Terrestrial wireless communications - Identifying, managing and harmonizing radio-frequency spectrum - ITU

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Terrestrial wireless communications - Identifying, managing and harmonizing radio-frequency spectrum - ITU
No. 4, 2019

Terrestrial wireless
Identifying, managing and
harmonizing radio-frequency
Terrestrial wireless communications - Identifying, managing and harmonizing radio-frequency spectrum - ITU

       Enabling terrestrial wireless
       Houlin Zhao

       ITU Secretary‑General

       W                                                                             “
                        ireless communications have helped connect billions
                        of people to the Internet so that they can reap the
                        benefits of today’s digital economy.                              Nearly every
                        Nearly every sector of the economy now relies upon
                                                                                          sector of the
       wireless technologies — from banking and agriculture to transportation                 economy
       and health care. And powerful new technologies that rely on robust                   now relies
                                                                                        upon wireless
       wireless communications networks — such as 5G, Artificial Intelligence
       and Internet of Things — hold great promise to improve lives at an
       unprecedented pace and scale.                                                   technologies —
       Indeed, they have potential to accelerate progress towards achieving
                                                                                        from banking
       each of the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).            and agriculture
                                                                                    to transportation
                                                                                      and health care.
       ITU’s Radiocommunication Sector (ITU–R) globally regulates the use of
       radio-frequency spectrum and satellite orbits to ensure these critical
       resources are used rationally, efficiently, economically, and equitably,
                                                                                              Houlin Zhao
       and to prevent harmful interference between services of different gov-
       ernment administrations.
       In October, ITU’s World Radiocommunication Conference 2019
       (WRC‑19) will update the very important Radio Regulations interna-
       tional treaty, enabling those industries that are using current and future
       terrestrial radiocommunication technologies to continue to bring
                                                                                                            ITU News MAGAZINE 04/2019

       benefits to everyone.

       In this edition of the ITU News Magazine you will learn more about the
       importance of terrestrial wireless communications and how WRC‑19
       can enable their continued success and rollout.
Terrestrial wireless communications - Identifying, managing and harmonizing radio-frequency spectrum - ITU

      Terrestrial wireless
      Identifying, managing and harmonizing
      radio-frequency spectrum

      Editorial                                                    Cover photo: Shutterstock

      1    Enabling terrestrial wireless communications
           Houlin Zhao
           ITU Secretary‑General


      4    The importance of terrestrial wireless communications
           Mario Maniewicz                                         ISSN 1020–4148
           Director of the ITU Radiocommunication Bureau           itunews.itu.int
                                                                   Six issues per year
                                                                   Copyright: © ITU 2019
      8    ITU–R Study Group 5 — Terrestrial services
                                                                   Editor-in-Chief: Matthew Clark
           Martin Fenton                                           Art Editor: Christine Vanoli
           Chairman of ITU–R Study Group 5                         Editorial Assistant: Angela Smith

                                                                   Editorial office/Advertising information:
      13 For the allocation of radio spectrum frequencies the      Tel.: +41 22 730 5234/6303
         world is divided into three regions                       Fax: +41 22 730 5935
                                                                   E‑mail: itunews@itu.int

                                                                   Mailing address:
      Industry perspectives                                        International Telecommunication Union
                                                                   Place des Nations                                               2
                                                                   CH–1211 Geneva 20 (Switzerland)
      14 5G is already upon us — we must act now to secure its
         future                                                    Disclaimer:
                                                                   Opinions expressed in this publication are those of the
           Brett Tarnutzer                                         authors and do not engage ITU. The designations em-
           Head of Spectrum, GSMA                                  ployed and presentation of material in this publication,
                                                                                                                                   ITU News MAGAZINE 04/2019

                                                                   including maps, do not imply the expression of any
                                                                   opinion whatsoever on the part of ITU concerning the
      19 Global opportunities for 5G terrestrial communications    legal status of any country, territory, city or area, or con-
           Joe Barrett                                             cerning the delimitations of its frontiers or boundaries.
           President, Global mobile Suppliers Association (GSA)    The mention of specific companies or of certain prod-
                                                                   ucts does not imply that they are endorsed or recom-
                                                                   mended by ITU in preference to others of a similar
                                                                   nature that are not mentioned.

                                                                   All photos are by ITU unless specified otherwise.
Terrestrial wireless communications - Identifying, managing and harmonizing radio-frequency spectrum - ITU

      24 Evolving and modernizing PPDR radiocommunications
           Bharat Bhatia
           President, ITU‑APT foundation of India
           Chair, ITU–R WP5D, SWG on PPDR, Chair, APT-AWG
           Task Group on PPDR and Head of International
           Spectrum, Motorola Solutions Inc.

      29 Intelligent transport systems towards automated vehicles
           Satoshi Oyama
           Senior Researcher, Association of Radio
           Industries and Businesses (ARIB), Japan

      33 Self-training, intercommunication and technical
         investigations: the amateur service in the 21st Century
           David Sumner
           Secretary, International Amateur Radio Union (IARU)

      37 High Altitude Platform Stations (HAPS) — bringing
         connectivity to all
           Michael Tseytlin
           Director of Engineering, Spectrum and Standards, Facebook
           Chris Weasler
           Head of Global Spectrum Policy and Connectivity
           Crisis Response Program, Facebook

      41 Connectivity from the stratosphere
           Sophie Thomas
           Zephyr Programme Manager, Airbus

      45 A revolution in railway communication
           Dirk Schattschneider
           Senior Spectrum Manager, Deutsche Bahn AG
      49 5G for the future railway mobile communication system
           David Rothbaum
           Director of Business Development, Ericsson
                                                                       ITU News MAGAZINE 04/2019
Terrestrial wireless communications - Identifying, managing and harmonizing radio-frequency spectrum - ITU

      The importance of
      terrestrial wireless
      Mario Maniewicz

      Director of the ITU
      Radiocommunication Bureau

                       ireless devices are notably visible
                       and extremely present in our
                       everyday lives. Smartphones
                       and tablets with embedded
      Wi‑Fi accompany people almost everywhere.

      We listen to the radio in our cars, watch free-to-air
      television programmes at home, travel safely in
      cities and around the globe, staying connected,
                                                                    Wireless devices
      thanks to terrestrial wireless communication            are notably visible and
                                                                extremely present in
      Consumer demand for wireless services has                   our everyday lives.
      increased exponentially in recent years, leading
      to an explosive growth of networks and devices                      Mario Maniewicz
      and bringing great benefits for economies.
      According to ITU, active mobile broadband sub-
      scriptions reached 4.69 billion in 2017. In 2018,                                     4
      according to GSMA, the mobile industry made
      a total contribution of USD 3.9 trillion of eco-
      nomic value, equivalent to 4.6 per cent of global
      GDP. The Internet of Things (IoT) market is also
      growing very fast, with currently around 7 billion
                                                                                            ITU News MAGAZINE 04/2019

      devices, according to data from IoT Analytics.
Terrestrial wireless communications - Identifying, managing and harmonizing radio-frequency spectrum - ITU

      To adequately satisfy consumer demand,
      terrestrial radio technologies have evolved
      considerably over the past few decades, and
      new applications have emerged. They include
      advanced mobile broadband, intelligent trans-
      port systems and IoT devices. Frequencies and
      regulations for these technologies are on the
      agenda of the World Radiocommunication                                  28 October – 22 November
      Conference (WRC‑19) to be held in Sharm                                   Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt
      el‑Sheikh, Egypt, in November 2019.

      Amateur radio

      The amateur radio service was born more than
      100 years ago and continues to be very valuable,
      bringing young people into a fascinating world
      of radio. A great variety of modern radio technol-
      ogies have been developed and tested by radio
      amateurs. Today, the number of radio amateurs
      reaches 3 million, and national amateur radio
      societies operate in 167 countries, according to
      IARU. At WRC‑19 the amateur community targets        5G represents an evolution of IMT‑Advanced/4G
      worldwide harmonization of the 50–54 MHz band        systems. These 4G systems have opened a new
      to ensure reliable, middle-range communications      era for mobile Internet, serve a basis of many
      everywhere in the world.                             apps-based businesses, used for such services as
                                                           m‑Learning, m‑Health, mobile money. They have
                                                           become a powerful and reliable platform for
      IMT‑2020 (5G) — enhanced broadband                   broadband services — especially in developing
      and beyond                                           countries — for bridging the digital divide.          5
      One of the most challenging WRC‑19 issues is         IMT‑2020/5G is also seen as the first mobile plat-
      the spectrum and regulations for the next gener-     form that supports not only mobile broadband,
      ation of International Mobile Telecommunications     but a variety of applications, such as massive
      (IMT‑2020 or 5G) in the millimeter bands. These      machine-type communications, autonomous
                                                                                                                 ITU News MAGAZINE 04/2019

      bands above 24 GHz, having a huge capacity,          cars, public safety, etc. Its characteristics could
      are needed to enable superfast data rates and        meet the communication requirements of trans-
      empower new services such as 3D video, aug-          port, manufacturing, the health sector and other
      mented, virtual reality and others.                  industries.
Terrestrial wireless communications - Identifying, managing and harmonizing radio-frequency spectrum - ITU

                     ITU’s contribution to 5G includes harmonized         High-altitude platform systems (HAPS)
                     frequency bands and IMT‑2020 standards to
                     allow for a commercial IMT‑2020/5G deployment        High-altitude platform systems (HAPS) is another
                     starting from 2020.                                  technology that can be used to provide broad-
                                                                          band, directly to end users or as backhaul for
                                                                          stations of the mobile service. These applications
                     Radio Local Area Networks (RLANs)                    would potentially enable wireless broadband in
                                                                          remote and rural areas. In some situations, they
                     Wi‑Fi or Radio Local Area Networks (RLANs)           may be also rapidly deployed for disaster-recov-
                     in ITU terminology has been widely used for          ery communications.
                     Internet connectivity and data delivery. Wi‑Fi has
                     also been used for offloading mobile traffic, thus   Previous WRCs have already identified frequen-
                     reducing the amount of data carried on cellu-        cies in the fixed service in the 6 GHz, 27/31 GHz
                     lar networks.                                        and 47/48 GHz bands that can be used for
                                                                          HAPS. However, the spectrum requirements of
                     The traditional 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz bands used for     new broadband HAPS may not be fully accom-
                     RLANs are heavily used and growing consumer          modated within these current designations.
                     demand requires additional capacity. WRC‑19          Therefore, additional spectrum is being consid-
                     will consider the additional spectrum needs          ered for HAPS systems in the millimetre bands
                                                                                                                               ITU News MAGAZINE 04/2019

                     of RLANs in their traditional 5 GHz band. This       above 21.4 GHz.
                     represents a challenging task due to the need for
                     protection of several existing services.
Terrestrial wireless communications - Identifying, managing and harmonizing radio-frequency spectrum - ITU

      Intelligent transport ecosystems
                                                                               I expect the
                                                                         terms allocation,
                                                                        identification and
                                                                      harmonization to be
      Wireless technologies are changing the
      shape of road transport, making cars smarter,
                                                                      the key words of the
      driving more convenient, and roads safer.                         upcoming WRC‑19.
      Radiocommunications serve various aspects of
      transportation networks, such as vehicle navi-                                        Mario Maniewicz
      gation, traffic control, road signs and automatic
      licence plate recognition, etc. forming what are
      now referred to as Intelligent Transport Systems
      (ITS). A variety of technologies can contribute to
      ITS, including cellular networks, wireless access
      systems, sensors and radars.
                                                            Harmonization, coexistence and
      WRC‑19 will consider spectrum harmonization for       spectral efficiency
      ITS in different frequency bands, and particularly
      in the 5.8 GHz band.                                  Finally, I would like to emphasize the important
                                                            goals of the Union at WRCs: harmonization of
      Railway transportation is also an important user of   frequency bands for wireless technologies, allo-
      radio technologies. WRC‑19 will consider Railway      cation of bands of the radio-frequency spectrum
      Radiocommunication Systems between Train and          in order to avoid harmful interference between
      Trackside (RSTT). They include wireless technol-      radio stations of different countries (No. 11 of
      ogies used on-board trains, positioning informa-      the ITU Constitution), and limiting the number
      tion, train remote control and surveillance.          of frequencies and the spectrum used to the
                                                            minimum essential to provide the necessary ser-
      WRC‑19 will determine ways of harmonizing fre-        vices in a satisfactory manner (No. 195 of the ITU
      quency bands for these applications to improve        Constitution). The importance of these objectives
      their interoperability and reduce investments.        grows from one WRC to the next and covers an
                                                            increasing number of applications.

                                                            For IMT and HAPS, intelligent transport and
                                                            railway applications, amateur and RLAN harmo-
                                                            nization, coexistence and spectral efficiency are
                                                            crucial. They facilitate the deployment of regional
                                                            and global networks, enable economies of scale,
                                                                                                                    ITU News MAGAZINE 04/2019

                                                            and make radio equipment and devices more
                                                            affordable for all countries. Therefore, I expect the
                                                            terms allocation, identification and harmonization
                                                            to be the key words of the upcoming WRC‑19.
Terrestrial wireless communications - Identifying, managing and harmonizing radio-frequency spectrum - ITU

      ITU–R Study Group 5
      — Terrestrial services
      Martin Fenton

      Chairman of ITU–R Study Group 5

                errestrial radiocommunication
                applications are of vital importance to the
                global digital economy. They underpin
                our mobile phone networks, they
      support fixed and mobile Internet connectivity,
      and they are a key component of our global safety
      networks for maritime and aeronautical. They

      support numerous consumer devices, the needs of
      industry, industrial automation, Internet of Things
      (IoT), autonomous and connected cars, etc., etc.          Study Group 5 and
      Study Group 5 and its working parties play an
                                                                its working parties
      important role in supporting all these terrestrial         play an important
      radiocommunication industries, both through                role in supporting
                                                                all these terrestrial
      work preparing for the various Agenda items it is
      responsible for, and that will be decided upon at
      WRC‑19, and through the everyday activities of its      radiocommunication
      working parties, such as capturing and promoting
      advances in terrestrial radiocommunication tech-
      nologies (fixed, mobile, aeronautical, maritime,
                                                                           Martin Fenton

      The Study Group also provides technical charac-
      teristics and protection requirements for these
                                                                                           ITU News MAGAZINE 04/2019

      services for use in studies right across the radio-
      communications sector.
Terrestrial wireless communications - Identifying, managing and harmonizing radio-frequency spectrum - ITU

      The launch of 5G
                                                                      organizations are
                                                                   developing standards
      The development of 5G is set to revolutionize
      mobile services over the next decade. 5G mobile
                                                                         in line with the
      phone services have already been launched in                         ITU–R vision.
      a number of countries including in the Republic
      of Korea, Switzerland, the United States and                                          Martin Fenton
      the United Kingdom. Further 5G launches
      are expected in the second half of 2019, and
      launches will accelerate in 2020.

      Underpinning the development of 5G has
      been the work of Study Group 5 on IMT‑2020.
      In 2015, through work in the Study Group
      and especially its Working Party 5D, the ITU        ­ 4.25–86 GHz) for IMT‑2020 in preparation for
      Radiocommunication Sector (ITU–R) established       decisions at WRC‑19 under Agenda item 1.13.
      the “Vision” for 5G (IMT‑2020) with the publica-    A successful outcome at the WRC will be a key
      tion of Recommendation ITU–R M.2083.                foundation to the successful delivery of 5G ser-
                                                          vices going forward.

      Looking to the global 5G standard
      in 2020                                             RLAN technology — important for
                                                          Internet access
      In 2017, we established the minimum perfor-
      mance requirements for 5G radio interface           Radio local area network (RLAN) technology
      technologies as set out in Report ITU–R M.2410.     (such as Wi-Fi) has developed into one of the
      Standards development organizations are devel-      most important means of Internet access, and
      oping standards in line with the ITU–R vision and   Wi-Fi chipsets are imbedded into almost every
      minimum technical requirements, and a process       mobile phone, tablet and laptop on the planet.
      is in place to review and evaluate these stand-
      ards, with the intention that the ITU–R adopt the
                                                          Ensuring applications such as Wi-Fi have the
                                                          spectrum needed to cater for the ever-increasing
      global IMT‑2020 standard in 2020.                   demand for data traffic is of vital importance.

                                                          To this end, the Study Group, through its Working
      WRC — a key foundation for 5G delivery              Party 5A (WP 5A), has been looking at measures
                                                                                                              ITU News MAGAZINE 04/2019

                                                          to enhance spectrum utility in the 5 GHz band
      A major component of 5G success is the identi-      in response to Resolution 239 (WRC‑15) under
      fication of suitable frequencies for 5G and Study   WRC‑19 Agenda item 1.16. Other important
      Group 5, through its Task Group 5/1, which has      areas of work for WP 5A have been on intelligent
      been responding to Resolution 238 (WRC‑15)          transport systems (ITS) and on railway applica-
      on mmWave spectrum bands (between                   tions under WRC‑19 Agenda items 1.11 and 1.12.

                     Supporting global trade, leisure                     Connecting remote areas
                     and tourism
                                                                          Providing Internet connectivity to remote/
                     The maritime and aeronautical sectors are hugely     sparsely populated areas, where provision
                     important, for instance for global trade and for     through more traditional fixed and mobile
                     the leisure and tourism industries. The Study        networks is challenging and potentially une-
                     Group, though its Working Party 5B (WP 5B),          conomic, is an important objective that the
                     supports these sectors, contributing to their safe   ITU Radiocommunication Sector is looking to
                     operation and navigation and to the distress and     facilitate.
                     safety systems they rely on. For example, WP 5B
                     has carried out studies to support the moderni-
                     zation of the Global Maritime Distress and Safety    Enhancing support for high-
                     System (GMDSS) in response to Resolution 359         altitude platforms
                     (WRC‑15) under WRC‑19 Agenda item 1.8, and
                     other spectrum regulatory issue relevant to          One of the innovative ways being considered is
                     GMDSS responding to Resolutions 362 (WRC‑15)         through the use of high-altitude platforms (HAPS)
                     and 360 (WRC‑15) under WRC‑19 Agenda                 and the Study Group, through its Working Party
                     items 1.9.1 and 1.9.2. WP 5B has also carried        5C, has been looking at enhanced support for
                     out studies on facilitating the development the      HAPS in existing fixed service bands in response
                                                                                                                              ITU News MAGAZINE 04/2019

                     Global Aeronautical Distress and Safety System       to Resolution 160 (WRC‑15), under WRC‑19
                     (GADSS) responding to Resolution 426 (WRC‑15)        Agenda item 1.14.
                     under WRC‑19 Agenda item 1.10.
The ITU Radiocommunication
                   Sector (ITU–R) Study Groups
                               World experts in radiocommunications,
                                      dedicated to studies in:
  The efficient management and use of the spectrum/orbit resource by space and terrestrial services

                                     Characteristics and performance of radio systems

                                                   Operation of radio stations

                              Radiocommunication aspects of distress and safety matters

                  Preparatory studies for world and regional radiocommunication conferences

                                     Developing global standards (Recommendations)

                              Publishing best practices, including reports and handbooks

            More than 5000 specialists worldwide participate in the work of ITU–R Study Groups

Spectrum management is the combination
of administrative and technical procedures
necessary to ensure the efficient utilization
   of the radio-frequency spectrum by all
   radiocommunication services defined           Propagation of radio waves in ionized and        Systems and networks for the fixed-
    in the ITU Radio Regulations and the         non-ionized media and the characteristics      satellite service, mobile-satellite service,
operation of radio systems, without causing     of radio noise, for the purpose of improving        broadcastingsatellite service and
             harmful interference.                     radiocommunication systems.                radiodetermination-satellite service.        11
                    1                                              3                                               4
   Spectrum management                            Radiowave propagation                                Satellite services
                                                                                                                                               ITU News MAGAZINE 04/2019

       Terrestrial services                          Broadcasting service                               Science services

                    5                                              6                                               7
Systems and networks for fixed,                     Radiocommunication broadcasting,              “Science services” refer to the standard
  mobile, radiodetermination,                    including vision, sound, multimedia and        frequency and time signal, space research
 amateur and amateur-satellite                     data services principally intended for        (SRS),space operation, Earth exploration-
            services.                                 delivery to the general public.             satellite (EESS), meteorological-satellite
                                                                                               (MetSat), meteorological aids (MetAids) and
                                                                                                      radio astronomy (RAS) services.
ITU–R Study Group 5 (SG 5)
                 Terrestrial services

                      Systems and networks for fixed service

                           Land mobile service and IMT

                     Maritime and aeronautical mobile service

                            Radiodetermination service

                      Amateur and amateur-satellite services

   Four working parties (WPs) carry out the studies on Questions
    assigned to Study Group 5 (SG 5) and one task group (TG)
     which conducted studies on WRC‑19 Agenda item 1.13

  WP 5A                 WP 5B                WP 5C                     WP 5D
  Land mobile          Maritime mobile      Fixed wireless           International
service excluding      service including      systems; HF               mobile
IMT; amateur and          the Global        systems in the       telecommunication
 amateur-satellite    Maritime Distress     fixed and land          (IMT) systems
      service         and Safety System     mobile services
                        (GMDSS); the
                                                                       Read more
   Read more             aeronautical
                                               Read more
                        mobile service                                               12
                            and the

                                                           TG 5/1
                                                                                     ITU News MAGAZINE 04/2019

                         Read more

                                                         WRC‑19 Agenda
                                                           item 1.13

                                                           Read more

              For the allocation of radio
          spectrum frequencies the world
            is divided into three regions
                                         Region 1                         Region 2                                 Region 3
                                         Arab States                          Americas                             Asia-Pacific
                                   Commonwealth of
                                  Independent States

                    160°   140°   120°       100°     80°   60°   40°   20°           0°   20°   40°   60°       80°   100°   120°   140°   160°   180°

                    C                                                             B                A
          75°                                                                                                                                                75°

    60°                                                                                          Region 1                                                    60°

                           Region 2
       20°                                                                                                                                                   20°

           0°                                                                                                                                                    0°

          20°                                                                                                                                                20°
                                                                                                                                                                      ITU News MAGAZINE 04/2019

          30°                                                                                                                                                30°
          40°                                                                                                                                                40°

                    Region 3                                                                                              Region 3
                                         C                                    B                              A
          60°                                                                                                                                                60°
                    160°   140°   120°       100°   80°     60°   40°   20°       0°       20°   40°   60°       80°   100°   120°   140°   160°   180°

Industry perspectives

       5G is already upon
       us — we must act now
       to secure its future
       Brett Tarnutzer

       Head of Spectrum, GSMA

                       obile is one of the most far
                       reaching technologies in history
                       and the evolution to 5G is the next
                       essential step to no one being
       left behind in the digital revolution. 5G is here
       and we are starting to see how subscribers react

       to ultra-fast mobile broadband, and critically,
       how much data they use. But, this is just the
       beginning, and the full picture of mind-blowing
                                                                        5G is not just
       applications and speeds will only be possible            about more speed or
       when the right allocation of spectrum is made
       available. How this plays out will have enormous
                                                                  downloading more
       consequences for society, and if ignored,              video — it promises to
       securing a better, 5G-enabled future for all, could      accelerate the digital
                                                               transformation of all
       risk being set back by a decade of progress.

       In South Korea, according to SK Telecom, 5G data      industries and sectors,
       usage has already tripled in comparison with 4G.
                                                                 and to unleash new          14
       LG Uplus is seeing 1.3 gigabytes of data used
       per day per subscriber. This real-life view of how       waves of innovation
       people are using 5G provides stunning evidence                that will benefit
                                                                   billions of people.
       for the need to address spectrum planning now,
       to ensure that this progress is not choked off.
                                                                                             ITU News MAGAZINE 04/2019

       The ITU’s role is fundamental, access for everyone
                                                                           Brett Tarnutzer
       to the right spectrum will ultimately define the
       success of 5G.
Industry perspectives

              5G mobile will drive the digital society               It has connected over 5.1 billion unique mobile
                                                                     subscribers and almost 9 billion connections,
              As we all know, 5G is not just about more speed        changing the way we communicate, work, man-
              or downloading more video — it promises to             age our health, homes, and entertain ourselves.
              accelerate the digital transformation of all indus-
              tries and sectors, and to unleash new waves of         In 2018 alone, the mobile industry contrib-
              innovation that will benefit billions of people. The   uted USD 3.9 trillion to global GDP and added
              mobile industry knows how to make spectrum             USD 510 billion to public finances. But the advan-
              work for a better future. It has an outstanding        tages brought by the terrestrial mobile industry
              record in working with governments and supra-          go far beyond commercial or even contributions
              national organizations such as ITU, to effectively     to the public purse.
              deploy spectrum to change lives.

              But spectrum is finite, and governments need to        Mobile industry delivers with
              be sure that this precious resource is maximized,
              not just financially, but in ways that deliver the
                                                                     its spectrum                                          15
              greatest benefit to the largest number of citizens.    No-one has done more with available spectrum,
                                                                     nor collaborated more effectively to deliver a bet-
              Over the past 30 years the mobile industry has         ter future for everyone. More than two-thirds of
              made good use of its spectrum to make signifi-         the people on the planet are now connected to a
                                                                                                                           ITU News MAGAZINE 04/2019

              cant contributions to the world.                       mobile network and, for many, mobile is the pri-
                                                                     mary — sometimes only — channel for accessing
                                                                     the Internet and life-enhancing services. Mobile
                                                                     is opening doors to opportunities unimaginable
                                                                     only a few decades ago.
Industry perspectives

           Unique                                                 SIM
           mobile                                                 connections
           subscribers                                            Excluding cellular Internet of Things


           5.1bn                                                   2018

           67%      Penetration rate
                     (% of population)   71%          CAGR
                                                     2018–25      9.2bn
                                                                           Penetration Rate
                                                                   103%      (% of population)   112%       CAGR

                                                               of GDP
                                                                        USD 3.9tn                          2018
                                to GDP                         4.8%     USD 4.8tn                           2023

         Source: Mobile Economy Report 2019 (GSMA)                                bn: billion     $: USD    tn: trillion

       Our industry was the first to commit to the United           Immersive augmented reality (AR) and virtual
       Nations Sustainable Development Goals in                     reality (VR) educational content that can
       2016, and continues to lead by connecting less               bring the world’s greatest museums, sites
       favoured communities, reducing poverty, improv-              and cultural events to potentially billions of
       ing access to health care and education and                  children and adults otherwise excluded from
       driving sustainable economic growth. Recently,               these valuable experiences.
       the GSMA was proud to be awarded the Red                                                                            16
       Cross Gold medal for our efforts and commit-                 Radical improvements in health care and the
       ment to humanity.                                            wellness of populations with widespread use
                                                                    of ultra-light, low-power wearables measuring
       But we are fundamentally a future-focused indus-             biometrics and providing health advice
                                                                                                                           ITU News MAGAZINE 04/2019

       try. Our mission is to enable our customers to do            in real-time.
       tomorrow what they can’t do today. This means
       providing 5G networks capable of supporting                  Creating smarter, cleaner, safer factories
       innovations such as:                                         by connecting machinery and robots with
                                                                    mmWave wireless for zero-latency precision
                                                                    control and coordination to increase efficiency
                                                                    and reduce waste.
Industry perspectives

                                                                mmWave use cases

                                                                            Large-scale industrial automation relies on
                                                                mmWaves: next-generation manufacturing will produce
          Connecting smart cities to manage traffic,            large amounts of data, and low-latency communication
          resources, power and environment in real-             is crucial.
          time at massive scale.

                                                                          “Wireless fibre” services will be a
       5G spectrum can coexist and drive
                                                                cornerstone of early 5G; capacity will be met through
       new innovation                                           mmWave along with mid-band spectrum such as the
                                                                3 GHz range.
       Effective allocation of spectrum, especially in the
       mmWave bands, is critical for these high-speed,
       high-throughput and low-latency scenarios.
                                                                       High data volumes and high-density real-time
                                                                communications must be addressed by a combination
       Studies show that 5G will not only coexist along-
                                                                of mmWave and lower bands.
       side other uses but will accelerate the digital
       transformation of existing industries, and unleash
       a new wave of innovative solutions to our most
       pressing global issues.                                              With their latency and peak data-rate
                                                                requirements, mmWaves will benefit virtual and
       The mobile industry is a highly-effective ecosys-        augmented reality. For example, educational
                                                                applications are likely to produce high volumes of data
       tem, 14 million people are directly employed in
                                                                that will rely on mmWave 5G.
       the industry and 17 million people employed

       Just as 3G and then 4G networks created new
       disruptive businesses, from the sharing economy
       to wearable technology, so 5G will provide the
       environment for innovations in sustainability, car-
       ing for an aging population and ensuring wider        Don’t leave it to chance
       and fairer access to opportunity. Allocating suffi-
       cient spectrum to international mobile telecom-
       munications (IMT) for 5G stimulates the whole
                                                             This cannot be left to chance, and it cannot be
                                                             put off. To bring the benefits of mobile services
       ecosystem, underpins ongoing development of           to industry and consumers, operators require
       existing networks, and makes sure no-one is left      timely access to the right amount and type of
       behind in the emerging digital society.               spectrum, and under the right conditions. In a
                                                             World Radiocommunication Conference (WRC)
                                                                                                                          ITU News MAGAZINE 04/2019

                                                             year, these decisions need to be made, or we risk
                                                             a 5–10 year “pause” on progress.
Industry perspectives

              Impact of mmWave spectrum by 2034 on mobile contribution

                         USD 565 billion
                                                                        USD 152 billion

                                   Rapid rise:

               52%                                                               25%
                                   to GDP to               11%
                                                            2025                    2034
                                   grow 52%
                                                      The share of 5G services using mmWaves
         Source: GSMA

                                                  To allow for 5G’s full potential, specifications
                                                  call for 80–100 MHz of contiguous spectrum per

                                                  operator in the 5G mid-bands and around 1 GHz
                                                  per operator in the mmWave bands.
              In a WRC year,
             these decisions                      The socio-economic case for allocating these

         need to be made, or
                                                  bands is strong. Over a 15‑year period, from
                                                  2020 to 2034, 5G services that rely on mmWaves
          we risk a 5–10 year                     will contribute an additional USD 565 billion in

         ’pause’ on progress.                     global GDP and the USD overall value created by
                                                  5G will come from mmWaves.
                        Brett Tarnutzer
                                                  The ITU has played an instrumental role in ena-
                                                  bling the creation of a better world for billions
                                                  of people through its support of mobile. We all
                                                  need to build on this success. Mobile operators,
                                                  governments, other industries and the entire ITU
                                                  membership need to work hand-in-hand to con-
                                                                                                      ITU News MAGAZINE 04/2019

                                                  nect everyone and everything to a better future.
Industry perspectives

       Global opportunities
       for 5G terrestrial
       Joe Barrett

       President, Global mobile
       Suppliers Association (GSA)

                     ver the past thirty+ years the
                     mobile community has built a
                     phenomenal global social and
                     economic success story. The
       commercial drive of the mobile ecosystem and

       the global IMT‑2020 vision means information
       and communications technology (ICT)
       connectivity can now be considered a vital utility
                                                                Spectrum must be
       service.                                                utilized in the most
       The deployment of 5G mobile technology
                                                                 efficient and cost-
       will further extend this utility as Internet proto-       effective way, and
       col-based mobile communications become the            spectrum availability
                                                                  must not impact
       bedrock of mobile standards; and the release
       of new spectrum satisfies the growing service
       demands of both business and consumers.                      the commercial
                                                                   requirements of         19
       ITU has played a leading role in the global suc-
       cess of enabling 5.7 billion users to be connected      the broader mobile
       via a mobile IMT phone. The mobile industry is                    ecosystem.
       determined to enable the remaining 3 billion
       people of the world’s population to also be con-                      Joe Barrett
                                                                                           ITU News MAGAZINE 04/2019

       nected by 2030 as well as 100 billion Internet of
       Things (IoT).
Industry perspectives

        Global mobile Suppliers Association (GSA) fully                                data, 3G took 10 years to reach 1 billion subscrip-
        expects that, with the right industry focus, 5G                                tions; by comparison 4G took less than six years.
        technology will be deployed faster than previous                               GSA expects 5G to take less than five years to
        technology generations. According to Ovum                                      reach 1 billion subscriptions.

 The following charts show GSA’s current understanding of the state of 5G and 5G-relevant (i.e. technology neutral) licensing around
 the world in the C-Band, 26 GHz and 28 GHz bands. The charts do not provide data about other allocations of the spectrum in these
 ranges — e.g. for fixed wireless access services based on LTE or WiMAX or for satellite or governmental use. The following definitions
 apply to the chart legends:
      Licensed to test/trial — temporarily licensed to run public trials using the spectrum band concerned.
      Licensed — licensed or allocated.
      Auction — auction, tender, or allocation in progress.
      Auction/licensing planned — auction, tender or allocation planned.
      Consultation — consultation ongoing.
      Considering — considering the band strategy with regard to 5G.
      Reserved — Spectrum set aside for a new entrant, or for local or private 5G networks, or for spectrum sharing, or designated for 5G
      but not yet allocated to a specific operator.
 Outline indicates that precise range is unknown — GSA does not currently hold the data about the specific spectrum range; the activity
 is pictorially represented to cover the entire band.

                                                    “C-band” CEPT (ITU Region 1)
                 Licensed to test/trial              MHz         3300     3400       3500       3600       3700       3800       3900      4000       4100      4200
                 Auction                                  Austria
                 Auction/licensing planned              Belgium
                 Consultation                           Bulgaria
                 Considering                          Czech Rep.
                 Reserved                                 Estonia
           Outline indicates that precise
           range is unknown
                                                       Germany                                                                                                         20
           Where GSA only holds data about                Ireland
           regulator strategies in relation to               Italy
           imprecise bands, our interpretation of         Kosovo
           spectrum ranges is as follows:                   Latvia
                                                                                                                                                                       ITU News MAGAZINE 04/2019

           “C-band”     3300–4200 MHz               Luxembourg
           3.3 GHz      3300–3400 MHz               Netherlands
           3.5 GHz      3400–3600 MHz
           3.6 GHz      3500–3700 MHz                    Norway
           3.7 GHz      3600–3800 MHz                     Poland

                                                             In many countries there are existing non-5G licences that are due for expiry within a few years.
                                                                                           These are not shown on the charts.

          © 2019 Global mobile Suppliers Association
Industry perspectives

                                    “C-band” Middle East and Africa (ITU Region 1)
                Licensed to test/trial              MHz        3300      3400       3500       3600       3700       3800       3900      4000       4100      4200
                Auction                                   Egypt
                Auction/licensing planned                   Iraq
                Consultation                              Israel
                Considering                              Kuwait
                Reserved                               Morocco
          Outline indicates that precise                  Qatar
          range is unknown                         Saudi Arabia
                                                    South Africa
                                                    United Arab
          Where GSA only holds data about
          regulator strategies in relation to
          imprecise bands, our interpretation of            In many countries there are existing non-5G licences that are due for expiry within a few years.
          spectrum ranges is as follows:                                                  These are not shown on the charts.

          “C-band”     3300–4200 MHz               © 2019 Global mobile Suppliers Association
          3.3 GHz      3300–3400 MHz
          3.5 GHz      3400–3600 MHz
          3.6 GHz      3500–3700 MHz
          3.7 GHz      3600–3800 MHz

       For this growth and adoption of 5G to happen                                   The availability of 5G spectrum needs to be
       three initiatives need to align:                                               accelerated.
                                                                                      5G will require spectrum in the low bands (below
       The mobile ecosystem of global suppliers has to                                2 GHz), mid bands (2 GHz to around 6 GHz) and
       forward invest in 5G networks.                                                 high bands (above 6 GHz) to achieve the full
       This is already happening with infrastructure,                                 IMT‑2020 vision of mobile broadband for the
       chip and device manufacturers accelerating the                                 mass-market, including serving rural areas that
       availability of 5G software and hardware, while                                have not always benefited from mobile commu-
       also making economic strides in reducing the                                   nications. New spectrum in the high bands such
       costs of deployment and management of 5G                                       as 26 GHz, 28 GHz and 40 GHz are being made
       technology. Government support for 5G trials                                   available, depending on regional availability,
       and early deployments in both developed and                                    and harmonization of these bands will facilitate
       developing countries is also essential. According                              the rapid deployment of the ecosystem and 5G
       to GSA data, as of end June 2019, there were                                   networks. Those high bands will be important
       90 announced 5G devices, twenty-five of which
       were phones/smartphones, based on chipsets
                                                                                      in delivering high capacity in urban hot-spots,
                                                                                      narrow city “canyons” and in-building.
       from four silicon vendors.
                                                                                      5G is also highly relevant in the low frequency
       GSA has also reported that infrastructure sup-                                 bands such as 600 MHz, 700 MHz and 800 MHz,
       pliers are supporting 280 Mobile Network                                       and will enable the mobile industry to deliver
                                                                                                                                                                      ITU News MAGAZINE 04/2019

       Operators (MNOs) in 94 countries where 5G net-                                 rural mass market home broadband along with
       works have either been or are being deployed,                                  the mid and high bands.
       trialed, tested or where operators have been
       licensed to deploy mobile 5G or home broad-
       band 5G.
Industry perspectives

                                              “C-band” The Americas (ITU Region 2)
                Licensed to test/trial               MHz        3300     3400       3500       3600       3700       3800       3900      4000       4100      4200
                Auction                               Argentina
                Auction/licensing planned                  Brazil
                Consultation                             Canada
                Considering                                Chile
                Reserved                              Colombia
                                                      Costa Rica
          Outline indicates that precise               Ecuador*
          range is unknown                              Mexico*
          Where GSA only holds data about
          regulator strategies in relation to                                               * Spectrum refarming required
          imprecise bands, our interpretation of
          spectrum ranges is as follows:                    In many countries there are existing non-5G licences that are due for expiry within a few years.
                                                                                          These are not shown on the charts.
          “C-band”     3300–4200 MHz
          3.3 GHz      3300–3400 MHz               © 2019 Global mobile Suppliers Association
          3.5 GHz      3400–3600 MHz
          3.6 GHz      3500–3700 MHz
          3.7 GHz      3600–3800 MHz

       Mid bands offer a good balance between cover-                                  To achieve ubiquitous 5G in-building mobile
       age and capacity for 5G optimal deployment in                                  broadband coverage, spectrum should be made
       suburban areas. The mid band will be the spec-                                 available in the most harmonious and efficient
       trum bridge between wide coverage and high                                     way; either with MNOs building out dedicated
       capacity services.                                                             in-building networks with their own licensed
                                                                                      spectrum, or leasing or sharing licensed spec-
       The high bands will help deliver the Gbps                                      trum to enterprises, or to 3rd party in-build-
       throughput required by high-quality gaming,                                    ing operators.
       virtual/augmented reality, video and enterprise
       applications due to the wider spectrum bands.                                  In addition, some regulators are considering,
                                                                                      making part of the spectrum available to enter-
       Therefore, spectrum within all three bands, low,                               prises or agencies on a localized basis.
       mid and high, will be required by 5G to deliver
       an economically viable service if ITU is to realize                            Enterprise demand for 5G is being demon-
       its Strategic plan for the Union for 2020–2023.                                strated, and innovative applications that will
                                                                                      utilize 5G advantages including ultra-low latency
       5G must reach in-building.                                                     with autonomous cars, factory automation and
       The quality of 3G or 4G coverage in buildings                                  robotics and mobile video conferencing will also
       needs to improve, and is a major headache for                                  require massive broadband. Spectrum must be
       enterprises, which will only increase in severity,                             utilized in the most efficient and cost-effective
                                                                                                                                                                      ITU News MAGAZINE 04/2019

       since modern buildings are built to reflect radio                              way, and spectrum availability must not impact
       waves. This restriction can be turned into an                                  the commercial requirements of the broader
       advantage by using the high bands in-building in                               mobile ecosystem.
       addition to outdoor.
Industry perspectives

                                                   “C-band” Asia-Pacific (ITU Region 3)
                Licensed to test/trial                MHz         3300     3400       3500       3600       3700       3800       3900      4000       4100      4200
                Auction                                  Australia
                Auction/licensing planned                    China
                Consultation                                  India
                Considering                            Indonesia
                Reserved                                    Japan
          Outline indicates that precise                Myanmar
          range is unknown                           New Zealand
          Where GSA only holds data about            Rep. of Korea
          regulator strategies in relation to          Singapore
          imprecise bands, our interpretation of         Thailand
          spectrum ranges is as follows:                 Vietnam

          “C-band”     3300–4200 MHz
          3.3 GHz      3300–3400 MHz                          In many countries there are existing non-5G licences that are due for expiry within a few years.
          3.5 GHz      3400–3600 MHz                                                        These are not shown on the charts.
          3.6 GHz      3500–3700 MHz
          3.7 GHz      3600–3800 MHz                © 2019 Global mobile Suppliers Association

       Expansion of the mobile ecosystem                                                Spectrum, and the harmonization of a broad
                                                                                        range of spectrum bands from low to mid and
       The mobile ecosystem is expanding out of the                                     high, will meet and ideally exceed the expecta-
       traditional mobile supplier base to additionally                                 tion of all users in developed and developing
       include system integrators, automotive and aero-                                 countries. The industry has come a phenomenal
       space companies, factory automation suppliers,                                   way in a relatively short period of time.
       utilities, robotic innovators, and many more.
                                                                                        The next challenge is to make intelligent con-
       As an industry we have a responsibility to meet                                  nectivity (powered by 5G, AI and IoT) available
       the expectations of our customers and the                                        in each corner of our world — for the global
       Sustainable Development Goals. IMT‑2020/5G                                       economy, and social benefits — and IMT‑2020/5G
       will provide a ubiquitous, high speed and high                                   mobile technology and ITU has a key role to play
       quality, intelligent broadband connectivity                                      in making that vision a reality.
       experience, at home, in the office, on all forms of
       transport, when travelling at high speed, when in
       basement offices or on the top floor of a city sky-                                                                                                              23
       rise complex, or in a rural location.                                                                                                                            ITU News MAGAZINE 04/2019
Industry perspectives

       Evolving and
       modernizing PPDR
       Bharat Bhatia

       President, ITU‑APT foundation of India

       Chair, ITU–R WP5D, SWG on PPDR, Chair,
       APT-AWG Task Group on PPDR and Head of
       International Spectrum, Motorola Solutions Inc.

                 adiocommunications are critical for
                 saving lives and protecting property

                 during emergencies, major events and
                 disasters. Public safety agencies that
       respond to such emergencies cannot function
       without the support of robust and secure wireless        are critical for saving
                                                                  lives and protecting
       The International Telecommunication Union                      property during
       (ITU), and its members realized the importance              emergencies, major
                                                                 events and disasters.
       of harmonized spectrum and standard-based
       technologies to meet the radiocommunication
       needs of public safety agencies, hence the term
       public protection and disaster relief (PPDR —
                                                                              Bharat Bhatia
       see definition at the end of article) radiocommu-
       nications was coined during the ITU World Radio
       Communications Conference 2000 (WRC‑2000),
       in Istanbul, Turkey.
                                                                                              ITU News MAGAZINE 04/2019
Industry perspectives

                      The critical importance of                              The need for robust, reliable and
                      PPDR communications                                     instantaneous communications

                      PPDR communications are generally used by               Whether used in responding to a simple traffic
                      first responders such as the police, fire and           accident, or a petrochemical refinery fire, the
                      ambulance services, civil defence forces, border        communications systems need to be robust, reli-
                      guards, armed forces, search and rescue mis-            able and instantaneous. At present, most of the
                      sions, etc.                                             PPDR radiocommunication networks are based
                                                                              on narrowband land mobile wireless technolo-
                      PPDR communications are critical during events          gies such as APCO-P25 (see definition in Report
                      that threaten public safety, including threats to       ITU–R M.2377) or Terrestrial Trunked Radio
                      life, property and the environment. Such events         (TETRA). These narrowband networks are built
                      cause havoc to the public and the local economy,        for mission critical voice communication, support
                      including loss of lives and injuries, material losses
                      such as destruction of property and infrastruc-
                                                                              instantaneous push-to-talk group and device to
                                                                              device communications but have limited data
                      ture, as well as economic and social losses.            capabilities. WRC‑2003 adopted Resolution 646
                      Investments may have to be postponed, diverted          (last revised at WRC‑15 (see the Resolution
                      to other locations, or cancelled altogether.            below)) to harmonize the spectrum needed for
                                                                              such systems on a regional basis.
                                                                                                                                  ITU News MAGAZINE 04/2019

                      PPDR radiocommunications are also an important
                      tool used on an ongoing basis by first responders
                      in their everyday work to assist people, coordi-
                      nate tasks, and dispatch resources.
Industry perspectives

       Real time — an urgent requirement                      These networks can also enable live feeds from
                                                              traffic cameras or drones, or the use of num-
       With the explosive growth and proliferation of         ber-plate recognition in real time to track and
       smart mobile phones supported by broadband             intercept suspects before members of the public
       with high speed internet access, video and real        are put at risk.
       time social media in the hands of general public
       (and criminals), PPDR agencies have realized an
       urgent need to access broadband data, social           Harmonizing spectrum for
       media and mobile videos in real time. In par-          broadband PPDR
       ticular, high-resolution videos from the scenes
       of disasters or other major events are becom-          Timely availability of harmonized radio fre-
       ing increasingly critical for real-time situational    quency spectrum is important for realizing
       awareness and intelligence-driven decisions.           dedicated broadband PPDR networks. The ITU
                                                              World Radiocommunication Conference 2015
       New PPDR applications using real-time mobile           (WRC‑15) revised and updated Resolution 646
       video are helping detect and prevent criminal          (Resolution 646 (Rev. WRC‑15). to harmonize
       and other unlawful activities as well as supporting    spectrum needed for broadband PPDR on a
       effective response to disaster events. The fusion      global as well as regional basis. The frequency
       of artificial intelligence, mobile videos and big      range 694–894 MHz was adopted by WRC‑15
       data technologies is enabling video content            as the globally harmonized frequency range
       analytics that support detection, tracking, extract-   for broadband PPDR. This frequency range
       ing and identifying people, objects and their          includes the most commonly used PPDR bands
       attributes.                                            in 700 MHz (3GPP bands 14, 28 and 68) and
                                                              800 MHz (3GPP bands 5, 20 and 26).
       Such advanced PPDR applications are already
       supporting crime prediction and crime preven-          In order to develop the new features and
       tion. Mission critical integrated voice and video      applications required by PPDR users such as
       conversations integrated with information on           Mission-Critical Push To Talk (MCPTT), Mission-
       the location of emergency responders, real-time        Critical Data (MC Data), Mission-Critical Video
       updates on public transport movements and
       even social media activities are helping PPDR
                                                              (MC-Video) and Device-to-Device (D-to-D) com-
                                                              munications, the Third Generation Partnership
       agencies in responding to major events.                Project (3GPP) has created a working group
                                                              (System Architecture SA6). The applications are
       Mobile broadband PPDR networks could also              progressively being built into IMT (see Report
       enable fingerprint sensors to identify criminals       ITU–R M.2291) technology, starting with long-
                                                                                                                 ITU News MAGAZINE 04/2019

       or victims at the scene of an incident, saving val-    term evolution (LTE) release 13 and continue
       uable time and gathering vital intelligence in the     to evolve and mature in specifications of
       moments that matter.                                   Releases 14, 15 and 16, and going into IMT‑2020.
Industry perspectives

                                                               Radiocommunication objectives
                                                               and requirements for Public
                                                               Protection and Disaster Relief

       The challenge of how to establish
       broadband PPDR                                          Public Protection and Disaster Relief (PPDR)
                                                               radiocommunication systems are vital to the
                                                               achievement of the maintenance of law and order,
       As broadband data rapidly becomes a neces-              response to emergency situations, protection of life and
       sity for PPDR users, many governments around            property and response to disaster relief events.
       the world are faced with the challenge of how
       to establish broadband PPDR communications.             The ITU Radiocommunication Sector (ITU–R) Report
                                                               M. 2377 discusses the broad objectives and
       Building new PPDR infrastructure for the com-
                                                               requirements of PPDR applications, including the
       ing decades requires radio spectrum resources,          increasing use of broadband technologies to meet
       financial resources, infrastructure sharing of          those objectives and requirements. The expanding
       towers and sites, right of way rules and decisions      scope of PPDR capabilities, ranging from narrowband
                                                               through wideband and broadband, offers greater utility
       on a governance model to be followed, as PPDR
                                                               for emergency response operations around the world,
       users historically belong to multiple agencies and      including in developing countries.
       operate under different jurisdictions. Broadband
       PPDR networks must meet the operational and             The advances in broadband technologies offer the
       functional requirements of PPDR agencies and            potential of enhanced capability and capacity to
       be robust, secure and have the geographical             facilitate the achievements of both public protection
                                                               operations and responding to major emergencies and
       coverage and capacity to provide mission-criti-         catastrophic disasters. Whilst noting that narrowband
       cal broadband services, such as real-time video         and wideband technologies for PPDR services and
       communications and real-time data.                      applications are still widely used in all three ITU
       A number of countries have already imple-
                                                               Lean more in Report ITU–R M.2377.
       mented dedicated broadband PPDR networks.
       Others have dedicated harmonized spectrum for
       PPDR and a contracted service provider to build
       and operate the networks for them. Few have
       opted for commercial carriers to provide them
       infrastructure as a service (IaaS) against long-
       term contracts and operational requirements with
       specific quality of service norms.
                                                            that equips first responders to save lives and
                                                            protect communities. A nationwide LTE network
       Public safety and the 700 MHz band                   in the 700 MHz band is also being implemented
                                                            in South Korea to supplement its existing TETRA
       The First Responder Network Authority (FirstNet)     mission critical voice network. Similar networks
                                                                                                                          ITU News MAGAZINE 04/2019

       nationwide public safety LTE (PS‑LTE) network        are under implementation in many countries
       in the United States, in the 700 MHz band, is the    around the world including the Emergency
       first example of a large broadband PPDR data         Services Network (ESN) in the United Kingdom,
       network to supplement the country’s statewide        and similar networks in the Middle East and some
       P25 narrowband mission-critical voice network        Asian countries.
Industry perspectives

          Radio interface standards for use by public protection
          and disaster relief operations in accordance with
          Resolution 646 (Rev. WRC‑15)

          The ITU Radiocommunication Sector’s Recommendation M.2009‑2 identifies radio interface
          standards applicable for public protection and disaster relief (PPDR) operations in accordance
          with Resolution 646 (Rev. WRC‑15). The broadband standards included in the Recommendation
          are capable of supporting users at broadband data rates, taking into account the ITU–R
          definitions of “wireless access” and “broadband wireless access” found in Recommendation
          ITU–R F.1399.

          The Recommendation addresses the standards themselves and does not deal with the
          frequency arrangements for PPDR systems, for which a separate Recommendation exists:
          Recommendation ITU–R M.2015.

          The Recommendation ITU–R M.2009‑2 also addresses radio interface standards for use for
          public protection and disaster relief operations. These standards are based on common
          specifications developed by standards development organizations (SDOs). Using this
          Recommendation, regulators, manufacturers and PPDR operators should be able to determine
          the most suitable standards for their needs.

          To learn more about the recommendation, and for details of various PPDR technologies,
          see Recommendation ITU–R M.2009‑2.

       Modernizing and transforming PPDR operations         In the coming years, LTE-advanced and 5G
       to respond to evolving challenges requires           networks will enable enhanced mission critical
       substantial investments in infrastructure, work-     applications requiring ultra reliable low latency
       flow, systems and applications. Regardless of        and high mobility designed to meet the high
       the approach chosen, the availability of funds
       to deploy, maintain and secure a PPDR capable
                                                            demands of mission critical video and data by the
                                                            PPDR agencies.
       infrastructure requires government planning for
       funding and securing and policy decisions in a       The ITU Radiocommunication Sector (ITU–R) is
       stable regulatory environment. Mission critical      also working towards defining the future role of
       intelligence and real-time data analytics and mul-   IMT‑2020 to support PPDR applications.
                                                                                                                ITU News MAGAZINE 04/2019

       timedia dispatch capabilities are becoming just
       as important as push-to-talk voice in responding
       to PPDR agencies communication needs.
Industry perspectives

       Intelligent transport
       systems towards
       automated vehicles
       Satoshi Oyama

       Senior Researcher, Association of Radio
       Industries and Businesses (ARIB), Japan

                   here are about 1.4 billion cars in the
                   world, with an average annual increase
                   of 4% per year. Meanwhile, according
                   to the World Health Organization, traffic
       fatalities in the world amount to 1.35 million

       individuals per year.

       Intelligent transport systems (ITS) represent the
                                                                         The ITU World
       integration of information and communication              Radiocommunication
       technologies (ICTs) and applications that can
       achieve a reduction in traffic and pedestrian
                                                                       Conference 2015
       fatalities, and enhance transport infrastructure              (WRC‑15) initiated
       systems, through the realization of future auto-                Agenda item 1.12
                                                                     to seek globally or
       mated driving.

       Connected and automated vehicle technologies             regionally harmonized
       can gradually eliminate the need for drivers;
                                                                      spectrum for ITS        29
       reduce transportation costs, traffic accidents,
       fatalities, injuries, and CO2 emissions; improve                    applications.
       traffic flow and reduce travel time; and provide
       transportation accessibilities. Ultimately, self-driv-                 Satoshi Oyama
       ing cars are projected to reduce traffic fatalities
                                                                                              ITU News MAGAZINE 04/2019

       by 90%.

       In the ITU Radiocommunication Sector (ITU–R),
       various studies, Recommendations and Reports
       are addressing the transition from ITS to auto-
       mated vehicles.
Industry perspectives

       Three generations of intelligent                      As a radiolocation sensor, standards for 79 GHz
       transport system deployment                           short-range vehicular radar were developed and
                                                             completed in ITU–R Working Parties 5A and 5B
       As the “first generation” of ITS deployment, elec-    — the responsible groups for such studies. This
       tronic toll collection (ETC) systems and vehicle      millimeter wave radar is expected to integrate
       information and communication systems (VICS)          with radiocommunication systems to enable
       have been widely deployed in the world.               automated driving vehicles.

       The “second generation” witnessed the emer-
       gence of dedicated short-range communication          Towards automated driving — V2X
       (DSRC) systems and collision avoidance radar, as      deployment in Japan
       well as the integration of radiocommunication
       and radiolocation technologies for vehicular          In 2015, ITS Connect was introduced in Japan to
       applications.                                         use vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) and vehicle-to-infra-
                                                             structure (V2I) radiocommunications, collectively
       The “third generation” revolves around the            known as “V2X”, using 760 MHz DSRC to provide
       research and development to enable connected          drivers much needed safety information that
       cars and fully automated driving systems. ITU–R       cannot be picked up by onboard sensors. This
       has been, and is, central to this evolution, as the   includes traffic signal information and information
       identification and harmonization of frequencies,      about the presence of vehicles and pedestrians
       especially radiocommunication spectrum in the         in blind spots. V2X is expected to reduce the
       mobile service depending on the application, are      number of accidents in Japan by roughly 40%.
       the necessary foundation for any deployment.
                                                             V2I communications, for example, provide right-
                                                             turn collision caution. While waiting for a right
       ITU Working parties 5A and 5B for ITS                 turn at an intersection, drivers are warned by
                                                             audio and visual alert on the monitor regarding
       Specifically, radiocommunication technologies         cross traffic such as pedestrians. This is also a
       and technical/operational characteristics for ETC,    critical technology for pedestrians with hearing
       VICS and DSRC were developed and standard-
       ized in ITU–R, in Working Party 5A in particular.
                                                             disabilities or visual impairment.                    30
                                                             V2I communications also provide approaching
       Mobile wireless communications, such as cellular,     red light caution. When approaching an inter-
       radio local area network (RLAN), etc. are now also    section with a red traffic signal, the system will
       being considered for ITS applications, such as        warn the driver with audio and visual alerts on the
                                                                                                                   ITU News MAGAZINE 04/2019

       traffic information systems and info-communica-       monitor, and may overtake the driver controls by
       tion systems.                                         stopping the vehicle.
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