History 2019 - Harvard University Press

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History 2019 - Harvard University Press
Harvard University Press

History 2019 - Harvard University Press
New on Our Shelve s

                               A Specter Haunting Europe
                               The Myth of Judeo-Bolshevism
                                Paul Hanebrink
                               “As Paul Hanebrink demonstrates in this masterly account, the myth
                                of Judaeo-Bolshevism rose on a tide of hysteria whipped up by the
                                chaos in central Europe that marked the end of the Great War.”
                                —Geoffrey Alderman, Times Higher Education

                               “A timely reminder of the intellectual tradition deployed by
                                Republican politicians in the U.S. when they join the loose
                                coalition of conspiracy theorists across the Atlantic gleefully
                                demonizing George Soros…A century after the end of the first
                                world war, we have, it seems, learned very little.”
                                —Mark Mazower, Financial Times
                               Belknap Press 2018 368 pp. $29.95 • £21.95 cloth 9780674047686

                               De Gaulle
                               Julian Jackson
                                 merican Library in Paris Book Award
                                 elected as a Best Book of the Year by Financial Times,
                                Sunday Times, Times Literary Supplement, New Statesman,
                                Spectator, and Kirkus Reviews

                               “The finest one-volume life of de Gaulle in English.”
                                —Wall Street Journal

                               “A gripping and insightful account of the man who was at the
                                heart of all the main events of French (and therefore European)
                                history in the twentieth century.”
                                —Tim Crane, Times Literary Supplement
                               Belknap Press 2018 928 pp. $39.95 • £28.95 cloth 9780674987210

                               The Law of Blood
                               Thinking and Acting as a Nazi
                               Johann Chapoutot
                               Translated by Miranda Richmond Mouillot
                                 Financial Times Best Book of the Year

                               “A useful addition to the literature on Nazi ideology…Readers
                                will find much here to further their understanding of what
                                Nazis thought and why they behaved the way they did.”
                                —Dan Stone, Times Higher Education
                               Belknap Press 2018 1 table 512 pp.
                               $35.00 • £25.95 cloth 9780674660434

                               Pandora’s Box
                               A History of the First World War
                               Jörn Leonhard
                               Translated by Patrick Camiller

                               ★ A Choice Outstanding Academic Title of the Year

                               “[A] monumental history…Pandora’s Box is a major contribution
                                to the historiography of the war, the best large-scale synthesis
                                in any language of what we currently know and understand
                                about this multidimensional, cataclysmic conflict.”
                                —Richard J. Evans, Times Literary Supplement
                                Belknap Press 2018 61 halftones, 14 maps, 5 graphs, 6 tables 1104 pp.
                                $39.95 • £28.95 cloth 9780674545113

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History 2019 - Harvard University Press
New on Our Shelve s

The Great Cauldron
A History of Southeastern Europe
Marie-Janine Calic
Translated by Elizabeth Janik
A sweeping history of southeastern Europe from antiquity
to the present that reveals it to be a vibrant crossroads of
trade, ideas, and religions. Marie-Janine Calic’s ambitious
reappraisal expands and deepens our understanding of the
ever-changing mixture of peoples, faiths, and civilizations
in this much-neglected nexus of empire.
Available in June 2019 41 photos, 7 maps 660 pp.
$39.95 • £28.95 cloth 9780674983922

The End of Empire and the Birth of Neoliberalism
Quinn Slobodian
  Marginal Revolution Best Non-Fiction Book of the Year
  Choice Outstanding Academic Title of the Year
  Guardian Best Summer Book Selection

“Decisively establishes [neoliberalism] as a coherent project,
 tracing it back to the political and intellectual synergies of
 the 1920s.”
 —Pankaj Mishra, The Guardian
2018 3 halftones, 2 line illus., 2 graphs 400 pp.
$35.00 • £25.95 cloth 9780674979529

Revolutionary Constitutions
Charismatic Leadership and the Rule of Law
 Bruce Ackerman
Populism is a threat to the democratic world, fuel for
demagogues and reactionary crowds—or so its critics
would have us believe. But in his award-winning trilogy
We the People, Bruce Ackerman showed that Americans
have repeatedly rejected this view. Now he draws on a
quarter century of scholarship in this essential and
surprising inquiry into the origins, successes, and threats
to revolutionary constitutionalism around the world.
Available in May 2019 Belknap Press 1 table 432 pp.
$35.00 • £25.95 cloth 9780674970687

COVER ART: Jacopo Ripanda, Rome’s triumph over Sicily after Battle
of Mylae, 260 BC, ca 1510, fresco, Palazzo dei Conservatori, Rome, /
Palazzo dei Conservatori, Musei Capitolini, Rome / De Agostini
Picture Library / G. Dagli Orti / Bridgeman Images


The Habsburg Empire
A New History
 Pieter M. Judson
★ A EuropeNow Editor’s Pick
★ A Choice Outstanding Academic Title of the Year

“A welcome corrective.”
 —Wall Street Journal

“Habsburg history is not the same after this book.”
 —London Review of Books
 Belknap Press 2018; 2016 40 halftones, 7 maps 592 pp.
 $21.95 • £17.95 paper 9780674986763

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New on Our Shelve s

                               The Age of Addiction
                               How Bad Habits Became Big Business
                                David T. Courtwright
                               The Age of Addiction is a provocative, singularly authoritative
                               history of how sophisticated global businesses have targeted the
                               human brain’s reward centers, driving us to addictions ranging
                               from oxycodone to Big Macs to Assassin’s Creed to Snapchat—with
                               alarming social consequences. David Courtwright chronicles the
                               triumph of “limbic capitalism,” the growing network of competitive
                               businesses targeting the brain pathways responsible for feeling,
                               motivation, and long-term memory.
                               Available in May Belknap Press 2019 24 photos 336 pp.
                               $27.95 • £20.00 cloth 9780674737372

                                N E W I N PA P E R BAC K

                               The People vs. Democracy
                               Why Our Freedom Is in Danger and How to Save It
                               Yascha Mounk
                               ★A Financial Times Best Politics Book of the Year
                               ★ A New York Times Book Review Editors’ Choice

                               “This splendid book is an invaluable contribution to the debate
                                about what ails democracy, and what can be done about it.”
                                —Michael J. Sandel, author of Justice
                               16 graphs 400 pp.
                               Available now 2018 $29.95 • £21.95 cloth 9780674976825
                               Available in June 2019 $17.95 • £12.95 paper 9780674237681

                                N E W I N PA P E R BAC K

                               The Age of Responsibility
                               Luck, Choice, and the Welfare State
                               Yascha Mounk
                               ★ A New York Times Book Review Editors’ Choice

                               “[A] smart and engaging book…Mounk contends [that] too many
                                advocates unwittingly accept the punitive framework of account-
                                ability and, following its logic, end up patronizing those they want
                                to help.”
                                —New York Times Book Review
                               1 illus., 3 tables 288 pp.
                               Available now 2017 $29.95 • £21.95 cloth 9780674545465
                               Available in June 2019 $14.95 • £10.95 paper 9780674237674

                               Not Enough
                               Human Rights in an Unequal World
                                Samuel Moyn
                               “No one has written with more penetrating skepticism
                                about the history of human rights than Samuel Moyn.”
                                —Adam Kirsch, Wall Street Journal

                               “Why do the grimmest obscenities of economic inequality
                                barely register on the human rights agenda? What is the
                                historical explanation for this? Moyn’s book offers fresh
                                and nuanced insight into these questions.”
                                —Times Literary Supplement
                                Belknap Press 2018 1 graph 296 pp.
                                $29.95 • £21.95 cloth 9780674737563

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History 2019 - Harvard University Press
New on Our Shelve s

Bring the War Home
The White Power Movement and Paramilitary America
 Kathleen Belew
★ A Guardian Best Book of the Year
★ A PopMatters Best Book of the Year
★A Times Literary Supplement “Summer Books” Selection
★ Honorable Mention, Thomas J. Wilson Memorial Prize

“[A] gripping study of white power.”
 —Nicole Hemmer, New York Times
11 halftones 352 pp.
Available now 2018 $29.95 • £21.95 cloth 9780674286078
Available in June 2019 $16.95 • £12.95 paper 9780674237698

Why They Marched
Untold Stories of the Women Who Fought
for the Right to Vote
 Susan Ware
Why They Marched is the inspiring story of the dedicated
women—and occasionally men—who carried the banner
in communities across the nation, out of the spotlight,
protesting, petitioning, and demonstrating for the right
to become full citizens. Ware’s moving personal narratives
provide a surprisingly comprehensive account of one of
the most significant and wide-ranging moments of political
mobilization in all of American history.
Available in May Belknap Press 2019 31 photos 320 pp.
$26.95 • £19.95 cloth 9780674986688

The Embattled Vote in America
From the Founding to the Present
Allan J. Lichtman
  Colorlines “Race-Focused Books
 We’re Reading This Fall” Selection

“[An] important book…[Lichtman] uses history to
 contextualize the fix we’re in today…Growing outrage,
 he thinks, could ignite demands for change. With luck,
 this fine history might just help to fan the flame.”
 —James A. Morone, New York Times Book Review
2018 336 pp. $27.95 • £20.95 cloth 9780674972360


A Case Study
 David A. Moss
★ A Foreign Affairs Best Book of the Year

“Engagingly written, well researched, rich in content
 and context…Moss believes that fierce political conflicts
 can be constructive if they are mediated by shared ideals.”
 —Glenn C. Altschuler, Huffington Post
Belknap Press 2019; 2017 1 illus., 19 tables 784 pp.
$19.95 • £14.95 paper 9780674237704

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                               No Property in Man
                               Slavery and Antislavery at the Nation’s Founding
                                Sean Wilentz
                                 New York Times Book Review Editors’ Choice

                               “What does Wilentz know that others have gotten so terribly wrong
                                about the founding connection between slavery and racism? In his
                                revealing and passionately argued book, he insists that because
                                the framers did not sanction slavery as a matter of principle, the
                                antislavery legacy of the Constitution has been ‘slighted’ and
                               ‘misconstrued’ for over 200 years.”
                                —New York Times
                               The Nathan I. Huggins Lectures 2018 368 pp.
                               $26.95 • £19.95 cloth 9780674972223

                               The Second Creation
                               Fixing the American Constitution in the Founding Era
                               Jonathan Gienapp
                                 Spectator Book of the Year
                                 homas J. Wilson Memorial Prize

                               “The greatest innovation of the American Revolution was the idea
                                of a written constitution as supreme fundamental law. But another
                                truly significant development immediately followed the ratification
                                of the Constitution: the equally innovative but deeply controver-
                                sial invention of modes of constitutional interpretation. Jonathan
                                Gienapp explores how this process unfolded, brilliantly explaining
                                the search for the original meaning of the Constitution.”
                                —Jack N. Rakove, author of A Politician Thinking
                               Belknap Press 2018 464 pp.
                               $35.00 • £25.95 cloth 9780674185043

                                N E W I N PA P E R BAC K

                               The Personal Memoirs of Ulysses S. Grant
                               The Complete Annotated Edition
                               Ulysses S. Grant
                               Edited by John F. Marszalek
                               With David S. Nolen • Louie P. Gallo
                                 Literary Hub “Overlooked Books
                                as Chosen By Booksellers” Selection
                               “A richly annotated new edition.”
                                —T. J. Stiles, New York Times
                               Belknap Press 2019; 2017 1 photo, 8 illus., 2 tables 816 pp.
                               $19.95 • £14.95 paper 9780674237858

                                N E W I N PA P E R BAC K

                               Boston’s Massacre
                                Eric Hinderaker
                               ★S ociety of the Cincinnati Prize
                               ★ Finalist, George Washington Book Prize

                               “Fascinating…Hinderaker’s meticulous research shows that the
                                Boston Massacre was contested from the beginning…The Boston
                                Massacre’s contested meanings have plenty to tell us about
                                America’s identity, past and present.”
                                —Wall Street Journal
                               Belknap Press 2019; 2017 24 photos, 5 maps 384 pp.
                               $16.95 • £12.95 paper 9780674237384

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History 2019 - Harvard University Press
New on Our Shelve s

The Calculus of Violence
How Americans Fought the Civil War
Aaron Sheehan-Dean
“Sweeping and yet also delicately measured, this book
 promises to resolve longstanding debates about the nature
 of the Civil War. With its publication, we should be able to
 put aside old debates about total war or hard war and instead
 seek to understand the forces that produced a war that could
 at once seem hard and soft, unbridled and constrained.
 A work of deep intellectual seriousness.”
 —Gregory P. Downs, author of After Appomattox
2018 15 photos 480 pp.
$35.00 • £25.95 cloth 9780674984226

Under the Starry Flag
How a Band of Irish Americans Joined the Fenian
Revolt and Sparked a Crisis over Citizenship
 Lucy E. Salyer
“A brilliant piece of historical writing as well as a real
 page-turner. Salyer seamlessly integrates analysis of
 big, complicated historical questions—allegiance,
 naturalization, citizenship, politics, diplomacy, race,
 and gender—into a gripping narrative.”
 —Kevin Kenny, author of The American Irish
Belknap Press 2018 20 photos 328 pp.
$29.95 • £21.95 cloth 9780674057630

Women’s War
Fighting and Surviving the American Civil War
 Stephanie McCurry
“Stephanie McCurry challenges us once again to look at
 the Civil War through a different lens. She demonstrates
 how women’s participation changed not only their lives
 but the very understanding of war itself—its laws, its
 mechanisms of violence, its legacies and aftermath. In
 this brilliant exposition of the politics of the seemingly
 personal, McCurry illuminates previously unrecognized
 dimensions of the war’s elemental impact.”
 —Drew Gilpin Faust, author of This Republic of Suffering
Available in May Belknap Press 2019 8 photos 288 pp.
$26.95 • £19.95 cloth 9780674987975


Lincoln’s Tragic Pragmatism
Lincoln, Douglas, and Moral Conflict
John Burt
★ A New York Times Book Review Editors’ Choice

“Burt refracts Lincoln through the philosophy of Kant,
 Rawls, and contemporary liberal political theory. His
 is very much a Lincoln for our time.”
 —Steven B. Smith, New York Times Book Review
 Belknap Press 2018; 2013 832 pp.
 $25.00 • £18.95 paper 9780674983991

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                               Accounting for Slavery
                               Masters and Management
                               Caitlin Rosenthal
                               ★ A Five Books Best Economics Books of the Year

                               “Argues that slaveholders in the American South and Caribbean
                                were using advanced management and accounting techniques
                                long before their northern counterparts. Techniques that are still
                                used by businesses today.”
                               2018 28 halftones, 2 charts, 2 graphs, 2 tables 312 pp.
                               $35.00 • £27.95 cloth 9780674972094

                                N E W I N PA P E R BAC K

                               Bound in Wedlock
                               Slave and Free Black Marriage in the Nineteenth Century
                               Tera W. Hunter
                               ★ Stone Book Award
                               ★ Joan Kelly Memorial Prize
                               ★ Littleton-Griswold Prize
                               ★ Mary Nickliss Prize
                               ★ Willie Lee Rose Book Prize

                               “[A] remarkable book…An impeccably crafted testament to
                                the African-Americans whose ingenuity, steadfast love and hard-
                                nosed determination protected black family life under
                                the most trying of circumstances.”
                                —Wall Street Journal
                               Belknap Press 2019; 2017 17 photos, 4 illus. 416 pp.
                               $19.95 • £14.95 paper 9780674237452

                                N E W I N PA P E R BAC K

                               This Vast Southern Empire
                               Slaveholders at the Helm of American Foreign Policy
                                Matthew Karp
                               ★ J ohn H. Dunning Prize
                               ★S  tuart L. Bernath Book Prize

                               “[An] illuminating book…Shows that the South was interested not
                                only in gaining new slave territory but also in promoting slavery
                                throughout the Western Hemisphere.”
                                —David S. Reynolds, New York Review of Books
                               2018; 2016 7 halftones, 3 maps, 3 tables 368 pp.
                               $19.95 • £15.95 paper 9780674986770

                                N E W I N PA P E R BAC K

                               The Long Emancipation
                               The Demise of Slavery in the United States
                                Ira Berlin
                                 Junto Favorite Book of the Year

                               “Offers a useful reminder that abolition was not the
                                charitable work of respectable white people, or not
                                mainly that. Instead, the demise of slavery was made
                                possible by the constant discomfort inflicted on
                                middle-class white society by black activists.”
                                —Edward E. Baptist, New York Times Book Review
                               The Nathan I. Huggins Lectures 2018; 2015 240 pp.
                               $15.95 • £12.95 paper 9780674986558

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History 2019 - Harvard University Press
New on Our Shelve s

An American City in Black and White
 William Sturkey
A rich, multigenerational saga of race and family in Hatties-
burg, Mississippi, that tells the story of how Jim Crow was
built, how it changed, and how the most powerful social
movement in American history came together to tear it down.
Available in March
Belknap Press 2019 16 photos, 1 map, 1 table 456 pp.
$29.95 • £21.95 cloth 9780674976351

Masters of the Middle Waters
Indian Nations and Colonial Ambitions
along the Mississippi
Jacob F. Lee
“Tells a completely new story about the vast center of North
 America between the collapse of the Mississippian city-state
 of Cahokia around 1200 and U.S. domination in the 1800s.
 Lee reveals how kinship and alliance networks and the control
 of riverways were the keys to power, showing that what
 happened in this region had repercussions from the Great
 Lakes and Great Plains to the British, French, and Spanish
 empires in North America and Europe.”
 —Kathleen DuVal, author of Independence Lost
Available in March
Belknap Press 2019 11 photos, 4 maps 336 pp.
$39.95 • £28.95 cloth 9780674987678


We the People, Volume 3
The Civil Rights Revolution
 Bruce Ackerman
“A wave of fine books accompanie[d] the semicentennial [of
 the Civil Rights Act]. Ackerman’s is the most ambitious; it is
 the third volume in an ongoing series on American constitu-
 tional history…A professor of law and political science at Yale,
 Ackerman likens the act to a constitutional amendment in its
 significance to the country’s legal development.”
 —The Atlantic
Belknap Press 2018; 2014 1 chart 432 pp.
$21.95 • £15.95 paper 9780674983946


The Condemnation of Blackness
Race, Crime, and the Making of Modern Urban America

 Khalil Gibran Muhammad
★ John Hope Franklin Publication Prize
★ A Moyers & Company Best Book of the Year

“A brilliant work that tells us how directly the past has formed us.”
 —Darryl Pinckney, New York Review of Books
Available in July 2019; 2010 7 photos, 5 illus. 400 pp.
$15.95 • £11.95 paper 9780674238145

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History 2019 - Harvard University Press
New on Our Shelve s

                            Our American                                        NEW IN
                                                                                PA P E R BAC K
                             The Story of an                                    The Hello Girls
                             Entangled Alliance                                 America’s First
                             Amy Kaplan                                         Women Soldiers
                               Spectator                                       Elizabeth Cobbs
                              Book of the Year
                                                                                “This engaging
                            “Kaplan often con-                                   history crackles
                             fronts us with facts of                             with admiration
                             history that are some-                              for the women
                             times awkward and                                   who served in the
                             uncomfortable…But                                   U.S. Army Signal
   no American who loves and supports Israel can       Corps during the First World War, becoming
   afford to ignore the arguments that she makes.”     the country’s first female soldiers.”
   —Jewish Journal                                     —New Yorker
   2018 19 photos 368 pp.                              30 photos 400 pp.
   $29.95 • £21.95 cloth 9780674737624                 Available now
                                                       2017 $29.95 • £21.95 cloth 9780674971479
                                                       Available in May
                            American                   2019 $17.95 • £12.95 paper 9780674237438
                            A Story of Faith                                    The Girls
                            and Freedom in the                                  Next Door
                            Second World War
                                                                                Bringing the
                             Duncan Ryūken                                      Home Front to
                             Williams                                           the Front Lines
                           “In his revealing new                                Kara Dixon Vuic
                            history of Japanese
                                                                               “Besides illuminating
                            American internment,
                                                                                women’s significance
                            Williams foregrounds
                                                                                in military life, [Vuic]
   the Buddhist dimension of the Japanese Ameri-
                                                                                chronicles changes
   can experience. His moving account shows
                                                                                in assumptions about
   how Japanese Americans transformed Bud-
                                                       gender, sexuality, and race in American culture
   dhism into an American religion, and, through
                                                       for the last 100 years…A fresh contribution to
   that struggle, changed the United States for
                                                       women’s history.”
   the better.”
                                                       —Kirkus Reviews
   —Viet Thanh Nguyen, author of the
     Pulitzer Prize–winning The Sympathizer            2019 18 photos 340 pp.
                                                       $29.95 • £21.95 cloth 9780674986381
   Belknap Press 2019 34 photos 400 pp.
   $29.95 • £21.95 cloth 9780674986534

                                         Civilizing Torture
                                        An American Tradition
                                         W. Fitzhugh Brundage
                                        “Torture is a topic that many Americans might assume is a rarity
                                         in the country’s history, since it’s now banned by international
                                         law. But…the reality is just the opposite…Essential reading for
                                         a better understanding of social and political justice.”
                                         —Library Journal (starred review)

                                        “A remarkable account of America’s episodic engagement with
                                         torture over the course of the nation’s history.”
                                         —David Garland, author of Peculiar Institution
                                         Belknap Press 2018 16 photos 416 pp.
                                         $35.00 • £25.95 cloth 9780674737662

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New on Our Shelve s

                           Sentinel                                        Undocumented
                           The Unlikely                                    Lives
                           Origins of the                                  The Untold Story of
                           Statue of Liberty                               Mexican Migration
                           Francesca Lidia                                 Ana Raquel Minian
                                                                             etty and Alfred
                             Marginal                                      McClung Lee
                            Revolution Best                                 Book Award
                            Non-Fiction Book
                            of the Year                                      “An elaborate account
                                                                              of Mexican immigra-
                          “Fascinating…                                       tion to the United
                           and relentlessly                                   States…This history
inquisitive…The thrust of [Viano’s] argument       provides a rare window into ‘the messy com-
rings true: Lady Liberty is fiercer and far more   plexity of [the] lived experience’ of Mexican
complex than we ever knew.”                        migrants and contributes much-needed nuance
 —Wall Street Journal                              to contemporary debates on immigration.”
2018 25 color photos, 22 photos 592 pp.            —Publishers Weekly
$35.00 • £27.95 cloth 9780674975606                2018 6 halftones, 5 maps, 3 graphs, 3 tables
                                                   336 pp. $29.95 • £21.95 cloth 9780674737037
                          The Injustice
                          Never Leaves                                     Inventing the
                          You                                              Immigration
                           Anti-Mexican                                    Problem
                           Violence in Texas                               The Dillingham
                           Monica Muñoz                                    Commission and
                           Martinez                                        Its Legacy
                             Colorlines “Race-                            Katherine
                            Focused Books                                  Benton-Cohen
                            We’re Reading This
                            Fall” Selection                                “In 1907, Congress
                                                                            authorized the largest
“Bravely and convincingly urges us to think
                                                                            study of immigrants in
 differently about Texas’s past…[and] a book
                                                   American history. Though many may not know
 that tells us something about the future we
                                                   of the Dillingham Commission, Benton-Cohen
 are creating right now.”
                                                   ably examines the bipartisan special commit-
 —Texas Monthly                                    tee and its abstract purpose…[He] successfully
“Serves as a reminder that government              relays how immigration policies of the early
 brutality on the border is nothing new. In        1900s still resonate today.”
 fact, it was the heart of the Texas Rangers’      —Library Journal (starred review)
 mission a century ago.”                           2018 17 halftones 352 pp.
 —Los Angeles Review of Books                      $29.95 • £21.95 cloth 9780674976443
2018 25 photos, 1 map 400 pp.
$35.00 • £25.95 cloth 9780674976436

Zbigniew Brzezinski
America’s Grand Strategist
Justin Vaïsse
Translated by Catherine Porter

“An eloquent introduction to a major strategic thinker and
 a thoughtful meditation upon the useful work that ideas
 and intellectuals can perform in the policy arena.”
 —Washington Post
2018 25 halftones, 3 tables 544 pp.
$35.00 • £25.95 cloth 9780674975637

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New on Our Shelve s

                                Making China Modern
                                From the Great Qing to Xi Jinping
                                 Klaus Mühlhahn
                                “A truly important book. Not since Fairbank have we seen such a
                                 masterful sweep of traditional, modern, and contemporary history
                                 of China thoroughly grounded in Chinese materials and perspec-
                                 tives but eloquently addressed to the interests and concerns of
                                 an English-reading public. Mühlhahn’s narrative will help people
                                 anywhere in the world make sense of the China they must deal
                                 with today.”
                                 —Timothy Cheek, author of
                                   The Intellectual in Modern Chinese History
                                Belknap Press 2019 34 halftones 736 pp.
                                $39.95 • £28.95 cloth 9780674737358

                                Haunted by Chaos
                                China’s Grand Strategy from Mao Zedong to Xi Jinping
                                 Sulmaan Wasif Khan
                                “An authoritative treatment of Chinese statecraft since
                                 Mao Zedong.”
                                 —Publishers Weekly

                                “Khan has unraveled the mystery of Chinese grand strategy…
                                 Readers will not find a shrewder analysis as to why the Chinese
                                 act as they do.”
                                 —Robert D. Kaplan, author of The Revenge of Geography
                                2018 2 maps 336 pp. $29.95 • £21.95 cloth 9780674977099

                                China at War
                                Triumph and Tragedy in the Emergence of the New China
                                 Hans van de Ven
                                “Van de Ven’s book challenges contemporary memory by not only
                                 returning to the ‘war within the war,’ but also reclaiming war as a
                                 medium of politics. In doing so, his sensitive account recovers the
                                 Communist Party’s ‘People’s War’ (or ‘National Liberation War’ in
                                 van de Ven’s words), rather than Nationalist anti-fascism, as China’s
                                 most consequential legacy from World War II.”
                                 —Los Angeles Review of Books
                                2018 368 pp. $35.00 • £25.95 cloth 9780674983502
                                North America only

                                 N E W I N PA P E R BAC K

                                The China Questions
                                Critical Insights into a Rising Power
                                 Edited by Jennifer Rudolph • Michael Szonyi
                                  Choice Outstanding Academic Title of the Year

                                “Should be on the shelf of anyone seeking to understand
                                 this fast-rising superpower.”
                                 —Ian Johnson, author of The Souls of China

                                “A highly informative, readable collection.”
                                 —Publishers Weekly
                                2019; 2018 4 illus., 2 tables 352 pp.
                                $18.95 • £13.95 paper 9780674237520

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China and Japan
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 Kenneth B. Pyle
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 Sheila A. Smith
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                                                                                 intended to make the
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                                                                                 king master of time.
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                                                                                ing information about
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                                                                                an obscure and poorly
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                                                                                documented period of
                           ing the complexity
                                                                                history and presenting
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                           tion. He excavates                                  —Guy Bradley,
 the conceits by which the West created                                          author of Early Rome
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 This is tremendous scholarship.”                     bulent and fascinating period in Roman history.
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