DFLabs and Jira: Streamline Incident Management and Issue Tracking - INTEGRATION BRIEF

Page created by Ted Robles

DFLabs and Jira:
Streamline Incident Management
and Issue Tracking.
Integrate IncMan SOAR’s Orchestration, Automation and Response
capabilities with your existing Jira solution.
Solution Overview.                                                                      Security Operations
Combine the power of IncMan SOAR’s           create issues within Jira and continue        Teams struggle to
Orchestration, Automation and Response       to update the issue as the incident
capabilities with Jira’s industry leading    progresses. Bridge the gap between
                                                                                           gain visibility of threat
issue tracking software to manage your       teams orchestrating incidents with            and rapidly respond
security incidents in a whole new and        IncMan and teams tracking other tasks
more efficient way.                          with Jira to ensure that all teams            to incidents.
                                             maintain a holistic view of the incident
IncMan’s Rapid Response Runbooks (R³
                                             and function as a single, unified body.
Runbooks) can be used to automatically

   The Problem.
Security incidents are complex and           Faced with a continued onslaught of
dynamic events, requiring the coordinated    security incidents, organizations must find
participation from multiple teams across     ways to maximize the utilization of their
the organization. For these teams to         limited resources to remain ahead of the
work with maximum efficiency, as a single    attackers and ensure the integrity of the
body, it is critical that information flow   organization’s critical resources.
seamlessly between all teams in real-

   The DFLabs and Jira Solution.
Security Operations Teams struggle           DFLabs IncMan SOAR and Jira solve             Combining IncMan SOAR, Jira and other
to gain visibility of threats and rapidly    these specific challenges:                    security products enables Enterprises
respond to incidents due to the                                                            to:
                                               ow can I aggregate and correlate
sheer number of different security
                                              disparate security sources to increase       • Reduce incident resolution time by 90%
technologies they must maintain and
                                              my visibility of threats and effectively
manage and the resulting flood of alerts.                                                  •M
                                                                                             aximize security analyst efficiency by
                                              investigate alerts and incidents?
Aggregating these into a single pane of                                                     80%
glass to prioritize what is critical and     •H
                                               ow can I prioritize my response to
                                                                                           • Increase the number of handled
needs immediate attention requires a          security incidents at volume and at
                                                                                              incidents by 300%
platform that can consolidate disparate       scale across a growing attack surface?
technologies and alerts, and provides a
                                               ow can I rapidly respond to security
cohesive and comprehensive capability
                                              incidents with limited resources
set to orchestrate incident response
                                              to contain damage and limit legal
By integrating with Jira, IncMan SOAR
extends these capabilities to Jira users,
combining the Orchestration, Automation
and Response power of IncMan with the
organization’s existing issue tracking
DFLabs IncMan SOAR Overview.

                                           LEADERSHIP            CSIRT                SOC            TICKETING SYSTEM



                            EMAIL                                                                                       MSSP/ ONPrem


                          WEB FORM


                                                        CORRELATION      MACHINE         THREAT
                                                          ENGINE         LEARNING     INTELLIGENCE

                                   HUMAN TO                                                                               INCIDENT
                                   MACHINE                                                                                CREATED
                                                                      SUPERVISED ACTIVE

                                   3RD PARTY

                                   MACHINE TO
                                                    R3 RUNBOOK


   About Jira.                                                                                              •H
                                                                                                              ow can I ensure that all teams
                                                                                                             have the most up-to-date incident
Jira’s industry leading issue tracking             plan, track and report projects and issues
solution has been battle-tested and                in real-time, maximizing efficiency and                  •H
                                                                                                              ow can I integrate the power
become the core of organization’s                  reducing impacts on the organization’s                    of IncMan SOAR into my existing
support, IT, incident response and project         critical business processes.                              issue management process?
management processes worldwide. Jira                                                                        •H
                                                                                                              ow can I enable all teams to
allows teams from across the organization                                                                    work as a single, unified body
to collaborate and share information to                                                                      to increase the efficiency of the
                                                                                                             response process?

                                                                                                              ow can I quickly communicate
                                                                                                             critical information to those

   About DFLabs IncMan SOAR.                                                                                 outside the security team?

                                                                                                            DFLABS AND JIRA SOLUTION
DFLabs IncMan Security Orchestration,             IncMan uses machine learning and Rapid
Automation and Response (SOAR)                    Response Runbooks (R³ Runbooks) as a                      • Automatically create and update
platform automates, orchestrates and              force multiplier that has enabled security                   Jira issues using IncMan’s R³
measures security operations and                  teams to reduce average incident                             Rapid Response Runbooks
incident response tasks, including threat         resolution times by 90% and increase
                                                                                                              hare information seamlessly
validation, triage and escalation, context        incident handling by 300%.
                                                                                                             between solutions and teams
enrichment and threat containment.
                                                                                                            • Integrate with your existing issue
                                                                                                               management process

                                                                                                            R ESULTS
                                                                                                            • Reduce Incident resolution time
                                                                                                              by 90%
                                                                                                              aximize security analyst
                                                                                                             efficiency by 80%
                                                                                                            • Increase the number of resolved
                                                                                                               incidents by 300%
Use Case.
An alert of a host communicating with       The automated workflow of IncMan’s
a potentially malicious domain has          R³ Runbooks means that an IncMan
                                                                                        JIRA ACTIONS
automatically generated an Incident         incident and Jira issue will have been
within IncMan SOAR. This alert is           automatically generated, and these          Notifications
automatically categorized within IncMan     enrichment actions through the Quick
                                                                                          Add comment to Issue
based on the organizations policies,        Integration Connector with Jira and other
which initiates the organization’s Domain   enrichment sources will have already          Create Issue
reputation runbook, shown below.            been committed before an analyst is even
                                                                                          Delete Issue
                                            aware that an incident has occurred.
Through this runbook, IncMan
                                                                                          List Issue Status
automatically gathers domain reputation     Both IncMan and Jira users are now
information for the domain which            able to perform their respective tasks,       List Issue Types
generated the alert. If the resulting       knowing that they are each working with       List Project
domain reputation information indicates     the same information, and can continue
that the domain may be malicious,           to do to as the incident progresses.          Set Issue Status
IncMan will use an Notification action to   Harnessing the power of Jira’s industry       Update Issue
automatically create a new Issue within     leading issue tracking solution, along
Jira, allowing Jira users to immediately    with the Orchestration, Automation
begin next steps.                           and Response of DFLab’s IncMan SOAR,
                                            organizations can elevate their incident
Next, using additional Enrichment                                                       LEARN MORE
                                            response process, leading to faster and
actions, IncMan will automatically gather
                                            more effective response and reduced risk    For more information on how to take
additional information regarding the
                                            across the entire organization.             your incident response to the next
suspicious domain, such as WHOIS and
geolocation information. IncMan will then                                               level with DFLabs IncMan, contact
automatically update the Jira issue with                                                your DFLabs representative or visit
this information. Finally, a screenshot                                                 www.dflabs.com.
of the page (if applicable), is taken and
added to IncMan.
About DFLabs.

DFLabs is an award-winning and                increasing the return on invest­ment for     CONTACT US
recognized global leader in Security          existing security technologies.
Orchestration, Automation and Response                                                     US – +1 201 579 0893
                                              As its flagship product, IncMan SOAR has
(SOAR) technology.                                                                         UK – +44 203 286 4193
                                              been adopted by Fortune 500 and Global
Its pioneering purpose-built platform,        2000 organizations worldwide.                IT   – +39 037 832 416
IncMan SOAR, is designed to manage,
                                              The company’s management team has
measure and orchestrate security                                                           E    – sales@dflabs.com
                                              helped shape the cyber security industry,
operations tasks, including security
                                              which includes co-editing several industry
incident qualification, triage and
                                              standards such as ISO 27043 and ISO
escalation, threat hunting & investigation
and threat containment.
                                              DFLabs has operations in Europe, North
lncMan SOAR harnesses machine
                                              America and EMEA.
learning and automation capabilities to
augment human analysts to maximize the        For more information visit
effectiveness and efficiency of security      www.dflabs.com or connect with us on
operations teams, reducing the time           Twitter @DFLabs.
from breach discovery to resolution and

   About LogPoint.
LogPoint enables organizations to             Our offices are located throughout Europe
convert data into actionable intelligence,    and in North America.
improving their cybersecurity posture and
                                              Our passionate employees throughout the
creating immediate business value.
                                              world are achieving outstanding results
Our advanced next-gen SIEM, UEBA              through consistent customer value-
and Automation and Incident Response          creation and process excellence.
solutions, simple licensing model, and
                                              With more than 50 certified partners,
market-leading support organization
                                              we are committed to ensuring our
empower our customers to build, manage
                                              deployments exceed expectations.
and effectively transform their businesses.
                                              For more information visit
We provide cybersecurity automation
                                              www.logpoint.com or connect with us on
and analytics that create contextual
                                              Twitter @LogPoint.
awareness to support security,
compliance, operations, and business
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