Diamonds Luna Park undergoes faceLift

Page created by Barbara Bell
Diamonds Luna Park undergoes faceLift
                    Official Publication for the Concrete Sawing and Drilling Association of Australia

                                                       Luna Park
                                                                   CSDAA Member touches up an
                                                                     Historic Victorian Landmark

                                                                        wallsawing on qLD's
                                                                         legacy way project

                                                             CSDAA WELCOMES SURFACE
                                                            PREPARATION CONTRACTORS

Issue 10 OCT 2012

 CSDAA Members
  Global Update
   Local News
Diamonds Luna Park undergoes faceLift
                                                                                                                          Tel: +61 (0)8 8387 7742
                                                                                                                                                     Concrete sawing &
                                                                                                                                                     drilling association
                                                                                                                                                                                        ISSUe 10
                                                                                                                                                     of australia (CSDAA)
                                                                                                                                                     c/o Australian Industry Group
                                                                                                                                                     20 Queens Rd, Melbourne
                                                                                                                                                     VICTORIA 3004                             wallsawing on
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Qld's legacy
                                                                                                                                                     E |             way project
                                                                                                                                                     W |                                AGE 5

                                                                                                                                                     CSDAA Board
                                                                                                                                                     president Jason franken                   VicTORIAN Icon
                                                                                                                                                     supercity concrete cutting
                                                                                                                                                     VICE PRESIDENT peter king
                                                                                                                                                     smith and osbourne nsw                           PAGE 17

                                                                                                                                                     CSDAA Secretariat carolyn mcgill
                                                                                                                                                     AUSTRALIAN INDUSTRY GROUP

             when it comes to efficient, cost-effective and secure solutions for every type of demolition challenges:

             With over 5 000 machines in use worldwide, there is no doubt who the building industry is trusting
                                                                                                                                                                                             Special feature:
                                                                                                                                                     csdaa executive                                 Surface
                                                                                                                                                     rob east
                                                                                                                                                                                                      PAGE 30
                                                                                                                                                     scott fleming
                                                                                                                                                     husqvarna construction products

                                                                                                                                                     Mario gomizelJ
                                                                                                                                                     Advanced sawing & drilling

             Brokk is No 1 in radio controlled demolition for more than 30 years.
                                                                                                                                                     scott hanley

                                                                                                                                                     GREG MAHONEY

                                                                                                                                                     kevin smith
                                                                                                                                                     ripa concrete cutting
                                                                                                                                                     ray thomson
                                                                                                                                                                                            PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE
                                                                                                                                                                                                          PAGE 3

                                                                                                                                                     editorial review
                                                                                                                                                         industry bits
                                                                                                                                                                                                         PAGE 39
                                                                                                                                                                                              Industry Calendar
                                                                                                                                                                                                         PAGE 33
                                                                                                                                                                                         membership application
                                                                                                                                                                                                         PAGE 43
                                                                                                                                                                                                members listing
                                                                                                                                                                                                         PAGE 45

                                                                                                                                                     diamonds                                ADVERTISERS listing
                                                                                                                                                                                                         PAGE 41

Diamonds Luna Park undergoes faceLift
3 	WELCOMECSDAA                                                                                                                                                                                                      MEMBERSERVICES	               4

                                                                                                                                                                                                                  CSDAA Stickers

                                                                                                                                                                              he CSDAA has both a Member Logo and an Accredited Contractor
LETTER from the president                                                                                                                                                     logo for use in marketing your business. The ‘Member’ logo is available
issue 10, NOVEMBER 2013                                                                                                                                                       for download from the CSDAA website (under the Resources Tab).
                                                                                                                                                                        The 'Member' logo is available to all current CSDAA Member Companies
                                                                                                                                                                         The 'Accredited Contractor' logo is only available to companies with Gold
                                                                                                                                                    Accredited Logo     Membership. Once the Gold Membership application is processed and all
                                                               The first half of this year has been quite challenging for the                                           documentation and payment is received, the Certificate of Accreditation
                                                           executive committee as we try to breathe new life back in to the                                             and the ‘Accredited’ logo will be sent to the Member.
                                                           association. Since the financial crash back in 2008 the association has                                       Members who utilize either the current CSDAA Training manual (Gold
                                                           steadily seen a decline in membership numbers. Unfortunately we as                                           Members) and previous CSDAA Training Manual (Note: any legislative
                                                           the executive must assume responsibility for this decline and need                                           updates for this publication are now the responsibility of the individual
                                                           to work harder to gain the trust and support of the members once                                             members to update) or who can show they have a similar training and
                                                           again.                                                                                                       management system developed for their businesses can display the
                                                               New initiatives derived from our 2012 business plan have been                                            ‘Accredited’ Contractor Logo.
                                                           put in place to address the short comings identified through member
                                                                                                                                                                         These decals are for use on your vehicles, websites or associated business
                                                           surveys and feedback from contractors. The development of the safe
                                                                                                                                                                        publications or wherever you wish to display your membership to the
                                                           work method statement (swms) library and operation manual is the
                                                           first step in this process. I would like to take this time to point out that                Member Logo
                                                           these benefits to members are only the start of much more to come.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             w w
                                                               Feedback from members who use the operations manual, the
                                                           swms library and the helpline support has been encouraging. We
                                                           acknowledge that minor issues have been identified by users of the
Jason franken, president csdaa
                                                           system and we continue to address these promptly. We consider this
                                                           material a work in progress and will always do our best to update and
                                                           inform members of any changes.
    None of the business tools or services developed for CSDAA members will be “one size fits all”. This has not and will not be
                                                                                                                                                                              DR. BENDER GmbH
our intention. Many members have in place similar operating systems to what has been developed by the association. The                                                        Clever Module System
important thing to remember is that there are many potential members that do not have any reference material or operational
manuals, and feel daunted in the task of compiling such material. It is a great marketing opportunity to attract new members
to our ranks based on providing benefits and service.
    Currently the executive committee is working on the next phase of the business plan which is the development and
accreditation of a training qualification certificate. Initial interviews with training consultants anticipate a budget of
$150,000.00 to design, format, and deliver a training standard unique to the sawing and drilling industry. I would also like to
                                                                                                                                                   NO FUMES
reiterate that this cost is for the design and accreditation only. The actual training and assessment phase of the qualification
will be delivered through a registered training organisation (RTO) yet to be identified or confirmed. This aspect of the training                 NO HASSLES                                                                   THERE IS AN
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           ALTERNATIVE TO HOT,
will be completed once the approval is given by the executive to fund stage one of the design for the qualification.                                                                                                        HEAVY AND MESSY
    It is the associations belief that with sufficient support from current and new members within the industry that this                                                                                                      HYDRAULIC
qualification can become a reality. It is however unsustainable without the support and revenue generated from membership.                                                                                                 EQUIPMENT & HOSES.
To any and all ex members and contractors who at one point in time have or have not been a member of the CSDAA we need
your support now more than ever.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          THE NEW GENERATION
    Our commitment to deliver this goal relies entirely on increasing membership numbers to sustain and deliver this training
qualification. If for no other reason your decision is based on past performance please let me reassure you; all current and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              DR BENDER HI
future endeavors are for the sole benefit and survival of our industry. The time for action and commitment is now, our industry                                                                                            FREQUENCY CLEVER
is not dead, stand up for what you believe in and work with us to create a proud, professional and profitable industry now and                                                                                               MODULE SYSTEM
for the futue.                                                                                                                                                                                                                 IS LIGHTER,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             FUMELESS, MORE
Jason franken - PRESIDENT                                                                                                                                                                                                 POWERFUL, WORKS IN
                                                                                                                                          JUST MORE POWER!                                                                 SINGLE AND 3 PHASE
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               AND IS LESS
                                                                                                                                          Call Clive for a Demo on 0418 356 767                                                EXPENSIVE.

                                                                                                                                          Check out our YouTube Videos to see why other contractors are already using it!
Diamonds Luna Park undergoes faceLift

Wallsawing on QLD's
Legacy Way Project.
Cutting Force, Cutting Australia's Concrete

        utting    Force    has   just      power to spin the required blade size.
        successfully       completed
                                              In addition to sawing, there were
        another major project in
                                           over 2,000 core holes ranging from
Brisbane, our client Transcity is an
                                           115mm to 175mm diameter, many of
integrated team comprising BMD
                                           which were inverted. These cores were
Constructions, Italian company Ghella
                                           used to eliminate over cutting and
and Spanish construction company           also for the fitting of rock anchors, to
Acciona.                                   ensure tunnel segment stabilisation.
   Legacy Way is a 1.5 billion dollar          Cutting Force’s role was to
project that will deliver significant      complete concrete cutting of the sub
reduction in peak hour traffic and         stations and xpassages in both tunnels.
reduce travel time from the Brisbane       This resulted in day / night shifts being
Centenary Bridge to ICB (Inner City        implemented to maintain the work
Bypass). The construction of twin          scheduling of this major project.
tunnels approximately 4.6 km in length.
                                              Cutting Force specialise in major
    Cutting Force has been engaged on      projects of this nature due to the
this tunnelling project since November     specialised equipment and capacity of
2012. Our involvement in the project       our business to perform the scheduled
consisted of Wall sawing 90 openings       works in the required time lines.
at approximately 6 meters x 8 meters                                                   ABOVE
                                               Cutting Force selected Tyrolit          Wall Sawing using Tyrolit WSE
each. These openings were required                                                     1217 high-frequency wall saw.
to create xpassages between the            WSE 1620 and the new WSE 1217
two tunnels every 100m which serve         high frequency wall saws. The wall          Right
as emergency escapes as well as its        saws were used continually in 24            Substation under construction.
primary purpose of vehicle movement.       hour shifts. The WSE 1217 with P2
                                           technology proved to be a highly            FAr Right
    The xpassages required Wall                                                        Tunnel boring machine cutting it's
                                           powerful, efficient and user friendly,
                                                                                       way through.
Sawing a total of 2.7 km’s. The depth      with longer service period times being
was 350 mm which consisted of two          a major benefit when tendering for
layers of Y20 mm bars running both         this contract. Tyrolit’S high frequency
horizontally and vertically. Making it     core drills were also used extensively
one of Australia’s largest wall sawing     to perform the specific works through
projects to date.                          the entire project.
    To make the task more difficult, two      Cutting Force is located in and
thirds of the sawing was completed         services the following areas, Brisbane,
vertically on a curved radius of the       Melbourne, Gippsland and Gladstone.
12.5 meter diameter tunnel wall.           We can be contacted on 1800
Curved track was considered, but not       CUTTING (1800 288 846).
an option due to the thickness of the
concrete and heavy steel. The only
available saws did not have enough

Diamonds Luna Park undergoes faceLift

  "Breakthrough" technology hits
  professional cutting industry

        he newly released Husqvarna                            Field trials such as the one on                                         Tony Watson, Westside Contracting
        High-Frequency          products                      Melbourne Airport upgrade by a                                         Brisbane, was one of the first to receive
        are receiving feedback from                           CSDAA member found that the K6500                                      a K 6500 Handsaw, “The first job was a
  professional contractors in Australia                       Ringsaw, on single-phase, outperformed                                 good one because it was quite difficult,
  that is creating waves in the Swedish                       the existing hydraulic set-ups.                                        a 200mm thick panel with a fair amount
  factories producing these products.                                                                                                of steel and hard aggregates from Darra,
                                                                “Australia is a worldwide lead market                                west of Brisbane. The machine was light
    The system has been carefully field                       for these products and we have been                                    and no cumbersome hoses. Surprisingly
  trialled to ensure that these products                      pushing our Swedish R & D team                                         it has good consistent power that equals
  enter the market ready for the rigours                      with feedback of the outstanding                                       or surpasses my hydraulic unit (use in
  of professional cutting, however, now                       performance to ensure we get the                                       3-phase on this job). There is no torsion
  after the first run of products sold out                    factories expecting our volumes”                                       twist on start-up and I like that it is not
  we are finding the demand will be much                      says Husqvarna Construction General                                    consistently flowing water when my
  greater than first thought.                                 Manager Scott Fleming, “put simply                                     hand isn’t on the trigger. Overall, I give
                                                              this is breakthrough technology for                                    it a big thumbs up and I can’t wait to
    The system consists of interchangeable
                                                                                                                                     play with the Ringsaw.”
  handsaw, ringsaw, drill and wallsaw                         the market and this will become a
  components, ALL usable on 3-phase or                        standard kit for the professional cutting
  single phase power supplies.                                contractor.”

                                                                                    PP 65
                                                                                    Power Pack

                                                                                                                                          PP 220
                                                                                                                                          Power Pack

      k 6500                                         k 6500                                              dm 650
      Power cutter                                   ring saw                                            core drill

                                                                                                                                                                                   I’ve lost 88 kilos this week.
                                                                                                                                                                                   THE NEW HUSQVARNA K6500 electric power cutter really makes you
                                                                                                                                                                 WS 220            feel the force of a new generation high frequency technology. A massive 5.5 kW
                                                                                                                                                                 wall saw
                                                                                                                                                                                   (using 3-phase) output at the spindle means outstanding power/weight ratio.
Husqvarna High Frequency System                                                                                                                                                    And you’ll easily move it around, the K 6500 and the PP 65 power pack weighs
                                                                                                                                                                                   only 10 kilos each. That’s 88 kilos less than the equivalent hydraulic systems!                                              HUSQVARNA HIGH FREQUENCY TECHNOLOGY.
Revolutionary performance, system compatibility for economics,                                                                                                                     Visit our website today for more information, videos and contact details.                                                    LIGHT EQUIPMENT FOR HEAVY JOBS.

the most powerful electronic products on the market.

                 Copyright © 2013 Husqvarna AB (publ). All rights reserved. Husqvarna is a registered trademark of Husqvarna AB (publ.)                                                                           Copyright © 2013 Husqvarna AB (publ). All rights reserved. Husqvarna is a registered trademark of Husqvarna AB (publ.)
Diamonds Luna Park undergoes faceLift
9         SUPPLIERNEWS                                                                                                                                                                                                           SUPPLIERNEWS	                10

new tgd fsx*** Roadsaw Blades

      he new Tyrolit TGD FSX*** road         in the Australian market in July and     mind. Each segment contains a higher
      saw blade has been designed to         August of 2013.                          concentration of diamond allowing
      cut through concrete and steel                                                  for better performance when cutting
reinforcement allowing for a higher           With positive reviews such as:          through steel reinforcement.
cutting rate and long service life in         “The FSX blade is the best we have
                                             ever used" – Kustom Cut,                   This innovation provides a number
Australian conditions.
                                                                                      of advantages, such as reduced work
 The TGD® technology behind the new           “The operator was thrilled with the     times thanks to faster sawing, reduced
FSX*** road saw blade is what gives          performance and life" – Ripa Concrete    tool costs as a result of an increase in
the blade its impressive attributes, the     Cutting                                  tool service life, and lower maintenance
abrasive diamond grains are distributed       “I have never used a better blade" –    costs, since the load on the machine is
optimally in the segment, so that over                                                minimised and it is therefore protected.               KENNARDS GROUND PENETRATING RADAR
                                             A1 Concrete Services
the lifetime of the blade a consistently                                              In addition, tools with TGD® technology
high cutting performance can be               Tyrolit Representative Ben Whittaker    increase efficiency because they can be
achieved. This improves the cutting          explains it best, by saying that the     universally applied and are also suitable
speed, service life and versatility of the   “Feedback for this blade has been        for special applications under extreme
Tyrolit FSX*** road saw blade.               extremely positive I can’t wait to see
                                             the FSX blade reach its full potential
                                                                                      working conditions.
                                                                                                                                                      SPECIALISED HIRE EQUIPENT FOR CUTTING,
 With demand for a road saw blade                                                      The future of road saw blades is now
which can cope with Australia’s harsh
                                             and shake things up in the market”
                                                                                      available, only from Tyrolit Australia.                              SAWING AND DRILLING CONTRACTORS
condition on the rise it was imperative       This blade was designed with
that Tyrolit found a solution. The           contractors who are looking for a
FSX*** road saw blade was first tested       greater quality road saw blade in

                                                                                                                                         ennards Concrete Care’s equipment range is                 now available for hire.
                                                                                                                                         uniquely tailored to a wide range of concrete
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Our new Ground Penetrating Radar Detector is a compact,
                                                                                                                                         cutting, sawing and drilling jobs.
                                                                                                                                                                                                    easy-to-use handheld machine that helps you to detect
                                                                                                                                  Specialist Cutting, Sawing & Drilling Equipment                   objects up to 300mm. It allows you to find a safe spot to
                                                                                                                                                                                                    drill, core or saw.
                                                                                                                                    Hire equipment available for cutting penetrations, sawing
                                                                                                                                  roadways, expansion joint cutting and utility repairs or           Our new Hydraulic Pipe Saw is extremely versatile. By
                                                                                                                                  simply taking core samples. Kennards Concrete Care’s hire         adding extra drive chain lengths, the saw can tackle larger
                                                                                                                                  fleet offers Road Saws to obtain a 305mm cutting depth,           pipes and vessels, leaving a smooth, machined finish. With
                                                                                                                                  Concrete Chainsaws that can plunge cut to 630mm deep,             the use of bevel blades, the Hydraulic Pipe Saw is capable
                                                                                                                                  a wide range of Core Rigs and Barrels up to 600mm in              of welding prep bevels of 30 and 37.5 degrees, with other
                                                                                                                                  diameter and a full range of hydraulic options capable of         angles available by special request.
                                                                                                                                  confined space work or for underwater applications. We
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Our new portable concrete slurry water system (Mud Hen)
                                                                                                                                  also offer the latest diamond tooling technology to ensure
                                                                                                                                                                                                    has been designed for processing concrete slurry. In one
                                                                                                                                  optimum performance is always maintained.
                                                                                                                                                                                                    step, the slurry system filters, provides clean water to drain
                                                                                                                                  Dust Control Equipment                                            or for re-use, and compacts concrete sludge construction
                                                                                                                                                                                                    waste into a semi-solid form of general concrete waste
                                                                                                                                    With any cutting or drilling job, dust and concrete particles
                                                                                                                                                                                                    instead of contaminated waste. It provides a simple-to-
                                                                                                                                  are generated from working with concrete and pose OHS
                                                                                                                                                                                                    use-method for dealing with the slurry produced from
                                                                                                                                  implications if not managed effectively. Kennards Concrete
                                                                                                                                                                                                    wet processing of concrete and also allows for inexpensive
                                                                                                                                  Care has available for hire small, medium and large dust
                                                                                                                                                                                                    compliance with local, state and federal clean water laws
                                                                                                                                  extractors to connect with other tooling. Modular 1000cfm
                                                                                                                                                                                                    and ordinances.
                                                                                                                                  and 2000cfm air scrubbers with HEPA filtration for filtering
                                                                                                                                  airborne particles and expelling clean air are also available.     Our research and development team are always looking
                                                                                                                                  Larger dust suppression units capable of blanketing a whole       for solutions to your everyday industry challenges. We
                                                                                                                                  site (up to 1950m2) with positively charged water particles       understand that you can’t upgrade every time new
                                                                                                                                  which attract dust complete our dust control range.               equipment or technology comes into the market. That is
                                                                                                                                                                                                    why hiring makes sense!
                                                                                                                                  New Equipment – just arrived and available for hire
                                                                                                                                                                                                     For further information visit
                                                                                                                                    Staying at the forefront of technology and advancement
                                                                                                                                                                                                    or find us on
                                                                                                                                  is important to Kennards Concrete Care. We have recently
                                                                                                                                  added the Hydraulic Pipe Saw and the Ground Penetrating
                                                                                                                                  Radar Detector to our range of specialised tooling and it is

Diamonds Luna Park undergoes faceLift

Condrill GPR
                                                                                                                                    DISCOVER THE DIFFERENCE
     n early 2012 Condrill invested in a Traxx Conquest          level of detail shown.
     Ground penetrating Radar System, the decision to
                                                                   We have seen strong growth in demand for the GPR                 ALL TRAXX EQUIPMENT IS SUPPORTED 24/7/365
     invest in this system was not taken lightly, we had
                                                                 service since we introduced it, we believe this is based
been watching for trends in the industry that could assist us
                                                                 on many factors which include the following of trends in
to remain at the leading edge of the industry and continue
                                                                 other markets around the world to use these systems, the
to supply the highest level support and services to our
                                                                 ever increasing legislative requirements in the construction
customer base and also improve our operating margins.            industry to maintain the maximum level of safety (Post
  Even though GPR has been around for quite a few years          tension, reinforcing and live power cable placement), the
we had noticed that there were a lot of misconception            increased awareness of site engineers of the capabilities of
about these systems and there capabilities in the                GPR and the ability to maintain the maximum integrity of
construction industry. Most of these I believe where due to      the structure that is to be drilled or sawn.
the capabilities of these systems not being explained to the       While we have seen good returns on investment from
customer fully and the level of operator training not being      scanning for clients prior to work commencing, we have
what it could have been.                                         also taken advantage of being able to use the GPR on many
  Given these two point we embarked on a purchasing              jobs to enable us to minimize the amount of reinforcing
process to find a GPR system that would give us the              we have had to cut or drill which in turn improves our
support which would assist us in overcoming these                productivity and reduces consumable costs, while it is hard
misconceptions. Since purchasing the Traxx Conquest GPR          to put a exact dollar amount on the savings we are certain
we have been very happy with our decision and would              they have been substantial.
agree that the system was defiantly designed specifically
for the Professional Concrete Sawing and drilling Industry.
  We find the level of technical support is excellent, our                                                                         Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane, Perth, Adelaide, Darwin, Hobart
operators find the system very user friendly and really like      For more details about this project contact Condrill or Greg
the remote control feature they also find the inbuilt training
program very helpful when training a new operator or even
                                                                 Mahoney (07) 5519-9011
                                                                   For more information on Conquest GPR contact Traxx
                                                                                                                                    PASSION. INNOVATION. EXCELLENCE.
explaining to a customer the principles of the system. We        Construction Products on (03) 9646 9200 or vist us online
have had many customers look at the screen while we are
doing a scan and they are quite surprised by the clarity and
                                                                                                                                 TRAXX CONSTRUCTION PRODUCTS.
                                                                                                                                 Head Office Unit 4/1 Rocklea Drive, Port Melbourne Victoria Australia, 3207
                                                                                                                                 Phone 1300 109 108 | Telephone +61 (0) 3 9646 9200 | Email
Diamonds Luna Park undergoes faceLift


             ick Corrigan and his team from J&M Coring
             (WA) were recently working on McDonalds’
             renovation project where a concrete scanning
contractor had been commissioned to locate plumbing
pipework and electrical conduit. However, despite this
inspection work being done, they cored through both
pipework and electrical cables. Luckily the power had
been turned off, which prevented what could have been a
fatal situation.
  J&M had previously purchased diamond drilling machines
from Hilti and relayed this story to his Hilti Account
Manager Luke Buchanan, who suggested that Mick and
his crew take a look at the Hilti PS 1000 X-Scan. They
invited Mick for a demonstration at the local Hilti Centre
in Belmont (Perth) with the support of Hilti’s local field
engineer. Within a short time, J&M were able to see how
the tool worked and how it can help locate, not only rebar          concrete scanning with ps 1000 x-Scan
but other services, including live electrical cables.
  They were particularly impressed with this feature of the
tool, including the easy to interpret scan image, produced
immediately from the scanning unit itself. In Mick’s                                                    X-Scan PS 1000
                                                                                                        detection system
words “did not require a PhD in reading and interpreting
parabolas”. He was also very impressed with the 3D
images produced by the monitor, which can be sent directly
to engineers and head contractors for confirmation of site
specific requirements.
 He had looked at other scanners in the past but liked
the portability of the PS 1000, and the ability to reach
overhead or horizontal scanning applications with the
extension handle.
 J&M were convinced to make the investment in the
Hilti PS 1000 when they learned that all relevant training
and trouble-shooting support from Hilti’s experienced
engineers was included in the package price, whereas the
competitors charged extra for training and support, and        Inside insight.
were not based locally.
                                                               Hilti. Outperform. Outlast.
   Mick would highly recommend the PS1000 to all
professional diamond contractors, for the reasons above,
and based on simple economics; being able to cut-out the
middle man in the form of scanning contractors. J&M have
been able to offer a one-stop-shop for their clients, saving
                                                                                                                               Husqvarna DXR                                               The new remote-controlled demolition robots from Husqvarna, are
                                                                                                                                                                                           the very latest in compact demolition robot technology. High power,
the customer time and money, substantially increasing                                                                        demolition robots.                                            low weight and functional design make them an obvious choice for
their own profit margin.                                                                                                                                                                   professionals who want a highly manoeuvrable, super-strong and
                                                                                                                                 The power of                                              sturdy machine with a long reach. The remote controlfeatures a
                                                                                                                                                                                           unique user-friendly and well-considered design offering the only
                                                                                                                                   intelligence.                                           Bluetooth-assisted remote control on the market. Let your choice be a
Application:                                                                                                                                                                               Husqvarna DXR demolition robot !
Concrete Scanning prior to drilling or cutting.
Supplier/Equipment:                                            For more information call 131 292 or visit
Hilti PS 1000 X-Scan.                                                                                                              HUSQVARNA CONSTRUCTION PRODUCTS
        CSDAA.COM.AU                                                                                                              Copyright © 2013 Husqvarna AB (publ). All rights reserved. Husqvarna is a registered trademark of Husqvarna AB (publ.)
Diamonds Luna Park undergoes faceLift
DD 350
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       diamond coring system

A few extra dollars means
increased productivity.

      rofessional Diamond Contractors from all over the           •    Parts and repair cost savings, compared to
      world first became aware of Hilti’s high-frequency       conventional motors thanks to brushless technology.
      drilling motors at the Bauma expo back in 2007, and
                                                                   Super City use the DD 350 on a daily basis on all work
Jason Franken of Super City Concrete Cutting was there to
                                                               sites across in Australia, and would recommend the tool to
see a live demonstration of the single-phase DD 350, along
with the larger 3-phase version, the DD 500.
    Jason explained that one of the main factors in choosing
                                                               other contractors:
                                                                   “There is an old saying - you pay for what you get - and    Power without compromise.
                                                               that is the case with this unit. A few extra dollars spent on
to invest in this equipment was the brushless technology in    quality equipment can mean a great deal over time in terms
comparison to conventional armature units found in other
drilling motors. In addition, the 10-speed electronic gear-
                                                               of productivity, performance, and servicing requirements.       Hilti. Outperform. Outlast.
box and slow start up function was also a major incentive         These units are built to last and have minimal
in this decision.                                              maintenance requirements. Our operators always comment
                                                               on the more difficult core drilling jobs they are sent to -     • Brushless high-frequency electric motor delivers            • Optimal drilling range 52 – 500mm
   Having used conventional motors until investing in          make sure we take the DD350."                                                                                                                                                         2 Years
the Hilti DD 350, the team at Super City suggests the                                                                           outstanding power transfer                                    covers all professional applications      LIFETIME
technology delivers outstanding benefits, including;
                                                                                                                               • 10-speed electronic gears, adjustable during drilling,      • IP 55 water spray protected for          Lifetime     Lifetime

   •    Productivity gains from the 3500 watts of power,                                                                         ensures optimum drilling performance                          working in adverse conditions            REPAIR
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        COST LIMIT
providing a 15amp source is available, compared to other
units with similar rated outputs, the DD 350 maintains                                                                         • 3500 watts on 240V single phase, 16A current
constant rpm and torque.                                                                                                        offering jobsite versatility
    •    Versatility of the 10 speed electronic gear           Customer:
selection, allowing you to operate at various speeds           Super City Concrete Cutting. Jason Franken.
depending on hardness of material and steel content;           Application:
    •    Added bonus of the ability to reduce drive speed
                                                               General Drilling >500mm diameter.                               More Hilti
via the ‘Iron Boost’ function when drilling through heavy      Supplier / Equipment:                                           innovations:
reinforcing.                                                   Hilti DD 350.
                                                                                                                                                                  DSH 700 / 900 petrol saw           PS 38 multi-detector            HKD drop-in anchor

                                                                                                                               For more information call 131 292 or visit
Diamonds Luna Park undergoes faceLift
COVERPROJECT                             18

Luna Park
undergoes Facelift!
Auscut Concrete Drilling & Sawing take on works from
Client, 2Construct to touch up a Victorian icon.

                                     s part of continued improvements to the
                                     St Kilda Foreshore, the City of Port Phillip
                                     has upgraded the Luna Park Forecourt,
                              awarding the project to major construction company
                              2Construct. Auscut, as a preferred supplier to
                              2Construct, were contracted to assist with the
                              project, undertaking concrete cutting services
                              around this famous Melbourne landmark.
                                  The improvement works consisted of the
                              construction of a new extended forecourt, including
                              an inlay feature in the entrance paving designed to
                              reflect the iconic crown, providing visitors a safer
                              space to visit and photograph the renowned Luna
                              Park Mr Moonface. Construction works also
                              included public lighting, major drainage construction
                              along Cavell Street and The Esplanade and a raised
                              zebra crossing to connect Luna Park to the Palais
                                  Auscut’s involvement was to perform road
                              sawing services around the project, including
                              150mm depth road sawing of the paved entrance
                              for the crown inlay feature, ensuring that the works
                              which were in a very public area, were cut precisely
                              to the client’s requirements in a professional and
                              timely manner. Auscut also provided road sawing
                              for the new underground drainage infrastructure.
" I am really proud to be         The outcome of the works was to improve the
                              quality and safety of the roads and footpaths while
   a part of this industry,   rejuvenating the appearance of this much loved
    but more importantly,     and popular area. Completion of works will also
                              enable greater access to the major entertainment
     being involved in the    precinct, increase pedestrian connectivity and well
         familybusiness "     as improving safety in and around Luna Park and the
                              Esplanade Super Tram Stop.
                                 Auscut are a major subcontractor in the Victorian
                              construction industry and although the works were
         KERRYN THOMSON       only modest in scale, Auscut were proud to be
         GENERAL MANAGER,     involved in delivering services for the renewal of this
           AUSCUT VICTORIA.   well-known Melbourne icon.
19              COVERPROJECT

                                       PART ONE
                                                                longstanding and highly respected contractor in the
                                                                industry is Victorian based, Auscut Concrete Drilling
                                                                and Sawing. Built from the ground up by brothers Ray
        Women in Construction:                           and Ian Thomson, Ray's daughter Kerryn has a very active
                                                         and integral role in their organisation.

          Kerryn Thomson                                 Explain your role in the company.
                                                         I've grown up with this company but came on board around            What are your thoughts on the CSDAA and
        Auscut Concrete Drilling & Sawing                5 years ago to work with my father and manage the business.
                                                                                                                                                                                               as well as articles like this one to highlight the women in our
                                                                                                                             could they do more to encourage women in                          industry, it continues to promote and encourage women in
                                                         My role as General Manager is a diverse role that has me
                                                         overseeing the running of the business and all the varying          the Industry?                                                     our industry to be more involved.
                                                         aspects that it entails.                                            The CSDAA is something Auscut have been a part of for             Any last comments?
                                                         What attracted you to the industry?                                 as long as I remember. My father always believed in the
                                                                                                                             importance of supporting the Association and encouraged           I am really proud to be involved in this industry, but more
                                                         Being the daughter of a concrete cutter, I have grown up in         myself and Catherine to be involved. At times it can feel very    importantly involved in the family business and working
                                                         the industry and it has always been a part of my life. I have       male dominated, but I think that’s our industry and I've always   with the team we have here. We have a really great bunch
                                                         always wanted to work ‘hands on’ in the business, working           felt welcomed to be involved in the CSDAA. As time goes by I      of people working here, many of whom have been around
                                                         along side with family. Now that Im here, I want to carry on in     see more women getting involved, one of the recent CSDAA          for as long as I can remember as well as a lot of new friendly
                                                         the business and with my sister, Catherine Thomson, running         meetings I was pleased to meet Ebony Knight from Cut &            faces that have joined over the years. Our customers benefit
                                                         QCDS in Queensland, it makes even more sense. Catherine             Clean. I see the networking as one of the real benefits of the    from our longevity in our experience and workforce and its
                                                         has been in the industry a long time so its great to be working     Association, that it brings people from our industry together,    great to be part of something so positive, working towards
                                                         with her and have that support of family as well as another         working together to better our industry for everyone. Its great   the common goal of building the business.
                                                         woman in the industry.                                              to see more & more women involved, both in the association
                                                                                                                             and within our industry and both here and overseas. I think
                                                         What is your favourite aspect of the job?
                                                                                                                             if the CSDAA can continue to highlight these sort of things,
                                                         The variety of it, my work changes from day to day and week
                                                         to week. The challenges are hard, but worth it in the end and
                                                         there is a certain satisfaction from a hard-days’ work. It’s also
                                                         good to be in amongst something I’ve seen for so long and
                                                         rewarding to see our brand develop and grow.

                                                         What has been your biggest challenge so far?
     TOP Kerryn Thomson and father Ray Thomson.
     BELOW Auscut Van's onsite at Luna Park.             Well, working in a male dominated industry is not without its
     RIGHT Auscut complete addional road sawing works.   challenges but really when I first started, we had a tough time
                                                         regarding an issue with our name and trademark. Auscut is a
                                                         name my family had established and grown over many years
                                                         of hard work and is something we wanted to preserve. So
                                                         the first couple of years I spent a lot of my time fighting for
                                                         the business, our reputation and our heritage. Now all that is
                                                         behind us, my biggest drive is to see our brand that we have
                                                         all worked so hard for continue to grow and prosper.

                                                         What has been a major success?
                                                         A recent success has been the Regional Rail Link here in
                                                         Melbourne. It is a major infrastructure project designed to
                                                         remove major bottlenecks in Victoria’s rail network. This has
                                                         kept our whole team busy since last April, testing our skills on
                                                         various sites across the project. Our main work has been on
                                                         the rail bridges north & west of Melbourne, as well as works
                                                         at Southern Cross & North Melbourne stations.
                                                         Our team has been really involved on this project, quite a few
                                                         times there we've needed all hands on deck to deal with the
                                                         work load and the specialised nature of the works. It's been
                                                         great to see our guys all pull together to ensure works get
                                                         completed and keep the client happy. The job itself and the
                                                         contacts we've made have also opened us up to other works
                                                         and we are really pleased to have been involved.

SUPPLIERNEWS                              22

                                                                                 Traxx construction PRODUCTS
                                                                                        releases mudhen max

         he Mud Hen series of portable concrete slurry                           required. The Mud Hen can outpace most teams of concrete
         water systems has been designed for processing                          professionals who saw and grind with conventional
         any concrete slurry. In one step, the Mud Hen filters,                  industrial equipment.
    provides clean water to drain or for re-use, and compacts
                                                                                 For more information, please contact:
    concrete sludge construction waste.
       • Provides a simple-to-use-method for dealing with                        Lloyd Williams CEO
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       • Eliminates the hassles and costs associated with
                                                                                 Go to
           storing, hauling, and treating concrete slurry
       • For eco-minded clients, it affords a marketing
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    The Mud Hen processes from 1 to 20 gallons per minute of                     Dimensions: L 83.82cm x W 152.4cm x H 121cm
    concrete slurry water; it then stores up to 3.5 cubic feet of                Gallons p/m: Up to 10 gpm
    concrete sludge cake before the 10 minute cleaning cycle is                  Filter Screen Capacity: 3.6 ft3

                                                                         Conquest               On-site concrete imaging
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                                                                                                                  DISCOVER THE DIFFERENCE
                                                                                                                  ALL TRAXX EQUIPMENT IS SUPPORTED 24/7/365

Designed for non-destructive inspection of
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BECOME AMEMBER                           24

                      O  N  V  E N   T I O   N
     4 C S DA  A   C

          RCH 2014 AT
    6-7 MA

                                                                                                                                                                                         CONCRETE SAWING & DRILLING
                                                                                                                                                                                            ASSOCIATION - AUSTRALIA

                                                                                                                              Some exciting news about our
                                                                                                                       Online Operations Manual and SWMs

                                                                                                                         ONLINE OPERATORS MANUAL                                                   swms EXAMPLE


 TOOL AND MACHINERY TECHNOLOGY AT THE MARRIOTT RESORT ON THE GOLD COAST.                                 ontractors in the concrete       most areas of the business primarily       To start viewing the manual,
                                                                                                         sawing and drilling industry     related to health, safety and risks,    please go to our web site at www.
     Two action packed days of exhibitions, industry relevant seminars and social events.                sector can now trial the         and has generated a great response click on the Operations
 Stay at the luxurious Marriott Resort and join us for the ever popular BBQ on Thursday night.   Concrete Sawing and Drilling             from members and a strong interest      Manual tab, click on Trial Membership
                                                                                                 Association of Australia’s (CSDAA)       from non-members.                       and enter all of the details required.
                                                                                                 latest member service free for 5 days.                                           You will then be able to see why so
                                                                                                                                             To allow non-members to see why
                                                                                                                                                                                  many have taken out membership to
                                                                                                    The CSDAA recently launched its       the manual has been received so
                                                                                                                                                                                  include access to the online manual.
                                                                                                 new online operations manual and         well, we created a trial membership
                                                                                                 SWM’s to members. The manual             that will provide viewing only access     If you have any questions, please
                                                                                                 has been designed to meet all            to the Operations Manual and a          email
                                                                                                 national legislation and compliance      sample SWM. All you have to do is
                                                                                                 obligations,    and    to  increase      create a trial login and you can view
                                                                                                 productivity. The manual includes        the information for 5 days.

For more information call the CSDAA on
(03) 9867 0227 or email                                                                                                                                                             CSDAA.COM.AU
25             SUPPLIERNEWS
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Husqvarna Diagrip2TM Technology
The ultimate in diamond tools.                                                                                     NATIONAL FINANCE AND INSURANCE
                                                                                                                   PROVIDES A RANGE OF FINANCE SOLUTIONS
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       iagrip 2 is the next generation   Manager for Husqvarna Australia P/L.
       in array technology for the
                                             Since this success the technology                                     We offer a specialised service to ensure your needs are met from
       innovation leaders of the
                                         has been used to develop a perfectly                                      a selection of lenders. We will always give you options to choose
industry, Husqvarna. With superior
                                         matched hand saw blade for our High
cutting speed and life this new range
of products is a game changer for the
                                         Frequency Hand saw, the S1435. The                                        from, so you have peace of mind that your finance solution fits
                                         marriage of this blade and Hand saw
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                                         offer unparalleled performance. This                                      your requirements and allows your business to grow.
    The first product group to utilise   is the difference that Husqvarna offers,
this technology is the FS 4800 road      we do not just sell diamond tools but are
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    “When we set out on this R&D
                                         diamond supply, 100% Husqvarna                                              WE SPECIALISE IN THE FOLLOWING:
                                         owned factories, R&D matching with
journey our focus was not for an                                                                                     • CONCRETE SAWING, DRILLING &                         •   BUSINESS FINANCE
                                         machines to the global sales network.
incremental improvement but to                                                                                         GRINDING EQUIPMENT FINANCE
                                         We take the market needs and turn                                                                                                 •   FLEET FINANCE
revolutionise the road sawing market.
                                         them into solutions.                                                        • VEHICLE FINANCE                                     •   EQUIPMENT RENTAL
After extensive field testing with
market leading sawing and drilling           With unprecedented performance,          Main Bridge edge sections      • CONSTRUCTION PLANT                                  •   BUSINESS INSURANCE
customers throughout the Australian      sales are exceeding demand so contact         being removed from main         AND EQUIPMENT FINANCE                               •   NSW CTP GREEN SLIPS
market we have the F 1410 which is the   Husqvarna today to secure your next                          struction.
new bench mark in road sawing” says      set of blades and take the Diagrip2         TOP Sawing the underside of

Ben Pevreall, Diamond Tools Product      challenge. You will not be disappointed.             the edge sections.
                                                                                                                                                                      FREE CALL: 1800 825 640                                    NEW SOUTH WALES
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 92 Euston Road, Alexandria NSW 2015
                                                                                                                                                                      MOBILE: 0424 190 880 FAX: 02 9475 0514
                                                                                                                                                                      E:                   VICTORIA Level 1, 1256 High Street,
       CSDAA.COM.AU                                                                                                Finance & Insurance                                               Armadale VIC 3143

The dangers
                                            for children, depending on weight.         three companies—Monster, Red Bull
                                            So if you consume more than four           and Rockstar—showing double-digit
                                            regular cups of coffee per day, you        gains.
of energy                                   are at or over your limit. A recent test
                                            by Consumer Reports found that:
                                                                                        However, as sales rise, so do reports
                                                                                       of adverse events suffered by people
drinks                                        · Monster Energy contains 92mg of
                                            caffeine per serving (2 servings per
                                                                                       who use the products. Some of these
                                                                                       events include:
                                                                                        · Deaths due to heart attack or loss
                                              · Rockstar Energy contains 80mg of       of consciousness linked to Monster
                                            caffeine per serving (2 servings per
                                                                                        · Hospitalization due to irregular
                                                                                       heartbeat, severe diarrhea, migraine,
                                              · Rockstar Energy Shot contains          psychotic disorder, heart attack and/

                                            229mg of caffeine per serving              or vomiting linked to Monster
            person can rarely turn on
            the TV, listen to the radio       · Red Bull Energy Drink contains          · Disability from irregular heartbeat
            or flip through a magazine      80mg of caffeine per serving               or stroke linked to Rockstar
   these days without seeing an              High doses of caffeine and other           · Hospitalization due to psychotic
   advertisement for an energy drink.       stimulants can result in restlessness,     disorder, increased heart rate or loss
   Some of the more recognizable            nervousness, insomnia and tremors.         of consciousness linked to Rockstar
   brands include Monster, Rockstar,        High doses can also trigger seizures
   and Red Bull. These drinks are           and heart arrhythmias (unstable              These adverse events were filed
   often marketed towards teenagers         heart rhythms). All of these               by patients, families or doctors and
   and college students, but are often      symptoms have been reported in             simply warn that the products may
   used by adults in order to get an        cases of patient hospitalization           have harmed someone – but they do
   extra “jolt” of energy to get through    following the consumption of an            not prove that the product caused
   the workday. Concrete cutting and        energy drink. Unfortunately, some          harm.
   polishing operators are no exception.    of these hospitalizations have lead to      Often, energy drinks are a
   Operators often work long hours and      permanent disability or even death.        contributing factor in an adverse
   may start a shift early in the morning                                              event, where other factors including
                                              From 2007 to 2011, it is estimated
   or work late into the night. Because                                                physical activity, heat, nutrition and
                                            that the number of emergency
   these drinks offer a quick shot of                                                  age may also play a role.
                                            room visits involving energy drinks
   energy, many operators will be
                                            increased from about 10,000 to more          Concrete sawing and polishing
   tempted to forgo their usual coffee
                                            than 20,000. Most of those cases           operators can be subjected to similar
   and grab an energy drink for a long
                                            involved teens and young adults.           conditions while working outside
   day of work.
                                            Concerns pover energy drinks have          or in a confined environment Heat,
     The problem lies with what the         intensified following reports in the       sun, dehydration, poor diet and
   energy drink contains. The obvious       fall of 2012 of 18 deaths possibly         the consumption of energy drinks
   ingredient is caffeine, offering         tied to the drinks – including a 14-       can combine to create a deadly
   that boost of energy. However,           year old Maryland (USA) girl who           situation. It is important to recognize
   other ingredients are also present,      died after drinking two large cans         the dangers of energy drinks and
   including taurine, guarana (both         of Monster energy drinks. Concern          consume them responsibly, if at all.
   stimulants) and B vitamins. The          is high enough that two senators           While cases of adverse events have
   boost of energy you receive when         are calling for the Food and Drug          been reported primarily in teenagers
   consuming an energy drink comes          Administration to investigate safety       and young adults, anyone is at risk,
   from this combination of stimulants.     concerns about energy drinks and           especially when contributing factors
                                            their ingredients.                         are involved.
    A typical cup of coffee brewed
   at home or at work contains               Although energy drinks represent
   about 100mg of caffeine. A cup of        only a small part of the carbonated
   Starbucks coffee has about 165mg         beverage market, about 3.3% of sales
   of caffeine. According to Consumer       volume, the growth of energy drink
   Reports, safe limits of caffeine are     sales is quickly casting a shadow                        Reprinted courtesy of the
   up to 400mg per day for healthy          over the declining sales of soda. In        Concrete Sawing & Drilling Association,
   adults, 200mg a day for pregnant         2011, sales volume for energy drinks                  Concrete Openings magazine,
   women and up to 45-85mg per day          rose by almost 17%, with the top                Volume 22, Number 1. March 2013.


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     SPECIAL FEATURE

                                                                                                                                                                                  SURFACE PREPARATION

Our processes:

A low-gloss finish customized for industrial floors.
Primarily an indoor application targeting large areas
such as warehouses and department stores where
flooring functionality is of primary concern.                                                                                         CSDAA welcomes Surface
                                                                     Reference: Polished Concrete Ltd, Rotorua, NZ. Premium Finish.
                                                                                                                                      Preparation Contractors
                                                              HiPERFLOOR™ is a complete concrete surface                               The CSDAA has recognized that the concrete industry is
                                                              finishing system and Husqvarna product brand. The                       evolving, and that contractors are now doing much more
COMMERCIAL FINISH                                             HiPERFLOOR™ system enhances the beauty, strength                        than just sawing and drilling.
A medium-gloss finish for semi-exposed and low-               and abrasion resistance of the floor while reducing
exposed floors. An indoor application aimed for retail
                                                              maintenance and costs. HiPERFLOOR™ can radically

areas, shop fronts and public spaces.                                                                                                      he CSDAA announces now that it will
                                                              transform a broad range of new and old constructions.                                                                      environments are driving a growth in polished
                                                              With HiPERFLOOR™, Husqvarna offers first-class results                       expand it's membership categories to          concrete floors as an alternative to traditional
                                                                                                                                           include a Grinding Contractor cateogry.       floor finishes.
                                                              from a premium brand with premium service.
                                                                                                                                          CSDAA member contractors over the years           It is time now to not simpy recognise
                                                                                                                                      have faced many changes in the construction        but assist in supporting current members
                                                                                                                                      industry and if we had not learnt to change,       expanding into this field and also specialst
                                                                                                                                      we would not have prospered. As a result the       contractors operating in this field who could
                                                                                                                                      CSDAA must also respond to change, or find         benefit from a professional contractors
PREMIUM FINISH                                                                                                                        itself left behind in a fast-paced industry.       organisation, networking opportunties and
A decorative, high-gloss finish for exposed floors. An
                                                                                                                                                                                         the use of the CSDAA Training Manual.
                                                                                                                                          General Contractors are asking sawing and
indoor application for showrooms, high end real estate                                                                                drilling contractors to offer more services, and      CSDAA's focus will always be on the
and areas where aesthetic properties that include                                                                                     one area that is growing is surface preparation    concrete sawing and drilling industry, but
flatness and reflectivity of the floor are a top priority.                                                                            and concrete polishing.                            as our members expand the CSDAA needs
                                                                                                                                                                                         to develop to serve the membership and the
                                                                                                                                         Trends in commerial building and 'green'        industry in the best possible way.

        Contact your local Husqvarna Support Centre to enquire on dates for Polished Concrete Training Courses.                                                                                                                             CSDAA.COM.AU
        NSW: 02 9729 3203 QLD: 07 3899 6416 VIC: 03 9568 2476 SA: 08 8375 1000 WA: 08 6254 6111
31	SURFACEPREP                                                                                                                                                                                   HISTORICALPROJECT                         24

How to select a
Planetary Grinder -

Reprinted courtesy of the                         hanks in part to “green” building, one of the
Concrete Sawing & Drilling Association,           fastest growing flooring options in recent years
Concrete Openings magazine,                       is polished concrete. There are many advantages
Volume 21, Number 4. December 2012.
                                          to polished concrete when compared with other types of
                                          flooring. Polished concrete is a highly durable surface with
                                          a high resistance to scratching, low maintenance and high
                                          reflectivity to light - decreasing the number of light fixtures
                                            Because polished concrete is such a fast growing segment
                                          in the construction industry, there are many manufacturers
                                          of planetary concrete grinders/polishers vying for business.
                                          Some of these manufacturers offer numerous models of
                                          grinders/polishers with all sorts of features and benefits,
                                          so determining which unit is correct for a particular
                                          application can be a difficult decision for any Contractor.
                                          This decision can affect operators, schedules, final floor
                                          finishes and ultimately, the company’s bottom line.
                                          Choosing the Correct Grinder
                                            When looking to purchase a planetary concrete grinder
                                          / polisher, there are many factors a contractor has to take        For example, if a contractor attempted to tackle a 2,000         Differences in Planetary
                                          into consideration.                                               sqm polishing job with one 21in diameter grinder/polisher,        Grinders / Polishers
                                                                                                            the job would take too long and the machine most likely             The planetary grinder/polisher is one of the most common
                                          Matching Applications
                                                                                                            would not perform at its optimum level.                           types of concrete grinders available on the market. It is
                                            Since concrete grinders / polishers are very versatile                                                                            composed of three, four or six satellite heads that spin
                                                                                                            Power Availability
                                          machines and can perform many different applications -                                                                              in conjunction with the large planetary drum. There are
                                          from concrete surface preparation and concrete polishing           Another factor to be aware of is the correct use of power        four basic designs of planetary grinders: unrestricted
                                          to removing materials over the concrete - a polishing             for the unit. Most planetary grinders/polishers are electric      planetary, restricted planetary, driven planetary and dual
                                          contractor needs to determine which application will be           powered and run on 240V single-phase, 415V three-phase            motor planetary.
                                          performed most often. It is very important to match the           power.
                                                                                                                                                                              Unrestricted Planetary
                                          planetary grinder/ polisher with the right application.
                                          Making sure the unit can perform the required treatment is          Single-phase machines can use power from a 240V outlet           In unrestricted planetary grinders, the satellite heads
                                          critical to finishing a job correctly, and can directly affect    and are great for smaller commercial or residential jobs.         spin on the floor and the planetary drum spins with the
                                          a contractor’s bottom line and reputation. In any industry,       Since an additional power source is not needed, the single-       satellite heads. This means there is no planetary control.
                                          it is imperative a company handles its first few jobs well to     phase machines make setup and tear down quick and                 The planetary drum always spins in a counter-rotating
                                          grow and strengthen its reputation in the market.                 simple.                                                           direction, meaning if the satellite heads spin in a clockwise
                                                                                                             The three-phase machines use power more efficiently              direction the planetary drum spins in a counter-clockwise
                                            A contractor needs to decide if their company will be                                                                             direction or vice versa.
                                          bidding on large commercial projects or trying to acquire         and therefore are more powerful. However, three-phase
                                          smaller or residential projects. Contractors might only want      power is not accessible in all facilities, thus there is a need    The advantage of an unrestricted planetary machine is
                                          to offer removal services - the removal of glue or epoxy, for     for a secondary power source, such as a generator. Some           the low cost. It is a good choice for a contractor that is just
                                          example - or light polishing applications. Using the wrong        specialized facilities do have three-phase power available,       entering the surface preparation and polishing industry.
                                          machine with the wrong application will drastically affect        so it is always important for the contractor to check with        The disadvantage is that it has no planetary control, which
                                          profitability.                                                    the facility.                                                     means it is very weak in grinding applications.


                                                                                                                                grinder will enable a contractor to feel and see the differences,   Please note:
                                                                                                                                and then choose the grinder that is right for their business        Even if the correct grinder is chosen for a particular
                                                                                                                                based on the results.                                               application, contractors must also choose the correct
                                                                                                                                  The polished concrete market in Australia is growing rapidly      diamond tools to use with the machine and application.
                                                                                                                                and the advantages of a polished concrete floor far outweigh        Grinders / polishers and diamond tooling work must be
                                                                                                                                those of traditional methods. This is showing particularly          used hand-in-hand to make sure a project is completed on
                                                                                                                                in the commercial market with in excess of 10,000 sqm of            schedule, within budget and with a great end result.
                                                                                                                                polished concrete already completed in major retailers this
                                                              drum. This can sometimes depend on the manufacturer’s
                                                                                                                                year. This can only grow as word continues to spread.
                                                                If the grinder is geared to spin the planetary and satellites
                                                              in the same direction, then the grinder will be much more
                                                              aggressive during grinding. The disadvantage to this
                                                              grinder, like the unrestricted and restricted models, is
                                                              that the planetary drum still speeds up or slows down in
                                                              conjunction with the satellite heads.
                                                              Dual Motor Planetary
Restricted Planetary
                                                                The planetary function on dual motor planetary grinders
  The restricted planetary grinders have a planetary          is operated via a driven gear mechanism while the function
operation that is driven by a clutch-type mechanism           of the satellite head is driven by a belt. This provides fully
using a belt. This type of grinder has a stable operation     adjustable speed and fully adjustable direction control for
and creates more friction between the diamonds and            planetary and satellite heads.
floor. The planetary control makes it more aggressive
than unrestricted planetary grinders. Just like on the          The advantages are that dual motor planetary grinders
unrestricted grinders, the satellite head speed works in      have independent setting controls for planetary and
conjunction with the planetary speed. This means it does      satellite heads, enabling optimum setting control for all
not perform well on applications where low planetary          applications. This type of grinder has higher production
speed is necessary, as the head speed will also be low.       rates during heavy removals due to the ability to spin both
                                                              planetary and satellites in the same direction and tailors
 Since the restricted planetary grinders are belt driven,     the speed settings specifically for the application. The
contractors should be aware that the planetary action         disadvantage to dual motor planetary grinders is the wear
causes the belt to slip while removing heavier materials.     on the operator. The resistance caused at the handlebar due
This can lead to excessive wear on the belt.                  to the aggressive nature of heavy removals can cause the
Driven Planetary                                              operator to become fatigued.
 Driven planetary grinders are similar to the restricted       There are major advantages and disadvantages of each
planetary grinders, but instead of a belt mechanism, driven   of the four planetary grinder/ polisher options available.
planetary grinders are operated by gears. One major           One of the best days a polishing contractor can decide,
difference is that the heads can either turn in a counter-    after looking at exactly what applications they will be
rotating direction or same direction as the planetary         performing, is to run the machines. Operating each type of


Concrete FX does
The Block Skyhigh

      hil took a small break from the
      industry and began back by
      rebuilding relationships and a
new customer base. Once back he
realized just how much the industry
had changed in the short period of time
during his absence. Amongst other                                                                                             TraxxFloor involves a process of grinding, filling of voids,
things, being provided with a fantastic
service and knowledge of products                                                                                             hardening of the surface, then polishing to a desired
was what was going to help rebuild this                                                                                       gloss and finally, sealed for perfection and long life.
very successful business.
 After mucking around with single
phase grinders and as Phil’s work load
became greater it was crunch time.                                                                                                                                          TRAXXLok GRINDING SEGmENTS
“Time is money”, were Phil’s words “I                                                                                                                                       Select from our three performance series
need production and speed in three                                                                                                                                          available - 600 series, 800 series or 1200
phase but on a tight budget”                                                                                                                                                series. Available in a range of bonds to suit
                                                                                                                                                                            any grinding job.
  By this time several contracts had
been won for several thousand meters
of polishing, and single phase grinders
just wouldn’t cut it.
  “Justin     Berry-Smith      (Master     completed many demo jobs as well as         “I’m very happy with the purchase      TRAXXRESIN PADS
Franchisee Victoria from Traxx CP)         full polishing jobs “using the amazing    and value for money of the Traxx         Made for the professional that requires
with his very well stocked mobile          TraxxFloor system and adding the          SC650 and SD6000 Separator and           a perfect gloss finish when polishing
Traxx Shop on wheels, has the              DE6000 separator, in tandem with the      would recommend this for any flooring    concrete using the TRAXXFloor
consumables required and at a very         SC650 and SD6000 vacuum system”, a        contractor whether it is a small 50m2    process.
competitive price delivered to site in a   god send with saving hours per shift in   job or a 4000m2 job. Concrete FX
timely manner, saving me down time in      cleaning vacuums, and emptying bags.      specialise in the Highest quality

                                                                                                                                  A One Stop Shop For All of Your
getting the goods.”                                                                  concrete flooring finishes, whether it
                                             ConcreteFx then appeared on the         be commercial or domestic, concrete
 “Justin suggested value for money         2013 Melbourne series of “THE             polishing, epoxy coatings, acid stain,                                                                                                 GRINDING mACHINES AND
you can’t go past the SC650 planetary
3 head, variable speed, left/right head
                                           BLOCK SKY HIGH” supplying its
                                           TOP IT range for incorporation in
                                                                                     decorative coatings and polished
                                                                                     concrete floors and bench tops been a
                                                                                                                                    Surface Preparation Needs                                                               DuST CoLLECToRS
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            At TRAXX we well recognize what is
rotation and best of all only requiring    the apartments of the twins, Bec          specialty.                                                                                                                             needed to be successful in servicing
3 Phase 20 Amp.” Phil inspected and        and George, and Trixie and Johnno!                                                                                                                                               this market sector.
researched the machine and others          “Judges were amazed at our polished
                                                                                      For more details about ConcreteFX       CHEmICAL RANGE
which made the decision very easy;                                                   0403 949 049 or visit the website        If the surface being worked requires a                                                        We have brought together a full range
                                           concrete benchtop. Polished concrete is
the Traxx SC650 was it and delivered                                                          super hard, supremely polished and                                                            of harmonized machines and tools to
                                           fast becoming a sought after addition
the very next day to site to enable                                                                                           fully sealed surface, you can select                                                          cover the full spectrum.
                                           to the modern and elegant home.            For more information on Surface Prep
completion of approx 2000m2 of                                                                                                from a range of chemical treatments to
                                           With polished concrete the choices        Equipment contact Traxx Construction
polished concrete at South Wharf DFO,                                                                                         provide that superb result.
                                           are almost endless.” ConcreteFx also      Products on (03) 9646 9200 or visit
then quickly followed up by another        provided its experience and expertise     online
400m2 at Moorabbin DFO Food court.
                                           to form subfloors in preparation for                                                M e l b o u r n e , S y d n e y, B r i s b a n e , P e r t h , A d e l a i d e , D a r w i n , H o b a r t
 Since    the    purchase    Phil   has    alternative floor coverings.
                                                                                                                              TRAXX CONSTRUCTION PRODUCTS.
                                                                                                                              Head Office Unit 4/1 Rocklea Drive, Port Melbourne Victoria Australia, 3207
         CSDAA.COM.AU                                                                                                         Phone 1300 109 108 | Telephone +61 (0) 3 9646 9200 | Email
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