Giving an Inch and Keeping a Mile: Why the Corn Lobby Let the Ethanol Tax Credit Expire

Page created by Eddie Palmer
V. 15 no. 5 • May/Jun 2012

Giving an Inch and Keeping a Mile:
Why the Corn Lobby Let the Ethanol Tax Credit Expire
Aaron Smith

                                                     With growing concerns about gridlock           The RFS mandates that a minimum
                                                     in Washington and greed on Wall            quantity of ethanol be blended into
 Ten percent of motor gasoline in the                Street, Americans are wondering            gasoline each year. It was first intro­
 United States is comprised of ethanol               whether anyone with a stake in public
                                                                                                duced in the U.S. Energy Policy Act of
 produced from corn. This production                 policies is willing to sacrifice their
                                                     short-term advantage for a greater         2005, and then expanded in the U.S.
 level is required by law, a requirement
 that confers large benefits on corn                 good. Well, someone just did. Without      Energy Independence and Security Act
 producers by keeping corn demand                    any opposition from the biofuels sector,   of 2007. Under the expanded RFS, corn
 and prices high. In comparison, the
                                                     the tax credit for ethanol blenders (the   ethanol now comprises 10% of finished
                                                     Volumetric Ethanol Excise Tax Credit       motor gasoline in the United States,
 recently expired ethanol tax credit was
                                                     –VEETC) expired on January 1.
 a small perk.                                                                                  up from 3% in 2005. In a recent paper,
                                                       Bob Dinneen, President and CEO,          Colin Carter, Gordon Rausser, and I
                                                           Renewable Fuels Association,
                                                                                                estimate that the 2007 expansion in the
                                                              1/5/12. RFA press release.
                                                                                                RFS caused a persistent 30% increase

                                                              n January 1 of this year, defi­   in the price of corn. Moreover, the RFS
Also in this issue                                            cit hawks, environmentalists,     has created a vulnerable corn market
                                                              livestock producers, and food     in which even the slightest production
 The Logic and Consequences of                     processors celebrated the expiration of      disturbance in 2012 will have devastat­
 Labeling GMOs                                     the Volumetric Ethanol Excise Tax credit     ing consequences for the world’s poor.
                                                   (VEETC). This federal program, which             In 2011, about 15% of global corn
 David Zilberman..............................5
                                                   had existed in various forms since 1978,     production, or about 5% of global grain
 The Alpaca Bubble Revisited                       gave $0.45 to ethanol producers for every    production, was used in U.S. corn-
                                                   gallon they produced and cost taxpay­        ethanol production. One-third of this
 Tina L. Saitone and                               ers $6 billion in 2011. So why did the       quantity returns to the food system in
 Richard J. Sexton.............................9   corn-ethanol lobby let it expire without     the form of ethanol by-products that
                                                   an apparent fight? Did they really “sac­     can be used as animal feed, so the net
                                                   rifice their short-term advantage for the    loss to the food system is 3.3% of global
                                                   public good” as suggested by the above       grain production. Figure 1 shows that
                                                   quote from the CEO of the national trade     this volume of grain is substantial: it
                                                   association for the U.S. ethanol industry?   exceeds total corn consumption on
                                                       In this article, I argue that the        the African continent. It also exceeds
                                                   VEETC generated small benefits relative      total rice consumption in all coun­
                                                   to the benefits the ethanol industry         tries other than China and India.
                                                   reaps from legislation known as the Re­          The price effects from turning food
                                                   newable Fuel Standard (RFS). As such,        into fuel have particularly devastating
                                                   the industry was willing to let the          consequences for consumers in less-
                                                   VEETC expire so as to earn political         developed countries, where a relatively
                                                   points in its fight to preserve the RFS.     large percentage of income is spent on
to look to ethanol as an alternative
    Figure 1. Grain Consumption in 2011/2012
                                                                                                   market for their crops. However, the
    500                                                                                            attempt to make ethanol profitable failed
    450                                                                     Rice
                                                                                                   because newly discovered oil reserves
    400                                                                                            in the U.S. Southwest kept petroleum
                                                                            Corn for Animal Feed
    350                                                                                            production high and prices low.
                                                                            Corn for Food
    300                                                                                                After 50 years of low oil prices, the
                                                                            Ethanol by-products
                                                                                                   Arab oil embargo and the associated
                                                                            Ethanol (net)
                                                                                                   oil price spikes in the 1970s gave new
                                                                                                   hope to ethanol advocates. However,
                                                                                                   ethanol production remained far from
                                                                                                   cost effective; even when oil prices
     50                                                                                            peaked in 1980, the cost of producing
      0                                                                                            ethanol was double that of gasoline.
              U.S.         Africa          EU           China           India
    Data Source: USDA FAS, PS&D Database. Outside the U.S., the corn-for-food category includes        The 1978 Energy Tax Act marked
    industrial use.                                                                                the beginning of the current wave of
food, and where grains, rather than                 combustion engine and the automobile.          federal programs to support ethanol
processed foods, constitute the major               In the mid-1800s, some early internal          production; it included a subsidy that
portion of the diet. According to the               combustion engines were fueled by etha­        exempted ethanol/gasoline blends from
Food and Agriculture Organization                   nol, and ethanol was used extensively          the gasoline excise tax. This subsidy
(FAO) of the United Nations, grains                 for lighting. One may wonder whether           existed until the end of 2011, although
comprised 57% of calories consumed                  ethanol could have established itself as a     its magnitude and form changed
in least-developed countries in 2007                viable motor fuel if it had not been sub­      somewhat. In its last four years, the
but only 22% in the U.S. and 27%                    ject to the alcohol excise tax. However,       subsidy took the form of a 45 cent per
in the European Union. World Bank                   after industrial alcohol was made exempt       gallon tax credit to firms that blend
economists Maros Ivanic and Will                    from the excise tax and the price of etha­     ethanol with gasoline (the VEETC).
Martin estimate that when the World                 nol consequently dropped by at least           This program cost taxpayers about
Bank’s food-price index jumped by                   75%, it still remained double the price of     $30 billion between 2005 and 2011.
approximately 30% in 2010, 44 million               gasoline. Abundant petroleum supplies,             Although the RFS was not enacted
people were forced below the extreme                especially in Pennsylvania, made gaso­         until 2005, bills containing variants
poverty line of $US 1.25 per day.                   line inexpensive and it seems unlikely         of the RFS entered the U.S. Congress
                                                    that ethanol could have established            regularly between 1978 and 2004. In
History                                             itself as a motor fuel even if it had not      chronological order, these bills were
Ethanol, also known as ethyl alco­                  been subject to the alcohol excise tax.        the Gasohol Motor Fuel Act of 1978
hol, is the type of alcohol in alcoholic                By 1920, the picture looked differ­        (S.2533), the Ethanol Motor Fuel Act
beverages. It became a significant                  ent. The Pennsylvania oilfields were           of 1987 (H.R.2052, S.1304), Amend­
motor-fuel ingredient in the United                 in decline and the U.S. Geological             ment to the Energy Policy Act of 1992
States only recently, but it has a long             Survey estimated that peak petroleum           (H.AMDT.554), Renewable Fuels Acts
history as a prospective motor fuel.                production would be reached within             of 2000 and 2001 (S.2503 and S.670.
This history has been punctuated by                 a few years. This assessment raised            IS), and the Energy Policy Acts of
government action. The first such                   expectations that ethanol distilled from       2003 and 2004 (H.R.4503, S.2095).
action came in 1862, when the Lincoln               grains and potatoes would become the           However, declining oil prices through­
administration imposed a large excise               dominant motor fuel. Articles express­         out the 1980s meant that large-scale
tax on alcohol to help fund the Civil               ing this expectation appeared regularly        ethanol production remained unprofit­
War. This tax quadrupled the price of               in major newspapers such as the Los            able. Ethanol comprised less than 1%
both drinkable and fuel alcohol and                 Angeles Times and the New York Times.          of finished motor gasoline in 1990.
persisted until 1906, when the Free                     At about this same time, European              The 1990 amendments to the Clean
Alcohol Act made industrial alcohol                 agricultural production recovered from         Air Act provided the next opportunity
exempt from the alcohol excise tax.                 World War I, which led U.S. agricul­           for the corn ethanol industry to lobby
   The 1862–1906 period coincided                   tural prices to drop. These lower prices       for favorable legislation. The amend­
with the development of the internal                motivated U.S. agricultural producers          ments required that, in regions prone

2         Giannini Foundation of Agricultural Economics • University of California
to poor air quality, oxygenate additives
                                                Figure 2. Actual and Predicted Corn Price
be blended into gasoline to make it
burn more cleanly. When the amend­                                                                     Actual Price
ments were first introduced to Congress                                                                Ethanol Frozen at 2005 Level
in 1987, ethanol and methyl tertiary

                                             Price $/bu
butyl ether (MTBE), a natural-gas
derivative, were the main contenders
to fulfill the oxygenate requirement.
    Johnson and Libecap documented
the lobbying battle between advocates                     1991     1993     1995     1997    1999     2001      2003    2005      2007   2009     2011
for ethanol and those for MTBE. MTBE                      Note: The price is the average daily cash bid in Central Illinois during March of each year.
                                                          Counterfactual prediction taken from Carter, Rausser, and Smith (2012).
became the dominant additive because
it was less expensive, but subsequent        capacity existed and 1.8 billion gallons                     implies a loss of 2.3 billion bushels to
leaks in underground storage tanks           of capacity was under construction.                          the food system, equivalent to about
caused MTBE to contaminate drink­            One year later capacity under construc­                      16% of the total U.S. supply of corn.
ing water supplies and it was conse­         tion had tripled and represented more                            If these 2.3 billion bushels were
quently banned in at least 25 states.        production than existed at the time.                         returned to the food system, users
    The demise of MTBE allowed etha­             The ethanol construction boom                            would increase consumption and farm­
nol to establish itself as a fuel additive   gave the corn market fair warning of                         ers would reduce production until
in the 2005 Energy Policy Act, which         an impending increase in demand and                          prices had declined enough to absorb
essentially replaced the oxygenate           enabled it to absorb the initial onslaught.                  the excess supply. A simple calcula­
requirement with the Renewable Fuel          Inventories accumulated and a record                         tion can give a ballpark estimate of how
Standard. Legislation to increase the        number of corn acres were planted in                         much prices would decline. In recent
RFS entered Congress even before the         2007. However, production has not kept                       research, Michael Adjemian and I esti­
2005 Energy Policy Act had passed,           up with demand. According to the most                        mate that in recent years corn users
and more bills followed in 2006              recent USDA estimates, carryover stocks                      would be willing to consume 2% more
(the 20/20 Biofuels Challenge Act of         into the 2012 crop year will be only                         corn for every 10% reduction in price.
2005 (S.1609), BOLD Energy Act of            6.7% of annual use. Carryover stocks                              Nathan Hendricks, a 2011 UC
2006 (S.2571.IS, H.R.5331.IH)).              have only been this low once since                           Davis graduate, estimated in his PhD
    These proposals led to the 2007          1950. In 1995 poor weather caused low                        dissertation that U.S. farmers would
expansion of the RFS, which specified        crop yield and low inventory, but the                        plant 3% fewer acres to corn for every
minimum renewable-fuel production            effect was temporary because inventory                       10% reduction in price. Summing these
each calendar year from 2007 through         was replenished by the next harvest. In                      effects implies that the market could
2022. It required 9 billion gallons in       contrast, the market shock that caused                       absorb 5% more corn for every 10%
2008, with annual increases to 15.2 bil­     low inventory this year is a legislated                      price reduction. Thus, returning 16%
lion gallons in 2012 and 36 billion gal­     permanent increase in demand.                                of supply to the food system would
lons in 2022. However, no more than              The current price of corn on the                         reduce corn prices by about 32%
13.2 billion gallons of corn ethanol         Chicago Mercantile Exchange is about                             This simple calculation is consistent
may be used to satisfy the RFS in 2012,      $6.00 per bushel—almost triple the                           with the dynamic analysis in my recent
and no more than 15 billion gallons          pre-mandate levels. What would the                           work with Colin Carter and Gordon
of ethanol may be used after 2015.           price be if ethanol production had been                      Rausser. In that paper, we isolate three
                                             frozen at 2005 levels? In the 2005–06                        main effects of the 2007 RFS expansion,
Effect of the RFS on Corn Prices             crop year, 1.6 billion bushels of corn                       each of which are apparent in Figure
The 2007 RFS expansion caused etha­          were used to produce ethanol; in the                         2. First, the corn market anticipated
nol plants to sprout across the coun­        2011–12 crop year, 5.0 billion bushels.                      the forthcoming ethanol boom and
try and especially in the Midwest.           When corn is processed into ethanol,                         increased inventory demand accordingly.
Firms could enter the ethanol industry       approximately one third of its caloric                       As a result, prices increased in 2006 in
secure in the knowledge that the gov­        value is retained in a by-product known                      advance of the ethanol-production jump
ernment had guaranteed demand for            as distiller’s grains that is fed to animals.                in 2007 and 2008. Second, we estimate
their product. At the end of 2005, 4.3       Thus, an increase of 3.4 billion bushels                     that corn prices would have been, on
billion gallons of ethanol-producing         of corn used for ethanol production                          average, 30% lower from 2006 through

                                                                   Giannini Foundation of Agricultural Economics • University of California              3
rise even further and plunge millions
    Figure 3. Ethanol Operating Margin
                                                                                                      more people into extreme poverty. If
                                                                                                      they weren’t constrained by mandates,
                                                                                                      then ethanol producers would respond
                                                                                                      to high prices by reducing their use of

        0.5                                                                                           corn. Jim Costa (D-Fresno) and Bob
                                                                                                      Goodlatte (R-Va.) recently introduced
                                                                                                      legislation that would allow such a
                                                                                                      response; under their proposal the
        2007             2008            2009            2010             2011           2012         mandate would be reduced when corn
         Note: Data from the Center for Agricultural and Rural Development, Iowa State University,    stockpiles are low. This proposal is a
                                                                                                      small step in the right direction, but any
2010 had no increase in the demand for                  ethanol producers over operating costs        proposed weakening of the RFS will be
corn from ethanol producers occurred.                   declined by the amount of the tax credit      met by strong opposition from lobbying
Our third finding is that a below-average               at the end of 2011. This drop erased          organizations such as Renewable Fuels
harvest in 2010 caused inventory to be                  the large operating margins that etha­        Association, the National Corn Grow­
run down and prices to be about 50%                     nol refiners had enjoyed in the last half     ers Association, and Growth Energy.
above where they would have been if                     of 2011 when strong export demand             An abbreviated version of this article ap­
ethanol production had been frozen at                   kept ethanol prices high. Moreover,           peared in magazine on
2005 levels. These results show that                    it explains why ethanol production            January 4, 2012. See
the effect of ethanol on corn prices gets               has not declined in 2012: after remov­        corn-the-renewable-fuels-disaster.
magnified when inventory is low.                        ing the tax credit, ethanol production
                                                        at 2011 levels remains profitable.             Suggested Citation:
Effect of Removing the Tax Credit                                                                      Smith, A. 2012. "Giving an Inch and
At most, removing the VEETC could                       Outlook for the Future                         Keeping a Mile: Why the Corn Lobby
                                                                                                       Let the Ethanol Tax Credit Expire.” ARE
have caused ethanol production to drop                  Removal of the ethanol tax credit has          Update 15(5):1-4. University of California
to mandated levels. In 2011, ethanol                    had a negligible effect on corn prices         Giannini Foundation of Agricultural
production exceeded the mandate by 1.3                  because high export demand is hold­            Economics.
billion gallons. Most of this excess was                ing up ethanol prices, which makes
exported to Brazil, Canada, the United                  above-mandate ethanol production              Aaron Smith is an associate professor in the
Kingdom, and the Netherlands to meet                    profitable. Even if export demand             Department of Agricultural and Resource
biofuel mandates in those countries.                    declines, the RFS guarantees that etha­       Economics at UC Davis. He can be reached by
A bushel of corn produces about 2.7                     nol production could only drop by a           e-mail at

gallons of ethanol, so above-mandate                    small amount this year and would have
                                                                                                           For further information, the
ethanol production used 0.48 billion                    to increase in the next few years as the
                                                                                                              author recommends:
bushels of corn and, after accounting for               RFS increases to its long-term level of
                                                                                                       Adjemian, M.K. and A. Smith. “Using
distiller’s grains, it removed 0.32 billion             15 billion gallons per year. By keeping
                                                                                                         USDA Forecasts to Estimate the
bushels from the food system or 2.2% of                 ethanol production high, the RFS places          Price Flexibility of Demand for
total U.S. supply. Thus, if all above-man­              a high floor under the corn price; corn          Agricultural Commodities.” Ameri­
date ethanol production became unprof­                  prices will remain high as long as the           can Journal of Agricultural Eco­
itable upon removal of the tax credit,                  RFS is in place. It is for this reason that      nomics 94(4)(2012): 978-995.
the calculations above imply that corn                  Jon Doggett, vice president of public          Carter, C.A., G.C. Rausser, and A.
prices would have dropped by only 4.4%                  policy for the National Corn Grow­               Smith. “The Effect of the U.S.
    However, ethanol production has                     ers Association, commented recently              Ethanol Mandate on Corn Prices.”
                                                                                                         2012. Working paper, available
declined little, if at all, since the removal           that his members “view the RFS as
of the tax credit. In the first quarter of              more important than the farm bill.”            Johnson, R.N. and G.D Libecap.
2012, the United States exported about                      The RFS has caused carryover                 “Information Distortion and
a quarter of a billion gallons of ethanol,              stocks to be run down and has placed             Competitive Remedies in Gov­
and so it is on pace to produce about                   the corn market in a perilous posi­              ernment Transfer Programs: The
the same amount of ethanol as last                      tion. If the 2012 crop is even slightly          Case of Ethanol.” Economics of
year. Figure 3 shows that the return to                 smaller than expected, then prices will          Governance 2(2001): 101–34.

4             Giannini Foundation of Agricultural Economics • University of California
The Logic and Consequences of Labeling Genetically Modified Organisms
David Zilberman

                                           informational needs of people who want          radiation or other chemicals. The
                                           to avoid GMOs. Anyone who is strongly           discovery of DNA and advances
  The choice facing California is not
                                           opposed to buying GM products is free           in modern molecular biology have
  whether consumers should have
                                           to do so, as USDA “certified organic”           allowed the development of more
  information regarding consuming
  GMOs because non-GM food can be          products do not contain GMOs.                   refined and precise crop breeding
  labeled as such, but what will be the        The real issue of the proposition is        techniques where varieties are slightly
  benchmark for labeling requirements.     the benchmark required for mandatory            modified by adding specific traits.
  Scientific research findings have not    labeling. Right now, the benchmark is               Obviously, GMO technologies are
  found GM food to be riskier to health    proven toxicity or meaningful health            still in their infancy, but the cost of ob­
  or the environment than other foods.     effects; thus, the government has rightly       taining genomic knowledge is declining
  Furthermore, there is evidence that      required the labeling of cigarettes and         exponentially and new techniques for
  GM food improves both human and          caloric contents. GM products are not           taking advantage of this knowledge are
  environmental health, increases yield    required to be labeled because regula­          improving. Researchers have already
  and significantly reduces food prices.   tory research has found them to be              discovered a wide array of genetic ma­
                                           as safe as conventional foods. People           nipulations that can improve pest
                                           who have additional requirements                control, enhance nutritional quality, ex­
                                           about food intake rely on voluntary             tend shelf life, and advance other
                                           labels such as “kosher” and “halal.”            aspects of crop quality and productivity.
                                           But society does not use ‘kosher’ as                The early commercial applications

          MOs (genetically modified        the benchmark and require all “non­             of GMOs, namely traits to control
          organisms) in agriculture have   kosher” foods to be labeled as such.            pests, are the “low hanging fruits” of
          been a source of controversy         From an economic perspective, label­        research efforts and, as experience with
since their introduction in the mid­       ing GMOs makes sense if the net ben­            transgenic tools is accumulated, it is
1990s. On the one hand, the planting       efit from having it outweighs the cost.         likely that more appealing traits (i.e.,
of GM varieties has spread rapidly. In     While some people may feel strongly             drought tolerance, nitrogen fixation,
the case of soybeans, more than 70%        against GMOs and may vote for the               etc.) will be developed. The applica­
of total acreage used for their cultiva­   proposition because their perceived             tion of genetic engineering techniques
tion is of some type of GM variety.        benefits from labeling are very high,           in agriculture has been advancing more
However, GM varieties have not been        I suspect that there are many others            slowly relative to that of medicine, but
adopted in major crops like wheat, rice,   who are indifferent or only slightly            as we will show, even the existing traits
and potatoes, and are banned in the EU     concerned about GM varieties, yet               have made an immense difference.
and most African countries. There has      may be unaware of the environmental
been continuous debate over the regu­      and social benefits of GMOs and the             How Have GMOs Made
lation of GM varieties, and California     potential negative consequences of              a Difference?
voters now face a proposition that will    labeling. The purpose of this article is        A large body of literature has been accu­
require the labeling of food that con­     to provide research results on the ben­         mulated to assess the impact of GMOs
tains genetically modified ingredients.    efits of GM products and some of the            on agricultural productivity and food
    On the surface, the main argument      implications of constraining the growth         prices. The major applications thus far
behind the proposition is the right of     and development of this technology.             (Bt varieties or Round-up Ready variet­
individuals to know the true makeup                                                        ies) reduce insect and weed damage.
of the food they eat. I agree with this    On GMOs and Crop Breeding                       The impact on yield depends on
in principle, but in the case of this      Most of the food we eat today has               whether the specific pest damage was
particular proposition, the crux of        been bred for humans and modified               controlled by an alternative method.
this issue has little to do with freedom   through a variety of techniques. They           In many cases, Bt varieties are replac­
of choice. In fact, voluntary labeling     include traditional selective breeding,         ing toxic pesticides, and the main gain
of GMO-free products can meet the          as well as induced mutations through            is not in yield, but in improved health

                                                       Giannini Foundation of Agricultural Economics • University of California     5
among farmers, consumers, and the
    Table 1. Yield, Costs, and Profitability Effects of Adopting Bt Cotton and Maize
                                                                                              technology provider. Studies in other
                  Insecticide Increase in Increase                                            countries also confirm these results.
                  Reduction Effective     in Gross
 Country              (%)      Yield (%) Margin (%) References                                    Studies that investigated the benefits
 Bt Cotton                                                                                    of adoption of GMOs around the world
 Argentina            47            33           23       Qaim & de Janvry 2003, 2005         have identified a wide variety of ben­
                                                                                              efits, from increased yield and reduced
 Australia            48             0           66       Fitt,2003
                                                                                              cost as mentioned above, reduced finan­
 China                65            24          470       Pray et al. 2002
                                                                                              cial risk associated with farming, as well
                                                          Qaim et al. 2006,
 India                41            37          135                                           as non-monetary benefits like reduced
                                                          Sadashivappa & Qaim2009
                                                                                              pesticide exposure for farm workers and
 Mexico               77             9          295       Traxler et al. 2003
                                                                                              reduced effort associated with monitor­
                                                          Thurtle et al. 2003,
 South Africa         33            22           91                                           ing pests and application of pesticides.
                                                          Gouse et al. 2006
 United                                                   Falck-Zepeda et al. 2006,               GM varieties also have significant
                      36            10           58                                           environmental and health impacts, and
 States                                                   Carpenter et al. 2002
 Bt Maize                                                                                     a recent National Research Council
 Argentina             0             9           20       Brookes & Barfoot 2005              (NRC) report found them to be at least
                                                          Brookes & Barfoot 2005,             as safe as conventional food. Studies
 Philippines           5            34           53                                           from India and China suggest that adop­
                                                          Yorobe & Quicoy 2006
                                                          Brookes & Barfoot 2005,             tion of Bt cotton led to a reduction in
 South Africa         10            11           42
                                                          Gouse et al. 2006                   the application of pesticides and actually
 Spain                63             6           70       Gomez-Barbero et al.2008            saved a significant number of lives of
 United                                                   Naseem & Pray 2004,                 individuals who otherwise would have
                       8             5           12
 States                                                   Fernandez-Cornejo & Li 2005         been exposed to toxic chemicals. Stud­
 Source: Qaim 2009.
                                                                                              ies suggest that Bt traits in cotton reduce
and environmental sustainability. On              and, as a result, prices tend to decline    vulnerability to toxins that emerge in
the other hand, in cases where trans­             which makes consumers better off.           storage, and thus improve food safety.
genic varieties address pest problems             While farmers may have received lower           The use of herbicide tolerant variet­
that haven’t been treated before, yield           prices, they also experience lower costs    ies led to increased use of Round-up,
tends to increase. As a rule, adoption            and higher yields. Thus, seed compa­        which the EPA considers to be low
of Bt varieties tends to have a higher            nies, farmers, and consumers may all        in toxicity. But at the same time, it
yield effect in developing countries              share the economic benefit resulting        enabled reduced tillage practices that
that face severe pest problems and have           from the adoption of GM varieties.          in turn led to reductions in soil ero­
relatively limited access to technolo­               Several studies address the distri­      sion, as well as runoff of water and
gies than in developed countries.                 bution of benefits from GM varieties        chemicals. These GM varieties also
    Table 1 represents outcomes of                during the early stages of the adoption     contribute to soil carbon sequestration.
multiple studies that demonstrate this            of different traits in various crops from
point for Bt cotton and Bt maize. The             1999 to 2005 in the United States, and      Aggregate Impacts
results suggest that yields may grow              the results are presented in table 2.       Most of the existing literature on
by more than 30% in developing coun­              These findings suggest that the overall     the impacts of GMOs considers spe­
tries such as India and the Philippines,          gains from these early stages was very      cific case studies and documents
while pesticide use may decrease up               high. For example, the annual gain          increasing yields, reduction in costs,
to 70%. Furthermore, the studies also             from adoption of herbicide tolerant         and some environmental benefits.
compute that under plausible price                soybean varieties in 1999 was between       Recently, there have been attempts
ranges, farmer profitability per hect­            $500 million and $1.1 billion and           to assess the aggregate effects of
are is increasing and the range of gain           the gain in 2001 was $1.25 billion.         GMOs on agricultural supplies and
varies across countries and crops.                   In some cases, the consumer share        agricultural commodity prices.
    One of the main concerns about GM             was found to be greater than 50%, while         Estimates based on aggregate data
varieties was that they mostly benefited          in others, the innovator or the farmer      (annual national output of corn, cotton,
technology providers, like Monsanto.              share was very high. Altogether, the        soybeans and rapeseed, as well as acre­
However, GM varieties increase supply             table shows that the benefits are shared    age of GM and non-GM varieties for

6         Giannini Foundation of Agricultural Economics • University of California
Table 2. Benefits of the Adoption of Genetically Engineered Crops and Their Distribution
                                                        Total Benefits                    Share of Total Benefits (%)
 Study                                   Year            ($ Million)        U.S. Farmers         Innovators       U.S. Consumers            Net ROW
 Bt Cotton
 Falck-Zepeda et al. 1999                1996                 134                 43                  47                   6
 Falck-Zepeda et al. 2000a               1996                 240                 59                  26                   9                     6
 Falck-Zepeda et al. 2000b               1997                 190                 43                  44                   7                     6
 Falck-Zepeda et al. 1999                1998                 213                 46                  43                   7                     4
 Frisvold et al. 2000                  1996-98             131-164               5-6                  46                  33                    18
 U.S.-EPA 2001                         1996-99              16-46                NA                  NA                  NA                    NA
 Price et al. 2003                       1997                 210                 29                  35                  14                    22
 Herbicide-Resistant Cotton
 Price et al. 2003                       1997                 232                 4                   6                   57                    33
 Herbicide-Resistant Soybeans
 Falck-Zepeda et al. 2000b            1997-LEb               1,100                77                  10                   4                     9
                                      1997-HE                 437                 29                  18                  17                    28
 Moschini et al. 2000                    1999                 804                 20                  45                  10                    26
 Price et al. 2003                       1997                 310                 20                  68                   5                     6
 Qaim & Traxler 2005                     1997                 206                16                   49                  35                   NAe
 Qaim & Traxler 2005                     2001                1230                13d                  34                  53                   NAe
  NA= Not applicable                                                                HE= High elasticity; assumes a U.S. soybean supply elasticity of 0.92
  ROW= Rest of the world (includes consumers and producers                          Includes all soybean producers
  a                                                                               e
    Limited to U.S. farmers                                                         Included in consumers and producers
   LE= Low elasticity; assumes a U.S. soybean supply elasticity of 0.22           Source: NRC 2010.
different countries over time) confirmed              led to increases in the demand for meats             suggest that if the European nations
that GM varieties tend to have higher                 and, as a result, increased demand for               (and the African countries influenced
yield increases in developing rather                  feed grains. This, combined with the                 by them) had adopted GMOs in their
than developed countries. The average                 introduction of biofuel, led to significant          production of corn, soybeans and other
per acre yield increase associated with               pressure on food prices and the rising               crops, the prices of these commodities
GM cotton in developing countries is                  prices of food after 2006 had adversely              would have been substantially lower.
above 50%, and it is above 35% for GM                 affected the well-being of the poor. The                 Moreover, existing regulations
corn varieties. Conversely, the impacts               food price inflation would have been                 have prevented the introduction of
of GM varieties on cotton and corn in                 even more severe without GMOs.                       GM varieties in the production of rice
developed countries are around 15%.                       Biotechnology has been one of the                and wheat. Field studies suggest that
    The impacts of GMOs on soybean                    most dominant sources of the increase                their impact, especially in rice, can be
yields are smaller; however, the avail­               in supply of agricultural commodities                as impressive as in corn—increasing
ability of herbicide tolerant soybean                 and thus has contributed to a reduc­                 yield and saving lives. Thus, the intro­
varieties has contributed to a near dou­              tion in agricultural commodity prices.               duction of GM varieties to these crops
bling of the total acreage of soybeans                The increase in supply of soybeans in                would further reduce the pressure on
globally in the last twenty years. Much               Argentina was of the same order of mag­              agricultural commodity prices and
of this increase can be attributed to                 nitude as the increased consumption of               improve economic well-being globally.
double-cropping of soybeans with corn                 soybeans in China after 2004, thereby
and wheat, so the increase in the agri­               neutralizing potential price hikes.                  GMOs and the Environment
cultural footprint was much smaller.                      Using the same methodologies that                The increase in agricultural produc­
    The increase in agricultural produc­              assessed the impact of biofuel on food               tivity and reduction in toxic pesticide
tion due to the introduction of GMOs                  prices, it was found that GMOs have                  use associated with GM varieties can
has significantly affected food prices.               reduced food prices by the same order                make a difference in addressing the
The growing population and growing                    of magnitude (25% or more for corn                   challenges of climate change. Higher
incomes in the developing world has                   and soybeans). Furthermore, studies                  yields mean that less land is required

                                                                     Giannini Foundation of Agricultural Economics • University of California               7
than other foods. Furthermore, there is
    Figure 1. Contractions in Agricultural Biotechnology R&D Associated with European
    GMO Restrictions of 1999                                                                                                                         evidence that GM food improves both
                                                                                                                                                     human and environmental well-being.
                                                                                                                                                         Labeling of GMOs will make GM
                                         Publications              Regulatory Filings                                                                food less attractive to some consumers,
                                          Field Trials            Innovations in R&D                                                                 reduce demand, and make investment in
                                                                  Projections 2003-04
                250                                                                                                                                  this technology less appealing. We have
                                                                                                                                                     the experience of the European ban of
                200                                                                                                                                  GM varieties in 1999, which was asso­
 Annual Count

                                                                                                                                                     ciated with significant contraction in
                                                                                                                                                     investment and patenting of GM traits.
                                                                                                                                                         As Figure 1 shows, publica­
                                                                                                                                                     tions, innovations, and investment
                  50                                                                                                                                 in GMOs were growing throughout
                                                                                                                                                     the 1990s but peaked just before
                   0                                                                                                                                 the ban was implemented. This has













                                                                                                                                                     slowed advancement of the technol­












                Source: Graff, G. et al. 2009 “The Contraction of Agbiotech Product Quality Innovation.”                                             ogy in an era when we need it most.
                        Nature Biotechnology 27(8).                                                                                                      Introduction of policies that require
for agricultural production; thus, the                                          technology is the key to keeping up                                  labeling and add any other obstacles
increase in output due to GMOs has                                              and improving welfare. Of course, bio­                               to the evolution of GMOs may have
already contributed to reduced con­                                             technology is one of many agricultural                               a similar effect. Voters will have to
version of non-agricultural land for                                            technologies that can play a pivotal role                            ask whether the potential gain associ­
agricultural use, e.g., deforestation.                                          in our future. Integrating agricultural                              ated with labeling is worth the cost
Furthermore, through soil carbon                                                biotechnology with ecological farming                                associated with technological stagna­
sequestration and the reduction in use                                          as well as precision agriculture can lead                            tion and the resulting losses in eco­
of inputs, production with GMOs has                                             to a much stronger and more stable                                   nomic and environmental welfare.
contributed to significant decreases                                            system that will allow more sound
                                                                                                                                                      Suggested Citation:
in greenhouse gas emissions.                                                    utilization of agricultural resources
                                                                                                                                                      Zilberman, D. 2012. "The Logic and
    The ability of transgenic technolo­                                         with less environmental damages.
                                                                                                                                                      Consequences of Labeling GMOs.” ARE
gies to identify traits that can address                                            Many may be concerned that tech­                                  Update 15(5):5-8. University of California
disease and other issues suggests that                                          nological developments are frequently                                 Giannini Foundation of Agricultural
these technologies can play a major                                             subject to human error, and thus reas­                                Economics.
role in adaptation to climate change                                            sessment and improvement of these
and development of crop systems that                                            technologies are essential. Yet, stud­                               David Zilberman is a professor in the Department
respond to changes in weather condi­                                            ies suggest that while there are cases                               of Agricultural and Resource Economics, at the
tions. Thus, transgenic technologies                                            of under-regulation, there are also                                  University of California, Berkeley. He can be
have contributed and can contribute                                             frequent cases of over-regulation that                               contacted by e-mail at
even further to improved economic                                               may hamper technological change and
and environmental well being.                                                   innovation. Thus, design of efficient                                        For further information,
    GMOs are a new technology and                                               regimes for biotechnology is a challenge.                                    the author recommends:
they have their own limitations. Obvi­
ously, pest resistance has and will                                             Conclusion                                                            “Impact of Genetically Engineered
                                                                                                                                                        Crops on Farm Sustainability in the
continue to emerge with the use of                                              The main question is not whether con­                                   United States.” National Research
GM varieties. The only way to sustain                                           sumers should have a choice regarding                                   Council Report 1 (2010): 270.
and improve agricultural productivity                                           their own consumption of GMOs, but
is to continue to conduct research and                                          rather whether GM foods will be the                                   Qaim, M. “The Economics of Geneti­
                                                                                                                                                       cally Modified Crops.” Annual Review
stay ahead of emerging challenges.                                              norm and non-GM food labeled, or vice
                                                                                                                                                       of Resource Economics 1(2009): 665­
    Sustainability is not a state of nir­                                       versa. Mainstream scientific research                                  694.
vana; rather, evolution occurs and                                              findings have not found GM food to be
advanced scientific knowledge and                                               riskier to health or the environment

8                      Giannini Foundation of Agricultural Economics • University of California
The Alpaca Bubble Revisited
Tina L. Saitone and Richard J. Sexton

                                                n the January/February 2006 issue            “factor price equalization theorem”
                                                of ARE Update, we published an               indicated that, in equilibrium, prices
  We revisit the U.S. alpaca industry six       article on the burgeoning U.S. alpaca        for live alpacas in the United States
  years after having conducted a study       industry entitled “Do Alpacas Rep­              and Peru should equalize apart from
  suggesting the industry was in the                                                         some minor differences due to fiber
                                             resent the Latest Speculative Bubble
  midst of an unsustainable speculative
                                             in Agriculture?” The research was               quality and fiber shipping costs.
  bubble. We show that in the aftermath
                                             motivated by the dramatic growth of                 That point was important to our
  the bubble has largely burst. We also
  offer some lessons intended to prevent     the industry in the United States, the          argument because industry proponents
  the recurrence of such bubbles in          curious marketing practices (such               claimed that the market for alpaca
  agriculture.                               as advertising the benefits of rais­            fiber was poised to grow rapidly. Thus,
                                             ing alpacas on cable television), and           the case could be made that the high
                                             the remarkable prices paid for alpaca           alpaca prices observed at the time of
                                             stock. We reported rapidly escalat­             our study were the product of rational
                                             ing prices at several alpaca auctions,          investments in a high-growth industry.
                                             with mean auction prices in 2004 of                 Our analysis showed that an annual
                                             $26,000 and $31,000 for the two major           sustained growth rate in fiber prices
                                             breeds, Huacaya and Suri, respectively.         of at least 20% was needed to justify
                                                 Our analysis strongly suggested             the live-animal prices observed at the
                                             that these prices were unsustainable            time. The demand growth needed to
                                             and that alpacas represented the latest         sustain such a rate of price increase
                                             example of a speculative bubble in              would be almost unprecedented for
                                             agriculture. The economic basis for             an agricultural product. Moreover,
                                             our conclusion was rather straightfor­          the potential for fiber exports from
                                             ward. First, fiber, the single marketable       the dominant Peruvian herd and pro­
                                             product produced by an alpaca, was in           duction from a rapidly growing U.S.
                                             most cases valued at less than the vari­        herd meant that supply could respond
                                             able costs of maintaining an alpaca.            to rising prices to preclude dramatic
                                                 Second, alpacas are native to Peru,         and sustained price increases.
                                             which is home to the world’s larg­
                                             est alpaca herd of roughly 3.5 million          The Story Six Years Later
                                             animals. In contrast, by 2009 there             Our purpose in this paper is to exam­
                                             were about 150,000 registered alpacas           ine what has happened in the inter­
                                             in the United States. Although pre­             vening years since this study was
Prices for alpacas sold at auction between
                                             cise statistics on the value of alpacas         published and to distill the lessons that
2005 through 2011 declined each year by
several thousand dollars, with the largest   in Peru were difficult to obtain, nev­          can be learned. We recently gathered
annual decline of $8,000 occurring between   ertheless it was abundantly clear               auction price data (1,493 observations)
2007 and 2008.                               that Peruvian alpacas sold for, at              for alpacas, similar to those analyzed
                                             most, a few hundred U.S. dollars.               in the original study, for the interven­
                                                 Trade in live animals between the           ing years since that study. The prices
                                             U.S. and Peru was prohibited because            from alpaca auctions between 2005
                                             of concerns about animal disease                and 2011 are likely not representa­
                                             transmission. But there were and still          tive of all alpaca prices because the
                                             are no barriers to trade for alpaca             sampled auctions tend to attract the
                                             fiber. Thus, a straightforward appli­           alpacas considered to be of the high­
                                             cation of what economists call the              est quality. The reported prices also

                                                         Giannini Foundation of Agricultural Economics • University of California    9
per animal in our 2006 study. Those
                            Figure 1. Average Decline in Alpaca Price, Relative to 2005
                                                                                                                                                costs are likely modestly higher today.
                                                                    2006          2007          2008          2009           2010      2011         An informal examination of fiber
                                                                                                                                                sales offers on the Internet in a variety
                                                         -5,000                                                                                 of locations revealed a wide range of
Average Auction Price Difference Relative to 2005 ($)

                                                                                                                                                offered sales prices, with $10–12 per
                                                        -10,000                                                                                 lb. roughly representing the upper end
                                                                                                                                                of the sales price distribution. Thus, if
                                                                                                                                                the entire 6.5 lbs. of fleece yielded by
                                                                                                                                                a typical alpaca could be sold for this
                                                                                                                                                price (an unlikely proposition), its mar­
                                                                                                                                                ketable product would be worth at most
                                                                                                                                                $65–78 per year, less than half the con­
                                                        -25,000                                                                                 servatively estimated maintenance costs.

                                                                                                                                                Lessons to Be Learned
                                                                                                                                                History suggests that speculative
                                                                                                                                                bubbles come along relatively regularly
                                                                                                                                                in agriculture, and they can cause
overstate actual sales values because                                                               while the female price declined by a        much financial hardship to those who
owners can set a minimum reserve                                                                    factor of 3.5—leading to a near con­        get caught up in them. In a longer
price in the auction; if no price is                                                                vergence of male and female prices by       version of our ARE Update paper (see
offered above the reserve, the auction                                                              2011. The uptick in male prices in 2007     the Further Reading box), we provide
records a sale at the reserve price to                                                              is due largely to two sales recorded        a brief history of such bubbles and
the original owner. Nonetheless, trends                                                             in excess of $200,000 in that year.         some telltale warning signs. Bubbles
in prices in these auctions will reflect                                                                If indeed the 2011 figures repre­       are common for products that can be
overall trends in the alpaca market.                                                                sent actual sales and not just pro­         produced on relatively small parcels.
   Our approach was to specify a                                                                    spective sellers’ hopes in the form         In addition to alpacas, ostriches,
simple statistical model that expressed                                                             of reserve prices, then they indicate       chinchillas, Shetland ponies, emus,
an alpaca’s price as a function of its type                                                         that although most of the air has           Berkshire hogs, and Merino sheep
(Huacaya or Suri), gender, the specific                                                             escaped from the alpaca bubble, some        are examples of livestock that have
auction at which the animal was sold                                                                remains. Purchases at these prices          experienced speculative bubbles.
(Alpaca Owners and Breeders Asso­                                                                   must reflect the actions of those who           The bubbles are also marked by a
ciation, Breeder’s Choice, America’s                                                                hold out hope for the industry’s recov­     paucity of outside, objective informa­
Choice, and Futurity), and the year in                                                              ery and are acquiring what they con­        tion and a group of investors who com­
which the animal was sold. The primary                                                              sider to be prime breeding stock.           municate primarily among themselves.
focus of our interest was the effect of                                                                 A poignant story can also be told       For example, when we first began work
the sales year on auction price. All of                                                             from perusing commercial websites           on the alpaca industry, we were sur­
these results were statistically signifi­                                                           such as Craigslist. Here, one can find      prised to find no objective economic
cant at the 90% level or greater and are                                                            offers to give away alpacas or to sell      studies, even though the U.S. alpaca
summarized in the chart in figure 1.                                                                entire herds for a tiny fraction of what    herd was growing rapidly and was
   Figure 1 shows that prices declined                                                              a single animal would have fetched          present to a degree in every state.
in every year (relative to the base year                                                            several years ago. For an owner who             Bubbles are also characterized by
of 2005). The decline in price in each                                                              doesn’t attach an intrinsic value to        the absence of what economists who
year is several thousand dollars, with                                                              owning alpacas as pets or “rural lawn       study the phenomena refer to as the
the largest annual decline of $8,000                                                                mowers,” the offer to give them away        “smart money,” i.e., sophisticated inves­
occurring between 2007 and 2008.                                                                    is economically rational, given that        tors. In agriculture, among the “smart
Figure 2 shows the mean annual male                                                                 their marketable fiber is typically worth   money” investors would be experi­
and female alpaca price in our dataset.                                                             less than their maintenance cost. For       enced agriculturalists or agribusiness
The figure shows the male price fell                                                                example, we reported annual mainte­         firms, none of whom became involved
by a factor of five between 2005–2011,                                                              nance costs in the range of $169–$308       in the alpaca industry. Inability to

10                                                          Giannini Foundation of Agricultural Economics • University of California
“short” an asset also makes it more
                                                        Figure 2. Average Auction Prices for Male and Female Alpacas, 2005–2011
vulnerable to a speculative bubble
because informed investors have no                                       80,000

way to arbitrage a price that is objec­                                  70,000

                                             Average Auction Price ($)
tively too high through short sales.                                                                                             Females           Males
    Our own experience in the after­
math of conducting the first alpaca                                      50,000
study is also instructive. Not surpris­                                  40,000
ingly, it caused a considerable stir
among alpaca owners but there was                                        30,000

little attempt to address the economic                                   20,000
content of our work. Instead, various
“theories” abounded that served in the
minds of many to debunk our work                                             0
                                                                            2005           2006          2007         2008          2009          2010        2011
and discredit us. For example, one
of us was claimed to be a disgruntled        themselves, and they were driven to
alpaca inseminator from Florida. In          find whatever devices they could to                                                 For further reading,
another case we were asserted to be          discredit the work in their minds and                                             the authors recommend:
UC Davis undergraduate students who          restore consonance among their beliefs.                                    Saitone, T.L. and R.J. Sexton. “Alpaca
conducted the study as part of a mar­        Had more heeded the warnings early                                           Lies? Speculative Bubbles in Agricul­
keting class. Yet another claim is that      on, they could have salvaged much of                                         ture: Why they Happen and How to
our study was UC Davis’ revenge for          their investments but of course, in the                                      Recognize Them.” Review of Agricul­
the Alpaca Registry no longer using UC       process of doing so they would have                                          tural Economics 29(2007): 286-305.
Davis to conduct alpaca DNA tests.           collapsed the bubble even sooner.
    An alternative form of critique was          Finally, as we noted, there is some
to focus on a single fact or assumption      evidence from the auction sales that a
employed in the study, such as the price     bit of air remains in the bubble. The
of a bale of hay, argue that it was incor­   harsh reality is that, whereas some may
rect, and thereby claim that the entire      want to hold alpacas as pets or lawn
study and its conclusions could be sum­      mowers, an animal should not fetch
marily dismissed. Because there was          more than a few hundred dollars, and
considerable variability reported in pro­    they should not be held as investments.
duction costs and fiber prices, we erred
                                                   Suggested Citation:
on the side of conservatism throughout
the process of conducting the original             Saitone, T.L. and R.J. Sexton. 2012. "The
                                                   Alpaca Bubble Revisted." ARE Update
study, conducting simulations for a                15(5):9-11. University of California
wide range of values for fiber, alpaca             Giannini Foundation of Agricultural
costs of production, and discount                  Economics.
rates. The inescapable conclusion
was that no set of market conditions
could sustain the alpaca prices pre­         Tina L. Saitone is a post-doctoral scholar in
vailing at the time. Some of this inter­     Agricultural and Resource Economics (ARE) at
change among industry participants,          UC Davis. She can be reached at saitone@primal.
                                    Richard J. Sexton is professor and
now several years old, is preserved on
                                             department chair in ARE at UC Davis. He can be
this website:          reached at
    Such reactions are readily predicted
by the theory of cognitive dissonance
from psychology. Our study’s conclu­
sions were dramatically at odds with
beliefs alpaca owners held among

                                                                                   Giannini Foundation of Agricultural Economics • University of California    11
Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics
UC Davis
One Shields Avenue
Davis CA 95616

      Agricultural and                          ARE Update is published six times per year by the
     Resource Economics                         Giannini Foundation of Agricultural Economics, University of California.
                                                Domestic subscriptions are available free of charge to interested parties.
              Co-Editors                        To subscribe to ARE Update by mail contact:
            Richard Sexton
                                                                     Julie McNamara, Outreach Coordinator
        Sofia Berto Villas-Boas
                                                                     Giannini Foundation of Agricultural Economics
           David Zilberman
                                                                     Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics
          Managing Editor                                            University of California
        and Desktop Publisher                                        One Shields Avenue, Davis, CA 95616
           Julie McNamara
                                                                     Phone: 530-752-5346

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    Agricultural Economics            

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