2018 AWARDS - American Meteorological Society

Page created by Casey Crawford
2018 AWARDS - American Meteorological Society
2018 AWARDS - American Meteorological Society
The objective of this Society is to advance the atmospheric and related
 sciences, technologies, applications, and services for the benefit of society.
The Society shall be a nonprofit organization, and none of its net income or net
 worth shall inure to the benefit of its members. Its membership and activities
                         shall be international in scope.

These awards are given because people took the time to submit a nomination
for a qualified individual by following procedures at www.ametsoc.org/awards.

Society awards are presented at the Annual Meeting, specialized conferences,
              or other appropriate occasions during the years.

                     American Meteorological Society
               45 Beacon Street, Boston, Massachusetts 02108
2018 AWARDS - American Meteorological Society
 Sunday, 7 January 2018
2018 AWARDS - American Meteorological Society
                                                       Elected Fellows

                               Michael Alexander                                            Martha C. Anderson
                               Meteorologist,                                               Research Physical Scientist,
                               NOAA/ESRL Physical                                           USDA/ARS, Hydrology and
                               Sciences Division, Boulder,                                  Remote Sensing Laboratory,
                               Colorado                                                     Beltsville, Maryland

                                 After receiving his Ph.D. from                                After receiving a Ph.D. in
                                 the University of Wisconsin-                                  astrophysics from the University
                                 Madison, Michael Alexander                                    of Minnesota, Martha Anderson
                                 was a research scientist at                                   moved into the field of Earth
                                 the University of Colorado                                    remote sensing. Her current
    before becoming a meteorologist at NOAA’s Earth               research focuses on mapping water, energy, and carbon
    System Research Laboratory in Boulder, Colorado. Mike         fluxes at field to global scales using thermal band satellite
    has researched El Niño and its effects on global air-sea      imagery, with applications in water management, drought
    interactions, ocean processes and their role in climate       monitoring and crop yield estimation. She serves on the
    variability, and the influence of climate change on           science teams for the Landsat and ECOsystem Spaceborne
    ecosystems. He greatly appreciates the talented scientists    Thermal Radiometer Experiment on Space Station
    he has collaborated with on these diverse topics.             (ECOSTRESS) missions.
2018 AWARDS - American Meteorological Society
                                                   Elected Fellows

                           Elizabeth J. Austin, CCM                                      John A. Barth
                           President,                                                    Professor,
                           WeatherExtreme Ltd., Fall Brook,                              Oregon State University,
                           California                                                    Corvallis, Oregon

                             Elizabeth Austin, Ph.D., CCM, is                              Jack Barth is a professor at
                             President of WeatherExtreme                                   Oregon State University, where
                             Ltd., and currently holds a                                   he also serves as the Executive
                             Professorship at the University                               Director of OSU’s new Marine
                             of Nevada, Reno’s Atmospheric                                 Studies Initiative. His research
                             Sciences Department. She is the                               seeks to understand the complex
chief meteorologist for the Perlan Project to fly a manned      spatial structure and time variation of coastal ocean
glider to 100,000 feet. Elizabeth is an active member of        circulation and water properties, and how these influence
the AMS and is currently serving on the AMS Council. She        coastal marine ecosystems. Jack served as Editor of the
has served as chair of the Board of Certified Consulting        Journal of Physical Oceanography. He received a Ph.D.
Meteorologists and is the current president of the              in Oceanography in 1987 from MIT and the Woods Hole
NCIM-ACM.                                                       Oceanographic Institution.
2018 AWARDS - American Meteorological Society
                                                       Elected Fellows

                               Gordon Bonan                                                 Kenneth P. Bowman
                               Senior Scientist,                                            Professor,
                               National Center for Atmospheric                              Texas A&M University, College
                               Research, Boulder, Colorado                                  Station, Texas

                                Gordon Bonan is senior scientist                              Kenneth P. Bowman received
                                at the National Center for                                    his Ph.D. degree in Geophysical
                                Atmospheric Research. His                                     Fluid Dynamics from Princeton
                                research integrates ecological,                               University in 1984. He was a
                                biogeochemical, hydrological,                                 National Research Council
                                and atmospheric sciences                                      Postdoctoral Associate at NASA’s
    to study terrestrial ecosystems, their responses to            Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, MD from 1984
    atmospheric change, and biotic processes that amplify or       to 1985. After spending seven years at the University of
    mitigate atmospheric change. His research discovers and        Illinois, he moved to Texas A&M University, where he is
    advances knowledge of the processes by which natural           currently the David Bullock Harris Professor Geosciences in
    and human-managed systems affect weather, climate, and         the Department of Atmospheric Sciences.
    atmospheric composition; represents this understanding in
    Earth system models; and applies models to serve societal
2018 AWARDS - American Meteorological Society
                                                    Elected Fellows

                           Aiguo Dai                                                        Belay Berhane Demoz
                           Professor,                                                       Professor and Director,
                           University at Albany, SUNY,                                      Department of Physics, Joint
                           Albany, New York                                                 Center for Earth Systems
                                                                                            Technology, University of
                              Dr. Dai obtained his Ph.D. in                                 Maryland, Baltimore, Maryland
                              Atmospheric Science from
                              Columbia University in 1996.                                    Dr. Demoz holds a Ph.D. in
                              He worked over 15 years at                                      Atmospheric Physics from the
                              NCAR before joining the faculty                                 University of Nevada-Reno (DRI).
                              at SUNY Albany in 2012. As an                                   He is Professor of Physics and
ISI highly cited researcher, his areas of research include       Director of the Joint Center for Earth Systems Technology
climate variability and change, with a focus on precipitation,   (JCET) at UMBC. He was at Howard University, serving as
drought and streamflow. He also studies the diurnal cycle,       Professor, Director of Graduate Studies of Physics, PI for the
internal climate variability and human-induced climate           Beltsville Research Campus and has worked in the private
change.                                                          industry as well as a civil servant at NASA/GSFC. He is
                                                                 currently researching future lidar networks for weather.
2018 AWARDS - American Meteorological Society
                                                      Elected Fellows

                               William E. Easterling                                        Laura K. Furgione
                               Immediate Past Dean and                                      Chief, Office of Strategic
                               Professor of Geography and                                   Planning, Innovation, and
                               Earth System Science,                                        Collaboration,
                               The Pennsylvania State                                       DOC/U.S. Census Bureau,
                               University, University Park,                                 Suitland, Maryland
                                                                                               Currently at the U.S. Census
                                Dr. William E. Easterling is                                   Bureau, Laura Furgione’s
                                Assistant Director of NSF,                                     distinguished career at
                                heading the Geosciences                                        Commerce began in 1993. She
    Directorate. An AAAS Fellow, he was previously dean of         was Deputy Director of NWS 2010 to 2016. Other positions
    the College of Earth and Mineral Sciences and professor        include intern WSO Kodiak and WFO Fairbanks, aviation
    of geography and earth system science at Penn State.           meteorologist Alaska Aviation Weather Unit, WCM WFO
    Dr. Easterling was the founding director of the Penn State     Morehead City, MIC WFO Juneau, and Alaska Region
    Institutes of Energy and the Environment. He is an expert      Director. She holds a B.S. in Atmospheric Science from the
    on effects of climate change on Earth’s food supply, serving   University of Missouri-Columbia, MPA from University of
    twice as IPCC coordinating lead author.                        Alaska-Southeast, and is a certified Project Management
2018 AWARDS - American Meteorological Society
                                                 Elected Fellows

                          Jim Gandy, CBM                                              Georg A. Grell
                          Chief Meteorologist,                                        Meteorologist,
                          WLTX-TV, Columbia, South                                    NOAA/ESRL/GSD, Boulder,
                          Carolina                                                    Colorado

                          Jim has been a broadcast                                     Georg leads the model
                          meteorologist for over 42 years                              development branch of the
                          providing clear and accurate                                 Global Systems Division of
                          information about forecasts                                  NOAA/ESRL. He was one of the
                          and extreme weather events.                                  main architects of the NCAR/
                          He graduated with a B.S. in                                  PSU Mesoscale Model Version 5
meteorology from Florida State University and did post-     (MM5), and contributed to the development of many other
graduate work at the University of South Carolina. Jim      global and regional models. He received the Haagen-Smit
helped pioneer Climate Matters in 2010. This educated       Prize in 2016 for a paper on air quality model development,
viewers about climate change and how it impacted            and the outstanding scientific paper award from OAR
them. The program is now used by over 400 broadcast         in 2017 for a paper on development of a convective
meteorologists worldwide.                                   parameterization.
2018 AWARDS - American Meteorological Society
                                                      Elected Fellows

                               Paul H. Gross, CCM,                                            Jin Huang
                               CBM                                                            Chief, Earth System Science and
                               Meteorologist,                                                 Modeling (ESSM) Division,
                               WDIV-TV, Detroit, Michigan                                     NOAA Climate Program Office,
                                                                                              Silver Spring, Maryland
                               Paul H. Gross is one of a handful
                               of AMS members to receive                                        Jin Huang successfully directed
                               both the Certified Consulting                                    large research programs
                               and Broadcast Meteorologist                                      to advance intraseasonal
                               designations. He has chaired                                     to interannual (ISI) climate
                               the AMS Board of Broadcast                                       prediction (2001-2010).
    Meteorology and the AMS Committee on the Station               She led the integration between the atmosphere and
    Scientist and, most recently, served on the AMS Best           land/hydrologic fields and supported research on ISI
    Practice on Winter Weather Committee. Gross has also           predictability and processes. Jin developed and managed
    been awarded eight Emmys by the Michigan Chapter of the        NOAA research-to-operations transition activities (2011-
    National Association of Television Arts and Sciences.          2016) by bridging the scientific, operational and application
                                                                   communities. Her leadership has advanced U.S. short-term
                                                                   climate prediction capability. Jin received her Ph.D. degree
                                                                   from University of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana.
                                                   Elected Fellows

                           Gregory C. Johnson                                            Ramesh K. Kakar
                           Oceanographer,                                                Program Manager,
                           NOAA/Pacific Marine                                           NASA Headquarters, Washington,
                           Environmental Laboratory,                                     DC
                           Seattle, Washington
                                                                                           Ramesh Kakar is a Program
                           Gregory Johnson and his                                         Manager and a former Weather
                           dedicated research group                                        Focus Area leader in the Earth
                           collect and calibrate high quality                              Science Division at NASA
                           data for both Argo (autonomous                                  Headquarters. He earned his
                           profiling floats) and GO-SHIP                                   B.S. degree from the University
(repeated oceanographic transects). With awe and some           of Delhi and Ph.D. from the University of Wyoming. Ramesh
trepidation, Dr. Johnson analyzes, from observations, the       is the Program Scientist for several prominent NASA
oceans’ changing physical state. He has served as an IPCC       satellites such as Aqua, GPM and CYGNSS. He has played
AR5 WG1 Lead Author and editor of the Global Oceans             a leadership role in the development of innovative space
chapter for three annual State of the Climate reports. He       and airborne instruments and selecting science teams to
earned his Ph.D. in Oceanography from the MIT/WHOI Joint        exploit these.
                                                        Elected Fellows

                                Gary S.E. Lagerloef                                          Shian-Jiann Lin
                                Aquarius Principal Investigator,                             Physical Scientist,
                                Earth and Space Research,                                    NOAA/Geophysical Fluid
                                Seattle, Washington                                          Dynamics Laboratory, Princeton,
                                                                                             New Jersey
                                 Co-founder (1995) Earth & Space
                                 Research, Seattle, and Principal                              Dr. Shian-Jiann Lin received his
                                 Investigator of the NASA                                      Ph.D. from Princeton University
                                 Aquarius Mission, launched in                                 in 1989. He is the head of the
                                 2011 to study the interactions                                weather and climate dynamics
                                 between the water cycle, ocean                                group at NOAA/Geophysical
     circulation and climate. Ph.D., Oceanography, University       Fluid Dynamics Laboratory. His main interests are advanced
     of Washington, 1984. Author of more than 60 scientific         numerical methods for weather and climate modeling
     publications/presentations and has served on NASA              and improvement of hurricane long-term predictions via
     Science Working Teams for satellite missions to measure        high resolution global cloud-resolving approach. The FV3
     sea level, Ocean Vector Winds, and the Tropical Rainfall       dynamical core his team developed has been selected for
     Measurement Mission. Member AMS, AGU, AAAS, TOS and            the Next Generation Global Prediction System (NGGPS).
                                                   Elected Fellows

                           Kevin R. Petty                                                 Peter Pilewskie
                           Chief Science Officer,                                         Professor,
                           Vaisala, Louisville, Colorado                                  University of Colorado at Boulder,
                                                                                          Boulder, Colorado
                           Dr. Kevin R. Petty is the Chief
                           Science Officer for Vaisala. Kevin                              Peter Pilewskie joined the
                           is responsible for helping to                                   University of Colorado in 2004
                           define Vaisala’s research and                                   with a joint appointment in the
                           development strategy, setting                                   Laboratory for Atmospheric and
                           technology research priorities,                                 Space Physics (LASP) and in the
                           leading teams of scientists and                                 Department of Atmospheric and
engineers, and supporting global product development            Oceanic Sciences. He is Principal Investigator for the Total
efforts. Kevin earned his M.S. (1994) and Ph.D. (1997) in       and Spectral Solar Irradiance Sensor and the LASP science
Atmospheric Sciences from Ohio State University and a B.S.      lead on CLARREO Pathfinder. Prior to his arrival at the
(1989) in Mathematics/Secondary Education from Illinois         University of Colorado, Peter spent 15 years at the NASA
College.                                                        Ames Research Center.
                                                        Elected Fellows

                                Roger S. Pulwarty                                             Yvette P. Richardson
                                Senior Scientist,                                             Professor of Meteorology,
                                NOAA/OAR, Boulder, Colorado                                   Associate Dean for
                                                                                              Undergraduate Education,
                                 Roger S. Pulwarty is the Senior                              College of Earth and Mineral
                                 Scientist in the NOAA/OAR                                    Sciences, The Pennsylvania
                                 Physical Sciences Division in                                State University, University Park,
                                 Boulder, Colorado. His research                              Pennsylvania
                                 focuses on weather, water,
                                 climate, and early warning, in                                 Yvette Richardson is a professor
                                 the U.S., Latin America, and the                               of Meteorology at Penn State
     Caribbean. Roger’s publications include co-edited books        University and the Associate Dean for Undergraduate
     on the science and management of hurricane and drought-        Education in the College of Earth and Mineral Sciences.
     related risks, and national and international scientific       Her research examines the dynamics of severe local storms
     assessments. He has led landmark multidisciplinary             from initiation through tornado genesis and maintenance
     efforts, including NOAA’s Regional Integrated Sciences         using numerical simulations and observations from multiple
     and Assessments, and the National Integrated Drought           field programs. She has served as an AMS Councilor and an
     Information System.                                            Editor for Monthly Weather Review. She is the current AMS
                                                                    Planning Commissioner.
                                                   Elected Fellows

                           Alexander Ryzhkov                                              Michelle L. Santee
                           Senior Research Scientist,                                     Senior Research Scientist and
                           CIMMS at the University of                                     Supervisor, Stratosphere and
                           Oklahoma, Norman, Oklahoma                                     Upper Troposphere Group,
                                                                                          NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory,
                             Alexander Ryzhkov is a Senior                                California Institute of Technology,
                             Scientist at the Cooperative                                 Pasadena, California
                             Institute for Mesoscale
                             Meteorological Studies at                                      Michelle Santee is a Co-
                             the University of Oklahoma.                                    Investigator on the Aura
                             He has received his Ph.D.                                      Microwave Limb Sounder.
degree in radio physics from the St. Petersburg State          With more than 140 peer-reviewed publications, her
University in Russia. His primary research interests include   research interests include processes controlling trace gas
meteorological applications of Doppler polarimetric            distributions in the upper troposphere/lower stratosphere,
radars and he played a leading role in the development         such as convective transport of boundary-layer pollutants,
of operational algorithms for quantitative precipitation       stratosphere-troposphere exchange, and monsoon
estimation, hydrometeor classification, and severe weather     circulations, as well as stratospheric polar processes such
warnings on the network of WSR-88D radars.                     as chlorine activation, polar stratospheric cloud formation,
                                                               denitrification and dehydration, and chemical ozone loss.
                                                               She received her Ph.D. in Planetary Science from Caltech.
                                                        Elected Fellows

                                Benjamin David Santer                                         Betsy Weatherhead
                                Research Scientist,                                           Senior Scientist,
                                Lawrence Livermore National                                   University of Colorado at Boulder,
                                Laboratory, Livermore, California                             Boulder, Colorado

                                 Ben Santer is an atmospheric                                   Betsy Weatherhead works across
                                 scientist at Lawrence Livermore                                public, private and academic
                                 National Laboratory. His                                       sectors on scientific issues
                                 research focuses on climate                                    including weather, climate and
                                 model evaluation, the use of                                   environmental impacts. She
                                 statistical methods in climate                                 enjoys working across disciplines
     science, and identification of natural and anthropogenic       with advanced statistical techniques to address issues that
     “fingerprints” in observed climate records. Santer’s early     are important to scientific and societal interests. Her work
     research on the climatic effects of combined changes in        has included writing a cover article for Nature on ozone
     greenhouse gases and sulfate aerosols contributed to the       recovery, collaborating with Inuit on the co-production of
     historic “discernible human influence” conclusion of the       knowledge and working on the Intergovernmental Panel on
     1995 Report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate          Climate Change.
                                                  Elected Fellows

                          Fuzhong Weng                                               Jeffrey S. Whitaker
                          Supervisory Physical Scientist,                            Meteorologist,
                          NOAA/NESDIS/Center for                                     NOAA/ESRL, Boulder, Colorado
                          Satellite Applications and
                          Research, College Park,                                     Jeff Whitaker is a research
                          Maryland                                                    meteorologist at the Physical
                                                                                      Sciences Division of the
                             Dr. Fuzhong Weng is the                                  NOAA Earth System Research
                             chief of NOAA/STAR/Satellite                             Laboratory in Boulder, Colorado.
                             Meteorology and Climatology                              His research is focused on the
                             Division. He received his                                use of ensembles in weather
atmospheric science Ph.D. degree in 1992 from Colorado      forecasting and data assimilation.
State University. He was the recipient of the first NOAA
David Johnson Award in 2000 for his outstanding
contributions to satellite microwave remote sensing and
U.S. Department of Commerce Gold Medal Award in 2005
for his achievement in satellite data assimilation.
                        Elected Fellows

                                Samuel P. Williamson
                                Senior Administrator (Retired),
                                Atmospheric Scientist and
                                Analyst, NOAA, Silver Spring,

                                 Served as NOAA’s Federal
                                 Coordinator for Meteorological
                                 Services and Supporting
                                 Research (1998-2014). Led
                                 significant interagency
     advances in space weather, aviation and road weather,
     wildland fire weather, tropical cyclone research, dispersion
     modeling, mesoscale observations, data assimilation, and
     multifunction phased array radar. Principal Planner/Director,
     NEXRAD Joint System Program Office (1979-1991). Senior
     Staff Associate, National Science Foundation (1992-94).
     Senior Science Advisor, U.S. House of Representatives’
     Committee on Science (1994-95). Presidential Rank Award;
     NOAA Distinguished Career Award; Bronze Medal.
   The Award for Outstanding                       The Award for Outstanding
      Chapter of the Year                          Student Chapter of the Year

         Denver Boulder                                Iowa State University
             Boulder, Colorado                                    Ames, Iowa

 For engaging with the community on topics     For innovative efforts to support membership and
about weather and climate and for developing    member growth and for helping the community
 new initiatives to enhance membership and      through educational outreach, fundraising, and
           networking opportunities                         events for K-12 students
                                     The Award for an Exceptional Specific Prediction
        Justin I. Pullin, Philip Warren, Rebecca A. DePodwin, Alexandria M. Davis
                                                  AccuWeather Enterprise Solutions
                       For an exceptional prediction of flash flooding in a challenging data-sparse environment that
                              prevented potentially dangerous train derailments and loss of life and property

                   Justin I. Pullin, Meteorologist, NOAA/National                            Rebecca A. DePodwin, Meteorologist
                   Weather Service, Tallahassee, Florida                                     and Digital Media Product Manager, AccuWeather
                     A 2012 graduate of the University of Louisiana Monroe,                  Enterprise Solutions, State College, Pennsylvania
                     Justin Pullin continues his career in operational                        As a Product Manager, Becky leverages her
     meteorology, now providing forecast services for the general public.      meteorology experience and social media expertise to build engaging
     Justin’s professional interests include operationally relevant research   and innovative user-facing products across all digital platforms.
     centered around severe weather, including the recent HailSTONE            With an established social media presence, Becky shares weather
     field project. Justin also has a keen interest in effective messaging     insights with others to stimulate conversation - follow her @wx_becks
     of weather information, remaining heavily involved in local efforts to    on Twitter. Previously, her work as an operational meteorologist
     improve this critical discipline of our field.                            included a comprehensive understanding and application of weather
                                                                               forecasting, effective life-saving communications, and personalizing
                   Philip Warren, Senior Storm Warning                         the weather so people can improve their lives.
                   Meteorologist, AccuWeather Enterprise Solutions,
                   Wichita, Kansas                                                           Alexandria M. Davis, Lead Storm Warning
                                                                                             Meteorologist, AccuWeather Enterprise Solutions,
                   Philip Warren received a B.S. in Atmospheric Science
                                                                                             Wichita, Kansas
                   from the University of Oklahoma in 2008. Since then he
     has been employed as an operational meteorologist at AccuWeather                        Alexandria (Ali) Davis received her B.S. in Meteorology
     Enterprise Solutions in Wichita, Kansas, where he provides forecasts                    in 2011 from Valparaiso University. Ali began her career
     and real-time weather warnings for clients throughout North America.      with AccuWeather Enterprise Solutions in Wichita, Kansas in 2012 and
                                                                               was promoted to Lead Storm Warning Meteorologist this past fall.
                                                                               Her current duties include issuing warnings across North America,
                                                                               assembling and issuing multi-day weather forecasts, and briefing
                                                                               clients on imminent hazardous weather impacts.
                 The Louis J. Battan                                           The Louis J. Battan
                  Author’s Award                                               Author’s Award K-12
                  Kristine C. Harper                                               Karen de Seve
   Associate Professor of History, Florida State University,             Creative Force, Creative Content Studio,
                    Tallahassee, Florida                                           Summit, New Jersey

                           For Make It Rain, a compelling                                  For Little Kids First Big Book of
                           account of political battles                                    Weather, captivating readers
                           waged over weather                                              with an engaging format,
                           modification and their                                          fun activities, and insightful
                           implications for evidence-based                                 photographs that accurately
                           policymaking and for climate                                    illustrate weather phenomena
                           change interventions
                                                                                             Karen de Seve weaves tales
                            Kristine C. Harper, a                                            of science into books, articles,
                            meteorologist and                                                exhibitions and scripts that
                            oceanographer turned historian                                   encourage viewers to interact
                            of science, is Associate Professor                               with information and not just
of History at Florida State University. Her research focuses     passively consume it. As a staff and freelance writer, Karen
on the history of atmospheric and related sciences in            has told science stories for National Geographic, Wildlife
the twentieth century, with special emphasis on the Cold         Conservation Society, American Museum of Natural History
War and the federal government’s influence on science.           and Liberty Science Center, PBS and others. Karen has a
Harper’s first book was Weather by the Numbers: The              B.S. from Cornell University and an M.A. from New York
Genesis of Modern Meteorology. She received her Ph.D. in         University. Winter is her favorite season!
History of Science from Oregon State University.
     The Award for Distinguished Science                                              Editor’s Award
      Journalism in the Atmospheric and                              Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society
               Related Sciences
                                                                                     James G. LaDue
                Maggie Koerth-Baker                                       Meteorologist Instructor and Team Leader,
     Senior Science Reporter, FiveThirtyEight, Minneapolis,            NOAA/National Weather Service/Warning Decision
                         Minnesota                                          Training Division, Norman, Oklahoma

                             For “Tornado Town, USA”, a                                    For detailed, insightful, and
                             thoughtful and comprehensive                                  constructive reviews that
                             investigation of the statistics of                            substantially improved several
                             tornado touchdowns, providing                                 manuscripts
                             a unique perspective on a
                             captivating topic of societal                                  Improving warnings is one of
                             relevance                                                      the passions that leads James, a
                                                                                            lead instructional meteorologist
                             Maggie Koerth-Baker is                                         at the Warning Decision Training
                             senior science reporter for                                    Division, to develop and teach
                             FiveThirtyEight.com.                                           courses to forecasters on a
                                                                                            diverse array of topics that
                                                                  range from radar applications to severe storms. His course
                                                                  development also motivates him to research new methods
                                                                  in warning decision making. He is also the Chair and
                                                                  founder of the joint ASCE/AMS standards Committee on
                                                                  Wind Speed Estimation.
                   Editor’s Award                                                    Editor’s Award
 Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society                               Journal of Hydrometeorology

                 Isobel J. Simpson                                          Pierre-Emmanuel Kirstetter
Research Specialist, University of California, Irvine, Irvine,      Research Scientist, Advanced Radar Research Center,
                       California                                   University of Oklahoma/NOAA National Severe Storms
                                                                                Laboratory, Norman, Oklahoma

                            For consistently thorough                                      For thorough, thoughtful
                            and constructive reviews                                       reviews of a large number of
                            that significantly improved                                    manuscripts, completed in a
                            manuscripts submitted to the                                   timely manner
                            BAMS State of the Climate
                            Supplement                                                     Pierre Kirstetter is a Research
                                                                                           Scientist at the Advanced Radar
                          Isobel Simpson received her                                      Research Center at the University
                          Ph.D. in micrometeorology at                                     of Oklahoma and affiliated with
                          the University of Guelph and has                                 NOAA/National Severe Storms
                          been an atmospheric chemist                                      Laboratory. He has background
                          at University of California, Irvine                              in radar and satellite meteorology
since 1997. She has flown on several NASA airborne               and hydrology. He got his Ph.D. at Grenoble Alps University,
missions and her research focuses on global trace gas            France in 2008. His research focuses on the remote
monitoring, regional biomass burning, and urban air quality      sensing of atmospheric precipitation to study water cycle
in North America, Asia, and the Middle East. She is an           processes, extreme precipitation and flood events.
Associate Editor of Elementa and a member of the WMO
Global Atmosphere Watch Reactive Gases Group.
                       Editor’s Award                                                   Editor’s Award
                 Journal of Hydrometeorology                                        Weather and Forecasting

                     Daniel J. McEvoy                                                   Brian Etherton
        Assistant Research Professor, Climatology, Regional               Weather Specialist, Jupiter Technology Systems
         Climatologist, Desert Research Institute/Western                       Incorporated, Boulder, Colorado
              Regional Climate Center, Reno, Nevada

                               For timely, insightful, detailed,                              For upholding the high scientific
                               and rigorous reviews that                                      standards of the journal with
                               improved several manuscripts                                   thorough, insightful, and succinct
                               focusing on drought                                            reviews of submissions on
                                                                                              numerical weather prediction
                                Dr. Dan McEvoy received                                       and ensemble prediction
                                his bachelor’s degree in                                      systems
                                environmental science from
                                Plattsburgh State University of                                Brian Etherton has a career
                                New York in 2004. He received                                  focused on the generation
                                his master’s degree (2012) and                                 and application of probabilistic
                                Ph.D. (2015) in atmospheric                                    numerical weather prediction
     science at the University of Nevada, Reno. Dr. McEvoy         to a number of different applications to meet the needs
     is currently working as the Regional Climatologist at         of numerous end users. Having earned his Ph.D. in
     the Desert Research Institute/Western Regional Climate        Meteorology at The Pennsylvania State University under
     Center. His primary research topics include drought           advisor Dr. Craig Bishop, he has worked in the academic
     monitoring, seasonal drought prediction, and mountain         sector, public sector, and private sector. He is extremely
     hydrometeorology.                                             grateful for his wife, Dana, and his two children, Carter and
                   Editor’s Award                                                   Editor’s Award
                   Journal of Climate                                               Journal of Climate

                      Yu Kosaka                                                      Joel R. Norris
   Associate Professor, Research Center for Advanced                 Professor, Scripps Institution of Oceanography,
    Science and Technology, The University of Tokyo,             University of California, San Diego, San Diego, California
                    Komaba, Japan

                           For providing an extraordinary                                 For frequent and high-quality
                           number of insightful and helpful                               reviews on various topics in
                           reviews that improved the quality                              clouds and climate
                           of manuscripts
                                                                                           Joel Norris is a Professor of
                              Yu Kosaka is an associate                                    Atmospheric and Climate
                              professor at Research Center                                 Science at the Scripps Institution
                              for Advanced Science and                                     of Oceanography at the
                              Technology at The University                                 University of California, San
                              of Tokyo. She received her                                   Diego. He received a B.S. in
                              doctorate from The University                                Geophysics from Caltech and a
                              of Tokyo in 2007, and was                                    Ph.D. in Atmospheric Sciences
a postdoc at University of Hawaii (2009-2012) and              from the University of Washington. His primary research
an assistant project scientist at Scripps Institution of       interests include boundary layer cloud processes, decadal
Oceanography (2012-2014). She works on climate                 variability of cloudiness, and cloud feedbacks on the
variability, air-sea interactions, teleconnections, and        climate system.
monsoon dynamics.
                       Editor’s Award                                                    Editor’s Award
                       Journal of Climate                               Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology

                      Richard L. Smith                                                Javier Fochesatto
      Professor of Statistics and Biostatistics, University of         Professor of Atmospheric Sciences, University of Alaska
     North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, North Carolina                      Fairbanks, Fairbanks, Alaska

                               For insightful reviews of a                                    For providing valuable reviews
                               number of manuscripts involving                                that helped the decision-
                               new statistical methodologies                                  making process, particularly in
                                                                                              controversial situations
                               Richard Smith’s early training
                               was in operations research and                                  Javier Fochesatto, Professor
                               statistics, but from an early stage                             of Atmospheric Sciences at
                               of his professional career, he                                  the Geophysical Institute and
                               was interested in applications to                               College of Natural Science
                               climatology and the environment.                                and Mathematics University
                               His statistical interests include                               of Alaska Fairbanks. Ph.D.
                               time series, spatial statistics and                             in Physics from University of
     extreme value analysis, and he has had many collaborators       Paris VI Laboratoire de Météorologie Dynamique du
     through the EPA, NCAR and Berkeley Lab. For the past            CNRS - Ecole Polytechnique, Paris, France and Electronic
     eight years he has been Director of SAMSI, one of NSF’s         Engineer, Buenos Aires, Argentina. His area of research and
     mathematical sciences institutes in North Carolina.             academic specialization is on Atmospheric Boundary Layer,
                                                                     Micrometeorology and Laser based systems for optical
                                                                     remote sensing of the atmosphere.
                  Editor’s Award                                                   Editor’s Award
              Monthly Weather Review                           Monthly Weather Review and Weather and Forecasting

           Heather M. Archambault                                                    Clark Evans
 Associate Director, NOAA Geophysical Fluid Dynamics               Associate Professor and Assistant Chair, University of
           Laboratory, Princeton, New Jersey                          Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Milwaukee, Wisconsin

                          For frequent, exceptional, and                                 For thorough, constructive,
                          in-depth reviews, with particular                              and insightful reviews of
                          recognition for assisting the                                  an impressive number of
                          editors                                                        manuscripts

                            Heather Archambault is the                                   Clark Evans is an Associate
                            Associate Director of NOAA’s                                 Professor and the Assistant
                            Geophysical Fluid Dynamics                                   Chair for Atmospheric Science
                            Laboratory in Princeton, New                                 at the University of Wisconsin-
                            Jersey. She previously served as                             Milwaukee. His research interests
                            a program manager in the                                     include mesoscale predictability,
                            NOAA Climate Program Office.                                 mesoscale convective dynamics,
Her research interests primarily concern the dynamics          and tropical cyclone prediction and analysis. He serves as
and predictability of tropical–extratropical interactions      the incoming Vice Chair of the AMS Committee on Weather
leading to extreme weather events. Heather earned an           Analysis and Forecasting. He received B.S., M.S., and Ph.D.
M. S. and Ph.D. in atmospheric science from the University     degrees in Meteorology from Florida State University in
at Albany, SUNY, and a B.S. in meteorology from Penn State     2004, 2006, and 2009, respectively.
                       Editor’s Award                                                  Editor’s Award
              Journal of Physical Oceanography                       Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology

                      Samuel M. Kelly                                                Valérie Bonnardot
        Assistant Professor, University of Minnesota Duluth,          Lecturer, LETG-Rennes, Université Rennes2, Rennes,
                         Duluth, Minnesota                                                 France

                               For insightful and helpful                                    For an exceptionally detailed
                               reviews across a spectrum                                     review of a challenging
                               of sub-disciplines in physical                                submission that encouraged the
                               oceanography, with particular                                 authors and provided valuable
                               recognition for assisting the                                 ideas for improving their
                               editors                                                       manuscript

                               Sam studies inertial waves and                                   Valérie Bonnardot is a Lecturer
                               turbulence in the oceans and                                     in Physical Geography at the
                               large lakes. This work combines                                  Department of Geography of the
                               observations, theory, and                                        University of Rennes 2 in France
                               modeling. Since 2014, he has                                     since 2012. Her research is
     been an Assistant Professor in the University of Minnesota   affiliated to the UMR LETG of CNRS. She spent eight years
     Duluth’s Large Lakes Observatory and Physics Department.     at the Institute for Soil Climate and Water of the Agricultural
     He received a Ph.D. in physical oceanography from Oregon     Research Council in South Africa. She is involved in
     State University in 2011.                                    different European Research projects dealing with climate
                                                                  change and impacts on viticulture.
                  Editor’s Award                                                   Editor’s Award
 Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology                          Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences

                      Ali Tokay                                                      Gang Chen
  Research Associate Professor, University of Maryland               Associate Professor, University of California, Los
        Baltimore County, Baltimore, Maryland                               Angeles, Los Angeles, California

                          For frequent and in-depth                                      For numerous constructive,
                          reviews of manuscripts related                                 timely, and well-written reviews
                          to precipitation microphysics and                              of manuscripts on large-scale
                          estimation, and remote sensing                                 atmospheric dynamics
                          using radar
                                                                                          Dr. Gang Chen is an Associate
                           Dr. Tokay is currently a Research                              Professor in the Department
                           Associate Professor at the                                     of Atmospheric and Oceanic
                           University of Maryland Baltimore                               Sciences at University of
                           County (UMBC) through the                                      California, Los Angeles. He
                           Joint Center for Earth Systems                                 received his bachelor’s degree
                           Technology and is affiliated with                              from Peking University in 2002
the Department of Geography and Environmental Systems.         and Ph.D. degree from Princeton University in 2007. Prior
He is a research scientist at NASA Goddard Space Flight        to UCLA, he worked as postdoctoral fellow at MIT and
Center and member of NASA precipitation science team.          held faculty position at Cornell University. His research
Tokay is currently chairing the AMS Radar Meteorology          area is atmospheric and climate dynamics, focusing
Committee and serving as an associate editor of Journal of     on atmospheric circulation and chemical transport in a
Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology.                            changing climate.
                      Editor’s Award                                                   Editor’s Award
            Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences                                 Weather, Climate, and Society

                     Shuguang Wang                                                     Helen Greatrex
        Associate Research Scientist, Columbia University,             Associate Research Scientist, International Research
                      New York, New York                              Institute For Climate and Society, Columbia University,
                                                                                        New York, New York

                              For consistently excellent,                                    For excellent reviews that
                              careful, and constructive reviews                              encouraged the authors and
                              on a wide variety of topics that                               provided clear guidance to
                              helped authors improve their                                   improve their manuscripts
                                                                                             Helen Greatrex works as an
                              Dr. Wang is an associate research                              Associate Research Scientist
                              scientist at Columbia University.                              within IRI’s financial instruments
                              He was awarded Ph.D. in 2008                                   team. Her research focuses
                              at Texas A&M University, and B.S.                              on tropical rainfall estimation,
                              in 2000 at Nanjing University,                                 exploring how weather data
                              China. His current research                                    is used within agricultural risk
     focuses on tropical meteorology, atmospheric dynamics,       management and index insurance. Helen has also worked
     subseasonal weather forecast, and numerical modeling.        with the Global Climate Adaptation Partnership (GCAP)
                                                                  and Statistics for Sustainable Development (Stats4SD).
                                                                  She holds a Ph.D. and PgDip in agrometeorology from the
                                                                  University of Reading (UK), and an MPhys in Astrophysics
                                                                  from the University of Manchester (UK).
              The Spiros G. Geotis
                 Student Prize
              Nicholas F. McCarthy
        Ph.D. Candidate, University of Queensland,
                  Queensland, Australia

                         For his paper, “The Bushfire
                         Convective Plume Experiment: A
                         Mobile X-band Field Campaign
                         into Fire-Driven Convection in

                          Nicholas is a Ph.D. Candidate
                          from the University of
                          Queensland (Australia), School
                          of Earth and Environmental
                          Sciences, Atmospheric
                          Observations Research Group.
He leads the field-based Bushfire Convective Plume
Experiment, which seeks to understand the processes
of large fires and pyroconvection with a mobile X-band
Doppler radar. Collaborators on his Ph.D. include the
Australian Bureau of Meteorology, Queensland Fire and
Emergency Services, and Country Fire Authority where he
works imbedded for the duration of his Ph.D.

Wednesday, 10 January 2018
       The Robert E. Horton Lecturer in                              The Bernhard Haurwitz Memorial
             Hydrology for 2018                                             Lecturer for 2018
                    Gerald R. North                                              George N. Kiladis
   University Distinguished Professor Emeritus, Texas A&M        Research Meteorologist, NOAA/ESRL, Physical Sciences
               University, College Station, Texas                             Division, Boulder, Colorado

                          For pioneering contributions to                                 For influential observational
                          understanding the statistical                                   studies of tropical-extratropical
                          nature of precipitation and to                                  wave dynamics and leadership
                          measuring precipitation from                                    in the field of large-scale tropical
                          space                                                           meteorology

                           Gerald R. North has a Ph.D. in                                  George Kiladis is a research
                           Physics (1966) from the University                              meteorologist at the Physical
                           of Wisconsin. He was a physics                                  Sciences Division of the
                           professor at the University of                                  NOAA Earth System Research
                           Missouri-St. Louis (1968-1978),                                 Laboratory. His work focuses
                           during which he took a sabbatical                               on the dynamics of the tropical
leave to NCAR, and converted to climate science. He was a       atmosphere and ocean, and involves comparisons of
research scientist at NASA/GSFC, 1978-1986. He has been         observations with theory and models. His interests include
a professor at Texas A&M University from that time until his    equatorial waves, tropical–extratropical interaction, and the
retirement in 2016. His research focuses on mathematical        coupling between convection and large-scale circulations.
and statistical problems in climate.                            Dr. Kiladis has served on several AMS committees and also
                                                                as an editor of the Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences.
          The Walter Orr Roberts Lecturer in
          Interdisciplinary Sciences for 2018
                          Clara Deser
              Senior Scientist, NCAR, Boulder, Colorado

                               For effective communication
                               of the evolving state of climate
                               research in a wide range of
                               interdisciplinary fora

                                 Dr. Clara Deser is a Senior
                                 Scientist and Head of the Climate
                                 Analysis Section at the National
                                 Center for Atmospheric Research.
                                 She studies global climate
                                 variability and climate change,
                                 with an emphasis on interactions
     between the atmosphere, ocean and cryosphere. Dr.
     Deser is a Fellow of the American Geophysical Union and
     the American Meteorological Society (AMS), and received
     AMS’s Clarence Leroy Meisinger Award and Editor’s Award
     for the Journal of Climate.
                                                Special Award
                     Tropical Cyclone Satellite Analysis Team, Naval Research Laboratory

For providing a unique suite of satellite   Jeffrey D. Hawkins, Satellite Meteorological Applications Section Head
passive microwave products to the global    (Retired), Naval Research Laboratory, Marine Meteorology Division,
tropical cyclone community via a tailored
                                            Monterey, California
web site enabling enhanced storm
monitoring                                  Thomas F. Lee, Casual Employee, COMET Program, Boulder, Colorado
                                            Kim Richardson, Physical Scientist, Naval Research Laboratory, Marine
                                            Meteorology Division, Monterey, California
                                            Buck Sampson, 7542 Section Head, Naval Research Laboratory, Marine
                                            Meteorology Division, Monterey, California
                                            F. Joseph Turk, Radar Science, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasedena,
                                            John Kent, Webmaster, Science Applications International Corp., Monterey,
                                            Melinda Surratt, Researcher, Naval Research Laboratory, Marine
                                            Meteorology Division, Monterey, California
                                            Joshua H. Cossuth, Meteorologist, U.S. Naval Research Laboratory,
                                            Washington, D.C.
                                            Song Yang, Meteorologist, Naval Research Laboratory, Marine Meteorology
                                            Division, Monterey, California
                                            Jeremy Solbrig, Research Associate, Cooperative Institute for Research in
                                            the Atmosphere, Ft. Collins, Colorado
                                            Richard Bankert, Meteorologist, Naval Research Laboratory, Marine
                                            Meteorology Division, Monterey, California
       The Award for Outstanding Services                              The Award for Excellence in Science
        to Meteorology by a Corporation                               Reporting by a Broadcast Meteorologist
                  Prescient Weather Ltd                                             Alex V. Garcia, CBM
        Prescient Weather Ltd, State College, Pennsylvania             Chief Meteorologist, KABB Television, San Antonio, San
                                                                                           Antonio, Texas

                                                                                             For providing the south
                                                                                             Texas audience with easy-to-
                                                                                             understand tutorials on how
     For scientific creativity and technological innovation in
                                                                                             our atmosphere works and the
     transforming climate data, climate variability predictions,
                                                                                             changes we are seeing in Earth’s
     and climate simulations into probability products valued by
     the user community
                                                                                               Alex Garcia is the Chief
     Prescient Weather Ltd provides information and strategies
                                                                                               Meteorologist and Weather Team
     to manage climate risk and opportunity. The latest science,
                                                                                               Leader for KABB/WOAI in San
     data sets, and information technology are combined
                                                                                               Antonio, Texas. Alex has served
     in three products to confer advantage to customers
                                                                                               on the AMS Board of Broadcast
     sensitive to climate variability. The World Climate Service
                                                                    Meteorology as a panelist. He presently serves on the
     provides customers, including some of the world’s largest
                                                                    AMS Board on Continuing Professional Development
     electric utilities, with reliable, probabilistic subseasonal
                                                                    and will assume the Chairmanship in 2018. He was the
     and seasonal forecasts. CropProphet brings quantitative
                                                                    2016 recipient of the National Weatherperson of the Year
     weather-based techniques to yield forecasts. ClimBiz will
                                                                    Award from FLASH and the 2017 AMS Award for Broadcast
     provide climate change insight to enterprises seeking long-
     term resilience.
The Award for                                The Henry T. Harrison Award for Outstanding 35
              Broadcast Meteorology                            Contributions by a Consulting Meteorologist
                     Brad Panovich                                              John F. Henz, CCM
  Chief Meteorologist, WCNC-TV NBC Charlotte, Charlotte,            Certified Consulting Meteorologist, Self Employed,
                       North Carolina                                                Phoenix, Arizona

                          For passionate devotion to                                      For an exemplary career
                          informing his on-air audience                                   dedicated to providing
                          and for extensive use of social                                 innovative, cross-disciplinary
                          media to educate the public                                     consulting services with
                          about meteorology                                               great integrity to a diverse
                                                                                          clientele while advancing
                            Brad Panovich is the Chief                                    the societal applications of
                            Meteorologist at NBC Charlotte                                hydrometeorology
                            and an Adjunct Professor in the
                            Meteorology Department at                                       John F. Henz is a Certified
                            the University of North Carolina                                Consulting Meteorologist (#270,
                            Charlotte. Brad holds the AMS                                   1980) and Fellow (2014) of AMS.
Seal of Approval and a B.S. Degree from The Ohio State           He provides specialized hydro-meteorological, extreme
University. His broadcast career started in Dayton, Ohio         weather and forensic services. John served as a USAF
then to Traverse City, MI, New Orleans, LA, and the past 15      weather officer (1968-1971). He earned B.S. Meteorology
years in Charlotte, NC.                                          (Wisconsin, 1968) and M.S. Atmospheric Science (Colo.
                                                                 State, 1974). John was president of GRD Weather Center,
                                                                 Henz Kelly & Associates and Henz Meteorological Services
                                                                 from 1974-2000. He was Atmospheric Science Practice
                                                                 Leader-HDR Engineering (2001-2010) and Senior Scientist-
                                                                 Dewberry Consultants (2010-2016).
            The Helmut E. Landsberg Award                               The Award for Outstanding
                                                                      Achievement in Biometeorology
                    J. Marshall Shepherd                                      Jose Dolores Fuentes
        Georgia Athletic Association Distinguished Professor      Professor, The Pennsylvania State University, University
       and Director, Atmospheric Sciences Program, University                       Park, Pennsylvania
                     of Georgia, Athens, Georgia
                                                                                           For uncovering the significance
                              For major advances in                                        and workings of key interactions
                              understanding urban impacts                                  among flora, fauna, and
                              on rainfall climatology and for                              the atmosphere and their
                              assessing the socio-economic                                 role in regional and global
                              value of urban precipitation                                 environmental change
                                                                                             Jose D. Fuentes is a professor in
                                 Dr. Shepherd is the Georgia                                 the Department of Meteorology
                                 Athletic Association                                        and Atmospheric Science at The
                                 Distinguished Professor at                                  Pennsylvania State University. He
                                 The University of Georgia and                               received his graduate degrees in
                                 Director of the Atmospheric     micrometeorology from the University of Guelph, Canada,
     Sciences Program. He is the host of The Weather Channel’s   and his bachelor of science from Millersville University,
     “Weather Geeks” and a Contributor to Forbes magazine.       Pennsylvania. Fuentes teaches micrometeorology and
     He was the 2013 AMS President and a past recipient of the   biometeorology, and pursues research on the processes
     Charles Franklin Brooks and Charles E. Anderson Awards.     controlling emissions, transport, deposition, and chemistry
     He was a scientist at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center      of reactive gases. His field studies occur at places such as
     prior to his university tenure.                             the Brazilian rainforest and high Arctic.
The Award for Outstanding Contribution                               The Charles L. Mitchell Award
to the Advance of Applied Meteorology
                   Joel N. Myers                                                Daniel Keeton
President and Founder, AccuWeather, Inc., State College,         Meteorologist-In-Charge, NOAA/National Weather
                    Pennsylvania                                         Service, Sacramento, California

                         For over five decades of                                      For leading change and nurturing
                         dedication to delivering                                      the next generation of forecasters
                         forecasts and customized                                      during a distinguished, three-
                         weather information to industry,                              decade career with the National
                         agriculture, and the public                                   Weather Service

                          Dr. Myers created AccuWeather                                 Dan is a 1987 graduate of
                          in 1962 and has overseen its                                  Oregon State University. His
                          global growth for 55 years, today                             career with the National Weather
                          reaching 2 billion people through                             Service began as a Meteorologist
                          traditional and digital media and                             Intern in Barrow, Alaska.
                          thousands of companies. Joel                                  He held various leadership
received three degrees from Penn State, was a faculty         positions with the National Weather Service throughout
member for two decades and an active trustee for 33 years.    the western U.S. during the past three decades. Currently,
He funded the creation of the state-of-the-art Penn State     he’s Meteorologist-In-Charge at the Sacramento Weather
Joel N. Myers Weather Center, dozens of scholarships,         Forecast Office where he feels lucky to lead a team of
several campus landmarks, and supports many charities.        amazingly talented, dedicated professionals.
          The Francis W. Reichelderfer Award                                 The Nicholas P. Fofonoff Award

                     Christopher C. Balch                                                 Emily Shroyer
           Space Scientist, NOAA Space Weather Prediction                Associate Professor, CEOAS, Oregon State University,
                     Center, Boulder, Colorado                                            Corvallis, Oregon

                                For distinguished contributions to                             For developing clear and
                                understanding and forecasting                                  quantitative understanding of a
                                space weather phenomena and                                    range of ocean processes that
                                developing operational products                                shape the marine environment
                                valued by stakeholders                                         and its coupling to the
                                Christopher Balch is a Space
                                Scientist at NOAA’s Space                                       Dr. Emily Shroyer is an Associate
                                Weather Prediction Center.                                      Professor at Oregon State
                                His 34-year career with NOAA                                    University and a sea-going
                                has primarily been in SWPC’s                                    oceanographer with interests in
                                operational forecast center,                                    small-scale ocean dynamics. Dr.
     with more recent work focused on the development of             Shroyer received a B.S. in Physics from the University of
     operational geomagnetic data, services and products,            Alaska, Fairbanks (2000), was a Peace Corps volunteer in
     the transition of physics-based models to operations, and       Ghana from 2001-2003, and received a Ph.D. from Oregon
     special support for the electrical power industry. Dr. Balch    State in 2009. She was a Postdoctoral Scholar at Woods
     received his Ph.D. at the University of Colorado, Boulder,      Hole Oceanographic Institution from 2009-2011, prior to
     Astrophysical and Planetary Sciences Department.                returning to OSU as a faculty member.
       The Henry G. Houghton Award                                    The Clarence Leroy Meisinger Award

              Francina Dominguez                                                     Trude Storelvmo
    Associate Professor, Department of Atmospheric                      Associate Professor, Yale University, New Haven,
     Sciences, University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois                                  Connecticut

                           For pioneering contributions to                                  For outstanding advances in
                           terrestrial hydrometeorology and                                 understanding the role of mixed-
                           improving our understanding of                                   phase processes in cloud-climate
                           land-atmosphere interactions                                     feedbacks

                           As a hydroclimatologist, Francina                                 Trude Storelvmo is a climate
                           Dominguez’ work focuses                                           scientist, focusing her research
                           on the interactions between                                       on the role of aerosol particles
                           the land and the atmosphere,                                      and clouds in Earth’s climate.
                           and specifically, on changes                                      Specifically, she works on
                           in hydrology and climate due                                      questions related to aerosol
                           to land surface changes and                                       indirect effects, cloud-climate
greenhouse gas emissions. The two primary lines of                feedbacks, climate engineering and climate sensitivity. She
research in her group look at land-atmosphere interaction         has published ~45 papers in peer-reviewed journals to
from two perspectives: 1) the effect of climate variability and   date, contributed to Chapter 7 (on clouds and aerosols) of
change, primarily extreme events, on surface hydrology and        the last IPCC report (IPCC AR5), and was among the group
2) the effect of changes in surface hydrology on climate.         of experts scoping the upcoming IPCC report (AR6).
                   The Joanne Simpson                                        The Kenneth C. Spengler Award
                    Mentorship Award
                           Ken Carey                                                   Betsy Weatherhead
     Vice President, Science and Engineering Business Units,               Senior Scientist, University of Colorado at Boulder,
                    ERT, Inc., Laurel, Maryland                                             Boulder, Colorado

                                For generous, energetic, and                                    For creating linkages and
                                thoughtful mentoring of hundreds                                fostering open communication
                                of students and early-career                                    about forecast improvements
                                professionals throughout a                                      among the public, private, and
                                distinguished career                                            academic sectors of the weather
                                 Carey has over 35 years of
                                 military and civilian career                                     Betsy Weatherhead has worked
                                 experience including working                                     to improve weather forecasts by
                                 with NOAA Satellites, Data and                                   bringing together experts from
                                 Information Service, National                                    the public, private and academic
                                 Weather Service, and Joint                                       sectors within the AMS Board on
     Center for Satellite Data Assimilation to create solutions for   Enterprise Communication. She co-chaired four Summer
     weather readiness and strengthen partnerships. He worked         Community Meetings, founded and originally chaired the
     for Department of Defense launching missiles and space           Forecast Improvement Group and continues to support
     crafts and completed operations analysis for the Presidential    women and under-represented groups for professional
     Quadrennial Defense Research program. Throughout his             advancement. Her scientific interests focus on applying
     career, he has provided mentorship to meteorology students       statistical techniques to problems including trend detection,
     and young professionals leading to fulfilled livelihoods.        forecast verification and modes of variability.
       The Charles E. Anderson Award                               The Cleveland Abbe Award For
                                                            Distinguished Service to Atmospheric Science
                                                                           by an Individual
                    Vernon Morris
       Professor, Howard University, Washington, D.C.                         Ghassem R. Asrar
                                                               Director, Joint Global Change Research Institute, Pacific
                                                               Northwest National Laboratory, University of Maryland,
                         For tireless promotion of
                                                                                College Park, Maryland
                         programs that provide enhanced
                         research and academic                                          For exceptional leadership of
                         opportunities for minorities                                   major activities at NASA and the
                         in atmospheric science, and                                    World Climate Research Program
                         enhancing access to science in                                 that advanced climate science
                         underserved communities                                        and its relevance to society

                         Dr. Morris is a Professor of                                    Ghassem Asrar is the director of
                         Chemistry and Atmospheric                                       Joint Global Change Research
                         Sciences at Howard University.                                  Institute, a partnership between
                         He is the Founding Director                                     Pacific Northwest National
of the Atmospheric Sciences Program and the Director                                     Laboratory and University of
of a NOAA cooperative science center for Atmospheric                                     Maryland. Prior to this position,
Sciences and Meteorology. He also maintains adjunct           he served as the director of World Climate Research
academic appointments at several institutions. Passionate     Program in Geneva, Switzerland and Deputy Administrator
about broadening the participation of underrepresented        for USDA Agricultural Research Service, following 22 years
groups in STEM, he has guided the research for more than      of service in Earth and Space sciences with NASA. He has
150 students with many receiving advanced degrees in          published more than 200 scientific and technical papers
science or medicine.                                          and books in open literature.
             The Edward N. Lorenz Teaching                             The Charles Franklin Brooks Award
                   Excellence Award
                  Susan C. van den Heever                                              David R. Smith
           Professor, Department of Atmospheric Science,           Associate Professor (Retired), Formerly of the Oceanography
           Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado               Department, United States Naval Academy

                               For enduring passion for                                        For longstanding service to
                               teaching and mentoring, for                                     the Society through initiation
                               engaging students both inside                                   of, and passionate dedication
                               and outside the classroom, and                                  to, its education programs and
                               for unrelenting dedication to                                   activities
                               training future scientists
                                                                                                 David Smith has dedicated much
                                  Sue van den Heever joined                                      of his professional career to the
                                  the CSU faculty in 2008. Her                                   educational initiatives of the
                                  research interests include the                                 American Meteorological Society.
                                  microphysical and dynamical                                    He served as co-Director of the
                                  processes of convective                                        Maury Project since 1994 and
     storms, aerosol-cloud interactions, and the numerical          on the instructional staff of Project ATMOSPHERE and all
     parameterization of such processes. She teaches classes        DataStreme programs. He chaired the Board on Outreach
     in cloud physics, cloud dynamics and mesoscale modeling        and Pre-college Education, served on the Board of Higher
     and oversees the development of the RAMS model. She            Education and the Program Co-Chair for the Symposium on
     is an author of the book “Storm and Cloud Dynamics” and        Education (20 years) and the Commissioner for Education
     is currently an editor of the Journal of the Atmospheric       and Human Resources.
    The David and Lucille Atlas Remote                             The Hydrologic Sciences Medal
              Sensing Prize
                  Dara Entekhabi                                             Witold F. Krajewski
     Professor, Massachusetts Institute of Technology,           Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering,
                Cambridge Massachusetts                               The University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa

                         For scientific and technical                                 For foundational contributions
                         leadership in providing remote                               to radar hydrometeorology, and
                         sensing data and in their use                                for leading the only center in the
                         to address basic questions in                                United States dedicated to flood
                         hydrological science                                         research

                           Dara Entekhabi received B.S.                              Witold F. Krajewski is the Rose
                           and M.S. degrees from Clark                               & Joseph Summers Chair in
                           University and a Ph.D. degree                             Water Resources Engineering
                           from MIT. He is currently the                             at the Civil & Environmental
                           Bacardi and Stockholm Water                               Engineering at the University of
                           Foundations Professor at MIT.                             Iowa. He is Director of the Iowa
He is the Science Team lead for the NASA’s Soil Moisture   Flood Center. His research spans rainfall estimation, rainfall-
Active and Passive satellite mission (launched January     runoff modeling and prediction, uncertainty quantification
2015). His research includes data assimilation and land–   and hydroinformatics. He is Fellow of AMS and AGU
atmosphere interaction. He is a Fellow of the AMS, AGU     and in 2012 served as Chair of the Board of Directors of
and IEEE societies. He is a member of the NAE.             the Consortium of Universities for the Advancement of
                                                           Hydrologic Sciences.
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