Business, Economics and Law - 2020 Undergraduate Programs

Page created by Tony Jacobs
Business, Economics and Law - 2020 Undergraduate Programs
2020 Undergraduate Programs
Advanced Business (Honours)
Advanced Finance and Economics (Honours)
Business Management
International Hotel and Tourism Management
Laws (Honours)
Politics, Philosophy and Economics (Honours)

Economics and Law
Business, Economics and Law - 2020 Undergraduate Programs
Business, Economics and Law - 2020 Undergraduate Programs
Business, Economics and Law - 2020 Undergraduate Programs
                                             Why study
Why study with us?
Double your opportunities
Are you an international student?
                                             with us?
UQ Business School                       6
Bachelor of Advanced Business
(Honours)                                8
Bachelor of Business Management         10
Bachelor of Commerce                    14   Learn with the best                              governments and international agencies.
                                             Our award-winning lecturers have extensive       Your economics program will equip you for
Bachelor of International Hotel                                                               a meaningful career helping to resolve some
                                             academic and industry expertise and
and Tourism Management                  17                                                    of the world’s greatest challenges, including
                                             are dedicated to helping you succeed. In
School of Economics                     20   addition to class contact time, we offer         business productivity and investment
                                             academic advice, peer-assisted study             decisions, the allocation of humanitarian
Bachelor of Advanced Finance                                                                  aid, complex environmental issues and the
                                             sessions and employment services to
and Economics (Honours)                 22                                                    ageing population.
                                             ensure you reach your potential.
Bachelor of Economics                   24                                                    * Graduate Destination Survey 2016

Bachelor of Politics, Philosophy
                                             Choose business
                                             Challenge yourself and develop the skills        Choose law
and Economics (Honours)                 28
                                             to thrive in constantly changing and highly      UQ Law is proud to be the oldest law
UQ Law School                           30   competitive business environments. UQ            school in Queensland and one of Australia’s
Learning beyond the classroom           32   Business School’s vast network of industry       leading research-intensive law schools.
                                             contacts means you can develop practical         While our teaching methods have changed
Combine your interests: dual law             experience and professional connections          significantly over time, we have retained an
programs                                34   through internships at some of the world’s       emphasis on traditional educational goals
Mooting                                 35   biggest companies. Studying business             and values. We foster a comprehensive and
                                             opens up opportunities for a wide range          sophisticated understanding of the law that
Bachelor of Laws (Honours)              36   of change-making careers in the public,          will see you develop practical legal skills,
Getting here                            39   private and not-for-profit sectors.              stimulate thoughtful debate – with a focus
                                                                                              on ethical and social responsibility – and
Set your career in motion               40   Choose commerce                                  nurture enthusiasm for the study of law.

See the world                           44   Commerce graduates have extensive career
                                             options in accounting and consulting firms,      Choose tourism
Apply for a scholarship                 46   public and private companies, financial          Gain a rewarding international career in
Plan your finances                      48   institutions and government in Australia         tourism, hospitality or event management.
                                             and globally. Throughout your program, you       Tourism blends core business skills and
Applying to UQ                          50   will develop strong technical knowledge          industry knowledge with valuable practical
Program table explained                 52   and skills in critical evaluation and problem-   experience, ensuring you receive a well-
                                             solving, along with practical application.       rounded education. You will learn to provide
Study options                           53   Broaden your opportunities by taking             solutions to industry-specific challenges,
                                             part in internships, industry placements         such as sustainability, and create meaningful
                                             or international student exchanges               change in your chosen field. Our graduates
                                             while working towards an internationally         pursue careers in event management, food
                                             recognised qualification that will allow         and beverage management, hotel and
                                             you to adapt to, manage and influence the        resort management, consultancy, wholesale
                                             dynamic business world.                          and retail travel and tourism marketing.

                                             Choose economics                                 Get involved
                                             Economics graduates are among the most           Our active student body and student
                                             sought after and highest paid in Australia.*     associations help you get the most out of
                                             Economics develops your analytical,              your program by providing study support,
                                             modelling and forecasting skills, and instils    professional development and social
                                             an understanding of how society uses the         networking opportunities.
                                             world’s scarce resources. These skills are in
                                             high demand by businesses, consultancies,

Business, Economics and Law - 2020 Undergraduate Programs
+   Double up
    A dual degree gives you room to move
    by enhancing your skill set.

    Wide industry network
    Undertake internships in the offices of some
    of the world’s leading companies, through      "The strong focus on real-life
    our vast industry networks.                     experiences has enhanced
                                                    my confidence in joining the
                                                    workforce, and as a female
                                                    of the 21st century, I believe
                                                    my program gives me the
                                                    tools to make a difference in
    Dedicated                                       the business world."
    employability team
                                                   Stephanie Field
    Our award-winning Business, Economics
                                                   Bachelor of Advanced Business
    and Law Student Employability Team (BEL        (Honours)
    SET) is dedicated to strengthening student
    employability and career outcomes.

                                                         BUSINESS, ECONOMICS AND LAW 2020   3
Business, Economics and Law - 2020 Undergraduate Programs
Double your
Improve your employment prospects and broaden your skills and knowledge
by studying two programs at the same time.

As the world around you changes, new and fascinating career                                         A dual program, also called a double degree, will equip you for
opportunities are created every day, and job roles increasingly                                     this evolving job market. It gives you the flexibility to study two
combine multiple disciplines.                                                                       different disciplines in a much shorter time, by studying only the
                                                                                                    mandatory courses for each program with fewer or no electives.

                                  MINIMUM SELECTION            LOWEST OP / RANK TO                                                    MINIMUM SELECTION          LOWEST OP / RANK TO
                    DURATION       THRESHOLD 2019>            RECEIVE AN OFFER 2019<                                   DURATION        THRESHOLD 2019>          RECEIVE AN OFFER 2019<
    QTAC CODE                                                                                        QTAC CODE
                     (YEARS)                                                                                            (YEARS)
                                  OP / RANK / IB / ATAR       ADJUSTED       UNADJUSTED                                               OP / RANK / IB / ATAR     ADJUSTED    UNADJUSTED

    Arts / International Hotel and Tourism Management                                                Commerce / Information Technology
    707701      4              9 / 82 / 29 / 81.85          8 / 84          8 / 84                   711621        4              7 / 87 / 31 / 86.95         7 / 87       8 / 84
    Arts / Laws (Honours)X                                                                           Commerce / Laws (Honours)X
    707401      5.5            2* / 98* / 40* / 98.00*      2 / 97          3 / 96                   711901        5.5            2* / 98* / 40* / 98.00*     2 / 97       3 / 96
    Business Management / Arts                                                                       Commerce / Science
    711501      4              9 / 82 / 29 / 81.85          9 / 82          11 / 77                  711701        4              7 / 87 / 31 / 86.95         7 / 87       7 / 87
    Business Management / Commerce                                                                   Economics / Arts
    711301      4              7 / 87 / 31 / 86.95          7 / 87          8 / 84                   714101        4.25           7 / 87 / 31 / 86.95         7 / 87       7 / 87
    Business Management / Communication                                                              Economics / Laws (Honours)X
    711511      4              9 / 82 / 29 / 81.85          9 / 82          9 / 82                   714201        5.5            2* / 98* / 40* / 98.00*     2 / 97       3 / 96
    Business Management / Economics                                                                  Economics / Science
    710201      4              7 / 87 / 31 / 86.95          7 / 87          7 / 87                   714301        4.5            7 / 87 / 31 / 86.95         6 / 89       7 / 87
    Business Management / Education (Secondary)                                                      Engineering (Honours) / Business Management
    710301      4**            9 / 82 / 29 / 81.85          8 / 84          8 / 84                   717301        5.5            8* / 86* / 31* / 85.95*     8 / 86       8 / 84
    Business Management / Information Technology                                                     Engineering (Honours) / Commerce
    710401      4              7 / 87 / 31 / 86.95          7 / 88          8 / 84                   717201        5.5            7 / 87 / 31 / 85.95         7 / 87       8 / 84
    Business Management / International Hotel and Tourism Management                                 Engineering (Honours) / Economics
    710601      4              9 / 82 / 29 / 81.85          9 / 82          10 / 79                  717601        5.5            7 / 87 / 31 / 86.95         6 / 89       8 / 84
    Business Management / Journalism                                                                 Journalism / Laws (Honours)X
    711101      4              9 / 82 / 29 / 81.85          9 / 83          9 / 82                   737102        5.5            2* / 98* / 40* / 98.00*     2 / 97       2 / 97
    Business Management / Laws (Honours)X                                                            Mathematics / Business ManagementX
    711401      5.5            2* / 98* / 40* / 98.00*      2 / 97          4 / 94                   714711        4              4 / 94 / 36 / 94.00         3 / 96       5 / 92
    Business Management / Science                                                                    Mathematics / CommerceX
    710501      4              9 / 82 / 29 / 81.85          9 / 82          9 / 82                   714601        4              4 / 94 / 36 / 94.00         4 / 94       5 / 92
    Commerce / Arts                                                                                  Mathematics / EconomicsX
    711601      4              7 / 87 / 31 / 86.95          6 / 89          7 / 87                   714701        4              4 / 94 / 36 / 94.00         4 / 94       5 / 92
    Commerce / Economics                                                                             Science / Laws (Honours)X
    711801      4.5            7 / 87 / 31 / 86.95          7 / 87          8 / 84                   731401        5.5            2* / 98* / 40* / 98.00*     1 / 99       3 / 96
   Minimum (adjusted) selection threshold 2019 is the minimum score that was considered for an offer of a place to all applicants.
   Lowest OP/Rank to receive an offer refers to all recent secondary students who were offered a place in 2019.
* Not all applicants on this OP/Rank gained entry; finer discrimination within the OP/Rank was used.
** Students may take the program on a part-time basis, but the final year must be commenced in Semester 1 and must be taken on a full-time basis.
   OP Guarantee does not apply to these programs.

Benefits of dual programs

Save time
Graduate with two bachelor's degrees
in as little as four years – a much shorter
                                                                 Strike a balance
                                                                 Why compromise when you can
                                                                 balance your studies and your sanity
                                                                 by pursuing both your career ambitions
                                                                                                                                   business, economics
time than it would take to study both
programs separately.                                             and passions? Dual program students                               and law dual program
                                                                 appreciate the diversity of topics
                                                                 offered in their two different programs.
                                                                                                                                   combinations available

Business, Economics and Law - 2020 Undergraduate Programs
Are you an international
While a lot of information in this guide is relevant to you,
certain key information may be different for international

You are an international student if             Applying to UQ
you are:                                        A UQ degree is a qualification the world
• not a citizen of Australia or New Zealand,    will recognise. If you’ve got the ability,
  or                                            commitment and ambition to make the
                                                most of UQ, then we want to hear from
• not an Australian permanent resident,
  or                                                                                           "UQ is a great place to make
• a temporary resident (visa status) of                                                         new friends, plus it’s a top-
                                                Study options at UQ                             ranking university with high
Eligibility for UQ study                        If you would like to know more about            academic standards, clubs
For admission into undergraduate
                                                your study options at UQ, enquire               to suit every interest and
                                                through our online form, and one of our         great sporting facilities."
programs at UQ, you must have:
                                                UQ advisers will respond. You can also
• completed secondary studies                   register for an advisory session with
  equivalent to Queensland Year 12 with         one of our student advisers. If you are in       Surbhi Malik
  a score comparable to the Queensland          Brisbane, sign up for a campus tour.             Bachelor of Business Management
  rank specified for your program
                                                We also have a range of publications,
• satisfied individual program                  including the international undergraduate
  requirements (e.g. specific subject           and postgraduate student guides, to
  prerequisites, auditions or interviews)       help you.
• satisfied UQ's English language                                                            Tuition fees
                                                Ask UQ
  proficiency requirements.
                                                      As an international student, you will
If you do not meet these criteria, you                                                       pay tuition fees, a Student Services and
might consider taking the Foundation Year       Advisory sessions                            Amenities Fee, and potentially other
bridging course offered by International              administrative fees. UQ has program-
Education Services (IES) or English             advisory-session                             based tuition fees for coursework award
language training offered by the Institute of                                                programs, meaning that all courses within
Continuing and TESOL Education (ICTE).          Campus tours                                 a program are charged at the same tuition
                                                  fee rate per unit for a given academic year.
Foundation Year bridging course
                                                tours                                        Some programs also have additional costs.
                                                International student guides       
Institute of Continuing and TESOL                                                            international/tuition-fees
                                                and-forms                                                                               Other expenses
English language proficiency                                                                 International students applying to study
requirements                                                                                 in Australia must have a student visa or
                                                                                             an alternative visa that enables them                                                                   to study full time on campus. Please
applying/english-language-                                                                   consider expenses such as visa and
proficiency-requirements                                                                     medical (pre-departure) fees, tuition fees,
                                                                                             general living expenses, return airfares,
                                                UQ has more than                             and Overseas Student Health Cover
                                                18,000 international                         (OSHC) when you plan your budget.
                                                students from                      
                                                135 countries                                international/cost-living

                                                                                                          BUSINESS, ECONOMICS AND LAW 2020   5
Business, Economics and Law - 2020 Undergraduate Programs
Independently ranked
as one of the top business
schools in Australia
Best Global Universities, 2017
Business, Economics and Law - 2020 Undergraduate Programs
UQ Business
Study with one of Australia’s best business schools.

Top ranked                                      Academic and
What sets UQ Business School apart is
that we stand for the kind of business that
                                                industry leaders
matters: business that creates sustained        Our world-class lecturers are consultants
and positive change in industry and the         and advisers to leading companies
community. Learn from the most innovative       worldwide. The majority of our academic
business educators in Australia who will        staff members hold PhDs and produce
challenge your thinking. You will take in the   research papers that are cited in the world’s
most up-to-date and relevant theory and         top-tier journals. This expertise ensures
apply this knowledge through internships        our teaching is relevant and informed by
and industry projects.                          the latest research. Our programs cover a
                                                broad scope of business disciplines, and our
                                                lecturers supervise a diverse range of higher
Push your                                       degree by research (HDR) topics.

boundaries                                      Careers
You will have access to industry leaders
for real-life projects, as mentors and for      The diversity of our programs ensures
internships. Our Community Engagement           our graduates are in demand across a
Program is unique; by participating, you        wide range of industries within the public,
can build your skills working on community      private and not-for-profit sectors. Many
sector projects that benefit not-for-profit     of our alumni work in leadership positions
and charity organisations. Give back to the     in accounting, banking and financial
community while learning.                       services, consultancy, advertising, event
                                                management, marketing, state and federal
                                                government, business development, tourism
                                                and business information systems.

               The first business school in Australia to earn
               both the European Quality Improvement System
               (EQUIS) and Association to Advance Collegiate
               Schools of Business (AACSB) accreditation

                                                          BUSINESS, ECONOMICS AND LAW 2020   7
Business, Economics and Law - 2020 Undergraduate Programs
Bachelor of

Business (Honours)
The Bachelor of Advanced Business (Honours) (BAdvBus(Hons)) program will support
you to become a critical and reflective thinker, capable of identifying, analysing and
developing solutions for the complex challenges facing businesses in the 21st century.

    QTAC       UQ        MINIMUM SELECTION            LOWEST OP / RANK TO            DURATION              START         CAMPUS        HONOURS                    ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS
    CODE       CODE      THRESHOLD 2019>              RECEIVE AN OFFER 2019<                               SEMESTER
                         OP / RANK / IB / ATAR        ADJUSTED UNADJUSTED

    709101     2424      4 / 94 / 36 / 94.00          4 / 94        6 / 89           4 years full-time 1                 St Lucia Part of standard program,       Queensland Year 12 (or
                                                                                     (or part-time                                awarded based on grade          equivalent) English,
                                                                                     equivalent)                                  point average of specific       Mathematics B or C
    See ‘Program table explained’ on page 52                                                                                      courses

     Minimum (adjusted) selection threshold 2019 is the minimum score that was considered for an offer of a place to all applicants.
     Lowest OP/Rank to receive an offer refers to all recent secondary students who were offered a place in 2019.

Why Advanced Business at UQ?                                           You can select from two pathways:                                    Majors
Our four-year honours program is                                       •	The professional pathway allows you                               The BAdvBus(Hons) program can
limited to a small, highly motivated                                      to take up to three majors from UQ                                be tailored to help you achieve your
and high-achieving cohort aspiring to                                     Business School’s specialist teaching                             career goals. You can choose up to
leadership roles in business, the community                               areas (see opposite page for the list                             three majors from Accounting, Business
or academia.                                                              of majors).                                                       Analytics*, Business Information Systems,
The courses in this program are designed                               •	The research pathway is offered via a                             Entrepreneurship and Innovation*, Finance,
to make you stand out to employers and                                    thesis for those who want to enter into                           Human Resources, International Business,
are taught by internationally respected                                   a higher degree by research (HDR).                                and Marketing.
industry experts and academics. Our unique                                                                                                  * Exclusive to the BAdvBus(Hons) program
capstone course in leadership and ethics                               Career opportunities                                                 Professional memberships
will provide an opportunity for you to
                                                                       On graduation, you will have a globally                              As a graduate, you may be eligible for
apply your knowledge and skills to real
                                                                       recognised honours degree that will help                             memberships with a diverse range of
business cases.
                                                                       you stand out in a competitive job market.                           professional bodies:
                                                                       Within this program, you will also have
What you will study                                                    the opportunity to take part in an industry
You will study a wide range of advanced                                placement course at a leading organisation
business courses, providing the most                                   in Australia. Alternatively, this program
comprehensive set of business management                               can be used as a stepping stone to further
skills of any undergraduate program at UQ.                             research in industry or academia.
Learn how to communicate and engage                                    As a graduate, you can expect a career in
with customers and employees of your                                   companies, agencies and organisations
organisation; use analytics to understand the                          across the private and public sectors, both
dynamic nature of marketplaces; and design,                            in Australia and internationally. Specific roles
measure and assess financial and business                              depend largely on your majors, but this
decisions. Identify and capitalise on business                         program provides considerable flexibility
opportunities, and manage business                                     depending on your personal career goals.
internationally and across cultures. These are
only a few examples of the many exciting                               Honours
topics our courses cover.
                                                                       Honours is awarded to all graduates of this
                                                                       program in the following classes (based on
                                                                       GPA): Class I, Class IIA, Class IIB, Class IIIA,                     For more information
                                                                       Class IIIB.

"I feel more informed about
Bachelor of Advanced                                                                                                             the world around me as
Business (Honours)                                                                                                               I progress through my

COURSE LIST                                                                                                                      program, and I feel as if my
                                                                                                                                 ability to create change will
                                                                                                                                 continuously improve."

  Business Law                                                                                                                    Hari Sinh
  Business Operations
                                                                                                                                  Bachelor of Advanced Business
  Financial Accounting for Business                                                                                               (Honours)
  Financial Management for Business
  Foundations of Entrepreneurship
  Foundations of Marketing
  International Business Management
  Introduction to Human Resource Management
  Leadership and Ethics
  Macroeconomics for Business
  Management Accounting Principles
                                                                     Ensure that the courses you select are appropriate for your program requirements and rules. Refer
  Microeconomics for Business
                                                                     to the program plans at For a full list of courses and electives, visit
  Principles of Business Analytics                          Note: courses are subject to change, and not all courses are offered every year. To be
  Transforming Business with Information Systems                     eligible to join professional bodies, you may be required to complete certain courses.


    Accounting                                                      Entrepreneurship                                                Globalisation and Business
    Accounting for Corporate Structures#                            Entrepreneurship and Innovation Incubator*                      Managing Across Cultures
    Accounting Information and Software Applications                Fundamentals of Technology and Innovation                       Managing International Legal Complexity
                                                                      Management                                                    Understanding Cultures in International Business
    Advanced Management Accounting
                                                                    Social Entrepreneurship
    Advanced Studies in Accounting*                                                                                                 Marketing
                                                                    Theory of Entrepreneurship and Innovation*
    Auditing and Public Practice#                                                                                                   Advanced Studies in Marketing*
    Business Industry Placement                                     Finance                                                         Applied Market Research
    Corporations Law#                                               Advanced Studies in Finance*                                    Brand Management and Strategy
    External Reporting Issues*#                                     Asset Pricing                                                   Business Industry Placement
    Income Tax Law#                                                 Banking and Lending Decisions                                   Consumer Behaviour*
    Management Accounting#                                          or                                                              Contemporary Issues in Marketing
    Quantitative Economic and Business Analysis A                   Financial Markets and Institutions                              Marketing Analysis
                                                                    Business Industry Placement                                     Marketing Strategy
    Business Analytics
                                                                    Corporate Finance*                                              Product and Service Management
    Business Analytics: Cases and Strategies*
                                                                    Derivatives and Risk Management                                 Sales and Account Management
    Business Industry Placement
                                                                    International Financial Management
    Data Visualisation in R
                                                                                                                                        MAJORS – RESEARCH PATHWAY
    Machine Learning in R                                           Human Resources
    Predictive Analytics in R                                                                                                       Accounting in the Modern Financial Economy
                                                                    Advanced Studies in Human Resource Management*
                                                                                                                                    Corporate Finance Honours
    Pricing and Revenue Optimisation                                Business Industry Placement
                                                                                                                                    Empirical Finance Honours
    R for Business Analytics*                                       Employment Relations*
                                                                                                                                    Empirical Finance Honours II
    Text Analysis in R                                              Global Human Resource Management                                Financial Information in Capital Markets
                                                                    Human Resource Development                                      Honours Thesis A*
    Business Information Systems
                                                                    Leading and Managing People                                     Information Systems Honours
    Advanced Data Analytics
                                                                    Managing Performance                                            Managerial Accounting Honours A
    Advanced Studies in Business Information Systems*
                                                                    Managing Workplace Conflict                                     Marketing Theory and Research I
    Business Industry Placement                                                                                                     Marketing Theory and Research II
                                                                    Negotiating Employment Agreements
    Business Information Security                                                                                                   Organisational Research Paradigms
                                                                    Organisational Design and Change Management
    Business Process Management                                     Strategic Human Resource Management                             Qualitative Business Research Methods
    Data Analytics and Information Management                                                                                       Qualitative Business Research Methods II
    Information Analysis and System Design                          International Business                                          Quantitative Business Research Methods I
    Managing Business Data*                                         Advanced Studies in International Business*                     Quantitative Business Research Methods II
                                                                    Business in Asia                                                Scientific Methods in Commerce*
    Entrepreneurship and Innovation                                 Business Industry Placement                                     or
    Business Model Innovation and Growth                            Global Human Resource Management                                Scientific Methods in Management*
    Entrepreneurial Leadership                                      Global Production and Logistics*                                Theory and Research in Strategic Management

# These courses must be studied to obtain CAANZ and CPA accreditation. * You must complete these specified courses within your major.
                                                                                                                                              BUSINESS, ECONOMICS AND LAW 2020    9
Bachelor of

Business Management
Do you have big ambitions for your career in business? The Bachelor of Business
Management (BBusMan) teaches all the fundamentals you will need for your future while
offering flexible majors to focus your desired career path.

    CODE        CODE      THRESHOLD 2019>           RECEIVE AN OFFER 2019<                                 SEMESTER                                                         REQUIREMENTS
                          OP / RANK / IB / ATAR     ADJUSTED UNADJUSTED

    709001      2059      9 / 82 / 29 / 81.85       9 / 82        11 / 77          3 years full-time       1, 2          St Lucia Additional Arts, Commerce,                Queensland Year
                                                                                   (or part-time                                  year of    Communication, Economics,      12 (or equivalent)
                                                                                   equivalent)                                    study      Education (Secondary),         English,
                                                                                                                                             Engineering (Honours),         Mathematics A or
                                                                                                                                             Information Technology,        any combination
                                                                                                                                             International Hotel and        of Mathematics A,
                                                                                                                                             Tourism Management,            B or C
                                                                                                                                             Journalism, Laws (Honours),
    See ‘Program table explained’ on page 52                                                                                                 Mathematics, Science
      Minimum (adjusted) selection threshold 2019 is the minimum score that was considered for an offer of a place to all applicants.
      Lowest OP/Rank to receive an offer refers to all recent secondary students who were offered a place in 2019.

Why Business Management at UQ?                                           What you will study                                                  Career opportunities
The Bachelor of Business Management                                      How do group dynamics affect employee                                This program opens up a wide range of
will prepare you to be a strategic business                              behaviour? How do you manage online                                  career opportunities in the public, private
leader so you can stay ahead of the game,                                advertising and content? How can                                     and not-for-profit sectors. Many of our
no matter what the world throws                                          businesses make a profit while helping                               alumni work in leadership positions across
at you.                                                                  communities? How can businesses                                      various industries.
Our academic staff are leaders in their fields,                          incorporate sustainability into their
working to find solutions to some of the                                 planning? You will explore the answers                               Honours
world’s most pressing issues. Their research                             to these questions and more during your                              Our honours program provides an
and consulting activities ensure our teaching                            business management studies.                                         opportunity for high achievers to spend an
is at the forefront of contemporary business                             This program covers topical and innovative                           extra year learning in-demand business and
knowledge.                                                               study areas such as entrepreneurship                                 research skills. These attributes are highly
We firmly believe in providing you with                                  and business information systems. You'll                             sought after by employers, giving you a
practical experiences to build on your                                   discover that business management is                                 competitive advantage.
knowledge, including applied projects, real-                             future-oriented, allowing you to adapt to
life case studies, guest lectures by industry                            rapidly changing business environments.                              Majors
experts, and opportunities for placements                                                                                                     The business management program
and internships with leading businesses.                                                                                                      provides you with a comprehensive
By the time you graduate, you will have                                                                                                       foundation for a successful career in
the skills to confidently lead people and                                                                                                     business. Compulsory courses in areas such
innovative projects.                                                                                                                          as management, marketing and finance
                                                                                                                                              will equip you with necessary core business
                                                                                                                                              skills. You will then build on these by
Professional memberships                                                                                                                      choosing one or two (of seven) specialist
As a graduate, you may be eligible for memberships with a diverse range of professional bodies:                                               majors that align with your areas of interest.
                                                                                                                                              A major consists of six courses from one
                                                                                                                                              area of specialisation. As you work through
                                                                                                                                              your chosen majors, you will develop
                                                                                                                                              complementary managerial skills.

Benefit from industry placements and
                     internships with leading businesses

                                                 production management, financial
                                                 planning, capital budgeting, economics,
                                                 business analysis, marketing, purchasing,
Advertising unleashes a world of                 and human resource management.
opportunities for budding creative               You will learn the economics of growth
professionals. You will be introduced to         strategies and how to apply economic
the foundations of advertising and media,        analysis to various scenarios.
and develop the business, analytical and
                                                 Careers: Graduates enjoy careers
creative skills necessary to launch an
                                                 in banking and financial services,
advertising career. Consumer behaviour
                                                 consultancies and government                "The best thing about
and media planning and buying are some
                                                 departments.                                 my program is that it
of the areas in which you will gain skills to
become an effective advertising manager.         Business Information Systems                 is taught by experts in
You will also develop a range of hands-on        Discover the relationship between            the industry – people
professional skills in the creative design and   business and technology, and the
development of advertising campaigns.
                                                                                              who are engaging and
                                                 crucial role information systems play
Careers: Graduates enjoy careers in media,       in high-performing organisations. You
                                                                                              incredibly knowledgeable
at advertising agencies, as media buyers,        will develop skills in data analytics,       in their fields."
and in the marketing departments of public,      analysis of organisational information
private and not-for-profit organisations.        requirements, business information          Timothy De Haast
                                                 security, process improvement and
Business Economics                                                                           Bachelor of Engineering
                                                 digital business. This foundation of        (Honours) / Bachelor of
This major equips you with the knowledge         knowledge will allow you to make            Business Management
and skills to effectively apply economic         recommendations about the use of
analysis to business management. It also         technology and systems in organisations
supports careers in corporate strategy,          to achieve a competitive advantage.

                                                                                                 BUSINESS, ECONOMICS AND LAW 2020   11
Careers: Graduates enjoy a wide range of       International Business                          By studying this major, you will develop an
careers in consulting, data infrastructure,    Businesses competing internationally must       understanding of key concepts underlying
online marketing services, data analytics,     build relationships with customers, adapt       marketing practices such as applied market
public sector departments and technology       their products to international markets, and    research and branding, relationship building,
agencies.                                      manage the diverse logistical and supply        product and service management, product
                                               channels of various countries. You will learn   innovation, and communication and
Human Resources
                                               how cultural, regulatory and operational        marketing strategy.
Studying human resources (HR) provides
                                               conditions influence the strategies             Careers: Graduates enjoy careers in
you with the skills and experience to
                                               necessary to succeed in global markets.         marketing consultancies, market research,
create positive work environments and
                                               You will also gain an understanding of key      and the marketing departments of public,
assist people to achieve their own career
                                               issues in international trade and investment,   private and not-for-profit organisations.
aspirations. You will gain knowledge and
                                               international marketing, international human
skills in areas such as people management,                                                     Real Estate and Development
                                               resource management, and operations in
Australian and international industrial                                                        This major examines the theoretical and
                                               firms engaged in international business,
relations, selection and recruitment,                                                          practical knowledge required to operate as a
                                               finance and strategy.
organisational change, interpersonal                                                           property professional. You will develop your
communication, conflict resolution, training   Careers: Graduates enjoy careers in a
                                                                                               knowledge of business and land economic
and development, negotiating employment        wide range of private businesses looking
                                                                                               principles. During your studies, you will
agreements, and leadership.                    to expand their operations and trading
                                                                                               learn about the principles of property law,
                                               networks overseas, or in state and federal
Careers: Graduates enjoy careers as                                                            finance and investment, asset management,
                                               government organisations and trade
professional HR managers in public                                                             town planning and property valuations.
or private sector roles, for example, in                                                       You will apply advanced software and
professional practices, trade unions,          Marketing                                       computer programs to solve business
employer associations, government              Marketing is about understanding                problems related to land development and
departments, management consultancies,         and identifying customers’ needs,               management.
industrial relations, negotiation and          communicating brand values, and engaging        Careers: Graduates enjoy careers in
advocacy, and occupational health and          customers to increase business sales.           property investment, development,
safety.                                        For this reason, marketing is a crucial         management and valuation.
                                               component of the success of any business.

Bachelor of Business Management
  COMPULSORY COURSES                             MAJORS

   Accounting for Decision Making                Advertising                                   International Business
   Business Law                                  Advertising and Consumer Culture              Global Human Resource Management*
   Business Policy and Strategy                  Advertising Media                             Globalisation and Business*
   Economics for Business                        Advertising Research                          International Business Management*
   Foundations of Marketing                      Advertising Strategy*                         International Business Operations*
   Introduction to Financial Management          Contemporary Issues in Advertising            Managing International Legal Complexity*
   Introduction to Management                    Creative Advertising and Production           Understanding Cultures in International
                                                 Foundations of Advertising*                     Business*
   Organisational Behaviour
   Transforming Business with Information        Online Advertising
                                                 Business Economics                            Applied Market Research
                                                 Competition Policy and Regulation             Brand Management and Strategy
                                                 Economics of Business Strategy*               Consumer Behaviour*
                                                 Financial Markets and Institutions            Contemporary Issues in Marketing
                                                                                               Marketing Analysis
  Important                                      Introduction to Strategic Thinking
                                                 Management of Financial Institutions          Marketing Strategy*
  Ensure that the courses you select are         Managerial Economics                          Product and Service Management
  appropriate for your program requirements      The Macroeconomy and Business Conditions*     Sales and Account Management
  and rules. Refer to the program plans at
                                                 Understanding China For a full list                                                 Real Estate and Development
  of courses and electives, visit     Business Information Systems                  Advanced Valuation#
  study. Note: courses are subject to change,                                                  Building Construction Management and
                                                 Advanced Data Analytics
  and not all courses are offered every year.                                                    Economics#
                                                 Business Information Security
  To be eligible to join professional bodies,                                                  Development Appraisal Project#
                                                 Business Process Management
  you may be required to complete certain                                                      Economic Geography: Location and Land Use#
  courses.                                       Data Analytics and Information Management*
                                                                                               Introduction to Planning#
                                                 eBusiness Systems and Strategy
                                                                                               Investment Method of Valuation*
                                                 Information Analysis and System Design*
                                                                                               Real Estate Development Planning*
                                                 Information Systems Strategy*
                                                                                               Real Estate Investment#
                                                 Managing Business Data*
For more information                                                                           Real Estate Law*
                                                                                               Statutory Valuation*                     Human Resources
                                                                                               Sustainable Real Estate Management*
                                                 Employment Relations*
                                                                                               Valuation Principles*
                                                 Global Human Resource Management
                                                 Human Resource Development
                                                 Introduction to Human Resource Management*
                                                 Leading and Managing People
                                                                                                * You must complete these specified courses within
                                                 Managing Performance                           your major.
                                                 Organisational Design and Change Management    #
                                                                                                  These courses must be taken for full professional
                                                 Strategic Human Resource Management            accreditation eligibility.

                                                                                                             BUSINESS, ECONOMICS AND LAW 2020         13
Ranked #38 in the world for
                                                                                                                     accounting and finance
                                                                                                                     QS World University Rankings by Subject 2018

    Bachelor of

The Bachelor of Commerce (BCom) will equip you with
the fundamental knowledge, a strong commercial focus
and the necessary skills for a career in accounting, financial
management, banking, business analysis, business information
systems and management.

    CODE        CODE     THRESHOLD 2019>            RECEIVE AN OFFER 2019<                                SEMESTER                                                        REQUIREMENTS
                         OP / RANK / IB /ATAR       ADJUSTED UNADJUSTED

    711001      2024     7 / 87 / 31 / 86.95        7 / 87        9 / 82           3 years full-time      1, 2          St Lucia Additional Arts, Business Management,    Queensland Year
                                                                                   (or part-time                                 year of    Economics, Engineering        12 (or equivalent)
                                                                                   equivalent)                                   study      (Honours), Information        English and
                                                                                                                                            Technology, Laws (Honours),   Mathematics B
    See ‘Program table explained’ on page 52                                                                                                Mathematics, Science

     Minimum (adjusted) selection threshold 2019 is the minimum score that was considered for an offer of a place to all applicants.
     Lowest OP/Rank to receive an offer refers to all recent secondary students who were offered a place in 2019.

Why Commerce at UQ?                                                    What you will study                                                  If you are seeking an in-depth
UQ Business School commerce graduates                                  How can business performance be                                      understanding of how accounting, business
are in high demand. We are well regarded                               measured and assessed? What aspects                                  information systems and finance add value
for our commerce program and are                                       of performance can be improved and                                   to business and the global economy, then
currently ranked 38th in the world for                                 how? How can company, project and                                    this program is for you.
accounting and finance.^ By choosing to                                investment value be determined to
study the commerce program, you will                                   make buy/sell decisions? How do foreign                              Career opportunities
develop a combination of core commerce                                 markets, derivatives and debt markets                                This program will set you up for a thriving
skills, specialist knowledge, and critical                             affect my client’s portfolio? What is an                             career in the public or private sectors in
evaluation and problem-solving abilities.                              auditor’s responsibility? How can big                                accounting, banking, financial management,
Your expertise will ensure you are sought                              data be analysed to add value? What                                  business analysis, business information
by employers and add value to a business                               issues arise from operating in a virtual                             systems and general management.
within a rapidly changing world.                                       corporate environment? You will investigate
^QS World University Rankings by Subject 2018                          these topics and more as you study our                               Honours
                                                                       commerce program.
                                                                                                                                            Our honours program is a challenging
                                                                       After examining the fundamental principles                           and rewarding additional year of study.
                                                                       of commerce, you will learn how you can                              As an honours student, you will hone your
                                                                       apply and adapt them in response to                                  business and finance knowledge and skills
                                                                       specific challenges faced by businesses. You                         through research and advanced coursework.
                                                                       will build specialised knowledge and skills                          Honours is a small-intake program,
                                                                       through one or two majors as you progress                            admitting only the top students from the
                                                                       through years 2 and 3 of your program.                               Bachelor of Commerce.

Professional memberships
As a graduate, you may be eligible for memberships with a diverse range of professional bodies:

"Studying a dual commerce/
 law program allows me to
 satisfy my intellectual hunger,
 and the diverse range of
 subjects offered provides me
 with a brilliant background,
 no matter what career path
 I choose. The varying subject
 matters and worldviews that
 I've been exposed to have been
 refreshing, and allowed me to
 develop a new outlook."

Julius Moller
Bachelor of Commerce /
Bachelor of Laws (Honours)

                                   BUSINESS, ECONOMICS AND LAW 2020   15
Majors                                                Careers: Graduates enjoy careers as              Finance
Develop in-depth skills and experience by             accountants in public and private                Finance is a dynamic field that will afford
choosing one or two majors relevant to                corporations, management and consulting          you a vast range of opportunities both
your desired career. A major consists of six          firms, small business, banks and other           locally and internationally. You will build
courses from one area of specialisation.              financial institutions, government and           your financial acumen by combining core
                                                      government-owned corporations, and not-          knowledge of valuation, risk management,
Accounting                                            for-profit organisations.                        corporate finance and banking with
If you’re an aspiring accountant, this major          Business Information Systems                     practical application through case studies
is essential. It is also extremely valuable                                                            and simulations. This will place you at the
if you want a career in the corporate,                Discover the relationship between
                                                                                                       forefront of career opportunities in financial
government or not-for-profit sectors                  business and technology, and the crucial
                                                                                                       and portfolio management, corporate
because it provides a solid foundation                role information systems play in high-
                                                                                                       finance, risk assessment, and business
for sound financial decision-making. The              performing organisations. You will develop
courses offered will advance your financial           skills in data analytics, analysis of business
                                                      information requirements and security,           Careers: Graduates enjoy careers in finance,
and accounting acumen by developing your                                                               banking, stockbroking, management
knowledge of contemporary financial and               process improvement and digital business.
                                                      This broad foundation will allow you to          consulting, corporate financial management
management accounting practice, taxation                                                               and government agencies.
and corporate law. You will build your skills         make recommendations about the use of
in critical analysis, problem-solving and             technology and systems in organisations to
reporting. Follow study plans that cover              achieve a competitive advantage.
the necessary prerequisites and you can               Careers: Graduates enjoy a wide range of
apply for associate membership of the                 careers in consulting, data infrastructure,
key Australian accounting professional                online services / marketing, data analytics,
bodies, Certified Practising Accountants              public sector departments and technology
(CPA) Australia and Chartered Accountants             agencies.
Australia and New Zealand (CAANZ).

Bachelor of Commerce
  COMPULSORY COURSES                                    MAJORS

  Business Law                                           Accounting                                    Data Analytics and Information Management*
  Economics for Business                                 Accounting for Corporate Structures²          Information Analysis and System Design*
  Financial Reporting and Analysis                       Accounting Information and Software           Information Systems Strategy*
  Integrated Commerce in Practice                          Applications                                Managing Business Data*
  Introduction to Finance                                Analysis of Financial Statements
  Principles of Management Accounting                    Auditing and Public Practice¹                 Finance
  Quantitative Economic and Business                     Corporations Law²                             Asset Pricing
   Analysis A                                            External Reporting Issues²                    Banking and Lending Decisions
  Transforming Business with Information                 Income Tax Law¹                               or
                                                         Management Accounting²                        Financial Markets and Institutions
                                                                                                       Corporate Finance
                                                         Business Information Systems                  Derivatives and Risk Management
                                                         Advanced Data Analytics                       International Financial Management
                                                         Business Information Security                 Introductory Econometrics
                                                         Business Process Management

  Important                                           For more information                             * You must complete these specified courses within
                                                                                                       your major.
  Ensure that the courses you select are
                                                                 1. This course must be studied by students wishing to obtain
  appropriate for your program requirements and                                                        CAANZ accreditation and is recommended but not required
                                                                                                       for CPA accreditation. Students who do not complete the
  rules. Refer to the program plans at
                                                                                                       course will be required to undertake it as part of their For a full list                                                         CPA study.
  of courses and electives, visit                                                     2. This course must be studied by students wishing to obtain
  Note: courses are subject to change, and not all                                                     CAANZ and CPA accreditation.
  courses are offered every year. To be eligible to
  join professional bodies, you may be required to
  complete certain courses.

Bachelor of

Hotel and Tourism
The Bachelor of International Hotel and Tourism Management (BIHTM) will open up
exciting career opportunities for you in the global tourism industry. This program
will prepare you for a successful professional and managerial career in tourism,
hospitality or events.

    QTAC        UQ        MINIMUM SELECTION          LOWEST OP / RANK TO            DURATION               START         CAMPUS         HONOURS   DUAL         ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS
    CODE        CODE      THRESHOLD 2019>            RECEIVE AN OFFER 2019<                                SEMESTER                               PROGRAM
                          OP / RANK / IB / ATAR                                                                                                   AVAILABLE
                                                     ADJUSTED UNADJUSTED

    777001      2194      9 / 82 / 29 / 81.85        9 / 82       11 /78            3 years full-time      1, 2          St Lucia Additional Arts,      Queensland Year 12 (or
                                                                                    (or part-time                                 year of    Business   equivalent) English, Mathematics
                                                                                    equivalent)                                   study      Management A or any combination of
    See ‘Program table explained’ on page 52                                                                                                            Mathematics A, B or C

      Minimum (adjusted) selection threshold 2019 is the minimum score that was considered for an offer of a place to all applicants.
      Lowest OP/Rank to receive an offer refers to all recent secondary students who were offered a place in 2019.

Why International Hotel and                                             placements, executive shadowing positions,                           in and evaluate hospitality encounters.
Tourism Management at UQ?                                               wine immersion programs, Disney World                                Contemporary issues such as sustainability,
                                                                        internships, and domestic and international                          innovation and customer service will be
UQ Business School is internationally
                                                                        study tours.                                                         explored at local, regional and global
recognised for its tourism programs and
                                                                        * United Nations World Tourism Organization                          levels. You will learn to develop solutions
is the only Australian university business
                                                                        Tourism Education Qualification                                      to current and future industry challenges,
school to offer programs with UNWTO
                                                                                                                                             creating change wherever you go.
TedQual* certification.
                                                                        What you will study
The BIHTM program blends cutting-edge
                                                                        How can we promote tourism and ensure                                Career opportunities
research and theory with practical exercises
to develop your managerial abilities and                                the sustainability of natural resources? How                         Thanks to your advanced management
business acumen. Our lecturers have                                     can social media impact the way we travel?                           training and impressive professional
strong industry and research experience,                                What effects will the world’s growing                                networks, you will be well positioned for a
integrating their expertise into their                                  population have on tourism?                                          promising career in the tourism, hospitality
teaching.                                                               You will examine all of these issues and                             or events industries. Our graduates are in
                                                                        more as part of the BIHTM program. You                               high demand with employers, both locally
A special feature of this program is its Work
                                                                        will have opportunities to develop, promote                          and internationally.
Integrated Learning (WIL) component.
Through WIL, you will have access to                                    and deliver events; design and market
                                                                        tourist facilities and attractions; and engage                       Honours
hands-on opportunities including individual
                                                                                                                                             This program functions as an extra year of
                                                                                                                                             high-quality study, showing employers you
Professional memberships                                                                                                                     have what it takes to excel in the tourism,
As a graduate you may be eligible for memberships with a diverse range of professional bodies:                                               hospitality or events industries. The high-
                                                                                                                                             level research skills you develop will open
                                                                                                                                             up further opportunities for you in industry,
                                                                                                                                             or they could lead to a higher degree by
                                                                                                                                             research (HDR) program.

                                                                                                                                                         BUSINESS, ECONOMICS AND LAW 2020   17
"Looking back, the most
                                         valuable thing I learned
                                         throughout my studies at UQ is
                                         to trust myself and my abilities,
                                         to embrace opportunities
                                         and take charge of my own
                                         learning. My study experience
                                         was exceptional, and I
                                         thoroughly enjoyed learning
                                         from highly experienced
                                         leaders in the industry."

                                        Janita Zhang
                                        Bachelor of International Hotel and
                                        Tourism Management

                                        Janita currently works at The American
                                        Chamber of Commerce in Australia in
                                        the role of Event Manager QLD and
                                        Digital Communications Design Lead

The only Australian university
                                                                                         to offer programs with UNWTO
                                                                                         TedQual* certification
                                                                                         * United Nations World Tourism Organization Tourism
                                                                                         Education Qualification

Bachelor of International Hotel and Tourism Management
  COMPULSORY COURSES                                 MAJORS

   Accounting for Decision Making                    Event Management
   Applied Economics for Tourism                     Event Marketing and Consumer Behaviour                 Gaming and Casino Management
   Business Law                                      Event Operations Management                            Hotel Operations
   Foundations of Marketing                          Event Planning and Management                          Strategic Hospitality Management
   Introduction to Management                        Event Sponsorship and Fundraising
   Principles of Tourism, Hospitality and Events     Fundamentals of Event Management                       Tourism Management
   Service Management in Tourism                     Strategic Event Management                             Destination and Experience Marketing
   Sustainable Tourism                                                                                      Responsible Tourism and Ethics
   Tourist and Visitor Behaviour                     Hospitality Management                                 Strategic Tourism Management
                                                     Discourses in Hospitality                              Tourism and Leisure Operations Management
                                                     Entrepreneurship in Hospitality                        Tourism Policy and Planning
                                                     Food and Beverage Management                           Tourism Sales and Distribution

Majors                                             resort management. You will develop an
Develop in-depth skills and practical              understanding of, and skills in, the essence                 Important
experience by choosing majors relevant             of ‘hospitality’, the international hotel
to your desired career. You can specialise         industry, technological applications in                      Ensure that the courses you select
                                                   hospitality management and large-scale                       are appropriate for your program
in one or two areas that align with your                                                                        requirements and rules. Refer to the
interests. A major consists of six courses         services management, small business and
                                                                                                                program plans at
from one area of specialisation.                   entrepreneurship, casinos and gaming, and
                                                   food and beverage management.
Event Management                                   Careers: Graduates enjoy careers in                          For a full list of courses and electives,
Event management is an exciting and                management and marketing roles in hotels,                    visit Note: courses are
growing industry. You will gain an                 resorts, casinos, restaurants, cruise liners,                subject to change, and not all courses are
understanding of the nature, characteristics       commercial catering and clubs.                               offered every year. To be eligible to join
and role of events, and specialist knowledge                                                                    professional bodies, you may be required
in all aspects of event management. You            Tourism Management                                           to complete certain courses.
will learn about the history and impact of         Tourism is one of the most important
festivals, and study event operations for          industries in Australia. This area of study
business, artistic, cultural and sporting          covers tourism operations, destination                    For more information
events. You will also develop managerial           marketing and policy. You will develop
and entrepreneurial capabilities in                managerial expertise in issues relating
marketing, sponsorship and fundraising for         to sustainability, ecotourism, policy and
events.                                            planning, visitor behaviour, and the
Careers: Graduates enjoy careers as                environmental, social and economic
event and festival managers, consultants,          impacts of tourism. You will be at the
conference and convention centre                   forefront of current and future trends
managers, and in various roles in public and       and issues for the industry, including
private tourism organisations.                     niche markets. Case studies and site visits
                                                   provide practical and relevant skills and
Hospitality Management                             knowledge to ensure your success upon
As the hospitality industry shifts from a          graduation.
skills-based to a knowledge-based industry,        Careers: Graduates enjoy careers in
higher learning has become critical for            tourism organisations, tourism and hotel
career success. This major focuses on              consultancies, and other tourism-related
the vibrant global hospitality industry,           industries including wholesale and retail
which includes hotel, restaurant and               travel, airlines and the cruise industry.

                                                                                                                         BUSINESS, ECONOMICS AND LAW 2020    19
2nd top economics
research institute in
RePEc December 2018

#3 in the world for
research into efficiency
and productivity
RePEc December 2018
School of
Study with one of the largest and most influential economics
schools in Australia.

Highly ranked                                  Academic and
UQ’s School of Economics is consistently
ranked in the top five per cent of research-
                                               industry leaders
intensive economics departments in the         Our accomplished scholars claim a large
world.* Our world-class academic staff         share of Australia’s economics honours,
and diverse courses will equip you with        competitive research grants, prestigious
theoretical knowledge to address real-life     fellowships and high-quality publications.
problems.                                      We are home to more than 70 active
                                               teaching and research staff, including
Economics provides meaningful solutions
                                               specialists in energy and climate change,
to many of the big issues facing our
                                               productivity and efficiency analysis,
world, such as climate change, the ageing
                                               development economics, and labour and
population, complex international trade
                                               agricultural economics.
negotiations and assisting economies to be
competitive in an increasingly globalised
context.                                       Careers
* Research Papers in Economics (RePEc)
                                               Economics graduates are highly sought
                                               after and among the highest paid in
Push your                                      Australia.** They work as economists in
                                               consultancies, financial services firms
boundaries                                     and global corporations, as well as for
                                               government and international agencies
Our stimulating academic environment
                                               including the Reserve Bank of Australia,
attracts the brightest and best economics
                                               the World Bank, the International Monetary
students from around the country and
                                               Fund, and federal and state treasuries.
internationally. You will be encouraged to
                                               Training in economics teaches you to
be part of the rigorous debates that
                                               analyse and make decisions – skills that are
challenge and extend conventional
                                               in demand in most professions, which is
economic thought.
                                               why economics is one of the most popular
                                               combinations in dual degrees.
                                               ** Graduate Destination Survey 2016

                          Nobel Prize Laureate
                          in Economics (1994) for Game Theory, John C Harsanyi
                          (1920–2000), launched his academic career as an
                          economics lecturer at UQ

                                                           BUSINESS, ECONOMICS AND LAW 2020   21
Bachelor of

Advanced Finance
and Economics (Honours)
The Bachelor of Advanced Finance and Economics (Honours) (BAdvFin&Econ(Hons))
is your passport to becoming a leader in the fields of finance and economics.

QTAC         UQ       MINIMUM SELECTION          LOWEST OP / RANK TO            DURATION              START         CAMPUS      HONOURS                      ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS
CODE         CODE     THRESHOLD 2019>            RECEIVE AN OFFER 2019<                               SEMESTER
                      OP / RANK / IB / ATAR      ADJUSTED UNADJUSTED

714311       2402 1 / 99 / 42 / 99.00            1 / 99        4 / 95           4 years full-time     1             St Lucia Part of standard program,    Queensland Year 12 (or
                                                                                                                             awarded based on grade point equivalent) English,
See ‘Program table explained’ on page 52                                                                                     average of specific courses  Mathematics B or C

    Minimum (adjusted) selection threshold 2019 is the minimum score that was considered for an offer of a place to all applicants.
    Lowest OP/Rank to receive an offer refers to all recent secondary students who were offered a place in 2019.

Why Advanced Finance and                                                What you will study                                               Honours
Economics at UQ?                                                        What are the economic and social                                  Honours is awarded to all graduates of this
This program closely integrates the                                     outcomes of policy changes? What effect                           program in the following classes (based on
disciplines of economics and finance and                                has the global financial crisis had on                            GPA) Class I, Class IIA, Class IIB, Class IIIA,
allows you to focus on core areas at a                                  macroeconomic theory and monetary                                 Class IIIB.
high level. Courses and activities that are                             policy? Which financial issues confront
exclusive to the program ensure you will                                most companies? Explore these issues and                          Majors
forge lifelong personal and professional                                more in this interdisciplinary program jointly                    You can develop greater depth of
connections with your cohort.                                           taught by UQ Business School and the                              knowledge by undertaking a major that
Working with our world-class academic                                   School of Economics.                                              is relevant to your desired career. A major
staff will help you establish strong links with                         You will develop the analytical rigour and                        consists of courses from one area of
leading employers. You may also have the                                technical knowledge to be an economist                            specialisation to provide additional depth
opportunity to study a semester abroad at                               in a variety of public and private sector                         to the discipline. Undertaking a major
one of our prominent international partner                              careers or a leader in finance, investment                        may lead to further study in the discipline
universities.                                                           banking, capital markets, equity or venture                       through a higher degree by research, such
                                                                        capital.                                                          as a PhD.
                                                                        At the end of your third year, you will                           Economics
                                                                        choose to major in either economics
                                                                        or finance, or complete a more general                            In this major, you will take advanced courses
                                                                        pathway and undertake a range of elective                         in theoretical and applied economics and
                                                                        courses and a team project.                                       undertake a substantial piece of research in
                                                                                                                                          a chosen area of your interest.
                                                                        Career opportunities                                              Careers: Graduates enjoy careers as
                                                                                                                                          analysts, advisers and economists in
                                                                        Potential career pathways include
                                                                                                                                          the public and private sectors in fields
                                                                        investment banking, funds management,
                                                                                                                                          including business, finance, international
                                                                        management and financial consulting,
    UQ offers Australia’s                                               stockbroking, international finance and
                                                                                                                                          development, management or research.

    only Bachelor of                                                    trade or employment with a government                             Finance
                                                                        agency such as the Reserve Bank of
    Advanced Finance and                                                Australia. You may also go on to study for a
                                                                                                                                          In this major, you will take advanced
                                                                                                                                          courses in theoretical and/or applied
    Economics (Honours)                                                 higher degree by research (HDR).                                  finance and have the opportunity to
    degree                                                                                                                                undertake a substantial piece of research in
                                                                                                                                          a chosen area of your interest.

"The high calibre of lecturers and tutors across
                                                                        all courses has allowed me to develop strong
                                                                        academic foundations across finance and
                                                                        economics, which I believe will set me up
                                                                        extremely well for postgraduate study and a
                                                                        future career in either field."

                                                                        Josephine Auer
                                                                        Bachelor of Advanced Finance and Economics (Honours)

Careers: Graduates enjoy careers in            Bachelor of Advanced Finance and Economics (Honours)
corporate finance, investment banking,
stockbroking, management and financial
                                               COURSE LIST
No major
                                                COMPULSORY COURSES                              MAJORS
You will complete a four-unit team project
and various elective courses in economics       Advanced Investments and Portfolio              Economics
and finance.                                      Management
                                                                                                Advanced Microeconometrics
                                                Advanced Macroeconomics
                                                                                                Honours Thesis
                                                Advanced Microeconomics
Professional memberships                                                                        Macroeconomics A
                                                Applied Corporate Finance
                                                                                                Macroeconomics B
As a graduate, you may be eligible for          Applied Econometrics for Macroeconomics
                                                                                                Microeconomics A
membership with this professional body:           and Finance
                                                                                                Microeconomics B
                                                Derivatives and Risk Management
                                                Financial Institutions Management
                                                Financial Markets and Institutions
                                                                                                Corporate Finance Honours
                                                Financial Modelling
                                                                                                Empirical Finance Honours
                                                Fixed Income Analytics and Treasury
                                                                                                Empirical Finance Honours II
                                                                                                Honours Thesis A
                                                Foundations of Management Accounting
                                                                                                Scientific Methods in Commerce
                                                International Financial Management
                                                Introductory Econometrics
                                                                                                No major
   You must follow the BAdvFin&Econ(Hons)       Macroeconomic Policy
                                                                                                Advanced Corporate Finance
   program plan (available at       Mathematical Economics
                                                                                                Benefit–Cost Analysis for Business
   au/program-plans) because the program        Microeconomic Policy
                                                                                                Causal Inference for Microeconometrics
   contains a progression rule that prevents    Principles of Financial Accounting
                                                                                                Competition Policy and Regulation
   you from enrolling in subsequent years of    Principles of Financial Management
                                                                                                Economics of International Finance
   the program until you have gained credit     Principles of Macroeconomics
   for all courses in the preceding year.                                                       Economics or Finance Team Project
                                                Principles of Microeconomics
                                                                                                Financial Econometrics
                                                Quantitative Economic and Business
                                                  Analysis A                                    Financial Statement Analysis
                                                                                                Game Theory and Strategy
For more information                            Tools of Economic Analysis
                                                                                                International Study Tour                                                                    Monetary Economics
                                                                                                Professional Practicum

                                                                                                          BUSINESS, ECONOMICS AND LAW 2020   23
You can also read