Noosa Local Government Area Pest Management Plan 2015-2019

Page created by Jorge May
Noosa Local Government Area Pest Management Plan 2015-2019
Noosa Local
Government Area
Pest Management Plan
Noosa Local Government Area Pest Management Plan 2015-2019
© Noosa Council 2015
General Enquiries: 8.15 am - 5.00 pm Monday to Friday (excluding public holidays)
By telephone: (07) 5329 6500 (including After Hours emergencies)
By email:
Fax: (07) 5329 6501
Street Address: 9 Pelican Street, TEWANTIN
Postal address: PO Box 141, TEWANTIN QLD 4565

Council wishes to thank all interested stakeholders who have taken the time and energy to help guide the
development of this strategy.

This document has been developed by Noosa Council’s Department of Planning & Infrastructure.
Information contained in this document is based on available information at the time of writing. All figures
and diagrams are indicative only and should be referred to as such. This is a strategic document which deals
with technical matters in a summary way only. Council or its officers accept no responsibility for any loss oc-
casioned to any person acting or refraining from acting in reliance upon any material contained in this docu-
Noosa Local Government Area Pest Management Plan 2015-2019
Table of contents

1.    Executive Summary                         4
2.    Introduction                              5
3.    Pest impacts in Noosa                     8
4.    Challenges to effective pest management   11
5.    Policy context                            12
6.    Declared Pests                            15
7.    Pest Management Planning                  16
8.    The pest management planning process      19
9.    Implementation of the plan                20
10.   Environmentally Significant Areas         23
11.   Noosa Local Government Area Strategic     25
        Action Plan 2015-2019
12.   Noosa’s Priority Pest Species             29
13.   Queensland Pest Species List              31
14.   Glossary                                  36
15.   Acronyms                                  37
16.   Reference List                            38
Noosa Local Government Area Pest Management Plan 2015-2019
1. Executive summary

Noosa Council recognises weeds and pest               under the Land Protection (Pest and Stock Route
animals as one of the most significant threats to     Management) Act 2002. The Plan and Strategic
biodiversity in the Shire. They degrade natural       Action Plan will be reviewed annually with a full
ecosystems and agricultural landscapes, threaten      review being undertaken prior to its expiry.
biodiversity and interfere with human health and
recreation.                                           The Biosecurity Act 2014 was enacted by
                                                      Queensland Parliament in March 2014 and will
Combating the threat posed by weeds and pest          come into effect in 2016. Under the new act, local
animals will require a clear commitment and           governments are required to have a biosecurity
combined effort from industry, the community,         plan for invasive biosecurity matter. Under the act
state government and Council. To guide this           a Local Government Pest Management Plan may
effort, and in accordance with the requirements       be regarded as a Biosecurity Plan and therefore
of the Land Protection (Pest and Stock Route          the Noosa Council Pest Management Plan will
Management) Act 2002, a Noosa Local                   be Noosa’s Biosecurity Plan until it is updated in
Government Area Pest Management Plan (the             2019.
Plan) has been prepared.

However, this plan is not simply a statement
of Noosa Council’s pest management
responsibilities. It is a plan of attack that
acknowledges the roles of a wide range of
organisations, groups and individuals that all have
a stake in the fight against the invasion of Noosa
Shire by weeds and pest animals.

The plan establishes local priorities, strategies
and actions to address the impacts of weeds
and pest animals, identifies stakeholders and
recognises their roles and responsibilities. It
also incorporates mechanisms for monitoring,
evaluating and reporting on the Plan’s
                                                      Blue morning glory (Ipomoea indica).
The Plan applies to all land within the boundaries
of the Noosa Shire and targets pest species that
are declared pests under the Land Protection
(Pest and Stock Route Management) Act 2002
as well as certain non-declared species that
have been determined to be locally significant
pests. The Plan identifies a set of objectives and
strategic actions, which are directed towards
achieving the desired outcomes set by the
Queensland weed and pest animal management
strategies. The Strategic Action Plan identifies
who is responsible for delivering actions, sets
timeframes and identifies measures of success
against which the Plan will be evaluated.

The Plan has a four year timeframe as prescribed

                                                                                               Page 4
Noosa Local Government Area Pest Management Plan 2015-2019
2. Introduction

2.1 Background                                          2.2.   Purpose of the Pest Management
Weeds and pest animals degrade natural
ecosystems and agricultural landscapes, threaten        The purpose of the Plan is to establish a
biodiversity and interfere with human health and        foundation for the cooperative management of
recreation. Once pests become established,              weeds and pest animals in Noosa Shire.
significant resources are required to control them
and rehabilitate impacted ecosystems.                   It establishes local priorities and sets strategies
                                                        and actions that address the environmental,
Noosa Council recognises weeds and pest                 economic and social impacts of weeds and pest
animals as one of the most significant threats to       animals. It identifies stakeholders and defines
biodiversity in the Shire. Combating this threat will   their roles and responsibilities for managing
require a clear commitment and combined effort          weeds and pest animals, and will assist in
from industry, the community, state government          developing and maintaining partnerships between
and Council.                                            those stakeholders.
The Land Protection (Pest and Stock Route               The Plan provides a means of ensuring that
Management) Act 2002 (the Land Protection               resources are targeted at the highest priority
Act) charges all Queensland councils with               activities and those that are most likely to
the development of a pest management plan               succeed. It also incorporates mechanisms for
for managing declared pests within their local          monitoring, evaluating and reporting on the
government area. The Noosa Local Government             effectiveness of the pest management actions
Area Pest Management Plan (the Plan) has been           identified.
prepared to fulfil this requirement.
                                                        2.3.   Commencement and duration
However, this plan is not simply a statement
of the Noosa Council’s pest management                  The Sunshine Coast Local Government Area
responsibilities. It is a community plan developed      Pest Management Plan commenced in 2012
through consultation with key stakeholders,             after its endorsement by the Minister for Primary
residents and visitors to Noosa.                        Industries and Fisheries, and the final Plan
                                                        adopted by Council on behalf of the Sunshine
                                                        Coast community. After the de-amalgamation of
                                                        Noosa Council from the Sunshine Coast Council,
                                                        the Noosa component of the plan was excised
                                                        and developed into the Noosa Council Local
                                                        Government Area Pest Management Plan 2015-
                                                        In accordance with section 31 of the Land
                                                        Protection Act, the Plan is a four year plan and
                                                        will remain in force until four years from the
                                                        commencement date, unless it is reviewed and
                                                        renewed at an earlier date.

Broad leaf privot (Ligustrum lucidum)                   2.4.   Scope

                                                        The Plan applies to all land and waterways within
                                                        the boundaries of the Noosa local government
                                                        area, including land owned or controlled by the
                                                        State, Council and individuals.
                                                                                                 Page 5
Noosa Local Government Area Pest Management Plan 2015-2019
For the purpose of the Plan, ‘pests’ include plants       to prevent, respond to, and recover from pests
and animals that are exotic species or native             and diseases that threaten the economy and
species found outside their natural range where           environment. Noosa Council supports Biosecurity
these species cause (or have the potential to             Queensland in managing these types of pests
cause) environmental, agricultural and/ or social         and pathogens across the region. For example
impacts. Targeted pest species include declared           in 2011 Biosecurity Queensland and Council
pests under the Land Protection Act and certain           responded to dealing with myrtle rust (Uredo
non-declared species that have been determined,           rangelii), a serious fungal diseases that infects
through consultation, to be locally significant           certain native plants such as bottle brush, tea
pests. Noosa’s highest priority pests are listed in       trees and callistemons.
Section 12.

The Plan does not consider endemic native
species protected under the Nature Conservation
Act 1992 that can be a problem species to some
people. Examples include flying foxes, magpies,
plovers, brush turkeys, ibis and snakes.
The Plan does not consider domestic or public
health pests such as vermin, mosquitoes,
biting midges, and cockroaches. Nor does the
Plan consider pathogens of humans, domestic
animals, livestock or plants. Although these pests
and pathogens are outside the scope of this plan,
it should be noted that Biosecurity Queensland
coordinates the Queensland Government efforts

      Queensland umbrella tree (Schefflera actinopylla)

                                                                                                   Page 6
Noosa Local Government Area Pest Management Plan 2015-2019
Noosa Shire map

                  Page 7
Noosa Local Government Area Pest Management Plan 2015-2019
3. Pest impacts in Noosa

Pests of our waterways                               maintenance program including the use of
                                                     bulk aquatic weed harvesters at considerable
Aquarium and pond weeds have been introduced         cost to asset managers. In many instances,
into waterways in a number of ways (including        once infestation occurs eradication is almost
from human activities). For example aquatic          impossible.
weeds can be introduced to a new water body
via vessels, trailers and fishing equipment.         Aquatic pest animals, such as the red-eared
Introduced weeds continue to spread as a result      slider turtle (Trachemys scripta elegans), can
of flooding, movement of water fowl and water        aggressively out-compete native species for food,
based activities.                                    basking and nesting sites. They prey on native
                                                     species such as aquatic reptiles, frogs, fish,
Of particular concern in Noosa waterways are         crustaceans and insects and have the potential
salvinia (Salvinia spp.), cabomba (Cabomba           to carry diseases and parasites that can infect
caroliniana), dense waterweed (Egeria densa),        native fauna.
yellow waterlily (Nymphaea mexicana) and
hygrophila (Hygrophila costata). These weeds         Pests of our coastal ecosystems
grow aggressively and can dramatically alter
environmental and physicochemical conditions         Noosa is celebrated for its stunning beaches
and interfere with ecological processes. This can    and, as a result, coastal ecosystems are
have devastating effects on native flora and fauna   under immense pressure from residential and
such as the Australian lungfish, platypus and        tourist development. Native species have been
freshwater turtles.                                  overlooked by landscapers in favour of low
                                                     maintenance ‘tropical’ gardens filled with exotic
                                                     palms. The encroachment of development into
                                                     coastal areas has meant that garden escapees
                                                     such as asparagus fern (Asparagus spp.),
                                                     glory lily (Gloriosa superba), Singapore daisy
                                                     (Sphagneticola trilobata), cocos palm (Syagrus
                                                     romanzoffiana) and coastal morning glory
                                                     (Ipomoea cairica) have become prevalent in many
                                                     coastal environments.

Salvinia (Salvinia molesta)

Aquatic weeds can detrimentally affect
recreational and aesthetic values of water
bodies. Heavy infestations make boating and
swimming difficult and can also be dangerous to
children and animals if the weeds look like solid
ground. In addition submerged aquatic weeds
such as cabomba (Cabomba caroliniana) can
cause swimmers to become entangled in the            Singapore daisy (Sphagneticola trilobata)
stems of the weed. Management of infestations
in constructed water bodies requires a regular
                                                                                                 Page 8
Noosa Local Government Area Pest Management Plan 2015-2019
European foxes (Vulpes vulpes) prey upon small        such as hydatid disease, making eradication
native animals and are a domestic nuisance as         more difficult in rural and rural residential areas.
they scavenge in bins and backyard compost            As development has encroached on rural areas
heaps and cause domestic dogs to bark. Foxes          more situations arise where the dingo/wild dog
are a particular problem in coastal areas because     population comes into contact and, therefore,
they dig up turtle nests to eat the eggs and they     conflict with people. Wild dogs are a problem
are linked to the decline of endangered and           throughout rural, rural residential and urban areas
vulnerable marine turtle populations throughout       of Noosa.
                                                      Several populations of red, rusa, and fallow
                                                      deer are currently established within the region.
Pests of our rural areas                              Deer pose a serious threat to the region, hence
                                                      their declared status under state legislation and
Many pest species that are of particular              the subsequent requirement of land managers
concern in rural areas cause illness and injury       to take reasonable steps to ensure numbers
to livestock and degrade pasture in addition to       are managed accordingly. As well as providing
their impacts on natural ecosystems. Groundsel        competition for both domestic livestock and
bush (Baccharis halimifolia) and giant rat’s tail     natives species, deer present many other
grass (Sporobolus spp.) cause loss of production      impacts, including traffic hazards to motorists;
and degradation of pasture by out-competing           they are implicated in the spread of declared
desirable pasture species. As well as impacting       plant species as well as exotic diseases such
                                                                                as Foot and Mouth
                                                                                 disease; destroy property
                                                                                 infrastructure, such as
                                                                                 fences; and can quickly
                                                                                 degrade pristine areas
                                                                                 through intensive activity,
                                                                                 leading to erosion and
                                                                                 sediment transport and
                                                                                 damaged vegetation.

                                                                                Pests of our
                                                                                hinterland ranges

                                                                                Vines such as blue
                                                                                morning glory (Ipomoea
                                                                                indica), thunbergia
                                                                                (Thunbergia spp.),
                                                                                cat’s claw creeper
                                                                                (Macfadyena unguis-
                                                                                cati) and madeira vine
Camphor laurel (Cinnamomum camphora)
                                                                              (Anredera cordifolia)
                                                                              are ubiquitous weeds of
on productivity annual ragweed (Ambrosia              hinterland areas. They smother native vegetation
artemisiifolia) can aggravate asthma and hay          with dense blankets of growth that can kill
fever and fireweed (Senecio madagascariensis)         trees. Another problem vine, dutchman’s pipe
is poisonous to livestock.                            (Aristolochia elegans) is closely related to the
                                                      native Pararistolochia praevenosa, the larval
Wild dogs are a major concern to many                 food plant of the Richmond birdwing butterfly
landholders. Attacks by wild dogs on livestock,       (Ornithoptera richmondii). Adult butterflies
wildlife and pets are not uncommon and these          mistakenly lay their eggs on the exotic vine,
can be very traumatic for witnesses. There is also    which is poisonous to the caterpillars. This has
growing concern that people, particularly children,   had devastating effects on local populations of
are at risk of attack. Like some domestic dogs,       Richmond birdwing butterflies.
wild dogs are known to carry zoonotic diseases

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Noosa Local Government Area Pest Management Plan 2015-2019
Pests of our urban areas                               other alternatives are available that are equal to, or
                                                       more, effective.
The urban-bushland interface is an area of
                                                       Over time Noosa has grown and urban
intense pressure from environmental weeds
                                                       development encroached on rural areas, traditional
and residential gardens are the source of many
                                                       methods of baiting have become increasingly
of them. People dumping garden waste over
                                                       difficult to implement. More than ever, effective
the back fence or in environmental reserves
                                                       baiting programs can only be run with the
introduce substantial weed loads to bushland
                                                       cooperation and collaboration of the community.
reserves. Other garden plants such as mock
                                                       The baiting program that is now operating began
orange (Murraya paniculata), duranta (Duranta
                                                       in 2002 as a trial involving a single group of 6 land
spp.), Mickey Mouse bush (Ochna serrulata)
                                                       owners. The program has now grown to include 40
and Queensland umbrella tree (Schefflera
                                                       landholders across the Noosa Shire.
actinophylla) that are popular with gardeners for
the brightly coloured fruits they produce are also     Baiting programs are targeted towards
popular with birds who eat the fruit and transport     areas where there is most to gain in terms of
the seeds into bushland areas.                         environmental and economic outcomes. For
                                                       example baiting in known koala habitat areas
Our pets can also cause major impacts in urban         helps safeguard local koala populations. At the
bushland parks. Domestic cats allowed to roam          same time foxes and feral cats which also impact
are known to hunt and kill native fauna such as        on fauna may be identified for baiting as well.
birds, lizards and frogs, while domestic dogs that     A significant increase in wild dog activity can
are not properly restrained at night are recognised    impact on stock, and may be a target for a baiting
as a key threat to koala populations. The highly       program. The wild dog baiting program is delivered
modified urban environment has also provided           through local area coordination groups consisting
suitable habitat for certain introduced species,       of property owners and individuals working
such as the Common myna bird (Acridotheres             together to reduce the impacts of wild dogs in
tristis), to proliferate. While not yet as prevalent   their areas. These groups are also supported by
in Noosa as they are elsewhere in Australia,           government land owners who manage land parcels
Common mynas are known for their aggressive            within these areas.
competition for nesting hollows and can displace
hollow dependent native fauna.                         Strict rules govern the administration and operation
                                                       of the baiting programs and all aspects are well
Case Study                                             documented. All residents within two kilometres
                                                       of any bait station must be advised in writing.
Community partnerships in delivering a                 Placement of baits must comply with stringent
                                                       criteria: no baits may be laid within five kilometres
wild dog control program
                                                       of a town (unless otherwise authorised to do so),
Wild dogs are a significant problem across rural,      within 500 meters of a dwelling that is not part of
rural residential and urban areas of Noosa. They       the program, within 20 metres of a water body or
are responsible for killing and maiming stock          within 50 metres of the centre-line of a declared
and pets, preying on native wildlife, damaging         road.
equipment, spreading disease and threatening           On baiting day, Council prepares the baits with
people. Under the Land Protection Act 2002,            1080 and distributes the baits to landholder
landholders have an obligation to control declared     groups. Boneless meat is used for baits and
pests on their land. Outside urban brigade areas,      when they are set they must be buried and tied.
a landholder or authorised person may destroy a        Participants must record the fate of all baits they
wild dog that is a threat to stock. Noosa rural and    lay and, where possible, indicate what animal took
urban brigade area maps can be accessed on             the bait. Any bait not taken after seven days is
Council’s website through         retrieved and destroyed.
the public interactive map system.
                                                       Cameras and sand traps are used to monitor the
There are a number of methods of wild dog              effectiveness of baiting programs. For example
control. Examples include baiting with 1080 poison,    in 2013/2014, one baiting program revealed
trapping, fencing and guardian animals. 1080 is        that 23 baits were taken by foxes and 18 by wild
considered the most practical measure for keeping      dogs. Baits were also taken by 2 feral pigs and
wild dog populations under control. It is likely to    2 goannas, but the baits did not have sufficient
continue as the preferred method of control until      strength to affect these species.
                                                                                                    Page 10
4. Challenges to effective
   pest management

Pest and land managers face significant            • Incomplete data about pest distributions and
challenges if efficient and effective control of     population dynamics.
pests is to be achieved.                           • The variability of stakeholder’s priorities and
These challenges are as follows:
                                                   • Uncontrolled pest sources on neighbouring
 • The high cost and effort required to control
   established pests.
                                                   • Improving communication and coordination
 • Providing adequate support and resources for
                                                     between landholders, community and local
   community environment groups.
                                                     and state bodies and ensuring cooperative
 • Implementing efficient and effective control      programs across boundaries (both property
   methods.                                          and council boundaries).
 • Public acceptance of pest control practices.
 • Dedicating resources to preventing the
   establishment of new pest species that are
   difficult to detect.

                                                                                            Page 11
5. Policy context

The Noosa Local Government Area Pest Management Plan has been developed to align with and complement
relevant federal, state and local policies and strategies as listed in Table 1.

                 Resource Management            Pest Management                  Pest Species
                 National Landcare Program      Australian Weeds Strategy        Strategies for Weeds of National
                 2013                                                            Significance
                 Australia’s Biodiversity    Australian Pest Animal Strategy     Threat Abatement Plans
                 Conservation Strategy 2010-
                 2030                                                            National Environmental Alert List
                                             Queensland Biosecurity Strategy     Queensland Wild Dog Manage-
                                             2009-2014                           ment Strategy 2011-2016

                                                Queensland Weeds Strategy        Pest management guidelines
 State                                          2002-2006

                                                Queensland Pest Animal Strate-
                                                gy 2002-2006

                                                State agency pest management

                 Regional Vegetation Man-       Pest Management Planning
                 agement Plans                  Guidelines
 Regional /
                 SEQ NRM Plan                   Mary River Aquatic Weeds
                 Noosa planning scheme          Sunshine Coast Local
 Local                                          Government Area Pest
                                                Management Plan

                                           Noosa Council Local Laws
 Property        Property management plans Property pest management plans

Table 1: Policy context for local government area pest
management plan development.

                                                                                                           Page 12
Federal policies and legislation                     • Predation by European Red Fox*
                                                     • Predation by exotic rats on Australian offshore
Australia’s Biodiversity Conservation Strategy         islands of less than 1000km2 (100,000 ha)
2010-2030 recognises that invasive species           • Predation by feral cats*
continue to be a major cause of pressure and that
climate change is already increasing the impact      • Predation, habitat degradation, competition
of invasive species on biodiversity. The strategy      and disease transmission by feral pigs*
identifies building ecosystem resilience as a        • The biological effects, including lethal toxic
priority for change.                                   ingestion, caused by cane toads (Bufo
The Australian Weeds Strategy and the Australian     • The reduction in the biodiversity of Australian
                        Pest Animal Strategy           native fauna and flora due to the red imported
                        identify national              fire ant (Solenopsis invicta).
                        priorities for pest
                        management with             *Key Threatening Processes for which a Threat
                        the aim of minimising       Abatement Plan has been prepared
                        impacts on Australia’s
                        environmental,              There are a number of recognised lists of
                        economic and social         weeds of national interest. Weeds of National
                                                    Significance (WONS) have been identified
                                                    because of their invasiveness, impacts on primary
                                                    production and the environment, potential for
                                                    spread and socioeconomic impacts. Each WONS
                                                    has a strategic plan that outlines strategies and
                                                    actions required to control the weed and identifies
                                                    responsibilities for each action. The National
assets. They provide                                Environmental Alert List (the Alert List) for
national leadership for                             environmental weeds identifies 28 plant species
all Australians to work                             that are in the early stages of establishment and
together against the                                have the potential to become a significant threat
serious impact of weeds                             to biodiversity if they are not managed.
and pest animals.
                                                    Weeds of National Significance (WONS):
Under the Environment
                                                     •   African boxthorn (Lycium ferocissimum)
Protection and Biodiversity Act 1999 the
Australian Government can list Key Threatening       •   Alligator Weed (Alternanthera philoxeroides)
Processes and develop and implement Threat           •   Athel Pine (Tamarix aphylla)
Abatement and Recovery Plans.                        •   Asperagus weeds (Asparagus aethiopicus**,
                                                         Asparagus africanus**, Asparagus
Key threatening processes involving                      asparagoides** Western cape form,
introduced and/or invasive species:                      Asparagus declinatus, Asparagus plumosus**,
 • Competition and land degradation by rabbits*          Asparagus scandens**)
 • Competition and land degradation by               •   Bellyache bush (Jatropha gossypiifolia)
   unmanaged goats*                                  •   Bitou Bush/Boneseed** (Chrysanthemoides
 • Dieback caused by the root-rot fungus                 monilifera subsp. monilifera and rotundata)
   (Phytophthora cinnamomi)*                         •   Blackberry** (Rubus fruticosus aggregate)
 • Invasion of northern Australia by gamba grass     •   Brooms (Cytissus scoparius, Genista
   and other introduced grasses                          monspessulana, Genista linifolia)
 • Loss and degradation of native plant and          •   Cabomba (Cabomba caroliniana)
   animal habitat by invasion of escaped garden      •   Cat’s Claw Creeper (Macfadyena unguis-
   plants, including aquatic plants                      cati**)
 • Loss of biodiversity and ecosystem integrity      •   Chilean Needle Grass (Nassella neesiana)
   following invasion by the yellow crazy ant        •   Fireweed (Senecio madagascariensis**)
   (Anoplolepis gracilipes) on Christmas Island,
                                                     •   Gamba Grass (Andropogon gayanus)
   India Ocean

                                                                                              Page 13
•  Gorse** (Ulex europaeus)                          Management) Act 2002 establishes a legislative
 •  Hymenachne** (Hymenachne amplexicaulis)           basis for the management of weeds, pest animals
                                                      and stock routes throughout Queensland. It
 •  Lantana** (Lantana camara)
                                                      establishes a set of principles to guide pest
 •  Madeira Vine (Anredera cordifolia**)              management, provides a framework for pest
 •  Mesquite (Prosopis spp.)                          management planning and prescribes certain
 •  Mimosa (Mimosa pigra)                             species as being declared pests.
 •  Opuntioid cacti (Opuntia aurantiaca**, Opuntia
                                                      The Act charges councils with the development
    stricta**, Opuntia tomentose**, Cylindropuntia
                                                      of a pest management plan for their local
    fulgida var. mamillata, Cylindropuntia
                                                      government area, the purpose of which is to bring
    imbricate, Cylindropuntia rosea)
                                                      together all sectors of the community to provide
  • Parkinsonia (Parkinsonia aculeata)                for the integrated management of pest plants and
  • Parthenium Weed** (Parthenium                     animals.
                                                      The management of pest plants and animals is
  • Pond Apple** (Annona glabra)
                                                      also provided for in various legislation including
  • Prickly Acacia (Acacia nilotica)                  the Fisheries Act 1994 (noxious and exotic
  • Rubber Vine** (Cryptostegia grandiflora)          fishes), Plant Protection Act 1989 (plant pests
  • Sagittaria** (Sagittaria platyphylla**)           and diseases) and Nature Conservation Act 1992
  • Salvinia** (Salvinia molesta)                     (prohibited wildlife).
  • Serrated Tussock (Nassella trichotoma)            The Queensland Weeds Strategy 2002-2006 and
  • Silverleaf Nightshade (Solanum                    the Queensland Pest Animal Strategy 2002-2006
    elaeagnifolium)                                   establish a state-wide planning framework to
  • Water Hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes**)           provide clear direction to government, community,
  • Willows ** (Salix spp. except S.babylonica,       industry and individuals for the management of
    S.x calodendron & S.x reichardtij)                weeds and pest and problem animals across the
** species known to occur in the region
                                                      A number of pest management guidelines for
State policy and legislation                          declared pests and pest animal species strategies
                                                      have been developed to establish a collaborative
The Queensland Biosecurity Strategy 2009-             approach to the management of these pests.
2014 sets the vision that Queensland will be
protected from the risks and impacts of pests         The Biosecurity Act 2014 was enacted by
and diseases through the collaborative efforts of     Queensland Parliament in March 2014. It
all Queenslanders. It identifies a suite of actions   is planned to commence in 2016 when the
that focus on improving biosecurity systems and       regulations are finalised. Under the new act,
building biosecurity capability and capacity.         local governments are required to have a
                                                      biosecurity plan for invasive biosecurity matter.
The Land Protection (Pest and Stock Route             The biosecurity plan will be developed after
                                                      the expiration of the Noosa Council Pest
                                                      Management Plan in 2019.

                                                                                                 Page 14
6. Declared pests

Some animal and plant species have been
declared as pest species under the Land
Protection (Pest and Stock Route Management)
Act 2002 and are categorised into Class 1, 2, and
3 species.

Class 1 Pests

Not commonly present or established in
Queensland and has the potential to cause
impacts to whole or part of the State. Introduction,
keeping, releasing and supplying (including
supplying things containing reproductive material
of this pest) is not possible without a permit,
for special purposes, issued by Biosecurity
Queensland. Landholders must take reasonable
steps to keep land free of Class 1 pests.

Class 2 Pests

Taking for commercial use, introduction, keeping,
releasing and supplying (including supplying
things containing reproductive material of this
pest) is prohibited without a permit issued
by Biosecurity Queensland. Landholders are
required to control declared pests on their

Class 3 Pests

Supply or sale is prohibited. A landowner may be
given a pest control notice if this pest is or could
impact an environmentally significant area.

In addition Council may identify other species of
pests that are locally significant, but not declared
under the Act.

A listing of declared and other pest species is
provided Section 13.

                                                       Page 15
7. Pest management planning

7.1. The pest management planning                 7.2.   Principles of pest management
                                                  The eight principles of pest management as
The Land Protection Act charges all Queensland    stated in the Land Protection Act are:
councils with the development of a pest
management plan for their local government        Integration               Planning
area, the purpose of which is to bring together   Pest management           Pest management
all sectors of the community to provide for the   is an integral part of    planning must be
integrated management of pest plants and          managing natural          consistent at local,
animals.                                          resources and             regional, State and
                                                  agricultural systems.     national levels to
It establishes a framework for pest management                              ensure resources
planning and requires that the local government                             target priorities for pest
area pest management plan be consistent with                                management at each
the principles of pest management, the state                                level.
government pest management strategies and the     Public awareness          Prevention
guidelines for pest management.                   Public awareness and      Preventative pest
                                                  knowledge of pests        management is
                                                  must be raised to         achieved by preventing
                                                  increase the capacity     the spread of pests
                                                  and willingness of        and viable parts of
                                                  individuals to manage     pests, especially by
                                                  pests.                    human activity, and
                                                                            early detection and
                                                                            intervention to control
                                                  Commitment                Best practice
                                                  Effective pest            Pest management must
                                                  management requires a     be based on ecologically
                                                  long-term commitment      and socially responsible
                                                  to pest management by     pest management
                                                  the community, industry   practices that protect
                                                  groups and government     the environment and the
                                                  entities.                 productive capacity of
                                                                            natural resources.
                                                  Consultation and          Improvement
                                                  Consultation              Research about pests,
                                                  and partnership           and regular monitoring
                                                  arrangements between      and evaluation of pest
                                                  local communities,        control activities, is
                                                  industry groups, State    necessary to improve
                                                  government agencies       pest management
                                                  and local governments     practices.
                                                  must be established to
                                                  achieve a collaborative
                                                  approach to pest

                                                                                            Page 16
7.3    Desired outcomes

The Queensland Weeds Strategy 2002-2006
and the Queensland Pest Animal Strategy 2002-
2006 established a suite of desired outcomes
and associated issues that provide the overall
direction for the development of a Strategic Action
Plan. Pest management efforts under the Plan
are directed towards achieving the following
desired outcomes.

Desired outcome                          Issues                           Specific outcomes
Awareness and education
Stakeholders are informed,               Public awareness                 Increase community, industry,
knowledgeable and have                                                    agribusiness and government
ownership of weed and pest animal                                         awareness of pests and their impacts
management                               Education and Training           Enhance stakeholder knowledge of
                                                                          pest impacts and improve skills in
                                                                          pest management
                                         Availability of information      Make information accessible to all
Commitment and partnerships
All stakeholders are committed to and Long term commitment                Establish long term shared
undertake coordinated management                                          stakeholder commitment to address
of weeds and pest animals                                                 weed and pest animal issues
                                         Roles and responsibilities       Establish roles and responsibilities for
                                                                          pest management that are accepted
                                                                          by landholders, community, industry
                                                                          and government
                                         Compliance and enforcement       Ensure compliance with legislative
                                                                          requirements for control of weeds and
                                                                          pest animals
Informed decision making
Reliable information is available as a   Data collection and assessment   Collect, use and make available data
basis for decision-making                                                 relevant to pest management
                                         Biology and impacts              Further the understanding of the
                                                                          biology, ecology, and impacts of
                                                                          weeds and pest animals
                                         Community attitudes              Further the understanding of
                                                                          community attitudes to weeds and
                                                                          pest animal management
Strategic directions
Strategic directions are established,    Planning                         Create and maintain regional
maintained and owned by all                                               planning framework for weed and
stakeholders                                                              pest animal management
                                         Strategy management and          Implement, monitor, evaluate and
                                         coordination                     review integrated weed and pest
                                                                          animal management
                                         Resources                        Efficiently and adequately resource
                                                                          weed and pest animal management
                                         Holistic management              Integrate pest management planning
                                                                          with other planning processes

                                                                                                         Page 17
Prevention, eradication and
Introduction, spread and             Prevention of introduction          Prevent the introduction of new
establishment of weeds and pest                                          weeds and pest animals
animals is prevented                 Early detection and eradication     Prevent the local establishment of
                                                                         new weeds and pest animals
                                     Containment                         Minimise the spread of weeds and
                                                                         pest animals to new areas
Integrated management
Integrated systems for managing      Development of management           Develop new and improve existing
the impacts of established weeds     practices                           management practices
and pest animals are developed and   Adoption of management practices    Adopt and promote best practice
widely implemented                                                       management
                                     Management incentives               Offer incentives for practicing pest
                                     Population and impact management    Reduce pest populations an impacts
                                     Environmentally significant areas   Protect environmentally significant
                                                                         areas from impact of pests

                                                                                                        Page 18
8 The pest management
  planning process

8.1.   Plan development                            •    Noosa Council
                                                   •    Noosa Integrated Catchment Association
Development of a local government area pest        •    Noosa Parks Association
management plan is a statutory requirement
under the Land Protection (Pest and Stock Route    •    Queensland Rail
Management) Act 2002 and certain aspects of        •    Queensland Transport and Main Roads
the planning process are dictated by the Act.      •    SEQ Catchments
The planning process was also guided by the        •    SEQ Water
Guidelines for Local Government Area Pest
                                                   •    Sunshine Coast Council
Management Plans (Biosecurity Queensland,
2009).                                            Also under the Act, the Draft Plan must undergo
                                                  a 28 day public consultation period, before final
Key statutory requirements of the planning
                                                  approval by Biosecurity Qld and Council.
process included the establishment of a
stakeholder group, the provision of a public
                                                  8.3      Objectives
submission period and certain aspects of the
approval process.                                 The stakeholder group identified seven
                                                  overarching objectives for Noosa pest
8.2.   Consultation                               management.
Under the Land Protection (Stock Route and        These are:
Rural Land) Act 2002, a Local Government
must establish a stakeholder group to provide     1. Pest management is planned, coordinated,
advice in development of the pest management         managed and implemented
plan. In August 2014, a wide cross section of
stakeholders, including community groups,         2. Strengthen pest management education and
industry, state government and Council, met          communication programs with stakeholders
to review the existing Sunshine Coast Local          and the community
Government Pest Management Plan 2012-
                                                  3. Improve stakeholder and community capacity
2016, which includes Noosa, and recommend
                                                     to manage pests
the way forward for developing a Noosa Local
Government Area Pest Management Plan.             4. Develop and implement compliance
Organisations that had representation at the         procedures and programs
workshops and/or provided input into Plan
development are listed below:                     5. Conduct research to improve our
                                                     understanding and knowledge of pests and
Organisation:                                        their control
 • Australian Veterinary Association
                                                  6. Develop a priority listing of pest species for
 • Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and
                                                     targeted management
   Forestry (Biosecurity Queensland)
 • Department of National Parks, Recreation,      7. Develop information systems to record data,
   Sports and Racing (National Parks)                information and maps on pest species
 • Department of Transport and Main Roads
                                                  The Strategic Action Plan in Section 11 provides
 • Energex
                                                  the measures to achieve these objectives.
 • Gympie Regional Council
 • Mary River Catchment Coordinating
 • Noosa and District Landcare Group
                                                                                            Page 19
9 Implementation of the plan

The Pest Management Stakeholder Review                     declared ‘local’ pest and are to be controlled
Group                                                      by land managers.
                                                         • For industry, particularly rural, horticultural,
Under the Land Protection (Stock Route and                 nursery and landscaping industries, there are
Rural Land) Act 2002, Council must review the              obligations restricting the commercial use
Plan, on annual basis, three months before end             of declared pest plants, supplying declared
of financial year. Council officers involved with          pests and supplying things such as fodder,
pest management, will be seeking feedback from             mulch, water or machinery containing the
the original Pest Management Stakeholder Group             reproductive material of declared pest plants.
members, as to the effectiveness of the Plan. Any        • Noosa Council has obligations in addition to
proposed changes to the Plan must be endorsed              its responsibilities as a land manager. Council
by Biosecurity Qld.                                        is responsible for ensuring that declared pests
                                                           are controlled within its area by complying
Stakeholder roles and responsibilities                     with the Land Protection Act and undertaking
                                                           enforcement activities as required. Council
Stakeholders in pest management are extremely              is also required to prepare and implement
varied and include government, industry,                   a local government area pest management
community groups and individuals and all have an           plan.
important role to play.
                                                         • The Department of Agriculture, Fisheries
Everyone is a stakeholder to a certain degree              and Forestry (Biosecurity Queensland) is
and have certain obligations under the Land                responsible for providing guidance and
Protection Act:                                            leadership on pest management issues
 • All individuals, including businesses and               through state pest management strategies
   organisations, must comply with requirements            and guidelines and providing research,
   to ensure that their activities don’t introduce or      technical and management information and
   spread declared pests. This includes actions            training, and ensuring compliance with pest
   such as keeping declared pests and moving               control obligations by government.
   vehicles containing soil or organic material         In addition to these statutory obligations, this Plan
   likely to contain pest plant reproductive            highlights a variety of non-statutory roles and
   material on roads.                                   responsibilities for stakeholders.
 • For land managers, including Council,
   State Government, developers etc. these              Landcare, catchment care and other community
   obligations include controlling declared pests       groups represent a crucial resource in the
   on their own land, being vigilant for new            management of weeds and pest animals. The
   pest species and responding rapidly in an            members of these groups volunteer their time and
   appropriate manner.                                  efforts to undertake important rehabilitation work
 • More specifically under the Land Protection          in degraded natural areas.
   Act declared pests are categorised into
                                                        The management and control of non-declared
   three classes. Land managers must take
                                                        pest species is the responsibility of all
   reasonable steps to keep land free of Class
                                                        stakeholders. This Plan advocates for individuals,
   1 and 2 declared pests. Land managers are
                                                        businesses and government alike to conduct their
   not required to control Class 3 pests under
                                                        activities responsibly and to assist in achieving its
   the Act unless their land is adjacent to an
   environmentally significant area (see section
   10). Species not declared under the Land
   Protection Act may still be declared at a
   local government level under local laws as a
                                                                                                   Page 20
The framework for implementing the PMP
Desired outcomes and objectives (Section
7.3) to guide the implementation of the pest
management action plan are shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2: Implementation Plan Framework

The Strategic Action Plan reflects the cooperative
management of weeds and pest animals
and includes actions to be undertaken by all

The Strategic Action Plan highlights priorities
within a four year implementation timeframe.
Each action identifies stakeholder/s responsible
for delivering actions, set timeframes and
indicators of success against which the Plan
will be evaluated. The majority of the actions
identified in the plan are underway as part of
existing duties and/or project.


The majority of actions highlighted within the Plan
may be carried out as part of existing programs
and projects and through the very active
community volunteer work. However it should be
noted that to enhance current programs/activities
further funding may be required. Funding for
pest management actions can be sought through
programs such as the National Landcare Program
– an Australian Government initiative that funds
environmental management activities. Noosa
Council has Community Grants and Partnerships
Programs for not for profit organisations. In
addition funding is allocated by Noosa Council for
specific pest management projects.

                                                      Page 21
CASE STUDY                                            trials conducted in Australia supplement and
                                                      support South African studies, which indicate that
                                                      the tingid bug is a highly host specific biocontrol
Cat’s Claw Creeper/Tingid Bug                         agent, which does not pose risk to any non-target
                                                      plants in Australia. The tingid can lay eggs and
Background                                            complete nymphal development only on the target
                                                      weed M. unguis-cati. It was recommended that
Council has initiated a control program aimed         C. visenda be used as a biocontrol agent as it
at reducing the infestation levels of Macfadyena      has the potential to play an important role in the
unguis-cati or cat’s claw creeper (CCC) occurring     control of M. unguis-cati while posing no threat to
in the Kin Kin Creek sub-catchment of the Noosa       any non-target plants.
River. This control program follows Integrated
Pest Management (IPM) principles to manage
pest damage by the most economical means,
                                                      Advice from AFRS, which is supported by the
and with the least possible hazard to people,
                                                      activity of populations in previous releases
property, and the environment. The control
                                                      in Gympie, shows that field hardened tingids
program initiated in the Kin Kin sub-catchment for
                                                      develop a resilience to cold, and hence releases
the control of CCC uses chemical control and the
                                                      of tingids will occur throughout the year. Monthly
biocontrol, Carvalhotingis visenda (the tingid bug)
                                                      injections over 12 months of NDLG-reared tingid
to treat the targeted species.
                                                      bugs will be made into established release
CCC is a major environmental weed in coastal          sites. This action will maintain the levels of the
and sub-coastal areas of Queensland and New           existing populations, which fluctuates due to
South Wales. Control of this weed by non-             changing environmental conditions. Monitoring is
biological means is both difficult and expensive,     a component of the program and this information
and biocontrol appears the most suitable method.      will be delivered to Council and AFRS.


This was a partnership project involving Noosa
Council, the Alan Fletcher Research Station
(AFRS) and the Noosa and District Landcare
Group (NDLG). The program has been funded
and directed by Council. NDLG has conducted
the on ground operations and monitoring
activities. AFRS has provided field support and
supplied the program with insects from their
rearing facility.

Tingid bug damage on Cat’s Claw creeper at Kin Kin

Biocontrol Agent

The biocontrol used for this program is the tingid
bug or Carvalhotingis visenda. Host specificity

                                                                                                Page 22
10 Environmentally Significant

The designation of Environmentally Significant                   Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act
Areas (ESA) under the Land Protection Act                        1999 (Cwlth), section 181;
provides an added protection against weeds and
pest animals for areas of ecological importance.           (e)   a declared Ramsar wetland under the
                                                                 Environment Protection and Biodiversity
The owner of land where a class 3 pest is                        Conservation Act 1999 (Cwlth);
causing (or likely to cause) adverse economic,
environmental or social impacts on an adjacent             (f)   an area of high nature conservation value
ESA (or on the owner’s land if it is within or                   under the Vegetation Management Act
adjacent to an ESA) may be issued with a                         1999;
pest control notice requiring them to take
                                                           (g)   an area, other than State-controlled land,
action against the pest. The notice may also
                                                                 identified in a local government’s pest
be extended to apply to a species that is not a
                                                                 management plan as an area that has
declared pest if it is considered to threaten the
                                                                 special environmental significance for native
survival of native wildlife in the area or if it affects
                                                                 wildlife; or
the area’s capacity to sustain natural processes.
                                                           (h)   a wild river area.
In practice, the issue of a pest control notice
would usually only be considered as a last resort.         Part (g) of this definition provides for the inclusion
A preferable outcome would be the establishment            of areas of local ecological significance as
of a local partnership of land managers that would         designated ESAs.
work together to control pests.
                                                           Additional ESAs identified by this plan under
The term ‘adjacent’ is not defined in the Land             section 78(7)(g) of the Land Protection Act include
Protection Act. When determining adjacency for             all land owned by the Noosa Council that is
this purpose, consideration needs to be given to           managed for conservation purposes (this includes
the biological characteristics of the pest species         any land added to the NSC conservation estate
in question. For highly mobile or dispersible pest         after this Plan takes effect).
species, ‘adjacent’ might be taken to include a
greater area than for less mobile or dispersible
pest species.

Declared Environmentally Significant

Section 78(7) of the Land Protection Act defines
an ESA as any of the following:

(a)   a protected area;

(b)   land dedicated as a reserve for
      environmental purposes under the Land Act,
      section 31;

(c)   a world heritage area listed under the World
      Heritage Convention;

(d)   an area supporting a critically endangered
      or endangered ecological community in
      the list established under the Environment
                                                                                                       Page 23
Environmentally significant areas

Noosa Shire Map of State and Council controlled Envi-   accommodate management of additional ESAs.
ronmentally Significant Areas (ESAs)                    Land that is managed by the community or private
                                                        landowners for biodiversity conservation purposes
Subsequent reviews of this Plan may identify            may be considered for inclusion.
additional areas for possible inclusion as
designated ESAs. These areas will be assessed
on their individual merits and consideration given
to biodiversity values, ecological condition of the
land, willingness of land owner to proactively
manage the land, degree of local community
support for pest management activities, potential
for pest impacts to be a significant threatening
process, and capacity for resources to
                                                                                               Page 24
11 Noosa Local Government Area
   Strategic Action Plan 2015-2019

The Strategic Action Plan reflects the cooperative management of weeds and pest animals and includes actions to
be undertaken by all stakeholders. The desired outcomes of the Queensland Weeds Strategy 2002-2006 and the
Queensland Pest Animal Strategy 2002-2006 provide the overall direction for the development of Actions in the Plan. The
Implementation Plan highlights actions within a four year implementation timeframe. Each action identifies stakeholders
responsible for delivering actions, set timeframes and indicators of success against which the Plan will be evaluated.

Ref # Strategic Actions                  Success Indicator          Responsibilities          Time           Resourcing       Status
                                                                                              frame          Note: Absorbed
                                                                                                             = may be car-
                                                                                                             ried out as part
                                                                                                             of an existing
                                                                                                             officer’s duties
Objective 1: Pest Management is planned, coordinated, managed and implemented.
Desired outcome: Strategic directions
1.1   Establish a PMP working group      A PMP Working Group        The PMP Working Group March and Absorbed                  Ongoing
      of key stakeholders to oversee     meeting is held every      will be coordinated by   September
      the implementation and review      6 months to review the     Council and will be
      of the Local Government Area       PMP and make recom-        seeking feedback from
      Pest Management Plan (LGAP-        mendations, in consulta-   key stakeholders on the
      MP).                               tion with stakeholders.    effectiveness of the PMP
Objective 2: Strengthen pest management education and communication programs with stakeholders, landholders and the community.
Desired outcome: Awareness and education, Integrated management
2.1   Develop a PMP Communi-             Updated pest manage-       Council to develop web    June 2015      Absorbed         Not start-
      cation and Education Plan,         ment information on        page and email database                                   ed but
      including:                         Council website and        for updates.                                              existing
      - Target markets                   stakeholder database.                                                                programs
      - Council pest reporting hotline   Completed PMP                                                                        include
      - Raising community pest           Communication Plan.                                                                  Land for
      awareness                                                                                                               Wildlife,
      - Stakeholder lists including                                                                                           Land-
      environment groups                                                                                                      care and
      - Sources of pest publications                                                                                          Council’s
      - Webpage and links to State/                                                                                           Pest
      Commonwealth pest resources                                                                                             Survey
      - Joint events & forums                                                                                                 program
      - Early detection
      -information to landholders on
      livestock security
2.2   Deliver education programs to      Education programs are     PMP Working Group and     Education      Absorbed grant Ongoing
      raise awareness of pest manage-    delivered to key stake-    stakeholders identified   programs       funding.
      ment controls to key internal      holders as per Commu-      in Communication and      are current-   Existing LFW
      and external stakeholders on:      nication and Education     Education Plan            ly being       program.
      - Pest identification              Plan.                                                delivered by
      - Priority pest species                                                                 LandCare,
      - Control measures and alter-                                                           Council
      natives                                                                                 Pest Survey
      - Revegetation techniques                                                               program
                                                                                              Land for
                                                                                                                          Page 25
2.3    Best practice guidelines are      Best practice guidelines   PMP Working Group and Annual             Absorbed.           Ongoing
       developed to support the          are developed on a case    key stakeholders      review of          Best practice
       implementation of the PMP,        by case basis to assist                          the need           guidelines
       consistent with State and         stakeholders to imple-                           for specific       available
       Commonwealth policy and           ment pest management                             pest man-          through state
       guidelines                        controls                                         agement            and national
                                                                                          guide-             sources.
                                                                                          lines by
                                                                                          the PMP
2.4    Provide education on respon-      Education is provided to Council, environment        Ongoing        Education on        Ongoing
       sible pet ownership and illegal   residents and visitors   groups, residents                          responsible
       pets to residents                                                                                     pet ownership
                                                                                                             is currently
                                                                                                             provided by
                                                                                                             Council’s local
                                                                                                             laws officers
Objective 3: Improve stakeholder, landholder and community capacity to manage pests
Desired outcome: Commitment and partnerships, integrated management
3.1    Participate in SEQ Pest Adviso- Attendance at forum          Local and State Govern-   Once           Absorbed            Ongoing
       ry Forum (SEQPAF) and attend                                 ment, specialists         every 4
       meetings                                                                               months
3.2    Source grants and funding         An up to date list is      Commonwealth, State       Review         Absorbed            Ongoing
       to support pest management        maintained on availa-      and Local Government,     grant
       programs through:                 ble grant funding and      Environment Groups,       funding
       - Subscribing to grant pro-       information shared with    landholders               each quar-
       grams                             stakeholders. Stake-                                 ter and
       - Disseminating grant informa-    holders are successful                               distribute
       tion to stakeholders              in securing grants and                               informa-
       - Cooperative grant submis-       funding when available.                              tion to
       sions and program delivery                                                             stakehold-
3.3    Pest management resources         Landholders and envi-    Council, Biosecurity Qld,   Review of      Absorbed,       Ongoing
       and incentives are provided to    ronment groups are pro- landholders, SEQ Water,      resourcing     grant funding,
       landholders and environment       vided with resources and Environment Groups          capabilities   Council, SEQ
       groups to manage pests on a       incentives to manage                                 June 2015      Water and Bi-
       case by case basis and subject    pests where required.                                               osecurity Qld
       to priorities.                                                                                        project funding
Objective 4 : Develop and implement compliance procedures and programs with landholders
Desired outcomes: Commitment and partnerships, prevention, eradication and containment
4.1    Landholder pest surveys are       Pest Surveys are com-      Council, Biosecurity Qld, Council        Council ab-         Ongoing
       conducted annually across the     pleted, property pest      landholders, State Gov-   surveys        sorbed
       Shire                             management plans           ernment Agencies          specific
                                         developed and regulato-                              areas each
                                         ry notices served where                              quarter
4.2    A database is kept on pest        Database is maintained     Council and State Gov-    Ongoing        Council ab-         Currently
       surveys, property pest man-                                  ernment Agencies                         sorbed              underway
       agement plans and regulatory
4.3    Domestic animals such as cats     Regulation of Local Laws Council, Biosecurity Qld, Ongoing          Absorbed            Ongoing
       and dogs that may impact on                                residents
       native fauna are controlled
       through local law regulato-
       ry services and compliance
       actions implemented for illegal

                                                                                                                               Page 26
Objective 5: Conduct research to improve our understanding and knowledge of pests and their control
Desired outcome: Informed decision making
5.1    Conduct targeted research for        Research is completed       Biosecurity Qld support-   As          Biosecurity     Ongoing
       specific pest species consistent     and recommendations         ed by Council, QPWS,       required    Qld, grants,
       with State research priorities.      made for specific pest      Environment Groups,                    University
                                            species.                    Universities and land-                 Research pro-
                                                                        holders.                               grams

5.2    Controls are trialled and        Trials are conducted            PMP Working Group,        As           Government      Ongoing
       literature produced for key pest on a case by case basis         Council, Biosecurity Qld, required     funding and
       management issues.               identified by the PMP           Environment Groups,                    grants
                                        Working Group and key           landholders.
Objective 6: Develop a priority listing of pest species and locations for targeted pest management
Desired Outcomes: Strategic directions, prevention, eradication and containment
6.1    Develop a Top 10 priority list       List is endorsed by the     PMP Working Group and December         Absorbed        Draft
       for Class 1, 2 and 3 and other       PMP Working Group           in consultation with all 2014                          complet-
       pest species to provide a focus      and distributed to stake-   key stakeholders.                                      ed.
       for pest management activities.      holders.
       Consider WONS and other
       existing priority lists in this
6.2    Develop and implement specif-        Pest species manage-        Council in consultation    One pest    Absorbed        Target-
       ic pest species animal control       ment plans are endorsed     with PMP Working           species                     ed pest
       plans for dogs, foxes, deer, cats,   by the PMP Working          Group, landholders and     control                     animal
       pigs, common minors and              Group.                      neighbouring Councils.     plan doc-                   control is
       other species that impact on                                                                ument per                   ongoing.
       Noosa’s biodiversity and threat-                                                            year                        Develop
       ened species.                                                                                                           formal
       Note that it is recommended                                                                                             control
       that measures other than 1080,                                                                                          plans
       be used for feral pig control in
       Noosa Shire.
6.3    Identify local priority areas for    Priority areas are iden-    Council, stakeholders,   September Absorbed            Not
       pest management activities in        tified on private lands     landholders, environment 2015                          started
       consultation with landholders        and public areas and are    groups in consultation
       and environment groups in            targeted for pest man-      with the PMP Working
       consideration of:                    agement.                    Group.
       - Weeds in upper catchments          Review Council service
       causing downstream impacts           levels for weed control
       - Areas of high transmission         and consider increased
       such as land fill sites, road        capacity, subject to
       reserves and boat ramps              budget deliberations.
       - Controls being practical and
6.4    Identify potential new incur-        A list of potential new PMP Working Group and          June 2015 Absorbed          Not yet
       sion threats and undertake           incursions is developed information supplied to        Early                       started.
       early detection and rapid            and an early detection  stakeholders/landholders.      detection                   Early
       response programs, consistent        and response program is                                program                     detection
       with Commonwealth and State          implemented.                                           will be                     program
       alerts.                                                                                     part of                     will be
                                                                                                   Communi-                    part of
                                                                                                   cation and                  Commu-
                                                                                                   Education                   nication
                                                                                                   Plan                        and

                                                                                                                               Page 27
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