer of the
Louis D. Brandeis American Inn of Court and is a member of the Evidence Rules
Review Commission, as well as numerous other Bar and Community Boards and

Rich Strassberg, head of Goodwin Procter's White Collar Defense and
Investigations practice, specializes in white collar criminal defense, SEC enforce-
ment proceedings, Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (“FCPA”) compliance and
investigations, corporate internal investigations, and complex business and
financial litigation. Prior to joining the firm, Mr. Strassberg was the Chief of the
Major Crimes Unit in the U.S. Attorney's Office for the Southern District of New
York, responsible for supervising approximately 25 Assistant U.S. Attorneys in
the prosecution of white collar criminal cases. Mr. Strassberg is a Fellow of the
American College of Trial Lawyers, one of the premier legal associations in
America. He has twice been recognized by The American Lawyer as “Litigator of
the Week” as a result of his securing extraordinary victories in some of the most
closely followed white collar cases in the country, including the first ever insider
trading case involving credit derivatives, the criminal accounting fraud case
involving Bristol-Myers Squibb, and the KPMG criminal tax shelter case. Mr.
Strassberg served as trial counsel in connection the successful defense of the first
FIRREA case to be brought to trial against a financial institution, represented a
technology company involved in one of the first bit-coin related DOJ actions and
regularly represents the top executive officers of the most sophisticated compa-
nies in defending against government investigations. Chambers USA has consis-
tently ranked Mr. Strassberg in Band One, among the top New York-based white
collar defense lawyers, and he was named to the 2018 Super Lawyers list of the
Top 10 New York Metro white collar lawyers. Mr. Strassberg is active with pro
bono work and is also a thought leader in his field, co-authoring a recurring chap-
ter on privilege in a treatise on international investigations and a quarterly col-
umn on government enforcement in the New York Law Journal.

Elected in 2010 and re-elected in 2016 as a Judge for the 4th Judicial District, State
of Montana, serving Missoula and Mineral Counties. The District Court is a court
of general jurisdiction having responsibility for felony criminal matters, juvenile
delinquency matters, Dependent and Neglected Children matters, sanity pro-
ceedings, guardianships, probate actions, civil matters worth more than
$7,500.00, divorce and custody matters, and trial de novo for misdemeanor crim-
inal cases from the Justice Courts. Judge Townsend’s previous service includes:
Deputy County Attorney, Missoula County Attorney’s Office; Chief Staff
Attorney, County Prosecutor’s Services Bureau, Montana Dept. of Justice; Senior
Deputy County Attorney, Missoula County Attorney’s Office; Dir. of Training,
National College of District Attorneys; Senior Deputy County Attorney, Missoula
County Attorney’s Office; Chief Deputy County Attorney Missoula County
Attorney’s Office; Special Assistant United States Attorney,. Judge Townsend has
extensive local, state and national trial advocacy teaching experience. She was a
Member and later Chair of Montana Human Rights Commission, 1977-1981.
Following retirement from the Missoula County Attorney’s Office in 2006, she
served as special deputy county attorney for Beaverhead, Sanders and Glacier
Counties on criminal prosecution matters and has been retained as an expert wit-
ness by civil attorneys. Judge Townsend graduated from Ohio Wesleyan
University and received her J.D. with honors at the University of Montana School
of Law. Judge Townsend was inducted as a Fellow in the American College of
Trial Lawyers in 2000. In 2017, Judge Townsend was awarded the Karla M Gray
Equal Justice Award that is awarded each year to a Montana Judge who has
improved access for all individuals to the Montana Court system and for provid-
ing leadership in improving equal access to justice contemplated by the Montana
Code of Judicial Conduct.

Laura Udall is a criminal defense attorney in private practice in her home town
pf Tucson Arizona. She attended the University of California at Berkeley for her
undergraduate degree and received her law degree from the University of Utah.
Following law school she clerked for the Honorable Alfredo Marquez for District
Court in Arizona. She then went to work at the Pima County Public Defender for
4 years. In 1992 she and her law partner opened their own firm, Cooper and Udall
PC, and they have practiced together to the present. Udall has tried over 110 cases
to jury verdict. She is qualified as learned counsel for capital work in both federal
and state jurisdictions. Udall has been an Adjunct Professor at the University of
Arizona teaching trial advocacy since 2010. She was inducted into the American
College in 2017.

Born in uptown New Orleans, Jason Rogers Williams graduated from Woodward
Academy in Atlanta, GA and entered Tulane University and Tulane Law School.
After working for two years at law firms post-graduation, he started his own
practice. Williams was later appointed to serve as a State Court Judge at Orleans
Parish Criminal District Court by the Louisiana Supreme Court in 2003. Williams
also worked to exonerate and free the wrongfully convicted through his pro-bono
work with the Innocence Project. In addition, Williams also served on the
Louisiana State Indigent Board's Director Selection Committee and has also
worked as a Professor at Tulane Law School. He has made several guest appear-
ances as a legal analyst on local media outlets. He has served on the Board of
Directors of Innocence Project New Orleans, the Board of Directors of the
Partnership for Youth Development, the Board of Directors for Advocates for Arts
Based Education, the Board of Directors of the Audubon Nature Institute, the
Mayor's Criminal Justice Council, the Federal Public Defenders Conflict Panel,
and the Orleans Parish Public Defenders Conflict Panel. He has been lead counsel
at Jason Rogers Williams & Associates for the past 18 years. He was elected to the
New Orleans City Council as Councilmember At Large in March of 2014 and is
currently serving as President of the New Orleans City Council.

Mr. Winters practices with McCaslin, Imbus & McCaslin, LPA in Cincinnati, Ohio,
where he served as President and Managing Shareholder for twenty years. His
practice is currently concentrated in the fields of school law, employment law,
and civil rights. Over the course of his career, he has represented clients in
asbestos, breast implant, pedicle screw, DES, Dalkon Shield and other pharma-
ceutical litigation, as well as in professional liability, ERISA, employment discrim-
ination, governmental liability and special education cases. He is a graduate of
the University of Cincinnati, where he obtained his B.A. in 1970, M.A. in 1972 and
J.D. in 1976. Mr. Winters was admitted to the Ohio Bar in 1976 and to the
Kentucky Bar in 1995. Mr. Winters served as law clerk to the Honorable Carl B.
Rubin of the United States District Court for the Southern District Ohio. His writ-
ings include “Many Questions-Few Answers: Some Thoughts on the Meaning
and Reach of Kerans v. Porter Paint Company”, Ohio Northern University Law
Review, 1993 and “Congressional and Judicial Limits on Punitive Damages”, For
The Defense, July, 2003. Mr. Winters is a member of the Ohio Council of School
Board Attorneys and the Cincinnati, Ohio and Kentucky Bar Associations. He is
also a Fellow of the American College of Trial Lawyers, a Member of the
American Board of Trial Advocates, and is listed among Ohio’s “Super Lawyers”.
Mr. Winters has served on the Board of Trustees of the Wyoming Youth Services
Bureau and on the City of Wyoming Recreation Commission. He was the
President of the Wyoming City School District Board of Education from 2003 to

Richard M. Zielinski is a Director at Goulston & Storrs, P.C. in Boston,
Massachusetts. He is an honors graduate of Colgate University and Harvard Law
School. Mr. Zielinski is a general trial lawyer who concentrates on complex, “bet
the company” business litigation, legal-malpractice defense, real-estate disputes
and mass torts cases. Mr. Zielinski is listed in Chambers, USA as one of America's
Leading Business Lawyers, is listed in The Best Lawyers in America in three sep-
arate categories and, in 2015 was named Massachusetts' Legal Malpractice
Defense “Lawyer of the Year.” He has also has been voted by his peers as one of
the “Top 10 Superlawyers” in Massachusetts and “Top 100 Superlawyers” in New
England. He is a past member of the Massachusetts Board of Bar Overseers and
the Boston Bar Association Council, a Fellow and past State Chair of the American
College of Trial Lawyers (ACTL) and a Trustee of Massachusetts Continuing
Legal Education (MCLE). Mr. Zielinski regularly teaches at trial advocacy work-
shops and other continuing legal education courses sponsored by the ACTL,
Harvard Law School, the ABA and MCLE.

Hon. Jack Zouhary graduated cum laude from Dartmouth College (’73) and
received his law degree from the University of Toledo (’76) where he was an
Associate Editor of the Law Review. He was in private practice with RCO Law
until January 2000 when he became Senior Vice President and General Counsel
for S. E. Johnson Companies. He was appointed by the Ohio Governor to the
Court of Common Pleas in March 2005, and then nominated by the President to
the federal District Court in December 2005, with unanimous Senate confirmation
in March 2006. He has served as a visiting district court judge in Alabama,
Arizona, California, Connecticut, Michigan, Tennessee, and Texas, and sits by
designation on the Sixth and Ninth Circuit Courts of Appeals. Judge Zouhary
was inducted as a Fellow of the American College of Trial Lawyers (ACTL) in
1995, and is a past Chair of its Judiciary Committee. He also served on the
Institute for the Advancement of the American Legal System (IAALS) and ACTL
Task Force on Discovery and Civil Justice. He is a Master and past President of
the Morrison Waite Chapter of the Inns of Court. He currently serves on the
Standing Committee on Rules of Practice and Procedure of the Judicial
Conference of the United States and on the IAALS Advisory Board.

The National Trial Competition
           Regional Hosts
The NTC Committee appreciates the following law schools that served as Regional
Hosts for this year’s competition. A special thank you goes to the individuals
whose names appear below for their hard work and support:

Region 1                           University of Maine School of Law
(East CT, MA, ME, NH, RI, VT)      Portland, ME
                                   Amanda Doherty

Region 2                           University at Buffalo School of Law
(West CT, NY)                      Buffalo, NY
                                   Jennifer Scharf

Region 3                           Temple University Beasley School of Law
(NJ, PA)                           Philadelphia, PA
                                   Marian G. Braccia and Mary Beth Wilson

Region 4                           The American University Washington
(DC, DE, MD, North VA, WV)         College of Law and The Catholic University
                                   of America, Columbus School of Law
                                   Washington, D.C.
                                   Elizabeth Lippy, Lindsey Cloud Mervis, and
                                   Brittany Gail Thomas

Region 5                           University of South Carolina School of Law
(NC, SC, Southeast VA)             Columbia, SC
                                   Brett Bayne

Region 6                           Florida State University College of Law
(FL, GA, PR)                       Tallahassee, FL
                                   Tor Friedman

Region 7                           Ohio State University Moritz College of Law
(Northeast IN, MI, OH)             Columbus, OH
                                   Katie Berger, Elizabeth Cook, and Leah J. Sellers

Region 8                           Faulkner University, Thomas Goode Jones
(AL, KY, MS, TN)                   School of Law
                                   Montgomery, AL
                                   Prof. Joe Lester

Region 9                           Indiana University – Mckinney School of
(IL, West IN, East MO)             Law
                                   Indianapolis, IN
                                   Novella L. Nedeff and Frances Lee Watson

Region 10                Texas Young Lawyers Association
(South AR, LA, South TX) Houston, TX (Special thanks to South Texas College
                         of Law Houston)
                         Kimberly Clark, Andrew Dornburg, Brandon Draper,
                         Ashley Hymel, Zeke Fortenberry, and Joel T. Towner

Region 11                    Texas Tech University School of Law
(North AR, KS, Central       Lubbock, TX
and West MO, OK,             Prof. Robert Sherwin
Northwest TX)

Region 12                University of Nebraska College of Law
(IA, MN, ND, NE, SD, WI) Lincoln, NE
                         Molly Brummond And Katie Pfannenstiel

Region 13                    University of Utah, S.J. Quinney College of Law
(CO, ID, MT, OR,             Salt Lake City, UT
UT, WA, WY)                  Suzanne Faddis and Rich Mckelvie

Region 14                    University of Arizona James E. Rogers College of Law
(North CA, AZ,               Tucson, AZ
HI, NM, NV)                  Brian Chase

Region 15                    American College of Trial Lawyers and Orange
(South CA)                   County Bar Association
                             Santa Ana, CA
                             Dennis J. Maggi

The National Trial Competition rotating Honorable Jerry R. Parker Championship
trophy, donated by the ACTL, bears the name of the national championship law
school and remains in the possession of that law school until next year’s
national competition.

The law schools for the national championship team, the finalists, the semifinalists,
and the quarterfinalists will receive silver bowls. The bowls are engraved and
remain permanently in the possession of each law school. Each member of the
national championship team will also receive silver bowls.

Each team member advancing to the national competition will receive an ACTL
Lewis F. Powell, Jr. medallion for excellence in trial advocacy and a Certificate of

The ACTL Kraft W. Eidman Award consists of $10,000 to the national champi-
onship law school and a plaque to each member of the team. This generous award
is endowed by Norton Rose Fulbright US LLP. The plaques will be given at a
later date.

The law firm of Beck Redden LLP presents a $5,000 award to the runner-up
law school.

The law firm of Polsinelli presents $1,500 to each semifinalist law school.

The best oral advocate is awarded the George A. Spiegelberg Award, donated by
Fried, Frank, Harris, Shriver & Jacobson, L.L.P.
Past Recipients of the Spiegelberg Award
         1978                          1988                       1999
  Loyola University of        I.I.T./Chicago-Kent,         Loyola Law School
 Chicago School of Law           College of Law               Los Angeles
  Linda A. Wawzenski              Peter Roskam             Margaret P. Stevens
          1979                       1989                          2000
  Syracuse University         Samford University               Notre Dame
    College of Law               Cumberland                    Law School
     Eileen Cohen               School of Law                 Stone Grissom
                                  Jay Colling
         1980                                                      2001
   Baylor University                 1990               Stetson University College
     School of Law            Stetson University                 of Law
    Timothy Herron              College of Law                 Carl Mitchell
                              Marie L. DeMarco
         1981                                                     2002
  Samford University                 1991                    Northwestern
      Cumberland              University of Texas            School of Law
     School of Law              School of Law            Christopher L. LaVigne
    Jack W. Stewart               Greg Reed
         1982                       1992                   St. John’s University
  Syracuse University      Northwestern University             School of Law
    College of Law              School of Law               Kareem R. Vessup
   David Abernathy             Mark Niemeyer
         1983                        1993               Stetson University College
Washington University of    Notre Dame Law School                of Law
       St. Louis                 Frank J. Kros             Rena Upshaw-Frazier
    School of Law
     Cathy Gilbert                   1994                         2005
                           Stetson University College      Loyola Law School
        1984                        of Law                    Los Angeles
  Samford University               David Paul                Melissa Lyons
    School of Law                   1995                           2006
     Mark Rowe             Temple University School      University of Arkansas
                                   of Law               School of Law- Fayettville
          1985                   Lucas Reiter                  Sach Oliver
   University of Texas
     School of Law                    1996                        2007
      Jerry Galow          Loyola University-Chicago      Chicago-Kent College
                                 School of Law                   of Law
          1986                  Jeffrey A. Soble              Keya Rajput
 Washington University
      in St. Louis                   1997                         2008
    School of Law          Northwestern University        Chicago-Kent College
     Mark Lynch                 School of Law                    of Law
                               Jennifer E. Ancel              Joshua Jones
   California Western               1998                          2009
     School of Law         Temple University School      University of Kentucky
    Bruce McDonald                 of Law                   College of Law
                                 Kevin Toth              Christopher E. Schaefer

2010                      2014                    2017
 Stanford Law School       Ohio State University   Georgetown University
    Rakesh Kilaru          Moritz College of Law        Law Center
                               Gus Lazares         Amarto Bhattacharyya
 Chicago-Kent College              2015                     2018
        of Law             Chicago-Kent College    Wake Forest University
      Ryan Nolte                  of Law               School of Law
                             Emily Schroeder       Zachary Lynn McCamey
Baylor University School          2016
        of Law             Harvard Law School
    Mark Walraven            Joseph Resnek
Georgetown University
      Law Center
   L. Lars Hulsebus

Past National Champions
          1976                         1985                       1994
   Harvard Law School           University of Texas        Stetson University
    Michael Feldberg              School of Law              College of Law
      Eric Zagrans                 Jerry Galow            Angelo M. Patacca, Jr.
                                    Paul Heard             Karen A. Williams
          1977                     Robert Lapin
   Syracuse University                                           1995
     College of Law                     1986               Temple University
    Brynley James, III       Washington University of        School of Law
    Richard Palumbo           St. Louis School of Law        Robert E. Kelly
      Robert Wales              Harry Haytayan, Jr.           Lukas Reiter
                                    Mark Lynch
          1978                                                      1996
    Baylor University                  1987             Loyola University-Chicago
     School of Law              California Western            School of Law
     David C. Kent                School of Law           Matthew Scott Miller
    Max A. Sandlin, Jr.           Peter Bertling              Jeffrey A. Soble
    Robert W. Woody              Bruce McDonald            Robert D. Sweeney
           1979                          1988                     1997
   Syracuse University          I.I.T./Chicago-Kent     Northwestern University
     College of Law                College of Law            School of Law
      Eileen Cohen                     Joel Daly            Jennifer E. Ancel
     Mae D'Agostino               Lauretta Higgins         Glen G. McGorty
       James Priest                 Peter Roskam             Dana R. Poole
           1980                        1989                       1998
     Baylor University          Stetson University         Temple University
      School of Law               College of Law             School of Law
Joseph Norman Johnson, Jr.      Carol E. McMurry              Bryan Fortay
  Mark Kenneth Patterson       Charles A. Samarkos             Kevin Toth
          1981                         1990                      1999
   Samford University           Stetson University         Temple University
  Cumberland School of            College of Law             School of Law
          Law                   Marie L. DeMarco             Michael Lovell
    Charles R. Malone            Jennifer S. Eden          Amber Van Hauen
     Jack W. Stewart             Douglas T. Noah
          1982                         1991              Notre Dame Law School
  Texas Tech University         University of Texas          Shazzie Naseem
     School of Law                School of Law               Ryan Redmon
     Charles B. Frye               Nick Pittman               Tamara Walker
     Murray Hensley                 Greg Reed
      Marty Rowley                Mark Walters                    2001
                                                           Stetson University
           1983                        1992                  College of Law
Washington University of     Northwestern University        Thea Dalkalitsis
 St. Louis School of Law          School of Law               Carl Mitchell
       Cathy Gilbert              Kate Kennelly
       David Mason                 Judith Krieg
                                 Mark Niemeyer                    2002
         1984                                                Northwestern
   Samford University                 1993                   School of Law
   Cumberland School         Notre Dame Law School         Terra Leigh Brown
        of Law                Dominique Comacho          William J. Dennison II
      Ottie Akers                 Frank J. Kros          Christopher L. LaVigne
      Mark Rowe                 Edward Sullivan
      Hill Sewell

2003                     2009                        2015
St. John’s University      Baylor Law School          Chicago-Kent College
    School of Law              Joel Bailey                   of Law
     Eon R. Smith            Eric Policastro            Emily Schroeder
 Kareem R. Vessup                                        Nicolette Ward
         2004           Stetson University College            2016
University of Houston             of Law               Harvard Law School
    Law Center                Brock Johnson             Amanda Mundell
 Michelle Benavides           Katelyn Knallt             Joseph Resnek
   Eddie Berbarie               Trina Sams
     Julie Gray                                                 2017
                        Northwestern University      Northwestern University
                             School of Law            Pritzker School of Law
 Loyola Law School
                             Karim Basaria                 Douglas Bates
    Los Angeles
                           Andrew Crowder                  Garrett Fields
   Melissa Lyons
                              Clare Diegel                Stacy Kapustina
  Kathryn McCann
    Brian Ward
                                 2012                          2018
        2006            Baylor University School      Wake Forest University
 Loyola Law School              of Law                    School of Law
    Los Angeles              Steven Lopez            Darius Ladetric Lamonte
  Kimberly Greene           Mark Walraven              Tracea Lachelle Rice
  Courtney Yoder                                     Jonathan Bryant Salmons
        2007             Georgetown University
Chicago-Kent College           Law Center
       of Law               L. Lars Hulsebus
    Joshua Jones           Amanda Tuminelli
    Keya Rajput
        2008                 Yale Law School
Chicago-Kent College           Hank Moon
       of Law            John James “J.J.” Snidow
    Mark Griffin               Ben Wallace
    Joshua Jones



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