AIIM 2021 State of the Intelligent Information Management Industry: A Wake-Up Call for Organization Leaders
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Industry Watch AIIM 2021 State of the Intelligent Information Management Industry: A Wake-Up Call for Organization Leaders In Partnership with
AIIM Industry Watch As the non-profit association dedicated to nurturing, growing, and supporting the information management community, AIIM is proud to provide this research at no charge to our members. In this way, the entire community can leverage the education, thought leadership and direction provided by our work. We would like these research findings to be as widely distributed as possible. Feel free to use individual elements of this research in presentations and publications with the attribution — © AIIM 2021, Permission is not given for other aggregators to host this report on their own website. Rather than redistribute a copy of this report to your colleagues or clients, we would prefer that you direct them to for a download of their own. Thank You to Our Underwriters Our ability to deliver such high-quality research is partially made possible by underwriters, without whom we would have to use a paid subscription model. For that, we hope you will join us in thanking our underwriters: Access Adlib Infotel Corp. USA (Arvitam) AvePoint 500 Unicorn Park Drive 215-3228 South Service Rd PO Box 3370 525 Washington Blvd, Ste 1400 Woburn, MA 01801 Burlington, ON L7N 3H8 St. Petersburg, FL 33743-3370 Jersey City, NJ 07310 United States Canada United States United States H H H H Bizagi Canon EMEA Hyland Massachusetts Ave NW, Suite 700 H 691 S. Milpitas Blvd., Suite 212 28500 Clemens Road Washington, DC 20001 Canon USA Milpitas, CA 95035 Westlake, OH 44145 United States H United States United States H H H I.R.I.S. H AIIM Industry Watch © AIIM 2021 page 2
Thank You to Our Underwriters Iron Mountain Kofax Inc NetDocuments OpenText 1 Federal Street 15211 Laguna Canyon Road 2500 Executive Pky., Suite 300 275 Frank Tompa Dr Boston, MA 02110 Irvine, CA 92618 Lehi, UT 84043 Waterloo, ON N2L 0A1 United States United States United States Canada H H www. H H Papyrus Software Proventeq SkySync TCG Process 301 Bank St. Reading Enterprise Centre 30 Parkland Plaza, Suite B 2831 St. Claude Ave. Southlake, TX 76092 Reading, Berkshire Ann Arbor, MI 48103 New Orleans, LA 70117 United States RG6 6BU United States United States H United Kingdom H H H AIIM Industry Watch © AIIM 2021 page 3
About AIIM’s Industry Watch Research Over three years ago, AIIM introduced the concept of Intelligent Information Management, or IIM, and began researching the connections between IIM and Digital Transformation. AIIM’s Industry Watch research program looks at the impact of the rising tide of information chaos on the effectiveness of transformation initiatives, the adoption rates of core IIM technology building blocks, and IIM best practices. We specifically framed this research around the four core IIM capabilities that provide the structure for AIIM’s Certified Information Professional (CIP) program: 1) Creating, Capturing, and Sharing Information 2) Digitalizing Information-Intensive Processes 3) Extracting Intelligence from Information 4) Automating Governance and Compliance Other reports that may be of interest to AIIM members include: ¨ Intelligent Capture, assisted by Artificial Intelligence (Mar 2020) ¨ The Ultimate Guide to Improving Your Business Processes (June 2020) ¨ Balancing Records Management and Information Governance (Sept 2020) ¨ Mastering Your Microsoft 365 and SharePoint Investment (Nov 2020) AIIM Industry Watch © AIIM 2021 page 4
About the AIIM Community We value our objectivity and independence as a non-profit industry association. The results of the survey and the market commentary made in this report are independent of any bias from the vendor community. The data shared in this report is just a small sample of the overall data generated in preparation for this research report, and distribution of the full set of findings is limited to the underwriters. The survey was taken using a web-based tool in February 2021. All the participants were drawn from the AIIM Community. This is important because it means the responses are from an informed audience that understands the benefits – and the reality – of information management in their organizations. Number of Employees 1-99 19% 100-1000 34% Over 1000 47% Role in Organization RM, DM, CM, or information governance 51% Line of business or management or process 23% Information technology/IT 14% Other 12% AIIM Industry Watch © AIIM 2021 page 5
Meet Your CIP Expert Panel Jeffrey Lewis, CIP. Jeff is Information Governance Manager at SOL Capital Management Company We thank these IIM executives – all Certified Information and has experience in records management, content Professionals (CIPs) – for their commitment to share their expertise management, requirements management, project and time in order to improve the overall level of competence and management, and database management. He holds knowledge within the industry. a graduate degree in Library Science and while Quotes within this report in each CIP Expert section were made obtaining that degree he performed independent studies in implementing digitization projects and an during a special panel discussion of the survey results on March 4, independent reading on long term digital preservation. 2021. The intention was to use the survey findings as a foundation for a conversation focused not just on the trends suggested by the data, but on what to do about them. To ensure confidentiality and candid perspectives, this discussion was conducted under a Laura Livingston, CIP. Laura is an Electronic variation of “Chatham House” rules. Records Specialist with Sidney Austin, LLP. In addition to being a CIP, Laura is a Certified The quotes within the report are intentionally not attributed to Records Manager and certificated paralegal the individual participants in the Panel and reflect individual with over 25 years of experience in all phases of perspectives rather than those of the organizations they represent. records management, from assessment through Note – For those unfamiliar with the CIP Certification, more implementation. information is HERE. Jessica Marlette, CIP. Jessica is Information Additional reading from Bizagi: Governance Counsel at White & Case LLP. She leads Planning your path to intelligent process automation. the Content Governance Team at White & Case and Learn the importance of effectively managing develops policies, procedures, and best practices to modern application architecture and how to enable further the firm’s information governance strategy. In organization-wide digital capabilities. addition to being a CIP, she is Immediate Past Chair of AIIM’s Women in Intelligent Information Management (WIIM) Leadership Council and is a member of the Law Firm Information Governance Symposium (LFIGS). Jed Cawthorne, CIP. Jed is an experienced strategy consultant, Information & Knowledge Management (IKM) practitioner, and social collaboration evangelist. He is a CIP and an AIIM Alan Weintraub, CIP. Alan is Global Product award winner for his work with the Toronto chapter. Owner of Contract Management at Invesco US. He Jed has 20 years of experience in information is an AIIM Fellow and leading expert on multiple management working with EMC Documentum, aspects of enterprise information management OpenText, IBM FileNet, iManage, Alfresco, and (EIM) including enterprise content management NetDocuments. He has led ECM, Intranet, and (ECM), data management, information governance Enterprise Search implementation in higher education, (both data and content governance), digital rights government agencies, and financial services. management, and digital asset management. AIIM Industry Watch © AIIM 2021 page 7
2% X 2X 3X 4X 5X 6X 7X 8X 9X 10X 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% ©2020, AIIM – redistribution with attribution permitted – Overall N = 482 2020 – A Wake-Up Call for The Context for the 2021 Report – 2 Organization Leaders … with CHAOS weaknesses exposed by unexpected COVID-driven demands. Prior to COVID, how prepared was your organization for remote work? The Context for the 2021 Report – 1 nprepared Very unprepared 3% A well-documented rising tide of INFORMATION CHAOS… V Very prepared 3 34% Assume the current volume of What would be your best guess for the Somewhat incoming information is "X" – what do percentage of UNSTRUCTURED unprepared you think it will be in 2 years? information in your organization? 18% Average = 4.5X Average = 57% 17% 19% 15% 15% 17% 14% 15% 12% 14% 9% Somewhat hat 9% prepared ed 7% 6% 6% 45% % 6% 6% 4% 3% 2% 2% ©2020, AIIM – redistribution ©2020 r di re distr t on with tributi w th wit attribution attr tributi permitted t on perm r itte t d– Overall N = 238, self-identified M365/O365 users X 2X 3X 4X 5X 6X 7X 8X 9X 10X 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% ©2020, AIIM – redistribution with attribution permitted – Overall N = 482 The second key element in understanding how information Two key trends are useful in understanding the context for the management C-Suite changed Failing in 2020to Align is the impactBusiness that COVID andhad on The Context for the 2021 Report – 2 2021 State of the IIM Industry report – and for understanding the demands for remoteTechnology work and on the Strategies tools necessary to do so information with … CHAOS weaknesses management challengesexposed byfacing currently unexpected end-user effectively and securely. organizations. COVID-driven demands. Average Business/Technology alignment Only one in three organizations grade = Cwere prepared minus (1.73) for the challenges Prior to COVID, how prepared was your organization for remote work? First, as has been well-documented by AIIM, end-user of remote work prior to COVID, and thus many organizations organizations began the year 2020 in the midst of an ongoing tidal nprepared Very unprepared were forced into a mad Think ad hoc about how dance well your to deploy organization collaborative aligns BUSINESS 3% strategy with INFORMATION MANAGEMENT strategy. wave of incoming information, threatening their V ability Very preparedto realize tools. The crisis highlighted What grade would you give your organization? information the weak points in many their long-standing 3 34% Somewhat digital transformation goals. This rising volume management strategies and forced organizations to recognize their A - excellent unprepared of information is18%made even more complex by the increasing vulnerability. This elevated F - poor the importance of effectively managing 11% 3% variety of information types that must be managed. Most of this information assets to a strategic priority, worthy of C-level focus – information is of the pesky unstructured variety – i.e., content. securely, anytime, anywhere, and on any device.B - good 2 26% On average, organizations expect the volume of information coming into their organizations Somewhat hat to grow from X to 4.5X over the Additional reading from Hyland: next two years. prepared They ed expect more than 57% of this information D - needs Intelligent automation technology can deliver major 45% % improvementt to be unstructured (like a contract or a conversation) or semi- benefits 35% to organizations with solid digital and work structured (like an invoice orrredistribution ©2020, AIIM – re ©2020 atriform). distr di buti t on wi w with t attr th It tison perm attribution tributi the permitted r itte convergence of these t d– transformation strategies. But getting a a clear picture C - average twin forces – information Overall volume andM365/O365 N = 238, self-identified information users variety – that of how machine learning and artificial 2 25% intelligence can creates information chaos and makes true digital transformation so be applied to your processes can be difficult. Discover challenging. real examples ©2021, of AIIM – redistribution r di re distr tributi intelligent t on with w wit attribution th attr tributi r automation t on perm permitted itte t d Ove r ll N = 222 in practice in Overall v ra C-Suite Failing to Align Business and this ebook. Technology Strategies Average Business/Technology alignment Money, Focus, and Culture Are Key to True grade = C minus (1.73) Digital Transformation AIIM Industry Watch © AIIM 2021 page 9 Think about how well your organization aligns BUSINESS Moving beyond “business as usual” remains a challenge. strategy with INFORMATION MANAGEMENT strategy.
These kinds of experiences cited by one survey participant There is a new awareness about the importance of were not uncommon: information assets – document, content, records – and process leaders and practitioners need to seize this "We have heard awful anecdotes from customers in law opportunity. Organizations cannot continue down the path firms both big and small – like re-routing all the physical of viewing information management decisions through a mail to one person’s house so they can open it, assess, tactical cost-minimization filter. In a digital age, the everyday and re-mail it to others’ home addresses. Some firms decisions that organizations make about how they deal with with outdated accounting processes did not have enough information chaos become strategic business decisions. cheques to pay bills, or the right people not having access to them, etc. Many processes were absolutely not ready to There is also a new realism about the gaps that exist in be changed to work from anywhere mode." information management strategies, gaps that are reflected in what at first glance might seem to be a rather harsh grading The COVID crisis forced organizations to rethink how they of the current state of IIM in most organizations. Unplanned view remote work, remote workers, and the systems used and ad-hoc remote work has contributed to this. We need to support them. According to the Harvard Business Review a higher level, more strategic discourse that addresses the (“The Pandemic Is Widening a Corporate Productivity Gap”): bottom line for IIM investments. Budgeting for IIM initiatives "The productivity gap between the best and the rest often takes a back seat to front line business process-driven has widened during the pandemic. We estimate that the budgeting in many organizations, even when the two areas best companies – those that were already effective in should be connected. managing the time, talent, and energy of their teams – have grown 5% to 8% more productive over the last 12 months. Additional work time, access to new star talent, and continued engagement have bolstered productivity Additional reading from AvePoint: at these companies. Most organizations, however, have This eBook will describe policy considerations and experienced a net reduction in productivity of 3% to 6% common challenges you may face when creating and managing guest user access to your Microsoft (or more) due to inefficient collaboration, wasteful ways of Teams network. It will also outline decision points working, and an overall decline in employee engagement." across four general-purpose guest access policy The “State of the IIM Industry” in 2021 reflects the dramatic scenarios to demonstrate how an organization can impact of these two forces: 1) rising levels of information set this up with standard licensing. chaos; and 2) demands for new modes of working and cooperating. The collective impact of all of this on the C-Suite is a rising appreciation for the importance of how remote In this report, we discuss the state of information management working and collaboration actually work. There is also a within organizations, based on research conducted in growing awareness that much of what has been done out February 2021, with 229 decision-makers drawn from the AIIM of necessity during COVID has governance, security, and community. The importance of this being an “AIIM sample” accountability gaps that need to be addressed. cannot be over-emphasized, because these are the executives and practitioners within organizations that have the best sense of the gaps that exist between information management good intentions and information management realities. AIIM Industry Watch © AIIM 2021 page 10
The data highlights four specific information concerns that organizations need to seriously address if they hope to succeed in their journey to becoming truly digital organizations. For Additional reading from Access: each of the concerns raised by the data, we provide two forms Read Five Considerations for Your Digitization Plan to of crowd-sourced context to better understand what the data learn how your organization can put the ‘intelligent’ means. in “Intelligent Information Management” by using two frames of reference: risk and opportunity. o In the “Real-Life Perspectives” section, we include direct Through these lenses, we’ll explore ways to: quotes from the participants in the survey, designed to punctuate and reinforce the data and to help bring the • Evaluate your information stores and target key concern to life. processes for digital transformation. • Adopt best practices for governing your data and o In the “What Should You Do About It? – information (digital or paper), ensuring compliance Recommendations” section, we focus on how to address and accessibility, while treating your information each concern. The recommendations are direct quotes as an asset. from our CIP Expert Panel; we are grateful to the CIPs for • Implement a cross-functional “Intelligent sharing their recommendations based on their years of Information Management” team to drive change experience. and sustain improvement. The results should be a wake-up call to C-level and Information Management executives everywhere. 1. The C-Suite is failing to align business and technology strategies. 2. Organizations are losing the battle against information chaos and need to rethink outdated manual approaches to information management. 3. Organizations need to increase their investment in critical IIM competencies. 4. Money, focus, and culture – not just technology – are key to true digital transformation. AIIM Industry Watch © AIIM 2021 page 11
Finding 1 – The C-Suite Is Failing to Align Industry Watch Business and Technology Strategies
Somewhat hat Finding 1 – The C-Suite Is Failing prepared 45% % ed about incremental process improvement. Digital transformation is about using information in brand new ways. to Align Business and Technology "The focus for information management is broader than simply Strategies ©2020, AIIM – redistribution ©2020 r di re distr t on with tributi w th wit attribution attr tributi permitted t on perm r itte t d– Overall N = 238, self-identified M365/O365 users reducing information-based costs and risks. While this is important, it is insufficient. Rather, organizations need to focus on how to effectively monetize their information assets, directly C-Suite Failing to Align Business and or indirectly, to move the organization forward. Information Technology Strategies management must become a business enabler." Average Business/Technology alignment The Harvard Business Review (“Is Your IT Department Aligned grade = C minus (1.73) With Your Business Outcomes?”) reinforces how critical it is, especially now, for organizations to place renewed emphasis on Think about how well your organization aligns BUSINESS strategy with INFORMATION MANAGEMENT strategy. more effectively aligning their business and technology strategies: What grade would you give your organization? "Over the years, many organizations have weathered F - poor A - excellent 3% moments of upheaval. But this pandemic presents challenges 11% unprecedented in their pace and scale. No doubt, challenges will continue to emerge and quickly evolve. To respond with the B - good 2 26% speed and agility required, business leaders must effectively leverage digital technology and establish quick and reliable methods for identifying needs, adjusting plans, and measuring D - needs improvementt results. With technology and business goals so inextricably 35% interwoven, there is heightened urgency today around getting a C - average digital transformation right… Ultimately, there’s a fundamental 2 25% and costly lack of alignment and a persistent gap between IT and business. And this organizational disconnect has become ©2021, AIIM – redistribution r di re distr tributi t on with w th wit attribution attr tributi t on perm permitted r itte t d Ove Overall v ra r ll N = 222 the biggest impediment to digital transformation." The AIIM CIP Study Guide clearly lays out the case for the Money, importance Focus, and Culture of business/information Are Key management to True alignment: Additional reading from Adlib: "Most organizations Digital Transformation and departments have a mandate to A new dawn on digital transformation has emerged. continuously Moving beyond “business as usual” remains achange improve operations. A conventional challenge. In today’s competitive marketplace, companies agenda involves better tools and technology, better behaviors, need every advantage to retain existing customers, Which of the following is your BIGGEST obstacle to your efforts to and better processes, all focused on generating better become a truly digital organization? attract new ones, and deliver a superior customer efficiencies and improved productivity. experience. Intelligent data empowers businesses 26% to operate more efficiently, boost profits, reduce "Ultimately, AIIM believes digital transformation is24% more than risk, and secure their place in the market. Get the conventional change. Digital transformation18% is about doing free white paper to learn how Content Intelligence things differently – and doing different things. And different 16% solutions enable life sciences, banks, and not just for the sake12% of being different, but in support of the insurance companies to supercharge their digital key strategic objectives facing every organization in the age of transformation strategies. digital disruption. In other words, 3% 2% digital transformation is not Data privacy Lack of budge Lack of the right in- Regulation and An immature digital Lack of a true Lack of executive and security and resources. house skill sets legislative culture. strategy for leadership follow- concerns. and expertise. changes. managing through. information assets. ©2021, AIIM – redistribution with attribution permitted – Overall N = 222 AIIM Industry Watch © AIIM 2021 page 13
So how are we doing in this critical task? o Information Management is not part of strategy... it’s mostly an afterthought. Overall, respondents in the AIIM survey give their organizations an alignment grade of C-minus (1.73 on a 4-point grading scale). o We try to align the two strategies, but it is difficult when you A C-minus. This is clearly a wake-up call to get serious about are catching up information management-wise and trying improving how we link business and information management to innovate for the business. So, you end up with partially strategies. Almost half of participants (46%) grade their efforts at aligned strategies. alignment either as “needs improvement” or “poor.” o We know what has to be done but getting there and aligning There are many reasons for this harsh assessment. But as one the various strategies is difficult. might expect, the higher up in the organization you are, the better o We try to align information management strategy with you think your organization is at performing this key strategic task. business strategy, but not the other way around. This is often Particularly from the perspective of those with the most knowledge wasteful and shortsighted. about the effectiveness of information management systems, vast improvements are needed. o The integration of information management into our business strategy is very high. We use it to define, control, and support our business strategy. But we are still not managing Grade % ranking: our information assets perfectly. Role (4-point “B-good” or o Dealing with COVID has forced us to adjust to the new way scale) “A-excellent” of dealing with information management. We have done more electronically due to the facilities being closed to the Senior executive public. Ensuring that the proper equipment was in place as 2.34 55% – i.e., VP and above we worked remotely was a challenge. Mid-level executive 1.70 24% – i.e., director or manager Non-managerial staff position 1.46 16% Additional reading from Kofax: Organizations that work like tomorrow use artificial intelligence (AI), robotic process automation (RPA), Real-Life Perspectives (from survey participants) mobile technologies, and other Intelligent Automation solutions to transform operational capacity and o We have no leadership alignment and agreement on performance across the enterprise at scale. objectives and solutions and strategy. Discover the power of Kofax Intelligent Automation in o There still exists a divide between IT and business lines – these five case studies. From customer onboarding to neither wants to serve as a water-carrier for the other. insurance claims to finance & accounting automation, Additionally, IT is continually positioning itself as an you’ll be inspired with stories of how other companies just like yours are implementing and scaling intelligent essential function rather than a service to the mission of the automation. organization; a position that both confuses and conflates focus and resources. AIIM Industry Watch © AIIM 2021 page 14
What Should You Do About It? – be actively resisted. An empowered and supported leader is required in all these cases. The leader must be able to Recommendations (from CIP Expert Panel) shine a light on the truth of the situation in order to gain 1. Embrace flexibility in the wake of COVID. In every broad consensus on what needs to be done. organization, for every person who loves working at home, 5. Push the business to lead alignment. It always comes there is somebody else who cannot get out of the house back to what we’re selling or what we’re making or how quickly enough. And for every person who is super social, we use business processes to get work done, which there’s another one who is an introvert and would love to means that the business needs to lead alignment efforts. be working from home. COVID has forced people to figure They may need some coaching and some help with the out remote working. Hopefully now that’s done, and you’ve information management side of things. But I actually think made a big investment in sorting out the issues and making it’s easier to coach and assist and guide a business leader sure the infrastructure is there. You may have put the to understand the information management perspective infrastructure in place while in panic mode, but now you than it is to take an IT person and try to have them lead a need to optimize it. Why wouldn’t you make the most of it? business function. We don’t do information management The key for most organizations post-COVID is going to be for the sake of information management; information flexibility. management is a support function. That doesn’t reduce its 2. Elevate the conversation about information value. It’s importance. all about driving value for the organization. Years ago, 6. Identify cultural pressure points that can be leveraged. I was trying to roll out records management across the Our company prides itself on being the most client-centric organization. The hardest lesson I learned was that nobody company in our space. Content and information are at the recognized the value of records unless they understood heart of delivering upon this strategic priority. We used the value of that information. That meant transitioning from this cultural norm of customer-centricity to get senior viewing a record as something you just stored, archived, executives to buy into a strategy of centrally managing and retained to something of value that you could utilize to information instead of having multiple hubs of information. extend your work processes. 3. Create an internal framework to understand and balance both risk AND value. You have information everywhere and you need to start somewhere. Start by assigning both risk and value metrics to each source of Additional reading from Arvitam: information and begin by attacking information sources A leading insurance and asset-management that are high-risk and high-value. company with operations across 57 countries and serving 108 million clients needed a centralized and 4. Clearly affix senior responsibility. If you want digital comprehensive digital archiving service designed for transformation, someone has to lead it. They must be easy adoption and rapid implementation. Infotel’s empowered to drive change and supported by the C-Suite Arvitam software was deployed across 40 divisions and Board. Transformation does not just “happen” – it and more than 120 different business applications, must be driven and actively pushed. In some organizations, and through automating this data transfer all archiving transformation will be embraced and supported, in others requirements were met. it will be met with a resounding “meh,” and in others it will AIIM Industry Watch © AIIM 2021 page 15
Finding 2 – Organizations Are Losing Industry Watch the Battle Against Information Chaos AIIM Industry Watch © AIIM 2021 page 16
Finding 2 – Organizations Are Losing on a 4-point grading scale) in the battle against information chaos. This is actually slightly lower than the grade assigned to business/ the Battle Against Information Chaos information management alignment. Almost half of participants and Need to Rethink Outdated (46%) grade their efforts at battling information chaos as “needs improvement” or “poor.” Manual Approaches to Information Once again, senior executives feel more confident in their efforts Management than the reality would suggest. Grade % ranking: Organizations Are Losing the Battle Role (4-point “B-good” or Against Information Chaos scale) “A-excellent” Average organizational grade in addressing Senior executive chaos = C minus (1.64) 2.38 55% – i.e., VP and above How would you grade your organization in dealing with the rising tide of information chaos? Mid-level executive 1.57 23% – i.e., director or manager F - poor A - excellent 15% 1% Non-managerial staff position 1.39 11% B - good 2 23% Those who describe their role as “executive level with broad organizational responsibilities” again are more optimistic about progress in the information chaos battle (average grade = 2.18) than are those with RM/DM/CM roles (1.47), IT responsibilities D - needs improvementnt (1.59), or in line of business functions (1.58). 31% C - av average 30 30% Additional reading from NetDocuments: ©2021, AIIM – redistribution with attribution permitted - Overall N = 222 How Information Management Teams Can Leverage Lessons Learned to Succeed in 2021 So if the C-Suite is failing at the strategic task of business/ How we have worked and how we will work has shifted information management alignment, how do those closest to the forever. From a year of unprecedented changes come battle against information chaos feel about their progress in this new learnings, opportunities, and ways that will inform struggle? how we work in 2021 and beyond. Get this whitepaper to discover how you can solve for today’s unique The short answer – likely exacerbated by all of the ad-hoc challenges as a result of changes made in 2020, and responses to remote work demands over the past year – is that how to create effective strategies that will set you up for there are huge gaps in this area as well. Overall, respondents in success in 2021. the AIIM survey give their organizations a grade of C minus (1.64 AIIM Industry Watch © AIIM 2021 page 17
Lifecycle Information Management and Process Automation Automation – of processes and governance – is the key challenge. Which of the following is the BIGGEST information management challenge in your organization? 24% 25% AIIM CIP Study Guide on “Digitizing, automating, and integrating processes” 12% 3% 13% 11% Organizations that work at “the speed of paper” are 5% 5% increasingly being rendered non-competitive and 4% irrelevant. … It requires that information be digitized and 1% that work processes be developed, or reworked, with a Rising customer Moving from Legacy system Cloud migration Long-term Managing Digitizing, Information Aligning IT focus on digital first and automation wherever possible. expectations for information data/content STORAGE to maintenance costs. issues. information preservation. information automating, security threats capabilities to throughout its and integrating and privacy the speed of the And it requires that organizations adopt a posture of agility and responsiveness rather than one of passivity access and use. data/content lifecycle. processes. challenges. business. ANALYSIS. ©2021, AIIM – redistribution with attribution permitted Overall N = 222 and reactivity. So where do organizations face the greatest challenges in Increase chaos? dealing with information Investment in Core The survey IIM responses suggest that the answer lies atCompetencies a familiar point for –3 AIIM audiences: at the intersection ofSome content and processes. key competencies The two - RPA, ML, Customer most important Journeys information challenges remain - not even on“digitizing, automating, and the radar for some. integrating processes” (25% How would you sayorganization's grade your it’s the top challenge), followed competency in each of the following areas? closely by “managing information throughout its lifecycle” (24%). PERCENTAGE RESPONDING “NOT RELEVANT” OR “DON’T KNOW” These responses are remarkably consistent across different roles. TO GRADING QUESTION. AIIM CIP Study Guide on “Managing information throughout its lifecycle” The past year and the25%drive to remote work has clearly identified new risks tied to20%information chaos, risks that have 18% even reached Both the business and IT have critical roles to play audit committees. Per the "2021 Audit Plan Hot Spots Report" by with regard to information governance. Too often Gartner’s 9% Audit Leadership10% Council: organizations assume that this function can be totally 4% delegated to either IT or to records management or "As organizations rapidly scale their remote work2%capabilities 2% 1% compliance. The concept here is an important one. The and deploy new technology,0%IT capacity is increasingly business must assume responsibility for stewardship of strained. … Organizations’ data governance practices have yet Intelligent Digital Customer Robotic Agile Lifecycle Planned Information Machine Understanding capture workplace journeys process development information modernization privacy and learning information the organization’s information assets. IT must assume to catch up with the speed and volume of data being collected automation management security ready context responsibility for the framework in which this is done. It is and generated. Data environments are also becoming ©2021, AIIM – redistribution with attribution permitted – Overall N = 222 critical that this set of responsibilities be as seamless as more complex, increasing the likelihood of duplicated effort possible and as easy to implement as possible from the and compromisedGet datathe security. Basics…Right Organizations are still perspective of the individual knowledge worker. struggling Commit to change management andand to successfully implement clear enforce data requirements. governance frameworks. As they accumulate new types of Which of the following is MOST IMPORTANT to a successful information data and rely onmanagement fragmented project in storage systems, they are more your organization? exposed to regulatory, ethical, and data security risks." Developing Developin the strategy. strateg 14% ment The change management ake of required to ensure uptake the system. 32% Making the business case for Ma information management. in 16% AIIM Industry Watch © AIIM 2021 page 18 Designing and d
Real-Life Perspectives (from survey participants) Additional reading from OpenText: o Business strategy is set but IM needs to catch up with the OpenText™ Content Services helps organizations strategy expectations. connect content to their digital business and transform to gain the Information Advantage. o We have a lot of “we’ve always done it that way.” Keep up with the latest best practices, information o Information is called a “corporate asset,” but there’s no management trends, and technology advances – general movement to act on the concept. Data is still including the shift to cloud-native technologies, leveraging intelligent automation, and ensuring managed in fiefdoms because IT and business practices information governance – in our content services blog. are still wedged in the 1990s. o When our EDM system was implemented, it was with the premise of capturing data without consideration of o A few people are aware of the risks of information chaos compliance requirements, policies, procedures, or work and there are local and partial initiatives, but C-level instructions. executives still need a lot of convincing to actually free (enough) resources for IIM, information governance, or even o I’m responsible for most of the information management basic retention management. Example: we have a corporate in my organization, but business strategy and associated document management system and a devops team for it, changes are not always known by me and my team. which together cost an arm and a leg. The C-level falsely o The value of information management to the organization believes that this is sufficient, and more is just “nice to have.” is still not appreciated. o We’re allowing new information stores to proliferate and not o Digitization, document control, and information providing guidance on how to choose the right tool for a management are not well understood. It is difficult to get particular job. management to understand the need to identify business o Even though the chaos exists, managing the chaos has strategy and how information management strategy plays become a priority this year. Our focus is on growing an essential part in its success. revenue by monetizing information, while ensuring privacy o Our business strategy is far more advanced than our requirements and maintaining company reputation. technological infrastructure. o Legacy systems for an older company are hard to remove. Getting comprehension is slow, and it is financially “not Additional reading from Canon I.R.I.S.: important” until there is a data breach. Then the breach Information is your business’s most valuable eats up the resources and the post-breach remedy is no asset. But it’s hard to access its potential if your longer a priority. information management processes are in chaos. o Management simply does not understand the value of Is your company overwhelmed by paperwork? information management. And it’s near impossible to get Fighting clunky, inefficient workflows and bottlenecks? Businesses now look to their IT close enough to the C-Suite to convey this message. leaders to find a solution. Download our guide here, to discover the tools to help you step up to the task. AIIM Industry Watch © AIIM 2021 page 19
What Should You Do About It? – might be really difficult, and it will cost more and will take longer to do. But we need to do that one first.” For Recommendations (from CIP Expert Panel) example: 1. Start by focusing on the lifecycle of information. o Look at the most immediate need first and build a Focus on a specific element of the information priority queue. lifecycle, depending on the nature of your business. Not every organization can wrap their heads around o Look at compliance/regulatory/legal issues to the whole lifecycle (from creation and digitization to determine priority. records management and ultimately disposition). Every o Look at operations to see if there is one information organization has a story, slightly different priorities, issue (e.g., Outlook or collaboration needs) that is and different regulatory drivers to consider. But most shared across the enterprise. organizations have some part of the information lifecycle that they’re good at. Start by putting emphasis on that o Directly ask the executive team what pain points they and expanding that capability. see. Most likely their pain points will be different than the ones that operations sees. 2. You can’t control what you can’t see. In our organization, the chaos problem wasn’t simply about 4. Engage the business in solving the chaos challenge. information volume and variety; it was more fundamental How do we explain the benefits of freeing up IT to work than that. It was the “Wild West” – we had all these on the “right” things? If the IT department has been silos of information and we didn’t even know about stretched to their limit implementing new VPN hardware half of the pockets that were out there. And while sheer or figuring out how to support remote users effectively, volume and variety were key factors, the most important how much bandwidth will they have to help teams drivers to change were getting a better view of where manage their information effectively? Organizations need all this information is, how it’s being managed, the risks to ask themselves how much information management associated with that information, and the compensating work can be off-loaded from IT and handled by the controls that need to be in place. For our organization, business teams. If the business team is mature enough, the problem was not the sheer number of repositories it can enhance its own effectiveness by embracing the and systems; the problem was not even knowing what “citizen developer” movement. Can business users we had. be educated and trained to use no-code development environments to improve their workflows and automate 3. Pick a place to start. Is there a major regulatory some processes? Work by IT to support the ability driver like GDPR, PII, or CCPA in your organization? of business teams to “learn to fish” can pay large Is there the possibility of a giant fine for unmanaged dividends. And for the business team, the short-term information? Is that what gets management's attention? pain of focusing on “non-core” work to improve their Or does management worry more about reputational information management processes will yield long term risk, which makes any potential fine for non-compliance benefits. pale into insignificance. If you can only do so much, how do you prioritize? The prioritization has to be business driven and business led, because if you let the IT guys do it, they’re going to pick the problem that’s easy to solve and go fix that one. But a business person should be able to take a different view and say, “This problem AIIM Industry Watch © AIIM 2021 page 20
Finding 3 – Organizations Need to Increase Industry Watch Their Investment in Critical IIM Competencies
information management. in 16% Designing andd implementing the system. 8% Identify Id Identifying and prioritizing tthe he busi business requirements Finding 3 – Organizations Need to and governance automation, and then a bit of a gap before one for the solution. fo 30% comes to some of the edges of IIM technology centered around Increase Their Investment in Critical Analytics, Artificial©2021, Intelligence (AI), and Machine Learning. AIIM – redistribution with attribution permitted – Overall N = 222 IIM Competencies Increase Investment in Core IIM Competencies – 2 Competency grade is above “C” in only two areas. How would you grade your organization's competency in each of the Increase Investment in Core IIM Competencies – 1 following areas? (4 point scale, A = 4) Elevate the strategic importance and awareness of IIM. DOES NOT INCLUDE “DON’T KNOW” AND “NOT RELEVANT” RESPONSES IN AVERAGES. 2.44 2.08 How would you grade your organization 1.95 1.80 1.90 1.88 relative to each of these broad IIM Grade Grade 1.46 1.59 1.20 competencies? (4 point scale, A = 4) 1.03 CREATE, CAPTURE, AND SHARE INFORMATION (i.e., Multi-Channel Capture, Collaboration, Content Migration C- 1.84 Intelligent Digital Customer Robotic process Agile Lifecycle Planned Information Machine Understanding & Integration, Knowledge Management). capture workplace journeys automation development information modernization management privacy and security learning ready information context ©2021, AIIM – redistribution with attribution permitted – Overall N = 222 DIGITALIZE INFORMATION-INTENSIVE PROCESSES (i.e., Business Process Management, Robotic Process C- 1.79 Going a bit deeper, the grades that organizations give to the Automation, Case Management). maturity of some of the basic building blocks that are the foundation for each of the four competencies reinforces their EXTRACT INTELLIGENCE FROM INFORMATION (i.e., overall ratings – and also some of the broader organizational Capturing and Managing Metadata, Data Recognition/ Extraction/Standardization, Analytics/Machine Learning/ D+ 1.49 priorities beyond information management. Organizations have AI, Search). the most confidence in how they manage information privacy and security (2.44). This likely reflects broader organizational privacy and security concerns tied to compliance requirements like GDPR AUTOMATE GOVERNANCE AND COMPLIANCE (i.e., Privacy and Data Protection, Records Management, C- 1.72 and data breaches. Another key reason is that there are fines eDiscovery, Digital Preservation). linked to failures here, and other financial and reputational risks associated with InfoSec breaches that affects the bottom line. ©2021, AIIM – redistribution with attribution permitted - Overall N = 222 Perhaps reflecting the attention given to COVID-driven remote As one might expect, the evaluation of maturity within each of working requirements, digital workplace maturity comes in the four individual core IIM competencies mirrors the assessment second with a grade of 2.08. However, it is likely that many of effectiveness in the overall battle against information chaos organizations have deployed remote working solutions without – essentially a grade of C-minus. The grading differences are fully understanding the long-term information governance issues predictable, and in many ways mirror the evolution of the IIM associated with these rapid and ad-hoc deployments. “space” within the AIIM community – the highest grade for information creation and capture, followed by process digitization AIIM Industry Watch © AIIM 2021 page 22
Lifecycle Information Management and Process Automation Automation – of processes and governance – is the key challenge. The bottom of the maturity rankings reflects the edge of the awareness to offer an opinion. These technologies are still in the Which of the following is the BIGGEST information management next phase of the IIM industry, a set challenge in your of building blocks that organization? early stages of adoption, and while they are promising for early will be critical to taking information management 25% to the next adopters, they have not yet reached the point of widespread 24% stage – intelligent capture (1.46), machine learning (1.20), and adoption. robotic process automation (1.08). These technologies are key to In the same vein, the relatively high grade given to customer overcoming 3%the “manual” management bias that is at the heart of 13% 12% 11% journeys (1.95) is likely overly optimistic given that this building the chaos problems that organizations are experiencing. 5% 5% 4% block is not even on the radar for 20% of organizations. This is A look at the percentages1%responding “don’t know” or “not important because often customer journey mapping – across relevant” when asked to grade individual competencies provides departments, not just within departments – is often the first step additional context Rising customer Moving to the from Legacy system maturity Cloud migration rankings. Long-term Managing These Digitizing, respondents Information Aligning IT to truly understanding the gaps that exist in information strategies were not included in the overall grades, but the percentages that are caused by inconsistent and unconnected information expectations for data/content maintenance issues. information information automating, security threats capabilities to information STORAGE to costs. preservation. throughout its and integrating and privacy the speed of the processes. responding “don’t know” or “not relevant” are revealing with silos. It would be useful to know how many organizations have access and use. data/content lifecycle. challenges. business. ANALYSIS. regards to competency ©2021, AIIM maturity. These – redistribution with attribution competencies permitted Overall N = 222 are not extended the concept of journey mapping to internal customers even on the radar screen for these respondents. and mapping the experience of employees to information management processes and capabilities. Increase Investment in Core IIM Competencies – 3 Real-Life Perspectives (from survey participants) Some key competencies - RPA, ML, Customer Journeys - not even on the radar for some. o The company tends to invest in solutions that tie directly How would you grade your organization's competency to a revenue stream without looking at how we invest in in each of the following areas? the support areas more intelligently to further advance the PERCENTAGE RESPONDING “NOT RELEVANT” OR “DON’T KNOW” business. TO GRADING QUESTION. 25% o We rely too much on file shares and lack the metadata that 20% could enhance the ability to share and find content. 18% o Content capture is in the dark ages. Scan. Scan. Human 9% 10% indexing. People look at content as analogous to paper. 2% 4% 1% 2% o Over the past two years, awareness and a culture shift have 0% taken place due to using Information Governance programs Intelligent Digital Customer Robotic Agile Lifecycle Planned Information Machine learning Understanding to align with business strategies and rolling up projects to meet IT goals. capture workplace journeys process development information modernization privacy and information automation management security ready context ©2021, AIIM – redistribution with attribution permitted – Overall N = 222 o AI/ML is a teenager in the general business environment – For 25% of organizations, RPA is not sufficiently on their radar we will closely monitor and wait for maturity. screens to even merit Get a grade theorBasics opinion, Right and thus the actual o We think of information management as a necessary evil maturity level is Commit to even change lower due to the early management stages and clear of awareness requirements. and cost center instead of a strategic imperative and a of this technology. The same is true with machine learning, Which of the following is MOST IMPORTANT to a successful information necessary prerequisite to sustainable growth. with 18% of the participants not having management project sufficient experience or in your organization? Developing Developin the strategy. strateg 14% ment The change management ake of required to ensure uptake the system. 32% Making the business case for Ma information management. in 16% AIIM Industry Watch © AIIM 2021 page 23 Designing and d implementing
o Business provides their strategy and moves forward without What Should You Do About It? – integrating Information Management until pressed to do so – or forced by regulations or audits. Recommendations (from CIP Expert Panel) o We have too many information silos, people don’t talk with 1. Don’t get sucked in by the hype cycle. AI and each other or know what each other is doing, and we lack machine learning are not panaceas; they are not going the political will to truly improve. to fix every business issue. You’ve got to look at these technologies in a properly aligned fashion. Do a proof o Information management is mostly unrelated to the business of concept – whatever it takes to prove to yourself that strategy, we do what we need to in order to comply, but not it’s worth doing and it’s going to provide value. Because much beyond that. otherwise it becomes just another bright shiny object. o Business strategy is not centralized – we don’t know And you’ll be far down the path before you realize that who’s intended to evolve into what. There’s not a single you’ve gone off and done a random AI project that gives roadmap that shows what outcomes will be achieved by the you little lasting benefit. aggregation of the strategies, and what interdependencies will contribute to the success of the strategies (or where one 2. Start by imagining what is possible, THEN look at strategy may obstruct the realization of another). IIM technologies. Business people need to commit to enough technology competency to imagine what o Information gathering and management is largely could be possible. And once they have imagined what decentralized. Initiatives to improve the management of is possible from a business perspective only then quality and integrity of data are stymied by legacy practices look at technologies. How does the technology fit in related to the perception of data “ownership” by small with the business outcome that we have imagined? divisions within the organization. Unfortunately, things often evolve exactly backwards. Somebody rolls in with a truck full of software, and says, “Go!” Additional reading from Iron Mountain: 3. Piggyback IIM initiatives on existing investments. Organizations have long made a link between all of Rather than buying an entirely new application, speak the information flowing into their organizations, and to IT about applications the organizations already the compliance and legal risk this information carries. owns that can be repurposed or enhanced with IIM But something bigger is now in play – an increasing capabilities. Offer “consulting services” to a team to connection between information governance and formulate the groundwork and build good will. Once one strategy. team is on board, use the success and word of mouth This research covers the key trends with Information to bring attention to the organization about IIM. Governance and how leading organizations are structuring their strategies around them. AIIM Industry Watch © AIIM 2021 page 24
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