Digital accessibility? - What's the key to - Hardware Journal

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Digital accessibility? - What's the key to - Hardware Journal
security, windows & doors

        What’s the key to
        digital accessibility?
          In an increasingly connected world,
          these days it’s not just early adopters
          that are embracing digital security.
          Who else is getting in on the act?
          Steve Bohling reports.

        Bryce Carter, National
        Sales Manager at Allegion,
        says the year has “started with
        another hiss and a roar” and that
        residential consents continue to “tell a
        really strong picture for the next couple of
          “So we’re still very much in a buoyant market,” says
        Bryce, for now at least: “Interestingly enough, will that be
        sustainable forever? Who knows? But right now, the signs in the
        market are still particularly positive.”
          Ronnie Pocock, ASSA ABLOY’s Marketing Manager, agrees
        that the retail hardware market is “really positive” at present,
        adding the caveat that “a push towards cheaper products seems
        to be taking precedence over quality in the general window

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                                                                                                           new “jewels in the crown” are
                                                                                                       locks offering remote connectivity
                                                                                                and remote access.
                                                                                             Demand is particularly strong for products
                                                                                    that are easy to set up and install which will be
                                                                            attractive for DIYers encouraged by the promise of an easy
                                                                       retrofit, he says.
                                                                         We’ll return to this later.

                                                                       BUILDERS ARE GOING DIGITAL TOO
                                                                       Another driver towards a much broadened base of demand for
                                                                       remote locking products has been emerging over the last 12
                             In contrast to this flight to price, he     Having got used to their new smartphones and liking how
                       says that demand for smart locks is growing     easy it is to do their banking and bill paying, not only online
                fast, on top of which digital lock and security
          products are now “definitely mainstream”, demand
    having moved away from just the early adopters towards
                                                                       “Consumer feedback is they are looking
a true mass market as more and more consumers look to be
connected.                                                             for smart solutions when it comes to
   What’s driving this? “Keeping up with the Jones – we live in a
digital world run from our phones and tablets and everything is
                                                                       their door security”
now going digital with connectivity to phones.
   “Plus, consumer feedback is they are looking for smart
solutions when it comes to their door security. Many are               but on their phones, the older generation has also now bought
running home automation so it’s a natural adjacency for their          into “smart”, says Sean Crowley, General Manager Sales &
lock to integrate into this, where they can remotely grant or          Operations at KnK Architectural Hardware.
deny access to their door.”                                              One of the other key changes from this time last year is that
   Bryce Carter confirms that Allegion too is seeing “significant      demand for digital or smart locks is no longer limited to the
year on year growth in the digital product category” and that the      high-end DIY or homeowner market.

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                                                                                   For example, at Allegion, Bryce Carter confirms that the
                                                                                brand’s Schlage Encode Wi-Fi Deadbolt is going “really well”
                                                                                thanks to strong sales, not only through existing channel
                                                                                partners but also now thanks to growing demand from the
                                                                                previously wary and price-conscious (my words!) group home
                                                                                   Over at ASSA ABLOY, Ronnie Pocock confirms: “Digital is
                                                                                the ‘in thing’ for the look, convenience and practicality. Group
                                                                                home builders have already started to incorporate a fully smart
                                                                                home and locks are a major component of this.”
                                                                                   Sean Crowley is another who’s seen the building trade fuelling
                                                                                growth in the market, with Chinese builders in particular – and
                                                                                their customers – demanding electronic locks on their front
                                                                                doors, he says.
                                                                                   Food for thought in this respect that a 2019 report from Fixr
                                                                                (a US service matching consumers who are remodelling with
                                                                                professionals) found that 81% of people surveyed indicated that
                                                                                they would be more likely to buy a home if smart features were
                                                                                already installed.

                                                                                TOWARDS THE SMART HOME
                                                                                What about the market for a more whole-of-home or “smart
                                                                                home” approach to security? What about smart doorbells with
                                                                                remote video?
            Miles Nelson gets commercial                                          In the UK last year, surveyed 1,462 UK
            After years in the making, Sales Manager and qualified locksmith    households to discover which smart home products they
            Kyle Raynes is pleased to announce the launch of the new Miles      intended to own in 2020.
            Nelson Commercial (MNC) range.                                        They found that smart thermostats (71%) and smart doorbells
               Miles Nelson has brought to bear its 90 years of experience in
            residential hardware to develop and design this new commercial
            range from the ground up, including a wide variety of standard
            door mechanisms including, fire rated mortice locks, door
            hinges, deadbolts, locksets & handles, strikes, door closers and
                                                                                “Group home builders have already started
            accessories which are all suitable to secure businesses, schools,   to incorporate a fully smart home and locks
            community buildings and even residential homes.
               Supported by MNC’s in-house technical expertise, the range is    are a major component of this”
            made from heavy duty metal designed to endure additional wear
            and tear from heavy usage, cycle tested, fire rated and provides
            added security to any building or home. There is a full range of
            functions available to cover any project specification.             (66%) were top of the list for 2020, while 60% expressed a strong
               Included in this range are brand new easy-retrofit Miles         desire to install smart cameras around their property, and 57%
            Nelson handles designed to cover common furniture plate sizes       had set their sights on smart locks.
            and screw fix spacings, a quick handing change design on wide          But – and here’s something to consider for our readers – in
            body door furniture and a through fix option for round rose         terms of where they said they’d go for advice, 31% said they’d
                                                                                seek advice and/or recommendations from an established home
               The range also includes wide and narrow style mortice lock
                                                                                retailer (e.g. B&Q etc) but almost half (48%) said they’d go direct
            options that are easily adaptable to suit card access handle
            escutcheons.                                                        to a supplier or manufacturer of products…
                                                     I ask Ronnie Pocock at ASSA ABLOY how far he thinks there’s
                                                                                still to go before Kiwi consumers want a smart whole-of-home
                                                                                automation infrastructure that includes entry systems.
                                                                                   “We are already there!” he exclaims. “Also, as more group
                                                                                home builders start to offer it as part of their standard package,
                                                                                it will become an expectation.”
                                                                                   Saying “It’s only a matter of time before we’re seeing more and
                                                                                more uptake in New Zealand”, Allegion’s Bryce Carter is also
                                                                                enthusiastic, if a little more circumspect, about the prospects for
                                                                                home automation.

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                                                               ON IT

  “We’ve used Velocity
for 8 years. It’s easy to
 install, saves time and
    we’ve never had
       to go back”
                      -----------Mark Waller
                                (Waller Projects)

 Velocity Levers
 Simple twist and tighten fixing method with pre-assembled
 leverset allows for super easy and fast installation.
Digital accessibility? - What's the key to - Hardware Journal
security, windows & doors

          Key to all this, saus Bryce. is connectivity/compatibility with      people that are already integrated and having great success in
        a broader ecosystem (i.e. Google or Amazon) and simplicity:            that space.”
        “What we are starting to see around these smart products is a
        lot more collaboration. You can open up accessibility for these        YOU CAN RING MY BELL...
        devices to work in conjunction with one another. That’s where          Talking about the brands that are “having great success in
        we see some really strong value.”                                      that space”, we turn to the likes of Ring, Eufy and Swann, all
          So Allegion would rather collaborate than launch its own             of whom are active in the New Zealand market, both through
        smart video doorbells? Says Bryce Carter: “At this stage, we do        consumer electronics dealers and, more recently, the hardware
        not have anything in line with a camera. However, that might           channel.
        that might be something further down the track.                          How’s that progressing?
          “But at this stage, it’s more about partnering with those              It’s fair to say that the hardware channel has taken a more
                                                                               considered approach to smart doorbells, cameras and the like
                                                                               than the fiercely price-competitive CE dealers – and perhaps
                                                                               with good reason.
                                                                                 Take the view of Bunnings Warehouse boss, Michael
                                                                               Schneider, who recently said: “There are some categories that
                                                                               have a little bit more volatility and ... smart home is one of those.”
                                                                                 My reading of his use of the word “volatility” is that it’s code
                                                                               for “extremely price-competitive”…
                                                                                 The view of an established player in this sort of product
                                                                               comes from Mark Fletcher, APAC Managing Director for Ring,
                                                                               incidentally an Amazon-owned company, who says he’s starting to
                                                                               see big growth in the New Zealand market through the DIY channel
                                                                               and that demand here for a smarter home has turned a corner.

                                                                               “In this part of the world we’ve been quite
                                                                               far behind the rest of the world, especially
            Jaeco shortens                                                     the US. But I think that is being narrowed
            stays, joins black brigade                                         quite dramatically”
            Jaeco has just rolled out a new range through Bunnings
            Warehouse which consists of shorter range of window stays
            designed for people who like to open their windows just a crack
                                                                                  “In this part of the world we’ve been quite far behind the
            without the stay poking into the room.                             rest of the world, especially the US. But I think that is being
               Also new is a Stainless 304SS Friction Stay for timber          narrowed quite dramatically. I think we’re only about maybe 12
            windows (photos above), in white and brushed stainless and         months behind the rest of the market. Maybe less than that now.”
            face-fixed to allow just a 100mm window opening for second            Mark Fletcher puts this down to the availability of more
            storey windows and for security purposes.                          affordable products as well as something of an upswing
               Also new and exclusive to Bunnings (and very much on-
                                                                               in interest of Ring’s products from the trades, in this case
            trend!), Jaeco window hardware range is now available in a black
            powder coat (photos below).                                        electricians and integrators who are “realising that installing
                                                      these products is great for their business.”
                                                                                  Jimmy Andrew is Business Development Manager at
                                                                               Directed Electronics which distributes the Eufy brand.
                                                                                  Admitting the category is “quite saturated”, he says “I think even
                                                                               the retailers are having a bit of a hard time trying to distinguish
                                                                               which product has what and what brand offers this and that.”
                                                                                  So, in his view, there’s a heap more education required.

                                                                               HOW TO DO WELL WITH DIGITAL?
                                                                               Knowing that in some cases digital locks still require just as
                                                                               much education as connected security, Baber Lock & Key has
                                                                               produced a Digital Access Solutions booklet which is available
                                                                               in-store, digitally and online.
                                                                                 Its purpose is to provide enough information so consumers

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                                                                      SALTO’s easy access
                                                                      products use the cloud
    Sash anchor makes a                                               SALTO Systems has developed PIN-based electronic locks that

    difference                                                        enable hotels to offer guests mobile options for check-in, check-
                                                                      out and room access without having to download an app.
    BLK’s Carbine Universal Window Restrictor takes a different          The SALTO KS (Keys as a Service) cloud-based electronic access
    approach to restricting window openings. With the cable anchor    control platform powers these self-service solutions which can
    located on the window sash, it’s easier to avoid breaking the     also be used on main entrance doors, elevators, car park barriers,
    window if a screw nips the edge of the glass. On top of being     meeting rooms and more.
    able to be keyed to match most house keys, the lock body can         Also compatible with SALTO KS is the new SALTO XS4
    also be located in a wider range of positions than conventional   BLUEnet lock range, which includes the stylish and compact XS4
    restrictors, plus it allows wide opening when required, all the   Mini and revolutionary XS4 One.
    while being deadlocked.                                                                     

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            Sylvan goes
            back to black                                                       Wi-Fi deadbolt ensures access
            New from GD Rutter, the Sylvan Mechanical                           – without hubs or wiring
            Digital Lock S201-S is ideal for residential entrance
                                                                                The new Schlage Encode Wi-Fi Deadbolt is sleek in design,
            doors, garages, sheds and shared spaces. Features
                                                                                quiet in operation and simple to operate. It’s also graded Best in
            include satin chrome plate, easy code programmable
                                                                                Security, Durability and Finish according to the BHMA Grading
            lock, supplied with a 60mm backset, suitable for
            doors 35-55mm but not
                                                                                   Simply pair the Schlage Encode deadbolt with the Schlage
            suitable for use in high salt
                                                                                Home smartphone app to lock or unlock your home from
            and sulphur environments.
                                                                                anywhere using up to 100 custom access codes which you can
               Also new in the Sylvan
                                                                                add or delete at any time. You receive notifications when your
            Black Series of architectural door hardware are Lever
                                                                                lock has been accessed (and if entry has been forced!), wherever
            Handles for aluminium doors, featuring 85mm
                                                                                you are.
            spacing between spindle and keyhole, available with
                                                                                   Easy to install (even as a retrofit) and operate, with no door
            202 and 240mm backplates and 26mm backplate
                                                                                prep or wiring, the Schlage Encode Wi-Fi Deadbolt has Wi-Fi built
            width. Matches Black Series door pulls, entrance
                                                                                in (no extra hubs or gateways!), can be connected to a front door
            sets and lever handles, architectural cabinetware,
                                                                                camera and its handy keypad means you don’t need to worry
            banister brackets and Iseo hydraulic door closers.
                                                                                about losing your key.

                   Jaeco has just rolled out a new range of shorter window stays, a stainless 304ss friction stay for timber
              windows, and added a modern black powder coat finish to its window hardware range. Also attracting interest are
                              hand worked solid brass and stainless cabin hooks and socket and necked bolts.
                                                                                                                                                     MPM HW0320

             7 Neilpark Drive, East Tamaki, Auckland 2013, Ph: 09 636 6421, Fax: 09 636 4835,,

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can make better choices on what type of digital will work
for them.
   It’s also useful for staff in-store to help them choose the
solution that’s most suitable for each type of home or business.
   Why is it needed? “Consumers are keen to learn about the
various types of digitals,” says Murray Baber.
   “Early adopters are already telling them they need to have
them but telling is not enough, they need to have facts and
product images so they can imagine more easily understand the
increased convenience.”
   Allegion’s Bryce Carter agrees it’s important to inform your                Electronic locking option for
channel partners and has set about addressing this with video                  aluminium joinery
content for staff and interactive displays in-store that show the              New from KnK Architectural Hardware is the E-Lok electronic lock
unique capabilities of the Schlage Encode lock.                                set for aluminium joinery from the 1990s and 2000s and new doors.
   I ask Mark Fletcher if there was a trick to doing really                       Unique to the New Zealand market, E-LOK has a slim 38mm
well with Ring products what would it be? Range? Service?                      profile, offers 30, 35, 45 & 60mm backset options to suit a range of
                                                                               door styles, while its lever style has been designed to complement
                                                                               popular current internal styles from other popular brands.
   “It’s really about education and demonstration,” he says.                      Designed & engineered to suit New Zealand conditions with
“People see it, they want to touch it. We try to educate as many               its IP55 rating, multiple use and unlock functions include pin
of our retail staff as possible so they get an understanding.”                 code, security key, RFID card, Bluetooth and Wi-Fi functionality
   So there you have it – understanding is everything – and                    (E-LOK -707 only, using the additional E-LOK Gateway).
everything you can do to help and customer understand what it           
is you’re offering is the key to success.

   Commercial Hardware
                                                                    MPM 0320
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